#seer skew
nofatclips · 24 days
Live version of Mixed Tide by SRSQ from the EP Unreality Live Sessions
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tyriq-edits · 1 year
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In the Plain of Nysa
Wolfwood - Hades just a normal Priest
Based very loosely on Hades.
A mortal priest of the twins’ cult and the only person inhabiting the sanctuary in the plain of Nysa
Lost his parents at a young age due to war and he, alongside the other survivors of his village, got captured by the invading army. While being brought to the invaders‘ polis he met another orphan named Livio and grew close to him, to the point they considered each other brothers.
He and Livio were given to the cult of Nai and Vash as temple servants.
Hoping to provide a better future to Livio and himself he decided to climb the ranks in the cult and trained to become a priest under the tutelage of either Chapel or Legato.
Said training involved both learning about how to properly pray and sacrifice to the gods as well as training in the arts of combat.
Was forced by Meryl to keep Vash hidden from Nai inside his sanctuary against his will before slowly starting to grow fond of Vash and realising how skewed the cult’s depiction of Vash truly is, as he is met with soft spoken pacifist rather than the right hand man of war.
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In the plain of Nysa - Synopsis
Loosely based on the myth of Hades and Persephone.
Vash, the god of peace and twin brother of Nai, the god of war, has been sheltered for millenia within the safe havens of Mount Olympus. Or rather has been held captive by his brother for millenia.
That is until the goddess of the hunt Meryl and a satyr named Roberto help the deity to escape from Olympus into the human realm. There Vash is forced to hide in a small temple from his brother where he meets the priest Nicholas D. Wolfwood and slowly falls in love with him while also finding a sense of his own independence.
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Other Moodboards for the plain of Nysa
Vash - Persephone
Nai - Ares/Demeter
Meryl Stryfe - Artemis
Roberto de Niro - Satyr
Milly Thompson - Iphigenia
Livio the double fang - a seer
Legato Bluesummers - the Hierophant
Zazie - a dryad
Luida - Demeter
Brad - Hephaestus
Rem - Athena
Tesla - Nike
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quixoticrobotic · 8 months
Question entirely on a whim - classpect the comicrew, go!
i also have jaeris, joanna, erin, and allen bc sburb aus delight me i also have chumhandles, i can share those if you like
also i assume you want reasoning
Linkara: Knight of Mind. Hes such a knight of my god like insisting your fine when you arent? absolute knight behavior. i chose mind because one of my favorite aspects of linkara is hes like. the kind of character who needs to have a plan for everything which is usually a bad guy trait and is a trait you see in a lot of neurodivergent ppl so its nice to see in The Hero
but yeah a knight of mind would use logic and thinking as a weapon which linkara really enjoys doing
90s Dude: Mage of Hope
hope players represent! (im seer of hope!) but yeah hope is a broad term bc like lots of things can inspire it, hope plays typically have something they're really passionate about, something that sparks that ability to believe and like i dont have to say what 90's dude's is. he wears his passions on his sleeves, he gave us "more radical, less sadicle", the stuff that hes passionate about is his strength. mages are kinda like seers except less direct? instead of sharing knowledge to help the team they have this very personal, intuitive understanding of their aspect and how to wield it. fits the sleepwalker arc p damn well
Harvey: Prince of Time
every time i have to make a character i love a prince like i know you'd hate these pants im sorry
but ok i knew harvey would be a time player bc time is associated with music and death, two things that are very relevant to harvey as a character. i think i settled on this bc i saw a quote on pintrest "not living, just killin time" and harvey was the character i was fixated on that week. princes destroy their aspect/are destroyed by their aspect/destroy with their aspect. so if you wanna put a less gloomy spin on this you can go with "making up for lost time"
also i rarely get to have a session that has both a time and space player and thus isn't automatically doomed, which brings me to
Linksano: Seer of Space
multiverse and green. also seer fit since his official job on the team is science consultant like, he uses his knowledge of the multiverse to help his friends
Jaeris: Thief of Void
THIS IS ANOTHER MEAN ONE like thief bc of him stealing magic weapons BUT ALSO thief's tend to have a "my way is definitely the correct way of accomplishing this goal" and it bites them in the ass. i saw a theory i take whith a grain of salt but its basically void players tend to have their perspective skewed by some personal bias
and meanest of all
jaeris gets nothing. thieves take their aspect for themself. void is nothing. jaeris gained nothing. im so sorry space cowboy u make it too easy
Joanna: Witch of Doom
so doom is destiny, fate that cannot be changed. but this often represented by computer code/coding (which fits so neatly into the at4w 'verse tbh)
witches manipulate their aspect
now of course we know joanna sees the tapestry of fate and pulls out a seam ripper
but i also headcanon joanna is a cool gamer hacker babe who likes computers/ai/robots/ect. she and jaeris are a steampunk/cyberpunk power couple. also i like to think think by giving her one of the most OP classpects i'm making up for her lack of screen time
Erin: Rouge of Light
rouges allocate their aspect to help the team, light is luck, fortune, and fate that can be changed. fits Miss "Technically I was always your friend. Just in very weird and roundabout ways." who was introduced stealing the magic coin
Allen: Page of Life
im not gonna lie allen is mostly here so we have an even number of players. im sorry allen fans
i dont actually have a gt for mark bc linkara needs a strife specibus
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nw-of-dark · 1 year
Vampire Clan: Malkavian
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Kooks, Seers, Lunatics, Madmen, Cassandras, Children of Malkav, Clan of the Moon, Malks, Jesters, Jokers, Mockers
Malkavians represent a distinguished vampiric clan known as the progeny of Malkav. This group is characterized by their deranged nature, stemming from the insanity inherited from their Antediluvian progenitor. Within the world of Cainites, Malkavians stand out as enigmatic and deeply disturbed individuals. They have embraced roles as seers and oracles, both among their fellow Kindred and the mortal population, serving as eerie figures driven by peculiar compulsions and possessing the ability to perceive the unseen.
Notorious for their pranks, which can range from whimsical to cruel, Malkavians have defied all odds and managed to endure as one of the oldest surviving lineages of vampires. As one of the original 13 Cainite clans, they can trace their history back to an era predating the biblical Deluge. Additionally, they played a significant role in the establishment of the influential Camarilla, cementing their reputation as one of the pillars of this organization in modern nights.
At first glance, clan Malkavian appears to be a fragmented and loosely connected group. Many Malkavians are only vaguely aware of their belonging to a clan, and their connections with one another are informal and often paternal, with sire-childe relationships being the most common. Unfortunately, Malkavian sires have a tendency to abandon their progeny.
