436 posts
• Shay • 95 liner • Jungkook biased •M.LIST
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 9 months ago
So sexy 😩
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[171/547] — until we meet again, jungkook ♡  
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 9 months ago
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
hey angels, I really hate to post this, but I'm desperate right now. All of my money went to bills and I'm unable to cover my cat's insulin refill. It's $70 and his needles are $12. if anyone would like a personal icon or banner made, please let me know!! I do them for $3!! I understand entirely if you're unable to help monetarily, even just reblogging this will help me out. Thank you so much 💖 Cashapp • Paypal
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
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star boy.
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
FRIENDS! I need some BTS/KPOP friends! 🗣️ I’m a 95liner!
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
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KIM NAMJOON: Namjoon would play it off as if he’s not jealous acting as if it’s nothing. But deep down inside he’d be overly jealous. If it was Jin you had the dating rumors with he’d be a tad bit insecure because Jin is so handsome.
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KIM SEOKJIN: wouldn’t be bothered at all because he’s world wide handsome. Jin is overly confident and wouldn’t mind. If anything he’d think it would be funny that people would think you’re dating another member.
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MIN YOONGI: Yoongi would be petty, he’d say something like, “you like Namjoon now?” Knowing damn well you don’t.
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JUNG HOSEOK: Hoseok’s whole demeanor would change he would be quick to ask about it, “hey you’re not really dating one of my bandmates behind my back are you?” And when you would debunk the rumor and tell him you’re not he would go back to his normal self.
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PARK JIMIN: Jimin wouldn’t say anything he’d just continue to ignore the rumor even though he’d be curious as to why people would think that you’re dating another member.
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KIM TAEHYUNG: Taehyung would be angry he would acuse you of being too friendly with his bandmates as if it was your fault there was a rumor in the first place.
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JEON JUNGKOOK: Jungkook would be hurt. He would feel as if it was actually true. Even when you told him it wasn’t.
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
Never considered myself a gang bang kinda girl until I discovered kpop. 😅
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
Never going to get over seeing his face, it’s new every time.
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
Currently working on a Jungkook one shot, a Hoseok one shot, and the bangtan list at the same time! Help why do I do these things to myself lmao 🤣
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
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• ML • 01 • 02 •
Paring: Reader x Min Yoongi x BTS
Genre: NSFW! Smut, Angst,self destruction!Reader || Stripper!Reader,Unrequited love!Reader,Roomates!BTS
Summary: That one story where you work as a stripper, meet Min Yoongi, fuck him, and cant forget him- but he cant remember you- so you fuck his friends to fuck the pain away.
Disclaimer: This story contains acts of sex,domestic violence!foul language, and self destructive motives. This may be triggering to some, please read at your own risk!
It's been exactly 3 months since you last saw Min Yoongi. Every night was the same. You would wait for him as if he promised to come back.
Every time you got on stage you hoped you would see him sitting in the crowd again. But every night he was absent. He was nowhere to be found. You were searching for no reason. Exhausting yourself over it, obsessing over it, for no reason.
Did you even have reason?
He was a client and you needed to understand that you couldn't have no attachment to him- but for some reason you found yourself attached to someone who fucked you for pay.
Maybe, it was best that you wouldn't see him again. You were in way too deep. A one-night stand, from a man, that fucked you so good you just couldn't forget. What had this man even done to you to make you feel so obligated to have emotional attachment to him? Why were you so drawn to him?
Who was Min yoongi? And what had he done to you?
Was this what they called love at first sight? Was that electrical current you felt towards him a connection? Could he feel it too? He had to feel it too right?
You, day by day, kept racking your brain. It causing moments that you went out of your mind and entered space as you spaced out.
You know that feeling when you want something? That feeling after you get it and it just doesn't hit the spot? Unsatisfying? That's what you felt every time you thought about min yoongi. You weren't satisfied. You didn't get enough of him.
No, you hadn't forgot his name. And no, you haven't forgot his face, and you definitely haven't forgot his sex.
You found yourself every night fucking yourself thinking about him. You played all the scenes of your encounter in your head over and over. Especially up until the very last moment when he came and said he loved you. Even though it was all for pretend, the thought of that always seemed to get you going over the edge and Cumming, it was all the very thought of him that sent you.
