#seed funds
kitsoa · 3 months
The Dystopia That Made Trigun
Ya'll the problem with Triguns insanely long speculative sci-fi timeline is the conundrum of trying to imagine exactly how a dystopian Earth could get so bad that massive amounts of folks needed to yeet themselves blindly into space, but could become so advanced that they single-handedly solve the energy crisis and maybe confirm the existence of god at the same time.
I am not a very skilled dystopia engineer, and there are a lot of flavors but I'd like to think the revolution of Plants on Earth has the potential to alleviate a lot of the aggregators in a full (or seemingly imminent) societal collapse. I'm struggling to work ahead of late-stage capitalism doomer scenarios right now which maybe puts me at a century out. I'm placing Trigun's timeline at 5 centuries out, But the tech advancement can pause at like 3 centuries in since 2 of those are used for space travel before the Big Fall.
So let's hash this out together
Here's what advancements Project Seeds needs to launch:
bioengineering (prosthetics and augmentations)
cloning and gene editing capabilities
cryosleep technology
advanced space travel
gravity control
Here's the rough and estimated environmental factors to cause them to leave Earth:
Resource scarcity
Environmental decline (like global warming and loss of land, and mass extinction)
[speculative] imminent doom from societal factors [like nuclear war and geopolitical unrest]
We know based on the society formed on No Man's Land that capitalism is probably the most familiar and default system used by the immigrants. So we can assume that Project Seeds was created with wealthy benefactors at the helm not only looking for salvation but probably power and influence (cause capitalism gonna a capitalism)-- a true colonial expansion echo despite the optimism.
The Seeds Project strikes me as unaffiliated with a specific country or culture. JuLai and some of the ambiguous ethnicities and lingering languages suggest that it's multi-cultural with English being the primary influence. So it's not a state-sponsored project, but very likely independent-- another point to the wealthy benefactor line of thought. Despite that, those shuttles alone took decades to construct and governmental cooperation to launch so it couldn't have been a completely apolitical endeavor.
Then there's the population. The project's reach is insane, not just in talent, but passenger interest. I'm assuming children were not on board, so you are talking about countless able-bodied adults abandoning their lives knowingly for the promise of a better world. The environmental factors aside, the prep-time for the project had to have been decades in the making. That's a long time to keep the propaganda circling for the promise of better. That kind of interest fades as people age into different stages of life. (Depending on the scenarios we could be looking at a mass draft? Unlikely but very interesting). We know that the survivors of the Big Fall were not specifically tailored to create a society without the comforts they were bringing along or the government of No Man's Land would look a little more stable.
So, what kind of society could form such a vast space immigration project while simultaneously on the verge of collapse?
Well, a desperate one.
The logic follows that as the resources grow scarce and the inequality gaps create vast populations of suffering among disenfranchised people-- fascism rises, which broadly stymies innovation. It's a real roadblock to this scenario. So the jumpstart out of this would be either war or a scientific breakthrough-- or both. There's always going to be interest and innovation in DNA science as a part of the medical field. Even in heavy capitalism that is going to get a lot of money thrown at it. The only thing needed to create Plants is large leaps in gene editing and cloning.
I'll throw out a number, 50 years. We've got cloning and Jurassic Park stuff. Then boom. Angel Mummy discovery. Scientists create the First Entity. But at the same time, geopolitical tensions ramp up because of the destructive potential of this entity. (I mean the First Entity has the Drain ability, that's black hole powers. We're getting wars). But the Plants are developed off of that and the First Entity is destroyed in the Julai foreshadowing lab accident many years down the line. --We've solved the energy crisis and there is probably a huge boom in advancement-- probably those physic-defying advancements to boot. But we have our militaristic flashpoint in technological prosperity, all while the earth is raining hellfire, the cities are flooding, and mass extinction events are occurring. Enough to get Trillionaires with savior complexes to start making Project Seeds.
Aaaand they are probably funding the countless wars so people join the expedition.
Conclusion: Project Seeds is a corrupt colonial project manipulating the hopeful desperation of a beleaguered population, created by the ultra-wealthy to garner absolute control in a humanity reset.
Good thing Nai crashed the ships!
