#seeing aaron walk down the aisle with someone who’s not her mom ?????
ssahotchnerr · 3 months
stop i just saw a tik tok where a lil girl is crying because her dad is a groomsman in a wedding, and had to walk down the aisle with a bridesmaid 😭 so ellie coded
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uncpanda · 3 years
Back to the Navy Yard: Part 7
Sypnopsis: Being the daughter of Leroy Jethro Gibbs wasn’t easy, but you made it work …right up until you decide to break away from the “safe” life plan and join the FBI. When your father and the family you’ve made stops talking to you, you find a new one with the BAU. But years later, when murders connected to you and your father start popping up, you’re forced to examine the past along side your fiance and unit-chief Aaron Hotchner, and soon to be step son Jack. Really, your whole world is up in the air.
Notes: Eli David and Jackie Vance are both alive, also the timeline between Ziva and Tony was sped up, because slow burn is only good for so long.
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Gibbs' stare is unnerving, but Aaron’s been at the end of a lot of unnerving stares in his life, and in his honest opinion, his own father’s stare was worse. But that was probably due to the fact that a belt had been in his hand and was about to be used. That combined with his years of dealing with the worst humanity has to offer, leaves him feeling fairly calm. 
“Ya know, most people would ask a father for their blessing before asking a man’s daughter to marry them.” 
“That only applies when the father is involved in his daughter’s life.” That strikes a chord, he can see it in the tic of Gibbs’ jaw.
“You don’t understand . . .” 
“I understand better than anyone. I’ve lost a wife before, not just to divorce, but to a 
madman. I almost lost my son. I know how easy it is to want to lock a child up and throw away a key in the name of protecting them. I also know it’s not possible. They have free will. They’re their own people. Y/N made her choice, and you couldn’t respect it, so you shut her out. As a result you’ve missed out on a lot of things. Things she wanted you around for.” 
They both continue to make eye contact when Aaron quietly says, “She cried for you the first time she had to kill a man. She sat on a bathroom floor, after having to take a shot at someone who was firing at us. It made her sick to her stomach, the knowledge that she killed someone, and she wanted you, and you weren’t there.” 
“But you were?” 
Aaron straightens a bit, “For a member of my team? Yes.” 
Gibbs’ hands go to his hips, “A member of your team?” 
“At that point, that’s all she was. Now . . . she’s my everything.” 
Gibbs lets out a long sigh before a chuckle follows, “I have a set of rules. A moral code I live by. Got the idea from Shannon. She absolutely hated that I skipped around on my numbers instead of just going in order. 
“Shannon was a bit more normal. Kept her rules in a notebook instead of on scraps of paper in a shoe box. Y/N was around eight when she found it. She told me, my rules no longer counted because we have mom’s rules. And mom was brilliant. I couldn’t argue with her about that. Shannon was brilliant. Her first rule was, when you really love someone, you fight for them. She’s been fighting for you since the moment I found out, and she has the same look in her eye Shannon had when she would defend me to her mother or some stranger. I never deserved her.” 
Aaron’s lips twitch, “I don’t deserve Y/N.” 
“Well, at least you acknowledge it.” 
“Every day. And just because you weren’t there for things in the past, doesn’t mean you can’t be there for the things happening now and in the future. She’s put off planning the wedding because she wants you there, wants you to walk her down the aisle, wants you to know Jack and any other grandchildren you might have.” 
His eyes go wide at grandchildren, “Is she?” 
He shakes his head, “Not yet. She wants to start trying after we’re married.”
He closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath, as though the thought pains him; the trying not the grandchildren. Aaron wonders if he’ll be the same way if he ever gets a little girl. He’s not even sure if he wants Jack to start dating. Hopefully that’s a problem for years from now. 
“How about this. Let’s catch the son of a bitch hunting my kid and me, and then we can 
deal with the rest of this.”  
Aaron crosses his arms against his chest, “You going to try and kill me in my sleep?” 
Gibbs looks incredulous, “Try.” 
He nodds, “Try.” 
He smiles as Gibbs walks away muttering about sarcastic, cocky, not good enough for my daughter, federal agents. Aaron just follows behind.
Jack is curled up in your lap, listening to one of Dwayne’s ridiculous fishing stories, that is in no way real, when your dad and Aaron come in. Your dad is lugging Jack’s toy bag, while Aaron has the others. 
In a second Jack is out of your lap and in front of your dad. You watch in amusement as your dad lowers himself to the floor with a soft grunt, and your uncle Dwayne follows. The moment the legos come crashing out of the bag, you slip into the bedroom, Aaron has just entered. You close the door silently behind you, and find Aaron waiting. 
You keep your voice at a whisper, “You survived!” 
“He threatened to kill me only twice.” 
You shrug, “That means he doesn’t despise you. That’s a good thing.” 
Aaron lets out a huff through his nose and opens his arms. You dive into the hug pressing your body against his, reassurance flooding through you when he squeezes you tights, and presses a kiss to the crown of your head. “It’s going to be okay.” 
You lift your head to look him in the eye,“You know, I actually believe it when you say it.” 
He smiles, a real smile, and swoops down to give you a proper kiss, before resting his forehead against yours, he repeats the words, “It’s going to be okay. Our team is going to catch this guy. We’re going to go home. You’re going to rebuild your relationship with your dad and his team. We’re going to get married, and maybe make your dad pay for it if he threatens to kill me again. We’re going to get Jack his baby brother, and maybe if we’re lucky a baby sister, and we’re going to live our lives.” 
You press a kiss to his jaw, and then one to the corner of his mouth, “Life rarely works out for us Aaron.” 
“It just means we’re due.” 
The door bursts open a second later, but Aaron’s arms stay firmly wrapped around you as a giggling Jack runs in launches his body at your legs, “Daddy, Marmee, we’re building a ship out of legos. Come help!” 
Your dad’s head pops in, “Yeah. All hands on deck. Boats don’t build themselves,” your dad levels a look at you, “You know that bubba.” 
Jack bounces a bit, “Marmee calls me that too!” 
Your dad scoops Jack up and over his shoulder, “Yeah. But your mom is the original bubba.” 
You look back at Aaron as your dad whisks Jack away, “That’s going to be a dangerous combination.” 
“You think he’ll spoil him?” 
“I think we’re going to end up with a lot of their completed projects at our house. Mom was trying to talk him into a roll-top desk before she died, maybe we can get them started on that?” He gives you a look and you shrug, “What? It’s better than having to keep a boat in our basement.” 
“We don’t have a basement.” 
“Exactly, and we don’t want to set up the possibility of us having a boat in the basement, if we ever get one.” 
“I’m confused.” 
You wave that away, “When you see my dad’s house it’ll make sense.” 
“I’ll take your word for it.” 
By the time you get to the den, Jack has dragged Leon and Dwayne down to help too, and Aaron takes the last available spot on the floor as you settle in the chair. The exhaustion of the past few days, and a lack of sleep is finally catching up with you. But you know, with your boys with you now, the bad dreams and loneliness don’t stand a chance. 
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kevindayisafrog · 3 years
What if Neil never made it home? (Kevneil pain)
TW - physical abuse (choking), panic attacks, hints of suicidal thoughts, grief and loss of a MC, anxiety
“Where is he?”, Andrew’s monotone voice chilled Kevin all over, making his already rapid heart beat faster. “I-I don’t-“, Kevin put his head in his hands and let out a shaky breath. He didn’t know where Neil was and he was dreading the worst. He was holding his hand just minutes ago but the fight broke out and..Kevin let out a strangled sound and squeezed his eyes shut. “Andrew-“, Nicky’s fear made him look up in time to see Andrew marching towards him up the aisle of the bus. “Andrew, I promise I don’t know where he is”, Kevin pleaded as Andrew ran into him and grabbed his throat, “Andrew, please, I don’t-“. He let out a choked whimper as Andrew’s hands grew tighter around his neck. A million tortured moments of Riko flashed behind his shut eyes making Kevin want to disappear; run away from this place to find his Neil. “Andrew”, he tried to whisper, the name barely coming out. “Where the fuck is he?”, Andrew’s voice barely changed, his deadpan face still remaining; boring into Kevin’s memory. “His father-the butcher-“, he knew Neil would hate him for telling everyone his past, but if it would get Andrew off him, he’ll try anything. As soon as Andrew lets go he can run; he’d run faster than he ever has, until his legs break beneath him. He won’t care about the pain, he’s lived through pain his whole life, what’s a bit more? If it helps him get Neil back he’ll walk through fire, he’ll go back to the nest, he’ll kiss Riko’s feet and smile as he slowly dies. “Baltimore-the butcher of Baltimore”, Kevin closed his eyes and let a tear fall out. Who cares if the foxes see him cry? He doesn’t give a shit. They mean nothing to him. “Andrew get off him”, Matt looked between the two and wrapped his arms around Andrew’s waist, pulling to no avail, “fuck”. Kevin looked up into Andrew’s empty eyes through his blurring vision and prepared for the pain he’ll get before whispering: “please, Andrew, I can’t lose him”. Andrew’s hands grew tighter than before, making Kevin let out a laugh fueled on pain and fear. He looked over Andrew’s shoulder fleetingly as Matt, Aaron, Nicky and Coach finally pulled Andrew off; his throat bursting with a numb pain. “Kevin, sweetheart”, Abby kneeled beside him and pulled his head gently onto her lap, “if you know about Neil’s past we need you to tell us now. It’s important”. Kevin closed his eyes and swallowed through the burn in his throat, silently apologizing to Neil for his truth. “His father..is the butcher of Baltimore. He just got out-“, he pressed a hand against his mottled throat and swallowed the taste of blood, “out of prison. We need to save him”. Nicky let out an inhaled ‘fuck’ as Matt got ready to hit Kevin. “For fuck’s sake, Kevin, why didn’t you tell us before? Is that why he was scared of his own shadow? Because he was fucking running away?”, Wymack ran a hand down his face and swore. Kevin nodded and cleared his throat, “yeah, he ran away with his mom when he was eleven. But she died and..”, he shrugged and let out a pained sigh as Abby began to rub lotion onto his bruising neck. “Fucking great”, Wymack turned his back to the team and shook his head before turning to glare down at Kevin, “you should’ve told us sooner, Day. What if something has gone wrong and we’re too fucking late?” Kevin winced at his words and slowly closed his eyes; he’s been blamed for a lot of shit in his life, but Neil’s possible death stabs deeper than anything before. “I’m sorry”, he whispered, desperate for someone to believe him. “That’s not good enough right now. Everyone get in your seats”, Wymack barked as he strode to the front of the bus and sat down with a loud sigh. Kevin stood up slowly and sank into his seat, watching out of the window as his fear and anxiety choked him once again.
Kevin sunk into the corner of the hotel room and dropped his head into his hands; his left hand red raw from his anxious picking. He didn’t want to stay in this room, he didn’t care if the FBI forced them to, he needed to get out. They reassured him that Neil would be okay, but he didn’t believe them. Kevin flinched as a hand was placed on his shoulder, a gentle squeeze making him want to crawl out of his skin. “He’s going to be okay”, Abby smiled down at him and placed a gentle kiss on his temple, “I know what he means to you”. Kevin blinked up at her and tried to hold his anxious tears in; he didn’t want anyone to know what Neil meant to him. Neil was his and he was going to protect him until the day he dropped dead. “Fuck’s sake”, Wymack grumbled as a loud knock startled everyone up onto their feet. They all stood in silence as their Coach opened the door cautiously and grunted when two FBI agents walked through the door with annoyed facial expressions. “I’m Special Agent Browning and this”, the smug suited man gestured to the taller man beside him, “is my partner Special Agent Towns. We are working on the Baltimore case and can officially announce that the butcher has been executed”. He said it so proudly, so smugly that Kevin wanted to rip the man’s face off with his bare fucking hands. “But this information is not to leave this room, do you understand?”, Towns glared at each face before nodding and pulling a notebook out of his jacket pocket, “we would like some information on Nathaniel Wesninksi, the butcher’s son”. Nathaniel. That name alone brought too many bad memories up that Kevin wanted to scream. He wanted to scream that his name is Neil, he hated that name and he ran so far away to forget it; but now they’re pinning him back down with it. “His-his name is Neil”, Kevin spoke up and felt everyone’s eyes turn to him, “and I want to know where he is”. He tried to stay formal and authoritative but his voice cracked in fear. Both agents shared a small look, a silent conversation being spoken right in front of their faces, before Browning nodded and turned to face the room. “We are sorry to say that Nathaniel did not make it. Our condolences”. Kevin felt the air leave his lungs as if he’d been shot a million times in the chest. “What?”, he whispered as the Foxes turned to shoot him death glares. “For fuck’s sake, Kevin. You should’ve told us”, Matt spat as Dan physically held him back from killing Kevin. “I didn’t-he didn’t want me to, I was just-“, Kevin took a step back in instinctive fear as the Foxes began to shout over each other, each word ripping deep into Kevin’s skin that they began to merge together into a numbing ring in his ears. “He’s okay, they’re just-“, Kevin gripped his chest with his left hand and replayed all his memories with Neil, “they’re lying. He’s okay”. Browning shook his head and sighed, “I’m sorry, kid, but his father got to him before we could infiltrate the building”. Kevin fell to his knees and covered his ears, his lungs bursting in his chest. “No, he’s okay, he’s okay”, he whispered hoarsely, bile slowly creeping up his bruised throat. His ears began to ring with shouts and cries as he watched his Neil slip away behind his eyelids, the blue eyes that he fell in love with slowly closing shut to never open again.
“He’s okay”, Kevin whispered as his body began to shake, painful sobs ripping through his chest, “he’s okay”. He replayed every interaction with Neil, his body still humming with his touches, his cheeks still blushing from the soft kisses. “He’s okay, you’re lying”, he whispered though it came out barely audible, his throat burning with the bile. He felt like he was dying and he was leaning into it; hoping that this will finally be the moment where he’ll die and won’t have to live without Neil. The boy that he fell in love with the moment he saw him swagger onto the court when they were eleven. The boy that mouthed off to the press, to Riko, but would kiss him so gently; would hold him with such tenderness that it would sometimes make him want to cry. His reason to fight back who has lost the battle; who proved that life would never get better, at least not for them. He let out a wail as he felt his lungs collapse, his body shaking so much that he felt as if he were leaving it; finally being freed. “Kevin”, a blurry voice broke through the deafening ring in his ears, a voice so soft that it made his heart break more, “Kevin, sweetheart, give me your hand”. He opened his eyes slowly and blinked through the tears, his head swimming with his fight or flight reflexes. He wanted to do neither; he wanted to disappear. “Give me your hand”, Abby gently took ahold of his hand and placed it against her neck, “feel my pulse, can you feel it?” It took too much energy for Kevin to nod so he squeezed his eyes shut instead. “Good, now match my breathing, I know it’s hard but you can do it”, Abby began breathing too loudly for Kevin’s ears and he just wanted to push her away, but he tried anyway; she always makes him want to try. “Good, that great, you’re doing so well”, Abby whispered through breaths, a sad smile in her voice. “I don’t want to do it”, Kevin whispered as he felt his chest sag in defeat. “No, you’re doing great, I’m so proud”, Abby cupped his face and wiped away the tears that were infinite. Kevin shook his head and dropped his head on her shoulder, opening his eyes to watch as the other Foxes had turned their backs on him. Neil was the only one that made him want to stay here, so why did he let him go? All he had to do was hold a little tighter, but Kevin always let good things slip through his fingers, “I’m sorry”, he whispered though no one heard him.
Kevin strode onto the Ravens court with his head held and with a victory already in his grasp. “For you”, he whispered to the sky before tapping the butt of his racquet against the floor and changing hands, “you gave me your game and I won’t let you down”.
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your-eternal-muse · 4 years
Wish I Were....
Heather Series Chapter 12 (FINAL PART)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Bonus!:Readers Card Confession Bonus!:To Hold On, To Let Go, Spencers take Bonus!:Series Playlist
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Summery: Reader no longer wishes she were someone else
Words: 4k
Warnings: Swearing, Description of Birth, just pure, tooth aching fluff
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Y/N: This is it y’all. This is the final chapter of the Heather's Series. I started this journey a little over a month ago, and my god, has it been amazing. I never thought it would pick up the traction it did, and I am so glad I decided to start posting in the first place. I’m gonna take a short break from posting any writing just to recuperate and stuff, but it won’t last longer than a week, and I will still be interacting on the platform itself. I want to thank every single reader who has liked and/or reblogged my work. It means so much to me, and I would not have gotten this far without your support. I love you all with all of my heart. There will be one more bonus “chapter” that I will be posting within the next couple days, but it’ll be mostly headcanons, and answering any questions you may have about the series. I hope the ending is worth it. 
With love, your eternal muse,
Frankie <3
I used to be a night owl.
I used to live in the night, sit under the stars and soak it all up.
I used to not go to bed until hours after the sunset, perfectly content to not waking up until hours after it had risen.
Now, I’m lucky to sleep for a few hours between dusk and dawn.
But I’m okay with that.
The ringing of trembling tears echoes through my ears, and I stir awake.
I rub my face, looking at the clock as I push back the comforter.
4 am.
Oh goody.
“I’ve got her baby, go back to sleep.”
Spencer whispers in my ear, planting a kiss on my shoulder, and I’m not one to argue.
I fall back into the pillows, pulling the blanket back up to my chin, my eyes closing without much resistance.
I wake an hour late, expecting to feel his body warmth against my back.
I turn, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, realizing that the blanket is still pulled back from when he got up the hour before.
Oh dear lord please tell me she didn’t get sick.
I climb out of bed, padding down the hallway towards the soft glow of light emitting from her room.
I pause at the doorway, watching as he holds her close to his chest, a smile draped across his face.
I can’t help but stand and watch as he sways back and forth, watching her sleep in his arms.
I notice her tiny hand is clasped around his ring finger, the gold of his wedding band glowing in the dim light.
I love that ring on him.
I never thought I’d be the one to put it on him.
My heart is pounding in my chest.
Why am I so nervous?
He’s not going to leave me stranded.
Jesus, get a grip, y/n.
“Are you ready y/n?” Hotch walks around the corner, fixing his cuff links as he walks up to me.
I take a deep breath in, trying to convince myself that I wasn’t going to throw up.
“Yep. I’m ready, I just….” I fan myself. “Is it normal to feel like you’re going to pass out on your wedding day?”
He smiles, coming forward and taking hold of my hand. “It is. And I guarantee you, he’s worse than you are.”
I laugh, just imagining the state he’s in.
He hasn’t seen me in three days, since I’m a stickler for tradition.
It was my bachelorette party, than his bachelor party, and now here we are.
“When Haley and I got married, I was a nervous wreck. I don’t think I took a normal breath until hours after just because I was so worried about everything going to plan.”
He brushes some of the curls framing my face out of my eye sight.
“But, when I met her eyes, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. It was just us, and I knew, at that moment, that everything would be okay.”
I nod, exhaling. “Okay. I’m ready.”
He loops my arm through his, turning to the closed doors where my future waits for me.
“Thank you, Aaron. For giving me away. You’re the closest thing to a father I’ve got.”
He pats my hand. “It’s my honor, y/n.”
I hear the start of the music, and my heart jump starts. 
I grip his arm, trying to control my breathing. 
“Don’t let me fall.”
The doors open, and for a moment, I panic.
But then my eyes meet his.
And everything else disappears.
His hands are clasped in front of him, and I see him look me over, taking in everything.
Tears are streaming down both of our faces, and god, I never realized how much I missed him when he’s gone.
We reach the altar, where a proud Rossi stands, and Hotch hands me off with a kiss to my cheek.
I hand JJ my flowers, turning clasping Spencer's hands in mine.
When my hand touches his, my breathing returns to normal.
However, before I even notice, JJ is handing me a folded piece of paper that holds my vows.
Weddings always seem longer when you’re not in them.
I unfold the paper, clearing my throat.
“I don’t have an eidetic memory, so I need this so I don’t make a fool of myself.”
A couple laughs from the crowd.
Okay, here goes nothing.
“The first time I saw you, you were sitting at your desk, while Derek and JJ sat around you, watching you explain the scientific inaccuracies of Star Wars.”
He laughs, and Derek pats his shoulder from behind him.
“I was awestruck to say the least. The way your eyes lit up with excitement, how your hands couldn’t stay still.”
I take a breath, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“I fell in love with you at that moment. But I knew I was done for when you looked at me for the first time.”
Rossi produces a tissue from his pocket, and I laugh, accepting and blotting at my tears.
“You are my best friend. You are there for me in my darkest times, and are often the cause of all my light ones. You hold me when I cry, and you laugh when I’m angry at something stupid. You never make me feel stupid. You are the greatest thing to have ever happened to me.”
Christ, why was this so hard?
“I love you. And I promise to cherish you, and not get annoyed when you ramble on about god knows what, because I love to listen to you talk. I promise to never make you feel like you don’t matter, because you matter so much. I promise to love you through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, until the end of time itself. I choose you, forever and always.”
I fold the paper up again, dabbing away my tears.
“Well, look at that, I still made a fool of myself.”
More laughs, and I hear a few sniffles here and there. 
Spencer wipes his own eyes. “I don’t know if I can top that.”
I giggle.
He goes into his jacket, and pulls out a white envelope, and my face scrunches in confusion.
“It’s not what you think it is.” He whispers.
He opens it, pulling out a car, and begins to read from the inside.
“You told me once, in a card similar to this one, that the moment you admitted to yourself that you loved me, was on a road trip to visit my mom. I thought it fitting that I tell you that, that was the moment I admitted to myself that I loved you in the same way. So here we are.”
I bring a hand up to my mouth, covering the ugly sobs that threaten to spill out.
“We had only known each other for a month, but you were easily taking over every brain cell in my mind. I was terrified of you saying no, but I asked anyway. Those two weeks were some of the best of my life. I fell in love with your laugh, your smile, the way your hair looks in the sunlight. I fell in love with you from the driver's seat and I’ve loved you ever since. You deserve to be reminded of that every day for the rest of your life. I promise to hold and cherish the heart that you have given me. I promise to catch you, every time you run away. I promise to protect you with my life. You mean everything to me, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of forever with you. I love you, forever and always.”
He closes it, and it takes a moment for me to gather myself.
“I promise I didn’t look at your vows before writing mine.”
I laugh.
Rossi clears his throat. “The rings please, Henry.”
Henry walks forward, our rings sitting on the pillow as he smiles at us. 
“Thank you buddy.” I say, taking hold of Spencer’s between my fingers.
“Alright. Y/n, repeat after me. I, Y/n Y/l/n, take Spencer Reid, to be my husband.”
I repeat the words, a smile growing bigger and bigger on my face.
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until the end of time.”
Can I kiss him yet?
I say the words, like casting a spell, before slipping the golden band onto his finger.
Rossi repeats the phrase, and Spencer’s smile is as big as mine, if not bigger.
“Until the end of time.”
He delicately slips the ring on my finger, and my heart starts pounding.
“One more question for each of you. I promise, we're almost there.”
He smiles at each of us, before turning back to me.
“Do you, Y/n Y/l/n, take Spencer Reid as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
Not even a question.
“And do you, Spencer Reid, take Y/n Y/l/n as your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
I start bouncing on my toes, too excited to care.
“Then it is my great pleasure and honor to pronounce you, husband and wife.”
He turns to Spencer. “You may now kiss the bride.”
He doesn’t hesitate, cradling my face in his hands as he places his lips on mine.
It’s just me and him, in an empty room.
I move my hands up his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck.
It’s only when we break, that I remember people are here, and the room is filled with applause.
With our hands clasped together we walk back down the aisle, and I swear I am never going to be this happy ever again. And that’s okay.
My eyes fall from his arms, to the dresser sitting next to her crib. 
The top is covered with photos, personalized trinkets, and books. 
One picture is framed with her name in gold lettering down the side.
My first sonogram.
Through the glass I can see wrinkles in the film.
Spencer carried it with him until the day she was born.
He had always mentioned how he wanted to have kids someday.
It didn’t make me any less nervous to tell him, though.
“Hi! Is this Mrs. Y/n Reid?”
I stop writing, my pen mid stroke on my paper.
“This is she.”
“Hello! This is Nicole calling from United Health with the results of your pregnancy test.”
Jesus that was fast.
“Oh! That was quicker than I expected.”
I set my pen down, closing my file, pushing some hair behind my ear, looking around to see if anyone was in ear shot.
They weren’t.
“We get that a lot. But, I’d like to say congratulations! You are pregnant!”
I stop breathing for a moment.
“Oh my god. Oh my god! Thank you!”
Holy shit.
Holy fucking shit.
“You’re so welcome! Congratulations again! Have a great rest of your day!”
I hang up, still trying to grasp the words that have just been spoken to me.
I’m pregnant.
I’m fucking pregnant.
Holy fuck.
“Y/n? Baby, are you okay?”
I snap out of my daze to see Spencer standing beside my desk, a look of skeptical worry on his face.
“Uh...yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. Um…”
I have to tell him. I can’t keep this a secret from him, even if I wanted to try and surprise him.
I stand, running my hands over my pants.
“Okay, somethings wrong. You do that when you’re nervous.”
I can’t help but laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Nothings wrong, Spence. Um, I just got a call from United Health.”
He’s confused, setting the file in his hand, down on my desk.
“Why would United Health be calling you?”
There are days when I can't believe he has an I.Q. of 187.
“I went in yesterday, to get a test done. I’ve been gaining weight, and I’ve been getting sick in the mornings. I also skipped my last period.”
I can sense the wheels beginning to turn in his head.
“Wait. Are you…”
I nod, tears falling down my cheeks. “I’m pregnant, Spencer.”
It takes a moment for the words to register in his brain, but then he’s yelling in excitement, throwing his arms around my waist, picking me up and spinning me around.
He sets me down, his eyes red rimmed, his smile one I will never forget.
“You’re pregnant. Oh my god we’re having a baby.”
His hands are placed on either side of my face, and I can’t help but laugh at his infectious excitement.
“Who’s having a baby, now?”
Derek walks up, and Spencer turns, and I know Derek knows just by the shit eating grin on Spencer’s face.
But I just love saying it.
“I’m pregnant.”
Derek’s eyes light up as he claps his hands together, before pulling Spencer into a hug. “My man!”
JJ and Emily gather around, all smiles and squeals as I’m captured in the middle of a group hug.
Penelope walks into the bullpen then, confusion written across her face.
“What’s going on out here? Why are you guys screaming? Who won the lottery?”
I bite my lip, trying to hold back the smile.
“I’m pregnant!” I all but scream.
Penelope’s expression changes in an instant as she practically runs forward.
“Oh my god! Holy crap! Baby genius! That’s so much better than the lottery!” 
She catches me in a bone crushing hug before suddenly pulling back.
“Crap. Sorry. Fragile baby.”
“Congratulations baby girl.” Derek swaps places with Penelope, who is now hugging Spencer with everything she has.
“Alright, why are you guys hugging each other?”
Rossi and Hotch walk through the glass doors, taking in the commotion.
I feel Spencer wrap his arms around me from behind, as he kisses my shoulder, my neck, my cheek.
“I’m pregnant!”
A smile immediately forms on Rossi’s face as he comes forward, grasping my face between his hands, kissing me on each of my cheeks.
“Congratulations, principessa.”
“Congratulations, to both of you.”
Hotch is smiling, waiting his turn to give hugs.
“It’s decided, celebratory dinner at my place tonight!” Rossi announces and we all cheer.
I turn my head, placing my hands over Spencer’s which are now resting over my stomach.
“I love you.” I smile.
“I love you, too. Both of you.”
Soft humming breaks the silence of the room, and quiet words float through the air as he sings to her sleeping form.
