the-starry-seas · 2 months
And I've finished the prompts for Trans Clone Week 2024! Featuring a dozen of my trans clone OCs and quite a few more on the side :)
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1. Senku is a genius scientist and inventor, but he is also a caring and compassionate person. He may seem cold and calculating at times, but deep down he truly cares about his friends and their well-being.
2. He has a strong sense of justice and will do anything to protect his loved ones. This is one of the main reasons he is so determined to revive humanity and rebuild society.
3. Senku has a great memory and is able to recall even the smallest details with precision. This makes him a valuable asset in solving complex problems and creating inventions.
4. He is a master strategist and is always thinking several steps ahead. He is able to come up with a plan for any situation, no matter how dire it may seem.
5. Senku is a bit of a loner and prefers to work alone, but he also values the friendships he has made with Taiju and Yuzuriha. He sees them as his family and will do anything to protect them.
6. He has a love for history and is fascinated by the past civilizations that came before. This is one of the reasons he is so determined to revive humanity and uncover the secrets of the petrification.
7. Despite being a scientist, Senku is also physically strong and agile. He has great hand-eye coordination and is skilled in combat, making him a well-rounded individual.
8. Senku has a dry and sarcastic sense of humor, often using it to lighten up tense situations. His friends may not always understand his jokes, but they appreciate his attempts at humor.
9. He has a love for learning and is always seeking new knowledge and information. This is evident in his constant experimentation and invention-making.
10. Senku may seem emotionless at times, but he does have a soft spot for animals. He is particularly fond of a little bird he rescued and named "Ginro".
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iszapizza · 10 months
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It’s Avee and Seku! (Kii’s Padawan) They’re a dangerous combo, they like to tease both of their masters and test their patience. But then again, what can you expect from two hyperactive force sensitive twelve year olds?
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aliveahahaduck · 29 days
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this took me forever so everyone has to look at my ocs now.
forcibly declaring it done but I may return to it and mess around with it later once I have had time doing other things so I dont feel like I have trapped myself in a personal hell. <3
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alfirino · 1 year
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mars-behind-bars · 1 year
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Asher Charming (he/they)
a city of mist ttrpg character- very similar to the persona games in that your powerset- and character in general- must model after an existing story- a myth, legend, fairytale, ect
In this game you have to balance out your normal life with your secret side- the logos and mythos of your persona. Logos being your daily normal life while mythos is your power/story coming to life in the part of town no one can see.
If the blonde hair and blue color scheme didn't clue you in, I'm sure the last two pictures would- he's my little Cinderella :3
Very much the definition of a girlfail. Look at how his shirt falls off his shoulder. Harlot.
He works at a rentable maid/butler service- he mostly gets stuck with janitorial work but he doesn't mind it! As long as whoever hired him doesn't treat him as "just the help" (and we all know how rich people are)
They live with their stepmom and two stepsisters, but contrary to the assumption, they have a pretty good relationship with all of them
In the mist, they're your royal highness- they can draw the crowds attention just as easily as they can hide in it. They're the jewel of the ball- and fucking slays his two outfits, his princely costume and his princess dress
His power is mostly to draw and lose attention at will, as his character troupe is the subversion type as the "prince in distress"
His powers work best on those who think they're above others, and with his illusioned appearance, his powers only fail when people can figure out his identity- which ties in to his second set of powers- the mobility troupe :3
They can summon a horse drawn carriage that can fit them and their allies, have pretty good parkour skills, and obstacles can appear around them to help them parkour away/ stop their pursuers
Downside is everytime they have to rely on their powers to get away, they leave something behind. How does the magic allow people to figure out his identity? Items he leaves behind :3c
I haven't gotten the chance to play him but we're SO close to starting the campaign Im so excited for everyone at the table to meet him
Fun fact: I almost made a Cassandra character (prophet cursed to never be believed) or Peitho (goddess of charming speech, persuasion and seduction) but chose Asher so that I could be a persona 5 royal reference. So far no one's noticed.
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zukoromantic · 1 year
Does anyone have advice on how to just. Write.
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iamhedwatts · 6 days
How is it every Election cycle you guys forget about the Electoral loop hole setup by the Europeans to destroy the Popular vote power of the people! We are distracted!
