#sees alex as his son. hes LIVING a good life with a family who loves him and he equally loves (if not loves more) back
littlebitsalt · 1 year
Yandere (former) friend x reader
Summary: you meet your school friend again.
You write for a living. You travel across the world and make stories out of them. You had enough money to do what you want, enough friends to keep company, enough readers to keep you motivated.
You worked in a company a few years ago. You woke up early and got ready for a hard day's work back then. Work was stressful, and the people around you were a burden. You had no one to express your feelings back there.
So you stopped working for the company after 4 years. You decided to pursue your dreams as a writer. Your friends and family were worried that you weren't going to make a living out of writing, but you succeeded. Your work wasn't the best out there, but you appreciated your life as a writer.
You finished a sequel for your first book a week ago. Your friends called you for celebration. You and your friends had fun, singing, drinking, and chatting about some personal stuff.
One of your friends, Jamie, brought up middle school while talking.
"Hey, do you guys remember Ray from middle school?"
You nodded. You remember him very well.
"I heard that he is a son of a well known company's owner!"
Your friend said.
"So the rumor was right all along?"
Your other friend, Alex, was surprised.
"Yeah, those rumors were true! Didn't you work for the company Ray's father owns?"
Jamie asked.
"I did, but I've only seen him in the elevator or hallways. We were in different departments. How did you know about this anyway Jamie? I haven't seen this in news."
"Well... I work in a magazine company.. and a friend of mine told me."
You picture Ray walking around, alone. He was never with someone. He isolated himself from everyone. People from the company often tried to start a conversation with Ray, but they never got his attention. It wasn't that Ray couldn't communicate with others. Ray didn't need anybody. Doing something without any company was possible for him. In fact, Ray was good at it.
You didn't have any interactions with him. You didn't even try to. Plus, he is too busy to hang around with people.
You woke up from your recall and focused on the conversation.
"Is he still a loner?"
Alex asked.
"I think he is. But he does his work very well, that's for sure."
"He wouldn't be Ray if he wasn't the best, and alone."
Alex snorted.
"Hadn't Ray and you have something going on in middle school? You were basically Ray's stalker in middle school."
Jamie smirked at you. Jamie was always well informed with the latest news, even in middle school.
"What do you mean? You know that I talked to almost everyone at that time!"
"Jamie has a point. You literally followed him everywhere in middle school. I'm surprised Ray hadn't reported you."
"Just tell us the truth!"
Jamie looked at you with sparkling eyes. You knew that Jamie wasn't going to lose this chance.
"Just admit it, it was more than 10 years ago!"
"Okay! Well.. Maybe I had feelings for him. But it was just a phase."
You blurted out how you felt. Your face got red, and your friends all laughed their head off. It was quite embarrassing. People turned their heads to see what made two friends laugh.
Your friends went on teasing you. Jamie knew all your crushes' names and was excited enough to call all their names out. Even Alex, who was relatively calm teased how you fall in love very easily. You tried to explain that your number of crushes wasn't that much, but your friends didn't listen.
You parted with your friends when alcohol kicked in a little. You went into a nearby convenient store to buy something to eat next morning.
You bought finished products and a icecream cone. You sat down on a bench just outside the convenient store.
You thought about Ray.
At first, you asked questions to Ray and tried to talk to him out of curiosity. But as time passed, you began to really enjoy time with him.
Ray didn't talk much. He just listened, and that did help you. He listened attentively to your words. He didn't measure you like others did.
You were upset when Ray left without a word. You felt devastated when you realized you didn't even have his phone number. You hadn't doubted your friendship(maybe a little more...?) with him, but after him disappearing without a trace, you figured that the friendship was one-sided.
You assumed this unpleasant feeling would go on forever, but you realized these kind of feelings fade off surprisingly fast. You had other things to consider in your life, and thinking about Ray wasn't as important as before. As time went by, Ray become somebody who would be mentioned only when your friends and you had time recalling middle school days.
"Are you (y/n)?"
Someone asked.
You looked up. A familiar face looked at you.
"Do you remeber me? I'm Ray."
"Oh.. of course!"
An awkward silence began. You didn't know what to say. You didn't want to go on rambling about random stuff like you used to.
"Do you live close to here?"
Ray asked.
"Yeah, I moved here after I left the company. Do you live here too?"
"Not really, but I live close."
"That's great! It's nice having a friend that lives close."
"Remember when we were close in middle school?"
Ray asked. You were quite surprised. 'Close' was not a word that you expected.
"I remember. I hope you had a great time with me. I was a burden back then, right?"
Ray was definitely saying you were close to him just to be nice.
"I enjoyed conversations with you. You were fun to hang out with."
"That's a good thing to hear, thanks. I think I should go home now, I have work to do tomorrow. Deadline is close."
You lied. Feelings for him faded off years ago, but talking to him gave you an unpleasant feeling.
You also had this kind despicable mind off lying and leaving him on a conversation. You wanted to give back what he done in spite of knowing that it would be a rude thing to do.
Maybe you were lying to yourself when you thought about Ray and realized Ray wasn't as important.
You still were conscious of him.
"Oh.. okay. Can I take you home? It's getting late."
"No. I'm sorry, but I'd be better alone. We could talk sometime later."
You got home, and went straight to sleep.
After that day, you met him often in your town. He didn't even try to hide that he was solving his everday life in your town to meet you.
"Hi again (y/n)"
You met him at a grocery store.
"Oh, hi. Nice to see you again."
Ray joined in with noticing.
Casual conversations went by like middle school days. But now Ray was the one talking eagerly. You weren't quiet like Ray in middle school, but Ray now was more invested into this small talking. It was very unlike of him.
"(y/n), do you have plans this Sunday?"
"No, I'm free on Sunday, why?"
"I was wondering if you can have dinner with me."
"Okay, do you have any restaurants in mind?"
"I do. I'll pick you up at 6"
You were convinced Ray was asking you on a date. You didn't have feelings for him, but you decided it wouldn't hurt to go on a date with him.
It was Sunday morning, and you got a call from your friend, Jamie.
"(y/n), do you have time? I really need you today!"
Jamie sounded desperate.
"What's the problem?"
"I have a date today. A colleague introduced him.. But I can't go today!"
"Why? He couldn't be that bad.."
"I have a important thing to do today. My favorite singer actually drops his album today, and I have to go buy the album to see him. He is coming to the bookstore today! I can't miss this chance. I'm very sorry, (y/n), I'll do anything if you ask me to."
You knew you had promised Ray for dinner today. You also know that Jamie has other people to go on a date instead of her.
You knew certainly that Ray would be upset. His expressions directed he was looking up to this dinner.
"Alright. I'll do it. But you'll have to pay for our meal if we hang out again."
"Of course I will! Thanks! I really needed someone to go on a date with this.. what's his name..? Oh, Liam. You can meet him at 4. I'll text you the details."
You hung up the phone. You texted Ray right away you couldn't have dinner with him. You texted him you had to help out your friend, which was technically not a lie. You felt bad, intentionally hurting him. But it really didn't matter.. You had no means of dating him. Surely.
It was childish of you to treat someone like this. You knew this very well. It was okay though. It was better than making someone feel one sided in a relationship.
You felt you were putting too much energy in thinking, so you slept until it was time for a date.
Dressed decently, you waited for Liam in front of the restaurant Jamie texted you. After a few minutes, Liam arrived.
"Hi? You are (y/n), right?"
"Yes. Is it okay if I'm here instead of Jamie?"
"Well.. It's disappointing that Jamie couldn't come. But meeting someone like you is luck to me."
Liam was very out forward and energetic guy. His words were very honest, and he made you feel comfortable.
"What are your interests?"
Liam asked.
"I like writing.. I never knew I had fun writing when I was is school. I found my hobby just a few years ago."
"That's a cool interest. I travel when I have the chance. I watch a lot of traveling channels..."
"Can.. can I go to the bathroom real quick?
You saw Ray walking into the restaurant you were in, alone.
You ran straight to the bathroom, hoping Ray didn't see you. After a few minutes, you scanned the restaurant and found Ray sitting at the opposite side. Relieved, you went back to Liam.
You finished your dinner with Liam. Liam wanted to spend more time with you, but you declined. You wanted Ray to not notice you hanging out with Liam.
You bought some snacks at the convenient store and sat on the bench. You nibbled on a chocolate bar you bought. You felt the breeze touching your skin. Feeling the wind is a good thing to do when you're mind is full of useless thoughts.
You instantly knew it was Ray.
"Oh Ray.. Hi."
"I didn't expect you to be here."
"I finished helping my friend.. so.."
"Do you mind if I sit next to you?"
"I don't mind! You can sit here."
You could hear your heart thumping.
Did he find out?
You could tell by his face that he wasn't feeling good.
"(y/n), did you miss me when I left?"
Ray asked. You couldn't answer.
You told yourself you forgot about Ray, and it was right, you actually nearly forgot Ray and you were a thing.
But that was until Ray entered your life without your will. You told yourself that you weren't conscious of him although your actions told otherwise.
"No... umm.. I was busy studying and doing other things, so I didn't miss you, that much. "
Ray didn't talk for a while.
"Do you want to know why I left without a word?"
You wondered if you should focus on the word "left" or "without a word".
"Well um... Everyone in school was curious about your disappearance at that time. People asked me where you've gone. All I could say was 'I don't know either'.. In fact, I was the one who wanted to know why you left the most!"
You tried to brighten the mood. It didn't work.
"Nothing special.. I left because my parents had business in other cities."
"That explains your disappearance. I guess it would've been better if you told me."
You felt awkward. You desperately wanted to leave.
Ray didn't say anything. He looked at the ground.
Silence began. You couldn't handle the long silence anymore.
"Ray, I should go. I'm really tired today."
You stood up and tried to leave, but Ray grabbed your hand.
"I love you."
"I don't think this is the time for jokes."
"It's not a joke."
Ray grabbed your hand harder.
"I.. don't know what to tell you."
You quickly set your hand free from him. You walked away as fast as you can.
You didn't come out of your home after Ray's confession. Ray could be anywhere you go, and you weren't ready to answer him.
Liam tried to text you, but you didn't respond. You didn't feel like meeting someone new. You just wanted time alone.
You focused on writing your next book to pass time. You weren't planning to, but you had nothing else to do. Your friends can't hang out with you all the time, your connection with Liam has practically ended, your family lives far away, and you most definitely did not want to meet Ray.
What was he thinking when he confessed? Did he really think you'd say it back? You were confused. You thought you gave him hints by answering his questions in a cold way and even cancelling a date.
You knew very well you were thinking of him more than anyone in your life, but that doesn't mean you have to be in an intimate relationship with him.
Ray wants to be a special someone to you. But you don't.
It would be a nuisance to both you and Ray if you accepted Ray. Your emotions sway a lot. An hour ago, you would think of Ray as a person that creates a great impact on your life, and an hour after, you behave in a cold way to Ray.
You prefered organizing your emotions to one. But with Ray, organizing was hard. Emotions can't go on forever, it changes, and you couldn't stand your complex emotions. What's so different about Ray that causes you to feel complicated emotions?
Now you wanted to leave. It was foolish of you to live close to a company you got out from.
You contacted your family. Since you aren't working in a company, you didn't have any reasons to stay in a crowded town. Not hanging out with Jamie and Alex would be a shame. It didn't matter though. You wanted your mind off of this town.
All of this might be a rush of emotions. You might regret this. But your desire of leaving was bigger.
You went to a small restaurant you liked to go. Since you would leave soon, you thought visiting your favorite restaurant was a good idea.
You sat at the corner, where many can't see you. You ordered your favorite dish and called you mother while waiting.
"Mom, I was wondering if I can live with you and dad. I hope to see (sibling name) if it's vacation."
"Why? I thought you were good there."
"Uhh... I want a break.. I guess. I don't have anything to do here either."
"Alright then. If you want. We always have a spare room. But think more carefully! What about your friends? Or Ray.. did I say his name right? You said Ray was in the same company as you."
"Oh... Alright. I'll call you later."
You finished the call.
A familiar voice called out your name. It was Ray, as expected.
"(y/n)! I didn't know you knew this restaurant too."
You felt irritated.
"I didn't know you had an interest in stalking people."
"It's a coincidence, I swear. I'm friends with the owner of this restaurant and I come here often to visit my friend."
"Oh.. okay."
"Did you think about it?"
"I did."
Ray was pretending he didn't listen your call. You knew it.
"I'm leaving. I don't know what I'm doing here, wasting money, time, and emotions. I'm going home."
Ray was quiet.
"I'm sorry Ray. For treating you badly and .. uh.. lying to you. I ordered something.. you should eat it. I really don't feel well and I should just go home."
"Can you think about it again, please?"
Ray looked like he was going to cry, or go mad.
"You shouldn't go cling on to one person.. you know.. I know there's a ton of people who wants to be friends with you. We .. uh.."
You paused for a second. Was this right? It would've been better if you ran straight to your house.
"You can text me though. I'm pretty much jobless .."
You ran out of the restaurant.
You ran to your home, and noticed men outside of your house.
You turned back. Your instincts told that those men would only cause harm.
You headed to the convenient store. The store would be safe. There are people there.
Unfortunately, the store was closed. You headed for another store close by.
It was no use. A man waiting for you hiding grabbed you.
"Be quiet!"
The man pushed you into a black car. After that, you could see only pitch black.
After some time, you woke up somewhere unfamiliar.
A voice welcomed you.
"Ray, what are you doing here?"
