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mybiasisexo · 1 year ago
Normal 🍜
Genre: idek | exopower!au Pairing: sehun x Reader Length: 946 Warnings: vague...just like this warning lmfaooo
@avatarren asks: I love Drabble games! I’d like to request number 7 & 11 with Sehun!
a/n: idkw this one was so difficult for me. ig im getting rusty 😭
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You were in the kitchen of your small apartment when some commotion caught your attention. You turned around and screamed from the top of your lungs when you saw a dark figure by your open window—which was not opened by you.
“It’s just me!” An urgent, familiar voice assured.
“Oh Sehun!” You cried as you placed a hand over your racing heart. “You scared the hell out of me!”
“You should really lock your windows,” he reprimanded as he closed the one he entered from, before coming into the light of the kitchen. He was dressed like a soldier, his dark hair cut short, exposing his beautifully sculpted face.
“I live on the fourth floor,” you informed him, trying not to get too distracted by his beauty.
“Still….” He leaned against your counter that sat between you both.
You go back to the ramen you were cooking, trying to ignore the tall man behind you.
You’ve known Sehun for five years now. It was a rather long story, but you had gotten yourself tied up in some scary illegal government stuff, and he had helped you out of it. Helped you get back to normality.
Unfortunately, normal was a word he never could get used to himself. He was a soldier, a defender for both this world, and one he no longer inhabited, apparently. It was all very inconceivable. All you truly understood was that he ended up stuck on Earth fighting some evil force, and he and his other friends may or may not have superpowers.
Yeah, very inconceivable.
“Ramen?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he was quick to agree. You put the pot on the counter, handing him some chopsticks. He didn’t waste any time digging in.
“You’re dressed for war,” you mentioned, noting the camo outfit and boots.
He scratched his head. “Suho found a lead. We’re heading out to investigate in the morning.”
“You scared for me?” He questioned with a smirk, teasing you.
You rolled your eyes. “I should know by now that you don’t need the concern. But…. I feel like somebody needs to. You guys are always putting yourself in danger. Whenever you leave, I always wonder if….”
You were revealing too much, getting to emotional. He caught onto that, and gently asked you to continue.
You inhaled some courage. “I wonder if it’s going to be the last time I’ll ever see you.”
His eyes took you in. You watched as they bounced around, locking with every point of your face.
“You have nothing to worry about,” he finally answered. Not going to lie, you felt disappointment from his reply. “It’s our job. Why we were created.”
“But you have lost people,” you reminded him, thinking about the Luhan fellow he brought up occasionally. The best friend that wasn’t able to escape the hell they endured when they first landed onto this planet. “You are capable of dying, you know?”
“We’re stronger now. And we’re always careful, we know what we’re doing.”
“I know,” you said, dropping your gaze to the little bit of broth left in the pot. You shook your head. “Never mind. Pretend I never mentioned it.”
He went back to quietly observing you. This was what your relationship mostly consisted of. He would pop in out of nowhere and watch you, as though he was trying to understand how humans worked.
He pursed his lips and walked around the counter to stand before you. As if he weren’t completely sure what he was doing, he slowly lifted his glove-covered hands to your face, pulling it up so that you were looking at him. Your breath got caught in your throat at the contact, he’d never touched you before, not like this. It was…intimate.
“Thank you for your concern,” he said. “It makes me feel good, knowing someone cares if I’m dead or alive.”
“Is that why you always come back?” You questioned, sounding a bit more bitter than intended.
He grinned down at you. “You’re my person. You’ll always be the one I go to.”
Your eyes widened from his confession. His person. It was the most romantic thing he’d ever said, but you weren’t sure if that’s what he meant it as or not. Maybe you were reading too much into it. His eyes glimmered with something though, something that led you to believe he was indeed being romantic, in his own little way.
You smiled up at him. “You’re sure it’s not just because you saved me all those years ago?”
“I’ve saved a lot of people,” he told you. “But I don’t check up on them.”
“Just me?” You breathed.
He nodded.
“Okay.” You blushed and glanced away, growing shy. “Well, before you go, I should give you something. As a thank you for saving my life.”
“You don’t owe me anything for that,” he declined.
“All the same.”
You stood up on your tip toes to press your lips against his. It was quick. He didn’t even have time to react before you were falling back to your feet. When you pulled away, he leaned down, returning the gesture. You share a few more kisses, his arms going around your waist, yours to his covered forearms.
When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours. “I’ll need that again, I think.”
You giggled. “Whenever you’re back from your mission, I’ll gladly give you however many more you want.”
He hummed and gave into the urge to kiss you again, this one lingering. Once you slowly broke it, he left you—out the door this time.
You stood in that kitchen, shaking and praying that he would return unscathed.
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gone4neow · 6 years ago
The New King ♔ dks
Chapter Five
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- kyungsoo x reader, royalty AU, prince!kyungsoo
- warnings : swearing, mature content, arranged marriage, good looking men
- word count : 3,257
chapter four or chapter six or masterlist
♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
The prince and princess found themselves wasting the remainder of the day in the water. Even thought they were hungry and slowly growing tired, they did not want to accept their fates back at the castle yet. They shared stories from their childhoods, both the sad and happy. They shared secrets that they had only told close friends. They shared several kisses - kisses that they knew they shouldn’t share but couldn’t care to remind themselves until after they happened. In result, they both grew more attached to one another than they had wanted to.
“Princess, come out of the water. We need to go!” Kyungsoo called out to the young woman as she floated leisurely in the water. The sun was starting to set in the distance and he knew it wouldn’t be long until they were navigating their way back to the castle in the dark. She sighed at his words and submerged under the water one last time. She had planned to exited the water soon after but her attention was snagged by the sight of an opening in the water. Was it perhaps a cave?
She lifted her head above the surface of the water to get a quick breath and just as the prince called out for her again she ducked back under. This time, she kicked her legs and swam in the direction of the opening. It was so camouflaged by it’s surroundings that she was surprised she had noticed it. It wasn’t that big, but it was big enough for her to push herself through it. For a moment, she was afraid. What if she ended up getting stuck and drowning? She was glad when she ended up popping back up from under the water and inhaled a deep breath of air. Her eyes scanned the new environment slowly. She wanted to make sure she didn’t miss anything. Near the back of the small cave was a black box that looked like a hidden treasure. Her father had told her stories about pirates who would hide their belongings in the most random places. Could this be on of them?
She almost laughed at the thought as she pushed herself out of the water. The sound of the water leaking off of her soaking figure and returning to the water below her echoed in the small cave. It was almost soothing. She grabbed the box and shook it to see if she could hear it’s contents. She was met with a thud. Happy with her findings, she quickly entered the water again and swam through the opening to return to the prince.
When her heard emerged from the water, she was met with the back of Kyungsoo’s wet head. He was looking in the water frantically. She tapped his shoulder gently and he turned in the water quickly, creating a small wave as he did so. She had never seen someone so relieved to see her face. He pulled her in his arms almost immediately, whispering about how scared he was into the shell of her ear as he held her.
“Are you okay? Where did you go?” He asked as he leaned back to examine her for any signs of a struggle. He caught sight of the box she cradled in her arms and met her eyes with furrowed eyebrows.
“I found an opening under the water. It leads to a tiny cave. I found this box in there and I thought maybe it was something interesting,” she explained to him with excitement written on her face. His hands left her skin and traced along the edges of the box curiously. There was something strange about this box.
“I think I’ve seen this box before,” he thought to himself.
“Really?” The princess’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. He averted his eyes away from the box and met her wide eyes.
“Let’s get you out of the water before you get sick. It’s starting to cool off,” he told her gently. They exited the water together this time. Prince Kyungsoo had entered the water in his clothes the second time around and the princess felt herself flushed. She hadn’t thought about how worried he would have been. She sat the box down on the ground next to Strike’s feet and allowed the prince to help her put her gown back on.
“What do you think is in it?” She asked as she picked it back up, officially ready to return to the castle.
“I’m not sure. Let’s open it back at the castle,” The prince told her.
“What if it’s gold?” She wondered aloud. He smiled slightly at her inquisitive nature.
“Then perhaps we shouldn’t tell anyone about the box,” he said with amusement in his voice. She laughed lightly but agreed with a small nod of her head. She rode in behind Kyungsoo on the way back to the castle. While she hadn’t been nervous when leaving earlier, she definitely felt nervous about returning. The two of them had been gone for majority of the day and the guards had witnessed them leave together. Her eyes closed as she held onto Kyungsoo tightly, afraid that he would be kept away from her when they returned.
The stables were empty when they arrived. The princess cradled the box in her arms as she watched the prince return all of his riding equipment back to it’s rightful place. When he finished, he turned to her with a small smile.
“I guess things return back to normal now,” The princess commented with a sad voice. The prince’s smile fell at her words but he knew exactly what she meant. Everything that had happened that day was forbidden at the castle. The princess was back to being the kingdom’s future queen and the prince was back to be his brother’s shadow. He swallowed his anger, and looked down at the box in the woman’s hands.
“Will you still open it with me?” He questioned lightly.
“You thought I would open it without you?” She replied. He shrugged, his cheeks growing warm at her words. She laughed lightly and turned on her heels to exit the stables. He watched as she disappeared, knowing he would have to wait to make his way back into the castle.
When he arrived back in his room that evening, his brother was waiting on his bed with a gold coin in his hands. He was tossing it into the air and catching it as it returned back to him. His eyes flickered over at his brother, who had mysteriously disappeared throughout the day.
“Where have you been? The moon is out,” Sehun questioned his brother as he sat up straight.
“I went to the village to visit Xiumin. He was showing me a new type of ink he’s trying out. It’s fascinating, really,” Kyungsoo lied to his brother. Sehun scoffed and for a second the prince thought his brother had caught his bluff.
“You two are so boring,” he teased. Kyungsoo laughed a small, fake laugh and shook his head.
“I’ve been waiting all day. I don’t know how to apologize to the princess. Will you do it for me?” Sehun added a moment later, standing up to approach his brother.
“Just invite her to participate in archery again and include her this time,” Kyungsoo told him. Sehun furrowed his eyebrows as he thought about his brother’s suggestion.
“Do I have to say I’m sorry if I do that?” He questioned as he pointed a finger lazily at his brother.
“No, she’ll understand,” his brother assured him. He hummed as he thought it over and then a smile formed on his face.
“You’re so good with girls, brother. If you weren’t so shy and scary you’d be covered in them,” Sehun joked, slinging his arms around the man’s shoulders. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes in response. If only he knew.
Prince Sehun found the princess just as she left her room the next morning. She was surprised to find him walking towards her chambers with a confident stride. As she looked at him, she couldn’t help but feel guilty. All she could think was his brother’s perfect lips and how happy she had been spending time in solitude with the young prince yesterday.
“Good morning, Princess,” Sehun greeted politely.
“Good morning,” she breathed out a reply. He smiled at her, causing a small smile to form on her face out of instinct.
“I was wondering if, perhaps, you’d like to join me and the rest of the guys in some archery later today?” The prince offered. She was surprised for the second time in a mere two minute span.
“Did someone write that sentence for you to study?” She asked with amusement in her voice. The prince laughed nervously but shook his head in denial.
“I’d like that,” she told him. She went to walk away from him but was stopped by his hand grasping her forearm loosely. She met his eyes again and he narrowed his at her.
“I just remembered that you disappeared yesterday. I looked all over for you and I could not find you anywhere,” he thought aloud. The princess raised her eyebrows in surprise. Had she been caught?
“Did you check inside my chambers?” She replied. Her sassy tone hid her fear well. The prince scoffed in disbelief. He released her arm and ran his hand through his hair with frustration.
“No, I forgot. I should have got one of the servants around here to check for me,” he whined under his breath. The princess laughed with relief. The prince turned and looked at her with wide eyes.
“You’re laughing?” He asked. His voice was loud and his lips were parted in shock.
“I apologize, it was just too funny to me,” the young woman replied through her laughter as she covered her mouth. She turned to leave again, and this time Sehun followed after her instead of stopping her. He went on and on about how she never laughed and if she was laughing at him, then he had to be the funniest person in the entire kingdom. His logic only made her laugh more and they entered the dining hall for breakfast together laughing loudly. The noise gathered the attention of several people but the prince and princess only continued to laugh together.
“Isn’t that lovely?” The northern queen asked as she watched her son enjoy himself with his fiancée. Her husband stared at them for a moment before he began to nod.
“They’re good together,” the king commented with satisfaction in his eyes. Prince Kyungsoo looked down at his plate and gripped his utensils tighter at both the sight of his brother with the princess and his parents’ conversation. Perhaps he had been blind this entire time and his brother truly would win the princess over. It didn’t make the lingering feeling of her lips pressed against his vanish instantly, though, and the more he thought about yesterday was the more he grew confused.
“Good morning family,” Prince Sehun greeted his parents and brother. The princess bowed slightly from beside him, but she did not speak. She felt her breath leave her lungs quickly as she sat next to Prince Kyungsoo. She had prepared herself all night to be careful around the prince but he wouldn’t even glance in her direction this morning. Had he regretted yesterday? There was an overwhelming feeling of panic at the mere thought of the prince regretting yesterday. It had been such a special day for her and she had hoped it had been for him, too.
“Eat quickly. You have a lot of duties to attend to today,” The king told Sehun as he watched his son take his first bite of food.
“Excuse me,” Prince Kyungsoo spoke suddenly. The princess watched as he placed his eating utensils against the surface of the table with a little more force than needed. He pushed his chair back and stood quickly, leaving before anyone could ask him if he were alright.
“That boy is growing moodier by the day,” the king said with a bitterness as he watched his son exit the dining hall.
“Ah, just like his father,” The queen teased.
The princess found herself hiding away in her chambers throughout the day. She wanted to go to the library, but she was afraid Kyungsoo would be there. She wanted to go to the stables, but she was, again, afraid the prince would be there. The village was an option, but she knew she would not be able to go without a guard after the incident during her first trip there. So, she sat in front of a wide window and wrote a letter to her father expressing how much she missed his company. Never in her life had she been away from him for so long. It was hard, but she knew it was something she would have to grow used to.
She had just finished her letter when a knock echoed against the stone walls of her room. She left the parchment sitting in it’s place as she went to swing the door open. Sehun stood before her, with a grinning Baekhyun right beside him. It was the first time that the sight of the pair together didn’t make her want to slam the door in their faces.
“Is it time for our game of archery?” She asked with a small smile.
“Yes,” was Sehun’s simple answer. She joined them in the hall a second later and they began to make their way towards the fitness hall. Sehun’s hand found hers after Baekhyun had teased them for hiding their love because of his presence and she felt her shoulders stiffen. Baekhyun gaped at her when she took his soft hand into her free hand.
“You weren’t lying when you said she was in a good mood today,” Baekhyun told the princess.
“I never lie,” Sehun replied smugly. The three were met with the remainder of their friends when they strolled towards the archery area. All eyes were on the three’s connected hands that the princess had been swinging happily.
“Ah, what is this?” Jongdae asked. There was amusement swimming in his eyes as he looked at the three.
“The princess has finally accepted that she loves me,” Baekhyun announced dramatically as he held their intertwined hands up proudly. She scoffed and freed both of her hands quickly.
“I was afraid they would get lost if I didn’t lead them here,” she answered Jongdae.
“Everyone you passed will already be spreading the rumor around that the three of you are involved in scandalous behavior,” Kai told them.
“If it wasn’t that then it would be some other ridiculous rumor,” Sehun responded. He paused when his eyes scanned the frowning face of his brother.
“Are you feeling bad today, brother?” He asked curiously. The princess looked at him but he still refused to even glance at her.
“I’m alright,” Kyungsoo answered quietly. The brothers shared a look and Sehun nodded. Jongdae placed his hand on the young prince’s shoulder before instructing everyone to get moving. Everyone took turns shooting. The princess was particularly impressed by the skills of Jongdae, who managed to shoot just as well as she had yesterday. Baekhyun did better today than he had previously and the victorious grin on his face was a constant reminder. No matter how well anyone did, it was Prince Kyungsoo that had earned her full attention when he went to shoot. His stance was so stiff, yet so loose at the same time. Those big of eyes of his decreased in size as he narrowed them in attempts to see the target better. Even the small movement of his fingers pulling at the bow’s string had her complete attention. He released his arrow after what seemed like an eternity to the princess and it landed perfectly in the center of the target. His friends applauded for him, offering him nothing but praise as he returned to his place. It was because of this that a smile formed on his face. Though it was only a tiny smile, it was still a smile.
“Think you can do that, princess?” Jongin questioned as he handed the woman a bow. She took it politely and shared a smile with the man.
“You know I can,” she replied confidentially. They all knew she could after what they had witnessed yesterday. She was nervous today, though. She knew Prince Kyungsoo would be watching her every move and that had started an internal war with herself. Every insecurity she had decided to creep up on her. She released the arrow with a shaky breath, grimacing when it landed a few centimeters away from the center of the target.
“I thought you were feeling good today?” Baekhyun asked her as she returned to the group.
“I don’t feel so good anymore,” she confessed as she met his eyes.
“That’s alright. You don’t have to prove yourself to us. We know you’re the best shot here,” Jongdae assured her with a warm smile.
