#sejun bringing it back goes hard
mayowayo · 1 month
the king has returned..
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chanis-banani · 1 year
Reply - Part 1
Inspired by: [Han Seungwoo] 'Reply' - M Countdown
Note: Today is the 3rd anniversary of Seungwoo's solo debut and it would be an understatement to say this album changed my life. I just had to write something for it, I couldn't contain myself...
Note 2: stop calling me a seungwoo simp
Synopsis: after a week of contemplation, Seungwoo finally brings up the courage to send you a message. As he waits anxiously for you to reply, all he can do to kill the time is reminisce about the first time met you.
Genre: fluff and very slight angst maybe? Let's just say it's the wholesome start of a slow burn romance
Pairing: Seungwoo x gn reader
Word Count: 3,4k
Contains: some swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of cigarettes (but no actual drinking or smoking)
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Tic, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick-
With a frustrated grunt, Seungwoo yanks the batteries from the clock and tosses them onto the cabinet. When he tries to hang the clock back on the wall, he struggles to get the little hook on the nail. It only takes two failed attempts for him to be fed up with the stupid thing and he angrily dumps it on top of the furniture. The clock lands next to the batteries, one of which tumbles off the edge and rolls under the cabinet. Seungwoo watches as it disappears from his vision and he scoffs. Piece of shit.
He takes his phone from his pocket and checks his messages. Even though he has the volume of his notifications turned all the way up, he can’t stop himself compulsively checking his phone. There is always a slight chance the sound just didn’t come through, right? Maybe you messaged him and his phone is just lagging. He can’t risk missing anything. But despite his hopeful delusion, there is still nothing.
First he puts his phone back in his pocket, but he immediately changes his mind and places it on the dinner table instead, making sure the screen faces up so he can see everything that comes in. A deep sigh escapes him as he stares at his phone for a while. He is too restless to bring himself to sit down. All he can do is stand there and pace around the room. Once again, he sighs and goes into the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water. When he returns to the dinner table, he sets the glass on one of the coasters to check his notifications again.
It had only been about a week since he met you, but it felt like more like a month. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. The way you smiled and the way you talked… The way you made those snarky comments at him when he approached you. It hadn’t been the most fairytale-like encounter. And yet, he couldn’t stop thinking about it, no matter how hard he tried.
With another sigh, Seungwoo puts his phone on the table again and he leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. He wanted nothing more than to talk to you, hear your voice again, and observe that little twinkle in your eyes when you talked to him.
It was impossible for him to forget how stunning you looked last Saturday. Your clothes were very neat and complimented your body well, which contrasted with your slightly messy hair. This contradiction intrigued him. He needed to get to know you better, wanted to explore what other interesting contrasts he might encounter. Perhaps it was specifically the difference between you and him that captivated him the most. You were exhilarating to him.
Seungwoo jumps up when his phone suddenly rings and he answers it without hesitation. “Hello?” he says, voice shaking a little bit. “Hyung!”, he hears from the other side of the line, “Did-” Without letting Sejun finish his sentence, Seungwoo hangs up on him. Idiot. How could he have been so stupid to call right now? He knew that Seungwoo was waiting for your call. What if you had finally reached out right when Sejun was hogging the line?!
Seungwoo sits back down and rests his elbows on the table, burying his face in his hands with a desperate little cry. “What am I doing…” he murmurs into his hands. All he wants is to hear your voice again. He keeps reminiscing about the evening he met you. 
That evening, he entered the venue with Sejun at 8 pm. Seungwoo offered to get drinks for both of them, so he made his way through the crowd, towards the bar on the other side of the large space. While he waited for the bartender to fix his drinks, he felt someone bump into him. It’s when he turned around to look, that he laid his eyes on you for the very first time. 
“Sorry!” you said quickly, officially marking that as the first word that was ever exchanged between the two of you. “That’s okay,” he replied with a smile, “It’s pretty crowded here, so accidents can happen.” Seungwoo had to try his best not to smile too widely at you. Right away he found you incredibly attractive. Your voice sounded lovely. He wanted to hear it again.
“I like your tattoo,” you said, and Seungwoo could swear that his heart made a little jump in his chest. He was wearing his shirt with its sleeves rolled up, so the colorful tattoo on his arm was clearly exposed. You had been observing him just as closely as he had observed you and this notion gave him goosebumps. 
“Thank you! I have a few more.” Was it weird for him to say this? He immediately felt embarrassed and at the same time he wished he had worn his shirt just a little more unbuttoned so the tattoo on his chest could have been exposed to  you. Luckily, you smiled at him, so he probably hadn’t weirded you out too much.
He wondered what to tell you next, trying his best to think of something to keep your attention. But his brain wasn’t working properly anymore. All he could think about was how intrigued he was by you. He involuntarily tried to imagine what kind of person you were and what kind of things you would like. And before he got the chance to open his mouth again, his drinks were ready and Sejun called him impatiently from across the room.
Every person who tried to speak to Seungwoo that evening was in for a disappointment. When they tried to approach him, there was a chance he didn’t even notice them at all. Even when he tried to engage in a conversation, he couldn’t stop his gaze from drifting back to your figure.
At one point during the evening, he had lost sight of you. His eyes looked for you anxiously, but you were nowhere to be seen. He panicked. There was no way he could possibly let you go like that. He started to move through the crowd, pressing himself through the clusters of people. 
At least fifteen minutes were spent searching for you, until he found you outside, away from the crowd, with your phone up to your ear. You ended the conversation just when Seungwoo stepped through the venue door, into the fresh air. He needed to know who you had been calling with. What if you already had a partner? The thought alone was enough to make him nauseous.
He stood there for a while, unsure of what to do next. Your mind was clearly elsewhere since you hadn’t noticed him yet. With his head tilted slightly in curiosity, he observed how you stared absentmindedly into the distance while playing with your phone. But the silent moment of appreciation was ruined when Seungwoo suddenly had to sneeze. You looked his way and he looked at you, completely terrified. Thank god it was dark outside so you weren’t able to see his expression very clearly.
Fuck, now things became weird. He had to act quickly, otherwise you would think he was some kind of weirdo. Even if there might have been some truth to that, he obviously didn’t want you to feel that way about him.
Before he could even make up his mind on what he could possibly do to make this situation seem normal, you opened your mouth and spoke to him with a snarky, yet enchanting tone. “You should wear a jacket if you’re going to be outside,” you said. God, maybe he was in love.
“Oh? Uhh, yeah,” he replied awkwardly. Nice, Seungwoo. Real smooth. This was definitely the way to win somebody’s heart. “I’m uhh- It’s not that cold?” God with every word he uttered, he just managed to mess up even more.
You snickered at him and looked at your phone again. Somehow this made Seungwoo feel at ease. You didn’t seem uncomfortable about him. Even if he made an absolute fool of himself just now, it seemed like you didn’t really mind having him around. He straightened his clothes a bit and ruffled his fingers through his hair while you didn’t look. Then he cleared his throat and took a careful step in your direction.
“Actually,” he began somewhat more confidently now, “I could use a little breeze. It’s quite stuffy in there.” Without looking up, you just replied with a little “Mhmm.” While doing his best to hide his timidness, he took another step in your direction and said “Is it okay if I sit here? I could also find someplace else, if you-” “Oh, sure, it’s fine!”
He blinked a few times when you interrupted him with such a sweet tone. You had put your phone away completely and looked straight at him. The eye contact made him feel like his blood was rushing through his veins at twice its regular speed. The dizziness that ensued made him feel almost relieved, because it meant he wasn’t really lying to you anymore. At this point, he really could use some fresh air.
He sat down next to you on the curb, making sure to keep a good 6 ft distance between the two of you so as to not make you uncomfortable. You were still looking at him with those eyes and it nearly drove him insane. “So, do you smoke?” you asked him. He shook his head, and you grinned. “Me neither.”
The conversation went silent. For a minute, all you and Seungwoo could hear was the sound of passing cars in the distance and the buzzing voices of the people inside. He wondered why you would ask him such a question if you didn’t smoke either. Could it be that you were lying? Did he just fail a test? What if you didn’t want to date anyone who didn’t smoke? He felt nauseous again.
The breeze really was quite cold and Seungwoo’s blouse didn’t do much to protect him from it. The tip of his nose and his ears became red and he shivered, but it didn’t matter to him. In fact, he was barely aware of the cold at all. Being so near to you made him feel almost feverish inside. His heart was beating wildly in his chest and his cheeks felt hot. Even if he had lost almost all feeling in his fingers, the rest of his body was simply buzzing with life. 
His breath created a tiny cloud in the air, drawing your attention to his shivering figure. “You’re cold!” you laughed at him. Your breath formed a little cloud as well and Seungwoo watched how the little clouds drifted in the same direction for a second, until he snapped back to reality. “I’m really not that cold,” he sputtered, “I just tend to shiver when I’m feeling dizzy.”
“So you’re still feeling dizzy?” you asked. Your voice didn’t sound exactly concerned, but not like you were mocking him either. Seungwoo couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He sure was dizzy now, slowly going crazy from the way your eyes were scanning him. There was something about your look that gave him the feeling this was more than a casual conversation. It felt like he was being inspected, your eyes studying every detail of him and your mind interpreting what you saw. He could tell you were on your guard around him. Not in a defensive way, but much like a researcher would be on their guard around the subject they’re researching. As if he were some kind of experiment and you were waiting to see what he might do next.
“I bet you would feel less dizzy if you wore a jacket,” you continued with a little grin. Seungwoo observed you closely, noticing something like a little twinkle in your eyes. He wondered if you always had that twinkle when you talked to people.
“I was too dizzy to grab my jacket,” he replied with a little scoff, “I just wanted to go outside quickly. And you should know that I’m already beginning to feel better.” He fully expected you to say it was nice that he felt better, but you just scoffed right back at him: “Pfft, if you say so…”
Before he could come to his defense again - even though you were completely right - you already bombarded him with the next question: “So who do you know at this party?” “Oh, I just know Sejun,” Seungwoo replied, “Sejun and I are close, so when he got invited to this party, he asked me to join him.”
“Ahh, I’m here because of Sejun too! We aren’t close at all though. He just invited my friend and told her she could bring more people. So really, I don’t even know Sejun at all."
"I see. The party must be quite boring for you then, if you only know your friend. Is that why you'd rather sit here and call your boyfriend?" The words had left Seungwoo's mouth before he fully realized what he was saying. And now that he said it, he wished he would never be able to speak again. 
You raised an eyebrow at him and turned your body a little to face him better. Seungwoo's heart was beating like crazy in his chest. It felt like minutes of silence were passing by while he anxiously awaited your response. He knew he fucked up.
“You are so obvious,” you said eventually. Your voice was low and almost a little threatening. Seungwoo gulped. “We met like seconds ago and you’re already trying to figure out whether I have a partner or not.” For a second it was silent again. ‘Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it,’ Seungwoo thought to himself, trying to suppress the impulse. But he couldn’t possibly contain himself. He just had to know, so he asked: “Well do you?”
He felt like he was about to faint.
Clearly you were a little perplexed by his bluntness, but that didn’t stop you from responding immediately with “That is none of your business. Besides, I don’t find this party boring at all.” You showed him a little smile, but Seungwoo couldn’t make out whether you genuinely enjoyed this moment with him or not. He had to find a distraction, quickly. He needed to come up with something interesting before you felt scared off. This conversation was getting worse by the second and he knew that he only had one last chance to save it.
“I don’t think this party is boring either, now that I found someone so interesting to talk to,” he said. And he regretted it immediately. This was the nail in the coffin. It was over. He could nearly feel his heart breaking in his chest. But to his surprise, you laughed.
“You’re a little pathetic, aren’t you?” you asked him. The tone of your voice was playful and warm. Even though what you said was quite sour, the sweetness with which you said it was like music to his ears. 
“You say it’s pathetic, but I would call it being an open book. Pretending I don’t like you won’t get me anywhere.”
You analyzed him for a second, your gaze feeling almost like some kind of interrogation to him. “Perhaps,” you replied, “but it would benefit you to be a little more subtle about it.”
Seungwoo wondered what it would be like to kiss you. He tried to distract himself, tried to think of something to say again, but the two of you were suddenly interrupted by a voice: “You’re still here? Come on, we have work tomorrow, we should go home!” Seungwoo turned around to see who was calling you, but the person had already gone back inside again. When he turned back to you, you already stood up from the curb and brushed off your clothes. “Well,” you said, “that was my friend. You heard them. It’s time for me to leave.”
He clumsily stood up as well and by the time he got on his feet, you had already made your way over to the door to go back inside the venue. His heart nearly dropped upon the sight of your departure, but to his delight, you turned around to him and he got to hear your beautiful voice one more time.
“Since you seem so desperate to know about this; no, I do not have a partner. Goodnight.” And with that, you disappeared from his sight.
Seungwoo stood there for several minutes, out in the cold, completely dazed.  He had managed to blow every single aspect of this encounter and yet, you almost seemed to be into it. Even when thinking about it now, he can feel the ache in his heart again. He never even got to learn your name.
After you left the party and the absurdity of the conversation slowly sinked in, the first thing Seungwoo did was search for Sejun. He needed to have your number immediately. After struggling to explain who he was talking about, he finally managed to get Sejun to ask your friend for your number. The next day, Seungwoo received a text from Sejun which included your contact information. Since neither of them knew your name, and it didn’t occur to Sejun to ask your friend about it, Seungwoo simply saved you in his contacts as ‘sour candy’. He figured it was a suitable nickname for now.
It took him ages to figure out what he should send. He spent days writing, deleting and rewriting drafts in the notes app on his phone, in a hopeless attempt to create the most perfect message known to mankind. And after days of contemplating, he finally found the courage to send this work of art to you earlier this morning.
Now all you have to do is reply.
Seungwoo stands up from his chair and walks over to the cabinet to grab the battery that rolled underneath it earlier. While feeling around for the battery, he feels something else and pulls it from under the furniture. He holds it in front of him and twists the object between his fingers while observing it closely. Between his fingers, he is holding two little magnets, stuck tightly together.
Just when he’s wondering when and how those magnets ended up there, he is startled by the loud ringtone of his phone, coming from the dinner table. This time, he doesn’t rush to pick it up. Instead, he walks over to the table rather slowly and he first looks at who's calling him. His knees just about turn to mush when he sees ‘sour candy’ displayed on his screen. Quickly, he sits down, takes a deep breath and answers the phone.
“Yes, hello. You’re that guy from the party last Saturday? With the nice tattoo? You messaged me?”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
Seungwoo’s hands are trembling. He can’t believe it. He is finally talking to you again. While holding the phone to his ear with his right hand, he still has the two little magnets between the fingers of his left hand, fidgeting with them nervously. The other side of the line is silent for a little moment, before he gets to hear your lovely voice again:
“We can go to a cafe. Tomorrow.”
Internally, Seungwoo is screaming.
“Yeah-... I would love that! At what time should we meet?”
“1 pm, the cafe you messaged me about. And it’s not a date. See you tomorrow.”
Before he gets the chance to say goodbye and I love you, you already hang up on him. He is fully aware you told him it wouldn’t be a date, but he isn’t even remotely bothered by it. The excitement rushing through his body is enough to distract him for now. Just because this won’t be a date according to you, doesn’t mean he can’t take you on a real date in the future.
Seungwoo observes the small magnets in his left hand again and feels the urge to press a little kiss on them. After taking a brief moment to calm himself down, he runs to his closet to gather an outfit for tomorrow. This too, happens with lots of contemplation in order to present himself in the best possible way. When he’s finally satisfied, he places the clothes on a chair and slips the little magnets in one of the pockets. For good luck.