Disciplines: Auspex, Domination, Obfuscate
Bane: Fractured Perspective —Afflicted by their lineage, these Malkavians are cursed with at least one type of mental derangement. Depending on their history and the state of their mind at death, they may experience delusions, visions of terrible clarity, or something entirely different.
However, delving beneath the surface reveals a captivating tapestry of paranoia and fascination within the Malkavian clan. Operating on a peculiar timescale of their own, Malkavians spontaneously gather for events that are often incomprehensible to outsiders. How they become aware of these gatherings is usually left unexplained, and when explanations are offered, they are often unreliable or nonsensical. Yet, if one probes deeper, it becomes evident that the Malkavians possess a remarkable level of organization. Their organization is so profound that they are unaware of its existence, instead pursuing unfathomable and arcane goals without even realizing their significance.
This organization, commonly referred to as the "cobweb," "Malkavian Time," or the "Madness Network," represents a shared consciousness that binds all Malkavians together. The intensity of the voices within this network varies among Malkavians, but every member at least senses its call and can interact with it to some extent. The memories of deceased Malkavians persist within the Cobweb, strongly suggesting that Malkav himself is intertwined with this network. Only Malkavians have access to the cobweb, and even they possess only a limited understanding of its workings. Most Malkavians simply listen to the voices within, but elders have demonstrated a remarkable ability to manipulate and influence the rest of the clan through this mysterious network.
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The name "Malkavian" possibly derives from the Latin phrase "mala cavilla," meaning "bad mockery." Throughout vampire society, Malkavians have traditionally occupied two distinct roles: seers and jesters. As seers, Malkavians rely on their advanced Auspex discipline and the Cobweb, also known as the Madness Network, to obtain information. However, due to their inherent nature, this information is often skewed, incomplete, filtered through fractured perspectives, or outright deceitful.
The jester aspect of the Malkavians is somewhat more intricate. Pranks and mischief are deeply ingrained in Malkavian clan traditions. The precise purpose of these pranks is subject to debate, as they often aim to disrupt the perceptions of their targets, but they can also be sadistic in nature.
Within the Camarilla, Malkavians are tolerated but rarely hold the position of prince. Instead, they often occupy important roles as primogen or other figures of authority. Princes, recognizing the profound insanity of Malkavians, grant them a certain degree of leniency. In return, Malkavians are generally expected to exercise enough self-control to avoid breaching the Masquerade. This arrangement is not born out of benevolence but rather driven by mutual fear. Princes view Malkavians as fundamentally unknowable, and their preference is to keep them content and quiet, as unhappy Malkavians have a tendency to introduce bizarre and inexplicable incidents into the equation. On the other hand, Malkavians rely on the protection offered by the Camarilla and have been adapted, as mentioned earlier, to make them more compliant within its framework.
Many Malkavians possess a unique insight into the world around them. Through their shared madness and their powers of Auspex and Domination, they often catch glimpses of the future or the past. However, true oracles and seers among the Malkavians transcend these common abilities. Blessed or cursed with powerful visions that strike without warning, the origins of this connection remain shrouded in mystery. Some Malkavians embrace these powers and attempt to channel them, while others try to ignore the visions and carry on as if nothing happened. In contrast, some insensitive Malkavians exploit the image of the prophet for personal gain, resembling mortal fortune-tellers who employ vague prophecies to secure their own safety. However, those with genuine insight often suffer, as they receive visions they initially fail to comprehend and then helplessly witness their unfolding. During the Dark Ages, the Malkavian Orders of Mystery, also known as Ordos, sought to harness the gift of prophecy in an effort to emulate the Methuselah-Oracles of antiquity. However, with the formation of the sects, their practices fell into disuse.
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Character Bio: Sunday Evening Offdensen
AKA: Sunday Mourning (stage name), Suns, the Cursed Seer/the Siren (depending on which side of the prophecy you ask)
Birthday: November 1, 19XX (same age as Nathan & Skwisgaar)
Zodiac Sun: Scorpio Moon: Virgo Venus: Libra Ascendant: Libra
Meaning of the Name: The day of the sun, after the sun’s set! Her mother was delirious through large portions of labor and delivery. When the nurse asked for a name, Nathalie thought she’d asked the time and said, “It’s Sunday Evening,” with such force and confidence that the nurse wrote it down. Guthrie, absent at the birth, left it after the fact as a reminder to his wife to be strong.
Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana
Gender: Cis woman
Speaking Voice: Emma Stone
Singing Voice: Floor Jansen
Height: 5’4” flat, anywhere from 5’7” to 5’9” in heels.
Eyes: Hazel green, skewing golden. Eye shape is round/protruding, with plenty of real estate for her usual heavy goth makeup looks. Post-DSR, gold.
Lips: Full, with pronounced cupid’s bow on the upper lip.
Hair: Straight with very slight wave (2A). Sunday usually wears her hair long and layered with side swept bangs. She dyes her hair frequently. 
At first appearance (shortly after S2E10 “Dethgov”) her hair is bleached blonde, but quickly dyed cherry red thereafter. After she starts dating Nathan Explosion (S2E14 “Dethsources”), she dyes it black, leaving her bangs red (picture “slut strands”). In Season 3, she’s spotted with a shoulder length lob, dyed back to her natural medium brown. In Season 4, she has extensions to her waist and her hair colored in a black-to-burgundy ombré. In her Smugly Dismissed days, her hair is box-dyed black.
Body type: Hourglass, with wide shoulders and hips and a small waist. She tends to carry weight in her thighs and butt. She has a large bust thanks to breast implants.
Piercings: Has a habit of getting a new tattoo and/or piercing everywhere she travels. Nose ring, left nostril. Multiple lobe piercings, helix, and anti-helix holes on both ears. Industrial, left ear. Orbital, right ear. Belly button pierced.
Tattoos:  “Owl” on right bicep that looks suspiciously like a falcon. Baphomet kitten on right shoulder. Moon cycles on right wrist. Wolf howling at moon on left wrist. Left arm sleeve of the High Priestess with detailed background. Lower sternum/underboob tattoo of a bat hanging upside down with wings spread. Down right hip and thigh, a zombie mermaid. On left hip, an alligator, raised on its hind legs, surrounded by music notes and sparkles. Mark of Hecate behind left knee.