“And second prettiest,” Baekhyun added, wrapping his arm around her shoulders comfortingly.
“Am I the first?” Sehun asked playfully.
“No, I am,” Baekhyun told him with a smirk on his face.
The group decided to call it a day after another few rounds. They all went their separate ways, probably heading to bed for the night. It was late, after all. Sehun had been away for majority of the day to attend to his royal duties, causing a delay for their plans. The princess usually didn’t mind being out so late, but today she wanted nothing more than to disappear back to her chambers. That’s where she immediately started off too when she left the fitness hall. Her footsteps were slow and her mind was racing with worries after Prince Kyungsoo’s strange behavior that day.
Just as she made it onto the stairwell, she was stopped by someone’s hand grasping her shoulder. She turned around quickly with surprise on her face. Her eyes only grew wider when she saw Kyungsoo’s big eyes staring up at her. He seemed to have done it on impulse, as his hand retracted from her exposed skin as soon as she had turn to look at him.
“What-“ she was interrupted by the prince placing his finger against her lips. She heard voice in the hallway she had come from and instantly went silent. Once they faded away, the prince lowered his hand away from her face.
“I need to speak with you,” he told her quietly.
“You’ve been avoiding me all day,” she told him as if she thought he were lying.
“I know, and I’ll explain, but please-“
“Okay. Come to my room,” she rushed out.
“The guards will see me,” he shook his head.
“I’ll cause a diversion,” she informed him.
“Sehun will be expecting me. I told him I was preparing a snack for us,” he shook his head again. She sighed in frustration and frowned.
“Was he suspicious of you yesterday?” She asked. He nodded, a frown of his own frowning on his face.
“He was of me too,” she admitted lowly.
“The library. That’s where we’ll meet. Tonight, okay?” Kyungsoo finally suggested. It was like music to her ears. She nodded quickly and he smiled.
“I have to go before I kiss you,” she breathed out. She turned on her heels and dashed up the stairs, leaving Kyungsoo to watch her with amusement on his face.
a/n : sorry for the late upload, i don’t have any internet at home right now. i hope you all enjoy the new chapter!!
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gonnagetyoubaby · 7 years ago
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Sehun - A Friend of A Friend / Part 2
All Chapters: 
{1} {2} {3} {4} {5} To Be Continued... 
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singingunderthecurtain · 7 years ago
Who Drank My Bubble Tea? (Drabble)
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Photo not mine, got it on google
Author: @loeyeolty AU: College AU Genre:  Fluff Pairing: Sehun x Reader Word Count: 599
Plot: Sehun was pissed when he found out that someone stole his precious Bubble Tea in the college dorm.
“Who the fuck drank my bubble tea?”
It was 8 AM Sehun was making a ruckus in the dorm pantry, examining the three of you in the room: Chanyeol, you and your roommate. You swallowed the heavy lump down your throat, as he slowly walked behind you, his keen eyes observing your every move.
However, even though he just got out of bed, clad in loose sweatpants, and tattered white shirt, Oh Sehun looked absolutely divine in the morning.
The way he ran his hands through his black, short hair, was, for the lack of better term, heavenly. His angered face all the more amplified the fact that he was unbearably hot...and that you are unbearably in trouble.
“Did you?” Sehun approaches, Chanyeol, another fellow dormer, who was raucously slurping his Samyang noodles in the corner.
“Hell no.” Chanyeol retorted with an equally angered expression and wears up his hoodie. Probably meant to say stop-bothering-me.
“Is it you?”
Your roommate shakes her head violently in protest. Your heart raced in irregular intervals, as sweat beaded on your forehead. With a heel outside the door, you attempted to flee, but Sehun’s hand grabbed onto your arm, beating you to it.
“____, you tell me who it is.” His breath was deep and threatening, sending shivers down your spine.
You mentally cursed yourself. It was your fault that you came home at 2 AM last night, hungover and the only thing in the communal fridge that could possibly cure your dizziness was a sealed bubble tea that said ‘Don’t drink! Mine – Sehun’.
“I—I-I’m sorry,” you stuttered out of one-half fear, and one-half awe of his beautiful face inches away from you. Holy shit, Sehun looks good.
“I suddenly lost my breakfast thanks to you. Buy me one now.” His face was stern.
A tiny squeak emanated from your throat. “I don’t have any money right now.” You spent all of your money last night on drinks, if only you could bleed cash right now you would replace his Bubble tea in a heartbeat.
He purses his lips in annoyance, forming a straight line on his face, clucks his tongue shaking his head from side to side.
“Look, I’ll rummage in my room for the money. I’ll prove it to you.”
Sehun sighs, and has no choice but to follow you to your room. Chanyeol and your roommate exchange knowing looks at each other,  and continue eating their respective breakfasts.
You felt embarrassed that your room was a mess but seems like Mr. Handsome would not leave you alone until your produced an adequate sum of money, sufficient to buy him a bubble tea.
You snatch a red lacy bra hanging from the ledges of your bunk bed, and hit it quickly in sight. Judging from Sehun’s snort, you could surmise that he was able to see your tiny actions of hiding your underwear.
You had virtually turned every bag, every table searched every nook and cranny of your dorm, whilst Sehun watched you, standing with his arms crossed. Never mind that you looked like a trashy mess, you looked up at him, while laying in despair on the floor.
“Really, none!” you threw your arms up in the air.
Sehun clucked his tongue, like a lizard, shaking his head slowly. “Get up, ____.”
Like a puppy, you follow his orders.
He starts laughing hysterically at you, much to your confusion.
“I was just messing with you. Come, I’ll buy us both some bubble teas. It’s a date.”
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kimora2000 · 7 years ago
I Really Like You!EXO Oh Sehun x Reader
Chapter 20:
Our 1 Year
Sehun's POV
Today was (Y/n) and I first year anniversary of dating, but I had to spend it away from her, in China. EXO is having a concert, which torn me away from my girl on our big day. I was sitting in the hotel room, on video chat with her.
"Babe, it's ok."
"No, it's not. I would rather be with you than here."
"Oppa, you need to be there for your fans. I know just how much you love me, but I know hold to share my man."
I laughed at her words. She was right I need to not be shellfish of my needs. I'm an idol and many girls fell in love with us. I shouldn't close myself off from the people who loved me first. We talked for hours on end, and just when I was about to tell her good night.
The guys all came in and ruined the moment. They all huddled around the computer and me, all waving and smiling at (Y/n).
"Hey, guys. What's up?"
Each member got to talk with her and said their goodbyes before heading off to bed.
"Well, I guess I should hang up now."
"Same here. I have to work tomorrow. So I don't know if I'll be able to call. I'm sorry."
"No, it's fine. We're both pretty busy, plus that's our concert day anyway."
"Well, I miss you my fluffy head bubble tea boy!"
"I miss you too, Angel. I'll see you went we come back, and you better have some kind of dessert ready for me."
I pointed my finger at the screen, but she just stuck her tongue out and turned off the video. 'Gosh, she drives me crazy.' I laughed at myself and hopped into bed for a good rest.
Concert day
We were running the show to make sure sound and formations were good. I could feel the sweat dripping off me due to the hot lights shining on the stage.
"OK guys. Everyone freshen up for the show tonight and rest a bit."
Suho told us and we all followed suit. We all took a quick shower and headed over to get our makeup and hair done. While I was getting my hair done, I texted (Y/N).
Hey 6:45 p.m
I looked at the clock then back at the phone. Still no text. 'She must be really busy.' I was upset but the show must go on.
Concert time
We had just gotten through our fourth song and we took a break to chat with the fans.
"How is everyone doing tonight?"
"So we have had toured all over the world and some fans are wondering if we miss something important to us?"
Xiumin answered, "I miss my bed. Sleeping in all these hotels just makes me miss my one and only bed."
Next Chanyeol, "I miss hanging out in my room and playing with my guitar."
" Hey, Sehun. What do you miss the most?"
I was shocked when Chen asked me. (Think of the gif above)
"Ugh... I really miss my Angel and Vivi."
"Today is actually our first year anniversary, and I would really like to be with her on this day. I mean a year is a long time to be with one person. I'm surprised that she is still with me."
I was trying not to tear up at the thought of not being with (Y/N) on our special day. All this time and she still continued to love me for a whole year. She understood how hard my life was, yet still stood by my side and helped me when times got tough. I really couldn't ask for anyone better suited for me, than her. As I thought about it some more, I could hear screams continuously getting louder. So I looked up to see (Y/N) standing next to the guys. For that short moment, it was like everything faded and I could only see her. 'She's the one.'
"Happy One Year Anniversary to Sehun and (Y/N)!!!"
The guys shouted. I ran straight up to her and hugged her with all my might. I could feel her tears soaking my shirt, but I didn't care. I pulled back to see her beautiful face and kissed her on the forehead.
"I love you, my Angel."
Time skip- back at the hotel
In was now 1 o'clock in the morning but I had my girl sleeping in my arms. I was so happy that sleep wasn't an option. If this was a dream, I didn't want to wake up. I held her tightly to my body. I could feel the heat from her body warming mine up. I kissed the top of her head.
"I am indefinitely in love with you, (Y/N) (Y/L). Happy One Year and One Day Anniversary.
And with that, I closed my eyes for a good night sleep
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bashfulamrita · 5 years ago
The Star That The Sky Dropped
Sehunxreader Oneshot Fanfic
The short story presents Y/n who follows a K-Pop star Oh Sehun from EXO on social media. She would often drop a message in his DM hoping that one-day Sehun would read her messages.
An unexpected DM on Instagram was waiting for y/n which read Oh Sehun on the top of the dialogue box. Flabbergasted y/n begins to hyperventilate when she reads the message.
"Happy Birthday y/n. I wish you a great life. Thanks for supporting EXO. Coming to the point, on behalf of EXO, we wish to be a part of your birthday celebration. Let us know your thoughts on it so that we could arrange something special."
It is a fairytale of the digital age.
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yeolsmuffin · 6 years ago
Crumbling Down [M] - Sehun || Five
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Paring: baekhyunXreader,  sehunXreader
Genre: Smut, Angst || Best friend!Sehun
Summary: When friends with benefits goes horribly wrong.
Word Count: 5.6k
Trigger warning: the series is back
Teaser | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six |
Sehun’s POV Parts : Two
Baekhyun rushed into the room and the second his eyes fell on the pregnancy tests around your slumped figure, he fell to his knees and cradled you into him.
You looked up at him as you sobbed and without even saying anything, you knew that he knew it wasn’t his. He rubbed your hair and let you cry in his arms for hours, assuring you that it changed nothing and that he cared about you.
All you felt was dread.
The last thing you wanted was a baby and a baby with Oh Sehun was an even worse scenario.
How could you face Junmyeon now?
If you weren't completely sure of your feelings for Baekhyun before, you thought you were now.  
Even with you being pregnant by a past messy relationship, Baekhyun still wanted to be around you. And with you.  
“You don’t have to do this. This isn't your fault,” you told him when he was adamant about doing the whole ‘baby' thing with you after your ten-week checkup.  
He just glared at you. “Y/N, I really like you and even if the baby is part his, it’s also part yours and that's enough for me.”
You weren't sure it was possible, but he had become even more sweet and loving to you as time went on. Even when you were up crying about the baby – nearly every night.  
While he was ecstatic at the idea of raising a baby of yours, you were miserable because you knew it was still Sehun's. Nothing could take that away and you would live with the regret dangling over you.  
When you were twelve weeks, you decided that it was probably time to tell Junmyeon and Kyungsoo but ninety percent of you was terrified. Not just because you were pregnant but because who the father was.  
And then, Baekhyun being Baekhyun made a shocking decision. Well, maybe not shocking for who Baekhyun was but it still surprised you.  
“Can I be the dad?” he asked you when you were making plans to see Junmyeon.  
You looked at him with wide eyes. “What?”
His fingers traced against your thighs, “I know you’re scared about telling everyone who the father is but in reality, I'm going to be the one helping you raise it, right?”
“Baek, I’ve told you – you don't have to do this,” you interrupted.  
“Well, I am. So put my name on the birth certificate and it can be our secret.”
If there was one thing Baekhyun seemed adamant about, it was giving you love. Constantly he found big and little ways to shower you with love, obviously this being a big way.  
Where you were used to not getting any sort of love shown to you – unless it was sex – now it was a constant to feel love. Hell, you weren't sure if there was a moment where Baekhyun didn’t show you love.  
The thing with that was, the more you were around him and him giving you attention and love, the more you could see yourself loving him and well, it scared the shit out of you.  
Baekhyun said it wasn't a big deal if you guys fell in love and he didn't even try to prevent it but even so, it felt like a big deal. Love was almost like a foreign concept because after a long time of being conditioned to try not to love, now you were being encouraged. 
As it was, you were still reeling from Sehun. At night, you could feel yourself heavy with the burden of having his baby.  
You couldn't say you didn't want the baby but you couldn't say you did. Nothing in you was ready to be a mother but Baekhyun was always so excited about the prospect of a baby that sometimes it rubbed off on you.  
The night was when you had dreams of Sehun and the baby and most of the time that landed you in tears.  
Tears that only Baekhyun could stop.  
“Are we going to meet up with them?” Baekhyun said to you as he ran his fingers through your messy hair, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You were nearly curled up into a ball on the bed you shared with Baekhyun just freshly waken from a nap that overcame you when Baekhyun said he wanted to be the dad.
Maybe it wasn't the first time you heard something like that from him but it was the first time you heard him ask for parental rights. You were happy but also scared and still yourself, on the fence about being a parent.  
Adoption would be such a good option if you weren't already concerned about all the kids without families as it was. What if your baby didn't get a family? What if they got one but they weren’t good?
There was a doubt you had in yourself being a mother but you at least knew you wouldn't be toxic for the child and that was what made you really want to parent with Baekhyun.
It just laid in the reminder of Sehun and the fact that besides the help from Baekhyun, you’d be a single mother. Unwed and too young to not get dirty looks from older women.
The pressure from society was enough to scare you alone.  
Baekhyun pressed his palm into your shoulder blade as he rubbed it gently. “Hey, are you in there?”
You shook your head a few times to come to, “I’m here. I’m here.” Here with Baekhyun where you were safe, you reminded yourself. You pressed your knuckles with your other hand.
“I’ll go with you when you see Kyungsoo and Junmyeon and talk to them.”
Kyungsoo you had seen every day because it was impossible not to when he was your co-worker. You knew he could tell something was up but he didn't ask, in fact, he was still upset at you for going back to Sehun in the first place so the conversations between the two of you were deduced down to just talk of work and fake ‘how are you's?”
Today though, you needed a sit down so you got the both of them to agree to go to coffee with you.  
If they hadn't expected much, you knew the talk of a sit down was enough to get their gears going. You were almost sure they both expected you to proclaim that you and Sehun were happily together.
They didn't even know much about you and Baekhyun at this point but what could you say for you guys? What was there to be said? You weren't a couple but you were more than friends. As far as they would know, Baekhyun is the father of your baby and even if telling them that scared you, telling them it was Sehun would be even worse.  
You didn’t think Junmyeon would ever look at you again if he knew the baby belonged to Sehun.
Junmyeon was a good friend to you and a best friend most of your life but your mind reminded you that now you had Baekhyun so if Junmyeon ever wanted to leave your life, you would be okay and you had been without him, Kyungsoo or Sehun for a while now.
Despite your fears, Baekhyun helped you dress and get ready. You decided to pick something that showcased your slowly growing bump since you had been wearing loose clothes so often. Even if you weren't sure about anything, you were sure this baby was coming and even if you knew you had options, you felt it was too late and you were too invested in the family Baekhyun told you that the two of you could have.  
Baekhyun held your hand tightly in the car. Your hair blew in the chilly wind and you smiled at the blunt cold air of the winter being replaced with the chill of a new season. Flowers were soon to bloom and rain showers were soon to form. Apart from Fall, Spring was your favorite season. Everything was new and fresh so even when things were rough in life, spring gave you hope. A new year and new choices.
You could feel Baekhyun's eyes keep glancing over at you and when you looked at him, he was smiling. “What?”
He laughed lightly and looked back at the road, “You are beautiful when you smile. You’ve been so stressed lately that I don't see it often,” he squeezed your hand.
“I'm sorry-"
“Don't you dare,” he said with a look over at you. “Maybe I should apologize for not making you smile that much.”.
You scoffed, “You’re the only one to make me smile and you know it.”
You could see a smug smile forming on his lips.
After several minutes, you finally arrived at the coffee shop and before you got inside, you could see Junmyeon's back (his favorite leather jacket gave him away) residing in your and his favorite booth. You smiled once again, missing the good times with your old friend. The good times before you were hung up on Oh Sehun. You thought to yourself that maybe you could have some of those times again. Maybe.
That was if he didn’t crucify you for being pregnant with Baekhyun's baby that was really Sehun's.  
But everything was so different now. Junmyeon felt like someone you didn’t even know.
Baekhyun opened the door for you and gestured for you to go first and you tried to hold back a giggle from escaping.  
He had a habit of making you feel like you were in middle school all over again and you could feel tingles all over your skin.  