“Come Josephine, in my flying machine. Going up she goes, up she goes.”
I enter the room then, tip toeing over to stand by his side, leaning my head against his shoulder as I gently stroke her hair.
“Up, up, a little bit higher. Oh! My! The moon is on fire! Come, Josephine in my flying machine going up, all on, goodbye!”
She’s tiny.
I couldn’t fathom how tiny she was a month ago, and she has grown, but she’s still so small.
Has it already been a month?
“Jesus fuck, I  promised myself this wouldn’t happen at work.”
I shouldn’t have come in.
I know that.
I know that waking up with contractions is a tell tale sign that you should not go to work.
But she isn’t due for another two weeks. Two weeks is a long time. Hopefully enough time to get a grip on myself so I don’t panic that I’m gonna fail as a mother every time I think about it too hard.
I thought maybe I could just get through the day, but the warm stream trickling down my leg is a big fuck no to that.
I’m trying to steady my breathing, the cup of tea I was making abandoned on the counter as I grip the edge with a force I didn’t know I had.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
Hotch walks up, worry creasing his brow.
He places a hand on my back, a comfort as pain ripples up and down my spine.
I shake my head. “I need Spencer.”
I shift my weight from leg to leg. “And a towel.”
He nods his head, looking around for a chair, frowning when he comes up empty.
“Aaron,” I say, turning my head towards him. “Please go get my husband.”
“Right.” He nods, taking a second to make sure I wasn’t going to topple over before almost running towards Penelope's bat cave.
A hiss escapes my mouth as I feel a jab in my side.
“Yeah, I know baby, I wish he would hurry the fuck up too.”
A plethora of footsteps fall upon my ears, and Spencer immediately places a hand on my lower back, taking hold of mine with his other.
“How far apart are they?” is the first thing out of his mouth.
“I’m fine, honey, thanks for asking.” I say as we start to make our way towards the front glass doors.
He gives me a look and I sigh.
“I don’t know. I thought if I didn’t count they’d go away and I could pretend this isn’t happening at work.”
“I wish it worked like that.” JJ laughs, holding open the door and what I presume is my go bag.
“Me too.” I grit, squeezing Spencer’s hand.
“Remember our deal. Not one statistic, or fact is to be uttered from your mouth today. You are not a doctor once we enter the hospital.”
I can see the panic start to form on his face, but he laughs.
“Yes ma’am.”
I’m never doing this again.
I don’t think I’ve ever been in this much pain before.
I’ve been in this room for what feels like forever, because she’s taking her sweet time being early.
No amount of pillows or soothing rubs can help the aches that are washing over me.
My hair is falling from the bun I threw it up in, sweat coating every inch of skin I have.
I feel gross in every sense of the word.
I lean forward and groan as another contraction rips through me.
How do women do this?
Spencer brushes some hair out of my face and lays a cool washcloth on my neck as I grip the side rails of my bed.
“You’re doing so good baby.”
It feels like I can’t breath.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”
He knows there’s not much he can do right now to help, but he holds my hand, trailing his hand up and down my back.
“Just a little bit longer. I promise. She’s almost here. You’re doing so good, y/n. I’m so proud of you.”
If only he knew about the panic flowing through my veins, the thoughts that I’m not ready to be a mom bouncing around my skull like an insistent headache.
A knock at the door, and my doctor walks in, smiles and bright eyes. “How are you feeling, y/n?”
“Like a,” I groan, trying to move away from the pain, shifting forward and backwards. “Like a million bucks.”
She laughs, and I don’t have the energy to be nice and laugh with her.
“Well, I still need to check, but I’m pretty sure you’re ready to push.”
I close my eyes, not wanting to look as she sticks her fingers in a place that will need some R&R after this. 
“I was right. You’re ready. Now, your body knows exactly what to do. It’s best to not fight it, and just listen to what it’s telling you okay?”
I start to move myself back away from her, my breathing picking up pace.
I can’t do this.
“No. No. I can’t. I’m not ready.”
She doesn’t seem phased at all, but Spencer easily notices the fear in my voice. 
“Hey, Hey, Hey. Look at me.” His hands stroke the sides of my face, and his fingers are wet from my tears and sweat.
I shake my head. “I’m not doing this. I’m not ready. What if I fail? I don’t want to fail her. I can’t. No. I’m gonna be a horrible mother.”
“Y/n, baby, breath with me.” He takes my hand, and places it on his chest.
I can feel his breaths beneath his breastbone, the frantic heartbeats that give away his true state of mind.
I hate that I’m stressing him out.
“You are going to be a great mother. One of the best. I don’t think you could fail even if you tried.”
He brushes my tears away. “But you can’t force your body to stop. You need to let go. I’m right here.”
“Alright, were ready, y/n.”
My eyes pass between Spencer’s and I know he’s right.
I just need to let go.
I nod, and I move back to where I was. 
My left hand grips the rail, while my right is situated inside Spencer’s. 
I feel the next contraction start. 
“Alright I need you to push for me.” 
I’m on the brink of a mental breakdown, but I take a breath and let my muscles do the work.
I hear that groaning and screaming can actually help, so that’s what I do. 
With every push, my voice grows louder, words lost in the back of my throat.
But I’m getting tired, and I can feel myself crashing. 
So when another contraction pulses through me, I push myself forward, and use every muscle in my body.
“Get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!” 
I don’t think I’ve ever screamed that loud, but it seemed to work.
It felt like a gush and then crys fill the room.
I fall back onto the bed, tears streaming down my face.
“She’s beautiful!” I hear my doctor say over her screams.
Spencer kisses my forehead, his own tears coating his face. “You were amazing, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
“Here she is!”
My doctor lays a bundle of white blankets onto my chest, and when I see her face, my heart stops. 
The world could be burning around me, but I wouldn’t care. Even covered in gunk and red faced, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. 
I sob, holding her close to me, Spencer right there beside me, his hand gently stroking the top of her head. 
“Hi, Ettie.” I whisper. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“She’s so beautiful.” He whispers, his voice thick with emotion. 
I can’t take my eyes off her. I never want to let go of her.
Nothing else matters anymore, nothing but her.
Juliet Diana Reid.
Born at 6:08 am, on the third of December.
He places her in my arms, and I clutch her close to my chest as I move back towards her crib to lay her down again.
I don’t understand how I could have ever doubted how amazing my life would be with her in it.
Soft snores emit from her small mouth, and Spencer wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, only moving when he hears me sniffle.
“Why are you crying, love?” he whispers
I wipe my face, turning around so I can face him.
His hands are on my hips, his thumbs rubbing circles on my skin.
“For so long, I was jealous of so many people.” My hands play with the fabric of his t-shirt, rubbing it between my fingers.
“I was jealous of Heather. Of what she had.”
My hands move up his chest, coming to rest at the base of his neck. 
“I dreamed about this. About having this with you. And I never thought I would get it. But here I am.”
I smile up at him. “I have everything I have ever wanted. I wouldn’t wish for another life even if it was offered. I have you, and Ettie, and the life I wanted so bad. I’m just…”
I swallow the noise threatening to spill from my throat, so I don’t wake up the sleeping girl behind me. 
“I’m just really happy is all.”
He smiles softly down at me, and he brings up a hand to cup my cheek. 
He leans down and kisses me slowly, gently, in a way that always leaves me paralyzed. 
“I love you.” He whispers. 
I nuzzle my nose against his, before laying my head against his chest, feeling his arms wrap around me, holding me tight against him. 
“I love you, too.”
I love you, Spencer.
I love you.
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imaginesandinserts · 4 years
Irreverent Pt. 47 - Seven Devils
Title: Irreverent Pt. 47 - Seven Devils
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader Rating: M Words: ~11K
Irreverent Series Masterlist
You'd just arrived at the airport when you got the call from Clyde informing you that there was a terror alert across the EU and flights were being grounded. He'd coordinate agents on the ground but there wasn't much you could do from the States, so you were off the hook until things got figured out.
Great, now what? *------------* Aaron walked towards the plane with the rest of the team, with Reid already spouting facts around unsubs who preferred to shoot their victims from a distance rather than up close. He climbs up the steps and turning, is greeted by you, seated in your usual chair. "Hey, what're you doing here?" He walks up towards you, the rest of the team following close behind, equally surprised to see you. "EU terror alert," you explain while he stashes his luggage away, nodding hello to everyone else. "Clyde said I'm free for the time being and I was already at the airport. Garcia read me in." "Well, it'll be good to have you, kid." Rossi takes a seat in the aisle across from you guys. "Seems like an all hands on deck sort of situation." Everyone settles in and you can't help but notice the small smile that seems to linger on Aaron ever since he saw you. The two of you had only had the past three days together and throughout that, you'd had a soccer match for Jack, a birthday party for one of his friends, and you'd spent Saturday night with the girls; needless to say, it had been tough to get time together for just the two of you. "Was Jack okay?" you ask, turning to Aaron after everyone had finished talking through some of the case details and started to build a preliminary profile on the Unsub. Aaron nods, but your question catches JJ's attention, who looks to you with her eyebrows raised, the puzzled expression on her face imploring you to explain. You're unable to help the smirk that plays at your lips as you do. "We had a - um - staff meeting this morning that Jack wasn't invited to. He wasn't too happy that the door was locked," you explain, biting your lip and barely stifling your giggles. "A staff meeting?" Emily raises her eyebrows at you and you can just imagine the dirty thoughts running through her mind along with the Wow Y/N only soccer moms call getting railed a staff meeting. You meet Aaron's eye and you can see the soft blush to his cheeks that only you would notice. "I simultaneously regret and appreciate my choice of words there," you murmur to him as he shakes his head in amused disapproval. Derek barks out a laugh in reaction to Emily. "Uh huh. Was it a successful meeting?" he asks, wagging his eyebrows at you, toeing the line at ribbing Aaron as well. "I think both parties were pleased with the outcome. At least according to my notes." You turned to look at Aaron, mirth flitting into your gaze. "Would you concur?" He has a small smirk on his face mirroring yours, no doubt thinking back to the fifteen minutes the two of you had caught together before you had to get ready to leave for the airport - once against the aforementioned locked bedroom door and a second in the shower, before you begged him to relent, otherwise you'd be late. He'd been intent on a third. "Some good points were made. However, we might have to do a follow up to ensure we're still aligned," he drawls, getting far too much enjoyment out of the effect his words and low voice would have on you. You lose it at that, unable to keep a straight face. Follow up indeed. "Gross. I feel like I just watched my parents flirting." JJ groans, pushing up from her seat to go rummage around for snacks in the back. She was due anytime now and would be gone on maternity leave starting the following week. She was already mostly out of the field, staying in the precinct and managing the team from there. You knew, that as a result of that, Aaron was actually out in the field a lot more because he trusted JJ to handle the emotions and politics of local officials far better than anyone else. "Morgan, could you check if we're stocked on the M4 ammunition?" Aaron switches gears towards preparing for the landing, a quick brush of his hand to your thigh in promise that there would indeed be a follow up to this morning's activities. Derek nods and gets up, checking on the rifles stock that was brought along. With an Unsub like this, the team would need to be equally equipped to handle any situations that might arise, especially in a sprawling Texas city where guns were aplenty. "Guys," Spencer pipes up, "I don't think I'm actually allowed to use those." He glances around at the rest of the team apprehensively, as Derek and Aaron share a calculated look at his admission. "You're not," they both tell him almost simultaneously, drawing a snort from both you and Emily while Rossi merely smiles and shakes his head, turning his head back to his notes. Reid looks offended and turns on you at that. "Are you certified to shoot those?" His tone implied that he highly doubted you. "I've been shooting since I was six years old," you inform him, a superior look on your face. "I actually set the Academy record for most weapons certifications earned by a trainee." Aaron presses his lips together to keep from smiling while Emily shakes her head with a laugh at you goading Reid. "I didn't know six year olds were allowed to handle guns." "If you're rich in Connecticut, you can do pretty much anything. Just look at the Kennedys." "Touché."
Spencer grumbles to himself a bit more, slouching into his chair. It was his one weak point and he was getting better at it, really. On pretty much everything else, you're sure he'd have you beat.
You turn towards the research you'd been conducting on your own case with Clyde, in your downtime. Things were starting to fit together in an unexpected manner, and you'd had to bend a few rules to start putting all the different pieces in, but you were finally making some headway. It would definitely be faster and easier if you could enlist Garcia's help or bounce ideas off of Aaron, but your hands were unfortunately tied due to the high level of clearance you'd had to obtain to work this case in the first place.
Aaron watches as your head is bent in concentration, his own focus flickering away from the case ahead. You'd only been home for three days but you'd mentioned that your assignment at last had an end in sight. He's hopeful that that means things will be calming down - the two of you would be around one another more again. While Jack had so far done a good job of keeping the secret, he also gave his father a very telling, excited look anytime he saw you, and Aaron could often see Jack's eyes going to your hand where he hoped a ring would soon sit.
All of the bodies thus far had been found at the grounds of various places of worship around the city - a few Churches, a Temple, and a Mosque. It would appear most of the actual killings had happened at a different location and the bodies were then moved and left to be found the next morning by unsuspecting worshippers, children, and groundskeepers. The Unsub was an equal opportunity killer - no discrimination in the religious leanings of his victims.
So far the victimology was all over the board - a college student, a local politician, a priest, a housewife, and a video game developer were the five victims so far. It read like the beginnings of a bad joke. A rabbi, a priest, and a horse walk into a bar…
The Unsub had left the bodies of each victim at their chosen place of worship. That, in itself, felt highly personal so there was a chance that the Unsub personally knew each of their victims. This was supported by the methodology - killing the victims from afar was easier on this particular Unsub's constitution.
The team had been spitballing; attempting to establish a connection between the victims. Reid and JJ were working on the geographic profile. Well, Spencer was at least. JJ kept having to leave to go to the restroom every five minutes. In that moment, you definitely did not envy pregnant women. Bearing children wrecked one's body.
The obvious religious themes were all in scope. The theory at the forefront was that each of the victims was being punished for a perceived sin, and Garcia was doing a deeper dive into their finances and online history while the rest of you got to know the families and the victims personally to wrangle out the truth. This was the most difficult part usually - even if someone was an awful person whilst alive, most people became reluctant to speak ill of the dead.
Trusting JJ to handle the centralized headquarters that the team had set up, Aaron left with you to do one set of the interviews. He wanted to speak to the parishioners of the church where the priest had been found, his body jutting out of the confessional booth. You both noted that it was on the opposite side from where the priests would typically sit, symbolically speaking to the fact that the Unsub considered the priest to be a sinner.
"I mean, he's a priest in a Catholic church," you said as the two of you walked up the pathway to the entrance. "The obvious definitely comes to mind."
Aaron agrees with a grimace. Father Patrick had led a youth group and had been doing so for the past decade. There was a high chance the Unsub could be a current or prior victim of sexual assault at his hands. He could also be someone whom a potential victim had confided in, so your suspect list was pretty wide open for the time being.
As suspected, every conversation you had - with church docents and members alike - was highly complimentary to Father Patrick. He was good with the children, kind to the female staff, had a fairly middle ground interpretation of the Bible; an all-around pillar of the community.
"Hopefully Morgan and Prentiss have better luck."
You nod, buckling in your seatbelt and commandeering the music, electing to actually play the White Album for once, drawing a smile from Aaron. He pulls out of the parking space and heads back towards the precinct. You smile to yourself as Aaron's deep voice croons along to Dear Prudence, his fingers tapping along to the beat against the steering wheel while you look out the window at the twilight Texas sky.
"So, the girl, Rachel - total know-it-all, not unlike someone else we know…"
Reid glares at Emily as she trails off with a smirk. Her and Derek had gone to do another set of the interviews at the local university and had talked to classmates and professors to learn more about the first victim.
"We all have our suspicions about Father Patrick, but nothing conclusive there. The Councilwoman was taking bribes to block the legislation around the city's free internet policy per Garcia's research. That leaves Mrs. Abad and Ryan Cohen, the designer. We can't tell what their secret might've been, besides some high balances on a credit card for Mrs. Abad."
The team nods at Hotch, confirming his summary of the case so far.
"JJ and I have narrowed down the field to three epicenters across the city." You're surprised that Spencer gave JJ any credit at all for the work they'd done together. JJ had confided in you upon your return, that she'd told Spencer she was going to the bathroom and had instead taken a twenty minute power nap in a supply closet. Her maternity leave could not start soon enough, and you're glad that she's handling this pregnancy in a much more relaxed manner than the first, allowing herself the time off properly.
"Based on the current cadence, we could have another victim in the next couple of days." Rossi looks around the room grimly. You're all well aware that the window to catch the Unsub before another victim materializes is closing quickly. It also usually tends to speed up once the team arrives on the scene. Makes Unsubs nervous. Eager to finish the job faster.
"Would you say Councilwoman Crane was guilty of the sin of greed?" Derek's brow is furrowed, the beginnings of a concrete thought evident in his question.
You nod, encouraging him to continue.
"Pride for the first victim, Rachel."
You agree again, but this time the rest of them are also following along.
"Seven Deadly Sins," Spencer surmises from Derek's trail of crumbs.
"What are all of them?" Emily asks, looking between Derek and Spencer.
Derek shifts from one foot to the other. "Pride, Greed," he lists off, counting with his thumb and index finger.
"Lust, Envy," Aaron supplies, tacking on to the end of Derek's sentence and prompting him to continue the count.
"Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth," Spencer finishes, turning to write them all down in order on the whiteboard.
The team was finally making some headway.
You stand towards the back of the room looking at the victim board, arms crossed across your chest, leaning against the back wall. "So, let's assume its Lust for Father Patrick. The excessive shopping could be indicative of Envy from Mrs. Abad. You guys did say she lived in a posh neighborhood. Keeping Up With the Joneses lifestyle."
"That leaves Gluttony for Cohen. Kid was pudgy." Rossi had been the one to visit the Medical Examiner, so you all trusted his assessment there.
"They're all in order. Could it be that simple?" Aaron questions, leaned forward in his chair, looking at the board with each of the victims' names listed next to one of the sins.
You contemplate his question as does everyone else. Could it be that simple? An Unsub working down the list of deadly sins, picking out victims that aligned with each one. It would stand to reason, given the working profile - you'd all decided that the Unsub must have an Orthodox religious upbringing, in a militant household.
"Occam's Razor," you answer finally, meeting his eyes, a grim set to your face. This meant there were at least two more victims planned. "The simplest explanation is usually the right one."
In the past couple of days, the team had narrowed down the scope of the case, having realized that the Unsub had met all of the victims through various volunteer activities. The working theory was that the Unsub had deemed the victims to all be hypocrites - claiming to be doing charitable works while sinning on the side.
Garcia had cross-referenced volunteer activities between the various places of worship and had come up with charities that all of them supported throughout the city. From there she'd catalogued registered volunteers across all of them, against activities each of the victims attended, however hadn't been able to narrow it down enough.
So, here you were manning the precinct late at night with Aaron, Derek, and Emily. The team was taking it in shifts to see if any missing persons calls came in, with victims fitting into either of the final two remaining sins - Wrath and Sloth. Unfortunately, there were simply far too many options for you to be able to determine who might become the unwitting victim in this Unsub's crusade.
It was calm and quiet, only the whirring of the fan and ambient sounds of the printer filling the silence. The four of you had already eaten and were all nursing hot cups of coffee in order to stay awake in the otherwise empty station. Public statements had been made and hotlines set up in case anyone could provide even a hint as to who the Unsub might be.
Emily was slouched over at the table, her arms cradling her head as another yawn escaped her. Bleary eyed, she looks at you and you weren't much better off, only barely keeping your eyes open, tilting back in your own chair in order to simulate the feeling of tipping over; effectively scaring yourself into staying awake. Derek was seated in front of the laptop, with Garcia on video. The two of them had been playing some game, however it appeared that she'd tired of it, being nearly two hours of a time difference ahead of the rest of you. So now, Derek was just watching her snooze, head bent down to her desk.
You look at Aaron, reading the notes Reid had left behind in order to try and make some sense of everything - uncover something that had slipped through the cracks. His brow is furrowed, head bent in concentration. He'd shed the jacket a while ago and despite the time of year, the Texan climate had forced him to roll up the sleeves of his shirt, exposing delicious swathes of forearm for your perusal. His hands - so large compared to your own, the veins prominent as he flips a page, muscle tensing and flexing as he does. You have to bite your lip to suppress a moan. It was the sleep deprivation. It was getting to you. Yeah, that's it. Not your big, strong boyfriend looking all serious and focused and handsome as he tries to hunt down a serial killer. Nope. Not at all…
You stand up suddenly as your chair tips forward, all four legs finally hitting the ground with a soft crash, cushioned by the carpeted flooring. Loud enough, however, to get Aaron's attention, as he turns to look up at you, the Are you alright? plain to read in his eyes.
"Need fresh air. Gonna go take a walk around the block or something," you explain, shaking your head of the cobwebs that had formed over the course of the past two hours, as the night had slipped into what could better be classified as early morning.
Aaron sets the papers down and turns to Morgan, indicating that he was going to join you. If you thought he was letting you go out alone, at this hour, with a killer on the loose, you were certifiable.
He watches as you slip on your blazer but he doesn't bother with his own. It would be quick and it wasn't too cold anymore. He follows you through the precinct and out the front doors, down the steps, matching your shorter pace easily - he's used to it by now.
"You sure you're alright?" he asks, once the two of you have reached the street. You merely hum tiredly and nod, so he grabs your hand in his, and walks in step with you, turning the corner past the precinct.
It is a little colder outside than it was inside, but his larger hand encompasses yours entirely, making you feel like a child swathed in his warm embrace. The cool air filters through your nostrils, reinvigorating your mind, giving it the jumpstart needed to function once more.
The two of you don't talk as you walk hand in hand down the sidewalk, him walking on the outside as he always does. Only the streetlamps are on, little pockets of light between stretches of darkness. Your mind is at peace. You aren't thinking about this case or your other one. You aren't thinking about any responsibilities and obligations. No worries. Just silent. It's so rare for your mind to be quiet that you relish in it. Allow yourself to bathe in the soundless symphony occupying the chasm in your brain.
As you approach the final turn that will lead you back to the entrance of the station, you find yourself watching Aaron again. He'd been so patient with the entire case with Interpol, despite it taking a toll on him. He'd been pulling double duty - doing all the things he does while also subbing in for everything you're unable to do at home. Him and Jack had sent you a cooking video of the two of them last time you'd been away, as Jack bossed Aaron around in the kitchen and helped him make your chocolate chip cookies for the bake sale at school. You'd sent Aaron detailed instructions, as he'd have to be the one to help Jack brown the butter and ensure he didn't burn himself. You knew he must have been frustrated with the extremely particular list of ingredients you'd sent him, down to the brand of salt flakes (the pièce de résistance of the entire experience)  that got sprinkled on top. Yet, he'd tackled it all with aplomb, not complaining to you even once. Jack had confided in you afterwards that Aaron had had to go to three different stores because the salt flakes were a rare item and not every branch of the nicer grocery store carried them. He'd done it though, and Jack had told you they'd turned out exactly like yours. Even Emily had texted you to validate this, asking if you'd come back without telling her when Aaron had brought a batch in for the team the following day.
Aaron feels a tug on his hand right before the turn. You'd stopped and his hand was still holding yours, forcing him to stop as well. You're stood in the shadows, right between two patches of light, your face immersed in darkness, and before he can say anything, he's lightly pushed against the brick wall exterior of the police station building. He lands with a soft oomph. You lean up against him, pressing yourself along the length of him and going up on your toes - utilizing the entirety of your ballet training - your lips meeting his in a heated kiss. He groans into your mouth, hands wrapping around your hips on instinct alone, tongue tracing your bottom lip before gently nipping at it, taking advantage of your resulting gasp to make his way into your mouth, licking every part of you available to him. He lifts you up, wrapping your legs around him and turns to hold you against the wall instead, pressing into the inviting warm juncture of your thighs.
"What brought this on?" he hums, moving from your lips to your jaw, down the column of your neck, his teeth grazing your collarbone.
You shiver at his efforts, a flip in your stomach as you feel the edge of his teeth, followed by the soft bite at the bend of your neck. Unable to answer him, lost in the feeling of his lips and teeth against your skin, your hands mussing through his hair, softly pulling and drawing vibrated groans from him.
At the absence of an answer, he pauses, looking up until he has your full attention, meeting your darkened eyes contrasting against your bashful expression. Your breath hitches when his eyes meet yours. "I love you," you muster with some concentration, soft and blissful, pulling his face back down to meet your sweetly puckered lips once more, drawing him into the cacophonous sea of feeling along with you.
By the time the two of you make it back to the conference room that Derek and Emily were sat in, Emily has stood up, leaning flat against the back wall. Derek has moved as well, taking residence in your old chair, leaning backwards much the same way you had.
"What about you guys?" he asks as you and Aaron enter.
You avoid Emily's knowing look. "What about us?"
"This whole thing - case - heaven and hell. You believe in it?"
"I went the agnostic route," Emily adds, stretching and arching her back like a cat. "If it exists, great. If not, no skin off my back."
Derek looks at the two of you expectantly.
Aaron nods quickly, returning to his old seat, feeling a lot lighter than before. He'd grown up Catholic - heaven and hell were ever-present concepts in his home.
You shrug, grabbing your lukewarm cup of coffee and dropping onto the couch. Your family had been more religious for the sake of appearances and connections rather than any true faith-inspired feelings.
Derek chuckles lightly. "Okay, so if they do exist," he says, turning back to Emily who had sunk down to the floor, seated with her legs stretched out in front of her. "Where you think you're headed?"
"Let me guess, you think you're going to heaven," Emily taunts, a mocking grin on her face.
"I do good, I am good," Derek replies assuredly. "Everything else is up to God. Right, Hotch?"
Aaron breathes out half a laugh along with a raise of his brows, which was about as much agreement Derek could hope for there.
"What about you Princess?"
You look at him, slight roll of your eyes to the ceiling. "Pretty sure patricide rules me out for a ticket to heaven," you respond, your words coated with sardonic dismissal.
Heaven. Hell. What did it even matter when you're dead?
It was a good thing that you hadn't looked at Aaron at that, because if you had, you would've noticed an entirely odd expression on his face at your words - he decides to pin his thoughts for a conversation at a later time. Once the case was wrapped up.
"Anything you know could help us identify your husband's killer. Were you able to get a good look at him?"
JJ and Derek are running the interrogation on the latest victim's wife while the rest of the team watches from the other room. The body had been found at the edges of yet another church's grounds, marking it as the sixth victim. However, this time, a witness had emerged. The Unsub had taken Dylan Rogers from his front yard at gunpoint and Ashley Rogers, his wife, had seen it all happen from the living room before calling it in to the precinct.
"She seems tense - her shoulders have been hunched this entire time. Her facial expressions have varied from somber to haunted almost." Reid shifts closer as he profiles Mrs. Rogers, studying her body language.
"Morgan said it seemed like he might have hit her. He saw some bruising when she went to the house to pick her up," Prentiss adds, her voice grave.
Aaron acknowledges both Reid and Prentiss with a nod, his eyes fixed on the interaction taking place in the other room.
"Would fit into the umbrella of Wrath." Rossi mused from beside Aaron. All of you continue to watch while JJ brings in a sketch artist to help Mrs. Rogers construct a likeness of the Unsub.
"It must be killing her - if it's true. Having to help find his killer. Imagine the number of times she must've dreamt of hurting him in the same way he hurt her." All of you turn from Emily back to Mrs. Rogers, thinking on her statement.
"She could've left," Reid reasoned distractedly, his expression casually appraising Mrs. Rogers still for any signs that she might be concealing anything.