To be continued...
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beyoncesdragon · 3 years
an introduction of VICTON♥︎༄
my favorite emo punk fairies of kpop, @aixy-hpsa bub buckle up.
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-`about victon´-
Victon actually means Voice to New World or some, and we, the cult-followers, are to be yelled at by the name of ALICE. They debuted 2016 and have so far produced a bunch of mindblowing, amazing, superior, beautiful, showstopping (...) bops:
-`studio albums´-
Voice : The Future is Now (2021) *scream*
-`mini albums´-
Voice To New World (2016)
Ready (2017)
Identity (2017)
From. VICTON (2017)
Nostalgia (2019)
Continuous (2020)
-`single albums´-
"Time of Sorrow" (2018)
"Mayday" (2020)
they are amaaaaazing oke. look here have my favorite songs of them. (Yes I’m forcing my love for them down your throat now I’m sorry)
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♥︎ 16. April 1995 ♥︎ 🐶 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
He became Victons leader after Seungwoo started participating in Produce X 101 and then officially became Victons leader when Seungwoo came back from X1.
This man is blessed with a set of insane vocal chords and we all love him for it.
congratulations to Victon for being the only group with Kang Seungsik
He’s the mom of the group :,)
Supa caring dude, cleans up the mess of OT6
Is “Health” in persona, which kinda fits doesn’t it.
Naturally gets bullied by the younger ones.
Also has dimples
Great leader and we should all respect him for it and give him never ending credits, victon wouldn’t be victon without him periodt.
♥︎ - HAN SEUNGWOO - ♥︎
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♥︎ December 24, 1994 ♥︎ 🦊 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Lead rapper, lead dancer, lead vocalist lead everything
Except Leader.
He gave that position up after he returned from X1 (where he by the way also was voted leader)
YOOO the members missed him so much they cried when he was gone
Oh boy that man...dangerous
He has the funniest laugh? Like u would never expect that laugh to be his???
He. Has. His. Own. EP. And I dare everyone to listen to „Sacrifice“. It’s a masterpiece.
Seunggu also has tattoos!! 3 in total.
This dude is ripped yet u will probably catch him imitating goats and pikachu...?
Will roast the maknae but with love
Hes so much more than just his face.
♥︎ - DO HANSE - ♥︎
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♥︎ 25. Sept. 1997 ♥︎ 🐱 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Hello you’re looking at the loml
Main rapper.
(Of victon and of Kpop ex.1 and ex.2)
Sese ♥︎
Puts the sweet in sweetheart and really, he only looks like he could kill
Semicolon on his wrist; cross on his left shoulder and chest (he church boi); roses on his arm: writings on his collar bone; so many more
bestest sense of fashion hands down
Iconic lip ring
His own solo EP is on the way!!!
Somehow this man is also main dancer
Talented boy.
♥︎ - LIM SEJUN - ♥︎
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♥︎ May 4, 1996 ♥︎ 🍓 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
You are looking at an icon here
Most coziest-est VLives in history of Vlives
Easily scared (victon does enjoy that, naturally)
Very whiny but it’s oke
Lead Vocalist, Visual, Face of the Group
Insane vocals too, here ex.1
Another member of kpops cucumbers-anti squad
He’s very much BTS fanboy (not as much as Wooyoung but that’s hard anyways)
Competitive eater (listen, the maknae said that and we will believe him)
Will never leave Subin do a Vlive in peace ever
Will Never leave Subin live in peace ever either
Clingy boy
Walking noise-machine, he goes “ouh? Oh? Eh?” Like 372892 times a day
So much love for the dimple-prince
♥︎ - HEO CHAN - ♥︎
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♥︎ December 14, 1995 ♥︎ 🦖 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
May I introduce...SUNSHINE OF VICTON ☀️
Mood maker of the group!
Mr Main Dancer and Vocalist also has dimples
And even tho he wanted to be a dance instructor, he somehow ended up becoming an idol
He even trained with TBZ mr leader sir Sangyeon
Mans can drive!!
Like Lee Know, he once was a backup dancer. For A-Pink tho, which is pretty cool
Hes considered the uncle in our lovely family dynamic
Expensive boi be collecting sHOES
And he said he polishes them from time to time and I do think that’s adorable
He’s also allergic to cats (unless it’s Hanse. That’s okay ig)
Cutest sunny boy, will take good care of your heart always☀️💛
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♥︎ November 12, 1997 ♥︎ 🐥 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Welcome to Victon where everyone has a mandatory crush on Byung
Like he doesn’t even have to enter your biasline
You will still have a crush on him because Byungchan
Softest biaswrecker i have ever had 112/10 would recommend
Tall boi. Like really tall and really broad👀
I keep forgetting he’s maknae line tbh
Prettiest Dimples ever.
Very active on his Instagram and we love him for it
Top tier bf material
Hes the softest boy and yet only one who isn’t scared of fucking bugs (victon scaredy cats)
Try not falling too hard for the mister
He knows so many girlfroup dances
He also shows them off quite always
He’s a bit tinie liddol but clumsy sometimes
Gosh I love him
♥︎ - JUNG SUBIN - ♥︎
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♥︎ April 5, 1999 ♥︎ 🐰 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Vocalist, Rapper, Heart-stealer, Actor...
Like I don’t know if any maknae ever received as many kisses as this one
Gets (rightfully) babied to the Max by every. Single. One. Of. Them.
He’s also a babie. Like yes he’s a grown man and he looks hella intimidating on stage but-
It’s Subin
He’s also the smolest in Victon (uwu)
At the same time, maknae on top, this man gets everything (except his own room lmao) he wants
Sometimes not so baby (ex.1)
Saiubin-bby was supposed to debut with Pentagon but he yeeted last minute (we thank)
The child himself has children too: dog Toto and 2 cats: Mimi and Jaws.
He’s close friends with my favourite, formerly pink-haired elf-twink Yeonjun of TXT
Chairman of Victon.
he has the BEST insta user: subsubey.
Best boi.
-`very valid victon-moments to begin with´-
- because its pride: 🌈
- general victon-feelsies: 🌸
- for bad mood: ☀️
- moments when you want to question their sanity: 🌻 🌼 🌺 🌹
- victon being talented on studio CHOOM
- victon being talented whilst covering kehlanis "Gangsta"
alright that was long. and yes they are exactly as loud and noisy and annoying and time consuming as they seem but they are also best boys who can bring very much happiness into ones life, so they are very much worth it
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bearseokie · 4 years
boyfriend! victon
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[ gender-neutral! ] this was originally just a bf! subin headcanon, but i clearly cannot control myself.
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victon m.list | navi. | nsfw bf! victon (M)
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openly admitted his feelings for you in the hopes you would reply with the same emotions.
his gestures are always romantic, even if he means them to be casual (i.e kissing your knuckles, helping you out of a vehicle, pulling your chair out for you.)
sweeps you off your feet every chance he gets. figuratively and physically.
you can't be in a room that doesn't have flowers in them, he makes sure of that.
holds his hand up flat so you can press yours against it.
will walk in on you in the bathroom and laugh at your embarrassed reaction while he brushes his teeth.
gives you his clothes to wear almost every day, you barely wear anything from your own wardrobe.
back hugs you every chance he can.
gym dates where you sit off to the side and take pictures of him while he works out. he eventually gets bored of you watching him and asks to bench you instead of his weights, which ends up in you falling on top of him laughing. if you do work out with him, he spots you the entire time instead of doing his own workout.
drives with one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh.
shakes you awake so you can watch the sunrise through the window together while you lay in each other’s arms.
sleeps on his stomach so you have to hold him instead of the other way around.
tosses you over his shoulder instead of picking you up like normal.
writes handwritten letters when you're apart.
running your fingers through his hair while his head lays on your chest.
when he sings in the shower, he sings at full volume. the steam will be seeping from under the door, and even if you’re dead asleep, he will belt out some high notes that wakes you up instantly with a smile on your face.
lets you sit on his lap all the time. even if he is in the middle of something, he will just slide his arms under yours and continue working with you in his hold.
loves to hold you up by your waist to kiss you like you’re in a dramatic romance movie.
messes with you a lot. loves to piss you off so he can pinch your cheeks and kiss you until you cool down.
the type of boyfriend that invites you to dinner, walks you home, and doesn't leave until the next morning if you catch the drift.
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he is terrible at opening up to people (he's said this himself), and it takes a long time for someone to get to know him.
and by a 'long time' he meant maybe two days after he met you because that title immediately flew out the window. eager to know everything about you, it was only fair that he talked about himself, too.
confessed to you by holding your hand awkwardly while standing behind you so you couldn't see how hard he was blushing
he knows what you're thinking without you even saying anything
does house chores for you regularly so you get time to relax.
"where did these flowers come from?" seungsik.
purposely waits for you to ask him to do something just so he can admit that he already did it. usually ends in you showering him with 'thank you' kisses.
knows your food orders by heart
short walks during light rains just so he has an excuse to cover you with his coat and run home with you.
the most caring person around you when you get sick, will nurse you back to health like his life depends on it.
brings you outside just so you can sit in the grass and blow on dandelions together.
“did you eat yet?” texts regularly
very handy when it comes to home projects. even if you don’t ask you to join him in fixing something, he’ll already be three steps ahead of you with it almost done by the time you get the first word out.
loves to run his hands through your hair.
candlelit dinners late at night while sharing each other’s passions and dreams.
matching phone lock screens where you’re his and he’s yours.
nose kisses.
matching plaid pants.
No matter how far from each other you’re standing, he always instinctively holds his hand out for you to take.
sleeps with your head on his chest so you can listen to his heartbeat.
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he fell madly in love with you instantly the second he saw you. he couldn’t look away. finally plucked up the courage to ask you out but got so nervous that you had to ask him instead.
can make you laugh with a single facial expression.
once tried to impress you by throwing his coat over a puddle so you could walk over it, it was a sewage drain and his coat was ruined.
leaves the house and returns with every snack imaginable for you to share. lots of lady and the tramp spaghetti moments but with ramen. flavored waters stored in your fridge like the world is ending. enough sweets to survive an apocalypse.
yanks you down the sidewalk to pet a dog.
every time you walk around the park, he asks for you to go down the double slide with him so you can hold hands.
takes up 80% of the bed when sleeping so you have to cling to him in order to not fall off the side.
long phone calls at the end of the day when you’re apart. he tells you everything that happened and doesn’t leave out a single detail.
rooftop dates where you can watch the sun go down while you hold hands and kiss.
he always has a story to tell you, no matter what time of day it is.
you’ll never have to open another door for yourself again.
lets you sit behind him so you can hug his back while he holds on to your legs around his waist.
has a soft spot for your laugh. if you start laughing, he'll start laughing, and neither of you will have oxygen in your lungs for a while.
artistic dates where you try out new activities. acrylic pours, spray-painting, even drawing on each other. loves to make a mess of things so he gets to spend more time with you cleaning it up.
matching hoodies.
blaring music while dancing together around your living room.
kisses you like you’re the only two people on the planet.
takes you to a small diner for dinner and you both sit there and talk until the sun is rising.
gets lead on easily, so he trusts you with his life because he loves you.
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obnoxious 'go to the store with me' dates where it's just the two of you rampaging around the aisles finding nothing in particular while coming up with more inside jokes than you can memorize.
begs you to watch scary movies with him just so you'll cling to him scared. he clings to you instead because he's terrified.
arcade dates.
loud screaming when he isn't expecting you.
you have a wall dedicated to doodles he’s drawn for you, even if they were torn from the corners of notebook paper. also leaves sticky note messages for you to find around your home.
the type of boyfriend to find an abandoned shopping cart and put you in it to go around town.
karaoke dates where he screams at the top of his lungs.
willingly falls off of furniture reaching you for you when he’s sleepy.
stormy nights are no longer scary because he’ll bring out the battery-powered lantern and some snacks. also helps you build a blanket fort.
piggy-back rides.
every time you turn around he's feeding you food or bringing you something to drink. if you tell him you haven't eaten all day, he'll carry you to the kitchen and spoon-feed you until you're full so he knows you're taken care of.
handmade couples’ bracelets himself.
pushes on 'pull' doors and pulls on 'push' doors, so you have to walk ahead of him or else you'll look goofy. don't even think about making him go between automatic doors, he'll somehow break the sensor.
hugging his neck and resting on his wide shoulders.
car playlists that you both yell at the top of your lungs when going somewhere.
falls asleep against you once a day.
study dates where he helps you go over things for school. turns your notes into games so you learn them easier. you get rewarded for correct answers with kisses.
holding hands while jumping into a pool together. loves to lay on floats with you on top of him until he decides to throw you off into the water. splashes you the second you get around him to begin a war that doesn’t end unless one of you calls a truce.
sleeps on his back with you curled up against him.
holds you by your hips all the time.
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the 'he'll never show interest in me.' until one day, in the spur of the moment, he spills out everything. about how he has had a crush on you since you met, how fast his heart races when you look at him, all of the times he's wanted to tell you.
you have to kiss him just to shut him up. which sticks because he rambles to you A Lot and kisses are the only way to help him shut off his brain.
he secretly overthinks everything, but will never let it be known.
you're his notepad so he doesn't have to hold it all in, and he can't go a day without expressing how grateful he is to have you.
late nights laying in each other's arms just talking about life and the world and memories.
studio dates where you randomly show up at like 1 a.m. with coffee and sweets to keep him energized. sometimes he pretends like he’s not going to open the door for you unless you beg him with a pout.
loves to take selfies with you. takes pictures of you when you aren’t looking, and you can’t be angry because you do the same to him.
skin care nights where you just pamper one another.
loves back hugs. and front hugs. he hugs you constantly.
pda is huge with him. he doesn’t care who’s looking, if he wants to hold your hand or kiss you, he will.
tattoo dates where you get to hold his hand and watch him get new ink.
extravagant halloween costumes. like he goes ham on your matching costumes. both of you always win competitions for the best dressed.
mirror pics with you doing random stuff in the back because he gave you zero warning.
movie dates. he purposely puts his hand in the popcorn bowl at the same time you do just so he can make you blush.
loves to cook for you. you don’t even have to ask, he’ll just have a full plate of food waiting for you when you get in. yes, sometimes it’s take out he pretended to cook, but you still love him.
sharing/matching accessories. definitely a lover of couple rings, and you’ll have a few instead of just one pair. he loves variety.
loves to be the little spoon. loves to be called baby. loves praise. loves when you play with his hair. loves when you boop his nose. hanse is that soft baby boyfriend.
steals your clothes more than you steal his.
if you make him laugh hard enough, his cheeks will turn pink and he’ll get flustered and try to hide his face against you.
cool and intimidating to everyone, but your soft boyfriend the second you put his hand in yours.
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'we met on accident' is what he tells everyone, but he actually got on his knees and asked you out thinking you'd never give him the time of day if he didn't do something extravagant.
stares at you when you steal his sweatshirts wondering when he’ll get it back (he won’t).
if you sleep over at his place, just know you’re sleeping more with the layer of blankets and pillows he has on his bed than him. but he will kick them off into the floor when he wants to hold on to you.
you’re convinced he can spawn coffee when you ask for some because he always returns home with them minutes after he leaves.
ice cream dates! or any food specific dates.
tall bf that reaches for things on the top shelf for you.
during his rough days he will cuddle up to you on the couch without saying a word. gently placing his head on your shoulder as he sits beside you, lacing your fingers together. eventually opens up about what’s bothering him, but just wants to be near you at first.
puppy eyes that can convince you to do anything for him. if that's not enough, he'll just kiss you until you comply.
reads books to you when you can’t sleep.
forehead kisses.
adrenaline dates like skydiving, cliff jumping, anything that gives him an excuse to hold on to you while you scream his name.
over-sized coats that he pulls over your shoulders when you feel chilly.
rests his chin on your head all the time just because he can.
aesthetic photo-shoots in random places while you make each other laugh so hard that every photo comes out blurry.
lays on top of you while sleeping. quite literally squashes you. you’re basically his own, personal teddy bear.
the one you scream for when a bug is around. he’ll lift you up onto tall furniture while he picks it up and takes it outside.
high-pitched whiny voice when he’s frustrated so you know that something is bothering him every time. he’s convinced you’re psychic because he doesn’t know that his voice does that subconsciously.
late nights staying up to watch old sitcoms while his head lays in your lap.
stealing his beanies.
if you get into bed with him, you won’t be able to get out.