"This is my house, (y/n)"
"Did you really kidnap me?"
"I just wanted you to realize you're lying to yourself."
Ray came close. Your heart wouldn't stop thumping out loud.
"What do you mean I'm lying to myself?"
"You're lying to yourself. You wouldn't admit I'm important to you. I know that feeling, (y/n). When we were in middle school, I only thought you as a classmate who has a big interest in me. I didn't realize what you meant to me when I left."
"I need to go home."
Ray ignored you and went on.
"I lied to myself all this time that I don't need you. But I do.
"You're the only one who could truly be with me. Others don't want anything from me. They just want to use me.. But you aren't. You're kind (y/n). You've never really hated me. You always listen to me..
"I'm just sad that you're lying to yourself like I did all these years.. But it's okay. I love you, and I'll help you."
"That's such a misunderstanding."
"Either way.. you can't leave.. until you stop lying to yourself."
Ray didn't care what you said. Ray hugged you and whispered how much he missed you and needed you in his life.
Ray is mad. You're now just regretting spending time thinking of him.
You couldn't assume the time you would spend with Ray from now on. You wanted this whole thing to be a lie.
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anothercrisis · 2 years
Wake up, I’ve been brainrotting over the civvie au (with healthy enablement from @alexgalaxyboo) and I’m here to share some thoughts.
Here’s some of the groundwork and some who will be here and how they get introduced:
Price, late-thirties, decides he’s tired of the city and wants to move into a quieter neighborhood. He can work remotely and doesn’t have any real ties or reasons to stay in the city so he doesn’t.
The house he purchases is a shabby thing at the corner of the street. His neighbors are the Laswells, Kate the American and her British wife, along with Kate’s nephew, Alex Keller.
Their houses are a little closer than standardly comfortable. But there is a large oak tree between them (remember that, it’s vitally important later on) that shadows and gives them a bit of privacy.
The neighborhood is friendly enough with each other, but they’re not like a community. Which suits Price fine because he isn’t there to make friends; he just wants some quiet. But the Laswells see this man move in next door, alone, and adopt him. They check up on him regularly, invite him over for tea, and bake and cook for him occasionally.
And it’s good for several years, this little life. But Price didn’t account for the loneliness he would start to feel. So, because of the heart he has and the fact he always wanted to be a father, he signs up to foster kids.
Soap and Gaz, who are about 10 and 9 respectively, are two halves of a pair. (I’m not sure yet why they’re in the foster care system but that’s where they are.) The system has tried to separate them, but Soap is crazy and does all kinds of wild shit any time Gaz is taken away from him, like setting things on fire or running away.
Chaos Incarnate and his Accomplice get assigned to Price, who is nervous at first because of what he’s heard, but this man (in every universe it’s a Constant) can and will adopt and wrangle these boys with his firm father hand and his depthless love.
The fact that Alex Keller, who is Soap’s age, lives next door has nothing to do with why Soap behaves. It’s totally not because Gaz has a crush on the American boy and asks Soap to behave so they can stay. (I’m lying to you.)
But it’s not just that. Soap and Gaz fit in really well with Price. They like him, he likes them. They make a good family. So, after having them for a time, he starts the process of legal adoption. They’re about 12 and 11 when they legally becomes Price’s sons.
Some months later, the Riley family moves into the neighborhood, bringing with them another boy their age. Simon is about 13 and is immediately welcomed into their merry little band of preteens. Which he joins, because he takes any opportunity to be away from his father.
Time passes. The boys are getting bigger and stronger. They play rough, and sometimes do it inside despite Price’s insistent that they don’t. Soap accidentally puts his shoulder through the wall while trying to evade capture. Insert Nik, the big Russian carpenter/repairman who Soap and Gaz immediately decide will be their second dad.
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madebysimblr · 4 months
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Sorella: [sighs dreamily]
Envy: Off he goes?
Sorella: [jumps] Oh! Yeah.
Envy: And he's gonna move here?
Sorella: [blushes] So you heard everything?
Envy: Duh! Did I or did I not say you shoulda brought it up! Clearly you two are on the same wavelength. Since you're in loooOOoOOOve!
Sorella: Hey! No teasing!
Envy: None, promise. I'm THRILLED for you! But I'm surprised he decided to leave on that. Figure you two would be having another fuck-a-thon like you were last night.
Sorella: Hey, I gave you fair warning. But no, he needed to head home. Work in the actual office... Plus, Charlotte is coming to town today-
[knock at door]
Sorella: Oh! And by today I guess now! Unless Alex forgot something.... Hey Lottie!!
Charlotte: Sorella!!! Hi!!!
Sorella: Good flight?
Charlotte: Yup! Uneventful! Though, I did just see James Montgomery in the lobby downstairs which is wild.
Sorella: Who's James Montgomery?
Charlotte: One of our neighbors in Del Sol!
Sorella: Small world I guess! SO! You're in town for a week, what's the plan?
Envy: Sorella?
Charlotte: Well first of all, how's Maia doing?
Sorella: Oh, so much better. Well, still a bit worn from everything. But home now. I should call her today.
Envy: Sorella.
Charlotte: I'm glad to hear it! But the PLAN would be to see a bit of SMPA. I know Del Sol has an acting school, but I don't know if that's where I want to go.
Sorella: Where did Whitney go?
Charlotte: She didn't! Just went straight to the Valley and tried to get a part.
Sorella: Oh interesting.
Sorella: Jeez! What!?!
Envy: [motions for her to come over]
Search Results For: James Montgomery, Del Sol Valley James Montgomery Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family Life... James Alexander Montgomery (31) is best known as the husband of actress Ti Montgomery (30). He is also the son of the late Victor Montgomery and Kiyoko Montgomery (formally Hino). James and Ti currently live in the Del Sol Valley and have two children. Ti Montgomery Stuns at Met Ball with Husband! Newest Starlet Ti Montgomery stuns in Oydis Gown! See all the pictures from the Met Ball! Ti Montgomery's Quickie Wedding! Ti Montgomery dishes all about her spontaneous wedding to husband, James. Venue: Oasis Springs Chapel of Love! Think I Saw James in San Myshuno! i just passed him in the spice market! At least I'm pretty sure it was him. I didn't say hello. I think he was hanging with....
Charlotte: Oh yeah! That's who I saw! Altho he looked a little funny. Not dressed normally. One of his kids is the twins age so we've had the whole family over a few times.
Sorella: I...Wha.... He... I'm gonna be sick.
Sorella runs into the bathroom
Charlotte: Sorella!? Is she ok???
Envy: [disgusted]….. He told her his name was Alex.
Charlotte: He's Alex!?
The sounds of Sorella painfully sobbing coming from the bathroom.
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Can't believe I've never asked this, but how would the townspeople react to the farmer having a baby (With the idea that they've already been here a while so they are an established member of the community).
Maybe when they are pregnant and when they've had the baby if it's not too much? (Especially if it happens to be their grandchildren)
I have to admit, I had to translate the question several times because I was hella confused. Spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out if you meant a Farmer who already has a baby (like, 2+ years old) or a Farmer who just had a baby (just being born/adopted), or the fact that Farmer came to town with a child and the child is already a full-fledged member of the community, or.... I feel dumb, I'm sorry... Hope I understood the question correctly, dear anon.
I'm not going mention pregnancy to make the Farmer without a specific gender (everyone can imagine their own Farmer). I hope that's okay with you, or feel free to ask the more specific question again. I will also write in this hedcanon exclusively non-marriage SDV candidates. Hope it's alright too! ❤️
Oh-ho-ho! You can't hide anything from the moms and gossips of the Stardew Valley. Caroline and Jodi have already told each other everything in great detail: how cute the baby is, how happy the parents are. If it so happens that the child is their grandchild, their joy will not be limited - they already dream of the days when they, already as grandmothers, will spoil their grandchildren and coo over them.
After arriving home, Kent couldn't remember the last time he smiled sincerely. The only people who could see his smile were his family members, and that was rare. So when Kent saw the little baby laughing in Farmer's arms, he smiled so broadly that his wife and sons were even startled for a moment. In fact, the sight of the cute little baby reminded him of Sam and Vincent when they were just as little. He was grateful to both Farmer's baby and Farmer themself for helping him remember a quiet life, it was those memories that allowed him to get back on track a little faster with his beloved family and community.
Robin will be calmer than her friends, but will also be endlessly happy for Farmer when they have a baby/adopt a child. As a woman with good experience of motherhood, she will help the Farmer if they have difficulties with caring for the baby or just give some useful advice if they ask for it. And watch out if it's Robin's grandchild - she'll spoil them with wooden toys she makes herself, and she'll be a cool grandma in general.
Don't let it fool you that George is grumpy because small children are very loud, interfere with the TV and are on their way to inadvertently break a tea set in the cupboard of his house. George loves children, and if it's Alex and Farmer's baby, he'll just melt with sentimentality. He still can't believe he's lived long enough to call himself a great-grandfather..... Hear that, suckers? He's now a proud great-grandpa with the best grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
There's a baby in the Farmer's family? And Pierre just happens to have the best baby food in the store, and at a great price, plus ten percent off. All the best for a baby! .....What? Okay, okay, don't give him that look. He may be a businessman (albeit a "slightly" desperate businessman), but he's not completely insensitive. He's actually happy for Farmer and their partner that they have a long-awaited child. He's even happier that Farmer's partner happens to be his daughter Abigail. The "businessman" Pierre is relegated to the background, so the first place will be taken by "grandpa" Pierre, who is just very caring and gentle with kid, and maybe a little overprotective.
And who do we have here? Hehe, such a cute baby, they are very similar to Farmer, the same energetic, running around looking for adventure and problems. Oh, don't look so angry at Lewis, he's just joking. The Farmer has long been a full member of the Pelican Town community, and he will also happily welcome a new little member as well. At such moments, he feels proud of the position of mayor. Just please keep an eye on the baby, because they will definitely be troublemakers, just like the Farmer themself. What? Don't look at him like that, he's absolutely right!
Heh, how happy the old fisherman's eyes are that there are already many young people there in their small town. Usually all the young families with children go to the big cities to look for happiness, but Willy is glad that the Farmer has found their happiness, and family, right here. His heart will melt at all if the Farmer's child becomes interested in fishing, just like their parent once. Considering that he treat Farmer almost like his own child, it's safe to say he now has a grandchild.
No one would have thought that Demetrius, after learning that Farmer had a baby, would have such a small bout of paranoia. Since Farmer is a frequent visitor to their home, knowing that they would be visiting with the baby, Demetrius decided to remove all sharp and glass objects from the lab, as well as some of his wife's sharp tools. And the concerns for the baby's safety will be even greater if it's his grandchild. And he will be equally concerned and paranoid if it is Maru's or Sebastian's child. So don't let Sebby say that his stepfather doesn't love him: he does, but it's hard for him to find common ground with him. But he will show concern for his safety to everyone.
It doesn't matter to Evelyn that the Farmer's baby arrived by midsummer, the caring grandmother has already sewn almost a dozen different sweaters, scarves and mittens for the Farmer's baby as gifts. And it doesn't matter if it is her great-grandson or not, she will treat them with the same love and care, and will always be happy to see them and Farmer in her home. What a saintly granny, nothing to add, bless Yoba for her good heart!
Well, as if Marlon and Gil knew in advance that the Farmer was about to have a baby, as they recently stopped by the Guilds and gave the reason why they wouldn't be able to temporarily handle the adventurer's duties. Farmer had served the Valley well, protecting it from the monsters that lurked in the mines, so the old adventurers quietly let them go and wished them, their partner, and the baby happiness. Maybe when their child grows up and behaves well, Uncle Marlon and Gil will show them their collection of weapons, or tell them different stories about their adventures.
Yay! More people to play with! Jas, Vincent and Leo are excited to have another person in their company for tea parties and outdoor games. And that's all they need to be happy.
Hmm... A new addition to their family? Ah, yes, Rasmodius remembers that moment too, when he saw the Farmer's future. Though, to be honest, he saw other developments that bothered him greatly, for it included his ex-wife, strange statues, and a prismatic shard... But he was glad that Farmer had chosen this fate, though outwardly it would appear that he didn't care at all about the lives of the people of Stardew Valley. If child will show an interest in magic, feel free to visit his tower anytime. And no, he won't be giving their child that moss and fly agaric potion, so please stop looking at him so suspiciously.
Oh, how wonderful that Marnie's friend had a little happiness, and the Farmer sometimes brings this little happiness everytime they goes to visit her at the Ranch. Such a wonderful baby, she is sure that they and Jas will become wonderful friends in the future. Of course, she loves her niece and nephew (who sometimes behaves like a child too), but sometimes she would like to know what it's like to be a mother. Well, at least know what it's like to be loved. What? No no don't think anything like that, Jas and Shane love Marnie mutually, she just means SOMEONE, and she hopes that SOMEONE finally gets up the courage and confesses her feelings openly. Isn't that right, Mr. SOMEONE?
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iboatedhere · 4 months
i've got two if you're cool with it, do with them what you will:
summer vibes: the smell of sunscreen june prompts: dandelions
and let's go with post-canon 👀♥️
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“I think you missed a spot, sweetheart.”
Henry looks up, a white cast of sunscreen covering his entire face and even more on his fingertips. 
Alex laughs and rubs in an incredibly thick spot on the outer edge of Henry’s ear. 
“There, I think I got it.”
