#self tkls
softleesam · 5 months
is it too late for a tummy tuesday post?
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gigglymuffin · 1 year
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this one's for me ummm 🏳️‍🌈
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danineedshelp · 3 months
I got a request for you... Can you draw scenes of my fanfics?
Oh yes yes I do actually I would love to *just tell which one and I'll get it done!* <3
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tikalee · 8 months
Reblog with
One thing that makes you happy
One thing you're proud of yourself for
One good quality about yourself
Spread the self love friends <3
Tag friends if you want, no pressure
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unbeleevable · 1 year
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savemeafruitjuice · 4 months
Lee Casey comfort tkls? Like he has a nightmare about his past (future?) and his new family helps him calm down (April, Mikey raph Leo Donnie)
la di daa~
(this has spoilers for the Rise! movie, so beware!!)
TW!: ANGST (Flashbacks), NIGHTMARE, CHARACTER DEATHS (Canon to the movie)
Lee! Casey Junior, slight Leo
Ler! Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April
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It's cold.
Everyone is scared, and tired.
"We lost.."
Casey Junior was lying stiff as a board on the ground. He held his breath. They could come at any moment, and he'd be unprepared. The horrible Krang would invade their home, and kill the rest of his family. They'd already lost so much- he knew he wouldn't be able to go on if they got Master Leonardo, or Michelangelo. No matter how tough his senseis are, there is no guarantee they'd survive.
Oh, Michelangelo. His kind eyes were wise well beyond his years. He remembered how he would smile and comfort him after a stressful day, and how incredible he looked when using his ninpo. The bright glow never failed to amaze him. Especially the portals he'd make-
Don't think about that.
But it was too late. Reality hit Casey like a brick, and he remembered the last time he saw him, saw any of his family, and even the world he grew up in, being pushed into a portal after Mikey's sacrifice.
He startled with a gasp, jolting upwards and scanning the dark room he was in. Right, he was in a different timeline now. A safer one, but a much lonelier one.
All of the despair that lingered in his chest from the dream overwhelmed him, tears carrying the sadness from his eyes as he brought a hand to his mouth- a habit he'd picked up as to not bring attention to himself. Any noise could be the difference between life and death in The Resistance.
Casey sat there for a moment on the soft bed that was set up for him by Raphael. He knew the Krang were gone, that the horrors were over, but why was it so hard to move on? He sighed. He couldn't just forget and live a normal life after that. He was the only piece of evidence anyone would ever see that his world existed. Moving on would be too difficult.
It was what Master Leonardo would have wanted for him.
He grimaced, sobbing helplessly into his hand once more. His sensei would want him to be happy.
There were footsteps down the hall.
They were coming closer.
Casey backed up on the bed, pressing up against the wall behind him. There was a soft knock on the wall, a quiet voice calling out to him.
"Casey? Are you alright? I heard a noise.."
It was Donatello.
He'd know the voice anywhere. The raven-haired teen relaxed his shoulders slightly, a weak answer coming forth.
"Yeah, I-I'm fine."
Yikes. He definitely sounded like he'd been crying. There was a slight pause at the door.
"..Can I come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
Casey wiped his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. The olive-skinned turtle pushed back the curtains at the doorway, assessing the situation. He sat next to the disheveled looking boy.
"You're not hurt, are you?"
After a small head-shake, the purple-themed turtle fidgeted with his fingers. "I'm not the best at this.. Would it be okay for me to get the others? I'm sure they wouldn't mind- If you're okay with them being in here, that is."
"I'll be right back then."
A minute or so later, Donnie returned with his brothers and April, all groggily stumbling into the train car. "Are you alright, future boy?" April asked, noticing the red tint in his eyes.
"I'm okay, just a bad dream I guess."
A very sleepy looking Leo walked into the train car, slumping down next to Casey and resting his head on his shoulder. Casey couldn't tell if the turtle had fully processed what he was doing, but judging by the slurred muttering, he guessed not. "Ya know.. 'S okay to be sad, things'r gonna be tough.."
Mikey was next to come in, sitting to the boy's left and offering a tired smile, all too similar to that of the one his future self wore. "Is it about what happened a couple days ago?" he nodded, and the youngest brother gently took his hand, squeezing ever so slightly. The rest of the crew had come into the room, sitting on the ground as they provided various comforts.
"It's just hard to get over, you know? I mean, my whole world was literally stripped away.. Everyone I care about." the teen was met with empathetic eyes, and looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for waking you guys up. I know it's late, and you're all tired."
"Hey, don't be sorry. We wanna make sure you're good. You're family, and we take care of family, no matter what." the artist assured, prompting April to add on. "Mikey's right. We'd hate to see anyone we care about upset."
"C'mere, Case." Raph, who had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, made grabby-hands at Casey, to which the boy timidly stood, causing Leo to grumble and prop himself up with one arm as an alternative to his shoulder. The teen shuffled closer to the snapper, until he was in arms reach. The oldest pulled him into his lap, cradling the smaller teen in his legs.
Casey readjusted, lying on his side as his back now faced Raphael. April leaned over, cupping the raven-haired boy's face, rubbing the base of his ear with her thumb. He scrunched up slightly at that, a smile forming on his lips as he brought his shoulder up instinctively to protect himself.
In between fleeing and fighting for their lives, there had been many times when Casey had been tickled by his family. And though it became less common as he got older, Leonardo had still made sure the boy laughed and had as much fun as possible, one of his favorite methods being via tickles.
This timeline's Leo slid down from the bed and crawled over to the group, followed by Mikey. The slider seemed to be very cuddly, as he draped himself over the two, nuzzling into Casey's neck, smirking when he started giggling. "Wahahait- that feeheels wehihird!"