Extra details: Dimples, the left stronger than the right; large Roman nose (frequently commented on by Skwisgaar). Prominent cheekbones. A strong, square jawline not unlike her brother’s.
Preferences / Background
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual/Pansexual (would likely self-identify as bi, given the time mtl is set in, but her attraction to individuals isn’t dependent on gender)
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Favorite Meal: Eggs Sardou OR fresh beignets and black coffee.
Favorite Drink: Alcoholic, a Boulevardier. Non-alcoholic, a dirty chai latte.
Favorite Snack: Hummus and anything she can dip in it.
Language Fluencies: English, French, Creole, Swedish (slightly rusty), Swiss German (very rusty)
Education: Master of Music (Juilliard), Master of Business Administration (Columbia), Bachelor of Fine Arts (Loyola). Privately educated as a child, she achieved her BFA as a young teen. After Loyola, Sunday spent a brief time in a Swiss boarding school before running away to form Smugly Dismissed. When she ditched the band, she spent some time “hiding in plain sight” by simultaneously attending Juilliard and Columbia.
Occupations: Metal vocalist, Smugly Dismissed; Freelance songwriter/lyricist (post-Smugly Dismissed to present); session artist, strings (post-Smugly Dismissed - Season 4); Fetish model (post-SD - Season 1); Television/Media personality (shortly before Season 1 - Season 4); President, Metal Alliance (Season 3-4); interim Dethklok manager (briefly, post Season 2- pre Season 3); Solo recording artist, Crystal Mountain Records (Season 3 to present).
Music Credits: Three albums with Smugly Dismissed as vocalist, lyricist, songwriting, and some bass guitar; songwriting credits on two Ava Sunbeam albums (listed only as SEO); at least two albums as a solo artist. One album playing violin in the Juilliard String Quartet.
On television: Worked primarily with MBC as a judge/presenter for their reality singing competition American Voice Showdown, and made occasional guest appearances after her initial tenure. Recurring guest role on MBC’s Paw and Order during Season 1. Host of Swinging Steel Awards during Season 2. Guest appearance on the William Murderface and Dick Knubbler Christmas Special during Season 3. Host/presenter for MTV’s Sunday Mourning’s Anti-Valentine’s Ball during Season 3.
Hobbies: Witchcraft! While Sunday’s familiar with protective charms and spell work, her main focus is on divination. She owns four tarot decks, each with their own style and purpose, and performs readings for friends and family. She believes in osteomancy (throwing bones) and often uses it to address lingering questions. She’s determined to learn every stringed instrument. She’s competent with the violin, viola, cello, bass, guitar, and piano. She’s currently learning the harp. Sunday’s quick to remind people that she was “the worst guitar player in Smugly Dismissed”, which the author notes is a lot like being the last pick in the NFL draft. Occasionally, Sunday visits exclusive BDSM clubs (she’s a VIP at Club Hedonism, but doesn’t partake in the same munches that Murderface does). Barring that, she’ll indulge in her fetishes with trusted dominants. As an experienced rope bunny, she’s participated in bondage shoots and demonstrations for her clubs. Her ‘guilty pleasure’ is reading trashy romance novels, the more erotic the better. She’s embarrassed by the books, despite participating in BDSM acts that would make the protagonists blush, and conceals them inside volumes of French philosophy in her home.
What About That Curse? As a child, Sunday often visited her maternal family’s occult shop. On a visit at age five, Sunday ran inside while playing and tripped against a display table. A strange antique vial fell cracked open in sync with Sunday’s head on the floor, splattering her with the fluid inside. Two days of seizures and visions later, the child got a terrible feeling when someone was about to die. It took until adulthood for her to realize that she attracted the damaged like flies to honey. Even later than that, she realizes her singing charms people.
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randomkidstarfic · 1 year
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
I'm not sure if this is means share an excerpt, or just talk about a scene or an element, but this whole fic I'm answering these questions with is straight angst and hurt/comfort. So everything about it is a little angsty, lol.
I guess I'll post an excerpt. (What turns out to be a long excerpt)
--The room seemed quieter with Blackstar’s absence. Kid remained seated in the bed. Every time he thought about removing himself, his limbs objected, claiming they were not capable of movement. He stared at the open door and wished it were closed. In his head he repeated it - close the door, close the door, close the door - but didn’t get up. 
Kid didn’t know how long he was sitting there before his body gave him permission to move. He shifted from the bed and shuffled to the desk. He grabbed his pen and opened the folder, and started reading the first report. He read absently, and often got lost and had to start reading again. It took him far too long to make it through one report, and it ended up just being the same drivel as always. A meister and weapon succeeded in collecting a kishin egg. 
A weapon and meister had succeeded in collecting a kishin egg. 
A weapon and meister had succeeded in collecting a kishin egg. 
A weapon and meister had succeeded in collecting a kishin egg. A weapon and meister had succeeded in collecting a kishin egg. 
But before getting to the foregone conclusion, he was forced to read everything that occurred beforehand. Where the mission had taken place, how large of a threat it had been, the supposed body count of said Kishin egg, and the meister and weapon’s personal account of the fight. He was then forced to read the professors’ evaluation of the students’ performance, and whether or not said students needed remedial lessons, could be put into an advanced course, or were good to stay on the path they were on. 
Kid hung his head in his palm and read the third report in over an hour. It was all the same. There was a seering anger pooling in his chest at the prospect that anyone found this monotony necessary. He reached a point halfway through the document when one more sentence would make him go ballistic. He dropped the paper back to the desk, skipped all the way to the last page and signed off on it, no comments or suggestions. 
He did the same with the next dozen reports, and eventually his signature became more of a scribble than anything even resembling his name. This horrendous state of writing made the seering anger burst into rage. His hands were smudged with black ink, the reports were skewed all over the desk. Kid’s muscles clenched. He signed a report with so much force it tore the paper. He grabbed a handful of the reports and tore them in half, threw everything off the desk and banged his fists against the wood. 
He laid his face flat on the desk, then started hitting his head against it. He hit his head over and over and over again, even when his forehead actually started to hurt, he kept going. He suddenly wondered if he could knock himself out, how much force that would take, and how, if he was a human, such force could potentially kill him after so many strikes beforehand. 
But killing him wasn’t so easy. He didn’t even know how to kill himself. Not that he wanted to die, but maybe disappear for a while. The mere thought of not existing was a relief. How easy it would be to skip such a long portion of his life. 
Blackstar probably wouldn’t miss him. 
