#see: the way they respond to being caught eating something they shouldn't
beaft · 4 months
i've been contemplating the cats' respective moralities and have come to the conclusion that kitten understands what crime is and will occasionally commit it, whereas pud has no concept of sin or indeed of anything beyond "want thing" and "want thing now"
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squishytenya · 6 months
Hey Do you remeber your Tenya and Aizawa ask, with y/n Crying? What about some of the other casts like Katsuki or Ejiro?
if you dont mind please and thank you
They Make You Cry Headcanons
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I lowkey had to search my own blog for this but I found it! thanks for the request <3
Pairings - Bakugou x gn!reader, Kirishima x gn!reader + Kaminari x gn!reader
Warnings - arguments, cursing, crying
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Katsuki Bakugou
▹part of being in a relationship with Katsuki is dealing with his harsh personality. Even if he does calm down the older he gets, it's still probably not to the same extent of a normal human being.
▹he probably would be completely speechless the moment you started crying after an argument - straight up would not know how to respond to that.
▹his eyes would go wide and he would go to take a step towards you and then bring himself back, holding his arm to himself.
▹"hey... don't do that"
▹for all his faults Katsuki is, deep inside, a good person and he knows this is the kind of shit you lose relationships from and he really really doesn't want to lose you.
▹ but he does know he can be a bit much and he probably takes a while to come down from whatever he's feeling so he just kinda leaves for a few minutes
▹ he comes back with a cup of tea and perches gently on the bed next to you, avoiding eye contact
▹he would do his best to spit out an apology, but it's not something that would come naturally to him. Seeing your face crumple like it did is still replaying in his mind and he knows he has to fix this somehow - so he does his best to explain himself
▹eventually he would just stop rambling and take your hand in his, squeezing it gently.
▹"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you"
▹ he'd just sit by you, hand in his until you were ready to talk to him and talk over what had led to the argument in the first place and he really does take your words to heart about what upset you
▹he'd try to cut down on raising his voice and try to cut out teasing nicknames entirely, unless he knew you were okay with them already
▹a sweet guy really
Eijirou Kirishima
▹I cannot see Kiri upsetting you on purpose, even during an argument he isn't the type to yell or get super angry with you
▹him making you cry is most likely a complete accident on his part, or even him accidentally playing into an insecurity you have without properly thinking about it
▹when your relationship first started out, I think he probably didn't understand you might not be comfortable with the things he's comfortable with, especially during social situations
▹ also probably doesn't understand others might read his kindness as flirting, so when you two are invited to a hero party to socialise and he pretty much ignored you the whole night, he had no idea why you began tearing up on the way home
▹obviously, he's worried about why you're crying and what he did! and how he can fix it is at the forefront of his mind almost immediately after noticing
▹and when you explain it to him, he pretty much crumbles straight away - he is in disbelief that he made you feel that way
▹he falls over himself explaining that he didn't mean to make you feel that way, he was just overwhelmed by the pressure of hero society and got caught up
▹Kiri is very good at admitting when he is wrong, and puts a lot of effort into having healthy communication in his relationships - platonic or otherwise
▹pulls over the car literally just so he can hold both of your hands in his and make eye contact as he explains his actions, specifically so you understand he's being genuine
▹"I'd never do that to you on purpose, you're the most important person to me"
▹after your sniffles have subsided, he pulls you into a hug and promises never to do something like that again - and you bet he keeps his promise!!!
▹takes you to get food too, just as an extra apology and you sit in the car park eating ice cream together - he makes sure you're the center of his attention the entire time <3
Denki Kaminari
▹oh he's so stupid. he's so lovely, but so, so stupid.
▹honestly he probably says something insanely embarrassing in front of your friends and pays no attention to how that might make you feel, especially if you're close to these people
▹doesn't even notice when the room goes completely silent and nobody is talking but him, it takes one of his friends clearing their throat for him to notice your eyes filling with tears
▹in his defense, he does try to explain himself straight away and takes you into another room to have the conversation (at the very least) but it takes a little bit more explaining to him why his actions would upset you
▹doesn't really get it at first but you explaining, and your face as you cry, makes his heart hurt and he tries to rectify his actions as soon as he can
▹the first thing he thinks to do in that moment is bundle you up in his arms and rock the both of you back and forth to calm you down, which works a little more than you'd like to admit
▹runs his hands over your back, up and down, until your breathing evens out - does not give a shit about anyone outside of you two in that moment
▹once you've stopped crying, full on apology - hands and knees!
▹he seems genuinely heartbroken to have embarrassed you and takes full responsibility for what he did
▹ kicks everyone else out of the house and spends the rest of the evening making it up to you and reminding you of how important you are to him and just how sorry he is
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I hope these were good! I haven't written in ages so this'll be the first comeback headcanons, hope you guys enjoyed it <3
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skellyflowers · 5 months
Girls night in 
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I have had a long day, I have had a long week. I just want to sleep for a month. I've been caught up importing new books cataloging them and just doing general paperwork and it's super time consuming and annoying. On top of all that I also became the one in charge of handling the  paperwork for a brand new oil painting. When my day is finally done I want to head straight back to my room, take all my clothes off and go to bed. But I skipped lunch today so first things first dinner.
I trudge into the dining hall. Plenty of people are still being served and tonight's diner smells delicious. I briefly wondered who was cooking before I saw someone waving their arms like crazy over their head. After focusing on the person I realized it wasn’t a person, but rather a ghoul. When I get closer I see that it was Sunshine waving like her life depended on it. The ghoulette points to the empty space between Cumulus and Aurora and I throw myself into it. I bury my face in my arms and let out a loud but muffled groan.
“You look awful.” says Cirrus bluntly after a brief moment of silence.
“Wow thanks.” I respond sarcastically.
“Rough day?” Aurora gently asked, hand on my shoulder.
“If I see any more paperwork I’m going to jump off the roof.”
“Don’t” says Cumulus.
“Atlest eat first.” says Sunshine, she has a bowl in her claws. “Shouldn't make decisions like that on an empty stomach.”
I give Sunny a grateful look and start eating the stew she brought me. It is warm and comforting, the diner roll that was with it was like eating a cloud. I almost forget my long and arduous day.  The tension I brought to the table melts away and the ghoulettes start chatting around me.
When I finish my food I lean back in my chair and look at the ceiling. I finally started to feel relaxed after that meal. Maybe Sunshine was onto something about eating before deciding to jump off the roof. That might be a little dramatic.
“You're coming back to the den with us tonight.” Cirrus said with authority.
“What?” I ask dumbly.
“You have had a long day and need to unwind. We can help.” Her voice is steady and matter of fact. 
“GIRL’S NIGHT!” cried Cumulus. Drawing the attention of the ghouls next us.
Swiss opens his mouth to say something but he doesn’t get a chance before Aurora shuts him down.
After we all get up and leave laughing. Sunshine suggests movies to watch. Cumulus talks about a bottle of wine she stole from the cellar. Aurora grabs my hands and declares she is going to paint my nails. Cirrus suggests I take a relaxing bath first and the girls all agree.
“That way you can start to unwind and we can set up.” She states. I just nod my head, willing to go with whatever they had planned for me. When we get in the den the ghoulette split up and Cirrus puts an arm around my shoulder. She and Sunshine lead me to Cirrus’ room. Unny pulls me to the bed and turns on the TV and Cirrus heads to the bathroom.
Sunny sits behind me and gives me the remote to the TV. “You pick something.” she says as I channel surf. Sunny starts messaging my shoulders as I put on some reality dating show, one that I don't have to think too hard about. After a few minutes Cirrus calls me into the bathroom.
The lights are off in the bathroom but there are lit candles all around the room. Cirrus has drawn a bath that is filled with bubbles. The smell of lavender also fills the room.
“I put in a bath bomb, bubbles, epsom salt and some bath oil.” She explains “I hope it’s not too hot.”
 Cirrus helps me get undressed and folds my uniform. After she helps me get in the tub. I moaned in pleasure from how nice the water was. “Good to know you like it.” Cirrus laughed. When I get settled Cumulus comes in with clothes in her hands. 
“Put these on when you're done.” She says as she takes my uniform from Cirrus.
“Thank you for this.” I say as Cirrus stands to leave me alone.
“Of course it's no problem.” she says. Cirrus gives me a kiss on the forehead before walking out of the bathroom to give me some privacy.
I’m not sure how long I was in the bath but it must have been a while. All the ghoulettes enter the bathroom and check on me.
“Sweet Satan! I thought you drowned in here!” Aurora yelled.
“Sorry.” I whispered, feeling embarrassed.
“Glad you are ok.” Cirrus said, helping me out. Cumulus and Sunshine both dry me off with the softest towels I have ever felt. Aurora gets the pjs Cumulus bought for me and redresses me. I get dragged back to the bedroom and Aurora takes a good hard look at my hands.
“You need to stop biting your nails babe.” she says, taking out her nail kit.
As Aurora starts working on my hands Sunshine gently brushes my hair so she can braid it. Cumulus and Cirrus bring wine glasses and face masks for each of us. 
“So, what made you so stressed out?” Cumulus asked.
“Fuck, where do I start?” I respond after a big drink of my wine. “Paperwork to get books is so stupid! NO ONE IS GOING TO EVEN READ THAT CRAP!”
“That’s right, let it out!” Cheers Sunshine.
The ghoulettes laughed at my outburst but listened intently. They let me moan and complain about the annoying little things about my job.
“I swear that Sister Molly hates me sometimes.” I complain.
“Only idiots hate you.” Aurora says with authority.
“She’s right.” Cirrus agrees, “Sorry you have had a shity week.”
“I feel way better now, thanks to all of you.” I say.
“I can ask Papa to give you a few days off.” Cumulus says.
“Of course babe.”
Sunshine hugs me from behind and Cumulus joins the hug.
I can’t help but to laugh at the whole situation as Aurora grips my wrist. She restarts painting my nails while grumbling about the interruption.  Sunshine and Cumulus moved to the foot of the bed. Sunny is now braiding Cumulus’ curly hair. Cirrus moved next to me to lay against the headboard and turned on an overdramatic and over acted RomCom.
About ten minutes later Aurora is done with my nails. They are now painted pastel purple with little blue stars. As I admire her work I can see her tail wag and her chest puff with pride.
“Thank you Rory! These look great!”
“Your welcome Honey.” She says with a huge smile. “Who's next?”
“ME!” Said Sunshine excited to get her nails painted.
I decide to get under the blankets and cuddle Cirrus as she puts her arm around me. As I lay on her chest I try to pay attention to the horrible movie. However the combination of my fully relaxed muscles, Cirrus’ heartbeat and body heat, the wine and my long day my eyes don’t stay open long.
“We should do this more.” I mumble just before I fall asleep.
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namjoonscoffeeshop · 7 months
My first confession | Drabbles
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A part of DEEP series
✧ Pairing:Min Yoongi x reader
✧ warning(s): explicit language
✧ word count: 1.6k
a/n: I came up with this drabble out of the blue and decided to write it. please if you want to see anything let me know in the requests!
index | askme!
"Mom please, just let me stay here" you whine, brushing your hair back with your fingers you roll your eyes. Yoongi grins as he looks at you from the living room, tomorrow was a big day and as you asked your parents to let you stay here with yoongi they kept their ground. 
"it's you're 21st birthday, your dad wants to spend it with you. and your family also wants to see you" your mom inhales, exhausted from fighting with you. 
"but I want to spend it with yoongi and his friends" you groan, annoyed of not getting through to her. yoongi finally gets up from his seat and walks over to you. "let me talk to her" you glare at him as he was trying to not laugh at you, enjoying the moment of you being angry. 
passing the phone to him "you're doing me a favor" he just chuckles and you could imagine your mom probably yelling at you about your response. he shoos you away and you show him your middle finger, heading to the kitchen to finish making the both of you something to eat. it was your idea to cook at home since you guys have been getting take out or eating on campus and you nagged him about eating more healthier. 
"alright, it's settled. you can stay here" he smiles, placing the phone on the counter and making his way next to you. he leans on the kitchen island watching you cut the vegetables. "yeah? and what's the condition" he snorts, receiving a glare from you. "you know your mom really well" 
"i'm surprised you even thought I wouldn't know there would be a but in her agreement"
"we just have to come over next weekend thats all" he smiles. 
"I guess thats not so hard.." you mumble. 
you knew that the moment jimin and taehyung offered to set up your party that they would go over the top but kept true to them promising to only make it the seven of them, jihye and junho. 
yoongi shuts the door of the car, a grouchy look on his face as he shoves his keys into his jean jacket's pocket. "come on yoongi please don't act like that" you whine, grabbing his arm as you pull him close to you.  "what am I doing" he lets you pull him towards their house. 
"junho is my friend too, please don't be rude"
"really?" he stops his steps, making you jerk back. you look back at him with a 'what the fuck' look. "who do you pick" he says sternly 
"i'm not going to ask either of you to leave, so jus-"
"no" he cuts you off, holding your hand "who do you pick between him and me" you inhale, gripping his hand as you grab the other "yoongi, you know I pick you"
and his gummy smile appears on his lips, intertwining his fingers with yours. entering jimin's apartment everyone starts congratulating you and hugging you.  
"you finally caught up to us" junho says, taking a hold of your hand as he pulls you into a hug. he had roses in his hand which he hands to you. "thank you" you smile, yoongi was standing behind him and didn't waste the chance to mock you 'thank you' he mouths as he rolls his eyes. namjoon nudging his arm as he laughs. 
"lets eat shall we, taehyung cooked" jimin points at him, who's standing up proud, pumping his chest out as he flexes his arms but his ego was crushed by yoongi "great, i told you we should've just ordered something or let me cook" he groans. taehyung's face looks hurt "hey! I can cook you know!" everyone laughs. 
"don't take him serious" you go in for a hug, since you hadn't hugged him yet. he squeezes you tightly "nah, we shouldn't have invited him" he mutters, cheeks against the crown of your head. you laugh at his remark. 
"if i wasn't here neither would she be here" yoongi snaps back 
"she's grown, she can go out without you" junho speaks, eyes on yoongi. the room is silent for a second, yoongi's lips parting as he's going to respond but you cut in "he's sayin that cause my mom wanted me to come home this weekend" you move away from taehyung, looking at yoongi with pleading eyes to let it go. He just nods slowly, eyes drifting to some painting on the wall where his eyes stick there. 
"anyways" your hands clasps together "can we get this started" 
you were dead drunk. at first you were being careful to not drink so much, but taehyung gave you no break. he kept filling up your cup, and to save him from yoongi who had already grabbed him by the collar as he threats him to stop pressuring you but you came to the rescue telling him that you wanted to see what your limit was. 
your head was against yoongis arm, he would glance at you every once and while making sure you were not asleep but he couldn't help chuckle at your drunk state. "she's gone" jihye laughs, taking photos of you with her phone. "alright alright, that's enough of that "yoongi turns his body, trying to help you sit up but instead you fall face flat to his chest "yeah I think it's time to go home" 
he sits you up by your shoulders, calling your name gently trying to get you to react but you were just drowsy at this point and tipsy. 
"isn't jihye taking her home" junho grabs your hand slightly before yoongi pulls you out of his reach "and why the fuck would she" he spats, reaching his limit of dealing with this man. 
"she's drunk" he stands up. "junho" jihye chuckles awkwardly "sit down, they live next to each other...and they've known each other way longer" she tugs on his shirt. everyone else were enjoying the sight. taehyung's brows raised as his eyes dart from yoongi to junho. "alright alright, cut it out" namjoon speaks up "yoongi just take her home, we'll explain to junho how shit runs here" 
"i wasn't asking for permission anyways" as he crouches down he lifts you up in his arms, smug smile on his face on his way out. 
"yoongi" you cry, tears in your eyes as he pats your back. "stop crying" he's holding back his laugh, the moment you woke up you began to cry. "but you don't get it" you hit his arm "then explain it to me, but stay still" sitting you on the toilet cover, he grabs the make up wipes from your basket. struggling to take one out since you wouldn't give him space, finally getting one out and wiping it gently across your face as he makes sure to get all the make up. "do me a favor and keep crying so I can make sure to get all the mascara" he snorts when you slap his hand away giving you a exaggerated 'ouch'
"you're mean" 
"babe, i'm trying to listen to you but all you're doing is crying. take a deep breath and talk" his hand caressing your knee. you take in a few breaths and he continues to wipe your face. 
you exhale "i love you" you bite down on your lip. palms sweaty "i really really love you" your heart is pounding against your chest. you finally told him how you feel. 
his hand freezes, but his soft eyes meet yours and he doesn't look away. "i love you too kid" pinching your cheek. 