You reached for his hand when you were both inside and when you grabbed it, he looked at you in what seemed surprise and his eyes appeared to dance. He gave you a light squeeze and you walked the both of you over to where Junmyeon and Kyungsoo, you noticed, were.  
They both said nothing as their eyes filled with surprise when they noticed the hands that connected you and Baekhyun. You saw Junmyeon gulp, blink a couple times and grip tightly onto his chair as he tried to press his lips into the thinnest line possible. Kyungsoo's expression was the same as always but of course, it had a tinge of surprise that you couldn’t miss.
Even when you were away from your friends for a while, things seemed to snap into place when you saw them. Like the way you could never forget someone's mannerisms.
Baekhyun pulled a chair out for you next to Junmyeon so you sat carefully while peeking out of your hair at Junmyeon. He was breathing heavily but tried his best to keep a cool composure. Baekhyun sat next to Kyungsoo and was immediately poked at by Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows trying to be subtle while giving Baekhyun a look. 
You forced yourself to tune the pair out.
“How have you been, Jun?” you asked quietly.  
He let out a held breath. “I think the more important question is how you’ve been. You’ve been ghosting me for weeks.” He shot a glare in Baekhyun's direction and Baekhyun looked away, pretending he didn't feel the tension.  
“I have a good reason-"
“There is no good reason to ignore your best friend for months. Does my friendship really mean that little to you?”
You huffed out a breath and looked at Junmyeon. It wasn't that you didn't care about him. It wasn't that at all. You loved Junmyeon. He was your best friend. A friend that surpassed any friendship Sehun had offered. He sobered you up at your worst moments and made you laugh during his worst moments. He meant everything to you but when you went back to Sehun, you were ashamed. Junmyeon picked you up when Sehun threw you on the ground and you went running right back to Sehun. How could you face him? How could you face him now that everything had crumbled down so much worse than before?
Facing him hurt because you remembered your mistakes. Mistakes of Oh Sehun.
“I love you, Jun, you know that,” you eyes drifted over to Kyungsoo, “and you too, Soo,” you looked back at Junmyeon, “but my life was falling apart. I was making all the wrong choices and I didn't want you to see it. I was embarrassed and ashamed. Hell, I still am.” You looked down at your hands that were rested in your lap.  
Baekhyun reached across the table to touch your face gently and you noticed the two other boys glancing between the two of you. Baekhyun dropped his hand and sat in silence.  
“What's going on with you two?” Junmyeon pressed. “I’m tired of being out of the loop.”
You chewed on your lip nervously. “Well, I, uh, I’m pregnant.” The words crashed into the middle of the table like a bad wreck.  
Kyungsoo perked up, “With Sehun's baby?” you could hear his voice tinged with what seemed like a sneer and it made you shrink in embarrassment.  
Junmyeon though, looked like he could puke as he raked a hand down his face and held it over his mouth.  
You couldn't respond but Baekhyun was at your defense, “It's mine.”
“Oh, that makes sense – wait, what?” Kyungsoo stared at Baekhyun. “How?”
Baekhyun crossed his hands, “Y/N and I have been a little bit of a thing since she left Sehun.”
Kyungsoo wrapped a hand around Baekhyun’s wrist. “You literally couldn’t tell me any of this?”
“You left Sehun?” Junmyeon asked looking at you before looking back at Baekhyun, “For Baekhyun and now you’re pregnant?” he scoffed, “What is going on? Is this a joke?”
“Which part?” you asked Junmyeon.  
“All of it.”
You sighed. “Yes, I’m pregnant and Baekhyun is the father,” the words sounded strange the way you worded them but you hoped they wouldn't notice, “I left Sehun about three and a half months ago and moved in with Baekhyun since he had room for me and then, we just kind of clicked. Sehun and I are over. I haven't talked to him in at least three months.”
“Then are you and Baekhyun…?” Kyungsoo asked without finishing the sentence.  
Baekhyun glared at him, “Why are you directing all the questions at her and not me?”
“You’ve been lying to me for weeks, so shut your mouth.”
“Um, we are…” you trailed off. What were you and Baekhyun? You pondered this so often and now that you were faced with the question from someone else, you were reminded that maybe you should have sought an answer a while ago.  
Like always, Baek was too the rescue, “We are seeing where things go. But,” he looked over at Junmyeon and tried to hold the other man’s shaky gaze, “I really like her and I’m nothing like Sehun.”
Kyungsoo sighed in relief and chuckled a little, “Thank God for that.”
Junmyeon was still in shock because you weren't sure he realized what he was saying until it was out, “Are you sure it's Baekhyun's?”
“She's sure,” Baekhyun snapped.  
You reached for his hand across the table and gripped it tightly. “Baekhyun is the father,” your words shook but you felt tears prick your eyes and so your two friends asked nothing more.  
After apologizing and catching up, you promised the two that you would keep in contact now. Even if things seemed different with them now.
Days passed so quickly and you felt like your belly never stopped growing. Sehun had still yet to make an appearance in your life. It became that you didn't even think of him much and Baekhyun had ingrained it in your head so fiercely that he was the father that even you had started to say it without hesitation.  
Baekhyun was patient and understanding as there were times when you would cry for hours without known reasons. Sometimes during then, you wouldn't be able to control your hands and your fingers would ruin your skin with crescent marks in them. When that happened, Baekhyun pulled you into his arms and didn't let go until you had come down and the two of you would talk in low voices to the growing child.  
You learned so much about him. His darkest secrets including his first love, who was now married to his best friend Yixing. “She was all I ever wanted,” he had told you, “but I was never what she wanted and I think that's what hurt more. Unrequited love is one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.”
He looked at you then with bright eyes, “But you��ve made me realize how much every hurdle in life was worth it because I met you and now I really see the world.”
You asked what he meant by seeing the world but he just smiled and waved it away, “I hope one day you will know exactly what I mean without telling you. It’s something you have to feel.”
The two of you were so in sync and the more you were around each other, the stronger it grew.
You knew the look in his eyes that he got when he was hungry but you also knew that by the way he curved his arm around you that he was tired.  
Baekhyun picked up on your cravings in ways that even you couldn’t and when you had a sobbing fit, he knew exactly the words to say to make everything better.  
You confided in him about your rough relationship with your dad and how maybe that was the reason you were so scared to have a child. Your dad was exactly the kind of person Oh Sehun turned out to be.  
Baekhyun told you about his sister that struggled with drugs and was in the cycle of rehab and jail, causing a lot of tension in his family.  
He spoke with you about subjects Sehun never would touch and it made you feel good. It made you feel happy. Not only was he emotionally supportive but he was physically and sexually.  
With everything he provided, there shouldn't be a doubt in your head but you were afraid still.
You were afraid of losing Baekhyun and for no particular reason other than yourself. You had guessed you loved Sehun too hard. You crushed and smothered him with your love to the point it ruined you both.
Could you be held responsible for his actions? Some days you thought that maybe you could - you had loved him so much that he was scared and made bad choices. It could have been pressure that you put on him.
Other days, you thought about how you wanted to be smothered in love and it seemed Baekhyun knew exactly how. There was no pressure with this love so maybe you weren’t the reason for the explosion that was you and Oh Sehun.
↣♜ ♜ ♜↢
It was an all too warm night and your belly was getting much too big.  
You saw yourself as getting fatter but Baekhyun didn’t seem to think that way because all he ever did was marvel over the growing bump. You wondered what he was thinking when he looked at it because even though your eyes faltered when you looked at your bump, his eyes only sparkled.
You weren’t sure you could love someone else's kid the way he was but you also guessed since Baekhyun had quickly taken you over, that he thought of it as his.
You were wrapped in his arms with his fingers splayed over the soft cotton that hugged your stomach and you could practically feel him smiling behind you.
Around fifteen weeks you were and while Baekhyun tried to convince you otherwise, you knew you were gaining too much weight and too fast.
He hummed behind you as the two of you watched the last bit of the evening, turn into night. It wasn’t dark enough for there to be stars out but if you looked behind you, you would see the brightest star of all.  
There was a way you felt about Baekhyun that made your toes curl and even being insecure, you could still feel them do that now.
“Let’s go see a movie,” Baekhyun suggested out of what seemed like nowhere. You turned back to be met with his sparkling eyes and he smiled softly at you. His hair was a mess and his cheeks were slightly flushed but he had never looked more beautiful than he did when he wasn’t trying.
“A movie?” You asked for clarification.
He nodded, “Let’s go on a date.”
Something inside you fluttered and you weren’t sure if it was the baby or if it was your heart. “But, it’s so late and we wouldn’t have time to get ready...”
He scoffed, “We can go like this.”
You side eyed him, “but people will stare.”
His shoulders lifted up in a slight shrug. “Maybe I want people to stare at us. Besides, you are the cutest when you are wearing my clothes.” he gestured to the dark grey sweatpants of his you had been wearing.
A big part of you wanted to say no. You would rather stay home and cuddle in bed but the word ‘date’ had you intrigued because no matter how many ‘dates’ Baekhyun took you on, they never grew old. You never stopped feeling butterflies around him and you knew most of them, weren’t from the baby because before the baby was even in existence, you felt them.
Letting out a sigh, you wiggled out of his grasp. “Let’s go right now.”
Smiling, he quickly got up from the couch and grabbed your hand as he shuffled the two of you out the door.  
It was in the car that Baekhyun let words come out that you hadn’t expected to hear.
One of his hands was tight around the steering wheel and the other was gripping your own when he quietly asked, “Do you think you could be my girlfriend?” his eyes were narrowed on the road and you could tell by the twitch in his lips that he was nervous.
It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest and everything inside felt like it was quivering. Baekhyun turned out to be everything you wanted and needed so how could you say no? Well, you could disappoint him. Like in your earlier thoughts of loving someone too much but yet, it was Baekhyun. He didn’t make it seem like that was possible because when he could show you off, he did it. Even when you were keeping the whole deal with him under wraps, he was keen to take you out and show the world that he got to have part of you.
That was the thing about him. You were never Baekhyun’s possession but his other piece. The two of you fit together like the most perfect puzzle. Pieces that didn’t need to be glued or forced - and that was something you didn’t want to lose.
“Y/N,” he said gently when you didn’t reply, “I love you.” You could feel him squeeze your hand when the words came out and suddenly you felt tears prick your eyes. It was then that you didn’t feel hurt by being loved. It was then that you didn’t feel like you were giving it everything you had just to hold yourself together.
Baekhyun was the thing holding you together. In the messy life you were leading, Baekhyun was wrapping you tightly up and making it easier to face the harsh world.
He loved you. Baekhyun loved you.
It was a moment in your life that you were sure was the best moment you had.
It might have been too early for stars, but when you looked around, it was all you saw.
“I don’t expect you to love me back, but if you like me enough, I would love to be your boyfriend. It would be nice to have a title to put on us and well because I see myself having you around for as long as you allow me too. You mean a lot to me and even if you say no, I will still stick around for you,” you could see him tapping his thumb nervously on the steering wheel, “I will be baby Byun’s dad no matter what so please only say yes if this is something that you truly want. I don’t want you to feel forced or-”
“Baekhyun,” you said sternly, “shut up. I want the title. I want you to be my boyfriend. I like you so much that I don’t even think I know exactly how I feel. Please stay with me.”
Baekhyun let out a sigh of relief as a tear slipped down his cheek and you looked at him startled. He flicked it away with a finger. “I won’t let things end badly but even if they do, thank you.”
“Thank you for letting me love you.”
Baekhyun had loved someone before and this he had told you but you knew this was a special moment for him. A moment his love was recognized and accepted. And it was nearly the same for you as you had never felt the feeling of someone loving you and accepting you.
Until Baekhyun.
If he was all you had left in the world, you felt like even then you would be okay and it had been a long time since you felt okay.
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At some point, things go so right that eventually, they go wrong.
Things weren't always perfect with Baekhyun and sure, you guys had spats but you made a commitment to work through them as the couple you now were. He never called you names or brought up Sehun even when you could feel yourself accidentally calling him names, like your favorite lately, asshole.
The truth was, Byun Baekhyun was the furthest thing from an asshole and most of the time, you were the closest to an asshole.  
It was you who caused most of the fights. It was you who let your insecurities pick at you until you were to a point of exhaustion and then you took it out on Baekhyun.  
He didn’t deserve any of it because he gave you the best you could ever have and sometimes, you thought about running away. Running away from everyone since you had caused so much turmoil from loving Sehun.  
But then you would wake up and see the soft lips of Baekhyun and you couldn’t do it. You selfishly stayed because you were a coward.
Was it cowardly though? To stay where someone loved you? To stay where you felt safe?
Did you love Baekhyun?
Sometimes you didn't think you knew what love was anymore but this had to be the closest thing.  
It was more than just being comfortable and safe with Baekhyun and even though you couldn't put your finger on it, you knew you could live without Sehun… but Baekhyun? The thought of no Baekhyun kept you up at night.
What if Yixing left his wife? What if she had feelings for Baekhyun? Would Baekhyun leave you for his first love?
Would Baekhyun just find someone else? Someone not pregnant and someone without the scars you had?
Someone Baekhyun could hear, ‘I love you' from.
You had nothing to offer Baekhyun it sometimes seemed.  
↣♜ ♜ ♜↢
You should have known the day was going to end badly.  
You were nearly eighteen weeks pregnant and it was getting harder to hide from the world - not that you tried anymore. At this point, you were irritable with Baekhyun and spent all morning fighting before you went to work.  
When you got there, you spilled coffee on your new white maternity pants and tripped over a stack of papers you had left in front of the filing cabinet in your cubicle.  
Kyungsoo's words of encouragement went in one ear and out the other as you flagged down your boss to beg to go home early.  
She obliged, understanding what it was like to be pregnant and have a bad day.  
But when you left the building, you were immediately met with a dark pair of eyes you hoped to never see again.  
Without thinking, you stepped back and nearly tripped on the pavement behind you. He swiftly caught you and you cringed away from the touch. Regaining your balance and stepping away, hell-bent on running to your car.  
“Y/N, wait!” he used a tone that could only be expressed as begging.  
“No. Whatever it is, it's too late.”
He stopped you by touching your shoulder gently. “Please. I’m sorry.”
You just glared at him and pushed his hand away.  
“I've been sober for the past couple of months. I've been good and isolated myself from everyone. I just got the courage to talk to you today.”
“You shouldn't have,” you looked around him so you wouldn't have to meet his eyes.  
He sighed. “I know I was wrong. I've been getting help. I'm seeing a therapist.” He had a tone as if you should have been proud of him.
Maybe part of you was shocked but most of you didn't care what he did anymore as long as it didn't concern you. There wasn’t a bone in you that was proud of him.
“I've made a lot of progress and realized that my childhood was still affecting me… which is why I acted the way I did. I realize now that it was really wrong and even though you don't want to be around me, I still love you and miss you.  
More than anything, I want to win you back but now I think maybe I've realized how to be selfless and if you don't want me anymore, I can't force myself on you.”
You shrugged. “I don't want you anymore, Sehun. I don’t want to talk to you or see you. Any of this,” you gestured to the space between the two of you.
You could see the disappointment form on his face. “Oh-"
Your gaze snapped back to his and you locked eyes with him, “You said you are learning to be selfless or that you had but why does it feel like you're wanting me back? How is that selfless? That's selfish – I think you’ve got the words mixed up.”
Your eyes squeezed tightly shut and you could swear you started to sweat. “Don't you fucking dare call me that ever again.”
He froze for a moment and let out a shaky breath. “Y/N, I just want you to know that no matter how long you stay away, you're always welcome back home.”
“Home as in the apartment or home with you?”
“My home is somewhere else now and the fact that you even offer that reminds me that you need more help than you'll ever get. Sehun, I don't want you in my life anymore. You are the most unhealthy thing that's ever happened to me. Not just when we were whatever we were but even when we were friends. Best friends should pick each other up but instead, it wasn't you but Junmyeon who picked me up time and time again. There is nothing good that can come out of us being in each other's lives and you know it.”
You could see him shake. “Not even just friends?”
“Were we ever really friends?”
Before he could answer, his eyes caught your stomach and without giving you any time to think, he asked, “Are... are you pregnant?”
So you bolted. You turned away and ran for your car. Not stopping when Sehun followed behind you with a tear-streaked face and you knew he had done the math.
He had figured it out and you high tailed it out of there.
You fought the shaking of your hands and the pounding of your heart as you went a different route home.  
Thoughts were flowing so quickly in and out of your head that you couldn't manage to grasp a single one to wrap your brain around.  
All you wanted to do was get home to Baekhyun.
You wanted to kiss every inch of his face in apology and thank him because he was Baekhyun and he loved you.  
He was Baekhyun and you loved Baekhyun.  
You loved him.
You loved him?
Tears made their place on your cheeks as you realized that yes, you did love Baekhyun. All the doubts and worries in your head didn't matter one bit because he was yours and seeing Sehun had only made you more certain that you loved Byun Baekhyun.  
You loved the way he said your name, the way he pulled you into his body as if you were made for him and well, you loved the way he loved you and the way he made you love him.
You were anxious to make it home to him but you weren't able to because before your thoughts could clear, the person in front of you slammed to a stop and no matter how hard you swerved the wheel and slammed on the brakes, you couldn't stop and the last sound you heard was the loud smack of metal against each other.
