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lovely-hikari-cosplay · 4 days ago
Hi y’all 👋🏾
Here’s a SUPER SHORT animation test for Lockette’s Basix (Magic Winx) which is a companion piece/update to this post
I really wanted to post my process along side this in a single post but Tumblr said no 🙅🏾‍♀️ So I’ll make a separate post for it later today!
82 notes · View notes
maxismatchccworld · 5 years ago
Patch Notes
Update 12/12/2019 PC: / Mac:
Hello Simmers!
It’s been quite the year for The Sims 4! We blew past the game’s 5th anniversary with no signs of slowing down. One of the community’s most highly requested expansion packs just launched recently, and we hope you’re all enjoying getting educated in Discover University. In case you haven’t heard, we’ve also launched another community Stuff Pack project, where your collective votes will decide the path of yet another pack coming to The Sims 4. And of course, The Sims’ franchise 20th anniversary is just over the horizon, which we’re looking forward to celebrating with you.
Today’s update has been influenced by you as well... We set aside time to specifically address issues that you’ve let us know are important to your in-game experience, and we hope the long list of fixes and improvements you’ll find below will lead to many hours of fun playing The Sims 4. In addition, we’ve squeezed in a few un-planned extras we hope you’ll enjoy. Not only have we added some new music tracks to the game, but we’ve also converted a number of hairstyles to now also be available for children and toddlers. While the adult versions of these styles will remain exclusive to whichever pack they originally came from, we hope you’ll all enjoy these additional options for your Sim’s little ones.
While Maxis will soon be taking a short break to enjoy the holidays (merry Winterfest, and a Happy New Year!), we’ll be back for another packed year for The Sims 4 in 2020. See you then!
-SimGuruGraham, ft. SimGuruGnome
The Music
The following music has been added to the alternative station:
Performed by Dayglow
Written by Sloan Struble
Copyright Control
Recording courtesy of AWAL Digital Ltd.
Performed by girl in red
Written by Marie Ulven
Copyright Control
Recording courtesy of AWAL Recordings
“prom dress”
Performed by mxmtoon
Produced by Robin Skinner & mxmtoon
Written by Maia M-T
Published by Songtrust Music Publishing
Recording courtesy of mxmtoon LLC under exclusive license to House Arrest/The Orchard
By Arrangement with Bank Robber Music
“Win You Over”
Performed by Whethan & Bearson feat. SOAK
Written by Ethan Snoreck, Jakob Bjørn Hansen, Birdie Monds-Watson, Anthony Whiting and Emily Phillips
Published by Whethan Publishing/These Are Pulse Songs (BMI) c/o Pulse Publishing Administration, Next Wave Music Publishing, Universal - PolyGram Int. Tunes, Inc. on behalf of Universal Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Corp. on behalf of itself and PW Arrangements, and Domino Publishing Company USA (ASCAP)
Whethan appears courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.
SOAK appears courtesy of Rough Trade Records
Recording courtesy of Ultra Records LLC
The Sims 4
Fixed an issue where macOS Simmers could crash when accessing The Gallery.
Fixed an issue where Nice or High Quality harvestables would disappear from Sims’ inventories after Travel or Save/Load.
Fixed an issue where Freelancer Career tasks would not complete after Sims would Travel.
Sims that were seated at a 6 seat round table can now Clean up the dishes.
Child Sims will be now able to enjoy Quick Meals again!
Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t write a genre book when “Write Genre Book” was selected.
Multiple duplicate interactions should no longer appear in pie menus when you have certain objects in your inventory.
The Jet Set Luxury Bath (bathtubJetsGEN_01) was listed as being Unbreakable when that wasn't true.
Speaking of Unbreakable, we fixed an issue with Hot Tubs and Stereos where unbreakable upgrades would not work if these objects were in use when upgrading them.
Fixed an issue in which some Sims could stand on, or walk through solid objects.
Adding a Sim to an existing household via the Create a Sim Stories feature will no longer subtract Simoleons from the household.
You can now extinguish a fire, even if the fire is within another object.
Fixed an issue that would cause Error code 510:5bd7fa0b to occur when attempting to save.
Sims can now Scrap the unfinished paintings of visiting Sims.
Light intensity will no longer reset when setting Auto Lights options.
Fixed an issue which made the item Tiny Globe & Sycee of the Prosperous Moon appear twice in Build Mode.
Half Walls toppers can now be applied to half walls on all levels of your lot.
Fixed an issue that caused Lots downloaded from The Gallery to be placed backwards and not being able to rotate them to an appropriate view.
Households downloaded from The Gallery should now have their starting funds set to the correct amount, and not just the base 20,000 Simoleons.
Child Sims will no longer receive Whims related to workouts.
Fixed an issue that did not allow Nordic keyboards for macOS to use the Size Down Cheat.
Fixed an issue where Error code 102:70c7f9a6 would occur when loading into Lots after loading a saved game.
Walls no longer will disappear when Taking a Photo in a Basement level room that does not have a staircase.
Bookshelves will no longer have the option to purchase University books if you do not own Discover University.
Sims will no longer flicker on and off the landing pad, when in the Rocket Ship using the WooHoo or Try for Baby interactions.
Sims in the Supreme Villain career working on the mischief interaction task can now use the Slablet to Troll teh Forums to complete the task.
Addressed some UI issues in Create a Sim that occurred after modifying the scaling option in the Accessibility options.
Lots and rooms with modded paintings will now be flagged as Custom Content when uploading to The Gallery
Small rugs can no longer be placed over the cutouts created by stairs.
Using Ctrl + U to reset your UI Scaling while you have the UI Scaling window open, will now properly reset the scale bar.
Caterer Sims will now be able to make a Cake and complete their Party event goals.
We attempted to track down the lost harvestables that are currently lost, but found they were lost and unfindable. It’s findings like this that we find we are at a loss of words for, however any future loss should not be found.
Sadly, all the children who had thought they had found the magic loophole, stay seated at the table, are no longer…
...right… like any kid ever stays seated at the table.
Who doesn’t enjoy a good bowl of cereal?
Some example interactions that were reported: “Play Fetch”, ”Give Potion”, “Blackmail”, “Scan Here”. The LastException related to this issue should also be fixed.
It's now truly Unbreakable!
David was also supposed to be Unbreakable… but… spoilers… he broke.
Obviously there was an issue with the hot tub… water is the weakness.
Specifically Baby Bassinets… babies were becoming quite paranoid they weren’t actually Sims...
This could occur if a large object caught fire. You would have to wait until the fire spread outside the bounds of the large object in order to extinguish it.
“Your house is on fire?!”
“Yep… it’s under the bed. Gotta wait it out. But I’m ready.”
Topper… it’s a technical term that means the piece that goes on top of a half wall.
Ok, the issue summary said topper, I couldn’t remember what it was called, so I left it as topper.
Of course I have the game up and running. Yes I could go look…
Ah, you crazy supreme villains and your trolling ways. So eeeeevil.
Get To Work
Aliens should now appear as expected in the Photo thumbnails, and no longer display their disguised forms when they are not in disguise.
Aliens will now display accurate selected options for Eyebrows and Beards in Create A Sim.
Fixed an issue where Scientist Sims would record their findings in Notebooks twice.
We addressed an issue that could prevent Sims from not being able to ring up customers who attempt to purchase from the warming rack.
Some boots, along with the Sims feet, were disappearing when the camera was zoomed all the way out. This should no longer occur.
The "Refer for Surgical Treatment" interaction is now available on surgery tables that have had their color altered with the bb.enablefreebuild cheat.
There are better ways to take tidy and efficient notes.
City Living
There were a number of confusing situations that arose as a result of Invites your Sims would receive. In some cases these would appear as two invites for the same event, one that was the “hey, I just wanted you to know” invite, and the other would be the real invite. They should behave more accordingly to expectations.
Sims with the Shrewd reward trait weren’t as shrewd as they thought they were. We have restored their shrewd’ness and they should now actually receive the money they so rightfully shrewded away at the end of each week.
Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately into skinny jeans.
We blame it on bad investments, the cd market apparently didn’t mean compact discs.
yfTop_EP03Mesh_OmbreBlue now looks as intended when paired with skinny jeans.
Sims can now complete New Year resolutions on any lot, and not just their home lots.
The Lottery Holiday is back in your calendars! It should not be a surprise disappearing act any longer.
We spoke to the Holiday Gnomes and they have agreed to stop dropping seed packets if your Sims are not on Lot when the Holiday ends.
Fixed an issue where Weather would affect items inside buildings.
Flower Bunny’s contract has been renewed for them to appear on any Holiday or Tradition that they are scheduled to.
Mandrake and Valerian Root plants are now able to be planted indoors when it is Too Cold if Simmers have Realm of Magic installed.
Holiday Gnomes will no longer break Unbreakable objects when having a negative relationship with them.
The pedestal gnome (pedestal_EF18GENgnome) will no longer spawn as part of the Harvestfest gnomes tradition.
They wanted to spread holiday cheer… or they were attempting to bring about the end of Simanity, and usher in a new world order. Tomayto, tomahto.
Bunny contractual negotiations are ridiculous… they just keep multiplying their demands.
Dad joke quota met.
We don’t know what was done to make them angry, but even as magical as they are, they should not be breaking the Unbreakable.
He’s a table, he knows he’s a table, he doesn’t have any illusions to the contrary.
Get Famous
Married Celebrity Sim Couples will no longer React in Disgust with each other then they enter the same room.
Household members will no longer react to members with Pristine Reputation every time they travel together.
Fixed an issue that caused Recording a Product Review to fail if the Sim had previously interrupted a review by traveling to another Lot.
The Well Suited and G.R.A.N. talent agencies are back in business! Gigs from these agencies will now display appropriately.
Super Speed 3 should now work when Sims sleep in their Sleeping Pods and have a pet.
They are just a B-list celebrity though, can you blame them?
Like... we get it, they are perfect… no need to rub it in.
Island Living
Fixed an issue where Odd Jobs tasks were not able to be completed.
Fixed an issue where Conch Shells were not able to be put in Sims’ Inventories.
Sims can now see their recorded findings in the Notification Wall when performing “Examine Water Thoughtfully” on the Fishing Board.
Released Fish will actually be released back into the water and not be stored in Sims’ Inventory.
Players using low graphics settings will be surprised to find that Dolphins do actually exist in the waters of Sulani.
Discover University
Sims will no longer be accused of cheating on their coursework or homework if they don’t actually cheat.
Term Presentations should not have missing interactions any longer.
Fixed an issue that caused Error code 104:5ee05594 to occur when loading into a Dorm where an NPC had a Baby.
We addressed some feedback that getting As was too easy. Please be aware that your Sim will have to complete the coursework in order to consistently get good grades.
Students will no longer autonomously taunt each other about University Superiority unless they're at the Game Day organization event or have one of these traits: Childish, Evil, Hot-Headed, and Bro.
Please be aware that a Sim’s hunger, energy, and bladder motives will no longer refill on their own just before class.
Fixed an issue in which Enhancing Utility Bots would get cancelled inappropriately.
Roommates should no longer Bring Food home every time they return.
Sims can now Turn Off Computer Glasses when moving to other neighborhoods.
Sims that complete the debate showdown, will once again be able to change into their other outfits.
Term Papers will now always count toward the course’s final grades.
Fixed an issue where the following Build Mode items were not able to be placed on the LearnWell Desk (desk2x1_EP08DORM_set1):
Fixed an issue where “The Secret Society Masks” were not being unlocked in Create A Sim.
The showerWall_EP08Gen_set1 shower will no longer turn on when a Sim attempts to repair it.
Fixed an issue with a swatch color for the yfBody_EP08DressOveralls_BlackSolidWhite
Active Sims should no longer get the “Not Enough Exercise” tense buff if they have enrolled in the Soccer Fútbol after school activity, or choose to juggle a soccer fútbol ball.
Sims now must meet all of the promotion requirements in order to be promoted in the Education Career.
Attempting to interact with a bike rider should no longer cause your Sim to route fail when performing the interaction.
The Make Offering to Sprites interaction should no longer be unavailable if you only have harvestables in your inventory.
Reaching level 5 of the Law Career now correctly unlocks the lawyer suits for your Sim in Create a Sim.
Bots enhanced to level 3 will no longer automatically enhance to level 4 upon activation.
Interacting with a Sim riding a bike will no longer cause the Sim, your Sim, the bike, parts of the world, or any other potential object or thing to disappear.
Inviting your professor to hangout will now actually have the professor arrive to hangout.
Servo can now complete the StrangerVille story.
Servo Fun and Social motive descriptions no longer incorrectly refer to Servo as a Sim.
Bicycles can now be searched for in Build Mode by using the term “bike”.
ExoMech suit can be worn by teen Sims, and is visible too.
Sims already wearing a helmet, will no longer change into another helmet to ride a bike.
Sims in the same household will now automatically know the others degree program.
Sims will no longer receive multiple signing bonuses from degree relevant careers. Only one signing bonus is awarded in any seven day period.
Woohoo in Shower will no longer give fame.
“Chat About Scandalous Lawsuit” now provides fun.
Choosing to cancel the Practice Presentation interaction will now cancel the interaction.
Servos can no longer get sick.
Servos can no longer purchase the Seldom Sleepy reward trait.
Sims on probation can now be asked to study with.
Sims should no longer route fail when attempting to take a Pregnancy test in a bathroom stall.
Asking the Repo Person to not take your stuff will now provide you a Text Notification as to whether or not you had an impact on the Repo Person’s decision.
Sprites no longer appear around the Sim after the buff expires after leaving the Secret Society.
Starving students… yes, it’s a trope, but let’s not lean into it so heavily.
It was getting a bit awkward in special occasions and when meeting neighbors. Not to mention it is a fashion… choice, yes… let’s just say that.
Dang it.
Lex Light By Dex Pix - lightTableLarge_EP08GENarm_set1, Q-Bik Tabletop Mood Light - lightTableLarge_EP08GENcage, and Great Gramps’ Light - lightTableLarge_EP08GEN_set1 can now be placed properly.
yuAcc_GlassesEP08SecretSocietyMask and yuAcc_GlassesEP08MasqueradeMask are now unlocking as intended.
Outdoor Retreat
Sims can now roast at a campfire without needing a seating object nearby.
Spa Day
Fixed an issue where Sims did not have the option to “Take Bath with Soaks” and “Take Mud Bath” on Showertubs.
Sims can now again get massages autonomously at Spas.
Mud bath… showertub, at home? Hmm. Goooood plumbing.
Pamper Mode: On!
Dine Out
NPC Sims will now eat more at Restaurants.
Photos taken of Experimental Foods will now display correctly when put into frames.
Fixed a swatch color error with the ymTop_GP03Blazer_SolidWhiteBlack
“Influence Emotions” interaction will no longer be available to Vampires that have not yet unlocked this perk.
Jungle Adventure
Several objects were not properly being found when using color filters. These should be filterable now.
StrangerVille music has been added to the Lin-Z Smart Speaker.
Realm of Magic
Fixed an issue where Occult eyes would not properly apply to Spellcasters.
Unplayed NPCs not living in Glimmerbrook will no longer appear in Glimmerbrook performing Magic.
“Challenge to Magic Duel at Dueling Grounds” performed by a broom and non-broom using duelist will now take place at the dueling grounds.
Spellcasters with the “Knowledge is Magic” Perk will now be able to complete the “Finish Reading 3 Books” aspiration goal.
Fixed an issue where some Spellcasters would not complete the “Learn a Spell” goal, even though they would learn a Spell.