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'best friends to lovers' !!!
before he knew he was in love with you, he would just find ways to spend time with you. long nights studying together. sleepovers consisting of movies and video games. sharing food and drinks without thinking twice about it.
his usually soft and calm demeanor immediately went away the second he realized he had feelings for you.
his scent is your favorite thing in the world.
cuddles up against you while sleeping. like his face in your neck, cuddling.
intense eyes always watching you until you finally meet his gaze, then he softens up.
he cannot sleep unless you are beside him. even calling and talking doesn't help, he needs you next to him.
couch potatoes.
rarely goes out for dinner dates, prefers to just order in and stay in comfortable clothing. which also benefits his cuddle time afterward.
matching pajama sets with slippers
chases you trying to get a hug
he's very stubborn if you ask him to do something. you'll have to play the 'no, you.' game for a while before he huffs and gets up to do it.
sundays are cuddle in bed days, he insists.
very competitive towards you while playing video games, kisses you when you lose but won't even look at you when you win.
his soft, pouty lips.
never lets go of your hand. you could be in the middle of something important and he'll still lace his fingers with yours.
sliding his glasses off his face when he falls asleep with them on.
middle of the night wake-ups were he just wants to hold and kiss you while lightly rocking you in his arms until you fall back asleep.
making him his favorite treats when he’s been working a lot so he knows you’re proud of him.
if he starts kissing your neck, it’s game time.
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ivyuns · 4 years
landing in my heart: closer
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genre: angst, slight fluff
word count: 2.3k
warnings: location is in north korea, jealousy, guns, car crashes, kinda rushed lol
part three of landing in my heart
landing in my heart information
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“what did you just say?”
“i would appreciate if you put the gun away from my fiancee”
“she belongs to division 11. and for those who doesnt know, shes unable to release her personal information. now if you mind, my fiancee is exhausted from her recent mission she came back from” jisung told everybody. on point, your body falls onto jisung’s shoulders, acting as if you were actually exhausted.
jisung takes you to his property till you two are out of sight until jisung clears his throat. “you can let go now” without hesitation, you let go and immediately asks whats division 11 is all about. telling you everything, you enter the house with jisung trailing behind you.
jisung takes you to his property till you two are out of sight until jisung clears his throat. “you can let go now” without hesitation, you let go and immediately asks whats division 11 is all about. telling you everything, you enter the house with jisung trailing behind you.
jisung offers you a cup of water and telling you to drink it to calm down. you gladly accept it as he takes a deep breath. “house inspections happens randomly, but i didnt expect it to happen today. im sorry”
“well, im sure you were equally surprised by it too, so no worries. and you showed up on perfect timing too” you smiled at him, drinking the water then looking around. “by the way, are you hurt? are you okay?” jisung asks while hes checking up on you for any hurt wounds. looking up and making eye contact, you see how his eyes were full of worry. shaking you head a no, you smile at him and was distrubed by knocks on jisungs gates.
“captain han! are you there?!”
jisung goes to open the door and sees the village women, who had heard about the news about you and offers him food. feeling like he couldnt hold any plates, they offer him to help him and take it into the house until you appear behind him.
“o-oh! nice to meet you, captain han’s fiancee” one of the women says. greeting them back, you grab one of the plate full of food from jisung. before you two could go, they ask you where your last mission was, what was it about and how was it. expecting to answer all their questions, you replied as “im sorry, i cant have my information out there”. the women gasp, shocked at they way you talked to them.
jisung tells them to go home and have a good night. doing what theyre told, they walked away and you close the gate. “is captain han really in love with her?” “is this a one-sided love?” “look at her hair, it looks so messy!” hearing all the comments they made about you made you stop your tracks, as long as jisung. gritting you teeth in annoyance, you two continued to go inside the house and ate the food they made for you two.
as you two got ready for bed, jisung made you sleep in the living room as he slept in his room. talking though the closed door, you asked him if he ever went to switzerland. “sorry if im being nosy. but i saw piano sheets and an application form from switzerland. did you have a girlfriend that you would play the piano to?” with no response from him, you drifted to sleep.
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after the years go by, yiseo is back in pyongyang. passing the gates, yiseo bumps into minseok, who smiles at her and lets her go first. yiseo smiles back and proceeds until she sees her uncle, myeongseok. “ah, look at my yiseo. you lost a lot of weight during your studies in russia.”
“damn, its always the north korean women who have the best taste” minseok tells himself, but as his bodyguard hears him, he tells them to be careful of what he says. minseok then tells him he will pay him an extra 10,000 won if hed stop nagging him, but hell pay minseok 10,000 won if he nags to him again.
as yiseo and myeongseok stops at their car outside the airport, she realized what happened to the other car. “uncle, wheres the other car?” she asks. “oh, i had to lend it to jisung” “are you going to pick it up or is he bringing it back here” “im sure i can go there and pick it up after my recital tomorrow” “huh?! are you sure? i didnt even mention you were coming back to him because he never asks about you” “what kind of woman doesnt remember her fiance?”
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the coal mine.
cheolgang enters the coal mine and enters the wire-trapper room after greeting his soldiers. the soldiers gets up from their seats and salutes cheolgang. “ive seen you all work hard, thank you”. manbok hears cheolgang and immediately salutes him. cheolgang tells manbok to follow him into the back exit.
“sir, what brings you all the way here?” manbok asks. “ri muyeok’s brother is now in the outpost. so i need you to wire his house. theres a women in there and im using it to ruin his family” as cheolgang finishes. manbok gets flashbacks about jisung’s brother.
7 years ago.
“you see, my little brother is studying in switzerland right now” muyeok says in the car with another soldier. “mmhm, hes a piano genius with a full scholarship. but everytime i call him, hes always sorry. maybe its because one of us had to follow our dads path” muyeok replies. “did you wanted to be on the piano path?” “nah, i wasnt into it as jisung was so i took this path” the soldier nods his head. “but he told me when he gets back, he’ll play a song for me, so im excited for that. i bet itll put me in a happy mood”
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manbok, who listens to their conversation, helping cheolgang with his favor; killing muhyeok. telling where the driver to go, they collied with muyeoks vehicle. hearing the crashing noises made manbok go numb.
everyones outside the village, looking though jisung’s car, full of excitement. eavesdropping from the gate, jisung comes behind you and tells you hes leaving. “wait let me walk you out. so those women can see what i actually look like since it was dark outside” “no, theres no time for that. also, here. tie it up” jisung gives you a handkerchief. “tie what up?” jisung turns you around and ties your hair up, securing it with a double knot.
heading out of the gate together, you pretended to play the good wife and walked jisung out of the house. before he could leave your sight, you grabbed his wrist and told him to pat you hair, as if you two were being real about your engagement. he then pats your house as everyone is disgusted at your actions. you then tell him to wave at you in which he did. waving at him back, he turns around and heads to the base, bowing at people.
the village women from last night shows up to jisungs house after bad talking about you, inviting for a kimchi battle, you refuse.
back at the base, all soldiers are in an array. “hwang hyunjin, lee felix, kim seungmin, and yang jeongin. all of you but the four of you, head to the shooting range”
with everyone gone but the five of them, they meeting in jisung’s office. “so what did you tell them” hyunjin asks. “i told them shes my fiancee” everyone gasp loudly. “guys just be quiet right now. we just need a plan for her to get back on the boat”
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as the four men walk to jisungs house as jisung himself goes to where the accident happened. as he talks to the soldier that was the guard for the place couldnt see what exactly happened since it was dark but he took note on how empty the cargo was and how the front the truck had armor. a very sharp armor.
in south korea, sehyeong calls the people who are helping him track down minseok, telling them to go to the places where he think hes hiding at. at the family meeting, both sehyeong and sejun continue to fight over who would be the next heir. sanga recommends the la vie en rose should be over if your disappearance is longer than expected.
in the village, you can see how hard life is as a north korean. telling the boys that youre off into the house to get potatoes, you noticed a little boy stealing one of the jackets. as the boys saw, they quickly ran towards the little boy and manages to stop him, as a bag of rice falls off of his pocket. “let me go! i need to feed my sister who hasnt eaten in 3 days and because of that, she cant open her eyes!”
making everyone come back to the house, you grabbed food from the cupboards as hyunjin is speaking nonsense. “you really act like this is your own house. youre giving away food thats not even yours to some boy whos lying” after putting the food into a tote bag, as well as a small blanket, youre stopped as you see jisung. “captain han! hes faking it!” hyunjin yells out. “no im not!”
“shut up hyunjin” you shut him up. jisung tells the little boy to wash his face and hands before eating so that he can prevent getting sick. after he washes he face and hands, he runs towards his little sister, who is sleeping alone under cardboard and a small sheet covering it. finally happy to feed his sister.
after that is finished, everyone gathers around and spends time with you before you leave tonight. “okay everyone! today i will give you awards to claim once we meet again” “awards!? are you a general or something?-” “and the first award goes to yang jeongin !” you say as you cut off hyunjin. “now you have two choices. you can use your prize as we see each other again or get it now. when we meet, youll get 100 million won, or get 8 corn now” “ill get the corn!”
“second prize goes to lee felix! your prize when we meet again is have lunch with jiwoo or get the tv right there” you pointed to jisungs tv. “look-” “dont worry, hell pick the first one” you whisper back to jisung. “ill pick the first one” felix gets up and claims his award.
“third one goes to the most handsome is ... kim seungmin!” jisung looks at you with disbelief. “you can have a blind date with miss korea or any award youd like” “ill choose none” nodding you head, you agreed seungmin is like the boys in south korea.
“okay thats all-” “wait what about me” hyunjin asks. “seriously? fine here, have this shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash” as you threw him the bag full of the products jisung got you earlier. “what the- captain han you really bought her this?!” “she said it was essentials”
after announcing the awards and coming to the end, jisung gets up as jealousy is on him, and goes out of the house. following him behind, you take him to your thank you gift for him; tomatoes after giving the seller half of jisungs potato sack since you didnt have any money. however, jisungs not impressed since he doesnt like tomatoes and doesnt properly treat it well. “whatever, just water it and say 10 nice things to it”
the night comes and everything leads to the end. the 4 men are back, eating corn on the mountain near the base with the moon shinning on them. “i feel sad now” jeongin speaks, stopping the silence. “after all the complications, its now the end”
you and jisung go inside the car jisung borrowed from myeonseok. heading to the dock where youre finally going home. taking off the handkerchief jisung gave you for you hair and folding it, you put it in the middle. “thank you for everything. i mean it” you told him. “we wont see each other again, right?” “probably” jisung answers. “its such a shame that you live here.” “its a shame that you live there” you chuckled at his joke, creating silence in the car once again.
parking the car near the deck, felix’s dad comes out of his boat as you two walk out. giving him the ticket, he asks if its just you. “no, the two of us. ill return after she is on the other boat” jisung says as you widen your eyes at him.
going onto the boat and sailing into the middle of the ocean. “since we probably wont see each other again, my name is yoon y/n” jisung looks at you with sincere eyes. “my name is han jisung” jisung smiles.
“ah, im a member of the haeju yoon clan. haeju is in north korea right?” “im a member of hanju han clan” “the irony!” both of you laugh, making jisung feeling happy after a while.
suddenly, a flash a light flashed the boat. “stop the boat!” yelled the other boat who was trailing behind felix’s dads boat. you and jisung hid under the boat as the boat was stopped. the police were investigating the boat. “were here to see your honesty and see if youre trading goods or smuggling humans to other countries” “why would i do that?” the police stomps on the blue hallow board, which was where you and jisung were hiding.
“open up!” was what you both heard underneath. “jisung! what do we do?! youre a soldier you should know what to do. geez” you silently yelled out. “in south korean dramas-” “what?! this is no time to talk about this” you freaked out. “im going to do something. now look at me and dont be startled. look at me and nothing else”
with that, jisung slams his lips into yours as the door opened.
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additional ending:
after you leave jisung alone with the tomato plant, jisung bends down and tells 10 nice words.
“sunshine, happiness, rose, friends, breeze, cheekies, family, flowers, love, and piano”
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squeallywrites · 3 years
Questioning the Light - Hongbin Oneshot
You couldn’t believe your luck. You had been on a supply run downtown undercover and had stumbled on your nemesis’s lesser known sidekicks. It was said that he rarely left the [fortress] so you couldn’t really pass up this opportunity, even if you were on vacation.
With a simple bit of acting, he had offered to help you with a “problem.”
“So what problems were you having again?” Hongbin asks as you approached the front door. His exhausted voice was a nice baritone, you had to admit.
“I swear the guy before had set up my pc wrong. It’ll turn on but my monitor and speakers don’t work and I’ve tried everything I could,” you smoothly lie.
As soon as he walks into the main hall, you press a button on your watch, locking down the room. Robotic arms wrap around Hongbin, bringing him to his knees, preventing him from escaping.
He looks at you, confused and only slightly worried. You raise a brow at his less that underwhelming reaction, “For someone working under Rovix, you’re not really cautious, are you? Not only that, but you don’t seem worried about the predicament that you’re in.”
He doesn’t say anything but continues to stare at you.
“I do wonder what Rovix will do. Probably won’t like that his sidekick got so foolishly kidnapped,” you chuckle to yourself.
“Bold of you to assume that he cares about me. Trust me. He won’t come,” he deadpans.
You bend down to meet his eye, smirking with a low voice, “We’ll see about that.”
It had been one week since you sent Rovix that taunting message of your hostage, but nothing. Not a single word. You eyes drift to the video feed of Hongbin in his cell. He was curled up on his bed, head resting on his knees, definitely not wanting to be there but seemed resigned to this being his life now. And as the days went on, you would catch him crying himself to sleep over the coms.
Something twinged in your heart. ‘What was his life before?’
Two months later:
“Come now Rovix! You’re normally so put together!” You yell as you fly through the sky, evading his attacks no problem, “Maybe if you still had Hongbin by your side, you wouldn’t be so clumsy.”
The hero takes aim, hitting your side with one of his lasers. Pain erupted throughout your body as you scream. Quickly, you hide yourself on a rooftop long enough to grab the healing sealant from your belt to spray it over the wound before dodging yet another strike.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about,” he snarls as he gets closer.
You take off.
“Shame. Seemed like you would’ve cared for your team,” you shout back whilst deploying an explosion that severed the top off a building. ‘That’ll keep him busy.’ Taking your chance, you make your escape.
Limping through the door, you make it about 5 steps before collapsing to the ground.
You felt hands grab at you but you couldn’t make them out before darkness took you.
When you woke, you were in your bed. Your memory may be fuzzy but you definitely don’t remember making it to your room. As you adjust yourself, you hiss at the pain. It was slightly better but not by much.
“Oh good, you’re awake.”
You turn to see Hongbin drying his hands as he walks back from the bathroom. “You had me worried there.”
