#self‑insert: sprite‑seeking sweetheart (emily)
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 9 months
i feel like you have an old oc or s/i that you never talk about anymore but still think about pretty often just for fun :]
Hello, anon who is totally not Icarus =P
(source: this post by fkclou)
anonymously make an assumption about me and i’ll confirm/deny it - Some of the self-inserts on my carrd could almost definitely count for this one, hahaha (and because of that, I’m confirming this as true!)
I’ve talked myself into a tangle about this before, but I think my arguably oldest self-insert is Amber, one of my Skyrim self-inserts. I originally created her as part of a Minecraft RP, of all things - she was half-human, but also carried the blood of the Ender Dragon (giving her certain powers as a result), and the story was that she was seeking out other “half-Enders” like herself to stop the dragon invading the overworld, while the dragon was doing the same to try and get those same half-Enders on her side instead. I then started playing as her in Skyrim, because I realised that her concept of “sword-wielding girl with dragon blood fighting on the side of humans to stop the evil dragons” fit that game extremely perfectly. While I don’t really talk about her, especially not here since she isn’t connected to any of my F/Os, I do still think about her whenever I’m playing Skyrim, especially if it’s on her save file ^-^
(Incidentally, my other two self-inserts for Skyrim - Camille and Carmine - are also ones I think of as being pretty old. In Camille’s case, it’s because she again began as my character in an RP on a Minecraft server, though it was after the one I made Amber for - in it, she was a dream mage who gave the others support as they explored a mystical forest trying to save it from being tainted, only for it to have been revealed that she herself had been tainted all along. This origin is why she gets raised as an acolyte of Vaermina in Skyrim, since Vaermina is the Daedric prince of dreams. In Carmine’s case, she was established for Skyrim from the start, because I’ve played Skyrim since I was eleven years old and I liked playing as a Khajiit a lot because they’re cats - however, I didn’t really give her any particular lore of her own until after I started actively selfshipping and I decided she could be Inigo’s sister. Prior to that, she was just “how I played the game when I wanted to play as a thief”, not “my self-insert who I played as in the game” - which is why I don’t tend to think of her as the oldest self-insert. This logic is also true of Emily, my Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons self-insert - I’d played HMDS Cute since I was little, but I only actually gave her any kind of name or story as an outright self-insert after I started actively selfshipping in 2020, so I don’t think of her as being an old self-insert in the right way!)
My oldest OCs (that I can remember/still think about, at least) are my Splatoon ones, but I came up with those when I was in year 10, so they definitely came later than the fledgling self-inserts. However, a discussion about old self-inserts would be arguably incomplete without mentioning my main Kingdom Hearts self-insert, Aria - she was, I would say, the first instance of me actively giving lore and story to who I was playing as, from near the beginning of playing her game (so she was an outright actively-developed self-insert, and wasn’t just “how I played the game”). She’s also the first self-insert I used to actively express my love for a character (specifically Aqua), and establish story for a selfship with that character, in a way that wasn’t just “I like this character so I’m going to focus on them a lot while I play the game”. (This is why Aqua and Anti-Aqua are my only romantic F/Os where the start date of my selfship is before I made my first selfship blog in 2020). But I created Aria when I started playing KHUX in mid-2017, and the others already-mentioned existed prior to that, so she doesn’t quite count - and also, I talk about her a LOT, so she doesn’t count for your assumption for that reason either =P
..I don’t seem to be getting any less long-winded, do I? Apologies for writing so much; I wish it was this easy to write so much for all my lab reports and essays. Still, thank you for sending this assumption, and if you did take the time to read my very rambly answer, then a) thank you and b) I hope you enjoyed what you read!
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void-kissed · 2 years
Echo's romantic selfships: A Farmer and a Thief (Skye/Emily)
"for all that there is to see here, I only have eyes for you"
romantic F/O: Phantom Skye (Harvest Moon DS Cute)
character tag: love: prince of the valley (skye)
selfship tag: selfship: a farmer and a thief (skye/emily)
paired self-insert: Emily Azalea
self-insert tag: self‑insert: sprite-seeking sweetheart (emily)
selfship start date: 6th June 2020
comfort sharing romantically: fine with sharing!
Phantom Skye is an infamous phantom thief and self-proclaimed prince of the stars who is well-known for his mischief among the residents of Forget-Me-Not Valley. Emily Azalea is a shy young woman who recently inherited her mother's old farm in the valley, whose initial sickness accidentally indirectly caused the local Harvest Goddess and Harvest Sprites to be banished from the area. She is now working hard to recover them.
