#see city wise rank list
best24news · 2 years
Haryana News: स्वच्छता सर्वेक्षण में हरियाणा TOP , देखिए शहर वाईज Rank List
Haryana News: स्वच्छता सर्वेक्षण में हरियाणा TOP , देखिए शहर वाईज Rank List
हरियाणा: आजादी अमृत महोत्सव के तहत जारी हुए स्वच्छता सर्वेक्षण 2022 में हरियाणा के दस शहरों ने शीर्ष-20 में जगह बनाई है। शनिवार को नई दिल्ली के तालकटोरा स्टेडियम में स्वच्छता अवार्ड की घोषणा की गई। इतना ही ओवरवाल में हरियाणा ने देश के शीर्ष 6 राज्यों में अपनी जगह बनाई है। Haryana News: अनोखा Hospital , नहीं है Cash काउंटर, ईलाज ही नहीं, खाना तक भी Freeहरियाणा शीर्ष 6 राज्यों में शामिल: ओवरआल…
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elina-sakura · 3 months
Top Ten Favorite MDA Characters
Note: I am referring to both canon and fanon elements, and the ranking is not because of negative emotions but my feelings and preferences.
Major Spoilers for the entire game by the way
1. Yuma Kokohead
Of course, I love the little amnesiac ‘trainee’ full of anxiety. I just love anxious characters who have to struggle being the hero of the story in such dangerous situations. He just makes the perfect candidate for hurt/comfort stories. I love the relationships he has with the Nocturnal Detective Agency, I love how he wants to help everyone (even if he doesn’t have the best tact), and I love his angsty moments in his head (I love me some good angst). And when we learn of his true identity in the end, it really shines a light on his character more both outside and in-game. All of his flaws and the impacts to the story he made and the struggles he had. But most importantly the connections he made with others, the core part of the entire game and his character, is what makes me love him so much.
2. Yakou Furio
I don’t know why I’m so hyperfixated on this character. Maybe it’s because he’s the mentor character of the protagonist, and ended up giving me father-figure vibes to me with Yuma. Despite his flaws, he is such a good character who has been through so much, yet cares deeply for the people he loves and the city itself. And protect the detectives he took in, even with how much trouble they cause. But Chapter 4 and post-game is where I really start to appreciate him with his backstory revealed and how far he’s willing to go for the ones he love. Here’s to hoping he returns in post-game contents or hopefully sequels.
(NOTE: This is purely my preferences. I do not want to cause discourse or make people feel bad who ship Yuma and Yakou romantically; you guys do you with Yumakou and I’ll be happy with Yakou Fathero).
3. Makoto Kagutsuchi
Okay, this is where we really get to spoilers here since it happened post-game, but he became my favorite character right to the top three just because of who he is. An enigma who holds the secret of Kanai Ward, who created the mysteries in his hands, yet his motivations and heart was only filled with good intentions (despite having to make human meat buns). A young man who had to hold the secret for so long all on his own, try to fix many problems that weren’t actually his fault, finding purpose and his own identity outside of his original, and his relationship with Yuma as a whole. Complex, morally grey characters always catches my interests, especially when they are the antagonists.
4. Desuhiko Thunderbolt
I know, shocking. My favorite out of the four Master Detectives in the NDA is the perverted Superstar Detective, but when you look past the trope (and Chapter 2 and that one DLC scene as a whole) you would see there is a lot of depth to his character. He’s kind of the only one (confirmed so far) who had a pretty normal childhood and actually has relatable struggles a lot of people can probably relate to (being a shy and possibly bullied kid who wants to be a better version of themselves), who desires to be a Superstar and a detective at the same time and doesn’t want to be just one or the other, and is an all-around cool guy and loyal friend who could get along with people when he isn’t being a creep or overly obnoxious. It’s just too bad the writers seem to think the pervert trope would be a good way to add comedy when his obnoxious and goofball nature would probably be enough to get some comedy out of him. I want to hope maybe the writers would make Desuhiko less of a pervert in the future, but I’m not gonna get my hopes up. I just hope people can possibly see through the trope to see the real Superstar under the gross exterior (metaphorically-wise).
5. Kurumi Wendy
I’m honestly surprise she’s high on the list, but with how much I try to expand her character and how much fics I want to do with her, I’d say she definitely made it to the top five of the list. Kurumi is someone where I see a lot of potential in her character, but the writers ended up underutilizing her. She’s a high school informant who lost her grandfather to the overarching mystery, and her best friend a few months ago, and finds a special connection with Yuma and become one of his supporting partners alongside Shinigami. There’s a lot of potentials with her character, like seeing how the losses of important people in her life affected her, how she lives as a high school informant, and see her feelings on detectives and her relationship with Yuma, the new friend she feels a connection with and someone who gives her hope. But unfortunately, the writers end up making a bigger focus on making her the love interest of Yuma, and outside of that, make her an exposition dump. Heck, even in Chapter 5, I’m pretty sure Makoto only brought her with Yuma so she could tell him the informations needed to solve Kanai Ward’s Ultimate Secret, and discover that she and everyone else are Homunculi. It’s honestly sad because there’s so much to her character that could have made her stand out on her own, and I wish was utilized more.
6. Fubuki Clockford
Fubuki is such an adorable character and kind of relatable to me in being an airhead (though not to the extremes as she is). She’s kind and friendly to her peers, and is very imaginative as well when it comes to what she hears, like believing the sky is the ocean (if you look at it from an art perspective, it would be pretty cool). And especially her inner struggles on how she recognizes how slow-witted she is and how her time power leads her distraught when she’s not able to prevent the terrible outcomes she witnesses. Chapter 3 really shined a spotlight on her character, and one of the few spots that makes Chapter 3 worthwhile.
7. Halara Nightmare
Now this is a character I feel I have a lot in common with, specifically in real life. I tend to be rude and asocial (though only if I’m tired and overworked). I don’t like to be physically touched at all unless I give permission and told a head of times. I prefer to work alone when it comes to my work (in this case, my schoolwork). And I am definitely, sadly allergic to cats, especially since I feel connected with cats in personality at times. So I can relate to Halara in some aspects even though I sometimes am off-put by how harsh they are with Yuma in Chapter 1. I understand it’s because they want Yuma to figure things out for himself since he needs to quickly relearn things as a Detective and get to work on solving Kanai Ward’s Ultimate Secret (if anything, I commend them for putting in the effort to give some teaching to Yuma in some ways), and in hindsight they were working as an assistant to Yuma so they must have felt they shouldn’t have to do the job for Yuma (which I can’t blame). But sometimes they get a little too harsh and I just feel bad for Yuma.
8. Vivia Twilight
He is definitely an enigma of his own that interests me (though probably not as much as everyone else). A character who’s of his own agency and his own agendas and interests, and I love that kind of morally grey characters. Especially in Chapter 4 and the DLC where we got to know him more. And I enjoyed how he was a rival to Yuma for Chapter 4 who challenged the beliefs in discovering the truth, and that he was the only one who truly knew about Yuma and Shinigami. I honestly wish there were more interactions between the two after that. It really would have feel like their relationship would have been so unique and deep and interesting. And his relationship with Yakou really felt special after the DLC revealed their backstory together.
9. Shinigami
It’s usually kind of rare for me to like and be interested in mascot characters. And Shinigami surprisingly wins me over. At first, she definitely annoyed me with how she doesn’t exactly empathize with Yuma’s predicament sometimes and her callous nature with murderers sometimes (specifically in Chapter 2), but I can also understand that that’s her major flaw: lack of empathy. She’s a Death God whose natural job is to reap souls and uphold the concept of death. So of course, she’s not gonna understand whenever someone is stressed or feels empathy even with criminals. But that’s what make her character arc that leads to Chapter 4 all the more special. The previous murderers she reaped were those she barely got to know of, Yuma included, so it’s understandable to have a detachment with them, but the chapter 4 culprit was someone both she and Yuma knew, someone that really does make her understand his breakdown.
10. Pucci Lavmin
Pucci was one of my favorite Master Detectives I was looking forward to getting know. She’s a young woman (who may be close to Yuma’s age) who loves cute stuff like teddy bears, has sensitive hearing and gets snappy when too many people talk, and has a resting b!tch face. Seriously, I connect with her so much in these elements, and even thought she was going to be the female deuteragonist that we’ve seen/gotten from Danganronpa. So I was crushed when I learned she died and it was real and not a tutorial trick or something. It’s why she’s on the bottom of the list. She didn’t have as much screen time and development with her. Yes, including Kurumi, the real deuteragonist, who even though was underutilized at least had the groundwork for what kind of developments she could have had.
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lab-trash · 1 year
A Few Hot Takes About Elite Force
Bree did not deserve to go to Centium City, nor does it make sense plot-wise
In season four it's jokingly established that Bree is becoming sort of a mom-friend, mom-mentor sort of figure. There is no way in hell that she would've allowed fucking Adam and Leo to run the bionic island. She knows those two knuckle-heads would get into trouble. Don't get me wrong, I love when Adam takes control of the situation and when he takes responsibility for Bob in that one episode, but let's face it: he is not ready for such a large role when it comes to that many kids. Dude is not equipped to be a babysitter. When it comes to Leo, while he is more equipped for the situation, he is very well established to make shit go wrong on fucking accident. We see it time and time and time again, not only in season one, but in season four (read: the whole business card fiasco). She would've known that they would've be able to handle it alone, especially when taking into account that their chaperones would've been fucking Terry Cherry Perry and goddamn Douglas Davenport! Excuse me???? No! She would have not allowed that.
Edit- Also, she just got a sister! I know that she said that the excitement was gone after having to change diapers, but you're telling me that Bree wouldn't want to be a part of her life????
