#sekido pet au
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fallstreakfeathers · 8 months ago
Where Light Dwells- part II (Sekido Pet!AU)
Warnings: au typical trauma
Word Count: 8,658
If it's unreadable, try it on Ao3 : Where Light Dwells Part 1 is Here @hantenguclonesimp-minuszoha Spife come get ur food
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Rain pelts your windows like small stones as you turn into the dark parking lot. It’s empty, except for a couple employee cars, not that it really surprises you. You’re thankful, actually, as you crash through the door, water dripping from the coat you wear to hide your injury, panting with exhaustion from trying to outrun the storm.
An old woman sits at the reception desk, tapping away on an old keyboard.
A small black sign in gaudy cursive tells you her name is Angela.
“Please, I need help! My demon is… he’s very sick, I-I-I think he might be dying,” you stammer, stumbling over the words in the rush to get them out. “He’s in my car - I can’t carry him alone!”
The receptionist adjusts her reading glasses peering over them at you as if you’ve grown a second head. The wind pushes rain against the window in waves forceful enough that it almost sounds like laughter- like the very weather is mocking your urgency.
“He’s hurt bad!”
She shakes her head.
“I’m sure he’s just a bit ill, dear,” says the woman with a kindly smile. An attempt to reassure you. “Demons rarely get sick, but I promise you, whatever’s going on, it’s nothing he won’t heal from.” You shake your head vigorously.
“You don’t understand. I don’t think you’ve ever seen anything like this. I’m begging you. Please help him. He’s in my car,” you repeat, waving your good arm helplessly. “H-he can’t stand. He's thrown up everywhere, and he can’t talk and he... he’s…” you interrupt yourself with a frustrated sob. You are so out of your league.
“Okay, alright,” the woman behind the desk says with another glance at you, “I’ll go check, okay? Try to calm down.”
The fear in your voice is strong enough for the receptionist to become concerned, though her look was one of pity and confusion.
No one has ever been so worried about a demon.
Still, she follows you out into the icy rain and to your car as you nearly trip over your own feet.
You open the door and the receptionist immediately puts her hand to her nose.
She takes one look inside and gasps.
Sekido lays there motionless and with dried vomit around his mouth. Trembling in his semi-conscious state. Bleeding with every wheezing breath.
“Oh my...” her face turns pale as she turns to you. “Let me get help.” Angela rushes back into the building, leaving you alone with Sekido.
You place your hand on his shoulder and rub gently in motions you hope are soothing.
He does not make a sound, doesn’t have the strength.
You don’t even know if he can feel you, though you can feel the wheeze in his chest as it falls.
Don’t know if he can hear you. There’s shouting from inside the building, and a glance at the too meticulously cleaned doors of the facility shows that several people scuttling about like ants.
You turn your attention back to your demon. “You’ll be fine,” you assure him for the umpteenth time that day as the technician reappears.
She is followed by a man you assume is the vet - a tall, stern-looking man in a white coat and round glasses, pulling a stretcher behind him. Without stopping to process his own astonishment at the sight, the vet carefully moves the demon to the bed with Angela’s help and gets him inside just as quickly.
You can see them stringing your demon up with a transparent fluid, and another nurse seems to take his pulse. The bewildered look on his face doesn’t encourage you- begins stripping what hope you’ve clung to. You try to follow them, to stay with Sekido, but Angela holds out her thin arm to stop you just before your hand reaches the door that leads into the back.
“We can’t have you back there right now, hon,” she shakes her head, motioning towards her desk. You start to protest, but she’ll hear none of it. “There’s no room for you in there, dear. You’ll just be in the way. I promise, he’s in the best hands possible,” Angela says. “In the meantime, I have some paperwork I’m going to need you to fill out for us. I need you to tell me about him- is he yours?” she continues as you give a reluctant look toward the metal doors before slowly shuffling to the desk and settling into the creaky chair. You can’t seem to focus on her words, your mind drifting to Sekido. What was happening behind those heavy doors? Angela smiles apologetically, and you think to yourself that she smiles a lot. “I know this is hard, but try to just focus on the questions. It’ll help us help him. Sekido is yours, correct?” The fluorescent lights overhead glint harshly off polished floors, leaving a sterile, stuffy gleam on everything they touch. The air is heavy with the smell of antiseptic, strong enough that it makes you slightly nauseous. It is a reminder of the frailty of life in these walls. “Yes.” You don’t hesitate at that, surprising yourself with the quick response. “I-I mean, he is now. As of today, yes.” The paper forms all ask for various basic information, which would be fine had you adopted Sekido the usual way- in which that information is provided. You don’t know his lineage or his medical history. You barely even know his temperament, really, and that was only through your short (terrifying) experience with him. “Don’t worry too much about the papers then. Just give us what you know, okay?” Angela says as you struggle to fill the blank spots of the form. “You can leave the fields empty and we’ll take care of it. You said he’s yours as of today? What do you mean by that? Did you buy him?” Your nose wrinkles at the thought of buying something so human-looking. Don’t understand how nobody else sees the problem with it. “I found him at the side of the road a few hours ago,” you admit. “He was tied to a tree. I don’t know anything but his name, really…” Another question: relationship to patient. How.. How do you define what you are to the demon when you’d only met him hours ago. Owner? You don’t like that one. Hate what it implies. Hate that it reduces Sekido to an item. Acquaintance? Sure. that could work, but… ‘Friend’, you settle on, placing a firm punctuation at the end of the word. You hand the papers back and hiss in pain when you accidentally knock your injured arm against the table. “Are you okay?” the woman asks, and you freeze. “Y-yeah. Yeah,” you wave off her concern with an awkward laugh. “I just, uh, hurt my arm. No big deal.” You flash a smile to assure her, but it comes out as a grimace. Feels almost as painful as the injury itself. There’s no way you could tell her the truth. Violence against a human was a death sentence for demons, even if it was self-defense. That’s what the wiki said, at least. It wouldn’t matter that he didn’t really know what he was doing, or that it was your own fault. “Really, I’m fine.” It wouldn’t matter to anyone else that he was scared out of his wits. Demons had no rights. “Here, let me see,” Angela insists gently as if she's talking to an anxious child- takes your arm despite your protest. She unwraps the filthy cloth, revealing a swollen, inflamed wound that has her humming in surprise. “Oh my… Did he do this?” “It’s not his fault!” You blurt in panic, pulling the limb back. Though it no longer bled, the punctures are deeper than you originally thought. The air stung, sent throbbing pain through the flesh. “Don’t blame him. Please don’t hurt Sekido!”
“We’re not going to hurt him, dear,” Angela's compassionate eyes offered a small amount of hope. “I-it was my fault! I was stupid, and I think he was delirious. It wasn’t his fault,” you repeat with a quivering voice.  “He’s just sick…” She nodded like she understood. “It’s alright, dear,” the old woman pats your shoulder. “But you need a hospital for that. It’s going to need stitches and, unfortunately, we don’t work on humans here.” She giggles at her own joke in an attempt to soothe you.
You shake your head vigorously. “I’m not leaving him,” you say firmly. “I can’t go to the hospital!” They would ask questions. They would want to know about Sekido, and if they did then he would receive a euthanasia order- be considered a threat, too dangerous to live.
If you left him, would he still be there when you returned? Would he think you abandoned him? Would they take the opportunity to rid the world of a demon everyone else considered too much trouble to help? “There’s nothing we can do for you here. I’m very sorry, but you’ll need to see a human doctor for your arm. Sekido will be here when you get back,” Angela promises. “Sometimes we have to trust others to help us, even if it’s scary. Hopefully, when you get back, he’ll be right healthy and healing. But you have to heal yourself so you can keep helping him, right?” “You won’t put him down?” You need her to confirm as you nervously rock back and forth on your feet. To be assured that the vet wouldn’t just wait until you left to kill him. 
Was Sekido even yours? You weren’t certain of the technicalities. His owners had abandoned him, clearly with no intent to retrieve him, so, surely that meant he was your demon now? It was a strange realization, though one that wasn’t entirely unwelcome to you.
“No,” the technician replies firmly. “We can’t euthanize any creature without the owner’s- your- written consent.  That includes this demon.” She lowers her voice into an almost conspiratorial whisper: “I won’t mention your arm or the wound. Please, go get it cared for. It’s going to be a while, but if anything changes I’ll call you with the number you’ve given us, okay?” Finally, you cave. What else could you do? Sekido was out of your hands- for now. “Okay… Okay. I’ll go,” you mumble. “Maybe I should get the car cleaned, too.” You try to laugh, but it comes out dry and withered. “The whole thing kinda stinks…” Besides, when you finally take Sekido home, you’d like to think he might prefer a clean car.
-------- ≪ °✾° ≫ --------
You return several hours later with a stitched arm, scrubbed seats, and bills you don’t even want to think about. At least you have insurance to cover most of it. Still, maybe you’ll pick up an extra shift- just for a little while. It wouldn’t hurt to have the extra money for Sekido’s needs anyhow. When you walk inside, Angela breaks into a grin, casting a ray of warmth that lightens the load on your heart. “He’s going to be okay, hon!” You release the breath you didn’t know you held, swallowing the lump in your throat. “R-really? Oh my God, that’s incredible!” Angela’s smile widens as she squeezes your hand. “Yes, really! The doctors were able to stabilize him, and he’s responding very well to antibiotics. Isn’t that amazing?” You feel tears of relief welling up in your eyes. Fumbling to express yourself amidst the waves of emotion that suddenly course through you, you manage to gather yourself enough to utter a “thank you!”, though the words come quietly. You wipe away your misty eyes, part of the day's stress melting off. “Thank you!” you say again, stronger this time.
The metal doors of the infirmary open quietly and the man who took Sekido from your car walks in. Somehow he seems even more imposing up close. He looks to Angela, as if investigating the sudden commotion. “John, this is that demon’s owner,” she explains. John greets you with a polite, firm handshake, but his face is grim. It makes you uneasy, and it’s hard to keep a genuine smile on your face as your heart sinks once more. “I’d like you to come with me,” he says, motioning to one of the empty exam rooms. “There are some things I need to discuss with you.”
Your brow furrows at his tone.
He closes the door behind you and leans his back against the exam stable, balancing himself with the palms of his hand. You take your seat on the bench. “Sekido has been stabilized, I’m sure Angela told you,” he started, then hesitates, rubbing his forehead like he had a headache. Finally, he raises his head and looks at you.
“This demon was in the worst condition I have seen... Never in my 25 years of practice have I ever treated a demon in septic shock,” John admits. “Frankly, I hadn’t thought such a thing was even possible considering how quickly the creatures usually heal.” Your eyes widen. You might not know much about demons, but you knew how dangerous blood poisoning was for any living thing. If you hadn’t brought Sekido here, if you had attempted to wait until tomorrow, he likely would have died in your home. The thought of how much this demon has suffered makes your stomach turn, but you try not to let yourself feel too guilty about your original plan to bring him home before a doctor visit. You didn’t know. “How?” How did he get so ill? How could anyone abuse a living person so horrifically? How could you continue to help this man? “Generally, a demon’s wounds will heal rapidly on their own- unless something impedes that process,” the vet repeats.  “Malnutrition and ‘sun-sickness’ are common problems…relatively. Though it’s rare, old age. Demons do age, just at a much, much slower rate than we do. Or, like I found in his blood, wisteria. I think I know how Sekido ended up tied to that tree.” You wait for him to continue, interested in his theory. “While I was shaving Sekido’s matted hair, I found a series of numbers and letters tattooed on the back of his neck, just under his hairline,” John takes a weary breath, and you know that the information he’s about to give you may change how you view your situation entirely. “Considering this, and his blood, I suspect that Sekido is, or was, part of an illicit demon fighting ring- where people force captive demons to fight and place bets on them.”
Your jaw drops, horrified as the eerie revelation casts a more sinister shadow over your limited knowledge of Sekido’s life. “Oh, God…” An underground fighting ring? His rampant hostility made even more sense now. Your stomach twists in disgust. It seems there's no end to humanities cruelty. Dogs, birds, humans, demons- some people revel in the thrill of watching living creatures tear each other apart. There is no honor in these fights, you already know. It is grotesque, a fight for life. For survival.