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jobskenyaplace · 2 months
SOUTH EASTERN KENYA UNIVERSITY TENDER JULY 2024   PROVISION OF LAND SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES FOR SEKU-KITUI TOWN CAMPUS SEKU/PROC/ONT/007/2024/2025  1. Tenders will be awarded on basis of Open National Tender 2. SEKU invites sealed tenders for the provision of Land survey services 3. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method (National/International) [Select one] using a…
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lasatfat · 2 years
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“Sorry, I had to call my dad, and then I had to get food. I’m starving,” Seku says, jovially. She takes a step towards the group…and is promptly accosted by Chopper, who garbles angrily about how it’s been years and years, you never even called, we thought you’d died, all while attacking her with various implements. She manages to hold onto her bowl, until Chopper hits her with an electric welding prod, shocking her with enough static to make the hair all over her body stand on end. She tumbles to the floor, and small, brown biscuits scatter everywhere. “Chopper, please, I’m sorry, I…my kibbles!”
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kharmii · 8 months
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Art credit: seku@seku_000 Twitter.
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
hang on I need to infodump about Cavalry and Seku - he's in his late twenties and looks about sixty, and she's in her late fifties!
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Cavalry is part of the informally-named Ghost Squad, which is made up of POW and MIA clones who were abandoned by the GAR, then later found by other clones and brought to a sanctuary planet that's run by clones, for clones.
Before he gets there, however-
There's not many job options for a clone, and he broke his left leg twice, so a physical labour job is wearing him down. He's alone and missing his brothers, but the GAR never answered his emergency beacon. So what exactly does he have going for him?
Well, the cheapest fast food place in town has a very polite waitress. Half the reason he goes there is because of the cheap food. The other half of the reason is because she's the only person who's habitually nice to him.
Eventually, though, he loses his job, and that means he stops coming to the restaurant. And she goes looking for him! He was always nice to her, too - couldn't afford to tip but left her origami lilies - and she wants to know if he's all right.
When she finds out that he doesn't have a job any more, she tells him to keep coming by the fast food place, and she'd keep feeding him. Eventually, though, this gets her in trouble with the owner, who isn't all that happy about her giving food away. It's not ~generating revenue~
So Seku quits, and they pool what little money they have to get passage to the next planet in the system. A world where they can live under the radar and be together. A world that has a balance of nature and commercial buildings, instead of just being a factory world.
They get married at the spaceport they land at. They're not in nice clothes. Their witness is a random guy waiting for a connecting flight. They don't have a reception. And they're so very, very happy.
Once they get new jobs, and their financial state improves, Cavalry starts looking for rings. They got married without, and Seku says she's fine with that, but Cavalry wants to give her everything they couldn't afford when they got married. Because she deserves that. She deserves to be a queen.
By the time a festival rolls around, celebrating a Twi'lek goddess, it's the middle of spring and Cavalry's saved up a few hundred credits. It takes very little convincing to get Seku to go with him. He takes her to an area where craftsmen have set up their stalls, and tells her to pick out any ring she wants. He slides it on her finger and kisses it with all the reverence she deserves.
(They're disgustingly adorable about the whole thing, as they should be. It's good for them <3)
And since the goddess celebrated by the festival is one of life and relationships, they're able to have a Twi'lek marriage ceremony. The one that Seku always wanted, with a fluffy pink dress and matching headgear embroidered with lilies. She's very delighted by it, and that means that Cavalry is delighted too. (And his suit vest matches her dress.)
Next year, the other clones find them, and bring them home to their home. Their Sanctuary. He brings her breakfast in bed. She surprises him with picnic lunches. They settle into a new life and Cavalry finds ways to heal from the war and his abandonment. Seku gets to wear her wedding dress for their anniversaries, and Cavalry always kisses her ring like the day he bought it for her.
There's times where Seku gets jeered at by some dipshit outsider. People who think there's only one reason a Twi'lek, who used to be an exotic dancer, would live with so many clones. Cavalry much enjoys reducing them to dust for their crimes. He does that thing where he says that's my wife! and knocks them out with one punch.
But apart from the occasional dipshit outsider, their life is very good!
Especially when the kids show up.
One of Cavalry's brothers, Boom, finds a pair of distraught Twi'lek kids and brings them back to Sanctuary. The kids don't speak Basic, but Seku speaks Twi'leki, so he's hoping that she can help find the kids' parents. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the parents died and the next closest relative couldn't afford to take care of them. They were put in foster care, but ended up running away due to the language barrier.
