#seeing the finest idols playing with kids bro
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just woke up from a nap to see tt clips of wooyoung being a girl dad i’m gonna cry
#WHY IS HE SO GOOD AT THIS IM SO#im forever a dilf girl i cant even#seeing the finest idols playing with kids bro#STRLSTLVR ! - TLKS
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Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen 1 | Gakuen Babysitters 1 | Idolish7 3 | Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 1 | Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 1 | Miira no Kaikata 1 | Death March 1
The debuts for the winter season keep coming, but we’re almost at the end of them with this post.
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card 1
Note I don’t have any prior experience with Cardcaptor Sakura aside from 1 volume of manga and watching the show in passing while other people were watching it, plus knowing about a few spoilers and the show’s reputation as a seminal magical show show…then in more recent days, I finished 2 episodes of it (in fact as of the day I’m typing this, I finished episide 2 today!).
This OP makes Sakura look like later-stage Sailor Moon, and I think that’s the point.
Where did the bear in Syaoran’s hand go when Sakura hugged him?
Eriol! I don’t really know much about him, and I knew I should’ve known about him before starting this, but…it was a bit of a shock to see a character I technically haven’t seen the debut of with my own eyes.
I get the feeling these are the “two bears” from the prologue OVA…
Emails! In the world of Cardcaptor Sakura! Wow, I feel old…and I didn’t even grow up with her.
Hot dang! Gimme dat bishie (Yue)! I knew he was coming, but…I still don’t really know how he came to be!
Wow, this Yamazaki kid spouts such rubbish! I’m looking forward to seeing him in the main series now.
It’s pretty obvious I need to watch the original before understanding this fully, so I’m putting it on hold.
Gakuen Babysitters 1
I’m here for my Ume and Nishiyama. I’m not particularly good at dealing with kids, especially younger kids, but this doesn’t make me run for the hills either.
Ryuichi involves the kanji for “dragon” and Kotaro has the kanji for “tiger”.
That man with the hat is so not sketchy…
I’ve never heard of NAS before (but I have heard of NAZ through Idolish7).
That joke Saikawa told actually worked! These shows may all be middling this winter, but I’d be happy with even some of them on my docket. I’ve been pleasantly surprised more often than not that I haven’t found “stinker of the season” yet.
The comedy for this show’s really on point, although the overall design is a tad lackluster.
K-Kamitani?! Apparently Ume-chan’s character is Hayato Kamitani, so that’s how Ume got involved, so to speak. This sudden intro of 4 kids works on a story scale, but not in a way any person can process without pausing the video (or getting individual intros later).
Well, there are those individual intros I was asking for. Spoke too soon.
It’s actually kinda sad and quite telling how independent Kotaro is. (I still find it extremely hilarous Nishiyama – whose first name is Kotaro - didn’t voice Kotaro, although from a practical standpoint I understand why.)
Usaida has such bedroom eyes, it’s hard to ignore (because they make him look like En)! Dangit, I want my En back!
This brings back memories. My mum used to deal with kids all the time, and of course I was in the background for some of the shenanigans.
Dragon puppet symbolism, eh? (see the dotpoint a bit back about Ryuichi’s name)
As soon as this guy (who kinda looks like something out of Haikyuu) started demanding Taka come with him, I screamed. That character doesn’t seem very Ume, but…uh, it’s Ume. Gotta deal with it. Now that I listen to their voices properly though, Ume does have a “big bro” voice and Nishiyama a “earnest young man” voice.
Oh dear. Taka’s imprinted on me already, and I don’t even like boys that age.
I haven’t felt a genuine sense of danger from any of these winter shows until this one, so it seems like it’s one of the strongest debuts. Then again, CCS was my frontrunner before this and YuruCamp the second best, so I guess I can’t talk, eh?
Gah, I feel like I wanna cry now. That is a strong premiere!
I have a real problem with how anime tears come out in globs. Then again, I’m too much of a crybaby, as my notes can attest…so I guess no arguing here.
Should it be “Chairman” or “Chairwoman”???
Tsundere grandma. Now there’s something I thought I’d never think in my life…
Oh, I didn’t realise earlier but Taka = “hawk” and Hayato = “falcon man”. Animal jingoism at its finest!
Whoo, that was a real nice debut. I thought I was too old for this stuff, but it’s a keeper!
Idolish7 3
It’s a good thing I chose to cover episodes 1 – 2 so I won’t have to do them now.
I didn’t notice Nagi getting all huggy there with everyone in range (the first time, at least).