“His blood is strong. Unlike anything I’ve seen in demons before. If I had to classify it, finding a demon like him is like finding a diamond in a mud pit. He is extremely valuable, to the right people, and his owners paid a lot of money to get him. I’ll cut to the chase- he probably lost a fight, costing someone more money than he was bought with, and he was abandoned for it. His masters dearly wanted him to suffer. That’s the only reason wisteria would be anywhere near a demon. It’s deathly toxic to them,” the vet’s voice cut through the air, shaping the demon's past with grim detail. “Because Sekido is so used to violence and fighting for everything just to survive, he will never be able to live as a normal pet. He reacts to every stressor with violence. We had to sedate him just to finish treating him,” John trails off. You wince at that knowledge, wishing you could have been in the room. Maybe it would’ve helped to have a sort of familiar face nearby while strangers poked and prodded and injected him with odd things- or maybe not. “Listen… There's no easy way to say this, but,” he looks you in the eye, “in my experience, demons like this cannot be rehabilitated. Sekido can never be integrated as a normal companion, much less be around other demons. He will struggle even being around humans.”
Your heart drops.
“I’m very sorry, but despite how valuable this creature is, I would suggest putting Sekido down. For his sake. You tried your best to help him, and that’s admirable,” John said. “He is very lucky to have met someone like you. Not many would have gone through the trouble to free him. But, the fact is that this is a very traumatized, aggressive demon. He’s already attacked you once. I cannot tell you honestly that he won’t do it again.” He placed his hand on your shoulder with a sympathetic smile. “Some wounds run too deep to heal. He is too dangerous for anyone to reasonably handle. A ticking time-bomb that will destroy any normal household he’s put in. I truly believe euthanasia is the best choice for both of you.”
You shake your head. Absolutely not!
John sighs quietly. “We will sedate him again. Sekido will be asleep when it happens so he’s not going to feel anything. He’ll drift off to sleep, and then he’ll be gone. He won’t be afraid, and he won’t feel the cut. He won’t ever know what happened.”
“No!” You couldn’t believe he was suggesting such a thing! Kill Sekido? That was not an option- not ever! John looks at you with pity in his face. Confusion. Maybe a little admiration.
“I don’t mean to be dramatic, but if he attacks again, there is no guarantee you’ll be getting up from it. This demon was conditioned for one thing and one thing only; he is trained to attack with little discrimination. He will kill you. Let Sekido go, and put your kindness towards another demon that needs your help- one that hasn’t lived in such violence. One that isn’t so dangerous.” “But I don’t want another demon,” you protest. You’d never wanted a demon before in your entire life, but Sekido was yours now. You wouldn’t have anyone else. “I promised him…”
“I understand,” John spoke gently. “I really do, but please consider my advice. Sekido is unpredictable and very violent. You cannot control a demon like this except through force- and you don’t seem the type to do that.” “He cannot be trusted,” John finished with finality. “Ever.” You fall silent. He was right, in a way- you wouldn’t harm Sekido regardless of what he did. You couldn’t even find it in you to fault him for the stitches that made your forearm itch. But he was also wrong about your demon. Sekido had shown that he could cooperate, albeit when it suited him, with little resistance except some rude words. He’d shown the ability to care, briefly, when he kept your arm from bleeding out with his own rags. He wouldn’t have done that if he’d meant to kill or if he had no impulse control. Right? “If he attacks me, let that be between him and me,” you reply firmly. “I did not go through all this just so you could kill my demon!”
John begins to speak, but you cut him off with a dismissive wave of your hand. “He’s a living being, not a broken tool. It’s not his fault what he’s been through,” you argue passionately, anger seeping into your words. “I know it won’t be easy. I… I am shocked that this is his past, but I didn’t expect helping him to be easy! Sekido deserves to know what a life of peace is like. He needs to know what it is for someone to care about him, and I want to give him that- nobody else is going to give him that chance!” John stares at you with disbelief and frustration. “You don’t understand what he’s capable of,” he insists, his voice raising slightly. 
You shake your head, refusing to relent. “Maybe I don’t fully understand, but I’m willing to try. That's more than anyone ever has for him.” The silence stretches between you, heavy with tension. You can see John grappling with your words, his mind racing. “You’re taking a huge risk,” he finally says, his tone softening just a bit. “You could be killed.” “I’m aware of the risks,” you reply, your voice steady. “But sitting back and doing nothing isn’t an option. Living in fear isn’t a life at all. Sekido deserves a chance, just like anyone else.” Part of you realizes that John simply doesn't want to see you hurt, and you can appreciate that. But you can take care of yourself, you think, and this is your decision to make.
John stares at you with a bewildered look, then relents with an exasperated sigh. “Nothing’s going to change your mind, huh? Alright… I know when I’ve been beat. Do you really believe you can help a demon as dangerous as this?” he asks softly. “I believe I’m the only one who will try,” you repeat. You couldn’t understand why anyone would treat a demon like this- people gave more of a chance to violent dogs! “Like I said, if he tries to hurt me again then let that be between me and him. However,” you hesitate, “if… if he hurts someone else while in my care, then I’ll bring him in.” ‘For euthanasia’, was the end you didn’t want to add. There was no reason to anyway- it was obvious what you had meant. You hoped John would accept the compromise. He’s quiet, contemplative for a long minute and just when you think he’ll refuse, he speaks.
“I’ll agree to that,” he finally said. “But, considering the unconventional circumstances and because we don’t usually do this, I will provide a liability form for you to sign that will release this establishment and its employees of all responsibility should you be harmed by this demon. If you want to take Sekido home, then signing is mandatory.” You respond with a subtle nod, easily picking up the blatant effort to escape a looming lawsuit as the vet exits the room. If something happened, you really would be on your own. There would be no recourse, nobody to turn to or blame but yourself. John returns several minutes later with a stack of papers that he slides in front of you. You hesitate only a moment, then lower your hand to the signature lines. The pen you use to bind yourself to your demon is filled with dark ink that puddles and smudges into the creases of paper. The vet gives you a quiet nod as he takes the form and he taps them on the desk, forcing them into unity. “We will need to keep Sekido in our care for the next 24 hours so we can continue to monitor his condition, but he should be waking up soon, if you’d like to see him?” A whole day? With the state he arrived in, you weren’t surprised, but still… you were glad it was your weekend away from work. God, what were you gonna do about work? You… you had paid sick days still, right? Yeah. You’d use those to get Sekido settled in a bit before returning to your 9-5. “Where is he?” John leads you to the room where Sekido is recovering and motions for you to go inside before leaving. You open the steel door slowly. Quietly. Unsure of how Sekido might react. He lies on a white cot with his eyes closed and his signature frown on his face. There are IV’s connected to his arm, pumping him full of a clear liquid. The room is quiet, except for the sounds of the heart monitor and the demon’s soft breathing. Despite his usual furrowed brows, he looks almost relaxed. He occasionally makes a noise in his sleep that you can’t decide whether it’s a growl or a snore. Though the vet had warned you about shaving Sekido’s hair, it was odd to see him with such short locks. Only about an inch had been left- still filthy with dandruff and muck, twigs and blood, but no longer weighing on his head in thick drapes of clumped hair. As you sit in the chair beside him, you can see a little of the tattoo that had been mentioned. ‘HAN-2S…’ It looked like there was more, but it was hidden around the other side of his neck. You wondered what those letters and numbers meant, whether it was just to label him like a barcode. You wonder if his previous owners used the name Sekido gave you, or if they called him by that tattoo. Again, you think it's better you don’t know, though you can't help but ponder what stories and pain lie beneath that ink. However, deep down, you know that delving into his past might only lead to more questions, and you wouldn't ask him to relive the memories anyway. When you gingerly reach to brush a bit of cut hair off his forehead, he stirs.
Sekido’s eyes slowly open and squint groggily against the light. Then, he groans as his sight lands on you. “... What… do you want?” the demon scowls slowly, obviously fighting against the drugs he’d been given. You don’t know what he’s asking. You want him safe. And healthy. And alive. His well-being has become your top priority overnight. You're willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that he recovers- no matter the challenges. Even if it means facing that scowl every single day. He scoffs at your confused look, takes a breath. “Nobody is nice to demons just because,” he says. Can’t believe you’re still there- that you hadn’t left him at the first opportunity.  “Nobody cares about things like me. Not unless they want something- so what the fuck do you want?” “Nothing,” you reply, ignoring his aggressive tone. “I want nothing. Just for you to heal.”
Sekido stares at you bitterly. Doesn’t believe you for even a second in his deep-rooted mistrust of humanity. Is afraid to consider that you might be telling the truth. His voice, gruff and menacing, warns, “I’ll hurt you,” in a blend of caution and threat, but you’ll stand firm either way. Even if it is a threat you can’t bring yourself to be afraid of him anymore. Somehow… despite John’s insistence about the danger he brings, you don’t really believe that Sekido will hurt you again. The demon looks away from you with a sigh of weary resignation as he shakes his head, his lips thin and vision distant. He pulls the heavy hospital blanket up his chest, knuckles pale with the strength that he grips that poor blanket.
“You can't save me,” the words leave his lips in gravelly despair as closes his eyes, wanting to ignore your obnoxious presence while he wonders why you won’t just leave him alone.“I want to try, ” you tell him. Won’t accept his words as truth. Won’t accept that he believes redemption of any kind is beyond his reach. “I'm gonna try.” Sekido’s eyes snap open and he turns to you with another appraising glare. Then, finally, his lips tug slightly up with a snorted half-laugh. “... Then you are a fool,” Sekido spat. “Yeah, maybe,” you agree quietly. You don’t know what else to say to that. What does one even say to that? How do you comfort a man who believes he’s beyond saving? How do you convince someone they deserve to be saved? Sekido closes his eyes again, falling silent. You might’ve thought he was asleep again except for his ragged breaths. “I’ll, uh… I’ll let you get some rest, okay?” you mutter awkwardly. You don’t expect a response from the grumpy demon- didn’t wait for one. Didn’t want to hear him bark more disdain at you. So you stand and leave him to his devices. It didn’t make his lack of response any less disappointing, but you weren’t sure what you wanted him to say anyway. You don’t see Sekido watching you as you leave, an amused smirk tugging his lips.
-------- ≪ °✾° ≫ --------
You return for him the next morning, interrupted from your frantic attempts to get your home at least partially company-worthy in the short hours you had since leaving the infirmary. You still can’t believe all the chaos has happened, but the aching punctures in your arm leave little room for doubt- throbbing reminders of the harrowing night. Sekido is awake when you arrive, glaring at anyone who walks past his half-curtained glass doors as if the demon expects them to harass him at any second.  The flicker of aggression in his eyes and clenched fists, a dare for anyone to cross him, contrasts with his physical condition. One of his fangs poke his bottom lip so hard it draws blood, like tiny ruby orbs on his skin. If you did not know his strength, you could’ve mistaken his sickly body as harmless. Frail. His gaze does not soften when it sees you, unyielding in his defiance even as you draw the curtains fully to give the room its privacy.
You had come as soon as you’d received Angela’s call that Sekido had nearly been medically cleared. Obeying traffic laws this time, you made your way to the vet with a nervous heart. Some part of you was… excited, almost. It’s been a long time since you’ve had a housemate. Once they finish their checklist of procedures, Sekido would be discharged from the hospital and entrusted to your care. Into your home.
You take a deep breath as you pull into the parking lot, wondering if he will ever look at you with anything but contempt. Your heart aches for the wounded man who believes nobody could ever want to help him without a hidden agenda. You hope that in time, perhaps Sekido will come to accept you and that you two will become friends. Has he ever had friends, the thought crosses your mind before it can be stopped. You shake your head, knowing that Sekido has likely never had someone he can count on. Not anytime recently, at least. You resolve to be that person for him. It's going to take time. You know it’s going to take time- a lot of effort, of compromise, but you’re going to break through the spiny, angry walls he’s built around himself, whether the cantankerous demon appreciates it or not.
A nurse quietly arrives to check your demon one last time, his hands gingerly lifting the bandages on his wounds. Sekido flinches slightly, his body and limbs tensing… then he hisses, a low and menacing sound. You see the nurse try not to jump and shift in your seat, unsure what to do. Should you reach out? Talk to him? Reassure your demon that nobody is going to hurt him? Would that make him more upset?