The futuristic teen squirmed lightly, though the sword-wielder's weight pinned down his left arm, forcing him onto his back. Mikey smiled brightly, newfound energy emanating from him as he joined in on the fun. "You're ticklish? Aww, that's so cute!"
Mikey scribbled over the other side of his neck, grinning wider when he all but melted into the touch. Pink spread over his cheeks, and he tilted his head back, indirectly opening himself up for more scritches. Leo happily took this offer, tickling under his chin. "Dohon't- Don't sahay thahahat!"
"What, that you're ticklish, or that you're cute?" April switched to tracing the shell of the boy's ear, a fond smile splayed on her lips as Casey Junior struggled to keep his composure. He had to admit, even though his fight or flight response was going a little crazy, the affection was taking his mind off of his troubles, calming him down and clearing his head.
"Neihihither!" an overly-dramatic gasp sounded, followed by a halfhearted chastisement from the intellectual soft shell. "Gasp. I think you might be in denial, Casey Jones Junior, because you reside with both of those adjectives, whether you like it or not." and with that, Donnie leaned around Leo, worming his hand under his belly to reach Casey's side. "Nardo, move. You're blocking all the good spots."
Leo squealed, pausing his attack on Casey's chin to curl up, shaking his head as Donnie continued to burrow underneath him. "Dohohonniehe! Stahahap!" The scientist quirked a brow. "Then move, you doofus!"
Donnie's attention redirected to Leo, now squeezing both of his sides as the mentioned turtle thrashed atop of the others, giggling like mad. "OHOKAHAY! IHIHI GihiHIve uhup!" Donnie pulled his hands back, allowing his brother to roll into Raph, his shell pressed against the oldest's plastron as he calmed his giggles.
Donnie paused before sticking his tongue out at Leo, squeezing Casey's left side, rather than the one the blue-themed turtle had been covering in the first place. Leo managed a glare through his residual laughter but got over it pretty quickly, going back to nuzzling the raven-haired boy's neck.
Raph smiled down at his family, enjoying the peaceful time spent together. He decided to join in as well, lifting up Casey's borrowed t-shirt, which was way too big for him, but because they had been trying to recover and recuperate, they hadn't had time to go shopping for clothes for him, and traced along his belly, also giving Donnie more space to tickle as the younger now targeted the teen's ribs.
It was safe to say that Casey was losing his mind. Between Mikey fluttering at his neck, April now scratching at his scalp and Leo practically boring into him, he had no chance of holding back any noises that came from his mouth as Donnie pinched at various places on his ribs and Raph skittered over his torso, who chuckled as he struggled to curl in on himself, part of him wanting desperately to escape, while the rest of him was happy and relaxed in his new friend's- no, family's arms.
"GUHUhuys, Ihi caHAHAn't!" the teen yelped, eyes screwed shut as he hid his pink face behind Leo. "Ah ah ah~" Mikey tsked, "No hiding, we want to see your cute little face!" the artist moved his fluttering up to the boy's jaw, making him giggle a little louder and turn his head to block out the offending fingers. "There we go! Your smile's so pretty, Junior!"
Casey squeaked as Donnie hit a particularly sensitive spot on his ribs, making him arch upwards slightly, before descending into louder giggles as the olive-skinned turtle stayed there. His free hand, which had been previously gently pushing at Leo's head, went to grab Donnie's wrist, only to have fingers wiggle into his armpit.
"MIHICHELAHAHANGELO! NAhahaHA, PLEHEHEASE!" He immediately clamped his arm down, but that did little to stop the orange-themed turtle from pressing into the sensitive skin. Casey tried to roll over to his right to dampen the sensation, but Leo prevented him from doing that as well.
April cooed, still playing with his hair, as Raph went to squeeze at the boys knees, smiling wider as he kicked his legs out. His knees were a bad spot, and Casey squealed, unsure of how much more he could take before tapping out.
His last bit of resolve flew out the window when Leo blew a raspberry against his neck, making him jolt away. "NOHOHO MOHORE! IHI CAHAN'T!"
Everyone's fingers slowed, Mikey and Donnie backing up a little to give him space. Casey panted, wrapping his unpinned arm around his torso, trying to catch his breath.
"You okay? We gotcha pretty good there." Mikey asked, snickering at the giggly puddle they had reduced the tense boy to. "Yeheah, just need toho- cahatch my breheath." He managed, taking in lung fulls of air.
The eldest brother picked up the two in his lap, gently placing them atop his chest, letting out a grunt when April crashed into him to join them. Donnie lied beside Raph, pressing against his side, Mikey crawling on top of all of them, making his siblings laugh.
Casey yawned, relaxing under the bodies, and began falling asleep, the rest taking his lead. "You don't mind the extra weight, right Raph?" Leo asked, to which the sai user chuckled. "Nah, Raph doesn't mind."
This was an older ask, but my brain refused to let me work on anything else, so here you go! This was so fun to write, and turned out to be really sweet and fun! 😊
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unnamable-lee · 7 months
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now that i have designs i can be stupidly self indulgent and draw tkl art of them 💪
dont tell anyone but u like these two a lot… erm..
who’s crafty gotta crush on psshh idk… idk man… aha..
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Lee HC’s! (In order of appearance bc the image-uploading is being weird- sorry for the shit formatting!)
First of all, we shall list what kind of lee he is; Easily flustered.
Sunny obviously wheezes, but he wheezes the most if his rays are being targeted.
Sunny cannot say the t-word for the life of him when he’s in a lee!mood, but can easily say it when actual tkls aren’t involved. Worst spot is his wrists, lightly tracing his wrist will kill the poor guy- (but he will be very happy despite his whines of protest.)
Whenever Earth goes to play with his rays, the reason he always sounds so startled, is because he’s trying not to laugh.
Sun is less of a wriggler, and more of a bargainer, opting to try and talk his way out of being wrecked instead of actually trying to escape.