“You shouldn’t tease,” Henry says, upending the bottle of sunscreen and squeezing a dollop into his palm before rubbing it onto his arms. “SPF is very important.”
“I know it is, babe, but I don’t think you have to reapply every twenty minutes.”
“It hasn’t been that often, and even if it has been, there’s nothing wrong with being proactive. Skin cancer is no joke.”
“You’re going to smell like a coconut for the next decade.”
“Suppose I’ll just need to take a very thorough shower tonight,” Henry says as he works on his other arm. “If you’re good, I might let you join me.”
Alex grins and lowers his sunglasses over his eyes. 
It’s a nice thought for a nice day.  
The sun is bright and warm when he tips his face into it, and the blanket is soft beneath his hands as he leans back. 
There's a couple a few yards away, her head in his lap as she reads, and just beyond them, a mother braiding dandelions into her young daughter’s hair. 
Further down the hill, a man throws a ball for his golden retriever, and at the curve in the path, two kids buy fresh sliced fruit from a brightly colored cart. 
There’s pop music blasting from someone’s shitty Bluetooth speaker, and sirens and car horns sound off in the distance. 
It’s a symphony of everyday New York City life. 
It’s beautiful, if he doesn’t look at the teenage girl with her phone up and pointed in their direction. If he doesn’t wonder what Twitter account it’ll be posted to or what tabloid it’ll be splashed across. He doesn’t worry about what they’ll say about their body language or how he hasn’t shaved in a few days. That Henry’s hair is longer now, or that it’s a Wednesday afternoon and they’re sitting in the sun in the middle of Prospect Park. 
If he pretends that he doesn’t see Amy and Cash posted nearby, looking out of place in their dark suits as they scan the crowd. 
If he doesn’t think about how he might have squeaked out a few years of normalcy, maybe, a few administrations from now, when he’d be replaced by a newer, younger–but not necessarily hotter–First Son. Alex would have the time to finish school, pass the bar, and get a job at a respectable firm before he decided to get into politics and step back into the public eye on his own terms. 
He can’t live that life because he fell in love with Henry, but he can’t imagine living any kind of life without Henry. 
Henry, who never stood a chance at anonymity no matter what. Who had been photographed more times before his first birthday than Alex has in his entire life. Who is part of a royal bloodline and obligations. Who could walk away from it all, give up the title, and still be hounded by the press, both destined and doomed. 
“Hey,” Alex says, sitting up and wrapping his fingers around Henry’s wrist. “I love you.”
Henry blinks at him from behind his Wayfarer Ray-Bans. “And I love you,” he says. “Is everything okay?”
Alex wants to ask if he still thinks it was all worth it. The drama and the sleepless nights. The vitriol from his grandmother, brother, and certain corners of the press. If he’d do it again if it got them to this moment, sitting together in the park, drowning in sunscreen. If he’d be willing to wait a little longer, push a little harder for that life they both want. Privacy and family and a future. They can still have that, but it won’t be easy. Nothing ever is.
Instead, he leans forward for a kiss that Henry doesn’t pull back from but doesn’t move toward either.
“You know there’s a teenage girl filming us,” Henry says, because of course he sees her, too. 
“Does it matter?” 
Henry shakes his head and smiles as he closes the distance. 
From now on, they’ll be at each other’s side, and it’s the only thing that matters. 
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monrohakay · 7 months
I would love to see hear more about your headcannon about nico
Have a good day
Oh my goodness, I could go on forever about him and what I imagine his backstory to be. I’m so sorry for how long this will be, but you’ve unleashed a can of worms and I thank you for that! So here we go!
It started with me being convinced that if Nico and Kai ever met, they would have a rivalry going on and Levi and Amelia would find it adorable yet slightly annoying cuz they get along so well. And Levi would tell Nico not to annoy his mentor’s partner, but Amelia would just laugh.
We don’t know much about where Nico’s from or his family, except that he’s not out to them even thou he was out to people in his daily life and they can be really critical. So I imagine he grew up in a traditional Korean Italian home (cuz Alex Landi is Korean Italian, and I have person experience with homophobic Italian family members so I’m projecting). He’s a middle child with two brothers. He gives off competitive energy that comes with having siblings, and kinda seems like he’s used to being overlooked and fighting for attention, like a middle child.
His older brother (I’m going to refer to him as Siwon since that’s who I imagine his actor to be) is something his parents deem successful, I’m thinking a lawyer cuz I want Nico to have a totally different career path then him. He was an honours student, always top of his class. He has a beautiful wife (who he met in highschool), a son and a daughter on the way. His life is perfect in his parents eyes. He’s maybe two or three years older than Nico. Nico always felt like he was in his brother’s shadow, but he respected and looked up to him. I feel like their parents would constantly be comparing the two, like “Siwon was valedictorian, are you going to be?” and “Nico was nominated for homecoming king, are you nominated for prom king?”
His younger brother (referred to as Rowoon for the same reason as his older brother) is five or six years younger, and he’s spoiled by their parents. While they’re critical of the older two, the youngest is their pride and joy and they don’t mind him doing whatever he wants because the other two are successful enough. Rowoon loves Nico and idolizes him in almost the same way that Nico did with his older brother. But Nico is much kinder and receptive to it, and he’s always supportive to Rowoon. I think Rowoon would have much more natural talent and smarts, so he doesn’t have to work as hard as the other two and he has a lot less pressure. While the other two were expected to have a 98-100% average in everything, Rowoon’s sitting at like 95% and their parents are still proud of him.
Nico was raised with traditional catholic Italian and Korean views being shoved at him. So when he starts realizing he might like boys, it’s not exactly something he can come out and say or act on while he’s living with his parents. He probably wanted to go into sports, (likely baseball or soccer, but we’ll go with baseball cuz of his job with the mariners) rather then law or med school. He played baseball in highschool, getting scholarships to play for a few varsity teams. Only for his parents to push him to go to law school like Siwon, which he reluctantly agrees, figuring he can go in to sports law.
While Nico is in his last year of highschool, early on in the year, he meets this boy who he has a crush on. And they start seeing each other in secret. Until one night Siwon catches them, probably the cliche making out in Nico’s room when his brother barges in and freaks out. He kicks the boy out and tells Nico he needs to stop seeing him. Nico says he will as long as his brother doesn’t tell their parents and Siwon agrees, saying their parents can never find out. But having Siwon react in such a negative way ruins the image Nico had of him. So he decides he doesn’t want to go to law school, he wants to persue baseball mostly in defiance.
His parents hate that idea, and really push for him to still go to law school. He ignores them and does start to persue baseball in his undergrad, taking one of the scholar ships he was offered. He’s incredibly talented so while they aren’t happy, his parents still support him as long as he continues to be one of the best players on his team and maintains his high grades.
In his first year he gets an injury, something that requires surgery to fix. But the surgery goes wrong, and his career in baseball is over before it could ever really start. Despite pushing himself with physio and working as hard as he can to get back to being able to play, it’s just not possible in the time frame he would need for professional sports. He takes it incredibly hard, and while Rowoon is his major support system, his parents and Siwon treat it like a failure. So Nico decides to go to med school, to become an orthopaedic surgeon and make sure no one else has to go through what he did. His parents are ecstatic about the change, and it’s the first time he feels like they’re actually proud of him.
He quickly catches up, becoming top of his classes. He thrives in university, coming out to his friends and he’s genuinely happy.
But he still feels like he has to hide who he is when he’s at home and he hates it. He never has a boyfriend for long, because then he’d have to deal with bringing them home and coming out. It never mattered cuz he hadn’t met anyone he wanted to be with long term. But it’s still a massive part of his identity that he’s hiding from his parents and Rowoon, still scared they’d react in the same way his Siwon did. And while he would probably come out to his parents and risk it, he doesn’t want to loose Rowoon or put him at odds with their parents, especially while he’s still living with them.
So years later when he meets Levi, he doesn’t want to have to hide who he is in the only place he can be open. He’s hypocritical because he thinks Levi doesn’t have as much to loose as Nico and he sees it as wasted opportunity. And Nico doesn’t want to be that highschool boy his brother kicked out of his room all those years ago. He doesn’t want Levi to be ashamed of him like Nico was of that boy, and he doesn’t want the memories of being ashamed of himself and who he was to come back while Levi discovers his own sexuality.
Nico’s never had someone he cares that much about, never wanted to actually bring someone home to meet his parents or his brothers. But then he falls hard for Levi and suddenly it’s turning serious and he doesn’t know what to do about it. So he’s awkward and hypocritical and a pretty terrible boyfriend at times, but he is trying.
Then he accidentally kills a patient. And Siwon is showing up to make sure legally he doesn’t get in trouble. His parents find out through Siwon, and they seem disappointed which only adds to his pain. And Levi being overbearing while Siwon is in town doesn’t help, because he doesn’t want his brother to find out he has a serious relationship with a man. He’s also not good with emotions, or people seeing him when he’s emotional, which is why he pulls away so much.
And then the pandemic happens and he really misses Levi. He knows he’s not emotionally ready to commit to anyone yet, and they aren’t really good for each other at the time. But he figures if he can have Levi in any way he’s going to take it, cuz the world is a mess and he needs some kind of happiness. When Levi basically gives him the ultimatum of serious relationship or nothing, he chooses serious relationship. Because he doesn’t want to loose Levi, and it’s a huge wake up call that he really does care about someone in a way he never had before.
I think Levi pushing Nico away after he opened up to Levi hurt, really bad. Cuz Nico had never let himself be that vulnerable with another person, and he didn’t know how to cope with that. So he gave Levi the space that he wanted when he went through a similar experience. Not really realizing that Levi needed him to be there and to fight for them, until Levi told him. But even though he’s come so far and started to unravel his closed off, emotionless persona adopted by someone who’s parents didn’t let them be a child, Nico knows he can’t give Levi what he wants, not when he’s still dealing with his own internalized homophobia and inability to be honest with himself and his family. He thinks Levi deserves someone who is ready to be all in, and even though he thought he could be, that’s not him, not yet.
Nico saying his default is numb is really telling that he can’t process his feelings right away, he suppresses them. Which would make sense if he’s grown up with critical parents that expect him to be perfect all the time. He wouldn’t know how to deal with failure or rejection, because he’s never had the luxury of doing any of those things. Even loosing his ability to play baseball professionally wouldn’t have been a failure to him, because it led him to being a surgeon which his parents were much happier about. And I think that reflects in his relationships too, that when there’s any kind of conflict he just shuts down, he goes numb. He either gets overly agreeable or he pulls away from the situation entirely. And I think he started to realize that it’s not a healthy coping mechanism after his talk with Levi in the elevator.
So he jumps at the opportunity to leave and work for the Mariners. It’s a dream job, it’s one of the reason he decided to go to med school in the first place, and it gives him and Levi space to figure themselves out. It lets Levi experience different relationships and find himself, while Nico learns to deal with his emotions and not suppress them. But while he’s there, he finds out he hates it. He doesn’t like having to tell these athletes that their careers are over, he doesn’t like feeling like he failed him when there was nothing he could do. It reminds him of when he was going through the exact same thing. Even if his success rate is the highest it’s ever been, he still doesn’t think he’s good enough. Saving fifty patients doesn’t mean anything if there’s even one he can’t.
And then Rowoon finishes his undergraduate and moves out of their parents house. He goes to visit Nico and they have a long talk about what Rowoon wants to do with his career. He decided a long time ago that he wanted to follow in Nico’s footsteps and go in to medicine. And while he’s visiting, he sees that Nico’s background is still a photo of him and Levi, so Rowoon asks if that’s Nico’s boyfriend. And Nico is shocked because he didn’t know Rowoon knew. They have a heart to heart, and Nico realizes he doesn’t have to hide who he is anymore. Even if his parents aren’t happy with him, he has his little brother’s love and support, which is all that’s ever really mattered to him anyway. And even if he isn’t perfect, there are still people who will love him.
So he leaves his job and goes back to Grey-Sloan, mostly because he preferred it, but also with the hope that he and Levi can at least be friends again. He wins Levi back, and finally introduces him to Rowoon. And to show Levi he really has changed, that he really is committed to their relationship, he invites Levi to his parent’s for Christmas dinner. It goes over horribly, his dad almost kicks them out and only relents to letting them stay when his mother says they can at least finish dinner, as it’s the holidays. It’s worth it to see the look of horror on Siwon’s face when he says Levi is his boyfriend, and the look of admiration Rowoon gives him when he holds Levi’s hand as they say goodbye.
I think Nico coming back this next season will be him saying I was just trying to give you space, but I always loved you and I will always be here for you when you’re ready. It’s kind of a repeat of the last time they got back together, but I’m hoping it’ll stick this time and they can have their happy ending. If nothing else, I just want them to keep his personality somewhat consistent.
I’ll finish with my Kai vs Nico thing that started it all! We never learn where he went to school, or how old he is. We can guess he’s early 30’s when he’s first introduced (I’m assuming he was on track with the norm, so when he’s introduced, he’s in his fellowship and he’d be 30-31). What we know about Kai (thanks to my best friend who has an incredible memory) is they went to John Hopkins a few years after Amelia. E.R. is only a year older then Alex, which I’m taking to mean their characters are a year apart as well. So we’ll say Nico is 31 when he’s introduced, meaning Kai would be 32.
While they wouldn’t have much overlap if Nico went to med school at John Hopkins while Kai was going for their phd, they could have very well done their undergrad at the same university and that’s where I think the rivalry would have started.