Y/n," a voice had said but you hadn't even heard him.
Yoongi filled your thoughts. You were way strung out on coke. You were in another world right now.Nobody could tell you nothing.
You cocked your head to the side as his intoxicated face was in front of yours. Lust was evident in his eyes and you felt the invisible pull toward him. That feeling you got every time washing over you.
Hallucinating, seeing yoongi again was the epiphany of self destruction. It always had you so emotional after.
Yoongi smirked-
"Y/N!" You woke up out of your trance, yoongi disappearing like smoke.
You looked up from the couch you were sitting on waiting for your next vip client. Cesar had talked you into doing them again so here you were getting fucked to get paid again. But you wish none of them were fucking you. Only yoongi.
Your blood ran cold at the sight of GD. Aka Kwon Jinyong.
Your blood ran cold.
No, you thought.
"Is there a reason why you aren't answering my texts back?!" he strides over- you siting on the couch smoking a joint.
Your eyes became wide as he got closer.
You dropped the joint on the couch and scrambled to pick it up before it burnt a hole in the leather,It dropping to the floor.
"Fuck," you hissed as you tried to pick it up from the floor. it landed next to your platforms. So, you decided to step on it with them, your relaxation time ruined by the monster in front of you.
You literally have ignored him for three months. You didn't realize the time passing as your mind was somewhere else.
"I've been busy," you said not looking at him- not really wanting to. No, not after that last event with him.
GD was In all black looking like the gang-leader he was-is. He was glaring down at you you feeling the anger radiating of him.
"You were busy?" he spat, "I highly doubt that," he said glaring down at you.
You finally looked up at him meeting his angry form, "I was actually," you said pushing it further.
"Hmm," he scoffed throwing his head to the side. He looked back at you, "I don't believe that for one second."
"Well believe whatever you want to, -actually could you like leave?- I have a client in ten minutes he could be here any minute now." You said wanting to end this conversation short not wanting anything to do with him. Ever. Again.
He just stared at you you looking back at him.
Maybe it was the coke but you had clearly forgotten the capabilities of this man. Your mind seemed to have tucked it away somewhere. The true definition of losing your marbles.
He pulled his hand back and smacked the fuck out of you. GD smacking the marbles back in place. "NEVER! I MEAN NEVER! TALK TO ME AGAIN LIKE THAT!" You held your face your body thrown to the side from the sudden impact. "Look at me when im speaking to you!"
Still holding your face you looked up at him tears springing your eyes. Your body shaking in fear.and this was why you stayed away from him. This wasn't the first time.
GD watched you. His eyes looking for any sign of disobedience in you. He closed his eyes and inhaled, then slowly exhaled. "I've told you this baby, I told you not to make me mad. You know how I get," he said finally opening his eyes again staring down at your broken form.
And so broken you were.
You looked down not wanting to show the tears that were about to spill over your face.
"Please don't ever try to order me out again. I go.when I go."He spat.
You looked back up shaking. Tears finally slipping over your tear ducks and out onto your cheeks. You let go of your face and tried to regulate your breathing as you were on the verge of having a panic attack. You rested your hands between your thighs and clasped them tight trying to hold on a little while longer.
"you understand?" he said becoming annoyed with you again almost smacking you but he turned around and tried to calm himself.
You flinched waiting for the impact that never came. GD turned back around. His phone rang before he could Finnish your conversation.
You tried to hold yourself together biting the inside of your cheek.
"Okay," he hung up the phone, "I have some things to attend to,- but we will continue this conversation."
You nodded your head and he left. As he strolled to the door, -he ran into someone shoulder checking them, not looking back.
You hadn't noticed this. You looked down trying to gather yourself before your client came.
You tried to move but you felt paralyzed. You kept looking around franticly trying to stop the tears from coming. You had to be professional and presentable.
You finally breaking out of your trance you leaned over to the table knocking everything down as you scrambled for tissue paper. You grabbed it and wiped your eyes. It spreading your mascara. You looked at the tissue and realized this.
