#skye: is an infamous and successful phantom thief with inexplicable magical powers and the heart of a trickster
Let's go with, Roller Coaster and Candied Apples for Skye! (-dragonsmooch)
Skye: "Hey there, Dragon, it’s great to hear from you! Thanks for the questions, hehe~”
(question source: “Joyful July Ask Meme” by joyfuljuly-circusevent)
Roller Coaster - Are you, or those you’ve come to the festivities with, fans of roller coasters? How well do you handle them? Is there a certain limit to what you can take? - “Oh, I’m sure they have their appeal, but neither my sweetheart nor myself are particularly fans of them; we prefer other attractions, hehe. N-Not that I couldn’t handle them if I had to, of course!! ..Emily has always said I hold her hand too tightly whenever we’ve happened to go on any really fast ones, but- come on, don’t you know that I can definitely handle such a thrill?~”
Candied Apples - Do you try to stick with the same kind of treat every time you go to a circus or carnival, or do you change it up? Are you afraid of trying strange new things? - “Hehe, well, variety is the spice of life, as they say - so I’m always up for trying out whatever is on offer! It’s no fun if things are too set in stone, right?~ Especially if it’s food we’re talking about here, since.. well, inspiration for my own cooking can technically come from any source, when you think about it, so I have to keep an open mind. Even if my usual style is much more refined than simple stall treats, hehe~
My dearest Emily is.. less adventurous, to say the least. But, she’s so cute, I can’t at all fault her for it - and of course, I know her well enough to entice her to try things now and then when I know she’d be more open to the idea. The last thing I’d want to do is pressure her, of course, that’s never going to happen - but when the time is right, you can’t deny how romantic it is to share a bite of a sweet treat together, right?~
Hehe, I hope that you’re happy with that answer. Thanks again~”
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