Moon is the kind of lee who insists they’re not ticklish somewhere, only for it to be like- one of their worst spots.
Speaking of worst spots, His knees. His knees, are just death. He is rendered helpless the second you go for his knees.
Moon is more of a ler than a lee usually, but will very embarrassedly ask Sun, Earth, Or Solar for tkls when he’s in a lee!mood, he would go to Lunar only if he needs the kind of tkls that completely fry your brain, like if he’s overthinking about his past self or something similar.
Definitely more of a wriggler than Sun- he will fight for his LIFE (even if he’s the one who asked for tkls.)
Inspired by a certain fic, (You know who you are /pos) A good way to comfort or calm him is light tkls on the hand, typically Sun or Earth does this, but Solar has been allowed to do so a couple times.
Probably the most open lee of the group- like, she can directly ask for tkls without using any code words or substitutes, even in a really bad Lee!mood- (the others envy her bravery)
Worst spot is her hips, but a close second is the back of her neck, under her mountain of hair.
Will go to anyone she trusts for tkls, but mainly opts to ask Monty, Sun, Moon, Lunar and Solar, as she’s closest with them.
Has thought about asking Moon or Solar to add a cropped turtleneck to her list of outfits, but is a little hesitant. (not too cropped, like- right where the ribs end.)
Very fond of tkls in general, as it’s a very good way to strengthen bonds with those you love. Lee!Lunar:
One of the worst wrigglers of the entire celestial family, no matter what-
Has difficulty saying the t-word when in a lee!mood, but it’s not impossible for him.
Has very likely been the Guinea pig for Gemini (Castor and Pollux) when they were curious about tkls, Pollux was probably the one to bring it up. (Before all uh. The recent happenings, of course.)
Worst spot is probably his tummy, (wow so creative/j) but a very close second is the joints of his arms.
Super feather-sensitive because I say so.
Cheer up tkls are his kryptonite, but they don’t Always work-
Has been tkld by Jack before, because he made the mistake of mentioning the word while Jack was nearby- (wasn’t as bad as he expected, kinda fun actually.) Lee!Blood-Twins:
More Ler’s than Lee’s, but The less crazy one, (I personally call this one HarvestMoon/Harvest) typically has more lee!moods than the more feral one (Normal ol BloodMoon)
Now these two, THEY are THE WORST wrigglers in the celestial family, with Lunar being a very, VERY close second.
They will bite and claw whoever is tklng them, no matter who it is- they will cause damage- it is inevitable- you’re signing your death certificate if you try to get them-
Like Sun, they CANNOT say the T-word, but like. Ever- it doesn’t matter what context the situation has, they’re going to substitute the word- the t-word hurts their pride and ego, and they refuse to let that happen. If they do actually say the t-word, it is very much an accident that they will recall whenever they try to sleep- and curl up into a flustered little ball of growls.
They pretend to hate tkls, but due to how rare it is that they get any kind of positive touch, they absolutely secretly adore it.
Obviously their worst spot is the left underarm, where that weak point is, (THAT CANONICALLY IS TKLISH‼️) but a close second is their tummy, because of how doglike they act sometimes.
Playing off the last one, yes. Yes they kick like a puppy when someone tkls their tummy. It is incredibly embarrassing for them, though, as they cannot control it, and will very likely growl the whole time-
They do indeed have a “sweet spot” like a dog, but I’m just gonna let y’all try and guess where it is <3 (I’m evil I know.). Lee!Eclipse:
OH MY FUCKING GOD. Literally the biggest goddamn lee of the celestial family it’s not even funny.
He is a walking death-spot, but his absolute worst spot is most definitely the middle of his back, he goes LIMP immediately.
Ridiculously touch-starved, so he’s very likely to just melt into any tkls he’s given. (Sometimes even if the intent is malicious-)
Like Sun, he wheezes, but (because I say so) he will occasionally let out a catlike giggle or squeak, which he’s very flustered by.
HE CANNOT EVEN USE SUBSTITUTES FOR THE T-WORD. He just has to hint around without mentioning anything even slightly similar to the dreaded t-word and pray that whoever he’s trying to get tkls from catches his drift.
He’s the most likely to get clingy if he’s been thoroughly wrecked, it doesn’t matter who did it, he’s gonna cling to them and refuse to let go- such a pathetic wet cat of a man. Lee!Solar:
Yeah, like Earth, he’s also a pretty calm lee (not open about it though-)
Solar can say the t-word, without substitutes, no matter what, and it’s VERY RARE for him to use a substitute.
Actually quite fond of “go the fuck to sleep/take a break” tkls. (Sometimes purposefully stays up too late working on something to provoke the others (Mainly Moon and Spaniard (the computer) into tklng him-)
Not much of a wriggler or a bargainer, but definitely a whiner- he will protest so damn much despite visibly enjoying the tkls.
Solar’s worst spot is like, right above his hips. He will definitely hiccup if you go for that.
Used to be more of a ler before he went all hippy mode (/pos) but now leans more towards being a lee.
Like Moon, his worst spot is his knees, but back when he had his mindscape form, it was definitely his paws- 100%. (Yes KC used to have paws, I’m still reeling myself in after nearly a year.)
more of a soft giggler, with very few loud noises like squeals or shrieks.
He can say the t-word sometimes, but usually has to use substitutes. Lee!ForkFace:
One of the more ler-learning members of the group, but definitely still has lee!moods.
whenever Forky decides to have their rays, that’s usually how you can tell they’re in a lee!mood, as their rays are quite tklish but not as much as Sun’s or any of the other ray-possessors.
Has the quietest giggles of the whole group, mainly because they rarely talk- but definitely has moments when they go from quiet, rapid breathing to simulate giggling, to a sudden screech-
Oddly enough, their worst spot is their lower-arm, a close second would be their neck.
a little more embarrassed about tkls than you’d think, especially because it’s more difficult to ask for them when they don’t feel like talking.