You didn't even get to tell him that you loved him.  
↣♜six - final♜↢ 
a/n: it’s back. im soft, dont touch me rn. apologies if it isn’t what you wanted but this is where my writing went and i hope you all support that. <3 ill be sure to expedite the final chapter and I promise it won’t take a year to write it! thanks for all the love and support you have all given me and thnks for being patient.
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iridescentxstars · 6 years ago
Peeping Tom
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➳ Neighbour!AU ➳ Scenario || Genre: Fluff/Smut || Rated: M ➳ Pairing: Oh Sehun x Reader ➳ Summary: After a comically bad day, you find yourself developing a bad habit - a habit your neighbour thoroughly enjoys. ➳ Request: Aylaa~~ heeyy >v< hehe its 1 am and i would ask if i may request something from you?? /)(\ Ayla, may i please request a SehunxReader, fluff/ your speciality… /)///(\, in this au (cause it sounded funny and i almost woke up my whole family with my giggles XD) “We live in adjacent apartments and one day I accidentally knocked a hole in the wall and into your living room I’m really sorry oh my god you’re naked” AU. You are so incredibly talented and amazing Ayla~~ ♥ no rush >v< hehemy♥isready/)(\ - @itsmeayishaa​ ➳ Warnings: Voyeurism, spying on someone, bad attempt at humour ➳ Word Count: 4k
@minniesmarshmallow @hoshi-my-love @pjmocchi
Special Moodboard Made By @kxungsoowifeu
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Your mother always said that one decision can create a whole lot of problems. A saying that never really applied to you because it seemed like every decision you made would be ones that always worked to your favour.
Until today.
Man, it is like fate just hates you today and there is absolutely nothing you can do to make the day go any faster or better.
Trust me, you tried.
Wear a nice white blouse, someone spills coffee on it.
Help a little old lady cross the street, end up late for work.
Buy a really cute new quote canvas for the wall above your bed and end up putting the hammer through the wall. Now how did you do this amazing feat? Putting a hammer through a wall takes amazing talent and today, you had just what it takes to do it.
This is sarcasm.
“Fuck sakes,” you yell as the doorbell startles you, just as you swing which causes you to miss the nail completely but the wall – the wall you hit with full force. You carry on yelling which alerts the person at the door to hurry to find your spare key and rush into your apartment.
“Y/N, are you okay?” A breathless Jongin leans against the doorframe, clutching his ribs while you glare at him.
“Okay? Okay?!” You point at the wall, the handle of the hammer sticking out and you can see Jongin struggling not to laugh. “Why can’t anything work for me today?” You flop on the mattress and silently thank the heavens that the frame didn’t break.
Because it was just one of those days; everything that seems like it only happens in the movies has happened to you.
“Come on, it’s not that bad…” Jongin walks over and pulls the handle to reveal the extent of the damage, his words stick in his throat as a gaping hole stares down at him. “Okay,” he slowly gets up onto your bed; his movements jostle you on the soft mattress as you groan. “I mean, well, you know-” You groan louder at his stalling, you roll onto your side as he peers into the hole.
He jumps back so fast that he nearly falls on the floor.
“What. The. Fuck!” You quickly scramble for the wall, peering through and realising you’ve made a slight hole in the neighbouring apartment. It’s the sight on the other side that has you gobsmacked.
Your incredibly hot and slightly irritable neighbour, Oh Sehun, sitting on his couch, fully clothed with his hand around himself and head thrown back in ecstasy. It is as if your movie took a strange turn into some perverted porno.
“Yah, Y/N, stop staring!” You peel your face away from the wall and blush deeply, the heat traveling down your neck as you look at Jongin – mouth agape and looking disgusted more than that one time his dog vomited on the floor and ate it afterwards. You cough, clearing throat as you back away from the wall; trying to forget the sight you just seen even though you are sure it’s going to come back and haunt you.
It’s a difficult sight to erase and your face is red every time you think about it.
While Jongin finishes putting up the canvas, insisting you are not to be trusted around anything, he thankfully uses it to cover up the hole in the wall and what is on the other side; you sit on your bed, ignoring your friend’s chatter while you chew your bottom lip with burning cheeks, imagining the way his lips parted and the muscles in his neck tensed as he lost himself in the moment.
A different side to Sehun than what you’ve seen before.
You’ve never had much of an interaction with Sehun, he is the elusive neighbour that keeps to himself and when you do see him – it is always in passing and he always seems to be pissed off about something or so it looks, which is why you never really bother to say hello out of fear that he’ll snap at you or worse – completely ignore you.
After Jongin finished cleaning up your mess, he drags you away from your bed to show you the reason he came over in the first place – chicken. He knew your day was pretty shitty so he thought some chicken and good company is what you need to cheer up; this is a benefit to working in the same office even if the downside is that you have to deal with the odd rumour that you are having a secret ‘love affair’ with the hot, talented intern.
Sure, Jongin is easy on the eyes with a gentle personality to match but since day one, he’s been nothing but a brother to you and you gag to think it would ever be anything more.
“So, you think you’ll tell the neighbour about the hole so you can get it sorted?” Jongin point his chopsticks in the direction of your room, as if you didn’t know that it was there. You grunt, dunking another piece of chicken into the spicy sauce.
“I guess I have to, I need to get that hole sorted because can you imagine the cold breeze it’ll have during the winter. It’s bloody cold enough as it is.” You finish the sentence with a whine and a pout. “That means I have to face him, oh God, he’s already a grumpy bastard as it is – he’s going to kill me with those perfect eyebrows of his.”
“At least you can always throw the fact that you saw his junk at him to shut him up. Seriously, who masturbates on their couch like that?” Jongin shivers as he recalls the image that he is sure he’s going to need therapy to get over.
“Oh yeah,” you raise an eyebrow in his direction, “and what do you do, huh?” You throw the words at him but Jongin only flashes you his signature smirk and a soft chuckle escapes his chest.
“Who needs to service yourself when you have every woman in the office…” You throw a chopstick at his head before he can finish his sentence, cheeks burning once more while he laughs boisterously.
Sometimes you wonder how you ever became friends with him.
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When you managed to kick Jongin out of your apartment, you lie in your bed and can hear movement coming from next door, louder as they come through the hole in your wall. You tell yourself that it would be wrong to look, wrong to spy on your neighbour but the curiosity inside wins out against your better judgement and you gently slide the canvas to the side and peer through.
Sehun is setting up a home work out gym in his lounge, no shirt covering his muscular body and you find your body pressing closer as you try to see him better. He’s built and the pectorals in his arms straining deliciously as he lifts the weights; with every rep, you find yourself drooling and your heart begins to beat faster as the image from earlier plays in your mind.
Sehun sprawled out on his couch, legs parted and naked as he reaches his end.
“Fuck,” you mutter as you back away from the wall, missing the way Sehun’s head tilts in your direction as you scramble to hide the hole once more – but hiding the hole does nothing to erase the new image you thought of.
It’s only made things worse.
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A week has passed since you looked through the hole, a week of temptation as various noises pass through and you resist the urge to peek – to see what the noises are coming from and if you can manage another glimpse of Sehun.
You do, just not the way you really want to.
“Who’s the guy?” After work, you are putting your key in the keyhole when a deep, velvety voice intrudes the silence that normally surrounds the hall of the apartments. You pause, turning to face whoever is speaking but your voice catches in your throat as you see none other than your neighbour, Oh Sehun.
“Who?” The only word that leaves your lips while you try not to look anywhere but his face; an unfamiliar look settles into his eyes as he cocks a perfect eyebrow down at you and a smirk tugs at his lips but he tries his best to keep it from forming.
“You had a guy over the other night, he laughs really loud, ring any bells?” You nod slowly, he’s referring to Jongin and the night you put a hole through the wall. “Is he your boyfriend?” You choke out a laugh, knowing it’s not strange for him to think that considering Jongin is nearly always at your apartment and you’ve had no actual interaction with Sehun until now.
“Boyfriend? No, nope, he’s just a friend.” Sehun nods knowingly, scratching his chin and you notice the faint 5 o’clock shadow beginning to form.
“I thought he was more considering the loud bang I heard, thought maybe it was your headboard hitting the wall,” he shrugs nonchalantly, speaking as though what he’s insinuating isn’t  highly inappropriate to say to someone you’ve basically just met. “Have a good night, Y/N.” With a subtle wink, Sehun leaves you looking like a fish out of water. You blink, shaking your head as you enter your apartment and wonder what the hell that was.
Does he know about the hole in the wall?
He can’t because if he did, he would have it sorted or talk to you about it…
Wouldn’t he????
A quick shower helps you think about what you are going to do; now, there’s the perfectly logical thing: go to Sehun’s door and talk to him, explain what happened and leave out the fact you saw him masturbating on his couch or the thoughts you’ve constantly had about him since then and work to have the holes fixed.
And then there is the one your stupid brain went with.
Look in that cursed hole again.
Standing on your bed, everything seems to be causing your adrenaline to rush. The creaking of the bed springs seems louder than normal, the light coming from the other room seems brighter and as you peer through the small hole – the image from earlier in the week seems to be playing out in front of you.
Sweat dripping down his chest, long legs spread as Sehun runs a hand down his chest, his throbbing erection untouched and angry as he loses himself in his own foreplay. You bite your lip, aroused by the sight in front of you – no matter how wrong it is to be seeing it. Sehun wraps his fingers around the thick member before slowly pumping himself, head lolling back while a muffled moan escapes his lips; you rub your thighs together and struggle to hold back a moan as your eyes stay trained on his hand.
You don’t hear the moans that are drowned out by the television playing near you and you pray that you are quiet as you shuffle on your bed to try and stop your hand from inching towards your throbbing heat.
Sehun’s brow bunches, gritting his teeth as he slows his hand, strings of white painting his abdomen as he runs his free hand through his hair and before you back away, to hide in your shame for watching something so intimate through an accidental hole in your wall, his head turns in your direction with a satisfied grin on his face.
Did he…
Does he…
You scream slightly, the canvas falling back into place as you trip over your feet and run for the door. You know you cannot face him in the morning, so you run to the one place you know you won’t have to deal with him until your inevitable return home.
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“You did what?!” Your friend is definitely not amused as you tell him; you knew that he wasn’t going to be happy about your hormonal decision but you didn’t expect him to throw you a disgusted look while you whimper on the couch with your tail between your legs.
“I didn’t mean to!” You try to defend yourself but Jongin just scoffs, throwing his hands in the air dramatically as he turns his back on you and runs a hand through his dark brown hair. “Jongin~” You begin to whine and he shakes his head, refusing to look at you. “Please let me stay here, you know I’ll die of embarrassment if I see him in the morning.”
“And I should kick your ass out so you do,” he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he thinks. “One night, you can stay here tonight but Y/N, you fucked up and now you have to face the music.” You dramatically throw yourself back onto the back of the couch and groan like a scolded child. You know that you have to but when he tells you that you have to, it makes you desperately want to avoid it.
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When you finish work, you wonder when your life turned into a movie because it definitely felt like one in this moment.
The elevator doors open and you peek out, the ‘Mission Impossible’ theme playing in your mind as you sneak around the hall, checking every corner for Sehun’s presence. Tiptoeing and pausing at every sound, holding your breath as if you cannot be seen or heard if you make no sound; you spy your door down the other end of the hallway and have a little fist pump because now, your goal is in sight. This gives you an adrenaline rush because you start to think that you’ve made it scot-free.
This is short lived.
Looking around cautiously, you make a dash for it, keys already in hand and just before you are able to complete your mission, you hear it.
A chuckle; a deep, throaty chuckle.
A head enters your vision from behind the previously closed door of Sehun’s apartment and you freeze in the middle of the hall like a deer caught in headlights while Sehun leans against the doorframe – no shirt hiding the rippled muscles of his abdomen and a bead of sweat catches your attention as it travels down his toned chest.
“I was wondering when you’ll be home.” You gulp, eyes trying to stray back to his face before he catches you.
Too late.
“Like something you see?” He raises an eyebrow as you swallow thickly and shake your head, brain running a mile a minute to try and find a reason to escape any form of conversation with him.
But instead, it keeps you there.
“Why were you waiting for me?” He inclines his head inside his apartment and you stare at him, confused.
“I need to show you something, it’s been confusing me all week. I thought you’d be the best person to ask.” He gives you no more information as he makes his way inside and you find yourself staring at his perfectly, tight ass; the black, ripped skinny jeans he’s wearing are hugging those buns like the material was made for him…
“Y/N,” Sehun calls and you yelp in surprise, rushing into his apartment before he thinks you truly are strange for the completely lost expression and weird behaviour you’ve displayed thus far. You look around and find his apartment quite simple and modern, white and black colour scheme with the odd photo hanging on the wall or strange art piece on shelves.
The complete opposite to your mismatched furniture and girly clutter around the place.
“So this appeared on my wall the other week,” he pulls you in front of him, pointing to a hole above his television – the exact height as the hole you placed in your wall. “Is there one on your wall? Maybe in, let’s say, your bedroom?” He presses his body against yours; Sehun lowers his head slightly to whisper this half of his sentence in your ear as he smiles at your reaction.
Shit, shit, shit, shit…
This one word replays across your mind as you try to formulate a believable lie but instead you stutter apologies and try to bury your head in your hands, hopefully separate your bodies; but Sehun isn’t having it.
“Who knew you were into that,” he chuckles; you can feel his chest vibrating with the deep noise. “Should I be worried about what you’ve seen?” You gasp when he pulls your waist against his crotch and you feel the obvious erection beginning to form.
“Th-This is sexual harassment, Sehun.” Your voice cracks as you try to act like you saw nothing, knew nothing. “I apologise for putting a hole in the wall, I’ll get that sorted immediately.”
“Tell me what you saw, Y/N.” He lets you face him, his smirk indicating he already knows but you try to remain strong in your resolve. “Did you see anything that you shouldn’t have?” His voice holds more command, demanding you to answer him.
“No,” you look away, the door clear for you to make your escape. Sehun sees this in your face and clicks his tongue, grabbing your wrist before you can make your move; he forces you to look up at him and as calm as you try to be, being so close to him makes your cheeks flush redder than the day you saw him on his couch.
“Don’t lie.” He growls, eyes flitting to your lips before staring into your soul. “I know you saw something, last night maybe?” Your eyes widen in shock, you knew he was up to something but-
“You-You wanted me to look!” His eyebrows rise in agreement to your statement as cocky smile spreading across luscious lips. “You sick fuck!”
“You put the hole in my wall, you have spied on me in my intimate moments and you call me sick?” Sehun isn’t offended but more amused by this; he finds your reaction more entertaining than he originally thought while you are appalled that he planned for you to watch him whack one off on the couch. “Did it disgust you?” He asks, lowly. “Did my hand travelling down my body, grabbing my thick, hard cock make you shy away or did you watch until I brought myself over the edge?” His breath fans against your neck as he lowers his lips to your racing pulse; he already knows the answer. Your body has never been good at hiding your emotions; your eyes darkened when he started describing what you saw, your body instinctively reached for him and as he presses his lips to your skin – you allow him more access.
Sehun leads you towards his couch, undressing you while he sucks hungrily on your neck and when you are lowered, the fabric of his couch is soft against your bare, sensitive skin; you hum at the feel of him, your hands feeling the expanse of his back while his hands caress you and you melt into a puddle on the cushions.
“It annoyed me at first,” Sehun mutters against your collarbone, nipping at the skin as he travels lower. “Knowing you saw me like that,” his left hand travels up your thigh, “so desperate and frustrated that I needed to help myself out,” you gasp as one of his long fingers tease across wet folds. “But it also turned me on even more,” he leans away to watch your face contort when he slides a finger inside, setting a slow pace to help your arousal. “I wonder how turned on you got, watching me, thinking about how you could be touching yourself as you watched me like a naughty girl,” you whimper when another finger joins the first. “Did it? Did it turn you on watching me?”
“Y-Yes,” you manage out, it’s been so long since a man has touched you that your body is already in heaven and you pull his face to yours, kissing him and moaning as he picks up the pace.
“Do you want this?” His question throws you off; he pulls back slightly to look into your eyes while his fingers still pump in and out of you. “I can’t guarantee that you’ll see a lot of your friend if you let me have you tonight,” he sighs, eyes wandering down your naked, flushed body. “Actually, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to keep myself from having late night visits if I have you tonight.”
“Please,” you grip his arms, his hand hasn’t slowed since he started talking and you begin to feel your orgasm approaching but you want to feel him before you leave this room. “Show me what my imagination has been haunting me with since the day I put that fucken hole in that wall.” His eyes light up as he pulls his fingers out, licking them clean while maintaining eye contact and moaning at the taste.
“I’m glad you did,” Sehun frees himself from his skin-tight jeans, pre-cum leaking from the head and you moan just at the look of it.
It has been a while.
“I wanted to say something to you earlier but one day I saw your friend leaving your apartment and thought you were taken,” he pulls a condom out, readying himself and watches as your lips part when he enters, “but I’m glad I was wrong.” When he’s completely inside, he stills to allow you time to adjust; he watches you shift under him, adjusting to having a man inside you because you were so damn tight around him and he knew that with the way you clench, that he’ll be reaching his end quicker than he wants.