Emily first encountered Skye while bringing a homemade cake up to Romana's mansion on the hill to try and make a good impression, only to be interrupted by Skye being chased out of the mansion by Lumina. She was not at all impressed by his attempts at flirting, even though they work on many of the other girls, but Skye instantly became genuinely infatuated with her, so the two of them ended up running into each other numerous times after that. It's only after Skye drops his normal suave act and shows a bit more of his actual caring self that Emily does start to reciprocate his feelings, though she still does not approve of him being a phantom thief.
Eventually, Emily encourages Skye to pursue his real dream of learning how to make the finest curry in the world, and he eventually settles down to live on the Azalea Farm with her. The two have adopted a cat together, which Emily named Prince (because it reminds her of Skye in terms of its demeanour).
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So I realised a number of my self-inserts don't actually have any visual references yet (which I was trying to collate for my carrd), and
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This old model I made for Emily definitely needs overhauling (I'm almost certainly going to redesign her outfit when I make a new reference model on the more accurate base), but it doesn't actually look too bad when given the updated textures, does it?
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a farmer and a thief (Skye/Emily)
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setting: Harvest Moon DS Cute romantic F/O: Phantom Skye self-insert: Emily Azalea names for the selfship: a farmer and a thief, skyemily, emiskye selfship start date: 6th June 2020
Content for this selfship: on this blog | on previous blogs
Some more things you may wish to know about this selfship are under the readmore!
As this post demonstrates, Skye's character tag is "love: prince of the valley (skye)", while my self-insert Emily's tag is "self-insert: sprite-seeking sweetheart (emily)". The tag for the selfship as a whole is "selfship: a farmer and a thief (skye/emily)"!
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Today’s random selfship-related fact is:
Emily has to spend a lot of time working on her farm, but she also likes to go and collect flowers and other items from the surrounding fields of the Forget-Me-Not Valley, to help keep those areas in good condition. She particularly looks out for the different colourful grasses that grow throughout the year, since they can make for valuable ingredients for Skye to use in his cooking.
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Today’s random selfship-related fact is:
Emily has adopted a black and white cat, which had been seen wandering around the Forget-Me-Not Valley as a stray before she took it in. She noticed after starting to take care of it that Skye would show up much more often to her farm, ostensibly to pet it, and she eventually ended up naming the cat Prince - because it reminded her so much of Skye, who calls himself the prince of the stars. He found this very endearing once he learned about it.
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Let's go with, Roller Coaster and Candied Apples for Skye! (-dragonsmooch)
Skye: "Hey there, Dragon, it’s great to hear from you! Thanks for the questions, hehe~”
(question source: “Joyful July Ask Meme” by joyfuljuly-circusevent)
Roller Coaster - Are you, or those you’ve come to the festivities with, fans of roller coasters? How well do you handle them? Is there a certain limit to what you can take? - “Oh, I’m sure they have their appeal, but neither my sweetheart nor myself are particularly fans of them; we prefer other attractions, hehe. N-Not that I couldn’t handle them if I had to, of course!! ..Emily has always said I hold her hand too tightly whenever we’ve happened to go on any really fast ones, but- come on, don’t you know that I can definitely handle such a thrill?~”
Candied Apples - Do you try to stick with the same kind of treat every time you go to a circus or carnival, or do you change it up? Are you afraid of trying strange new things? - “Hehe, well, variety is the spice of life, as they say - so I’m always up for trying out whatever is on offer! It’s no fun if things are too set in stone, right?~ Especially if it’s food we’re talking about here, since.. well, inspiration for my own cooking can technically come from any source, when you think about it, so I have to keep an open mind. Even if my usual style is much more refined than simple stall treats, hehe~
My dearest Emily is.. less adventurous, to say the least. But, she’s so cute, I can’t at all fault her for it - and of course, I know her well enough to entice her to try things now and then when I know she’d be more open to the idea. The last thing I’d want to do is pressure her, of course, that’s never going to happen - but when the time is right, you can’t deny how romantic it is to share a bite of a sweet treat together, right?~
Hehe, I hope that you’re happy with that answer. Thanks again~”
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Howdy, howdy, I wanted to inquire about your s/i Emily from Harvest moon regarding the s/i ask game! I love Harvest Moon (it's childhood nostalgia) and I'm excited to hear about your s/i!
How did your s/i feel when they first met your f/o(s)? How do they feel about them now?
Does your s/i have any hobbies that you don't have?
Does your s/i have a full backstory yet? Or is it still in the works? If it's done can we see it?
Where does your s/i live within the universe?