You wonder what Sekido might have been like had the world not been so cruel- solemnly accept that you’ll never know as he snaps defensively when the nurse accidentally prods a little too hard.
The nurse quickly rewraps Sekido’s arm and leaves without a word, though you see the shudder in his shoulders as he closes the door behind him. A sigh of relief that he no longer had to deal with a dangerous, irritable, unpredictable creature like Sekido. Now, the demon watches you. His silence is deafening, and you can’t help but wonder what thoughts swirl in his mind as he stares, stone-cold with barely kept irritation. “So…this is it, huh?” You ask, clearing your throat. Your nervousness is unhidden in the way your voice wobbles, fracturing the already uncomfortable silence. “Time to go home…”
The weight behind those words hangs in the air as Sekido studies you for what seems like an eternity. Like he hasn’t processed your words. Like you’ve grown another head.
“What?” he chokes, but tries to hide it with another grumble, “You…?” “You’re coming home with me, remember? I’m, uh… adopting you,” you manage to stammer under the strength of his disbelief, your voice wilting. “I already signed the papers…”
Sekido’s eyes widen in shock, his mouth opening and closing wordlessly in his attempts to even grasp the concept. You were actually taking him home? A hint of vulnerability seeps through his steely composure, a mix of confusion and disbelief- then anger, in the crimson that colored his narrow eyes. “Are you out of your mind?” he snarls, his voice dangerously low. His hands curled into fists again. The room seems to shrink around you as tension thickens the air, his piercing gaze locking onto you with an emotion you can’t quite put a name on. The silence hangs heavy, your words lost in the seething glare of a demon that reads like a warning. You say nothing. You had to be at least a little out of your mind. But you wouldn’t back down. No matter what the demon said. “Adopting,” Sekido repeats slowly, like he’s tasting the word. His lips curl over his fangs with disgust. “Legally, yes,” you nod. Honestly, you weren’t a fan of the process either, or the idea of ‘owning’ someone so human. But, whatever it takes, right? His reaction to the news strikes you as ice-cold despite the fiery temper in him. You almost smile at the private joke. Then, he speaks. “Are you inviting me to your home? Knowing that I’ll hurt you?” he questions. Scoffs. You reach instinctively to pat his shoulder, reassure him that, “You won’t hurt me.” From whom were you comforting him? Himself? His past? You? You aren’t sure.  “I know you won’t.” “You know nothing,” he hisses bitterly, punctuating his words by swatting your hand away. You pull your hand back, rubbing it lightly to soothe the sting. Sekido staunchly avoids looking at you, glares out the open windows. A soft breeze blows against white curtains- they are too pure in their color, in your opinion. Like the very material had been bleached of its soul. For a moment, all that’s heard is the wind and cheerful chirping of house sparrows as they flit around outside. “Do you think that will change my mind?” you ask, softly breaking the silence. “I’ve made my decision.”
“It’s a stupid decision,” Sekido argues. Part of you is almost touched that he seems so concerned for your safety. The other part frowns that he thinks of himself as a threat. “But it’s made,” you reply easily. He says nothing after that, just snorts in disbelief as you both stand your grounds- like two warriors on the opposing sides of a battlefield. No further words are spoken, but the conversation continues in the silence, like the room itself is waiting for resolution. The sparrows continue to sing their songs, oblivious to the standoff inside the building. Finally, there is the smallest, reluctant bow of Sekido’s head, and you feel the tension easing from your shoulders. You can’t do this without him, even if he doesn’t really have a choice- no matter how much you wanted to pretend otherwise. An hour later, the final test results come back and Sekido is officially released from the hospital. With the blood poisoning dealt with, the demon should recover fully and quickly, the vet assured you as he hands another stack of papers to you. An assistant wheels over a chair, but Sekido refuses it, staggering to his feet as you finish paying the final bills at the front counter. Even ill as he is, he refused to show weakness. What he perceived as weakness. What he was taught is frailty, failure, feebleness, punishable by whips and starvation and fear.
The doctors try to reach out to steady him as he stumbles, but he shakes off their help with another warning growl.  They don’t bother attempting it again. Sekido moves slowly and deliberately, taking each step with careful rigidness. His bare toes stretch out to maintain his wobbly balance with every stride. As he catches sight of cloud-muffled daylight at the end of the hall, it seems like he quickens his pace. You don’t try to slow him, despite pointed, almost judgemental looks from the staff. You want out of the hospital too. Finally Sekido reaches the glass doors and stops.
He does not look back, but waits at the edge of the spotless black carpet that serves as a doormat, his fingers twitching in his desire to simply grab the handle and escape.
No one stops the two of you as you open the door for him, because you know he won’t leave the building himself without permission, like a dog trained to wait at the entryways of a house. It’s easy to locate your vehicle, sparkling clean as it is. That aside, it’s the only car in the lot that isn’t owned by employees of the hospital.
Sekido walks just ahead of you, stumbles twice and then leans on the back doors as his chest shudders.
“No,” you say carefully and point to the passenger seat. “You can sit up there, Sekido. Next to me.”
And again he gives you an incredulous look, like he can’t comprehend the thought. With your gentle urging, he grasps the door handle, then cautiously opens it with a flick of his pointed ear- alert for any sound that might indicate you’ve changed your mind. That you’ve tricked him.
You wait for him to climb in before taking the driver's seat.
The ride home is uncomfortably silent, but you don’t try to hold a conversation either- too lost in your own thoughts and too nervous to attempt to quell your demon’s rigid posture. He’s so stiff one might think he were a statue, except for the radar-like swivel of his ears that takes in every sudden noise with practiced precision. It would be very cute, except that you know it’s a habit he must have obtained in defense- to protect himself from further harassment at the hands of his old masters.
A passer-by's questioning glance is enough to fuel Sekido’s ire. The old woman stares fixedly out of her window and narrows her eyes at the man beside you. It's as if she knows he doesn't belong there, Sekido thinks. As if it's even her business. A rumble builds in the demon’s throat, his fangs piercing his lip once more. When the passenger of another car, a young child, makes mocking motions towards the demon, Sekido snarls, forcefully striking the window. You jump in surprise, your hands tightening on the wheel instinctively. “Sekido!” The exclamation bursts from you, unintentionally loud, spooking the demon from his own thoughts. His long ears flatten against his head, his crimson eyes briefly meeting yours before averting his gaze, accompanied with a subdued growl that slips through his bared teeth. Like he’s warning you away. Like he expects you to hit him. Like you’re one of those horrid people who beat him for misbehaving. You take a breath to steady yourself- remind yourself that you agreed to this, to the commitment, to supporting him, and to the challenges you know he comes with and the challenges sure to surprise you, and you lower your voice to a more soothing tone. “Hey,” you start uncomfortably in an attempt to maintain the barely noticeable trust you have with your demon, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. You startled me, is all.” You offer a small, reassuring smile as you slow to a red light. You hope he understands. His gaze meets yours again, slightly less hard, and then he turns to watch the scenery fly past again.
Luckily the streets are pretty empty aside from that and those that drive ahead of you mind their business enough to not taunt the traumatized demon in your car, saving you from whatever other outburst the demon might unleash if provoked again. As you pull into your driveway, the car comes to a gentle stop. Your small, one-bedroom apartment awaits. It may not be extravagant, but it's home. The front lawn is neatly mowed, and the plants in the garden beds beneath your windows flourish in still-living shades of green. Sekido observes it all with a quick glance. If he has any grievances, he keeps them to himself - maybe out of reluctance, maybe out of deeply hidden gratitude. Anything is better than before. “Well… we’re here,” you say. You can see your neighbor across the street peeking through their curtains to peer at what’s going on, the nosy bastards they are. You roll your eyes once you’re turned away from them. At least they make a good casserole during the holidays. You just hope they won’t try to come over with unwanted ‘friendly advice’ on how to deal with your demon like they had with your wilting plants. Somehow you knew their advice wouldn’t be as kind to Sekido. You fumble your keys as you open your front door. Only then, just as you’re about to lock the car, do you realize that Sekido hasn’t left the vehicle. He hasn’t even unbuckled himself. He’s sitting there, cloudy sunlight on clean leather seats, staring at the house like he doesn’t believe he’s even here. This is a house, he thinks, not a shed, or a cage, or an underground garage. A real house, where people live and don’t dread seeing its form on the horizon. A house where he, apparently, will be permitted to live, inside like a.. Like a person and not a simple slave-tool of violence. He can hardly believe it, swallows rough against his dry throat. “Sekido?” You call gently. “C’mon, it looks like it’s gonna rain.” He could smell it in the air, the sharp dampness of a summer storm.  Tepid wind rustles the trees in your yard, sending dry leaves across the street. Sekido opens the passenger door, just a couple inches, then pushes it wide. His bare feet tentatively touch rough cement as he exits the vehicle. When the doors snap closed again, he flinches at the sound. Your demon follows you slowly, as if fearing you might just laugh and throw him in the backyard to take shelter under an old, rusty kennel like the men who trained him had. He had refused to bow that low- had sat with his knees under him and his hands in his lap, with eyes closed against biting, frosty rain and wind that chilled him to the bone, leaving a muddy puddle under his weight. The men had found no amusement in his defiance- abusing him with rods of steel as if they thought they could beat the spirit from him like the blood that thickened the murk. But, you aren’t those people and though he does not trust you, he reluctantly steps onto your wooden floors. Your home is… lived-in, he notices as he glances around your belongings. Stray books and items litter the bookshelves and coffee table, alongside a succulent or two. It needs cleaned, Sekido thinks. You smile apologetically, like you know what is going through his mind. Like you’re embarrassed. “I wasn’t expecting guests,” you rub the back of your neck with a sheepish look, moving a group of magazines into a neat stack. “I’ll be right back, okay? Feel free to explore.” You leave the room to quickly finish cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen- a process you’d been in the middle of when the hospital called. Sekido says nothing, but continues to take in his surroundings. It’s not a bad house, he admits to himself.
Sunlight filters through the large window, casting a warm glow over the room. A faint scent of the coffee you’d been preparing that morning lingers in the air, creating a sense of comfort and homeliness. Your walls are adorned with colorful paintings and photographs, each telling a story of its own. Sekido’s eyes linger on family photos of moments now frozen in time. The creativity and warmth that fills the space makes it feel inviting despite the slightly cluttered appearance. Sekido's gaze wanders to a worn-out armchair in the corner, where you have probably spent countless hours reading and relaxing. It's a cozy little nook in an otherwise chaotic room. With a slight nod of approval that you don’t see in the other room, he finally breaks his silence. “Hmph.” Your home may not be perfect, but it has a charm that is uniquely yours. You return quickly, within just a couple minutes, but Sekido stands right where you’d left him, looking about uneasily. You take a hesitant step forward. “Sorry, I didn’t have quite enough time to finish up the kitchen before I left,” you apologize. “I didn’t want anything to start going rancid, you know?” Not for the first time that day, he gives you a perplexed look. “Humans don’t apologize to demons,” he mutters, like he’s scolding you on what’s right and wrong. “We aren’t worthy of it.” The phrase makes you wince- a horrid reminder that despite what you do know of Sekido’s past, you really know nothing at all. And you definitely aren’t sure how you’re supposed to fix him. “You are to me.” Again, he freezes, grunts as he glares at the wall. Anywhere he didn’t have to meet your gaze. But… Maybe you aren’t supposed to ‘fix’ someone like him at all. Maybe it would be good enough, right now, simply to teach him how to be alive. Is he hungry, you ponder? You don’t bother asking. You chastise yourself for even thinking it was a good question- the demon looks half starved! Instead you apologize, again, quietly- awkwardly. Your inelegance is enough to have him smirking behind your back, amused as you fumble words and thoughts. “You can sit if you want,” you tell him again, hoping he’ll take a seat on the sofa, or armchair. He grunts. Doesn’t make any attempt to move. You make your way to the kitchen to cut a small ribeye steak you’d planned on eating yourself into strips and small, easy-to-chew cubes. That should… this should be fine, right? All sources you’d searched said raw meat was just fine for demons. Not that you trusted the authors to have the best in mind for them. You hesitate, then take half the meat out and put that in another bowl before covering it and placing it back in the refrigerator. The last thing you needed was the demon vomiting again, you shudder as you stride into the living room, ignoring his subtle sniffing of the air, and the wetness shining on the corner of his mouth.