"yoongi" you whine
"okay, i understand alright. i love you too, we've known each other before we even could walk. i adore you alright" he throws the wipe away. "now brush your teeth cause you know you can't sleep without brushing your teeth"
after adding toothpaste to your toothbrush he hands it to you "i'll go look for something comfortable to wear, where did you put my clothes I brought over here? i don't wanna leave you alone just to find you dead cause you fell or something" he laughs as he walks down the hall to your room "in the closet" you say slowly. staring at the toothbrush with your heart broken. 
once your done, you enter your room and he's already changed his outfit. on the bed he put your favorite pajamas which was one of his black shirts and shorts. "change, i'll get you some water" once he returns you're already in bed, he places the glass of water on the night stand. you feel the bed sink down as he climbs in "you're sleeping?" 
you don't respond, just hug the blanket "come here" he pokes your back. and you couldn't help it but turn and cuddle into his chest has he rubs your back as you drift to sleep. 
"i fucking hate him" you cry, yoongi holding your hair back in a pony tail, he didn't have a chance to get you a hair tie. since you dashed out of the room and into the bathroom throwing up your insides. "i told you not to over do it, now you know what will happen" he chuckles, patting your back slowly. 
"i'ma kill him" you throw up some more. 
"i tried to stop him and you still didn't listen" he shakes his head. you sit back wiping your mouth with a towel. 
"all better?" you see the smile creeping on his face as he tries to not laugh "fuck you" you hover over the toilet throwing up again. 
and he couldn't help it but laugh. 
Part two
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aonungyou-shit · 1 year
Hi!! , I just read one of your fics and absolutely loved 🥰 I’ve never requested anything before but I saw that you’re are open so here goes nothing…
A Tsu’tey x reader ( jakes younger sister) who was one of the first dream walkers who was sent ahead of her brother and went to graces school to learn along side the children of the clan who they had hoped would be seen as less of a threat and could lean more and get abetter footing in the clan for them , when the school was attacked the reader ran away scared of what the rda was capable of asking the clan for help and since she was still considered a child they took her in when jake gets to there he’s told his sister had died and instead he comes to find her alive within in the clan mated to Tsu’tey and with a family of her own but she’s terrified of her brother
Hi Hi so so terribly sorry its taken me this long to respond! That is an excellent idea and i wish to kiss your brain because the FLAVOR this has is mwah! I hope you enjoy this
Actually i quiet enjoyed this a little too much.
To Lose, To love, To be afraid
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When you came here Around four years now you were fresh to the world of possibilities. You were 17 one of the youngest personal that had been selected for the avatar program. Down on your luck you reluctantly joined. You had never seen yourself live the life you currently had.
You were clumsy at your feet in your new body and new height. Young was your avatar too. Seeing as how some older avatars and Na'vi were just taller than you. Dr. Augustine had been your guide in your new life. The school had been running for 8 years successfully and you were new to said studies. Lucky for herself and you, you were quick to learn.
You were always by yourself. never really fully talking to anyone the first few months. But then Neytiri was the first one to speak to you. You spoke to her sometimes until one day where she caught you outside of school following the gentle flowing of an Atokirina
"what do here Sully?" She asked you stopping you from following any further. It wasn't until she spoke that you realized just how far you were from the RDA camp.
"oh Pardon me. I guess i just got too caught up in Pandora's beauty"
From then on you continued to talk as if you were nothing else than sisters. She has made great company while you were extremely homesick and missing your only family Jake and Tom.
then Came Sylwanin and Tsu'tey. You knew they came to school. Tsu'tey sometimes when ever given the chance and you had grown to really grow fond of them. A little circle.
Grace had been happy that you had made such progress within the year. You were shown how to hunt, what and what you shouldn't eat. You were being taught much more than grace could teach. Little by little the earth you knew as your home was now a long forgotten past.
And then tension grew. You were dining waiting for Sylwanin and Neytiri when you heard the hushed whispers of the Omatikayan
"Sky demons do not belong here, Walk in a suit of flesh and plan to take over our way of life, We must do something"
"Do not be foolish. Hush your howling and continue to eat least of all do not cause trouble"
"I just think we should speak to One of them. they continue to destroy our land, coming here not knowing what to do"
You felt guilty yes, Felt like this could all be your fault and yet you knew that it wasn't the case. You were just here lucky to be one of the people to hopefully unite humans and Na'vi people.
But the fates are cruel and unkind.
Somehow without your Knowledge Sylwanin and a few other hunters had Destroyed what Humans saw most valuable than some 'savage' lives.
In turn causing one of your friends to die. With a broken cry you yelled helping Dr. Grace to get the remaining children out alive. And with it you ran way with them too.
Your heart sank when you realized that somehow you had managed to drag Sylwanin's body back to the people. Begging Praying that somehow she could still be alive.
Heartbreakingly that would never be the case. Mo'at's cries or anguish, Eytukan's wails of rage and the silent sobs of Tsu'tey and Neytiri was all you could hear. You wanted to cry. Hell you did cry, But your crying could never be the same as them. Life is sacred. You had learned that now. So many lives were lost. You knew that sooner or later you would have to wake up from this horrible sight and awaken in your human body.
But all you did was beg and cry with the family that this was not the way it should go. You spoke that if they banished you. If they sought to kill you then you wouldn't mind. A life for a life.
However Neytiri refused. Knowing that you had done all you could to save her people's children and bringing back what was sacred to her family clan.
You were young. You were like a baby and for that reason perhaps too had Mo'at allowed you to stay.
But you could never let go of this guilt. You told them that you came here to seek peace to hopefully live united. But humans can be cruel and no doubt would never see anything wrong with killing sentient living beings.
For humans can be selfish and don't see people as people. But obstacles.
You swore that you were of the people. That you would do what you can with your human body to help the Omatikayan people. But you knew maybe not all of them trusted you. You had grown wary of what you say or that of how you speak.
When you awoken in your human body you went to console Dr. Augustine. Who in her heart break yelled and screamed that what they did was detrimental to what they were trying to accomplish.
But her status meant nothing to men with power.
Threatening her to silence.
"How are the people" she asked you sometimes when you came back from your walking with the Na'vi. And you relied what information you could. Wary of prying ears.
It was only weeks and already You had before one of the people. You would soon be able to make Your bow from home tree. Neytiri congratulating you. and begrudgery Tsu'tey as well.
He Grew to like you once before. But after the death of his promised he had grown to be avoidant of you. Heartbreak was a rather hard thing to get over. You can deny it all you want but you had lost two friends that day.
"You did well" He spoke to you.
You couldn't shake the feeling the immense guilt. The spark was brighter yes but it was anger, discomfort hatred for what you once were.
"are you well?"
"I am, You have proven yourself to be with us"
"That is not what i mean Tsu'tey"
He bit his lip. Ears flattening as he looked at you. You were once what he hated. But it never was your fault. He couldn't forgive that which was only ever filled with greed.
But you weren't to blame. and he could not be angry. For better or for worse things happen as Eywa deems it to happen. He lost someone and in turn found someone with you.
"It keeps me up at night"
"im so sorry"
"do not apologize, You were never the one to blame." he spoke hand now resting on your shoulder. " you and i are one in the same now. You are one mighty fine warrior. I am sure if you were to choose a mate then they will be lucky to hold you"
" i dont think i deserve such thing"
"why? did someone say something like that? just say the word."
You couldn't help but laugh just a little as you sat down. It would be a while before neytiri would call you to receive your paint and be celebrated as that of the people so you could only figure to kill time
"once, Back home"
"Someone said that to you?"
"Yes. But i hold no ill will no malice. Perhaps they are right"
"none sense! Y/n you are mighty and you are strong! Who ever said that is foolish"
You saddened a little. To have someone say that it was different. It felt nice to be told you were something that you never saw yourself as. "Humans are cruel"
"i know"
"Humans kill each other. they kill that of what gives life. Our mother's dead. She died a long time ago and we killed her. Tsu'tey if i am honest i dont want to return. I don't ever want to blindly follow that who brings sorrow and destruction. Tho i know i cannot leave my human body behind." You didnt know where this was coming from.
But he just sat there and listened to your troubles.
" i think it be cruel to leave my potential mate while i live with humans one moment and return the next. That is not right i know it. To be without your other at night. Its dreadful to think about"
Tsu'tey listened to that and somewhere deep in him. Something enlightened. Some crazy idea. he would bring it to mo'at once you had chosen your mate.
However somewhere inside him he began to frown. Was he angry, no he was..lost. Truly he had never held romantic feelings for anyone but Sylwanin and even then it was solely cause he had so much time to try and develop something for her.
Once he was chosen to be her's well he saw no greater honor then to burry his thoughts of choosing someone for him, and here you were disassembling everything he build up.
However now he was promised to Neytiri and while he saw her as a younger sister he had taken that role too. Eywa had her plans. But had she placed you right here in front of him? making his heart beat a little more for you than anyone else?
"Do not worry im sure something will work out"
"Ah Sully there you are" Neytiri said now looking at Tsu'tey and then at you. "good Tsu'tey can help too"
He frowned a little before sitting in front of you and Neytiri behind you.
Your eyes were down cast as you felt the two Na'vi paint you. Not wanting to think too much. There was a lot to think about but that would be all for tonight.
Tsu'tey was having trouble however. How could someone he have hated for being a demon now become someone he longed to protect too? no. You weren't a demon now.
His fingers now lingered on your lips as you stared at him. his eyes staring at where his fingers remained. Before looking at your eyes.
You were uncanny and yet not at the same time. Your eyes were just a little smaller than theirs. Your lips a little fuller than theirs. Your figure was just the tad bit more fuller. You were a dream walker yes.
"You are Omatikayan now"
you wanted to cry a little. but didnt want to ruin the paint before the ceremony.
But once you returned to your human body you didn't tell Grace. You could not tell her. Even if you trusted her. For you were going to try something absolutely insane with the help Of Tsu'tey.
"Y/n Sully is dead" Was all grace got suddenly when your lifeless body came back. Your mask hanging off your face where no doubt this planets atmosphere had killed you.
She wept of course but pushed on as to guide the new people But she mourned you as she had Sylwanin, as she mourned the many Na'vi children who caller her Sa'nok.
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You were happy. You had lived 2 full years with the Omatikayan people. In your once fake body now your fully in soul and mind. In those first few months of being fully Na'vi Eywa seemed to test you. You weren't strong like these Women You had always left the fighting to your two older brothers. So you took up the role of a gatherer.
But you were mighty as Tsu'tey had said. Which caused him to seek guidance within The Tsahik and Olo'eyktan. He didn't want to dissapoint them he hadn't wished to grow to fond of you. But you had helped save many children. You adored your role now that you were of the people.
And he could not deny his feelings anymore. He wanted to have you if you would ever so much as liked to have him too.
You had been out when Neytiri had brought you back. Your basket filled with goods as you entered Tsahik's hut.
"Oel ngati kameie, Mo'at" You greeted. Setting your basket in between you and her. Her gaze was one that had looked through you a lot of times. one that before had caused a chill to run up your spine.
That time she had seen you.
She told you what Tsu'tey has asked. She had never seen him be serious like he had been in asking, pleading with her to be with you instead. She understood that Her remaining Heir did not love Tsu'tey and so with guidance from Eywa she let it be.
You would not take long to return those feelings. And it wasn't long after that of which you two had mated that you fell pregnant. Life was not as it once was for the Omatikayan people. Never had a sky demon infultrated their clan and lived along side them.
It wasn't as it once was. The threat of the RDA still rose high. And yet you had welcomed a healthy baby boy into pandora.
That had been almost six months ago and counting. Tonight you had decided to accompany Neytiri in her hunt. Tsu'tey had been reluctant of course, Having to take care of a six month old and then you with your prominent belly full of your second child.
However as night fell You watched as Neytiri pointed to a figure.
You looked from where you stood. An Avatar. It caused your body to run cold. You had not seen an Avatar in over two years. But never the less you followed Neytiri's lead.
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Jake Had been told that you had lost your life due to the harsh world of Pandora. Now left alone in this cruel life. Tom and yourself lost to this world that he wanted to help conquer. He hadn't seen your body. But Dr. Augustine had been frank with him. This oxygen killed you.
The Training killed Tom. And now facing off the dangers he was going to get killed too.
Within a blink he had seen two fierce figures jump to his aid. Slaying that of which he could never understand. Before stopping to thank one.
Then They turned to look at him.
"Don't Thank, You do not Thank for this. This is sad" She spoke with vigor as she had been furious.
Jake Turned to look at you and in that instant you felt your body run cold.
"you... Jake or Tom?" you asked between a hushed tone as you looked at said Avatar.
"Y/n? but. But your dead! Dr. Augustine said you were she saw you, you were dead" he exclaimed. At that tone you instantly knew.
Marine. It was Jake and maybe that's why that sinking feeling of fear dropped to your stomach.
Jake knew your features. They were one of a kind. He knew instantly he did and yet it made no sense as to how you were here in front of him. How were you alive when you were dead? You died two years ago did you not? meaning you were now twenty one? but how could it be
how is it possibly to continue to live once you died.
"Quiet!" Neytiri spoke breaking you out of your haze as she began to ask you in Na'vi to come. To let him be lost to the forest. With fear in your heart you did. Running ahead of her and by default Jake as he tried to reach you to talk to you. Trying to get answers and thank you at the same time.
You wanted to retort back before you stopped. The great mother that had guided you here long ago now there she was. Floating gracefully down to your brother.
which he then swatted at.
"Kehe!" You yelled
"Ftang nga!" Neytiri retorted.
Jake Paused before trying to swat again.
"Rutxe. No" Neytiri said now holding his arm as she was the one closest to him. "Atokirina!"
You looked at each other in awe as more seem to go down around him. "Atokirina.."
Neytiri turned to you now. "Lolu Aungia"
Biting back the fear you felt you nodded as you helped guide Jake back. Neytiri telling him to follow.
And when Jake would wake once again in his human body he had quiet a bit to tell back.
When Dr. Augustine was welcomed back to the clan She sought you our first and foremost. She could not believe what jake had told her. It was impossible to believe. That an Avatar was no longer that but a breathing conscious body that once was human.
Moreover she could not believe when She had tried educating Jake on the roles of the people that Tsu'tey no longer was the next Olo'eyktan in line. She could not believe that you were now a mated pair
She was morbidly curious about your offspring too. So once she had gotten permission from Mo'at she went to talk to Tsu'tey.
How big he had gotten. How strong he was.
"Tsu'tey, Oel ngati kameie" She greeted him formally before he turned to look at her
"Sa'nok! Oel ngati kameie, how long its been"
She agreed and Asked him to sit down and talk. And talk they did. She asked how life had been treating him and if he was happy. And once that was all she apologized.
"Forgive me for what they done to Sylwanin"
"Don't fret. It is not your blame." He spoke reassuring her "she lives within our great mother now."
"yes i know...How, no.. is it true that you and Y/n have.."
"It is. She has bore me one strong son. And we await the arrival of our newest member of our family clan"
As if right on time you barged into your home. A babe strapped to your chest resting atop your swollen bump. and a basket resting on your hip.
"Y/n!" Grace spoke without even thinking. hugging you tight. Ever so grateful that Jake's words ran true. You were alive. You were spared.
"You're alive."
You couldn't help but smile. Trying to hug her as best as you can before your son began to fuss.
"oh Shit sorry" she excused herself seeing the little tot fuss at suddenly being squashed.
"What is his name?"
"Tsaro Rongloa Tsu'tey'itan." You proudly stated Sitting down finally to let yourself rest.
Dr. Augustine stayed and spoke with you two. Far longer than you had thought you may have allowed before she had to leave. Leaving you and Tsu'tey to speak.
"Something troubles you"
"i am afraid as to Why Jake is here"
Tsu'tey rose a brow.
"you've seen first hand how the RDA are. And what greed does to them. My brother was a marine when i left and he came here armed. And i know he is family but i am afraid"
"i dont like him either. He is a threat to my family"
You smiled feeling his large hand on your growing bump. Looking down at your son.