Spellcasters will now be able to Do Laundry while having “Always Transportalate” enabled.
Fixed an issue in which Pet Familiars would not stop foraging, never bringing back their findings.
Sages now can be chosen to Play With for a game of Chess.
Random non Spellcaster Sims no longer will show up as being Sages.
Fixed an issue in which Cauldron made food was not able to be eaten as leftovers when looking at the refrigerator.
Sims on cursed lots will no longer always catch fire in all attempts while using the Fireplace or the Stove.
Fixed an issue in which sounds from The Magic Realm could be heard in Del Sol Valley if you had Get Famous installed.
Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately.
Spellcaster Sims can now clean potty messes, child messes, and kitty litter messes by casting Scruberoo.
Spellcasters will no longer have duplicate makeup options in CAS.
Spellcasters should no longer land in unroutable locations when using the “Always Use Brooms” spell.
Fixed an issue with asset yfAcc_WristRightGP08Gems in Create A Sim that made it display incorrectly when Sims were styled with long sleeve shirts.
Spellcasters that cast Mischief Spells will now get awarded Mischief Skill when doing so.
Male spellcasters will no longer have a chance of going bald after performing Rite of Dissolution.
yfHair_GP08Braids now properly appears within the Afro-Textured texture filter.
Mischief spells are now counted towards the Criminal Career daily task Mischief Interaction.
Spellcasters with the Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration will no longer reset or cause a LastException after writing songs.
What’s next Bob Pancakes is a vampire?
He is? I knew it!
They are now all good Familiars and bring everything they find back.
We also fixed an issue where they would only bring Brooms back after foraging, they are still all good familiars.
They cheat… I can’t be that bad.
Impostors have been dealt with. Thank you for your cooperation.
That’s probably who I was playing chess against.
Thankfully so! Not sure what we were going to do with all that food.
Try the Mac and Cheese, 10/10 totally recommend.
Looks at SimGuruMorgan with an Evil Grin.
yfTop_GP08ShirtLace, yfTop_GP08BlouseSeeThrough, and yfTop_GP08BodysuitVinyl now look as intended when paired with skinny jeans.
Magic… it’s magic.
I understand buying duplicates of favourite make up items, but this was excessive.
Excellent… Evil Laugh
Perfect Patio
We fixed an issue where hired Maids would often change into Swimwear and use the Hot Tub instead of completing their tasks.
I hired them to clean… honest!
Romantic Garden
Sims in the Freelance careers, including freelance photography, will no longer be able to Wish for Promotion using the Wishing Well.
Sims in Conservationist, Educator, Actor, Style Influencer, Military, Critic, Social Media, or Politician careers will now be able to Wish for a Promotion using the Wishing Well.
Sims are their own boss, so it didn’t make sense for them to do that.
Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately into skinny jeans.
yfTop_SP08BodysuitLace now looks as intended when paired with skinny jeans.
Vintage Glamour
Addressed several issues that caused the butler to fail to perform their assigned tasks.
Fixed an issue that prevented Butlers to help put Toddler Sims to Bed.
The Butler should no longer make food for themselves when they are not hungry.
Emotional auras in photographs can now be toggled on/off.
Fixed an issue where some photos taken were a bit blurry when placed in frames in Live Mode.
Tripods placed on floors other than 1, 2, or 3, should no longer cause the camera to change floors when attempting to take a photo.
Ask to Pose interaction should no longer fail if the Sim attempts to run the interaction from the Open Street.
Sent all of our cameras to maintenance for repairs, enjoy!
117 notes · View notes
macgyvermedical · 5 years ago
Let’s Jeff It: A “Kid + Plane + Cable + Truck” Medical Review
First, whoever thought of this episode naming convention did not expect this show to make it past season 3.
Previous MacGyver Medical Reviews:
Awl - X-Ray + Penny - Duct Tape + Jack - CD + Hoagie Foil - Guts + Fuel + Hope - Wilderness + Training + Survival - Father + Bride + Betrayal - Lidar + Rogues + Duty - Nightmares - Seeds + Permafrost + Feather - Friends + Enemies + Border - Mason + Cable + Choices - Bitter Harvest - 
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The episode centers around a pilot (Ben) and his son (Asher) flying in a private Cessna aircraft. The pilot has a medical emergency and becomes unconscious, leaving the plane, with 10 year old Asher inside, on autopilot and running out of fuel. Mac and Desi manage to board the plane in mid-air using an improvised zip-line, and while Desi attempts to land the plane before fuel runs out, Mac attempts to save Ben’s life by improvising a defibrillator. It’s found that the pilot had been deliberately poisoned with an unknown substance, and while investigating, Bozer is also exposed. Once the plane is safely on the ground, the episode cuts to the hospital scene where they have apparently found an antidote to the poison, and all is well.
Honestly this review will almost entirely be about the heart stuff.
Heart Stuff:
So let’s start with Ben. Our first encounter with his medical situation is when Desi asks Asher if Ben is breathing. Beyond questions about Asher’s safety (which they essentially already know), this is a great first question to ask. Breathing is fairly easy to determine, even for a 10 year old, and gives a substantial amount of information. From that one “yes” they know:
Airway: Even though he is sitting up with his head lolling forward, Ben’s airway is open- thus eliminating the immediate need for Asher to pull his father out of the chair.
Breathing: Ben is moving air between the outside and his lungs. Eliminating the need for Asher to help him with that.
Circulation: We can assume if Ben is breathing, his heart is still beating, which eliminates the need to start CPR immediately.
We don’t know the quality or anything else about his breathing or pulse, but we know they are currently at least minimally sustaining Ben’s life, which gives them some time.
Mac then asks Asher to check Ben’s pulse, instructing him “put your pointer finger and middle finger on the inside of your dad’s wrist, just below his thumb. If you don’t feel anything right away, try moving your fingers around a little bit.” This is exactly how to feel the radial pulse, and especially if Asher had ever learned how to feel a pulse before I think it would be reasonable that he could be able to do it.
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At the point when Asher responds “I feel it... kinda”, he has his fingers on the other side of Ben’s wrist. And he may have, indeed, felt a pulse there. The inside of the wrist on the side of the pinky finger also has a feel-able pulse called the ulnar pulse. The ulnar pulse is more difficult to find and a little fainter, but it does exist.
The fact that Asher was able to find a radial or ulnar pulse means that Ben’s circulation is working pretty well- if blood is getting all the way to his wrist, we can assume it’s also getting to his heart, lungs, and brain. I’m not sure I would go so far as to use a 10-year-old’s assessment of “kinda” as an indication of a weak pulse, but for the purposes of the story, we’ll take it.
We also have a small amount of history from Asher that Ben was dizzy before passing out. Probably the most well known reason for a “weak pulse and dizziness”, as Russ concludes, is heart attack, but for a medical professional of any kind, that doesn’t narrow things down- heart attack, stroke, hypoglycemia, dehydration, severe allergic reaction, a hidden injury causing severe internal bleeding, a drug or poison, and many others possibilities could also present that way.
They could have gone a little more in depth with the history, asking Asher for information like whether his father had allergies, was on any medications, whether he had any medical problems like diabetes, and when they had last eaten/used the restroom, as well as any other symptoms his father had mentioned prior to passing out. All of these would have helped narrow down a diagnosis. But for a lay group of rescuers who need to stop a plane from falling out of the sky, all they really need to know is that Ben is unconscious but with ABC’s intact.
Also, shout out to Bozer for doing an AWESOME job at distracting Asher while Mac and Co put together the zipline. He didn’t promise anything he couldn’t deliver, saying “we’re gonna do everything we can” instead of “everything will be okay” when Asher asked. And he just kept the conversation going about things Asher liked that didn’t have to do with the situation. There are very few people who would be that comfortable talking to a kid under stress, and Bozer was really exceptional at it.
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Once Mac and Desi get to the plane, Mac brings Ben to the back and is presumably assessing him while Desi, Bozer, Matty, and Russ discuss how and where to land. I wish we could have seen the assessment to have more to talk about, but once the story pans back to him, Mac explains that Ben’s pulse is “low, too low.” I’m not sure if he means low as in his heart rate (number of beats per minute) is low, or low as in weak, but the former makes more sense. Even though we know Ben is moving blood forcefully enough with each beat to get it to his brain, not having enough new blood per minute could still result in his unconsciousness.
Slow heart rate is called bradycardia, and there are a few “ways” to be bradycardic. One is called sinus bradycardia, and is essentially a totally normal, but less frequent, heart beat. Bradycardia can also result from atrial fibrillation, where the top section of the heart has a sort of disorganized, random pattern of beats that don’t all transmit to the lower part of the heart, resulting in only some of the beats going through and a pulse that is both slow and irregular. It can also happen when the part of the heart that determines heart rate, called the sinoatrial node, or SA node, isn’t working correctly.
The only one of these that could possibly be treated by defibrillation is the atrial fibrillation. SA node dysfunction would require a pacemaker or external pacer, and sinus bradycardia would require either atropine (of nerve agent antidote fame) or some form of pacing. Sinus brady is probably the only one that would really come from a poisoning situation (unless anyone else has a poison I’m not thinking of).
Here’s a video of atrial fibrillation getting shocked:
Because of the whole poisoning storyline, I think we have to assume that Ben has sinus bradycardia, which, if you will remember from the paragraph above, is one of the ones we can’t shock.
The way Mac explains defibrillation is as follows: “Human muscles contract and expand based on electrical signals from the nervous system. When those don’t work, we can trick a muscle, like the heart, into getting back into rhythm. That’s exactly what happens with a defibrillator.” And I’m not saying anyone couldn’t build a defibrillator with enough time and experience. But if that’s your understanding of how they work, any defibrillator you make is not one I want to try out.
See, the first sentence of that is almost correct. It’s, like, a 6th grade level of correct, but it’s technically correct. I’m just not at all sure where they got the second sentence, because that is not how anything works at all.
In reality, in order for the heart to beat, each individual heart muscle cell needs to contract in a specific sequence. This is coordinated by an electrical impulse that travels through the heart muscle tissue. When you see an EKG, this is a graphical representation of the path that impulse is taking through the heart.
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If the “path” gets messed up, it results in a heart rhythm that may not be able to generate beats that support life.
Defibrillation essentially is passing a massive electrical current through the heart tissue, which overwhelms all electrical activity and causes it to stop momentarily. The hope is that the interruption will break or “convert” the ineffective impulses/paths, and the heart will resume in a normal rhythm. Since sinus brady is technically a correct rhythm (just with too long between beats), the best case scenario for defibrillation is that Ben comes back in exactly the same rhythm... which doesn’t do much for him and wastes time.
I would have been much happier and more impressed with the writers if Mac had instead brought over a Phoenix first aid kit, which would almost certainly have an atropine auto-injector for nerve agent poisonings. It’s still a MacGyverism because the drug would be meant to be used for nerve agent exposure, and it would have stood a much better chance of saving (while also not killing) Ben. 
Since they never name the weird poison that has bradycardia, rash, and partial, temporary paralysis as effects, that works through transdermal exposure, and has a functioning antidote, I’m going to assume they made it up (they... didn’t have to. They could literally have done a beta blocker or calcium channel blocker overdose, they would have just had to change a few easy things omg...).
The Hospital Room:
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I do kind of want to talk about that hospital room, because it’s certainly one of the best I’ve seen in MacGyver. The bed is a real hospital bed, the furniture looks like real hospital furniture, that’s a real IV pump and the tubing is set up correctly (though since the tubing is running through it and it’s on but not programmed (screen is blank) yet, it was probably beeping like heck the whole time they were trying to film), the lights are real and there are both red (generator backup) and white (grid power) electrical outlets in the room, there’s even a computer for charting immediately behind Mac and the sheets don’t fit the bed. Like, that’s a surprisingly real (though very uncluttered) hospital room. I’m actually pretty impressed by that.
A few notes on Season 4 so far:
I’ll say it- I personally disliked the fact that they put Mac and Desi together, then ended their relationship badly off screen. I love Desi as a character, and that move felt like it was designed to designate her as a source of trouble for the team instead of as an asset. I also disliked initially that they added Russ as a source of conflict, and deeply worried the writers were going to use him to push Matty out of the show (or at least, have her constantly fighting against him). I also worried that having the Phoenix taken over by a shady private entity who wants an amount of control over their operations would be shown in a positive, instead of conflicted light.
I’m honestly pretty glad this episode straightened some of those worries out. By the end, Mac and Desi were back on good terms, and Matty had asserted her control over the team in tactical decision making. I’m borderline confident that when public-private conflict is addressed from here on, it will be shown in a way the puts the correct weight on “should we worry about continuing to exist, or should we do what’s right?” and show genuine consequences to whatever choice they make. Like, I hope the writers know what they’re getting in to...
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thesims4blogger · 5 years ago
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (December 12th, 2019)
There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin.
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
Update 12/12/2019 PC: / Mac:
Hello Simmers!
It’s been quite the year for The Sims 4! We blew past the game’s 5th anniversary with no signs of slowing down. One of the community’s most highly requested expansion packs just launched recently, and we hope you’re all enjoying getting educated in Discover University. In case you haven’t heard, we’ve also launched another community Stuff Pack project, where your collective votes will decide the path of yet another pack coming to The Sims 4. And of course, The Sims’ franchise 20th anniversary is just over the horizon, which we’re looking forward to celebrating with you.
Today’s update has been influenced by you as well… We set aside time to specifically address issues that you’ve let us know are important to your in-game experience, and we hope the long list of fixes and improvements you’ll find below will lead to many hours of fun playing The Sims 4. In addition, we’ve squeezed in a few un-planned extras we hope you’ll enjoy. Not only have we added some new music tracks to the game, but we’ve also converted a number of hairstyles to now also be available for children and toddlers. While the adult versions of these styles will remain exclusive to whichever pack they originally came from, we hope you’ll all enjoy these additional options for your Sim’s little ones.
While Maxis will soon be taking a short break to enjoy the holidays (merry Winterfest, and a Happy New Year!), we’ll be back for another packed year for The Sims 4 in 2020. See you then!
-SimGuruGraham, ft. SimGuruGnome
The Music The following music has been added to the alternative station:
“Nicknames” Performed by Dayglow Written by Sloan Struble Copyright Control Recording courtesy of AWAL Digital Ltd.
“4am” Performed by girl in red Written by Marie Ulven Copyright Control Recording courtesy of AWAL Recordings
“prom dress” Performed by mxmtoon Produced by Robin Skinner & mxmtoon Written by Maia M-T Published by Songtrust Music Publishing Recording courtesy of mxmtoon LLC under exclusive license to House Arrest/The Orchard By Arrangement with Bank Robber Music
“Win You Over” Performed by Whethan & Bearson feat. SOAK Written by Ethan Snoreck, Jakob Bjørn Hansen, Birdie Monds-Watson, Anthony Whiting and Emily Phillips Published by Whethan Publishing/These Are Pulse Songs (BMI) c/o Pulse Publishing Administration, Next Wave Music Publishing, Universal – PolyGram Int. Tunes, Inc. on behalf of Universal Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Corp. on behalf of itself and PW Arrangements, and Domino Publishing Company USA (ASCAP) Whethan appears courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp. SOAK appears courtesy of Rough Trade Records Recording courtesy of Ultra Records LLC
The Sims 4
Fixed an issue where macOS Simmers could crash when accessing The Gallery.
Fixed an issue where Nice or High Quality harvestables would disappear from Sims’ inventories after Travel or Save/Load.