In case you don’t know from all the other idol shows, the centre is the one in centre stage. They’re often seen as the leader, so it’s a very important position.
This song can’t be anything but Monster Generation! Woohoo!
Wow, I haven’t seen one of those “watch from a distance” things in a while. Makes me nostalgic.
“Ichi” would probably refer to Iori, right? (He has the kanji for “one” in his name.)
Wowee, Nagi’s entendre…is really thick. Like pudding.
I agree, brothers can be so strange…
“…spoil me sometimes.” - Laying on the entendre thicker than custard here, Iori!
These boys are so into their Magical Kokona. I want in now.
Tamaki really is an En-chan…En-chan! Come back! (But why does Tamaki have no socks???)
These ED outfits are so elaborate! Ooh! Imagine a gender-swapped cosplay of them, that’s be great!
Who’s that on the edge of the ED video though? (You can see something hopping up and down.)
Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 1
Can we please just call this “Hanamaru 2” like Crunchyroll? “Zoku” just refers to a continuation…anyways, I got Hanamaru season 1 done last year while dealing with Katsugeki, so…here I come, sword boys!
Didn’t Hanamaru get a dub, by the way? Why would you dub this? For me to criticise it? The Touken Ranbu fanbase is kinda small…
W-Wait, did they just write Yams out of this season? Yams is the protag (if not a protag) here! What did Ichiki do now to deserve this???
It was getting too hard to jump through the proxies to play Touken Ranbu as of late, so I deleted my DMM account. Even still, the sword boys have multiplied since I left! Yikes!
Wow, unexpected 1st person bit there, Kashuu/Masuda. I thought I told the industry to stop doing that…
Exposition wave…I don’t need this wave, but I guess anime-only fans might. Carry on, Heshikiri.
So this multiple Konnosuke thing wasn’t a Katsugeki-only gag? Oh dear, my head’s spinning…
I don’t think I noticed, but Kashuu uses a brush (and not a specialty brush provided in the lid of nail polish). Probably because in Touken Ranbu, plastic isn’t much of a concept…
I still appreciate how Kashuu was this Saniwa’s starter. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy for my own TR days…
Photos are a nice way to recap. After all, 1 picture speaks 1000 words.
Wow, Shishiou’s a real chibi compared to these tachi. But Shishiou’s a tachi too…
Dang, I’m jealous. These bros were around when I was a TR player, and I missed ‘em! Dang Kebishii drops!
So that thing really is a nue. I could never see it on Shishiou’s card, y’know.
Hmm…considering the bros are new swords, the Saniwa’s strategy is to level up them up using the younger bro as leader (remember, the leader gets more experience). I see…
A “pincer attack” is a V shape, so the description fits the Crane Wings formation…
I can’t say I wasn’t impressed by Akashi just then. Come to think of it, he didn’t have any battles in Hanamaru’s 1st season.
A double attack suits a pair like this, of course!
Oh my gosh, they even got two dfferent voice actors for the Konnosukes! LOL!
Hanamaru’s EDs kept changing and it seems like they’ll continue to change, eh? This one looks quite spiffy.
The style of this ED doesn’t look like Hanamaru at all. It was probably done by the original illustrator for the swords.
It’s a great return to form for Hanamaru! I’m sold!
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 1
Another day, another long title…plus this show I would’ve passed on, if not for that resolution…
Michiko Yokote is on a lot of shows I watch. I don’t really know what her influence is, but it seems she’s genuinely competent at what she does.
So…uh, Gendo pose anyone?
I think the teacher is the best part of this. I’ve been a bit of Tonari no Seki-kun, and the pull of that is the sheer ludicrousness of what Seki does with his stuff. However, there didn’t seem to be any intervention aside from Yokoi (I think that was her name)…
Nishikata’s reactions are just way too easy to read…
Well, that was okay, but it’s definitely a show to binge all at once. On to the “on hold” pile it goes.
Wait, but they missed a segment (the 100 yen segment). Gotta skip forward…
I didn’t get any laughs out of that show at all, but it’s still a decent school SoL.
How to Keep a Mummy 1
I have absolutely no experience with this manga, mind you…aside from seeing this tiny mummy on Comico…
Wow, if the mummy can fit in his shoe…how big is it?
The translation of “ready” is surprisingly ganbaru, and there’s a “but” mentioned in the Japanese title missing from the English. Also, “ready” has sexual connotations I’d rather not pair with a tiny mummy…I’d say the translation of the episode title should be something more along the lines of “White, Round, Small, Very Wimpy But [Also] Tries Its Hardest” (“It” being the mummy and not Pennywise…).