"Fuck," you cried breaking down. You tried to wipe your eyes, in the midst of doing that you spotted a figure at the corner of your eye and you whipped your head towards it and your breath caught in your throat.
Yoongi stood there at the base of the door watching you curiously. He was intoxicated. You could tell in his face. He had his soju in his hand and he looked just like he did 3 months ago when you had last seen him.
Finally. Finally, he had came back.
Only you didn't want to see not after what just happened. You didn't want him to see you in a broken form. You didn't want him to see that side of you. You shouldn't have cared what he saw when he looked at you. You were supposed to be only a fuck for him.
But you did.
Of course, you did.
You quickly got up shutting your emotions off and getting into character. But Yoongi could see right through you. You couldn't fool him, he wasn't stupid. Plus the smeared mascara under your eyes said otherwise.
Shit had just went down, plus the way that guy left your room,- left Yoongi wondering more than he should have.
"Are you my 12 o'clock," you said. Your voice had a slight shake in it.
He didn't say anything, making you anxious. He studied you. Looking at you. Knowing something was off about you.
You stared back at him. Your façade slowly melting off. But still you tried to hold yourself down.
"Are you alright?" yoongi questioned finally, ignoring your question, answering your question with a question - and taking a drink of his soju. You were surprised by his question, and it had completely thrown you off Shaking you completely out of character. The façade rapidly melting off.
He stared intently at you waiting for you to answer, you having no way to change the subject. You were completely naked in front of him. You had nothing to hide under.
So what now?
"Yeah," you said lying, taking the easy way out. With nothing else more to say other than that. You couldn't tell him. So you lied. Even though he could see right through you as if you were made of glass, you tried to utterly get him to believe you were fine. You even were trying to convince yourself.
You didn't want to talk about it. It was nothing. To you it was nothing. nothing compared to the agony you've been feeling for the last three months. GD hitting you didn't even compare To the restless nights and longing to be in his presence.
So, the last thing you wanted to talk about was another man. You wanted to focus only on him.
"i think that's not factual." he said taking another drink. You didn't have anything to say so you stood there dumbfounded. As he stared at you. But when you didn't reply back, "yes I am your twelve o'clock but i don't think we should do anything. you clearly seem shaken up about something..." he looked out into the hallway from where GD had left.
"NO! no! I'm fine I promise!" you said coming closer to him. Yoongi stared at you, you hoped you didn't sound too desperate.
You were now standing directly in front of him. Your platforms making you slightly tower over him.
he reached out to touch your face," he ran a thumb over the skin." he hit you didn't he?"
You panicked!
You Somehow forgetting about it , the pain of your cheek coming back. You forgetting this, as you were trying to convince him otherwise. him making you forget life itself.
Your face had developed a bluish tint to where a bruise had started to form.
Your mind raced as his hand rested on your face. You leaned into it closing your eyes. You feeling some sort of warmth from it.
Yoongi dropped his hand to his side. "I may come back again," he said not sounding for sure or not. Making promises wasn't his thing.
Your heart broke into a million pieces. You. Couldn't. Wait. Another. Three. Months. No, this was now or never. This wasn't about to end on a worse note than you already had started.
You both stared at each other. An electric current connecting you to him. "don't go you started to cry." you were breaking the rules. You were being desperate. Now not caring at all.
Now it was his turn to lose his façade His eyes widening in shock.
"I mean im okay you don't-" but you couldn't explain your reasoning. This was the first time seeing him in three months he couldn't just go like that. Not when you anticipated his return so eagerly.
Still he didn't say anything, he just watched you, waiting to see what else might come out your mouth. You hesitated but eventually "just help me forget," you said talking about him smacking you."pretend to love me this time.... even if its just for tonight." you said repeating his words from three months ago.
You waited for his reaction but he just stared at you. Your face heated up knowing you would be rejected. You were way out of place asking for such a request knowing he was the one paying you not the other way around.
Moments went by, silence engulfed you both. You both never broke eye contact. He took another drink of his soju his eyes fixated solely on you. He stepped over the threshold, your heart beating fast at the anticipation of what was happening. Coming straight towards you never breaking your eye contact
He backed you towards the couch and he put the soju down on the table all while still staring at you. He laid you down on the couch and he began kissing your body. He got up and closed the door and locked it an you watched him.