Soft grunts leave his lips, lips that are pressed against your skin while you tangle fingers in his hair as he thrusts his hips; filling you with every thrust and curses leave your lips as you try to keep up with the pace he’s set. He’s relentless, hungry for the end you both crave; you cry out as he touches you so deeply that you feel like you could burst at any second, stimulation from his lips on the softest parts of your neck help push you over the edge and you clench your teeth as you pulsate around him. Soon after, Sehun softly moans your name, his body stilling as he empties himself into the condom and rests his weight against you.
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Time moves slowly as you both catch your breath, sweat mingling where your bodies are touching and Sehun’s messy brown hair tickles your cheek with every breath he takes. He doesn’t make a move to disconnect himself from you, instead he seems completely content where he is, eyes shut as he wraps arms around you and you would enjoy this – enjoy him – but his weight is growing heavier by the second and you shift uncomfortable under him.
“You need to stop moving,” he growls, pressing his face closer to your neck as if he’s snuggling a pillow.
“Please, get off; it’s getting hard to breath.” He groans, pulling out of you before leaving you lying naked on his couch. Sehun disposes of the condom and grabs a blanket from his room before returning to you; he settles behind you on the couch, spooning you while wrapping you securely in the duvet. “I need to text my friend,” you reach for your discarded skirt but he pulls you back into his arms.
“If he really wants to know where you are, he’ll peep through the hole.” He mumbles, sleep lacing his tone. “I haven’t gotten my revenge on you yet for watching me,” he chuckles as you shiver at his words. “It’s going to take more than one night to stop me from reporting to the landlord that my neighbour is a peeping tom.”
“Are you ever going to let this go?” His chuckle is answer enough as he pulls you tight against him and you resign yourself to his warmth.
If anything good came from this string of bad luck, at least you know finally got to know your elusive, grumpy next door neighbour, Oh Sehun.
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artsykpopblog · 7 years ago
Bonne journée !
Anon requested: Hello, can I request Sehun  smut and fluff scenario? He saw his ex after a few years and stumbles upon her in Paris for the fashion week in Paris (she's a designer). He followed her to her hotel to win her back. Thanks!
Thanks for the request! So this took me a while, since I haven’t written anything like that before. I’m not 100% satisfied with it, but I hope you like it nonetheless.
Pairing: SehunxReader
Word count: 1.8k
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„Are you serious?“ Sehun’s head pops out of the bathroom door, confused as to what Suho is referring to. The leader holds up the small laptop with a questioning look on his face. “You’re not going there, are you?” Sehun grabs a towel to tie it around his waist before confronting his Hyung. “I don’t know. Maybe. If I’m free, then I might consider it.” He steps around the heavy suitcase he lazily threw to the ground earlier that day. Suho puts the laptop down while shaking his head, not really sure how to approach the situation. “Do you think that’s a good idea? I mean, it’s been two years since you’ve last seen her.” The younger one lowers himself on his bed while running a hand through his still damp hair.
It’s true. He hasn’t spoken to, nor has he seen Y/N, after she left him. She definitely broke his heart, that’s one thing he’s absolutely sure of. In the beginning, he was mad. Mad that she chose her career over their love. He just couldn’t understand it at that time. She longed to be a designer one day and for that, she was studying at one of the best universities in Seoul. Her teachers gave them enough freedom to work on individual projects next to preparing for upcoming exams. She used to talk about how grateful she was to be able to gain experience through internship opportunities and how she loved working with the other students. But most importantly, she always talked about how much she had loved him. But one day after a concert, she had called him. He didn’t fail to notice that her voice was laced with sadness, which stirred the anxiety inside of him. She had told him that she would have the option of going to Paris to make her degree in fashion design. She had told him that she doesn’t want to leave him, but that it’s her best chance to reach her dream of becoming a famous designer. Sehun has done the same thing, he sacrificed a lot to be able to debut with EXO, so he had no other choice than to let her go with a heavy heart.
“I have to see her.” He sighs. Suho sits down next to him. “I get that she’s still important to you, but what do you think will happen? Her life is here now. If you are going to see her, you’ll only make things worse.” Sehun pressed his eyes shut, massaging his temples. Every cell in his brain screams for him to listen to his leader and that he’ll only get disappointed, however, his heart longs to see her again. See how far she has come and what she has achieved.
Today is the day of Y/N’s fashion show Sehun had read about the night before. He’s sweating already, the uncertainty of this whole situation nagging on his confidence. While the other members went out to explore the beautiful city of Paris, he had decided to pay a visit to his ex-girlfriend’s first official show. Unsure of what to expect, he takes a seat in the second row of the small event location. He doesn’t want to be too obvious. The people around him are dressed in fancy gowns and suits, so he feels a bit underdressed in only his jeans and a white flannel. He quickly buttons it all the way up, so he won’t feel that much out of place anymore. The room is soon crowded, yet not all the seats available get occupied. As the main lights get turned off, he nervously turns toward the short catwalk, not knowing what will happen once he’s actually going to see her again.
The unique dresses presented by the models look absolutely stunning in Sehun’s eyes and he notices his interest in fashion returning. One by one, the models are moving over the catwalk with elegance, which almost lets him forget the real reason why he decided to come here. There’s a sparkly purple one, then a long golden one and a classic navy jumpsuit. When Y/N appeared in front of the crowd after her show is done, he needs two seconds to register that this is what he was waiting for the whole time. His eyes are soon fixated on her, his dry lips slightly parted. Sehun has always found her extremely attractive. He even used to constantly remind his band members how he had such a beautiful girlfriend. But with that simple black dress and delicate silver jewelry, she managed to climb up the beauty-ladder even further. As she strides down the catwalk, memories of their past relationship started clouding Sehun’s mind. He had missed her. He had missed her so much without actively realizing it. And he knows he needs more. He has to talk to her again.
Sehun runs down the street, trying to follow the black car that has left the venue. Frankly, the traffic is pretty bad at the moment, which gives him the opportunity to catch up every now and then. Being out of breath can’t make him stop right now. If he can’t keep up, he’ll lose track of her. And this is not an option. By now, he respects all the fans that had chased their car in the past. He couldn’t understand it back then, thinking they would have to know it won’t get them anywhere. While hurrying past expensive-looking shops and a bakery here and there, Sehun decides to appreciate every fan trying to catch up with them in the future. This sucks!
As soon as Sehun reached the big hotel entrance, he frantically looked around in order to find her. He was unsure if the receptionist would know him. The middle-aged woman might think he’s a crazy fan, so she probably won’t tell him the number of Y/N’s room, even if he asked nicely. He didn’t have to though, because he caught sight of her rounding the corner to get to the elevator. With long steps, he hurried towards her.
“Y/N!” She turned around in surprise, but her face dropped when she realized who had called out for her. “What are you doing here?” Sehun had to lean against the wall next to him, trying to regain his breath. “I know this is weird, but I saw your show. The pieces looked phenomenal.” The little beeping tone signaled the arrival of the elevator. Not sure how to deal with the situation, Y/N quickly slipped through the doors and pressed number 11. Much to her dismay, the EXO member followed suit and they were left in awkward silence. Sehun cleared his throat “So…I can see you’re pretty successful.” Y/N let out a clearly audible sigh. “Sehun, why did you follow me?” He wasn’t prepared for the dismissive attitude and he couldn’t deny the disappointment flooding his heart. “Well, I have a concert here tomorrow and we kinda lost contact, so I wanted to see what you’ve achieved.” He didn’t fail to notice the little shake of her head before she spoke up again. “You shouldn’t have come.” She didn’t allow herself to look at him, too afraid that all the good memories would come back to her and make things harder than they already are. She had still loved him when she left two years ago and now that she’s over him, she wouldn’t allow him to change her mind.
When they arrived at her floor, she said a quick goodbye and made her way towards her room at the end of the hallway, hoping he would just leave her alone. But he didn’t. Before she could open the door, Sehun had already grabbed her arm in order to stop her. He turned her around and trapped her between the wall and his broad figure, before leaning in and kissing her with all the love he wasn’t able to show her ever since she left. Too surprised to react, Y/N just stood there, patiently waiting until he pulled away. She looked up into his dark eyes, realizing how handsome he looked for the first time this day. When she didn’t say anything, nor tried to get out of his grasp, Sehun slowly leaned in again and this time Y/N couldn’t resist and kissed him back. The kiss was slightly more passionate this time. Sehun was lost in a whirlwind of emotions, Y/N’s soft lips and playful movements made him feel some kind of way and he didn’t want that feeling to go away ever again. He suddenly felt two arms around his neck as she pulled him closer, one hand slightly tugging on his hair. “We shouldn’t do this.” Y/N’s husky tone was barely audible. However, she didn’t make any effort to pull away. Sehun’s lips slowly moved down her jawline, making their way down her neck, where they finally rested on her collarbone, softly sucking at her pale skin. “This is wrong Sehun.” She breathed out, but the moan following her words said otherwise. Sehun couldn’t help but smile. He nodded, before running his hands down her body that now rest on her hips. “Absolutely” he hummed in agreement. By now, the tension between them became almost unbearable. After sliding her fingers across Sehun’s muscular chest, outlining his remarkable six-pack, she couldn’t find it in her to stop what they were doing. “Sehun…”, he shushed her by placing his lips on hers, his tongue soon being allowed entrance.
He didn’t know how long they stood in the hallway like this after all the time they had spent apart. A quiet cough interrupted their shameless make-out session. Sehun immediately pulled away to look for the intruder. A small woman stood a couple of feet away from them, uncomfortably shifting her gaze towards the ground. From her clothes, he could see that she was a maid at the Hotel, who was about to start cleaning. Slightly embarrassed he fumbled for words to explain the situation, but he was too dazed to come up with anything at all. “Bonjour!” he suddenly heard his ex-girlfriend exclaim. With her cheeks turning a slight rose color, she picked up the purse she had mindlessly thrown to the ground before and quickly pulled out the key card to open the door. Sehun couldn’t fight a laugh, the situation just too absurd at the moment. “Bonne journée“ was all he could hear Y/N say, before being pulled inside the room, the door closing behind him with a loud noise. He is met by two beautiful brown eyes that look up at him, accompanied by a playful smirk. “Where were we?” 
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kimjunmyeown-blog · 7 years ago
Plugging myself here~
Check out my aff if you want! I have a few stories up now (two one shots and one that I'm trying to update regularly!)
The current stories are:
Spring Day ~
A Taeny fic where Taeyeon has to realize what she really wants in life, and comes to a conclusion about what will make her happiest.
Warm Hands and High Flights ~
SehunxReader where you're kind of afraid to fly, but Sehun insisted that you come support him for this tour. Fortunately, he really is a caring boyfriend.
Putting a Guardian Back Together ~
Sehun finds out Suho has been dealing with depression and feelings of being worthless to the group. Sehun, along with the other members, decide that they have to try to help him through this.
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gone4neow · 6 years ago
The New King ♔ dks
Chapter Six
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- kyungsoo x reader, royalty AU, prince!kyungsoo
- warnings : swearing, mature content, arranged marriage, good looking men
- word count : 2,705
chapter five or chapter seven or masterlist
♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
The princess had went straight to her chambers after her talk with Kyungsoo. She had gotten dressed as if she were going to bed before she had poked her head outside her door and handed her letter to her father to the guards. ‘Deliver this to one of the handmaidens to send off.’ She had shut the door before they could argue that it wasn’t their job to do that. She leaned her ear against the thick wood and tried to listen to their conversation through the door after that. After a few minutes of arguing with one another, the guards agreed to go together to find one of the handmaidens. She smiled in triumph at the sound of their fading footsteps. Anxious to see the prince, she grabbed the box they had discovered yesterday and raced out of the room.
The library was empty just like it had been the first time she had come alone. The princess wasn’t sure what time Kyungsoo would show up, nor was she sure if he would come with good news. Still, she read a book to try and tame her mind as she waited for his arrival. It was an hour and a half later when he bursted through the doors of the library. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on her and she smiled assuringly. He had assumed she wouldn’t come. His relief was visible as his shoulders slackened and his jaw loosened.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” he said quietly as he made his way to where she sat. It was the same chair she had fallen asleep on nights ago. She shut her book, shaking her head as she did so. Before she could stand up from her seat, the prince knelt down in front of her. His hands were placed on the armrests of the chair and his eyes were locked with hers.
“I need to apologize for avoiding you today. I was scared,” he apologized in a voice so soft that the princess almost missed his words. She sat up straighter, with a confused frown on her face.
“Why would you be scared?” She questioned.
“When you walked in with Sehun... the two of you were laughing and enjoying each other’s company. I suppose it was just jealousy but how could I not be jealous when fate has already promised him a marriage to you?” He spoke quicker than she had ever heard him speak before. She understood his fear now. She reach out, hesitantly, and rested the palm of her hand against his soft face. He leaned into her touch and let his eyes close for a moment.
“I thought you regretted yesterday when you wouldn’t look at me,” she confessed in shame. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment at not recognizing his true frustrations right away.
“No, never,” he told her with a small smile. She laughed quietly and he leaned up so that their lips could meet. She melted into him immediately, letting her hands run down the smooth skin of his neck until she was gripping at his shirt-cladded chest. With a few seconds, she was running her tongue across his plump, bottom lip. Prince Kyungsoo tasted like fresh fruit mixed with the sweet taste of chocolate. She could only guess what snack he had prepared earlier. Whatever it was, she couldn’t get enough. The prince was the first to pull away. He pressed his forehead against hers and breathed in small pants. She could feel every breath rake across her lips. It was intoxicating and she had to stop herself from pulling him back against her lips again so soon.
“What is it you want me to do?” She asked lowly as her eyes searched his. He was silent for a moment and then he muttered one word that she wished he hadn’t. ‘Run.’ She released a shaky breath at his request, knowing it was the one thing she couldn’t give him.
“My kingdom is depending on me. Without me, they may all starve,” she reminded him. Her voice trembled as she spoke, as she knew her words would only disappoint him.
“You’re willing to sacrifice your entire life for your kingdom?” He asked in astonishment. She nodded against his head in response. It was the complete truth. Even if Prince Sehun had turned out to be the worst person to ever exist, she would have still went through with the marriage so that the northern kingdom would help with food supplies.
“You’re going to be an incredible queen,” he mumbled, his voice distant but his words genuine.
“Would you sacrifice your happiness for your kingdom?” The princess couldn’t help but ask.
“If they needed me, yes, but my kingdom is thriving already and they do not need me. They have my brother, after all,” he answered, pulling away from the princess so that he could look down at his hands. She hummed as she considered his words. Even though she knew that Kyungsoo was almost invisible compared to his brother, she found herself wishing she had a brother she could depend on to keep her kingdom alive.
“You brought the box,” he commented in surprise when he seen the black container sitting in the floor next to the chair. He reach out and grabbed it quickly, letting his fingers trace over it like he had yesterday. He had thought about it all night long - it seemed too familiar to him and he didn’t like that. The box gave him an uneasy feeling.
“I told you we would open it together,” The princess told him.
“Here?” He looked up at here with raised eyebrows. She nodded and he looked back down at the box with a frown.
There was a large lock in the middle of it. How could he get this thing open? The princess slipped a few pins from her hair and let it completely fall down against her shoulders. She handed Kyungsoo the pins as if he would know what to do with them, but he only looked at them in confusion. She took the box from him a few seconds later and began to work on picking the lock.
“Where did you learn to pick a lock?” He asked in bewilderment. She glanced up and caught his surprised gaze. A small smile formed on her face.
“There was a man in my village back home that was sent to the dungeons for stealing food. It turns out that he was a master lock picker. I would bring him food, paper, and a pen everyday and he would unlock his cell to draw me a picture while he ate. One day, he taught me how to do it myself,” she told him as her fingers struggled to get the pins to work in their favor.
“Did he know you were the princess?” The prince couldn’t help but ask.
“I told him, but he didn’t believe me. He said that a princess wouldn’t bring a prisoner food,” she answered quietly.
“Most wouldn’t,” the prince agreed. The lock clicked just as he finished speaking. She grinned in delight and shook her head.
“It would appear being different has its benefits then, huh?” She asked playfully, but as he caught her eye he knew she had an underlying meaning to her words. He was different and she thought it was a good thing. He smiled shyly at her before he took the box back and placed it into his lap. She watched as he opened the box, frowning when she saw a bunch of old pieces of parchment. They must’ve been a little over twenty years old from the appearance of them. Kyungsoo took them out and let his eyes skim over them slowly. There were several expressions that formed on his face over the course of a few seconds. He went from joy, to curiosity, to sadness, and then he settled on anger. He tossed the first piece of parchment to the side before he dug through the rest of the box. He felt sick to his stomach as he continued to read them. When it became too much for him to handle, he placed the box in the princess’s lap and stood up from his place on the floor.
The princess watched as he held the back of his hand against his mouth, as if he were anticipating for himself to throw up at any second. She looked down at the pieces of parchment with furrowed eyebrows. What could he possibly have read to react in such a way? Her fingers held the paper up so that she could read it’s contents and quickly they began to tremble. In her hands, she held a birth record that belonged to one very special person: Prince Kyungsoo.