Your fear was justified. You lost friends and people to the RDA. And if what jake told you was true about Tom. Then you had lost family too.
Your fears were Tsu'tey's but you felt safe within his embrace, unbeknownst to you however Jake would be what would bring you peace one day.
please excuse if my ages make no sense. I really couldnt see how to mathmatically make it make sense so im sorry if it troubles anyone.
EITHERWAY i do hope you enjoyed it
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timeslugarts · 6 months
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Four Flushing
Part 4 of my Vera x Vox story.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
A/N - I really hope you guys are enjoying this, I didn't think I'd write so much for them. I also hope that my writing is at least enjoyable.
CW: Smut and Valentino lmao
After replacing his screen and dealing with an angry Val all week Vox decided that maybe the best thing to do was to take the moth Overlord out for a night of fun and debauchery, and what would be better than a gala thrown in honor of Hell's royalty. Personally, Vox abhorred these sorts of events, but the chance to schmooze and make connections was always a bonus. Valentino loved to dress up and cause drama, so this seemed like an excellent idea. He had very simple pleasures.
They made their way to the party in a sleek Voxtech limousine. Vox slipped out of the car before a shade could open his door. Valentino on the other hand sat there until the shades opened his door, there was nothing he enjoyed more than being waited on hand and foot.
Vox was already halfway through the entrance, phone in hand, before Valentino caught up to him. Draping his arms around Vox and pinching his ass. Vox could only sigh and check his texts and emails.
Several new messages, but not the one he was hoping for.
"Come onnnn papito, I want to dance!" Val shook him lightly, tongue licking the side of Vox's screen.
He had to turn the charisma up, he was literally here so he could get Val off his back, a couple hours of fake smiles and back home for a hate fuck shouldn't be too bad.
So Vox slipped his hand into Val's, "of course," he crooned, "let's dance." They made their way to the dance floor where Vox spun and twirled Val around, every now and then stopping to drink champagne and talk to the other patrons. It wasn't until something caught his eye that he stopped.
A light blue flame moving its way to the tower of drinks.
Vera looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting the shimmer on her cheeks to make sure it caught the light from her flames just right. Jericho, her roomie down stairs, had received tickets to tonight's Gala courtesy of his current royal boy toy. There were perks to being a pool boy to one of Hell's own Goetia and that included tickets to events they'd never attend otherwise. So of course Jericho was taking Vera as his plus one, the intention was to nic as many jewels and wallets as they could, drink till the night turned to dawn, and eat their fill of shrimp. The shrimp being the most important part.
Vera's mind idly wandered to her phone, he had never responded to her text and that was more than enough for her to call things over.
Maybe he'd be there, or maybe not.
"Oh baby!" Jericho's voice rang from the door of her flat. He sauntered over to her and grabbed her hips pulling her flush against him. "I could eat you up right here. Let's forget the party and fuck right now."
She turned around in his arms placing her own around his neck, and bumped her forehead into his, "but shrimp."
He sighed, "but shrimp." Grinning, he grabbed her hand and spun her around, "you look stunning though."
"I know," she shrugged, "You're not half bad yourself." She gave him a once over.
"Hey, I'm hot and you know it." He slicked his hair back admiring himself in the full length mirror, the scar across his nose and his milky eye more prominent than ever. Jericho always tried to show off his wounds when hanging around the rich folk, knowing damn well they all loved a bad boy.
Jericho and Vera walked into the party arm in arm. It was definitely a party for Hell's wealthiest, large buffet tables lined the exterior, a Champagne tower at the center of the room, and a catering service of shades taking people's plates, glasses, coats and whatever else.
Vera quickly scanned the party, making note of anything she could see herself wanting, large plates of shrimp, and the crystal champagne flutes looked nice too. She sauntered over picking up the champagne and giving it a sip and grimacing. It didn't matter if you were living or dead, alcohol was still disgusting. Crystal was nice though, she dumped the rest of the champagne in a nearby plant and stuffed the glass into her bag, along with a few of the larger shrimps she saw. She was in the middle of munching on one when a voice got her attention.
"You know if they catch you they'll kill you." Vera whirled at the staticky voice.
She wasn't sure she'd see him here, and she was extra sure he wouldn't have approached her. Here he was though, dressed smoothly in a pinstripe double breasted suit. That darling debonair smile on his face.
"And what about if you catch me?" Vera aired up at him, eyebrow cocked.
"Catch you! Ha! I'm here to help you!" His grin grew even brighter. He turned her around, hands lightly gripping her shoulders, he pointed her at a group of overlords she didn't recognize. "You see that windbag over there," he pointed a claw at a particularly old looking lady wearing what looked like a raccoon skin dress. "She's fuckin' loaded with jewels at any given time, plus the bitch is as blind as a bat."
"Oh? Do you think she needs a new friend?" She turned back, a look of innocence on her face.
"Absolutely. Now go get 'em tiger." He slapped her ass as she began strutting toward her new target.
Vera turned back, "always such a charmer." She gave him a wink.
Vox chuckled to himself as he grabbed two flutes and made his way back to Val. It was a risky move, but he couldn't just not say anything.
"Oh look at you talking to the Spitfire Demon." Val hummed when Vox handed him his drink.
"Who?" Vox played the uninterested fool.
"Hush, I don't blame you boo, she's smoking." He leaned heavily on Vox downing his drink. "Girl used to run with a crew and I would've given my best assistant to have them in a gang bang." He emphasized this by clenching his free fist tightly. "They would've made me millions!"
"Used to? What happened to the others?" Vox did his best to keep the curiosity out of his voice, it was all business all the time.
"They all died or some shit, exorcists got 'em. A waste of good flesh if you ask me." Val walked around leaning into Vox, "you planning on asking her to bed with us tonight? A third could be fun."
"No no, tonight is all about you," he grabbed Val's hand and kissed his knuckles. He wouldn't admit it, but the idea of sharing Vera brought the taste of bile to his mouth, he didn't like the thought of Valentino running his hands over her body.
"Damn right it is, now come on chica I want to dance more!" The moth shimmied his way back on to the dance floor beckoning for Vox to join.
Vox leaned back against the counter, "give me a few, I don't have nearly as much stamina as you, I'm gonna see who I can blackmail."
Val pouted, but Vox only waved him away. "Go, have fun, make out with a hottie, I'll be back!"
When he was sure Val was thoroughly distracted, grinding up against some poor strangers, he began searching the crowd. He spotted his little flame walking down a long dark hallway heading away from the crowd.
It made him nervous, did someone find out she'd been stealing? Was she going to be with someone else? He was already well aware of the other man that Vera had arrived with, but he'd seem too interested in shoving his nose up a Goetia's ass then spending time with her. So he dropped it.
But what was she doing now? He had to know, he had to follow her. Make sure she is ok.
Sparing one last glance at Valentino, who seemed very interested in checking the tongue piercing of another Overlord with his own tongue, he swiftly made his way through the crowd towards the hall that he'd last seen Vera heading down.
He couldn't believe how stunning she'd look, long velvet gloves and a short black dress that hugged her body in all the best ways. Tulle flowing from her waist to her legs giving her just the tiniest bit of secrecy. She was gorgeous and he was sure that someone would snatch her up by the end of the night. He couldn't let that happen, but how to get around Val was the question.
She had managed to disappear when he'd finally reached the hall, it made his heart thud with anxiety, he walked further into the darkness, about to call her name when a hand shot out from an open door and snatched him inside.
"What the FU-"
"Shhhh or do you want to get caught!" A voice whispered, he noticed the blue flames burning dimly, and the piercing blue eyes staring at his own.
They were pressed together in a small storage closet, him and his little flame. Vera. His breathing grew ragged almost immediately. Her proximity to him was almost dizzying.
"You know, I thought you were done with me, but that little show earlier-" She ran her hand up his chest and started fiddling with a button, "made me think otherwise."
He let out a huff, "done with you, doll?" He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. "Never. I just had to get Valentino off my back, he'd been bitching and moaning ever since-"
She leaned in and silenced him with a kiss.
"We don't have much time Vox, our dates could be looking for us."
He got the idea and kissed her back full force. Pulling her even closer than you'd think possible. Her arms snaked their way around his shoulders pulling him in, leg reaching up to wrap around his waist. When she sighed into his mouth he took the opportunity to sneak his tongue inside. She tasted like candy and bubblegum, he laughed internally at the notion.
They started to grasp at each other, squeezing what their hands could find. When Vox bumped into a shelf of buckets and bottles that rattled about, they both stopped in their tracks, waiting, listening.
When nothing happened Vox jumped on the opportunity.
He quickly moved her skirts to the side, going to press his fingers into her delicious heat, but when he got there.
"You're not wearing any underwear?"
She grinned licking his neck, "panty lines are a bitch."
Vox groaned, he could feel his pants getting tighter by the second, "You're so fucking hot."
He pressed into her, delighted by how wet she already was. She moaned softly, and he started to pump faster spurred on by the quiet noises she was making. When his thumb found its way to her clit she let out a much louder sound. Vox grinned.
"Shh, we're going to get caught if you're not quiet." She bit his neck to stop any noises she would make as he continued his ministrations. The feel of her teeth piercing his skin was almost too much. He made a note that the next time they were together they could be as loud as they wanted.
She was close, she knew it, he knew it.
"Faster Vox." Vera panted out, her knees were trembling and he grabbed her throat to help keep her upright, but also to add a little more pressure to the buzz she was already feeling.
She was starting to see spots when it hit her. A strangled sob tore through her, muffled by the hand around her neck. Her breathing was heavy as she tried to regain her composure, leaning into Vox and panting.
Vox held on to her tightly, he pressed his screen into the top of her head breathing her in. She smelled of smoke and lavender, her skin was soft and slick with sweat. He wanted to leave with her, to take her home and have his way with her. He wanted to have breakfast the next morning and maybe show her his sharks. He was sure she'd like them. They could go out to that little restaurant Velvette was telling him about the other day for lunch…
"God I've missed you." Vox mumbled into her hair.
Vera, who had recovered and was undoing the buckle on his belt, froze. She looked up at him, expression unsure, but Vox was too absorbed in the moment to even notice. Her breath came out a little more uneven than she would've liked as she let go of the clasp on his belt. Sliding her hand up to rest on his chest, he leaned into her touch, vibrating at the soft motion, almost purring.
"Vox I think we need to leave before anyone notices we're missing." Vera whispered, looking away from his screen. He squeezed her a little tighter, a little closer.
Finally he released her, groaning. "You're probably right, I can only imagine the amount of trouble Valentino is causing right now." He glared off into the darkness, with no view of Val, it was the best he could do.
Without another word Vera popped the door open, slowly and quietly, checking the long hallway to make sure the coast was clear. After confirming it empty, they both slipped out and headed in opposite directions.
They were in the clear, no way they could get caught now especially since Vox controlled every video camera in the pentagram. Vera's heart was still racing though, even as she made her way back to Jericho. As he grabbed her coat so they could make their leave. As she saw Vox standing there with Valentino wrapped around his arm, his eyes never once leaving her own. When she climbed into her bed and lifted the covers over her. When she thought about the way he held her in that tiny broom closet. When her phone lit up with a notification.
"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck."
She needed to end this.
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butter-egg-toast · 2 years
Secret admirer 💌
Anon question: how would the boys be as secret admisrs? Like them being romantic? Like a little lovely notes they leave everyday for you? Headcanons or scenarios plz 🙏
Just saw the second movie on YouTube I'm feeling motivated
Short n sweet 🍭
Sorry this took forever 😢
Hope you enjoy
✉Haru: He's definitely the best secret admirer out there. You'll never suspect him. He admitted that he has a crush on you but didn't know how to handle it. So he got some advice from friends.
"You got a letter? Who gave it to you? Do you think you'll respond back?"-Haru
✉Makoto: Is a literal nervous mess. He's nervous and shy. He askes you very specific suspicious and obvious questions regarding the letter. He is relieved you don't think the letter is weird
"So, y/n did you see anything strange today... or did you get anything??" -Makoto
Nagisa: Gets super very excited. Can't keep a secret worth nothing. Tells everyone what he's done.He giggling and asking if you seen something different today (pointing to the obvious)
"Rei chan, look what I wrote for y/n! She's never guess it me♡!!- Nagisa
Rei: He's shy but also is prideful how he woorded the letter. He tells Nagisa how you'll never suspect him. What makes its obvious its him he leaves clever well written riddles
"That is correct, it was I. Did you like what I wrote?"-Rei
Rin: He got the idea from gou and some movie. He thought it would been romantic. Got super embarrassed after realizing what he did. Tried to play it off like he didn't do it but he doesn't want anyone to take credit
"Damn...I didn't think through, um.. yeah it was me...do you like it? "-Rin
Sousuke: He's not the type to do it but somehow  he managed to keep a straight face. With his letters he leaves small pieces of your favorite candy tape to it (this gives it away that its him)
"Did I write that letter? How you figure that out?"-Sousuke
Kisumi: He tries his best not to make it obvious but he put SO much in his letters, like little doodles, hearts and sticker placed all over the letter.
"Wow someone must really like you y/n."-Kisumi
Asahi: He'll go straight forward with you but he'll do words of encouragement letters. When you even mention about the letter he looks like he's going to jump with joy.
"Really?! That letter made your day? Well there's more coming your way!!"-Asahi
Ikuya: Hes good at hiding it but he gave it away quickly after he mention a letter when you never told anyone. You actually caught him putting the letter in your bag. Poor guy got so embarrassed
"Uh...its..here, I have been writing these for you.
Hiyori: Another perfect secret admirer. He's a literal ninja. He's good a keeping his cool when mention. Seems like the type to place hidden letters for you to find all over the campus
"A note.. can I see... well looks like you have a little admirer... and the note is very beautifully written"-Hiyori
Natsuya: does a poor job hiding it. He's Direct with his feelings but he's also very playful with you. He wants you to fall for his words. He'll probably do like a little scavenger hunt of gifts he bought for you to find.
" oh yeah, I wrote that letter, except more to come! -Natsuya
Nao: secret secret admirer (at first). Then over time He wants you to know its him.  Even when you find out its him. He'll keep giving you the notes. He'll also quote bits words from his letters
"It seems someone has a admiration for you y/n i wonder who it is...-Nao
Kaede: His team mates(nagisa)convinced him this was a good idea. Somehow he wrote you letter telling you to meet him somewhere (restaurant). You meet him and he surprises you by ordering any food you want. He seems mean and tough but he's definitely have a loving side
" I shouldn't even listen to those bastards... what you want to eat?"- Kaede
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bxdbunni · 3 months
@pomniegranate ; The air between them had grown thick ever since their little encounter of an ordeal being trapped together in a small room; one that Pomni tried racking her brain of the memory over and over again to no avail. It's like every touch and sound tattoo'd itself into her brain and she couldn't sleep at night anymore, staring at the ceiling and nothing else. It didn't seem like Jax was phased, or he was just incredibly good at hiding it. She couldn't take it anymore. She opted to leave her room in this world's sense of night and the last person she wanted to see seemed to have left his room at the same time. It was now or never, Pomni. Let's get this over with and maybe it'll subside the constant, perverted thoughts she held. With newfound determination, she approached the rabbit who already held a shit eating grin; swiftly, she kicked his leg that made him double over and have his knee to the ground and it was the perfect set up for her. No thoughts, no thinking; just act. She made it quick, closing the distance between them before her gloves roughly manhandled the sides of her face before she dived in, allowing their lips to meet.
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            𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪  ― 𝚃𝙾 𝚂𝙰𝚈 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝙳 𝙱𝙴𝙴𝙽 𝙰𝚆𝙺𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙳 𝚂𝙸𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁 little rendezvous in the shrinking room. Neither of them had tried to mention or talk about it, though it was obvious to him that Pomni had wanted to. Jax never gave her a chance, his usual complacent smile stretching from ear to ear, always producing a snide comment or completely disregarding her attempts with a prank. Anything to keep Pomni from bringing to the surface the events of that day. Sure, he was a KING at avoiding feelings && his emotions in the face of something more heartless, uncaring, and nonchalant. He couldn't risk the recollection of those moments, moments that hadn't left even though they had long since been out of that room. 