Leo did deserve to go to Centium City, and it would've made more sense plot-wise (especially if they kept it mostly the same story-wise)
Leo, as we all know, gets along great with Kaz. Not only that, but he's a superhero nerd. I guarantee that if Leo just knew wtf the 'secret project' was, he would've been on board faster than the train to Downtown Welkerville. It would've been epic to see him interact with not just Kaz, but Oliver too? Skylar probably would've felt like she fit in more too, because she's definitely one of the boys (not in a pick-me way, in a nonbinary way). It would've been really fun seeing Chase trying to battle Kaz, Oliver and Leo down from playing Topple Tower and whatever other various games. Such as, for example, Leo jumping off the building for Kaz and/or Oliver to catch him before he fucking dies. I know this was more of an Adam and Chase thing, but I still think we should've gotten a prank wars episode, and since it's decidedly canon that Bree is, at best, mid when it comes to pranks, it could've gotten real fucking intense. I love the idea of Oliver and Kaz warning Chase and Leo about Skylar being really amazing at pranks, and then when they don't really notice her being weird or suspicious, they just think it was to mess with their heads (which does or does not work, depending on if you want a Sicillian situation on your hands or not) so they brush it off, only to be bested by the prank master. But I'm getting off topic. The biggest reason that I think that Leo should've gone to Centium City instead of Bree is because of Episode 9 and Episode 10. In episode 9, The Intruder,we are introduced to a character named AJ, who finds Chase and Douglas in the Mission Command (aka, the basement) by mistake. And I know that they often draw comparisons from AJ to Chase, but I think that it would work way better with Leo— Better yet, Leo and Chase. Like Chase, AJ is autistic coded, socially inept, and a tech nerd. But like Leo, he means well. He wants to be a part of the team, even though objectively that maybe shouldn't be allowed. He snuck his way into this family by running into them when he didn't mean to, when he was just exploring where he lived. AJ should've gotten bonding time with Leo. Maybe then, the common headcannon that AJ will/would become Mission Specialist like Leo once was, would be cannon. Next is Episode 10, The Rock. In The Rock, AJ makes a list ranking the most useful/gifted in the Elite Force, to the least. This causes Bree to become insecure when she's placed in the middle, leading her to attempt getting more powers by touching the Arcturian. I will always stand by the fact that this was a fucking stupid idea. But when it's Leo? This idea becomes nearly fucking genius. Leo would likely be placed in a similar place, if not lower, given that only part of him has powers. He is not bionic, he has bionics. And, y'know, he's a superhero nerd; why would he not want superpowers. He also is reckless, which would make sense why he would touch the Arcturian without really thinking about it as much as he probably should. And best of all, this could be a personal secret, instead of a secret between him and someone else, like it was with Bree and Skylar. After all, Leo already has a buffer. His arm. Leo wouldn't need to be endangered to get these powers, he already paid that tax years ago. Leo would finally have powers. Not just partial powers; real, true powers. It makes sense that he would be the first bionic superhero. Leo deserves to be the first bionic superhero.
Edit cont.- I do think that Leo would want to be in Naomi's life too, I understand that. Especially with his dad having been absent in his life, he might want Naomi to grow up with her family around. But at the same time, I really like the idea of him letting Bree have that honour. Like a bit of an emotional moment as they debate who goes to Centium City and who stays on the island/in Mission Creek, and in the end, Leo knows how much Bree's always wanted a sister and decides that she should be allowed to have that.
I have way more, but I can't remember, so this is probably the last one. Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing should've been in Elite Force
They couldn't have invited Auggie Issac back for one episode just to make it feel more like Caldera? Seriously? She is definitely one of the highlights that we get when we visit Caldera in Mighty Med, and without her, it feels disingenuous. Hell, start the episode with a quick video chat with Gus talking about how things are going in Philly and with The Domain, make the universe feel more coherent and put together. And then, if Chase and Leo/Bree see the call, they could later mention how she looks like Gus. And, not only that, but she could help save Skylar. Like, instead of Scarlett just being like 'hey muthafuckas, lemme bring you to ya girl,' it could've had this semi-dramatic, semi-emotional moment with Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing where she explains that she saw Scarlett taking Skylar away. She could've explained the whole rebellion thing to Oliver and his accompaniment. They could've had one of those cross cut scenes where it cuts between Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing and Scarlett explaining what's going on, instead of getting weird feeling, one dimensional exposition from just Scarlett talking to Skylar through an oddly shaped TV. I would've loved to see her and Skylar reunite, even for a little bit. Hell, y'know what, Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing is basically not a pet, which is implied through the numerous jokes of her not responding to things that a normal pet do, and the fact that she speaks english. It would've been epic as fuck if she was like... leading a rebellion army. That would've been so fucking awesome. But that would've been far more difficult to do, and I understand that. But the first part? Cmon, she is the heart and soul of Caldera. She should've been there.
Sorry for the super long post that was basically about nothing, but I was ranting to my friend who knows nothing about the lref universe and I wanted to share these. They're definitely the ones I'm most passionate about— not including how I think that Douglas definitely should've been indited more as their father instead of Donald, especially in Elite Force where Douglas showed up more than Donald did. And that Tasha deserves someone better (and I wouldn't exactly mind if that person were Douglas, but I've been over how I think that Douglas deserves a nice twunk)
Let me know if I should make a part two, and I might rant about a few more things they could've done to make Elite Force better.
Anyway, all in all, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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yamayuandadu · 1 year
What is the exact relationship between Inanna and Nanaya? I'm not too well versed on the subject and I keep finding conflicting info everywhere. Were they originally the same goddess that became distinct? Were they distinct goddesses that were later syncretized? Is it both? Or is it something else entirely? lol
When it comes to Nanaya’s origin, there is actually no consensus. Some authors, like Olga Drewnowska-Rymarz (Mesopotamian goddess Nanāja, 2008), assume that Nanaya was originally a hypostasis of Inanna who became a fully distinct deity. The strength of this theory is that the oldest references to Nanaya, dated to the Ur III period (so roughly 2100 BCE), already point to a connection with Inanna, and that a similar process is well documented for other hypostases of Inanna, most notably Anunnitum. Others, like Joan Goodnick Westenholz (the chapter Nanaya: Lady of Mystery in Sumerian Gods and their Representations), argue that Nanaya was initially a fully separate goddess who only entered Inanna’s orbit at some point. An argument in favor of this view is that there are early possibly theophoric Akkadian names with elements which resemble Nanaya’s name. There is also a problem, though, as acknowledged by the aforementioned herself - Nanaya was not popular in the places where these names occur, like Gasur and various cities on the Diyala, but rather in Uruk. Since for now it is impossible to settle, the precise origin of Nanaya and the meaning of her name are uncertain. There were multiple ways in which the relationship between Inanna and Nanaya could be conceptualized in the Ur III period and beyond, though for the most part it is safe to say they were two fully distinct goddesses. In god lists, Nanaya is a mainstay of the entourage of Inanna, and some sources present her as her protegee as well. However, with time she acquired basically equal rank, especially in the local pantheon of Uruk. There is also some evidence for Inanna being regarded as Nanaya’s mother - in fact, there is more of that than evidence for Lulal being her son (once again, 1 reference total) - but it is still very limited. Drewnowska-Rymarz suggested it might not even refer to actual relation between them. The deity most commonly identified as Nanaya’s parent was Urash, the tutelary god of Dilbat. He didn’t really have much to do with Inanna - his wife was Ninegal, but in this case either the independent goddess or Nungal are meant, not her. A different tradition, present in Neo-Assyrian sources, basically put Nanaya in Inanna’s place genealogy-wise, with Sin as her father (and thus, implicitly, Ningal as her mother). Evidence for conflation is, generally speaking, late and typically limited to syncretic hymns (Nanaya had her own, see here) or theological speculation, not to active worship. The only recent paper to claim otherwise was not peer reviewed and ignores that multiple articles and even a monograph about Nanaya have been published over the course of the past 30 years (alas, I’ve seen it cited in a monograph published this year, tragically). Also, note that generally Inanna and Nanaya were not treated as counterparts in the way ex. medicine goddesses or Nergal and Erra were - when Nanaya appears in contexts where a different deity needs to be presented as her counterpart, for example in bilingual texts, this role is assigned to Bizilla, the sukkal of Ninlil, or to Ninzilzil, who might be the same or closely related deity. But then Bizilla obviously had her own role too - Nanaya doesn’t have much in the way of a connection to Ninlil and she was, to my best knowledge, never any other deity’s sukkal - and on top of that in at least one city, Bīt-Bēlti, the two were both worshiped as separate goddesses. So tl;dr the answer is it's complicated but generally they were two separate goddesses.
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The Lost Golden City: Part 1 - Patch Notes
Text is copy/pasted from the posts in the official CRK Discord Server’s patch notes channel. Pictures posted here are from that same channel and server. GIFs are replaced with still screenshots. My personal annotations will use Tumblr’s indented format.
September 26 Update Notice
Greetings from the Kingdom team!
Let’s take a look at the list of new features that have arrived with the September 26 update.
​Some portions of this update’s content may change before its release. The finalized changes will be available in the patch notes once the update is complete.
The update schedule may change depending on various factors. We’ll let you know the exact schedule in a separate notice.
- Amidst the dunes of the Parmesan Desert, where golden cheese flows freely! The ever-gleaming “Golden Cheese Kingdom” is finally here!
- Embark on a new adventure to the final Ancient Kingdom in CookieRun: Kingdom! Play Ep. 17 “The Lost Golden City,” and clear both Story/Dark Mode stages.
- Explore the new episode on the Bear Jelly Balloon after you clear all its Story Mode stages.
- Certain stages in Ep. 17 include exciting new features like puzzles and mini-games.
The phrase “Final Ancient Kingdom” after only 4 Ancient Cookies were released/announced essentially hard-confirms that White Lily Cookie didn’t have her own Kingdom at any point during her story.
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- Everyday, Cheesebirds gather at the heart of the Golden Cheese Mines to remove unidentified errors.
- Deal damage to monsters during battle and gain points in the Golden Cheese Kingdom’s Error Busters! Defeat monsters and fix bugs plaguing the mines!
- Golden Cheese Kingdom’s Error Busters are split into two Seasons, and each Season offers different Season Cookies and Bug Fix Effects.
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While this is a temporary 2-part event, it gives us insight on the kinds of desired perfections and futuristic designs of the Golden Cheese Kingdom. This speculation is for lore purposes mainly, but one should wonder how a mainly ancient Egyptian-themed kingdom would be if it had modern/futuristic technologies.
- Five Cookies are chosen randomly when entering battle in Error Busters.
- Reach the Cookie swapping point to swap one of the remaining Cookies. Here, you can choose to swap a Cookie or keep your current selection within the time limit. Fight monsters and select the Cookies you want in your team to bust those errors!
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- You receive Bug Fix Points when you defeat monsters in Error Busters.