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antigonenikk · 2 months
“i was your only friend!! you had one friend!!”eduardo baby mark literally won the entire friend group in the divorce you need to be SO fr right now
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hexjulia · 4 months
everyone look at the decorative (but edible) brassica oleracea cultivars i'm excited about planting
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behold the shapes of plant
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igottatho · 3 months
Leaf Collector Leaves:
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From sizes:
Xtra small: 5.5x6” (postcard) - $15
Small: 5.5x 8” (1/2 sheet) - $25
Medium: 8.5x11” (standard paper) - $40
Large: 11x17” (newsprint) - $50
Please note that some images are not available at large sizes, due to the Original being a limited size ; in order to keep the image integrity.
All artwork comes with a signature of the artist, high quality photo ink & paper, sealed in lightly waterproof plastic, backed by chipboard.
*If you make a sizable donation, I may be able & willing for commissioned art. I will NOT draw anything NSFW, but I am fine w/ couples of any kind, fanart from any fandom (provided I can access reference materials), or even non-fandom art created in my surreal style. *
Onto the next page of art (Fan Art) this way.
go Back to the Go-Fund-Me by clicking here.
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cicadaknight · 2 years
Rehashing a pain point with the Horizon franchise…
Why is there no mention of any real tribal nation in the game? No reference at all. The erasure of APOLLO didn’t remove the visions at the Grove, or any of the artifacts Aloy finds in her exploration. You’re telling me it makes narrative sense to have 30 minutes of Dutch artwork analysis and its historical significance, but not a single mention of any indigenous society? There are ZERO datapoints or ruins related to native people throughout the entire world that could have influenced Horizon-era culture?
😒 SIDE EYE 😒 It is that way because the devs made it so. Everything in a narrative is a choice.
#idk i love this game i’m just thinking thoughts#there are so many positives about horizon but i really want them to have more nuance in the 3rd game#not having ANY mention of the history of tribal nations in the US in a game specifically about fictional tribes is just… egregious#and there were so many opportunities to contextualize manifest destiny and our very real history of genocide#(ex. the red raids and the significance of the tenakth successfully defeating the carja i mean come on)#and on that note how about the ickiness of a tribal nation worshipping a US ex-military group#like… yes i love the tenakth and the world building#but………… imagine if the jtf-10 weren’t ex-military soldiers funded by a corpo rat?#what if they were a united front of native tribes of the southwest?#it’s such a simple change but it would give so much more depth to the tenakth and their traditions#also… the fact that you can just wear any tribe’s armor and paint as a cosmetic… grosses me out#they establish from the start that the clothing and paint from each tribe is rooted in tradition and meaning#treating it like a cosmetic is weird?? i get it for the Sake of Gaming but it seems so tactless#specifically that aloy gets tattoos that come and go when you wear tenakth armor#i feel like it wouldn't be as weird if there were quests where tenakth characters invite her to get tattoos after certain deeds#and then they stick with you on any armor#same with the utaru seed pouches#i digress#hfw#okay i'm done editing this post now lmao#my notes
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truthventures · 2 years
Why do businesses fail even after good seed funding?
Most businesses fail even after receiving excellent seed funding because the management entirely misunderstands the demands and misallocates cash, losing the capital venture partner firm's trust in the process. Therefore, even if they must accept less startup funding, businesses must collaborate with venture capital firms that bring leadership and tested expertise. Truth Ventures is regarded as one of the best venture capital firms as they don't allow their partners to overspend or pay excessive attention to the current situation and only allocate cash by keeping long-term goals in mind.
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champstorymedia · 9 hours
Bootstrapping Success Stories: Inspiration and Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking for inspiration and advice on how to start and grow your business without external funding? Bootstrapping success stories can provide valuable insights and strategies for achieving success as a self-funded entrepreneur. In this article, we will explore various bootstrapping success stories, highlighting the challenges faced, strategies implemented, and…
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seafunds · 10 days
Best Indian Venture Capital Firms for Startups ·SEAFUND
Navigating the early stages of a startup can be challenging, but the right seed investors in Bangalore can make all the difference. SEAFUND stands out among the best pre-seed funding companies in India, providing early-stage startups with the support they need to thrive.