You find yourself bristling at that, and you've spoken out before you could stop yourself. "You know, it's funny how whenever we see cases like this. Cases where a man continuously beat up his partner, that's the question on everyone's lips. Why didn't she leave? Why did she stay?"
Reid turns to you, his mouth open and ready to contradict you or apologize, you're unsure, but you continue. "We never ask, why didn't he stop?"
Emily snorts from beside you, her lips pressed tightly together as you both watch Mrs. Rogers working with the sketch artist. She turns to Spencer after a look at you. "Because we accept men as monsters. That is their natural state. Those of them that didn't give in to it - we exalt them. We call them good men. Better men. Because they didn't beat us and hurt us and watch us bleed."
There's a tense silence but this is a sentiment that none of them are unfamiliar with. Reid should've known better.
You see Spencer shift uncomfortably, obviously apologetic for his earlier statement. You shake your head slightly and offer him a small smile, reassuring him that he's alright. This kind of stuff, just hits closer to home for some of you.
Your eyes meet Aaron's and he's looking at you with the question in his eyes that you'd expected as soon as you'd opened your mouth. You shake your head at him too, before turning your gaze back to the front.
Aaron watches you for a beat more, his eyes trained to the side of your face, your unwavering eyes set upon Ashley Rogers and your words swimming in his mind. His eyes had asked the question that he already knew the answer to unfortunately. Yet another reason for him to despise Matthew van Doren's entire existence.
"You know, there was a time I thought he was the love of my life." You all can hear Mrs. Rogers talking to JJ as the sketch artist wraps up. "We had that love - that wake up Sunday morning with pancakes and lose yourself in each other under white sheets kind of love. I don't know when it all went wrong."
With the aid of Mrs. Rogers' description, Garcia was able to run a digitally enhanced version of the sketch against all known volunteers who had been at most of the events attended by each of the victims in the weeks prior to their deaths. After that, apprehending the Unsub was just a matter of tying together the identified man to each of the victims directly.
The team was able to prevent the final murder, and while that was of little solace to everyone, there was a tiny part of you that felt happy for Ashley Rogers in all of it. Sometimes the exit route we need arrives in the most unexpected of manners, and it is on us to recognize it and seize it for ourselves. You really hoped that Ashley would claim a new and better destiny for herself.
Since it was late, Aaron was unable to get the jet to fly back the same night, so the team was huddled into a corner of the hotel lounge with drinks in hand. While you're thrilled that you were able to prevent the final victim from being taken, this wasn't the best case the team had worked. You can see it in everyone's eyes, the way they hold their drinks, the hushed whispers contemplating if there was something that would've pointed to him sooner.
You feel bad that you aren't even really thinking about this case anymore. Your mind is preoccupied by the contents of the file you've left upstairs in the hotel room. You nod along to Emily and Derek's conversation, glass of wine held languidly in hand while you mentally collate the work you'd done so far. You know you're contributing nothing to the current conversation, and mercifully both of them have left you to your thoughts. Knowing there's not much chance of you being able to distract yourself tonight, you stand and bid good night to them before walking over to Aaron and Rossi, seated over a chessboard with Reid. They were playing two against one and Reid was still the favored choice to win.
"I'm going to head upstairs." You lean in and whisper softly to Aaron so as to not disrupt the game.
He turns his head to look up, brow furrowed ever so much. It wasn't like you to turn in early when there was a chance to socialize with the team. "I can come with." He grabs his drink as though to finish it, but you stop him with a hand to his shoulder.
"It's alright. Stay." You brush a kiss against his temple before nodding good night to the rest of them, intent on making some progress once you reached the room.
By the time Aaron gets upstairs, it is much later. Reid had won but Rossi had insisted on a rematch. Rossi just wanted to see Reid beat just once, however Aaron was wise to not bring attention to the fact that you've never played him. He knows that Reid has asked you, but you've made up excuses to not play. He'd always wondered about that, and having seen the chessboard in the New York apartment had made him realize that there was actually a good chance that you could beat Reid if you wanted to. Reid was a genius. That fact couldn't be denied. He knew everything about everything. You were different from that. Reid was driven by his pure drive for knowledge - that desire to understand the world around him better. You learned with more purpose, intention - with the need to add knowledge and skills to your toolkit, ready to whip out and be unleashed upon your opponents.
He enters the room just to see you exiting the bathroom, a robe wrapped around your body. He can't help but sigh internally at the sight. His soft, fluffy, perfect little personal teddy bear. He couldn't wait to just crawl into bed, already fearing that you'd be on another flight out the following day.
You acknowledge his presence with a smile, while toweling your hair dry.
"Who won?" There's a crooked smile on your face as you watch him take off his jacket and tie. As if you didn't already know who would win.
"Reid. Rossi wants another rematch on the plane." He shakes his head, walking further into the room. Closer to you.
You laugh softly as Aaron reaches you, looking exhausted from the long week and yet, he seems alright. All in all, this case hadn't been absolutely terrible. "Hasn't he learned his lesson by now?"
"He's a glutton for punishment." He steps forward, grabbing the towel from you and prompting you to turn around as he takes over drying your hair with soft tussles, allowing the cloth to absorb water all the way from root to end.
You hum at his actions, letting yourself to be lulled into the peaceful, floaty state that you always enter whenever he plays with your hair. It just felt too good.
"You should just give in and play him sometime." He knows he's pulling at that little thread there, curious as to how you'll react at him having deduced something you hadn't told him upfront.
You merely chuckle softly, seemingly unsurprised that he'd worked that out for himself. His profiling skills no longer surprise you much, especially when it comes to yourself. He could read you like none other. "We wouldn't want Spencer to cry, now would we?"
Aaron bites his lip, preventing a smile threatening to sneak out at that. It was nice knowing he'd been right about that. He'd have to make you play him at least. He needed to see how good you were for himself.
You turn around, halting his actions. You'd gotten a call from Clyde when you'd gotten upstairs and you were already set to fly out tomorrow on a red eye. You'd booked the ticket, making the necessary upgrades on your own dime.
"Tomorrow?" he guessed, noting the expression on your face when you looked up at him, drawing yourself up on your toes and wrapping your arms  around his neck, the towel slipping from his hands and onto the floor between your feet.
You nod with a sigh, before coaxing him down, and he's quick to meet your lips with his own, knowing the two of now only have tonight. Tomorrow would be spent on the plane and then you'd have to fly out before he'd get even another hour alone with you. His hands instinctively find your waist, drawing you in flush against him. He deepens the kiss when one of your hands moves from his neck to cup his cheeks, thumb brushing over the peaking stubble around his jaw. You hate leaving like this. You can't wait for it to be over. For there to be no more goodbyes layering his touch and yours.
Aaron hugs you closer, wrapping his arms around you fully, the plush robe giving him far more to grab on to. Your lips against his, moving softly, insistently. You break away, struggling to be on your toes for much longer, so he moves, pushing you up onto the desk and coming to stand between your legs as your lips find their place once more against his, this time hands working at the buttons to his shirt as well.
"Wanted to talk to you about something." He breaks away, allowing you to pepper kisses down his jaw and the column of his neck. If the two of you only had today, he didn't want to risk forgetting and having the issue go stale before bringing it up again. He can feel your mouth, sucking, teeth lightly grazing the skin at his collarbone, undoubtedly leaving marks for him to admire afterwards when you were gone. At your hum, he continues relying on your ability to multitask. "Did you mean it, when you said you aren't going to heaven?"
You pause, looking up at him curiously and being reminded of the question Derek had asked. You hadn't realized it had affected Aaron, and yet thinking back on it, of course it had. Your answer had been entirely flippant. He was so serious when it came to things like this. "Yes. I did." Your voice is measured as you answer him, eyeing him carefully to watch his reaction. Even still, his hands have managed past the tie on your robe and his hands are caressing the bare skin of your sides, drawing a soft sigh from your mouth at the sensation. "By any definition of heaven and God and the Bible, murder isn't exactly condoned."
Had this been a few months ago, Aaron knew that this would have been an entirely different conversation. He could appreciate how entirely blunt you're able to be about how you've framed this for yourself. He might not agree with it, but he can appreciate the honesty. "Bible also says an eye for an eye." He raises an eyebrow at you, indicating that he wasn't about to let this go. Not when it came to the matter of your immortal soul. This mattered to him.
A gasp escapes you as his hands travel up your sides more deliberately, causing shivers against your sensitive skin at the feel of his roughly calloused fingers skimming, exploring, claiming. That's what his touch always felt like. A claim.
You try to focus as you think of a response, hands resuming unbuttoning his shirt and undoing the buckle to his belt. You can see he's already hard and as your fingers ghost over the bulge, he exhales sharply, eyes focused on your hands.
Realizing he wasn't getting an answer from you immediately, he helps you out by undoing the button and lowering the zipper on his pants, taking them off as you watch. You're a little confused by the conversation taking place, but you also knew this going into a relationship with Aaron. Like it or not, he was religious. Your family simply hadn't been much. It wasn't the same religious orthodoxy that Aaron had grown up with, at the very least. He wasn't by any means stringent about it, but some beliefs were innate. Good people go to heaven. Bad people go to hell. As far as he was concerned, you were a good person.
"Heaven and hell - I didn't grow up with that. But that whole eye for an eye thing, I don't think that really applies when it comes to taking a life." You help him slip the shirt off of his shoulders as you speak, the material slipping and falling to the ground as well. Aaron actually undoes the tie to your robe this time, pushing the material off of you almost roughly, eager to expose skin that he couldn't wait to taste. His hands move up to cup your breasts, kneading the flesh - the air in the room and his attentions causing your nipples to pucker, teasing him. He's unable to resist bending down and taking one into his mouth, gently sucking as his fingers tweak the other into submission as well, drawing a keening sound from deep within you, distracting you from your train of thought as you're drenched in the warmth of his touch.
You're entirely bare before him as his mouth moves to the other nipple, hands traveling down, grazing over your stomach and down your thighs, causing them to tremble. He pushes your legs apart, letting go of the nipple, his mouth returning to yours with a renewed fervor. His fingers pick up the evidence of your arousal around them, and he caresses your folds, before entering you with two fingers, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing over it as his fingers scissor inside you, locating the spot that has you arching your back, moans escaping you into his mouth.
Aaron releases your mouth so that he can watch you. Your hands scramble for purchase, bunching into the robe beneath you that soaks up your juices as he continues to work you up. Higher and higher. Your breath panting, breasts thrust up as you can feel the orgasm threatening to overtake your body. It only takes another circular motion of his thumb and the ask to Let go by him, for you to go crashing under the waves, your walls pulsing around his fingers. He watches you fall apart, your arms going up to hug against your breasts as you arch and shake and moan for him, his name falling from your lips repeatedly as he continues his machinations against your sensitive bud, intent on drawing it out. He loves to just watch you like this. Begging him to keep going, your breathy voice urging him on, your gorgeous face, mouth falling open - all for him. His beautiful little princess, entirely at his mercy.
He kisses you again as you come down, your earlier conversation entirely wiped from your mind. But not his. Never his. Aaron could focus and keep track of things in amazing order. He hated that you thought you weren't destined for heaven. It shouldn't matter - such an abstract concept and who even knew, really. But in the off chance it did, he didn't want you to think you'd be excluded. You couldn't be.
Your jelly arms and legs wrap around him and he's already worked down his boxers, revealing his thick, hard cock, eager to be buried inside you. He gathers you up in his arms, pulling you to the edge of the desk, before lifting you up and moving the two of you to the bed, managing to drop you onto it sideways, before quickly climbing on top.
You move your hands to card through his hair, watching him, his lovely brown eyes looking down at you, causing a flurry of emotion in your stomach. He leans down and slots his lips against yours once more, allowing you to get lost in the feel of him. You release him with a gasp, finding it difficult to take in air, and he allows you to breathe as he moves and presses a kiss to your shoulder, entering you in one quick thrust. "Genesis 9:5 says, for your lifeblood, I will surely demand an accounting."
What? You couldn't believe him. He was quoting the fucking Bible while buried in you to the hilt.
"Aaron - "
You're cut off as he moves out, the tip of his cock rubbing against your clit, distractingly. Perfectly. Fuck.
He enters you again, harshly, his cock finding that spot inside you as he does. His voice deep and guttural, a groan falling from his mouth as he invades you fully once more. "From each man, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man."
He was still doing it. How could he even remember to quote the Bible right then?! You couldn't even remember your own name.
You don't have the words as Aaron continues, pumping into you, his hand finding your clit to help you reach your peak faster. Neither one of you would last long. You're already a trembling, shuddering mess beneath him, back arched up, feet planted against the mattress for support, your hands traveling and touching any skin of his they could reach.
You can feel his breath hot against your ear, the weight of him on top of you as he ruts his hips against yours, and you can tell he's close. So very close. His hips stutter as your hands find their way into his hair, pulling softly, just enough. "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed." He was intent on fucking the verse into you. You release a broken cry at the feel of him. At his words. The passionate, gravely quality of his voice. He finishes with a loud groan, spilling into you, his ministrations against your clit paying off, propelling you towards the precipice as well. Your walls squeeze his cock, pulsing, clenching at the feel of his release inside you. He groans again, dropping on top of you, his hand going down and wrapping your thigh around him, pushing himself further into you still.
He lays on you for a moment longer, the only sound in the room being your breath and thudding hearts, beating in sync.
You're entirely drowned in ecstasy, even as you try to grasp onto the threads of the conversation the two of you had been having. You run your fingers through his soft hair, brushing back the sweat from his forehead, not minding the weight of him on you. He was crushing you entirely and you wouldn't exchange that for anything. No death could be better. Sweeter.
He rolls off of you after a few more moments, dropping next to you on his back, his legs dangling off the side of the bed.
You breathe deeply, before flipping over to lay on your back. You can feel the evidence of both of your releases inside you, but you can't be too bothered to care right then. Your hazy mind has managed to remember the conversation, and you turn your head, tucking your arms underneath to support it as you watch Aaron. He's laid on his back, one arm under his head, eyes closed and chest rising and falling, slowly settling into a steady state.
"If I wasn't going to hell for the patricide already, I'm definitely going to hell now for finding that far too hot." Your voice comes out low and whiny, a near whisper being all you could manage.
Aaron releases a breath of a laugh before he turns to settle on his side, drawing his legs up, moving closer so he's right beside you. So you can feel his skin against yours.
You reach out, your hand cupping his face and he leans in all too willingly, kissing you softly, completely. As he pulls back, you can feel his eyes examining you - searching. Trying to figure out what exactly it is that had you so thoroughly convinced that you didn't belong in heaven. Because he knows you and while at the time killing your father had been awful, he knew that you believed it had been right. Otherwise you wouldn't have done it.
"Can we accept the premise that killing your father isn't a dealbreaker?" he asks cautiously, his hand reaches out, settling into the curve of your waist, fingers curling into the skin. "What is it really?"
You blink, moving into his embrace, hands fidgeting slightly. You're nervous and you're sure he can tell. However, you know you need to tell him. Tell someone. If anyone should know, it's him. You lick your lips and sigh, looking up into his darkened eyes. "You've met my father. If you had to profile him, how would you do it?" Your voice is quiet, timid, unsure.
Your question is met by some apprehension. Aaron isn't certain, however he hesitantly answers you. "Control freak. Narcissist with a God complex."
You nod at his blunt assessment. "Did you ever wonder why my father - why he let me get away with so much?"
He hadn't.
"I broke off an exceptionally advantageous engagement. He did nothing. I cashed out my trust fund and ran away - slutting it up - " He flinches. " - on the cover of every trashy editorial. Crickets. I joined the FBI and he tried to take me out for dinner. Does he seem like the kind of man that tolerates that kind of insubordination?"
Aaron realizes that he should've thought about these questions. He should've thought to protect you from this back then. It was a miss. Especially after finding out what he had about Julian's death. And yet, there had never been anything in your father's interactions with you to suggest that he would do anything to truly harm you. Despite your fear of him.
"Do you remember what you wrote - in my recommendation letter to McKinney?" you murmured, your face right against his. If he moved a millimeter closer you'd be able to feel your nose against his.
Aaron watches you, his brow furrowing, wondering where exactly this was headed. He nods. He remembers. Your skin under his hands is starting to develop goosebumps. Without a word, he grabs you, shifting and maneuvering so that the two of you are laid together, heads at the headboard finally. He pulls at the blankets, draping them over you both and draws you back against him.
You place a quick kiss to his chest in thanks, fingers brushing over the scars that have persisted. Over time, he's become a lot more comfortable having his shirt off around you. It's still not something he will do in public, but around you, he feels comfortable enough. After all, you'd seen them back when they had been much worse.
He nods at you to continue. He has a need to know now. He has to know.
"The night that Matthew proposed to me, Julian and I got into a huge fight," you confess, legs tangling with his as your fingers trace the mapping of lines down his chest and stomach. "He revealed to me that my father - that the proposal was orchestrated. That it was part of some deal between our fathers. That - ." Your voice breaks and Aaron is quick to run his hands soothingly down your back, whispering soft encouragement in your ears, his lips following your hairline. You sniffle and continue on. "He told me that our father gave me away. Without asking. Without talking to me about it. He sold me."
It's Aaron who is lost for words this time. Out of all things, this - this he could not possibly have prepared for. All things considered, you're holding up remarkably, while his mind reels, putting everything he knows about Matthew into context with this new piece of information. He's struck by a tornado of anger towards your father. How dare that man - that awful, cruel man, treat you like property? To be traded and sold at his whims as if you weren't a fully fledged human being of your own.
You find yourself rubbing your hands up and down Aaron's arms, knowing that he must be processing everything all at once. You've had nearly a decade to deal with it and it still feels overwhelming at times.
"I didn't want to believe it, but it made sense."
Aaron opens his mouth to speak - to say something helpful but no words come. You shake your head, reassuring him that it was alright. He needn't say anything.
"So, I woke him up. We talked. I told him I wasn't about to waste my life - being the perfect daughter and the perfect wife. I couldn't."
He nods. He expected nothing less. You weren't some trophy wife.
"Matthew didn't want me to work after we got married. But I wanted something to work towards. Something that would be mine.  It wasn't fair that just because Dominic was the eldest son - that he would get it all. Everything. The entire empire. It was the one thing Matthew could never deny me. He wouldn't have dared."
Aaron's eyes widen as the realization begins to sink in. He takes in your gaze - blazing with renewed fire and fury at the situation you'd been in. The fervor within to escape, be your own person within the confines of the life you were in.
"My father - he fought me on it. Because the thing is, sons inherit the earth. Sons and not daughters." You take a deep breath, watching Aaron who appears to have followed along marvelously, because you can tell that he knows exactly what you're trying to say now.
"I showed him, however -- " You nod your head shakily "-- how I had built connections with all the right people. How I was smarter, would work harder, be better than anyone else he could possibly hope for to fill his shoes."
"You'd take over." His voice is low and the words feel reluctant on his tongue. Resigned despite the truth of them.
You nod. There it was - it was finally out there. Your worst secret that no one else had ever known. This secret had gone to the grave with your father. You hadn't even told John, knowing how disappointed he would've been in you - especially so soon after Julian's passing.
Aaron looks at you, taking in the guilt behind your eyes, the fear at revealing this to him. He knows too, that you're right. That if you had applied yourself to that, even half as well as you did to your job, you would've done it brutally well.
"That's why you think you aren't going to heaven," he concludes, his hands still rubbing up and down your back. He can feel your heart beating rapidly against his chest. It wasn't killing your father. It was this. "Sweetheart, you didn't do it, though. You didn't."
"I would've," you argue. "If Uncle Robert hadn't told me, even with Julian dead, I would've. I signed up for all of it Aaron. He trained me. He groomed me. Those things that you wrote in your letter to McKinney - all about how I'm adept at reading people. Because I can manipulate anyone into doing anything I want. He taught me how to do that. That I have an aptitude for navigating politically nuanced situations - because he showed me how to get close to the people that really matter. That I am exceptional at tactical planning - because from that day onwards, he planned out my entire life. And I let him. I helped him. Everything I did, anyone I spoke to, was all part of it. Part of his plans. So when I left, he wasn't ready to let go. He wasn't ready to waste his investment in me." The words leave you like a storm - evidence in the case you'd been building against yourself, carved from marble and sitting heavy against your heart for the past decade. You hated how much of him you saw in yourself.
You're breathing really hard and there are tears clinging to your lashes as Aaron continues to hold you, pulling you in even closer, if that were possible. He couldn't even imagine how long you'd carried this with you. Nearly a decade of guilt and for what? For something you hadn't even carried through with.
"You didn't actually do it," he repeats himself, brushing his lips against your forehead, knowing that right then that's what you need. All the reassurance that he doesn't see you any differently. That he never could. Especially not for this.
"Aaron, I would've been someone the Bureau goes after. Someone you'd have gone after. But the difference is, I would've never been caught."
Again, he knows you're right. Aaron isn't even surprised really at your entire confession - it stood to reason that you'd want the keys to the kingdom. From what he knew of you and your siblings, you really would be the person who was most capable, despite the dubious nature of the job. He's not naïve enough to think you couldn't have done it if you wanted to. You would've been exceptional at it. But you didn't. Given the chance today, you wouldn't. For him, that's what mattered.
He brushes the hair out of your face tenderly, sweeping away all the wisps and baby hairs, holding your face in his hands. "You need to forgive yourself, Y/N. You need to realize that there is a difference between signing up for something and actually doing it. What you actually did, that's what matters. Regardless of the circumstances. That's what truly happened."
You're quiet, so he holds you. He can feel the tears trickling down your face, onto his chest as you bury your head into him once more.
It was an upheaval, telling him all of this. It's Aaron - and despite everything awful that you've revealed just then, he's being kind, compassionate, and understanding. You just told him that you'd essentially signed up to do every evil job known to mankind and he was comforting you. Making sure that you wouldn't beat yourself up. That you forgave yourself. He didn't even - it was as if it didn't even matter to him. How could it not, though? How could it not claw at him, being tangled up with someone he knows to be entrenched in evil?
"You are a good person, Y/N. A wonderful person. This - this one thing doesn't define you. Being good is a series of decisions and choices in that direction. One thing doesn't derail it entirely. That's what amends are for. What forgiveness is for. To show us that no matter what, we always have a chance." Aaron could only hope that you saw yourself the way he saw you. As someone who tried to be good. As someone who was good, through trying alone.
You want to believe him. You do. It sounds peaceful. But how do you know if you've made enough amends? How do you know if you've done enough?
He knows you're struggling to believe him. He wants to convince you, paint it into your skin, emblazon it onto your soul in a manner so unmistakable that you'd never question it again. You're a good person. He needs you to believe it. Desperately.
Aaron tilts your face up by your chin, his lips meeting yours intensely. "You are a wonderfully good person, Y/N" His whisper falls against your lips, forcing you to swallow in his words. Breathe them in. Taste them. Let them settle into your stomach.
He places another kiss to the turn of your neck, tongue peaking out to lick at mark he'd left earlier, soothing over it. "You're a hero. You save people." He will make you believe it.
You watch in awe as he shifts, placing another kiss to the swell of your breasts. "You take such good care of me and Jack." He will make you believe that you're the good he sees in life. Through all the horrors he sees day in and day out, he looks to you and he sees goodness and purity, laughter and joy.
You can feel the tears welling up again in your eyes, for an entirely different reason as you watch him. Watch this man, make his way down the length of your body, reminding you that you conquer monsters for a living. Remind you that you took down your father and in turn prevented him from doing more evil. Impress upon you the importance of everything you've accomplished since then - all the people you've saved, all the happiness you've brought, all the people you've loved.
You can't help but press yourself to him. Closer to him. Because his touch is the forgiveness you can never seem to give yourself. His touch is pure. His touch is good. It is divinity itself. Maybe if he touched you enough, it could make up for it all. Letting his essence cover up everything that came before.
Aaron draws up on his haunches, having just kissed your clit, causing your eyes to roll back into your head. You taste like what he imagines sunshine might taste like. He moves you up with him, into his lap and waits until you've met his mouth of your own volition, before pulling you down onto his cock, seating you fully against him.
You can taste yourself on his lips. You can feel him inside you so entirely, consumingly, fully. He clutches onto you, the drag of him inside you so powerful and potent, the bubbling euphoria encasing you. Your arms curl around his shoulders, fingers in his hair, as his wrap around your hips, helping you ride his cock exquisitely. Vastly, painstakingly slow.
Aaron watches you in his lap, taking him in - his. Mine. Mine. Mine. A chant on repeat in his brain as your wet, velvety walls grip him like a vice. Your beautiful pink lips parted ever so slightly, eyes half lidded. In his lap, against his body, taking his cock. This - this was goodness. You were the source of all pleasure, delight, and happiness that he feels. If that is not goodness, then what is? If the God he calls God didn't recognize you as such, then what kind of God was he? Because he would gladly worship at your altar instead, if need be.
His hands grip you excruciatingly tight against him, unwilling to leave even the semblance of room between the two of you. It was as though he began where you ended and you ended where he began. "I don't care if you believe you're going to heaven or not," he declares, watching you take him. "I'm going to believe it enough for the both of us."
Before you can say anything in response, he draws your attention downwards, forcing you to watch. Watch as he exits you, wet and shiny, drenched in your arousal. Watch as he brings you back down, entering you immeasurably slowly and causing you to clench and flutter around him. His.
You look back up, meeting his warm brown eyes, shining with love and compassion and the utmost respect. Everything that made you fall in love with this man. You watch as he pushes into you, moves you just so - so as to perfectly hit that spot inside you. You tilt your head back on a moan, your body shuddering and your back arching once more, pushing you closer and closer against him. When you return to face him, he looks at you. His eyes fixed on you. That look on his face, was nothing short of reverent.  
You come achingly fast, teeth sinking into his shoulder as you shudder around him, taking in his release. He continues through it, pushing his cum back into you in the process, keeping it there, mingling with both of your earlier release.
You're entirely weak as you sit in the cradle of his arms, balancing on his thighs. Your mind is far away and present at once. Present only in him - his touch, his feel, his lips, his words - surrounding you thoroughly.
You are both unhurried in your movements as you clean up together, no need or desire to speak further, content in the silence of one another.
Aaron cleans up the bed, making sure there are fresh sheets, as he watches your tired body put on the small slip you'd left out earlier. Your hair was wet again and he grabs a fresh towel, drying it once more as you lean against him, unable to stand on your own for much longer, your body still sore. He can see the marks he'd left behind blooming and he takes extra care as he urges you towards the freshly made bed. You slip in to your side as he lifts the duvet, quickly climbing in beside you and tucking the two of you into the covers - swaddling your body against his own. He places a gentle kiss to your lips, murmuring his love against them, the echo of his words reverberating against them. You fall asleep first, entirely spent, physically and emotionally. With any luck you'll enter a deep, dreamless sleep. He can hear your steady and even breaths paralleled with the slow rise and fall of your chest, persuading him to join you in slumber.
Even if you didn't go to heaven - if for some God forsaken reason you were denied entrance - he'd willingly, gladly, go to hell with you.
With that final thought, he gives in to the call of your warmth and the sound of your breaths, allowing himself to be drawn into sleep beside you.
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eminems-skittles · 3 years
target run [ bau family au]
bau family au  warnings: none word count: 1.7k
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
"Do you guys remember what I said?" David said, his eyes moving up to the rear view mirror to look at the five kids in the backseats.
"No messing around," Six voices droned in unison.
"Perfect," Rossi said smiling as he pulled into a parking spot.
"Do we have to all stick together?" Aaron asked from the passenger seat. His earbuds, hanging out of the collar of his shirt, played a vaguely familiar rap song that David could just barely hear.
"No but someone does have to stay with your little brother," David said, earning a groan from the seat behind Aaron.