Sekido eyes you suspiciously as you hold the bowl out to him- refusing to put it on the ground like he’s some sort of animal. This is a trap. It has to be, he reasoned. He’s done nothing to earn the food, so you must be trying to trick him. But… you hold that bowl of meat tantalizingly close- enough that his pupils dilate at the smell of it and his body tries to lurch forward despite his wishes. The demon takes a rigid step back when you push your arm further towards him as his fingers twitch with desire to grab at the promise of the first bit of food he’s had in weeks. Drool finally trickles down one corner of his mouth and he shakes his head viciously. “Take it,” you order him in the unwillingness to even entertain the idea that Sekido wasn’t allowed to eat if he wished, and suddenly he couldn’t even pretend to have self-control enough to stop himself. The meat was gone from the bowl, shoveled into his mouth like a starving dog. He swallows without bothering to chew before you can even say a word, once, twice, hard enough that he's nearly choking on the fat, and then it’s over and his ears are pinned back and his eyes dart around with feverish intensity as if you’re going to punish him- even as his tongue licks the grease from the bowl. You can’t take the food from him. He won’t let you. Not when it’s the first thing he’s eaten in weeks. Not when he can feel the miniscule amount of protein and iron already in his system. Not when it takes his aches away so quickly. To his shock, you don’t do anything he expects you to. You don’t shout or curse or grab a stick to hit him with. In fact, you slowly back away and give the demon space while he glares at you with a practiced rage meant to hide his fear. His shoulders are tense, spine like a spring to recoil at the slightest sign of danger, but after what seems like another eternity, his gaze drops, and your own back relaxes. His grip on the bowl tightens. You decide to maintain your calm demeanor, but the decision seems to unsettle him more than any visible irritation would. He does not ease his grip on the bowl, staring at you. “Do you want more?” You ask gently. He doesn’t answer, meeting the kind gesture with narrowed eyes. You’re offering him more food? He hadn’t even earned the first bowl. Surely, you’re tricking him, he thinks again. But… “Yes,” he grumbles quietly, “Master.” Relinquishes his grip on the bowl as he hands it back with quivering hands. The title makes you flinch, stings like a bitter wound, and you nearly drop the blood-streaked bowl as a deep frown pulls at your lips. It’s another awful reminder of the reality of your roles- of the role's society wanted to force. Sekido, sensing your inner turmoil, reacts by flattening his ears once more. Displeased. He had displeased you. Was that not what he was to call his owner? That is what he had been forced to call all owners before you. “No,” you disagree gently, holding firm at his bewildered expression. “Listen, Sekido. You don’t need to call me that. My name is fine, or whatever else you want. Just… not ‘master’ or ‘owner’ or anything else that makes it sound like you’re beneath me.” “You are my owner,” he snarls again, insisting as if acknowledging otherwise would shake him to his core. Like he’s trying to educate you on how to treat a demon. “I do not own you, Sekido,” you explain carefully. Except legally, you didn’t say, didn’t think it needed to be… You think of that legality as only something society forced. Wouldn’t have even signed the papers except that it was necessary. “We’re equals, okay? You’re the master of yourself. I want you to make decisions for yourself and do things because you want to, not because you think it would make me happy, do you understand?” And again, he looks at you like you’ve grown another head, and you briefly wonder if maybe you’re being a little too honest. But… somehow, you think he might appreciate it- eventually. Sekido doesn’t seem to like sugarcoating things. You just hope you don’t sound too corny.
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just-null · 3 months ago
Yknow that pic where that drunk lady kissed lipstick marks all over her cat? All I can imagine is doing this to the clones each time I get home
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[the pic in question!]
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#null rot#cloaked cult member#kny#kimetsu no yaiba#null kny pet au#demon slayer#yandere kimetsu no yaiba#yandere demon slayer#yandere kny#yandere hantengu#Hantengu#hantengu clones#sekido#karaku#urogi#aizetsu#can you tell whos the more annoying of the guys#CATS. AN AU WHERE THEYRE CATS UNDER YOUR CARE AND THEY CARE ABT YOU A BIT TOO MUCH.#ALSO YES THEIR HAIR IS MESSY AS HELL CAUSE YOU HAVE TO GO ALL IN. THATS WHY THE KISS MARKS ARE SMUDGED TOO#theyre less violent in this au since theyre usually at home w you.. theyre just like. super clingy and spoiled#them as annoying ass cats.... the type to call (meow) out for you REALLY LOUDLY if you go behind a door cause youre their owner#what the hell are you doing leaving them alone?????#or the type to like lap over your lap obnoxiously if youre clearly busy. and purposely brush their tail over your face so you focus on them#i can see them being so spoiled and entitled to your attention but antagonize any guests that come by. they want to scratch at them SO BAD#but so they wont get in trouble w you. they listen for now#bro if they get smooches like this whenever you come home theyre THRIVING. what do you MEAN you need to go to bed. HURRY UP.#they just kinda hang around the house or leave for a stroll (to find you) then come back cause they cant miss their daily smoochies#if they miss out? punching the ground. annoying you. waking you up. telling you that you that he's late. dont leave him out or he'll DIE#(he wont)#annoying ass entitled cat boys...... spits
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phantasmiafxndom · 2 years ago
Kny pet au: I want to take in all hantengu clones and nurse them all back to full health. Their hair is definitely tangled and they totally stink from never having a bath, don't know I'll work around Karaku having odd reactions to touch in order to bath him.
This request will focus on the bath part~ :3
. . .
It's a good idea to keep him muzzled during the bath. That may seem cruel, but all of the unfamiliar handling and sensation is likely to end in Sekido lashing out at you if you don't. The warm water feels undeniably good and your touch doesn't hurt, but he's still painfully on edge and instinctively waiting for the pain to start. Every little bit of contact makes him growl and twitch, but afterward, when he's clean and dry and warm for the first time in probably ever, he's far more grateful than he wants you to know.
He's a bit agitated going in, but once the warm water and gentle touches register, he's going limp and almost cross-eyes from the pleasure response kicking in. You'll have to manhandle him quite a bit (Karaku is basically a ragdoll at that point), but he's leaning into your hands and all but whimpering as the touching continues. Having his hair washed is utter bliss, even if he can still hardly believe he's allowed to melt into the heat like this. Now that he knows how good baths feel, they might as well be a reward.
Though he doesn't have the will to resist very much, being handled and exposed is awful. Aizetsu tries to stay curled up and hidden from as much potential abuse as possible— but even though he's shaking and biting back sobs, he's too weak to stop you from moving his body as you need to. All of the touching is terrifying at the same time that it feels unbearably good, and soon enough, the heat and gentle contact gets the better of him. He's half-asleep by the time you're done, and so very pliant.
He's never been in a proper bath before (in the past, it was the hose at best), so the unfamiliar situation is both exciting and highly overstimulating. Urogi keeps squirming and twitching his wings and trying to stand up— the water on his skin feels weird, but you're touching him so much that the whole experience still registers as a reward. You're bound to get soaked in the process, but he's awfully cute afterward when he's still half-damp. His feathers end up all puffy and fluffed while he's getting dry.
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sodamors · 2 years ago
hantengu clones pet au headcanons
DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. read at your own risk. this is bad.
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> in the present, humans are no longer the prey of demons. the further development of high-concentration of wisteria poisons, as well as the integration of tranquilliser bullets, has gained humans the upper hand.
> wisteria weakens the demons, disallowing their use of their blood demon art, if the poison is concentrated enough.
> muzan has gone dormant, and the demons he’s made are left to their own devices.
> most demons often surrender themselves to be captured, and sometimes domesticated.
> the main body was hunted down, and then cut, so the clones formed. However, they were overwhelmed before they could form Zohakuten.
> they no longer look *exactly* the same, since they’ve been treated differently.
> They had been separated upon capture, then shipped to all sorts of places. Here’s what happened to them.
once again, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. read at your own risk. this is real bad.
graphic depictions of violence, torture, starvation, nsfw, mental and physical abuse, experimentation, absolutely inhumane acts, no comfort whatsoever
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sekido • graphic depictions of violence.
> for his aggressiveness, Sekido was brought to an underground fighting ring, where rich people place bets on their favourite demons.
> he’s lost many rounds, resulting in beatings and whips, from angered betters who lost money from trusting his agression. They would pay the guards to starve him as punishment, and he would hunger for weeks on end.
> sometimes, before a fight, the betters will starve him again, but not for too long. This is so that he would become more aggressive for food, and that he’ll try to eat his opponent.
> Sekido’s body still has muscle, albeit little fat. his skin is covered in countless scars; bite marks, burns, whipping, stabs, etc. All of them are half-healed, his malnutrition disallowing his recovery.
> he no longer has his kimono, since all “clothing” are taken away from the demons. It is imposed that they deserve no covering, since their only purpose is to fight.
> because of his aggression, he is forced to wear a muzzle off-arena. It’s tight and bites into his skin, causing a terrible rash around his cheeks and neck.
> Sekido’s left leg is broken, the knee shattered and the ankle twisted at an grotesque angle. Since he’s not one of the top fighters, he is given no medical attention, and is left to feel a constant ache.
> he rarely fights anymore, and is left in his cell to remain in agony.
> but he’s more of a ‘safety net’ for betters, since he cannot die. The main body remains unharmed, so Sekido has no choice but to endure and live through all that happens to him.
~ Sekido greatly regrets speaking harshly to his counterparts, because in the end, he cared about them. He missed them all; Karaku, Aizetsu, Urogi. he just wants to see them again.
~ he hates himself for being so weak, wishing he found a way to heal faster. But it is never possible with an empty stomach.
~ Sekido hates sleeping, since it’s a form of weakness and vulnerability. But he’s become so weak and starved that he has no choice, and when he does sleep, all he sees are his brothers.
~ He often sleep talks their names, and is prodded and sometimes beaten by guards to make him stay silent.
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karaku • nsfw.
> Karaku was originally brought to another underground fighting ring, but one of the betters found him cute, and bought him.
> but since then, he’s been majorly neglected by that better, who was an impulsive buyer and only played with him for a day.
> he was resold to one of the buyer’s friends, who placed him in an exotic sex house. People go there to fuck with animals and stuff. demons were of the same level of animals, so Karaku was a ‘perfect fit’.
> he’s often tied down in compromising positions, allowing for patrons to use him however they want. Sometimes they inject him with aphrodisiacs, so his body would react better to their actions.
> they feed him considerably well, making sure that he stays good-looking. The food is often raw pork mixed with blood. Karaku eats it all up because he’a often tired after long, excruciating hours of twisted people using his body for fun.
> he often has a muzzle, since his sharp teeth are a hazard to patrons. The muzzle can be swapped out for all sorts of gags and whatnot. His nails are clipped and often he wears gloves to prevent patrons from getting scratched by him. He has a shock collar that activates either when he disobeys an order, or when a patron uses it to fulfil their twisted desires.
> he feels a constant, dull pain in his abdomen, because unbeknownst to the house owners, his insides had gotten ruptured by one overly-excited patron. Karaku needs human flesh to heal better, but since he’s just given pork, the healing process isn’t going well.
> whenever he’s used, he would whimper and hiss because of the pain, but patrons just assume it’s because of the stimulation, and continue ramming directly into the spot that hurts him so much.
~ he constantly wishes for everything to end, for someone to find the main body and just kill it.
~ he hates that he feels this way, since he knows he’s supposed to be the manifestation of pleasure, and that he should be feeling good, right?
~ Karaku has given up almost completely, often laying motionless when left alone, showing no signs of trying to escape.
~ his body is maintained by the owners and not him, and they punish him (shock collar) whenever he doesn’t eat.
~ Karaku often thinks about how life was before all of this agony, and wonders where his counterparts are now. He wants so badly to get back to them, and for all of this to end.
~ at night, he would sometimes cry because he misses them so much. But he keeps his cries quiet because he doesn’t want to be punished for making noise.
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aizetsu • experimentation.
> unlike the rest, Aizetsu wasn’t sold anywhere (underground fighting, sex shop, etc). the original captors kept him, but sold the rest to fund their activities.