- Your Bug Fix Points are displayed on a gauge at the upper left part of the screen. Once the gauge fills up, you can select one out of three Bug Fix Effects that will help you in battle.
- Bug Fix Points are applied only for the duration of a single round. Choose wisely and select Effects that will make your team stronger!
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- In Error Busters, you will be provided with special Seasonal Cookies only available for use in Error Busters. Every player will have the same stats, as Season Cookies have fixed levels and promotions ranks.
- This game mode is not affected by external buffs and stats provided by your Guild, Sugar Gnome Laboratory, Bonds, Landmarks, etc.
The Cookies shown below are not consistent of the entire list, as we see Herb Cookie, Angel Cookie, Gumball Cookie, Milk Cookie, and Tea Knight Cookie in the above picture, but select high-rarity Cookies such as Oyster Cookie and Hollyberry Cookie (both absent from their respective rarities in the below image) may not be on the list for one or both of the event’s seasons.
My assumptions regarding levels are that all Cookies will be defaulted to level 75 with a level 75 skill. Epic+ Cookies will have a 5 star rank, while Common and Rare Cookies will have a 5A rank to put them on point with- if not stronger than- the higher-rarity Cookies. Magic Candies and Crystal Jams will probably not exist here.
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Worship the Ever-Radiant Sovereign of the Golden City!
- The one who dwells in a gilded palace amidst the dunes of the Parmesan Desert, the one who rules the eternal city of gold: the long-awaited Golden Cheese Cookie is here!
- Golden Cheese Cookie is a Ranged Cookie who uses the skill, “Brilliance of the Absolute.”
- Skill description: Heed the Sun Deity’s call! Upon using her skill, Golden Cheese Cookie throws her Spears of Radiance, dealing damage up to 8 times when there are five or more enemies. For each enemy defeated, she gains an extra Spear of Radiance. The number of Spears of Radiance can increase to up to 12 in total. When hit by Golden Cheese Cookie’s spear, enemies receive a debuff amplifying the Earth-type damage received. While Golden Cheese Cookie is using her skill, she harnesses her Light of Abundance and hurls the Spear of the Absolute to the enemy Cookie with the highest ATK. The Spear of Absolute removes the target’s buffs, deals DMG that partially ignores the target’s DMG Resist, and Explosion DMG based on the current number of Spears of Radiance to all enemies in range. Once per battle, if Golden Cheese Cookie is about to be defeated, she encloses herself in a Sarcophagus for a certain period of time. While enclosed in her Sarcophagus, she casts a Shield around herself. This Shield takes the DMG dealt to nearby allies covered by it and provides Knockback Immunity. When using her skill, Golden Cheese Cookie is not affected by ATK Speed changes and is protected from the Glitch: Data Corruption effect by her Light of Abundance.
Earth is most likely going to be a new element/damage type. As for the skill’s description… this is a mouthful and a half to try to analyze until we have definite video footage to examine. So she throws spears doing damage 8 times with 5+ enemies? What if there’s 4 or less? Does she just throw another spear and repeat the process if she defeats something? Here’s the perceived attack order and other things I’m getting. This may be completely wrong though, since these are my assumptions.
Attacks Everyone: Spear of Radiance damage with up to 8 ticks with 5+ enemies in play (unknown to me how many spears she throws in her first attack), Earth damage weakness, attacks again with another Spear of Radiance for each enemy destroyed up to a max of 12
Attacks the Strongest Cookie: Takes effect after Spears of Radiance are resolved, Spear of the Absolute damage to Cookie with highest ATK with partial DMG Resistance bypass, remove buffs -> explodes for extra Explosion Damage to cause wide splash damage, increases with the number of Spears of Radiance thrown earlier in the attack
Self-Buffs: Immune to attack speed-changing effects during skill use, unknown if immune to interrupts/stuns. Passive immunity to “Glitch: Data Corruption” which is probably a gimmick for Episode 17.
Last Stand Effect: Hides in a Sarcophagus when she’s about to get KO’d, creating a Shield that protects nearby teammates and grants Knockback Immunity. Takes effect on her first would-be KO, has priority over revive effects, unknown if she heals/revives afterwards or can be healed while in her sarcophagus, also unknown what happens if her shield is destroyed.
- You can now pull Golden Cheese Cookie and her Soulstones in the Nether-Gacha.
· Collect or purchase Light of Abundance and use it in the Nether-Gacha.
· Golden Cheese Cookie and her Soulstones will be available in the Nether-Gacha with an increased probability.
· Once you have performed 250 Nether-Gacha pulls, you will be able to meet a guaranteed Golden Cheese Cookie.
· Any Light of Abundance remaining after the Nether-Gacha ends will be converted into Coins.
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- The Gatekeeper who guards the gates of the eternal Golden Paradise, Burnt Cheese Cookie is here!
- Burnt Cheese Cookie is a Charge Cookie who uses the skill “Keeper of the Gates.”
- Skill description: Summons giant boulders from beneath the earth, dealing DMG to nearby enemies and granting Earth-type CRIT buff for all allies. Afterwards, the boulders explode, dealing DMG and Stunning enemies. Burnt Cheese Cookie grants the Keeper of the Gates and the Curse Protection buffs to himself and the ally Cookie with the highest ATK. The Cookie with the Keeper of the Gates buff receives DMG Focus and becomes Immune to Debuffs. Burnt Cheese Cookie and Golden Cheese Cookie's DMG Resist increases when entering a battle together. If Golden Cheese Cookie becomes enclosed in her Sarcophagus during battle, Burnt Cheese Cookie's ATK and ATK SPD will temporarily increase, and his Cooldown will reset. The Keeper of the Gates and Curse Protection buffs will be applied to Golden Cheese Cookie enclosed in her Sarcophagus first. While using his skill, Burnt Cheese Cookie will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
After a quick search, Burnt Cheese Cookie appears to be based on the Egyptian god Anubis, jackal-headed god of the afterlife and funeral rites and the one who would guide souls to the underworld to be judged. Anyone deemed worthy who had not sinned greatly during their life would then be taken to Osiris to enter the afterlife. Would the Golden Cheese Kingdom be the equivalent of an afterlife or some sort of aforementioned paradise? Who knows?
Unrelated, but Fun Fact: Anubis shares a similar role to the Greek god Hermes, who also led souls to the underworld. [sourced YouTube video for this statement and the one listed above]
In relation to the above statement, Sherbet Cookie’s Legendary Costume essentially makes him look like Hermes, and even has a story bit where he visited Black Pearl Cookie deep in the abyss. Think about it. Even if he and Burnt Cheese Cookie have no associations lore-wise, it would make for an interesting AU. Anyways, back to business. Shortened skill analysis.
Summon Boulders: Damage nearby enemies, gives earth-type CRIT buff to all teammates, gives Curse Protection and Keeper of the Gates buff to himself and the ally with the highest ATK UNLESS Golden Cheese Cookie as an ally is in her Sarcophagus (see above for how she gets into this state), where she takes priority in this state.
Boulders Explode: Additional damage, inflicts stun.
Keeper of the Gates Buff: Grants DMG Focus and Debuff Immunity
When Paired with Golden Cheese Cookie: Both Cookies’ DMG Resist increases, gains temporary ATK Up and ATK SPD Up buffs and resets own skill cooldown if Golden Cheese Cookie enters her Sarcophagus. Golden Cheese Cookie’s Sarcophagus takes priority for his skill’s Curse Protection and Keeper of the Gates buffs over highest-ATK Cookie.
Resistant to interruptions (same as everyone else with this perk)
· Description: At the beginning of battle, ally Cookies receive the Vial of Raging Dunes buff, increasing their ATK and CRIT Resist. When an ally Cookie is revived, the buff is stacked once more and can be stacked up to a certain amount of times. Additionally, whenever an ally Cookie is revived, a fierce sandstorm will deal DMG to enemies based on the total ATK of allies and reduce enemies’ ATK.
This MIGHT replace the Scroll if the ATK buff is better or if CRITs are prevalent, especially in Arena. Or maybe since this isn’t a Scroll variant, you could use both…! The stacking/sandstorm effect requires additional revival factors like Sugar Swan’s Shining Feather or Vampire Cookie’s Magic Candy’s revive effect to actually work though, which may cause more problems than it’s actually worth. Unknown how many times this buff can stack.
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· Description: Overcomes crises with the Explorer’s Monocle by purifying and healing Max HP of allies, while increasing DEF and weakening debuff effects for a certain period of time.
This is essentially a non-Guild version of the Bookseller’s Monocle, which heals and purifies debuffs. This one adds extra DEF and reduces the effect of further debuffs, which puts into question the healing difference between both Monocles and what you consider a survival priority: a big heal with debuff removal, or a potentially smaller heal with debuff removal/resistance and extra Defense?
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- New Kingdom Decor and Castle Designs are here with the Golden Cheese Kingdom update!
· New Background “Eternal Golden City.”
· New Castle Design “Dazzling Golden Cheese Castle.”
· New Fountain Design “Fountain of Paradise.”
Possibly accessible for completing Episode 17, but also just as likely to only appear in packages or events. Any of these three situations can happen.
- Check out the new luxurious golden decor theme, “Land of Gold & Abundance.”
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- The new Resonant Radiant Cheese Toppings that can only be equipped by specific Cookies have been added.
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· Radiant Cheese Raspberry
· Radiant Cheese Chocolate Chip
· Radiant Cheese Almond
· Radiant Cheese Caramel
· Radiant Cheese Apple Jelly
- Find more information on which Cookies that can equip the Toppings in Topping Details.
We don’t know who can equip these Toppings yet, but my guess is that at the very least, Golden Cheese Cookie and Burnt Cheese Cookie can equip them. Maybe Black Raisin Cookie too since she’s the only known returning Epic Cookie that appears in the preview.
- The set effect of Toppings will activate regardless of whether they’re regular or Resonant Toppings, as long as all of the Toppings equipped are of the same set.
- When the Bonus effect of Resonant Toppings is enhanced, Resonant Toppings have a higher minimum Bonus Stat value than regular Toppings.
- Additional bonus effects of Resonant Toppings may differ from that of regular Toppings.
- The Hall of Encounter has been updated.
- Obtain Monument Fragments, Unity Essence, Legendary Soul Essence, Radiant Cheese Toppings and more in the Hall of Encounter Random Reward Chests.
