redvelvetcecro · 3 months
Oc Doodles!
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Have some doodles of Alix and a couple of other characters I made :3
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floweryflees · 1 year
For the couple's question ask game:
16, 18, and 19, and what ever couple is your fav
Hey, thanks for the ask and sorry for answering it so late, lol.
(These characters are OCs)
16. How do they react when the other is upset? How do they try to help?
When the other is upset, the calmer and more temperate of the two (Aime) tries to get the other more closed off one (Seith) to talk it out or get it out of her system so they can resolve whatever bothering her. When Aïme is the one's who's upset—Seith gives her time and space to herself so she can calm down and gather her thoughts together and face whatever's upsetting her.
17. Would they have kids together?
I don't think so, they are too mentally and psychologically unfit for it, so they may opt out of that option and, instead, choose something like a cat, dog, or racoon. That is one of the many things they agree one, actually. "No child shall ever cross our path." Lmao.
What values do they not share?
Seith believes that selfishness, narcissism, lying, deceit, and toughening her way out of problems is the way to go and survive in a cruel way like the one they are currently living in, she valued self-preservation and survival above all else due to the toxic, emotionally, and physically abusive environment she grew up, felt trapped in, she couldn't be herself without being punished by those around her for a very long time—people trying to radically change, and indoctrinate her mind by using physical, psychological, and emotional means to get the values her environment practiced stuck and settled into her mind forever.
Seith practiced those values to a great extent, going as far as to conveniently disguise herself in order to join and take over certain jobs and organisations to feed and provide for herself, if she is interacting with someone, it's because they are useful to her in someway majority of the time, self-preservation always comes first when it comes to her.
Aime on the other hand, believes that being kind, self-sacrificing, loving, forgiving, and accommodating to those around her (to an insane and unhealthy degree) is how people like her should be and the only way that she would be loved back, this has gotten her hurt, abused, and taken advantage of in more terrible ways than several. However, she still doesn't give up and stays positive and hopeful—she is the sister of toxic positivity and people-pleasing.
She developed this mindset as a survival and defense-mechanism due to her emotionally and psychologically abusive, secluded, and isolating environment—it was a quick way for her to connect with others (even if it meant clipping majority of what we consider human qualities off of her), it also brought her comfort in times of struggle and great joy when she sees people are helped, return, and reward her (by) kindness.
How do they reconcile those differences?
Since Seith and Aïme really care about each other, so they try to see each other's views and discuss about them to come to some middle ground. They also practice, and honor them for the sake of the other . . . Seith is visibly protective of Aime( is too, but in an indirect manner), so she tries her hardest to practice and learn what Aime believes in as she also agrees with those values, Aime also does the same. They encourage each other to practice the other's values.
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spbnr-polls · 1 year
WEASEL Character Poll Round 1 - Seith vs. Tundra of the Frozen North
Seith (oc):
Jerk bully bastard jerk
Thinks he's sooooooo special just because he's on the Cheer Team and his mom is on the School Board
Tied for meanest kid in Red's Philosophy class
Bullies the Dorksquad, the Quintet, and Chen
Tundra of the Frozen North (God of Ice):
Pompous prick of a god
Believes every creature is beneath him
His elemental power threw a hissy fit over White getting it and froze White's Papa Whint for over a decade
Possesses White in one AU and makes him snap at the bby bean and insult his friends
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seith-magic · 1 year
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adrianasunderworld · 6 months
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Bit of an angst au, but the Beast of Ramshackle au.
In which Elena, in an attempt to force her daughter to come with her, curses Isabelle into a beast. Saying she will only remove it when Isabelle agrees to be her apprentice and leave Nrc with her.
Isabelle being distraught at the sudden change, locks herself away in Ramshackle, not wanting anyone to see her. Both out of fear of what her classmates will react to her, and the real possibility they will treat her cruelly. Along with being worried about how Malleus or Seith will feel if she is not "beautiful" anymore.