Earth and Foxy are the people they mainly go to for tkls, Earth is the one who taught them what it is, actually! Lee!JackOMoon:
Puppy brained little goober who barely understands the concept of tkls, had to research it one day because he mistook Solar wrecking Lunar (for calling him a twink) as violence, and tried to mutilate Solar-
Doesn’t understand why he suddenly feels an urge to be tkld, but usually goes to Solar, Lunar or surprisingly ForkFace to ask about it.
Can say the t-word in any context, as he doesn’t really understand anything that he feels when in a lee!mood.
Has tried to tkl himself, was very confused when it didn’t cause the same sensation as when someone else does.
Like BloodMoon (and Harvest,) Jack’s puppy brain causes him to kick when someone gets his tummy.
The second boldest lee of the group, right behind Earth, as he can’t feel embarrassment (not yet anyway- the day he gains embarrassment, he will be in the same boat as Eclipse in terms of asking for tkls-). Lee!Ruin:
3rd most open lee of the group, very capable of just asking for tkls without substitutes.
Despite being able to say the t-word, he will definitely Hesitate to ask for tkls- he’s very self conscious the poor lad.
Ruin is more of a “go limp and whine” kind of lee, but doesn’t deny that he likes tkls.
if he’s unable to bring himself to ask for tkls, he will pout and whine like a toddler until someone catches on.
Like Eclipse, he’s a walking deathspot- AND THIS IS BY CHOICE, HE BUILT HIS OWN BODY, HE WIRED HIS SENSORS THIS WAY. (The others love to tease him about that, and the friendly teasing always just makes him super happy and feel like he’s not a burden or out of place <3) (I’ll add ler HC’s later- rn I have writers block💀 edit: nvm no I won’t I have too many non-tk-community friends and I’m terrified of making them hate me bc of how stereotyped the community is
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gaybananabread · 9 months
@therealjacobcustos I feel like Tadashi would be kind of ticklish (the ask broke so tag)
🎧👾Tadashi Hamada Tkl Headcanons🤖🔧
AN: Sorry it took so long to respond to this, wanted to get the FS out of the way first! Kinda a flimsy excuse, but I've been wanting to do some HCs and Tadashi is such a brain happy character, so here's my brain dump!
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Okay so this boy is absolutely a switch.
He'd love messing with Hiro, but can anyone say that someone as bubbly as him wouldn't like to be tickled?
No, no they cannot.
He would absolutely program Baymax with some tickling capabilities.
Remember how he can produce a small flash drive from his finger? Yeah, imagine little nails/quill tips specifically designed for cheer-up tickles.
It's actually been found in scientific studies that tickling improves the mood and can boost our immune systems.
Of course Tadashi would stumble upon an article or something and use that as valid reasoning for the features.
He gives eager lee vibes.
Wiggling your fingers at him? He's already giggling and squirming in his seat.
Worst spots are his knees, sides and forearms. He *loves* belly tickles.
Isn't shy about liking tickles at all. He's not gonna outright announce it to the world, but he wouldn't deny it if someone points it out.
Lee mood? Everyone close to him immediately knows.
Stretching his arms above his head, man-spreading on the couch, sitting with his arms behind his head, constantly kicking someone he’s sitting by, TANK TOPS
His laugh is the purest sound around. Bright, bubbly and completely unrestrained
Depending on the amount of lee, he might just lay there and giggle his heart out.
Loves tickling as a bonding activity and cheer-up method.
Despite all that, he’d have a helluva time asking for/admitting anything.
“Do you like this, Tadashi?” “I-I, uh…that's not- mmphf…”
Blushes brighter than the red sun, though it definitely takes some heavy teasing.
As for Baymax…
He’d definitely give his bud some special care methods.
A few self-indulgent programs here for when he's sad, some tools (see Gen. above), and generally just fluff with the marshmallow bot.
Will intentionally bug Hiro until he starts a tickle war. If he's in a lee mood, he'll sass the boy until he goes for a bad spot
You'd better run for the hills-
Teasing, sassy, laughs along with his lees. 50/50 switch, swings either way based on circumstance
His favorite target would have to be Hiro. Staying up all night to work on a bot? Tire-out tickles. Refusing to go eat dinner in favor of productivity? Persuasive tickles. Bumming out about life? You know it: cheer-up tickles.
With the Nerd Crew, it's usually just sly pokes and squeezes when they reach for tools or adjust bolts.
If somebody's way stressed or hasn't slept, though? He'll lovingly wreck their shit <3
King of silly teases ♚
“Coochie coo, giggles!” “Oh, sorry, is this spot *really* ticklish? Does it tickle *really* bad when I do this?” “That's gotta be one of the cutest laughs ever! Thanks for sharing so much of it~”
If he's actually trying, can and will dominate a tickle fight.
Gets his energy back scary fast. You think you've won?
Guess again.
He'll wait until you're bragging or looking away to pounce, beginning the dreaded Round 2.
Loves it when people ask for tickles.
You come to him, for any reason, and lay on his lap / expose your spots? His heart melts before he lovingly obliges.
Gives amazing aftercare. Cuddles, back rubs, drowning in kisses if you're his s/o.
May or may not have developed little pieces of tickle tech to mess with his loved ones. Be weary of random gifts or surprise lab invites!
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nujai · 1 year
It’s 4:42 am, I haven’t slept in like 2 days, I still can’t sleep, and i’ve been convinced(forced) to start posting 😒 anyways some of my tkl headcanons.
~ SLEEPY TICKLESSS!! Cuddling with a lee who’s half asleep or just waking up so their in that sluggish zombie phase, dragging a finger up and down their side but they refuse to move (not like id let them) because of how sleepy they are so instead they try to maneuver around your finger but completely fail.