Initiatives in Seafund | Seed Investors in Bangalore
Why Choose SEAFUND?
Tailored Funding Solutions: Eximius offers custom funding strategies that align with your startup’s unique vision and goals, making them a top choice among seed funding companies in India open now.
Deep Sector Expertise: With a strong focus on sectors like Fintech, Healthtech, and Frontier Tech, Eximius provides insights that go beyond just capital, which is why they are recognized as one of the leading pre-seed funding companies in India.
Founder-Centric Approach: Emphasizing empathy and personal chemistry, Eximius supports founders with honest advice and mentorship, without unnecessary interference, setting them apart from other seed investors in Bangalore.
Strategic Initiatives for Growth
SEAFUND initiatives are dedicated to fostering innovation and driving growth across various sectors. By investing in underserved markets and emerging technologies, they empower startups to make significant impacts both in India and globally. SEAFUND’s initiatives focus on accelerating growth and supporting entrepreneurs through strategic investment and mentorship, making them a key player among seed investors in Bangalore.
Join the Success Stories
SEAFUND has already helped numerous startups achieve their potential. By leveraging their vast network and deep industry knowledge, you too can be the next success story with the support of leading seed funding companies in India.
Get Involved
Ready to partner with one of the best seed investors in Bangalore? Explore SEAFUND to discover how they can help turn your startup dreams into reality, whether you're in need of pre-seed funding companies in India or looking for seed funding companies in India open now.
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antzonian · 11 days
Help fund this project! Supporting this project will help usher those of us together who have experienced this loss and bring comradery to a such difficult part of life: Grief!
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pangolinmarketing · 24 days
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Unlock Seed-Stage Funding with Our 6 Essential Tips Framework
Discover our latest framework designed to help you hit all the right notes in investors’ Q&A sessions. Learn the 6 crucial tips to ace your pitch and secure seed-stage funding.
Read more and take your startup to the next level
Visit https://pangolinmarketing.com/master-investor-pitch-answer-framework/
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21by72 · 1 month
What is Seed Funding for Startups? How Does It Work?
Seed Funding for Startups
Starting a successful business involves more than just a great idea. You need the right resources, skilled personnel, and a defined target audience. Among all these, securing adequate financing stands out as the most critical factor in launching a profitable startup. This essential funding, often referred to as seed funding, is crucial even if you already have a product. In this blog, we’ll dive into what seed funding is and how it can fuel your startup’s growth.
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What is Seed Funding for Startups?
Seed funding is the initial capital raised by a startup during its early stages. The term 'seed' symbolizes the nurturing process—similar to planting a seed that, with proper care, grows into a thriving plant. In the context of startups, this funding acts as the nourishment required for a business idea to take root and flourish. Without adequate seed funding, even the most promising startup ideas may fail to materialize.
Seed investors play a vital role by providing financial support and mentorship. These investors may include friends and family, seed funding companies, angel investors, crowdfunding platforms, or corporate entities. Most often, they invest in exchange for equity shares in the company. However, in cases where funding is in the form of loans, repayment with interest is required.
Seed Funding vs. Pre-seed Funding: Understanding the Difference
In the early stages of a startup, two types of funding are available: seed and pre-seed funding.
Pre-seed Funding: This funding is for startups still in the ideation phase, where entrepreneurs have a solid idea but need financial resources to create a prototype and conduct market research. Pre-seed funding typically comes from close family members, friends, or high-risk investors like angel investors. It helps pave the way for securing larger seed funding.
Seed Funding: Seed funding, on the other hand, is a more substantial investment aimed at boosting research and development once the startup has a minimum viable product (MVP) or a clear business plan. Seed investors not only provide capital but also offer mentorship and strategic advice.
How Does Seed Funding for Startups Work?
Here are some key aspects to consider when pursuing seed funding:
Securing Seed Funding: Seed funding allows you to secure a significant investment, which, though smaller than Series A funding, is crucial in the early stages. These funds support product development, daily operations, and initial market penetration, enabling your startup to build a foundation for future growth.
Negotiating Terms: Negotiation is a vital part of securing seed funding. This includes discussing equity dilution, control over business operations, and the scope of the investor’s involvement. It's essential to strike a balance that allows you to retain enough control while benefiting from the investor's support.