> his captors are in a scientific organisation, and he is one of their test subjects. His register number is 412G and he is kept in their more reinforced rooms.
> they have the main hantengu body, and understand that as long as it is unharmed, Aizetsu should regenerate.
> they experiment on him often, since his special case allows him not to die.
> they develop concentrated wisteria poison and inject it into him to witness the effects, and how long it takes in theory for a demon to fight it.
> whenever this happens, aizetsu cries and tries to huddle in the corner of the lab, because all the wisteria does is burn.
> his insides light on fire and his intestines feel as if they’re rupturing all at once. He screams, twisting and contorting himself, trying to find salvation from the pain but to no avail.
> the burning can last for days on end, as they inject higher and higher concentrations of wisteria. Aizetsu wails and shivers as the scientists show no mercy when handling him, using machinery to hold him in place when necessary.
> they don’t use anaesthesia because they ‘need to see the true effects’.
> Aizetsu is only fed water, and other nutrients are injected into him every morning, afternoon and evening. He also has a exercise routine, but he barely follows instructions, and remains shivering in the corner.
> aizetsu is extremely shifty, sobbing whenever someone tries to get close.
> sometimes, they use Aizetsu for psychological experimentation-
> leaving him starved for days on end, then seeing if he would eat, even if it means getting electrocuted when approaching the food.
> depriving him of breathing for several minutes, until he was barely conscious, and then ringing a bell. They will then see if ringing the bell independently will cause him to go dizzy.
> etc.
> Aizetsu often bites his nails from anxiety, so much that his fingers sometimes bleed.
> scientists ensure there are no sharp objects nearby, otherwise Aizetsu would try to cut himself.
~ Aizetsu never stops crying.
~ he horribly misses his counterparts, no matter ‘how annoying’ they were in the past. Day by day, he wishes he never scrutinised them when they were around. They were the only family he knew, and now they’re gone.
~ he has a horrible feeling that they’re experiencing things like he is, and maybe even worse. He often throws up at the thought, and is reprimanded by the scientists.
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urogi • broken.
> urogi had been sold to a collector of sorts.
> the collector in question actually only wanted his wings and talons, so after purchase, requested for Urogi to be declawed and his wings amputated.
> in the waiting for the declawing/dewinging appointment, urogi thought that his owner cared about him, and was content with the care he didn’t know was only temporary.
> Urogi would fluff up in excitement whenever he saw food or the owner themselves.
> when the day came, urogi was obedient and friendly, thinking that he would be fine.
> but terror hit him when they strapped him down to the operating table, and took out the knives and tools they were going to use on him.
> it was an excruciating five hours-
> his wings were slowly removed, and he screamed and cried and tried to tell them to stop, but they put a shock collar on him to shut him up. The operators were unaffected since they wore rubber gloves.
> he had no choice but to silently endure the pain, soft whines of agony escaping him time to time. The blade dug into his precious, beloved wings, and soon enough, he found tears streaming down his face.
> and then his position changed. Since the owner did not care for him and only his wings and claws, the operators could do anything with the rest. They placed him on his back, sending sharp, violent pains throughout his body, the open wounds of his wing-bases pressed on the table.
> and his arms were strapped above his head, and bright lights shown on his face.
> he screamed again, causing another shock through his neck, and to follow that up, he felt a sharp piercing red feeling at his knuckles.
> his talons were pried off his fingers, from their very bases, at his knuckles. They tore of the surrounding skin bit by bit, forcing whine after whimper out of him, ignoring all forms of pleading.
> his remaining body, robbed of all of his prized features, was left in the warehouse of the collector.
> chained up to a pole, he softly squeaks at any shadow that moves, hoping and praying for rescue.
> stuck starving to death, but since the main body was unharmed, but he would never die.
~ urogi simply waits until his counterparts would come get him.
~ whenever they fought, they had his back, didn’t they? Wouldn’t they help him now?
~ why weren’t they coming? Did they forget him?
~ and the horrible realisation, that they were maybe captured too, dawned upon him, and his heart screamed in terror and denial.
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battydora · 2 years ago
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masterlist | rules | pinned post
synopsis: they lose a bet and they have to take a shot from your breasts (inspired by: this tiktok)
cw: suggestive, drabbles, modern au, human hantengu (i refer to them as demons anyways lol), gn. reader (afab), written with a chubby reader in mind, reader has big breasts, pet names, consensual, mentions of alcohol, drinking games, teasing, + sekido's confession
note: i saw that tiktok and can't stop thinking about it, so i decided to do it with hantengu clones, self indulgent because i want to stop feeling insecure about my chest and i need them to drink a shot from my tiddies, yeah that'll do it. i wanted to do this only with sekido but the others can join too bye im so gross about these four (btw sekido is my favourite so his part is longer, i'm not sorry) btw karaku is shamelessly dirty lmao i love him
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"haha! you lost, urogi!" karaku's voice yelled as he jumped from his seat on the ground, throwing his cards to the table out of excitement.
"ah, screw you, karaku" the joy demon complained, also throwing his cards to the table aswell looking rather annoyed, side eyeing you. he hid the fact of actually being excited about losing a bet, i mean, with a bet like that who would like to win? whatever's the case, he remained calm and collected despite everything.
"oh that's a shame" your voice spoke, sarcasm asserting presence in your tone, you were obviously not against the idea, you agreed this from the very beggining because, come on, how could you not take the chance of any of these four to bury his face into your chest?
you grab the little glass and the bottle of vodka from the table and start serving a shot. the four demons dagged their glares at you as you unbottoned a... suggestive amount of bottons of your shirt, a little smile growing on your face as you -tried to- hide your excitement for the upcoming events. you grabbed the glass and stuck it between your breasts, your hands pushing both of them together so the glass didn't pour. urogi, sekido, aizetsu and karaku looked at you a bit astonished, sekido glares away quickly, aizetsu stares for a few seconds before also looking away and karaku looks at urogi with a devilish grin, almost encouraging him. urogi didn't hesitate and, with a wide smile, walked towards you and knelt infront of you.
"okay babe, are you ready?" he asks, clearly full of confidence, he seemed excited, like a small child who just got gifted a candy.
"i was born ready" you teased pushing your chest closer to him, he flinched slightly, his eyes widen just as his smile in response, however, he was no chicken. his hands were about to hold your waist but karaku stopped him instantly, a grin on his face.
"ah, ah. no hands!" you both look at him, then at eachother. you smirked once again and winked at urogi, challenging, he only chuckled as a response and, with his hands well hid behind his back, he buried his face in your chest. he missed a few times before actually getting to the glass, his tough lips made contact lightly with your chest, making him laugh just a little bit, you bit your lower lip with a grin as you saw him struggle. you giggled as he took the glass out and threw his head back drinking the liquid within the glass, now grabbing it with his hand.
he sighed out a laugh after, shaking his head due to the alcohol burning his throat. he looked directly into your eyes with a wide smirk.
"now that was fun!"
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"oh man, come on!" karaku throws his head back as his hands slam the table, grunting at loosing to aizetsu "you cheated!"
"you can't accuse me of that, you cheated in the first place" aizetsu protested, putting his cards down calmly "stick to the consequences"
"yeah, you're no one to speak, karaku" your teasing voice said, as you crossed your arms with a grin, karaku's annoyance dissapeared in less than a second when he shrugged and smiled back at you.
"ah, as if the consequences were so terrible anyways. let me see 'em babe!" he was shameless while asking, you laugh at him before unbottoning your upper buttons, exposing your bare chest only covered by your bra, his eyes and smile widen in excitement, he looked like a puppy.
"you will excuse me" he added taking the bottle and glass to fill it himself and stuck it between your boobs, you laughed at his lewd and fun look on his face when he stared at your chest "cheers!"
those were the last words you heard from him before he buried his face in your breasts, purposefully staying in place for a few seconds wrapping the glass with his mouth to have you close for a little longer.
"get it over with, karaku!" sekido was the one to scold the green eyed for staying there for more time that he should have, not that you minded tho.
so, just to tease both sekido and karaku, your hands pushed your boobs up just so karaku would sink in them even more, his laughter was muffled by his mouth being busy with a glass to then finally pull it away and drink the alcohol within. he took the little glass and chuckled with his precious laugh and looked at sekido.
"in your face, sekido!"he mocked and the red eyed just grunted, looking away. karaku then looked at you "sorry babe, i'm tempted, can i give any of your buddies a hickey?" he shamelessly asked, your eyes widened as you saw from the corner of your eye how sekido and aizetsu grossed out at him, which only made you laugh out loud.
"yes baby boy, go ahead" you heard an annoyed 'oh come on! you're disgusting!' coming from sekido aswell as you heard urogi laughing at the whole situation, granting you some sort of satisfaction, this was fun.
"man, cheating was so so worthy!" karaku cheered to himself before putting his mouth to use again.
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"this is ridiculous, i'm not doing it." sekido is the first one to make an objection against the bet HE accepted.
"oh no! you're not backing away like a coward!" urogi laughs at him, shaking his head.
"yeah, man, you can't bet and then not confront the consequences" karaku backs up urogi, laughing at sekido's face right now, man's infuriated.
"shut up both of you!" he states loudly, crossing his arms, avoiding any sort of eye contact with you, he is denial... and embarassment.
"you accepted the challenge, sekido. don't be a pussy" you say now, your elbow resting on the living room table, your face is one of amusement and your eyes locked on the anger demon. he does not answer to you so karaku speaks again.
"if you're not gonna do it, i will" his grin is devilish, he tries to touch a nerve in sekido. the red eyed demon turns to him absolutely furious, more than he normally is.
"fine, shut up, let's get this over with" he grunts and sighs, karaku laughs at him.
"that's the attitude, i knew you weren't so stubborn to let this chance pass by" urogi teases now, you laugh at all the teasing to the poor sekido and serve the drink in the small glass. the red eyed simply groans and decides to ignore them, now putting his attention solely on you.
he kneels infront of you, his knees glued to eachother and fists sitting on them almost shyly, he frowns at you but then looks down, avoiding looking at you, only for a second until he notices you begin to unbotton your shirt, then is when he becomes nervous, he tries so hard to not look at your chest, he is already so embarassed for doing this and can barely look at you. he can't avoid it any longer and eventually lifts his gaze and takes a look at the glass sitting between your big breasts, a beautiful black bra cupping them so prettily. the view is arousing and makes sekido actually thirsty. you stare at his astonished look and make him snap back by pressing your chest lightly.
"what's the matter? gonna try to chicken out again?" you tease in a playful and sweet voice, making the blush on sekido's face grow wider. he gulps and responds.
"of course not, i'm no coward"
he builds up courage from his own words and leans to your chest, his face flushes in dark red when his skin touches yours as he tries to catch the glass with his mouth and pull it out as soon as possible to end this embarassment. his hand lands on your thigh for support (yeah, support...) squeezing softly before finally pulling out the little thing out of your chest, throwing his head back drinking the alcohol in it. the hand touching you takes the glass and slams it to the table.
"done." yep, you definitely enjoy when he's upset like he is in this very moment, his fanged grimace remaining on place as he returns to his seat, avoiding eye contact with you for the rest of the night, because he knows you're looking at him with that look, that exact look you make when you want to tease someone. not that he feels disgusted, he just doesn't want to lose himself infront of his friends.
later that night, you stay over at the hantengu's place, karaku, urogi and aizetsu went to bed a little bit tipsy from a fun night and you're about to do the same until you come across sekido in the hallway, he is dressing the loose t-shirt and shorts he uses as pijamas, his angered expression looking strangely soft right now, or maybe you are imagining it, the hallway is dark and the alcohol in your system is not entirely gone.
"hey, i just wanted to say, i wouldn't mind taking another shot from that chest of yours anytime" he states confidently but in a low voice, the statement surprises you but you play along, whispering some words in response.
"oh yeah? what changed your mind? you seemed vexed carrying out the bet earlier" you look directly into his deep red eyes, he frowns before answering.
"i don't like being watched, those bastards were putting a lot of pressure, i didn't enjoy it as i wanted to"
"aw you're adorable" you say, smiling playfully. you walk to him, standing only a few centimeters away from him, your hand landing on his muscular chest and going down, teasingly "how about we go to your room and try again? bet you'll enjoy it accordingly this time" his angered expression changes for an instant when a teeth showing grin appears on his face, nodding in agreement.