You squeezed your legs shut as your beautiful body waited for him on the couch. You were throbbing for him and it was too much to take.
He came back and opened your thighs making you whine.
Your stomach had butterflies in them and every time he touched you, you would shutter in its wake.
He got on top of you and kissed your neck leaving fresh new love bites on them. You whined when he did this. You grabbed him around his neck and kissed him there. You earned a groan from him and it excited you. You decided that you would step out of place and do everything to him you wanted just in case you never seen him again.
You grabbed his face and crashed your lips to his. He was surprised but he responded. He lost control as the kiss deepened and your heart nearly stoped.
He broke the kiss and kissed your collar bone, kissing you above your breast and so on, till he got to your woman hood. He slid your panties to your lingerie set to the side and took your clit in his mouth.
You whined. He was also stepping out of place. You were there to please him. Not him to please you. You weren't supposed to receive oral sex from your client, you were there to do it for him.
He shoved to finger in you and you lost it. You coming undone right beneath him. He sucked your clit and fingered you trying to get you off. Nothing but your cries filled the room.
When you came you nearly screamed. He held your hands from trying to push him away but you were so sensitive you couldn't take it. But then he made you cum again, -and you were sure your body would lose its soul. Your toes curling at the feeling he was giving you.
Yoongi hovered over you and pulled your boobs out of the baby doll. Kneading then softly making you twitch with every touch. Your whole body sensitive from his touch, it knowing what he was capable of,- making you cum. You came so hard for him.
He stood up and pulled his pants down to his thighs all while watching you and grabbed a condom off the table. He rolled it on and then hovered over you. He lined up with your entrance and then shoved into you.
You cried out. So sensitive already it feeling so intense as he fucked you.
He came down onto you, you grabbed him close. " I love you,” he whispered. And there it went, your soul left your body. He left kisses on your neck and surprisingly initiated the kiss. You responding quickly. He broke the kiss and watched as he fucked you, your eyes closed and whining beneath him.
He like you like that.
Yoongi pulled you up so you could sit on his lap and grabbed you by your waist and bouncing you up and down off him. You cried out and your tits bounced with the rhythm. You were so sexy to him it was dangerous. He could fall for a girl like you, but he wouldn't allow it.
Yoongi told you that he loved you again, and you whined when he fucked you harder. You finally told him you loved him back and he groaned when it left your lips, - him crashing his lips to yours again.
You wrapped your arms around his neck again and you humped the shit out of him. Yoongi entangled his arms from you and grabbed your face as you guys kissed. It being a little too intimate. You putting all your feelings into it and him?
You didn't know.
"You love me?" he said after he broke the kiss?
You shook your head yes
"Tell me."
"I love you," you breathed, igniting his intense orgasm.
He stiffened inside of you emptying his frustrations into you.
You came with him and that third strike took you out. You screamed his name this time and collapsed on his chest. With your head on his shoulder grabbing him tightly. And you just stayed like that. you clinging to him and crying.
He rubbed your back and you stayed like that. Just listening to each other's breathing. You didn't want this to end. You didn't want to NOT see him anymore.
You needed this person in your life.there was just something about him. You needed him. You craved him. Longed for him.
Yoongi had became such an important part of your life and you didn't ask for it just happened.
You never experienced love before but the feeling you had when you were with him showed you otherwise.
Tears slightly ran down your face, you not wanting to face the reality that was and is Yoongi.
He was your client nothing more but you just didn't want to accept it.
He kissed your neck softly and you whined at the contact. He was still inside of you but he had started to soften.
You didn't want to move so you waited for him to. He didn't.
Yoongi didn't want to leave either. He felt weird around you and he didn't know why. He didn't like to think about it. He didn't want to figure it out. He was afraid of the outcome.
He contemplated even coming back in the first place and this was what he was afraid of. He was afraid of you. You scared him. You could unlock things he kept away. You seemed to break through to him penetrating through the intoxication he used as a mask.
No girl has ever done that and you scared him.
So when you never seen him again it broke you.
you were right you never saw him again.
Yoongi never came back.