“Oh my god,” she whispered frantically as she continued to skim over the contents of the box. Everything in the box revealed a lie that had been obviously been hidden from everyone in the kingdom. How could anyone manage to hide something this big that well? She couldn’t even comprehend how or why anyone would do that. She placed the box on the floor and approached Kyungsoo’s stiff figure from behind. She wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head against his back.
“My entire life is a lie,” he whispered bitterly. The princess didn’t know what to say in this situation. What was there to say?
“You know this means you’re the one who’s supposed to inherit the throne?” She asked quietly. Perhaps it wasn’t what she should have said in that moment, but it certainly was enough to fuel the fire that Kyungsoo felt in that moment. He turned around quickly, and looked down at the princess with wide, fiery eyes.
“I’m the one that should be inheriting the throne,” he repeated. She looked up at him, wondering if he had secretly been hungry for power this entire time.
“I’m the one that should be marrying you,” he added soon after. She wasn’t sure how she felt. Relieved? Angry? She was definitely hurt for the prince. How dare his parents keep this from him?
“I’m going to marry you. Mark my damn words,” he mumbled as if talking to himself.
“How?” She asked with wide eyes.
“I have a friend in the village. His name is Xiumin - he works in a printshop. I’ll make him make copies of the records and we’ll get them to spread around the village,” he explained his plan to her in one, rushed breath.
“And then?” She wondered.
“It will reach the kingdom. If the universe feels at least an ounce of sympathy for me, then this should work. I’ll turn this whole kingdom against my liar of a father,” he continued. The princess paused for a moment.
“Kyungsoo, the box must belong to your father. We need to hide it before he finds out that we found it,” she told him quickly.
They parted that night with a long, passionate kiss that had left the princess breathless. Kyungsoo took the box with him with the promise that he would hide it in a safe location. The princess trusted his word. The guards were back in their places when she arrived back at her chambers. Fortunately, she had made it right before the shift change. The tired guards were sitting against the wall with their heads laying on top of each other, snoring softly into the night air. She almost laughed, but her racing heartbeat reminded her of her vulnerable position. She tiptoed back to her room in her nightgown and pushed her way back into the room quietly. She made sure to shut the door softly behind her.
The next morning, the princess found herself walking alongside Prince Sehun towards the stables. The sun had only been awake for a few minutes and her rays were already warm against the princess’s exposed skin. Her fingers chased each other in circles as she thought about how the second trip to the village would go. Sure, most of the people had accepted her her for the most part, but she knew that there were more people like the angry woman she had encountered hiding somewhere in the shadows. She couldn’t be upset about the fact that they were so angry that they’d take it out on her. They must be terrified for both themselves and their families that a new king and queen meant big changes, changes that could be potentially worse than what rules were already in place. It made sense for them to be angry. She could remember the torn outfit the woman had been wearing and wondered what kind of kingdom the northern kingdom truly was to leave someone in such a state without trying to help.
All of her worries about the trip seemed to vanish when she saw Prince Kyungsoo in the distance. He was, of course, already at the stables preparing for the ride to the village. Her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest at the sight of the dark haired man working so hard. He shared a smile with one of the stable workers before he caught sight of the princess and his brother walking towards where he stood. He paused for a moment, basking in the sight of the woman he adored so dearly before he turned and made his way back into the barn.
“Princess! Sehun!” She heard a voice called out for her and the man next to her. She turned her head just slightly to see Baekhyun standing near a horse with his hand in the air waving wildly. A grin was on his face as he waved at them and she thought that he looked truly mad. She couldn’t help but laugh a little. Sehun glanced over at her as he waved at Baekhyun lazily. He noticed the princess seemed a lot more relaxed these days than she did when she had first arrived to the northern kingdom. What had changed? He paled at the thought that maybe she had finally fell for him. She ran towards Baekhyun, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He watched as they shared a handshake that they had wasted time coming up with yesterday at dinner. It was like watching two overgrown children interact as they giggled amongst themselves.
“You’re coming with us to the village?” The princess asked Baekhyun.
“That’s right. You won’t have to miss me all day now,” he answered her with a smug expression. He threw a his arm over her shoulders and squeezed her tightly, making her smile. Prince Kyungsoo walked over to where they stood with a horse saddle in his hands. He worked quietly as he put the saddle on Baekhyun’s horse and the princess tried to pull her eyes away from his working figure, but she couldn’t. Even when she felt the weight of Baekhyun’s arm leave her and heard him greet Prince Sehun, her eyes were glued to him. He glanced over at her when the feeling of her stare didn’t leave him. She seen the corners of his lips rise and fall so quickly that it was like it hadn’t happened at all.
“Princess, you don’t mind if we go to the bakery again do you?” Prince Sehun asked her, finally drawing her attention away from Kyungsoo. She glanced up at the man and shook her head.
“No. I have a bad craving for chocolate this morning,” she replied. This time, Kyungsoo couldn’t keep a smile from forming on his face.
The ride to the village consisted of mostly laughter. Baekhyun and the princess seemed to be a gold mine for comedy when mixed together. Instead of just laughing at his jokes, she went along with them. They would go back and forth until they couldn’t speak anymore from the laughter flowing from their chests. Everyone was getting along for the first time. Kyungsoo even spoke more than he usually did, much to everyone’s surprise. The princess’s only complaint was that she wasn’t on the back of Striker. She sat behind Sehun, who seemed to be in a better mood this morning than he had all week.
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 7 years ago
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Paring: KaiXreader, sehunXreader, other exo members
Genre: Smut, Angst, degrading | friends with benefits-kai | love triangle - kai,sehun | mental abuse | self harm
Summary:  In hopes of getting rid of Kim Jongin for ruining your life further after your friends with benefits disaster and your violent meltdown, you finally get him to agree to leave you alone for good  give you some space…. you get a month of quiet. till one day he shows up at the same convenience store as you. from there he follows you home and fucks the shit out of you claiming you to be his again. Even with a girlfriend still on his arm your his play-toy again.Its all just a vicious never ending down spiraling cycle. He would never leave you alone. not until he calls it quits.what do you do when Kim Jongin won’t  leave you alone? degrading you until you disappear? welcome to degraded.
Notes: this story contains smut, violence and verbal abuse.  This series will be mature filled with possibly triggering scenes and aspects. Please keep this in mind when reading. This is fiction. Don’t read if your incapable.
teaser: And there it went. No man had ever made you cum but Jongin. They tried but you faked it every time. But this handsome bastard of a man could. No wonder you were hooked on him. Why you let him do what ever to you because he had you by the pussy.
chapter one | CORNERED
chapter two | MENTAL BREAK DOWN
chapter three | OH SEHUN
chapter four | EXPOSED
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
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gonnagetyoubaby · 7 years ago
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Author’s Note: For @runajoorun . Get well soon boo~ 
Man of the Year
Amid the darkness, your eyes shot open, only to be welcomed by a deeper darkness. Overhead, in the distance, the luminous beams of the moonlight danced. Your arms went out on either side of you, searching, grasping for something, only to be welcomed by the soft silken texture of padding. Your eyes began to adjust to the darkness, the rectangular shape of your hole coming into focus. You half expected your bones to creak as you sat up, palms still grasping at the silk surrounding you.
“Hello?” you spoke, but the words never met with the air.
You touched your throat, swallowing when you felt the raw flesh about your neck. The moonlight beckoned you with the promise of answers. It was time to leave your plot. Your fingers dug into the walls surrounding you, only for them to crumble into your nails, un-sturdy and wet.
Resolute, your fingers dug in further, gripping the soil, clawing your way up. The soft, prickly sensation of grass welcomed your palm as you pulled yourself out.
“You’re awake.”
The voice, smooth like honey, sounded from nowhere and everywhere at once, the moment your bare feet touched the grass.
“A little too soon, I’m afraid.”
You stumbled to your feet, brushing the dirt from your palms. The moon beams shone upon the sparse meadow, surrounded on all sides by trees of ancient girth.
“Who’s there?” you attempted to ask, your voice once again failing you.
Something danced in the slivers of moonlight, like glittering dust in the air, shining as the pale light caught them. The leaves rustled from behind you.
He stood tall and resolute like the wise trees from whence he emerged. Skin as pale as the moon itself, hair darker than the well of a hole from whence you came, eyes darker still, hollow and filled to the brim all at once. His lips turned up in a smile, so subtle the muscles of his face hardly felt its effect.
“You have something to say?” he tilted his head, “Is that it?”
To answer would have been futile, and so you took a step forward, noticing for the first time, the white gown cascading about your ankles, spattered with dirt.
“Here,” he took a step forward, his own feet bare, “I had to keep it while you slept.”
The man reached into his pocket, his veinous hand producing a cloudy blue marble. You remained still, not by your own will, but by the sheer command of his presence, as he approached. Hardly an arm’s length away, he brought his thumb to your lips, dragging it down to reveal your bottom row of teeth.
“May I?”
With the slightest of nods, he brought the marble to your lips. Pushing ever so slightly, the smooth, cold object entered your mouth.
“Swallow.” He commanded, and so you did, “Now speak.”
“I can’t.” you said, as clear and certain as the sensation of his fingers still lingering against your chin.
He smiled, this time, more sardonically.
“You can do whatever I will you to do.”
His piercing gaze jolted down your spine and, suddenly, you found yourself wishing you had no voice.
“Now speak.” He straightened up, taking a step back, the smile slowly fading from his ruddy lips, “You have questions, I’m sure.”
You looked down at yourself, barefoot, shifting dress flowing in the wind about you, the soil evident in your nails and heels.
“Not that question, yet, love.” He spoke, “We’ll get to that soon enough.”
You glanced from him to the moon overhead, the leaves atop the trees rustling in the perpetual breeze.
“I… don’t know what to ask.”
“No, you just don’t want to.”
You bit your lip. “Who…”
He folded his arms, waiting, although the question was evident in the one word alone.
“Who are you?”
“Someone you knew for a long time.” He smiled, “When you were younger.”
You furrowed your brow, “I don’t remember.”
“No,” he scoffed, “You certainly don’t.”
“Then can’t you---“
“Next question.” He demanded, leaning against a nearby tree.
You pursed your lips, observing his arrogant demeanor.
“Why am I here?”
He frowned, unfolding his arms to grab a hold of a branch overhead. He leaned his head against the tree trunk, glancing at your feet.
“You did it to yourself.”
“Did what?”
He hesitated. “You brought yourself here.”
“And where is…” you looked around the empty clearing, “Where is here?”
He didn’t speak, his brow knit in deep thought, his eyes never once drifting from your face. He breathed slow, calculating.
“You could have had me.” He spoke quietly, through a pain you couldn’t understand, “Didn’t I warn you? Didn’t I guide you all those years?”
A breeze danced against your spine, prickling at the hairs on the back of your neck. You glanced at the hole. There was a face, obscure, but smiling. No, not smiling. Grinning like a Cheshire.
“I gave you everything you asked for,” he continued, pushing himself off the trunk. He took a step forward and you noticed how the dirt never tainted his soles.
“You don’t remember you promise, do you?” he reached out to you, hands taking a hold of your own, “You promised every night for years.”
You shook your head, feeling your palms chill at the sensation of his hands in your own. You looked down, only to notice the lavender like pallor of your fingers.
“I don’t remember.” You continued to shake your head, “I don’t remember you.”
What you remembered was another face. No, not a face, just the grin; the ever present, ever growing grin. You remembered the warmth of its hands on your body. And you remembered a feeling. A sinking in your stomach. A cold sweat in your spine. A constricting in your chest, perpetual and ever intensifying.
“You broke your promise, love. One too many times.”
His hands slid up your arms, the chill, the purple pallor spreading like ink in water with the touch of his fingertips. He leaned in, hand cupping your cheek.
“Even after everything I gave you,” he whispered, his icy breath paralyzing your lips, “Even after all the times I saved you… You couldn’t be faithful.”
You shook your head.
“I didn’t---“ you stammered, “I don’t---“
His hand shifted from your cheek to your throat, fingers digging into your flesh in an instant. You gasped, gagged and exhaled the cloudy blue marble. He let it fall to the floor between you, his fingers loosening around your throat.
“If you can’t use your tongue properly, there’s no use having it.”
Your lips moved as if to speak, not a sound leaving your lungs.
“I warned you,” he spoke sweetly, with all the tenderness of a lover, “There would be temptation. I did warn you.”
His glassy eyes danced over your features, never lingering in one place too long. His hand caressed your cheek, the other tangled in your hair.
“But you let yourself give in anyways.” He tilted his head, “Did you not want my love? Is that it?”
Tears threatened to spill over as his eyes, swirling and deep, met your own. He smiled, pitifully.
“There’s nothing I can do now, love.” He sighed, “I don’t have the power.”
His gaze dropped to your lips, “I gave it all to you, and look what you did.”
His thumb once again came to your lip, the pad running gently over red flesh, “All I can do is keep you cool, for now.”
He leaned forward, his lips hovering just over your own. The purple pallor painted your limbs entirely, stiff and unmoving. You could hardly feel the tears falling down your cheeks as he kissed you softly, hands caught in the tresses of your hair. His lips petrified your own, like frost, spreading to your cheeks, your nose, your eyes. The cold clouded your vision as he pulled away. Through the tainted cold you could hardly make out the frown darkening his features.
The dirt beneath your feet began to soften and sink as his hands left your body, his presence fading by the minute. You tried to call him, to call anyone, to move your lips, but it was all in futility. His voice once again sounded, from everywhere and nowhere, ringing in your voice like an echo.
“I have to let Him have you now.”
Your vision blackened completely as his voice muffled and faded away. The soil reclaimed your body, crawling over your legs and arms, the blurred light of the moon long gone.
You remembered a grin, and you remembered a hand, reaching down, pulling you from your hole, and you remembered the burning.
What you didn’t remember anymore was your promise. What you didn’t remember anymore was the cold.
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yeaimfishboi · 7 years ago
Weaved To Light: Wrong Doing
Pairing: SehunxReader
Genre: Supernatural!AU, Angst, Fluff, some future ;)
Word Count: 5.4k (it’s a lot for me omg)
Warning: Death is involved with this and almost every chapter, so pleased be warned. Also with gory details. Foul language included in every chapter
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Of course it had to be another bothersome night. Your sleep was restless and your dreams were horrid. All you were able to was fall asleep for 30 minutes at a time then wake up again because of your nightmares. You had finally gotten some sleep, but then you were awoken by a sudden dip in your bed.
You quickly grabbed your gun, threw yourself in an upright position, cocked it, and pointed it at the intruder. Only to find that your best friend picked the lock to your hotel room, and was kneeling right in front of you on your bed.
“Whoa, Nelly. Hold your horses! It's just me!” he yelled throwing up his arms in defense.
“Huang Zitao, you ass,” you shoved him with your shoulder, but not very lightly. You sat there for a few seconds admiring his physique. Just because he is your best friend doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy his face. His thick brown hair that always falls perfectly on his forehead, or his cute little panda eyes that make him look so adorable and squishy. His cute little side smirk whenever he was proved right. You know he’s going to find an amazing woman one day.
“Get off your ass. You’ve got a case,” he said while pulling you off the bed very dramatically.
“Why just me?” you mumbled.
“Cuz your partner is missing, and I’m just tech support,” you knew that you would have to do this by yourself. Without him here it may be a giant mess, but you have to have faith in yourself.
“With no tech at all,” you poked at your best friend’s belly just to tease him. You and Tao had been friends for years. You met when you were about seven years old and him, nine. Your parents had to team up for a case and he was left in your hotel room. You had both been born into this job, and right now he was all you had.
“Hey, just because I use the library doesn’t mean I don’t have any tech. I’m just resourceful,” he shot a cocky grin at you. The only technological devices he ever really used were the library computers. He was a book's type of guy.
“Bullshit. Anyways, what is the case?” You quickly threw on your clothes, and grabbed all your identification.
“Well, according to the police scanner, a young student walked up to the roof of her school, and jumped off. When they found her, her legs were crushed and face mangled,” he stated while eating some of your food.
“That isn't all that special Tao,” you slumped back onto the bed after you realized that this case probably wasn’t worth it.
“There is one catch though, the door to the roof was locked. Also, this is the fifth case this month. The same school, the same injuries,” he butted in.
“A little suspicious. I guess I'll go check it out,” you said grabbing your jacket and keys, then walking out the door.
You arrived at the crime scene, with your nice formal attire.
“Y/FL/N, FBI. I'm here to investigate the crime scene.” You flashed your false badge at the officer by the tape.
“Right this way Ms. Y/S/N,” he lifted the tape and gestured to the crime scene. You investigated the remains of a young girl. Her legs were in shambles, which appears as if she landed directly on her feet, and that's rare enough. On top of that her face was destroyed, which is completely inconsistent with falling.
“What do you think did that to her face?” you asked the medical examiner.
“Honestly, I have no clue, but the other cops are associating it with the fall,” she said looking up at you, really as if she had no clue.
“The county police are saying it's a suicide, aren't they?” you asked bending down to look at the body.
“Yes,” she stated.
You spent a little while longer examining the scene. You went up to the roof only to find a little bit of a black goop on the railing.