"i would love to rip off that pretty black bra after"
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"do i really have to do this...?" the sorrow demon asks, as if he could back away now that he is kneeling in front of you, chest on full display, a glass of vodka already waiting for him.
"i mean, can you really chicken out now?" karaku says, chuckling to himself.
"yeah, you have to do it" urogi follows, giggling knowing aizetsu has the fattest crush on you and that this was definitely not in his plans.
"i guess i don't have other choice..."
his lips are twisted in an awkward grimace, his face is red as sekido's eyes, he is so ashamed and embarassed right now, he just wants to end this.
'why do i get myself in these situations...' he thinks to himself, trying not to panic as he leans forward, his hands are shyly sitting on his lap.
he is a sweetheart, he loves you (and desires you) deeply but he will do anything in his power to have the littlest touch with your breasts as possible, even if you consented to this. he is very respectful of you no matter the circumstances. however, he kinda fails his commitment because the glass is unfairly buried in your chest (you did that on purpose to tease him, poor thing) so he had a hard time getting it. after some hard work, he finally manages to pull the glass out and drink the alcohol within, his face is red as ever and his eyes avoid yours at all costs.
"d-done, i'm going to my room now, excuse me"
"oh, aizetsu, man come on! it's okay!" urogi tries to cheer him up but the blue eyed already headed to his room, you start to feel lowkey bad for him, what if he didn't like it?
"i feel bad now... was that really okay? he seemed upset" you say with a guilty tone, furrowing your brows, thinking you might've ruined the night for aizetsu.
"no babe don't feel bad! ... i'm not sure if we should tell you this but-" karaku begins to talk but is soon shut by sekido interrupting him.
"the dumbass has a crush on you, it's so dang obvious" he grunts crossing his arms, his revelation actually surprised you, i mean aizetsu kinda hit on you in past situations but you may not have noticed it because his signals were a bit subtle, so it wasn't so obvious for you, maybe to them it was because they're his closest friends.
"oh... is that so?" you ask, still a bit shocked.
"yeah" karaku speaks again "so, if i were you, i would check on him" he smiles rising a brow at you with a smug smile, clearly suggesting you should have some alone time with the blue eyed.
"yeah! we won't bother you" urogi chuckles, winking at you.
"just don't make too much noise or i'm kicking you out" sekido adds, frowning.
you try to hide your blushing face laughing amusingly at them, you loved these dorks so much, supporting you in this whole thing, maybe the night isn't exactly ruined, more seems like it just begins.
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thanks for reading!
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kakushino · 1 year ago
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My Pet Demon collaboration
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A collaboration of stories set under the same headcanons in an AU with domesticated demons
you can write for any character from Kimetsu no Yaiba universe
SFW and NSFW are both allowed
you have to stick to the headcanons for the AU
you have to tag me and/or add link to the masterlist (this post) of My Pet Demon collaboration
Headcanons for this universe
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(unnamed work) - @mysicklove
(unnamed work) - @insanityofbones
Be my owner - AFAB!Reader | @kakushino
Kintsugi - @glitchtricks94
(unnamed work) - @fictionalwhor3
Iris - @glitchtricks94
(unnamed work) - @redr0sewrites
(unnamed work) - @mmm-fuji
Where the wind blows - @sulli1361
(unnamed work) - @black-is-iconic
(unnamed work) - Demon! AFAB!Reader | @kakushino
(unnamed work) - @itsinthemist
(unnamed work) - @linpunny
Nakamura siblings - Daisuke + Intro | Intro II | Intro III - @bombora-bona
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If you would like to join the universe, please DM me / shoot me an ask ( @kakushino ) first
divider made by the amazing @benkeibear
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linpunny · 2 years ago
Requested by @/anon: Teasing the Hantengu Clones in public (acting or trying to act innocent afterwards. Urogi and Karaku got reader whipped they don’t even try and act innocent just get straight to work)
CW: teasing, pet names, implied back shots and fucking (sekido) , slight degradation, implied dick riding (aizetsu), public dick teasing/masterbation (aizetsu ), dick sucking, exhibitionism (Urogi, Karaku) public sex, Popsicle sucking, public masterbation (f. Receiving), dry humping, thigh fucking
Dessy: my bad this took years too finish again. July was taiju month and then I ended up getting really sick near the end of the month.
Network @enchantedforest-network
Pairing: modern au Hantengu clones! X Fem!reader (no pronouns but reader has a kitty)
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Sekido is frustrated, his aggravation very evident in every mannerism as he pulls you possessively into his side tightly wrapping an arm around your shoulder the entire walk home. He was silent but you could feel through the firm grasp and the way his nails dug into your skin that he was pissed and maybe you had bent down just a few too many times in public in the short little dress that was gifted to you by Karaku. maybe flashing Sekido and everyone else with curious eyes was a little too far. Yet the thrill of seeing his dark crimson eyes glaring at your shameful act to get his attention was worth it though. seeing him break character, cheeks darkening, the bob of his Adam’s Apple as he swallowed dryly, corners of his lips pulling into a smirk, that was gone by the time you blinked and replaced with his usual snarl.
he pulled you into his room, foot slamming the door shut as he locked it and turned his attention back to you as he popped the button to his pants, pulling the hem of his boxers down enough for his thick cock to spring free hitting his abs with a loud smack, hand fisting the length slowly a few times as he turned his attention on you, a dangerous glint burning in his eyes.
You tried to protest, act like you didn’t do anything as you batted your lashes up at him with a fake innocent smile playing on your lips. His pointer finger lead your gaze to the bed, his command was clear and you obediently crawled on top of the sheets, bowing your head down low into the pillow, hem of the kimono bunching up on your waist as you lean on your knees, legs spread wide for Sekido as you waited.
“You want to act like a dirty bitch in public, then I’ll fuck you like the dirty bitch you are.”
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Aizetsu is desperate, a dark flush spreading across the crack like birthmarks of his cheeks as his dick reacts almost instantly, feeling your hand brushing along the muscle of his thigh, squeezing the tense flesh again. How many times since the two of you had entered the cafe had you run your hand along his inner thigh,rubbing small circles into the material of his sweats, nails dragging down to the bend of his knee and then slowly scraping back up to tease him. His cock twitched, thick head dribbling sticky droplets of pre cum that stuck to the fabric of his boxers.
He was so uncomfortable brows furrowing as he swallowed back a filthy whimper, hating the way the growing tent in his sweats rubbed roughly on his sensitive length. He wanted more, he was trying so hard not to buck his hips up and knock the table over and the way you were now slowly palming his rock hard dick under the table wasn’t helping. “Thats enough. I can’t handle much more.” Aizetsu growled lowly, ocean blue eyes locking on yours with the most intense gaze that you stopped stroking him immediately He literally struck fear in you as a shiver ran down your spine watching as he pulled out enough cash to cover the tab and threw it on the table for the waiter to collect. He quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you in front of him, arm snaking around your waist, pulling your ass flush against his throbbing bulge to hide himself as he hurried the both of you home and straight into his room.
Once inside Aizetsu quickly spun you around until you were facing him, dark eyes roaming to your lips as his hands slid down the sides of your thighs, squeezing roughly just as you had done to him in the cafe earlier. “Jump.” he whispered hotly into your ear as he kissed up your jawline hungrily , tongue swiping at your lips, taking advantage of your open mouth as you tried to plead your innocence with him. Instead you ended up with his tongue swirling around yours, hands tugging at his messy long hair, legs wrapped around his middle as his hands sunk into the soft plush of your ass as he walked you straight into the door of his room. Your back rests on the door frame as he quickly moves your panties to the side, pulling his sweats down enough for his dick to plop out as he sank you down onto his cock in one swift movement.
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Urogi is impatient but more than anything he’s amused as you steal glances and playfully throw yourself at him, making sure that your breasts rub his arm as you cling to his side. It’s cute. He really thinks you're so fucking cute when you're teasing and trying so hard to get his attention. He would give you all the attention in the world and he didn’t really care if someone else saw the attention he was giving you. His smile was wide as he looked at you with a giant fanged grin, his golden eyes brimming with joy as you once again flung yourself into him, making sure that your breasts were bouncing on the muscles of his forearm as you dragged him over to a ice cream stand at the park you were on a date at. The one thing that pushed Urogi over the edge was the way you were eagerly sucking on the popsicle he had bought you from the vendor while the two of you were walking around the park, tongue kitten licking the tip of the melted juice that dripped down the popsicle and onto your fingers, your eyes closed as you deliciously wrapped your mouth around the popsicle’s base, sucking up the sweet juices. You pulled off with a loud ‘pop’ and he couldn’t ignore the throbbing in his pants any longer.
He quickly walked you over to a secluded wooded area of the park, one he’d been to countless time when he wanted to enjoy the sounds of nature, but he wasn’t here to nature watch today. Before you could question Urogi he took the popsicle from your sticky hand and tossed it on the floor, “You’re sucha tease, why don’t you put that sweet mouth to work on my dick instead?” He cackled while firmly planting his palms on both your shoulders pushing you down until you rested on your knees, head level with his crotch, where you could now see the very noticeable outline of his hard dick straining in his joggers. You gulped looking up at him through your thick lashes as he nodded with his head cueing you to get to work, smirking with the biggest shit eating grin as your fingers quickly pulled down the band of his joggers, springing his rock hard cock free. One hand moving behind your ear, fisting your hair as he yanks hard, pulling your head back as the other hand guided his tip to your shiny syrup covered lips, prodding himself at your mouth till your lips parted, taking him deeply into your throat. He groaned, “See, doesn’t my dick taste better than that popsicle? You should have just told me that you wanted to suck on somethin’,sweetness. You suck enough and you’ll get a much sweeter treat than the popsicle.”
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Karaku is cracking the biggest smile as you not so subtly grind your clothed cunt over his length as you sit in his lap, straddling him, arms circled around his neck. His hands slowly travel to your waist making sure to map out every single curve before he rests his hands on your hips pulling you down to feel just what you were doing to him. His dick was rock hard as you rolled your hips desperately chasing your orgasm. the deep bass of the music and the low lights of the club your thigh fucking Karaku in swallows the whines and moans that fall from your lips. anyone could look over and catch you, but every single person was too entranced in the beat of the music to see that you were already at the edge nails digging into Karaku’s shoulder as he guided you through your orgasm, one hand lightly rolling your hips while the other rubs your swollen clit through your bottoms.
“Cum f’me like the dirty whore you are! Show everyone how hard I can make you cum, let ‘em see how easy you are. ” He leans forward to nip the shell of your ear, tongue swiping down over your ear, and down the expanse of your neck, tip lapping up the sweat beading on your heated skin.
The moment his voice rumbled in your ear, you were done. the white hot ball that had been smoldering low in your abdomen had burst, drenching your panties with your own arousal, thighs shaking as your head fell on his shoulder. Nasty loud moans ripped through your lips as Karaku dragged you down onto the imprint of his dick, forcing you to ride out your orgasm until you were panting and in tears.
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© Linpunny 2023 All of the following works are fictional and belong to me. Please do not copy, edit, or steal any of my content. Do not advertise on any other social media.
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orcusfang · 9 months ago
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Needed to get this out of my system, inspired by @00kiwa-kiwa00's Naga!Sekido design. 'As a prized and rare Naga at a zoo, most of Sekido's days are pretty much spent lazying around and sunbathing while overly eager visitors try to catch a glimpse of the creature. After years of captivity, he's resigned himself to his fate, but when the enclosure next to him gets a new arrival - a female of his own kind - Sekido discovers there's still lust for life deep inside of him. Amongst other kinds.' PS; I saw all the love for the Pet!Aizetsu AU, and I've been working on chapter 2. Thank you all! 🥺🩵
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hantengus-fuckass-clones · 9 months ago
Not really a request but curious. In a modern au what pet do you think Hantengu and his clones would have? Me personally I can see Aizetsu as a cat person.
I can deffo see Aizetsu with a cat or a big floppy bunny.