And he was never going to.
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
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This blog is intended for 18+ only! So please MDNI or you'll be blocked!
Name: Shay
Age: 28
Birth year: 1995
Sign: Cancer ♋️
Pronouns: she/her
Country: America 🇺🇸
Favorite color: Pink
Got into k-pop in 2010/2011! 2NE1 and BIGBANG got me into k-pop. In love with 2nd gen, has a special place in my heart. Was a heavy YG stan back in the day.
Likes ⬇️
BTS (bias Jungkook)
Straykids (bias Felix)
Exo (bias Baekhyun)
NCT(bias Jaemin)
TXT (bias Yeonjun)
Enhypen (bias Heesung)
Seventeen (bias Mingyu)
Ateez (bias San)
Blackpink: (bias Lisa)
Note: I like a lot more groups but theses are my mains
Ultimate bias: G-dragon/Jungkook
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• ARCHIVE (2013-2020)
note: archive has all my old work
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Note: Wattpad, Asian Fanfics, and Ao3 are the only places I post my works, if found outside these websites report to me immediately.
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• kpop-wallpaper-zone
Note: reblogs of kpop lock screens
• masterlistzone
Note: reblogs of kpop masterlists (mostly BTS) and fics. It’s my I’ll read later blog for my personal use, or if I read something I like I’ll reblog it on there.
I plan to write on these blogs ⬇️
• you-make-noona-stay
Note: my stray kids blog
• Nct-wet-dreamz
Note: my nct/nct dream blog
• exo-exo-exo
Note: my EXO blog
• enhypen-vampires
Note: My enhypen blog
• yeonjunblr
Note: My TXT blog
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Inbox me or ask me anything, I’m always willing to make new friends! Let’s talk about K-pop! Or anything you want! Please I need friends 🤣
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
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world's number one prettiest human
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 10 months ago
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 11 months ago
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jungkook x ‘permission to dance’ dance practice
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 11 months ago
240428 - BTS is now the "Most Awarded Artist of All Time," with more than 1,400 physical awards in just ten years of career.
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 11 months ago
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• ML • 01 • 02 •
Paring: Reader x Min Yoongi x BTS
Genre: NSFW! Smut, Angst,self destruction!Reader || Stripper!Reader,Unrequited love!Reader,Roomates!BTS
Summary: That one story where you work as a stripper, meet Min Yoongi, fuck him, and cant forget him- but he cant remember you- so you fuck his friends to fuck the pain away.
Disclaimer: This story contains acts of sex,domestic violence!foul language, and self destructive motives. This may be triggering to some, please read at your own risk!
It's been exactly 3 months since you last saw Min Yoongi. Every night was the same. You would wait for him as if he promised to come back.
Every time you got on stage you hoped you would see him sitting in the crowd again. But every night he was absent. He was nowhere to be found. You were searching for no reason. Exhausting yourself over it, obsessing over it, for no reason.
Did you even have reason?
He was a client and you needed to understand that you couldn't have no attachment to him- but for some reason you found yourself attached to someone who fucked you for pay.
Maybe, it was best that you wouldn't see him again. You were in way too deep. A one-night stand, from a man, that fucked you so good you just couldn't forget. What had this man even done to you to make you feel so obligated to have emotional attachment to him? Why were you so drawn to him?
Who was Min yoongi? And what had he done to you?
Was this what they called love at first sight? Was that electrical current you felt towards him a connection? Could he feel it too? He had to feel it too right?
You, day by day, kept racking your brain. It causing moments that you went out of your mind and entered space as you spaced out.
You know that feeling when you want something? That feeling after you get it and it just doesn't hit the spot? Unsatisfying? That's what you felt every time you thought about min yoongi. You weren't satisfied. You didn't get enough of him.
No, you hadn't forgot his name. And no, you haven't forgot his face, and you definitely haven't forgot his sex.
You found yourself every night fucking yourself thinking about him. You played all the scenes of your encounter in your head over and over. Especially up until the very last moment when he came and said he loved you. Even though it was all for pretend, the thought of that always seemed to get you going over the edge and Cumming, it was all the very thought of him that sent you.
Y/n," a voice had said but you hadn't even heard him.