          To this moment, he still wasn't sure what had gotten over him. He'd never tried something like that with anyone else or even thought of it. Was it because of how close they had gotten inside the room, bodies pressed together, no escape ? Now, whenever he closed his eyes, he still felt like he was still inside that damn box. Locked inside with Pomni's heavy breathes, the moans that had sent him over the edge, to continue further, to let his hands roam where they shouldn't have. It felt like torture to stand next to her && pretend like the entirety of their reality hadn't just shifted. He was foolish to think something like that would go away in this digital prison. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been touched. If he had ever been. Now that he had gotten a taste, it was all he craved. 
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           Jax sat up from his bed with a frown, finding himself so vexed with another night that he couldn't close his eyes without imagining Pomni in his arms. He moved a hand to brush his ears back in frustration, letting out a deep sigh before he rose to his feet. He needed to get out of there, maybe find something to throw or hit. Anything to help get the thoughts out of his head, to keep him drowning in a crush he knew he shouldn't be allowed to crave, to begin with. Was it a crush? No! He instantly shook his head. No way. She was just the first girl he had done that with, and that was all; it was the heat of the moment. Nothing more. 
           He made his way to the door, and much to his dismay, he caught the bright red and blue colors of Pomni in this peripheral. Fuck. Play it cool. Jax instantly threw on his shit-eating grin, a hand on his hip as he watched Pomni approach. ❛ You look more awful than usual, not sleeping well  ? ❜ It was a simple tease, but what came next was FAR from what he would have expected. There's a sharp pain that shoots through his leg, but he isn't given a single chance to act, to even think of a response before he feels hands grabbing his face. ❛ Pom-- ! ❜ His weak attempt at trying to respond was silenced the moment Pomni's lips hit his. 
          Jax felt as though his chest was going to burst, his ears standing straight up as he found himself not fighting against the kiss. His mind was consumed in memorizing the feel of Pomni's lips. She was more forbidding than he would have foreseen && Jax wasn't going to complain about that. Something about how famished she seemed only made him satisfied, like she had, too, been plagued with unholy thoughts ever since that day. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so surprised to see her as the first to crack, then again, he just felt the sweet kiss of solace as he finally found the answer to the linger question he's had since that fateful day. 
                What her lips felt against his own. 
         He didn't know if it was because of their digital prison, but a spark came from her kiss and Jax grew tipsy by that feeling. Feeling. Something they got very little of here in the digital circus. His mind shuts off any reasoning as he scooped Pomni up in arms. She was feather-light. Like a pillow, she was soft, cool, and warm to the touch. He wanted to squeeze tight. She provided him with a safety he would never dare ever speak about.
        His lips push back against her roughly, a low groan vibrating through his throat as he hungrily snatched what he wanted, right there in the hallway. It was some kind of dumb luck no one had heard them, no one had bothered to open their door and sneak a peek. He didn't care though, finally pulling his lips away && their faces lingered hot and heavy as they simply stared at their heated faces. It was too late to pretend that didn't just happen; there was no adventure to use as an excuse to want to touch or kiss again. Jax could only grin stupidly, knowing exactly what was on both their twisted little minds.
            ❛ I think we should go back to my now, like now.❜ Pomni's tiny, yet eager nod giving him a pleasurable tingle up his spine as he carried her to his room, the door closing swiftly and quietly behind them 
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peekapen · 9 months
Into the Deep Chapter 5
Moon is trying very hard to not care about you whilst you learn more about how poorly your job had been handling you before you have a run-in with Clide.
Trigger warning for Harrassment, Sexual Harrassment (I think) and Attempted Sexual Assualt! You have been warned!
Moon stared at the toys you'd let him keep in his hand as well as the tuna he had taken from right under your nose feeling both proud that he had been able to steal them from you and annoyed that it had been so easy and that you had laughed afterwards. God, you were so stupid! It had been way too easy to grab these things without you noticing, but honestly, what did he expect from you? For you to actually notice? You were too trusting for that, always way too trusting of him...
It just kept baffling him how you never seemed truly afraid of him. No matter what he did or how he came across, he never really sensed any fear from you. Rather, he always felt awe and wonder. Granted, he should've known better than to sit so close to you, he's seen how you responded to Sun being close to you, it was obvious you were happiest when one of them came near you. He really shouldn't have done that.
That being said it had been shockingly nice lying next to you. It had been unnervingly relaxing to just lay by your side as you read under the stars, watching as your face subtly shifted in expression as you read your stories, one moment smiling widely before cringing or seeming close to tears the next. It was...fascinating. You were fascinating.
His eyes widened in shock as he registered that last thought of his. What the heck?! You weren't fascinating! You were just another dumb human who barely seemed to know safety from danger! He angrily started biting on the ring he had taken from you and felt another wave of frustration at himself for thinking that about you. I mean look at how much he took from you! How stupid were you to not notice he had taken all of the tuna when he had?! And instead of getting mad you just laughed? Who does that?! It's not normal, not normal at all. No, normal was the last word he'd use to describe you...You were anything but with your fearless excitement and curious nature. If you kept going as you did, there was no way you'd survive out there on your own, you needed to toughen up!
He caught himself and snarled again before biting harshly into a tuna. What was he thinking?! Why did his thoughts always seem to change when it came to you? He didn't care about you! Never would and never will! All he cared about were the stories and tuna you brought, for all he cared you could just keel over and die!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You yawned tiredly as you went scouring through the library. You had slept for nearly another whole day last night, but you couldn't sleep in more today. After all, it's already been a little over a week since you'd started working here, which meant you only had so much time left before you had to finish your strange task.
Because you've been here for as long as you have and have spent time with both Sun and Moon a fair amount you decided to try caring for them both at the same time around sunset. Ideally, you would've continued seeing Sun and Moon separately for a little while longer, but after what had happened with Sun you didn't want to freak him out anymore as you were pretty sure anxiety was the cause of his lack of sleep and eating. Though you weren't sure what made him so anxious that he ignored his natural clock and his food, you think it might have something to do with you, though you weren't sure what you were doing that could warrant such behavior from the boy. So maybe if you spent time with them both, you could avoid extra stress for Sun.
Hence, why you're here in the library. Now that you knew Moon liked stories, you were going to make sure to find out what he liked, so you grabbed a little bit of everything save articles on Mer biology. You doubted he wanted a Biology class on his own species when you were there. But you made sure to pack extra legends and myths as he seemed to really like them last time. You giggled as you remembered the look in his eyes as you read the story to him, he had just been so cute! Sun had also been really cute when he got all indignant at Moon too. They were both just too cute-
"Ah!" You yelped as you bumped into someone and staggered back a few paces. Thankfully you were able to catch yourself before you fell or dropped the books, but it was still a ridiculously close call.
"Hey watch it you-Wait a second I know you!" Before you could respond the person grabbed the front of your shirt and tried to pull you toward them, but due to your natural instinct to pull away they weren't able to do anything except for causing you to drop your books on their feet.
They cried out in pain and immediately went to grab their foot, but you didn't stick around to see who it was and quickly rushed out of the library. Due to your panic, you didn't realize you were being followed until your hand was grabbed from behind you. Acting on instinct once more you yelped and punched toward the person, but thankfully they dodged before you could land a hit.
"It's me (Y/n)! It's just me." The other person assured you and it took you a few moments before you had calmed down enough that you vaguely recognized the brunette as Charles' husband Henry.
"Henry...? What are you doing here?" You asked as you continued to take deep breaths, confused.
"I saw what happened in the library with Clide...Are you alright?" He asked and your eyes widened in shock.
"That was Clide?! He was uglier than I thought he was." You blurted out without thinking, causing Henry to stare at you blankly for a moment before he started laughing, causing you to awkwardly smile back as you blushed in embarrassment before you tried to defend yourself. "I swear, I didn't recognize him!"
"Don't worry, I believe you. Just don't let him hear you say that. the last thing we need is for him to have an actual reason to go after you." Henry assured you with a chuckle and you huffed.
"I'm just saying it as it is. He's an ugly person." You said and Henry snorted out a laugh.
"However true that may be, you shouldn't tell him that." He stressed, but the smile on his face showed you how amused he truly was. You smiled and nodded at that before growing curious.
"Don't worry I won't! Soooo, what were you in the library for?" You asked with a tilt of your head.
"Oh! I was just looking for some data on Octopi Mers. A new one just came into the Sanctuary and they need a proper look over, but we've never really had one before." Henry said and you nodded before realizing something: Though you two had been introduced and you knew he worked here, you had no clue what he actually did! You smacked yourself in the head, surprising Henry before you gave him an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, I just realized how silly I've been. I have absolutely no idea what your job is around here." You said sheepishly and Henry smiled before pointing over his shoulder.
"Wanna find out?" He asked and you, as curious as you were, of course, said yes.
He led you down the hall to Charles' office and held the door open for you. Confused you walked inside and looked around. Charles' office was one of the biggest in the entire building even if it didn't look like it with the large bookcases lining the two side walls and the desk which stood in front of a window that made up the farthest wall. Scattered on the shelves, the desk, and the floor were maps and other miscellaneous items to help him learn more about Mers from ancient sources. You carefully picked up a particularly old scroll, only to have it deftly plucked from your hands by Henry, who smiled at you before making a tut-tut motion. You pouted but relented and followed him to one of the bookcases on your left. With an overly dramatic spin, he grabbed a red and gold book from one of the shelves and pulled it, causing it to swing open and reveal a shiny metal door behind it.
You watched with wide eyes as Henry confidently approached the door and turned to a black pad next to the door where his eye was quickly scanned before it slid open, revealing one of the coolest things you had ever seen. Now you knew what had happened to all of that extra space in Charles' office, for behind that door sat a lab that looked like it came straight from a sci-fi movie. Inside a medium-sized room with iron-plated walls were multiple metal tables scattered throughout the space with one or two robotic arms hanging above each one, some doing something whilst others remained still despite their table having random stuff on it too. Multiple screens showed different loading bars which were either randomly filled or showed a green complete on them. Behind these tables though on the farthest wall was a huge supercomputer. It was made up of one huge screen in the middle and various, randomly sized ones surrounding it, though none were nearly as big as the center one. Each screen showed something different, but the big one showed a dark-red Mer with eight tentacles instead of a tail, the new Octopi Mer Henry must have been talking about earlier.
"Welcome to my lab!" Henry said as he spun around slowly before sitting down in a high rolling chair. "This is where all of the newest tech for the Sanctuary is both created and finally approved. Considering what we do for a living we need the best of the best to care for our Mers, and with that, we don't just mean people, we mean machines as well. How else do you think we are able to filter out seawater to put in the tanks? And clean them without needing any extra workers to do so? That's what I'm in charge of." He said proudly as he grabbed a metal glove from one of the complete tables and fired it, causing a grappling hook to appear which crashed into and cracked the wall it hit. You giddily jumped up and down with stars in your eyes at the coolness of it all! Who knew one of your coworkers was this awesome?! "This is why Charles says to come to me if you have any questions. Due to my role, I know pretty much everything you might need to know about Mers and their care."
"Woah! This is amazing! I didn't know we had this sort of department here!" You said excitedly as you started zooming from one table to the next, not noticing Henry's frown as you did so.
"You didn't know about it? I get that you didn't know where I work and such due to how busy you've been, but you didn't know about this department at all? Weren't you told about it during orientation?" He asked as he placed the glove back on the table. You turned to him with a confused look and tilted your head at him.
"Um...what's orientation? All I had was a crash course on what to do if you're suddenly pulled into the water by a Mer." You said sheepishly and Henry stared at you in shock, obviously dumbfounded.
"You didn't go to orientation?! But every newbie is put in orientation so that they know how this place works! Please tell me you at least know what the different labs on the second floor are for?" He asked as he gripped your shoulders tightly. You furrowed your brows at this but shook your head.
"No, I know pretty much nothing. Well, I know a little about Sun and Moon and the stuff that Charles told me on the tour, but outside of that, nope, nothing."
"That's not good. How could the higher-ups have allowed this?! There must have been some sort of mistake...Why don't you go and get the books you wanted from the library? I'll get some guards to deal with Clide, so don't worry about him, alright?" He said with a serious look on his face, causing you to grow worried you had done something.
"Why? Did I do something wrong?" You asked and Henry shook his head as he ushered you out of the door.
"No, you did nothing wrong here. Your superiors missed something vital when you arrived and now I'm going to fix it." He said as he led you out the door before promptly speed walking away, leaving you incredibly confused, but you decided to just leave it be and collect your books before you headed out to see your boys. Sadly, this didn't go as planned as not even three steps towards the library your collar was suddenly snagged again and before you could react you were pushed into the wall behind you, causing you to let out a wheeze from the sudden impact.
"There you are you piece of shit! Did you really think you could escape from me just because the higher-up bastard was there to save you?" Clide hissed in your ear and you glared at him.
"I wasn't escaping from you and Henry didn't save me, I just left because I got startled. Those are two very different things, my friend." You said with a shrug before you were slammed into the wall once again by Clide, causing you to grit your teeth.
"You'd make up any excuse to not seem like the fragile little pussy that you are. But then again, what should I expect from someone who stole my job just to see me suffer." He hissed and you cocked your head in confusion, not understanding where he was coming from.
"What? I've got no beef with you man. If anything, I should be thanking you for giving me this opportunity. Sun and Moon are lovely Mers. If you're just missing them I would gladly show you how to care for them properly so that you could say hi to them." You offered with a smile before yelping as he hit you against the wall for a third time, far harder this time before pulling you so close you could smell his breath as his spittle flew onto your face. What the heck was wrong with this guy?! He wasn't making any sense!
"ARE YOU MOCKING ME?! WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT HELP FROM SOMEONE LIKE YOU?! God, you really are stupid if you think I would ever, ever come to you for advice. You know nothing, NOTHING, in comparison to me, do you hear me?! COMPARED TO ME, YOU ARE JUST A USELESS, TOE-LICKING, STUPID SLUT WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT MERS! ALL YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IS WIN PEOPLE OVER WITH YOUR LOOKS AND YOUR BODY, THAT'S THE ONLY REASON YOU GOT THIS JOB!" He yelled before giggling like a maniac and grabbing something from his back pocket. You stared in shock as he pulled a boxcutter out of his pocket and held it up to your neck, a psychotic gleam in his eyes as he licked his lips. "Well then, how about I treat you like the slut you are? Have my way with you before I slit your throat and toss your body into the ocean where it will never be found-"
He started, but before he could finish you kicked him off just as Henry, Charles, and a bunch of security people ran into the hall. Charles pointed at Clide and before he could retaliate he was apprehended by the security guards. Once Clide's boxcutter was confiscated and he was hauled onto his feet Charles led the guards and him as well. He screamed a bunch of vengeance-like nonsense as he was dragged away by the guards, leaving you with Henry fretting over you as you tried to figure out what the heck just happened.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Despite Henry and Charles' advice you still went out that night to see your boys. What could you say, you hated doing nothing and this was something that brought you joy, so it was a good distraction from the horrible and weird encounter with Clide. You had no clue where he had gotten even half of those ideas, but you honestly didn't really want to know either way. You were happy to just leave it be as he was being taken care of now.
You sighed before turning to your cart and smiling. Considering you were going to see them at sundown you had brought something for them both. Drawing supplies and puzzles for Sun and books and a harmonica for Moon and that's not counting the wide variety of treats you had brought for the two to hopefully distract at least one of them if you grew overwhelmed. After all, you had never worked with both of them at the same time before, so this would be new. Instead of your usual excitement though, you were filled with ice-cold dread and worry as everything that had happened with Clide only hours ago made you feel unsure of, well, everything.
What if he was right? What if you hadn't earned this job at all and you were just given it because you look good? But you had been trying so hard to do well here and to just get here...And yet the way you had gotten this job just left a bad taste in your mouth now. There was no way a place such as this one would do that to you...Right? But what if he was right? Then that would mean that all of your hard work had meant nothing and you were just a useless nobody who was just in the right place at the right time and given this job because you looked alright-
You were suddenly torn from your thoughts when you heard dull banging right beside you, causing you to jump in fear before relaxing as you saw who it was. Sun was waiting for you by the front of his enclosure, staring at you with bright happy eyes as he started swimming circles when the two of you made eye contact. You giggled at this and shook your head. What were you thinking, of course, you had earned this job! That bastard was just jealous you were his superior in every sense of the way. You were going to show the whole world what you could do by keeping this job and doing right by your Mers! That would show Clide and everyone else who might be doubting you just how worthy you were of this position.