“Damn it,” you whispered before heading to the hotel.
You made a small detour to the library before heading back. It seemed that this happened fairly frequently. One every ten years, and it always happened the same week. The first case was a young girl, named Maria, in the 1950s. They found her on the ground face mauled, with weights attached to her ankles. They immediately assumed suicide. At this point you were a little suspicious, but all you knew for sure was that you had one pissed off spirit on your hands.
You collected your research, and drove home for the night. You placed it all on your desk, and immediately flopped upon your bed.
After about 5 minutes of pure relaxation, your phone rang. You knew who it was, that curious little bitch.
“What do you want fucktard?” you asked with an underlying growl in your voice.
“Retract the claws Y/N, is that any way to treat your best friend?” he asked with a dollop of sarcasm.
“Yes,” you paused, “what do you want Tao?”
“Well, did you find out anything regarding the case?” he asked. From what you could tell, it seemed as if he didn't want to do any research.
“Why don't you drag your ass over here?” you spat at him.
“Ah, no can do Stink Bug, not unless you want me to find him.” He used his nickname for you. It always pissed you off, because it could always make you do what he wanted. You got this nickname. When you were kids. You had carelessly picked up what you thought was a beetle, but of course it ended up being a stink bug. You smelt like stink bug for days. Tao hasn't let it go since. You could never figure out why it pissed you
“Piss off, kid,” you blurted.
“So, what did you find out?” This time he was more genuine.
“Well, I sure as hell can tell you that this is weird. The victim’s face is mauled, and her tibia up to her femur is shattered on both legs.”
“Damn that’s painful.”
“Yeah,” you continued, “also when I went to the roof, I found something,” you paused waiting for him to guess.
“What?” he asked.
“You found ectoplasm on the roof?” he asked with his typical inquizitive tone.
“Yes, and I found out about the very first-” you were interrupted.
“Wait to tell me all of that when I get there,” he said.
“Oh of course, now you want to help, bring some food!” you yelled into the speaker right before he hung up his end of the conversation.
You sat by yourself for another fifteen minutes thinking about the girl. Lucy was her name. That entire case seemed odd. It doesn’t look like she committed suicide at all. You tracked down her last remaining family member, her younger sister. You decided to visit Lucy’s sister, and ask some questions about Lucy and the case. After doing that you drove back to your hotel and threw yourself on your bed. This was a long day and it was going to be a hell of an exhausting case.
Whilst amidst your pondering you heard a knock at the door. “I’m only opening the door if you bought me a pizza, asshole.” You swung open the door, and encountered someone that sure as hell wasn’t Tao. He was tall, a little lanky, and handsome. He had stunning brown eyes that glistened as he blinked. He had freckles that were littered across his cheeks. His brown hair was perfectly styled, and framed his face wonderfully. “Hello, would you like anything?”
“Hi, this may be a weird question, but are you a hunter?” he asked.
“You mean like the story of Bambi, kind of hunter?” you chortled, “I don’t hunt deers and moose that’s for sure.”
“No,” he kicked his feet across the ground, he’s nervous, “I mean like ghosts, ghouls, vampires, and demons type of hunter.”
‘How in the hell does this man know what hunter’s are?’ you thought. “There is no such thing as ghosts, ghouls, vampires, and demons, sir,” you responded back while shutting the door. He quickly shoved his foot in between the door and the latch in order to stop you.
“I need your help,” he quietly shouted, if that is even possible. He then brought his foot  back to his leg. You stopped dead in your tracks just to hear his words.
“My name is Sehun, but the humans call me Oh Sehun,” Because of his previous statement you realized he wasn’t human. So what was he? Werewolf? Vampire? You then continued to shut the door, but he stopped it again by bringing his hand up to it.
“If you are not human, then what are you?” you exclaimed through your gritted teeth.
“I was born a demon. I’m a full-blood.” That last sentence put you in an immediate state of shock..
“There is no such thing as a full-blooded demon. They are impossible." He flashed a stunning set of dark purple eyes. Just like the lore. This was all impossible, it couldn't be. Wait, you felt something. You felt desperation and sadness. They were coming from Sehun, but you can't feel emotions from anything other than humans. How is all of this possible, a full blood demon and you can feel his emotions? This entire situation felt like a dream, or more realistically a nightmare.
“Believe me now?” Sehun interrupted your thoughts.
“What do you want?” you muttered, still trying to figure out how in the hell you could feel Sehun’s emotions.
“I was given a proposition to finally become human, but the one condition was that I work with you. To fight monsters.” At this point there was so much desperation in his voice that anybody could tell. “The more cases we fight and people we save the more human I become.” You acknowledged that the entire situation was out of the ordinary, and possibly going to kill you, but you decided to give the kid a chance.
“I will give you an opportunity,” you saw his face light up, “but, you must work this one case with me, and if you can prove to me that you're serious, you can work with me. Just don't try too hard on this first case. Deal?” Right now you were really inquisitive as to how this all worked.
“Deal,” you could feel his smugness, but it wasn't the ‘You fell into my trap,’ kind of smug, it was the ‘Now I have to prove myself, and I’m going to blow you away,’ type of smug.
You beckoned him inside, and had him sit on the table.
“My name is Y/N,” you reached your hand out across the table for him to shake.
“Nice to meet you Y/N, so what's this case about?” he asked as he shook your hand.
“A string of suicides that are all eerily similar to one case in the 50s. All of them have their faces mauled and their legs crushed.”
“Ouch. What kind of ghost or monster would do that?” he asked fake wincing.
“Well, there is one caveat to this situation, the ghost leaked ecto,” you sighed dropping your head to your chest.
“What’s ecto?” You immediately face palmed yourself, especially because he seemed serious.
“Ectoplasm,” you responded slightly irritated, but not really because of him.
“You mean that goopy black shit that really angry ghosts leave behind?” he sounded like a child. He was shocked, confused, and all around just odd.
“Yes,” you paused to think heavily, “you haven't been to the overworld much, have you?”
“Not very much,” he admitted, but he still tried to seem as confident as possible. Even though you could see right through him.
“Well then let me get you acquainted with the standard procedures of a hunter,” you boasted while you smiled.
“You make it seem like you guys are special detectives that have to handle evidence a certain way,” he scoffed through his nervousness.
“We basically are, and, see you know some things about the overworld!” you laughed and then nudged his shoulder. He then dropped his head, and shook it while laughing a little.
You continued explaining for a little while, when you heard a knock at your door. It had to be Tao. You stepped out of your seat to get the door.
“Give me a sec,” you turned around and looked at Sehun, “I'll need a few minutes to talk to him, is that ok?” Sehun flashed you a thumbs up, and you continued to the door. You opened it and pushed Tao back.
“What the hell is that for?” Tao blurted.
“I’ve, um,” you kicked at the dirt on the floor. You were trying to figure out a way to explain the fact that you had a demon in your hotel room, that he was a mythical full-blood, and you were now going to work with him.
“Spit it out idiot,” he jokingly spat.
“I've got a new partner,” you muttered.
“But?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Damn, he knew you all too well. You always bit your lip when there was more to the story.
“What do you mean but? There's nothing else.”
“You wouldn't be so scared with me, if there was ‘nothing else,’” he emphasized the last two words, “and you bit your lip. I know you, Y/N. you can't hide anything from me.”
“He's a full blood,” you responded still kicking the ground with your head down.
“A full blooded what?” he asked pushing you for more information..
“Demon,” you sighed.
“Very funny Y/N, there's no such thing,” Tao laughed.
In the midst of Tao’s laughing, Sehun flung open the door. “No such thing huh?” Sehun immediately flashed his dark purple eyes.
“Sehun, go back inside,” you demanded.
“Whatever,” he scoffed, and slammed the door back behind him.
“What in the hell are you thinking,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “you idiot!”
“Zitao!” your shout made him jolt back around to face you. “I can feel him,” you huffed.
“What do you mean?” he asked with an increasingly curious gaze.
“I can feel every single one of his emotions,” you responded.
“So you mean to tell me, you can feel something that’s not human?” he asked.
“Yes, and I need you to trust me on this. I really feel like he is telling the truth, and“ you stopped your begging, “if I end up dying you can dance on my grave,” you begged again.
“Fine, but I get to stay here for a day, because I cancelled everything to help with this case.”
“Yeah, come in,” you led him inside, and found Sehun checking out some old newspaper clippings you had on the wall.
“I don’t think it was a suicide that first time,” he turned to you.
“I don’t think so either,” you paused, “Sehun this is Tao, Tao this is Sehun.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Sehun extended his hand out for Tao to shake, he then turned back to you, “Y/N, it says she was survived by her only sister. Have you talked to her?”
“Nope, that’s what we are doing tomorrow.”
“Great,” Sehun muttered.
“Let’s all get ready for tomorrow. Sehun can sleep on the other bed, and I guess Tao is stuck with me,” you gestured everyone to their beds.
“Damn it, you always hog the covers, Stink Bug,” Tao returned your teasing from earlier this morning.
“Deal with it. I doubt Sehun wants to share a bed with you,” you shoved him in return.
“He can take my bed,” Sehun had moved away from the bed, “I don’t sleep.”
“Shit, I forgot demons don’t sleep.” Tao had now moved over to the other bed and had fallen asleep extremely fast.
For a while, you just sat there contemplating why you could feel everything Sehun was feeling, it never worked on anything other than humans, so how was it possible. After maybe an hour of pondering your thoughts you had fallen asleep.
You woke up to find Sehun watching TV, or at least figuring out how it worked. He was clicking all the buttons on the remote repeatedly, which cause you to giggle under your breath.
“How does this blasted device work!” he spoke.
“Well a TV, is a device that plays movies and shows through a screen. You use the remote,” you slowly took the remote out of his hands, “to control which channel you want to watch,” you pressed the 1 and 2 button, “like this channel plays the news,” you then pressed 4 and 7, “and this plays Telenovelas, my favourite.”
“Ok so it’s like a compressed movie theater screen, but you can watch multiple things at once,” he half asked, half stated.
“Yes, like a compressed movie theater screen,” he stared up into your eyes for a while, and you could feel his curiosity, “Ok, let’s get ready to talk to the sister, first stop suit, next stop ID, and then lunch!” You and Sehun then left the hotel room.
You two had accomplished everything, and you were now standing outside the sister’s house. You knocked, and then the door opened.
“Mrs. Annabelle Williams, FBI  Agent Y/S/N, and this is my partner Agent Oh,” you said to the woman at the door.
“Agent Oh?” she asked.
“Yes Oh.”
“Oh, okay,” she said. You snickered a little to yourself. You heard Sehun scoff behind you, because obviously the joke wasn’t as funny as you thought it was. “What can I help you with detectives?”
“We are here because of a case that had happened about 60 years ago,” you had responded. Hoping not to trouble the older woman that was standing in front of her. She seemed of hispanic descent, but she was very pale as well. She had volumized black hair that was curly.
“The suicide of Maria Scott,” Sehun butted in. The whole idea of trying not to trouble the woman went out the window with that comment.
“My sister’s death was not a suicide,” she said as she walked outside and shut the door behind her, “it was a cover-up orchestrated by your beloved Sheriff's Department.”
“What do you mean by that ma’am?” Sehun had asked calmly while looking into her eyes.
“Well, what kind of suicide has injuries such as that? Half of her face was abraded away, and her legs were crushed. Suicides don’t just happen like that,” she continued.
“What do you think caused those injuries to your sister?” you asked sympathetically.
“I think she had been knocked out, and then dragged across the roof of the school.”
“What about her legs?” Sehun urged her to continue further, which seemed to trouble the woman more. You felt her become increasingly more anxious.
“Well you won’t find this in the police report, but there were weights attached to my sister’s legs, so she must have landed directly on her feet.”
“That explains the ecto,” you had turned your head slightly and muttered to Sehun.
“Wait, are you guys here about the string of suicides related to my sister’s? I told my daughter it must be a copycat, that’s why she’s there now,” Mrs. Williams butted in.
“Why is your daughter there right now?” you asked.
“She’s the medical examiner on the case, she’s there to collect evidence. She left about ten minutes ago.”
“Well, thank you Mrs. Williams. We have all we need,” you pushed Sehun around and forced him inside your truck.
As you slowly approached your truck, you became increasingly more worried and fearful. You feared you wouldn’t make it in time. You feared you couldn’t stop Maria, and you feared that no one could stop her. The closer you came to the truck the more your heart raced, the more you could feel your veins throb, and the more you could feel every aspect of your body becoming anxious.
“We weren’t done with the questions, and what did you mean by ‘That explains the ecto’?” Sehun asked you while you started the truck.
“I had done some research on Maria a few days ago, but at that point I had no clue what it meant. Maria was bullied all throughout school. Her bully, was the police chief’s daughter,” you slowly pressed on the gas pedal.
“So she’s been trying to avenge her own death?” Sehun asked.
“Who killed her?” he asked as he grew more worried about the sudden increase in speed within the car.
“The daughter did.”
“How did you find out about it?”
“Because of the weights on her legs, and the fact that there was no report of it means that Mrs. Williams is correct, this entire case was a cover-up,” at this point you became even more worried that you weren’t fast enough.
“Y/N why are you driving so fast?” At this question you had turned to your right to see Sehun gripping everything he could manage.
“Why do you care? If I crash this car, you won’t die.”
“No but it means my mission won’t be accomplished, so I ask again, why are you driving so fast?”
“Maria targets people in power. Lucy was the principal’s daughter. The other victims were either high up in the school, offspring of people in power, or people with respective jobs.”
“Mrs. Williams’ daughter,” Sehun huffed. At that moment you could feel Sehun start to become very anxious.
“She is there at the school, no police officers are there. Which means-”
“She’s the perfect target.” Sehun muttered. After that comment you pulled your phone out of your pocket and typed in Tao’s number. You could feel time going slower. The rings pounded in your ear while Tao didn’t pick up the phone. It felt like 10 minutes before it went to voicemail. You tried again immediately after, this time it felt even slower. Each heartbeat feeling miles apart. You felt the vibrations from the speaker roll to the back of your brain and resonate there, until you felt the raucous click of Tao finally answering.
“You beckoned, Stink Bug?” he answered sarcastically.
“I need you to get off your ass right now and go to River View Cemetery and salt and burn Maria’s bones,” you panted out at him, the closer you drove to the school the more sick you felt.
“She’s an ectoplasmic ghost, we’re going to need more ammo than that.”
“Well I DON’T FUCKING KNOW. I’m currently driving 15 miles over the speed limit to save someone’s dumb ass. So you are going to have to find out what else you need to get rid of her.”
“Y/N, you need to breathe. I know this is your first case without him, and you’ve the almighty Oh Sehun tagging along as well. I know it’s hard without him, especially now that you have someone tailing you who has no fucking clue what he’s doing. What you need to right now is breathe. You are more than capable of saving the day. You’ve fought hundreds of cases like this before. I will talk to the sister and get the item we need. You go save the day,” and that was when you heard the cacophonous silence that meant Tao had ended the call. Somehow that little pep talk your best friend gave you made you feel so much better and so much more composed.
After what seemed like an aeon, you veered parallel to the school, and slammed on your brakes. “Get out of the car and follow me. Do not leave my side,” your voice became rigid, as you commanded Sehun to not mess anything up.
“You act as if this is my first rodeo, Y/N.”
“I know you can handle yourself, but it’s the girl I’m worried about. If,” you turned to face him and pushed your finger into his chest, “you fuck this up in any way, and we lose her. Just watch me.” He threw up his arms in defense and slowly turned himself away from you. You slowly walked towards the old brick building that towered over you, and entered the opening. Within two steps you stopped in your tracks.
“What in the bloody hell are you doing?” Sehun grabbed you by your shoulders and flung you to face him with an abysmal amount of force. “You are literally wasting time right now. We have an entire six story school to search for her!”
“Shhh,” you closed your eyes as you pressed a finger to his lips, “I’m trying to focus,” and so you did. You ceased every sense in your body. You focused on the one thing you needed, and you could feel it. Fear. Pain. Regret. Consolation. Even denial. The feeling of upcoming death. You could feel everything, it wasn’t very strong, yet somehow you could pinpoint where it was coming from.
Your eyes shot open, and your head jerked up. “Roof. She’s on the roof.” You immediately started running toward the exit to the roof where you had found the ectoplasm.
You had reached the stairs when Sehun blurted out, “How did you know?”
“What do you mean?” you asked as you opened up the door to the stairs that led to the roof.
“I mean how in the hell did you find her, especially that fast,” he grasped your wrist before you could start running up the stairs.
“Long story. Just run. Now!” you yelled as you started sprinting, but each step you got closer to the girl, the more pain you felt. The closer you got the more her emotions plagued at you. Even with her emotions getting stronger, you still pushed yourself to get each step in order to reach her. You got closer and closer until you reached the upper door. You swung it forward and ran outside. You found the girl being dragged by her legs towards the edge of the building. You ran towards her and swung your staff at the ghost. You watched as the ghost dissipated into the air. “Wrought iron, bitch,” you panted. You hadn’t thought this far at all. You thought Tao would’ve had Maria gone by this point. You knew that at this point all you had was your quick wit. “Sehun, I need you to get her out of here as fast and far away as you possibly can,” you pulled a knife out of the holster attached to your belt loop, “take this. If my plan doesn’t work and she shows up, use this ok?” He just nodded in response and walked over to the girl’s helpless body. He picked her up and ran to the door. Before he entered the stairwell, he turned to face you. He gave you a look that asked if you were sure about the decision you were making. You nodded slowly, and he ran down the stairs. You were now alone.