Fixed an issue where Freelancer Career tasks would not complete after Sims would Travel.
Sims that were seated at a 6 seat round table can now Clean up the dishes.
Child Sims will be now able to enjoy Quick Meals again!
Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t write a genre book when “Write Genre Book” was selected.
Multiple duplicate interactions should no longer appear in pie menus when you have certain objects in your inventory.
The Jet Set Luxury Bath (bathtubJetsGEN_01) was listed as being Unbreakable when that wasn’t true.
Speaking of Unbreakable, we fixed an issue with Hot Tubs and Stereos where unbreakable upgrades would not work if these objects were in use when upgrading them.
Fixed an issue in which some Sims could stand on, or walk through solid objects.
Adding a Sim to an existing household via the Create a Sim Stories feature will no longer subtract Simoleons from the household.
You can now extinguish a fire, even if the fire is within another object.
Fixed an issue that would cause Error code 510:5bd7fa0b to occur when attempting to save.
Sims can now Scrap the unfinished paintings of visiting Sims.
Light intensity will no longer reset when setting Auto Lights options.
Fixed an issue which made the item Tiny Globe & Sycee of the Prosperous Moon appear twice in Build Mode.
Half Walls toppers can now be applied to half walls on all levels of your lot.
Fixed an issue that caused Lots downloaded from The Gallery to be placed backwards and not being able to rotate them to an appropriate view.
Households downloaded from The Gallery should now have their starting funds set to the correct amount, and not just the base 20,000 Simoleons.
Child Sims will no longer receive Whims related to workouts.
Fixed an issue that did not allow Nordic keyboards for macOS to use the Size Down Cheat.
Fixed an issue where Error code 102:70c7f9a6 would occur when loading into Lots after loading a saved game.
Walls no longer will disappear when Taking a Photo in a Basement level room that does not have a staircase.
Bookshelves will no longer have the option to purchase University books if you do not own Discover University.
Sims will no longer flicker on and off the landing pad, when in the Rocket Ship using the WooHoo or Try for Baby interactions.
Sims in the Supreme Villain career working on the mischief interaction task can now use the Slablet to Troll teh Forums to complete the task.
Addressed some UI issues in Create a Sim that occurred after modifying the scaling option in the Accessibility options.
Lots and rooms with modded paintings will now be flagged as Custom Content when uploading to The Gallery
Small rugs can no longer be placed over the cutouts created by stairs.
Using Ctrl + U to reset your UI Scaling while you have the UI Scaling window open, will now properly reset the scale bar.
Caterer Sims will now be able to make a Cake and complete their Party event goals.
We attempted to track down the lost harvestables that are currently lost, but found they were lost and unfindable. It’s findings like this that we find we are at a loss of words for, however any future loss should not be found.
Sadly, all the children who had thought they had found the magic loophole, stay seated at the table, are no longer…
…right… like any kid ever stays seated at the table.
Who doesn’t enjoy a good bowl of cereal?
Some example interactions that were reported: “Play Fetch”, ”Give Potion”, “Blackmail”, “Scan Here”. The LastException related to this issue should also be fixed.
It’s now truly Unbreakable!
David was also supposed to be Unbreakable… but… spoilers… he broke.
Obviously there was an issue with the hot tub… water is the weakness.
Specifically Baby Bassinets… babies were becoming quite paranoid they weren’t actually Sims…
This could occur if a large object caught fire. You would have to wait until the fire spread outside the bounds of the large object in order to extinguish it.
“Your house is on fire?!”
“Yep… it’s under the bed. Gotta wait it out. But I’m ready.”
Topper… it’s a technical term that means the piece that goes on top of a half wall.
Ok, the issue summary said topper, I couldn’t remember what it was called, so I left it as topper.
Of course I have the game up and running. Yes I could go look…
Ah, you crazy supreme villains and your trolling ways. So eeeeevil.
Get To Work
Aliens should now appear as expected in the Photo thumbnails, and no longer display their disguised forms when they are not in disguise.
Aliens will now display accurate selected options for Eyebrows and Beards in Create A Sim.
Fixed an issue where Scientist Sims would record their findings in Notebooks twice.
We addressed an issue that could prevent Sims from not being able to ring up customers who attempt to purchase from the warming rack.
Some boots, along with the Sims feet, were disappearing when the camera was zoomed all the way out. This should no longer occur.
The “Refer for Surgical Treatment” interaction is now available on surgery tables that have had their color altered with the bb.enablefreebuild cheat.
There are better ways to take tidy and efficient notes.
City Living
There were a number of confusing situations that arose as a result of Invites your Sims would receive. In some cases these would appear as two invites for the same event, one that was the “hey, I just wanted you to know” invite, and the other would be the real invite. They should behave more accordingly to expectations.
Sims with the Shrewd reward trait weren’t as shrewd as they thought they were. We have restored their shrewd’ness and they should now actually receive the money they so rightfully shrewded away at the end of each week.
Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately into skinny jeans.
We blame it on bad investments, the cd market apparently didn’t mean compact discs.
yfTop_EP03Mesh_OmbreBlue now looks as intended when paired with skinny jeans.
Sims can now complete New Year resolutions on any lot, and not just their home lots.
The Lottery Holiday is back in your calendars! It should not be a surprise disappearing act any longer.
We spoke to the Holiday Gnomes and they have agreed to stop dropping seed packets if your Sims are not on Lot when the Holiday ends.
Fixed an issue where Weather would affect items inside buildings.
Flower Bunny’s contract has been renewed for them to appear on any Holiday or Tradition that they are scheduled to.
Mandrake and Valerian Root plants are now able to be planted indoors when it is Too Cold if Simmers have Realm of Magic installed.
Holiday Gnomes will no longer break Unbreakable objects when having a negative relationship with them.
The pedestal gnome (pedestal_EF18GENgnome) will no longer spawn as part of the Harvestfest gnomes tradition.
They wanted to spread holiday cheer… or they were attempting to bring about the end of Simanity, and usher in a new world order. Tomayto, tomahto.
Bunny contractual negotiations are ridiculous… they just keep multiplying their demands.
Dad joke quota met.
We don’t know what was done to make them angry, but even as magical as they are, they should not be breaking the Unbreakable.
He’s a table, he knows he’s a table, he doesn’t have any illusions to the contrary.
Get Famous
Married Celebrity Sim Couples will no longer React in Disgust with each other then they enter the same room.
Household members will no longer react to members with Pristine Reputation every time they travel together.
Fixed an issue that caused Recording a Product Review to fail if the Sim had previously interrupted a review by traveling to another Lot.
The Well Suited and G.R.A.N. talent agencies are back in business! Gigs from these agencies will now display appropriately.
Super Speed 3 should now work when Sims sleep in their Sleeping Pods and have a pet.
They are just a B-list celebrity though, can you blame them?
Like… we get it, they are perfect… no need to rub it in.
Island Living
Fixed an issue where Odd Jobs tasks were not able to be completed.
Fixed an issue where Conch Shells were not able to be put in Sims’ Inventories.
Sims can now see their recorded findings in the Notification Wall when performing “Examine Water Thoughtfully” on the Fishing Board.
Released Fish will actually be released back into the water and not be stored in Sims’ Inventory.
Players using low graphics settings will be surprised to find that Dolphins do actually exist in the waters of Sulani.
Discover University
Sims will no longer be accused of cheating on their coursework or homework if they don’t actually cheat.
Term Presentations should not have missing interactions any longer.
Fixed an issue that caused Error code 104:5ee05594 to occur when loading into a Dorm where an NPC had a Baby.
We addressed some feedback that getting As was too easy. Please be aware that your Sim will have to complete the coursework in order to consistently get good grades.
Students will no longer autonomously taunt each other about University Superiority unless they’re at the Game Day organization event or have one of these traits: Childish, Evil, Hot-Headed, and Bro.
Please be aware that a Sim’s hunger, energy, and bladder motives will no longer refill on their own just before class.
Fixed an issue in which Enhancing Utility Bots would get cancelled inappropriately.
Roommates should no longer Bring Food home every time they return.
Sims can now Turn Off Computer Glasses when moving to other neighborhoods.
Sims that complete the debate showdown, will once again be able to change into their other outfits.
Term Papers will now always count toward the course’s final grades.
Fixed an issue where the following Build Mode items were not able to be placed on the LearnWell Desk (desk2x1_EP08DORM_set1):
Fixed an issue where “The Secret Society Masks” were not being unlocked in Create A Sim.
The showerWall_EP08Gen_set1 shower will no longer turn on when a Sim attempts to repair it.
Fixed an issue with a swatch color for the yfBody_EP08DressOveralls_BlackSolidWhite
Active Sims should no longer get the “Not Enough Exercise” tense buff if they have enrolled in the Soccer Fútbol after school activity, or choose to juggle a soccer fútbol ball.
Sims now must meet all of the promotion requirements in order to be promoted in the Education Career.
Attempting to interact with a bike rider should no longer cause your Sim to route fail when performing the interaction.
The Make Offering to Sprites interaction should no longer be unavailable if you only have harvestables in your inventory.
Reaching level 5 of the Law Career now correctly unlocks the lawyer suits for your Sim in Create a Sim.
Bots enhanced to level 3 will no longer automatically enhance to level 4 upon activation.
Interacting with a Sim riding a bike will no longer cause the Sim, your Sim, the bike, parts of the world, or any other potential object or thing to disappear.
Inviting your professor to hangout will now actually have the professor arrive to hangout.
Servo can now complete the StrangerVille story.
Servo Fun and Social motive descriptions no longer incorrectly refer to Servo as a Sim.
Bicycles can now be searched for in Build Mode by using the term “bike”.
ExoMech suit can be worn by teen Sims, and is visible too.
Sims already wearing a helmet, will no longer change into another helmet to ride a bike.
Sims in the same household will now automatically know the others degree program.
Sims will no longer receive multiple signing bonuses from degree relevant careers. Only one signing bonus is awarded in any seven day period.
Woohoo in Shower will no longer give fame.
“Chat About Scandalous Lawsuit” now provides fun.
Choosing to cancel the Practice Presentation interaction will now cancel the interaction.
Servos can no longer get sick.
Servos can no longer purchase the Seldom Sleepy reward trait.
Sims on probation can now be asked to study with.
Sims should no longer route fail when attempting to take a Pregnancy test in a bathroom stall.
Asking the Repo Person to not take your stuff will now provide you a Text Notification as to whether or not you had an impact on the Repo Person’s decision.
Sprites no longer appear around the Sim after the buff expires after leaving the Secret Society.
Starving students… yes, it’s a trope, but let’s not lean into it so heavily.
It was getting a bit awkward in special occasions and when meeting neighbors. Not to mention it is a fashion… choice, yes… let’s just say that.
Dang it.
Lex Light By Dex Pix – lightTableLarge_EP08GENarm_set1, Q-Bik Tabletop Mood Light – lightTableLarge_EP08GENcage, and Great Gramps’ Light – lightTableLarge_EP08GEN_set1 can now be placed properly.
yuAcc_GlassesEP08SecretSocietyMask and yuAcc_GlassesEP08MasqueradeMask are now unlocking as intended.
Outdoor Retreat
Sims can now roast at a campfire without needing a seating object nearby.
Spa Day
Fixed an issue where Sims did not have the option to “Take Bath with Soaks” and “Take Mud Bath” on Showertubs.
Sims can now again get massages autonomously at Spas.
Mud bath… showertub, at home? Hmm. Goooood plumbing.
Pamper Mode: On!
Dine Out
NPC Sims will now eat more at Restaurants.
Photos taken of Experimental Foods will now display correctly when put into frames.
Fixed a swatch color error with the ymTop_GP03Blazer_SolidWhiteBlack
“Influence Emotions” interaction will no longer be available to Vampires that have not yet unlocked this perk.
Jungle Adventure
Several objects were not properly being found when using color filters. These should be filterable now.
StrangerVille music has been added to the Lin-Z Smart Speaker.
Realm of Magic
Fixed an issue where Occult eyes would not properly apply to Spellcasters.
Unplayed NPCs not living in Glimmerbrook will no longer appear in Glimmerbrook performing Magic.
“Challenge to Magic Duel at Dueling Grounds” performed by a broom and non-broom using duelist will now take place at the dueling grounds.
Spellcasters with the “Knowledge is Magic” Perk will now be able to complete the “Finish Reading 3 Books” aspiration goal.
Fixed an issue where some Spellcasters would not complete the “Learn a Spell” goal, even though they would learn a Spell.
Spellcasters will now be able to Do Laundry while having “Always Transportalate” enabled.
Fixed an issue in which Pet Familiars would not stop foraging, never bringing back their findings.
Sages now can be chosen to Play With for a game of Chess.
Random non Spellcaster Sims no longer will show up as being Sages.
Fixed an issue in which Cauldron made food was not able to be eaten as leftovers when looking at the refrigerator.
Sims on cursed lots will no longer always catch fire in all attempts while using the Fireplace or the Stove.
Fixed an issue in which sounds from The Magic Realm could be heard in Del Sol Valley if you had Get Famous installed.
Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately.
Spellcaster Sims can now clean potty messes, child messes, and kitty litter messes by casting Scruberoo.
Spellcasters will no longer have duplicate makeup options in CAS.
Spellcasters should no longer land in unroutable locations when using the “Always Use Brooms” spell.
Fixed an issue with asset yfAcc_WristRightGP08Gems in Create A Sim that made it display incorrectly when Sims were styled with long sleeve shirts.
Spellcasters that cast Mischief Spells will now get awarded Mischief Skill when doing so.
Male spellcasters will no longer have a chance of going bald after performing Rite of Dissolution.
yfHair_GP08Braids now properly appears within the Afro-Textured texture filter.
Mischief spells are now counted towards the Criminal Career daily task Mischief Interaction.
Spellcasters with the Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration will no longer reset or cause a LastException after writing songs.
What’s next Bob Pancakes is a vampire?
He is? I knew it!
They are now all good Familiars and bring everything they find back.
We also fixed an issue where they would only bring Brooms back after foraging, they are still all good familiars.
They cheat… I can’t be that bad.
Impostors have been dealt with. Thank you for your cooperation.
That’s probably who I was playing chess against.
Thankfully so! Not sure what we were going to do with all that food.
Try the Mac and Cheese, 10/10 totally recommend.
Looks at SimGuruMorgan with an Evil Grin.
yfTop_GP08ShirtLace, yfTop_GP08BlouseSeeThrough, and yfTop_GP08BodysuitVinyl now look as intended when paired with skinny jeans.
Magic… it’s magic.
I understand buying duplicates of favourite make up items, but this was excessive.
Excellent… Evil Laugh
Perfect Patio
We fixed an issue where hired Maids would often change into Swimwear and use the Hot Tub instead of completing their tasks.
I hired them to clean… honest!
Romantic Garden
Sims in the Freelance careers, including freelance photography, will no longer be able to Wish for Promotion using the Wishing Well.
Sims in Conservationist, Educator, Actor, Style Influencer, Military, Critic, Social Media, or Politician careers will now be able to Wish for a Promotion using the Wishing Well.
Sims are their own boss, so it didn’t make sense for them to do that.
Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately into skinny jeans.
yfTop_SP08BodysuitLace now looks as intended when paired with skinny jeans.
Vintage Glamour
Addressed several issues that caused the butler to fail to perform their assigned tasks.
Fixed an issue that prevented Butlers to help put Toddler Sims to Bed.