Yoongi filled your thoughts. You were way strung out on coke. You were in another world right now.Nobody could tell you nothing.
You cocked your head to the side as his intoxicated face was in front of yours. Lust was evident in his eyes and you felt the invisible pull toward him. That feeling you got every time washing over you.
Hallucinating, seeing yoongi again was the epiphany of self destruction. It always had you so emotional after.
Yoongi smirked-
"Y/N!" You woke up out of your trance, yoongi disappearing like smoke.
You looked up from the couch you were sitting on waiting for your next vip client. Cesar had talked you into doing them again so here you were getting fucked to get paid again. But you wish none of them were fucking you. Only yoongi.
Your blood ran cold at the sight of GD. Aka Kwon Jinyong.
Your blood ran cold.
No, you thought.
"Is there a reason why you aren't answering my texts back?!" he strides over- you siting on the couch smoking a joint.
Your eyes became wide as he got closer.
You dropped the joint on the couch and scrambled to pick it up before it burnt a hole in the leather,It dropping to the floor.
"Fuck," you hissed as you tried to pick it up from the floor. it landed next to your platforms. So, you decided to step on it with them, your relaxation time ruined by the monster in front of you.
You literally have ignored him for three months. You didn't realize the time passing as your mind was somewhere else.
"I've been busy," you said not looking at him- not really wanting to. No, not after that last event with him.
GD was In all black looking like the gang-leader he was-is. He was glaring down at you you feeling the anger radiating of him.
"You were busy?" he spat, "I highly doubt that," he said glaring down at you.
You finally looked up at him meeting his angry form, "I was actually," you said pushing it further.
"Hmm," he scoffed throwing his head to the side. He looked back at you, "I don't believe that for one second."
"Well believe whatever you want to, -actually could you like leave?- I have a client in ten minutes he could be here any minute now." You said wanting to end this conversation short not wanting anything to do with him. Ever. Again.
He just stared at you you looking back at him.
Maybe it was the coke but you had clearly forgotten the capabilities of this man. Your mind seemed to have tucked it away somewhere. The true definition of losing your marbles.
He pulled his hand back and smacked the fuck out of you. GD smacking the marbles back in place. "NEVER! I MEAN NEVER! TALK TO ME AGAIN LIKE THAT!" You held your face your body thrown to the side from the sudden impact. "Look at me when im speaking to you!"
Still holding your face you looked up at him tears springing your eyes. Your body shaking in fear.and this was why you stayed away from him. This wasn't the first time.
GD watched you. His eyes looking for any sign of disobedience in you. He closed his eyes and inhaled, then slowly exhaled. "I've told you this baby, I told you not to make me mad. You know how I get," he said finally opening his eyes again staring down at your broken form.
And so broken you were.
You looked down not wanting to show the tears that were about to spill over your face.
"Please don't ever try to order me out again. I go.when I go."He spat.
You looked back up shaking. Tears finally slipping over your tear ducks and out onto your cheeks. You let go of your face and tried to regulate your breathing as you were on the verge of having a panic attack. You rested your hands between your thighs and clasped them tight trying to hold on a little while longer.
"you understand?" he said becoming annoyed with you again almost smacking you but he turned around and tried to calm himself.
You flinched waiting for the impact that never came. GD turned back around. His phone rang before he could Finnish your conversation.
You tried to hold yourself together biting the inside of your cheek.
"Okay," he hung up the phone, "I have some things to attend to,- but we will continue this conversation."
You nodded your head and he left. As he strolled to the door, -he ran into someone shoulder checking them, not looking back.
You hadn't noticed this. You looked down trying to gather yourself before your client came.
You tried to move but you felt paralyzed. You kept looking around franticly trying to stop the tears from coming. You had to be professional and presentable.
You finally breaking out of your trance you leaned over to the table knocking everything down as you scrambled for tissue paper. You grabbed it and wiped your eyes. It spreading your mascara. You looked at the tissue and realized this.
"Fuck," you cried breaking down. You tried to wipe your eyes, in the midst of doing that you spotted a figure at the corner of your eye and you whipped your head towards it and your breath caught in your throat.