"But dad," Spencer whined, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm almost nine years old. I can go off by myself."
"Says the kid sitting in the booster seat," Derek mumbled, earning a smack on the arm from Penelope and a giggle from Emily. JJ shook her head disapprovingly but there was a trace of a smile at her brother's antics.
"Spence, wanna come look at the toys with me?" Penelope asked, leaning across Derek so she could see Spencer. The question cause Spencer's face to light up and he nodded excitedly.
"Alright, let's go," David said, getting out of the car. Aaron and Emily were next out.
"Aaron?" Spencer called for his big brother.
"What is it buddy?" Aaron asked, pulling his head phone out of his ear.
"Can you give me a piggyback?" Spencer asked while unbuckling his seatbelt.
Without saying anything, Aaron turned around and crouched down. Spencer threw his arms around his big brother's shoulders and jumped up slightly. His tiny hands clutched the black and white flannel that Aaron was wearing. Aaron laughed and held onto the little boy's legs.
"Hey! I never get piggybacks!" Penelope complained.
"He's my favorite," was all Aaron said as he walked toward the store. The rest of the kids followed suit and branched off to go off on their own. Penelope walked next to Aaron and Spencer, talking animatedly about the newest episode of the anime her and Spencer were watching. When the trio got to the toy section, Aaron set Spencer on the ground and started to walk away. Before he got too far he turned around facing Penelope and Spencer, laughing at the contrast of their appearances. Penelope was dressed in what Aaron swore was all JoJo Siwa merch, although whenever he mentioned it to Penelope she'd deny it profusely. As if they planned to be polar opposites, Spencer was wearing a grey sweater vest he had gotten for Christmas with a blue long sleeve underneath it and khaki pants that were a little too big for him. The only pop of color Spencer was wearing were the beat up pair of purple Chucks he wore every day. "Don't get into too much trouble and remember-"
"If we see you, no we don't," Spencer finished, the corners of his mouth tugging into a small smile. Aaron smiled back before spinning on his heel, popping his earbud back into his ear.
"Where do you think Derek went?" Penelope asked, her eyes trained on a lego set.
"Probably to the sports section or he's following Dad around," Spencer replied. "Why?"
"I still have to get him a birthday present. Do you think he'd like this?" Penelope held up a box of legos for Spencer to look at.
"He hasn't opened the set you and JJ got him for Christmas," Spencer said, shaking his head, a pout forming on his face. "He won't let me play with them."
"I'll just get him a sticker or something," Penelope sighed defeated. "Do you think Dad will let us get a toy?"
"I dunno," Spencer shrugged.
"I'm telling you, Em, she's out to get me," JJ complained as they milled around the junior section.
"Strauss isn't out to get you," Emily said, holding up a top for JJ. JJ cringed at it, shaking her head.
"Yes she is! Last week, I labelled my paper Unit One instead of the actual unit name and she gave me an F on the assignment even though I got all of the questions right," JJ groaned.
"That's probably Aaron and I's fault," Emily stated. "At least you don't have Mrs. Barnes. She hates me so much. Probably because she had Aaron last year and I'm nothing like him."
"You mean you're not a quiet straight A student?" JJ asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Can we go over to the sports aisle? I need to get a new ball since Will kicked mine onto the roof of the gym during practice yesterday."
"I still think he likes you," Emily teased, nudging her shoulder as they walked towards the sports gear.
"No he doesn't," JJ blushed.
"Oh my god! You like him too!" Emily said, poking her sister's cheek. JJ swatted her hand away, her eyes staring widely at Emily.
"Can you please be quiet?!" JJ asked, frantically looking around to make sure no one heard. She stopped abruptly when her eyes landed on her brother just a few aisles away from them. "Hey, who's Aaron talking to?"
"Derek, why don't you go find your brother?" David asked as Derek threw random snacks into the cart. "I can do this myself."
"If you say so," Derek said laughing. "See ya later, pops!"
Derek ran down the aisle toward the toys to find Spencer and Penelope, his shoes squeaking every now and then. When he saw they weren't at the toy section, he ran through the whole store looking for them. Eventually, he found them near the sports aisle, huddled close together with JJ and Emily. He quietly walked up to them, careful not to make any noise.
"What are you guys doing?" He asked causing his brother and sisters to jump and turn to face him. Emily pulled his arm down so he was level with all of them. "What are we looking at?"
"Aaron has been talking to this girl for like fifteen minutes," Emily explained, her voice hushed. She pointed to where Aaron and the mystery girl were standing. She had short blonde hair and was wearing high waisted mom jeans and a white t-shirt.
"Who is she?" Derek questioned.
"Her name is Haley. Haley Brooks. She's the reason Aaron auditioned for the play," JJ whispered.
"We should go say hi," Penelope stood up, beginning to walk over to her older brother. Before she could get even half a step away, she was being dragged back to her spot.
"Absolutely not, Pen. Aaron can't know we saw him," JJ whisper-yelled.
"Why not?" Spencer asked, pulling on JJ's sleeve.
"Because he really likes her so we aren't going to ruin it," JJ said, looking down at her younger brother.
"Speak for yourself," was all Emily said before she stood up and walked over to Aaron and Haley.
"Hey Em!" Haley greeted. Emily winced at the nickname. Only her siblings could call her Em.
"Hey...Hal," Emily said, forcing a smile on her face.
"Why is she smiling like that?" Penelope whispered from where they stood.
"She's not Haley's biggest fan," JJ whispered. "Now, shush. I'm trying to listen."
"What's up, Emily?" Aaron asked, an annoyed smile settling on his face. Emily turned to face Aaron, her back completely to Haley.
"Spencer's looking for you. He needs help getting something. Says you know where it is," Emily lied.
"No I do-" Spencer was cut off by JJ shushing him.
"Okay, I'll be right there. I'm sorry Haley, but I gotta go help him," Aaron apologized.
"I can come with if you-"
"He can do it by himself," Emily cut her off before walking away.
"I'll see you at rehearsal," Aaron said to Haley before following Emily to where everyone else was waiting eagerly. "What do you need help with, buddy?"
"I don't need help," Spencer stated as if it was obvious.
"Then why did Emily practically drag me away from Haley?" Aaron questioned, turning to glare at his twin sister.
Deciding to not answer with 'because I hate your girlfriend,' Emily went with a much more logical approach. "Would you rather have us drag you away from your girlfriend or Dad?"
"Fair point," Aaron said with a smile.
The group of six wandered aimlessly around the store, having at least ten different conversations. They looped back to the front so they could grab a cart to fill with things they know Rossi would never let them get. Aaron and JJ, the responsible ones, were in charge of pushing the cart while everyone else threw random things into it.
"Emily tells me it's your fault Mrs. Strauss hates me," JJ says casually to Aaron.
"Uhh, maybe?"
"Great," JJ said rolling her eyes. "Hey, Spencer! Put that down!"
Spencer sighed, setting down the large glass ball he was about to throw at Derek. He looked at JJ and mumbled, "You're no fun."
"I could've caught it!" Derek muttered.
"Derek Morgan Rossi!" JJ exclaimed exasperatedly. "You are the older one, you know better than to egg him on."
"JJ, why don't you leave the parenting to me?" A voice said from behind them. They all turned around to find David standing with an almost full cart, an amused smile on his face. "But seriously, Derek, Spencer, you guys should listen to your sister."
"See!" JJ shouted, earning a few curious looks from other customers.
"What do you guys have there?" David asked, looking into the cart.
"Just some random things," Emily replied, tossing a tube of mascara into the cart.
"Okay, well let's go checkout," David said, before walking away.
"Wait, Dad!" Aaron said causing David to turn around. "Shouldn't we put this stuff away?"
"If you guys want it, you can get all of it," David said before turning back around and continuing his journey to the checkout. The six children shared looks of disbelief before following their dad.
After checking out, pushing three carts of bags (they had to get a third after they paid) and stuffing the car full of their goodies, they were on the way back to their house. The car was filled with excited chatter, everyone discussing the stuff they got.
"I have a question," Rossi said, grabbing the children's attention. "Who's Haley?"
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wishuhadstayed · 4 years
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Word Count: 2.9k 😳
Summary: Aaron and reader get married 🥺 Part 6 to Begin Again
Warnings: None, although I did make myself cry on several occasions
Author’s Note: it’s wedding time, folks. A thought both @yes-sir-hotchner and I had. (We share the same brain cell 😂) Inspired by a post from the wonderful @agenthotchner.
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It had been just a few short months since Aaron’s surprise proposal, after which the two of you had made a mutual decision to get married as soon as possible. The team had been delighted by the news, Penelope immediately jumping into full maid of honor mode. Rossi, being the most caring and generous friend out there, had insisted on taking care of everything and wouldn’t take no for an answer; even going so far as to offer his house for the venue.
Sitting in a luxurious upstairs room of the Rossi home, and being doted upon by your friends, you couldn’t help but feel a little like a princess for the first time since you couldn’t remember when. The day was finally here that you officially got to spend forever with the man of your dreams. Even after all this time, sometimes it still felt too good to be true.
Gazing out an open window, you could see backyard where the ceremony was to be held in just a few short hours and your heart began to race. You were snapped back to the present moment by the sound of your best friend’s voice.
“Earth to Y/N! Come in, Y/N!” She said, waving her hands in front of your face.
“I’m sorry, I got distracted. What was the question?”
“Your lipstick hon, what color?”
“Whatever color you think is best, Penny. I trust you to make me look beautiful.”
“You always look beautiful,” chimes in a voice from across the room.
“Thank you, Emily.”
Penelope finished off your makeup with waterproof mascara and JJ stepped in to put the final touches on your hair with delicate pearl hairpins.
As the hours passed and the final preparations were made, you could feel the nerves building.
Penelope, Emily, and JJ all helped you into your dress; a beautiful white gown with off the shoulder lace sleeves, a fitted lace covered bodice, and lace trim around the bottom of the full skirt. You were truly a sight to behold. Buttoning up the back of the gown, JJ asks, “You’ve been pretty quiet, Y/N. Is everything okay?”
“It’s just nerves, I think.” you reply. “I’d really like to see Aaron.”
“See Aaron before the wedding?” Penelope interjects, “You can’t! It’s bad luck!”
You knew there was no arguing with her and your spirits sank a little, disappointment written all over your face.
“What if we got Jack instead?” Offers JJ. “Would that help?”
Thinking it over, you give a small smile and a nod. “Yes, I think I’d like that. Thank you, JJ.”
“I’ll call Morgan and have them come up.”
Five minutes later, a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it,” you say, opening it before anyone can protest.
There stands Derek Morgan with the boy you’ve come to love as your own.
“You look amazing,” says Morgan taking in the sight of you with wide eyes. “Hotch is a lucky man.”
“Thank you, Derek.” You reply, giving him a tight hug. Pulling back and taking him by the hand, you make a request. “Will you tell him that I love him, and that I’ll see him soon?”
“Anything for you, lovely,” he says with a playful grin.
“You’re a good friend, Derek.”
With that, he retreats back downstairs to deliver your message, leaving Jack with you. Just having him there was already soothing your frayed nerves. Ushering him inside you ask, “How’s my handsome ring bearer? You’re not nervous are you?”
“No! I’m gonna do a great job, I promise! You look real pretty, just like a princess.”
“You are so sweet, little man. I know you’ll do amazing.”
“What is it, Jack?” You inquire, kneeling down to his level.
“Can I call you mom now?”
The question took you quite by surprise, causing tears to well up in your eyes.
“Do you want to?”
“Yeah, if it’s okay with you. I miss having a mom.”
Those few words are enough to break the dam and tears began to stream as you pulled the boy in for a hug. “Of course it’s okay with me.” you manage to choke out.
“Mom! Mom!” Jack squeaks.
“Yeah buddy?”
“You’re squeezing me too hard, I can’t breathe.”
Loosening your grip, you apologize.
“Don’t cry, everything’s gonna be okay,” Jack says reassuringly. Man, he is so much like his father.
“I’m crying because I’m happy, Jack. I just love you and your dad so much.”
“I love you too, Mama.”
“I hate to break up this sweet family moment,” Penelope cuts in, “But it’s almost time to get this show on the road. Jack I’ll take you back down to your dad.” Handing you a tissue, she makes her exit.
Emily and JJ sweep the room making sure nothing is left behind. “We’ve got to go,” says JJ, grabbing Emily by the arm and making her way to the door. “You look perfect, Rossi should be up soon. Love you.”
Sitting down for a moment, you gently pat your eyes dry. At least your mascara held up. In the quiet it finally began to sink in how all your wildest dreams were coming to life right before you eyes.
When the door opened again, there was Dave. Handing over your bouquet of pink roses he asks, “You ready for this, kid?”
“Absolutely,” you reply with a childlike grin.
He offers his arm and you rest your hand in the crook of his elbow, infinitely grateful for the fatherly presence.
“Then let’s get this party started.”
As the two of you arrived downstairs at the back door, you hear the processional music already playing. Luckily you had made it just in time for Rossi to give Jack his official ring-bearing instructions.
“Alright Jack. You know what to do. Just walk straight down to the end and give the rings to Derek. Then you can sit down with your Aunt Jess, okay?”
“Got it,” says Jack, giving a thumbs up.
“Go get ‘em kid,” Rossi encourages, opening the door.
Now it’s just the two of you left indoors. Rossi watches until Jack finishes his assigned duty and makes his way back to you as the music changes.
“That’s our cue,” he states, once again offering his arm.
Aaron hadn’t been nervous at all until that moment. When the music changed and the guests stood in preparation for your entrance, his hands began to shake.
“You alright, man?” Morgan inquires.
“Yeah, I’m just ready to have Y/N by my side.”
Just as he turned back from the short conversation, the double doors swung open and you made your entrance.
With the first glimpse of your radiant smile, he was immediately overwhelmed with emotion and moved to tears. Only somewhat managing to regain his composure, he took in every detail as you approached. The delicate lace of your gown, the afternoon sun making a halo of light on his own personal angel. A bouquet of perfect pink roses, just like the ones he had given you after your rudely interrupted second date. Time seemed to slow down, the walk that was in reality only a couple of minutes stretched into ages as he longed to have you near.
Then when your eyes finally met his with a look of pure love, all was right with the world.
At the end of the aisle, Rossi turns to you with one simple request.
“Take good care of our man.”
“I will,” you promise, giving the older man a kiss on the cheek before joining Aaron at the altar. Producing a handkerchief, you gently dried the remaining tears from his ever handsome face.
“Hey You,” he intones softly, hand grazing the side of your face. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
The rest of the world seems to fade away as the minister begins the service and the two of you are lost in each other’s eyes.
“The couple have chosen to write their own vows,” the minister states, snapping you both back to attention. “Y/N?”
Softly clearing your throat and looking deep into Aaron’s warm brown eyes, you begin.
“Aaron, If someone had told me over a year ago that I would be marrying a man that I met on a blind date set up by my best friend, I would have said that they were crazy. I had all but given up on finding true love. I went anyway. And everyday since, I thank God that I did. If it hadn’t been for that blind date, I would have never met the love of my life. I would have never met the most amazing group of friends that turned into family, who are standing by our sides even now. I would have never gained the most wonderful, loving little boy who I now get the privilege of calling my son. I promise that I will love both of you always. I promise that I will always be there, no matter how difficult the road becomes. And if you must venture into the darkness, I promise to always bring you back to the light”
Sniffling back tears, and taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Aaron speaks.
“Y/N, the long road that led me to you was full of heartache. When I met you, all of that changed for the better. Everyone says that I’m lucky to have you, but to be honest, I don’t feel lucky. I feel blessed. Every day with you is a blessing and a gift. There’s not a day that I’m not thankful for every pain and every heartache that I’ve been through, because without that journey, I would never have made it here to you. I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I fall a little more in love with you every day. When I’m finished with a long case, your arms feel like home. You’re the comfort for my weary soul when the world gets rough. I promise to spend the rest of my days loving you and hoping that it amounts to even a fraction of what you’ve shown to me.”
When you both looked up, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
Morgan hands Aaron the velvet pillow and you quickly exchange rings, suddenly anxious for the upcoming part of the ceremony.
The voice of the minister rings out once again.
“By the power vested in me by the state of Virginia, I now pronounce you husband and wife! Aaron, you may kiss your bride.”
Cheers rang out from the crowd as he pulled you in for a long, warm kiss. Probably too long for a wedding, but with the heart-stopping heat that clouded your minds, neither of you cared much.
As you come up for air, Aaron literally sweeps you off your feet, carrying you to the reception area. As you wait for the guests to make their way over, it finally sinks in. You’re finally married to your one true love.
As soon as the guests are all seated, dinner is served. Then before you could even blink, it’s time for speeches. Penelope taps her glass with a fork, capturing the attention of the room.
“We are gathered here today to celebrate two of our favorite people on the joyous occasion of their marriage. I would like to remind everyone that this is all my doing. If I hadn’t taken the liberty of setting these two sweet little lovebirds up on a blind date, we probably wouldn’t be here today. You’re welcome,” she says turning to face the two of you. “But in all seriousness, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we wish you a lifetime of love and happiness.”
Handing the mic over to Rossi, Penelope is seated.
“Where do I start?” He laughs. “I’ve known Aaron probably longer than anyone here. He’s always been more than just a good man. He is a loyal friend, and a great dad for Jack. If anyone in the world deserves true happiness, it’s this guy,” he says, placing a hand your husband’s shoulder. “We’ve seen your relationship with Y/N flourish and come to love her as one of our own. I can confidently say that she will a loving mother, and a caring, patient wife. I wish every blessing for the both of you from this moment forward.”
Rising from your seats to hug your two friends, you’re reminded by Penelope that’s time for your first dance. Taking you gently by the hand, Aaron leads you to the middle of the empty dance floor. With everyone watching your heart begins to race until Aaron pulls you close. The nerves melt away as you rest your head on his chest and his arms circle your waist. The two of you sway softly as the music begins:
We could leave the Christmas lights up ‘til January
This is our place, we make the rules
And there’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you 20 seconds, or 20 years?
As the song goes continues and you look into his eyes so full of love, you can’t help but sing along.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close
Forever and ever?
Take me out, and take me home.
You’re my, my, my, my.... Lover.
Listening to the words you’re singing, he can’t help but fall in love all over.
My heart’s been borrowed and your has been blue
All’s well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramtic and true to my.... Lover
You pour you heart out in song, desperately hoping that Aaron knows how much you mean every word. He does. The sincerity is written all over your lovely face.
As the music slowly winds down, the guest begin to join the two of you on the dance floor.
Tapping Aaron on the shoulder, Rossi cuts in for his turn. You manage to dance with everyone, even Reid, reluctant though he may be. The whole team was having a great time, laughing and dancing when Penelope had to slip back into maid of honor mode. Grabbing both you and Aaron by the wrist she all but drags you to the table.
Approaching the cake, you grab the slicer with your right hand. Pressing closely against your back and giving you a soft kiss on the cheek, Aaron covers your hand with his. After cutting two small slices, you turn to face each other. Taking a piece in hand you raise it to Aaron and he opens his mouth just before you smear it across his unsuspecting face.
Closing his eyes and trying hard not to laugh, he responds.
“Oh so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?”
“Yep!” you tease gleefully. “What are you gonna do about it, Mister?”
“This!” He exclaims, returning the favor and smashing the cake in your face.
“Really should have seen that one coming,” you muse.
“Yeah you should have.”
At that moment he pulls you close, pressing his soft lips to yours for the sweetest kiss ever known to mankind and the room burts into a fresh round of cheers.
The two of you scurried off to get cleaned up, and when you make your return, Penelope is waiting with your next task. A car is waiting to take you to the airport for your honeymoon. It’s time to go.
You make your rounds saying goodbye as everyone makes their way out for your final exit. One last song comes on as you make your way out and Aaron holds you close, singing in his perfect deep voice as you stroll through thrown confetti:
I was a boat stuck in a bottle
That never got the chance to touch the sea
But I came to life when I first kissed you
The best me has his arms around you
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I’m yours
The worst me is just a long gone memory
You put a new heartbeat inside of me
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I’m yours
By the time you made it to car and sat down you were in tears for probably the tenth time that night, you’d lost count.
The car was just about to pull away when Emily sprinted up to the door. Leaning down, she spoke to both of you.
“Hey you crazy kids, have fun! And remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“Emily there’s nothing you wouldn’t do,” returns Aaron, catching you by surprise.
“Exactly,” she replies, slamming the door and slapping the roof of the car. You could have sworn you saw a wink.
As the car pulls away, the two of you get your first truly private moment of the night to process what just happened.
Snuggled close to Aaron’s left side, your head rests on his chest and his left arm drapes around your shoulder.
“We’re married,” you state, reaching to touch the gold band on his left ring finger.
“Yes we are,” he whispers, softly pressing a kiss to your temple.
“You’re my husband,”
“Uh huh,” he agrees, gently stroking your hair.
Looking up into his gorgeous face you confess once more, “I love you, Aaron Hotchner.”
After a slight pause, he replies with a smirk,
“I love you more.... Mrs. Hotchner.”
Tag list: @ange-must-die @agenthotchner @yes-sir-hotchner @hotchner-carisi @hotchners-slut @arganfics @ladyreapermc @rousethemouse @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @tgibstan @themanip @word-scribbless @quillvine @whoredonlightfoot @miss-united-ace
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word-scribbless · 4 years
Good Enough part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
X female reader
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Y/N woke up that morning startled by the fact that Aaron wasn’t next to her. She slowly realized, as she woke up that it was her wedding day. She had stayed at Emily’s with the rest of her wedding party so they could all get ready together.
It was finally here! The day she would marry the man of her dreams. By the end of the day she’d officially be a hotchner along with the 2 men that made her the happiest in the world; Aaron and Jack.
She got up from the couch she had slept on to see that everyone but Emily was still sleeping. She went down the hall to find her maid of honor. Emily was the logical choice for the role being the reason she had met Aaron in the first place. Emily had worked with Y/N at Interpol before she had become a linguistics specialist at NCIS and Emily had come to the BAU.
She found Emily in the kitchen making coffee.
“Hey there soon to be Mrs Y/L/N-Hotchner.” Emily greeted.
“Good morning my maid of honor! I have a favor to ask you” y/n said handing her two envelopes; one labeled Aaron and one Jack. Emily smiles as she took the letters and poured her coffee.
The girls had finished their hair and makeup and made their way to the venue where the men were already getting ready. Y/N was touching up her make up and had just gotten into her dress with the help of JJ when there was a knock on the door.
Penelope opened the door and called Y/N over who was met by a smiling Rossi, tears forming in his eyes as he saw her. “Oh honey! You look beautiful and I can’t think of a better woman for Aaron.” He said as Y/N smiled and wiped her own tears.
“I’m not here to walk you down the aisle just yet. Your groom and son would like you to have this mi Bella.” He said handing her an envelope.
Y/N laughed thinking about the letters she had written to them.
She thanked Rossi, closing the door and walking over to the closest chair. She readied herself for tears as she opened the letter.
“Don’t worry I made sure it was all waterproof” Jessica said, referring to y/n’s makeup as she saw her picking up the tissues.
She pulled out the first of 2 papers
My Dearest Y/N,
I know that I will stand in front of you and say vows but we both know I’m not always the most articulate when it comes to feelings in front of anyone but you. Today is a day I never thought I deserved, Especially after losing Haley. Then you blew into our lives and turned everything upside down in the best way. Y/N when I met you I didn’t think I deserved to be this happy, and then you smiled at me and I realized I had no choice. I could never be anything but happy and at peace around you.
While it hasn’t always been a smooth road, I can’t say it hasn’t been easy, because loving you is the easiest thing in the world for me. You and Jack make my life worth living. While most of our friends know me to be stoic, the thought of you has always been able to make me smile. Your love terrifies me in the most beautiful way and I want you for always. Jack and I are so lucky to have you and we promise to always do our best to show you that every day. I can’t wait to see you walk down that aisle to us and have you choose us you be your family. I love you my sweet Y/N, thank you for being mine and for having Jack and I to be yours. Always remember you will forever be more than enough for us!
Forever and ever yours,
Y/N wiped her tears and smiled as she held the letter to her chest.
“God, I love him” she said being met by a chorus of awwwws.
She opened the next folded piece of paper to see a letter in Jack’s large handwriting. She smiled seeing that he wrote her a letter all by himself, at 8 years old he was sure to have spelling mistakes but wanted this letter to be just his and y/n’s.
Dear momma,
I can’t wait to see you marry daddy and become part of our family. Even though it feels like you have been for a long time. I love you so much and I will forever and ever. I know that you will always let me love and talk about my mommy with you but I also love that you want to be my mom too. Thank you for making my daddy smile again and making him come home more. I love you forever momma!
Y/N wiped her tears and turned to her friends.
“Let’s go ladies! I don’t want to wait another minute to be a hotchner !”
While Y/N was reading her letters, Aaron was in a smaller room with his groomsman getting ready. Emily knocked on the door and handed Aaron and Jack their letters.
“You and your future wife are already thinking alike” she laughed before she headed back to Y/N.
Aaron smiled and picked his son up to sit on his lap handing him his letter to help him read it.
My sweet Jack,
Thank you oh so much for letting me into your life, accepting me as your momma, and letting me love both you and your daddy. I will never ever replace your mommy but I WILL always love and support you in everything you do. Jack you are an amazing young man and I can’t wait to see what you do in life. I will always be one of your #1 fans (I tie with your dad) but never get too big to give me hugs okay? See you soon handsome! Make sure daddy doesn’t cry too much :P
Love always
Your momma.
Jack gave his dad a big hug.
“I can’t wait to see how pretty momma looks. Thank you for sharing her with me daddy!” He said causing Aaron to hold back his happy tears as jack ran over to “help” Spencer and Morgan get ready.
Aaron looked up at Rossi with tear eyes and smiled as he opened his letter.
My sweet sweet Aaron,
I will never be able to put into words how much this day and your love mean to me. I know I will say my vows soon, but there are so many things I only want to tell you at this moment. Aaron, you and Jack are my shining stars, my true north, my greatest treasures. The love you show me every day is more than I could ever have dreamt of.
I know that loving someone new was not an easy feat for either of you and I am beyond thankful that you both let me in your lives and hearts. Aaron you knew from day one that I would never ever replace Haley. What you and jack had with her was special. And lasting, and all your own. I want to thank you for letting me get to know her through you both and for trusting me with your and her, greatest treasure, Our Jack.
I promise to always love you both forever. Even when I’m mad at you I will always tell jack you’re my super hero and in my heart you truly are. I have never met a man as special, strong, and loving as you and I love that I get to walk down the aisle to you today.
With love for always
Your bride.
Rossi came over to hand Aaron a tissue as he got up. They were ready to get set up.
“Dave, what did I ever do in this life to deserve that woman?” He asked
“You love her Aaron, that’s all she needs and wants.” He patted his friend on the back and led him to the door.
The wedding was beautiful and everything they both hoped for. Y/n and Rossi walked down the aisle to a beaming Hotch and a giddy jack. They exchanged vows and rings. Y/N and Aaron made vows to jack, and there was not a dry eye in the house. Y/N couldn’t wait to kiss Aaron and hug her son for the first time as an official hotchner. The day was everything they could have ever imagined and they got to celebrate their love and future with each other and their family.
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octothorpetopus · 4 years
Something Borrowed
Aaron Hotchner x Emily Prentiss
Emily and Hotch finally get married.
“I regret not choosing pants.” Emily brushed her hair off her shoulders and turned sideways to look at herself in the mirror. “Hotch told me he would have been fine if I’d wore pants instead of a dress.”
“Of course he would,” JJ responded. “But if it makes you feel better, you look gorgeous.” Emily grinned and ran her fingers over the soft silk dress.