Sekido seems like a cat person as well or a turtle
Karaku probably has a bearded dragon or a tarantula
Urogi would have a really loud parakeet or a pair of love birds which he keeps with Aizetsu
Zohakuten either has an insect of some kind or a snake (probs a cobra)
Urami definitely has an old fat cat or an old beagle
Hantengu probably has trouble helping with everyone else’s pets but he deffo grew up with dogs
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edsanon · 2 years ago
I’m back with more Hantengu clones in Hisui au (aka the PLA au)
Remember guys : if it’s not found family I don’t want it :)
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Don’t you dare tell me that Laventon wouldn’t look at them and go “I’m not adopting them” because please
He’s such a dad
Later on Ingo will adopt them too dw
Sekido has a weird link with electric type Pokemons. While Aizetsu is a Pokémon magnet as a whole, Sekido attracts the electric type ones and somehow manages to understand them to an extent.
Considering his blood demon art, I thought it was fitting.
And yes, Akari and Rei both adopted the Hantengu clones as their new siblings, no the clones did not have any choice in this.
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Don’t worry, Karaku wouldn’t actually fuck a Pokémon, he sees them as pets, and considering he has a lilligant and Urogi has a gardevoir… Yeah no.
Although I am tempted to give him a Lopunny because Bunnies.
Karaku has an Hisuian Typhlosion, Hisuian Lilligant, and an umbreon. He raises cyndaquils for fun and trains them to burn Kamado’s furniture.
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thebottomfromhell · 2 years ago
reading your post about the younger demons and their father figures was so lovely and i was left wondering. Since Zohakuten has a father figure, would the other clones have one too? After all, they still look young, young adults at least. Would they have a father figure and how? Was it Zohakuten's influence or not? With their unique personalities, they would certainly have quite a variety of interactions for a parent to deal with, be the father human or demon, but mostly human. Poor reader lol
I would ask you to write for both a human and a demon parent, but if it gets too long, that's up to you. Whatever it is, I'd love to read it.
It's an interesting ask, I'll see what I can do since I really don't have the same type of appreciation to adults that I have for children. This will be trying to parent people that don't need parenting, they need a therapist in an era were therapy was a scientist fucking up your nervous system.
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Male Reader over his twenties Parenting (or trying) the Hantengu Clones, AU (Canon Divergence) where Zouhakuten doesn't need the clones to fuse to be formed. Previous post.
Warnings: Mentioned cannibalism, Mentioned non-consensual bodily/mind modifications, Implied unhealthy relationships and Attacks to reader (Implied, mostly).
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Human Reader:
When you decided to take Zohakuten in, you didn't expect this. For there to be other 4 young men with his very same face, each of them being a different emotion or something like that. "Oohhh, he smells tasty. Can I eat him?" The one with the wings asks in front of your face, nose inches from you as he smiles. "NO! No eating papa!" Said the boy as he grabbed the yellow eyed version by the wings and pulled him off, throwing him agains the wall without breaking it before looking at you, clearly proud of himself. "Zohakuten, not that I don't appreciate that you defend me, but you shouldn't use violence to solve problems between your loved ones." Besides, he was probably joking, right? ..... Right??
Well, the main poin is that, just like the kiddo, these 4 are in your house to hide from daylight. You soon learn to identify them, Sekido the angry/red one, Karaku the green/that only seeks pleasure one, Urogi the bird/joy clone, and Aizetsu is the sensible/blue/always sad one. And they are... a lot. Sekido is very violent, he barely shows any respect, care or affirmation, also he often lashes out, so Zohakuten and Aizetsu had to come to your rescue to not be killed several times. Karaku and Urogi steal and take everything in the house besides testing everyone's patience, causing trouble around, and the bird one almost ate you twice with, again, Zohakuten and Aizetsu to the rescue. And Aizetsu... nah, he is fine, but he could grow out some spine. Maybe you should take him to a small night trip with Zohakuten.
The thing is, without Zohakuten (and Aizetsu, but you are hesitant to add him since he came with the peoblem) you would be dead already with those demons in your house. The only thing that is stopping them from tearing it down is that they will lose their free refuge against the sunlight. "I can throw them out if you want to." Tells you the kid with those big eyes of him, only looking for approval as you reach to pet his hair softly. "No kid, they are your family, aren't they? So your brothers can stay." He looks lightly confused "Brothers? We are not brothers, we are just clones of the same demon." You laugh a bit nervious "Then technically you are brothers. Besides, Aizetsu and Sekido try to help with the chores, so it's not so bad."
He thinks about it a bit, and you leave him be. To be honest, because of how he needed to be formed before and they could only meet in Hantengu's mind he really doesn't feel that kinship towards them. But you are right, they all have the samw origin, so they are technically brothers. In the end, with your help and protecting you everytime he needs to, he starts to become closer to the other clones. It's... not so bad. Even Urogi and Karaku... they are fine.
"I have finished doing the dishes." You see his work, well done and tidy, as Aizetsu looks to the floor playing with his hands, clearly waiting for some affirmation you usually give when they behave or help around. He looked so cute you just had to pet his head "Well done, boy." Urogi saw it and started to behave too, clearly also wanting some head pats "Please, I promise I'll be good!" At times he seems more like a pet than anything else, but if it gets him out of trouble there is no harm to it. In the end, Karalu got bored of being mischievious alone and also started to bahave. "I needed to do something, don't think too much of me getting you a boar. I know you humans like to eat pork and it offered a fun time." He still blushes in the when you pat his head.
They were clearly kin in physical contact, Sekido to a less extent, but in a good humour he also accepts pats and hugs. "Very good as always, Sekido!" They all blush and, besides Urogi, evade to look at you when you show affection this way "S-Shut up. It's not a big deal." And you swear this group... really, they are difficult, even when they behave, since dor some reaaon they can't seem to grow out of certain tendencies. They will even outlive you, so there is little more that you could do than making sure they don't cause a mess.
They never see you with the same eyes that Zohakuten does, they never call you "papa" or actually treat you as if you were their parent, but they do listen to you and know you will listen to them. You don't know if it was the kid who told them, but rather sooner than later they started trusting you their burdens, looking for advice if the need it. They also help you around as much as they can.
"We are going out for the night. Get ready." You say one sunset, they usually get out at night to eat and do what their master tells them, but only for tonight, and maybe once again later, you want to have a normal family trip.
You all go outside, make a campfire (you have to teach them how) and stay the hole night up, you let them wander and rest, tell them funny stories even when your eyes become tired, teach them a camping trick or two. Aizetsu, Sekido and Zohakuten stay the whole time besides you, the kid sitting by your side and hugging you. If you came with an interesting enough story Urogi and Karaku joined in to ask questions. They are very animated.
"Y/N-san, you look a bit tired. The sun will come up in an hour. I think it's ok if we go back. Thank you for tonight." Yeah, you do feel a bit tired, and you still have work left to do. "I will carry you!" "NO WAY, YOU WILL GO FLYING WITH HIM!" "You are all annoying. Karaku, you carry him." "Huh? Why do you just shove the responsibility on me?!" They will forever tire you, but...
You will get used to it.
Demon Reader:
You know you are younger than Hantengu, and you just know you were younger than he was when he gave him blood. It's clear you were not even in your 50's when you became a demon, Hantengu must have been over his 80's. And yet, the damned clones that started to join Zohakuten after he made something for the original body to become and be trapped in the kid. (You knew he didn't like his Upper Four, but nobody expected him to behave so harshly.) "Stop eating human food, you two! I don't care if it's a game, I don't want you to go around throwing up!" Three, you correct in your mind. Aizetsu is also into it, but his innocent face made you just not include him. "Aww, don't be like that, old man. Let us have some fun!"
To your surprise, Zohakuten hits Karaku to shut him up. "Don't talk to papa like that!" You can't help but smile at the young boy. "Thanks, kiddo." You pat his head softly before turning your attention to Aizetsu, the more reliable of these three. "Where is Sekido?" He just shrugs "Urogi grabbed me before he and Karaku followed Zohakuten here. This human house is nice, since where do you use it?" You sigh as you look the place, you have been over a month in here, so you should probably leave before the week ends. "A while, so don't get used to it. While it's a secluded area, one of those damned crows might find out I killed the family that lived here sooner or later. Now thr peiority is finding-" you are interrupted by the door slamed open.
"YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT! I TOLD YOU ZOHAKUTEN WAS GOING TO VISIT A FRIEND AND YOU FOLLOWED HERE! AND HOW DARE YOU ALL LEAVING ME BEHIND?!" He steps in as if it was his home as he keeps scolding everyone else. You can only sigh again, you are not even going to wonder how did they find you. (You told Hantengu where you were, that is how Zohakuten knew the area, then he should have been able to find you by the smell of human blood.) You wait for anger clone to stop berating the others as you distract Zohakuten using his tanuki to take them both out ("Kiddo, go and play with Dorobō outside before all this yelling stresses him out. Don't worry, I will go for you both once the others are finished."), he doesn't need this kind of energy.
Once Sekido finally starts panting of all the hating monologue he just did you step in. "You three don't ever do that again." Well, technically two this time, since Aizetsu didn't come here wilingly. But still. "Sekido, there is no need for you to scream your lungs out. It only affects you more than them." He looks at you as if he waa a rabid dog wanting to bite your face off, but he doesn't say anything else, just leave for a room, hopefully to calm down. "Karaku, Urogi, Ai- oh, you are already into it. Karaku, Urogi, you also clean the mess you left." Thankfully they obey, mostly because you managed Sekido for them.
"It's safe now- for Dorobō, I mean. He is already an old doggy, he is probably a bit sensitive to the yelling, just like kids." You say as you sit besides Zohakuten, you was racing his pet in climbing (obviously not using his full speed) trees, they were now taking a break, the boy petting the small animal in his arms. "I'm sorry they followed me here, I didn't want them to come. What are we doing with them?" You only smile wanting to reasure him before you look to the horizon, less than 30 minutes for the sun to come up. You can sense it. "Well, I definetely can't let you throw them out now. Besides, I'm sure they will behave is prompted to do so. C'mon, lets go inside."
You take Dorobō from his arms and jump to the floor, since you are a lot gentler that Zohakuten at landing. When you step inside the house is clean, not as tidy as before the clones arrived, but clean. Sekido is still in the room. "Are you ok?" You ask comming in after knocking 5 times without answer. He still looks like he wants to kill you, but doesn't do anything. "They shouldn't have left you behind. It's ok to be angry, but you can't explode to everyone like that. Zohakuten is a kid and needs some healthy environment and adults to take cara of him. That is why he always look for me." He looks even angrier, if that it's possible, his eyes even get wetter, so Sekido looks away in case he starta crying of frustration. You only sigh bedore going to him to pet his head, trying to smile to reasure him. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" He cuts off your arm in one movement, you heal after some moments.
"Hey, it's ok. They are fine. You are fine. I'll make sure they won't do it again, but try to calm yourself." You say calmy as you close and secure the curtains and move a wardrobe to cover the window. "The sun is starting to go up. You can hide in here for as long as you need." You smile at him before closing the door as you leave.... that was tiring. And doesn't change much, since you start to be their confident from now on (of all clones you never thought Sekido would be a snitch).
You start traveling with them, they take care of their business and you just make sure to be there. Besides Zohakuten, they barely need anything else. They do all like praise and headpats, so you take advantage of that. Guess you'll have to get use to it, and it's not that bad once they get under your skin. You'll live, specially now that they even protect you from slayers. Even thought this, with your inmortality, should last forever until the end of times with you having to handle them...
You'll live.
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fallstreakfeathers · 8 months ago
Hi hi!!! I love your headcanons so much, they're all well thought out. Even the funny ones! Do you have any headcanons for your pet au fanfics?
Actually. I did not have any particular headcanons to be honest
But I'll throw these out for thoughts:
- demons are seen as high end pets and slaves (pretty usual for the au), but are usually shockingly affordable with the exception of 'pure' bloodlines that track directly back to Muzan (the kizuki in particular). A high end demon like Upper 6 could cost several grand to own.
- Muzan was defeated, permanently weakened, and given the option to release his demons from his will, kill them all, or be killed. He then went into hiding, hoping for a day when he's strong enough to gather his army again. He also altered the demons to give them the ability to reproduce with each other. Because many demons end up killed and can no longer be created via Muzans blood, they would go extinct otherwise and Muzan needs his demons to exist if he ever has hope of regaining power.