Your brows furrow at that, “Why would you be worried? Aren’t I your captor? Anyone in their right mind would’ve taken that opportunity to escape.
He goes quiet for a while, eyebrows scrunched in thought before he kneels and leans toward you before taking your hand to place it behind his head. You were confused until you felt it. Right under your fingers was a small hard bump in the shape of a square.
“What?” The word escape you.
He pulls away, letting your hand fall, and sits back, but doesn’t meet your eye as he begins, “A couple years ago, when I was seriously injured in a fight, I took on a sidekick to help manage the rising crime rate. He did well but we clashed when it came to morals. By the time I was fully healed, I didn’t realise what he had done.”
“What are you talking about?”
Hongbin meets your gaze, “Y/n, I am Rovix. The one you always fought until just over a year ago. Sejun had this inhibitor chip put in where it reduces my abilities so I couldn’t stop him. He kept me hidden in the base but the one day I snuck out, you found me. I didn’t realise it at first. I couldn’t remember you, but as time went on, I began to remember.”
“Do you think it has something to do with the chip?” You suggested, “I can try to remove it if you would like?”
“The world is so different to me now,” Hongbin stands and walks over to the window, “I guess I never noticed during my career just how much the people didn’t like me. They fell in love with Sejun; The hero that kills. That’s what they want. Not someone who sees those that terrorise people as the ones who need help finding their way. It’s made me think during my time here,” he turns back to you, “Perhaps I’ve had a change of heart.”
You couldn’t help the smirk that graced your lips.
“After months, you finally show your face again, Void! Were you too scared?” Taunts Rovix.
You can only laugh at that. The jetpack lifts you up to the spire of the Grand Terminal.
“And for a so-called hero, you don’t really put an effort into your duties.”
“What are you on about?” He flies up to you, piercing blue eyes meeting yours.
“You know, I don’t remember Rovix’s eyes being blue. They were always brown.”
And that’s when they turned red, but before you could move, a beam of dark light shoots up between you. Rovix backs up, startled but you can only smirk.
“Guess what big boy,” You kick off the spire, “I know your secret.”
You take off, booking it through the winding streets of downtown as lasers shoot passed you. Feeling your watch buzz, you take a sharp turn to send the signal before heading for the spot.
Just as you were almost there, Rovix manages to hit your jetpack, the explosion sending straight for the stone steps of city hall. Strong arms catch you before placing you down.
“No, it cannot be,” gasps Rovix, “You died.”
Hongbin chuckles darkly at that, “That’s what you thought.”
Over the last two months after you healed enough to operate your tech, you removed his chip. The burst of Hongbin’s power surprised the two of you, but where he used to have a bright shimmering light to his entire body, there was a dark flame. Everything about his power seemed to have transformed into the more aggressive variety. He felt powerful.
You got up to stand proudly next to him (forever patting yourself on the back for prior thinking about explosion when designing your suit).
“You see, when I sent that ransom video all those months ago, I thought you would’ve jumped at the opportunity to save one of your men. But he’s not yours. You were his.”
“And now it’s time to repay the favour,” Hongbin begins to fly up to Rovix’s level, “Hwang Sejun.”
At that, Sejun roars with laughter, “YOU? What are you going to do? You couldn’t even stop criminals from tearing up the city, let alone kill anyone.”
“I gave them the chance to redeem themselves. To better themselves. You take that choice from them. You took it from me.”
With that, Hongbin pounces, driving Rovix straight into the atmosphere. You couldn’t see them anymore but the clouds would burst with light like a lightning storm. Squinting your eyes, driving your contacts to zoom in, you saw just in time Hongbin drive a powerful blow to Rovix’s sternum. Rovix’s body fell to the ground below, landing a fair few feet away from you, the hole left from Hongbin charred from his power.
You hear him land behind you, “Cutting it a little close weren’t you?”
He was bloody, covered with cuts everywhere and you could see a few bruises starting to form but overall he was okay.
“You would’ve moved. I knew you were watching,” he smirks back at you as he cups your jaw.
You couldn’t help yourself as you moved in to kiss him. He pulls back wincing in pain as you hit a cut on his lip, but he quickly kissed you back gently.
“He killed him! Lord help us! Rovix is dead!” The people wailed.
Hongbin pulls away to look out at the cityfolk gathering at a distance, before wrapping his arms around your waist and rising to the air.
“Your hero has been dead for years! You can thank yourselves for that. Now this is our city and you will pay for turning your backs on the light!” He yells to them as the clouds above darken and lightning shoots down in a flurry.
“Let’s go home,” you tell him, “We can deal with them tomorrow.”
With one more kiss, he takes off as you hold on tight.
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junquisite · 4 years
Be Mine
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Jinseok was waiting close to the place the group's car was supposed to arrive at, keeping an eye on Eunha from afar, already feeling bad for her.
The van arrived and the K-pop group Victon got down a little away from the venue of busking and mini fanmeeting. Jinseok already knew them, had been working with them since their debut when he was himself a rookie photographer.  Now he was one of the best photographers of the agency he worked in, big enough to actually have interns and part timers under him like Cha Eunha who was setting up the camera.
He greeted the idols he have been working with for years now and they all smiled.
"We just have to wait here till the camera sets up so that you won't be surrounded by fans. You know how it goes." He said and they all laughed.
"Why are you here? Aren't you the one usually working on the camera?" Seungwoo asked and Jinseok pointed at the camera.
"I got promoted. I'm a senior now and I got a part timer now. Although she's too good to be just a part timer."
Jinseok wasn't lying. Cha Eunha had passion and love for photography and she was far better then him when he joined the agency. Hell she's almost on his current level. After all she was majoring in Photography and video editing in university.
"Who is she?" Sejun asked.
"Cha Eunha. She was my junior in college. When I joined here she asked for a job too. She's in her final year now."
They ooh-ed a little and watched the manager of agency who sometimes head such events go to her and thrash her slightly. Eunha just hung her head low and nodded and Jinseok saw the members wince slightly.
"Yeah. She doesn't really like her that much. Eunha is too good and the manager wanted another girl to be employed with us who was someone she knew. But the head liked Eunha's work so she got the job. The manager keeps on giving her shit for it. Currently it's because she was late and came just when the idol arrived for busking. The idols were pretty chill but the manager won't let it go. The group even treated Eunha to coffee to cheer her up after the show." Jinseok said and Hanse asked, "who was the group?"
"It was A.C.E." jinseok said as they saw Eunha fish her phone out and then Jinseok's phone rang.
"I'm all set. Whenever you all want to come."
Jinseok nodded and relayed the message to the group who started taking off the padded jackets before going.
They went and greeted the fans and there were loud cheers and they saw the girl behind camera, a cap and mask on with a hoodie and jeans while another girl just came from behind and hugged her. Seungwoo also noticed how Jinseok's eyes were stuck on the other girl who Eunha shooed away and then went a little away from the camera to talk to.
Until the manager passed her a box to have her pass the mics to the boys.
She nodded and ran to the boys, handing them over the mics and bowing simultaneously and they heard Jinseok apologize to her. He filled them in after she left that the girl who would run the small chores was on sick leave today so the manager was making Eunha do them.
Eunha was the one who got them water bottles too, handled music volume and mic volume AND handled the recording too, so by the end of the fanmeeting, the victon members were equally Impressed and sad for her.
When they got done and were going to their van, Jinseok was with them and the girl who was with Eunha came to Jinseok followed by Eunha with her camera and it's equipments.
"You had a hard day Eunha. I'll treat you to coffee." Jinseok said and she looked at her watch.
"I got a lecture in an hour. So I'll rush home and meet you in the cafe in 20 minutes. Take Aerin and buy me breakfast too!" Eunha said and waving at them, left.
"I guess I’m going with you then." The girl, Aerin said to Jinseok who nodded with a shy smile.
"Oooh" sejun said from behind and Aerin looked at them with wide eyes.
"Oh hello." She said, bowing with a a red face.
"I'm a huge fan!" She said and they all laughed.
"So is Eunha actually! I'm so sad she couldn't even meet your properly!" Aerin said, distressed.
"How about we join you guys for coffee then?"
A bit shocking to everyone, it was Seungsik who suggested that to her and Aerin happily nodded.
"Can you guys?" She asked and Seungsik turned to the members who nodded.
"Why don't you guys come with us in the van? I'm sure we can adjust." Seungwoo said and 5 Minutes later, they were in the café that was walking distance away from both Aerin and Eunha's university and their apartment.
They were all talking while Aerin messaged Eunha about them being there, on request of Victon, she didn't told her that they were here too.
"She'll be so happy! The manager bummed her out too much today. So she couldn't even meet you happily."
Right then the door opened to the cafe and Eunha walked in looking completely different them before.
Instead of shoes, she had heels on, jeans and a t-shirt with a coat on and light makeup. Jinseok chuckled at the expression on the group members faces.
Except for Byungchan who was busy talking to Aerin.
Eunha looked around untill she saw them and then her eyes widened and she walked over quickly.
"what is going on here? I mean..you all.." she said, vaguely pointing at the victon members and Aerin laughed.
"Here. Have my card and order whatever you want to eat. You got to rush to your lecture too!" Jinseok said giving her his card and she ooh-ed.
"If this is what I will get, I think I can survive that manager." Eunha said and Jinseok just shooed her away.
"Anyone else want something?" She asked and heochan got up.
While she ordered a grilled cheese and iced coffee for herself, Chan was having a crisis over the flavour of cake he want. Eventually he decided to buy one piece for all but the question of flavour again came.
"How about since we're 10, 5 chocolate, 3 vanilla and 2 truffle?"
Ultimately that was the order Chan went with and they came back to the table with all the food.
"Everyone say Thanks jinseok!" Eunha said as they placed cakes on the table and everyone thanked him while laughing while he just stared at her.
Eunha just shrugged at him.
 After that it was a fun 25 minutes untill Eunha again had to leave for her class.
“I’ll text you when I’ll be done!” she said to Aerin and left.
An hour and half later when she called Aerin to know where she was, apparently they were at the café only and they were going to have lunch together and were waiting for her. So she rushed there only to find Victon still sitting there and Sejun waved at her when he saw her.
She took a seat and Seungwoo said,”order anything. Lunch is on us.”
She smiled at him and looked at the menu.
“I really want to have pizza. but do I want to gain weight?” she mumbled quietly and Sejun said from beside her, “Have that pizza. who knows how long we’ll live. Atleast have good food.”
“Right?” she said and he nodded with a cute little pout that made her smile.
“sejun is turning everyone into a pig like him.” Chan said and everyone laughed.
 The food was good and the company was even better which made Eunha smile a lot. Also she was getting quite along with Sejun, chan, Hanse and Seungsik while Byunghcan’s whole attention was on Aerin.
Eunha snickered at yet another attempt by Jinseok to woo Aerin’s attention when Hanse asked her what happened.
“Jinseok has been pinning after Aerin for the past two years since I’ve known him. It’s still so funny to see him trying to woo her when Aerin has no clue whatsoever about it.”
“she has no clue?” Sejun asked.
“she’s slightly dense. Regarding these matters atleast. Also I don’t think she’s interested in Jinseok at all so that also might be a reason.” Eunha said and shrugged.
“And what about you? Do you figure out these things?” Seungsik asked her and she mulled over it a bit.
“I would like to believe that yes.”
Eunha and Aerin bowed to the group and waved to Jinseok and were about to turn and leave when Seungsik stopped Eunha.
“I was meaning to ask, shall we bring alcohol in the eveing?”
Eunha blinked at him who stared abck at her and shemuttered a confused “huh?”
“Aerin invited us for dinner?” he said, now seemingly equally confused and they both turned to look at Aerin.
“we are having them over for dinner?” Eunha asked and Aerin nodded happily.
“well they said they were craving homemade food so they were going to try cooking tonight but since only Sejun and Seungsik can cook, they were worried it’ll end up being a tragedy. So I invited them over. You cook real well.” Aerin finished and Eunha just stared at her.
“we thought she talked to you but if you’re not comfortable  we don’t want to impose.” Seungsik said and eunha shook her head.
“oh no no! I wont mind. Come on over, and do bring alcohol please.” She said, laughing and they all nodded.
“Eunha-ya, can you make me egg rolls? For snacks?” sejun asked her cutely and she blushed sligthly, nodding while Seungwoo and Seungsik shook their heads.
 The girls took their leave and Aerin made confused noises when instead of their apartment, Eunha started dragging her to the opposite side.
“were are we going?”
“grocery shopping my dumbdumb.”
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byungchaan · 5 years
friends to lovers!au subin
your literature professor had instructed the class to share your favorite poems with the student sitting next to you
“you can share the title, name of the poet, give a little summary, or if you can even recite a few lines that would be great!” the professor, who was a balding man in his early 50s with tiny circular reading glasses perched on top of his nose, exclaimed with much excitement, clapping his hands together
his enthusiasm seemed to make up for the lackluster atmosphere that was currently enveloping the classroom
idle chatter began to fill the room as students started their verbal assignment
the boy next to you finally shifted his gaze shyly onto his desk and in a small voice said, “i guess i’ll go first. i don’t remember the entire poem, just this one line.”
to your surprise he actually began to recite a poem in a small, calm voice: “just then, i am like newton’s apple. i rolled toward them without stopping until i fell on them with a thump, with a thump.”
you snickered as you realized what poem he was reciting
his semi-serious expression transformed into a small smile when he notices that you caught him. “i was binge-watching goblin last night and ‘physics of love’ by kim inyook has been stuck in my head,” he explains sheepishly, offering you a reason why he seemed to know the poem word-for-word
“don’t worry, it’s a good poem. and i’ve watched goblin quite a few times myself,” you replied with a goodnatured laugh, which made him feel slightly more at ease. “my heart keeps bouncing between the sky and the ground. it was my first love,” you finish the poem for him.
his smile widens into a grin. “you’re good. my name’s subin by the way!”
that was the start of your casual friendship
you and subin often worked together in class projects out of convenience because your desks were right next to each other
with these projects, the two of you grew closer at a fast pace
even outside of class, you and subin would hang out to go on coffee runs (during which he would only get a green tea latte), trips to the aquarium, or visits to eateries that just opened around campus
during exam season, there was one night where you were particularly exhausted and he showed up at your house when you were studying with some snacks and your favorite drink
“don’t overwork yourself okay?” he had told you with a smile, setting the items down on your desk
it was after this little act of care he showed you that you guys became INSEPARABLE
you promised to protect and cherish subin no matter what because... he really DID care so much about you, enough to remember what your favorite snacks were
maybe that little act of kindness tugged at something in your heart? but at the time you just thought, i am forever indebted to this guy, my BEST FRIEND SUBIN
anyway fast forward a year and the two of you are as close as ever
there’s this cute boy in one of your classes, and you find out his name is sejun and he’s a graduate student
of course subin is the first person you tell
“his name is lim sejun and i gotta say.............. HOTTIE ALERT”
“god can you close your mouth y/n you’re drooling a little bit”
he has to deal with your constant gushing about this sejun for weeks on end
“he dropped his pencil today and gUESS WHAT????”
subin is just absentmindedly on his phone, barely listening as he says, “you picked it up for him?”