Kid suddenly lifted his head. Of course Blackstar would miss him, he was his husband, they’d been together for seven years, married for one. If Blackstar hadn’t left him through all of the trials and breakdowns, tiffs and times, he was unlikely to leave now. 
Or perhaps all of those times had simply been a challenge to him. Blackstar wasn’t about to lose or give up so he endured being with such a terrible partner. --
Hope you all enjoyed that, thanks for the ask!
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How does the Warrior Code look in the rewrite? How much has changed, if much at all?
Hi! Thanks for the question!
To answer, I do actually have a trio of posts...somewhere in my feed that go over the rules of the Warrior Code, plus the Healer Code and Seer Code (which are my split versions of the Medicine Cat Code from canon), so if you want full details, I'd suggest just going and finding those.
However, to sum it up, the Warrior Code is pretty similar to how it was in canon—truce on the full moon, never harm a kit, don't hunt on each other's territories, etc, etc. The only major difference is that I've made it more socially acceptable to mate across Clan lines, because let's be honest, that rule was stupid. And only existed to create plot tension where there really didn't need to be.
Similarly, the big difference with the Healer/Seers—other than being two separate roles instead of one—is that they can take mates. It is still a bit stricter for Healers, because now there needs to be another fully trained Healer around in order for them to have kits (this way, they can spend time with their families and, in a molly's case, nurse their kits without needing to constantly worry about their duties), but, again, that idea of them not being able to mate and have kits always just felt like a built-in plot device for when the Erins needed to create tension. Not to mention it was very skewed against the female characters. So I'm just scrapping that entirely.
Thanks again for the question, and sorry that it took so long to respond!
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breadfacednerd · 1 year
would you classpect me ( <— asking politely )
Mmm… ok. Normally I’d stick you in the queue BUT we are mutuals in law and also I think you’re very cool. also ive just had a big sleep after beign up ALLLLL NIGHT doing that trollsona murder rp so my brain is very malleableleable
Ive also known you for a while so you MUST know things may be skewed a little...
if i look into my MINDS EYE. my MIND SLIVER. my BRAIN. my BEAN. my CRANIUM. my SQUISH. going off of my CHARTS and SHIT. my eyes first fall on SEER. well not first fall but it's kind of what my brain got drawn to. So for the first classpecting. We'll go Seer. On my Aspects chart im kind of drawn to the section between time to doom (time, heart, rage, blood, doom) For this first one im gonna go with Heart, so Seer of heart is the FIRST THING YOU'VE BEEN ASSIGNED.
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ok going back to the aspect charts, we're gonna go to.. maybe doom i think. and then work backwards to see which CLASS vibes with this ASPECT at a SIMILAR FREQUENCY.
on my chart, im getting good circularly circular vibes from the bottom left around both Prince and Thief... I'm leaning towards thief. But prince (in this scenario) could also work for you. Please note if mixing and matching these vibes fits with better with your mind thats fine. This is a vibe check based reading, if people were able to talk with me WHILE I READ they might be able to be like 'really im surprised' and then i can work with making the other half of something work better, but also i do what i want. anyway. THIEF OF DOOM
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ok.. finally. for the SHOT IN THE DARK, which i have the energy to do today! We're gonna move across the fuckin board, over to MIND. because I decided so. And im gonna just... go to knight because i decided so
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this is your reading take it as you will
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wordsandrobots · 1 year
You mentioned a while ago a Gundam Eligos. I’d love to hear about your… process I suppose (how did you go about thinking it up, what influenced you decision to make it the Eligos, to arm it as you did etc.).
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I mention it because I suddenly remembered a little while ago the existence of these two fake Ibo Gundam’s (I think that became popular around the second season) and I got curious on what your perspective would be on them, if any.
I apologise if you already mention this in one of your fanfics. I’m afraid Iron Blooded Orphans just isn’t really the sort of series I seek out fan fiction of (though if that ever changes, your stuff’ll be top of the list).
Oh, yeah, I quite like that fan-art (original links are these, I believe https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/60410296, https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/58286615?), though I feel the aesthetic skews away from IBO's baseline. Halphas in particular doesn't look right to me and I think that's because it's aping UC or 00 style 'suits too closely.
Anyway - no need to apologise; I get having things you don't seek fan fic out for, I'm the same. I'll note for the record that what I'm going to say contains spoilers but with one (highlighted) exception, they're broadly unimportant.
In total, I made up two Gundams, four pseudo-Gundams, and one adjacent 'new' mobile suit for Wishing on Space Hardware. If you'll indulge me, I'll go through the logic behind each of them in order of appearance.
The first Gundam is little more than a placeholder. I literally needed something to fit between Barbatos and Gusion in a line-up of frames for two characters to walk past. Due to misreading a wiki page, I originally labelled this Seere, which obviously is a Gundam that already exists, at the other end of the number sequence. But then I found this list which is easier to follow and renamed it Paimon (ASW-G-09). I described it as a scout model, slender and winged, which doesn't quite fit with the description of Paimon the demon. However, since that demon's rank is King, like Bael, describing it as similar sort of works. Clearly, my thought process on this one wasn't especially deep! The background I gave Paimon was that it had been in a private collector's war museum in a non-operational state. Some rich guy bought it from salvagers and put it on display. This seemed like a reasonable fate for a Gundam frame to have suffered and I used it later to bulk-out a list of extant frames.
The psuedo-Gundams are all copies of Flauros. Very easy! The idea behind them is that following The Incident, Gjallarhorn authorised an attempt to reproduce the Gundam frame with a view to better controlling the technology. A recovered Flauros was used as the template owing to the transformation mechanism, the Dainsleifs, and the fact that Shino very nearly killed Rustal Elion with it, which created a lot of shock-waves (it's a thread in my fics that this has as many long-term consequences as Barbatos' final rampage, while everyone kind of forgets about Gusion).
I hand-waved the difficulty of building new Gundam frames on the notion that 1) nobody ever tried before, 2) the problem of running two reactors in parallel gets solved over the course of the fics, and 3) the resulting 'Flauri' are technically inferior anyway, being less powerful and less resilient compared to a real Gundam frame (a fact that, as of writing, is about to become extremely important). All this said, the chief reason for making them Flauros-copies is thematic: this is a story where Shino narrowly survives and is taken prisoner. It's a big part of his arc that Gjallarhon takes everything uniquely 'his' and twists it for their own ends.