“True.” She turned around. “How are we feeling, ladies?” JJ and Penelope looked at each other and then back at her.
“How are we feeling? How are you feeling, Em? You’re getting married in a couple of hours.” Penelope took Emily’s hands and squeezed them. “It’s okay if you’re nervous, you know.”
“I’m not.” Emily let out a breath and to her surprise, it wasn’t shaky. Her heart wasn’t pounding either. She really wasn’t nervous.
“Why should she be, Pen? It’s Hotch, for God’s sake.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Emily asked as she turned on JJ, arms folded.
“Nothing! Just...” JJ smiled and any walls that had gone up slid down. “You’ve been living with him for six months. You read his son a bedtime story every night. You’re practically already married to the man.”
“Yeah, but now I get tax benefits.”
“Hmm.” JJ shrugged. “When you put it that way.”
“Emily?” Hotch’s muffled voice came through the door. “Can I come in?”
“What part of ‘the groom can’t see the bride in her dress before the wedding’ doesn’t make sense to you, Hotch?” Penelope folded her arms and leaned against the door.
“Uh... the part where Emily’s mom is here and won’t stop yelling at me.”
“I am not yelling at you!” Ambassador Prentiss yelled.
“I disagree.” Emily sighed and smoothed her dress down with her hands.
“Fine. Aaron, your eyes better be closed.” Penelope opened the door on Ambassador Prentiss and Hotch, whose eyes were indeed closed. “Come in, mom.” Emily’s mother stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. She looked her daughter up and down and smiled.
“You look beautiful, Emily.”
“Thanks, mom. What’s happening? What do you need?”
“What, a mother can’t stop in to see her daughter on the day if her wedding?” Emily raised her eyebrows. “Fine. There’s something I wanted to give you.” The ambassador reached into her pocket and pulled out something small and vaguely papery. “This is one of the roses from my wedding. I thought maybe it could be your something old.”
“Thanks, mom, but I’m not really doing that.”
“Come on, humor me.” Emily shrugged.
“Fine. I’ll tuck it into my bouquet. JJ?” JJ nodded and retrieved Emily’s bouquet (simple lilacs and daisies). “Mom, I have to finish getting ready. Can you go bug Aaron some more?”
“Fine, fine, I’m going. I’ll see you in a bit, Em.” Emily kissed her mother on the cheek and waved her off. When she was gone, Emily turned back to Penelope and JJ. She put her hand over her heart and mock-swooned.
“Damn, you guys look good.” Penelope swirled her skirt around her and smiled.
“We always look good, sweetheart, but navy blue was a good choice.” It was true, they all looked spectacular. Then again, Emily had always looked good in white.
“Huh. I guess you guys are my something blue, then.”
“Don’t forget your ring.” Emily looked down at the pale blue diamond surrounded by delicate platinum leaves on her finger.
“Who knew Hotch had such good taste in jewelry?” Emily snickered.
“I have a sneaking suspicion he may have taken someone with him when he went shopping,” JJ said, looking pointedly at Penelope.
“Something old.” Emily ran her fingers lightly over the dried rose. “Something new.” Her something new was her dress, which was a simple short-sleeved trumpet gown. It had been the first and only dress she tried on (Emily Prentiss abhorred dress shopping). “And several different blue things.”
“So all that’s left is something borrowed,” JJ said, sharing a glance with Penelope.
“What? What was that?”
“Come with us, sweetie.”
“Guys, I still have to do my hair, and the wedding’s in, like, an hour-“
“This won’t take long,” Penelope said, dragging Emily along by the hand.
“Where are we going?” Neither JJ or Penelope answered. They wound up in a coatroom of the event center. “Hey, guys? What the hell are we doing here?” JJ waved her hand just as someone knocked on the door.
“Hey, guys.” Morgan’s voice was muffled through the door.
“Let us in,” Spencer whispered. JJ opened the door and Derek, Spencer, and Rossi entered the already cramped coatroom. The six of them stood shoulder-to-shoulder.
“Guys, someone please tell me what we’re all doing here.” Emily rubbed her bare arms, which were covered in goosebumps. The air conditioning in the coatroom was aggressive to say the least.
“We have something for you,” Morgan said.
“Well, several somethings,” Spencer added. “We figured you would have something old, new, and blue, but we wanted you to have something borrowed. Hey, did you guys know that this tradition is actually meant to ward off infertility?”
“Thanks, Reid,” the other four echoed in unison.
“You guys don’t have to do this.” Emily smiled warmly at her family.
“No. But we want to.” Rossi put an arm around her shoulders. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a chain with something small and silver dangling at the end of it. “From me. These are my dog tags from Vietnam.” Emily hesitated, but took them. She put the chain around her neck and tucked the tags under the fabric of her dress.
“Thanks, dad- I mean, Dave.” Everyone chuckled. Spencer reached over as if to touch her face, but when he pulled his hand away, there was a playing card in his hand that had appeared as if by magic. A queen of spades.
“The first card trick I ever did with you, this was your card.” He handed it to her.
“Thank you, Spencer.” Emily squeezed his hand. Derek tucked his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a page of a book. It was the title page of a copy of Slaughterhouse Five. He didn’t say anything, just smiled brilliantly at her. She nodded and took the page.
Penelope handed her something, and in the dark, Emily couldn’t tell what it was.
“Tap the top,” Penelope whispered, and when Emily did, a soft pink glow lit up everyone’s faces. It was a tiny pink frog light, one that Emily recognized well from Penelope’s desk. “I have the green one right here in my pocket.” Emily held the frog close to her chest.
“Thank you, Pen.”
Finally, JJ handed her a dart. Emily recognized it immediately. “This is the dart I accidentally hit you with.”
“Yeah, the hospital let me keep it after they wiped the blood off.”
“Thank you, JJ.” There was another knock at the door.
“Emily?” It was Hotch. “Can I come in?”
“Come on, guys, let’s give them some room,” JJ said, and practically dragged everyone but Emily out of the room.
“Fine,” Emily sighed. “But keep your eyes closed.” This time when she opened the door, Hotch’s eyes were wide open. “Aaron,” she groaned.
“Come on, Emily,” he said as he entered the coatroom and shut the door behind him. “You think I’m not going to marry you just because I saw your dress?”
“No,” Emily admitted.
“Exactly. You look beautiful, by the way.”
“I know.” He kissed her cheek. “What are you doing here, Hotch?” It was funny, but she had never quite been able to stop calling him Hotch. She doubted she ever would.
“I’m here to give you my something borrowed.”
“Hotch, I already have five something borrowed. I’m marrying you. I’m borrowing you for the rest of our lives.” Hotch smiles, but shook his head.
“Please. It took me weeks to figure out what to give you.”
“Fine.” Emily held out her hand. “Hand it over.”
“Close your eyes.” She rolled her eyes.
“You didn’t close your eyes when I asked you to.”
“Just do it, would you?” She obliged and something small, flat, and hard pressed into her hand.
“My ID badge?” She asked when she finally looked. “Wait, this is a new badge. I thought you said this was something borrowed.”
“Well, it’s sort of new, sort of borrowed. The badge is new. Look at the name.” Emily looked closer. The name in thick black letters at the base of the card no longer read “Emily Prentiss”. It read “Emily Hotchner”.
“Yeah, but there’s one mistake here. I’m not borrowing your last name.” Hotch’s face fell.
“I thought we decided you were taking my name. Did you change your mind?”
“No. But borrowing it implies I’m giving it back. Your last name’s mine, pal.” Hotch grinned and shook his head.
“You know, we’re not married yet. I could still-“ he turned as if to leave.
“Don’t even joke about that.” Emily grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him to her. She wrapped an arm around his neck as she kissed him and then pushed him away playfully. “Go. I love you, but my hair’s not done yet and so help me god I’m not getting married with messy hair.”
“I’d marry you even if you tried to cut your hair with a weedwhacker five minutes before the ceremony.”
“Yeah, yeah, you love me.”
“I do.” Hotch kissed her forehead and left her alone in the coatroom. Emily collapsed against the soft wall of coats, holding her her gifts to her chest.
“Emily Hotchner,” she said to herself, and laughed out loud.
Emily heard the sound of Pachabel’s Canon in D even from outside the ballroom. She let out a long, steady exhale and squeezed Penelope’s hand, and then JJ’s.
“You guys should go,” she said. Penelope slipped her arm through Derek’s, and JJ put hers through Spencer’s, and they opened the doors to the ballroom. Emily watched them disappear down the aisle. She couldn’t quite see Hotch, but he was there. She knew he was there.
Emily stepped into the room on her own, holding her head high. She had made the decision to walk by herself down the aisle a long time ago. Being married didn’t mean she was going to let go of the self-reliance she had carried with her her whole life.
Her hair was tied behind her head in a tight bun, pinned with JJ’s dart. Rossi’s dog tags remained tucked under her dress. Penelope’s frog was tucked in the pocket of her dress. Reid’s card, Morgan’s page, and Hotch’s badge were all tucked into her bouquet, along with her mother’s flower. She was a walking conglomeration of her family and her relationships with them. She carried with her everyone she loved.
“Hi,” Hotch whispered as she reached the end of the aisle.
“Long time, no see,” she responded. “Ready, Agent Hotchner?” He chuckled silently.
“I’ve never been more ready in my life. How about you, Agent Prentiss?”
“I’m only Agent Prentiss for about another hour,” she said.
“Hey, guys?” Morgan leaned over from his spot beside Hotch. “You realize everyone’s waiting on you, right?” Emily fought the urge to flip him the bird.
“You didn’t answer my question,” Hotch whispered.
“Hotch, I’ve followed you into burning buildings. I’ve chased down unsubs, guns ablazing with you. I’ve seen Reid and Morgan do drunk karaoke with you. Marrying you? That’s nothing.”
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ironwoman18 · 4 years
The Worst Third Date Ever final part.
Chapter 32: A Clean Sweep for Team Reid.
Mount Pleasant Women's Correctional Facility.
"Hello Dr. Reid, it's been a while since I saw you" said the prison guard as he and Max walked in.
"Hello Officer Grey, it's good to see you, of course I would prefer it could be in better conditions" the man nodded.
"I'm agree. Please put your weapon here and everything that could be use as one for the prisoners" Spencer does it "who is she?"
"My wife" said Spencer.
"Oh congratulations doc. I didn't know you got married"
"We just got married so it's still something new" he smiled and the couple walked thru the metal detector and the officer lead them to the room where Catherine Adams will die "officer I would like to talk to her before you take her to her execution"
"You sure? I know she did some bad things to you"
"Yes sir, I'm sure" the guard nodded.
"Ok, ma'am the room you must go is at the end of the aisle then turn to the left" he pointed where she had to go.
Max nodded and kissed Spencer before said "be careful, she will try to get under your skin one more time before she left this world"
He looked in her eyes and nodded "I know but you will be in my mind" he smiled and left with the guard as Max walked where the office said so.
Spencer took of his wedding ring for the first time in a month. He wanted Cat to know that he got married while the needle was under her skin.
The officer left him in an interrogation room. The feeling of being in a prison again was terrible but he knew he would never return there.
Some mini later the guards sat Catherine in front of him "Spencie you came!" She said in an exciting tone and he rolled his eyes "you're one of the few men who fullfil their promises"
"Yeah, after everything we had been thru, it's the less I could do" he said with his poker face on "sadly I can't be the one who do the honor of stick that needle in your arm"
"Don't be mean Spencie, I know you will miss our little games" she said in a little girl tone "it's a shame... Maxie didn't end up here, huh? I guess you didn't send her to prison" he clenched his fist and Cat did a noise with her tongue "Spencie, a good FBI agent never pick sides" she smirked.
"I'm not here to talk about Max, I'm here to make sure they say you are gone for good and won't ruin another relationship I might have"
"I will be always in your mind Spencie, as you told me skating" she winked at him as some officer walked in to get her ready for the execution "bye bye Spencie... I had fun with you" she left smirking, thinking their score was 2-1, she lost against him twice in her mind but at the end she felt like she took away his chance to date someone.
Spencer took a deep breath, relaxing his muscles, he felt tense with her, he put back on his wedding ring and kissed it gently like if he was remembering that everything was fine and Max was his forever.
He stood up and walked back to Max. When he arrived she was there with some other members of the team. They wanted to see Cat finally gone for good.
Spencer walked straight to her and kissed her, it was needed, like he was a dying man and her lips were the water he needed to survive.
After it Max asked against his lips "How was it?"
"As annoying as you can imagine" he rubbed her cheeks gently and then they sat with their friends.
Spencer held Max's hand when the officers walked in with Catherine Adams and a priest to gave her some final words to see if she will change.
Max was annoyed to see her again but she decided to go there and witness her dead and to rub on her face that she outsmarted her.
After some words from the priest the execution started. An officer put the tourniquet around her arm, the doctor cleaned the area with a cotton with alcohol and then stick the needle after finding a vein.
They released the tourniquet and Max decided to make her move. She stood up and walked to be in front of the window. Cat's eyes showed the surprise of seeing her there.
Max put her wedding picture with Spencer against the glass with one hand and with the other a message.
"3-0. Perfect score, bitch. The Reid Family"
Cat's eyes were full of hatred and anger that everyone thought the killing liquid flowed faster.
"NOOOO.... I WON... YOU KILLED YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!" Cat screamed out at her.
Max smirked and shook her head. Cat's eyes realized what happened months ago and her face calmed down. You could read in her face that, a woman, a sister in this men's world betrayed her.
Then after several minutes Catherine Adams was declare dead. Spencer and the team hugged with Max. Finally the most dangerous hit woman they ever faced was dead.
After that Spencer felt like he could finally rest, he will stop looking his surrounding because everyone could be working for Cat, he was free and not only him but his wife and their children.
Some weeks later, they have an appointment to know the gender of their babies. They were excited about this. Max already ordered to paint the room. They painted it white and she decided to paint something on the wall.
If they have a boy and a girl, she will paint a train on a wall and a beautiful princess with some flowers on the other wall.
The doctor checked her blood pressure, weight and ran some blood test then they were to the ultrasound room where the doctor checked the babies.
"Ok Max and Spencer. I confirm that you will have twins. I can see them now. And I can tell you the gender of your babies. Do you want to know?" She asked. The couple nodded "ok, baby number one is a boy!" The couple had some tears of joy "and baby number two is a girl!" More tears of joy "congratulations, I will print the result for you. Do you want some copies" the nodded "ok I will get you some of them. You can clean the gel and walked back to my office" the doctor stood up leaving the couple alone.
"I still can't believe we will be parents" said Spencer helping Max sat down and kissed her forehead hugging her.
"Me neither but we are and it's the best feeling ever" she hugged him tight.
The rest of her pregnancy was calm. Her students cried the final day of classes and they gave her some toys they don't use for her kids, something they planned with their teachers.
Her co-workers at the school organized an early baby shower and each gave her a little present for the kids and for her. Max was hormonal all day and cried a lot.
She was thankful for that job and will miss them. They all hug and Spencer picked her up.
They decided to sell Spencer's old car and with that money and some more they saved, buy a bigger and more modern one for the babies.
As promised, Penelope hosted the official baby shower with all the BAU people and Max's family.
Dave and his wife gave them the cribs, one blue and the other pink; the Simmons gave them two baby bags and a first edition copy, signed by all of them plus David, of the "Simmons' Stories for Children"; Luke, Tara and Penelope joined to give them a set of feeding bottle with the engraving "genius babies" on each, three pink and three blue.
Derek and Savannah gave them Hank's first car seat and bought one for the extra baby; Max's family gave them a double baby stroller; Diana promised them some days ago knitted blankets for her grandchildren; Jack and Aaron gave them his collection of favorite books.
"My mom used to read me those" he said with some tears in his eyes "please read it to them" they nodded with tears in their eyes too.
JJ and her family gave them two changing tables for the kids. Ashley, the new team member, gave them some onesies, with different designs that matched Spencer and Max's personalities.
Last but not least, Emily and Andree gave them a rocking chair, Emily told them it was her mother's favorite when she was a child and she wanted to give to her BAU little brother. Spencer hugged her tight with tears in his eyes.
After that, the men helped Spencer moved everything to the babies rooms. The following week Max asked Penelope, her sisters and JJ to help her paint the train and princess with the flowers.
Spencer was teaching that day, they were having a good time with music and some ice tea. It was the third week of November and the babies were expected that week.
When they finished they decided to go to the living room and talk some more when Max showed a painful face. The women panicked but them JJ and Michelle recognized it... "My/Her water just broke" the three women said at the same time.
"Ok Max breath" said JJ with her 'unsub with a gun pointing at her' voice "Penelope go upstairs to get her bag with clothes and Eloise turn on the car" both women nodded and ran to do what she ordered "let's go Michelle, help me" they walked with Max, who was struggling to keep calm and breathing, to the car.
Penelope ran downstairs with the bag and she was calling Spencer but his phone was turned off.
"Damn it... Boy wonder must be in class" she said as they got in the car.
"It's ok. Leave him a message and he will go to the hospital" said JJ as she started to drive.
She drove fast to the hospital. Meanwhile Penelope sent a text to the team 'Houston we have a baby delivery x2' and hit sent.
They arrived to the hospital and immediately took Max to a room where she asked for her husband.
He arrived some minutes later. JJ decided to pick Diana up, her son was about to be a father, she needed to be there.
Michelle called her father to drive to the hospital with her son.
After some more hours waiting, Spencer finally walked out the delivery room with a big but tired smile.
"They are both perfectly fine. A handsome prince and a beautiful princess" he said and each of his friends and family hugged him "it's a small room so first my mom, Max's dad and sisters, JJ and Derek" they all nodded and follow Spencer.
In there were Max holding on of them, and the other was held by a nurse.
The nurse handed the baby to him "hi everyone" he said as if the baby talked "this is Jason Alexander Reid" the BAU members recognized the name of their former friend and co-founder of the unit and Max's family recognized the name of their uncle/ brother.
Spencer passed him to his mother, then Max said "and this is Rachel..." She held a sobb saying her mom's name, and so did her sisters and father "...Diana Reid, mommy's princess" she handed her to her father.
The two babies were sleeping and quiet, Diana had some tears in her eyes "I never thought I would see this day coming... My boy had two children and I couldn't be prouder" she kissed Spencer's cheek and then Jason's forehead.
She handed the boy to JJ and Don did the same to Michelle, each held the babies and left the room except JJ and Derek.
"JJ and Derek, you are like a brother and a sister to me and Max and I thought it could be fair to make you godparents of Jason and Rachel"
"Really?" Said JJ with tears, she held Jason in her arms and whispered "maybe I can call Caltech or Yale but I'm sure will take you to the zoo" she laughed and kissed her new godson and did the same with Rachel.
"Thank you little brother and I promise to spoil them with lot of sports" he laughed and hugged him.
Then the rest of the people walked in to meet the babies. Dave even cried when Spencer said the name of his son. He know Gideon would be proud of his boy.
"Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone; we find it with another." — Thomas Merton.
The final chapter! What a journey! Thank you for reading, thank you for commented it, thank you for recommending it. I enjoyed this experience, my first long story in a long time and in English!
I learned so much and made some friends with this. Hope you all read my new story Double Dates (mostly Garvez but with some other couples)
Again, thank you, gracias, danke! To @nerys2 @andiebeaword @dreatine @aperrywilliams @moviequeen51
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ravenbrenna09 · 5 years
Unattainable - Chapter One - A Robbe/Sander Fic
LET’S TRY THIS AGAIN (thanks for deleting it Tumblr).
Summary: Sander is Instagram Famous and Robbe is his biggest fan. Someone like Sander would never notice someone like him… right?
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22135918/chapters/52836538
I would like to thank @milanhendrickx because this AU has completely taken over my life from the moment that I first saw her gifset. Originally, this wasn't supposed to be as long it was. It was only intended to be a one-shot, but there was just too much that I wanted to include. So, as of right now, there are only two chapters that deal with the events shown in milanhendrickx's original gifset, but I could easily expand to include more.
Like, this was soooooooo much fun to write. I enjoyed it. 
There are some texts in this chapter. The formatting might be a little easier on AO3, but I’m going to make the texts Robbe sends to be bold and the messages that he receives to be italicized. I hope this makes it a little bit easier with the texting sections. 
The party drummed around him, music floating through the speakers that were on either side of the television.
It was a small gathering, a get-together of sorts to celebrate Senne and Zoë’s engagement in their brand-new apartment. The bride-to-be was on the other side of the room, the bright shiny ring on her finger as she let Amber take a look at it. Senne was talking with Milan and some of his friends from school, leaning against the wall with a beer in his grasp.
The girls teased Zoë endlessly, probably because of Zoë’s retelling of the proposal where she had asked Senne to marry her a week before he had meticulously planned to propose (Robbe and Milan had spent so much time trying to help him plan it perfectly that they had gaped, having all been out together; Robbe managed to get his phone out to record the actual proposal when Senne surprised her by getting down on one knee in the middle of the market), and the blonde’s cheeks were dusted pink in response to her friends’ teasing. 
Robbe glanced the room for his friends, who were over on the edge of the room, trying to fish out the details of Jens’ new boyfriend, who had been sneaking in and out of their four-bedroom apartment for weeks. Robbe wasn’t a part of it because he had run into Lucas in the kitchen with Noor as they made breakfast. The boy hadn’t said anything, simply grabbing a bottle of water and returning to Jens’ room (which was then followed by a yelp from Jens and much laughing). Later that evening, the black-haired man had sworn Robbe and Noor to secrecy. 
(Noor was the one who had slipped up on Jens having a boyfriend and Jens had mock-scolded her at three in the morning one night.)
Robbe glanced at his phone, upset that he hadn’t heard from his mom quite yet. He ran a hand through his hair, reminding himself that it was normal for the first couple of days in the institution as doctors did evaluations and checked things over. His mother had been going down again, not taking her medications daily and her meds weren’t working like they were supposed to. When Robbe was in high school, she had checked herself into an institution, being there for months before she had been able to come home. Now, she had checked herself back in.
His phone buzzed and he barely registered the fact that it had been an Instagram notification before someone wrapped their arms around his shoulders. 
“Hey,” it was Zoë, pressing a kiss against his cheek. She pulled back to stare at him, reaching up to wipe away the deep red lip imprint that she left in her wake. Robbe glanced at her, spotting the concerned look on her face. Ever since Robbe had gone to live with her and Milan, the three of them had remained close. Zoë and Milan had been there for him when he needed it the most and they hadn’t let him go. “Why are you looking so glum for?” she questioned, a smile growing on her lips. “It’s a celebration, Robbe.” 
“I’m sorry,” Robbe replied, straightening up on the arm of the couch. “I’m just worried about my mom.” 
Zoë gave him a comforting smile, squeezing his shoulders as she pulled back. “I know, but I promise that she’s in the best place in the world. Now, come on,” she spoke, extending her hands. 
“Come on what?” Robbe questioned, taking them. 
The blonde grinned, pulling him off the couch and towards the middle of the room. The furniture had been pushed aside to have a makeshift dance floor which is where his friends were all gathered. Robbe rolled his eyes as he realized Zoë’s intentions, wrapping his arms around the woman that he had always considered to be the closest thing that he would ever have to a sister and dancing with her. Once Robbe spun her, Zoë let out a laugh and landed against his chest. 
“Can I ask you something?” she questioned, stepping back to glance up at him, still swaying. 
Robbe nodded his head, furrowing his eyebrows. “Of course you can. I’ve learned my lesson. Never say no to the bride.” 
Zoë laughed, a nervous look crossing her face as she bit down on her bottom lip. Watching her getting so nervous instantly made Robbe nervous as well. Then, after a bit, Zoë gripped onto his shoulder as she let out a laugh, lighter and showing her nerves before she managed to form the words together. 
“Would it be okay if you walked me down the aisle?” Zoë questioned, her voice rushed and breathless. Robbe’s eyes widened as she continued, “With Milan, of course, I think he would be quite offended if I asked you and not him, but both of you are like family and since my dad is out of the picture and you’re practically like my little brother-”
“Zoë,” Robbe cut her off. She blinked up at him, the nervous look crossed back over her face. “Of course, I would love to walk you down the aisle.” 
Zoë grinned, throwing her arms around him and pressing another kiss to his cheek. She shrieked out a sorry and tried to wipe away the red lipstick once again before she moved back towards the girls that were demanding the bride-to-be’s attention. Robbe laughed, moving back to the couch now that the only reason he was off the couch had been dragged away. As he flopped down on the couch, pulling his phone from pocket and glancing down at the Instagram notification.
earthlingoddity has started a live broadcast
Glancing around the room, Robbe slid open the notification and kicking his volume down to mute. Within minutes, the broadcast was up, showing ‘earthlingoddity’ in a store, lightly banging his head as he sang a song or mumbled a song. Judging from the angle, someone else was holding the camera and possibly talking to the chat. Robbe couldn’t tell, but he could tell that a fond smile had already begun to form on his face as he watched the man move through the store, grabbing things and dumping them in the shopping cart as he talked, and sung, to the camera and whoever was behind it. 
The brunet wasn’t for sure how it had started, this intense fascination for a person that he had ever seen in person before. While scrolling through Instagram one day, Robbe had come across one of the numerous drawings that he had posted on his profile and had liked it. Then, upon seeing three or four more, he ended up on his profile and following him before proceeding to scroll through every single picture that he had ever posted. He didn’t leave a like on all of his posts (though, Robbe knew that he wanted to).
But, if Robbe hadn’t been aware that he liked guys and only guys, he was certain that earthlingoddity, or Sander, would’ve been the final nail in the metaphorical coffin. 
The man was beautiful, almost angelic, like the type of person that you wouldn’t have suspected could’ve ever possibly existed on Earth. His hair had been bleached to a bright white and bright green eyes. Somehow, in (almost) every photo that featured himself, he was wearing the same black leather jacket and his live video now was no exception. He smiled brightly at the camera as he talked and Robbe had been certain that his stomach was performing somersaults. 
Yeah, he definitely had a problem, Robbe decided as he typed “you’re amazing”. His response was quickly followed by the fast-moving chat and Robbe locked his phone as he heard heels approaching him. 
“Robbe,” someone spoke, a light begging tone in her voice. 
He glanced up to find Noor walking towards him. His roommate’s girlfriend was dressed in a black long sleeve shirt with a plunging neckline coupled with a dark red skirt. She had her black hair pushed behind her ears, exposing her black stud earrings, and her bangs were slightly pushed to the side. Robbe noticed that she wasn’t wearing a septum ring tonight which could only mean one thing. 
“Noor,” he spoke, already sitting up and already suspecting that she was going to ask. “Again?” 
On their first ‘date’ following a mad dash from a party all those years ago, Noor had taken Robbe to a secret spray-painting club that operated out of a warehouse that someone owned. Some of the members were from her school and a handful were other spray-painters around Antwerp. Robbe and Noor had been a fresh couple back then, having literally met in a bathroom hours before. It had been before Nick and the harsh words that Robbe had thrown in Nick’s face in fear of what it all meant. After Robbe was out and had apologized to her, the two of them became friends. Once Moyo and Noor started officially dating, it became apparent that she wouldn’t be leaving Robbe’s life anytime soon. 
As a result, she tended to bring Robbe with her to the underground painting ring when Moyo couldn’t go with her. 
“Please,” Noor spoke, folding her hands in front of him. She glanced at Moyo, who was still trying to get Jens’ to fess up with Aaron and now Amber had joined in the conversation. “Our anniversary is tomorrow and we’re going out with his parents after I get out of work. I won’t be able to go for a week so I have to make sure it’s all done tonight. I’m almost done, I promise that it won’t take that long. Plus, Moyo is meeting with his mom and his mom’s doctor in the morning and it’s supposed to be a surprise.” 