Efficient Utilization of Funds: Once you’ve secured seed funding, creating a detailed plan for its utilization is crucial. Prioritize essential expenses such as research and development, marketing, and networking. Avoid unnecessary expenditures to ensure your funds are used effectively.
Mentorship and Guidance: Seed investors bring not just funds but also valuable industry experience. Their mentorship can help you navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and stay motivated throughout your startup journey.
Validation and Support: Running a startup often involves facing setbacks. Seed investors can provide validation and constructive criticism, helping you stay on track and avoid common pitfalls.
Building Brand Image: Securing seed funding from reputable investors can significantly enhance your startup’s brand image. This positive reputation can give you a competitive edge and attract further investments down the line.
Analyzing Growth: Seed investors closely monitor your startup’s progress, offering insights into market trends, operational efficiency, and strategic growth. Their analysis helps you refine your approach and maximize your chances of success.
Laying the Foundation for Future Funding: Seed funding sets the stage for subsequent rounds of investment, such as venture capital, Series A funding, or even an IPO. It helps you establish a strong foundation, making your startup more attractive to future investors.
Seed funding is the lifeblood of early-stage startups, providing the financial resources necessary to bring innovative ideas to life. While pre-seed funding supports ideation and initial development, seed funding helps turn those ideas into viable products and sustainable businesses. Beyond capital, seed investors offer mentorship, strategic guidance, and validation, making them invaluable partners in your startup journey.
To find the right pre-seed and seed investors, effective networking is key. At our Global Startup Summit, you can connect with investors, fellow entrepreneurs, and industry leaders from around the world. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you secure the funding and connections you need to succeed.
1. How can I raise pre-seed funding? Start by reaching out to local seed funding companies or attending networking events with pitching opportunities. Prepare a compelling pitch deck outlining your idea, its market potential, and a basic business plan to attract pre-seed investors.
2. What are the types of seed funding for startups? Seed funding can come from various sources, including angel investors, crowdfunding platforms, corporate seed funding, and more.
3. What are the benefits of seed funding? Seed funding supports research and development, marketing, market research, mentorship, and maintaining accountability in your startup’s early stages.
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klubwork · 1 month
Navigating The First Fund Raising for Startups: What Investors for Business Look For
Embarking on a fund raiser for startup can be an exhilarating yet challenging experience. For many entrepreneurs, this is a crucial step in turning their vision into reality. However, the process of securing seed funding for startups can be complex, with numerous factors influencing the decision of investors for business. Understanding what these investors seek can significantly improve the chances of success. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating your first fund raiser for startup and attracting the right start up investment.
Crafting a compelling pitch
The foundation of any successful fund raiser for startup is a compelling pitch. Investors for business need to be convinced of the startup’s potential, which requires a clear and engaging presentation. Entrepreneurs should focus on delivering a concise overview of their business model, market opportunity, and growth potential. Emphasizing the unique value proposition and demonstrating a thorough understanding of the target market can capture the attention of investors for business and set the stage for a fruitful investment conversation.
Demonstrating market demand
One of the critical aspects investors for business assess during a fund raiser for startup is market demand. Startups must provide evidence that there is a substantial need for their product or service. This can be achieved through market research, customer feedback, and early traction. Seed funding for startups is often awarded to businesses that can show promising initial results and a clear path to scaling. Presenting data that highlights market trends and potential growth opportunities can strengthen the case for start up investment.
Building a strong team
Investors place significant emphasis on the team behind the startup. A well-rounded team with a track record of success can greatly influence the outcome of a fund raiser for startup. Investors for business look for passionate and skilled individuals who can execute the business plan effectively. Demonstrating a strong team dynamic, relevant experience, and a commitment to the startup’s vision can reassure investors for business of the startup’s potential for success.
Financial Projections and Business Model
A robust business model and clear financial projections are essential components of a fund raiser for startup. Investors for business need to understand how the startup plans to generate revenue and achieve profitability. Providing detailed financial forecasts, including revenue streams, cost structure, and profitability milestones, helps investors for business gauge the startup’s financial viability. Transparent and realistic projections are crucial in securing seed funding for startups and demonstrating the startup’s potential for long-term success.