The Flauri start out as unpainted copies of Flauros' short cannon form, using Gjallarhorn railguns. F-4 remains more or less in this configuration throughout; F-3 switches out its guns for a laser cannon and an electro-harpoon weapon designed to disable enemy 'suits; F-2 is given the full original Flauros weaponry; and F-1 is refitted for melee combat with a set chainsaw/claw weapons in place of the stabiliser feet on the arms. Then, as the story progresses, F-2 gets outfitted the same as F-1, which in turn...well, that actually is a spoiler I don't want to share just yet! Point is, Gundam Flauros has a nicely 'neutral' design compared to a lot of the IBO 'suits, so it was very easy to picture how different weaponry would be bolted on. (Also, while Flauros becomes the template for the completed 'suits, development of the frame was based on an impounded Dantalion, so the idea of switchable equipment is there from the start.)
The long and short of this segment: I started with the thematic idea and thought about how far I could stretch it, following the logic I'd established in the story.
The 'new' mobile suit is another output of the above project: a Reginlaze-like frame that incorporates Flauros' transformation gimmick. The Leopard (named for Flauros the demon's common form) is basically an IBO equivalent of a Guncannon and sort of a joke that swings around to being serious. They were rolled out quickly as a way to shore up Gjallarhorn's relationships with the Earth blocs and Mars when there was a risk that the above Gundam-replication might be publicly exposed. As such, they've got a massively sub-par performance compared to actual Reginlazes. However, this doesn't stop a couple being stolen by terrorists and used for long-range sniping operations, or Gjallarhorn deploying their own, higher-spec models as fusiliers. The high-brow justification for this is as an illustration of more consequences of Tekkadan's actions, but honestly? I just thought mashing Flauros' design elements into a Reginlaze would work nicely.
And finally - to address your actual question! - Gundam Eligos.
OK, so, context: Eligos is not actually called Eligos for the majority of the story. It goes under the pseudonym 'Skoll', as in 'Hati and Skoll', the wolves who chase the sun and moon in Norse mythology. Being a 'moon-chaser' is a loaded double-meaning given that its pilot is one of the Tekkadan survivors. Likewise, due to who it is fighting for (a different terrorist group, apparently headed by a new 'Montag'), its modern appearance is patterned on the Grimgerde: red armour, swept-back fins, shields on its arms. That is principally why it has the armaments it does: shorter versions of the rare-metal blades built into the shields (which themselves flip around to reveal guns are the other end, because seriously, how many of those rifles did Mackie throw away?). It's also fitted with a booster pack for the majority of its appearances: big, triangular wings loaded with additional reactors to allow it to move incredibly fast compared even to normal Gundams. This thing is built for hit-and-run, designed to cut through enemy lines as swiftly as possible, because for a long time it's functionally the only mobile weapon this group has at their disposal. While it is later joined by 'Hati' (a Schwalbe Graze variant), that 'suit serves a very different purpose.
[To whit: Hati is equipped with the combination of a Dainsleif launcher with a beam-weapon, intended to negate the resistance effects of nano-laminate. The javelins it fires are hollow and filled with reflectors, creating a path for the beam. As you might imagine, this is a precision weapon to a frankly ridiculous degree, so Hati is functionally static while in operation. Ergo, Skoll has to handle any mobile suits in play while Hati targets enemy ships.]
The reason I'm starting with all this is because it's what came first. I made Skoll up before I picked which Gundam frame it was built around. I wanted a Grimgerde/Gundam hybrid that ran with Tekkadan's 'one man commando unit' concept. I decided it had been recovered with very little of its original armour intact, so its original identity was irrelevant in terms of what it could actually do.
However, obviously I couldn't leave it there! So: which to use?
I wanted a relatively low number, because the backstory I settled on was that this Gundam had been involved in the battle that left Barbatos (ASW-G-08) abandoned on Mars. Strictly, there was no reason to focus on the low-end of the sequence since I roped Flauros (ASW-G-64) into the same scenario, but it was a way to narrow things down. Another thing I used was association with the colour red (because Skoll is very much the 'rival' machine for these fics).
This led me to the page on that same roleplaying wiki I linked above for Eligos. Which is absolutely not an academically rigorous source. I spent a good fifteen minutes just now tracing the source for describing this demon as wearing a red coat (apparently it's from 'The Red Book of Appin' though I don't have the energy this morning to confirm the exact quote). Fortunately, it doesn't really matter because Crowley's edition of the Ars Goetia is sufficient to explain my final reasoning:
ELIGOS — The Fifteenth Spirit in Order is Eligos, a Great Duke, and appeareth in the form of a goodly Knight, carrying a Lance, an Ensign, and a Serpent. He discovereth hidden things, and knoweth things to come; and of Wars, and how the Soldiers will or shall meet. He causeth the Love of Lords and Great Persons. He governeth 60 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, etc.
I'm not wedded to the idea that the demonic descriptions need to be a one-to-one match for the machines or the pilots, but there's some fitting stuff here. First, it's 'goodly' as in 'handsome', which is beautifully ironic for a variety of reasons. Second, the lance. As I fleshed out what had happened to this frame, I realised I needed to have it use a spear or lance, because while I'd decided the katana was Barbatos's original weapon, the circumstances I was inventing required it to wield a longer weapon at a dramatic juncture. Therefore, that needed to come from another Gundam. And third, there were the references to knowing the future and matters pertaining to wars.
(Due diligence note: slightly more major spoilers for the fic follow)
This is what solidified the pick. You see, something I omitted from my description of Gjallarhorn's Gundam replication project is that the frames are only part of it. They also wanted the means to reproduce the piloting abilities Tekkadan showed. This led to the creation of the 'Alaya-Vijnana Type Zero', an AI model fed on battle data from people (Shino) who used the A-V. This enables the creation of new Type E systems sans the necessity of wiring dead people's brains into a mobile suit. As a concept, this met with mixed success but it's relevant here because the group operating Skoll got their hands on a copy of the specs and incorporated it into their Gundam alongside a standard A-V. This ramps up the information processing capacities of the system so it can very precisely identify incoming threats and respond accordingly, allowing someone with only a single whisker to operate at the level of someone with two or three. It becomes a 'sixth sense' for the pilot, which fits Eligos' realm of knowledge perfectly.
(And to confirm the obvious: yes, it's a Gundam Wing reference.)
With this established, I back-filled what Gundam Eligos (ASW-G-15) had been like. In appearance, it takes cues from 00's Gundam Zabanya, having an articulated 'cloak' of shield panels used to deflect incoming attacks and let it muscle in close to its target. Its primary weapon was designed for skewering and it would probably have had beefed-up thrusters to enable this mode of combat. For its original incarnation, the connection to 'knowledge of wars' is that its pilot was strategist for Gjallarhorn's Mars contingent.