Robbe looked at her. “Why me?”
“Because they know you,” Noor supplied, putting her hands on her hips. “And, besides, if I don’t show up with either one of you, I have to fight off some newbie with spray-paint who wants to hit on me.” She folded her hands in front of her again. “Please?”
Robbe let out a sigh and Noor grinned because she knew that she already won. 
Upon arriving outside the old garage, Noor had practically forced the mask over his face before he even had the chance to ask for one. Once she had made sure that her own was secure, she stepped over to him, making sure the straps were tucked behind his ears and locked in place. The knock was simple and deliberate. After so many trips coming with her over the years, he had the knock memorized but he never came here of his own accord. 
Just like any other night, the garage was full of people. Robbe recognized the blue eyes of the man that had let them into the building. The man had made a joke about Noor ditching her boyfriend to which she rolled her eyes and pretended to not be offended before grabbing Robbe by the wrist and dragging him further into the large warehouse. There were a handful of vehicles along with the vast empty space, a handful of people here and there, and there was at least one person that had a camera, taking pictures of everything around them. 
Noor shifted the bag that she had been carrying up further on her shoulder. 
One artist that they passed had chosen the canvas to be one of the poles that held up the building. The person was switching from a can of spray paint to a paintbrush and palette that was balancing dangerously on his knee. Another had started an abstract painting on the floor, his space coordinated off by a bunch of backpacks that had to have been from the other painters. The entire life and feel of the warehouse had always made him smile, the support and the secrets brimming in the building. 
“Come,” Noor spoke, grabbing his arm and directing him further into the building, all the way to the back wall. There was a section of the wall that had already been spray-painted over. The section was a majority of a dark blue with a beautiful blend of blues and purples. There was only a section of the wall that had small white bursts against the blend. As he stared, Robbe could make out a handful of constellations that he couldn’t remember the name of. 
“Wow,” he mumbled.
“Do you like it?” she questioned, sounding insecure. 
“Of course I like it, it’s beautiful,” Robbe informed her. Even with the mask obscuring half of Noor’s face, he could tell that his friend was grinning from ear-to-ear. But, he couldn’t help but feel like there was more to the story. “Why are you so eager to finish this tonight?” he asked, curious. 
“Oh,” Noor spoke, her cheeks flushing. “Well, for our first date, Moyo and I had spent the night looking up at the stars. His mother used to always show him the constellations. We sat there forever just looking up at the stars and he was telling me the stories of them. I’m going to show him, but I know it’s not going to stay here on this wall forever so I was going to have a friend take a picture and print it out so we could keep it.”
Robbe smiled. 
“Too cheesy?” she questioned. 
“No,” Robbe replied, shaking his head. “I think it would be a perfect gift for Moyo.” 
Noor smiled.
The artist had a reference picture on her phone which she was meticulously following. In his initial visit to the warehouse, the two of them had sprayed a garage truck together. But, Robbe knew that he was here as moral support. As such, he sat on the floor, not far from her with his legs crossed beneath him and her bag of spray paint in front of him. Whenever her can of white paint ran out, he fetched her another from her bag. She must’ve known that she would need to use a lot because there were at least ten cans of white spray paint. 
Noor was meticulous, going a little at a time. Robbe knew that she was focused on the task at hand so while she was spray painting, Robbe was playing on his phone. There was a text from Moyo asking about any information about Jens’ boyfriend which Robbe ignored and informed him that they had made it to the warehouse safely. Jens sent him to let him know that he (and Moyo) had all arrived back at the apartment and that they were headed to bed. Once he had finished the text, his thumb instantly opened Instagram with the hopes that the live broadcast was still going on. 
To his disappointment, it wasn’t.  
So, he ended up playing a game. 
“Robbe,” Noor whined, tearing his attention away from his game. Robbe glanced up to his friend, who was standing on the top of the ladder that she had pulled over some time ago. She had reached the top of the mural now, the stars covered the entire mural except for one section in the upper hand corner. The ladder couldn’t go any further over, stuck by a pole. “How does it look?” 
Robbe gave her a look. “It looks beautiful, just like it did when you started nearly three hours ago.” 
“Three hours?!” she questioned, glancing at her phone. There’s a surprised look on her face as she filtered through what she presumed to be messages. “I didn’t realize it would take this long.”
“Noor,” Robbe spoke. “It’s fine. You just might have to deal with an angry boyfriend when you climb into bed in the middle of the night.” Noor chuckled, starting to climb off the ladder to move it. Robbe’s phone buzzed in his hand and he glanced down. It was an Instagram notification, but his tired brain doesn’t register it at first let alone read it. “How much do you have left to do?” he questioned, curious. 
“Just one more thing, I promise,” Noor admitted, locking the ladder in place. “And, this one won’t take three hours.” 
Robbe let out a laugh, shaking his head, as his phone vibrated against his palm. However, this time, it’s a text message from Jens, which he quickly opened, wondering why Jens was awake now. 
I just checked your room and you’re still not home.
Why are you still not home?
Noor has been pretty focused.
She’s finishing up now.
Why are you still awake?
Robbe, I know that I don’t need to tell you how sex works.
Oh, Lucas is there?
Tell him hi!
He says hello and that he’ll see you in the morning. 
When are you going to be home?
Thirty minutes to an hour?
So I don’t think someone’s breaking in?
Why would a burglar have a key?
We’re going to bed. 
Be quiet when you two come in.
We’ll be quiet.
I hope you didn’t wake up Moyo.
We didn’t. 
Unlike someone (*cough* Moyo *cough*), we can be quiet. 
Robbe let out a chuckle, glancing up when Noor’s boot tapped against his foot. She had pushed the ladder off to the side, exposing the entirety of the work. Her final touch had been a shooting star which was placed in the dead-center of the mural. He grinned at it. 
“Who’s still awake this late?” she questioned, placing the white cap back on the can. Robbe handed her the phone to show her the texts which she read through with a grin on her face. Robbe took the spray paint and placed it back in her bag with the other cans. Most of them were empty but Noor recycled them. Noor let out a laugh, her eyes scanning over the texts. 
The deep voice stirred both of their attention. Robbe glanced up, spotting the man standing behind him with a black hood over his head, obscuring his face in shadows. The man even had a black mask that covered his mouth, almost draping him completely in darkness and shadows. The only thing that stood out was his eyes but even those were partially obscured in the shadows. 
But, Noor seemed to recognize him, stepping forward and wrapping him in a hug. “Hey, how are you?” The man moved to respond, but Robbe’s phone vibrated in Noor’s hand, managed to get the attention of both of them. She glanced down, reading the screen, before handing the phone out to him.
Robbe’s breath knocked out of his throat at the sight of Mama on the screen. “I’ll be right back,” Robbe promised Noor, taking the phone and stepping away. He vaguely registered that he paused to take his mask off as he moved to a section of the warehouse that hadn’t been touched tonight. “Hi Mama,” he spoke, right before a yawn escaped his mouth. 
“I’m sorry, Robbe,” his mother spoke. “I just realized what time it was. I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“You didn’t wake me up,” Robbe spoke quickly. He glanced around, unsure what to tell his mother about what he had actually been doing. Noor was talking to her friend that had walked up to them, but she glanced at him, worried. His friends, including Noor, had been waiting as anxiously as he was for news about his mother. “I was just studying for a test that I have on Monday. Time got away from me.”
His mother let out a breath of relief. “That’s good. I meant to call you earlier, but I guess I must’ve fallen asleep without realizing it. How has the apartment been? Are the boys taking care of you?”
Robbe smiled. “Yeah, they are. How are you feeling?”
“I’m good. The doctors think that I’ll only be in a couple of weeks this time. They were talking about how they’ll have to change my meds again,” his mother spoke. “Will you visit me while I’m in here?” 
“Of course,” Robbe promised. “I will.” His mother let out a yawn. As much as Robbe didn’t want to get off the phone with his mother, he knew that she needed to get some sleep. “Mama, I’ve got to get to bed. I’ll talk to you in the morning, okay?”
“Make it in the afternoon. I have a session with the doctor in the morning. I’ll ask when you can start visiting,” his mother spoke, sounding sleepy. Even though she couldn’t see, Robbe found himself nodding his head anyways. “Have a good night’s sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Robbe replied before hearing the dial tone. He let out a breath that he didn’t realize that he was even holding. His mom was okay and safe. 
“Is everything okay with your mom? Why was she calling so late?” It was Noor, appearing at his side with a concerned plastered on her face. Her bag was thrown over her shoulder and his brown jacket was bundled up in her arms. He took it from her, slipping it over his shoulders, as he nodded his head. 
“Yeah, she’s okay,” Robbe informed her. Noor let out a breath of relief, running her hand through her hair as she turned back around. Robbe glanced where she was looking, only to find the boy wrapped up in the black hoodie, leather jacket, and a mask to be taking a picture of Noor’s mural. “She meant to call me earlier and had fallen asleep. She didn’t realize what time it was until after I picked up.” 
“That’s good,” Noor replied. She reached out to take his arm. “Let’s go home, yeah?”
“What about your mural?” he questioned. 
Noor pointed a finger to the guy taking photos. “He’s going to print it out for me. He’s got a studio for everything that he’s into. I’ll get it sometime in the week.”
“Alright, let’s go home.” Robbe laughed, letting her pull him from the warehouse. As the two of them left arm-in-arm, the two talked about Robbe’s mom had talked to him about, unaware of the green eyes that staring at their backs.
It’s only later in the morning after Robbe is woken up to the sounds of Jens talking with Moyo in the kitchen, talking about making another vlog, after Robbe had groggily walked in on the two conversing over the coffee pot with a sleepy Noor at the table, that he realized that he had never checked the Instagram notification. As his roommates bickered and Noor sipped on her coffee, Robbe checked his phone. 
earthlingoddity has added to his story
It was a simple black picture, not showing anything other than a faint outline of where the platinum-haired man was vaguely standing. There was white text across the screen, diagonal and slanted: Do you ever see someone and just know they’re the one? 
When Moyo and Noor were finally able to have their anniversary celebration that weekend, the rest of the boys had vacated the apartment, leaving it to the happy couple of four years. Jens had hopped on the train to visit Lucas at his flat. Aaron had an exclusive party to go to Amber’s house. Robbe had wandered a bit where he could end up going, but he decided on texting Milan and ask if he could stay in the spare bedroom (which had been empty since Zoë had moved out). With Lisa out of the house with party plans and no third roommate, the two of them had the living room for the night and a bottle of alcohol passed between them. 
“How’s school?” Milan questioned. 
“Almost done,” Robbe admitted, letting out a sigh. His eyes flickered around the room, catching all the empty places where Zoë’s things once were.
“And?” Milan pressed. 
“And what?”
“Are there any cute boys?” Robbe chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t give me that look. As your gay-guru, I have the right to make sure that you are properly satisfied.” 
Robbe barked out a laugh, shaking his head. “There’s no one. I’m afraid that Jens is getting more action than I am right now. I think I’ve actually seen his boyfriend more than I’ve been seeing someone,” Robbe replied. 
“So no one? Not even one night flings?”
Robbe shrugged. There were a couple of one-night flings that he had over the years, but it had been a while since he had one himself. “Not for a bit.” 
“Well, you’re boring,” Milan deadpanned. 
Robbe scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “But, what about you, Milan? Have you finally decided to ask out that guy from the coffee shop or are beating you around the bush because you don’t want to get hurt?” 
Milan looked offended, holding his hand over his chest. “Excuse you, baby Robbe? As your gay-guru, you have no right to speak to me like that,” he started before the older man descended into laughter, almost falling off of the couch. He straightened up, wiping the tears from his eyes. “I’m just waiting to make my move.”
“At a snail’s pace,” Robbe teased. Milan let out a gasp, getting up to go into the kitchen and fetch another bottle of vodka or wine. Whatever Milan decided. His phone buzzed in his lap and he glanced at it with a curious gaze. There was an Instagram notification from Noor (noor.bauwens has tagged you in a post) and Robbe was smiling before he had even opened the post. 
The post was simply a photo of Noor with Moyo in their apartment kitchen. Moyo was sitting in a chair, pressing a kiss to Noor’s cheek as she sat perched on his lap, her arms curled around his neck and one hand on his cheek. The framed photo of her spray painting masterpiece was being held up on both of them, partially cut off by the Instagram photo restrictions. The frame itself had been larger than Robbe had been expecting, but it could’ve easily been hung above their bed. Robbe was certain that he would be able to see it in person once he was able to go back into his apartment tomorrow morning (or afternoon, depending on how long his tequila/wine-induced hangover lasted). 
noor.bauwens: happy anniversary, my love. here’s to many more years and moments together. special thanks to @sterkerdanijzer for keeping me company while I stayed up too late to finish and to @earthlingoddity for taking the photo of my gift and framing it (and the photo credit) love you both <3
Wait… Robbe thought, his eyes staring at the second username tagged. Since when did Noor know him? Had she known him the entire time?
“Aww,” Milan had returned, leaning over Robbe’s shoulder and placing the bottle of wine on the table. The smaller boy jumped with a start and his friend gave him an apologetic grin. “That’s adorable. And, that’s a beautiful picture. Is that the mural that she dragged you to the warehouse to do?” 
“Yeah, it’s pretty amazing in person too,” Robbe replied, shaking his head. He posted a comment beneath the photo. 
sterkerdanijzer: glad to help; love you two <3 @noor.bauwens
“Oh? Maybe she’ll show me one day,” Milan spoke. “Want some wine?” Robbe gladly extended his glass to be filled before announcing that he had to go to the bathroom before they started the next episode. Milan had laughed, pouring his glass and Robbe had run off, sliding down the hall and forgetting his phone in the living room. As Robbe headed back into the living room, Milan shouted, “Hey, who’s earthlingoddity?”
“Huh?” Robbe questioned, stepping into the living room. The older man was sitting on the couch, his glass of wine in one hand and Robbe’s phone in the other with his legs curled beneath him. Robbe felt his eyes roll in his head. That’s what he gets for leaving his phone unattended with Milan in the room. As Robbe passed him, he snatched his phone from Milan’s grasp. “Milan, when we were roommates, you promised that you would stop looking through my phone.” 
Milan rolled his eyes, pulling up his phone and typing into the search bar. “Jokes on you, I can still find out who he is,” Milan teased. Robbe rolled his eyes, moving to start the next episode as he tucked his phone between his thigh and the couch. “Oh, he’s cute,” Milan spoke up, scrolling through his Instagram. “And, it looks like he’s quite popular. Wait, is this that Instagram guy you have a crush on?”
Robbe rolled his eyes. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. I don’t have a crush on him. He’s an influential Instagram profile that just so happens to have a lot of interesting art.”
(It’s a lie, of course, because Robbe definitely has a crush on him, in the completely unattainable celebrity-crush kind of way.)
“Well,” Milan spoke, locking his phone and putting it down on the couch between them. “Well, either way, he followed you on Instagram.” 
“Huh?” Robbe blinked, his brain short-circuiting. There was no way in any universe that Sander, earthlingoddity, whichever you wanted to call him by, would follow Robbe of all people. Robbe wasn’t anything interesting, mostly being tagged in posts by his friends and random stuff with the boys. “What are you talking about?” 
Milan didn’t even glance away from the television as he took a sip of wine. “Robbe, did you even look at the notification?” 
Robbe pulled his phone out from between his thigh and the couch, pressing the lock button. There were a number of Instagram notifications now. There were a handful of comments and likes from their friends and family members. There was even a comment from Moyo’s mom, who had spent the better part of the past four years mumbling to Robbe that Noor was going to be her daughter-in-law someday. Robbe scrolled through the notifications until he found the one that Milan had mentioned. 
earthlingoddity started following you
As Robbe settled back into the couch, he felt a smile grow on his face. 
“Was I wrong?” Milan questioned, leaning towards him. 
Robbe scoffed, pink growing on his cheeks as he ducked his head. “Shut up.” 
Milan grinned, bright and toothy. “You do have a crush on him!” 
“Shut up, Milan!” 
earthlingoddity sent you a message
Robbe didn’t know why he was so nervous, his thumb hovering over the notification. He knew that he was acting like a kid with an intense crush on a boy, his first real crush, and the very thought was ridiculous because Robbe had crushes before. Robbe had boyfriends before. Hell, Robbe had one-night stands that ended with him leaving in the dead of night, nervously trying to leave quietly so he wouldn’t be caught. He had experience with guys. So, why was he so nervous about a simple Instagram message?
Robbe didn’t know but it was beyond frustrating that this man, someone who Robbe had never even met before and had spent far too much time staring at his photos and his live-streams, had managed to have such a profound impact on him in such a short span of time. 
Pushing up from his bed, the topic of his essay forgotten and his mathematical proof half-finished, Robbe crossed his legs beneath him and nervously fiddled with his hair. He realized how ridiculous he was being. It wasn’t like Sander could see him through the camera of his phone. It was just a simple Instagram message. In fact, it probably had to do with Noor’s photo. 
Yeah, that’s all it was, Robbe decided, finally opening the message. 
That wasn’t what it was. 
You’re so beautiful.
I’m such a fan.
Robbe’s cheeks flushed as he stared down at the message, trying to figure out what to say in response. The first response that pops into Robbe’s mind is have you seen yourself? But, even though it was wholeheartedly true, Robbe decided quickly that he did not want to send that message. He did not want to have to admit how much time he’s looked at the selfies that Sander had posted a little too long since Robbe had started following him.
So, instead, he decided to answer the second half of his text.
You’re a fan? I literally check your Instagram every day. 
I mean… like I see you on my feed every day. 
Please don’t take that a weird way.
Robbe spent the next couple of minutes, nervously tapping at his phone and refreshing the conversation. He could see that Sander was still online and there were nerves vibrating throughout every fiber of his being. His phone buzzed, bringing him back to the conversation. 
God, you’re so adorable :)
Robbe exhaled a breath of relief, his cheeks growing hotter by the second, and ran a hand through his hair as another message popped up. 
So, you’re a fan of mine?
Do you listen to David Bowie?
Yes, I listen to your Bowie playlist all the time.
God, Robbe thought, running his hand across his face and letting out a groan. The man must think that Robbe was a stalker or something, listening to his playlist and following his Spotify as well as basically stalking him on Instagram. His chat had flickered offline after he had sent his last message so Robbe knew that he hadn’t seen the message quite yet. Once his eyes had caught sight of the green bubble beside his profile picture, indicating that he had returned online, Robbe quickly added:
It’s a good playlist.
Oh really? I’m glad you like it.
It’s only the beginner playlist.
The beginner playlist?
When do I get permission to listen to the advanced set?
When you pass your first exam.
Oh? Is it difficult?
That’s going to be a lot of studying.
There’s a shout from Noor down the hall before the door to his bedroom was opening. Glancing at him, she blinked in surprise and Robbe glanced around. He was in the midst of all his books and notebooks from class, spread out around him like a disorganized tornado of papers and notes. She leaned against the door frame to his room and tilted her head, “How’s studying for your tests going?” 
“Non-existant,” Robbe admitted, locking his screen as she stepped into his room. He made space on his bed for her to sit down and she flopped down on his bed, crossing her feet beneath her. “What’s up?”
“What are you doing tonight?” she questioned. 
“Lucas and I talked about trying to figure out what to do for Jens’ birthday in a couple of months,” Robbe admitted, quietly despite the fact that he knew that Jens hadn’t been home yet. “Jens is going to his weekly dinner with his dad so it’s the only time that we’ll get the time to have an idea. Why?” 
“Britt’s been bugging me about going to dinner,” Noor admitted. 
“Britt?” Robbe questioned. “I thought you guys stopped talking years ago?” 
“Yeah, we did,” Noor replied, shrugging her shoulders as she looked over a sketch he made in the margins of his notes. “But, she messaged me the other day. I wanted to make amends or something. So, Moyo and I are going to meet her and her friend to hang out and catch up.”  
“And you’re asking me? Even with our history, Britt and I never really got along. I am Jens’ best friend so when the two of them broke up, I basically became scum of the Earth,” Robbe replied, shrugging his shoulders. “Then, it was only amplified when the two of us broke up.”  
Noor shrugged her shoulders. “While all completely true, I was thinking that you might come by and pick up Moyo and make some excuse for him to leave,” Noor admitted, turning towards him. “Britt never really cared for Moyo either and I don’t want him to have to be at a dinner where someone doesn’t want him there.”
“I want to be there,” Moyo spoke up, entering Robbe’s bedroom. The man was carrying a large plastic bag filled with cereal and was eating out of it. He stepped closer to Noor, who turned to him. “She’s your friend.”
“I know,” Noor admitted, reaching up to touch his hand. “But, I also know how she can get. Plus, she’s never been too keen on my boyfriends anyways. When I mentioned to her that we had gone a date the first time, I thought she was going to faint. The last thing I want is for you to be caught in the crossfire.” 
“I could show up and make an excuse to get you both out of there,” Robbe supplied. 
“That might work if the date ends up going badly that is. We’ll see,” Noor admitted, glancing at Robbe. “Britt and I were never really good at double dates.”
The front door slammed, followed by hasty movements. The shuffling continued down the hallway, towards them, until Jens appeared in the doorframe with Lucas’s lips pressed against his neck and his hand under his boyfriend’s shirt. After Robbe’s best friend spotted them, he stopped outside the door as Robbe was already reaching for his headphones on his nightstand. 
Jens glanced at them, a threatening look on his face as his eyes flickered between all of them, “Consider this a ten-minute warning to vacate the apartment or your complaints are invalid.” Lucas laughed before Jens is backing them into the latter’s bedroom across the hall, slamming the door behind him. 
Noor was already moving to get up, grabbing Moyo’s hand and leaving. “I’ll text you the restaurant,” Noor spoke. “I’m sure one of us will let you know when we’re ready for you to make an excuse. If it decides to happen at all.” Robbe nodded his head, giving her a thumbs-up as she closed the door to his bedroom. He turned his attention to connecting his headphones to his phone, starting up the music as soon as it was connected. Once the music had started wafting through the speakers, effectively blocking out any noise around him, Robbe turned back to his notes. 
His phone vibrated, remind him with a start and pulling him back fully to his phone, his homework abandoned once again. 
Who knows? Maybe you might be able to bribe the teacher.
Robbe smiled, his stomach churning in knots. It might’ve been a while since Robbe had been interested in a guy, and it might’ve been through text message, but this entire exchange felt like flirting. He almost wished that they were face-to-face so that way Robbe would know for sure. 
Should I dare to take that risk?
I’ll give you some advice later tonight.
If you want.
Robbe’s heart thumped in his chest, wishing that he didn’t have plans with Lucas (and possibly Aaron) for Jens’ party or possible plans with Noor and Moyo. But, he knew that they needed to work on the party, or at least have an idea, since they would have a limited amount of time to put it all together. So, he typed out his response.
I’d love to, but I have plans tonight. 
Ah, okay. 
Robbe couldn’t keep the grin off his face, biting down on his bottom lip in an attempt to smother it.
Concept: The Broooers are a famous YouTube vlog channel located in Antwerp that updates weekly and Sander has a crush on the brunet boy that has a wide range of facial expressions and an affinity for making a fool of himself (and looking beautiful while doing it).
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legrandepapillon · 6 years
The Not-So-Secret-Santa (pegtha)
Summary: When one has the trademark loudmouths, Thomas Jefferson, Hercules Mulligan, and Alexander Hamilton, in on a game that requires secretiveness… let’s just say, things don’t go as planned. Prompt: Secret Santa Beginning Notes: more christmas gays!
When Angelica Schuyler walked into the coffee shop her group of friends─and little sisters─frequented, she commanded attention. Especially judging from the way a scowl painted her gorgeous features, and her eyes seemed narrowed into thin, angry slits. Now, it may just be James Madison’s imagination playing tricks on him, but the young man is almost a thousand percent sure that the entire─extremely busy, what with it being colder than a well digger’s ass outside─coffee shop goes silent when she enters.
“Angelica!” Eliza says, looking up from where she’d been texting Alexander─who, out of their merry band of friends, was the only one not in attendance─and waving her sister over. “Over here!”
Angelica maneuvers her way through the crowd of people─but not before stopping briefly at the cash register to order a coffee─and joins the group sitting in the back. They’ve somehow managed to crowd themselves into the only booth big enough to fit all twelve of them─and even so, several people have pulled chairs up to the table in order to fit comfortably. Angelica takes a chair from Lafayette─who goes to drape themselves over the laps of Hercules and George─and slams her coffee cup down onto the table.
“Where the hell is Alexander? And Samuel, King and Charles?” she asks with an edge to her voice, noticing the absence of bickering that usually went on between her brother-in-law and his frenemies. None of them were anywhere in sight. “I thought I told you that I need all of you here.”
“Alex got caught up at the station,” Eliza says, pausing to take a sip of coffee. “And those three had to go and meet Charles’ parents for lunch. Sammy just told me to text him whatever you needed to tell us and he’d relay it to the group.”
Sighing at her friends total inability to follow simple instructions, Angelica looks around at the people that were there. Thomas, James and Aaron had all managed to show up─which was a feat in and of itself. For a polyamorous couple, it seemed very rare that anyone managed to catch more than two of them together at a time. There was always one out of the three missing─at work, running errands, out of town.
George was there, as well, which was pretty shocking. He was so busy with being a congressman most of the time that he was hardly ever around─so much so that for the first year of his relationship with Hercules and Lafayette, Angelica had thought it was just those two. She hadn’t even known that George was a part of their romance until she attended a housewarming party for Peggy and accidentally walked in on three of them getting hot and heavy in a closet.
And Peggy. Peggy always seemed to be working at her actual job─she worked at the very cafe that Angelica told them to meet in─or on her youth programs. She─along with John Laurens, who seemed very zoned out on whatever he was doodling on the cafe napkins─was an activist that ran several non-profit charities for youth. Big Brother, Big Sister mentoring guides for LGBTQ+ kids, scholarship programs for inner-city kids and all-girls empowerment summer camp for preteen and teenage girls. The poor woman was so busy with all of these endeavors that it was rare that Angelica and Eliza were able to get together with her, which is why Angelica chose her lunch break during work to meetup with the gang.
“What’s up, Angie? Why’d you need us all here?” Thomas asks, snapping the woman from her reverie. Angelica exhales, looks around at the group one last time before making sure to turn her attention to her sisters.
“Mom and Dad called me last night. They said we won’t be having our annual family Christmas like usual,” she pauses here to gauge her sisters reactions, and is surprised to not find the level of distress that she thought she would. Both girls seem pretty bummed, but not as devastated as she’d expected. “So, I was wondering if the rest of you were busy this Christmas, and if not, if we could plan something for us here. Like a family.”
“Well, my Dad doesn’t want me bringing these two back if I go down to Virginia for Christmas, so I’m pretty freed up,” George says, adding a packet of artificial sweetner to his coffee in an attempt to look bored─though everyone sitting at the booth can tell just how hurt he is at this. “Hercules just has James here and Marie said she can’t go back to France.”
“My grandmother… when I told her I was trans, she uh… she told me that she never wanted to see my face again. However, Adrienne is coming into town. If I celebrate with you all, can she come as well?” Marie asks, leaning her head on the heel of her hand. Angelica waves her hand in dismissal, though she can tell by the way Marie’s eyes light up that she’s made her friend extremely happy.
“That’s absolutely fine, hon. What about you guys?” Angelica nods towards the end of the booth, where Thomas, Aaron and James were chatting quietly amongst themselves. They all look up in confusion─making it obvious to the woman that they hadn’t been paying attention. “Doing anything for Christmas?”
“Well,” Aaron begins. “I usually spend my Christmas’ watching Lifetime movies and eating takeout, so… no. I’m free.”