Showcasing traction and milestones
Investors for business are more inclined to invest in startups that have shown measurable progress. During a fund raiser for startup, showcasing key milestones and early achievements can be a powerful tool. This might include product development stages, customer acquisition numbers, or strategic partnerships. Highlighting these accomplishments not only validates the business idea but also builds investor confidence in the startup’s ability to execute its plans effectively.
Aligning with the right investors
Identifying and approaching the right investors for business is crucial for a successful fund raiser for startup. Each investor has unique preferences and areas of focus, often specialising in particular industries or stages of business development. Startups should research potential investors for business to ensure alignment with their goals and values. Engaging with investors who have a genuine interest in the startup’s sector and can offer strategic support beyond just capital is beneficial for securing start up investment.
In India’s vibrant startup ecosystem, Klub offers an alternative approach to traditional seed funding for startups. By providing revenue-based financing, Klub enables startups to access capital without diluting ownership. This innovative funding model supports businesses in achieving growth while retaining full control over their vision, making it an attractive option for many looking to navigate their first fund raiser for startup.
Navigating a fund raiser for startup requires careful preparation and a deep understanding of what investors for business are looking for. By crafting a compelling pitch, demonstrating market demand, building a strong team, presenting robust financial projections, and showcasing traction, startups can enhance their chances of securing seed funding for startups. Aligning with the right investors and exploring alternative funding options like Klub can further improve the prospects of success. For entrepreneurs, mastering these elements is the key to turning a fundraising pitch into a successful investment.
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johndilaye · 2 months
How To Secure Seed Funding and Attract Investors: A Startup's Roadmap
Securing seed funding for startups and attracting investors for business are pivotal steps for any startup looking to scale and achieve its business goals. This roadmap provides valuable insights into how startups can effectively navigate these critical phases.
Understanding seed funding
Seed funding for startups is the initial capital used to start a business. It is often the first significant investment a startup receives, intended to cover early expenses such as product development, market research, and operational costs. This funding stage is crucial as it helps startups build a foundation to attract future investors.
Identifying potential investors
Finding the right investors for business ventures can be challenging. Startups should focus on identifying investors who have a track record of supporting companies in their industry or stage of development. These investors may include angel investors, venture capitalists, or even crowdfunding platforms. Researching their past investments and aligning them with the startup's goals is key to forming a mutually beneficial relationship.
Preparing for investor meetings
Before approaching potential investors, startups need to prepare thoroughly. This preparation includes creating a compelling business plan that outlines the startup’s vision, market opportunity, and financial projections. An effective pitch deck should highlight the problem the startup solves, its unique value proposition, and the potential for return on start up investment. Being well-prepared demonstrates credibility and increases the chances of securing seed funding for startups.
Building a strong network
Networking plays a crucial role in attracting investors for business ventures. Startups should actively participate in industry events, join entrepreneurial communities, and seek mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs. Networking not only helps in gaining valuable advice but also in making connections with potential investors who might be interested in supporting their startup.
Crafting a persuasive pitch
A persuasive pitch is essential for engaging investors for business. Startups should focus on clearly articulating their business model, market potential, and competitive advantage. Highlighting milestones achieved and providing evidence of traction, such as early customer adoption or partnerships, can also strengthen the pitch. A well-crafted pitch demonstrates the startup’s potential for success and makes it easier for investors to envision a return on their start up investment.
Leveraging fundraising platforms
In addition to traditional funding methods, startups can explore various platforms providing fund raiser for startup. Online platforms like crowdfunding sites offer an opportunity to raise capital while also validating the market demand for the startup's product or service. These platforms can provide access to a broad network of potential investors for business and help build initial traction. Klub, a leading player in the fintech sector, offers innovative solutions for startups looking to secure funding. Their expertise in facilitating access to capital can significantly enhance a startup’s chances of obtaining seed funding for startups.
Understanding valuation and terms
When negotiating with investors, startups must understand valuation and terms of the investment. Seed funding for startups rounds often involve discussions about equity stakes, convertible notes, or SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) agreements. Understanding these terms and how they impact the startup’s ownership and control is crucial for making informed decisions.