Yoongi stood there at the base of the door watching you curiously. He was intoxicated. You could tell in his face. He had his soju in his hand and he looked just like he did 3 months ago when you had last seen him.
Finally. Finally, he had came back.
Only you didn't want to see not after what just happened. You didn't want him to see you in a broken form. You didn't want him to see that side of you. You shouldn't have cared what he saw when he looked at you. You were supposed to be only a fuck for him.
But you did.
Of course, you did.
You quickly got up shutting your emotions off and getting into character. But Yoongi could see right through you. You couldn't fool him, he wasn't stupid. Plus the smeared mascara under your eyes said otherwise.
Shit had just went down, plus the way that guy left your room,- left Yoongi wondering more than he should have.
"Are you my 12 o'clock," you said. Your voice had a slight shake in it.
He didn't say anything, making you anxious. He studied you. Looking at you. Knowing something was off about you.
You stared back at him. Your façade slowly melting off. But still you tried to hold yourself down.
"Are you alright?" yoongi questioned finally, ignoring your question, answering your question with a question - and taking a drink of his soju. You were surprised by his question, and it had completely thrown you off Shaking you completely out of character. The façade rapidly melting off.
He stared intently at you waiting for you to answer, you having no way to change the subject. You were completely naked in front of him. You had nothing to hide under.
So what now?
"Yeah," you said lying, taking the easy way out. With nothing else more to say other than that. You couldn't tell him. So you lied. Even though he could see right through you as if you were made of glass, you tried to utterly get him to believe you were fine. You even were trying to convince yourself.
You didn't want to talk about it. It was nothing. To you it was nothing. nothing compared to the agony you've been feeling for the last three months. GD hitting you didn't even compare To the restless nights and longing to be in his presence.
So, the last thing you wanted to talk about was another man. You wanted to focus only on him.
"i think that's not factual." he said taking another drink. You didn't have anything to say so you stood there dumbfounded. As he stared at you. But when you didn't reply back, "yes I am your twelve o'clock but i don't think we should do anything. you clearly seem shaken up about something..." he looked out into the hallway from where GD had left.
"NO! no! I'm fine I promise!" you said coming closer to him. Yoongi stared at you, you hoped you didn't sound too desperate.
You were now standing directly in front of him. Your platforms making you slightly tower over him.
he reached out to touch your face," he ran a thumb over the skin." he hit you didn't he?"
You panicked!
You Somehow forgetting about it , the pain of your cheek coming back. You forgetting this, as you were trying to convince him otherwise. him making you forget life itself.
Your face had developed a bluish tint to where a bruise had started to form.
Your mind raced as his hand rested on your face. You leaned into it closing your eyes. You feeling some sort of warmth from it.
Yoongi dropped his hand to his side. "I may come back again," he said not sounding for sure or not. Making promises wasn't his thing.
Your heart broke into a million pieces. You. Couldn't. Wait. Another. Three. Months. No, this was now or never. This wasn't about to end on a worse note than you already had started.
You both stared at each other. An electric current connecting you to him. "don't go you started to cry." you were breaking the rules. You were being desperate. Now not caring at all.
Now it was his turn to lose his façade His eyes widening in shock.
"I mean im okay you don't-" but you couldn't explain your reasoning. This was the first time seeing him in three months he couldn't just go like that. Not when you anticipated his return so eagerly.
Still he didn't say anything, he just watched you, waiting to see what else might come out your mouth. You hesitated but eventually "just help me forget," you said talking about him smacking you."pretend to love me this time.... even if its just for tonight." you said repeating his words from three months ago.
You waited for his reaction but he just stared at you. Your face heated up knowing you would be rejected. You were way out of place asking for such a request knowing he was the one paying you not the other way around.
Moments went by, silence engulfed you both. You both never broke eye contact. He took another drink of his soju his eyes fixated solely on you. He stepped over the threshold, your heart beating fast at the anticipation of what was happening. Coming straight towards you never breaking your eye contact
He backed you towards the couch and he put the soju down on the table all while still staring at you. He laid you down on the couch and he began kissing your body. He got up and closed the door and locked it an you watched him.
You squeezed your legs shut as your beautiful body waited for him on the couch. You were throbbing for him and it was too much to take.