“Ever since Herc and I’s parents passed, I just spend it doing whatever Hercules does. Why?”
“I’m not going back to Virginia this year, my mother has a new boyfriend and I don’t really feel like being around all that mess.”
“Good. You’re spending the holidays with us. Alright, I’ve got Marie, Thomas, Adrienne, James, Hercules, George, and myself. Eliza, Peggy?” Angelica begins scribbling the names down on a notepad from her purse, formulating a guest list so that she’d know how much cooking she’d need to do for the holiday at hand.
“I’m down, but can I bring Martha? She’s like the Scrooge of Christmas─hates the holidays. I wanna show her true Christmas joy, y’know. It’ll be romantic. Might even get laid.” John audibly groans at how cliche Peggy sounds, before reminding her that she’s talking about his stepsister─so show a little decorum. The woman sticks her tongue out at him, and Angelica laughs at the two before agreeing.
“Well, since Martha is going… John you might as well go,” Eliza says, looking to her boyfriend─who wrinkles his nose. “C’mon. Alex and I are definitely going, and you know you don’t want to go back to South Carolina for Christmas. It’ll be fun! We can do Secret Santa!”
“Ooh, yes!” Marie exclaims, removing her sketchpad from her satchel. She flips to an empty page and begins scribbling everyone’s names down. “Okay… Angelica, let me see your beanie.”
Angelica hands over the hat, eyebrow raised. With careful and precise fingers, Marie rips the paper with the names into small little shreds─each shred of paper holding someone’s name. She folds them in half before dumping them all into the beanie.
“I’m adding Charles, King and Sammy in here… Eliza, you can pick for the three of them and text them who they got,” Marie says, dumping the shreds of paper into the hat and mixing them around. “John, you pick for Alex but don’t look at who he got, alright? Just give him the paper when you see him. Rules for the Secret Santa? You obviously can’t tell the person you’re buying for that it’s you, no going over thirty dollars for materials, no buying gift cards, and you have to make it.”
There’s voices of protest at the last rule, but the look Marie sends the group could rival Angelica’s. It doesn’t, of course, because Angelica is the queen of glaring─but it could.
Marie takes a slip of paper from the hat before passing it to Hercules, who repeats the motion. The beanie goes around the table until it ends with George removing the last piece of paper.
Angelica grins at the name on her piece of paper.  Eliza and Thomas both groan─probably because the people they chose are difficult to shop for. Peggy does a fist pump, John smiles wistfully, James, George and Aaron seem to be indifferent either way, and Hercules gives a smile that says ‘oh, this will be very fun’.
“Who did you get?” John asks his girlfriend, as he, Eliza and Alex push their cart around the crafts shop. They’d all agreed to go shopping for their materials at the same time, in the same place─to save money, and gas. However, the young brunette sitting in the cart is quickly becoming to regret agreeing upon that─seeing as this is the sixth time John has asked her this question, and Alexander had asked twelve times before. Eliza looks up at him with an expression that can only be described as a mixture between ‘offense’ and ‘exhaustion’. “What? I’m just curious!”
“Yeah, and curiosity killed the cat,” she teases, before directing him to turn down the aisle that has yarn. “I’ve already said this, John! I can’t tell you! It’s called a Secret Santa! What if you tell them that I’m the one making their present? Geez, I know you’re a rebel, but it can’t be this hard for you to follow the rules.”
“Wow. You’re really passionate about the do’s and don’ts of Secret Santa, aren’t you?” he asks, as she directs him to put some navy blue yarn in the cart. She nods her head just as Alexander comes bolting towards them with arms full of markers, crayons, colored pencils and pens.
“Alex! You’re supposed to be shopping for materials for your Secret Santa, not thing you like,” Eliza chastises playfully, before squeaking in indignance when he dumps all the materials on her.
“Shut up. I’m making John a poster,” he says.
“Alex!” Eliza whines, and John laughs loudly. Well, at least he could trust that his gift would be made with love.
Lafayette sits cross-legged in the middle of their living room, hands gently maneuvering the clay on the pottery wheel. Their eyes are concentrated on the machine, all of their attention focused on the design of the clay to make the shape they want.
“Laffy, I’m sorry darlin’, but I’m curious. Who in the hell would want a homemade clay pot?” George asks, looking down at them from his spot on the couch. He’d been focused on CNN news, but the gentle whirring of the machine had drawn his attention several minutes ago and the curiosity had been eating at him. Lafayette doesn’t offer a response, simply shrugs their shoulders and continues to gently knead the clay on the wheel. “I can’t think of anyone in our group that would find use for that.”
“Then you’re not thinking hard enough,” they respond calmly, reaching their hand into the opening in order to manipulate the shape even further. George opens his mouth to retort something equally as sassy, but Hercules enters their apartment at that very moment─arms filled to the brim with varying colors of yarn─soft pinks and blues, bright neon greens and yellows… and just as George is confused as to who in their circle of friends would want a flower pot, he is confused as to who would want all those colors clashing together.
“Y’know, mo chroí, you’re an awfully hard person to drum up ideas for,” Hercules says, dumping the materials beside George on the couch to press a kiss to their forehead. Lafayette gives a squeal of annoyance at Hercules having revealed who he was Secret Santa-ing to; and by relation having revealed who Lafayette’s Secret Santa is.
“Herc, mon coeur! It was supposed to be a surprise, non?” they exclaim, finally tearing their eyes away from their pottery. “You’ve ruined it for me!”
“Aw man, I’m sorry, Laf!” Hercules responds, plopping down beside them on the floor. At first George believes he’s being sarcastic, but when his eyes land on his boyfriend’s face, he can tell that he’s genuinely apologetic. It’s cute, how he recognizes the importance of this to Lafayette and respects that. “This Secret Santa thing slipped my mind.”
“Hey, darlin’, the surprise isn’t entirely ruined,” George pipes up, easing down onto the floor with the other to. “You don’t know what he’s going to make. I promise, I’ll help Herc hide whatever he’s making for you, so that you can be surprised on Christmas. Sound good?”
And though Lafayette is still pouting, both men can tell that this considerably makes it better.
“I don’t even know Maria that well!” Thomas exclaims for what seems to be the billionth time since they got who they’d be making presents for, as he scrolls through ideas for gifts on Pinterest. “Why can’t I just buy her something? It’d be so much easier!”
“Firstly, Thomas, the whole point of Secret Santa was for us not to know who you’d be making a present for,” Aaron reprimands, for what seems to be the billionth time in response to Thomas’ complaining. He’s making what seems to be personally designed coffee mugs─using blank templates and markers designed for ceramic art to design them. He’d been pretty good at hiding who his present was for, though Thomas can just barely make out a ‘G’ on one of the mugs. “Secondly, you’re supposed to make it because it’s supposed to come from the heart. These aren’t just our friends, they’re our family, too.”
“That’s lame,” the Virginian huffs, tossing his phone onto the coffee table. He dramatically drapes himself over the armrest of their couch, tossing his arm over his eyes like the drama queen he is. “Why can’t I just pay someone to make something for me?”
“Can I pay someone to kick your ass? Maybe then you’d stop complaining,” Aaron murmurs under his breath, picking up another marker to doodle something on the coffee mug. Surprisingly, he’s met with silence─until his phone chimes with a notification. Curiously, Aaron picks up his phone to read it─finding that it’s from Facebook.
Thomas Jefferson ─ with Maria Reynolds, Angelica Schuyler and 15 others.
Need help coming up with ideas for Maria’s Secret Santa present… anyone care to help out?
“Goddamnit, Thomas, it’s supposed to be a Secret!” James yells from the other room─obviously having got the notification as well. Thomas gives a groan of annoyance at this, probably remembering that tagging the person you’re going to be Secret Santa-ing for is not the smartest idea.
“But keeping it secret is hard!”
“Looks like I won’t have to pay anyone to kick your ass,” Aaron chuckles, setting his phone down and glancing towards his boyfriend. Both Thomas and Aaron’s phones are blowing up with notifications─though neither of them need to check them to see it’s probably their group of friends reprimanding him on sharing who he was supposed to be the Secret Santa for. Thomas quirks an eyebrow, and his lover finishes with, “Angelica is probably going to do it for me.”
By the time Christmas Day rolls around, most of the people in the group participating know who their Secret Santa is─and those that don’t know for sure at least have some sort of inkling. What with loudmouths Alexander Hamilton, Hercules Mulligan and Thomas Jefferson letting everyone know not only who their gifts were for, but who their spouses gifts were for and gossips Peggy and Maria spreading around rumors as to who made presents for who… yeah, the whole idea of the Secret Santa actually being a secret was moot.
And Angelica was quick to let the perpetrators know just how disappointed she was in them for not being able to hold water.
“Well,” she says, after they’ve all retired to her living room following a pretty amazing Christmas dinner. Her eyes travel over their faces─and at least most of the culprits have the decency to look ashamed. “This was supposed to be a Secret Santa, but thanks to a select few that can’t seem to let anyone enjoy anything… you might as well tell you who brought your gift for that it was you. I’ll start.”
Crossing over to the Christmas tree, Angelica removes a small wrapped box and hands it to Peggy’s girlfriend, Martha. “I looked up how to transfer photographs onto wood, and then I got this picture from Peggy. It didn’t come out as good as I thought it would, but I figured you would like it.”
It’s a professionally taken photo─probably taken by Charles who was a photographer. The two women were on the beach, and Martha had her arms draped over Peggy’s shoulders. Peggy’s hand came up in the photo to hold Martha’s, and her head was turned just slightly to the side to press a kiss against her cheek. Martha had that picture posted across all of her social media accounts─it was her profile picture for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter… she’d told Peggy countless times that it was her favorite photograph.
“Aw, Angie, I love it!” Martha exclaims, taking the block of wood from her adopted sister. “Thank you, so much! I’m going to put it up in my office.”
After hugging Angelica in thanks, Martha goes over to the tree to get the present that she made for Peggy. Except, she didn’t make it. It’s a small box, wrapped in gold wrapping paper, and when she presents it to Peggy she drops onto one knee.
Everyone in the room either gasps or goes deathly silent.
“I admit, I cheated,” Martha chuckles, looking up at her girlfriend as she removes the wrapping paper and flips open the lid on the box. The ring inside is gorgeous─and it has two birthstones on it, with a small engraving that no one can really read. “I didn’t make this. I bought it, from George. I um… I’ve been dating you, Peggy, for about two years. When I first met you at John’s birthday party, something told me that I’d need to do anything to keep you in my life forever. From your big heart to your sweet soul… I knew you were the one for me. And day in, day out you prove that to me. So I’ve decided that I need to do something to prove it to you. And this is it. Will you… will you marry me?”
Peggy is speechless. She opens and closes her mouth several times, eyes watering with tears, before finally she throws her arms around her girlfriend─fiancee now─and simply nods her head.
Well, at least some secret presents could be kept.
mo chroí ─ my heart (Irish)
mon coeur ─ my heart (French)
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noexit-ff · 7 years
13. Part 2
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I am so nervous about everything right now, I can’t believe that I am doing this. I am having to show my family my wedding from a video which I never thought would have happened, they did this because I know what they are like. Looking at Chris as we got to the top of the stairs “they are seeing clips of our day, it was small but yet so beautiful. Best moment of my life Robyn” sighing out smiling at him, I feel all shy now “come on” Jen waved us to come down at the bottom of the steps, the bodyguards both moved out of the way “come on princess” Chris held his arm out for me, biting my bottom lip smiling wide “thank you” I said in a whisper, looping my arm around his arm as we walked down the steps “you both look so cute, Chris. The jeans are so much more better on you” Chris is not impressed “who is here?” I quickly asked “everyone came, I think most are here just to be nosey as fuck but we shall see” reaching the bottom of the steps “you two, walk by us both. Don’t let anyone come near us either” Chris said “don’t be too nervous, everyone is dead silent. It’s weird because it’s like you both are walking down the aisle again” Jen walked ahead of us “oh god Chris” turning to Chris “stop, calm down. Shit will be fine” nodding my head trying to not cry, I can’t mess my make up now.
Yanking Chris back a little “before we go out there, please speak to Mel. She can’t move to New York, please tell her she can always see us. That is my best friend, just see if you can” I pleaded with him, Chris cleared his throat “I will, let’s just do this and I will speak to her” wiping the side of his cheek, my pink lipstick all on it “that’s my nigga, it’s a shock to me. Seeing the video I am shocked but not shocked, these two would have done it but bring them out” looking up at Chris in confusion “Trey!?” I spat, Chris grinned “you got him to speak on the mic?” he never said “yeah, I told Mijo and he got it done for me” Jen eyeballed us to move, I don’t even want to move. My stomach dropped, that sinking feeling, just like I am about to be sick “be strong” Chris said before we started walking, Chris held my hand “I am here for you” he is here for me, I can do this. Taking in a deep breath seeing the whole of the outside changed at my home, it looks like a wedding after party. Chris’ bodyguard stood ever so close to me, everyone and I mean everyone turned their heads to stare.
Squeezing Chris’ hand hard, oh god the looks I am getting. My head turned to the right seeing Noella standing up all the way in the front, taking in a deep breath seeing my family. I can’t even move right now, seeing a mix of people standing up randomly “my nigga!” someone shouted, I know that voice and it was Mijo as he started clapping “come on” Chris looked behind him as he started walking slowly, the claps got louder, the cheers started bouncing from the walls and I couldn’t take it as I walked and looked around the place. Placing my hand over my chest, my lips quivering wanting to cry “Robz!” Lele touched my arm, that was it, my tears just fell. Following Chris as we made our way to the front, I know Chris is nervous and I am crying now. We got to the front and faced ahead of us, my team look in awe and I am a mess “stop crying” Chris said “you a damn lie negro” Trey said to Chris before hugging him “mr I don’t want marriage” Trey spat as they both laughed “congratulations Rihanna” Trey pressed a kiss to my cheek, my face is a mess.
I am not letting Chris’ hand go, I have done so much in my life. Performed in front of thousands of people, met the greatest, richest people in the world but this has to be the most nerve wracking moment of my life. All my life I have been told by these people don’t do this, do not marry Chris, do not give in to him, don’t love him. Moving back a little hiding behind Chris, I am leaving this to Chris, he is being so supportive to me. I appreciate him so much “wow, this is awkward” Chris said on the mic, peaking around from Chris seeing my family, oh god. I can’t look at them “I am shocked that everyone came, people that we think deserve to see us and know. The people here are the people that mean a lot to Robyn and I, I know Robyn is more nervous then I am right now” Chris looked at me “so Robyn and I did get married, not to upset you all but because we love each other. Hand on my heart I couldn’t imagine myself being married to another girl, I have loved Robyn since I was fifteen going on sixteen nothing has changed between us but the politics. I fucked up and then she fucked up, we were both childish but there was always one thing that remained, and that was our love. I think it was frustration on both of our ends, like why? Why are are we doing this, I ain’t going to lie but seeing my wife being engaged to another man, that didn’t sit well with me. That gave me a shock, it became a moment in my life where it showed me what I just lost, god gave me it back and I ain’t ever going to fuck up again. Half y’all love me, that will be my family and close friends but I know that Robyn and her team and some of the family don’t like me. Robyn knew that, I never said anything to her. Robyn told me she wanted to get married so we did it, it was hard but it was the best moment of my life. Fuck all the money, fame, whatever shit has happened. Marrying the person you love changes you, I just want to say.”
“We may not see eye to eye but there is one thing my wife deserves, and it’s her family to appreciate her, to give her what she all gave you, she respected everyone’s decisions which meant she put herself on the back waiting. When y’all told her to not go back there Chris is bad news, she didn’t. When y’all made her tour, put records after records out, work her so much so it strained the second time we got together she did it, even when I said Robyn please open your eyes. She put you all first that I hope you all put her first now, I may be a bad guy but I have changed for Robyn and I won’t let her down or be down anymore. Honestly, you all should blame y’all selves for this. Robyn didn’t believe in you guys to think they won’t ruin it for me, but my family” Chris chuckled “they adore Robyn, no matter what so I can’t say much about those crazies but I just want to look to the future and have kids, because Robyn been waiting to have kids since we got together but I can’t make y’all like me but you won’t disrespect my wife in our home” I wonder if he wrote this all out, he did so well and didn’t once trip up on his words.
I hope he doesn’t want me to speak, I don’t know what to say. Chris looked behind him at me, eyeballing him “you can’t keep on hiding” he said to me “I don’t want to say anything” I don’t think I want to leave Chris’ side “well y’all can turn up and whatever, this is really bringing y’all together so have fun” Chris turned to me “you can’t shy away” seeing Trey take the mic from Chris “I am scared” Chris chewed on his bottom lip frowning “I wish I could help you with this, stop hiding behind me and give them a chance. If they talk down on me then so be it, go on” the music started playing, it was not too loud. Chris is really walking away from me trying shake my hand off his “don’t” I pouted at him “Robyn, just do it. You missed them” letting his hand go, swallowing hard looking at my family. Noella moved Majesty away from her lap and jumped up from the chair “ooooohhhhhh Robbie” she ran at me, seeing the rest of my family following behind. Walking to them slowly smiling wide, catching Noella as we hugged “I am so happy for you!! Oh my god!” she shouted in my ear, the words I want to hear.
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My mom has never been so happy for me, she won’t stop smiling and hugging me, staring at me in awe “I am so happy for you Chris, my baby brother. Married! Wow, you both look so good too” Tootie said “yeah, where did you propose? I need these details” letting out an oh “yeah” getting my phone out from my pocket “I took Robyn to Disneyland, it was late at night. I got them to open the park up, shit was so expensive. I am broke and then this home” flicking through the pictures “we was eating and it was funny because it’s mad childish, Mickey and Minnie kind of thing and I asked her then. She didn’t expect it, I took her Disneyland to make up for the wack ass party she had” passing my phone to my mom “that is the picture of me on one knee” scratching the side of my face “mom is telling me you getting old, on my birthday. Telling me I need kids when all along I was with Robyn and we was planning, I just feel overwhelmed. Sad that it had to be so different but I am humbled, I couldn’t see myself with anybody else” I shrugged saying “done with the hoes?” Aaron said laughing “they was never wifey though, I was stupid. I don’t want to seem like I am a changed man but honestly I am on a whole different mindset, it’s like I have someone to look after. Even now” looking across the room “I am wanting to know she good” my auntie cooed out “my nephew, auntie is so proud of you. Honestly, you two need happiness and I am glad you have shown this side. This is the man everyone needs to see, even though I know that side of the family have a stank ass attitude, fuck them” my auntie is being mad loud “I like how you didn’t have to invite your people though, you only have your family. They having to invite everyone from Roc Nation” I shrugged, not saying a word “that is sad” my mom said, I can’t really say anything because Roc Nation are a whole ass different breed “well if they want trouble Chris, I got you” Tootie acting like she can fight.
Sitting down next to Mel “how is Robyn” I said into her ear, I can’t even get to Robyn now. Staring down into my drink “overwhelmed, I will be truthful. They are overwhelming her with the bullshit, why Chris. When I mean them, I mean Ronald but Monica is a little quiet but she just wants her daughter. Rorrey seems to be on edge but there is a major divide here nigga” sitting back in the seat downing the whiskey in the glass, rolling my eyes as I gulped it down “my family don’t like that Roc Nation are here, why should they” getting up from the seat “wish me luck Forde” passing my empty glass to her, she took it from me “be good now” they ain’t come up to me, then I will go to them. Trey and Mijo both gave me a nervous smile, they dead ass rude though. I will kick their asses out of here, I would love too but I couldn’t “congratulations Chris” Noella’ baby daddy said holding his hand out, shaking his head “thank you bro” first one, the rest to go “congratulations, I am so happy to have you in the family. You have to come Barbados now!!” Noella spat, her daughter shyed away from me “I will, for sure I will come over” making promises I may not be able to fulfil depending on the mother in law and father in law.
Robyn saw me walking over, she moved away from her parents “you ain’t come see my family so I came to you” I said, she looks so sad and I know why “I will come to your family” furrowing my eyebrows “nah I come to see this side, so we doing it” looking over at Jay Brown “congratulation’s Chris, wow thanks Jay Brown” I said sarcastically, I can do this. I will do it for Robyn “I only just saw you now Chris, sorry” Jay Brown said “yeah, apology accepted. I was there when you spoke to my wife about working at the home, I guess she told you that she will be working on her clothing line right?” he nodded his head “good, that is because of me. If it was down to Robyn she doesn’t want to do a thing” I need to stop being petty “well I guess we need to get on” Jay Brown said through gritted teeth, that kills him and I know it.
Robyn doesn’t want me to meet the Fenty family but it needs to happen and it can happen now, holding Robyn’ hand. I swear I hate this shit so much, Monica’ eyes dragged down to our hands together and then looked up at me. She got up from the seat “mom” Rorrey said, either she about to hit me or some shit. She stood across from me “that day I saw you at the party, I knew you both wasn’t friends. The whole Adam thing, I didn’t know about the proposal and I was genuine when I saw you, I know when my Robyn is with you. Her whole aura changes, her happiness shines through. I saw you both the whole time smiling at each other, it was a shame that time was wasted and I never got to see my daughter get married but she looked so beautiful. I don’t want to lose my daughter when she is with someone who she loves, that would be madness. I did just say to her now, why Chris. I have been saying this to her since she was eighteen, why Chris and look at her. Thirty and finally married, Robbz I love you and Chris I adore you for always knowing how to build my daughter up, I have been around hearing Chris and Rihanna are friends, I am like I know. I see it, she isn’t down anymore. I saw right through my daughter with Adam, she needed to be with any man just so she was not lonely. Just never let any tear fall from her eyes unless they are happy tears, cherish my daughter, she is so precious to me” I am shocked, she is not attacking “thank you Monica, I have learnt a lot and you can trust me when I say that your daughter will have the best marriage possible, she is already spoilt and I have a list of things which includes a baby or babies as she says. I want to move on and look onto the future now” Monica held my free hand “it will take the boys a little while longer but I don’t want to miss a moment, you both married now in god’s eyes. You have my blessing” I am speechless as fuck right now, what do I say.
Jay Z didn’t once look my way, I know what they are thinking, their money maker is gone. Lighting up my cigarette looking down at my phone, the notifications are crazy, moving the cigarette back as I blew out the smoke “you seen TMZ? They found your marriage license, I think you have both made the world go into frenzy. Headlines are like, Chris Brown and Rihanna married question mark. They got a damn live feed speaking on these stupid facts they don’t know on TMZ, my timeline is full of y’all pictures, mostly people are happy” smiling wide “yeah, I am just getting loads of niggas messaging me. It’s been a long time coming, that makes us cousin in laws now” I am so tired, mentally drained “we are, Monica has really accepted you. She realised she could lose Robyn but Rorrey and Ronald, forget them” she waved them off “I don’t care, I got the best gift. Robyn and then Monica, I am happy” seeing Noella flicking the camera on to me “we ain’t had a picture together in years!” placing my arm around her “well you can take as many as you want, upset the world even more” smiling wide, she can add to the meltdown.
I don’t even care if Ronald and Rorrey want to be bitter as fuck, seeing Robyn, my mom and Monica speaking together. That is what I want, I am so happy to have witnessed this. I feel like Roc Nation will more then likely be an issue but who cares, I don’t anyways. Monica accepts me, fuck everyone. Smiling wide, I had to take a sneaky picture of this. Zooming in on the three having a deep conversation, this seems a very deep conversation. Taking the picture and then posting it on Instagram, captioning it ‘when the Fenty and Brown Heads of the homes get together, you know this conversation is fire!’ posting the picture and making my way to them “Chris, Robyn said you not had a honeymoon?” I have barely sat down “so?” I said “we did, we stayed at St Lucia and we did things” I didn’t want to say sex “that is not honeymoon, this is where you both relax and making babies” my mom is doing the most, staring over at Robyn “why you complaining to them?” I questioned “no, just my mom said come Barbados and I said no, I barely been on a honeymoon” she is a damn lie, I know Robyn complained “but you must have complained, you tell me that. We had a time away and if you felt that wasn’t enough then tell me” I don’t want her gossiping on this “babies, I want to see Robyn have a baby, honeymoon is a good thing, Robyn wants one” this conversation is not fire, it’s baby talk and honeymoon “ok, can y’all not stress me and Robyn on this, things will happen ladies. Barbados is not a honeymoon by the way” my mom frowned “you need to spend some time with your mother in law too, create a bond again” this is not what I expected “so Ronald can kill me, no thank you ma’am” I am ok with that “stop it Chris, please” Robyn said touching my arm “for me, my mom wants you to come and create a bond” I can’t say no “I will see the schedule” so much is happening, like they all want us to stay over at their home but why.
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Aaron Hotchner (And Sonny Carisi)/ Being There (Part Three)
Finally! I finished this piece. IT TOOK FOREVER. I’ve been having a bit of writer’s block, but finally this is out and my second crossover fic is complete!! Although I was considering doing a Sonny ending, if anyone would want to see that?? Let me know! But for now, its back to requests! 
Part One / Part Two
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Contrary to popular belief, absence did not make your heart grow fonder, it was actually your biggest fear. 
Someone could be there for you for days, weeks, years, forever. You would learn to let those walls down, and learn to rely on them for things you didn’t even know you needed. They would help you up, pulling you to your feet when you were knocked to the ground. Instead of having to always pull yourself up, over time, you grew accustomed to having the person there to be there, always. However, you knew how easily these things came and went. One day it could be there and the next it wouldn’t. Sure, you could pull yourself up, hell you could pull up others with you if you really tried, but the support was something you grew to love, to cherish, and not having that safety net there just meant the first time you hit the ground, it would leave a mark. 
When you broke up with Sonny, the mark remained for a long while, your heart still wounded from the impact, but you put the pieces back together. It felt as if you had lost him a long time ago, not in that inevitable moment, which made it both easier and harder to cope with. The move helped, getting away from your home and his home put the past behind you. There was still work to be done, and eventually, there were unsubs to be caught. But no unsub could compare to the position you were now in.
Sonny was going to walk you down the aisle. A few years ago, you had pictured yourself in this position in a slightly different context. You and Sonny walking down the aisle brought back mixed feelings that you did not want to deal with at the moment, but unfortunately, you had to, since he was right before you as you held a giant wedding cake box. You frowned, hanging up the phone on your sister as she begged you to accept his offer. “Excuse me?”
Sonny shifted awkwardly, hands in his pockets as the two of you made your way to the car. He was never good at these things. He often stumbled over his words, or said the wrong thing, but when he did get them right… He opened the trunk up for you and you placed the box in on the no slip mat. Closing the trunk, he sighed, turning to you. “Y/N, I know there’s history between us, but I really just want to make the wedding special for my buddy. And if I can help you out too, then that’s just a bonus.” 
You bit your lip. That did sound like Sonny. Always loyal to a fault, willing to help anyone, anytime, anywhere. That’s why he made such a damn good SVU detective. “But Sonny,” You put your hands in your pocket. “There’s history between us, won’t it be…weird?” Weird was the only word that aptly described walking down the aisle with your ex-boyfriend while your current boyfriend was away. 
“Not unless we make it,” Sonny reassured you, “Look doll, we both broke up years ago, we both have moved on,” You flinched at his words, thinking of Aaron, and maybe something else, “The truth is, I miss you, our friendship that is,” He added when you opened your mouth, “Can’t we be friends?” 
You softened at his earnest look, “Of course,” 
“Then, just ask Aaron if it’s okay with him, and let me know,” Sonny told you, and you considered it. You knew your sister would kill you if you didn’t have someone with you, and it would be fun to actually go with someone rather than spend the entirety of the wedding by yourself. If Aaron didn’t mind, you glanced at Sonny, what was the harm? 