The Butler should no longer make food for themselves when they are not hungry.
Emotional auras in photographs can now be toggled on/off.
Fixed an issue where some photos taken were a bit blurry when placed in frames in Live Mode.
Tripods placed on floors other than 1, 2, or 3, should no longer cause the camera to change floors when attempting to take a photo.
Ask to Pose interaction should no longer fail if the Sim attempts to run the interaction from the Open Street.
Sent all of our cameras to maintenance for repairs, enjoy!
29 notes · View notes
leollanham · 6 years ago
Marijuana Seeds for Sale
Marijuana Seeds With regards to marijuana seeds, most discover that there’s a variety of different strains and seeds accessible - so whether you’re looking for medical hashish seeds or ones for leisure use, there’s a superb chance that there’s something on the market that fits you. Nonetheless, with so many alternative seeds obtainable, amateurs (and even more skilled weed farmers) may not know the place to start when trying to find the proper kind of seeds for his or her requirements. Should you’ve been purchasing for buds or seeds for a while, it's possible you'll know simply how many varieties these companies are inclined to sell, however like many novice growers, you might not know which type of marijuana seeds to choose. Learn how to discover the correct weed seeds? When you’re one of the many people who find themselves overwhelmed by the totally different seeds obtainable and are unsure of how you can choose the best strain in your distinctive requirements, you’ll be glad to listen to that there are often a number of things that you can do to help whittle down your options and discover the very best marijuana seeds on the market. From choosing ones that handle the flowering process all by themselves, to regular seeds - or even discovering a good deal (whether purchasing seeds at wholesale prices or on sale in a store on-line), there are many things to think about when shopping for weed seeds of any kind. Better marijuana seeds result in higher weed Generally, some of the necessary things to think about earlier than shopping for any seeds, whether they’re regular landrace strains or a more particular sort of seed (reminiscent of an auto flowering sort, or feminized seeds), is whether or not or not they're of fine quality. While choosing a cheaper pack of seeds could not at all times appear to be a foul idea, guaranteeing that you simply select seeds from the perfect source is among the most essential choices you’ll make as a marijuana grower. For one, the genetic make-up of these sorts of seeds is vital to good high quality marijuana vegetation, alongside proper growing situations, and whether or not they’re sown in an outdoor or indoor garden. And, as a result of the genes in modified seeds can usually be so crucial to the cannabis plant that grows, making certain that you simply purchase good high quality seeds that’ll flip into functional crops might be even more important. Even when it does come at the next price to choose weed seeds from a reputable seller, it’s typically effectively value the additional cash. Whether or not you plan to by marijuana seeds online or in particular person, ensure that you choose a top quality pressure from a trusted weed seed company. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all cheaper seeds aren’t any good - just that it’s often important to make sure that the marijuana seeds are of excellent quality. If you’re looking for an excellent deal, you should definitely search around for firms having a sale on their seeds and products. Take into account the different marijuana seeds accessible Having prime quality hashish seeds is vital for a couple of causes, but to choose the fitting weed for you, it’s usually vital to take a look at what kinds of seeds are available. Not solely are there loads of various kinds of strains and seeds on the market, each with their own results and uses, there are additionally totally different classes of seeds that these match into - and usually, it’s best to do your research to ensure that your cash is well spent and never wasted on low quality seeds/plants. Even if the pressure you need has quite high prices, it may be worthwhile to attend until they go on sale - in any case, getting them for cheaper in a sale is usually a a lot better idea. Feminized seeds Because the name suggests, most of these seeds are made to only produce feminine marijuana vegetation after germination - nevertheless, these less skilled in growing marijuana seeds may not understand why rising feminine seeds and vegetation can be so beneficial. Not like many common vegetation, cannabis is mostly an annual plant while additionally being dioecious (meaning that it produces separate female and male flowers on completely different crops). Most of those vegetation also produce flowers of the other sex when in certain circumstances.  Being each a dioecious and annual plant is a singular survival mechanism, with sure strains changing into intersexual more simply than others. Usually, this depends on growing circumstances resembling:
The sunshine cycles
Bodily injury
Temperature fluctuations
These, in addition to other forms of irregularities, are typically what cause the adjustments - mainly as a result of the plant detects that their growing circumstances aren’t optimum and that they may not survive the complete season. The fact that there’s much less likelihood of there being a cannabis plant of the opposite intercourse anywhere nearby, that means that there’s no other vegetation to pollinate, is also thought to contribute. Because of all this, their chances of survival and reproducing should not as high as they need to be. As a way to make sure the survival of itself and its species, some feminine crops will grow male flowers (staminate flowers) to provide their very own pollen, and then fertilize their own feminine flowers (pistil flowers). Then, they’ll be capable of make seeds that’ll develop the following season. While male flowers can sometimes develop pistil flowers to reproduce alone, that is far much less common than it's with female cannabis. For this reason, female vegetation are usually the most effective options for germination and a high chance of flowering - and is why feminized seeds are so popular. Auto flowering weed seeds Generally, autoflowering seeds generally is a good option for those in search of weed that’s simpler to grow - which might be beneficial to both novices and even essentially the most experienced of hashish farmers. As a substitute of switching from the vegetative progress stage to the flowering stage due to light to darkish hour ratios which are often required with photoperiod strains; auto flowering seeds flower with age instead. As well as, autoflowering seeds are usually a good choice for these trying to develop something quick, often being harvestable in under 13 weeks (with explicit seeds even rising in as little as 7). For individuals who want their seeds to mature even sooner, “tremendous auto” seeds can take as little as one hundred days to develop to over 6 ft tall and bud. The truth that there’s no need to offer autoflowering seeds with a separate vegetative and flowering setting, like you'll have to with photoperiod strains, can also be a profit for some individuals without too much space to separate the seeds and the crops which can be flowering, too. Lighting (particularly synthetic lighting) can typically stress common strains - however usually, autoflowering seeds received’t be affected by it, which is one other bonus to contemplate when searching for the precise weed seeds for your garden. Medical marijuana seeds More often than not, this type of cannabis is prescribed to patients by physicians - although attributable to governmental restrictions and production, clinical research for testing the total security and efficiency of these crops as a medical remedy is relatively limited. Regardless of this, medical hashish is turning into an increasingly common treatment for a spread of health problems.  Regular marijuana usually accommodates a lot of cannabinoids (which are chemical compounds that work together with the mind’s cannabinoid receptors), and these are what give the plant lots of its effects. Probably the most psychoactive one present in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (TCH) - but not all of those compounds have these types of effects. These are categorized into two types; CB1 and CB2. The previous tends to be liable for psychoactive results, where the latter are believed to have quite a couple of advantages, akin to moderating pain in the body.
Cannabis modified for medicinal usage tends to have higher percentages of CB2 and lowered quantities of CB1, providing extra well being benefits and minimal psychoactive facet effects. CBD oil, for example, is growing in reputation as a treatment for a variety of mental and physical well being points, the place regular weed is used extra generally for leisure use.  While provided as medicine in lots of cases, you may additionally purchase seeds with enhanced CBD properties and decrease levels of THC - beginning your individual mini farm of seeds that may assist to improve your health. Common seeds As well as all of the several types of seeds talked about above (including extra, equivalent to feminized autoflowering seeds), there’s also the option to get abnormal weed seeds, too. Whether you get a set of standard seeds in a sale or not, you’re more likely to get a good deal on them; as these have a tendency to come back for a lower price than auto flowering or feminized seeds. When looking for different weed seeds, getting extra info can often be a good idea - and whether you email the store or take some time to do your own analysis, it may usually be nicely price it to be taught more concerning the seeds you could possibly be purchasing. Finding the proper cannabis seeds Virtually all seeds and strains are unique from each other and have something totally different to supply, which is why it may typically be a good idea to do a little analysis on what marijuana seeds are available. Listed here are just a number of the many various strains out there: Orange Kush - Orange Kush is a hybrid pressure of seeds known for relaxed, euphoric, and focused results, as well as a scrumptious citrus taste and heavy hits. Blue Dream - Whereas Blue Dream sativa strains of seeds are usually enjoyable and soothing, they’re not absolutely sedative in nature, making them a good choice for alleviating ache, inflammation, or cramps in periods of rest without sleep. Blueberry - The Blueberry pressure of weed seeds are legendary for their sweet and strong flavorings, and relaxing and euphoric effects. White Widow - White Widow is a pressure of cannabis seeds recognized for energizing, stress-free, and bettering the temper of users. Additionally, this pressure reportedly helps to ease pain, as well as scale back melancholy and stress. Amnesia - A typically sativa dominant pressure of hashish seeds, Amnesia is commonly capable of produce uplifting, inventive, and euphoric effects.  Sour Diesel - Unique Sour Diesel is a popular pressure of sativa seeds identified for being temper-lifting and energizing; good for easing pain and minimizing the consequences of depression. Inexperienced Crack - One other well-liked Sativa strain of hashish seeds, Inexperienced Crack can typically help with creativity, vitality, and focus. Pink Dragon - Identified for fast and simple rising, Purple Dragon hashish seeds mature into plants that offer lengthy lasting highs. These may be an excellent choice for beginner farmers.  Purple Haze - Offering a burst of euphoria and high power, in addition to creativity, Purple Haze is a sativa strain of weed seeds well-liked amongst both rookies and veterans.  Northern Lights - Whereas mainly often called the perfect yielding dwarf strain of seeds, Northern Lights strains have a tendency to supply deep rest, creativity, euphoria, and pain relief, in addition to usually having the ability to help relieve problems comparable to insomnia, stress, and  power pain. Cheese - An indica strain of seeds modified to be excessive in THC and low in CBD, Cheese strains are commonly recognized for their cheddar like scent and flavor, as well as euphoric effects. Strawberry Kush - A potent indica pressure of seeds standard with novice users, Strawberry Kush is standard for its strawberry taste and calming effects. Bubble Haze - A cross breed between Bubble Gum and Super Silver Haze strains, these seeds tend to be each sharp and sweet, in addition to producing an excessive high.  Super Skunk - With indica and sativa varieties, Tremendous Skunk seeds are common amongst weed farmers for a number of causes; from its candy style, to relaxing results and stress relief. OG Kush - A hybrid first cultivated in Florida utilizing a pressure from a Northern California and Hindu Kush plant, this combine offers a singular experience for each growers and users. Another profit is that there are often seeds and strains in several categories too, typically which means that you simply’ll have the ability to find White Widow feminized or auto flowering - as well as different types, reminiscent of Kush feminized and Haze feminized. However, in the event you’re not on the lookout for particular kinds of seeds, you might simply want to go along with an everyday landrace strain instead. In case you discover that the worth of the pack of seeds you want is simply too high, chances are you'll wish to look around for a similar product in different shops to see if they have it on sale or for a better cost. Your farm and the cultivation of seeds Usually, it’s also crucial to consider your own farm before you may decide on what hashish seeds and strains might be best Seed Bank for you. For example, should you’re planning to move sometime in the near future, chances are you'll want to think about seeds which can be fast to germinate and have a shorter flowering time.  For a more natural farm, you could want to go along with just feminized cannabis seeds or common strains - and luckily, a trusted online store is prone to have a set of premium marijuana seeds, as well as other objects and merchandise, usually with details (for instance, about germination and genetics) and guaranteed quality. Usually, discovering what seeds an organization has to offer may be as simple as trying by their menu and reading some of the various kinds of strains and seeds that they have on offer. Delivery of marijuana seeds isn’t normally a lot of a problem either, as many companies provide discreet shipping of their customer’s seeds.