To summarise the finalised backstory: Barbatos, Eligos and Flauros were deployed to the Chryse Planitia to combat a squadron of Hashmals, but the mobile armours split up, forcing the Gundams to do the same. Flauros ended up using its Dainsleifs at very close range, burying itself along with the Hashmal that would later reactivate thanks to Iok. Barbatos and Eligos fought the remainder but were overwhelmed. In a last-ditch effort, Barbatos used Eligos' abandoned lance to puncture the Ahab reactors on one of the Hashmals. The resulting gravitational upset blew Barbatos into the middle of the desert and ripped the armours to bits. Eligos was caught in the blast and crushed by the wreckage, the frame left repairable but its equipment written off.
And to summarise the answer to your question: there you have it. A mix of ideas that I then matched to the entry in the Ars Goetia I felt fitted best with where I was going. I'm both a 'what would be cool' or a 'what serves the plot best' writer when it comes to creating stuff for fanfic/fanart, but I do like to work through a justification for whatever I invent, even if it doesn't get much focus.
Thanks for asking! I know I've rambled on a lot, but that's simply because it was fun to collate my reasoning in one place.
[Addendum: There is one additional 'new; 'suit I included (past obvious things like Shidens using the two-horned alternate mask from the options set and that one random Hloekk with forklifts for arms), which is the J-class Reginlaze, a high-mobility variant that's basically a normal Reginlaze with Julia-style wing-thrusters on its shoulders. This is mainly by 'rule of cool' logic: overall, I have been trying to resist throwing in new 'suits at every opportunity because I really enjoy IBO not doing that. But sometimes, the urge to be self-indulgent is hard to fight!]
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The mage is an incredibly assimilative class, due to our nature as an active class, we take in the knowledge for ourselves in the sense that we cannot truly explain it to others as we ultimately become a part of it. Even those of the same aspect, while it comes to the same result in reality, cannot parse it in a way that can be accepted. This is why the plural tense of mages here could simply be called a knifefight of mages; even the way we experience our aspect amongst ourselves could barely be considered the same experience, making us fully aware of that fact amongst the other classes, among other people, and there will be inevitable fear and disappointment with that expression and understanding. I was simply distracted from my train of thought for mere moments explaining this and even that is causing me sheer distress as now that thought is gone and the me describing this right now fails to do it correctly.
This is partially true; but its more like Mages of Light more or less specifically, cannot fully explain what they know or why they are acting a certain way to get the results they see happening for the betterment of others and themselves later on entirely. I would not say are apart of the aspect itself, but we have to act & do more than say we will in order to get anywhere we want; This goes for all mages.
While Ariel is not a Mage of Light, a decent example of what I mean is sort of the Ursala's Deal with the devil type situation she puts on Ariel.
You will get the good outcome if "you play your cards right" because its strictly going to happen - and you might even know exactly how to do it, at that, but can you implement it in a way, without giving away your full, complete intentions to others? Can you actually explain yourself in a way that is socially acceptable and makes sense enough for others to trust what you are doing, instead of having to SAY it to get it? Could you be completely mute - and still get these results for the lucky or fortunate outcomes that you know are grounded in reality and could happen? Could you make the gamble of going towards a goal without saying much about what it is and just doing it. even if you might not get it at all at the same time?
That being said, even Sollux sort of does this. He does, more than he explains. And even if he did, he'd be brushed off cause mages are the ones hardly anyone listens to.
Mages are based around the idea we are the more vague prophet class. We know a lot about our aspects. regardless if we are speaking light or not. Seers have it better, usually people believe them straight away as their view of whats later can be skewed but still clearer to explain.
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ghoulfr13nd · 3 months
hihi! just remembered a question that i had for the longest time but i think i haven't asked till now? so i'm just popping in to actually ask before i forget! fgsdkfj it's about names in angel and demon's cultures! on mac's and ves' playlist there is description of (i think?) latin words: dives and macto, but you only refer to them by Ves and Mac, so i'm wondering! are those their names or some sort of a nickname? and since both of them are supernatural beings that have three letters taken from a latin word as their name then is it like- demons and angels' naming rule? like homestuck troll's rule of having 6 letters in their names? do these 3 letters always have to be from a latin word? also! do angels and demons pick their own names or are they given? im really fascinated and also i wonder if i'm overthinking this fgsdjf
(hope you're doing well, hugs!)
music anon 🎶
you give me too much credit 😭 i am in fact just absolutely terrible at names (animals, objects, people [myself], characters, etc) and so my go-to naming methods are “well whats a quality of this character in latin” or “whats a plant with matching symbolism”
that being said, i do have *some* thought put into it! Ves and Mac are both nicknames for Dives and Macto. i started with Ves waaay back in the day (i’m talkin like, high school) and when i found the word Macto it just felt perfect!
to me, their names sort of a reflection of their power. i’ve played around with some cool ideas regarding this but i think i might keep that under wraps for now in case i DO end up writing something!!
in any case, in my head, Heaven and Hell are essentially just two sides of the same coin, and function as separate kingdoms with their own aristocracy. Angels and demons both are born with their names. They don’t usually have childhoods. Ves does have one, because her father was a human. Her mixed background makes it so she ages, but her growth pattern is sort of skewed. She’s taken a little longer to age than her human counterparts, and she sort of plateaus in her 20s. She’s invulnerable to things that would kill most humans, but celestial energy can hurt her.
Ves is The Daughter of Hell and sort of resents it. She misses her dad a lot. She’s particularly lucky when it comes to getting cash (she tends to run some minor scams on God’s less pleasant followers) and at her best, she enjoys the finer things in life.
Angels are sort of God’s pawns. Mac is being used by him. I think God is a little afraid of her. You know how in Greek tragedies, they’ll receive a premonition from a Seer, and as they do as much as they can to prevent the predicted events from unfolding, they actually push towards it? that’s sort of the deal here.
i really appreciate all of your questions!! they make me so happy and they help me really get my brain goin! 🥺
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nofatclips · 3 months
Only One by SRSQ from the album Unreality
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norcalbruja · 6 months
On the lines between "people" and "animals," with a tangent on the lines between "superheroes" and "people."
What's up folks, here's my EXTREMELY delayed post about animal-spirits, now that Tony Stark fixed my laptop!
Feb 23, 2024
What's up folks, both my eyes still work!