“You’re right, let me ask him,” You added as he grinned, wrapping one arm around you and squeezing you. 
“I don’t think you ever said I was right once in our entire relationship,” You rolled your eyes. You were stubborn as a mule, which Sonny liked to tease you about relentlessly. 
“Shut up,” You muttered, scowling before saying goodbye to him. He watched you pull out, before you spotted his lanky figure walking off himself. And you couldn’t help but feel odd, as you recounted the moment Sonny wrapped his arm around you, and feel a strange sense of nostalgia. 
Your cellphone began to ring as soon as you stumbled into your family’s home. You handed the cake off to you mom, who was going to assemble it as well as add some of her own personal touches to it. You spotted Aaron’s picture flashing on your screen, and you picked up. He began to speak and you cut him off, spotting your father coming around the corner. 
“Give me a minute,” You ran up the stairs, rushing past several family members, reaching your room and shutting the door behind you. You promptly locked it, as your family had no sense of the word “privacy.” You didn’t need the phone to be promptly snatched out of your hand and passed around to your relative. You sighed, finally asking his question. “I’m good. How are you doing?” 
“Better, now that I’m talking to you,” His voice was small, as if he was still around other people. You could picture him tucked in a corner of a room, looking out the window as he occasionally checked behind him to make sure he was out of earshot. 
“Is the team around?” You asked innocently. He confirmed your suspicions, and you twirled a single strand of your hair in between your fingers, a mischievous grin growing on your face. “Ah I see,” 
“Y/N, don’t even think about it,” Aaron had his SSA voice on, his strict tone making you picture his furrowed brow and stern look. But that only made you miss him more, and more intent on teasing him. 
“But Aaron,” You whined, lying down on the bed. “I miss you so much,”
There was a moment of hesitation. You heard him mutter some sort of excuse to the team, before leaving the room. He made you wait for a few moments until he was in his car. He shut the door, before his low voice asked: “How much?” 
You bit back a smile, unsuccessfully you might add. 
Hook. Line. And Sinker. 
After the two of you finished your discussion, you moved onto more serious matters, “Aaron, I need to talk you about something,” 
“Something else besides that?” His voice was low, making you roll your eyes, but felt your cheeks burn all the while. “I enjoyed our previous conversation, but what is it?” 
“Well since you and Jack can’t attend the wedding, I need someone to walk me down the aisle since my future brother-in-law is short on groomsmen,” You started to explain. “Sonny offered to take me,” 
“Your ex-boyfriend?” Aaron questioned, you could almost see the look he’d give you: interrogative, but neutral, as he hid his feelings behind the brick wall of a heart he had made. “The one you broke up with before moving here?” 
“Yes, he heard me on the phone with my sister and offered to help,” You crossed your arms, holding the phone between your shoulder and cheek. 
“What did you say to your sister?” He almost sounded defensive, his voice containing a bit of hurt. What did he think you would have said to your sister?
“Only, that you couldn’t come, and that I needed someone to walk me down the aisle, at her wedding,” You added, realizing how you had made it sound. But it was too early for you and Aaron to be thinking of marriage right? With Jack to consider, not to mention work. But you couldn’t help but think about being married to Aaron. Waking up each day next to him, you couldn’t bit back the grin you had at the thought. Mrs. Y/N Hotchner. You shook your head out of those thoughts as he called your name. “Sorry, what did you say?” 
“I said it’s fine for you to go with him,” You rolled your eyes at his avoidance of Sonny’s name, but frowned at his tone. It was matter of fact, rather than accepting. Though he was always straight to the point, he had a habit of hiding his feelings out of convenience. Sometimes not even his own. “It’s my fault I can’t be there for you, so you should go with someone and not have to spend the evening alone,” 
“Aaron, you’re enough, even if you can’t come to this wedding, even if you can’t come to the next eight weddings. Don’t beat yourself up. The team needs you,” You could hear him beating himself up. “We both know how our jobs are, emphasis on both,” You sighed, which you took as a concession. You tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “I love you,”  
“I love you too,” You heard his phone beep. “It’s J.J. They found another body,” He sighed again. He bid you goodbye, saying he’ll call tomorrow. You hung up somewhat reluctantly. Though he didn’t sound 100% convinced, you had plenty of time to do so. Right? 
You stared at your ended call with him. Right.
The wedding came soon enough, and you were grateful for the sake of your sanity. The last week with your family reminded you why you travel for a living. Between your mother and sister’s nagging, your dad’s complaining and your extended family’s not so subtle jabs about Aaron not coming, you couldn’t wait to go back to Quantico. Though you missed your family dearly, you were counting the days until you could see the team again as if it was a prison sentence etched in stone. You got dressed alongside your sister, who had went “Say Yes to Dress” all out on her wedding: a beautiful cream colored mermaid wedding dress, with a satin blush sash and white lace overlays. Her hair was braided with small, white flowers, pinned to the back of her head in a bun. She looked as if she walked straight out of the fairytale book the two of you shared as kids. “You look amazing,” You murmured as you looked at your sister up and down, covering your mouth. “My baby sister is getting married,” 
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes, though her eyes quickly became misty as well, choosing to ignore your sentiment, she changed the focus to you.  “Me? Look at you,” You were wearing a peach gown, billowing down nearly past your legs. Your hair was down for once, not in the perpetual tied state you kept in, curled so that it brushed against your shoulders. Instead of having the flowers braided, your cousins had made them into a flower crown for you, something the kids wore these days. You cringed inwardly. Your age was showing. 
“You’re going to make a stunning bride someday, maybe to a certain FBI agent,” Your sister teased, glancing outside the tent. “Hey, I think someone is waiting for you,” You looked and spotted Sonny’s tall figure. His hair was slicked to the side, as usual, but clothes weren’t so typical. Sharp was the only word you could describe it as. His three-piece black and white suit, complete with bowtie, made you do a double take. His posture wasn’t as it was before, a bit hunched over, but instead his head was held up high, blue eyes scanning the crowd. “Sonny has really grown up a lot, huh?” 
You smiled wistfully, thinking back to when the two of you were just starting out. “Yeah, he really has.” After bidding your sister goodbye, you found Sonny, who hugged you tightly, practically beaming at you. 
“You look gorgeous, doll,” His hands were in his pocket, but he took one out, holding it out to you. You took it, his hand warm in your own, smiling carefully. Though it was…weird, you couldn’t deny it was nice. 
After the wedding, the two of you stepped outside to get some air. You led him to the edge of the property with a long white picket fence, the wedding lit up in the distance. “You did not,” You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief at Sonny’s story, but he only nodded, chuckling himself. “How did your D.A. let you get away with that? He had his hands full with all of you.” 
“We’re a blessing,” He shrugged, but you only snorted. 
“I remember what it was like being with you while you got your mind on one track, trust me, it’s not a blessing,” You teased, and he gaped at you, wordless, while you only giggled more. You shivered, and he placed his jacket around your shoulders. “I missed this,” You finally said, sighing, setting down your drink. 
“Missed what? Us?” 
You nodded, maybe it was the alcohol, but you wanted him to know. “Just talking like this, like old times. It’s nice. No murder, no death, just peace,” You looked out to the dance floor and saw your sister and family members getting down, and despite your embarrassment, you smiled. 
“Then why don’t you come home?” You hesitated at his question, but chose not to read into it. Too much time around profilers. 
“Because there’s nothing for me here,” You said softly. “My parents are going to be retiring to Florida soon enough, my sister is married, my friends are scattered all over, and you’re Mr. Important Manhattan detective, there’s nothing in Staten Island left for me,” He said nothing, only taking another sip of his drink. “Plus, I have another family waiting for me in Quantico,” 
“Along with your boyfriend,” He added, nudging you playfully. “When are we gonna meet this guy?” 
You shook your head, leaning against the fence. He’s really busy, most of the time,”
“Like you?” You nodded, conceding to his point. Sonny crossed his arms and brow furrowed. He was angry. “But you made time for this, why couldn’t he?”  
“He’s the leader, he had to be there,” You explained, unsure where this conversation was going. 
“Instead of being there for you? Some guy,” He shook his head, jaw tight, and eyes narrowed. You frowned, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“What’s going on?” 
He sighed, pushing back his hair, licking his lips. “I wasn’t there for you. I let us fall apart, and I know you will say you did the same, but I was the one who started it. We never recovered from it. We weren’t there for each other, doll, and you deserve someone who is.” He said softly. 
“Sonny,” You looked down, and he tilted your head up gently with his fingers. You thought of the first time he had done that. It was the first time he kissed you at the door. You felt a rush of feelings from years before: trust, compassion, love, fear. “Thank you, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you too,”
“If I’m being honest, it’s one of my biggest regrets,” He chuckled, stepping back, his honesty caught you off-guard, and you could only nod in agreement. He leaned in close, brushing back your hair. “If I had another chance, I wouldn’t screw it up,” His voice was low, his eyes locked with yours. 
“Sonny, I-” That’s when your phone rang. You stammered, instinctively going for your phone, fumbling with your purse, until you finally got it out. “It’s Aaron,” You mumbled, and Sonny nodded. “I’ll call him back after,” Sonny shook his head, hands in his pockets. 
“Call him now, he’ll worry,” He said, “I should get home, I have a case to work on tomorrow morning,” You tried to stop him, but he only brushed off your attempts. “Good night, Y/N,” He pressed a brief kiss to your forehead, before turning and walking off. Leaving you with his jacket, a missed call, and a conflicted heart. 
“Y/N!” You were tackle hugged by Penelope who practically squeezed you to death, her arms tight around your middle, as you laughed. “I missed you! The death and gore weren’t the same without you,” 
“I missed you too, I missed everyone,” You sighed, glancing at the time. 8 AM, “I wished I could have wished everyone a little longer, but duty calls. Maybe I should have taken a later flight,” 
“Nice try, sweetheart,” Morgan clapped you on the shoulder, holding open the double doors. “Vacation’s over,” You proceeded after Garcia, brushing past Morgan with a haughty glare, while he only chuckled. You sighed, returning to your still quite neat desk next to Spencer’s book explosion of one, though you did enjoy nicking books from his side to read (which he always noticed). J.J. and Kate welcomed you back, and you three discussed the wedding, as the two weighed in with their own wedding experience. 
“Ugh, I eloped and I regretted it,” Kate groaned, shaking her head as you and J.J. chuckled. “Never do that when the time comes for you,” 
“Speaking of which, is there anyone on the horizon?” J.J. bumped you, as Kate “oohed” while you rolled your eyes. 
“No, I’m actually happy being by myself,” J.J. and Kate shook their heads, while Garcia moseyed over, heels clicking with excitement. 
“I hear girl talk happening,” She plopped down between the three of you, “Who did you meet at the wedding? Is that tall handsome guy?” In that moment, you wanted to murder your sister for having to constantly post her entire life on social media, and yourself for friending Garcia. 
“Tall handsome guy?” J.J. repeated, eyebrows raised while Kate grinned wickedly. The three stared you down until you sighed, conceding, while Rossi, Reid and Morgan joined the three of you, intrigued. 
“Well, well, Y/N finally has a boyfriend, I never thought I’d see the day,” Rossi stood hands in his pocket.
“Who’s the lucky guy?” Spencer asked, smiling. 
“Yeah who is this poor sap?” Morgan said playfully, grinning. You rolled your eyes at Morgan’s words, before sighing. 
“Not so poor. He’s my ex-boyfriend, he offered to be my date so my sister wouldn’t freak about me walking down the aisle alone,” You explained, and they all exchanged looks, while they searched for a sign of hesitance in your demeanor. “Don’t profile me, it’s creepy,” 
They all chuckled, “Okay, we believe you,” Morgan waved you off. “But are you sure there’s no one special?” 
“Not at all,” You dismissed them, hopefully convincingly enough. You spent most of the effort not to involuntarily glance over at Aaron’s door, who you hadn’t seen since you got back. Only a few texts and a phone call informing you of the case, and now you were here. You were nervous to see him again, especially after the whole Sonny thing. Just at that moment, Aaron emerged from his office. 
“Y/N, I need to speak with you,” The man gave you his classic deadpan stare, and you got to your feet, walking into his office and shutting the door behind you. You smiled at him, as he walked over to you, looking out of the corner of his eye to make sure the shades were down, before wrapping you in his arms. He leaned down and kissed you as if it had been months since he’d seen you. “I’ve missed you so much,” He murmured into your hair, placing a kiss on the top of your head. You felt warm inside and out in his arms, it felt right. It washed away any feeling of doubt you had about him and about Sonny, but still you needed to tell him. 
“There’s something I need to tell you,” You sat him down on his couch, curling up next to him. And so you told him what Sonny had told you at the wedding, and how it had confused you, and you saw his face fell. “But seeing you now made me realize that I always want you in my life. It wasn’t that you couldn’t come to the wedding and you’re never there. You’re always there, but it was the fact you weren’t there beside me. I want you there, not as my date to a wedding, but all the time.” You saw guilt cross his expression, but that was the last thing you wanted to make him feel. You placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Do you remember when I walked into that bar and I sat next to you?” 
He smiled at the memory, “It was one of the best days of my life,” 
“I need that, just having you beside me. Even when Sonny was with me, it didn’t feel exactly right. We were next to each other, but we weren’t with each other.” You saw a smile play on Aaron’s lips as he pressed your hand to them. “Do you have a point to this very sweet philosophical talk we’re having?” 
You took a deep breath, “Do you see us getting married? Anytime down the line?” You saw Aaron not quite meet your expression, torn. You felt your heart fell to your feet. “I don’t want to pressure you, but I think about it, a lot, especially lately.” He got to his feet, shifting through his desk. “Aaron? I didn’t mean to upset you,” He only lost Haley a few years ago, he might not be ready to discuss marriage yet. He took a small black box out of the drawer, and you covered your mouth. “Aaron, you don’t have to-”
“I’ve been waiting for the right time to ask, I thought it would be after I met your family and spoke to your parents and sister about it, but since that didn’t work out. I’ve had this ring for a while now,” After he put it back in the drawer, he made his way over to you. “I think it’s too soon right now, I would still like you to know that I am thinking about it, a lot. I know I’m not the best at showing emotion, but I love you, and I want you in my life, always,” You pulled him into your arms. 
“I love you too,” You both just started to kiss when the door flew open, and the team walked in. Reid and J.J. were grinning and clapping, while Rossi and Morgan were whistling. Garcia was telling Kate that she knew it (and she owed the blonde $5 now). “And now everyone knows,” You buried your face in Aaron’s shirt, hiding your embarrassment, while Aaron only chuckled, grinning from ear to ear. 
“Good thing, now I don’t have to share you with Garcia,” As the two of you shooed everyone into the conference room, the two of you shared a moment alone, before reluctantly heading there was well.  After the case, you spent the next night, not at a bar, but being there, in each other’s arms.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Yoü and I Prologue (Shalaska) - pradatrash
Summary: Something, something about my cool Alaska guy…
A lifelong love story about what it’s like to know who your heart belongs to and the lengths two drag queens will go through to keep it there forever.
A/N: Hi everyone!!! I’m so excited to be posting a pic here, this is my first time not posting on ao3 (yes I was the extremely annoying anonymous asking about ao3), so I hope I’m doing this right. I came up with the idea for this story from Gaga’s song “You and I” because it is literally a song made for Sharon and Alaska, if you change ‘Nebraska’ to ‘Alaska’ when listening to song it just fits perfectly. This will be set in present time with flash backs to explain the circumstances of the story. I want to post the story here but it will also be up on ao3 which I hopefully am allowed to link here as well. I hope people enjoy this enough that i can continue it!
This is obviously a work of fiction and I don’t mean to insult or do any harm to any of the people written about.
ao3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11455776/chapters/25679832
It’s been two years since I let you go,
I couldn’t listen to a joke or rock n roll
He breathes erratically as his eyes stare straight ahead at, what appears to be, a black hole in front of him but it’s really just an altar. He squints because his contacts are dry but also because he thinks maybe if he squints enough this whole mirage will disappear.
But not today no, instead he still sees an altar with a priest, some groomsmen and someone who doesn’t look like he belongs. Chad. Aaron swallows and focuses his thoughts on his mom’s arm linked with his as he concentrates on taking each step towards his doom without falling on his face.
Right foot, left foot, right foot…
His mind is going a thousand miles a minute and he’s probably sweating so badly under these bright church lights it doesn’t look attractive but everyone around him has a large shit eating grin plastered across their face he tries to feign one too. Here he was walking down the aisle, almost suffocating in his suit as he stares down this one thing that doesn’t make sense right now. Chad.
As if a thousand years has passed he finds himself standing now in front of this stranger, except the stranger is his husband to be and now they’re holding hands as an ancient looking priest starts the ceremony.
Every sound in the room drowns out completely and he doesn’t see the person in front of hI'm anymore. Is this what a stroke feels like? He closes his eyes for a split second to regather his breathing before opening them back up to look right back at the wide grin on his fiancé’s face.
This didn’t feel right. Nothing about this felt even close to right. Chad was a good guy he didn’t deserve someone that couldn’t love him fully, he deserved the type of love that only comes around once in a lifetime. A kind of love that consumes, constricts and kills its victims but in the best ways. It was a love that Aaron could not give him, it was a love that he could only give one person, but that person was no where to be seen, and with good reason. Aaron knows Justin can’t even look at him after what has happened in the last two days.
God, what the hell was he doing?
“We are gathered here today to celebrate the holy matrimony of Aaron and Chad…”
He glances around subtly before he catches the eye of Bianca in the crowd, the queen of sass raises an inquisitive eyebrow at him while he tries to convey his regret through his panicked eyes. Bianca seems to get the message and just mouths; “What??” To Aaron as if asking him what he should do in this very moment and he’s right, what can anyone do right now? Maybe it’s up to him but his legs feel like cement and his throat is getting tighter and tighter.
Should he stop the wedding right now? Should he start screaming? Maybe both?
He looks to his mother, Joan, who smiles widely back at him and that’s when he catches it. He knows his mother, that smile is not a ‘I’m happy for you’ smile, it’s her ‘What are you doing?’ smile. His heart beat picks up even faster if that were possible. He flashes back to just moments before he was walking down the aisle with his mom in the main hall.
“Are you happy, honey? Are you truly happy?”
Aaron had just nodded and reassured his mother that this is who he was meant to be with, but her facial expressions deceived her agreement. He takes a chance and looks from his mom to everyone else in the crowd. The sea of people was so large but he could make out his friends in any group if people no matter how large or small. It was like a fucking Drag Race reunion in the crowd and why the fuck hadn’t he looked at everyone before this moment?
The last 48 hours had been what can only be described as a shit storm tornado of the century. Perhaps a monsoon, if you will. He had been knocked straight out of his body and how somehow ended up in his predicament. Even though he despises the blonde singing bimbo he really wishes someone would Taylor Swift his wedding right now.
Their faces were painted with the same hesitance that was on his mom’s. They knew. Everyone fucking knew that this was a mistake yet no one was speaking up. His brain screamed, pleaded, begged anyone to stand up right now and say something but nothing came, everyone just kept their eyes on the priest speaking.
Who was this priest anyways? He hadn’t approved any of this shit. If this was his actual wedding a satanist would be marrying him in the middle of a field in Pittsburgh, not in some fancy fucking church in Maryland. This wedding was never his to begin with.
He feels his best man, Chad Michaels, shift nervously behind him as if he can sense Aaron’s hesitance and he almost whips around and implores the All Stars winner to stop this shit from going any further but he can’t do that now. He’s paralyzed, his knuckles are almost stark white from where he’s gripping his fiancé’s across from him.
Fuck. Fuck!
“Now we will do the grooms’ vows, they’ve both elected to write their own in order to express their true love for one another, let’s begin with Aaron’s…”
Fuck the vows. Where were his vows?
He feels a tap on his back and turns his head to see his best man motion to his jacket pocket. Leave it to Chad Michaels for always having Aaron’s shit together for him. He nods and fumbles for a second with the notecards crumpled together against his chest. He gives Chad and the priest a nervous smile before looking down at his scribbled hand writing. He opens his mouth but no words come out, like a fish out of water he gapes down at the cards in his hands.
These words…these words weren’t written for Chad. These words were written for Justin. Alaska. Fucking Alaska. Everything he has ever done is for Alaska, no matter how hard he tries to deny it. In one sentence he had even crossed out Justin’s name after writing it accidentally. Wow, wow…Aaron, Sharon what have you gotten yourself into?
He can see Alaska laughing right now in his head, his head thrown back and that glorious loud laugh that makes Aaron’s heart beat a million miles a minute, he’d probably have something funny yet wise to say in this situation.
“Oh Noodles you dumbass, what have you gotten yourself into?”
Chad gives him a worried glance across from him as his eyes move from the notecards in his hands to the eyes of his fucking soon-to-be husband. Husband. When the fuck was the word ‘husband’ no longer defined by the tall lanky dark haired, occasionally long blonde, man who had a voice that drawled like syrup falling off the tongue, yet it was the most endearing sound Aaron could ever hear in his life. When did all of this become so wrong?
He once again reopens his mouth to recite the words on the cards but just like mother fucking clockwork the church doors slam open loudly and everyone whips their heads to the entrance and he swears he hears Willam cheer from the crowd.
The sound of Justin’s wailing voice echoes through the entire church and Aaron could’ve sworn the building shook because of it.
Alaska Thunderfuck. His fucking hero. He looks just as frazzled and exhilarated as Aaron feels right now, but he’s gorgeous and a glowing light, and it makes Aaron fall even more in love with him.
You taste like whiskey when you kiss me oh,
I’d give anything again to be your baby doll
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lemonyhummingbird · 7 years
Writing Blurb
Prompt: You come through my line at checkout with 100 coupons what are you even going to do with 40 boxes of orange soda? ~ Charlotte and Elanie ~ Dailyau
The monotony of this job is finally getting to me; scan one item, put it in the bag, repeat. Handing hopefully my last customer his credit card back, I glance down my aisle and groan.  I keep my face plastered with a smile as I ask her if she found everything okay. She nods and goes over to look at the magazine rack at my aisle cap. “Don’t trust The Inquirer.”
Her face drops as she turns towards my voice. “All of their articles have absolutely no truth in them.” She slowly puts this month’s edition of The Inquirer back on the shelf and gives me an embarrassed smile. The magazine’s headline shouts in bold white font that Hillary Clinton opened up about having a secret sex dungeon with Bill.
I shudder as horrific images come to mind of those creeps doing the nasty. I glance down the girl’s cart and see it’s filled with about 40 boxes of Sunkist. I have to make conscious effort not to drop my jaw. The girl notices me staring at her collection of soda and laughs a little. “Don’t worry, I have coupons for all of these.”
She takes off the dark blue Kate Spade purse over her shoulder and sets it on the conveyer belt to rummage through to hopefully find a wad of coupons for 24 packs of soda. “Do you want me to scan these for you while you look?” I ask cautiously. The girl gives me a nod as she proceeds to empty her purse on the conveyer belt. I glance up at her items on the belt as my brain goes into the monotony of counting to 40 as I repeatedly scan a box of Sunkist.
I see a bottle of lavender lotion, a tube of black mascara, a bottle of hand sanitizer, some car keys, a box of band-aids, and a granola bar. “Here they are, sorry about that.” I finish scanning and take the coupons from the girl before I go behind my counter. I flip through the coupons and see that indeed they are all for cases of soda. I start scanning the coupons and then I realize something horrible.
“Did you clip, like, 100 of these?”  I ask the girl with a hint of judgement in my voice. The girl blushes and starts to fumble with her arrow straight brown hair, taking a strand and twirling it around her pointer finger. “It's kind of silly but my mom is obsessed with coupons and my dad's a prepper so it's like a match made in heaven. I sort of picked up their habits.” She laughs a little and but it trails of with a sound of shame.
I finish scanning her massive stack of coupons and throw them into my trash bin underneath my station. “Does your family have a stash of goods in their basement, like in that extreme couponing show?” The girl nods and pulls out her phone. She shows me a few photos and I'm amazed at the amount of soup cans they own. “You know, you could sign up to be on that show.
“You're welcome to use my aisle if you'd like.” The girl puts her phone back in her purse and swings it over her shoulder. “No no no. There's no way they'd let me on their show. Nobody wants to see this face for half an hour.”
I glare at her as I give her a once over. She's tall, maybe 5’4 but she stands slouched with her knees turning inward. Her eyes are a brilliant green like a sprouting plant. “You are a bombshell. I would definitely take 30 minutes out of my day to watch you.”
Her eyes go wide. Fuck, that sounded really creepy. “Not that I would stalk you and take pictures of you from my car… I'm not making this any better, am I?” Surprisingly, she laughs, a real laugh.
“Actually, I wouldn't mind if you did.” She pulls out a piece of paper and scribbles down her number. The p.a. crackles overhead accounting that shoppers have 15 minutes to finish before the store closes. “I should probably get going before someone decided to steal my car.” She pulls out a credit card and  proceeds to pay.
I look down at the paper she gave me, “Elaine Metero - Coupon Goddess”. I can’t help but let out a giggle when my manager taps me on the shoulder. “What’s so funny Lottie?” I turn around to see Luke Spurlin, the biggest asshole I’ve ever met. If Bill Lumbergh from Office Space had been reincarnated, it would be him.
He would constantly take away my personal days and force me to work on holidays. Anyone else on our large staff at the Ralphs could take my place but no, my name and only my name showed up on the calendar. When I confronted him about last month when he had me down to work Christmas Eve and Christmas day, he brought up the point that I could always quit. Which is true, I could, but student loans, rent, and gas don’t pay for themselves. Thankfully though, Luke had another vendetta against someone else on the staff, my cousin Aaron.
Aaron did the customer service desk and I don’t envy him during Black Friday or any holiday. He had more shit to deal with on top of Luke. One year a women came in to return a blender because the blades were bent at the ends. I gave Aaron a pitiful look as the lady went on her long rant about she’s suing the store for false advertising and how all of us will lose everything we own just because she didn’t understand how to properly use a kitchen appliance. He would always laugh off everyone’s insane complaints since they made great stories when the family got together.
“Hey Lottie, Lottie, I’m talking to you.” I take in a deep breath as I turn to face my boss and his stupid face. I plaster on my fake smile again and slipped Elaine’s number into my pocket. “If you could just close up again since I’m leaving early to take my girlfriend out for dinner? That would be great.”
I nod and lock up my register, swallowing the urge to punch him straight in the throat. I turn off my aisle light and walk to the back to the store room. I smile at Aaron as he takes off his lanyard and hangs it in his locker. “Guess who’s closing again?” I ask him sarcastically.
He smiles as he grabs his wallet and keys. “Who was that girl who was buying all that Sunkist earlier?” I was caught off guard when he asks me. “Oh, um…” I didn’t understand while I was fumbling with my words. She was just another customer, a face off many I see everyday.
I try to shrug nonchalantly and hide my new sparked nerves. “She said that her parents sort of rubbed off on her shopping habits. You should have seen the stack of coupons she gave me.” Aaron smirks. Ugh he knows that I think she’s pretty and I know he’s going to pop his signature question.
“If she gave you her number, go ahead and text her. You don’t think know that look you get when you see a nice looking person.” Huh, not what I was expecting. I give Aaron a bright smile as I grab my car keys. “Have a good night blender boy,” I punch him in the arm and he grunts playfully. I lock up the store and head out to my beaten up junk pile of a car.
The paint has chipped away and the engine makes a weird noise sometimes but it’s my little prince. I start up my truck and wait for the heat to turn on. I pull out the sheet of paper from my pocket and debate about sending Elaine a text. Dropping the sheet of paper into my cup holder, I drive out of the parking with a clear set of evening plans. There shall be ramen and some couponing tips in my future.
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