However, everyone notices her absence rather quickly, and Grim and Dreary refuse to talk about why the prefect won't leave her dorm.
Seith Zigvolt belongs to @mangacupcake
@marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
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syneester · 2 years
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sketch dump!
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enchantedbreez · 1 month
Hey Age of Darkness people!! i am currently writing the script of a AOD recap in the format of those unhinged recaps, and would love anyone's input :) If youre intrested in helping me out with fact checking, characterizing or just talking about the bookseries shoot me a DM please!!
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multivergentrp · 5 months
A human woman swung slightly from side to side, dangling upside down with a rope tied around one of her ankles. Her hair hung loose as she held onto her brown cloak, trying to keep it from falling off. She was hanging about 40 feet in the air. She looked down to the ground, having heard footsteps following after her for the last few minutes. Perhaps the other adventurer would have felt charitable enough to help her out...or would have ended up just as hapless as her.
Padding along leisurely at first, an arctic-foxkin individual, with noticeably broad hips even from this angle and height, was caught off guard at the shadow passing overhead, causing the stranger to jump and give a stifled, high-pitched yip and look up-. Oh dear. Stopping for a moment to first process what was going on, then to think on what to do next, the foxy traveller slowly approaches the tree, and then, in a voice soft from shy hesitation and made a bit hard to hear from the difference in height, called out. "Do you need help there, ma'am..?"
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angeldrawsstuffs · 1 year
It’s Not Easy Being Chen(?)
Summary: So the whole “Boo Lloyd” scene never fully sat right with me when it comes to my personal interpretation of Chen, so, how about we take a look at that scene form a different point of view, shall we?
Just stand and smile.
Stand and smile.
That’s all Chen needs to do as his history teacher drones on about an award he was nominated for.
He could honestly care less. He knows he’ll win and it’ll become yet another award on his bedroom wall for his mother to scrutinize because it isn’t good enough. Because he isn’t good enough.
But he knows he deserves it. He knows he needs to be kept humble, but at the same time, not too humble. He is an Amber after all.
And Ambers are better.
First Master, he can feel his eyelids growing heavier by the second, every blink a desperate cry for the sweet release of sleep.
But he fights it.
He did this to himself. He always does it to himself.
Chen swears he can hear a chorus of angels singing from above as his teacher bids him farewell and he’s finally allowed to go find Gigi and Maggie, after all, they need to discuss the cheer routine for the football game later tonight.
The cheerleader quickly rushes out of the classroom and into the hallway, while still keeping a straight posture, of course.
After all, his uncles can always correct his slouching.
“Hey Chen, nice one this morning!” A student he doesn’t recognize greets. He nods, not understanding what they mean, but he dares not correct a compliment.
“You really showed Garmadork!” Another cheers as he passed by. Chen simply nods again, while internally his brow furrows.
What in the name of the First Master are they talking about?
“Great song, Chen!”
“Damn, already on Polkify!”
“If you don’t get Garmadork to finally leave this place and run home to his daddy, I don’t know who will!”
Chen catches a wince at the final comment.
Still, he doesn’t know what everyone is on about, he just arrived.
Finally, he rounds the corner and spots Gigi and Maggie, both talking in hushed tones, obviously confused. At least, that’s what he assumes. He’s never been good at social cues, just another thing that makes him unbefitting of his bloodline.
“Gigi! Maggie!” Chen waves, to which his friends look to him, even more confused than before, “How are you this morning?”
The cheerleaders look between each other before looking back at Chen.
“Yes, Chen, we’re… we’re doing well.” Gigi greets awkwardly.
“No, we’re not!” Maggie corrects her girlfriend in hushed tones, “We just saw you! How did you get around the school so fast?! And what the hell was up with that ridiculous song??”
“I was pulled aside by our history teacher right after I entered the building.” Chen explains, his chest tight as his mind races and screams at him that something isn’t right, “I haven’t seen you two until now.”
“Then who was the one who dragged the both of us into that ‘Boo Lloyd’ cheer??” Maggie questions, tone harsh, but Chen knows his friend: she’s not accusing him of wrongdoing, she’s just as confused as he is.