Utilising professional services
Engaging professional services, such as legal and financial advisors, can be beneficial when navigating the complexities of fundraising. These experts can assist in structuring the investment deal, preparing necessary documentation, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Securing seed funding for startups and attracting investors for business are fundamental steps in a startup’s journey. By understanding the funding landscape, preparing effectively, networking strategically, and leveraging available resources, startups can increase their chances of success. A well-prepared approach not only attracts investors but also lays the groundwork for future growth and development.
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truthventures · 2 years
Scale Up your business hassle free with Truth Ventures
Scaling up your business is always something that every organization aims to do and regularly accomplish. However, scaling up brings with it lots of hassles as well, such as needing to figure out how to allocate money more efficiently, Hiring good employees that can deal with the high demands of work, dealing with the workforce, and so on. All these issues are easier to deal with top venture capital firms. Truth Ventures is one of the most renowned Capital Venture firms that assist in meeting every unpredictable market demand.
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champstorymedia · 21 hours
The Art of Bootstrapping: How to Launch and Scale Your Startup on a Shoestring Budget
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur with a great business idea but limited funds to get started? Bootstrapping might just be the solution for you. Bootstrapping is the art of starting and growing a business with minimal external capital and relying on personal savings, revenue generation, and resourcefulness. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of bootstrapping and provide you with…
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seafunds · 12 days
Top Rated best venture capital firms in India
One of India’s prominent venture capital firms, dedicated to funding innovative startups and empowering entrepreneurs with strategic guidance and financial support.
Are you a budding entrepreneur or a growing business looking for the perfect partner to fuel your success? Look no further than SEAFUND, the best venture capital firm in India!
Why SEAFUND? SEAFUND is renowned for its strategic investments and expertise in nurturing startups and enterprises. With a proven track record, they provide capital, invaluable guidance, and mentorship to help businesses reach new heights.
What We Offer:
· Tailored Investment Solutions: SEAFUND understands that every business is unique. They offer customized financial solutions that align with your specific needs and goals.
· Strategic Guidance: Beyond funding, SEAFUND’s team of experts offers strategic insights to help you navigate challenges and seize opportunities in your industry.
· Extensive Network: Leverage SEAFUND’s vast network to connect with industry leaders, potential partners, and customers, accelerating your growth journey.
Success Stories: Join a portfolio of successful companies that have thrived with SEAFUND’s support. From tech innovators to sustainable enterprises, SEAFUND empowers businesses across various sectors.
Get In Touch: Embark on your growth journey with India’s best venture capital firm.
Visit SEAFUND to learn more about their investment approach and how they can be the catalyst for your business’s success.
Invest in your future with SEAFUND, where innovation meets opportunity!
We are a team of operators who have lived and breathed building businesses
We roll up our sleeves, get down in trenches with the founders, and are the first port of call whenever they run into difficult scenarios in business, people, and markets, and get them back on track for growth.
Our mission is, to help the next set of technical founders, with early Venture Capital to build highly scalable and efficient Global Businesses.
Our Beliefs
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When we find these exceptional qualities we' re not just investing; we are unleashing a force that can conquer any obstacle and shape the future.
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The blazing trails in AI, Semiconductors, Space, Energy, Climate, and Materials open vistas of innovation for daring entrepreneurs, serving diverse consumers and businesses. At Seafund, we fervently believe that this tech-driven explosion of value creation will resound for decades to come.
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While having a thesis is crucial, it is merely a guiding principle. We proudly embrace agnosticism, fearlessly venturing where others hesitate. In a rapidly evolving world, this mindset is our compass to capture the elusive next big breakthrough, whatever extraordinary vision may be brewing in the minds of daring entrepreneurs.
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Our commitment extends far beyond mere financial support; we pledge our unwavering network and unyielding dedication to empower founders in their quest for greatness.
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We embrace a contrarian spirit, for ideas too obvious can swiftly become overcrowded. With our expanding portfolio, we envision becoming the go-to destination for these groundbreaking ideas and the visionary entrepreneurs behind them.
Seeking investment?
If you have an innovative startup or business that aligns with our investment focus, we would love to hear from you.
#305, 3rd Floor, 5 Vittal Mallya Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560001, India
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