With your self-esteem boosted and a new sense of rigour you motioned toward the door to Sun who stopped spinning before nodding wildly and swimming away. You grinned and started running after him with your cart, but you quickly fell behind due to how much faster he was and the fact that he wasn't carrying anything heavy on him. You stopped running once you'd passed the glass part and walked the rest of the way to the door, bracing yourself with a smile as you opened it. And it was a good thing you had, because the moment the doors opened, Sun drew you into a bone-crushing hug which made you gasp before you dissolved into giggles as he started licking you.
"Hey, Sunny! It's good to see you too baby, it's good to see you too." You said as Sun suddenly stopped licking you and started sniffing you instead, causing you to giggle at the ticklish feeling. You were giggling so much you didn't notice Sun's low growl before he started rubbing himself against you furiously, but even if you had noticed you wouldn't have cared as you were too happy to see the sweet boy after your stressful and eventful day.
When he finally put you down you grabbed your cart and closed the door behind you, causing Sun's rays to perk up and his tail to wag as he noticed the items in the cart. You laughed and nodded and he quickly grabbed as many puzzles as he could before lying down nearby as you got the rest of the stuff ready for the evening. Once you had unloaded your cart you went over to Sun and sat down next to him, immediately getting cuddled on by the large Mer and started doing some puzzles with him. He seemed to try and teach you how to solve them through his movements and speech, but sadly his chitters were untranslatable for you, and his movements too quick to follow, so you failed to solve any of them. Every time you failed he'd whine empathetically before giving you a lick on the face and you'd start laughing again, causing him to make a sound akin to that as well. After a while of doing this, you vaguely noticed Moon waking up, grabbing a tuna, and plunging into the deep, but you let him be and instead started drawing with Sun.
It wasn't until Sun started to yawn that Moon came out of the water and started toying with a few of the puzzles as well at a safe distance. They weren't as interesting to him though and he quickly put them back in the pile and grabbed a book instead. He started scooting over to you when Sun quickly untangled himself and rushed up to his brother. Due to the sudden lack of support, you were unable to catch yourself and fell on your back with an undignified yelp.
You decided to just lay there though and listen as they 'spoke' to each other with their little clicks, trills, and growls. At one point, Moon sounded really upset, but you weren't paying that much attention as you were watching the sky above you slowly turn from vibrant pinks, golds, and oranges to a deep indigo and violet before turning inky black as stars slowly started to become visible. They continued 'talking' for a little while, Moon sounding more and more upset until you heard and low huff and something moving towards you before Moon popped into your view. You smiled up at the Moonlight Mer and gave him a small wave.
"Hey there Moonie! Want me to read you a story?" You asked and Moon nodded, but then stopped himself.
Concerned, you tried to get up and see what was going on, but he pushed you back down and covered your eyes. Confused you tried to move them before freezing as a song drifted through the air. You had never heard it before, you were sure of that, but it sounded vaguely familiar to you. You hummed along with the song for a bit before yawning. God, why did you suddenly feel so sleepy? Maybe your adrenaline crash started? You yawned again and tried to push Moon's hand away, now telling him you really needed to go but your words came out in slurs and he failed to relent his hold. You pouted, but...Wait, why were you pouting again? You really needed to sleep...And with that final thought you fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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josnhoes · 2 years
I wanted to make a more serious request but after seeing you writr for daddy kink i coudnt help but get a silly idea... How would these characters react if reader accidentally called them dad? (LOL Not really daddy kink but its what came to my mind hahahaha) Ares, Dionysus and Hades (All from Hades Game pls <3)
Self Aware Au where reader is seen as the first God a God worshiped by other gods.
No warnings
Hades freezes as the "Thanks Dad," leaves your lips. You had been preoccupied with something all day at least mentally. He had tried to get you to open up to him, as lord of the house you were currently in it would be a crime if he didn't see to your every whim or displeasure. You brushed him off so he decided to take another route. Like Persephone did for him when he was mentally preoccupied on work he brought you an easy to eat meal. The best he could have the chef make. Instead of a normal response or a simple dismissal you said "Thanks dad." It was obviously unintentional but that meant you meant it more then right?
"Your grace I- you see me as a father figure?" No he couldn't just drop it. Even his own son didn't call him dad, yet you the one who came before all, who treated himself and his family with unwavering love called him *dad*. Shouldn't he be calling you his parent?
You meanwhile were mortified absolutely drowning in embaressement. You face hidden in your hands. "No! I- you- I..." you couldn't even speak properly. So instead you fled. Leaving behind a very confused lord of the dead and a snickering house shade who had seen the entire thing.
Ares is shocked as well but it quickly devolves into gentle laughter. "I've been called many things your grace but never dad." He is trying really hard not to over think this, it was obviously a slip of the tongue but now he wanted answers if you had a father. Did someone exist before even you?
Yes the God of War was most well known for his bloodlust, but part of the battle field was gathering all the information you could to form a good plan. Yes Athena was better at it but he was good at it too. The issue is he is persistent so even after you leave the embaressment burning your face he follows.
You can't avoid him for long, no matter what corner you turn he's there with questions. Begging for answers. You had to get stern with him after an event where you were looking out your window of you hall in Olympus, down at the world below, and he popped up scaring you so bad you pushed him from the open window. He caught himself and complimented your reflexes.
Dionysus is quick to respond in a friendly but witty way, "Woah woah your grace hold on a second. I'm not comfortable being called Dad, but if you want you can call me Daddy." He didn't actually mean it lewdly he was simply cracking a joke so he could see that embaressment on your face Fade. If he didn't make a big deal of it you wouldn't have to either. Though he supposed he wouldn't be opposed to a romp in the sheets with you. But his *is* known for orgies so it wouldn't be surprising he'd be down for casual sex.
Still even *he* wasn't bold enough to try or offer more than a joke here or there. His father would have his hide if he did. Though the punishment might have been worth the story.
His internal monolog is cute off by you throwing one of the many pillows adorning your throne at his face. It didn't hurt but you expression was too funny. "I joke, I joke." His hand up in defeat he offers you a peace offering in some nice vintage ambrosia.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Objections: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: you go to a wedding as the maid of honor for your best friend, so you have to keep things proper. But there's always room to have a little fun, right? (a piece for the Gangland Collab hosted by @semisgroupie)
wc: 2.5k
tw: NSFW
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That's one way to describe how you're feeling while everyone is running around and making demands. You're barely dressed when the bride - and your best friend - comes into your shared hotel room with a red face.
"Y/n, my shoes won't buckle!"
You stoop to help Mizuki silently, hoping she would calm down after your assistance. But then she begins to complain bout how awful the wedding rehearsal had gone the night before, where only two out of the four groomsmen had shown up. The best man had even sat the rehearsal dinner out, claiming to have a wicked hangover—a likely story.
"There," you state, standing up and pulling your blush-colored dress straps over your shoulders.
"Thanks, y/n. Don't know what I'd do without you."
And you carry Mizuki's flowers as she rushes across the courtyard to the church, her hands full of tulle skirt. And you adjust her veil when it slips off her hair a little. All the things her mother would have been there to do, you're there for instead. Because that's just who you are.
The groom and the groomsmen have already descended the aisle, and you hand Mizuki her flowers as her father approaches her in the church's lobby. His tattoos are covered by the long-sleeved suit and buttoned-up shirt, but you know Mr. Magahara would show his tattoos if he could.
"You're the best maid of honor," he mentions, and you smile, giving him a wink.
"Wouldn't give this up for the world."
As you walk down the aisle alone, you smile at all of the family members present on Mizuki's side, knowing each and every one of them by name and function. You take your place across from the groomsmen standing behind the groom and eye the best man - a tall, black-haired fellow - with curiosity. His black eyes flick to you for a moment, linger on your appearance in the blush silk, and then turn away just as quickly as if you no longer existed. But Mizuki is coming down the aisle, and you turn toward her, placing your best "I Want to Be Here" smile on your face.
The wedding vows and ceremony passes in a blur, and before you know it - she and her white-haired groom are wedded. As they leave, you walk back up the aisle beside the best man, secretly wondering why he couldn't just suck it up the night before, but you keep your thoughts to yourself as you wait for the golf carts purchased to take you all to the reception.
"Y/n, you and Geto will get in the next one," Mizuki claims and zips off, facing the crowd while her dress flies around her and Gojo. You turn to the man as he sits in the driver's seat of the white golf cart, and he pats the seat next to him. His cuffs roll up just a bit to reveal a red and black tattoo outline when he does so. You look back up at his face, and Geto raises a brow - noticing you noticing his tattoo.
"I don't bite..." he offers, shrugging. Other people are going past you and the stationary cart as you assess the Yakuza member, but after what feels like forever, you decide to get into the cart, and he starts it up before taking off at a crawl. "Often." Before you can respond, he floors the pedal down on the golf cart, and you scream, holding onto the side rails for dear life.
It would be just your luck. You're stuck in a golf cart with a bona fide crazy man who is in the Yakuza.
When he finally pulls up a the barn, you step off the cart, dizzy, but you feel no more inclined to throw up than you did before. However, Geto gets out of the vehicle and loops your arm through his, guiding you towards the repurposed barn like a gentleman.
"Wasn't so bad, was it? Maybe four-and-a-half stars out of five?"
"Out of ten," you mutter, earning you a hearty laugh.
You're six toasts in and a little unsteady on your feet when Geto turns to you, watching you eat the cupcake offered to you moments before. He places his hand on his chin, examining you in the dim lighting of the venue like he did at the church.
"What?" you wonder, mouth full of icing and cake.
"Just watching you eat that cupcake. Maybe I should've gotten one, yeah?"
"Yeah," you muse, sucking some icing off of your index finger. "They're fucking amazing."
"I bet..." You think you hear him groan in his throat, but you can't be sure, so your attention goes back to the people on the dance floor, and you thumb over to the crowd.
"You don't like dancing?"
"Eh," Geto shrugs, watching the groom sway to the slow song with his bride. "No one's ever asked me to dance with them before." You stand from your chair and offer Geto your hand, praying he wouldn't embarrass you by not taking it.
"Well, Mr. Geto, may I have this dance?"
The man looks at your hand, then back up at your face, as if you were joking. But you continue to stand there, palm up, until he finally takes it, leading you to the dance floor. He pulls you into a traditional slow dance hold - one hand against your waist, the other holding your hand out - and you look up at him, laughing.
"You can dance!"
"Never said I couldn't," he chuckles, smiling down at you. "Just said I hadn't." After a few moments of this, the song changes to something fast and exciting - definitely a song that makes you want to shake your ass a little. At first, the mafia member is caught off-guard by the song, but he dances along with you, mouthing the words to the song.
"You acted like you've never been to a party before," you mention, and he shakes his head, his banging flopping back and forth.
"Always rolled up in the back and watched the festivities."
Your entire perception begins to shift, and for some reason, your cheeks heat up under his gaze. It's the alcohol, you consider. It has to be.
But as you move closer to him and Geto takes your hips in his hands, you know you won't be able to escape this evening unscathed. The DJ changes the song to a sultry and seductive song, and you follow the beat, rolling your body under the firm grip of the hands on your body. Your fingers creep up Geto's suit and rest on his chest, eyes following and resting on his face. He leans down and exhales in your ear, and you tilt your head back, hair tickling the back of your neck.
"Fuck..." he breathes, and you stifle a moan when his hands creep up to the top of the back of your dress. "Y/n, I don't know if I can keep dancing with you like this... Makes me think about--"
"Don't," you whisper, feeling the need grow in your stomach. "Don't say it. We just met, and I can't... I shouldn't..."
"I'm renting a hotel room tonight and heading back into town in the morning," he adds, ignoring your plea. "Maybe we could..." Geto leaves the ending open, and you close your eyes, hissing as he grips your ass.
"You're making a scene."
The sound of Mizuki behind you is enough to startle the both of you into sobriety. You look back, and Gojo and Mizuki raise their brows at the two of you simultaneously.
"If you're going to fuck each other, don't do it here. Go on," Gojo smirks, jerking his chin at you. "Get out of here."
Neither of you needs any more permission to take off and go back to the hotel.
"Get your things and meet me on floor ten."
You fumble with the keycard as you stumble into the hotel room you shared with Mizuki. Nothing but the thoughts of being under Geto fill your mind as you throw your things into a bag and rush up to the tenth floor.
Geto is standing in front of the elevators and scrolling on his phone, his black jacket slung over his shoulder and tattoos on full display from his forearms to his elbows. Shit.
He notices you immediately and holds his hand out for your bag, then walks you to a room at the end of the hall. The plush carpet beneath you makes you a little unsteady on your feet, but you keep your composure and step into the room behind him. He sets your bag on the couch in the room, sighing and placing his jacket over it before walking over to where you are, still standing at the now-closed door in anticipation. He tilts your chin up and smiles, leaning in for a kiss without speaking.
And you give him exactly what he wants, pressing your back against the door as Geto runs his hands over your body slowly, deliberately. "You've been driving me crazy all night long," he muses, pulling away from you and tapping your nose with his index finger. "But now I've got you right where I want you."
"Wait," you murmur, head hazy, already drunk on his essence. "I don't even know your first name."
"Suguru," he whispers against your lips. "But I go by Su."
And before you know it, you're moaning that name over and over again, his head between your legs and hands on your thighs. You can see all of his tattoos from his back to his hips, and for a moment, you're lost in the intricate patterns and swirls and animals. Your hands are tangled in his hair, and he moans when you tug slightly on it, pushing him into your cunt a little more.
"Please, Su..." you beg, and he answers your request by sucking on your clit and flicking his eyes up to watch your face change. "Oh my god." Your rock your hips against his face, and he hums loudly, bordering on a growl while his tongue flicks back and forth. "Ah!" Your orgasm arrives faster than you thought it would, catching you off-guard and making your back arch.
Suguru grabs your hips and repositions you so he's still eating you out as you cum. And when you're done, he pulls away slowly, licking his lips and peeling his pants off.
"That's a good girl," he mutters, pushing your legs up and grasping his hard length. "You ready for me?"
"Yes, please," you whine, and Suguru slides his cock up and down your pussy before slapping it with his cock head a few times.
"Wet as fuck," he groans, then slides into you, barely getting his cock past your entrance before easing up. "And tight as shit. Damn, Satoru owes me ten bucks."
You're about to ask what the hell that means, but he slides back into you, and the thought evaporates. "Oh, Su!" The man slides back out, then in, gaining a few inches each time. His hips meet yours with a slap of skin, a rhythm he maintains as your own personal initiation begins.
"Keep those hips still for me, kitten." You obey, moaning in time with his thrusts and watching his cock pump in and out of you with a milky, white ring of your cum forming at the base. "Look at that... You're creamin' all over my cock." All you can do is moan in response, feeling your body flush under his gaze. Lithe fingers dance around your collarbone before sliding back down to your breasts, toying with your nipples carefully.
"Can we..." You gasp as he leans down and swipes his tongue across your breast, the sound of your moans and groans cutting through the static in your head.
"What'd you say?"
"Can we--" Another gasp is pulled from you when Suguru tugs your right nipple with his teeth, delivering a shock of pain and pleasure.
"You keep stopping mid-sentence, kitten. Spit it out." All this time, he hasn't stopped thrusting into you, and you frown a little, trying to recall what you wanted to say.
"Su, can we please -- ah!" Suguru drives a hand toward your clit and rolls it between his fingers.
"Baby," he chastises, smirking playfully. "Didn't they teach you to finish your sentences in grade school?" You huff in response, and Suguru laughs, pulling his hand away and leaning over you. "No, really. What is it, y/n?"
"Can you fuck me from behind, please?" Suguru's brows raise, and you swallow hard, feeling him pull out slowly.
"Be my guest," he encourages you, and you flip over, scooting to the edge of the bed eagerly. Suguru slaps each ass cheek once before entering you again. "Go ahead," he murmurs, and you bounce back onto his cock, taking control. You look back at the Yakuza member and bite your bottom lip, feeling your climax build.
"Feels so fucking good, Su," you whisper, and his mouth parts at the way you look. "So damn sexy..."
He slides out of you almost instantly, pushing you onto the bed and mounting you from above. "Trying to make me cum, huh? I know your little tricks. I've got something for that." He doesn't sound displeased at all, just a little surprised, but his reaction no longer matters as he pounds into your little cunt as hard and fast as he can, pushing your hips into the bed over and over again. A hand crawls up to your neck, and Suguru latches his lips onto your earlobe, traveling lower while he fucks you so hard that the headboard begins to shake.