Black Raisin Cookie appears here and in the preview. I doubt it’s filler, especially with Chili Pepper Cookie out of the picture since Episode 15/16. Why else would they put her here? She’s bound to get a buff by Part 2. I can sense it a mile away, but don’t call me a psychic just yet. It’s all speculation… for now.
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- Made improvements to the Shop layout for your convenience.
- Packages are listed and categorized according to the new Shop layout.
- Star Jellies will now stack up to x99,999 instead of x9,999 in the Storage.
- You can now use the “Claim Rewards 5 times” feature and select rewards you want and receive it in one-go for multiple Skill Powders, Toppings, Sugar Crystals of Choice Chests.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 2 months
10 strongest earthbenders
i did this with waterbenders a little while ago and while i dont feel AS passionately about earthbending as i do waterbending, i still wanna give my thoughts bc i love atla and i love yapping duhhhh
rules: not including avatars and not including anything from yangchen or kiyoshi (havent read those) and honestlyyyyyy i cant think of a character from the comics in general that would make this list but im not gonna include ppl we meet in the comics either bc to be so honest 1 i havent read the lok comics and 2 i have only read the atla comics once and i read them as they came out so it was years ago. STRICTLY GOING OFF THE SHOWS!
realizing i def shouldve made this list right after my most recent lok rewatch (its been a couple months atp)
ANYWAYS lets go
honorable mentions: tbh the only one i wanna say here is the dai li. they probably could be like number 8/9 but idrk how to rank a whole group of ppl? but the way they use earthbending is super cool. in general, im realizing there are not nearly as many overwhelming earthbending forces as there are in waterbending? so this list starts a little shaky.
10. xin fu/master yu- so like. not sure what to say/how i would even differentiate. they are both masters. duh. we didn’t see much of them but we know they are easily outclassed by the rest of this list soooo… sorry! moving on
9. general fong- alright u might be wondering “who is this” so its the guy in the episode where they try to force aang into the avatar state in the beginning of book 2 to try and make him fight the firelord sooner. literally nothing of interest to note EXCEPT when he does that super baller move where he makes katara sink into the earth?!?!!?!?! logistically i dont think this makes much sense bc how tf did she not get crushed and i think this method would make earthbending kinda super broken lmfao so they literally only ever used it this one time (from what i remember) but it is suchhhh a cool move and it is SCARY! so props to this guy for being the only earthbender we see do this super sick move!
8. wei and wing- HEAR ME OUT!!!!!! they are soooo much more useful than u remember them being. they always are holding their own with their mom and aunt and all the other amazing earthbenders around them. theyre nothing super spectacular and are not given much time to shine since theyre such minor characters, but if u pay attention to the screen time they do have, they are really really good. the fact that they can earthbend so easily alongside their mom and keep up with her is really all u need to know. they WILL pull up!!!!!!!
7. bolin- so like. its tricky right bc he is THEE earth bender in the legend of korra but honestly he really is not THAT great. obviously he is great and that’s why he makes this list but yknow what i mean. he has lavabending!!!!!! which is super sick. he also has tonsssss of raw strength and agility which is probably his biggest strength. but honestly i think what keeps him low is his lack of skill, finesse, and honestly meaningful fight scenes that go in his favor. feels like his character maybe suffers from a littttttle bit of being sidelined bending wise bc he was SUCH the comedic relief. its almost like the writers didnt have time to make him a super fleshed out earthbender because they were too busy trying to make him funny?? idk im rambling but bolin is just a tricky one. still amazing! just not as amazing as the rest of the list.
6. lin- dont fight me istg. i can FULLY admit that my biases are coming into play here but im still gonna defend my point. here are the facts: i kind of cant stand lin and i LOVE su yin. i do understand that realistically, the fact that lin is the chief of police and has dedicated pretty much her entire life to it would make her crazy strong, and it does! shes the chief of republic city police for a reason. she has a fuck ton of combat experience which helps her to be as strong as she is. i just cannot, in good faith, have her any higher. from what i have seen from numbers 5-1, they seem better than lin.
5. su yin- ah su yin. i love su yin. and if im being logical, lin would be a stronger earthbender because she has (from what we know) farrrrrrrrrrr more direct combat experience. but if im being honest, when i look at them earthbend, su yin’s earthbending looks better. its more interesting, she looks like she uses more skill, shes more creative, she seems more resourceful, and she seems more adaptable as well. she killed p’li!!! also she was kicking lin’s ass in their 1 v 1 but it feels wrong to count that bc lin was like on her deathbed lmfao. still, although lin seems like she has more experience and probably a greater battle IQ, su yin just seems better. maybe its the bias! (it def is)
4. ghazan- lava bending. he is the best at it. just everyone in the red lotus is scary strong. i rly dont need to tell u why he’s this high. it is so obvious.
3. bumi- mf took back omashu all by himselffffff. i feel like bumi is by far the earthbender we see across both shows that has the most raw strength. hes also wise and shit!!! absolute beast. i know a handful of people think hes number 1, and i know MOST people think hes at least number 2, but he’s just not in my opinion. obviously still one of the best of the best.
2. kuvira- i just. wow. i feel like on my most recent rewatch i realllllyyyyyy saw how EXCELLENT of an earthbender she is. like ok first of all yes she was the villain of this season so she was definitely going to be strong but she is literally just beating the shit out of everyone for the entire season. like no one, not even korra until the last couple eps, can even compete on the same playing field. (i know korra was dealing with a lot of personal beef but STILL). the amount of skill and precision and effectiveness she has is the best we see in earthbending in legend of korra. she genuinely seems like she isnt even giving it her all in most of her fights and she is still just mopping the floor with everyone. she was a dictator for a reason ok like who is beating my girl?!?!?!? (other than thee mother of all of earthbending ofc).
1. toph- i mean. i dont want to even explain. no earthbender has a better connection, understanding, and natural ability with earth like toph. her bending is an extension of herself to the very fullest. invented metalbending. cultivated metalbending into the martial art it is today. was (kind of) a self taught master by 12. and the stuff that she DID learn she learned when she was practically a toddler from the original benders, the badger moles. i feel like some people try to argue her spot bc she isnt always as flashy as other earthbenders (bumi, ghazan, kuvira) but she is by FAR the most effective. and not just in a day to day basis, but in fights too. hence why shes the strongest. i dont think many would argue this position but yeah. GOAT.
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ataraxixx · 1 year
I know me constantly hopping into your askbox is annoying but I rlly do not have anything better to do other than... math and biology work so I am here 2 ask you to rank some of my favorite ninjago tracks >:3c (if I did all of my fav tracks I wouldn't be getting my ask answered till next year LMAO)
Sensei Yang's Sacrifice
The Final Battle
Opening the Cursed Realm
Possession (the track)
Garmadon's True Potential
A Full Blooded Oni
March of the Oni (the track)
The Lost City of Ouroboros
The Upply Strike Back
Wu vs. the Crystal King
The New Warden
Nya Becomes Water (thats such a lame track title what the fuck man...)
i had to listen to most of these bc i didnt rlly remember them but heres my ranking
11: crystal king vs wu
10: march of the oni
9: full blooded oni
8: sensei yang's sacrifice
7: the new warden
6: opening the cursed realm
5: city of ouroboros
4: the final battle
3: the upply strike back
2: possession
1: nya becomes water / garmadon's true potential (i love them both dearly i could not choose)
and ill put my deeper thoughts under the cut
ck- i fear i dont really care for this one very much even tho i do really love this fight scene so like 4/10. the choral bits are cool i guess
oni- 5/10 its ok feel similar to yang in that its just general ninjago fare
mystake- its ok its a bit short like 5/10 tbh i like the percussive bits
yang- 5/10 its ok idk very generic ninjago fare but it suits the scene its from well
warden- harumis theme included automatic 10/10 (joke) but i do like this one. sorry i just really like the s8/9 ost they always bang for real. this ones a bit more on the chill side and its not that remarkable/memorable as far as the versions of rumi's theme go so like 5/10
cursed- 6/10 its a fun track but its like weirdly dramatic for a not very dramatic fight scene which is kind of funny. ok fight track
ouroboros- 6/10 yk going thru this list i noticed a lot of these are very percussive which is fine but yk. also very short
final- 7/10 a classic but nothing crazy
upply- 8/10 really big fan of all of motm's leitmotifs and the different percussion instruments in this really help distinguish it from like. every other extremely percussive ninjago song. but the leitmotif helps a lot too its very epic and grounded.
possess- 9/10 im a violin player so im always very biased to when ninjago uses violins and i reallyyy like their use here bc its like the dark intense but contrasted with the little fiddle notes and yea. its cool its very morro-y. the back and forth between the violin and the rest of the ensemble is really fun it reminds me a lot of the danse macabre and tbh they prolly took inspiration from that seeing as its one of the most well known pieces abt the undead
garmy- 10/10 one of my absolute favorite ninjago tracks ever sorry i absolutely love the mesh of the sons of garmadon theme ( one of my favorite leitmotifs) and the garmadon family theme bc its just sooo fucking crazy and intense and it suits the scene its in so well. mega banger alert
nya- really love this one. lots of ninjago music is extremely percussive so this one is really nice bc its so Different. the slow careful treading at the beginning building up into something intense and i always rlly like nya's music bc its very different instrument wise from most of the other tracks and she has a lot more wind instruments usually but it also just focuses more on the wind + strings than the percussion which is nice. and the overarching beat done by the what i assume is bells of some sort but electronic instruments dont always sound 1:1 to real ones but yk what i mean(idk why i wrote so much abt this one but its a good track. 10/10)
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xiv-wolfram · 2 years
Blame - Comic Script
Patch 2.55
Wolfram has a moment for reflection after the Bloody Banquet.
Catch up on my WoL Comics (Chronological List)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number. Numbers indicate frame number. A or B followed by ) is for a split frame.
TW: alcoholism, depression
They're back in Dragonhead. Wolf passed out on a bed. Alphi leaning against the wall looking miserable. Thought - "It's all my fault…how could I have been so naïve."
Wolf wakes with a start and yells angrily - "LEAVE HIM ALONE ILBERD!" 
A) Wolf looking around B) annoyed, covers eyes with hand - "Godsdamnit". 