“n-no......... i was too far away to pick it up for him so he picked it up himself but HE LOOKED SO GOOD DOING IT LIKE HOW???”
cue subin eyerolling so hard his eyes go back into his head
you find out sejun also works at this coffee shop near campus and you make note of what shifts he has so you can drop by and catch a glimpse of him
you drop by WITHOUT subin of course because you have a feeling subin would just ruin it for you by marching right up to sejun and being like “my friend thinks you’re cute so....... are you going to give them your number or what”
sejun is VERY popular it seems as whenever he’s around the coffee shop seems to be twice as crowded
but you don’t mind sitting at a table in the back and just catching glimpses of this god who has descended upon earth
subin is always a little annoyed whenever you bring up sejun and you attribute it to him being jealous of sejun’s popularity
“it’s okay subin, we can’t all be angels like sejun”
“..... i hate you”
you, texting subin as soon as the clock strikes three on thursday afternoons: i’m gonna go get coffee, do you want anything?
subin: yes, a green tea latte WITHOUT your sejun-induced drool in it pLEASE
you: shut up subin i’ll do what i want
one day, you’re walking through the halls after your class just ended when you feel a light hand on your shoulder
when you turn, you see a familiar face; you think his name is heo chan and he’s in one of your classes. he’s also one of subin’s friends
“hi, you’re y/n right? are you going to see subin anytime soon? sejun told me he left something important over at subin’s house but subin hasn’t been answering his texts,” chan explains to you, slightly out of breath
at first you’re like, “oh sure i’m on my way to see him right now! i think his phone is off because he has an exam---” and then you realize that chan had said SEJUN and SEJUN left something at SUBIN’S house and--- they KNOW each other??????
you tell chan that you’ll pass on the message to subin and chan thanks you before scurrying away
you’re not mad at subin but you’re just confused why he’s been pretending like he doesn’t know sejun this whole time??? when (it seems like) they’re friends????
you bump into subin right as he’s leaving his classroom and cut to the chase immediately: “chan told me to tell you that sejun left something important at your house?” you don’t miss the way subin’s face hardens immediately. “i didn’t know you and sejun were friends. why didn’t you tell me?”
subin runs a hand through his hair in exasperation and lets out a sigh. he answers your question with another question. “why, so you can ask me for his number?”
“no, but---it kind of feels like you were hiding this from me...?” you have no idea why everything is coming out as a question now but you were just honestly so confused
subin leads you to a quieter place where he can explain himself, under a big tree out on campus
“i didn’t tell you because i didn’t want to be replaced,” he admits at last, looking down at the ground. “i didn’t want you to forget about me if i introduced you and sejun because i KNOW how much you like sejun”
you breathe out a tiny sigh of relief because is THAT what this is all about? “subin, i would never do that to you. i just think sejun is attractive and that’s all. you mean a lot to me. a lot more than i can put into words.” and it suddenly hits you that subin means a lot more to you than you were admitting to yourself
subin rubs the back of his neck awkwardly at the depth of your words, looking anywhere but you, but he can feel your gaze still on him and it makes him turn red. “listen, i-i---” he starts, finally meeting your eyes, and he laughs a little at how awkward he’s being and everything’s so awkward AWKWARD AWKWARD “i might regret this later, but you really mean a lot to me too. m-more than just a friend. i like you, y/n”
you know he’s putting on a brave face but over the course of your friendship you know he’s more vulnerable than he lets on. and the fact that he stepped out of his comfort zone to confess to you really allows you to release your feelings that you had locked deep inside you for who knows how long. you reach for his hand, cheeks red
when you first start dating he’s a little awkward to start skinship....... even though you guys were friends before everything’s so DIFFERENT now like.... when his hand accidentally brushes against yours suddenly his heartrate is up like 200bpm?? which is unhealthy, he’s sure
whenever he tries to hold your hand you notice his hand trembling just the slightest bit even though he pretends like it isn’t--but the way you intertwine your fingers with his gives him reassurance, so he grips your hand tighter
the early stages of your relationship start out like this: he’s a bit cautious of doing something because what if you don’t like it??? but when you give him a positive reaction it gives him a more courage
he REALLY appreciates these silent acts of confirmation that you give him
at this time he’s shy about asking his friends for advice, even though at some point he starts wondering when would be a good time to kis--
“so, have you kissed them yet?” sejun texts him one day in their group chat with chan and some others
“no i’m waiting for the right time” he wants it to be PERFECT because that’s what you deserve...... 
but one day when the two of you are at the park, watching the sunset while eating snacks from the convenience store, he’s suddenly overwhelmed with so much feeling
maybe it’s the way you laughed at some lame joke he just told??? and even though it wasn’t THAT funny you laughed so genuinely and it made him feel so so important. and he just realllyy wants to kiss you
you feel him kind of fidgeting next to you so you turn to give him a look but he’s already looking at you with this determined expression. “can i kiss you?”
so you let him (because to be honest, you’ve been waiting for him for the longestttttt time)
and the kiss is so so soft and the tiniest bit hesitant on his part but when you lean the slightest bit toward him, he gains enough confidence to cup your cheek with his hand and just GOES FOR IT
after the initial awkward stage of dating he literally won’t stop boasting about you to his friends: “did you know they can do this and this and this?” “i have a date with them tomorrow night so if any of you wanted to hang out with me you’re out of luck” 
byungchan: we get it subin, you’re dating
subin: also on the 3rd of next month we’re busy because we’re going to see a movie
hanse: .....anyway can y’all do any cool tricks with your toes
but really, subin’s friends love you because you treat him so well! you end up telling sejun about how you used to have a mild infatuation with him and you all had a good laugh about it
they always jokingly call him young master (because they’re whipped for him) so now that you’re in the picture, you’re the young master’s lover
he’s extremely protective of you, so when the others tease you for whatever reason he glares DAGGERS and they all run away like scared puppies
subin will tease you himself though, like he’s always done throughout your friendship
he’ll pretend to buy you an ice cream cone and then be like “this is mine, haha” and proceed to eat it right in front of you...... but then he buys you another one immediately because he feels bad
he can be shy when it comes to compliments from you! like whenever you call him handsome he just grins and says “i know” but the blush on his cheeks just tells you all you need to know
he will REALLY appreciate if you’re a good listener, and he’ll tell you everything; it’s not uncommon for the two of you to have late night conversations about your worries until you both fall asleep
he remembers all the little things you say; when you mention something about your feet being cold, he’ll buy you three pairs of socks the next day. when you tell him your back has been hurting lately, he buys you a pillow for your lower back when you sleep.
he secretly loves when you baby him and he acts extra cute around you..... his friends are lowkey crying because they didn’t know he could get even CUTER
he’s kind of shy about PDA in public but when you guys are alone he’ll whine for your attention
his favorite thing is resting his head on your lap
or resting his head on your shoulder whenever you’re doing something
his name in your contacts is “binnie 🐱💕” and he tells you that he has you in his contacts as just your name with a heart emoji at the end but you SWEAR one time you texted him and the notification on his phone showed up as “baby 💕💕💕”
speaking of cats, the two of you could play with his cats for HOURS
also cat cafe dates?? his heart pounds so hard when he sees you smiling and feeding a cat...... then when you glance up at him and your smile widens even more, he knows he’s in l*ve
meanwhile you notice at him staring at you dreamily and you’re just like ummm???? earth to subin???? 
“i love you,” he says in a soft voice that only you can hear, and your heart jumps into your throat as the cat you were playing with slinks away
my heart keeps bouncing between the sky and the ground. it was my first love.
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frxggi · 7 years
[VICTON] Reaction to their partner suddenly cuddling up to them
Okay so lets like Let’s say that you two are doing something really mundane like watching a movie or maybe you’re just standing around and then you suddenly just get really Needytm so you kind of like.... force yourself onto them and beg for their attention 
With Seungwoo I don’t really see him having much of a reaction. He’d probably be hunched over his work desk in the middle of the night and you wake up because “ummmm what the hell seunggu where did u go” and u see him and ur like “babe come to bed” but he just kind of brushes you off. Obviously you wouldn’t like this at all so you would just huff and drape your arms around his waist from behind and rest your cheek on his back. Which, of course would prompt him to scoot over to give you some room and when you slink into the chair beside him he’d throw an arm around you and secure you into his side and kiss your temple. In public, I don’t see him initiating and allowing much skinship but when it’s just the two of you he wouldn’t mind how clingy you get; he’d only silently reciprocate and offer you sweet little gestures from time to time. 
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Seungsik, to me, is a bit harder to read. Bear with me on this, because I promise there’s a method to my madness. I don’t think he’d necessarily mind, per se, but I feel like he’d be less....Eager? To recieve if that makes sense? Like let’s say you two are out in public and you get really clingy and start draping yourself around him. I feel like he’d gently brush you off, especially if you two are with someone else because I feel like that’s sort of something he’d want to keep to himself? Like, “baby, they don’t need to see any of this stuff ;;;;” that kind of deal. Definitely would hold your hand, though, to keep you sated. When you two get some privacy, though, he’d make it up to you by wrapping around you like a koala and not letting you go until he deems fit. 
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Chan is a child through and through. I feel like he’d be absolutely enthused to see you so needy for attention. You’d try to grab his hand and he’d jump at the opportunity to tease you. “What are you doing? Your hands are really sweaty, don’t touch me!” And for a bit he’d brush off any of your attempts to get close before finally like...Throwing that smile of his at you and all but falling into your arms. He’d probably breathe out something like “You really are too cute for me. I don’t know what to do.” And because he’s lowkey highkey a shithead he’d probably get the idea to start tickling you, especially if you two are alone, because when you two play fight there’s a 300% chance someone or something is going to get caught in the crossfire.
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Sejun, I see as having two sides. He’s either really sweet or so...so awkward. So I think his reaction would depend on his mood, really. After a long day or when he’s really missing you or feeling extra affectionate, I can see him grinning from ear to ear because knowing that you want to be close to him would make his heart soar and he’d be beyond happy to dote on you and give you little nose/forehead/cheek kisses while he drags his hands lazily up and down your sides. If you want to talk about awkward, though, just sneak up behind him and give him a back hug. The first time it happened he probably got really scared and let out an embarrassing little yelp that you, of course, don’t let him live down. Plus, I feel like he’s at heart a macho man, you know what I mean? Like he strikes me as having very traditional views on relationships. “Back hugs are something the guy initiates, not the girl!!” 
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Hanse is a Softie In Disguise. I feel like people have the idea that he looks like he could kill you and he’d actually kill you and let me tell you that I have no idea where people get it from because he’s the sweetest boy in the whole wide world, okay, these are facts. He’s still young, so I don’t think he’s very experienced. Which, in my mind, makes him really really fucking awkward. The first time you try to cuddle up to him, I can see him just tensing up because he’s never been in a relationship before so he wouldn’t know what to do. His ears would go red and he’d awkwardly wrap his arms around you because of course he wants to be the cool guy, so he’d pretend he knows how it all works, when in reality he has no idea and you know that. So you’d easily guide him and show him what to do and he’s a fast learner so he’d easily catch on and from that moment on Cuddles With Do Hanse becomes a daily routine. You two probably fall asleep in each others arms a lot. 
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Byungchan is a boy with a lot of love in his heart, okay. Situations like these are ones he cherishes and looks forward to every day. Cuddling with him is almost like an addiction so it goes without saying that every time you get the opportunity to be alone with him, you’re in his arms. I don’t see him allowing it to happen in front of others, though, especially the other members. He’s 1000/10 the type to get really bashful and flustered. 
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Subin is still a baby, so I see him eating this sort of shit up. He’s a mama’s boy at heart so I feel like he’d enjoy cuddling with you because it reminds him of home. He’s so young and I don’t have any doubt in my mind that idol life is hard on him especially, so on particularly rough days he’d either let you know exactly what’s up and blatantly ask you to hold him or he’d be dropping hints until it finally clicks in your brain to bring him into your arms. He strikes me as a boy that likes to be the little spoon so I see it being pretty rare that your roles are reversed. He definitely wouldn’t mind, though, because your cuddle sessions alone are always filled with smiles and love and maybe lots of embarrassed giggles because he’s young and inexperienced and the whole relationship thing is so new to him that he can’t help but laugh. He’d probably try to act all tough and manly in front of the other members by boldly grabbing your hand and twisting your fingers together. Of course, he’d be a wreck the moment someone (hanse) laughs at him. In short, please hold this boy and protect him from everything. 
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Whew first reaction request and i am living let me tell you guys. It’s nice i love reactions because theyre good to get my creative juices flowing and not nearly as stressful to write as a scenario. Anyways I hope this is enjoyable, and requests are still open so keep ‘em coming, kiddos! 
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evangelene · 7 years
Defense Mechanism Pt. 2
Summary: Everyone deals with life in their own way, sometimes you’re smiling through the pain, other times you’re an ass. Park Jimin is far better at the latter.
Part one
WARNINGS: hardcore abuse, assholishness, swearing, the usual shit that I warn about. 
Soonmi was latched onto his arm and about as annoying as an obnoxious toy that he couldn't figure out how to make shut up. Jimin thought that, maybe, he could cure himself of whatever horrible disease he had by giving into her request for a date, but it only succeeded in making him more irritated.
No matter what he did, you kept popping into his thoughts and, as a result, he thought he saw you at least five different times in the last hour.
"Jimin? Did you hear me?"
Normally, such a blunt answer would either have resulted in a slap to the face or awkward silence, but Soonmi was so determined to get her hands on the title of Jimin's girlfriend that she didn't give a shit. He was just another stepping stone on her path to whatever damn reputation she was after. For her, to be Jimin's first known girlfriend would give her an edge that no other girl at the university had.
"Oh? Well, I'll just repeat myself then. You know that I..." She continued to babble, even when it was apparent to the aliens galaxies away that Jimin was not paying attention.
To shut her up, he turned to face her, pushing her fringe up off her forehead. Jimin stared down at Soonmi's perfect skin, unmarred by paint. "Smile." He murmured. But, even when she did, he couldn't get his heart to beat in the same way that it did when he saw you do it with Hoseok.
It didn't hurt right.
"Jimin?" Soonmi murmured, her lips parted in a way that might appear cute to some.
"Nothing." He dropped his hand from her, walking on ahead.
"What the hell are you saying?" Jimin snapped, his fists clenching at his sides.
Sejun only faced him lazily, his gaze unwavering. "Y/N, that girl that you painted, that you've been hanging around giving heart-eyes to--she's mine."
Jimin's lip curled, the veins in his neck popping as he growled. "I don't want her."
Sejun strode deeper into Jimin's studio, 'accidently' knocking over a cup of clean brushes only to casually stride across them towards the shorter male. He ran his tongue across his lips as he stared at the image of you smiling up at a bodiless arm. "That," Sejun pointed to the canvas, "all of these, they are evidence that your words are full of shit. You like her; you're fucking head over heels for her. And I can't have that."
Jimin could only turn and follow the line of Sejun's finger to the image of your painted smile. He imagined you before him, looking up at him with that smile as if he were Hoseok. But then your usual exasperated look filtered through and took over, your hands shaking as you stared in the mirror--you didn't say from what, but Jimin understood it now.
"Well it's a good thing you're not in her life to control it, now isn't it?" Jimin stepped closer, his eyes narrowing on the male. "What of it? What if I said that I did want her? Would you beat me up in this studio? Manipulate her into thinking that she has to waste more of her time on your sorry ass?"
Sejun grabbed handfuls of Jimin's shirt, slamming him up against the brick of his studio wall and knocking the breath out of his lungs. "What do you know of it? She left me because Hoseok was a dick and told her I was a piece of shit just because he didn't like me. You, you're even worse than me, aren't you? You're a piece of shit both inside and out."
Jimin coughed, "at least she talks to me." With a horrible noise, Jimin gathered enough saliva in his mouth to spit at Sejun's face, nailing him just below his eye. "And before you try any other shit you better remember that I have a camera in my studio, money, and my father--who is the best friend of the president of this university--and you will rot in prison if you even touch another hair on my head."