Kai is smart as hell, and I have no doubt they would be top of their classes. I think depending on the class it would go back and forth, but I really do think Kai would be beat Nico more often and he would hate that. It’s a healthy rivalry, there’s no actual animosity. I see them both as fun and sarcastic people, so I think they’d have amazing banter. And someone like Kai being smarter then Nico wouldn’t bother him as much, because they just have this aura that makes them impossible to hate? Even thou Nico is really frustrated that someone scored higher on a test, he wouldn’t really be too hard on himself if it’s Kai that beat him.
Because I can see him being really upset with himself the first time it happens, and he swears it will never happen again. So he pushes himself even harder for the next test and he does beat Kai. And then Kai would give the most relaxed non-reaction, would probably even congratulate him, and Nico wouldn’t know how to process that. He’s be so used to Siwon taking any loss so poorly, that someone being almost happy for him beating them is too foreign for him to comprehend. It would be the first step to Nico relaxing a little bit on his perfect persona, and allowing himself to slip. Which sets him up for when we meet him in the show, he’s a lot more chill and easy going, but still guarded.
This is so long omg, I’ll start to wrap it up!
Flash forward to Nico and Levi dating, and Kai and Amelia dating (no they never broke up in my head, they’re happy and will be for the rest of their lives, it’s fine. But even if they did, they found their way back to each other like Nico and Levi). Every time Kai comes to visit Amelia, they bicker with Nico. And no one knows it’s light hearted except the two of them. It would stress Levi out, thinking Nico was fighting with his mentor’s partner. I like the idea of Levi going in to general surgery, so while Amelia isn’t wouldn’t be the head of his department, she will always be a mentor figure to him and someone he respects.
Flash forward again, Rowoon does follow in Nico’s footsteps and comes to Grey-Sloan for his internship. He starts off thinking he’ll go in to ortho like his brother but quickly finds he gravitates more towards neuro. And then Kai comes to work on a project with Amelia, and they pick Rowoon to help them out. And he loves the research aspect of their project. He starts looking into it more and more. And ultimately decides, with the help of Kai, to switch into neuroscience rather then complete his surgical internship.
Nico is of course devastated that his little brother chose to work with Kai over him. But he’s a good older brother and supports everything Rowoon does, even if it means listening to him talk about how amazing Kai and the research they’re doing is for hours.
That’s all I got. Thank you anon for asking about his backstory and thanks to anyone who read this far! I would love to hear your thoughts on his backstory too, or any general greys thoughts you might have!
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mejomonster · 1 year
Okay so I've been reading Red White and Royal Blue the novel and I'm thrilled to report it IS a different experience.
I saw the movie first? Phenomenal. On its own merit, as it's own experience, hands down best movie I saw this year. And definitely one of my fave romances I've seen (along with But I'm a Cheerleader).
This book? I can see already the impression that the movie simplified, softened, and changed some things in some areas. I think the movie, based on the 100 pages I've read so far of the book, changed enough that the movie does read as different characters In The Spirit and Themes of the book. Movie Alex is like book Alex, but almost another universe of him (like Guardian Zhao Yunlan in chinese drama versus book). Henry so far reads as similar in novel to movie, but movie did not have the time to do his traits with as much nuance. Which like. I think many movie differences were made for making a concise movie length story, a slightly more on the nose story to make the main points hit audiences strong enough to get understood clearly, and to of course emphasize more of the points the movie script aimed to emphasize and focus on in that limited time.
I'm reading the book now. And delighted to say Alex's family is handled with much more nuance. Also the book is fascinating in my experience as the first fictional novel I've ever read with so much clear real life applicable casual political references. I've seen biographies and nonfiction books do this on occasion, but it's fascinating seeing a fiction novel do it. I think it's a brave and higher risk writing choice as it's both individual to author and even more so using the political as a reflection of characters, drawing concrete lines by which to judge them in the sort of terrifying "this stuff effects people's lives" way real public figures get judged. Fitting in seeing Alex and June as Public figures, but also risking as a writer your characters No Longer conforming to the "everyday man" character everyone can project onto. Bella in Twilight has a lot of Mormon related cultural experiences bleeding into how she's written, but the author didn't make her overly Mormon with a church she belonged to and overt commentary on that religious view of the world in relation to say Vampires and marriage and sex. (There are books that do tho, I've read realistic fiction like The Poisonwood Bible about missionaries which very much heavily directly discussed real religions and those beliefs effecting people's personalities and actions in the story). It's interesting to see a Romance novel go for the specific at the risk of making those characters less easy to "project" onto. I prefer this choice, the same way Fingersmith by Sarah Waters is one of my favorite romances and those two fucked up women sure aren't "everyday" average joes you can project onto. This writing choice makes the points made in Red White and Royal Blue a lot more pointed qnd with a lot more to back them up. It's interesting seeing. The movie definitely toned down things in this regard (while still including more overt politics than I've seen in many romances except say But I'm a Cheerleader with its brazen condemnation of conversion camps). I can see how the movie flattened Ellen to make her a more likable less flawed person, because it's easier to sell a loving mom President in a movie under limited time to give her no Significant Flaws. But the book has time to hammer her stubbornness has destroyed personal things, at times clashes strongly with her son who turned out so much like her (and is partly why June does not click with mom the way Alex does), how moms choices and personality were not necessarily good for June and Alex at times, how Alex clearly learned to be a workaholic qnd avoid his personal pain by being stubborn like his mom. She's someone he admires, and someone he emulates both good and bad, and someone he's infuriated that has those stubborn workaholic realistic traits he's copied. But a movie doesn't have time for the good and the bad, the realism of the damage all parents in some ways cause even if unintentional, the realism of what going through divorce means for each partner and their kids. The movie doesn't divorce them, because it's easier to sell a married mom as a positive (like the book lol comments on). I get it.
Anyway more on Alex's family. I deeply appreciate they're flawed and realistic in the book. In the movie, in its own interesting way I found it interesting to watch Alex (raised primarily with secure attachments and open loving secure support from both parents Together) with Henry who did NOT have the same emotional relationships foundation from family (only his Sister being a Safe Enough relationship to trust to emotionally rely on). Versus now the book, seeing they actually both can bond over these imperfect situations of their families. Which in its way, is realistic to many people who've found love. It gives them more to see understanding with each other in. And in Alex's case in the book in particular, his background details give us more about who he is qnd what drives him. The movie had to simplify those elements of him qnd Harry outside romance in order to tell a timely romance story. The book has more space for those individual character stories of trauma and pain and growth and connection.
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princessofxianle · 7 months
You mentioned/implied in one of your posts that Shen Liang once tried to kill Feng Xin…I have a few questions!
1. I’m really curious as to how Shen Wangxi would react if she knew the full extent as to how Shen Liang’s treated Feng Xin, from the starvation to the beatings and the literal attempted MURDER (that’s dark 😭), which is even sadder because Shen Liang once swore to protect Feng Xin. Shen Wangxi thought he would grow up safe and cared for by his sister, but he didn’t, because his sister was the main threat to him for his entire childhood. How does Shen Wangxi feel about that?
2. How do Mu Qing, Xie Lian, and Xie Lian’s family feel about Feng Xin’s childhood? Does Feng Xin have a better understanding of Mu Qing when he leaves to take care of his mother?
3. Why didn’t Feng Xin’s father ever try to get Shen Liang therapy or any sort of counseling, and what did he do after Shen Liang injured/tried to kill Feng Xin?
This isn’t a question but tbh I kinda hope that Feng Xin never truly forgives Shen Liang for what she did to him. It sounds like she went above and beyond terrorizing him, and all for something that Feng Xin had no choice in…this is a good AU because it makes me feel things lol
Oooooooh look at all these juicy fkn questions, THANK YOU anon! I woke up to this the other day and got very excited to answer these ehe lets gooo...
for reference: meet the OC's (Feng Xin's family)
*alex from the future here, I wrote A LOT I hope you don’t mind… just a warning lol* CARRY ON…
1. How Would Shen Wangxi react to finding out what her daughter did to her son?
Needless to say, I think she would be incredibly disappointed in her daughter, Shen Liang. Regardless, Shen Wangxi is a better woman than I will ever be, and has an insane capability of understanding that is emphasized in her capacity for unconditional love. I haven’t yet talked a lot about Shen Wangxi aside from just being the siblings’ mother, but her entire life has been full of changes that she has taken in stride.
She wanted to cultivate. But instead had a daughter.
She fully intended to raise her on her own, then she met and fell in love with her now husband, Feng Yang, and eventually gave her life for her son.
She has always chased her dreams, but her strength comes from her ability to pursue a new dream without regret or the idea that she “wasted time” in her life, and that’s because she believes that all of her decisions have led her to her next one, and she would not have lived the life she did without doing exactly that and in that specific order.
As I gave a sneak peek earlier, Shen Wangxi will learn about Feng Xin’s childhood when he finds her ghost flame. But more developments to come later (I don’t wanna spoil too many of my reveals lol)
One thing I would like to clarify is that Shen Liang never actually attempts to flat out murder Feng Xin. She is INDEED a bully, physically abusive, even more verbally abusive, and an intelligent pain in the ass one at that. She’s headstrong, resilient, but uncontainable. (And she may or may not possess an incomplete form of teachings from her mothers cultivation days… but it’s 'unknown' to what extent ehe)
(also in a recent idea ive had, Shen Liang is the one who kills Feng Xin’s brand new puppy, but idk if I wanna do that to him… we’ll see…)
2. Xianle Trio Opinions on Feng Xin's childhood?
Feng Xin does not talk about his childhood all that often. Most of the physical abuse he undergoes from Shen Liang happens when he’s very young. The rest he learns to live with as his life is not in danger as he slowly grows older, more independent, and able to fully take care of himself (and later, Xie Lian).
With that said, Feng Xin takes his oaths seriously. He has essentially forfeited any of his inheritance to the Feng Family and is now, in a way, owned by the crown... by Xie Lian.
His past does not matter. Therefore there is no point to bring it up.
Feng Xin does not react any differently to Mu Qing when he decides to depart from the trio in book 4. I mean, Feng Xin can't really empathize with Mu Qing even if he wanted to. He never really had a mother of his own.
Also my babie boi bodyguard (loml) is the king at compartmentalization. He takes his oaths so seriously that he does not understand how someone who “cares” has the capacity to leave. To Feng Xin, at this point in his life, the world is black and white. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Perfect or broken.
Xie Lian, to him, is perfect, and he believes in him with his whole heart.
To Feng Xin, there is still no acceptable excuse to abandon his highness.
There is no need to bring a perfect being down with the cracks on him from his past. His past means nothing now. He is the bodyguard of Taizi Dianxia. No more, no less, and thats exactly how Feng Xin wants it to be… for now.
3. Why didn't Feng Yang get his daughter help?
Short answer? He tried.
But there’s only so much you can do with a sly and capable teenager that has lost her entire world. Her past-self died with her mother, in a sense. She takes it out on the thing closest to her.
Her didi :(
Feng Yang has zero tolerance for this. And that fits given the Feng family longstanding custom of “a man's worth is defined by his ability to protect the things he loves.” A phrase beaten into the heads of every single man to be born with the surname. And no one really knows where the tradition started.
He comes from a historically long line of royal bodyguards (himself included, as he himself used to be a bodyguard for the king, XL’s dad, when he was still a crown prince) so he does discipline her, harshly, in fact, and addresses the issues at hand. He protects his son to the absolute best of his ability. However, she’s still her own young woman. Immature, for sure. But, like her mother, set in her ways. Although said “ways” between them differ.
Feng Yang is a large reason why a lot of the physical abuse Feng Xin endured stopped and never returned. Shen Liang is good at covering her tracks (and it doesn’t help Feng Xin loves her too much to tattle) but Feng Yang is a sharp one as well. He’s an established general for goodness sakes. Minds games, and dispute management is literally his thing. And he’s good at it (the king can attest to that… professionally… ofc)
Additional remarks...
hi again, anon! I feel like this is an odd thing for me to say (but this is also my first round of OCs so I’m still getting used to this) but to me it’s a huge compliment that you have such strong feelings against Shen Liang. Personally, she is one of my favorite literary creations I’ve ever put together and from a writing standpoint I’m really proud of that.
Additionally, my goal is now to make you see her how I see her (I have a lot of character development for her that I haven’t talked about yet bc im not sure how to go about actually presenting this AU thing… like if I want to do this in little posts on tumblr or post in one BIG fic or large collection of fics idk yet). But...
Shen Liang is very much her mother’s daughter. Feng Xin is his father's son. And they both may have more in common than Shen Liang thinks.
Lastly, I’ll leave this little note from my planning notes since these were the concepts that drive the majority of this story.
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And I do love me some good parallels...
OKAY im shutting up now, if you made it this far (I love you) thank you for reading! I think about this AU in my free time, its LITERALLY my fav hobby now…
'til next time
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hangmansgbaby · 2 years
Meet the Family | 3
Summary: The day comes for y/n to bury her brother, Jake. With her mother showing up sporadically because of the funeral, y/n faces to reality of everything around her and slowly opens her eyes to what's really going on.
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x reader, Jake Seresin x TwinSister!Reader
Warnings: funeral, mentions of panic attacks,, brief psycho mom, honestly this will probably be rewritten at least 3 times after publication
Note: this takes place in a universe where Goose got nothing more than a serious concussion from the accident.
Word count: 3.2k
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"Where are my grandbabies?"
"What are you doing here, Adeline? How'd you figure out where we live?" Bradley questions, blocking the doorway.