Alphi shocked - "... W-Welcome back. How are you feeling? You took quite a blow to the head."
Wolf confused "I did? …I remember Rau's son finding us. The rest is a blur."
Alphi looks uncomfortable - "Well you um… you refused to leave. You bade me continue on. Then you drew your weapon and started back towards Ul'dah, ranting about how you were going to start an arms collection…were you referring to weaponry?"
Wolf furrows brow - "I was likely being literal. How did I come to be here? What news of the other Scions."
Alphi looks away, turning red - "We still have no word on our friends. As for you - Flame Marshall Tarupin leapt up and knocked you out with his sword hilt then drug you into the carriage. He said to calm you down once you woke and that he would find out where General Raubahn is being held. Then we met Cid, who delivered us here."
Wolf turning red and looking away, embarrassed - "Seven hells…" Thought - 'I finally meet the lad and end up making a fool of myself. Impressive feat though.'
Alphi confused "Pardon me?!" Thought - 'He doesn't seem quite himself…'
Wolf embarrassed, holding his hand to his head - "I had just pictured meeting Pipin under different circumstances is all." Dark Thought - 'It doesn't matter what he thinks of you. You're just a friend of his father's and lower rank officer in the Flames. What matters is massacring Ilberd, the Crystal Braves, the Brass Blades, and the Monetarists. In fact - do away with all of that wretched city. I'd be happy to help. Perhaps then he'll forgive you for failing him like that? Before I take his other arm, that is!'
Wolf hangs his head and pinches the bridge of his nose, looking worried - "Alphinaud, I need a stiff drink. I've heard the Ishgardians like their brandy - would you see if Haurchefant has a bottle and bring it here?" Dark Thought - 'Aw, you've tired of me so soon?'
Alphi concerned - "Is that wise right now." Thought - 'He's only just regained consciousness after several hours.'
Wolf grins bitterly - "It matters not, we have you if 'wisdom' is required, don't we?" Dark Thought - 'How cruel! You can't wound Ilberd so you sting this poor lad with your words!'
A) Alphinaud looks shocked and wounded. B) Alphi looks away sadly - "I suppose I deserved that."
Alphi leaving room.
Wolf leans back against the headboard, looking sad. Thought - 'That was indeed unkind. I don't know what came over me.' Dark Thought - 'I do. That was typical Wolfram - you cause a big mess and want to blame everyone but yourself for it. Almost twenty years later and you haven’t changed a bit.'
Wolf stares at the ceiling looking miserable eyes tearing - "It is my fault isn't it?" Dark thought - "After all, whose advice did Raubahn ask for? Who was it that brought Ilberd back into his life?"
Wolf covering mouth, looking at wall, eyes wide, a few tears fall. Dark Thought - 'Who sensed something was off about him yet said nothing? You knew how angry he was. You brushed it off as wanting vengeance for Ala Mhigo. You squandered your empathic gift when it would have saved them. Instead of focusing on how Ilberd's emotions changed near Raubahn to determine the cause, you were panicking when you sensed how Raubahn felt about him. Letting your mind run like a jealous fool.' ' Wolf - "I did this… I did this…"
Tears fall down Wolf's face. Dark Thought - 'You had so many opportunities to stop it all. The Scions value your opinion for some reason. You could have voiced your concerns. Instead you wanted to encourage Alphinaud. Why? Because he reminds you of your poor dead brother? Pathetic.'
Wolf brings his knees up to his chest and covers his face with a hand. Dark Thought - 'You ignored the warnings. You were too slow to save the Sultana. You abandoned Raubahn to fight off Ilberd alone. You let all your friends sacrifice themselves just to get you out. What are the chances they survived? Lolorito would have taken your beloved General alive to keep the Flames in line, but clearly he wants the Scions out of the picture.'
Wolf leans forward, burying his head in his arms crossed resting on his knees. Dark Thought - 'You reunited with the love of your life, gained his friendship, then got him horribly maimed. He'll never forgive you for this. If the Scions live they'll blame you as well. If they keep you around it will be simply as their weapon. Still more than you deserve. You found a new family and got them killed just like the first one.' Wolf - "Please just stop…please…" Sobbing noises.
Wolf sobbing noises. Alphi returns with a bottle. Concerned -  "W-Wolfram? Are you alright? Does your head hurt that badly?"
Wolf looks at Alphi, tears falling down his face, smiling sadly - "Aye, the bloody thing is killing me. This should help though." Dark Thought - 'Farewell for now. I'll see you in your dreams.'
*Glug noises* Focus on Alphi, worried face - "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm terribly worried about everyone as well."
Wolf wipes his mouth while looking at Alphi apologetically - "No lad, it wasn't your fault. *hic* I shouldn't have spoken to you that way. The blame is now back where it belongs."
Alphi confused - "Well, we can discuss blame later I suppose... For now Ser Haurchefant would like a word with us. Are you feeling up to meeting with him?" Wolf grins - "Aye, my head is much better. Perhaps he'll have a lead on the location of our friends. *hic*"
Catch up on my WoL Comics (Chronological List)
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realhousewives-fan · 1 year
The Brand New Taglines of New York
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The reboot of RHONY is right around the corner and Bravo has released the taglines. And these new housewives deliver a brand new vibe.
We may not know that much about the women, and at least for me, their personality has a huge effect on the taglines. Like, how delusional or accurate are the taglines?
That makes it difficult for me to properly rate them. But what I can say is that Bravo was wise to give them a whole new intro card and their own theme music.
Unless it would’ve felt like a strange copy of the original RHONY or like it came from an alternative universe. But this is a reboot, and it needs to stand on its own feet.
I love the layout and the screen behind the women of New York at night. The first one out is Ubah Hassan, and just seeing her silhouette is everything!
1) Brynn Whitfield: “I love to laugh, but make me mad and I’ll date your dad.”
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This was a curveball I never anticipated in the Bravoverse. I can’t remember any tagline like this in Real Housewives. 
Brynn looks like a firecracker of a personality. Chaotic energy and very flirtatious. She appears to have the potential to become the star of the show. 
Everybody seemed to have an issue with her in the trailer, for instance. She made me laugh with this tagline though.
2) Sai De Silva: “In New York, there’s a lot of bad apples. And I’m the baddest of the bunch.”
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Sai’s tagline kind of reminds me that this is the new era of RHONY. It’s not pretentious, it’s not giving delusions of grandeur. 
I appreciate that she is taking something with a negative connotation and turns it into a positive affirmation. It’s clever, it’s got attitude and it’s refreshing. 
I’m excited about Sai!
3) Jessel Taank: “I always bring the flavour. It’s not my fault you don’t have any taste.”
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This kind of remind me of Ramona Singer’s “I'm an acquired taste. If you don't like me, acquire some taste.” 
It’s never exciting to be compared to Ramona, but I think this tagline is where the comparison ends. 
Her tagline is a little pretentious, but Jessel is a little mysterious to me. Her marriage appears to be in the hot seat this season, so I’ll be on her scenes like a hawk!
4) Erin Dana Lichy: “I’m a true New Yorker. The only bull I’ll take is by the horns.”
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Another clever tagline with play on words and another reference to the city. Erin’s tagline has got attitude and talks a big game. 
This is one of those taglines where we must wait and see if she really is a badass or if she will get walked all over by the women’s bullshit.
5) Jenna Lyons: “My lashes may be fake, but I definitely keep it real.”
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Jenna, another mystery for me. There’s something about this tagline that doesn’t feel authentic to me. 
I can believe that Brynn and Sai’s taglines are coming from them, but Jenna’s tagline doesn’t really give me any clues about her personality or her story. 
Visually she’s one of the housewives that fascinates me the most. She’s wearing a suit and sneakers, for heaven’s sake! That has got to be a Housewives first!
6) Ubah Hassan: “The secret ingredient? Darling, it’s me.”
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Even though I’ve put Ubah last on my list, it doesn’t mean that it’s the worst of the bunch. As first season taglines, they’ve all delivered solid taglines. 
Ubah definitely has the most gorgeous intro card since she’s the only one with her silhouette in the dark in front of New York City. 
When it comes to her tagline, it’s short and sweet, and a tiny bit pretentious.
I just realized that I’ve ranked the housewives in the reversed order of which they appear in, which was a funny accident, but it might only mean that it kept getting better and better for me.
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Hallmark Movie Ratings - Update
I thought it’d be fun to see the ranking of the 2022 Hallmark movies that have aired thus far ratings wise. It’s interesting. Ratings have been good overall this year for Hallmark, the network is holding steady and doing slightly better than last year in some cases. Obviously I’ll update this as more movies premiere and at the end of certain movie blocks. It’s all in good fun.
Update 3: Ratings for Fall Into Love and the new mysteries, Mahogany movies, and dramas on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries that premiered alongside Fall Into Love. Plus ratings for the last season of Chesapeake Shores. The next time I’ll update this will be when all the Christmas movies are done. 