Sejun dropped Jimin to the ground rough enough for Jimin to collapse entirely, gripping his throat. "Y/N is mine, and I am not one to mess with."
"Your glower might instill fear in others who have weak spines, but unfortunately for you I am not one of them." He pushed himself to his feet, brushing off his pants. "Also I find it utterly hilarious--and humiliating for yourself--that you think that you can own a person."
"But you think that it's not humiliating for you?" Sejun doubled over laughing, his cackle echoing throughout the studio. "You talk about her as if she's already yours, yet you're creating stalker paintings of her and saying that you don't want her all for yourself. So what the hell are you fighting me for? If she really is nothing to you that you call her out in front of the entire school, that you make her so mad that she used to come to me crying, that you literally break her--"
Jimin saw the ghost of you before him, your hands shaking in your reflection of the mirror, your eyes filling with-- "Shut up!" Jimin howled, his voice cracking. He wanted to punch something, someone--himself.
"You're pathetic." Sejun stared down at him. "If you want to fight me that's fine--but you better figure out what you want first before you decide to get in over your head."
"Mm?" He pulled himself out of the memory, his eyes shifting to focus on the girl in front of him. "Were you saying something?"
Soonmi sighed, lightly smacking his arm as she giggled. "What is with you Jimin? You haven't said a word to me at all this past week--you haven't even called me for those portraits you said you needed to do--then, suddenly, you agree to this date only to ignore my existence."
"Because--it's because there's a lot I'm dealing with, Soonmi, contrary to your belief, the world doesn't revolve around you. And the portraits are done--I've moved in a new direction and am going to create a series with a single model." You flashed in front of him as a ghost, spinning to the beat of a dance that had no music.
"You better decide what you want first before you get in over your head."
"Who is she?" She murmured, her voice on the verge of hatred--fire spitting from her tone. "Is she one of us?"
"Us?" Jimin stared at her, frowning.
"Your fanclub? Yuri? Lee? Who is it? For you to be acting like this she has to be one of the top artists." When Jimin didn't answer Soonmi stopped him and tugged her arm out from his. "Who is she?"
You were a ghost before him again, smiling at Hoseok until your face dropped when you spotted Jimin.
Jimin was on his way to his studio, completely lost in his own head when he heard a voice that pulled him out of it. The sound of his name felt more like a day-dream than reality, but the warmth of your grip on his arm had him freezing and facing you. You were staring up at him with wide eyes, your mouth open to speak though there were no words passing your lips, and a strange expression that appeared less like disgust and more like amusement.
He thought it was cute.
"Hey." Your voice was a step up from a whisper and your eyes never left his--he didn't know why he noticed every miniscule detail about you, but he couldn't stop. "Do you have a second?"
You were covered in paint again, almost head to toe; it seemed like you always had more on you than on the canvas. Even if he wanted to, his eyes couldn't leave you.
"That girl is mine."
"No," He was surprised by the gentle tone of his voice, "but if you ask nicely I'm sure I could spare a half a minute."
You shook your head, smirking at him as you grabbed his wrist and led him to the beginner's painting studio. "Yeah, yeah. I get it, you're an ass--let's move on now okay?" But there was no malice to your voice; it was more of a chuckle than anything else. You pointed him in the direction of your work.
Your painting sat on an easel in front of the same sculpture that you had been painting the first time he saw you in the room--everyone had already left for lunch or other classes, meanwhile you were still sitting there, trying to do something that you were obviously not good at. It wasn't great by any means of the word, but there was a charm to it that his work could never have.
"So I was wondering where I put this--"
"--in the trash." He cut you off, glancing at you from the corner of his eye with a smirk.
Without ever turning your head to him, you slapped your hand on your palette next to you and dragged your paint-sodden fingers down the side of his face. "So I see this blue color, you know? The color you're wearing now and all? But I don't know exactly where to put it." He could only stare at you, his mouth open and his eyes stabbing through you until you finally lifted your chin to meet his gaze. "What? You deserved that." But you couldn't keep a straight face; seconds later, a grin that made the paint on his skin feel warm lit up your features.
Jimin reached over to grab a clean brush from your table, dipping into the same blue paint. "It goes here." He murmured, grabbing the back of your head and holding you down until he finished painting a line from your forehead down to the tip of your nose. He chuckled, laughter glimmering behind his eyes as you attempted to lash out at him with silent laughter.
"Ooooh." You were smiling--though it wasn't yellow like the color of the smiles that you gave Hoseok. No, this smile was one he would describe as orange--yellow with strokes of red that could either be bloodthirst or affection.
The part of him that was still asleep bet on the latter while his consciousness remained in denial.
"You wanna go, pretty boy?"  You chuckled, reaching for a fatter, denser brush on your table. "Bring it."
Jimin dropped his shoulderbag down in a safe spot on the floor, rolling out his shoulders and flipping up his sleeves.  You're going to lose, you know? Just like always." He grinned, all teeth and little malice; it was hard to seem threatening when you were standing before him covered in paint and smiling like a fool.
Perhaps a fool wasn't the right word for you. No, it would be better for him to say that he was the fool and you were the one making him so.
"You talk about her as if she's already yours, yet you're creating stalker paintings of hers and saying that you don't want her all for yourself."
You lunged at him with the brush, catching him off-guard--managing to strike him with a swipe of yellow on his arm before he twisted and grabbed both of your wrists in one hand. He pinned your bound hands against the wall, caging you with his body so that your back was pressed against the brick. You were so warm, and he could feel your breath meet his and fan across his face. His other hand reached up to pluck the brush from your grasp, holding it to your face like a weapon. Both of you were breathing heavy; Jimin could feel the beat of your heart in your chest even though there was still space between the two of you. Something hard and lumpy formed in the back of his throat.
"If you're going to do it, just do it. I'm not going to fess up to anything." You said with a teasing grin, but with the way his hearing swam it sounded like a far away whisper. Did you always have such thick lashes? A freckle somewhere he hadn't known you could get them? Did you always have that sparkle in the depths of your eyes? Why didn't he notice any of this before?
His head felt heavy; he found himself slouching forward, leaning towards you until your breath was directly tickling his face and he could feel the warmth of your skin on his cheek and he--
"What are you going to do now, Y/N?" He whispered in your ear before snapping his head back. He could still smell the strange citrus perfume you wore even when he was far enough away to realize that the heat on his skin was from his own body. The world was still blurry and he had a hard time focusing on your words.
"I'll buy you lunch if you let me go--I'll even sweeten the deal by holding back all of my sass for an entire five minutes. And that's me being generous."
"Ten minutes." Jimin smirked, the brush getting closer to your skin.
You shot him a glare that held no sharp weaponry, the smirk on your face barely suppressed. "Five."
You sighed, slouching in his grasp. "Fine, I'll hold it back for ten minutes--but you're buying me a cookie to make up for it."
"Deal." He let go of you, turning so you couldn't see the way his hands shook as they stuck your brush back into water. You adjusted yourself, tugging down your shirt (that he hadn't realized had ridden up until he felt warmth in his stomach) before going to help him clean up. "Y/N?" He kept his back to you as he worked to clean out the paint from the bristles.
"Mm?" You turned, your gaze distant as if you were forcefully pulled from a moment of focus.
"Our professor is having us do portraits for our next project--how about instead of buying me lunch you help me by being one of my models?" He set the brushes out to dry, facing you.
"Don't you have a photographic memory or something? Just look at me now--I don't want to stare at your grumpy face all damn day." But you were grinning and despite it all he couldn't find any hostility in your words. Just like his, it was hollow and void of any of the bickering fire that had been between you ever since he first met you. "Do I still get the cookie?"
"Only if you wear a dress." You gave him a look that had him rolling his eyes. "I don't want to see you and all your flaws; it just is a better image than a greasy, sweaty t-shirt and ripped jeans."
"How's about I wear jeans?"
You pursed your lips at him. "Skort."
"Well, do you only want half a cookie?"
You pointed to him, but the smile couldn't be erased from your features. "It better be a damn big cookie--I only have one dress and I'm not about to let you ruin it with paint and charcoal dust."
"Fine." He chuckled, grabbing his back from the floor. "Oh and Y/N?"
"You should brush your teeth; your breath stinks." He prepared himself for your retaliation, blocking his face when you hit him with the end of a paintbrush.
You were late, by at least ten minutes--but it wasn't because you weren't there, it was because you were standing outside the door feverishly trying to pull the hem of your dress down as far as it would go (which wasn't much). Then, when your nervousness subsided just enough to open the door and stand in the entrance to his studio, you could only grip the bottom of your dress and nothing else. "Hey," you squeaked out. "I'm here." You were never one to be comfortable in dresses on a daily basis--especially not one that was reserved for drunken club endeavors.
Jimin turned from his seat, his studio walls bare of any trace of the portraits that he had been working on (they were tucked in the depths of one of his storage closets in the room, far from your sight). Before he could sit up to help you get situated, he was frozen. His eyes traced up from your feet to the length of your legs, up to the length of your dress and to your chest (of which wasn't confined as much as he thought it should be), to the hollow of your throat until finally his gaze landed on your face. You were so incredibly uncomfortable in your own skin; you didn't look like you.
"That is the only dress you have?" He grunted, his lip curling. He hated the incredible warmth in his body.
You looked taken aback, your eyes widening in confusion. "Yeah--I told you I only have one. The only reason I have this one is because my friends from high school made me keep it for nights out. All the other dresses were from dancing classes/performances and I hated them so I got rid of them." Your hands fisted on the end of your skirt. "I have skirts, but this...it's the only dress I have."
He sighed, nodding to the stool in the center of the room, lit by overhead lights he borrowed from the tech department. "Sit there."
You moved slowly, edging around him in a way that hurt something deep, deep inside him. Without another word, you placed yourself on the stool.
He stood up, sifting through his pile of props until he produced a hefty piece of fabric, white and pure except for a few fingerprints of charcoal--but he didn't mind those when it came to you. With a softness in his eyes but not in the downturn of his lips, he wrapped the fabric around your shoulders, across your legs, and up over your chest.
"W-what's the point of me even wearing a dress if you're just going to cover me up?" Despite your earlier behavior, you met him head on--stare for stare, though it looked like it took everything in you to do so.
"Most girls have dresses that actually qualify as such." He brushed your hair back off your forehead, noting that there was a splotch of dyed blue that must have come from old oil paint. You didn't look up at him like you did for Hoseok; rather you were a deer in the headlights, confused and lost. "Though I think that it's not terrible, I wouldn't degrade you in picture format. Only with words." He chuckled; the smallest hints of a genuine smile (that was not a smirk) lit his face.
"Do--" You blinked and your face looked clearer; you were you again. "Do you want me to go change?"
"No. You have a sheet, so this is fine."
You pursed your lips at the fabric. "But, like, I'm just a floating head on a white sheet--can I at least have a shoulder or something?"
Jimin thought of the strapless dress, the bare expanse of your shoulders--your skin, how it would lead down to--god, was it always so freaking hot in his studio? "No." He went to go sit behind the canvas and painting station that he'd prepared for this portrait.
"Why not?"
"You do realize that this portrait will be in the school show at the end of the semester, right? Everyone will see every part of you."
"Okay, and...? I'm a dancer, Jimin, it's not like people here have never seen skin before--especially with nude models coming in all the time."
He sighed from behind his canvas, tilting his head out enough to meet your gaze. "But it's your skin."
"I don't mind." You stretched your arms, finally releasing the hem of your dress to hold onto the fabric around your neck. "The only one that seems to mind is you--you don't want anyone else to see my skin? What? You think they'll throw up or something?"
"No," the word turned your gaze from the paintings he left up on his walls to his. "No, I don't. Now shut up and look at me so I can get a sketch of you first."
"Would you still draw me if I made a stupid expression?" You grinned, your teeth shining under the bright, studio lights.
"Every expression of yours is stupid," he grunted to the paper, his pencil sliding across the canvas with harsh strokes. "Just stay like that and stop talking."
Naturally, why would you listen to that? "How many portraits do you have to do? How many different models do you have lined up?"
"Just one, just the one is enough." He focused his attention on his work, trying desperately to push himself into a rhythm. It was much easier to create works of you when you weren't in the room--but for some reason this made it all the more interesting for the work itself.
You tucked your lip in-between your teeth, curling up under the fabric as you stared at the floor. "Why me then? Don't you hate me--don't you hate seeing me at this school?"
"No," it was a growl, a command that had your eyes snapping up to face him. "Don't look away, look only at me." When he was satisfied that your stare was firmly rooted on him, he went back to sketching.
The silence that blanketed the room was enough to allow Jimin to finish his sketch and move into grabbing brushes and paint. He could feel your eyes on him, never leaving--suddenly it was too warm and he wished that you were back to looking at the floor, the paintings, the window, or anything but himself.
Finally, you spoke--it sounded too loud compared to the previous silence. "You know, Hoseok tells me that you're actually a nice guy under all that bullshit of yours."
Jimin snorted, dipping into a pale blue to start working on the basecoat for the fabric. "Hoseok lies--he does what he thinks is funny. You shouldn't trust his word so much."
Your voice rose to smother his own. "But I believe him." Slowly, your words dropped into a gentle, soft tone that had his hand tightening around his paint brush. "I believe him, because it's Hoseok and I trust him. Because...Hoseok is..."
Jimin's brush travelled outside of his desired path, creating a swath of blue where your face was supposed to be. "That...that dress--do you go dancing with--" Jimin's voice was soft and muffled by the canvas, luckily he shook his head to clear himself of the thoughts before raising his volume to a level that was understandable to you. "How long have you two been dating? You two talk about each other a lot."
You busted out laughing, folding over but still keeping your chin level with the ground--still keeping your eyes rooted to Jimin. "Me and Hoseok? We're not and that's never going to happen. He's...he's a very important friend to me, he means the world to me." Jimin's stomach twisted when he saw your face shift into an expression that you'd never shown him before.
"But you have a crush on him."
"No." You shook your head but you refused to look away "Not on him."
"Jimin!" He could only curse in his head when he heard the obnoxious voice of the female of whom he'd went out with once--well, twice if you count coffee. "Jimin!"
He rolled his eyes, but managed to peel himself from the poster he'd been looking at in order to face her.
"Hi, cutie--lets go out Friday night, there's this really good movie that I--" She was breathless and cute in a way that he might have found attractive once, especially with the way she clutched the strap of her bag close to her chest to draw eyes downward. But now he saw the rise of your shoulders instead of her hands, the fabric of your dress dipping low instead of her breasts, the urge to keep the sight of you all to himself instead of a female who was babbling about nonsense.
"What the hell are you talking about?" He cut her off.
"Well--we--we went out the other day and so I thought--"
"That we were dating?"
"Yes." She snapped back, her eyes hardening on him. "Because that is what one assumes when you go on multiple dates with the same person."
"We went on one, the other was because you irritated me and I needed coffee--you just tagged along."
"Excuse me?" She curled her lip. "You agreed to that coffee date."
He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "You're wasting my time, Soonmi." He started to turn but her words froze him in place, stiffening his shoulders.
"But Y/N isn't?"
When Jimin wheeled around, he spotted a familiar face leaning against the wall a handful of classrooms down behind Soonmi; it was a face he wouldn't mind punching. He ran his tongue along his teeth, glaring at the both Soonmi and the man over her shoulder.
"Sejun told me that you have been getting close to her." She seemed to spit out the last word, as if saying your name the first time had already put a curse on her.
"I'm sure he did." Jimin chuckled. "And what of it?"
"You like her, don't you?" She curled her lip. Sejun's eyes were on Jimin, a warning glare deep in his stare.