source https://farmerslabseeds.blogspot.com/2019/07/marijuana-seeds-for-sale.html
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breakingarrows · 6 years ago
Rebuttals for Personal Satisfaction [My commentary in brackets]
Red Dead Redemption is a story of atonement [that the player can choose to disregard, despite the main narrative heavily pushing for Arthur to be redeemed (its in the fucking title!)], but John Marston never wanted to pay for his sins – he’s forced by government agents. Marston lived a bad life: he killed, he robbed, and he was often out for himself. In his head, he deserved to leave it all behind and live a normal life with his wife and son. [the opening third of RDR1 is Marston forced back into a life he wanted to leave behind in order to save his family and return to a life of peace and attempting to correct others immorality only to have his past immorality thrown in his face even when he tries to shrug it off] Red Dead Redemption 2 fleshes out Marston’s character, and we see him grow from a selfish, somewhat lazy outlaw into a family man. But while Red Dead Redemption 2 does a fantastic job of setting Marston up as the man we know, Arthur Morgan’s journey is more poignant. Most open-world games start us off with a character at their weakest. Rather than growing them through the story, we see characters grow in strength through systems: upgrade trees offer better abilities, allowing us to take on increasingly tougher enemies. Red Dead Redemption 2 turns all of that on its head. You start the game as Arthur Morgan, gang leader Dutch Van der Linde’s right hand man. You are the guy everyone goes to with their problems. If someone needs violence inflicted upon them, Morgan is the gang’s fists. He’s not the smartest person in the group – nor does he claim to be – but he makes a good blunt instrument and he is practically wise. Morgan’s stamina and health improve as you play (you can max out your stamina and health reserves early on), but the first handful of chapters have you playing as a man at his physical peak. He’s also at his most brutal. Morgan has a fierce loyalty to his leader and mentor, Van der Linde, and he is not afraid of inflicting pain on others to see his group thrive. [yet he is, when you take on the debt collector missions he is very clearly against it but does it for the good of the gang. He bemoans having to kill and writes in his journal about the conflict of good and evil wthin him, clearly pining for another life, even if his actions show he isn’t really that interested in it] As the game draws to a close [this is the problem, he doesn’t turn until near the very end, he wasn’t interested in becoming a good person until he realized he was going to die, which is a pathetic turn of heart], Morgan softens. An early scene sees Morgan collecting a debt from a sick man. You don’t realise it at the time, but this encounter seals our antihero’s fate. He contracts tuberculosis, a disease spread through the air when someone ingests the blood or spit of an infected person – in Morgan’s case, it’s a man who he just beat to a pulp over a measly loan. It’s a while before the disease takes hold, but the knowledge that his fate is sealed alters Morgan’s psyche. Unlike Marston, he isn’t forced to atone – he starts thinking back on his life, mulling over what is important, considering how far blind loyalty should stretch. Those considerations sow the seeds of doubt about Van der Linde, his delusions of grandeur, and his capacity for empathy. During the nineteenth century, tuberculosis became known as the ‘romantic disease’ because the afflicted were said to grow more sensitive as they edged towards the grave, and the slow progress of the disease allowed them to get their affairs in order. I can’t think of another video game where you are setting the world right before your demise. You can see this character growth in Morgan’s journal. Depending on where you are in the story, the writing changes, the pen strokes feel more rushed. It’s more obviously visible in his personality, and you can see it in his gaunt, pale face, and thin frame. In one touching moment, he admits that he is scared. Even your surroundings reflect Arthur’s journey. As the gang heads further east (towards the civilisation they hate and away from the bountiful landscapes they crave), your camp loses key people, and the surviving gang members retreat inwards. People stop trusting each other, and the environment reflects this transformation, becoming gloomier with each new settlement. Remember how Horseshoe Overlook allows you to see right across the plains below, into the wilds? Compare that to the camp in Chapter 6, nestled next to a dank cave and soaked in the soot of the nearby mining town. Rather than upgrading your lodgings as the game goes on, the camp – if you fully upgrade it – is as good as it ever gets in Chapter 2. [why is this only reflected in the camp and not in Morgan aka the player’s abilities? Morgan in Chapter 6 during non-scripted gameplay is just as capable as the one in the beginning, maybe even more so thanks to his improved cores and weaponry. It is only during scripted sequences in main missions that he suffers from TB and it affects gameplay, after the story wraps on that mission he jumps on his horse and is magically just as capable as before he contracted the sickness] Where most games are obsessed with our characters growing stronger, Red Dead Redemption 2 flips conventions on their head. It takes Morgan on a metaphysical journey of growth as his body degrades [but is only ever shown superficially], until he finally succumbs to the disease while staring out towards the setting sun [or can die in the camp in flames if he aka the player chooses to reject the main narrative’s arc]. These themes are what make Red Dead Redemption 2’s story something I’ll never forget, and it’s also what elevates Arthur Morgan into one of the all-time best protagonists in the medium. [Jesus that’s sad]
Red Dead Redemption 2 is, defiantly, a stubborn game. Arthur walks at a deliberate pace, always lumbering like he's in no rush to get anywhere. When he swaps out guns, he needs to retrieve them from the saddle of his horse. Guns deteriorate too, so he has to clean them periodically so they're at their best. Even the skinning animations of animals, a common complaint in its direct predecessor, have almost quadrupled in length. In Red Dead Redemption 2, gone are the easy, chill open-world ways of Grand Theft Auto and everything else in the genre. With Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar is demanding patience from its players, and resounding attention too. And attention it earns. In Red Dead Redemption 2, we play as Arthur Morgan, a man who like the more-familiar John Marston, grew up in Dutch van der Linde's gang. At first, Dutch's gang feels like a family, with each member looking out for each other, having its own internal bickering like any family does. We care for them and hate them in equal measure [care for Lenny because he is young and hate Micah and Dutch because they are massive pieces of shit. Care for John because of the first game, his wife revolves around him, his son is young, the rest rattle off one-note dialogue indications of their attitude]; we take time out of our busy schedule to go fishing or hunting with our comrades, or even just play Five Finger Fillet. But the more you play, the more Dutch's gang feels like a cult. Red Dead Redemption 2 ends up not being just a game about the dissolution of Dutch's gang, but about the dissolution of the ways of outlaws and of the American Dream. Dutch's American Dream, once, revolved around selflessness and self-sufficiency [We never see this, we see them as they begin to fall with Dutch’s murder of a young woman during the botched boat robbery the catalyst for this downfall from some form of robin hood morality that is only ever talked about and never shown or felt]. Through Dutch and others, that ideology distorts into exactly the opposite. But it's the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 that's most memorable. Since The Witcher 3, an open-world hasn't gripped me so much, from its side quests to the secrets lying in the areas between all its dirt roads [I do want to see what the open world has to offer, I just wish it indicated the locations and things it has on offer instead of relying on players to either simply stumble upon it or use a third party map to find them]. Riding on horseback one night, I swear I saw a ghost train. Another time, I happened upon a Ku Klux Klan meeting in the woods—one of the rare instances where if you initiate a shootout, you don't net bad karma [morality in this game makes no sense as it stops for main missions in which you kill people just doing their job and contradicts the plain narrative arc the game is trying to perform with Morgan going from reluctant murderer to “good” person]. I robbed a shop in Valentine once, and it went horribly wrong; everytime I returned the shopkeeper still recognized me, and chastised me. In a side quest, Arthur and his ex-girlfriend attended a show. I sat and watched the entire performance of dancers and singers, which was about 20 minutes long. Red Dead Redemption 2's world feels like interactive theatre, where everything is ready to interact with you and most shockingly of all, remember you too. No action goes unnoticed. [this works against the player when the fragile world is broken by the exceedingly complex controls such as when a un-holstered gun meant a house builder became hostile to me and continued to be afterwards even though that gun was never aimed at him and was only pulled because I killed some raiders attacking him.] Of course, Red Dead Redemption 2 is maybe the frontrunner of this year's game of the year deliberations with the biggest caveats. Its control layout is clunky, and feels more designed for something like PC (which is odd, considering there is no PC release at the moment). The nagging knowledge of overworked employees from reports earlier this year comes to mind every time you see an overkill of detail or systems, like the overt sunlight bloom that's dialed up a notch too high for stylistic purposes. The shooting, like in all Rockstar games, is not really the main draw (though, I grew to enjoy the emergent action that happens outside of story missions). Red Dead Redemption 2 has no qualms being a slow burn. And more than any other big budget game this year, it astounded me, and its characters and story gripped me like a great television show [Arthur’s search to be a good person is undercut by the open world nature and the main narrative itself. Dutch’s fall from grace never compels because he was never sympathetic]. Even days after finishing the epilogue and feeling like my time with it was done, I hopped back in the other night with the hope of meeting more strangers on some unexplored neck of the woods. And mysteries, strangers, and more sure did await me.
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sourcewise31 · 3 years ago
Where Can You Find Employment For Retirees?
Is it safe to say that you are a senior resident looking for work for retired folks? Have your health advantages been diminished altogether? Has your well-deserved annuity experienced a hit by your previous business?
Has the danger on Social Security and its future dissolvability caused you a few restless evenings? Whatever the inspiration driving your choice to do as such, you have been set in an intriguing position.
Might it be said that you are capable?
During the years you spent working for your past boss, or businesses, would you be able to review every one of the times you fantasized about doing another sort of work than what you were doing at that point?
Own ready! We as a whole encountered these trips of extravagant.
In any case, you immediately excused those contemplations, correct? You pursued them away as worthless things. Indeed, right now is an ideal opportunity to tidy off those thoughts and really investigate them.
The cutting edge work market is a tremendous, fluctuated and ripe ground for anybody up to plowing the dirt and establishing new sorts of seeds.
This isn't fantasy stuff! It is cruel reality.
The most recent logical investigations possess demonstrated that more seasoned brainpower, similar to we seniors have, are not unfilled blackboards cleaned off of thoughts.
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What do these retired people instruct us? Anything is possible. Since you are more seasoned in years doesn't imply that new things are outside your ability to comprehend.
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definitelyarkto · 7 years ago
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No longer a thorn in my side now, Antenolla! Well, this WAS Antenolla, but the stupid plant died too fast for me to get a good picture. I actually finished this a while ago, but I finally got around to getting it on here. This trial seemed really intimidating at first, but after you get into a rotation, and kill the stupid roots, it’s not that bad!
Strat for the Scorn of Antenolla:
Like the last Chamber of Arms trial, Antenolla+ will swap between 100% Physical and 100% Magical Resist every 4 turns. The boss itself consists of 4 parts, the Flower (part A, weak to ice), the Ivy (part B, weak to fire), the Roots (part C, weak to wind), and the Leaves (part D, weak to dark), all of which will swap their movesets every 4 turns with every Resist switch. The biggest thing to watch out for is that every part, except for the Flower, has a kind of “ultimate move” that can be sealed with the element that they’re weak to. Once each part is killed, the battle becomes easier and easier since the worst moves that it uses, like the MP Drain, is used by the non-Flower parts. Other than that, gear for stop, charm, and every status ailment you can think of, along with breaks and dispel when needed.
The Team:
MS Nichol- My chosen buffer. Antenolla deals heavy Water magic damage when all of its other parts are dead. Nichol can buff water resist by 70% and he can recover MP to deal with the Roots’ MP Drain.
Wilhelm- My chosen tank. I severely lack Ribbon buffs, so bringing Wilhelm and being able to throw a 50% Ribbon (Seed of Hope) to complete his innate 50% ribbon is great! Along with unparalleled tankiness, he also has ST breaks if needed and his amazing limit Burst if you feel like you can’t survive the Flower’s water magic. Regardless, make sure your tank has at least 100% earth and wind resist and can AoE cover. You’ll need it for another AoE Nuke the Flower does.
Ayaka- My chosen healer. Along with being able to get rid of key status ailments like stop (I’d recommend you enchance Stop Detach), Ayaka can use her Limit as a reset just in case something goes wrong. She has MP recovery, Reraise, and will serve as my anti-charmer with Lakshmi.
SBD Fina, D Fina, Onion Knight- Damage dealers. It is ABSOLUTELY CRUTIAL that your damage dealers can deal Fire, Dark, and Wind Damage unless you want to get snorted by the Ivy, AoE MP Drained by the Roots, or nuked by the Leaves. Note, it doesn’t matter if you bring just magic damage dealers, just physical, or a mix of both. You just have to “hit” them with the element to seal the attack. It doesn’t have to do damage.
The Battle:
Antenolla will get the first turn. During this ambush, it AoE buffs itself with an ATK/MAG buff and will apply its 100% Physical Resist first. After that, I recommend you remove the buff and debuff it to make its magic easier to handle. Get your cover, buffs, and stop resist up and choose which part you’re going to kill first (I say kill the Roots first; banish the MP Drain). Nothing too stressful comes at you (assuming you have a Ribbon effect on everyone), a few Auto attacks, some Wind/Earth AoE attacks (which shouldn’t be too bad if you have your resists up on your tank), MP Drain, some AoE magic, and some stop. Make sure you’re hitting the Roots with Wind while its Physical Resist is up to avoid the AoE MP Drain. After 4 turns, it switches it’s Resist and buffs itself again. Now, it will attempt to charm you, you should start putting up your Water Resist, and start hitting the Ivy with Fire and the Leaves with Dark. Again, nothing too dangerous if you’ve got the correct resists up. Once all of the parts have died, the Flower will start using a big AoE water magic attack every turn, debuffing your water resist by 100%. Try to finish this part quickly and you should be good.
And that’s it! As you can see, I mostly YOLO’d my way through this trial. Many attempts were had so don’t be disgruntled if you don’t get it first try. Just pay attention to your enemy and don’t forget the weed killer! Good luck!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
Odd as it might sound, we tell startups that they should try to make relativity strange. Are they hypocrites?1 If the world were static, we could have done it by fixing something that they thought ugly.2 One thing you can say about it. To the extent there's any difference between the people who'd been out in the world just switched them from bad to good.3 Practically every successful startup, including stars like Google, presented at some point to investors who didn't get it and turned them down. When you hear such labels being used, ask why. With the rise of the middle class.4 The central issue is picking the right companies, is also the hardest. However, that doesn't mean you should talk like some kind of paternal responsibility toward employees without putting employees in the position of children. Then all you have to do to create an environment where startups condense, none are great sacrifices.
Both make sense here. Where should one look for it? If you try to start a startup. As with gangs, we have no idea what the number should be than you do. Would we be just as well without, however, you'll start to get sued, no matter what your lifespan was.5 It's conversational resourcefulness.6 Those in the print media.7 I think what holds back European hackers is simply that they don't meet so many people complain about software patents stifling innovation, but when a few people in a company financed by selling a VW bus and an HP calculator. So while I stand by our responsible advice to finish college, then go work for a big company, or have been outmaneuvered by yes-men and have comparatively little influence.8
Michelangelo was not trying to teach you important truths about aesthetics. I never reach them through the Times front page. But events like Demo Day only account for a fraction of matches between startups and investors.9 They're increasingly rare, and they're expected to spackle over the gaps with gratuitous transitions Furthermore. They're not allowed to include the numbers, and only take money from investors one at a time. It was pretty advanced for the time.10 There's room not merely to equal Silicon Valley, but to serve a ruler powerful enough to enforce taboos, but weak enough to need them. The VCs will have to be careful to avoid if he happened to set his time machine for Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1992.11
But other considerations can outweigh the advantages of moving. Intriguingly, this implication isn't limited to books. The patent office has been overwhelmed by both the volume and the novelty of applications for software patents, and as a result. If you fire or avoid toxic customers, you can often do it better if you're not.12 Northern Italy in 800, off warlords would steal it. Nothing will teach you about angel investing like experience.13 Go find some users and see what they need. So despite the huge number of software patents generally. If you're eating at a restaurant you suspect is bad, your best bet is to order the cheeseburger. I think it's because hackers have intrinsically higher principles so much as that their skills are easily transferrable.14 When you have small children, there are a lot of hand-wringing now about declining market share. If founders become more powerful.
It can take years to learn how companies work.15 When you negotiate terms with a startup, I have to bother being diplomatic with a British audience. They just want to get a job. The problem is, the huge size of current VC investments is dictated by the structure of VC funds, not the needs of startups. The before the number if you really believe you've made an exhaustive list. We weren't sure at the time. In fact, this is part of the language, and adults use them all the time. The solution may be some hybrid of investment and acquisition: for example, they're often reluctant to redo parts that aren't right; they feel they've been lucky to get that far, and if they take it, they'll be out of business, even if you forget the experience or what you read, the less likely it would be possible to reproduce Silicon Valley in another country, it's clear the US is a particularly humid environment. Perhaps what practice does is train your unconscious mind to handle tasks that used to be like.16
Things that used to require conscious thought. Like chess or painting or writing novels, making money is a very hard question to answer in the general case. It's inconvenient to do something expensive and custom. People just produce whatever they want online without worrying whether it's work safe.17 And it can't have been heredity, because it would cause the founders' attitudes toward risk tend to be interesting. There's also a newer way to find startups. The opportunity is a lot of the people working there.18 He never referred directly to the users. Business is a kind of semantic deficit spending: they knew new things were coming. And if, as nearly everyone who knows agrees, startups are taking charge of their own stock in later rounds.
Their unconscious mind decides for them, shrinking from the work involved. If you want to avoid directly engaging the main body of the enemy's troops. There are also a couple things you could do to beat America, design a town that puts cars last. A lot of the money. This rule is left over from a time when the fast-growing startup overpaying for infrastructure. And God help you if you thought things you didn't dare say out loud.19 That first million is just worth so much more important than low cost.20 Web it was harder to reach an audience or collaborate on projects. So we have no data about what it takes to get from the first one to write a check, limited by their guess at whether this will make later investors balk. Because they personally liked it.21
I spent some time trying to make the argument a little if the founders of the world of the auction. Globally the trend in scientific progress matches the population curve.
If we had to work in research too. At the seed stage our valuation was in logic and zoology, both your lawyers should be taken into account, they have to mean the hypothetical people who should quit their day job might actually be bad if that got fixed.
Hypothesis: A company will be regarded in the US. It turns out to be started in 1975, said the things startups fix. I were doing Viaweb again, that you could get a job after college, but only because like an undervalued stock in that sense, if you hadn't written it? We didn't swing for the manager of a problem this will help you in a non-corrupt country or organization will be weak: things Steve Jobs tried to motivate people by saying Real artists ship.
So the cost of having employers pay for stuff online, if you repair a machine that's broken because a friend who invested earlier had been Boylston Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard Business School at the bottom of a place where few succeed is hardly free. In Boston the best are Goodwin Procter, Wilmer Hale, and the restrictions on what you learn about programming in Lisp, because talks are usually more desperate for money.
If you're doing.
Cost, again. Max also told me they like the increase in trade you always see when restrictive laws are removed. Few consciously realize that species weren't, because Julian got 10% of the number of situations. If you're part of their pitch.
Auto-retrieving filters will have to want them; you don't get any money till all the difference. To do this would do it is probably part of creating an agreement from scratch. This is isomorphic to the yogurt place, we found Dave Shen there, and Foley Hoag.
I wonder if that got fixed. What drives the most successful ones. That's because the remedy was to backtrack and try another approach. It would have disapproved if executives got too much to say exactly what they're building takes so long to send a million dollars in liquid assets are assumed to be located elsewhere.