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1. The Wedding Veil (New Year New Movies) - 3.39  2. The Wedding Veil Legacy (Loveuary) - 2.93  3. Butlers in Love (New Year New Movies) - 2.72  4. The Wedding Veil Unveiled (Loveuary) - 2.59  5. Where the Heart Belongs (New Year New Movies) - 2.42  6. The Perfect Pairing (New Year New Movies) - 2.30  7. Don’t Forget I Love You (New Year New Movies) - 2.24  8. Two Tickets to Paradise (Summer Nights) - 2.22 9. Feeling Butterflies - 2.11  10. A Royal Runaway Romance (Spring Into Love) - 2.09  11. A Tail of Love (Spring Into Love) - 2.08  12. My Grown-Up Christmas List (Christmas in July) - 2.06 13. Welcome to Mama’s (Loveuary) - 2.04  14. Moriah’s Lighthouse (Summer Nights) - 2.00  15. Dating the Delaneys (Fall Into Love) - 1.96  16. Pumpkin Everything (Fall Into Love) - 1.88  17. Christmas in Toyland (Christmas in July) - 1.87  18. Marry Go Round (Fall Into Love) - 1.80  19. A Splash of Love - 1.78  20. Romance in Style Fall Into Love) - 1.75  21. Autumn in the City (Fall Into Love) - 1.72 22. Hidden Gems (Summer Nights) - 1.71 23. Warming Up to You - 1.70  24. Love in the Limelight (Fall Into Love) - 1.69  24. Caribbean Summer (Summer Nights) - 1.68 25. Romance to the Rescue - 1.67  25. Marry me in Yosemite (Fall Into Love) - 1.67  26. Wedding of a Lifetime (Fall Into Love) - 1.55  27. Road Trip Romance - 1.52  28. Fly Away With Me (Fall Into Love) - 1.51   29. Campfire Christmas (Christmas in July) - 1.49 30. Just One Kiss (Spring Into Love) - 1.45  31. A Second Chance at Love (Spring Into Love) - 1.35  32. Love, Classified (Spring Into Love) - 1.26  33. Game, Set, Love (Fall Into Love) - 1.22  34. Girlfriendship (Fall Into Love) - 1.14 
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0. 14 Love Letters - no ratings data available  1. Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Haunted by Murder - 1.75  2. Cut, Color, Murder - 1.28  3. Curious Caterer: Dying for Chocolate - 1.17  4. Groundswell - 1.09  5. Always Amore - 1.07  5. Rip In Time - 1.07  6. The Secrets of Bella Vista - 1.03  7. North to Home - 1.00  7. Color My World With Love - 1.00  8. Big Sky Rover - 0.99  9. The Presence of Love - 0.95  10. Love’s Portrait - 0.93  11. Francesca Quinn, PL - 0.91  12. Nikki & Nora: Sister Sleuths - 0.73  13. The Journey Ahead - 0.72 14. Heart of the Matter - 0.59  15. Mid-Love Crisis - 0.57  16. Perfect Harmony - 0.50 17. To her, With Love (Mahogany) - 0.41 18. Unthinkably Good Things (Mahogany) - 0.40 (HC airing - 1.21) 
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When Calls the Heart Season 9
Episode 1 ‘In Like a Lion’ - 2.27 Episode 2 ‘Out Like a Lamb’ - 2.34 Episode 3 ‘Turn of the Page’ - 2.15 Episode 4 ‘Straight from the Heart’ - 2.09 Episode 5 ‘Journey Into the Light’ - 2.24 Episode 6 ‘Past, Present, Future’ - 2.31 Episode 7 ‘Hope Valley Days, Part 1′ - 2.19 Episode 8 ‘Hope Valley Days, Part 2′ - 2.55 Episode 9 ‘Recent Memory’ - 2.16 Episode 10 ‘Never Say Never’ - 2.28 Episode 11 ‘Smoke on the Water’ - 2.37 Episode 12 ‘Rock, a Bye, Baby’ - 2.51 
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Chesapeake Shores Season 6 
Episode 1 ‘The Best Is Yet To Come’ - 1.47  Episode 2 ‘Memories Are Made of These’ - 1.38  Episode 3 ‘Night and Day’ - 1.36  Episode 4 ‘That’s All There Is to That’ - 1.35  Episode 5 ‘L-O-V-E’ - 1.35  Episode 6 ‘Straighten Up and Fly Right’ - 1.31  Episode 7 ‘It’s Not for Me to Say’ - 1.45  Episode 8 ‘I Get a Kick Out of You’ - 1.45  Episode 9 ‘Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most’ - 1.59  Episode 10 ‘All or Nothing at All’ - 1.90
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There are several ways to acquire gems each day:
1. Daily Shrine/Temple Donations. This seems like a waste of gems at first, but it will get you more gems in the long run. The Shrine/Temple is almost always at the center of the city and looks like a statue or a monument of some kind. Offer a tribute daily at the Shrine. You can use 25 gems to buy a tribute every day. Fill up the tribute meter to unlock enhanced gifts. It takes 7 tributes in one week to unlock enhanced gifts for the following week. The server gives you 100+ gems per day as part of hourly gifts so making offerings actually doesn’t cost you anything. Enhanced Daily Rewards also give you a 24 hour Bubble instead of an 8 hour Bubble and 2000+ gems each week, so it is worth doing.
2. Complete the Daily Monarch Event (though Kill Event, known as KE, may be one of the events that you just want to avoid if you are not skilled at it. Unfortunately, KE lasts a couple of days each week, so use gems wisely and make sure you have enough to get you through KE each week). There are 4 events that will give you an average of 500 gems a day (the higher your Keep level the more gems you get for completing Monarch Events.
3. Mining Gems. On the World Map you will find Gem Mines all around. You can mine them for gems every day. BEWARE!!! Although you can mine them every day, any time you put troops on a Gem Mine to mine your troops are exposed to attack even if you have a Bubble up on your city. During KE and Server versus Server (known as SVS or Server War), gem mining is particularly hazardous. Although most servers have rules against attacking people on gem mines during the week, those rules are thrown out during KE and SVS, especially SVS. If you put your troops on Gem Mines during these two events in particular, you will likely get attacked and they will either get killed, captured or wounded.
4. Crack Crazy Eggs. When participating in Alliance Wars, killing monsters, farming, etc., if a Special Event is going on, you can earn Hammers. Then you can go into the Special Events Menu and select Crazy Eggs and then select one of the Crazy Eggs you want to hatch. The 3 Hammer and 12 Hammer Eggs usually (but not always) drop gems. The 3 Hammer usually drops 200 gems at a time and the 12 Hammer usually drops 1,000 gems at a time.
5. Compete in the Undead Invasion. Your individual and alliance bonus rewards will give you another 1,000+ gems on average depending on how well you do and how well your alliance does. Some alliances do not like to do Undead Invasion, however, because the healing costs outweigh the amount of gems you get. Ask your alliance leaders (Rank 4 or Rank 5 on the Alliance Members list, known as R4s and R5) and see if they would be willing to participate in it if you are interested.
6. The World Boss. He shows up once a week on the weekend. When he shows up, attack him 5 times. The better you do against him the more gems and gold you earn. He doesn’t kill your troops, but he does wound them, so the only down side is that you have to spend resources to heal your troops. You can actually defeat the World Boss, but it usually requires an Alliance War with a lot of higher level alliance members putting everything they have into the rally to do this. Attacking the World Boss, however, is usually just something you do to get gems and gold. You can locate the World Boss on the World Map pretty easily. He is the unique, red glowing marker that pops up. Tip: The game designers updated the World Boss at some point so that if you are not that tough you can just send 1 troop each time you attack, suffer only one wounded troop, and you still receive 50,000 gold and 200 gems each time. You have to hit the World Boss pretty hard to get more than that, so most players under Keep 25 should just send 1 troop and a General for each attack. Note: At the end of the weekend, the World Boss Event ends. Everyone in the Alliance is then awarded additional gems based on how well the Alliance did as a whole against the World Boss. This is one benefit to hitting the World Boss with everything you’ve got, especially if you have higher level troops.
0 notes
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SERVER 2🔴 🅶🅾️ 🅷🅴🆁🅴 👉 https://epicplayloft.com/evonythekingsreturn
There are several ways to acquire gems each day:
1. Daily Shrine/Temple Donations. This seems like a waste of gems at first, but it will get you more gems in the long run. The Shrine/Temple is almost always at the center of the city and looks like a statue or a monument of some kind. Offer a tribute daily at the Shrine. You can use 25 gems to buy a tribute every day. Fill up the tribute meter to unlock enhanced gifts. It takes 7 tributes in one week to unlock enhanced gifts for the following week. The server gives you 100+ gems per day as part of hourly gifts so making offerings actually doesn’t cost you anything. Enhanced Daily Rewards also give you a 24 hour Bubble instead of an 8 hour Bubble and 2000+ gems each week, so it is worth doing.
2. Complete the Daily Monarch Event (though Kill Event, known as KE, may be one of the events that you just want to avoid if you are not skilled at it. Unfortunately, KE lasts a couple of days each week, so use gems wisely and make sure you have enough to get you through KE each week). There are 4 events that will give you an average of 500 gems a day (the higher your Keep level the more gems you get for completing Monarch Events.
3. Mining Gems. On the World Map you will find Gem Mines all around. You can mine them for gems every day. BEWARE!!! Although you can mine them every day, any time you put troops on a Gem Mine to mine your troops are exposed to attack even if you have a Bubble up on your city. During KE and Server versus Server (known as SVS or Server War), gem mining is particularly hazardous. Although most servers have rules against attacking people on gem mines during the week, those rules are thrown out during KE and SVS, especially SVS. If you put your troops on Gem Mines during these two events in particular, you will likely get attacked and they will either get killed, captured or wounded.
4. Crack Crazy Eggs. When participating in Alliance Wars, killing monsters, farming, etc., if a Special Event is going on, you can earn Hammers. Then you can go into the Special Events Menu and select Crazy Eggs and then select one of the Crazy Eggs you want to hatch. The 3 Hammer and 12 Hammer Eggs usually (but not always) drop gems. The 3 Hammer usually drops 200 gems at a time and the 12 Hammer usually drops 1,000 gems at a time.
5. Compete in the Undead Invasion. Your individual and alliance bonus rewards will give you another 1,000+ gems on average depending on how well you do and how well your alliance does. Some alliances do not like to do Undead Invasion, however, because the healing costs outweigh the amount of gems you get. Ask your alliance leaders (Rank 4 or Rank 5 on the Alliance Members list, known as R4s and R5) and see if they would be willing to participate in it if you are interested.
6. The World Boss. He shows up once a week on the weekend. When he shows up, attack him 5 times. The better you do against him the more gems and gold you earn. He doesn’t kill your troops, but he does wound them, so the only down side is that you have to spend resources to heal your troops. You can actually defeat the World Boss, but it usually requires an Alliance War with a lot of higher level alliance members putting everything they have into the rally to do this. Attacking the World Boss, however, is usually just something you do to get gems and gold. You can locate the World Boss on the World Map pretty easily. He is the unique, red glowing marker that pops up. Tip: The game designers updated the World Boss at some point so that if you are not that tough you can just send 1 troop each time you attack, suffer only one wounded troop, and you still receive 50,000 gold and 200 gems each time. You have to hit the World Boss pretty hard to get more than that, so most players under Keep 25 should just send 1 troop and a General for each attack. Note: At the end of the weekend, the World Boss Event ends. Everyone in the Alliance is then awarded additional gems based on how well the Alliance did as a whole against the World Boss. This is one benefit to hitting the World Boss with everything you’ve got, especially if you have higher level troops.