"The officer who picked me up from the airport brought me here. I'm staying with my grandchildren for the rest if the week."
"No, you're not. They don't even know who you are." Bradley tells her.
"And who's fault is that? Probably my good for nothing daughter's. Probably why my son is-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence. You can wait out here, I'll call you a cab to take you to the furthest hotel from this house." Bradley tells her through clenched teeth.
"I want to see my daughter." Adeline demands.
"She doesn't want to see you." Bradley shuts the door immediately calling a cab.
"Who was that?" Y/n asks.
"Wrong house." Bradley answers, not turning towards her. "They were intended to go a few doors over."
"Okay." Y/n sighs, grabbing her jacket from by the door.
"Where you off to?" Bradley questions.
"Just gonna go grab a few things for uh... dinner tonight." She zips up her jacket, leaning over the kitchen counter, where Bradley is. He kisses her, turning to face her.
"I can see your khakis. You're going to base."
"No I'm not."
"Baby, you're working yourself to the brink, you need to take a break, actually grieve." Bradley moves around the counter, holding y/n's arm so she can't walk away.
"I'm fine, Bradley." Y/n pulls away from him, opening the door.
"Mom?" Bradley glances around her to see Adeline still by their door.
"Oh baby!" Adeline tries to throw herself at y/n but y/n has her hands out to stop her.
"What are you doing here? How did you even find me?"
"I'm here for Jacob's funeral. And to see you, and my grandbabies." Y/n just laughs at her comment. "I don't see what's so funny."
"You seriously think that after how you treated me my whole life that I'd let you anywhere near my children?" Y/n questions.
"Because I'm your mother." Adeline answers.
Y/n goes to retaliate but is interrupted by Nick running into the room from the hallway. "Mommy! Daddy!"
Y/n snaps around. She recognizes his tone. His worried tone.
"What is it buddy?" Bradley asks.
"It's Jace!" Nick says loudly. Y/n takes off sprinting to the playroom, Bradley pulling Nick out of her path before following behind, Nick hot on his heels.
Y/n drops to the ground at Jace who laid on his back, crying while taking shallow breaths. "Jace! Come on baby!" She pulls the boy up to sit. You gotta take deep breaths.
"What happened Nick?" Bradley asks his oldest as Carrie runs over to him, crying.
"We were playing and he fell backwards and started making that noise. Mommy said that noise not good when Alex did it." Nick explains. Alex was Nick's friend, another navy kid that y/n occasionally babysat over the last six months.
Y/n loudly lets out a sigh of relief when Jace finally calms down.
"You did a good job getting us buddy." Bradley looks at his son proudly, glad he actually listens to them unlike Bradley at that age.
"You okay, sweetie?" Y/n asks after Jace takes a couple deep breaths. The boy just nods, wrapping his arms around his mothers neck, holding on tight. "It's okay love." She sighs, running a hand over his back as she stands, lifting him into her arms.
"Oh look at you cuties." Y/n turns quickly holding Jace protectively. Bradley pulls Carrie and Nick close, lifting them as he stands, walking away from Adeline.
"Get out." Bradley warns.
"Oh come on! I traveled all this way, let them give grammie some love."
"Get out of my house before I call the authorities. I don't think you want to get arrested for trespassing right before the funeral." Y/n stands in front of Bradley, holding tightly to Jace.
"Fine, but they're going to have to get to know me soon enough. Especially if you want the ranch to stay in the family." Adeline turns, leaving Y/n and Bradley alone with the kids.
"Is he okay?" Bradley questions.
"Just got the wind knocked out of him." Y/n sighs. "How did she even find us? I didn't even tell her I had kids." Y/n questions, softly rocking Jace who was still worked up.
"You dont think Jake would've said anything do you?"
"No. No, it was his idea to not tell her in the first place." Y/n sighs. "We shouldn't bring them tomorrow." Y/n decides.
"We got no one to watch them, baby. Trust me, if there was someone who could watch them, I'd agree." Bradley sets Nick and Carrie down, they immediately return to playing. He walks over to y/n and guides her out of the playroom, half asleep Jace still rested in her arms.
"I dont want her anywhere near them, Bradley. She'll just do exactly what she did to me." Y/n eyes start welling with tears at the thought of what her mother was capable of.
"She won't go anywhere near them." He sits beside her on the couch. "We have the advantage here, we know every single person who will be there and they know that your mother is not allowed near these kids. Everything is going to be okay."
Y/n simply nods, watching her youngest son sleep in her arms. She sighs, knowing that what Bradley said was true. Their friends and family were very protective of their kids so she knew no one would ever get their hands on them.
"You ready?" Bradley stand in the doorway of their bedroom. His dress blues freshly pressed and neat.
Y/n stands on the opposite side of the room, her own dress blues on. She runs her hands over the fabric, feeling constrained by the semi fitted uniform. "Yea, kids ready?"
"Downstairs waiting for you with Mom and Dad." Bradley makes his way over to her, his hands rest on her arms to stop their movements. "You sure you're okay?"
"As okay as someone who's about to bury their brother." She musters a small smile before turning around. "Lets get this over with, please." Bradley nods, taking her hand and leading her through the house. Downstairs, Goose and Carole wait with Jace and Carrie in their arms, Nick close by until he spots his parents.
"Mommy, look! Daddy helped me do my tie!" Nick runs over excited as they come down the stairs.
"It looks so good baby!" She smiles picking up the boy. "Lets get you and your brother and sister in the car okay?"
Its a 45 minute drive to the cemetery and a 5 minute walk to the grave site. Bradley makes sure y/n and the kids are settled before walking back to the main road to meet Coyote, Bob, Payback, Fanboy, and Maverick, the six who would carry Jake's coffin to its final resting place.
Nick, Jace, and Carrie sat next to each other in a few of the chairs at out, Carole sat next to the twins, keeping an eye on them as y/n is greeted by those who came to show their respects.
"Hey y/n/n." Y/n turns to see Lottie, Cass, and Tyler walking up to her.
"Hey guys." She softly smiles giving Lottie and Cass a hug, shaking hands with Tyler. "How are you holding up?" She asks Lottie.
"I'm okay." She smiles softly. "I'm more worried about you. Bradley said you've been avoiding it."
"I'm okay, Lottie. Just ready for it to be over." Y/n sighs.
"Its never gonna truly be over, y/n. You're always gonna miss him." Y/n softly smiles at Cass.
"Oh my baby." Y/n rolls her eyes at the hysterics she hears, turning around to spot her overly hysterical mother making her way up to the gravesite.
"Here we go." She mutters, walking up to the woman.
"Oh my—"
"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to go sit over here." Phoenix steps in, keeping y/n from having to deal with her mother.
"I'm family." Adeline retaliates. "We're burying MY son!" They hysterics continue.
"I'm sorry ma'am but only those okayed by the next of kin can sit with the family and unfortunately you are not."
"This was that bitches doing wasn't it? That ungrateful little minx is trying to cut me out of their lives, keep me away from my grand babies."
"Ma'am that is a commanding officer you are insulting." Goose steps forward. "If you cannot show the necessary respect, I will have to have you escorted away from here."
"Wow she's really got everyone playing along with her little game." Adeline scoffs. "That uniform is probably fake."
"Thats it." Y/n scoffs, joining Phoenix and Goose before Adeline. "Ms. Seresin, I am Lieutenant Commander Seresin-Bradshaw. This is Lieutenant Commander Trace and Vice Admiral Bradshaw, my father-in-law. You are no longer welcome here."
"Lieutenants, please escort Ms. Seresin to the main road and make sure she gets in a cab. Escort her to the airport and ensure she returns to Texas, today." Goose directs the two boys who nod and immediately guide her away as she screams.
"No! Thats my son!"
"Not anymore." Y/n says, turning back towards the gravesite, moving to sit next to her kids.
Its not even 5 minutes later that she can see her husband and friends slowly walking up, Jake's casket in the middle of all of them. She tries to hold back her tears, to stay strong for her kids but the reality of the moment sets in. Her brother was in the box with an American flag draped over it. Her husband was about to hand that flag, folded, to her. Coyote was about to hammer Jake's wings into the casket. She was about to permanently say goodbye.
She stared blankly at the box as they lifted the flag, Fanboy and Payback received the honor of folding it. Fanboy takes the perfectly folded flag and hands it to Bradley with a salute. Bradley turns and makes his way to y/n. She stands when he enters her line of sight. He gently places the flag in her hands, a small comforting smile on his face as he nods to his wife. He steps over the Nick and kneels before his eldest. He pulls a copy of Jake's dog tags, handing them over. Nick says thank you, taking the chain from his father, but he doesn't hold on to them. Nick stands on his chair and turns around to where Lottie stands.
"Here Aunt Lottie." He holds out the chain hanging from his small hands. "Uncle Jake want you to have them." Everyone's hearts melt at his comment.
Lottie's eyes well with tears as she takes the chain from her nephew. She pulls the little boy up to her arms hugging him tightly.
Bradley stands, walking over to the other side of y/n, his hand resting on her shoulder as she sits. Maverick says a few words before Coyote steps up, pounding the wings in.
Everyone gathers at the Hard Deck afterwards. Carole and Goose volunteer to take the kids, insisting that y/n needs the weekend to reset from everything. Before anyone leaves, they all stop and offer their condolences to y/n and Bradley. They knew anyone who had ever worked with Jake may want to attend but no one expected this much people to show up.
Y/n must have said thank you a hundred times before she started feeling overwhelmed. More people walking up right after the other. Keeping a straight face, she tries to push the feeling down as more of Jake's previous coworkers come up to her. She offers a small smile to anyone who came up to her but soon it because difficult to muster the smile, which slowly turned to difficulty breathing. Bradley must have sensed her distress (or probably saw the growing shake in her hands) because it wasn't long that he was leading her away from the crowd of people and into Penny's quiet office.
"Baby? You okay?" Everything broke in that instant. One second its shallow breaths, the next its full blown hyperventilation. "Okay, deep breaths babe, come on." Bradley runs a gentle hand up and down her back as she sobs, sitting on the small couch.
"Hey is everything alrigh—" Pete pauses in the doorway of the office as soon as he sees the state of y/n. "What happened?"
"I don't know. I think she got overwhelmed with everybody out there and the minute I got her back here she just broke down." Bradley explains.
"Alright, Bradley go get her some water from the bar. Y/n, look at me. You need to slow your breathing. You gotta ground yourself." Pete instructs, pulling a chair up to sit next to her. "Can you tell me 5 things you can see?"
She mumbles her answer but Pete can see her eyes move around.
"Okay, how about 4 things you can touch?"
She continues mumbling but is still clearer than before, her breathing slows.
"3 things you can hear." Bradley comes back into the room, glass of water in hand.
"You, the—the music, everyone o-o-out there." She stutters.
"2 things you smell."
"Bradley's cologne. Alcohol." She answers clearly, breathing completely back to normal.
"1 thing you taste." Mav finishes.
"My tears." She laughs, licking her lips.
"Here you go." Bradley hands her the water and she immediately drinks it, downing half the glass in seconds.
"Thanks." She mutters, pulling the glass from her lips.
"What happened out there kid? That was a pretty bad panic attack." Maverick questions.
"I just... all those people coming up. Saying the same thing, over and over. I'm so sick of everyone feeling bad for me. I get it, I lost a brother. But I'm not the only one here that lost someone important in their life! Lottie lost the love of her life! Bradley, Phoenix, Bob, Coyote, all of them. They lost a wingman. Hell! Yes, my mother lost her favorite child. Yet everyone wants to tell my that they're sorry, why? Cause I'm the one who got handed that stupid flag?" She says exasperated. "I just want it all to stop."
"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't know you felt like that." Bradley's gaze never leaves the ground, only moving when y/n's hand rests on his cheek, guiding him to look her in the eyes.
"Do not start blaming yourself for this. I did it to myself. You couldn't have possibly know with how often I locked myself away."
"I knew you were hurting but I had no idea-"
"I didn't want you to know darling. You had enough going on with your nightmares and own panics." Y/n sighs. "I'll be fine but can we just go home please?"
"Of course." Bradley helps her up from the couch, nodding to Maverick as they go to leave.
"Be careful getting home, you two. Get some rest." Mav pats Bradley's shoulder, holding the door open for them to leave.
That night y/n and Bradley held each other a little tighter. When Bradley woke up suddenly from a nightmare he didn't push y/n off to deal with it on his own. When y/n cried over the loss of her brother again, it wasn't alone in the shower or locked away in her office but in the comfort of their bed, Bradley's arms around her as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear.
It got easier for them, years later. Y/n had gotten into the habit of calling out to her brother while in the air. "Talk to me Jake" was a common phrase muttered silently to herself as she'd soar through the air. She always glance down at the photo pinned to the empty space of her jet. It was one of her favorites. Jake and y/n were holding the twins. Everyone has joked about how similar the twins looked like their mother and uncle so a mandatory photo of Jace and Carrie in Jake and y/n's stetsons was a must. The hats clearly to big for the kids but y/n could remember their giggles as Jake held Jace and y/n had Carrie tucked into her side.
Each of the kids got something of their uncle's.
Nicholas Bradley had chosen Jake's helmet, which sat on his bedroom shelf until he left for the Academy 16 years later. Only then was it moved into the living room, right next to the folded flag on the bookshelf. 6 years later when Nick finally got his helmet with his callsign written across the front, there was a small half-finished hangman from the dumb game he played in school placed on the left side of the helmet, in honor of his uncle.