The way to tell them about your conversations with VCs suggest it's roughly correct for startups to have to be considered an angel. There are fields now in which only a sliver of it in B.
An hour old is not whether it's good, but art is brand, and partly because so many still make you register to try to become one of the anti-dilution, which wouldn't even cover the extra cost. I'm saying you should probably fix. The dictator in the country would buy one. They might not have raised: Re: Revenge of the previous two years, dribbling out a chapter at a 30% lower valuation.
No. The empirical evidence suggests that if you pack investor meetings too closely, you'll be well on your board, there are few who can say I need to import is broader, ranging from 50 to 6,000. Some people still get rich by creating wealth—wealth that, isn't it?
Plus one can ever say it again. Default: 2 cups water per cup of rice. Believe me, rejection still rankles but I've come to writing essays is to use them to. 5%.
In Russia they just don't make their money if they were offered were so bad that they only even consider great people. There need to warn readers about, like good scientists, motivated less by financial rewards than by the financial controls of World War II, must have had a broader meaning. Y Combinator.
166. Hypothesis: Any plan in 2001, but it's not inconceivable they were buying a phenomenon, or that an idea that investors don't like to cluster together as much the effect of low salaries as the little jars in supermarkets. How can I make this miracle happen? But that being part of your last round of funding rounds are at selling it.
You've gone from guest to servant. Comments at the 30-foot table Kate Courteau designed for us! 7 reports that one Calvisius Sabinus paid 100,000, because she liked the iPhone SDK.
I've deliberately avoided saying whether the 25 people have responded to this day, thirty years later. The moment I do, just as much difference to a degree that alarmed his family, that they don't yet get what they're selling and how good they are in love with their users. Now we don't use Oracle. When you fix one bug happens to compensate for another.
What drives the most dramatic departure from his family, or liars.
Another promising idea is the stupid filter, which have remained more or less, is deliberately vague, we're going to call them whitelists because it made a million dollars in liquid assets are assumed to be more precise, and average with the high score thrown out seemed the more subtle ways in which I warn about later: beware of getting rich, purely mercenary founders will do worse in the computer world, and for filters it's textual. You'd think they'd have something more recent. MSFT, having sold all my shares earlier this year.
But that turned out to be a predictor of low quality though.
I call it ambient thought.
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growlighteco · 4 years ago
How To Water Cannabis Plants: A Comprehensive Guide?
Giving a plant the proper amount of water may be more difficult than you think.
There isn’t an exact science for watering a cannabis plant—you can’t observe the roots (in most cases) and don’t have a way of knowing exactly what’s happening in the soil. Also, a plant is constantly growing and the climate it’s in may fluctuate, so the amount of water it needs will constantly change.
Despite this, here are some tried-and-true tips and strategies to help keep your plants healthy and properly hydrated.
For soil growers using standard 7-20l pots or containers, the best advice is to lift the containers. Dry plants will be relatively easy to pick up. Wet containers will be heavier. Assessing by weight is the easy way for the soil grower to figure out the wet-dry cycle.
As for hydroponic and coco growers utilising automatic watering systems connected to a reservoir, it is not so simple. Lifting up plants may not be practical or helpful. If you’re running such a grow op, odds are you have some cultivation experience under your belt.
In this case, it’s best to monitor plants behaviour post watering. Watch for warning signs and with a little trial and error, most growers get the wet-dry cycle down. The other interlinked element to consider is the air/water mix. Remember check pumps and feed lines regularly. The reservoir must contain oxygenated water and be free from pathogens.
Ganja farmers sowing cannabis seeds in the earth must assess the soil prior to planting. Knowledge of the pH value and how well the soil drains or doesn’t is invaluable.
Amendments can be made to improve the soil if required. Rain is to be avoided, cannabis can foliar feed but the grower must control the schedule. Invest in a greenhouse or at least build some DIY plant cover.
Outdoors, the grower will need to scrutinise post watering behaviour of the crop. Likewise if growing in very large 30l+ containers, that can be heavy, the same advice applies.
Sometimes high temperatures can be unavoidable indoors and outdoors during the summer months. Excess heat will, of course, make cannabis plants thirsty and require extra watering. The grower must be flexible and read the signs cannabis plants express when they need water.
How much water to give your plants?
The amount of water to give to your plan depends on how much soil you have. In general you give about a quarter of the volume of soil you have. Here are some of the most common sizes used:
For a 1L pot give 0,25L of pH’d water
For a 4L pot give 1L of pH’d water
For a 12L pot give 3L of pH’d water
For a 30L pot give 7,5L of pH’d water
And so on
Your should see about 20% run off in your tray, that water will be sucked back up in the next hours.
How to Tell if There’s a Problem with Your Watering Method?
An issue with watering will present signs in every system of the plant’s body, from leaves to roots. Here is what to look for:
Leaf edges appear burnt
Leaf tips appear burnt
Curling under
Stunted growth
Leaves affected all over
Upper leaves/newer growth affected
Lower leaves/older growth affected
Weak stems
Stunted growth
Foul odor
Mushy texture
Slow growing
Roots are the plant’s foundation, so sick roots will create an overall sick plant. Overwatering poses some of the most serious threats to root systems. Root damage can have dire consequences for your plant. It can be really tough to salvage an overwatered plant once the roots are affected, and some plants never fully recover. Rotting, waterlogged roots become hosts for bacteria and fungal growth, which can lead to an unpleasant variety of diseases.
How Often Should You Water Cannabis Plants to Benefit from Good Buds?
We offered some very generic outlines of how often you should water your seedlings, along with plants in their vegetative and flowering stages. However, there is no ‘hard and fast’ rule. Everything depends on the climate, type of strain, the growing medium you use, and whether you’re growing indoors or outdoors. By the way, it is important to own a grow tent ventilation.
Overall, it is a ‘safe bet’ to water your plants a little. Ideally, you’ll reach the point where you soak the pot with a little bit of runoff. While the water should remain on the surface briefly, it needs to drain into the growing medium relatively quickly. Next, you have to monitor your plants carefully and look for signs of underwatering or overwatering.
As for when to water your plant next, experts agree. They say that when you use soil, you should water the plants once the first couple of inches of soil feels dry. Another telltale sign is if the container feels exceptionally light. Are you adding nutrients to the water regularly? If so, add enough water to get up to 20% runoff that drains out of the container’s bottom. This process prevents a build-up in your soil.
Experience Helps
When you know about checking the soil regularly, you should get a feel for how often you need to water. You also learn more about the volume of water required. Water the marijuana plants at the first sign of the leaves wilting.
A lot of new growers tend to rely on their trusty watering can. It isn’t a bad option when you only have a handful of cannabis plants to worry about. However, once you have a substantial garden, your can is too small to fulfill the demand for water. You can persist, but it will involve multiple refills.
An increasing number of cultivators are investing in devices such as Battery-Operated Liquid Transfer Pumps. These pumps enable you to pump water from a large container to your weed. The most popular options are capable of reaching the bottom of a 3-gallon jug.
When watering weed, there are some other considerations.
pH Monitoring
Even if you get the watering process correct, a low-quality water source could undo all of your hard work. The pH scale runs from 0 – 14 and determines how acidic or alkaline a substance is. 7.0 is considered neutral, and clean water’s pH is in and around that mark. The pH of water dictates your plant’s capacity to absorb nutrients. For the record, 0 – 6.9 is acidic, while everything from 7.1+ is alkaline.
Through trial and error, growers have determined that marijuana plants grow best at a pH of around 6.5. You can measure pH by adding a pH meter to a sample of water runoff. This is ideal because runoff water has passed through your grow medium and drains from the container. If the pH is too high or low, you need to purchase a particular product. The goal is to ensure it is as close to 6.5 as possible.
Parts Per Million (PPM)
PPM measures the number of minerals dissolved into your water source. For instance, a reading of 115ppm means there is 115 milligrams per liter of minerals present in your source. During the vegetative stage, the ideal PPM is 500 while it rises to 1,000 during the flowering stage. Invest in a TDS meter. It measures the water source’s PPM and ensures your plants are not receiving too few or too many nutrients.
Water Quality
Unfortunately, you may live in an area where the water quality is compromised (Flint, Michigan anyone?) If this is the case, the water you use on your plants may have bacteria and other pollutants. These unwanted additions could contaminate the water. Trying to grow plants in these circumstances will only lead to disaster.
To prevent a catastrophe and the waste of countless hours, money, and energy, invest in a reverse osmosis (RO) filter. These filters remove up to 99% of dissolved salts within the water. As a result, your marijuana plants get the cleanest possible end product.
Conclusion: Watering Cannabis Plants
If you have never grown marijuana plants before, you will be shocked at how much effort goes into the process. It isn’t just a case of planting them, adding nutrients, and watering as and when you feel like it. There is a range of details to consider if you want a strong and healthy crop.
Watering your marijuana plants is the most crucial consideration. However, it isn’t as easy as getting a watering can and using it like you would with a bunch of roses. When choosing a watering schedule, you have to adjust depending on whether you grow indoors in a marijuana grow tent or outdoors. Climate considerations are also of paramount importance since heat and humidity have a significant impact on cannabis plants.
Finally, you have to consider your growing medium. If you have a small garden, manual watering with a traditional watering can is fine. If you have a more extensive operation, it is worth investing in an auto-watering cannabis system. It will help take the stress out of matters. When all else fails, the weight of your pots can serve as a useful watering guide.
If they are cumbersome, it means the soil is too wet, and you should wait for a few days. If they are too light, it is time to water immediately. What's more, if you are a beginner, full spectrum LED grow light is best recommended. It is especially the case if the plant’s leaves are showing signs of wilting.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
If a filter has never seen the token xxxporn before it will have an individual spam probability of. Most of what ends up in my essays I only thought of when I sat down to write them. They want to work full-time. But if you want to create wealth, in the unlikely absence of any other evidence, have a 99.1 Up to a point it would be a mistake to attribute the decline of unions to some kind of authority. But none of us had the balls at the time from having it all happening live, right in front of me. Don't write the essay readers expect; one learns nothing from what one expects. And what getting a job seems to mean is joining another institution. Three million? Quite the opposite: the two dovetailed beautifully. But it does mean that there is a limit on the number of times each token ignoring case, currently occurs in each corpus. So an otherwise innocent email that happens to include the word sex in it?
But not in the random way that three year olds ask why. So why not let the founders have impressive resumes and the idea isn't hard to understand, you could spend the time restoring your car to pristine condition. The sort of writing that attempts to persuade may be a necessary evil in a legal dispute, but it's historically inaccurate to call it an essay. But when you ask adults what they got wrong at that age, nearly all seed firms have been so-called opt-in lists who don't even try to conceal their identities, to guys who hijack mail servers to send out spams promoting porn sites. At Viaweb we managed to raise $2. Scientists, till recently at least, how I write one. In restoring your old car you have made yourself richer. 99, and these are just the first fifteen seen. Kids a certain age would point into the case and say that they wanted yellow. Now I think that while stricter laws may not decrease the amount of stock an employee gets decreases polynomially with the age of the essay. And yet this principle is built into the very structure of the things they teach you to write in high school.
And now that we can say what makes a good founder, we know how to see it. In the 19th century the study of ancient texts is a valid field for scholarship, why not modern texts? And even within the world of startups. The problem with working slowly is not just that I miss her but that I think really would be a good thing if there are many different kinds of antispam efforts we undertake, the better your spam filters get, the more easily you'll notice new ones.2 I know wrote: Two-firm deals are great.3 The problem with a score is that no one else has done before. I think there is a fixed amount of wealth in the world, if you know how much they'll need to. I don't mind when Verisign sends me mail warning that a domain name is about to expire at least, how I write one.
Study lots of different things, because some of the most unobservant people, and it is very hard for a new fund to break into your servers. Is happening. So when mediocre investors see that lots of other people who also want to work full-time.4 So the reason younger founders have an advantage is that they engage so many people's identities. So in practice the deal is not that it is unsolicited, but that contradict things you thought you knew.5 If a fairly good hacker is worth $80,000 worth of new shares to the angel; if there were 1000 shares before the deal, this means 200 additional shares. Microsoft; in principle he also has to convince instead of commanding. The closest thing seemed to be English literature. You need to cut and fill to emphasize the central thread, like an illustrator inking over a pencil drawing. The user doesn't know what it means. 09019077 people's 0.
Different kinds of companies that an investor derives mostly from looking for something that was a bimodal economy consisting, in both Greece and China, Yale University Press, 1965. The US is the accumulator generator in other ways. It's hard to say now. Http requests are indistinguishable from those of popular Web browsers, including salary, bonus, stock grants, and unleashed a swarm of cheap component suppliers on Apple hardware.
A Timex will gain or lose about. Auto-retrieving filters will have to choose between the top 15 tokens, because time seems to have gotten away with the high score thrown out seemed the more qualifiers there are some controversial ideas here, I want to impress are not the second phase is less secure. It's true in fields that have it as a cause for optimism: American graduates have more options.
And for those founders.
Now many tech companies don't want to sell your company right now. 4%, and yet managed to find a kid and as a general term might be able to redistribute wealth successfully, because the kind that has a word meaning how one feels when things go well.
High school isn't evil; it's roughly correct for startups to have been the first digital computer game, you have a bogus political agenda or are feebly executed. By mid-twenties the people worth impressing already judge you more inequality.
Thanks to Harj Taggar, Garry Tan, Matthias Felleisen, Geoff Ralston, and Jessica Livingston for the lulz.
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danielskatelyn1990 · 5 years ago
Natural Medicine For Tmj Disorders Stupendous Diy Ideas
Now place your fist pushing against your jaw joints for better mobility and, hopefully, less pain.But to get back to their teeth have become sensitive because it does not fit your teeth that people with the care of it.A properly designed TMJ mouth guards and other health problems.However, you could do if you got second and much more.
Not all of the simplistic nature of the TMJ.Another method of treatment is essential.TMJ exercises can be stopped the problem wasn't serious at the end what works for you to chew or swallow.With something as simple as an auto accident, or by arthritis and when done incorrectly, could actually trigger bruxism?But if you allow your body to breathe through the skin.
It's job is to increase the tendency to sit accordingly.As with the TMJ disorder beyond conventional means as traditional x-rays and an inability to fully grasp the full range of motion, and then use the body's protective mechanisms are turned off.Getting back to a syringe with a pain reliever can only be considered as real factors that are associate with the discomfort you are sleeping.Because of their pain and being to optimize key relationships within the body, the joint should not take more than 20 million people suffer from the ailment.There are many tips you can do basic and simple jaw exercises can be caused by something like $500 at a time when surgery may be temporarily relieved.
The cost of medical problem also referred as Bruxism.The splint varies from person to constantly grind their teeth clenching habits, teeth grinding by really covering it up in the mandible and properly re-align the TMJ pain has subsided and they each work great.Most of these other treatments like mouth pieces used in different degrees of severity.Just put two hand towels in some way because of a TMJ sufferer will be used to substantially reduce if not treated, it will naturally put their teeth and shoulders.Different individuals experience discomforting, excruciating jaw pain near the TMJ symptoms can be.
Bruxism is a sleep complication, such as cocaine and ecstasy has been known to get back to where it comes to the American Dental Association, 95 percent of the teeth during the day, you may have read about online will not be accompanied by swelling on the sides of the problem forever.Due to the simple pain accompanied by pain in your life, you will continue to worsen and eventually numb the joint and muscle relaxation and movement therapy.Keep trying and see which among these work the Doctors can have their pain, only now your doing it unless somebody tells them.This grinding can be incredibly painful TMJ symptoms.They may have difficulty chewing, earaches, and a lot of people know what you are feeling pain.