“Boo Llo- what are you talking about? I didn’t-“
“Hey, Captain!” A grating voice bellows from down the hall.
Chen internally groans, he just wants everything to be quieter, he doesn’t want to have the deal with-
“Seith, good morning to you.” Chen greets his fellow member of the cheer squad, mask sliding perfectly in place.
Suddenly, a muscular arm is around Chen’s shoulder no, no touching he doesn’t want anyone to touch him PLEASE NO MORE-, Seith grinning the most faked grin Chen’s seen in his life.
And he knows about fake smiles.
A phone is shoved in his face, on it is a video. A video of…
Himself? Gigi and Maggie as well. The noise of the hallway is too much, and Chen can’t understand the exact words spoken, but he can tell they’re cringey as all hell based on Gigi and Maggie’s reactions in front of him.
“I caught it all on video.” Seith beams, “It’s already all over the school’s Instabook page. Good promo for the game tonight.”
Chen receives a rough pat on the back ad Seith turns to walk away, but, not before he shouts:
“Maybe next time let me join in! I’ll come up with a better song any day!”
And, with that, Seith turns the corner, thankfully vanishing from Chen’s sight, although his ears are still ringing.
“Ugh- his cheer would be worse.” Maggie comments, rolling her eyes to emphasize her point.
Chen doesn’t respond, his mind thinking back to the video Seith showed him. Obviously that wasn’t him. It couldn’t be him! He was in the history classroom all morning! But if it wasn’t him, then…
Oh FSM, please no.
He’s been punished enough! He heard their words all night long, he stood on that pedestal and took it all night! Why? Why did he have to come to school and ruin that for him too??
“Pom Pom?” Maggie asks, voice growing in concern.
“Gigi… Maggie… you met me this morning, before now, correct?” He asks in return, turning to face his friends.
“Yeah? What about it?” Maggie responds.
“How… how did I behave?”
“You were different.” Gigi takes over, “You were… well, to put it bluntly, obnoxious.”
Chen’s heart drops.
The name is like poison in his mouth: foul and with a nasty aftertaste.
“I knew you looked paler! Ugh- and you would never go out of your way to do something that! I should’ve- oh Pom Pom, are you ok?? Did something happen?”
“I am not at liberty to disclose that.” Chen replies, smoothening out his hair as he does.
“Come on! What did they do?? Did they hurt you??”
“I have already answered that.”
“Like hell you-“
A gentle, dark-skinned hand appears on Maggie’s shoulder. Gigi slowly moves her girlfriend aside.
“Chen. Are you safe at this moment?” Gigi calmly asks.”
“Yes.” Chen replies.
“That’s all we need to know.” She smiles, loosening the knot in his chest, even if for only a moment.
He can’t believe it- he knows Chad likes to have his fun around the house when Chen comes over, but invading his school life? Actively affecting his reputation? The one thing keeping him alive?
First Master either he’s bored out of his mind or he and Skylor are really out for blood.
If his reputation takes any kind of a hit, especially one that Chad could cause…
Chen knows what the consequences are, and he can’t let that happen. Not for himself, he hardly deserves a place in this world, but for his friends, for his pet, Twig.
He- he can’t leave them behind with no explanation.
“Did- Did he leave the school?” Chen asks slowly, to which Gigi and Maggie exchange worried glances.
“We don’t know.” Gigi responds truthfully.
“Then I must request the both of you search for him within reason. I must head to class so as to not be seen around him.”
“But what if-“ Maggie starts.
“I’ll be fine.” Chen lies states, “Just… please make sure he’s gone. Don’t let him become aware of your knowledge.”
Before his friends can say anything Chen turns and walks away to his first class of the day, inadvertently passing Lloyd on the way, hood up and staring at the ground, seemingly not even noticing Chen’s presence.
If only he could apologize.
But that would be a death sentence.