~ A lee about to slide off a couch/bed head first and you manage to grab their legs before they completely slide off.. there’s 2 options here, scribbling your fingers on their belly or feet while threatening to let them fall if they squirm too much or try and stop you.
~ A lee playing a game and being completely distracted and unaware of their surroundings and you just poke them and pretend you didn’t do anything, looking away whenever they look up from their game and if they question you all you do is shrug, you repeat this until they get tired and move away.
~ Tickling a lee who’s extremely ticklish EVERYWHERE so they have no defense and are left completely vulnerable no matter how much they fight, where they hide, or how much they squirm (i’m self projecting here but that’s besides the point)
~ Having a tickle fight with however many people but there’s a twist. The goal is to stay silent during the fight and whoever laughs first gets wrecked by whoever is participating, like if you laugh your getting tag teamed.
~ Like being in a group with other switches and you all try out tickle tools on each other for lers and yourselves (for when your in a ler mood), occasionally pestering a ler by tickling their ear with a feather or giving them quick poke with a skewer knowing it’ll piss them off (this results in you getting wrecked in front of the whole group)
~ Tickling a lee leaning switch and they suddenly switch up on you and now your being tickled, like how and why?!?!
It’s 5:51 now and i’m tired of typing so bye
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aang3ll · 7 months
Games and Memories
agbhnjmnhg it's finally done after being sidetracked for so long
Warnings: Tkl fanfic, Implied romantic BakuDeku at the end if you squint, and light cursing (It's bakugou.)
Bakugou was sitting in his room, scrolling through his old pictures. The high school student had run out of things to do a good thirty minutes ago, having already completed his homework, and having already been told that he wasn’t allowed to do any more training for the day. (‘Five hours isn’t “too long!”’) So far, he had come across what was mostly family photos he was forced to take with his parents, and pictures of him and his middle school friends. Him at the park, him at the zoo, ETC… all that type of stuff.
That was when he came across it. It was a picture of him when he was very young, maybe five or six years old. He was standing next to a rather large tree, with someone else. Next to him was a boy about his age back then. A boy he recognized so easily by his dark green hair.
It had been a while since Bakugo had used that name for the boy, even in his thoughts.
The blonde couldn’t help but reminisce about those old days, many, many years ago. It was happy back then. He was happy back then. He was himself.
It had been so long since Katsuki had just been able to… be himself. His true self. The side of him that only his old friend could bring out.
He smiled, before scrolling to the next picture.
It was another one of him and the greenette. Only this time, Deku was on the floor, laughing with a bright red face, Katsuki straddling his waist.
Bakugou’s smile turned into a grin. Now, he knew just how to do a little bonding with his old friend.
Izuku was sat on the couch, bored out of his absolute mind. He had been watching TV, but after clicking through what was probably hundreds of channels, he had given up on trying to find something that really interested him. He leaned back into the couch with a groan.
“You’d think there would be more than just reality TV on a Saturday…” He mumbled to himself.
“God, you really need to learn how to fucken’ speak up, nerd.” The greenette jumped at the voice behind him, before whirling around, instantly being faced with a pair of familiar red eyes. “K-Kacchan!? How long have you been standing there?” He asked the boy standing behind the couch.
“A couple minutes, but long enough to see that you’re bored to shit.” “Heh, yeah, that’s true.” Izuku chuckled out, nervously.
Katsuki walked around to the front of the couch, sitting down. “Well, lucky for you, I’ve got somethin’ to entertain ya’ with.” The blonde grinned.
“Oh? And, what could that be?” The unsuspecting teenager asked, innocently. He was sort of excited. Bakugou was being nicer than usual, not even cussing Deku out for mumbling today (not counting breakfast this morning), and said boy intended to soak it in for as long as he could.
“Well, it’s a game.” The taller of the two explained. This only added to the other’s excitement. A game? With Bakugou? While this was certainly a surprise, the greenette wasn’t complaining.
“How do we play?” He asked with an unknowing smile.
“Simple. You keep your arms up for sixty seconds while I tickle you, and you win.” Said the blonde, rather bluntly.
The Midoriya boy froze up, his face turning bright red. That was… unexpected. He hadn’t expected Bakugou to just ask like that, let alone even want to tickle him in the first place. Not that he was against the idea, because of course he wasn’t. It was just a tad bit… …flustering.
“Well? Whaddya’ say, nerd?” “...What happens if I win?” Now it was Bakugou’s turn to be surprised. He hadn’t expected the other to ask that and, in all honesty, he had no idea for a surprise.
Izuku quickly noticed this from his friend’s shocked expression, so he came up with something on his own. “How about… if I win, I get to tickle you for two minutes?” “No.” “One minute?” “Thirty seconds.” “Deal!” Izuku grinned happily. All he had to do was keep his arms up for one minute, and then he would get to tickle Bakugou! Easy, right? Well, the poor boy seemed to underestimate how ticklish he was.
Soon, Deku was lying on the taller hero(-in-training)’s lap, his arms up as high as they could go. The game had barely even started, they were only five seconds in, (Bakugou set a timer) and the poor thing was already giggling and squirming like a madman. And yet, all Bakugou was doing was gently raking his fingers down the other’s sides.
“Huh, seems you won’t be lasting long, will you~?” The blonde teased.
Deku giggled out a ‘shut up’, before realizing his mistake. Katsuki wasn’t one to talk back to, especially not in a situation like this.
“...Shut up? Shut up? Oh, you’re in big fucken’ trouble now, damn nerd.” That was when Bakugou went absolutely wild. He scribbled his fingers over Deku’s belly, squeezed his sides, scratched at his underarms… anything he could do and/or reach, really. He showed no mercy in absolutely wrecking poor Izuku.