Turns out that minor surgery was VERY minor. It took me like an hour from checking in to scheduling my followup appointment for next month, and generally the only sign I've even gotten laser surgery is that my left eye is kind of red and sore.
The worst part of the laser surgery was how they had to beam a VERY BRIGHT LIGHT into my eye for 10-20 minutes, and it wigged me out so much that the doctor commented on my breathing.
Anyway, here is my long-delayed post about how Cernunnos sometimes looks like "a stag walking upright" instead of his more common "human with deer-horns" form.
It's weird when he drops by and visits.
I've noticed a theme in my gnosis where sometimes animal-deities/spirits act/look "normal" because... you know, they're ANIMALS. But sometimes they're "part-human" or "trying to be human," and they can't really manage it.
And the ones "in-between" like Cernunnos can REALLY skew things.
I mentioned that the Bruin is a grizzly/brown-bear spirit who just sheds his bear-skin and walks around as a stark-naked human. If he remembers that people get weirded out about nudity, he just wraps his own pelt around his waist and calls it a day. His eyes tend to either stay a bear's (dark brown with no whites around them), or they're technically brown human eyes, but they have No Sapience/Understanding in them. I often see caves and dirt in the Bruin's eyes instead of my reflection.
A Fox-Spirit comes around sometimes, and they just look like a damn fox walking upright. Fox looks almost like a cartoon or children's book of "an animal walking and talking like a person," but in (spiritual) real life when you see a fox walking upright, they just look SO WEIRD AND UNNATURAL.
Fox just Does Not Act Right in addition to "not physically looking right," and they are firmly on the mad oracle/seer side of the "trickster" scale. They CAN shapeshift into a human form, but they just... DON'T. Partly because they aren't aware enough to do it; Fox doesn't always know what time it is, and they don't seem to know "how far along" I actually am on my spiritual wandering, because sometimes they're confused/upset that I'm still stuck at my mom's place.
Other spirits have mentioned that Fox sees A LOT OF SHIT (the past, the future, and reincarnations or "potential" lives) and that makes them really unpredictable, even though they often call me "little sister" and they seem to care about me as deeply as they can manage.
This one time Fox tried to "help" with my overwhelmed spirituality by shoving a stick in Spirit-Me's ear, which naturally freaked out the OTHER SPIRITS as they restrained the Fox and explained why rupturing someone's (spiritual) eardrum is NOT A GOOD IDEA.
One of my friends commented a while ago that Fox sounds terrifying.
Regarding their pronouns, Fox is gender-fluid and MOSTLY has a male form, but when they first arrived and I called them a "he," they just laughed and went "you think I'm a boy because I turn into one??? Lol nope."
Recent stuff, from early March:
This makes me wonder where exactly the Water-Spirit fits in on the "animal or human" scale, now that I know he turns into a giant squid / kraken. His eyes ARE sapient, at least when they look like EYES instead of the ocean abyss. Even if his eyes have squid/octopus pupils, they still have AWARENESS in a way that some animal-spirits don't. Was his ability to "go undercover" as Haik for years a manifestation of his cephalopod camouflage abilities?
He said a lot of times that he had to "learn how to be human," but I just wonder HOW MUCH this dude even needed to learn.
And speaking of that "animal to human" sliding scale, my next post will talk about Tony Stark again, and how very LIMINAL he and the other superheroes are.
One day he told me, "Look honey, we're not really 'people' anymore, but we also can't be gods. We are what people WANT TO BE, and that is a very finicky place in the spirit-world."
He just swings so wildly between "I DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS, BUT THIS IS A FUCKING SPIRIT. HE IS NOT A FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION. HE IS TALKING ABOUT THE THINGS IN THE ETHERS" and "goddamn it, Tony, you are an alcoholic mess."
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lotarclasspects · 7 months
I say current, because this Blog is partially now serving as a record of my ideas and research on these topics. But in short, due to the past few weeks of thinking about it, I have come up with an idea of the full ACTIVE-/PASSIVE+ SCALE. With some other things of note.
(+7)Muse = RULE (+6)Sylph = MAKE + (+5)Bard = DESTROY - (+4)Page = SERVE + (+3)Rogue = STEAL - (+2)Seer = KNOW + (+1)Heir = INHERIT -
(-1)Maid = INHERIT - (-2)Mage = KNOW + (-3)Thief = STEAL - (-4)Knight = SERVE + (-5)Prince = DESTROY - (-6)Witch = MAKE + (-7)Lord = RULE For the classpect savvy reader, you may notice a few things. 1. Sylph and Witch are listed as counterparts 2. Maid and Heir are listed as counterparts. 3. What's all those mathematical symbols on the side what the fuck All will be explained
[[MORE]] For many years, in the classpecting community, there has been an idea that Witch/Heir and Sylph/Maid are the pairings. And that these verbs are MANIPULATE and CREATE. However, understanding and thinking about the concept of Classes being based off literary tropes and archetypes, I disagree. MAKE, like SERVE, has a double meaning. MAKE as in To Create, and To Manipulate, in a single word. Concurrently, I agree and believe in the idea that influence, particularly ancestral influence from a Guardian, can affect how a character acts. how Vriska imitated Mindfang and dressed as a fairy. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself here. But to dial further ahead, before I dial back, whilst Maids are said to be "made of" their aspect, characters involved in the "MAKE HER PAY" flash, and who tend to "MAKE" things happen. Are either Sylphs or Witches. Or the dancestors of Sylphs or Witches. Aradia and Vriska are both the dancestors of the Witch of Time, and Sylph of Light. And "Meddlesome McFussyfangs" herself is a Sylph of Space.