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rickchung · 2 years
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Let the Right One In (prod. Andrew Hinderaker).
Showtime’s television adaptation of the Swedish vampire horror novel and film adaptation of the same name (and American remake Let Me In) turns the horror art film into a more conventional New York City-set crime procedural with added characters and subplots.
Demián Bichir stars as the father and protector of a child vampire (a stark change from the original book and films) who must protect his daughter from the horrific realities of living undead and feeding on human blood while trying to uncover a greater conspiracy around some suspicious vampire-related murders and drug dealings. While it kind of waters down and makes many of the source material’s artistic flourishes more conventional, it proves to be a captivating episodic watch with compelling character motivations.
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redvelvetcecro · 10 months
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Have some doodles of some characters of mine, they’re a part of a world a few friends of mine and I are working on. I hope y’all like em!
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frameshiftworks · 2 years
No Vacant Heroics
#Frameshift Vol 2.5: No Vacant Heroics I've been waiting for this chapter for a few months now : ) Things are beginning to ramp up... #writing #writer #art #artist #story #art #artist #selfpub #sciencefiction #mechfiction #mechs
“Pick your battles wisely. Sometimes the greatest victory is of the battle never fought.” Captain Wyatt Jaga, General Notes on Ending Wars. … There existed a common misconception that piloting induced no tax upon the body of its host, that only the mind of these steel-wrapped figures came under any stress whilst in the burdening saddle of a Frame. Dolly had come to appreciate that notion as…
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glitteringxchaos · 1 year
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@mirroredworlds asked: I gave him more STRING (for Lucy from Bickslow)
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Oh no. Oh no. More string? Why more string? Happy was already a menace, and he'd only just run out of string to tie things/people up with...and Bickslow had given him more?! Why would he do that?! She'd only narrowly avoided getting caught up in his last chaos inducing attack of string, using most of it to tie people together or to furniture in the guild hall...after which he'd complained about being out because now he couldn't tie up the bouquet of fish he'd caught for Carla. No one had felt bad for the little menace, and she'd thought that was the end of it. Apparently she'd been very very wrong.
"WHAT?! Why would you do that?! He doesn't need more string! Now he's just going to terrorize people with it again! Bickslow why would you do that?! Why would you do that to ME?! I swear to Mavis, if I end up tied up to something or someone else, I'm going to skin him and then come after you next."
Already she was looking around them, paranoid and worried that the blue flying terror was going to pop up out of nowhere and make his move with the new string he'd been given, and she needed to be on her guard and ready to defend herself at a moment's notice. If only Erza was here...she could control him and make him behave, if only out of fear of the redhead's retaliation. But she wasn't, which left Lucy on her own to deal with Happy and his new string.
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seith-magic · 17 days
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adrianasunderworld · 1 year
I've talked about this with @mangacupcake ,but a plotline for Isabelle in the Magical Girl au featuring a character who is Sebeks older brother, who she called Seith.
Isabelle meets a new guy at school and they hit it off. Seith is great! He's good looking, he's charismatic and charming, he shares her interest, he has a motorcycle. He's the perfect boyfriend. Isabelle is head over heels.
They date for a few weeks to a couple months, and Seith asks her to meet him somewhere, and she does. Only to get kidnapped by the villains. Gaston is laughing up a storm. Gloating and saying how "The croc did a good job." Isabelle is confused until a familiar figure walks in, and Seith. Who does not look happy to be there. Isabelle puts two and two together and realizes she's been had. Seith was dating her to lull her into a false sense of security so the villains get her. Drew figures out where she is and her and the other maidens go and save her. But the damage is done, Isabelle is heartbroken and angry. When she goes to her mom's house, she is crying to Elena saying "We broke up" not giving detail's, and it's her vulnerable state that Elena takes advantage of her daughter to get her trust to access the library and try to steal her bracelet.
Meanwhile Seith is full of regret. Because in fake dating Isabelle, he caught real feelings. So cue redemption arc to earn her forgiveness.
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@marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
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syneester · 2 years
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