“AHHAHHHA- GAHAH- K-KAHAHAHACHAAHAHAN PLEHEHEHEASE!!” Izuku laughed out. He just couldn’t handle the ruthless tickling sensations all over his body, and no matter how much he thrashed from side to side, he just couldn’t get away. It was on his ribs, his stomach, his hips… everywhere. Atleast, that’s what it felt like to the greenette. “GAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAN’T-!!! PLEHEHEHEHEASE, MEHEHEHEHERCY!!”
“Mercy is for losers, Deku.” That was all that could be said before Izuku’s arms shot down. Bakugou grinned and slowed to a stop, knowing he had won. “Heh, told you I’d win, damn Deku.” But the blonde’s grin slowly turned into a soft smile as he watched the smaller boy giggle with a bright red face, the ghost tickles probably getting to him.
“Y’know, since I won, I think I should have a reward.” Katsuki stated.
“O-Oho? Ahahand what were you thihinking?” The greenette giggled out.
“I’m thinking… dessert.” Bakugou leaned down, and blew a rather large raspberry on Midoriya’s stomach, and the room was filled with screeching laughter once more.
Let’s just say, Deku had a very long night, but the cuddles at the end were totally worth it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ahhh sorry it's so short, but I hope you liked it!
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softleesam · 10 months
I hope this gives you just as many butterflies as it did me~
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Intro <3 (and Masterlist below)
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꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ Welcome to my blog ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
✧⁠*⁠。This is a multi blog
✧⁠*⁠。Not a writer anymore :)
✧⁠*⁠。Lawb ya
✧⁠*⁠。My sec acc is @p1ece-of-positivity
Hii, I´m a minor from Germany
If you want to, call me Bee 🐝
Yeah... that girl in the profile picture is me.
am 16 yo
I'm going to SOUTH KOREA next Year!!!
I'm a night-person
My fav apps Are Pinterest, Spotify and Snapchat, but I use Tumblr and WhatsApp very often too (c.ai too lol)
I´m a Kpop Stan ^^
My ult group is Ateez
Active since May 2023 (I guess...)
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But please don't mention
self harm
self critical being
pedo content
any fetish content
harasm or hate
If you don't talk about these things:
-> Feel free to DM, I won´t bite ❣️ 
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My fav Kpop Groups:
Ateez (OT8)
Boynextdoor (Bias: Jaehyun)
Stray Kids (Bias: Felix and Chan)
Enhypen (Bias: Niki and Heeseung)
BTS (Bias: Jungkook)
TXT (Bias: Kai & Soobin)
Oneus (no Bias)
Treasure (no bias)
Seventeen (Bias: Jun)
P1Harmony (Bias: Keeho)
Xikers (no bias)
The boyz (no bias)
iKON (Bias: Bobby)
SF9 (Bias: Taeyang and Hwiyoung)
BTOB (no bias)
ShiNEE (Bias: Minho)
Zerobaseone (Bias: Ricky)
82Major (Bias: Yechan)
Katseye (Bias: Manon)
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My fav Dramas/Series are (most of them are just shows i watched and rlly liked lol):
The Vampire Diaries (still watching and I'm a sucker for it)
Maxton Hall
Kingdom [Legendary war]
I'm not a robot
True Beauty
Sweet Home
One piece live action
My Holo Love
My demon
Throne of the Dragon
Mia & Me
Hazbin Hotel
Queen of Tears
My Fav Movies are:
20th century girl
Love and leashes
Pirates of the carribean
Lord of the rings/ the Hobbit
Avengers the endgame
Black widow
After (every movie of this series)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Three Nuts/Wishes for Cinderella (the old one, not the new)
Pompeii (the one with Kit Harington)
Confidental Assignment
My biggest dreams are studying in abroad when I'm done with school and seeing all my fav groups in rl
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My favourite blogs are
@il0veyoujk 💕
@sunny-117 💕
@wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday 💕
@itzystopkiddingmenowloco 💕
@atzgiggle 💕
@atzupdates 💕
@jungkookslipring 💕
@teddybearmingi 💕
@liliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 💕
@daybreak-tkler 💕
@lunarleee 💕
@jihyosdaughter 💕
@sugary-sweet-anon 💕
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꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ Masterlist ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
(done, I'll not write anymore)
How Ateez members find out/react to you being ticklish
He doesn't deserve you (Wooyoung x Reader)
Stress reliever (Seonghwa x Reader)
Tk Fictions (Idol x reader)
A game afternoon with Ateez (Ateez x Reader)
Uljima (Enhypen Niki x Jungwon x Reader)
Zombies and revenge (BTS Jungkook x Enhypen Jungwon x Stray Kids Felix x Reader)
Hanteez (it's a really long fic, not only about tickling but it has some tickle scenes,, Stray Kids Han x Ateez x Reader)
Pass along (Stray Kids x Reader)
It's okay (Ateez Seonghwa x Reader)
I'm not ticklish (Txt Yeonjun x Reader)
Stress Reliever (Ateez Seonghwa x Reader)
Under the Christmas tree (Stray Kids Bangchan x Reader)
Big, dangerous dinosaur (P1h Keeho x Reader)
(Idol x Idol)
A ticklish massage (Leeseo x Yujin)
Tickletober 2023
Day 2: Accidental (ATLA Zuko x Reader)
Christmas Oneshots
Under the Christmas Tree (Stray Kids Bangchan x Reader)
Ticklemoments posted by me (?)
DannyPhantom exe threatening tkls...
Yeosang being tkld
Keeho (P1H) telling a tickle story
82Major mini tk moment in a Tiktok edit
Okay that was it..