Jacob Dean of course got his namesake's Stetson, which would remain on the wall until he was at least 16, when he would start wearing it everywhere. Jace got had gotten into rodeos that year and considered his uncle's hat good luck anytime he went to compete. When Jace turned 18, he decided to go to the University of Texas, Austin, majoring in business. Upon his graduation, he moved onto the Seresin family ranch and built it into something bigger than it ever was. Adeline, despite her distaste for her daughter, had left the ranch to y/n on her deathbed the tear Jace left for college. Y/n hired a few ranch hands to look after it until her son was ready to take over, only then he would decide who stayed on.
Carole Marie chose something simple of his, the brown leather bomber jacket that he always wore. Once she had finally gown into it, it fitting just slightly big, she wore it everywhere. She even took it to college with her. But her favorite use for it was when she did a lesson for memorial day at the end of every year after she started teaching. She would bring that jacket, her grandfather's dog tags, and her great uncle's helmet to class and tell her students about her family. She'd even manage to convince her older brother to come in if he was ever in town to help her. And on Veteran's day she'd always use those big puppy dog eyes to convince her father to pay her class a visit. A trick she most definitely learned from her mother.
As years went on and their kids grew up, y/n and Bradley slowly made it to a point in their lives where they were no longer affected by their grief and trauma. They happily watched their children graduate, go off to college, graduate again, begin their careers, and get married. They even got to see the birth of their own grandchildren, even witnessing a few great grandchildren. Although they had lost so many due to the nature of their job, they still managed to find the joys in life, all of which had to do with their 3 beautiful children.
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dearreader · 4 months
hello! welcome back to my FMA Characters as Taylor Swift albums!!! previous albums are here:
debut, fearless (taylor’s version), speak now (taylor’s version), RED (taylor’s version), 1989 (taylor’s version), 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔲𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫, 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇, 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒌𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒆
now, let’s discuss one of my top three taylor albums of all time:
Van Hohenheim
- taylor said that folklore is an album of confessions while evermore is an album of endings, and while i think that's a good description of the two im gonna argue that evermore is actually a love album about heartbreak, which is why it's MY favorite album.
- each song is full of love to another but there's always something that is standing in the way to let it either be explored or it having already ended. good examples are in songs like ivy, tis the damn season, champagne problems, no body no crime, gold rush, happiness, marjorie, and so on. every song tells us how the narrator has a person they loved, either romantic or platonically, but they can't be with that person for one reason or another. something has stopped it, maybe it's even them and their own issues getting in the way of maybe it's a person physically standing in the way, either way something is stopping this love and it's breaking the narrator.
- this idea can be linked to several FMA characters, but i think hohenheim best fits it. this is a man who was born a slave and learned to read and slowly gained his freedom through his friend only to have said friend turn around and use him to become immortal. which ends up not only making hohenheim immortal but also killing his entire civilization. he is then forced to live with the many people of xerses inside him who lost their lives while he tries to grapple with his own reality.
- over time, he meets everyone inside him and tries to give them everything they want or need to make up for it while also still honoring them. but then, hohenheim meets and falls in love with trisha elric. he doesn't even fully see himself as a person, yet here he is falling for a woman who by all accounts is perfect (as told exclusively through ed, al, and hohenheims persepective). he doesn't think he's worthy of love or can have children, not wanting to spread his curse onto others and fearing he may have already done so. he then had to leave his home to go and try to help save amestris because his old pal is trying to destroy it, meaning he has to abandon his family, one that he said in the past he'd like to have, to save everyone. which only ends up making his sons lives more complicated.
- hohenheim is on the constant end heartbreak and love, almost mourning it before it begins. and him specifically leaving to go and try and save amestris is somewhat reminiscent of tis the damn season as in that song the narrator, dorthoea, leaves home to chase their dreams but leaves the love of their life and neither is ever able to move on from the other.
- i ran out of other ways to describe it because i'm kinda tipsy, but DO YOU GET WHAT IM SAYING???? LIKE DO YOU SEE THE PARALLELS BETWEEN THE TWO???
- i'm going to end this here cause i'm afraid this means that dorothea is now about hohenheim and that's just a funny thought to me
- anyway i'd like to dedicate this section to my beloved mutual alex (@roberrtphilip) cause if it wasn't for him sexualizing that old man i would've never put two and two together. so congrats buddy, you get the prestigious honor of having your favorite character be my favorite taylor swift album AND heavily connected to my favorite song of all time, tis the damn season. i cannot honor someone more than this. so thank you for your service 🫡
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devilsgatewaycatarina · 3 months
𝑀𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒞𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒶 "𝒞𝒶𝓉" 𝒪𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒𝒾𝓇𝒶!
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Name: Catarina "Cat" Oliveira
Age: 30
Time living in Tonopah: Native, left briefly to California between the ages of 20-22
Occupation: Dancer at The Raven
Gang Affilation: Sons of Silence - hangaround
Neighborhood: Webster Village
Face claim: Camila Mendes
Trigger warning for mentions of abuse, violence
Tonopah valley native. She is the youngest in her family, having an older brother named Alex. She's always been rather closely affilated with the Sons of Silence, having family ties. Her father Antonio becoming a member in his early twenties and her older brother Alex following suit.
She graduated high school with good marks and went to the local community college for two years before eventually transferring to a university in California at the age of twenty. She was so excitied and full of life, on route to getting a degree in nursing.
While out in California, her boyfriend at the time became very possesive and controlling. After not accepting their breakup, he harrashed her via phone calls and texts before ulimately stopping by her apartment. Their verbal argument turned physical, leaving her with a broken nose an deep cheek wound.
Dropped out of the nursing program during her second year and returned to Tonopah for her own safety.
Three years went by before her ex would show back to her hometown, demanding to see their daughter. Her house was broken into and she was left an ominous anonymous. She knew it had to be her ex due to her not being in contact with her nor her telling her about her pregnancy with him.
The MC took matters into their own hands, some of the members who tracked him down a few miles outside of town and left him bruised and bloody and leaving town or else.
Currently working as a dancer at The Raven and just trying to be a good mom and maybe find love and happiness in her 30's.
Girl mom <3 she has an eight year old named Isabella and five year old named Daniela
Cat helps patch up the Sons of Silence members on the down low after fights or other violent encounters.
Her scar is still rather noticable from her attack, she tries her best to cover it up with makeup.
She has gone to therapy on and off after coming back to Tonopah after being in California.
She was on the cheerleading squad as a flyer when she was in high school.
She has considered going back to school and completing her nursing degree, but she has been content making enough money at the gentleman’s club to support her family.
Her favorite band is Fleetwood Mac.
In her free time, she is a pretty avid baker. Cat has quite the sweet tooth.
Is the queen of the touch tunes when she is at the bar, she’ll buy more points to make sure her favorite songs place first.
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owlsandwich · 8 months
The Mechanics of Magic
Read along with me :D - Chapter 5
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Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Chapter 5 and we get some nice father son time.
The Mechanics of Magic is a multiple-pov fantasy novel set in an original world where magic exists openly alongside early internet-level technology.
The book follows the surviving prince of a deposed magical royal family, who has been living in secret for two decades, trying to rescue his son whilst uncovering the truth about his family's murder.
Chapter 5 is below the cut!
Matthew paused at the gate. Someone was cutting grass in the distance, the lawnmower hum a reassuring accompaniment to the birdsong from the hedgerow. Ahead of him, a neatly kept path led up to the green door of the cottage, flanked by potted plants already dry from the morning’s sun. His little flat in Larimar might be the address on his driving licence, but this was home.
He’d just have to hope anyone pursuing him was as misinformed as the licensing agency.
Chips of paint flecked onto his palm as he creaked the gate open, and a faint chime sounded in the house when he pressed the doorbell. He didn’t have to wait long until the door was flung open. Dorothea stood there; her dark brown hair was pinned back in a messy bun that didn’t hide her curls — the same curls she’d passed on to Alex.
The friendly greeting Matthew had prepared became a hesitant noise, quickly forgotten as Dorothea threw herself into his arms. He pulled her close and let the tension of the past few days leave his body. 
“I’ve missed you.” She spoke the words into his chest, leaving a pang of guilt where they landed. 
“I... It’s good to see you,” Matthew replied.
She released him from the hug, and for a moment he found himself lost in the deep brown of her eyes. Dorothea smiled and looked as though she was about to say something else before the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted.
Alex bounded down the stairs to the living room, his face lighting up in a wide grin. He looked older, though it had only been a month. Taller, too — he was catching up to Matthew’s own height, despite the magic that was beginning to slow his son’s aging.
“Happy birthday!” Matthew’s smile matched Alex’s as he pulled the teenager into a hug. “Sorry I couldn’t make it down sooner.”
“No worries,” Alex replied. His dark eyes were a mirror of Matthew’s own and, not for the first time, he thought how much his son looked like a curlier version of his younger self.
“You’re still staying tonight, aren’t you?” Matthew heard Dorothea’s voice coming from behind him.
He paused before replying, fighting the urge to instantly agree. Oliver had assured him it would be fine; they’d always tried to keep this place as separate from his other life as they could, but the memory of the past day kept flashing into his head. If the attackers had somehow tracked him here... 
There was pain in Dorothea’s eyes at his hesitation, and Matthew felt his will break. 
“Of course. I’d love to stay.” It was weak of him. His very existence put his loved ones at risk, but he needed this. All he could do was rely on Oliver’s promise to dig up some answers while he was gone.
“That’s great!” Alex couldn’t hide his excitement. He was as easy to read as his mother. “We can do breakfast tomorrow as well then.”
Matthew laughed. “You haven’t even told me what we’re doing today!” His son always had a plan in the works, but Alex shook his head.
“I’ll tell you in the car.” 
“You’re both off out straight away then?” Dorothea snuggled warm against Matthew’s body. “Did you at least want a drink first?” 
“Can’t, Mum! We need to go.” Alex pushed past to grab his shoes and Matthew gave Dorothea an apologetic look.
“I guess I’ll see you a bit later.”
She looked up at him, shaking her head with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. Have a great time wherever you end up. Alex, don’t run your dad too ragged. He doesn’t look it, but he’s getting old!”
“Hey! No need to call me out.”
Alex gave his mum a brief wave of acknowledgement before disappearing out of the front door and Dorothea ushered Matthew out after him.
The air in the car was stifling, even after only a few minutes in the midday sun. Matthew reached for his magic and formed a spell to pull the heat away, noting Alex’s close observation as he did so.
“Don’t sit on the presents,” Matthew warned, as Alex climbed in beside him. “Sorry about the scuffed one. That’s Oliver’s.” He received a quizzical look. “Best not to ask.” 
“Shall I open them now?”
“Maybe tell me where we’re off to first, and then open them on the way?” Matthew replied. It wasn’t much of a guess to say it was something magic related, especially since Alex had not mentioned it in front of his mother. 
When Alex was born, Matthew had almost hoped he would inherit the same lack of magic as Dorothea. There was little stigma towards non-mages in Ardveld nowadays, and it would have served as an extra precaution against those who might notice the family resemblance. But Alex took after Matthew in more than just his looks. The signs had shown from the moment he’d hit his teens, and though Matthew knew Dorothea was pleased, magic became something they shared that she could never take part in.
Alex seemed to hesitate before responding. “Do you remember Golebach Court?”
“The old house?” He’d been a few times before and even taken Alex when he was much younger. It was a beautifully preserved site, situated on the mountainous coastline about forty-five minutes north of Couden Cross. Certainly a pleasant place, but unusual for an eighteen-year-old to request for a birthday trip. “Is that where we’re going?” He tried not to show his surprise.
“There’s a talk there today!” Alex’s eyes were full of excitement again. “On the history of the building and the Champions.” 
This time Matthew couldn’t mask his bewilderment and he could tell Alex had caught sight of his expression. “That sounds great!” he said, trying to cover. “I’m just surprised you don’t want to go for your first drink or something. Though it would be a bit early in the day.” He laughed and Alex rolled his eyes.
“Sure, Dad. First drink.”
“Shall I pretend I didn’t hear that?” Matthew replied, turning on the car’s engine. “We’d better get going then. What time does this talk start?”
“There’s one an hour and they’re doing them all day,” Alex said. He continued after a pause. “I thought it would be fun for us to do together. Like when I was a kid, you know? I always liked when we’d go out and you’d talk about magic or history or whatever.” He gave a dismissive shrug that didn’t do much to hide the fact that he was obviously seeking assurance.
Affection flooded Matthew’s heart as he realised why his son had chosen this place. He’d never expected Alex to notice his love of Ardveld’s history, his only way of discussing the heritage they shared. The fact that his son was interested at all meant the world to him.
“It’s a really good idea,” Matthew said, and he meant it. “Hey, and maybe we can find a decent pub somewhere nearby afterwards.”
“Sounds great!”
The rolling fields soon gave way to a dramatic, windswept coastline, as they neared their destination. Mountains rose on the horizon, indicating Ardveld’s northern border. They hugged the country from the coast all the way to where it flanked Vailberg in the east. The town they were headed for sat at the base of the mountain range, with Golebach Court on a rise overlooking the sea.
Alex opened his presents during the journey. Oliver’s parcel contained a rather boring looking book on electricity that he seemed overjoyed to receive, and once again Matthew was left to wonder if he was lacking some important understanding of his son.
Then again, the gift from Matthew himself made Alex exclaim in delight. “I was pretty sure you didn’t have one already,” he explained. “I know they’re becoming more common out here, though you might find the signal a bit poor.” 