- demons have adapted to be able to handle a bit of sunlight, though prolonged or heavy exposure sickens them quickly, and kills them. They cannot regenerate in sunlight at all. Wisteria will still halt their regerative abilities and kill them.
- demons no longer eat human meat, unless it's given to them or they happen to be the extraordinarily rare 'wild' demon. 'Wild' demons, who have escaped human enslavement, are generally killed upon capture. 'Domesticated' demons can eat any variety of raw or lightly cooked meats, but human blood can be used for extra nutrition and is purchased from special donation markets where humans are paid quite well to give their blood
- because muzan was adamant about insuring the species survival, demons go into a 'rut' period of about a week to two weeks where they are much more likely to seek someone to mate with. Humans have figured out how to use hormone injections to stop it from happening or even to force a demon to enter their rut. This period is exclusively referred to as Rut, not heat.
Each of the clones handle it in different ways in my au.
For example. Sekido claims to be unable to go into rut, but the truth is that he is so stressed about his brothers and whether they're even alive that his hormones are imbalanced and prevent it. If he knows they're alive, or better yet, if they happen to be with him and safe, he may be able to enter this period but he's so good at hiding it that you're likely just gonna think he's particularly grumpy that week. At least until he's suddenly getting you involved with his needs.
- urogi is actually impressively in control of himself, at least until you give the ok to go further than snuggling in his nest. Then he's a beast. Lasts about a week but goes into rut the most. Please prepare to lose all the soft things in your home because he WILL steal them for his compulsory nesting. Aside from that, he seems affected the least. He's still a happy, sweet demon, and he mostly just wants to cuddle and be close to his favorite person.
- Karaku is terrified. He hasn't had a natural rut in a long time, so when he finally feels safe enough that his hormones level out and he enters one, he freaks out. He associates these feelings with horrific things thanks to his abusers, so he tends to get fearfully aggressive towards anyone who approaches him- even his own brothers. Do NOT try to touch him, he will panic and think he's right back 'THERE'. If he, by some miracle, comes to you for any physical attention, keep your hands strictly above his waist.
Eventually, he will allow Sekido close to guard him from any potential harm as he hides in his room. Bring him extra blankets. He likes being hidden in soft, warm things. The better he can hide, the less frightened he will be.
If you need to ask him something, have Sekido ask for you so that his poor brother doesn't feel like your presence is in the room.
How you treat Karaku during his rut will make or break the little trust he has in you.
- Aizetsu's previous owners always had these sessions blocked via drugs, so he's actually never gone into rut before and doesn't know how to handle it. Like Karaku, he hides. He is embarrassed easier than normal during his rut and honestly just needs a gentle hand.
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just-null · 6 months ago
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phantasmiafxndom · 2 years ago
Ooo the hantengu clones in heat. Especially karaku... the poor babies
He's miserable, and not doing anything to help himself. Sekido absolutely despises everything his body is trying to do. The sudden sensitivity and urges to seek comfort are humiliating, and worse, they make him much too vulnerable. Finding some isolated corner to hide in doesn't make anything better for himself, though, nor does snarling at anyone who gets near him. It's an ordeal just to get Sekido to let you sit nearby, and he's resisting any of your attempts "help" like he thinks you're trying to trick him.
A lot of the cause for this is that he hurts. When he's this sensitive, all of his old, poorly healed wounds and self-induced stress aches go from unpleasant to agonizing, and that makes Sekido desperately defensive. He instinctively fears being hurt while he's like this, while he's unable to defend himself properly... even though the slightest relief would have him melting in seconds.
Heats make him desperate, to the point where his usual pleasure-seeking behavior turns frantic. When he feels like this, Karaku would do anything to avoid pain or discomfort. He wants to be held and touched and treated softly so badly it hurts, but that's not an option. It's never been an option, outside of when humans had another use for him that he could be rewarded for. He's pliant enough that he won't lash out even if you approach him, too limp and uncomfortable to do anything but accept what happens.
Any kind of touch you offer is highly effective. Effective in the sense that Karaku's brain shuts off even more than usual. He can't remember why he shouldn't just crawl halfway into your lap and press his face against your shirt until everything stops feeling so awful. There's not a thought left in his head about the possibility of being hurt— just desperation for anything that feels good.
As soon as he starts feeling weird, Aizetsu tries to hide. After spending so long contained with the other three and their more violent habits, his instinctive response to feeling vulnerable is to avoid any unwanted attention for fear of it turning violent. Regardless of if it's comfortable or not, he's curled up in the smallest, darkest place he can find, muffling sobs into his hands because every part of him feels wrong. The oversensitivity makes his usually fragile emotional state much, much worse.
The combination of fear, stress, and his body's overreaction to every stimuli makes him actually sick, more often than not. Aizetsu is prone to being affected by his emotional state anyway; like this it only gets worse. Even though he knows that proper care would make him feel vastly better, he's stuck in a miserable state of believing he deserves to suffer through the heat alone.
Heats wreck his energy levels, making him lethargic, dazed, and barely aware of what's going on around him. Instead of constantly fidgeting and moving around, Urogi can barely get himself to sit up on his own. The most reaction you'll get out of him, most of the time, is twitching wings and maybe a miserable whine. He wants attention so badly when he's like this, anything so he's not just lying there and spacing out for hours at a time— it's unnerving for time to disappear like it does when his brain is barely functional.
He's too weak and limp to lash out at you, though so it's safe to get close. With his whole body oversensitive and so very responsive to anything that feels good, any kind of petting results in whimpers and full-body trembling as it gets even harder to think clearly. Especially when that restless energy shifts into arousal, he's soon desperate for more and more of your touch.
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sodamors · 2 years ago
sekido attempts a leap to freedom.
DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. this fic is bad, don’t read it if you aren’t comfortable.
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hantengu clones pet au. you can read the context/background here.
this might be part of a series of works, which covers sekido’s fight for an escape. literally just bad feels all around.
not beta read.
nowadays, the guards didn’t even bother closing his cage. they saw him too weak and frail, busted from all his rounds in the ring, groggy from continuous wisteria shots. and they weren’t wrong. sekido could barely move, so even if the gate was wide open, all he could do was stare.
useless. he’ll remember the times he spat at his counterparts. inefficient, lazy, weak. and now he was no better than them, no matter how much he bared his fangs.
but if there was one good thing left about him, it would be that he remembers. faces, voices, scents, everything. he knows exactly which guard comes over, who was lazy and didn’t lock the gate, who was strict and prodded him if he breathed too loudly. and he remembers them all — their stupid, pouty, human faces tore a bubbling rage through him. but the familiar fury was somewhat comforting. he prided himself for his resolve. besides, it was all he has left.
a sharp, ringing bell resounding through his dark cage meant only one thing. bettors were present, and they wanted to see him fight.
it was more of wanting to see him lose; lose miserably, in particular. having been tossed little to no food for months on end, sekido could barely move, much less get his bda to activate. he’d get pummelled, face first on the ground, whimpering pathetically as his opponent’s vile claws and fangs ravage his flesh. he could never fight back, or even get a hold of himself. old wounds would split open, and new ones make their stinging mark.
but no matter how much he was beat up, eyes glazed over, breathing erratic, he would always catch a glimpse of the bettors. chuckling in their stupid highchairs, his agony their entertainment. and his rage would erupt again — and so, keeping him barely alive.
the bell dings again, and sekido watches as a guard slides his cage door open. the guard trudges in, catch-pole in hand, hooking the thick loop around sekido’s neck. it digs into his skin, scraping foully against barely-healed bruises, as sekido is dragged out of his cage.
the ring is loud and chaotic. blinding lights beam at the blood-splattered ground, as rambunctious cheers emanate from every corner. bettors and spectators in the encircle the arena, drinks in hand, multicoloured masks concealing their faces.
if sekido could, he would hunt each and every one of them down. using their voice or scent or anything — he would rip, bite, tear them apart. infuriation twisted and boiled inside of him — all they have is a stupid plant, that just so happened to be a demon repellent. what were they so proud of? he growled at the flurrying crowd.
but sekido looks down wearily, eyes on his new opponent. a vaguely familiar pink. he frowns.
upper moon three.
sekido’s confusion rises, but soon subsides. humans had indeed taken over. not even the might of upper moon three could best them.
sekido tugs against the loop round his neck, not wanting to face akaza, not like this. where had honour gone? away for good, perhaps, as the guards yanked brutally at him, forcing out a deplorable whine from his lips.
akaza also frowns. “upper four.”
“no need to call us that,” sekido says.
fuck. “i mean. me.” sekido clears his throat, and tries to shake away a twinge in his heart. “there’s no point in the kizuki, akaza. it’s all over.”
hearing himself, he realises his voice was hoarse, and throat was parched. clearing it had been useless.
“i know,” akaza says, some form of solemnity in his tone. “weak, cowardly humans, using their plant…”
sekido nods, but eyes the judge cautiously. any moment now, the fight would begin. settling bets took only a while, not forever.
“but i must fight you,” akaza says. gone was the honour and the excitement sekido respected akaza for. “i’m starving. they won’t feed me until i beat you.”
“i know,” sekido replied. “just… beat me up, but make it quick. they’re… they put me in for entertainment. only.”
“yeah. i think it’s starting.” sekido bares his teeth weakly, just for show. maybe he could get food if he excited the crowd enough.
akaza did not make it quick.
the bettors egged him on, waving pieces of irresistible meat in his face. honestly, sekido couldn’t blame him. hunger brought demons to their wildest selves, and upper moon three was no exception. sekido’s left arm had been beaten to a pulp, ripped at the elbow, the rest of the arm gone. bruises and bumps painted his body like the brush strokes of a crazed artist, blotches of red, black and blue, ebbing with his heartbeat. his muscles screamed with exhaustion, an acidic burn overwhelming his senses. it was no help that he was discarded into his cage with no food in tow.
the guard hadn’t locked the gate.
sekido wanted to growl. the pathetic human knowing he’s too weak to move was an insult itself. and again, his old friend — the flames, the burning rage in his chest — swallowed him whole. a rush of adrenaline kicked his senses to a height, a burst of hate-filled power roared in his muscles one last time.
sekido rips himself off the floor, ramming his body on the bars. and they swing right open— he catches himself before a heavy fall, and darts immediately for the stands. move move move move
bettors and dealers flock the area, suddenly erupting into screams when they see him. move move move. sekido trashes the tables, baring his teeth, snarling and snapping at whoever he could claw at. he catches a pudgy man and rips his back to pieces. he grabs ahold a tall lady and rips her to shreds. he cared no more, only listening to the raging, bursting blazes, blinding him with fury.
but all good things come to an end. his neck suddenly stings, and a different fire ripples through him. his body, despite exerting all he had, felt heavy, as though weighed down by hundreds of boulders.
and as he catches a glimpse of the accursed purple dart, sticking out of his neck like a thorn, he collapses to the ground, breathing ragged and vision black.
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corpsefang · 2 years ago
rules for requests & thirsts!
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fandoms & characters i write for!
𓋹 kimetsu no yaiba/demon slayer
kyojuro rengoku ... tengen uzui ... giyu tomioka ... obanai iguro ... sanemi shinazugawa ... mitsuri kanroji ... tanjiro kamado ... inosuke hashibira ... zenitsu agatsuma ... genya shinazugawa ... kagaya ubuyashiki ... yoriichi tsugikuni ... muzan kibutsuji ... kokushibo ... douma ... akaza ... gyokko ... hantengu clones (sekido & urogi preferred) ... shinjuro rengoku
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what i will write!
dominant reader x submissive character
top or bottom reader so long as they are dominant
female or afab! gender-neutral reader
just about any genre: fluff, smut, angst, horror…
i write primarily in canon but ask me about AUs!
yanderes (reader must be somewhat willing)
a/b/o dynamics (alpha!reader x omega!character fics have me in a chokehold)
sfw things i like to write about: reverse comfort, bed sharing, confident/forward readers, vampires, monster/cryptid character au, yanderes, hybrid au, soulmate au, sickfics.
nsfw things i like to write about: mommy kink, master kink, dacryphilia, pet play, collars, corruption kink, overstimulation, edging, spit kink, blood kink, choking, pegging, facesitting, rimming, praise kink, degradation, feminization.
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what i won't write!
submissive reader x dominant character
male reader
watersports/piss play/omorashi
foot fetish
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