Is Dracula even public domain right now? (Does anyone care about the intellectual property of a classic vampire novel anyway? Because I sure don’t.)
Can we please start making jokes about how Sora’s daddy got him a mummy? It may seem childish, but I’m tempted to now.
This mummy is so adorable, I think it even beat out the kids from Gakuen Babysitters! Geesh, I’m spoilt this season! It completely set off my moe senses, and I don’t even have any!
It imprinted on him! Oh wow!
The mummy doesn’t even have a mouth…how can it spit things-oh wait. That’s the joke, isn’t it?
Come to think of it, crybaby characters ae few and far between. However, between this and Devilman…er, Crybaby…they’ve suddenly become popular…I guess?
It’s like a harem, only it’s between a dog and a mummy. Why I never…
One of the best things about anime is that you can learn about other cultures through the things included offhandedly…like that molokhiya thing that Sora mentioned. Apparently it’s a Jewish vegetable of some sort.
Do mummies get jet lag too? I was just thinking how Comico stories, with their full colour and yet simple design (to allow for downward scrolling and intake by the eyes) are perfect for anime.
I listened to the show with volume for once…because Tazuki seems to be the guy voiced by Keisuke Koumoto…and I think I was on the money there. Plus, Sora’s VA really sells the delivery of jokes (although he seems to be voiced by a woman…?)!
Yamanba…like Yamanbagiri’s namesake. The mountain hag, right?
Yep, I was right on the money with Tazuki being Koumoto. Kamitani Tazuki, it seems his name is…
This dance ending’s kind of cute, too. It’s a keeper!
Death March 1
(looks at title just above this dotpoint) C’mon. There’s no way I’m going to repeat “Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody” over and over again for at least 11 or 12 episodes…by the way, I’m here because I was reading a KonoSuba novel and saw an ad for this, just in time for the anime…
“SADA”, my butt…
I love how they almost replicated Windows 8 in this show. Or is it 7, or 10? They don’t show the taskbar, which is the main visual difference between 8 and 10, but either way the Windows replication without being sued is really something…
This OP’s gonna make me dizzy someday…
Classes, eh? So that means Suzuki’s working with an OOP language. Plus you can see Cortana on the computer as the mention of classes goes by, meaning that person’s on Windows 10.
By the way, Satou is a fairly common name in Japan…at least to my knowledge. But Suzuki is a pretty common one, too, hence the mistake.
The client? Unless Suzuki is referring to the client as in the program, it could also mean the client as in the person/group who wants the game made. Considering what he says though involving a call, it’s probably the latter.
That’s the second show with a lost kid in the first episode. It seems a bit trite, don’tcha think?
According to his phone map (flip phone!), he’s in Akihabara.
FFL…eh? Google says there are multiple Final Fantasy games for Android, meaning I’ve probably thinking of Fire Emblem Fates (which doesn’t match), and there’s no such thing as Final Fantasy 50 (L in Roman numerals) yet.
That’s the second time they mentioned work/daily life being a death march. Can we not???
Come to think of it, Suzuki looks like Nobuaki (King’s Game), which doesn’t bode well for either show.
Apparently you can get Facebook Messenger for Windows 10, which I didn’t know…
“…being a corporate slave.”
C’mon! This ain’t the Animatrix, but still, if you’re trying to make stuff look technological, at least make it look a bit better.
Third time they’ve mentioned “death march”.
It might just be Houseki no Kuni’s fault, but this CGI is really janky.
Welllll…at least it looks like a game.
Welllllllll…at least they knew where to put their money for some sakuga…
This running through fields scene is either a homage to Every Anime Opening ever, or Pokémon. I distinctly remember it being in Emerald’s opening animation, at least.
Dude, if you want to look for a wyvern, do it from the ground where you won’t get injured, dumb Satoo.
Does this look a lot like Berserk (2016) with all its CGI knights…or is that just me?
Zena…? I might be showing how old I am with this (or how much I scour the internet), but…by any chance, do you mean this gal instead?
I think I’ve had enough of this flip for now, so I’m putting it on hold.
#simulcast commentary#gakuen babysitters#zoku touken ranbu hanamaru#touken ranbu#touken ranbu hanamaru#miira no kaikata#how to keep a mummy#death march to the parallel world rhapsody#cardcaptor sakura#cardcaptor sakura: clear card-hen#karakai jouzu no takagi-san#teasing master takagi#idolish7#school babysitters#Chesarka watches Gakuen Babysitters#Chesarka watches Hanamaru#Chesarka watches Idolish7
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