Cavalry's already adopted them emotionally by the time he finishes hearing their story. Seku is not far behind. And that's how they become parents to twelve-year-old Lyn and her little brother, nine-year-old Nawara! They're inseperable and drive each other nuts. Lyn is an adventurous outdoorswoman, and Nawara is a mama's boy who turns out to be a tech whiz.
They're all very happy with each other. And when Nawara later adopts his own two kids... well, it turns out that there's always room in their hearts for more family. Cavalry and Seku make exemplary grandparents.
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psychotrenny · 1 month
On a more serious note, the Islamic Revolutions of the 19th Century West Sudan (region) are interesting because they provide a relatively early example of holistic ideologically-motivated revolution that follows a deliberate plan of societal renovation. This contrasts with the many less directional revolutions that sought to solve very specific issues or merely change the individuals/associations who held power in society without changing the social structures themselves.
Like the backbone of these Islamic revolutionary movements derived from the West Sudanese intelligentsia and associated strata. Usman dan Fodio, Seku Amadu and Al-ḥājj 'Umar were all prominent scholars with close ties to the regional Islamic mercantile community, while much of their initial following derived from their students and the relatives of students. These movements also had very clear ideas of how they wanted to restructure society both socially and economically. While rallying against the specific misdeeds of local rulers (abuses of power, unfair taxation), each of reformers also had their sights set higher than the replacement of bad individuals with good ones.
Instead of merely removing the morally corrupt and religiously syncretic rulers, the reformers strove to expunging all pagan elements from broader society while establishing a stronger education system to more permanently spread and maintain orthodox Islam within their territories. And instead of merely lowering the taxes as new rulers they changed the basis that taxation laws were founded on; employing Maliki school Sharia instead of going entirely off the whims of worldly rulers. There were institutional changes to the very nature of Statehood in the region too. States were no longer ruled by kings who were divine personages themselves; they were replaced by Amirs who functionally first among equals with the other governing scholars. This meant that many formerly powerful institutions were either rendered impotent (Palace Slave officials) or eliminated altogether (the office of Queen mother/sister). Like through their study of Islamic literature and analysis of the societies they lived in, these scholars came up with a plan to change their societies and to one extent or another put it into action. The changes the wrought went far far deeper than the names of the rulings families
Mind you it's important not to exaggerate the extent of these changes. They may have deliberately altered the nature and mechanisms of culture and politics, but the mode of production did not receive similar treatment. There were certainly economic changes in the region throughout the 19th century but these were driven more by international trade relations than any domestic political programmes*; a decline in demand for slaves and increase in demand for the agricultural products from the region (Kola Nuts, Peanuts, Palm Oil etc.) meant a region wide decrease in the export of slave as more of them were retained locally for employment in agriculture. However this was a process that occurred throughout West Africa rather than being confined to the Islamic Sudan; it was not a result of deliberate effort by Islamic Reformists. These were revolutions of the Superstructure, not the Base. To put it in European terms they had much more in common with the Liberal revolutions of the 18th century than the Communist ones of the 20th.
Still the fact that there was any kind of genuine ideological program at all, complete with its share of well known thinkers and an entire library of relevant literature, certainly makes it more recognisable to the modern revolutionary than many of the other civil wars and succession disputes given such a title. Even ignoring how important this process was for the West Sudan specifically, it's a very interesting slice of history that more people should be at least aware of. This post was largely based on volume 6 of the UNESCO General History of Africa (mainly chapters 21-3) and I'd highly recommend reading the whole thing if you're curious. At bare minimum it should be remembered that this sort of history is not unique to Europe
*I've definitely read a paper (which I cannot for the life of me find in my notes so if anyone knows something relevant it would be greatly appreciated) that suggests these processes aided the Islamic Reformers as many of the Pagan/Syncretic rulers relied mostly on slave raiding and sale while the more orthodox Islamic communities were already more involved in plantation production. However I've seen nothing to suggest this was a direct influence on or result of Islamic Reformist politics and a similar process occurred in the Pagan kingdoms to the South and East too
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journeyfortreasure · 3 months
For Master & Battle at Journey's End - OCTOPATH TRAVELER Break, Boost, and Beyond Live!
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alfirino · 2 years
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Un sueño demasiado bueno para ser cierto  :c
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jelenajt · 10 days
Ljudi bez mere "seku" bez razmišljanja. Druge ljude, uglavnom...
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