"The h-headboard," you cry out, but Suguru pays you no mind, keeping you in place while he thrusts into your abused cunt until you tip over the edge, choking out a sound between a wail and grunt.
"Good girl," he whispers in your ear as your hand scramble to find purchase among the silken sheets and pointless pillows. "Cum for me... just like that." A ragged inhale triggers his climax, but you're still riding your high as he rocks into your cunt, filling you with his cum. You both lay on the bed, recovering with deep inhales and exhales, and a soft moan or two.
"Shit," you breathe.
"That was fucking amazing." Suguru stays inside of you but pulls you onto your side so he's spooning your body carefully.
"You're in the Yakuza," you whisper. "Does this mean I can never tell anyone about what we did?" Suguru laughs loudly, shaking your body as he holds you.
"Everyone watched you and I leave, I don't think there's any confusion about what we're doing. And even if they didn't Gojo will tell them for sure." You groan, but Suguru pulls you in closer. "Don't worry, y/n. I won't let them embarrass you. I'll make sure to let them see you with me on dates, too."
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
When he says it, it's for a reason 2
The second part is here :D It's time for Dream's trauma ;-;
TW: Safe/soft vore, fear of being eaten, digestion mention (doesn't happen)
Words count: 1,2K
Skeppy was the first to wake up, giving a small yawn before stroking the soft walls of Bad's stomach to wake him up. He also took the opportunity to wake up Dream who was sleeping next to him. "Come on, wake up, both of you." he said, pushing the walls a little in case Bad tried to go back to sleep. "Okay muffinhead, stop pushing, geez." "Get Dream out first so he can go find Sapnap." he continued when Bad answered him.
Moments after he said that, Dream was pushed up Bad's throat before reaching his mouth, which opened to let out the mer. Slowly the green mer slipped out of his mouth with a hand in his own to cover a yawn.
"I'm going to wake up Sapnap." Dream said, starting to head to his room. He soon reached the room and when he went to call Sapnap he stopped when he saw his brother's bed empty and no trace of him in the room. 'Where is he? Dream wondered as he turned around leaving the room, quickly searching the rest of the house for him, but he couldn't find Sapnap.
Dream panicked and swam as fast as he could towards Bad, who was talking to Skeppy who had already come out of storage. "Dad!" Bad turned his head to look at his son, who was startled. "What's wrong, Dream? Where's Sapnap?" "I don't know! He's not here! I can't find him!" Dream responded in alarm with his hands resting on Bad's even bigger hand. Skeppy and Bad looked at each other worriedly. "You're sure?" "Yes! I've searched the whole house!" Dream said, starting to get overwhelmed.
“Okay, Dream, stay calm. We'll find him, okay?" Dream nodded as Bad continued. "I'm going to try looking for him over there." “I'll look for that other side over there then. Dream, you stay here, okay?” He nodded again seeing how his two parents separated to look for Sapnap. Dream was wondering where Sapnap could have gone, when something occurred to him.
The day before, Sapnap had said something about going to the beach. Sapnap had probably slipped away and headed that way, so he looked both ways to where his parents were and swam as fast as he could to the open sea before they saw him. He was going to go find Sapnap and he wasn't going to let them stop him, not even his parents.
He had been swimming for a couple of hours when he began to get tired and it seemed there was still a long way to go. 'How long was he swimming? How long did it take to arrive?' he thought, stopping swimming for a while so he could rest. He really shouldn't stay there still, since he was in the middle of the ocean, but he was too tired to keep swimming.
He let out a long, soft breath, suddenly freezing when he felt he couldn't move the lower half of his tail, sending a shiver up his entire body. He looked down with a small cry as he saw that a fish had nearly swallowed his lower body. He tried to push with both hands the mouth of the fish that every time he swallowed pushed his body even deeper into the stomach. Tears began to form in his eyes, his arms trembling as his hands couldn't take it anymore.
His arms finally gave way and the fish finished swallowing Dream once he stopped pushing, the little mer sliding all the way into its stomach. Dream let out a sob thinking that he would never see his parents or Sapnap again, if they found him. He really should have listened to Skeppy and waited there while they searched for his brother.
He closed his eyes, tears falling uncontrollably as the fish joined a school of fish, being caught in a net soon after.
"No, no, why? You know I do not like it." George said to the voice on the other side of the phone. "I know, but you could make an effort and eat fish at least four times a month." "Okay, okay, I'll add a fish to the cart... But only because I care about you." he answered as he approached the fish market. "Thank you George, I'll visit you someday, bye." "Bye, Mom." finished, hanging up the phone.
Once at the fish market, he simply chose a fish at random, without noticing the large bulge that the one he had chosen had. Once the fish was bought, he put it in the bags with the rest of the purchase and headed home. When he arrived, he decided to cook the fish that day because the sooner he ate it, the sooner he would eat something other than fish.
So he took it out and placed it on the table, finally noticing the big bulge that the fish had. “How come I haven't noticed it before? Why is he so fat? Did it eat anything before it was caught?” he said even though there was no one with him to hear him. He pressed a finger on the lump and withdrew it with a yelp as whatever had eaten the fish moved, making noises muffled by the meat.
“What the fuck!? Is what it ate still alive!? Okay… George, calm down… Just take the knife and carefully release the little creature…” he said softly as he grabbed the knife to his right and very carefully, he cut the meat being careful not to cut the little one that was still alive. Once done, he put the knife down again, inserting two fingers into the cut, gross as it was, and felt two small hands grasp his fingers.
Wait… Little hands? He inserted another two fingers, finally pulling the little creature out. George's eyes widened as he saw that the creature was a little mer now clinging as tightly as he could to his thumb, tears running down his cheeks. George slowly reached out his hand gently stroking the tiny mer's head as he tried to calm him down. "Shh... It's okay, you're safe now."
The little mer sobbed as he hugged his thumb even tighter. “I-I…I-I j-just wanted to f-find my b-brother…” George could feel his heart break at how sad the mer sounded, who just wanted to look for his brother. "I can help you find him if you want, but first you will have to rest since I suppose you will be very tired." The mer nodded looking at George. "Are you serious?" "Yes, I say it seriously. Now rest, you need it, okay?"
He saw the mer nod again and fall asleep in his hands, unable to stay conscious much longer. George walked out of the kitchen, finding a fishbowl in the living room, which he filled with temperate water, setting it on the table as he placed the little mer in it. Once the mer was in the fishbowl, he lay back on the couch, closing his eyes as he thought how lucky was the mer to still be alive after being in the stomach of a fish.
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hanjizung · 3 years
♡ Dreamy Welcome. ♡
Lee Minho x Reader.
Word count:  4.4K
♡ Warnings ♡: SMUT; (mentions of) orgasm control, fingering, masturbation, (a bit of) exhibitionism, creampie, breeding kink, basically just love making, pet names.
Hello! im back with another request from when i reblogged this promp list ! [8) “If you’re going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat.”] hope you enjoy!
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You had been missing Minho a lot since he went on tour, missed everything about him; his voice, his laugh, his smile, the way he called your name, how he hugged you and kissed you on the forehead after teasing you… His whole absence felt weird, it wasn’t killing you but you missed him a lot, you needed him back as soon as possible.
There was an unwritten list of things you wanted to do with him once he was back; first you had to hug him, tell him how much you had missed him while kissing his face and making him feel a little shy from all the affection you were giving him in front of his members, then you would steal him and take him to your house for a movie night where the only thing you would actually focus on is going to be take care of him, massage him if he wants, play with his hair and cuddle with him on your couch until he fell asleep, and the last thing on your list was to make him fuck you senseless.
Of course the two of you had the occasional phone sex, it was mostly him hiding in the bathroom between practices and telling you to touch yourself for him, moaning his name but never cumming, because he said that he wanted you to cum on his cock, he wanted to be the one to give you an orgasm that would have you seeing stars.
That was the promise he made during one of those calls late at night that had you feeling needy and in not a very good mood for the next day, it made you feel frustrated that you stayed always at the edge, but you were equally proud that you hadn’t broken his one rule.
The day he called you and told you with a happy voice that his last concert was in 3 more nights and that in two days after that you would be able to see him, you exploded. When you went to work you got asked multiple times what had happened that you couldn't stop smiling, making you laugh and lie to them that you were just excited for something that happened to one of your cousins or something like that.
It was a more contrastive mood than how you behaved last week, bags under your eyes, eyes semi closed from how tired you were and not so happy because your beautiful boyfriend required a session of self love where he got to edge you multiple times. Twice, to be more precise, the sudden change surprised everyone at your workplace. You seemed more energetic and focused, you did all your work with a smile on your face and you sang during your break when you ate.
You asked your boss if you could leave earlier one day, and seeing how competent you were behaving he accepted, wishing you good luck and telling you that he expected you to stay working as efficiently as possible and that he was happy with your work pace. You simply nodded, not hearing much of his speech because everything that was in your mind was your beautiful boyfriend.
Days passed quickly and you found yourself showering at 4 am to be able to go and receive your boyfriend and the rest of your friends in time. You would be done getting ready at 5, then had to get a taxi to the airport and then you would be able to spend the day with all of them, just like you wanted.
The early morning was cold, and you were thankful that you decided to wear an appropriate coat to protect yourself from the weather. You placed your hands together out of nervousness, anticipating the moment that all of them would arrive, walking through their fans and following the staff to where their vans were parked.
True… you couldn't run to Minho and wrap your arms around him. You had to keep the black mask above your nose and the dark glasses to avoid raising suspicion and pretend to be another staff member. Your relationship was a secret…
Sighing, a plane finally landed and the giant bodyguards that you sometimes brought candies to started walking towards it, you running not too far from them and breathing in to try and control your excitement, failing momentarily when you saw a group of men walk out followed by some other people close behind them. You recognized each one of your friends as soon as they walked out, they wore comfortable clothes and they seemed to be needing some more rest.
The real staff instructed them to go to the previously prepared cars, and you rushed to find your dance machine boyfriend.
You waited for Changbin, Jisung and Seungmin to get inside the car, Minho noticed you and he got in, waiting for you to close the door after you hopped in to hug you and pull you close to him in a loving manner. In the front seats, there was one of the bodyguards and the designated driver. You snuggled closer to Minho, he whispered "I missed you a lot" for you to hear only and he kissed your forehead gently, making you feel incredibly happy.
Not even 10 minutes inside the car, and soft snores could be heard, Minho's weight felt heavy in your side, but you didn't care, you were happy knowing that from that day he would get to rest for a long period of time, and you expected to spend a lot of time with him.
The stillness of the car made you open your eyes, rubbing them to get accustomed to the sun rays filters through the clear front window and you realized that you had finally arrived at the dorms. The bodyguard opened the door for you, giving you his hand to help you out. You shook Minho gently to help him wake up, yawning when he looked at you with disoriented eyes, and then you took the waiting hand to wait for them outside.
When all of them were outside the car, you helped them walk to their corresponding dorm, helping Minho walk with closed eyes because he wasn't fully awake, and when you finally got to your destination, the door was unlocked and there was a mountain of baggage and bags ready to unpack, but that would be a problem for later. In the kitchen, sitting with his laptop in front of him was Chan, he gave a low "good mornin" when he saw who had arrived, continuing to do whatever it was that he had on display in the screen in front of him. You nodded, silently greeting him and then walked to Minho's shared room. He plopped down on his bed, moving and patting the side next to him for you to lay down next to him, and you did.
"I missed you" you whispered, burying your face in his chest and hugging him tightly, making him chuckle quietly.
"I missed you too, hot stuff" he whispered back, looking down at you and patting your back gently.
The two of you stayed like that, there was no need to speak any more words, you were finally holding him, you were finally in his arms and you felt so loved. This was your safe place.
With those thoughts in your head, you dozed off again, your breathing almost syncing with Minho's steady one.
You had a beautiful dream with him, it started with you sitting on the porch of your childhood home observing the street until a younger looking Minho appeared and took your hand. He guided you to the insides of the place that used to be your home. He kissed you playfully at first, then he took your face with his hand and held you in place as the heat of the kiss increased and moments later he was eating you out in the kitchen aisle.
You were enjoying the dream probably a little too much, because you were woken up suddenly by your boyfriend's hands on your shoulder, moving you gently to bring you back to the real world.
"Seems like you had an interesting dream, didn't you?" he said. You blushed, hitting him gently on his chest and groaning.
"Maybe I wouldn't dream such things if someone," you shoot him a glare "didn't get me all worked up and then didn't allow me to cum" you complained, making him laugh. You were daring him, and you knew that, but you needed to know how much he would wait until he finally gave you what you wanted and fucked you hard like he'd done before he left.
"Oh, really, baby? It's my fault, then?" he asked. You pouted and nodded, looking at him with needy eyes. "Then I must do something to reward you for being so good, right?" his hand snaked on your tummy, getting to the edge of your shirt and going under it until it reached your breast.
His hand squeezed you, gaining a sigh from you. Two of his fingers played with your nub moment later, he shifted so he would be on his side and able to play with you, his lips finding a home in your neck and kissing you lazily, the caress of his lips against your skin and the sensation of him teasing your nipoles felt amazing, it was enough for you to start getting wet and your breathing to turn irregular, but all that ended when Jisung shamelessly opened the door.
"Hey guys, who's awake already? Does anyone wanna watch a movie?" he asked no one in particular, Minho's movement stopped and his arm quickly moved to wrap around your waist, his head fell against his pillow and you closed your eyes again to pretend to still be asleep. It was almost as if nothing between the two of you had happened, which would actually seem like it were true if both your hearts weren't racing from almost being caught.
You heard movement from the other side of the room, you recognized Hyunjin's steps passing through the door accompanied with a humm and later Seungmin's voice was heard, answering Jisung who was still standing by the entrance.
"I'm kinda hungry. I'll join if we order something to eat" he said, the sound of feet against the floor letting you know he was ready to leave the room.
"Sure, let's try to convince Chan to pay," Jisung responded, waiting for Seungmin to walk with him to the living room, but when Seungmin reached him, Jisung didn't move. "Shouldn't we wake Minho and ask him if he wants something as well?"
"Nah, he stayed up the whole flight I think, and besides, he's with Y/N. Let's order something for them and let them sleep," Seungmin said, his tired voice making it clear that he didn't want to deal with trying to wake Minho up.
The answer seemed to be enough for Jisung, and the two of them left, closing the door behind them. Just then, you allowed yourself to sigh in relief.
Next to you, Minho rolled on his side, his back now at you making you confused. "What are you doing?" you asked.
"You heard them, they think we're asleep, so we might go back to sleep again, don't you think?" he responded, his tone still low. You whined, hugging his whole body as best as you could, your mouth reaching his ear to whisper to him:
"But I'm so wet… are you really going back to sleep and leave me like this?" you cried to him, you knew he could feel you putting on the tone of voice you decided to use, but he didn't say anything, so you tried your luck again.
"Please, if you're not going to fuck me at least finger me, I've missed you so much… I've been waiting for you to use me for so long" you continued, begging with a low voice and pressing your lips against the shell of his ear, starting a trail of kisses down all the uncovered skin you could see, high diving yourself in your mind when you felt him shiver under your touch.
Minho finally sighed, giving in and turning so now he would be facing you, your eyes almost shone when his right hand went to your hip and his face got closer to yours to steal a passionate kiss that you now would end up making you feel like the world was spinning.
You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips when both of you tried to recuperate your normal breathing, drawing a raised eyebrow from your boyfriend. You simply took his face with both of your hands and started kissing him again, suddenly one of your hands leaving his cheek to guide the hand resting on your hip to where you needed him most. If he noticed, he had been nice enough to not say anything.
Or that's what you thought, because then he broke the kiss and growled quietly, his fingers playing with the button of your jeans until he was able to open them and he wasted no more time, his slender digit slipping past your underwear and feeling all the wetness between your legs.
"Oh, Y/N, you're so fucking wet, kitten" he muttered. His hand moved away from where you wanted it to be, making you complain and furrow your eyebrows while he showed you his glistening finger before guiding it to your lips for you to lick it clean yourself. Minho rolled his eyes when you grabbed his hand and made it touch you again, you didn't care how needy you seemed, everything you could think of was how much you'd love for him to rail you.