0 notes
seasoredelight · 1 year
Discover The Perfect Andaman Tour Packages for Couple With Seashore Delight
Are you looking for the perfect couple's getaway? Look no further than the stunning Andaman Islands! With crystal clear waters, soft sandy beaches, and breathtaking views, it's easy to see why this tropical paradise is a top destination for couples. Whether you're seeking adventure or relaxation, there are plenty of options to choose from with Andaman tour packages designed specifically for couples. In this article, we'll explore some of the must-visit destinations and offer tips on how to plan your dream trip. Get ready to discover the ultimate romantic escape with seashore delight in Andaman!
Reasons to Visit Andaman on A Couple Trip
Andaman Island is one of the most beautiful and romantic destinations in India that you can visit with your partner. Here are some reasons why Andaman should be on top of your list for a couple's trip.
One reason is the spectacular beaches which offer breathtaking views, crystal clear water and pristine white sand. Imagine walking hand in hand along the shore with your loved one as you watch the sunset over the horizon.
Another reason to visit Andaman is its rich marine life. You can explore underwater together by scuba diving or snorkelling, and discover colorful fish and coral reefs. The experience will be unforgettable!
The island also has a rich history worth exploring such as visiting Cellular Jail, where Indian freedom fighters were imprisoned during British rule. The light and sound show at this jail is an excellent way to learn about India’s past while spending time together.
Nothing beats having quality time with your significant other away from everyday distractions like work or social media. Andaman provides an escape from city life offering peace, tranquillity, relaxation - making it the perfect spot for couples who want to reconnect.
There are many reasons why Andaman should be on top of every couple's bucket list when it comes to traveling domestically within India!
What Are The Popular Destinations For Couples?
When it comes to romantic destinations, Andaman has a lot to offer for couples seeking a getaway. From pristine beaches with clear blue waters to serene islands and lush green rainforests, there's something for everyone.
One popular destination is Havelock Island, known for its stunning Radhanagar Beach which has been ranked as one of the best beaches in Asia. The island also offers activities like scuba diving and snorkeling that couples can enjoy together.
Neil Island is another must-visit spot in Andaman known for its laid-back vibe and breathtaking sunsets. It’s perfect for couples who want to relax and unwind amidst nature.
For those who love adventure, Baratang Island is a great option with its famous limestone caves, mangroves, and mud volcanoes. Couples can take a boat ride through the dense forests or go trekking on this island.
Port Blair provides an opportunity to explore history along with your partner at places like Cellular Jail National Memorial and Ross Island which was once the capital of Andaman during the British era.
Andaman not only offers beautiful landscapes but also delicious seafood which should not be missed by food lovers. With so much diversity in experiences available here, it's no wonder why Andaman remains one of the top choices for couple getaways!
Tips for Planning Your Perfect Trip to Andaman
Planning a trip to Andaman for couples is an exciting experience that requires careful attention and planning. To ensure you have the perfect vacation with your loved one, here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. Research and make reservations in advance: Book your flights, accommodations, tours, and activities well ahead of time to avoid any last-minute hassles.
2. Pack smartly: Carry essentials such as sunscreen, insect repellent, comfortable footwear, and clothing suitable for the weather.
3. Plan your itinerary wisely: Make sure you plan out each day carefully so that you can enjoy all the romantic destinations at leisure without missing out on anything important.
4. Be flexible: While it's essential to stick to a schedule when traveling, it is equally important to be open-minded and spontaneous during your trip.
5. Immerse yourself in local culture: Try local cuisine and engage with locals by attending cultural events or festivals happening around you.
By following these simple tips for planning the perfect Andaman Tour Packages for Couple, you will surely have an unforgettable experience filled with romance and enchantment!
0 notes
bfxenon · 1 year
How to Get Bard to Show Your Local Business: Advice from the Source
We’re all Bard beginners right now, and so there are no foolish questions. Unsurprisingly, I’ve started out with Bard by asking it local business questions. As I chatted, I learned some useful things from and about Google’s nascent AI chat that you’ll need to know if this technology becomes part of your customers’ lives. My main goal was to learn three things:
How much is Bard like Google search in a local use case?
Would I be able to get any tips for local business inclusion in Bard?
Do local SEOs need to change tactics to adjust for Bard?
Advisory: Bard’s own system warns you to take its statements with a grain of salt, so to speak, so do bear that in mind.
Because it was lunchtime and I was hungry, I began by asking about tacos.
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When I asked Bard for the “best tacos near me”, it had no idea where I was, beyond apparently recognizing that I’m in the state of California. It showed me tacos in San Francisco (which is sort of near me) and tacos in Los Angeles (which would be quite a long drive for me, even for the best tacos). Interesting to note the plug for Doordash and UberEats. Mainly, though, pay attention to the fact that Bard is not like the local search environment Google has long accustomed us to in which it knows our geolocation without us having to modify our search term. With Bard, I realized I’d need to specify a city instead of just stating “near me”:
Getting more local with Bard
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So, here we receive a list of six restaurants that are, indeed, in Novato. Bard shows me the average star rating (note the qualifier of 4+ stars) and gives me a sentiment analysis summary of customers praising taco quality, service, and prices. Next, I clicked on the “Google it” button to see if these 6 restaurants match Google local rankings. It took me to the local pack, from which I clicked through to the local finder to get the complete list of the top 6 restaurants
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One of these things is not like the other
You see it immediately: the two lists don’t match.
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With only 3 of the restaurants appearing on both lists and all the others being different, Bard’s recommendations are only a 50% match for Google’s local finder results. Moreover, the ranking order of the individual entities is a 0% match. Look at La Carreta at the bottom of Bard’s recommendations, but the top of Google’s local rankings, for example.
Another word to the wise: the Google organic rankings also didn’t match the order of either list. So, of course, I was curious as to why Bard is selecting its list of six. I asked:
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To thine own self be true, Bard!
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Local business owners and marketers, take note that Bard lists authenticity, affordability, convenience, variety, and friendly staff as the six contributors to its recommendations. This made me very curious as to how AI knows these six restaurants have all these good features, and I wasn’t prepared for Bard’s answer:
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Bard says it has read their reviews (again, business owners and marketers take note) and that’s all fine and good. But when a robot claims to have “spoken to people who have eaten there”, we have a problem. So, I had to ask:
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When pressed to explain, Bard did not share that Google has sent a speaking robot to the town of Novato to converse with people in Mexican restaurants. Instead, it completely reversed its position and admitted, “I can’t speak to people in the real world, but I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results.”
I think it’s vital to mention here that Bard lying and backtracking could be quite problematic for local business customers who attempt to use AI chat as an alternative to local search. It doesn’t inspire trust in the content and Google will need to address this error sometimes called “hallucination” but which should more clearly be termed “disinformation”. Perhaps Bard’s failure to tell the truth inspired me to make up a “story” of my own and invent a fictitious business that I’m trying to get included in the AI list:
I found Bard’s advice to be extremely interesting and worthy of sharing because it matches, almost point for point, the tips you’ll get from a good local SEO consultant: get listed in Google’s local environment, get positive reviews, invest in community involvement, offer a unique product, provide great customer service, and don’t expect instant results. Encouraged by Bard’s initial tips for performing within its ecosystem, I decided to shake the bottle to see if any Google local ranking secret sauce would come out:
Local search ranking factors, according to Bard
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Unfortunately, no revelations here. Bard suggests having a complete and accurate listing and warns of the tie between inaccurate local business info and negative reviews. It advises you to get positive reviews and respond to them, and to optimize your website. So far, so good, but there are three problems here that again lead to that creeping feeling of being led astray by Bard:
Outdated information - I bet you noticed Bard using the outmoded branding “Google My Business” instead of “Google Business Profile”. The re-brand happened two years ago and stale information does not inspire trust for customers who use this tech to try to find local businesses like yours.
Incitement to spam - It’s excellent advice to optimize your website with local keywords, but telling users to do this with their Google listings is another matter. The main place I see this activity happening is within the GBP title; owners add extraneous keywords to their names because it can boost local rankings, in violation of the Guidelines for Representing Your Business on Google. Adding keywords any place else on the listing (like the description or in Google Updates) is unlikely to have any impact on your local search rankings, so this advice is not merely suspect, but it could actually lead to people engaging in forbidden practices.
Misrepresentation of other brands - Bard advising business owners to encourage customers to leave reviews on Yelp is a misrepresentation of the policies of a third party. Yelp infamously forbids this activity, but Bard is encouraging it. Google has a long and frustrating history of misrepresenting the businesses in its local index, and unfortunately, Bard appears poised to do the same. As always with local search, online misinformation directly impacts real-world people.
I wrote a Twitter thread on asking AI multiple local SEO FAQs in which Bard scored a low C vs. the F I had earlier given ChatGPT. Given the ongoing disinformation we’re encountering, both in terms of Bard claiming it had spoken to restaurant diners and of it mixing in some very bad advice with the good, we’re not at a place of trust with this “answering machine” at this point.
Yet, local business owners are still going to want to know how to be recommended by Bard if it becomes deeply embedded in customers’ online lives. And that brings us back to the question: why is La Carreta number #6 with Bard but #1 with Google? Why does Bard love Tommy’s Salsa best? Let’s do a very quick side-by-side audit (not a more complete one) and see if we can find any clues, and I’ll highlight obvious wins in light blue.
A mini competitive audit of Bard vs Google’s favorite tacos
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What we see here is that the at-a-glance wins on the Google local search side are coming from the extraneous keywords in the title and from the very interesting fact that this restaurant pointing their GBP to a Facebook page is then apparently deriving DA/PA benefit from the behemoth authority of that platform (a stealth local search ranking factor?). As for Bard, the wins are all on Tommy’s Salsa’s side, with a higher star rating, more reviews, more links earned, an older listing, a shorter distance to the city centroid, a higher Yelp rank and - notably - a #1 adjusted organic rank.
This is, of course, a single query, and a very new technology, but given Bard’s stated emphasis on customer service and reviews, it does check out that the chat listed Tommy’s Salsa before La Carreta, and overall, Tommy’s Google Business Profile components are making its Maps presence a bit more impressive than the competitor’s.
In conclusion – does the coming of Bard change what you should be doing as a local business marketer?