Jimin settled back onto his heels and grinned. "Yeah, I do."
You knocked on the frame of Jimin's studio doorway, nearly causing him to jump up to the sky. His brush skidded from his hand and across the floor; he swiveled his chair to glare at you but you were staring at his work with your mouth half open.
"That's me?" You croaked out, stepping deeper into his studio.
He picked the brush up off the ground, wiping it clean on his apron before sticking it in the water. "Yep."
"There's no way that's me."
"But it is." Jimin snorted, watching the way your eyes slid over the canvas as if you were seeing yourself for the first time. The painting he was working on was one of you with the fabric wrapped over one shoulder, your other bare as you stared at Jimin dead on. It was a version of you that was strong, unwilling to break. It was the version of you that Jimin had always known, a version of you that you thought you could never be--all because of Sejun.
"I look like a badass." You chuckled. "When have I ever looked like that?"
Jimin raised an eyebrow at you, taking off his apron. "Always."
You shook your head, pulling your gaze away from the painted version of you. "Can I ask you a question about my own painting?"
"Did you finish it?"
You grinned. "I think, but it's nothing compared to that."
He opened his mouth, then closed it. Whatever he was going to say died on his tongue. With his silence, you came up and grabbed his wrist with both of your hands, tugging him from his seat. "Come on, come on. I want you to see it!"
"Why? Why does it matter what I think?" He whispered.
You shrugged. "Because I value your opinion. You know, you're pretty cool."
"Because I'm a top visual artist?" It took everything in him to silence a pathetic crack wanting to break through his vocal chords.
The shake of your head that day was forever burned into his memory, it was a first for him; Jimin suddenly felt nauseous. He couldn't go through with it, what if you...what if--
"No, I value your opinion because you're Park Jimin. You're Hoseok's friend; you're an ass and my sworn enemy. But, I think that you're cool. We all have our defense mechanisms--mine is sarcasm, yours is being an asshole. In order to survive through the pain of life, we have to have them."
His lips parted, and he used up what fight he had left within himself to point to the door. "Lead the way."
"So okay, I know it's not that good. And I know I'm babbling, so shut up before you start chiming in with your snarky comments. God, I'm getting so nervous for some stupid reason. I'm not a painter, I'm not really good like you are with these physical production things--so just, go easy on me okay? I'm a dancer not a painter."
Jimin only made it to the doorway of the painting studio before his eyes caught sight of your work and he was suddenly made of stone. It was a mess, lopsided with visible brushstrokes and a lack of accuracy. It was not a perfect rendering of the object and there was even a thumb print on the very edge. But you took every suggestion he gave you; every time you came to him asking for help-- it was all there on the canvas. He could see exactly what you painted and where you placed your brush. There was something about this painting that couldn't be separated from you--it was a work that no one would ever be able to copy, because your hands made it.
"I hate it." He couldn't tear his gaze away from it; it captivated him. "I hate it so much."
He could feel you deflate next to him, exhaustion settling into your bones as you stared at the ground and bit your lip.
"I hate it because I could never do something like that." He murmured, feeling your eyes snap up and bore into his cheek. "How much would you like for it?"
You stared at him like you were just hit by a truck, confusion settling into every line of your face even when he turned to you in all seriousness. "What do you mean? You want to-?"
"I want to buy it from you--after it's graded and you no longer need it, of course."
"Jimin--it's not good, it's literally blobs. Why would you want something like that?" He didn't say anything, just watched you work through the confusion yourself. "I can't paint--I can barely even dance. You told me so a thousand times."
"No you can't paint. But that painting right there is you, and I want it." Jimin's heart pounded, slamming into his chest until he thought he was going to throw up right there. You stared at him, your eyes shifting, trying to piece two and two together and he thought that you had it, he thought--
Hoseok's hands on your shoulders jolted you from the conversation, causing you to shriek and then spin around and pummel your long-time friend with your fists. "Hoseok!" How dare you!" You screamed, but it turned into laughter as he tickled you. He paused long enough to spot your painting.
"Did you finish, Y/N? It looks so good!"  Hoseok peered over to Jimin, cocking his head. "Here you are, I went to your studio but you weren't there. I was surprised." The older man looked between you and Jimin until a light flashed behind his eyes.
"You're here for Jimin?" You looked up to Jimin, smiling with your head cocked in a way that made him want to shrivel into his hands. "What for?"
"I wanted him to see my series together and critique it before I turned it in tomorrow." Jimin swallowed his tongue, regretting every word that passed from his lips. You were aware of the paintings that he made of you in your dress--but the earlier ones, the ones also a part of the series, they gave away every last bit of his intentions towards you. He already fucked up a confession once that night, he couldn't handle another one.
And so, as you said, his defense mechanism kicked in full force.
"I want to see!" You grinned.
"No." He shouted like an owner punishing a dog. "No, you can't see it. You would ruin it."
"Jimin..." Hoseok started. "Isn't that a little harsh?"
"No--I don't think so. She can't do anything correctly so what happens if those pieces break before tomorrow?" Everything in him hated himself in that moment, but the words kept falling from his lips despite himself. "She can't paint, she can't dance, she can't draw, and she ruins everything she touches which is why all of the females are smart enough to stay away from her. Males are dumb so they don't count. I would never let her lay her eyes on important work that is due soon, she would ruin it with the power of her horrible stare. She just...she needs to stay far away from it. Besides, I don't care what she thinks. Who would care about a loser nobody's opinion anyways?"  He was breathing heavy, shutting down behind his irises.
If he could punch himself in the face (without getting committed to an insane asylum) then he would have done so right then and there.
You stared at him, frozen stiff until he saw something shatter within you. He wanted to fix you and glue the pieces back together, but anything he could say would only push you further away. You fished a piece of paper from your pocket, crumpling it only flinging it at him with all the hate you could muster. "You want that painting? Then take it. The only price I'm asking for is that you never, ever speak to me again." And then, before either male could stop you, you were bolting down the hall, turning the corner at breakneck speed to the point that Jimin almost cringed with fear that you would skid into a wall. You didn't.
He picked up the fallen piece of paper, folding it open with shaking hands.
Hoseok stood there, staring at him. "You're that afraid huh? She must really mean something to you."
On the paper were four hand-written words that had his heart out and at his feet like a piece of roadkill:
I love you, Park Jimin.
Your dance studio was home to your feelings--especially ones that had you wanting to curl up in the corner for an eternity. You flung your shoes off your feet, ripping off your sweater and throwing it to the ground in a fit of anger that quickly dissipated and left you sinking to the floor.
Everything that Jimin said went flowing through your head, word by word; each breath was another stab in your back and you curled your head into your arms to stop your shoulders from shaking. You had planned to tell him your feelings that day; you'd even written a note because you were positive that you wouldn't be able to confess otherwise.
When exactly did you fall in love with Park Jimin? You couldn't remember the first moment your stomach tightened when he walked into a room, or the way his presence had you acting self-conscious instead of fighting back with bitter sarcasm. Your defense mechanism must have been broken--normally you would have words at the ready to beat the boy down with your wit. But today...today you had nothing but the feeling of your eyes watering despite how hard you were pinching yourself in an attempt to stop them.
You heard your studio door open, but you couldn't get up to your feet nor could you turn around to face the person. It had to be Hoseok, he was the only person that would dare to approach you like this--every other person in your life was clueless how to handle you when it got to the point that your defenses failed. Only Hoseok. Or so you thought.
Whoever it was locked the studio door behind him--keeping the both of you contained since only you and the janitor had the key to open the door.
"Hoseok," you hated how pathetic your voice sounded as you twisted around, "why would you lock--" You were marble, your blood stopping as your breath halted entirely; you were the epitome of a statue, one that wasn't bound by stone but by fear.
"Hey Y/N." Sejun's eyes seemed kinder than they had years ago when you left him; they said they cared, they said they'd help you forget that asshole.  They said safe. You thought you knew better, but the promise of someone pulling you out of your misery was better than the prospect of crying alone. "What's wrong?"
Your lips parted, but you couldn't make sound come from them. You were right when you said that the woman that Jimin painted was not you--she was strong, and you, you were weak. The tears finally fell, dribbling onto your arms and shirt.
"Shh. Shh." Sejun whispered, crouching down to wrap you in his arms, his other hand smoothing down your hair. "What did that asshat do?"
"J-Jimin." You croaked, the instinct to run from this man holding you so strong that for a minute all you could hear was the blood rushing in your ears. "He--"
"Shh." He hooked his fingers under your jaw. "This wouldn't have happened if you would have listened to me, Y/N. You know I will always love you, right?" He chuckled, tilting his head down to your face so his words fanned hot air across your lips. "What did I always say--no man will ever want you, Y/N. At least none as badly as me. I will always--even when you leave--I will always chase after you. Because you're my babe. My hopeless, weak, pathetic girlfriend who only I will ever find beautiful."
"We--we're not--"
"Dating? That's fine. We will be again one day. Hoseok graduates in the coming year, right? Then he and his lies will leave, he's always hated me you know. He thinks that my love for you isn't real; he thinks that he's great because he claims to love you. But look who was the first one here to comfort you--it wasn't Hoseok, right?"
Your entire body shook, and, as your eyes lost all light you, slumped forward and sobbed into Sejun's shoulder.
Hoseok ran his tongue along his teeth. "So, what are you going to do about your idiocy besides curling up on the floor?"
Jimin lifted his head from his hands, staring up at Hoseok from his squatter position on the ground. "I fucked up, what do you want me to say? What can I do to make this better? She literally ran from me, Hoseok. I'm done; she's not coming back to me ever."
"And why does she have to come to you?" Hoseok raised an eyebrow. "Because that is what every other person has done in your life? They hurt you and trigger your defense mechanism and then they leave--but they always come back, right?"
"People always leave, but they want more from me so they have to come back. I have nothing to offer her that she'd want to come back for."
Hoseok sighed, stooping down to level his gaze with Jimin's. "Hey, bud. Stop crying and think this through."
"I'm not crying." Jimin growled.
"Then what is this?" Hoseok pressed the pad of his thumb against Jimin's cheek, showing the shine of wetness to the younger male.
"I--I never--"
"Sure, sure. Park Jimin, the prince of this school never cries--especially not over a girl. But Park Jimin, the person that is my friend, the person that has been talking with Y/N, that person does."
Jimin felt his shoulders tremble. "I love her. I love Y/N."
Hoseok let out a bark of a laugh, grinning with his eyebrows furrowed in pity and sympathy. "No shit, but should I really be the one you say that to?"
"Now, how about we--"
"Hey Hoseok." Both males turned and looked up at one of Hoseok's colleagues from his interpretive dance class. He was an awkward boy, one who Jimin recognized but couldn't remember the name--he stared down at Jimin and then quickly looked away to Hoseok. "Oh, am I interrupting something?"
Hoseok shook his head. "No, no. What is it?"
"Have you seen Sejun? I'm supposed to be working with him on a project for chemistry of ceramics but I haven't seen him at all and he's a half hour late."
Before Hoseok could turn his head to look at Jimin, the younger male was up and on his feet, bolting down the hallways faster than he'd ever moved before.
"No." Hoseok's voice was a hiss. "No I haven't seen him, but I suggest that you go start working on your own. We'll find him." Hoseok's smile was deadly, something that was supposed to be warm but appeared more as a mask of murder. "Don't worry, we'll find him for you."
Jimin skidded to a stop in front of your studio door, almost face-planting on the ground before he tried yanking on the handle. Locked.
When he lifted his gaze to stare through the small window of your room and see if you were in there, he felt his lip curl.
Sejun's back blocked most of Jimin's view of you, but, from what he could see, your eyes looked empty and dead. You were in Sejun's grasp but you were lying there as if you weren't breathing at all.
"Y/N!" Jimin pounded on the door, screaming your name over and over again until his voice went raw. But you couldn't hear him, and he couldn't hear you. The room was soundproof, and for some dumb reason he'd forgotten that.
Sejun must have heard something though, because he lifted his head up and looked over to the window, giving Jimin a slow, deadly smirk that had the other male pulling on the door handle harder.
"Sejun? Who--" Your gaze lifted up, meeting with Jimin's. The male was frantic, hurried and angered as he tried his damnedest to break the lock on the door by yanking alone. "Jimin." Your voice was a whisper that had Sejun wrapping his arms tighter around you to block Jimin from your view and keep you there.
"Leave him be. I've got you now, babe."
"Wait," you struggled in Sejun's grasp, trying to stand up. "No. I want to know what he has to say."
"No, you don't." It was a warning, a command, something that instilled fear in you until you saw Jimin's face and forgot why.
"I want to let him in, Sejun."
Jimin turned in the window as Hoseok skittered around the corner, snarling like a rabid dog. "What the fuck Jimin? Why the hell didn't you tell me that the asshole was after her again?" Hoseok didn't touch Jimin, mainly because he knew he couldn't stop his anger if he did, but he did move in too close for comfort.
"Shut up and help me get her out. Yell at me later." Jimin growled back, shouldering him out of the way as he continued his fruitless banging on the door.
Jimin could only watch as a fleck of light passed through your irises, a spark of hope. But Sejun was holding onto you, keeping you caged to him.  Jimin thought it was just mental manipulation, but it was far from that and quickly his dread turned to fear. For Jimin, it felt like he was watching a horror movie--some impending sense of doom and helplessness washed over him as he could only watch Sejun manhandle you to the ground.
And then he watched as Sejun's fist found your stomach, keeping you down on the ground. You scrambled to your feet, slipping under Sejun's arm, and running towards the door. Your fingers barely touched the lock before Sejun's hand was around your neck--his hands were so large, or maybe it was your neck that was small, either way it was a handle for the man to rip you from the door, spinning you around to throw you into the nearby wall and stand over you. He was screaming something, but Jimin couldn't make out what--all he saw was the anger in Sejun's eyes as you crashed into the brick, sliding down to the floor. You looked up as Sejun's foot reared back, giving Jimin just enough time to see just how glassy your eyes were under the studio lights.
"We all have our defense mechanisms...In order to survive through the pain of life, we have to have them."
Hoseok screamed something to Jimin--or maybe it was to you. Jimin couldn't hear, his body was red-hot, his ears rushing with blood. He cared about nothing but getting that damn door open and getting you up, off the floor. Jimin raised his fist back, slamming it against the glass of the window as hard as he could. Once-Sejun kicked. Twice-another kick, and on the third time the glass spiderwebbed and Sejun turned to see what the noise was.
The fourth hit, the glass cracked and shattered--allowing him enough room to stick a bleeding fist through in order to unlock the door from the inside. Jimin was screaming your name, Sejun's name on curses, anything he could to keep Sejun's attention on Jimin instead of on you. You only looked up weakly, gripping your side.
Jimin kicked open the door, rushing inside with Hoseok behind him.
Sejun blocked Jimin but wasn't fast enough to stop Hoseok from running towards you. Rage swelled in Jimin's chest and he grit his teeth as the man shouted before he could. "What? You think that you can come in here playing the hero when you were the one making her cry?"
Jimin squared his shoulders to Sejun. "I'm not playing the hero; I'm just in here to make sure that she remembers that painting I did of her."
"What?" Sejun hissed. "What the hell are you going on about? Your stalker paintings?"
Jimin snorted, grinning with malice. "No. The one of her that she saw--the one where she looks like a badass, because she is. Anyone would be a badass for dealing with you for so long. Especially if your version of love is through manipulation of the mind and body."
"She's weak, she needs help."