His fingers started working on you, slowly caressing your clit and gathering your essence before he entered you, making you sigh. He was staring at you, silently admiring your features that showed just how good he was making you feel. You weren't looking at him, your eyes closed as you tried to focus on the way he was making you feel, but you didn't need to see him to know how much he was grinning, proud to have you biting your lip to not moan too loud. At some point your breathing got heavier and your legs started to tremble, the last signal meaning that you were close was when your walls embraced his fingers, your mouth opened as you found home in the ecstasy-like sensation, Minho tried to prolong it by over stimulating you.
After a moment, he finally removed his fingers from your inside and licked it clean from your juices while you recovered.
"Was that better?" he asked, gaining a humming from you as an answer.
"It was good, but I still want you to fuck me" you finally said, pouting. He opened his eyes wide, as if he was actually surprised, and said:
"You're so greedy, my needy baby wants something else besides my fingers, huh? Go clean yourself and let's go to your house then. I'll give you the best welcome back fuck of your life" he kissed your forehead, waiting for you to stand up after you heard what he said.
"Really?" you asked, full of hope. He nodded, and you almost jumped from the bed to run to the bathroom, standing in front of the door fixing your jeans before walking out the room, remembering that you weren't alone.
You made your way silently to the bathroom, saving your hand at Jeongin who apparently had gone to his room for something and happened to find you on his journey to go back to the living room. He seemed tired, as if he hadn't fully tested, but his memory worked just fine because before you entered the bathroom he told you that they were going to watch a movie and had called for some takeout food for everyone. You thanked him and got inside to do what you had to do.
An hour later, you found yourself cuddling Mingo on the only individual couch after eating and watching a comedy with the rest of the members. Some were on their phone, some still eating and others were cuddling just like you were. It was a relaxed night, and you were having a good time, but the words Minho had told you earlier resonated in your head and your pussy was louder than your heart, screaming at you to act out and make Minho take you home to complete his promise.
Covered with a blanket, your hand snaked down his form and entered his joggers, feeling up his cock. You weren't looking at him to know his reaction, but he quickly squeezed you as a warning to not continue your devilish plans.
You didn't care, continuing to tease him until he got hard enough and that's when you pressed yourself against him. He sighed, but pushed himself against you almost as if encouraging you to keep going.
"Stop, Y/N. We'll leave after the movie is over" he whispered, trying to get you to reason with him.
The answer he got was you pulling his joggers and boxers down with one hand carefully, freeing his hardened cock from its prison and wrapping your hand around him, making him hiss. One of his hands went to your neck, pulling your head back to tell you one last thing.
“Kitten, if you’re going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat when we get to your house" he murmured, quiet enough for you to listen to his words only.
If you were going to be punished, you might as well continue what you started.
Minho's hold on you tightened when he realized that you had set your mind on torturing him, you knew the risk of possibly getting caught was high and that it made everything way more exciting, but all your tries at being subtle and not drag any attention to the both of you were affecting him horribly. He hated how you ceased all movement when someone shifted or how you tensed when everyone stopped talking was like pure hell for Minho.
His cock twitched, and he faked a yawn to hide the noise that came out of him. You took advantage of it, and played along with it.
"Oh, you're still tired? We should go back to your room so you can sleep, don't you think?" you whispered, long enough for the rest of the members to hear.
Minho caught up with what you were doing, faking another yawn and hugging your body as if you were a plushie. He nodded, and you fixed his clothes quickly so the two of you could stand up.
Minho had other plans, and stood up with you in his arms, the blanket covering his boner. Everyone's eyes were on you two, so you said goodnight and entered the shared room again. Once inside, he didn't even turn the light on, walking straight to the bed after closing the door and dropping you there.
"I can't believe you're making me break Chan's 'no fucking in the dorms' rule" he said, taking his shirt off. You laughed, starting to undress as well.
"As if you really cared about rules" you said, opening your arms for him when you and him were finally fully naked.
"You're right, I only care about you and fucking you. You'll get your punishment later" he replied, hovering over you and positioning his member at your entrance, pressing your foreheads together as he slowly entered you. He kissed you before he started slamming into you, trying to maintain your moans to a minimum so the whole 'going to sleep' act could still be believable to your friends.
With your arms thrown around his neck and your legs hugging his waist, you felt the happiest, like you were in heaven. Finally, Minho was filling you with his cock, making you feel like he was the missing piece in your life that left a hole in your constant day to day with his sole absence, but now he was back, fucking you, kissing you; loving you, and it made your head and your heart swim with happiness, because he was back and you would have him like before he left.
He was thrusting you carefully, slowly but not too much to make you feel bored or annoy you, it was almost the right speed to make the moment last longer, a try to be more passionate with you. Minho's grunts and your heavy breathing were all you cared about, you forgot about everything outside the door, but the way your reasonable side made you moan quietly still brought a sense of reality to you, you whimpered and opened your mouth to exhale, his own breathing on your face making you open your eyes to look at him while he kept working, rocking his hips against yours and trying to make you cum for the second time of the day.
"I love you" you told him quietly, looking up at his sweaty face and pulling him in by his neck to kiss him lovingly like you meant to do when you saw him coming out of the plane.
Minho smiled against your lips, allowing his weight to fall on you and support himself on his left elbow, using his right hand to caress your cheek and move a strand of your hair that had gotten on your face so he could admire you better. When he finished the kiss, you thought he would return to the old position, supporting himself with both arms, but he didn't and instead he started kissing your whole face, making you giggle and close your eyes, with each kiss he left on your face you could say he tried to speed up to finally make you reach your well deserved orgasm, everything in that moment felt so intimate, and the addition of the kisses on your face and him gently cupping your cheek let you know this wasn't simple fucking anymore.
You would make a disgusted face at how cheesy it sounded, but in that very moment you couldn't describe the intimate activity as anything else than love making.
It wouldn't be the first time that Minho treats you as gentle as this, but something… felt different. You couldn't quite tell what it was, maybe because it had been months since you were with him, or because you missed him so much, but the ambient felt more mature in the aspect that you knew that his sweet whispers praising you and reminding you that he loved you as well and that you meant so much to him were not just words.
You wanted to cry, but you knew this wasn't the moment, your quiet moans mixed with giggles and adoring smiles disappeared when the new hard thrusting made your walls tighten around Minho's cock, and without any advice you came. You knew that there was a high percentage that the boys already knew what the two of you were up to thanks to the cracking of the bed and the specific noise of skin slapping sounds, but you still wanted to try and drown your moans to simulate that you were sleeping.
"Ah, baby…" Minho grunted, his face hiding in the crook of your neck to then whisper to you "I'm gonna cum…" followed by the twitching of his cock inside you.
"C-cum inside me, fill me up" you said back, your broken voice and tucked out features when he moved to see you being all he needed to release his seed inside you.
The warm sensation of his semen flowing in you made you smile, and your panting boyfriend pulled out of you to take the tissues box he hid under his bed for all occasions.
You looked at him when he kneeled in front of you to clean you, knowing how tired he actually was by the way his eyes were closing, and you appreciated how he still worried to clean you and not let you all sticky, very sweet of him.
The two of you dressed up lazily, this time laying in bed to sleep like you had said that you would do some time ago.
"I'm so happy you're back, I really missed you" you whispered, your hand resting flat on his chest as you listened to his heart beating under you.
"I'm glad to be back as well, kitten. I thought I would go crazy if I spent more days without seeing you" he joked, patting your head with his hand.
"Let's not think about it now, I had a hard time without cumming when you weren't here" he laughed at your words responding by squeezing you a bit.
"Well, if you're going to be this needy every time I come back, I don't mind leaving you as much" he said back, tone so serious that it scared you.
"You're not being serious, right?" you moved, looking at his face. He had his eyes closed, but the faint shadow of a smile creeping on his lips. He opened them to look at you before he answered you.
"Of course not, kitten. The last thing I want is to be away from you, it's so hard to be far from you when I love you this much" he finally said, making you sigh in relief and your heart throb inside your chest.
"It's not my fault that you love me so much, you're only guilty for making me love you so bad" you smiled, going back to resting on his chest.
"Shhh, you know, that I'm the best that's happened in your life, but we can talk about how awesome I am later, now sleep. I promise I'll be here when you wake up" he moved, shifting to press a kiss on your forehead.
"I hope so, you promised me the fuck of my life when we go to my house and I can't wait for that" you laughed, poking his side.
"We'll see when tomorrow comes, but sleep first. Good night, baby, I love you."
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saksukei · 3 years
seungcheol volleyball au
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it's not everyday that your best friend, yoon jeonghan, shoves the volleyball manager forms in your face, begging you to sign up,,,,
the volleyball club needed a manager to help them organize stuff and spy on other teams
and besides, with thirteen boys going crazy inside the gymnasium, they needed as much help as they could get
because three weeks later, they were going to be participating in one of the biggest volleyball tournaments of the country
so you gave in to jeonghan’s whining
and since you were the first applicant, you got accepted (but you were a hundred percent sure jeonghan had done something to the other applications– burnt them perhaps?)
so today was your first day and you headed towards the gymnasium, nervous
opening the door, all eyes landed on you and the room fell silent
“uh– hi?” you said. “i’m the new volleyball manager?”
“really– you seem unsure,” you heard someone say and your eyes landed on yoon jeonghan. Typical.
“jeonghan why don't you get your head out of your ass and focus on volleyball,” you hissed, causing the boys to snicker
“hey– I like our manager already,” you heard one of them say,, remembering his name was vernon.
“hi i’m seungcheol,” someone said and your eyes landed on perhaps the most beautiful guy you had ever seen,,, and you were definitely starstruck
“uh hi–” you replied.
“i’m the captain of the team,” he informed you. “if the boys bother you, you can come to me,” he gave a slight smile.
“i’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” you chuckled.
“c’mon– let me introduce you to them,” he smiled,,, and you knew being the manager was going to be tough, considering choi seungcheol was going to be there,,,,,
and so,,, the practices started,,,, you'd make sure the boys ate well, didn't overwork themselves and if they needed help with tossing, you would help them with that too
you had grown to enjoy their bickering and admired their passion for volleyball and the ability to work together as a team,
but despite all of this,, your eyes went to one person
ding ding ding! yes, it's choi seungcheol
he'd look so amazing while playing,,, his serve was by far the best in the team, (and everyone is terrified of it because seungcheol is the strongest and yes, that serve can break your face) but still,,,
but what caught your attention was not his volleyball skills but
the little things he did for the boys,,, like keeping a headcount, making sure they were okay and they all got to play equally, patting them on the back everytime they did a good job,,,
and the little things he did for you
every time he'd see you, even in between classes,, he'd have a huge smile on his face while waving at you (yes, his dimples are the cutest gosh),,, he'd force the boys to clean rather than you,,, he'd help you carry the cartons of water bottles,,,,
and this one time, mingyu was practicing his serve and you didn't realize because you were talking to seungkwan,,,
yes, seungcheol came to the rescue,,, he stood right behind you,,, his back facing mingyu,,, so that he could shelter you from the ball,,,
you didn't realize till you felt a tall figure hovering over you and well,, mingyu was bowing profusely and seungcheol turned around,,, to kick his ass
and the other day, you remembered that when you were a first year,,, you thought that seungcheol was actually very cute,,, but because his classes were different,,, you didn't really pursue him
basically, life was not going well because you were a choi seungcheol simp
and today was the same as well,, except normally, they'd get done before sunset, so you had enough time to go home
but today with clean up and everything,,, it was almost 8:30 pm
“guys, should we have hotpot together? considering it's already late–” Hoshi asked the others,,,
“yeah I'm up for it–” woozi replied and the others nodded in agreement.
“um– I don't think I'll be able to come,” you told them. “my parents are already waiting for me.”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOO wHY DO YOU THIS TO US DO YOU NOT LOVE US?” dokyeom yelled,,, jun started wiping his fake tears,
god it was like you had refused some grade school kids from taking candy
“guys, we'll make another dinner plan with y/n some other time,” seungcheol smiled.
“yeah,,, and it'll be my treat!” you pat dokyeom’s head and they all agreed.
“alright,,, I'm going– bye guys, see you tomorrow!” you waved,,, but before you could leave, seungcheol stopped you
“i’ll walk you home,” seungcheol told you and you heard jeonghan whistle in the back,,, a smirk on his face,,,
“n-no no, don't you have to go for dinner?”
“i do– but i’m not letting you walk alone because it isn't safe and two, by the time I drop you and come back to the restaurant, the food will be ready,” he explained.
“yeah but none will be left for you–” you chuckled,,, knowing how crazy of appetite these boys could work up.
“s’ fine– and besides, I'm not offering, I'm telling you that I'll be walking you home.”
“okay grandpa, let's go–” you felt as if your heart was going to jump out of your chest,,,,
so you and seungcheol started walking towards your house,,,
“so– do you like being the manager?” he asks, to break the awkward silence.
“uh yeah,,, it's nice but you guys sometimes have way too much energy,” you respond,, causing him to chuckle.
“yeah,,, well it's been like that forever,” he says.
“do you remember that carnival we had when we were first years?” you asked,,
“yes,,, it was so much fun–” he smiled at the memory,,,
“i think,, that was when I first saw you.”
“really? and what was your first impression of me?” he asked,, a teasing tone to his voice.
“well,,, I did think you were cute– but then I forgot your existence,,” you answered
“really? hm– I was thinking of asking you out but now, hearing that you forgot my existence,,, maybe I shouldn't,” he teased,,, a shit eating grin on his face
“y-you were thinking of asking me out?” you repeated,,, shocked that he reciprocated your feelings,,,
“well,, why do you think yoon jeonghan had been begging you to join the club?”
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the-tiniest-one · 3 years
Parenting Rock Lee with Might Guy :)
Note:@xemaliahrssx here ya go! I hope it tastes just like you dreamed it would!
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Sitting at the kitchen table, watching Guy and Lee devour the dinner you made, had you feeling nostalgic... You watched with your head rested on your hand. It was the little family moments that you appreciated more than anything else these days. "Yeah! and then I caught him in a cross block!" Lee said, describing their latest mission, his mouth full of food.
"Haha yes yes (y/n) you should have been there, our Rock Lee is becoming a real force to be reckoned with, much like his handsome sensei" Guy said with a wink in your direction.
"Handsome indeed" you said with a grin.
Thinking back to the days when you were a little more of a workaholic made you laugh. If you told your younger-self all those years ago that you would be Konoha's worst helicopter parent in just a few years, you'd have never believed it. Guy was a perfect match for you in that regard. You two were a well oiled machine when it came to parenting.
While Lee could do no wrong in your eyes, Guy was a bit heavy handed in his discipline of Lee's skills as a shinobi. You kissed every bruise and scrape, while Guy was teaching him how to prevent them in the first place.
Rock Lee has had more than his fair share of the short-end-of-the- shit-stick his entire life. BUT One could be forgiven for not recognizing the true level of hardship the boy has overcome in his short tenure as a shinobi. Lee is a true underdog.
Lucky for him, you've always been a bit of a sucker for an underdog.
You thought back to those early days......
Even before Lee evolved to a mini version of your childhood crush, you felt the need to protect him. Watching him fumble and practice jutsu in vain day after day.....early in the morning and into the night. You would watch him from a distance while training your own team. One early morning, you decided to check in on the boy with long black hair. He kicked at a post, counting off as you looked on...10....11.....12.....his kicks were weak even for his young age. As he got closer to 50 he fell back, overwhelmed by the pain of repetitively beating his shins into the wood without chakra to safeguard his bones.
Clearly angry at his situation, the thought occurred to you that maybe he wasn't using chakra because he couldn't....the boy had tears streaming from his eyes. It broke your heart to watch a kid who couldn't be more than 10, cursing his life.
"A kid working that hard shouldn't have to feel that defeated..." you said to yourself.
You felt conflicted. Torn between wanting to step in and takeover his training...but feeling the weight of responsibility that would come with encouraging a child to chase a pipedream that would only lead to disappointment. You knew all too well what happens to weak ninja. The reality was that it would be cruel to encourage the boy to peruse a life as dangerous as that of a shinobi. You were no slouch when it came to taijutsu but ninjas are able to compete with one another because of the advantages that come with developing kakai genki.