The mobile phone was made of smooth, grey plastic — the newest model on the market. Such technology was a familiar sight in the city, Ademeer having practically as much technology as any Velbian city nowadays. Now the infrastructure had been extended far enough into Ardveld that it should be usable, even out here. 
“I’ve already gone and put mine and Oliver’s numbers on there, as well as home,” Matthew continued. “I can give you a quick rundown on using it if you like, but knowing you, you’ll be an expert in half a day.” Alex’s love of technology outstripped even his love of magic. 
When they pulled into the car park at the bottom of the hill, the sun was shining brightly in a cloudless sky. Their conversation flowed easily, ranging from friends and work to Dorothea’s business. The fresh tang of salty air was a welcome balm as they wandered up the steep path to the stately home. 
The manor was no longer lived in and was open to the public for a small fee, but the grounds that surrounded it were accessible to everyone for free. Matthew saw families already setting up blankets for picnics, children running underneath the ancient ornamental trees that punctuated the rolling lawn. A little sign by the entrance confirmed what Alex had said earlier; the next talk would begin on the hour. 
Golebach Court shone in the sunlight — three storeys of sandy stone under an emerald-tiled roof. A large entranceway jutted out from the front, its double doors flanked by a haughty statue of an owl on either side. The heraldic shield of the Tactician was displayed above the doorway; it showed a castle tower that Matthew knew would be counterchanged green and silver were it not carved in stone.
Right on time, the historian leading the talk arrived. He was a slender old man with glasses and a tidy moustache, and the small group of people who had been milling around the courtyard converged beside him as he announced the start of the tour.
Once they had all trooped inside the building, it took a moment for Matthew’s eyes to adjust to the dim light. The heavy curtains over each window pulled shut had done wonders to keep out the heat of the day. He had a vague memory that this house had once belonged to a distant ancestor of Oliver’s, donated to the public when the cost of upkeep had outweighed the family’s need for yet another home. 
Little more than remnants of the kingdom’s noble families remained. These were families with the highest magic levels; an elite ruling class from which the Royal Family had drawn their advisers before the takeover. The survivors quickly adapted. Those that didn’t had left Ardveld’s historic buildings to fall into ruin, or to be bought up by the wealthy of Vailberg. 
As they wandered through the rooms, Matthew realised he had been too lost in his thoughts to pay attention to the guide’s talk, a detailed introduction to the building’s construction and decor. Alex, however, was listening attentively, and Matthew felt a touch of embarrassment at his lack of focus.
They were in a dining room now, extravagantly ornamented and dominated by a polished table, laid out for a dinner that would never come.
“What we do know is that many members of the family did go on to become Royal Champions,” the guide continued as Matthew tuned back in. “A role determined by their ability rather than inheritance. The four Champions were said to be chosen by ancient magic, a system that formed the cornerstone of Ardveldian leadership and served as a powerful agent against corruption.”
Matthew snorted, earning himself a reproachful glare from their guide. 
“As I was saying…” The man’s voice drifted off as he led the party through to the next room, beginning some explanation of how disabling life would have once been for a non-mage in Ardveld and gesturing at the magelights near the ceiling. Only Alex was left lagging behind, and Matthew stopped to wait.
“You don’t believe the Champions were chosen by magic?” Alex asked as soon as they were alone. The question didn’t surprise him; Matthew knew he hadn’t been subtle.
“It’s not that.” Matthew chose his words carefully. “There’s plenty of evidence for the passing of magic from one Champion to the next, as I’m sure you know.”
“Yeah, though I can totally see why there would be sceptics. It’s hard to believe anyone could change their natural magic level, especially when the stories say some who did so weren’t even mages to begin with. How would a spell like that even work?”
Matthew chewed his lip and thought for a moment. “I suppose... I suppose I think it’s important to keep a critical mind when hearing these old legends. It’s very convenient that the magic supposedly makes the system fair. That each Champion was some kind of predestined, inarguable choice.” 
Alex was looking at him intently and Matthew checked that the rest of the group was now far out of earshot. He continued speaking quietly as they moved to catch up. “It’s a good story of course… Makes people feel that any of them could have been a Champion. But do you really think the Royal Family would have left something like that to chance?”
Alex nodded thoughtfully. “I suppose there must be more to it. I always thought it was just because stronger mages would make better Champions, anyway. Since magic’s genetic, it makes sense that the Champions would have come from high magic families, doesn’t it?”
“There is often a genetic link, true,” Matthew replied, “though it’s not a guarantee of anything. Besides, what makes you think being strong made them the best for the job?” His mind returned to Dorothea and how much she had achieved with no magic at all.
They caught up with the tour outside, exiting from the back of the property onto a patio that led to a small, formal garden. A path ran through the flowerbeds, leading down to a stone structure set into the lawn beyond. Four grey arches surrounded a platform embedded in the ground, the stone cracked and sprinkled with tufts of grass. 
A wave of nostalgia hit Matthew as he got closer to the formation; it was a comforting sensation that he struggled to place until he realised it was coming from the ground itself. Magical energy radiated from below the stones, like a slow-moving river running under his feet. 
He’d felt magic like this before. It was present at many historic magical sites in the kingdom, but it had been particularly strong at the palace. Back home. Not the home he’d chosen as an adult, but the home of his childhood. Leaving it behind had been like switching off a background sound he hadn’t noticed. The silence without it had been deafening. 
Basking in the pleasant feeling, Matthew stood with Alex behind the others, the sun on his back contrasting with the cooling flow of the ground’s magic. According to the guide, the original purpose of the stone structure had been lost to time, but some people believed it marked an ancient site of magical significance. A fair enough conclusion given the latent power present.
“With this reputation, it makes sense that high magic families would have settled close by. Indeed the majority of sites like this one have a castle or manor nearby.” The man drawled on, and Matthew looked at Alex again.
He must have heard from the university, Matthew thought. Their conversations had skirted the issue so neatly that Matthew was now sure Alex was avoiding the topic as well. Perhaps he’d been rejected. The idea didn’t please him, even with the relief from worry that it promised.
Talk over, the group dispersed, again leaving the two of them alone. In no rush to move on, Matthew watched as Alex stepped closer to the old structure and ran his hand across the stone. 
 “It feels nice here, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah...” Alex replied, appearing to be lost in thought.
“So… did you hear—” Matthew began, just as Alex spoke, too.
“I heard back—”
They both stopped and Matthew laughed, leaning back against one of the pillars. “Go on,” he said encouragingly, hoping he’d succeeded in keeping the agitation from his voice.
He was met with a nervous smile. “I got in! To Aedemeer!”
“You did?” His throat seemed tight. “That’s great!”
“I know, right! Mum was so excited she cried. We’re going to start getting some bits for me to take. Kitchen stuff, you know.”
“You’re planning on accepting the place then?” Visions of the two men at the tearoom prodded at Matthew’s mind, accompanied by some other, much older memories that he’d rather permanently forget. “What’s your plan for travel? You know if you were closer, you could commute in. It would save on costs, and your mother—”
“Dad! It’s Aedemeer!” Alex exclaimed. “It’s the most prestigious university in the country! I’m not going to turn them down because the bus is cheaper.”
Matthew’s shoulders slumped as Alex continued, words tumbling out as his bewilderment turned to exasperation. 
“You know I took my prototype generator to the interview? They loved it! They can see how big it could be. It could bring electricity to anywhere in Ardveld! Places not connected to the grid.”
“You fixed the efficiency issues?” Matthew had seen an early version of the generator months before. Back then, it had struggled to power a lightbulb for ten minutes.
“I did!” Alex met his eyes defiantly. “It powered a concert, no problem. For almost four hours.”
“Four hours?” That was impressive, and Matthew felt a swell of pride. It made sense that Aedemeer would want his son; Alex was every bit as exceptional as he’d always believed. “How much magic did it take?”
“…Not much.” Alex suddenly became very interested in the stone behind him.
“How much is not much?”
“Like, only a day’s worth.” He shrugged.
“A day!” That was more than Matthew had suspected, even with Alex’s reluctance to answer. He wouldn’t put it past his son to make himself ill to keep the generator going, either.
“What? I charged it in the morning and I was back to normal the day after,” Alex shrugged. “It’s not a problem.”
“It is a problem if you exhaust yourself. You said you’re planning on using this in rural areas? Do you think people out have anywhere near enough magic for that, seeing as it took you a day’s worth?” Matthew ran a hand through his hair, trying not to wonder how many people had noticed his son was strong enough to generate that kind of power. “Not everyone’s got as high a magic level as you.”
“Then we just get it charged by a stronger mage before sending it out. It’ll be more efficient by then and—”
“No mage is going to use their entire day’s worth of magic on one passive spell!” Matthew could usually charge more than thirty spells in one shift, and those wouldn’t need a top-up for a month or more. His own day rate would make just four hours of electricity completely unaffordable.  “I just don’t think it’s viable.”
Alex didn’t respond. Instead, he was looking at the ground, crushing defeat written over his face.
Shit. This wasn’t how Matthew had planned for this conversation to go.
“But… it’s only a prototype, right?” he smiled weakly, trying to repair some of the damage. “The potential is great! I can see why the uni loved it.”
“Okay Dad.” Alex’s tone was flat and he didn’t look up.
“Hey, I mean it.” He reached out a hand, but Alex ducked away before he could make contact. Letting his arm drop, Matthew buried his hurt. “Why don’t we go get some food?”
A change of scene would help. Neither of them had eaten since before they had left the house and hunger, undoubtedly, wasn’t improving the situation.
“Sure.” Alex was already walking away.
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homeless-ghost-71 · 1 year
Rwrb rant Pt 3
I just can’t stop thinking about this but this one will probably be a little shorter (that’s a lie, it will not be short)
The more I’ve thought about the differences between the book and the movie the more I’ve had the thought that the movie sacrificed a lot of the complexity of the characters to focus on the cuteness of their relationship. This bothers me for a lot of reasons but the biggest one is that it just wasn’t necessary. The book didn’t need to just stay on the surface of these people, it dove deeper into who they are and why they do what they do.
Alex isn’t just the president’s son. He’s a kid with a blindingly optimistic passion for politics. He looks up to his mom and his dad more than anything and he cares so much about everyone around him, but sometimes he lets his future get in the way of his present and in the book he learns to overcome it.
Henry isn’t just the spare prince who’s forced to stay in the closet. He’s a little brother who desperately wants everything around him to be ok. He’s lonely and anxious because his whole life that’s what he was shown he had to be. He’s terrified to love and to be loved but Alex proves to him that he doesn’t have to be.
I’d like to talk more about the side characters that shaped Alex and Henry, but most were either barely there or not there at all (will forever be mad that they cut out June).
June should’ve been included. She’s such an important part of Alex’s story and who he is. We get a better look at who he is with his family and how his life affects them too.
We should’ve seen more of Bea. She shows so much of who Henry is. Her character shows us why it’s so important for Henry to protect the people he loves and we just didn’t get to see that in the movie.
Raf should’ve been there. He’s such a big part of shaping Alex into who he is. He’s one of the main people (other than his dad obviously) who shows him that he can be who he is and still make a difference in the ways he wants to. Also as I’ve said before, he’s such a major part of the emails being leaked and I think it would’ve been cool to see that in the movie.
The point I’m trying to make is that the book included all of this. It had complex characters and it explored their lives and their motivations and everything about them. And yet it didn’t take away from the love between Alex and Henry. If anything it added to it. I finished the book thinking that that was the cutest thing I had ever read. The movie kept that cuteness but it cut out everything else, and I think that did more harm than good.
I hate how annoyed I am by all this because at the same time I loved the movie so so so much. But I have too many thoughts and they need to be shared. Maybe this will be the last part of my rant. Maybe not. We’ll see where the day goes I guess
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
35 - Letter Storm
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Part 36
Country Rancher
Tags @whateverthecostner @rosie-posie08 @kaycejdutton @kayceduttonn @kcloveswrestling @the-morning-star-falls @kaymudd @hcwthewestwaswcn
Thunder roared outside the large windows of the Dutton house. Kayce and I had called in today and asked the assistant to call us if it was an emergency. I had started working at the Livestock Office again since the Sheriff and I no longer have issues. Rummaging around in the bag that Bree had found the other day with letters from Spencer and Cara Dutton. Picking up the pile of papers I headed into the living room seeing my husband sitting on the couch. "Where are the kids at, Kayc?"
"Tate is playing with the twins inside the barn. And I think Carter and Bree are upstairs thinking of baby names. Oh and don't tell her but I took one of the security cameras from work and hid it in her room." He sends me a smirk while I round the couch plopping down beside him.
Raising a brow at his words there were some times that he went overboard. This was one of those moments. "Kayce, don't you think that is a little much. I mean she's already pregnant."
"Doesn't mean they can't still sleep together again, darling. What are those letters you have?" He draped his arm behind me scooting closer seeing the envelopes in my lap.
Unfolding one of the letters I had pulled out I lay my head on his chest with him moving his arm to wrap around my waist. "Bree found them one morning. I haven’t read any of them so I just thought it would be interesting too. They seem to be dated from your ancestors named Spencer and Cara Dutton.”
"Well go ahead and read one then." He told me simply looking up at the window seeing that the rain was starting to pick up and hit the glass softly.