"No, Sejun, no. The only one that needs help is you. Remember, Y/N? Remember when you said that you were the same person that you've always been? Well you're not; I can see it in your eyes. You haven't resigned yourself to a fate with this man in your life. The girl here, the girl that I see in this room is not the type to give into bullshit." He pleaded with you, meeting your gaze around Sejun.
It was that diversion that allowed Sejun to get a hit off, the male's fist slamming into the side of Jimin's face. Jimin crashed to the ground on his side, his head spinning as the world twirled in double-vision.
But that was enough for you. You broke free from Hoseok's grasp--well it was two of you that he saw break free, but there was two of everything in Jimin's eyes currently. He didn't know which one was real and which one was not, but you were running towards Sejun anyways. You slapped him across the face, hard. His eyes lighting with fury as he tried to grab for you but you backed out of his way and stared at him with your own rage. Before Sejun could do anything more, the heel of your hand went up and into Sejun's nose, knocking him back just enough for you to shove him and send him skidding across your studio floor. You ran towards Jimin.
It was only when you bent down and put your hand on Jimin's back to help him into a decent sitting position that the two images of you finally coalesced into one.  "Jimin! Jimin are you okay?" You stared down at his bloody hand with wide eyes, your hands shaking on his back. "You're bleeding! Omigod Jimin, you're bleeding!" You didn't know what to do, your hands just kept moving around him, trying to figure out how to help him but instead you just babbled nonsense and stared at him with worry.
He could care less about that.
"Hey, Y/N." He murmured, lifting himself up until he was in a sitting position level with your face. "Shut up." His hand (the one not bleeding and keeping his weight centered and grounded on the floor) slid up the side of your face, his fingers gently digging into the back of your head as he pulled you close--a little too rough but he lost control of himself; he'd been waiting for this moment for too long. His lips found yours, jaw working to make you understand each and every last thought that was rushing through his head in the past semester that he'd truly known you.  He felt the butterflies empty from his stomach, something heavy and dark lifting off his shoulders as you pushed back into the kiss, giving him feeling for feeling--emotion for emotion. Consent.
Finally, he broke for air." Do you know how long I've been wanting to do that?" He sighed, his shoulders relaxing as his eyes probed your gaze. "I was scared; I said incredibly stupid things that I didn't mean. The work that I made includes some paintings that I made of you before I asked you to model--images that had burned themselves into my head until the only way to get them out was to put them on paper. I thought, I thought you'd think I was creepy, or that you wouldn't feel the same. But I'm not scared anymore, Y/N." He licked his lips, making sure you saw everything he was feeling before it came in the form of words. "I love you too, Y/N."
You kissed him, murmuring your own feelings against his lips and it was in that moment when you were leading--when you were dragging each and every thought and feeling out of him--that he finally knew what to title his series.
"The Artist." He whispered as you only stared back at him in confusion. "Those paintings--the series--I'm going to call it the Artist."
Your eyes glittered. "By Park Jimin, my boyfriend."
He could only laugh and rest his forehead against yours. "I'm the one that's supposed to ask you first, you idiot."
You just grinned at him, and that was all it took for him to bring you back to him until there was only kisses and galaxies.
"Hoseok! Do me a favor and tell that idiot to draw quieter! I'm trying to dance here and the sound of his obnoxious pencil is interfering with the music." You grinned offstage, your hip cocked as you stared down at your boyfriend. You had an ace wrap around your ribs, only visible because it hurt too much for you to wear a tanktop during dance practice; you stuck to sports bras and pants.
Jimin raised an eyebrow above his canvas. "Oh yeah?" He shouted back over the thrum of the electronic beat that reverberated through the old auditorium. "Well how about you get some new tights! I can see everything! Ever little bit of cellulite is showing through those damn rips. I thought I bought you new ones!"
You chuckled, looking proud of yourself there with your rips and all. "Well these aren't completely worn out yet, so I can still wear them. I'll wear those new tights when these are officially dead."
Jimin chucked his extra eraser towards the stage with his hand not stitched and bandaged to holy hell, barely missing your shoulder.
"You know," Hoseok sighed from the side of the stage, pushing himself up to his feet, "when you two started dating I thought that, maybe, you would stop being brats to each other and grow the fuck up. But no. I'd say kiss and make up but the last time that happened I learned way too much about your relationship and heard things that made me want to pound Jimin."
"Why me?!"
"Because, Y/N is basically a sister and the both of you are disgusting!" Hoseok threw his hands up in the air.
Both you and Jimin folded over laughing, grinning at each other as you smiled at Jimin with a color that was not yellow, or orange--it was white; it was pure, white light that radiated inside out.
Hoseok sighed. "Well, how's the sketching going--you got a name for this painting?"
Jimin pursed his lips at the image of that bright, white smile of yours. "The beauty who needs new tights."
Hoseok let out a noise of anguish. "I'm done! I'm done with you all!"
But he was laughing with the two of you, and it was in this moment that Jimin realized that he had finally found a place where his defense mechanisms were no longer needed.
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filthyjiminharem · 6 years
A vendor knocking at Jimin's door and it's not allowed by the regulations but after seeing the cute boy in only his large sweater and G-string panties, the vendor offers to do him a demonstration about his products. As he expected, the boy looks so good being stuffed full in the ass, moaning in pleasure. What a greedy slut, the vendor is so lucky. Sporting the hardest boner ha has ever had, he gladly fucks the pretty guy who is so eagerly begging for his cock.
Hostess Jimin would love the attention he gets by the naughty passengers. Who wouldn't not grope that glorious ass restricted in those tight pants though?
The guys would also team up to make turns to catch the beautiful hostess' attention so the other in the opposite seat would have a nice view of THE ass, and if they're lucky the hostess would bend over because a passenger accidentally dropped his fork.
There are the nastier ones who go to the bathroom exactly when Jimin is standing in the corridor so when they pass, they purposely let their body brush against the soft and curvy one of the hostess. If Jimin feels something hard poking in his ass well he would grind back.
Student Jimin finds a job - to pay his rent bills - as a promoter, just he needs to wear a cabbage costume. Everything would be fine, if only his ass didn't look so nice and visible thru the fit and skinny pants. Guys use the excuse to take a photo or have a free hug just to have a squeeze of the glorious ass. Some also thought it is a girl under the costume because of the amazing body and graceful moves. An old perv had the audacity to whisper "I'm not fond of vegetables, but I'd gladly eat your delicious ass, cabbage". Jimin was left speechless.
The next month his costume is one of a rabbit. He's wearing a sexy and short brown overalls with a white puff as a tail just above his ass and the cute headband of rabbit's ears. Of course almost guys approach him, feigning interest in what he is promoting just to hit on him.
Two of the nastiest comment someone told him is "baby, do you want me to feed you a carrot? I have a really hard and tasty one" &  "You'd look so good with your pretty lips stretched around my carrot". JM ends at home with his four fingers shoved inside his greedy and horny hole. When Jimin reaches the limit of his sexual frustration, he becomes shameless and naughty, saying alluring things and showing off his beautiful assets waiting for someone to snap and fuck him senseless in public.
His wish comes true in the form of a mysterious man who has been standing at the wall every time it's JM's shift. The older but still handsome man holds his wrist when he is about to leave and he takes him in the almost empty corner of the street, pushing him against the wall.
"You're so pretty" he whispers to his ear while his right hand is busy holding his wrists and the other is covering JM's soft lips. "You look so beautiful and still innocent in spite of these lewd clothes, it's as if you're just asking to be tainted". JM can't tell if he's more scared or aroused by the stranger's words. He can feel himself getting hard, this definitely the confirmation of his kink of dirty talking. "Aren't you, baby?" the man asks above his pale and hot skin and he starts licking him, making him shiver. JM let out a lewd moan which makes the man stop with his eyes wide, he's so lucky this pretty boy is a cockslut "ahh more, you sound so good.. Can you also beg, baby? I want to hear your sweet voice begging me to do nasty things to you".
Finally a gentleman got to claim the most wanted and desirable angel Park Jimin. Everyone is jealous because who wouldn't want to have a passionate night with the most stunning and extremely beautiful Park Jimin? But of course it's just a distant fantasy since 1. Park Jimin is the purest and most innocent little thing in the world (even if everybody secretly want to have a taste of him) 2. Because now the unreachable Park Jimin is married. But what no one knows is that in spite of loving Jimin, his husband doesn't make him reach his climax since he's a conservative dude and he just fucks him reaching his climax and then leaves Jimin hanging and the poor Jiminie experiencing the pleasure of having a dick inside of him he becomes addictive so to reach his orgasm he learns to finger himself imaging his fingers are a huge cock. One day his husband's father visit them and it's so hard for him not to ogle at Jimin's so alluring features. And more frequently he starts to be very touchy towards his beautiful son-in-law. Jimin subconsciously likes the attention and when accidentally he feels his father-in-law's boner between his asscheeks he moans at the contact which it doesn't get unnoticed making his FIL's cock twitch more. Jimin embarrassly excuses himself but still feels so aroused, his husband's dad's dick is so big. He ends up fingering himself in his room. This is the scenery his father in law see when he knocks at his door to ask sorry making up an excuse to not scare his innocent son in law but nothing prepares him at that. "are you thinking of my dick Pounding into you, m? Didn't know you were such a cockslut". Jimin discovers the art of sex and no one would ever know that the angel Jimin actually is so eager to be fucked.
Priest Jimin has the audacity to look so pretty and fuckable in his chaste vestments. Everyone can't help but admire his beauty and some even go far as imagining him in nasty positions doing sinful and unethical things. It's not a secret among the village that Jimin is the ult wet dream. Even newbies are drown immediately to the church where the angelic alluring boy is always so ready to welcome you with his beautiful smile. His ass is unbelievable and the truth is that this is what most of the men should confess. How many times they had fuck their wife or beat their meat thinking about the gorgeous priest, wishing they were his plump lips wrapped around their dick.
Jimin is so in love with his band members but terrified of them rejecting him so when another idol/idol group brings it up, he begs them not to tell. Of course the group needs some bribery..... eventually it becomes well known that if you want a good fuck, you bring up his band members in front of Jimin, and he'll to ANYTHING to keep his 'secret'. He is used on such a regular basis that he becomes addicted to being nothing but a hole to be filled, and feeling a cock pounding into him. Of course eventually Bangtan catches on, they walk in on him or something, and becomes super possesive and cue a marathon to ensure Jimin's body forgets about everyone but them. Of course Jimin's super satisfied with everything, but he occasionally sneaks out and offers up his hole to anyone who wants it. - anon
Can't stop imagining Sejun being one of those who discovers Jimin's secret. He would be jealous af. How he wish he could be one of the guys his pretty sunbae is in love with. He would pamper him satisfying his praise kink and cuddle him all day and night.
It happens that during an event Sejun accidentally walks in in Jimin fingering himself in a dark room, eyes closed and moaning "ahh.. hyung.." After appreciating the erotic scene, Sejun boldly goes to his sunbae and touches his hand that it's fucking in his hole, taking it out.
Big is Jimin's surprise, widening his scared and lascivious eyes. "are you thinking about your bandmates, sunbae?" Jimin is now all red and he starts blubbering "please, don't tell anyone.. I'll do anything" it's everything Sejun was waiting for because now he's smirking at him. He presses his body extremely close to Jimin's leaving no space and totally feeling his hyung's little cock hard against his. At the contact Jimin moans and it's immediately muffled because now Sejun is kissing him roughly with hunger. Fuck, he's making out with his beloved idol. Sejun is touching every inch of Jimin's body, revelling in the smoothness and hotness of his skin. "Sejun-ssi" Jimin's moans as the younger male licks his hyung's neck. How sweet is the sound of his name called out by him, he thinks becoming greedy to hear more and more. As he take off his pants he starts to brush his cock between Jimin's wet asscheeks and he can't help but groan feeling the 8th wonder. Jimin is starting to get impatient with the younger's teasing so it's too late when a "please fuck me" leaves his mouth, making him blush hard. Sejun looks at him surprised and then he laughs at the cuteness and eagerness of his angelic hyung. "who would ever know you're such a slut for cocks, huh" Jimin has no time to protest as Sejun puts in the head of his cock, making him let out a loud and seductive moan. When Sejun bottoms him out, both expectantly wait to adjust overwhelmed by the contact. Sejun uses that pause to contemplate Jimin's already fucked out face, no wonder he fell in love at first sight: he owns an innocent but alluring beauty strengthened by a wonderful personality. He starts to fuck him, progressively harder and deeper while they lose themselves in the pleasure. Sejun can't stop complimenting Jimin, telling how he's too beautiful for this world, how tight and perfect he is as he kisses him everywhere leaving possessive hickeys in pale skin.
Jimin's step dad cant help but be attracted by his sweet and sexy step son who even tho he's in his twenties he looks so innocent! He's never seen an ass so round and fuckable like Jimin's and he may or may not have thought about him while fucking his wife. Jimin is so alluring with his angelic voice and submissive attitude, wanting always his step dad approval. He secretly fingers himself hearing his step dad fucking his mom senseless.... He wonder how big his dick could be to make her so loud. It's a matter of time and one day his step dad discovers his son's dildo and fuck if it doesn't arouse him thinking about his innocent Jimin being filthy and with the pretence to punish him he makes him bend over and spanks him. He doesnt expect Jimin to start moaning and well from spanking he starts to fineger him whispering to him lewd words. That Jimin deserves since he has always wet dreamt about his mother's husband to fuck his needy ass with his big cock. It becomes their dirty little secrets and once they almost get caught by his mom. Lucky them they have a blanket covering Jimin's ass riding his hisband's cock. To Jimin's mom his sweet son is just staddling his husband while watching a movie. But naughty Jimin he jumps on his lap like a cute bean making so painfully hard to his step dad to not groan of too much pleasure... this minx will be his death!
(before they started their sensual relationship} Jimin goes to his step dad's studio where he finds him sitting while it's his business partner's, Mister R, turn to play billiard. He crouches down, between his stepdad's spread legs, sitting on his heels as he looks up and calls him "daddy..". Both men turn red as they feel a twitch in the southern part of their body. This pretty little thing probably couldn't imagine what dirty thoughts came across those pervert minds. Finally, Jimin's dad asks after clearing his throat "yes, baby?"
Jimin just gives him an angelic smile and answers "nothing I wanted to try to call you like that and I like it.. Daddy" he stands up and leaves. That night after they had sex, his wife giggling asks him why he was so passionate and he just shrugs his shoulder.
Of course he couldn't tell her he was imagining her innocent son's juicy lips calling him daddy and begging him to put his cock inside of his tight wet hole.
Jimin is sitting in the kitchen with his legs tucked under his butt leaning on the table while he's doing his thesis when his step dad comes in. He takes a moment to appreciate the curve of his back trailing his eyes towards his perky ass. He has really got an innate sex appeal.
He smacks his ass playfully and JM yelps turning around "dad!!" the culprit just laughs, making JM stand up. Then he sits pulling JM on his lap. "have you been good, baby?" "yes, dad" he answers as he resumes reading, ignoring the half hard on poking his butt. He's pissed at him.
His step dad starts to pepper his neck with kisses as he runs his hands thru his sides and JM tries so hard to resist him but then he starts to grind on his fully hard cock, making his dad groan. He ends up being manhandled so he can face his dad who leans forward to kiss him.
Namjoon is playing cards with his friends on a Friday Night. Jimin comes out of his room in a large white t-shirt and plops himself on his stepdad's lap. Naughty Jimin subtly unzip his daddy's pants and grind his bare ass on his boner.
When he can't take it anymore he just fuck himself on his stepdad's cock with the excuse that he's cheering up for his daddy. NJ is already close. His friends though are not that stupid and beat their meat at the sight of the beautiful boy riding his stepdad.
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