But that's getting Really Really ahead of myself, so now we're dialing back for real. You'll notice, that each of these classes, aside from having a passive or active counterpart, also has a class next to it which has a very related Verb. I will clarify which ones are canon and which are not. We know that Witch is the most Active Class before the Lord. We know that Heir is a passive class. We know that Seer is also a passive class. We know that Prince and Bard are active and passive counterparts respectfully, and that they are of the verb "DESTROY". And the Prince is the most Active class before the Witch. We know that Muse and Lord are counterparts. We know that Thief and Rogue are an active and passive pair, as well. With the verb "STEAL", and have no gender specific affinity. (I will get into this more) We know that the verb of the Knight and the Page is "SERVE" (it is heavily, heavily implied many times) We know the verb of the Seer is "KNOW", or in Aradia's words "a seer knows their aspect comprehensively" My conclusions in creating this list, at these rankings, are thus: We know there is group of four classes, one of which is STEAL and one of which is SERVE. There is also a pair which takes DESTROY. Knowing Homestuck's affinity for balance, especially around the concepts of Destruction and Creation, it bodes well to assume there is also a pair of classes which are linked to Creation. And due to the masculine affinity of Prince and Bard (alongside Hussie's harsh theories on masculinity in the first place), suffice to say these classes are also femininely skewed. Unlike the classes themselves, it seems that the Verbs don't need to necessarily have a single syllable. Otherwise "DESTROY" might have been classified elegantly as "BREAK", but it isn't. Therefore when thinking about what the other verbs might be, they needn't necessarily fit into a restrictive modus. Sylph is also explicitly in canon, By Kanaya, described as "Being a Witch but more Magical". She goes back on this, but it's not clear whether it's the link between Sylph and Witch which is inaccurate, or whether it's the descriptive term of "magical" which she regrets. I have further reasoning to supplement this, but to keep things brief in this section, I concluded that Sylph and Witch are also probably a pair. If Witch is the most Active class before Lord, then Sylph must be the most passive class before Muse. After it being Bard, after Witch being Prince. And since characters either with the titles of Sylph and Witch themselves, or with Ancestors bearing the titles of Sylph and Witch involved in many a flash titled "MAKE (thing happen)". I thought on the double meaning of SERVE. And realised to MAKE is to create, And to manipulate. Linking the two concepts, including the "Manipulate" title the Witch has held in fanon thought for many years, and put them under one umbrella. So we have Prince/Bard DESTROY Sylph/Witch MAKE. Cool. For reasons I will go into on a more Maid/Heir explanatory post, is that both have major themes of Inheritance. I've put, in lieu, on this as "INHERIT". Though "EMBODY" might also be appropriate, it's difficult to discern at this time. And since Seer is the passive "KNOW" class, and Mage is the equivalent of "Prophet" as described by sollux, for reasons I will supplement in a Mage/Seer specific post is that Mage must then be the Active "KNOW" class.
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donkeydispatch · 1 year
"This is... Highly unusual, My Lord," said the High Priest in a tone that didn't leave much doubt to how much they didn't like unusual things.
"Is it ? I don't see why. I'm surprised we don't always do it that way, to be honest."
"But why ? Surely receiving the Word of the Gods once is enough."
"I do not doubt Their Word, holy man, I worry about our own inaccuracies. "
"Ah ! But then I see a flaw in your plan, my Lord."
"And what would that be ?"
"You want to summon nine Seers, and let each call on the Gods to tell us the outcome of the war."
"That's the idea, yes."
"So instead of one flawed man and five perfect Gods, you would add more men to the process. Surely that would but skew the balance towards imperfection ?"
The Lord thought about it for a minute.
"Would you agree that your Seers are right more often than they are wrong ?"
"Of course"
"So if, say seven of the nine Seers agree on something, it would be very unlikely that they agreed on the wrong prediction."
"Extremely unlikely," the Priest agreed.
"See ? That's why it will work. A more robust prediction through an ensemble of Seers. If one Seer fails to hear the voice of the Gods, their imperfect hearing shall be balanced by the undoubtedly more reliable hearing of their colleagues."
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
BOLD SHIFTS OF HUMAN EVOLUTION ~ CORRUPTION, Healing for the Healers & LIGHT WORKERS - you are being heard
And for those that didn't believe what I have offered for years - I don't care, but there are more and more coming forward as the hand and help from God - Humanity helping humanity which has been my message. For the help of all light workers and the constant stalking in how and why we express who we are -
Our souls rights for spiritual expansion are;
Exploration of spirit and creation * Expression of such * Experience of Such
God is bringing our true communities and those that aligned with God, Source, programs of light, evolution -
The work, doppleganger, taking from me, and other light workers on any and every level -
I know truth and what I experience - I am an empath, psychic, conduit, speaker of prophets which I have been speaking of for over 5 years - and what I go through on a daily basis -
I do not give sessions other than video; #stalkinglightworkers #stalkingclairvoyants #crimeagainstenergyworkers #prophets #crimeagainstprophets #truth #5Dleaders #5Denergy
This is abuse and what I have been through is not unlike other pure and talented light workers - I am true, honouring, honest of what I connect with God - Source, our evolution - #calgarycrime, #undergroundcrime #stalkingbymasonrygroups #healingcorruption #God #Source
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We are not religion - we are divine we are light we are sacred - I am bringing humanity to new levels of light and access to love; we are one and this is our oneness - why am I stalked and bullied by speaking truth and light, truth love?
#1 Universal Law - Right Use of FREE WILL & Non-Interference
#2 Universal Law of Balance
Each give and take to each other - and why our plant, our health, abundance will be swelled and skewed until we get it -
We are beyond control, dominance and fear-based programming, those that lead, elite entitlement, and corruption that is created in such;
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My channel, my subscribers, the silencing of my work, videos; through youtube, my clients, all been affected; I had to move 3 times, away from family and work, to remain unfound by those stalking me;
The authorities now know; yet what they have done is immense and none are doing anything -
Insurance, inheritance, poverty and while all I do, offer to creation is stolen and they make my money, steal and rape vibrationally -
I am a seer, and higher intelligence for our earth and healing of the consciousness of the highest healing - false prophets are not connected with the essence of God, Source,
Source is purity of heart - those that thieve are not aligned -
I know who I am; Joanna L Ross - I know who I am. I am light.
I speak what I know and what I experience - our community of truth will be seen, known; we are energy and we are here to uplift through our gifts not abuse them - those in certain covens, abuse energy, have no respect for universal and alchemic laws, right use of free will - non-interference - their intent - is to bring me down; this has been years and years - every post is of my experiences -
All so they can keep up with toxic fraud, abuse of others, energy, spell work, my lawyer has every email for years - 100's of emails and none is done;
'I am a gift; here to remind, to inspire, to ignite & uplift humanity & creation, I know I affect all Creation, 6th-7thD Plutonians, how my healing sessions affect the ripple of the all, how we have dismissed Pluto so far our & so small, yet they arrive when we choose to heal'Ⓒ
I know who I am and our corruption of humanity is ending - Stay in your own lane and focus on you - another's business is not yours.
I will not stand down - I have rights and deserve to be seen, heard, and known;
Blessings and light
#conduit #empathbeingtargetted #healinghumanity #targettingclairvoyant #healinggangstalking #healingabuse
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