Shifting so I was snuggled up against his warm embrace I cleared my throat attempting to read the old handwriting. "Alex, I am not good at writing. I am just a man of action who doesn't waste moments in life. When I met you I was struggling with what happened during the war. I didn't really care what happened when I was hunting animals. You have made my life better since then so I decided to write this letter to you. For when we are reunited at my family's ranch. I will find a way back to you, Spencer."
"I think I remember dad mentioning that there was a hunter in our family. What do the other ones say, Y/n?" He asked me to move some of them around and hand me another one. He honestly enjoyed it when I would read to him like he was still a child. I figured it had something to do with losing his mother at such a young age.
I did wish some days that I could get to know my mother in law. Be able to tell her how much I loved and adored her youngest son. That she could see her beautiful grandchildren the way John does. Evelyn Dutton was missed by everyone in this household. "Um let's see. Oh here's one that's written from Alex I think…Dear Spencer, I am burning to be with you again. I managed to get off the ship we were on and am now hoping to find passage to Montana. My love for you only grows during the time we are apart. Until we reunite, my love.”
“Awe this is so sweet. I can’t believe that they were separated.” My husband responded back, lifting up and meeting my gaze. We heard footsteps coming from down the stairs where we both turned our heads seeing our daughter and Carter.
Bree had her bag in her hands, sending me a look. “Hey mom. Dad, could we go get something to eat in town. I am craving ice cream and we are out?”
Kayce and I turned our heads back at each other both sharing the same look. The rain had stopped for a little bit and it wasn’t supposed to storm any worse until later tonight. “I guess so but just remember that you need to be back before the storm comes. I don’t want any of my children outside tonight.”
“We will be. Thanks uh…Mrs. Dutton.” Carter tipped his hat, taking my daughter’s hand in his, leading her out the front door towards the truck since he was old enough to drive now.
It was an hour after they left that the thunder and lightning had begun picking up. Kayce had gone to bring the other kids inside the house and close up the barn. Closing the fridge I had put some microwaved pizza on some plates giving them to the kids to eat. Kayce and I had crawled into bed where he opened one of the drawers of the nightstand beside the bed. He pulled out a notepad showing it to me. “I went and snooped in our daughter's room and I found this. I think that’s why she was keeping the letters.”
“She was thinking of baby names. Jewels, Gordon, Harrison, Spencer and Olivia.” I read off the names on the list seeing the lights of the house flickering on and then remained off longer where when they came back on we heard multiple sets of feet on the wooden floor.
The bedroom door got kicked open suddenly where we lifted up noticing that Elsa and Dallas were huddled together. “Mommy, can we sleep with you?” She asked, squeezing her teddy bear to her chest.
“Of course, sweetie.” I patted the bedside where she ran forward climbing up and getting in between her daddy and I.
Kayce turned his focus back to his younger son seeing that he was standing in the doorway. “You want up here too, bud. You’re mother and I don’t mind.” The lights went off again where he made a noise at us.
He still remained standing there glancing out into the hallway until I heard Tate’s voice. “Dad, he’s acting like me…I thought I was too old too - ah!” He jumped now standing behind his younger brother, sending us a concerned look.
“Come on Tate. Age don’t matter right now.” Tossing the covers aside I picked up my little boy in my arms waiting for Kayce’s other child to climb in our bed. The power completely went out where the twins latched onto us in fear.
Tate layed his head on my stomach hearing the front door get slammed open telling us that his sister was home. I didn’t feel like getting out of the bed so I just texted her that I was happy she was safe. “At least they got home safe. Now our kids are here.” Kayce draped his arm over my shoulder kissing my forehead.
Shutting my eyes I was about asleep until my phone went off on the nightstand. I scooted myself out of the bed doing my best to not wake up the kids since it was hard enough getting them to sleep when there was a heavy storm. Stepping into the hallway I didn’t check the caller ID. “Hello who is this exactly?”
“Y/n, this is Jamie. There’s some interesting information I discovered recently. And I don’t think you want your children to learn what their grandpa really does on that ranch.” He responded through the phone making me glance over my shoulder seeing that Kayce was still fast asleep.
Pressing the phone back to my ear I whispered. “What do you want from me, Jamie. And under no circumstances will you come after my children.”
“I want John to pay. What I want from you is help me become Governor or I will pull up your records with the sheriff and bring all that past drama back into your life.” The former Dutton threatened where I hung up the phone running my fingers through my hair heading back to bed. Jamie had no right to do any kind of threat against me.
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Reindeer Games: A Hunt Family Christmas
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Baby Hunt]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) Other Characters: Felicity (F!OC), Vincent (M!OC), Bogart (dog) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count: <600 Rating: General: no warnings/Family Fluff Prompts: @choicesdecember2022 heart, @choicesholidays "I’m so glad we found each other", @choicesflashfics "Everything is temporary. This was merely one of those things"
A/N #1: Art in header by @/artbyainna (IG). See the full image here. A/N #2: This is a rewrite of a fic from a few years ago. Original here.
Synopsis: The Hunt family has some holiday fun.
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“You look lovely, sweetheart.” Thomas smiled, admiring his daughter's new holiday dress. 
“Thank you,” Felicity giggled, shifting her body side-to-side as the red plaid skirt fluttered around her. “You look like—" She pressed her little hands to her lips, trying to contain her laughter. Felicity turned toward her mom, standing in the doorway, who nodded her encouragement. "You look like you got ran over by a reindeer, Daddy!”
“What?” Thomas barely got the word out before his son came barreling into the room wearing his new reindeer onesie pajamas. 
Vincent charged toward his father, the bells on his antlers jingling loudly, ensuring a surprise attack would be impossible. He ran at his dad, who pretended to tumble over when his son collided with him. 
“Got you!” Vincent hopped on Thomas. “Look, Daddy! I’m a reindeer.” The little boy excitedly wiggled his antlers at his father.  
“I see that.” Thomas smiled, his fingers grazing over his son's antlers, ringing the little bells. “I better call Santa and tell him I caught an escaped reindeer.” 
Vincent roared with laughter as his father tickled his sides.
“Did I do good, mommy?” Felicity ran to Alex, jumping into her arms. “Daddy was so surprised!” 
“You did perfectly, my sweet girl!” Alex brushed her nose against her daughter's tenderly before pressing a kiss on Felicity's forehead. 
"Santa!" Vincent pointed at the black lab in a red hat bounding around them. 
Bogart barked as he circled Thomas and Vincent. His tail beat rapidly in the air, wanting to join in on the Christmas fun. 
Felicity giggled again as Bogart squirmed his way in, licking her dad's face. “I want to play with daddy, too!” She exclaimed, wiggling in her mom's arms. 
“That's an excellent idea. Let’s both go!” Alex offered, putting her daughter down. Felicity had lived up to her name, she was pure happiness, and that was exactly what she and her brother brought to their lives every day.
“Yay!!!” Felicity ran to her dad, her arms waving excitedly beside her. "I play too!" She wrapped herself around her dad's neck, hugging him tight as she pressed sloppy kisses on his cheek while Thomas held her brother in his arms. 
Alex settled on the floor beside her family, watching the utter bliss unfolding. A warmth grew in her chest as her heart overflowed with joy at the sounds of laughter and cheer filling the room. A peaceful smile spread across her face. This is all she needed for Christmas—her family, happy and healthy.
Bogart plopped down next to her, licking her cheek before turning his attention to his twins as Alex's fingers slid softly through his silky fur. 
Alex caught Thomas’s attention for a moment, and in his eyes, she saw everything she was feeling—overwhelming joy and absolute peace. She wished she could capture the moment, to save it forever. But, that was the thing about moments, they're just that. A moment. Everything is temporary. This was merely one of those things. This moment would end. The laughter would fade, the merriment would dim, and the bustle of life would once more return, but the memories they made today and everyday, the impression those moments made, those would last a lifetime.
He extended his arm toward her, inviting her to join them.
We did good, she mouthed as he drew her in.
The best, he agreed, kissing her temple before the pair were overwhelmed by two toddlers and a black lab. Three pieces of their heart that reminded them of how lucky they were to have found one another.
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Thank you for reading! I truly appreciate any support I get for this paring. I know they're not the most popular, but they are to me. This family has my whole heart and I truly enjoy sharing them with anyone who gives them a chance.
This is a rewrite/extension of an earlier drabble. I don't write chronologically, so when I first wrote the twins, I hadn't yet written Bogart. There are many Baby Hunt fics that work without Bogart, but this moment definitely needed Bogart. He wouldn't have missed it for the world, and they wouldn't have let them. When I pitched the idea to Ainna I sent her the original drabble but said I really wanted Bogart in it and she absolutely delivered. This rewrite adds Bogart as well as a few extra details. Initially I wasn't going to post this as a separate story but I more than doubled the original drabble so I felt it necessary.
Again, thank you so much for reading (if you made it this far). I can't thank you enough.
I hope you have a wonderful and happy holidays!
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ohmym1stake · 2 years
infodumping about my grey's anatomy blorbos: edition #2
this time around i am midway thru season 10.... my #1 blorbo is about to leave and im worried and scared because of some spoilers i read. but anyways here is my current analysis!
- meredith grey. we started off rocky but i love and support her wholeheartedly now. has done the least stupid stuff as a doctor! bonus points for that. has gone through so much more than she deserves.
- derek shepherd. has done a lot of stupid shit and is a very stupid and reckless man. but underneath all of that he is a good man who wants to do good and help people. an amazing father!!!! and husband.
- cristina yang. the closest to perfect. i wish she would stop making awful relationship decisions. in my world she is happily married to a woman. a nurse, maybe.
- george o'malley. my perfect perfect son. ohhhhh my son. i am so sorry you died. i wish you had gotten to be happy with callie and have a great little family together and be an amazing surgeon.
- callie torres. brilliant surgeon brilliant woman. a little stupid at times. but i think her strengths are all way stronger than that.
- mark sloan. also very stupid! but in a very charming way. was amazing to watch him grow and change.
- lexie grey. deserved a better exit from the show wtffff. got used as an extra trauma to throw at meredith or something like damn. she was amazing and excellent in her own right. justice for lexiepedia.
- april kepner. BABYYYYYY. amazing and deserves the world, honestly. i have nothing but admiration for her i think.
- heather brooks. AAAAAAGH?!!!!! she was so cute and fun and brought an energy to the show nobody else has! deserved soooo much better.
- alex karev. has done too many messy and problematic things to be a full blorbo but like derek he is ultimately a good man who wants to do good. amazing peds surgeon. can't wait to see him as a dad i bet he'll be a little league coach.
- miranda bailey. now normally she would be full blorbo but she's been bothering me a little lately! amazing surgeon! amazing woman! but she needs to get her life more under control or something.
- jackson avery. i was gonna put him in "it won't work" but it could eventually idk. he's great for april and a good doctor! i don't like his face tho and mostly he kinda bores me
- reed adamson. i think i would have loved her so much if she got to live longer. i think about her and april a lot.
- addison montgomery. i think i just don't see her enough to be a full blorbo. excellent character tho.
- teddy altman. i think when she comes back on the show she'll get an upgrade but right now she's away and not on my mind. she was pretty damn good tho.
- stephanie edwards. she's really great but right now her plot is kind of just avery. i hope to love her more soon!
- izzie stevens. used to be my favorite.... she was so great. honestly i blame cancer for everything. Except the denny lvad thing i think that was precancer. but the romance with george that she dropped so fast? and then doing all that crap to alex? unforgivable. i hope she finds happiness in a new life with new people but i want her far away from my blorbos.
- owen hunt. i DO hate his pro-life stance. treated cristina awfully there. but he is also the best love interest she had. and he's a great trauma surgeon, and the best chief i have seen! we just have too many differences to ever truly blorb together.
- arizona robbins. Honestly? most of the time i Do hate her. but i also respect her too much to Anti her. especially her growth after losing her leg! but it fucking sucked for callie. i think if the show had kept mark alive i could have gotten along with her more but she has been awful to callie way too much.
- leah murphy. Mad respect for her crazy but her emotions are also what ruined her. i hope she has a good career elsewhere.
- ben warren. sometimes he's good for bailey sometimes he makes her worse. but i respect him.
- jo wilson. uhhhh..... she just kinda exists i don't know. sometimes she's good for alex. but i am not very interested in her. does not spark joy.
- charles percy. i think we would have had a very rocky relationship had he lived but i think the way they killed him was very artful? it was one of the best death scenes i have seen.
- richard webber. he has done too much fuckass shit and acted insufferably FAR too many times. way more tolerable as a general surgeon and not as chief but still incredibly irritating.
- preston burke. took advantage of cristina in so many ways and never once truly considered himself and his own actions. selfish, awful man.
- erica hahn. Too bitter. involved emotions in her work in a way i disliked? i think she was never meant to be a main character.
- shane ross. Bruh what the fuckkkkk. he has done way too much wrong. maybe someday if we actually tackle the fact that he kinda Killed heather we can be at least partial or something but ..... i don't want him on this show.
- ellis grey. Noooooope. don't even care about all her groundbreaking work or her disease or whatever. i want nothing to do with her.
- adele webber. i hated her so much and there was no reason to make her so evil and irritating so much??????? the show would have been way more interesting and webber might have been more redeemable if she had been Good.
- sloan riley. this girl pissed me offffff like she went thru it she was having a bad time but ultimately she just ruined shit for mark and lexie and that sucks.
- catherine avery. whenever shes around and is rude to jackson he becomes a temporary blorbo. he doesn't deserve the shit she puts him through. frustrating character overall. But! mad respect to her work as a urologist she always brings interesting cases to the show!
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