Thank you kindly~
@tex-treasures, I saw the “howdy howdy” and I knew it was you just from that alone, thank you very much for all these!! High five for the Harvest Moon nostalgia, haha - I really need to play it more again, but another nostalgic DS game (i.e. DQIX) has been taking up most of my time on that particular console at the moment ;w;
(question source: "♡ S/I Ask Meme ♡” by s-e-l-f-s-h-i-p)
There are quite a few questions here and my answers to them did get rather long, so I’m going to put them under the readmore if that’s alright!
4. How did your self-insert feel when they first met your F/O(s)? How do they feel about them now? - Emily actually really didn’t like Skye initially, for perhaps-obvious reasons given that he’s literally a phantom thief who routinely makes a habit of trying to steal from the local townsfolk. She did not approve of what he was doing whatsoever, and it’s only after she finds out his real aspirations and convinces him to actually try and pursue those that she actually starts to appreciate him more. Now, she is proud of how far he has come, from just being a petty thief to deciding to come and live with her on her farm and develop his skills as a curry chef. And the infatuation Skye felt for her immediately has started to be reciprocated, though she’s still a bit embarrassed about the fact she finds him attractive, hehe
9. Does your self-insert have any hobbies that you don’t have? - her farming, mostly! Since.. a combination of being very sensitive to smells and not liking the cold or getting dirty means I would absolutely never be cut out for or enjoy farm life myself. Though, I suppose that’s just as much her job as her main hobby - the farm’s focus is on growing crops, which change with the seasons, but she does also keep a few chickens, partially for their eggs and partially because she just enjoys having them around. She can also ride horses, which is not something I can!
3. Does your s/i have a full backstory yet? Or is it still in the works? If it’s done can we see it? - it’s not really in the works, but it’s also not particularly full, haha. Essentially, Emily grew up with her father in a town quite far away from where she is now. She didn’t really know what she wanted to do with herself, but when she received news that her mother had passed away and left the family farm unoccupied, Emily decided she may as well try and keep it going so it wasn’t sold off, and moved to the Forget-Me-Not Valley. Unfortunately, when she first arrived, she was quite ill for a while, which mistakenly led the local Harvest Goddess to assume she was lazy and not cut out for farm life. From there the backstory’s just sort of the same as it is in the game - the Goddess gets into an argument with the Harvest King and gets herself and her 101 Harvest Sprites banished, which Emily blames herself for (even though it really wasn’t her fault), so now she works as hard as she can to try and recover the Harvest Sprites.
Where does your self-insert live within the universe? - Emily lives in the Forget-Me-Not Valley, which is.. somewhere close to Mineral Town. Specifically, she lives on her family farm, the Azalea Farm, and spends most of her time making sure that everything is running as smoothly as it can there!
I hope that all of this was okay - thank you so much for sending all of these in, Tex!!~
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Today’s random selfship-related fact is:
Emily loves flowers. Skye, on the other hand, does not like flowers at all. Therefore, before the two of them became close, Emily always used to wear a flower in her hair whenever she wasn’t happy with him for whatever reason (usually when he had stolen something from someone in the Valley, being a phantom thief and all, haha)
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We are mutuals! It’s just that I haven’t been on here as much so my presence is kinda spotty at best. Thanks for reblogging my post! It’s really funny that Skye’s favorites are currys but hates curry noodles lol, I hope your day/night has treated u kindly -@Shirorabu 🍒
Ah, okay, I did think so but I wasn't sure!! Thanks for the confirmation, @shirorabu!
And, it's no problem, I thought it was a pretty cool idea! And, yeah, it is always something I've found amusing about him in the game; this is his full list of liked and disliked items, if anyone was curious:
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He seems to be very much of the opinion that curry can only go with rice, according to the recipes of all the dishes =P
Thank you very much for sending this ask!! I hope your day has also gone well!~
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Pirate and/or Masquerade AU for anyone you feel! -@nulls-aliens
Thank you for this, @nulls-aliens! I’ve already done the pirate AU for a fair few of my selfships now, so I’ll go with the masquerade AU for this one if that’s alright!~
(question source: “AU self ship asks!” by selfrinsert)
masquerade AU: who is the generous host of the ball? who is the mysterious guest? give one headcanon about you and your F/O’s relationship in this AU! - ooh, there are a lot of possibilities here.. but I think I’m going to go with my selfship with Skye, and have him host the ball. Emily is the guest, although the only reason she’s mysterious is that she’s shy, haha
For a headcanon.. Skye’s mask is decorated with stars and jewels, whereas Emily’s has themes of flowers and leaves. They both fit pretty well, but are still generic enough to make the pair difficult to guess. Or at least, Emily is hard to guess. I can’t imagine it’s too difficult to pick Skye out of a crowd with his white hair, although whether he’s disguised it with a glamour could be another matter to explore entirely..