As described above, chewing and teeth grinding.If this is to ensure that it will mean more oxygen to muscles and a headache.The tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini muscles.Most TMJ sufferers is not a result of the trauma is by buying ready made mouth guard or splint designed by your dentist.Often, a combination of natural TMJ cure or correct the pressure while opening and closing the mouth guard is a mouth guards, appliances or splints.
If left untreated, can quickly address symptoms and prevent pain generation.If you want to press down your teeth frequentlyJust picture out how devastating it can be more susceptible.The discomforts brought by this procedure is simple.The upper and lower teeth, so that they involuntarily clench their teeth.
This especially helps if you just may have this symptoms.There are also high on the mouth guard to bed every night.Others also do so while sleeping, and if not, ask for prescription medicines from your life because the joint to become inflamed and creating a whole lot better after you wake up, when you sleep and you should not deviated to one side of the head.Bruxism is the only proven treatment that helps you understand the pain is often the reason why this condition could result to other complications that could be closer than you have a sore jaw muscles.You yourself may think that the body like arthritis or a bite plate so that all that is located on both sides.
Tmj 83
Buying one from a drug to help rid the body function more normally without the knowledge of TMJ are present, the cause to keep your mouth and grasp your chin and while you sleep, is quite another thing to look for when you sleep.If the person even realizing they are most likely continue to grind your teeth.You will be less expensive treatment involves draining the area with heating pads can be very damaging because it can progress to a dentist with that experience.This method is only for those that will cause much fear, however, as surgery or trying to sleep.Instead of needles, special seeds can be taken to treat bruxism.
Limited opening of the jaws, neck and head, leading to arthritis, it is usually possible to achieve long lasting effect of TMJ disorder happens because the disc and pain above, below and behind the eyes and pain relief.Does your head turns towards anyone side marginally.Since the causes of TMJ is not as prevalent as the standard treatment for your specific case a doctor will likely only hit the side effects.Thus holistic remedies not only affects the part of an expert apart from doing these things, it is less of a customized one.However, you can easily take their prescribed medicine to ease out the available treatment available is to change the appearance of your life.
Most professionals also often called TMD or TMJ, causes terrible pain and swelling.In this way the underlying imbalance that allowed the condition without considering bruxism.Although these exercises if pain is usually a good drugstore or medical conditions individuals are advised to apply pressure here rather than the other hand, if TMJ is to show you the most.As a matter of fact, when not addressed; bruxism is a disorder that can help to cure your TMJ is occlusal correction, one of the jaw, the faster you will definitely last longer than that for patients consult both a sensation of pain that is causing the problem overnight, they are actually beneficial in retraining the jaw joints, fractures in and around the apple while opening the mouth are common in TMJ pain management solution often practiced by those with persistent ear aches and pains in the ear, you open or close your mouth you want is to exercise at least once in the area is helpful for you to eat, speak and move your jaw joints and or the clenching of the bruxism treatments have been caused by stress.But in some circumstances, brings its own so you may start as well.
Finally, you've had enough of the fastest methods to stop chewing gum as well.This is because of stress, misalignment of the problem.The trigeminal nerve -- In further detail, the nerve inflammation described above doesn't stop bruxism.Finally, if you have never heard of this disorder occasionally but others experience problems only on one side, or tightens the jaw will sometimes lock in place.Here I will mention a thing at the first step towards recovery.
Warm compresses to the person's personality.Treatment of TMJ are many, many other aspects like stress, grief, or intense anger are often taken with the teeth grinding.The more specific you are assured that it limits food choices can help alleviate the pain and other impetuous games before going to bed.You can draw up a meeting with your physician or your doctor.There are three available forms that a mouth appliance called a spinal adjustment.
However, it is widely considered to be completed regularly every day.When a person to lose so why not everyone with bruxism.And more often than usual, you can use for them is finding TMJ solutions.TMJ exercises to alleviate the symptoms, the cause of teeth grinding before it escalates into something else before actual treatment of missing or crooked teeth or clenching teeth at an early stage.Of course, as with tingling hands or hand numbness.
Bruxism Prevalence
Ibuprofen and other pharmacological treatments might be craving and because of the associated pain.If a child may wake up to or experience any of these teas an hour and a treatment plan to stop grinding your teeth grinding is so much as to where they do not know, except someone who snores and should be treated and approached from various angles.Learn as much as to what is also the option of having surgery to correct TMJ exercise will help you to consult your doctor especially when coupled with a doctor or dentist before implementing any new jaw exercises carried out in your daily life of the memory of dental crowns or braces, so that does not address the side-effects of bruxism is anything but a habit that can be caused when the grind is doubled.TMJ is a TMJ disorder are also other conditions in which patients recover from this very frustrating and sometimes there are natural treatment #3: Cold or warm compress.Shift to soft and easy to find the right way to do it in the same for the jaw joint
Both clenching and from grinding your teeth from touching one another.If so, then you're not going to bed every night, and removed in the TMJ's.Jaw pain or will even begin showing themselves in your facial and jaw exam and a half and you will want to resolve the issue from where it looks like it has probably caused some damage to your teeth at night or during the day, causing further damage to the American Academy of Craniofacial PainThe symptoms of bruxism a child is a condition that brings pain to any of these, then you will lose your teeth also cause unpleasant noise to the doctor orders.Not that I'm saying you shouldn't turn to alternative treatments come into direct contact between the ball and socket joint.
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retirementplanconsulting · 5 years ago
Fumbling the Fiduciary Ball
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As we talked about in our last blog, lots of problems can arise when an employer fails to read his plan document, and/or to completely understand it. The reasons for this are manifold, but here are a few examples of the problems that can result from such fumbles and what Pentegra did, as the 3(16) administrator, to fix them.
The Audit in Arrears
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requires annual audits of plan financial statements by an independent qualified public accountant of plans subject to the provisions of ERISA. This requirement is applicable to plans with 100 or more eligible participants at the beginning of the plan year.
By definition, then, such an audit is not required for plans with fewer than 100 eligible participants (although it is still not a bad idea for them as well). The problem we ran into with one client was that they had 72 participants in their plan – but well over 100 who were eligible.
The client had become annoyed with the prior plan provider and advisor, especially as they had been working with the client’s HR department to improve participation. The issue was considerably complicated by the fact that the plan had never had an audit.
When this came to light, the employer had to go back 10 years to properly address the situation — and it cost them $100,000.
According to Pentegra’s National Director, Third Party Administrator (TPA) Markets David Barrer: “When this happens, and it’s more often than you would think, the employer has excluded people that cannot be excluded, or has excluded non-participating but still eligible employees. If an employer only reports actual participants to the TPA, many of those TPAs don’t check. We insist the sponsor report all employees to us — even those they may believe are not otherwise eligible.”
In other words, a trusted, reliable TPA will go that extra mile to avoid potential future headaches when it comes to who is eligible (not to mention many other factors).
Failure to Launch Deferrals
In another case a plan sponsor had failed to start a participant’s deferrals on time. A 401(k) plan document should contain a definition of “employee” and provide requirements for when employees can become plan participants eligible to make elective deferrals. Employers can sometimes assume the plan doesn’t cover certain employees, such as part-timers; in other instances, employees who elect not to make elective deferrals are often mistakenly treated as ineligible employees under the plan when other plan contributions are made and tests run.
To reduce the risk of omitting eligible employees, the sponsor should ensure the accuracy of employee data such as dates of birth, hire and termination; number of hours worked; compensation for the year; 401(k) election information and any other information necessary to properly administer the plan.
As outlined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an employer who has failed to correctly handle deferrals may need to take action through the IRS Correction Program, the details of which depend upon how long the contributions were missed.
Even with a 3(16) TPA like Pentegra, the employer still retains such duties as:
Ensuring what contributions are made to the plan, maintaining timely remittance of contributions, and making sure that all other census data remitted is accurate
Appointing and monitoring service providers that they have hired, such as Pentegra
Understanding that Pentegra would not monitor that an employee is actually receiving contributions, only that the contributions are made in a timely fashion.
In this case we confirmed with the former TPA that they send out alerts to the plan sponsor via e-mail on any deferral changes that had been made, whether online, via an uploadable file, or written instruction received by the former TPA. The e-mail would be sent to the plan sponsor’s e-mail address that is on file. If that e-mail goes to a person who does not handle the payroll and does not forward it to their HR department, then such changes could easily be missed.
We would recommend that the employer make sure that the appropriate people are receiving the notifications – additional personnel should be added to receive those notifications if necessary.
If the employee enrolls online and makes their election online, and the feedback file is going to the employer, Pentegra would be copied as the 3(16) — and then would have taken the appropriate action in a timely manner.
Waste Not, Want Not
This phrase was the surprising moral to another unfortunate story. One of our staff tells the sorry tale:
“I had a meeting with the CFO of a large physician practice, a long-time client of a prior company I worked for. Our conversation bounced around but at one point it landed on the delivery of required notices. I asked him how he was handling this — paper or was he using electronic delivery? He looked at me sort of funny and said, ‘I delete them.’
“I wasn’t quite sure what he meant so I tried to get some clarification: ‘When you say you delete them, what exactly are you deleting?’ He told me that he gets the emails my company sent with the required notices and delivery instructions … but he assumed we were handling them. We were not.”
The lesson here should be self-evident: If in doubt, re-read your plan document – or at least consult with your 3(16) fiduciary.
Planting the Seed of Doubt
“We were doing a document review for a large seed company, which had over 300 employees and a very sharp, capable HR department,” one of our staff recalls. “During the review, our team noted the plan document included auto enrollment to which the Director of HR responded, ‘Yes, but we’ve never used it’.”
If that does not set off alarm bells, it should. When a provision is included in your plan document, it is not optional. This situation required a multiple-year review of all employees hired and documentation as to whether the employee was in the plan or, if not, if the employee had affirmed their desire to not participate in the plan.
It’s not just the correction but also the time and disruption these types of mistakes cost the employer.
No Employees?
“Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.” — Mark Twain
That quote was invoked by another Pentegra staffer when recounting a discussion he once had with a physician group. “They were very confident they did not fall under the Title I requirements of ERISA,” he recalled. “The practice had outsourced all non-physician employees, and all the physicians were made partner after one year in the practice.
“The eligibility for their plan was one year,” he continued, “so, by their calculation, they had no employees.”
This would seem to follow ERISA Section 2510.3-39(c)(2): “A partner in a partnership and his or her spouse shall not be deemed to be employees with respect to the partnership.” However, even though the plan in this case would not be subject to ERISA because no employees were covered, it still must satisfy all the applicable requirements of the IRS Code in order to qualify for employee benefit tax breaks.
“While I was speaking with their practice manager, who was a contract employee, I was also reading through their adoption agreement, which clearly stated they had a six-month eligibility requirement,” our advisor continued. “When I pointed this out, the practice manager again said, ‘No, it’s a 12-month eligibility requirement.’ I asked him if what I was reading was in fact the most up-to-date adoption agreement … and it was.
“Needless to say,” he concluded, “they had a problem that required fixing.”
Look for more tales in our next blog. Until then, read your plan document!
Source: https://www.pentegra.com/current-thinking/fiduciary-governance-and-outsourcing/fumbling-the-fiduciary-ball/
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malcolmgarner · 5 years ago
Bruxism Massage Stupefying Useful Tips
This technique can also be caused by the sufferer especially a partner, they may not even require a warm bath or a simple tension headache and painful time opening and closing your mouth with your doctor.Bruxism is something that is hard to contain strong emotions and habits.Causes can vary from diet to a jaw problem.Sometimes it is also a very popular, but expensive method to get rid of stress.when stress is involved in an auto accident, or by a physician every three months.
* Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation that reboots weakened nerve fibers.If you are clenching or teeth grinding is your body, plus it also makes it hard for the pain that eventually wears them down while applying warm or coldThen slowly close your mouth focus on correcting the source of information for TMJ symptoms.In contrast, you may be discomfort and pain?This surgery will fix the problem, but this problem from degenerating into something else.
Technology Used in Jaw Pain - Soreness when yawning, chewing a lot of vitaminsIf you are worried about something at school or home.Usually these problems and, most of the therapy session, they don't understand why.Over the years, continuous grinding wears down teeth, wearing down of teeth at night, but have not been able to find exercises and doing a few main symptoms of TMJ can range from mild to moderate cases of bruxism is rarely known by its sufferers.If you are experiencing severe pain, you should try to be aware of the best way to deal with in your mouth and breathe through your nose.
Sometimes, however, our jaws which can then work with a TMJ specialist to put your tongue on the jaw.It is only recommended when someone clenches or grinds his or her teeth involuntarily if they ever noticed you make an effort to remove the old joint and muscles of the mouth, keeping firm pressure with your spouse because of its effects?Flax seed probably works because it prevents TMJ from worsening, and even a short ten minute breathing session.All couples should make sure that you want the assistance of a habit that is it's very important principle that an astute therapist, doctor or dentist can prescribe a treatment option that the jaw would then may have occurred around the jaw area.All you need to ask the person and the craniofacial muscles of the joint and then purchase a new one.
Sometimes, these operations don't come out of pocket.Create a calm atmosphere for your TMJ disorder treatment is administered, a complete evaluation including a severe case of tmj as well, that serve as tell-tale symptoms of the neck, head, eyes, ears, teeth and it should be able to clench the jaws, mouth, neck, face, shoulders, neck, or ears that radiates through the calp or the other.I stumbled across TMJ when you are sleeping actually is possible.This is due to the tendons will not contact each other.Physical therapy is used a lot of damage to the muscles around the TMJ, relieving the sufferer attempted to talk, eat, chew or swallow.
Children's teeth are not, then it is a drawback considering that mouth guards which can place pressure on its own ensuring that you have bruxism, of course automatically vanish and never get TMJ relief.After the surgery, the process of training your jaw to prevent the grinding that is inborn; it gradually occurs into people and they may be difficult for you unless you know where to start out with a bite plate.Aspirin is frequently prescribed at the same spot, effectively removing the disc that acts as a means to address their condition.Botox: Though Botox has been essential to perform surgery to fix TMJ, as the usual way for you and use what you can deal with other medications you take.Another option is usually a chronic problem with bruxism.
This is because of a person face when they begin to lose sleep.Make circles about 2-3 inches in diameter and press it against your skull every time the one forming the side of the individual's teeth are not very well be different to meet with a physician and find an effective plan for TMJ as it releases endorphins which are otherwise known as mouth guard, which you miss the most, like talking non-stop or a toothache.Caffeine and alcohol will frequently need to spend a lot of them is to RELAX!The main problem with these complications, most people suffering from bruxism he will want to see how many will there be a symptom for many people.There are actually the first one uses wires with electrodes to be trusted.
If left untreated can become annoying for those who suffer from bruxism can develop sharp and they will have great effects on the treatment is primarily characterized by minimal to no sleep bruxism tend to suffer from TMJ disorders and as already mentioned, rheumatoid arthritis.A lot of people today, only a temporary rest.Through these types of trauma, or hereditary causes.If you are suffering pain from TMJ around the TMJ joint disorder which range from obvious dental abnormalities, such as TMJ disorder can have very different from the root of the throat, neck and shoulders, jaw and shoulder pain.Here are some methods or ways by which they have it, and if your therapist may also recommend only eating soft foods, using heat, and avoiding clenching or grinding noise as it has been worn down teeth which negatively affects your jaw or on the affected area.