“Come get me bitch!” you yelled into the air. Within moments you felt a slight gust of wind near your neck. You gripped your staff towards the lower half, and whirled it backwards towards the feeling. “Oh come on, you’ve got to try harder than that, Maria. I’m sure you can do better.” At this point all you could do was taunt Maria in order to get her focus on her and not the two downstairs.
You heard her chuckle from behind you. You turned to see her drop her head to her shoulders. You gripped your staff and started running towards her. All of a sudden you were flung backwards onto your back, and your staff was at least ten feet to your right. As you went to sit yourself up, Maria grabbed your hair and dragged you closer to the edge. You knew in mere moments your body would be thrown over the edge to fall to your doom.
“Coward!” you yelled trying to appeal to the little bit of humanity she had left while trying to wriggle your head out of her grasp, “You are going to kill me just like they did to you. Where is your creativity. Fight me. If you don’t it’s just a cheap win, isn’t it?” You felt your head slam into the ground. You could hear the gravel being disturbed underneath you as your head made contact.
You felt your head get picked up by your hair again but this time you felt your head being repeatedly slammed into the ground. You could feel the gravel abrade your skin. You could smell the freshly surfaced clay. The taste of iron filled your mouth. As this continued, an idea popped into your head. Iron. You knew it would hurt but at this point you didn’t care. With all the force you could muster in your body, you flipped your body, and spat the blood the blood in her face. You watched her turn into mist before your very eyes.
You feebly stood up and walked yourself over to your staff, as you recognized that this wasn’t over. You were so close, when you were thrown onto the brick wall that held up the door to the stairs. You tried to fight the force that Maria was using, but it failed to accomplish anything. Using this same force, Maria picked you up and slammed you on the ground. You ended up sliding across the gravel so hard that your head hit the ledge of the building.
Maria then appeared in front of you, staring you dead in the eyes. With this look Maria gave you, you conceded. You closed your eyes. You knew it was over. Your only hope was off, saving the other girl. Your only hope.
You opened your eyes to find that Maria was gone, and that a hand was held out in front of you. You grabbed it and you were pulled up to meet... Sehun.
“You didn’t think I wouldn’t come back for you, did you?” he asked with a half cocked smile.
“Just a little bit,” you said as you started to wrap your arms around his waist. When he responded to your gesture, you pulled out the shotgun attached to his back, and shot Maria with a salt bullet.
“Oh,” Sehun muttered.
“Sehun,” you paused, “get ready to fight.” You both had turned back to back and fought Maria as she continued jumping in both of your paths. 30 seconds passed when, Sehun had dropped the staff and was flung across the roof, and your head was over the edge of the building. Maria had a hand pressed against your throat and she kept pushing harder and harder. You could feel your airways close, and your breath shorten. Time slowed as you tried gasping for air, and all of a sudden Maria was gone.
You raised yourself to see Sehun still on the ground, on the other side of the roof. At that point in time, you allowed yourself to fall to the ground. Tao had done it, Maria was gone. You were slowly catching your breath when you heard someone say, “You’re not too injured? I don’t have to carry you down the stairs right?” Sehun reached out his hand to help you up again.
“It’s all cosmetic.” you chuckled as he pulled you up off the ground for a second time that night. You picked up the shotgun and staff, and walked down the stairs. Suddenly you realized something. “Where’s the girl?”
“She’s probably still sitting up against a column near the main entrance.” You immediately started running to the front of the building. You saw the girl standing herself up, you ran over and helped her, but you immediately sensed her fear.
“Don’t worry, she’s gone. She’s gone,” you repeated to her.
“Thank you so much,” she huffed.
“It’s just our job Miss,” you paused emphasizing the last part of your sentence.
“Ortega,” she responded.
“We were glad to help, Miss Ortega,” Sehun had finished.
“I do have one question before you go,” she asked, “does that mean you aren’t with the FBI, and you fight ghosts?”
“Yes,” with this response she left, and so did the both of you.
A/N: I apologize for taking so long!!! This chapter was about a month in the making, writing it took a total of 18 hours and editing took 6. So give this series a lot of love!! Also special thanks to @iamjungkooked for helping me with some ideas to get this out on paper.To @viparmytrash22 and @kpopstarsreact for always being there for me when it comes to this story, whether it be editing or chapter titles, or even character description! I love you all so much!!! And the mutual featured in this chapter is... @amazethemaze!!! She is mentioned quite a few times throughout this chapter! I hope you like it!! i love you all have an amazing day/night!!!
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kimora2000 · 7 years ago
I Really Like You!EXO Oh Sehun x Reader
Chapter 8:
Work 3
Your POV
"Ladies, I'm so sorry but a client just came in, and wish for a quick but professional shoot. You two are my best so I'm counting on you two to make them happy."
Our manager informed us on the new movie production and how the company wants shots of every character within the movie. As I ran out of our locker room, I heard my phone buzz, but I'm way too busy. I headed to the setup to get ready, while Unnie grabbed the clients.
I looked up to see the only person, I never wanted to see again.
When I saw him, it was like everything turned cold. 'Why is he here?'
Sehun's POV
We finally finished the shoot and was about to head out for dinner, but I really wanted to thank everyone here for their hard work today.
"Guys, I'm going to thank everyone, so I'll meet you guys once you decide on a place."
I ran back in, shook hands with the Store owner, Thanked the photographer who worked with us last and found Noona with some props for the other shoot.
"Hey, let me help."
"Oh, Sehun! Thank you so much."
"I was actually looking for you. Just wanted to thank you for your hard work today."
"Anytime. I'm guessing you're looking for (Y/N), so you can thank her as well?"
I could feel my cheeks warming just at her name.
"Yeah. I just want to thank her."
"Well these props are going to her shoot now, so you can accompany me there."
I nodded as we walked to the back of the building. Upon arriving, (Y/N) was next to a guy. She was touching up the makeup around his abs, which I didn't like at all. He told her something, which earned a glare from her. Closing the makeup container and tossing it over to a makeup artist. 'This wasn't the girl I mean yesterday.'
Your POV
As I waited on Unnie with the props, I took a look through the lens to make sure that this piece of shit looked good. Of course, me being a perfectionist, I noticed a dark spot on his toned stomach, which would have messed up everything. I grabbed the makeup and walked over to him to fix it.
"You know I've missed you, Buttercup. We should catch up."
I sent him a glare and angrily tossed the makeup to the artist. 'Just need to finish this shoot and I will never see him again.' A snap here, a snap there, and finally the shoot was over. It was now 9 and I'm just ready to go home; he ruined my mood. Walking over to the computers to upload the shots, I glanced to the left to see Sehun on his phone. Seeing him made a smile grow on my face. We made eye contact and he held up a finger, signaling he'll be done in a minute. The photos came up and I picked out the best ones to edit.
"Wow, you're really good at this. So you going to introduce me to your friend over there?"
I just ignored him and got to work.
"Come on, Buttercup. It's been like years since I've seen you and this is how you treat your best fri..."
"You are not my best friend and its been three months since I moved away from you not years. It might feel like that because you focused on other women other than your girlfriend at the time."
I yelled at him in a hushed voice.
"DON'T... Just don't."
By that time Sehun had walked over to us. I grabbed the sd card and Sehun's arm and walked out of the room. I pushed him into a room and locked it. By this time I had tears running down my face. He looked so concerned and was about to speak till I cut him off.
"Just hold me."
His arms wrapped around me and for the first time, in a long time. I felt loved and warmth from someone I care about. From where I was at, my head fell right onto his chest and the beating of his heart calmed the swelling storm in mine.
Sehun's POV
I don't know how long we stood there, but I loved holding her after a ruff day. That's when I noticed that I really cared for her. I want to be the one to make her laugh, hold her when she cries and hug her every single day. She pulled away and wiped some tears away. I didn't question about the incident earlier.
"I'm just going to do these tomorrow. I'm not up for it tonight."
I didn't want to see her cry again, so again, I kept my mouth shut. She set the SD card in a drawer and walked up to me. I took her hand and we walked out of the building. We just started walking, no words, just two people holding hands and walking. When I felt her pull my hand, I realized that we were at her apartment. We just stared at the door, till my phone went off.
"We can't decide on a place."
Kai wined through the phone.
"Hold on."
"You wouldn't happen to know a place, where 9 hungry men can eat at this hour?"
She giggled.
"There's a little shop four blocks from here called "Jin Jinx". When you get there just say that I sent you over and she'll take care of you. Trust me, Miss. Lee is a wonderful woman."
I quickly told the guys the place and all agreed to meet there.
"You want to come and hang out with us?"
'Please say yes. Please!'
"No thanks. I'm going to take a long bath and go to bed. But thanks for the invite."
"Ok. I guess see you around."
She smiled but it looked forced and turned to walk through the door. 'She must really be upset.' I looked at the door one last time before walking away.
Your POV
I shut the door and slide down it. I haven't cried this hard since I left. 'Why did that shit head return?'
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kokofighterbb · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
T H E    E V E 
Genre: Smut/Angst/Fluff
EXO Mafia! AU
A/N: So hello dear reader, this is my first ever kpop related fanfic. Hopefully I won’t dissapoint. English isn’t my first language so bare with me if you see any mistakes. I also didn’t proof read this much so yeah. Expect A LOT of smut because that’s the reason for this au being born, some fluff and a lot of angst as well. Enjoy ^^
 Chapter 1
I hated celebrating my birthday. To me it was just another business night out in the streets, wiping off a target, negotiating a dealing contract, sabotaging lame ass competitors. It was nothing special. Yet the gang cherished birthdays dearly and were always looking forward to partying, thinking another year of life for us, given all the types of twisted shit we do for a living, was something to celebrate. The night was starting to cool off when they dragged me over back to our dorm, popped champagne bottles left and right and filled the place with gorgeous, expensive whores.
Laying back on the couch I thought I might as well try to enjoy myself and in the blink of an eye, I had a beautiful ebony girl dancing for me, grinding on my lap with a pill between her lips. Her body was elegant, strong and gracious, like art, warm, cinnamon skin glowing under the dim lights and bare for everyone to see. I bet she’d be a pleasure to fuck but I’ve never fucked a prostitute. It’s too easy, too superficial. I thoroughly enjoy the process of chasing a woman, making her so mad with want she willingly ends up being a slave in my bed, surrendering her whole self to me knowing she’ll be pleased by whatever I want to do to her. The fact that’s been over six months since I did that has me burning up. My job can be very tense and there’s nothing that can relax me more than coming back home to a woman looking at me like I’m her whole world and a good, hard fuck. Sighing I realize, I could never get that from a whore.
“What’s with the long face, boss?” a familiarly annoying voice asks.
“I’m not your boss.” I retort.
“Yet. Not the boss yet. But you will be soon. We all know that. Boss.”
“Quit it, Hyunbin. Not in the mood.” I grunt. Hyunbin is a doubtful member of the gang whose permanence in it I question a lot recently. I have a bad feeling about him and my bad feelings usually end up being right, sadly sometimes later rather than sooner. He’s been trying to lick my ass insistently since rumors arose suggesting I might take on the Boss’ spot sometime soon, once he retires. I sigh heavily. I can’t believe I have to put up with this asshole even when I’m trying to have a good time.
“Oh, come on, boss. Don’t be so touchy. Follow me. I’ll show you a little something I got you for your birthday.”
I reject his request telling him he could show me later but he insists so I give up to it thinking I’ll get him off my back sooner if I do. Shoving the beautiful ebony girl off, I follow Hyunbin to the garage feeling uneasy somehow. I glare at his back suspiciously. I don’t trust him all that much. I don’t know what sort of present we’re heading to but it better not end up with a bullet inside someone’s forehead.
Once in the garage, Hyunbin turns the lights on showing a really large box in the center of the room, covered in a large piece of black velvet. He smiles at me expectantly, most likely waiting to see some emotion on my face only to find an annoyed expression on my features I presume.
“Listen, Sehun,” he started, his face lighting up. “I have a great feeling about this present. I think you’ll like it. No, actually I think you will absolutely love it.”
“Just show me already.”
Eagerly, he unveiled the box and it turned out to be a cage. Inside there was what it looked like a corpse. The dead body of a woman. Only after a few seconds I realized she wasn’t dead, she was breathing, shaking mildly, coiled up like snake, protecting herself. Her hair was a deep chestnut color, silky soft looking that fell on her back. Her right ankle was chained to the cage. Hyunbin’s voice took me back to the moment.
“See, you’re speechless. I knew you would like it boss.”
To be quite honest I wasn’t only speechless but also petrified. Shocked. Then I was enraged and considering the fact that I had a gun right here with me, wasn’t good news for Hyunbin. The bastard knelt down right next to the cage and knocked on it twice with his knuckles.
“Hey, sweetie. Remember the conversation we had earlier? Say hi, doll.” He slowly spoke to her like she was an animal and then unlocked the cage with a small key.
The woman rose her head and looked at me. Not one sound leaving her lips. She appeared to be quite young. Very young. Not older than 21 years old. She looked pale, cold and afraid. It was evident she had been given some sort of drug as her gaze seemed somehow lethargic. She was completely naked, her body shivering, looking so fragile and weak. Poor little girl just stared at me pleading for something. Freedom, most likely, or mercy. God only knows what she has gone through. I sure as hell don’t want to hear the gory details.  
“Boss, I know you don’t like to fuck whores and also you don’t have so much time off to chase after women, so I thought I would give you one as a present. And listen the best part is that her cherry here is completely intact. She’s still a virgin. Just for you.”
I grunted. A virgin girl. Maybe she was even younger than I initially thought. A virgin. Poor angel. How did she end up here in a cage? Sold to the highest bidder no doubt. Adult virgins are extremely rare and expensive in the black market. She most have costed a fortune.
“Come on boss, say something. Do you like your present? Only the best of the best for y-“
“You have one second to shut the fuck up before I degut you with a fucking spoon.”
For the first time since he unveiled the cage my gaze turned his way. I had the feeling that Hyunbin was unreliable but I never thought his thirst for power would hand him to me like this, completely in fraganti.
“You know we don’t do this shit, Hyunbin.” I growled.  
“Listen, boss. Let’s keep it a secret. It’s not a business after all, it’s a present and no one has to find out where she came from.”
Poor fool, he really has no idea. We have never traded with people, it is forbidden within our organization and personally, there are very few things in the world I despise more than trafficking with human beings. Women, men, children, whatever they are. If Hyunbin would’ve known a couple more things about me he wouldn’t now be playing with death at such narrow distance. Anyone else in the gang might have just taken him to the boss and let him decide what reprimand suited him best for breaking the rules. Too bad I wasn’t anyone else. I had no desire to take him to the boss but to do something a lot worse. I laughed at the thought realizing I knew all along this birthday was going to be just like any other shitty day, ending up with blood dripping from my hands.
“I think you don’t understand, Hyunbin. I specifically don’t mess around with this shit. You should’ve known better.”
He looked at me with surprise in his eyes, laughing incredulously.
“Oh, man. Come on. What are you jabbering about? I brought you top quality virgin pussy. A whole woman just for you, Sehun. You should be thankful. Now listen if you don’t want it, I could sell it myself. You know Dragna loves purchasing young cunts.”
I launched myself at him. Over my dead body, I thought. Dragna was a competitor; boss of a relatively small but rich gang, everyone knew they had no problem negotiating with human lives just as they would with drugs or weapons. Dragna himself was famous for buying or kidnapping young pretty women and slaving them for long periods of time. It was obvious he would sell or kill them once he considered them to be replaceable for a new one, being suspected for the death of quite a few girls. May God send me to the most painful and slow death if I allow this poor creature to end in the hands of someone like Dragna.
Hyunbin tried to defend himself, fight me off. He couldn’t. I was bigger, stronger and smarter. I wanted an excuse to get rid of Hyunbin and he handed it to me on a silver plate.
The tall man standing right in front of you snarled at the one who had held you captive.
“You know we don’t do this shit, Hyunbin.” He said. You had finally heard the name of your latest captor.  
Then everything was even more confusing or maybe just happened very fast. They were fighting. Really fighting each other. You couldn’t help but stare trying to get a clear, sharp view of anything you could, but everything was so hazy. Filthy drugs in your body, rushing through your veins made you feel so weak to the point that only speaking was a huge effort. The cage was cold and so was your skin. Your body felt so strange you could barely exert any control over it.
Then you heard his rough voice again.
“Don’t look, honey.” He said, locking your eyes with his for an instant. His raw, growling voice scared you so you obeyed and shut your eyes closed. He seemed so frightening, the other man was also terrifying. Everything was. Cancelling out your vision in fear, now you could only rely on your hearing. Pants, punches, kicks, even what sounded like bones snapping all mixed in a big haze of noise and then it rang clearly. A gunshot. Then another gunshot. The sound of a body dropping heavy on the ground. Then silence.
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