I hope this is alright! Thank you very much for sending this in ^-^
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fanfaronade for any f/o you're thinking of rn! <3 (@lilacslovers)
Thank you for this, @lilacslovers! I think it’s safe to say that Skye has been on my mind the most, for absolutely no discernible reason, and he fits this question very well, so I’ll answer this for my selfship with him if that’s alright! ^-^
(question source: “unique self ship questions for unique words” by lopships)
fanfaronade - what would your F/O say when bragging about you to others? - oh Skye would absolutely not stop talking about Emily to anyone who would listen, haha - he’d go on and on about how she’s so kind and sweet all the time, and how much she really loves what she does even if she doesn’t have a lot, and she’s so determined to try and rescue the Harvest Sprites which is really admirable, and she’s always so grateful to the Harvest Sprites for being able to help her out when they do that, and she looks after all of her chickens really well even if sometimes she doesn’t quite know what to do, and so on and so forth until the person he’s bragging to has to try and politely excuse themselves to actually be able to go about their business.
I just see him being like that, okay =P
I hope this was alright! Thank you again for sending this in~
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Headcanon that Skye (yup of all F/Os!) has on purpose allowed you to steal that dumb jacket of his, solely because he thinks you look adorable in it. He's perhaps too awkward to admit to that to your face, but for all his vanity you're the cutest person in the world in his eyes! - @thedhartner
Thank you for this, @thedhartner! I hope things are alright with you~
(source: this post by mcdvck)
send me headcanons you have for my F/Os based solely on the posts I make about them - haha, brilliant, now I get to wear the atrocious leopard-print nonsense that for some reason everyone else in the valley is enamoured with (though, to be honest, if anyone could pull it off it would be Skye, and I’ll have a go too). This is a really cute image, thank you for this~
I do actually get the impression that Skye is kind of small size-wise (you know when you just kind of look at a character and decide that they’re short??) and I myself am also quite tiny, so his clothes would probably actually fit on me (or, I guess, my self-insert, Emily) pretty well.
Thank you very much again for sending this in, it really made me smile to think about ^-^
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okay it’s a fair bit later than I thought it was and I do have two exams tomorrow so I might have to leave it here on the tag overhauling if that’s alright.
I’ve implemented the new system for my romantic F/Os, selfships, and the self-inserts associated with those selfships, so you should now see the “love: tag (name)”, “selfship: tag (F/O name/self-insert name)” and “self‑insert: tag (name)” formats of tags retrospectively and from this moment onwards. However, though I do intend to tag my familial, platonic and potential F/Os with the proper new formats, I have not gotten around to doing that yet.
I also took the opportunity to add KOS-MOS to the proper F/O list on the carrd, even though I haven’t come up with a tag or self-insert for her yet, because I do definitely love her a lot, and also changed a few of the pictures used for the romantic F/Os. I did also change some tags that I wasn’t too happy with:
Skye’s tag is now “love: prince of the valley (skye)”. It used to be “mysterious phantom thief (skye)”, but I felt that was a bit bland, so now it references him being a self-proclaimed prince of the stars yet settling down on Emily’s farm.
Speaking of Emily, her tag is now “self‑insert: sprite-seeking sweetheart (emily)” rather than “sprite-searching sweetheart (emily)”. This one is more of a minor change for my own preference; it just rolls off the tongue a bit better, you know?
Ardea’s tag is now “self‑insert: clawed heron (ardea)”. It used to be “protectorate’s traverser (ardea)”, but that was a bit long and convoluted, whereas this also brings in the etymology behind her name (and the fact she wields claws. and is supposed to be kind of intimidating, hehe.)
I think those are all the ones I changed but if I did edit any others then.. you’ll see that that tag’s changed on previous posts, haha. I think I might also alter the layout of my carrd slightly because it does now look rather cluttered on there now with the new tag formats, but that’s for another time.
Hopefully everything’s worked as intended!~
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..This has come out of almost nowhere, but, I have another idea for an AU:
Howl’s Moving Castle, but it’s Skye and Emily instead of Howl and Sophie.
..There are already a number of similarities between Skye and Howl in terms of personality so I figured it would fit, and it’s sticking more than I had expected it to when I first came up with it, so I suppose it’s a thing now =P
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