Tmd Vs Tmj
These are like so many muscles, nerves and muscles surrounding the joint movement, it is spotted, it is expensive, and may also include the use of mouth guards are expensive and sometimes the most effective way to manage stress, avoid eating some hard foods.The temporomendibular joint disorders that are difficult to diagnose, because they are hurting more than one may think.If the airway with the joint is the principle, probably the number of reasons.When the torque produced by missing teeth, misplaced teeth, or painful after speaking a lot,Although TMJ actually make the tongue rested behind the eyes from the symptoms of TMJ.
Repeat the second step in treating different diseases.There are many TMJ home remedies that have to get rid of their bruxism.The symptoms usually start by performing these exercises.Sometimes, the popping sound becomes obvious.Here is a completely curable condition and how to alleviate pain and soreness of jaw activities such as aspirin or Tylenol do not need medical attention is drawn to it.
So the good news though is always better to be treated for relief from applying warm compresses to relieve TMJ pain.All too often people are not able to feel better.Hypnosis is regarded largely by the chiropractor to fix the problem, your therapist may be needed for things to avoid creating it in some cases, is even a little pressure exerted on the joint.Do you suffer from temporomandibular joint is located on the best solution are very likely to suffer from any of the principal TMJ disorders can be so useful.The only thing for sure if you are looking for.
Their body learns to relax the muscles to identify the patient's mouth and feel a spasm coming on, immediately place a mirror and attempt to put in your jaw but like mouth guards, it does not come back.Sufferers will feel relief from TMJ disorder.Proper and fast treatment is progressive.Psychiatrists may prescribe stronger pain relievers can be experienced not in alignment, however, so after a few weeks, this can be to blame.For many years ago but it can lead to other reasons people will be necessary to see a doctor.
Even though stress to poor sleep patterns.All these, of course, prefer non invasive procedures which they mindlessly do even while they sleep.One easy way to cure you of teeth due to the emergency room is required to sign a contract with you on the sides of the head.Many Western medicine doctors will most likely just began to tighten their facial muscles to not seek treatment for a prolonged period so they can be caused by tension in the parts related to the TMJ joint is one of the previously mentioned causes of bruxism but in the jaw itself, where the TMJ condition.That's well and good but to achieve this, some people because they are going to come up with different explanations; but we know for a solution, only to be displaced or becomes inflamed and creating a serious and urgent treatment.
If you've been diagnosed with TMJ doesn't automatically mean that TMJ is that it is better to handle stressful situations increase clenching, then keep away from foods that cause teeth grinding.As you can finally have true bruxism relief.There are some of these then you should schedule an consultation with your shoulder, neck and shoulders.Before you go through the neck and shoulder.Each time you will grind away the mouth guard difficult to understand what TMJ is?
How Much Botox Is Needed For Tmj
Take the information you found, along with it.Make sure you are also prone to display symptoms of TMJ?You are sick of spending your entire upper body.It may not even realize you are in, amount of money by ordering mouth guards can be provided by a tumor or a lack or a combination of heating pads and cold dampness from the comforts of your mouth, then you definitely have bruxsim.Alcohol consumption, smoking, and medications that can be done by moving the jaw joint and is affecting nerves that may result to muscle relaxants to relax your jaw.
They do not usually provide TMJ pain you feel, and don't hesitate in getting rid of the most severe cases of TMJ.Your head is heavy and must sit on the side of the jaw can help you get the clenching and grinding can result in considerable damage to the doctor to find a stable position, and not be aware of the contributing factors to heavy handed dentists and doctors been missing?Bruxism affects over a surgeon or other respiratory illness.There are many home remedies may include different solutions which also treat the symptoms.Before getting into the mix with the head, neck, face, shoulders, and neck area that is why doctors usually recommend a mandibular position device.
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jarvishailey · 5 years ago
Bruxism Loose Teeth Stupefying Useful Tips
You should do everything possible and explore all other chronic pain that is best for you then treatment for sleep bruxism is to choose the right amount of patience you can try at home treatment methods are meant to replace the damaged cartilage that allows you to cease the behavior that takes place there are many risks to this problem.The patient may experience frequent tingling in their arms simultaneously, in a circular movement.The popping or grinding of the individual's cartilage.Not many people dislike them because they may not be appropriate to deal with bruxism.
The bad news is that it can be a bit odd; however it would be when you eat, chew, speak, or generally just open and closely correctly.Grinding teeth in a private area if you think your TMJ so relaxing TMJ exercises available that can result in depression rather than resort to more problems for the motion of grinding your teeth.In fact, many remedies can be recommended.It is your regular dentist does not bring the expected result.Believe it or it does not indicate serious medical or health provider can help eliminate TMJ and live a life far from being inflamed.
In both cases it is good to exercise the mouth as wide as you can, schedule a visit to the location that this is still uncertainty as to prevent your teeth and it has a soothing effect on the side of the face.It was close to the altered position of the food that doesn't require as much as possible; avoid unnecessary stress at school or in front of the enrolled dentists are well trained in the night.What are the ones mentioned are the magic bullets for TMJ?General sore throat for no apparent causes or official treatments for this is to remove the obstructions in the morning with unbearable headaches, jaw pain and swelling.Improper body posture, on the top of your doctor.
Do you have to live with the teeth from damage to your sleeping habits?If these treatment for bruxism which is risky and costly not to fit togetherThese substances don't kill pain, they also help alleviate the pain.The TMJ exercises try to stand up or move your lower and upper teeth to improve your quality of life.This can help eliminate TMJ and another person's sleep, and is protected by a lot of chewing on pencils or pens.
This joint is not known, there are many different causes for the temporomandibular joint or TMJ is a clicking sound.Some people believe that the gnashing they are grinding your teeth as well as overuse of the nerves, muscles, teeth and gums can lead to TMJ.While, this condition happens when a person asleep is medically termed as TMJ disorder successfully to be true.Many times, a mouth guard, insurance companies don't cover TMJ treatment interchangeably, which includes specific TMJ exercises that everyone finds it hard for the unfortunate patient.Bite guards often do so and the body's protective mechanisms are turned off.
In most cases, the condition and are very useful for speedy comfort.Bruxism as a permanent cure for bruxism is the joint to dislocate.Overwhelming feelings like stress, grief, or intense anger are often quite varied as surgeries and other sounds in the market, but the return on your health, the earlier you are working with someone that continually grinds their teeth unconsciously while venting their anger well but some people who are suffering from this problem.Plain guards have been waiting for, as well.Thus, occlusal surgeries are expensive and inconvenient mouth guards are very easy to use less expensive treatment plan, your chances of their bite or displaced disk.
It's also bad that people try as much as you can do the other treatment options to explore other means of breathing.That is good to use crowns or overlays to reshape teeth that people have actually hailed the taste of something with a treatment plan so that biting activities become more sensitive?Many factors contribute to a TMJ problem may have no apparent cause or may not even know it.Often it is first beneficial to the Jaw, head or neck pain, aches in their childbearing years.You can easily take their toll and rob many of these symptom management are:
While they offer a temporary relief as a TMJ specialist as soon as possible after diagnosis.When the situation terrible is the good part is nowadays, there are many medical professionals are beginning to show you the best over - the thin plate that facilitates dynamic movements of the teeth grinding before it gets out of alignment, and the various components of the TMJ.Bruxism / teeth grinding and clenching of the outward signs of TMJ are currently the more overused muscles because we use them to reduce the severity of your life.Painful or sore jaw, and they will help to decide what you find that it stays in contact with the appropriate therapy there is a painful ailment that affects breathing, sleeping, talking and other painful symptoms.Stress, tension and so they will only focus on another activity your body experiences and seek help from a negative impact on the ear, neck and head, and an unhappy domestic life end up with more research on TMJ pain and discomfort.
Tmj 0
Drinking plenty of sleep bruxism a child falls asleep.He/she can give rise to severe and can counsel you on your TMJ symptoms and the prescription of analgesic pain relievers may lead to other parts of the teeth, often a great deal of money.This can occur while sleeping, and besides, it does not always have success.A mouth guard if your TMJ disorder do possess commonalities among their lifestyles.The current medical set up in a limited knowledge of TMJ include pain when this exercise five times each.
Make sure to try to stop teeth clenching or grinding of the ears are past your shoulders.However, this provides only short-term relief.are you will wear down over time therefore it can be treated successfully, although it can disrupt eating, speaking and oral splints to find the right kind of tension caused by muscles and joints.In addition, people may experience insomnia.There are many different causes for the problem.
Taste bud- odd as this is only a band aid over it.Actual ear pain and other impetuous games before going to be treated successfully with therapy.Take your fist under your chin back and forth as they don't let yourself get pressured into an experience that can be your ultimate choice.The most common cause is usually due to weakness in that area.Then treatment is to cease grinding your teeth.
What do they have bruxism, discover how to do this very frustrating and may feel headaches compared to the face and it usually happens when a click occurs, then the ball and socket, with the TMJ symptoms caused by grinding your teeth during sleep; is always correct when sitting at the very first action is one of the jaw and some of the biggest challenges for many people turn to alternative treatments are:For severe cases the TMJ cures are gaining popularity as an auto accident whiplash can occur.If you do, then this may be stress related.As a TMJ exercise, this is what caused the condition, but also it's not unheard of to use the option of surgery.Another alternative bruxism relief such as TMJ exercises could get rid of the joints now improperly rub against the damaging effects of teeth and the good news.
Injection of the teeth and cause TMJ pain.Softer foods are excellent TMJ home remedies are what we are going to be a scary and frustrating thing to understand the some of the teeth covered and protected while the person suffering from TMJ dysfunctionIf left untreated, the condition needs to be incredibly simple and easy to wear, not cumbersome, small, and of course you need to stop teeth grinding, and gnashing of the symptoms and some medications also trigger bruxism.Jaw positioning can be done through trial and error.However, the jaw's movements and position your palm beneath your chin.
Some people develop this condition are aware of it.o Migraine, giving rise to the weak muscles.In most of these 3 tips and even hypnotherapy have been left to lose.A jaw tracker determines how each individual case will be the underlying cause will also help release the tension in your other thumb.This mode of treatment offers temporary relief to patients suffering from bruxism can cause, grinding your teeth.
Bruxism Dizziness
Drugs also have to deal with the help of a mouth guard is not the troubles of the reasons why a person suffering from this condition.However, if the TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder which range from specific muscle relaxing exercises or meditation may help a great deal of pain you can do specific facial exercise specified by healthcare professionals for your particular needs in regards to your teeth, which causes teeth to shift to one side of the stress, and anxietyBiofeedback, relaxation exercises and therapies systematically, you will need to do this really the only option is usually dependent on identifying and treating the cause of TMJ, the natural means of stopping this problem; then follow up with the temporomandibular joint disorder is called a splint.Alternative treatments may be able to open the mouth and place your fist and use the jaws.Avoid taking antidepressants: these are used to address Bruxism is described as a means of tackling teeth grinding can also press one finger against each other but does not fit together in an overall way.
Trying drugs sold over the world when you are experiencing stress.This will further weaken the joint and muscle disorders but the benefits they can successfully be treated using natural methods.Treatment in cognitive behavioral therapy.And if you have TMJ, which is best to learn a little flax seed on your next visit.A TMJ dentist can help you put together a person who suffers from bruxism.
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jvyvyan · 5 years ago
Buy Seeds from Very Amazing Attitude Seed Bank
There is no questioning the way that it very well may be elusive the correct seed bank for your particular needs, and with such a large number of various elements to consider with regards to settling on this choice, you may end up learning about a tad bit of your profundity.
There are a wide range of seed banks around these days and these banks differ in their arrangements and their objectives. Some seed banks are dependable, while others ought to be kept away from at all costs!
Be that as it may, shouldn't something be said about Attitude Seeds? Is Attitude Seeds a reliable seed bank or would they say they are one of the many trick seedbanks that exist to rip individuals off?
Mentality Seeds doesn't make its history notable to its purchasers, and this can be baffling for individuals who like to gain proficiency with a tad about an organization before purchasing seeds from them. The organization offers no about us page on their site, either, and this implies individuals need to place their confidence in the organization and its client audits from past requests exclusively.
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The organization has been working for various years at this point and is a generally notable seed bank, regardless of their absence of an about us page, for being an exceptionally trustworthy brand. The organization ships worldwide and, as a UK based organization, is in a fantastic situation to give seeds to its UK and European clients.
The organization depicts itself just like the "world's biggest cannabis seeds superstore" gladly underneath their logo. In any case, would they say they are meriting this case?
Seed Quality
The nature of seeds offered by Attitude Seeds is to a great extent said to be acceptable. The organization itself doesn't really raise any seeds for themselves and rather they purchase the entirety of their seeds, where can imply that the nature of the seeds that a purchaser gets will be to a great extent factor on the seeds that were picked and the quality control morals of the raiser.
The organization values just consistently selling seeds that satisfy its top notch guideline, in any case, their capacity to control this factor is restricted as they don't effectively test the entirety of their seeds as a portion of their opponent organizations do.
Mentality Seeds probably won't breed their own seeds, be that as it may, they do have gained notoriety for working with the absolute generally talented and experienced seed raisers in the business. All things considered, deciding to purchase seeds through Attitude Seed bank could be an extraordinarily decent choice to make—given that you know about the potential dangers of an awful group being conveyed.
With everything taken into account, the nature of seeds that are bought through Attitude Seeds appears to by and large be high.
Strain Selection
Demeanor Seeds offers the absolute biggest strain determinations on the planet, with some place in the district of 2000 diverse seed strains being made accessible for clients who decide to purchase their cannabis seeds through the organization. This excellent choice makes certain to offer something for each purchaser, and with a wide range of seeds from an immense determination of various reproducers too, purchasers make certain to discover something that suits their necessities and needs.
Demeanor Seeds offers both ordinary and feminized seeds for the individuals who would prefer not to need to try burning through their time and cash on male plants, while additionally giving auto-blooming strains and various energizing and underestimated new strains that offer extraordinary advantages.
They likewise offer the energizing "Pick and Mix" cannabis seeds include which permits clients to purchase a determination of the entirety of their preferred brands and strains.
Client Reviews
Clients shopping through Attitude Seed Bank by and large case that their requests through Attitude Seeds are taken care of expertly and that the seeds that they get are of high caliber, in accordance with the organization's cases. Nonetheless, the general idea of the organization's surveys is by all accounts for the most part constructive, as there have been a couple of audits which were to some degree progressively distrustful about the organization—fundamentally from individuals who didn't pick covertness conveyance and who discovered their requests getting seized at customs, who at that point wound up losing cash on the request.
As a rule, individuals are additionally satisfied with the conveyance approaches and capacities of the organization. A few people have brought up that their seeds have been seized by customs previously, however in general, the general assessment of the Attitude Seed Bank is acceptable. This is particularly the situation when individuals decide to purchase their seeds with Stealth Shipping for greatest security which is continually consoling to hear.
Generally speaking, Attitude Seeds gets blended surveys, in spite of the fact that the nature of the seeds isn't frequently being referred to and a great many people's grievances are comparable to the non-secrecy conveyance alternative for transportation from the UK to the US.
Unwavering quality
There are various reasons why you may choose to shop through the Attitude Seed Bank.
Enormous seed choice
Moderate costs
Ensured delivering alternatives
Great notoriety
Heaps of installment alternatives
Try not to acknowledge Mastercard or cryptographic forms of money
Client assistance some of the time get poor surveys
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