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Love u all guys 🩶
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gigglycloud · 3 months
@𝐠𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐲-𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐏♡︎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 ૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა 𓏲
ᐢ. ֑ .ᐢ ◖ 𓆩𝐀𝐍♡︎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𓆪
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╭︰。♡ ・(I just got out of call with @thecutestswitch and JESUS CHRIST. ໒꒱
꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱˖࣪ ¡ It all started as a regular call, yk like showing our shared plushies bc yeah if we can't meet up at least we have each other in certain way, also she was showing me her lunch and some other stuff untill well AHEM AHEM AHEM.. *clears her throat* !
₊˚💭﹕[ So uhmm she pulls out this dinosaur and starts doing some arm tkls hitting some very mean spots and then she starts teasing with tkling my sides or hips... THAT WAS MEAN RIGHT, THAT SOUNDS MEAN. Well it gets even meaner. She started self tkling her tummy and said that was mine and- 😵‍💫😵‍💫]・୨୧
>︿﹒﹒ But that's not all OOHOOO it's not all... then she was telling me to look at the camera when she was tkling the plush and I was like NUH UH IM NOT LOOKING and she went 'aww too ticklish to look' and sometimes whispered tkl multiple times. And if it isnt enough, SHE ALSO CALLED ME THAT NICKNAME SHE KNOWS IT KILLS ME BUT SHES SUCH A MEANIE SHE KEEPS ON USING ITT ﹐𖣯﹒˃ᴗ˂
Didn't get these much ghost tks in a while, I actually felt some of them and it was so damnsfhhsdfhhsahdhsahdhdhsdhhahahdhshheh
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blushyeleven · 11 months
Tickletober - DAY 22
Ticklish kiss
Characters: lee!mia, ler!vada
Warnings: mention of drugs (weed), sexual themes implied, mention of being high, tickles, swearing
a/n: my first fallout fic! Also my name is Mia so the amount of self projecting in this fic is ridiculous (it made it more fun to write🤭) and also I’m even more sick so the quality of my fics rn is Not Great so im very sorry😭 (also an anon requested vada headcanons and I promise I’m gonna write them after tkl tober but my fics are priority rn, so anon if you see this, as soon as tkltober is over I’ll write them I promise!)
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𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔
It had been a long night, vada and Mia were just casually layed on mias vibrantly patterned rug in her bedroom after smoking some weed and coming to the decision that vada was going to stay the night at Mias house.
So the two high school girls layed there, in a small break of silence before vada spoke up. “What are you thinking about?” She asked after seeing the puzzled look on the dancers face. “Hm?” She mused before putting her legs up in the air, owning a laugh from Mia. But Mia didn’t answer her question, causing the younger girl to move closer to her while Mia just had a small smile on her face, watching the black haired girls strange, high antics. “What?” Vada giggled and heard another laugh come out of Mia.
“Okay I know your a women of very little words” Vada used her thumb and finger to clearly emphasise on how little she meant, as Mia stared upwards towards her ceiling and was still smiling slightly. “But I know you got some deep shit happening” vada said after a while, her eyes not leaving the girls face. “In that nice little head” Vada then used both her hands to almost cup mias face as Mia rolled her eyes slightly and let out another small snicker. Vada, who clearly wasnt in her right mind was rambling on as Mia just listened.
Mia just shook her head with a snicker before using one hand to cover her face “god” before keeping her hand over her face “anything?” Vada spoke up with a hopeful tone and a silly smile stretched across her face. But Mia was still not talking so vada came to her conclusions on a way to try and get he to open up. “Okay.. let’s say that you die tomorrow.. okay?.. and what if you die sad.. because you regret not saying what you wanted to say” Vada was very clearly out of it.. but it didn’t stop her from being curious.
There was then a long break of silence.. the only thing that could be heard was the crickets outside. Mia, who was deciding what to say then eventually came to her words. “I can’t say it” she sighed to which vada furrowed her eyebrows “why?”
The two girls were then met with another round of silence, Vada was just mesmerising and studying Mias Face as Mia slowly turned to look at vada. Before they were just looking at eachother. Vada then couldn’t help but find her eyes drifting of to Mias lips as the blonde highlighted girl noticed.. and she couldn’t help but also take a few glances at vadas red lips.
Before vada started to move closer, her eyes still locked onto mias lips as the dancer also moved closer before their lips met and formed a synchronised kiss. Vada then pulled away for a moment.. only to ask “is this okay?” In a small whisper to which Mia nodded. Vada then found herself ontop of mias waist, passionately kissing the girl. Never wanting to break away from the moment.
Mia tilted her head up slightly, earning more places for vada to explore with her lips. She then started slowly kissing her neck. Not forceful enough to leave a mark bur the right amount of pressure for it to feel amazing. As vada was leaving small but meaningful kisses along Mias neck she must have hit a sensitive spot because the noise that left mias mouth was clearly abrupt and unexpected. It was an odd mix between a gasp and a squeak although it was enough for the dancers face to react with a piercing pink.
“Are you okay?” Vada asked quickly, a little scared she was doing something wrong or that she hurt the girl. She quickly became slightly insecure of herself, her mind automatically thinking the worse. “Yeah I- im sorry-“ Mia was quick to apologise, avoiding the black haired girls eye contact. “Do you not want this?” Vada asked again, clearly a little worried she went to far before Mia replied quickly “no! I do! Really..” Mia said, finally looking the girl in the eyes with a slight up curve of her lips and her blush intensifying.
“Then what was that?” Vada snickered slightly, feeling a little comforted a reassured by the smile on mias face. The dancer then just sighed before her eyes drifted away again.. “I’m.. im just a Little sensitive there..” She spoke, clearly very embarrassed about the whole ordeal. It was actually quite amusing to vada, she’s never seen Mia like this before. “Sensitive?” Vada echoed, clearly a little lost. But Mia didn’t elaborate, her only reply was a small nod.