He came back and opened your thighs making you whine.
Your stomach had butterflies in them and every time he touched you, you would shutter in its wake.
He got on top of you and kissed your neck leaving fresh new love bites on them. You whined when he did this. You grabbed him around his neck and kissed him there. You earned a groan from him and it excited you. You decided that you would step out of place and do everything to him you wanted just in case you never seen him again.
You grabbed his face and crashed your lips to his. He was surprised but he responded. He lost control as the kiss deepened and your heart nearly stoped.
He broke the kiss and kissed your collar bone, kissing you above your breast and so on, till he got to your woman hood. He slid your panties to your lingerie set to the side and took your clit in his mouth.
You whined. He was also stepping out of place. You were there to please him. Not him to please you. You weren't supposed to receive oral sex from your client, you were there to do it for him.
He shoved to finger in you and you lost it. You coming undone right beneath him. He sucked your clit and fingered you trying to get you off. Nothing but your cries filled the room.
When you came you nearly screamed. He held your hands from trying to push him away but you were so sensitive you couldn't take it. But then he made you cum again, -and you were sure your body would lose its soul. Your toes curling at the feeling he was giving you.
Yoongi hovered over you and pulled your boobs out of the baby doll. Kneading then softly making you twitch with every touch. Your whole body sensitive from his touch, it knowing what he was capable of,- making you cum. You came so hard for him.
He stood up and pulled his pants down to his thighs all while watching you and grabbed a condom off the table. He rolled it on and then hovered over you. He lined up with your entrance and then shoved into you.
You cried out. So sensitive already it feeling so intense as he fucked you.
He came down onto you, you grabbed him close. " I love you,” he whispered. And there it went, your soul left your body. He left kisses on your neck and surprisingly initiated the kiss. You responding quickly. He broke the kiss and watched as he fucked you, your eyes closed and whining beneath him.
He like you like that.
Yoongi pulled you up so you could sit on his lap and grabbed you by your waist and bouncing you up and down off him. You cried out and your tits bounced with the rhythm. You were so sexy to him it was dangerous. He could fall for a girl like you, but he wouldn't allow it.
Yoongi told you that he loved you again, and you whined when he fucked you harder. You finally told him you loved him back and he groaned when it left your lips, - him crashing his lips to yours again.
You wrapped your arms around his neck again and you humped the shit out of him. Yoongi entangled his arms from you and grabbed your face as you guys kissed. It being a little too intimate. You putting all your feelings into it and him?
You didn't know.
"You love me?" he said after he broke the kiss?
You shook your head yes
"Tell me."
"I love you," you breathed, igniting his intense orgasm.
He stiffened inside of you emptying his frustrations into you.
You came with him and that third strike took you out. You screamed his name this time and collapsed on his chest. With your head on his shoulder grabbing him tightly. And you just stayed like that. you clinging to him and crying.
He rubbed your back and you stayed like that. Just listening to each other's breathing. You didn't want this to end. You didn't want to NOT see him anymore.
You needed this person in your life.there was just something about him. You needed him. You craved him. Longed for him.
Yoongi had became such an important part of your life and you didn't ask for it just happened.
You never experienced love before but the feeling you had when you were with him showed you otherwise.
Tears slightly ran down your face, you not wanting to face the reality that was and is Yoongi.
He was your client nothing more but you just didn't want to accept it.
He kissed your neck softly and you whined at the contact. He was still inside of you but he had started to soften.
You didn't want to move so you waited for him to. He didn't.
Yoongi didn't want to leave either. He felt weird around you and he didn't know why. He didn't like to think about it. He didn't want to figure it out. He was afraid of the outcome.
He contemplated even coming back in the first place and this was what he was afraid of. He was afraid of you. You scared him. You could unlock things he kept away. You seemed to break through to him penetrating through the intoxication he used as a mask.
No girl has ever done that and you scared him.
So when you never seen him again it broke you.
you were right you never saw him again.
Yoongi never came back.
And he was never going to.
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bang-me-bangtan-style · 11 months ago
Me tryna get it together to post.
Yes I re-read my own fics because I wrote them for ME
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