Could a boy with no use of chakra stand a chance against the generations of those families of ninja who use fearsome jutsu and tactics like lightning...wind....wood or even hereditary gifts like the dreaded sharingan or byakugen? The real answer was sad and harsh. No. He couldn't.
You wouldn't be so irresponsible as to tell the boy he could be anything but a failure.
If he perused that path, he would die young.
So you stood back, restraining the desire to comfort and nurture the little boy out of what you told yourself was mercy. Day after day, week after week....you watched on....until it became too much. You couldn't sleep anymore, couldn't function on missions the same way. Always thinking back to him still out at those training grounds.....always struggling.
One morning it was pouring rain. You called off training that day for your team and headed out to the place you knew he would be. He was there of course. He was doing his best to catch a cold while practicing hand signs to no avail. After watching him for a few minutes you finally asked, "What's your name kid?" speaking loud to project over the rain. Startled he looked up to where you stood, perched on a post a few feat away. "I...Im Rock Lee" he said timidly. You laughed at his shy but sweet face, "Im y/n" you said.
"Your kicks look like they could use some work", holding your palm about chest high, to show him where his blow should be landing. The boy grimaced...clearly angry with his lack of direction in training. You laughed and the both of you worked on his kicks for the duration of the morning.
"I think you'll be a splendid ninja someday" you said as you offered him a bit of lunch you packed. The boy looked up at you with the most heartbreaking fear in his eyes, "I can't use chakra" Lee said barley above a whisper, clearly ashamed to tell you the truth.
You ruffled his hair. "Look kid, life is shitty sometimes. But I can tell you are someone who will never quit. No matter the odds, and that is something worth more than all the talent in the world." He instantly smiled up at you, melting your heart for what would be the first of a million times. Laughing and showing you also first time you saw that shiny smile that you would come to love more that anything on earth.
From then on he was your responsibility. Your chest burned with pride in his concrete determination. Feeling instantly the protective burn and feral instinct to insulate him from anything that would hurt him.
It was about a year later when things evolved. You and Lee had become close. He, being an orphan as you found out he was, had taken your invitation to live in your spare bedroom. It wasn't long before you were nagging him to be sure and eat breakfast before class, take baths every night. You were often hearing your mothers voice echo in your own as you guided the child to a structure he lacked.
You even went to his parent meetings at the Academy, much to the surprise of Iruka (because he himself was 2 years older than you and had known you since you were smol) laughed when you asked to see Lee's reports.
Then one hot summer day you got the order... your team was dispatched on your first extended mission with your new genin. 3 months on a C rank mission to Suna. Your heart sank as you remembered Lee's graduation exam was in just a few days. Before you left, you kissed his forehead and promised a tearful Lee who had become just as attached as you over the last year, that would bring him back a graduation present.
You just knew he would finally pass.
Returning to the village near midnight you couldn't wait to see Lee. After giving report to Lord Third, you quickly made your way home. Quietly cracking the door to his bedroom, you peaked in to see his sweet little face. The snoring boy looked peaceful.
"He cut his hair?" you thought puzzled..."he must have done it himself, it looks a little odd." You laughed at the thought of him using a bowl to cut his hair.
Then your eyes traveled to the headband still around his forehead, "He passed!!!" you quietly celebrated, careful not to wake him up. You placed the promised gift on his dresser, a brand-new set of num-chuks you'd had made in Suna.
The next morning you were up before sunrise making a celebratory breakfast when an extreme round of knocking came from the apartment's front door.
You quickly answered, immediately flustered when on the other side was none other than Might Guy....the same Guy you'd had the hots for over a decade.
"Y/N!, I must have the wrong address! I was looking for one of my students!" Guy said in his familiar boisterous cadence. Laughing nervously you started to respond, when behind you Lee pushed his way through the doorframe. Your eyes widened at the sight.
The haircut made sense now, Lee stood side by side with his sensei. He was wearing Guy's jumpsuit... they could have been father and son.
Looking at the two of them standing side by side in front of you for the first time gave you the most jarring sense of dejavu.
"Guy sensei! Look what Y/N brought me from her most dangerous mission!" Lee brandished the weapon, beaming up at his teacher who laughed and winked in your direction. "Ah, a great choice! Only the most skilled ninja know how to use such a fine weapon! We must enlighten you at once Lee my boy!" With that the handsome jonin and your sweet Rock Lee were off to train.
You had known Guy since he was still struggling to gain entrance to the Academy, you knew that the man who radiated confidence today, only earned that ability through blood, sweat, and tears.
You apprehensively accepted that Might Guy was a good match to be Lee's sensei.
"Be careful!" you called, more than a little apprehensive at the thought of your sweet baby boy training with such an admittedly impulsive man. Feeling a small tug of sadness as you watched the two of them disappear down the street.
"Lee's getting tall..." you though as you closed the door.
Over the next few years Lee had grown into a strong young man. You felt such extreme pride in everything he did. Even though you being in your mid-twenties were not nearly old enough to be Lee's mother, he had taken to occasionally calling you mom.
Lee was never embarrassed of you as he grew into a teen like some of the other kids his age. He was always just as willing to give you a hug before a mission as the day you met him.
It would be a lie to say that the relationship you and Guy shared hadn't also matured along the way. Although you weren't Lee's biological parents, anyone would be forgiven for thinking that you were. Everything you had admired about Guy, his hot-bloodedness, his devotion to youthful perseverance, his love of his village had been passed down to your surrogate son.
It was only natural that you and Guy would become a team in raising Rock Lee. Over time after a few years of dinners, training sessions, birthdays, holidays etc...Guy decided to propose to you.
It was a literal dream come true. You couldn't say yes fast enough. But as required when two shinobi become married, when you went to sign the paperwork to make your marriage official, requesting a stamp of approval from Lady Tsunade....she extended to you a folder with a second set of forms.
Guy beamed as you read the contents. Adoption papers with Lee's name printed at the top in bold.
"He will always be our son. Since we are making it official... why not add one more?" Guy said with a laugh. The tears began welling in your eyes. "He's 17" you laughed, "I love you" is all you could think to say in response to the most kind gesture you have ever witnessed.
Guy held his trademark thumbs up high as he replied, "Lee will always need his mom, no matter how big he gets!" His words like music to your heart...
You'd never felt so complete as you walked hand in hand with Guy, on your way home to surprise your sweet son with the news.
Upon telling Lee what the two of you had done, he looked from the papers back to you. Confusion spread across the sweet ravenette's features. "But I do not understand" Lee said with a hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Have you not always been my mom?"
The innocent look in his eye and profound sincerity in his voice made tears well in your eyes for what felt like the tenth time that day. You laughed and swept he and Guy into a hug that didn't last long enough. "What's for dinner?" the two men asked in unison and in that moment you knew you were the luckiest person in the world.
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evierena · 4 years
The Brothers eavesdropping to MC accidentally confessing their undying love for them. Part 2
MC was having their monthly catch-up call with their best friend in the Human Realm. At first, their friend could not believe the situation MC was living, but after a few calls they had finally come to accept the whole "I was summoned to Hell, but it's called Devildom, and now I have to live with 7 hot demon brothers and they are actually kinda nice" situation (yeah, Levi would be proud of my naming skills). Anyhow, during this specific call MC was filling in their friend with the latest update on their newfound feelings for one of the brothers, not knowing that said brother was actually outside their room, eavesdropping! And then, their friend asks "What is it about him that you love so much?"
What did MC respond? How did that brother react and what did he do with that information? Well, let's see...
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- Impromptu spa night!
- That's what he was thinking when he headed to your room, wanting to test a few new products he just gotten his hands on.
- Of course, he had to stop for a second to fix his already perfect hair before going in your room, and that's how he got to listen to your friend through the phone asking:
- "Why do you love this Asmo guy so much?"
- Asmo's eyes went 👀 and he decided to stay a little longer just outside your door.
- "Well, that's easy. Because he's been so sweet and supportive of me, he always tries to bring a smile to my face, he also knows when to stop his innuendos and respect my physical boundaries. Everyone else just see the Avatar of Lust in him, sometimes I feel like even he just thinks of himself as just lust embodied, but I think he has a lot more to offer than just mind blowing sex. He's more fragile than he lets on, his sassy and mean façade are to cover up his insecurities and his vulnerability. He's the King of Self Care but that doesn't mean he loves himself as much as he proclaims, actually I think that the first is a way to make up for the lack of the latter. However, I see the way he craves non sexual affection, the sweet and soft sides of love that he's been denied for his sin. I see all of that and I think he's still the most beautiful being I've ever laid eyes upon, and I have already met another fallen angels, angels, demons and humans. Also, I've seen the way he can create something beautiful out of scraps, how he can redecorate and sew together clothes, accessories and a lot of other cute little trinkets, his creativity is really impressive and I'm so proud of him. I love Asmodeus like I've never loved anyone else in my life".
- Asmo let himself draw another breath in when he finished listening to your accidental confession.
- You loved him for himself. You saw beyond his mask, and still thought of him as the most beautiful being in your life.
- Asmodeus was crying, relieved and moved. He felt the familiar warm and fuzzy feeling he usually felt when he would catch you staring lovingly at him.
- The fifth born was no fool, he caught you multiple times sighing after him, but he was never sure what you meant. Were you desiring him just as much as he was for you? Was there something more? Would he be ready to accept it if it wasn't? Could he recover from being seen just as Lust by you of all people? He wasn't sure, which is why he hadn't acted on his feelings any more than the usual.
- But now, he had the words he longed to hear from you. He was trembling from happiness, he was ecstatic, he couldn't help himself from bursting into your room, catching you in your comfy pj's, hair pulled back and cellphone in front of your face while your best friend continued talking through the camera, but you were busy staring at the tearful pink haired demon.
- He knelt beside you in your bed, he hold your face toward him, skin products forgotten in the floor, and he started to pepper your face in kisses mumbling in between how much he loved you too, and how happy he was to have met you.
- In conclusion, hearing your thoughts about him eased his worries and encouraged him to finally claim the sweet love he's been craving from you.
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- Sweet hungry boy was in his way to the kitchen, and when he passed by your door, he started craving something other than food, something more like your company, so he decided to ask you if you wanted a late night snack with him.
- Of course, because this is how it works, just as he was going to knock on your door, he heard loud and clear.
- "So, you're saying you fell in love with Beelzebub"
- That wasn't your voice, actually, he remembered it from that time he was in your room watching a movie and you received a call from the human realm, it was your best friend from there, right? Then, what were they talking about?
- "Yes" you replied.
- "But why? Can you explain it to me?"
- Boi, did he forgot all about his cravings, all he wanted to hear was your response.
- "Beelzebub is the prime example of a gentle giant. He is so, so, so gentle with me, except for that one time, but still. I love how calm it is to be with him, how honest he is with his feelings for his brothers or in general, he isn't afraid to say he loves them, specially Belphie. I love how easily he welcomed me into his family, I love the way he earnestly tries to control his stomach, I'm saddened thinking that his sin consumes so much of him, but I'm amazed that even like that, he still has so many different thoughts and feelings aside from food and hunger. He is so soft and he works hard, he doesn't talk much but what he says, he means it completely, he protects me from everyone even himself. I'm completely smitten for him, honestly, if he asked me, I would let him eat me alive, but at the same time I know he would never hurt me. His presence has helped me go through so much. When I'm stressed he's always there to let me vent or to reassure me that I can keep going, to offer me his precious snacks when I'm tired, and his hugs when I'm feeling down. I... I love Beel."
- An unaware ear to ear smile was present in the orange haired demon, his heart and stomach agreeing that what he needed now was to hold your human form in his arms and treasure you for the rest of his immortal life.
- What was the best way to convey his feelings to you? He didn't want to upset you by admitting he had eavesdropped in your private conversation with your friend, but he wanted, craved and needed to express his own feelings.
- Of course, food and cuddles.
- So he continued to head toward the kitchen and he began to gather your favorite snacks, well, what he could gather given that the kitchen rather lacked all your human preferences but he managed somehow.
- And then, he went straight to your door, this time knocking before he heard anything else.
- When you opened and saw the huge and adorable demon, holding food and with an excitement you couldn't quite understand in his purpleish eyes, you let him right in.
- Your phone call was finished and so, Beel sat down in your bed and offer you the snacks.
- When you asked why he simply said "Because I love you"
- Damn this beautiful, smooth, adorable giant. Now you were blushing and your brain scrambled trying to find an answer for such a sudden confession.
- After that initial shock, you also responded to him with your own feelings, and he began to explain that both his heart and his hunger, although never truly satisfied, were now fuller thanks to you and your presence in his life. And that is as much of a romantic confession you'll get, because for him, that is honestly how he feels and he hopes you understand what he truly means.
- Of course you do, and you're about to cry because omg your crush just confessed to you.
- Then he gives you the snacks, and he said he was sorry for not being sorry for eavesdropping on you earlier.
- What can I say? You said you loved his honesty.
- In conclusion, Beel is more satisfied now that he listened to your confession, and is even more now that he also confessed. Now you both get to be full and satisfied with each other.
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- In his defense, he technically wasn't eavesdropping, it was your fault for not realizing that he was also in the attic, under the covers in one recondite corner, half asleep.
- So, you were talking with your bestie, and your laughs and antics while updating them on your life, woke him up completely, but he was having fun listening to the way you retell your adventures with him and his brothers.
- And then, your friend asked: "Soo, MC, have you finally confessed to sleepy boi?"
- Well, well, what do we have here? Thought Belphie, even more invested in your conversation now that it had took a turn to his liking.
- "Of course not! These days I have been so conscious about him I can't look at him much less be alone with him to even think of confessing"
- Oh, so that's why it seemed like you were avoiding him.
- Honestly, Belphie thought you had finally come to your senses and realize you shouldn't involve yourself with him for your own good. He was hurt, it hurt him more than he was willing to admit, and he had isolated himself to also avoid you, so it wouldn't hurt as much. That was the reason he was in the attic that night.
- "Anyway, MC, just let me ask one more time, why is it that you love Belphegor so much?"
- He heard the hitch in your breath, he heard you inhale and exhale deeply, but he himself stopped breathing at all, an he stayed still trying to attract the least attention to himself in the corner. He felt a light blush paint his cheeks, sweat forming in his forehead.
- "Well, even though we started off badly, he has repent himself, he is still trying to earn my forgiveness, it doesn't matter how many times I tell him I already did. He understands me, he gives me a safe space to just sleep and let go of my stress, he listens when I want to vent, and I honestly find his humor hilarious and relatable. He is a bit bratty but I find it so cute. And he is hurting so deeply, he has been for so many years, so beyond our existence and just now he is starting to open up, to let go, and heal, it's just beautiful. Belphegor is so simply beautiful, his soft smile, his lazy eyes, his crazy bedhair, his low and raspy voice. I love everything about him, and I will give all that I own to know more, to see more, to be there when he realizes his own worth"
- The youngest brother was blushing, and his heart was beating fast and loud in his chest, he felt a warmth spread through his veins he had missed during the last days without you.
- Belphegor knew right there, he was done for, it wouldn't matter whatever happened, it wouldn't matter what anyone said, he was going to love you for all eternity, and he would spend every second he could with you, treassuring you and loving you.
- Starting now.
- Belphie got up from his spot in the corner, startling you, he gathered his blankets and pillows and brought them to you, ignoring the fact that you were a panicking, blushing, stuttering mess.
- "Belphie... I was... It's just... It isn't... I-I" he put a finger in your lips, effectively shutting you up, he took your phone, and pressed it against his ear.
- "It's bedtime, so excuse us" and hung up.
- His heterochromatic eyes never leaving your e/c ones, his finger still pressed against your mouth, pillows and blankets surrounding both of you, his scent flooding your senses.
- You saw a smile pulling his lips up, his eyes admiring you with such soft love. His hand moved to cup your face, and he brought you in for a small kiss.
- And then he fall in the sea of fluffly warm beneath him, dragging you along, and he made sure to find the most comfortable position for both, one that allowed him to hold you and the he whispered.
- "I love you too, dummy"
- In conclusion, when Belphegor accidentally finds out about your feelings for him; he basks in the most sweet and peaceful dream he's ever had, with you right in his arms.
I struggled for months to write Belphie's part, but I finally did it & I quite like it.
Again, if you find any mistake, please, kindly point it out for me, so I can get better.
Thank you for reading and have a great day/night!
Atte. Evie
Edit: Here’s Part 1
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