Vada was still casually perched onto the girls waist as she was still trying to figure out what she meant. Clearly the high was affecting her if she couldn’t place was Mia was trying to say.. without actually saying it. “What like.. it hurt?” Vada asked, her eyebrows furrowed more. Mia rolled her eyes playfully at the girls stupidity. “No.. like.. it tickled..” Mia answered, her blush almost matching the shade of lipgloss she previously had on.. before vada took it off with her own lips. “Tickled?” Vada parroted again, this time more amused and she snickered slightly.
“Your ticklish?” Vada had an excited glint in her eyes at this new discovery. Clearly Intrigued. “I.. well.. a little” the blonde admitted, rather flustered by the predicament she was in. Vada found herself at a loss for her own words, thinking how adorable this all was. “Sorry if I like.. ruined the mood” Mia sighed, staring off and out of her window. “Fuck having sex.. I wanna try this out” Vada smirked down at the dancer.. watching as her eyes grew twice in size.
“Oh come on.. please?” The younger girl pleaded, eager to test out this rather endearing feature about the girl. Mia just rolled her eyes again.. “okay, fine..” she reluctantly agreed, watching as Vadas smirk grew into a genuine smile as she wasted no time into prodding all 10 of her fingers into Mias side. Earning a jump and a squeak from the girl.
Vada then started mercilessly scribbling her fingers into Mias side as the blonde squirmed helplessly underneath her, letting out the most heart warming and adorable giggles. “ahahahahahha!! Vahahahadaaa!!!!” Mia squeaked out. Vada had never seen Mia like this before, just giving into her own sensitivity and letting herself freely laugh. She enjoyed this new side to the dancer.. but she wanted to hear more.
So naturally, vadas fingers swiftly found a new spot to target as her fingers fell upon mias stomach, skittering her fingers onto the spot as Mias laughter grew. “PFFT BAHAHAHA SHIHIHITT!!” Almost immediately, mia moved her hand up to cover her mouth as she clenched her eyes shut. There was something so.. fun about letting herself be vulnerable in this moment. Letting herself loosen up and actually enjoy herself, even if it was for a couple of minutes.
“I can’t believe your this ticklish! How did I not know?” Vada mused again, the smirk prominent on her face. “IHITS NOHOT LIHIKE I WAHAHAS GOHONNA JUHUST TEHELL YOU!” Mia giggled out, her laughter flowing through her trendy bungalow. “Why not? This is fun!!!” Vada giggled at the girl and her position. She really did look and sound adorable like this. “MAHAYBE FOHOR YOHOU!!” Mia tried to protest, this was probably the most vada has heard Mia try and speak all at once, after all she was a women with very little words. But she seemed to be vocalising herself a lot right now. “Uh! You know your having fun to!” Vada argued back, her smirk etching futher.
“SHUHUT UHUP!” Mia countered. “I’m just sayinggg!” Vada snickered before moving her fingers to mias ribs, clawing at them slightly. Although vada was clearly buzzing from being high, she was still a skilled tickler. She was an older sister after all. It just means that any older sister had a natural power of being able to tickle people really well. “AHAHAHA!! FUHUCK!” Mia was beging to squirm even more, clearly not even realising herself how ticklish she actually was. It has been so long since this had actually happened seeming as she was an only child and her two dads were away most of the time. But she didn’t usually have this kind of affection or fun with any of her dance friends. It was a change, but a nice change. A change that she actually didn’t mind. Even if that did mean vada now jones and could use her ticklishness against her at any given moment. Mia didn’t mind. She only really felt comfortable with vada using it against her anyway.
Vada then dug her hands into mias armpits and watched as the girl let out a window-shattering shriek before exploding into heavy and forcefull laughter. Jackpot. “AHHAAHHAHA FUHUCK! NOHOHO!! VAHAHADAA!!” She shrieked out of helpless girlish giggles as vada knew she had hit her worst spot. Oh boy, did she rinse that spot for all it’s worth as it was filled with nee and exciting reactions. “AHHAHAHAHAH NAHAHAHAHHAHA!! I CAHAHAHNTT!” Mia was in an own battle of the urge to clench her arms to her side in an attempt to block vadas wiggling fingers or to cover her own flushed face. “I think I’ve found a bad spottt” vada observed in a sing-song voice before scratching her nails directly into the poor girls hollows. Draining the laughter from the dancers mouth. “AHAHHAHAHHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAH!!”
Mia was clearly close to her breaking point as the forceful laughter was creating small drops of water to fall down Mias cheek and for the pure fact that Mia was trying her best to thrash around under the weight of vada, who was practically already pinning her down. “I actually can’t even believe how ticklish you are.. I’m actually shocked” vada mused only making the situation worse for Mia as it somehow made it tickle more. But no amount of squirming could get vadas fingers out of mias armpits.
Mia then started kicking her legs about, causing vada a hard time to stay balanced on her hips with the amount of thrashing that Mia was doing. Before finally, Mia then called out “BAHAHAHHA STAHAHAPP!!” And with Mias wishes, vada stopped, pulling out her hands and watching as Mia tried to regain her breathe through the residual giggles still lingering.
“that.. that was adorable!” Vada snickered, still amazed and overjoyed with how the whole evening played out. “Like.. your so easy to tickle!” Vada teased to which Mia playfully scoffed. “Fuck off..” Mia said with a small smile of her own growing as vada then realised a swift poke to the girls side. As Mia let out a small squeak and jumped up. “Okay fine.. whatever” Mia admitted with a small sigh, but the grin never leaving her face.
It was clear the connection and the chemistry between the two girls, I mean, they were practically bonded by their trauma that they shared and they were both equally grateful that they stepped in when they needed each other the most. And it was moments like these that the students forgot what shitty world they were living in and just enjoyed eachothers company.
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planetarygiggles · 3 months
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self insert (blue) & canon (brown) tkl art moment....
(this is entirely platonic!!!!! pls do not ship them :C)
reposting this because it showed up in the main tag aahhh
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