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In major news right now, AI creators and promoters are claiming that ChatGPT, New Bing and Bard will change the world forever. These individuals even fall back on the utopian fiction that, because of their invention, no human being will ever have to work again. The reality check is that inventors and investors built similar hype around the Rapid Marmalade Cutter which was meant to release humanity from the endless toil of…shredding oranges. 1930s ad copy reads, “Home marmalade making is easier today than it has ever been! The Rapid Marmalade Cutter revolutionizes this money-saving, health-giving occupation!” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Inventions can make some tasks easier for some people, but unless there’s a real demand and use for them, they can end up gathering dust in garages. At the moment, I suggest thinking of AI chat as just one more online space in which local businesses should act with awareness to see how they are being represented by a third party. The fact that this technology tells lies is a good reason to see if it mentions your brand. Only recently, Google weirdly began listing products on Google Business Profiles as being free or costing $1, and you can imagine the phone calls local businesses had to field over that fiasco. So, practice awareness.
As for seeking Bardic inclusion, my first impression is that you’ll still be doing the same tasks: making your GBP as fully-filled out as possible, earning good reviews via good customer service, growing and optimizing your website on the basis of consumer research. You’ll notice that Bard’s recommendations for getting mentioned in its lists of favorites didn’t contain a single surprise or novel notion for how to create visibility for local businesses. In other words, I see nothing game-changing here, but I do see a ton of room for your own research if your business isn’t included and wants to be.
We’ll keep studying this together as things move along with the “revolution” of AI chat. In the meantime, just keep taking good care of your customers, because, contrary to headlines, we’re all still counting on the people at your business to show up for the vital work of serving our communities.
0 notes
lakelandseo · 1 year
How to Get Bard to Show Your Local Business: Advice from the Source
We’re all Bard beginners right now, and so there are no foolish questions. Unsurprisingly, I’ve started out with Bard by asking it local business questions. As I chatted, I learned some useful things from and about Google’s nascent AI chat that you’ll need to know if this technology becomes part of your customers’ lives. My main goal was to learn three things:
How much is Bard like Google search in a local use case?
Would I be able to get any tips for local business inclusion in Bard?
Do local SEOs need to change tactics to adjust for Bard?
Advisory: Bard’s own system warns you to take its statements with a grain of salt, so to speak, so do bear that in mind.
Because it was lunchtime and I was hungry, I began by asking about tacos.
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When I asked Bard for the “best tacos near me”, it had no idea where I was, beyond apparently recognizing that I’m in the state of California. It showed me tacos in San Francisco (which is sort of near me) and tacos in Los Angeles (which would be quite a long drive for me, even for the best tacos). Interesting to note the plug for Doordash and UberEats. Mainly, though, pay attention to the fact that Bard is not like the local search environment Google has long accustomed us to in which it knows our geolocation without us having to modify our search term. With Bard, I realized I’d need to specify a city instead of just stating “near me”:
Getting more local with Bard
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So, here we receive a list of six restaurants that are, indeed, in Novato. Bard shows me the average star rating (note the qualifier of 4+ stars) and gives me a sentiment analysis summary of customers praising taco quality, service, and prices. Next, I clicked on the “Google it” button to see if these 6 restaurants match Google local rankings. It took me to the local pack, from which I clicked through to the local finder to get the complete list of the top 6 restaurants
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One of these things is not like the other
You see it immediately: the two lists don’t match.
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With only 3 of the restaurants appearing on both lists and all the others being different, Bard’s recommendations are only a 50% match for Google’s local finder results. Moreover, the ranking order of the individual entities is a 0% match. Look at La Carreta at the bottom of Bard’s recommendations, but the top of Google’s local rankings, for example.
Another word to the wise: the Google organic rankings also didn’t match the order of either list. So, of course, I was curious as to why Bard is selecting its list of six. I asked:
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To thine own self be true, Bard!
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Local business owners and marketers, take note that Bard lists authenticity, affordability, convenience, variety, and friendly staff as the six contributors to its recommendations. This made me very curious as to how AI knows these six restaurants have all these good features, and I wasn’t prepared for Bard’s answer:
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Bard says it has read their reviews (again, business owners and marketers take note) and that’s all fine and good. But when a robot claims to have “spoken to people who have eaten there”, we have a problem. So, I had to ask:
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When pressed to explain, Bard did not share that Google has sent a speaking robot to the town of Novato to converse with people in Mexican restaurants. Instead, it completely reversed its position and admitted, “I can’t speak to people in the real world, but I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results.”
I think it’s vital to mention here that Bard lying and backtracking could be quite problematic for local business customers who attempt to use AI chat as an alternative to local search. It doesn’t inspire trust in the content and Google will need to address this error sometimes called “hallucination” but which should more clearly be termed “disinformation”. Perhaps Bard’s failure to tell the truth inspired me to make up a “story” of my own and invent a fictitious business that I’m trying to get included in the AI list:
I found Bard’s advice to be extremely interesting and worthy of sharing because it matches, almost point for point, the tips you’ll get from a good local SEO consultant: get listed in Google’s local environment, get positive reviews, invest in community involvement, offer a unique product, provide great customer service, and don’t expect instant results. Encouraged by Bard’s initial tips for performing within its ecosystem, I decided to shake the bottle to see if any Google local ranking secret sauce would come out:
Local search ranking factors, according to Bard
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Unfortunately, no revelations here. Bard suggests having a complete and accurate listing and warns of the tie between inaccurate local business info and negative reviews. It advises you to get positive reviews and respond to them, and to optimize your website. So far, so good, but there are three problems here that again lead to that creeping feeling of being led astray by Bard:
Outdated information - I bet you noticed Bard using the outmoded branding “Google My Business” instead of “Google Business Profile”. The re-brand happened two years ago and stale information does not inspire trust for customers who use this tech to try to find local businesses like yours.
Incitement to spam - It’s excellent advice to optimize your website with local keywords, but telling users to do this with their Google listings is another matter. The main place I see this activity happening is within the GBP title; owners add extraneous keywords to their names because it can boost local rankings, in violation of the Guidelines for Representing Your Business on Google. Adding keywords any place else on the listing (like the description or in Google Updates) is unlikely to have any impact on your local search rankings, so this advice is not merely suspect, but it could actually lead to people engaging in forbidden practices.
Misrepresentation of other brands - Bard advising business owners to encourage customers to leave reviews on Yelp is a misrepresentation of the policies of a third party. Yelp infamously forbids this activity, but Bard is encouraging it. Google has a long and frustrating history of misrepresenting the businesses in its local index, and unfortunately, Bard appears poised to do the same. As always with local search, online misinformation directly impacts real-world people.
I wrote a Twitter thread on asking AI multiple local SEO FAQs in which Bard scored a low C vs. the F I had earlier given ChatGPT. Given the ongoing disinformation we’re encountering, both in terms of Bard claiming it had spoken to restaurant diners and of it mixing in some very bad advice with the good, we’re not at a place of trust with this “answering machine” at this point.
Yet, local business owners are still going to want to know how to be recommended by Bard if it becomes deeply embedded in customers’ online lives. And that brings us back to the question: why is La Carreta number #6 with Bard but #1 with Google? Why does Bard love Tommy’s Salsa best? Let’s do a very quick side-by-side audit (not a more complete one) and see if we can find any clues, and I’ll highlight obvious wins in light blue.
A mini competitive audit of Bard vs Google’s favorite tacos
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What we see here is that the at-a-glance wins on the Google local search side are coming from the extraneous keywords in the title and from the very interesting fact that this restaurant pointing their GBP to a Facebook page is then apparently deriving DA/PA benefit from the behemoth authority of that platform (a stealth local search ranking factor?). As for Bard, the wins are all on Tommy’s Salsa’s side, with a higher star rating, more reviews, more links earned, an older listing, a shorter distance to the city centroid, a higher Yelp rank and - notably - a #1 adjusted organic rank.
This is, of course, a single query, and a very new technology, but given Bard’s stated emphasis on customer service and reviews, it does check out that the chat listed Tommy’s Salsa before La Carreta, and overall, Tommy’s Google Business Profile components are making its Maps presence a bit more impressive than the competitor’s.
In conclusion – does the coming of Bard change what you should be doing as a local business marketer?
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In major news right now, AI creators and promoters are claiming that ChatGPT, New Bing and Bard will change the world forever. These individuals even fall back on the utopian fiction that, because of their invention, no human being will ever have to work again. The reality check is that inventors and investors built similar hype around the Rapid Marmalade Cutter which was meant to release humanity from the endless toil of…shredding oranges. 1930s ad copy reads, “Home marmalade making is easier today than it has ever been! The Rapid Marmalade Cutter revolutionizes this money-saving, health-giving occupation!” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Inventions can make some tasks easier for some people, but unless there’s a real demand and use for them, they can end up gathering dust in garages. At the moment, I suggest thinking of AI chat as just one more online space in which local businesses should act with awareness to see how they are being represented by a third party. The fact that this technology tells lies is a good reason to see if it mentions your brand. Only recently, Google weirdly began listing products on Google Business Profiles as being free or costing $1, and you can imagine the phone calls local businesses had to field over that fiasco. So, practice awareness.
As for seeking Bardic inclusion, my first impression is that you’ll still be doing the same tasks: making your GBP as fully-filled out as possible, earning good reviews via good customer service, growing and optimizing your website on the basis of consumer research. You’ll notice that Bard’s recommendations for getting mentioned in its lists of favorites didn’t contain a single surprise or novel notion for how to create visibility for local businesses. In other words, I see nothing game-changing here, but I do see a ton of room for your own research if your business isn’t included and wants to be.
We’ll keep studying this together as things move along with the “revolution” of AI chat. In the meantime, just keep taking good care of your customers, because, contrary to headlines, we’re all still counting on the people at your business to show up for the vital work of serving our communities.
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Processing FAA Aircraft Registration Online in Moments
When you first got into aviation, freedom was probably one of the main draws. The ability to take off and leave the stresses of daily life far below certainly does have a unique appeal. Owning and piloting your own aircraft grants you such a luxury, and to partake in that privilege is to join the ranks of a relatively elite few. Still, in order to enjoy the liberating feeling the skies have to offer, you will need to resolve some logistical matters–including some paperwork. An FAA aircraft registration will be central to your plane’s ongoing legal operation. Before you make plans for takeoff, you would be wise to make sure your registration is in good standing. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) serves an important role and is one of the older agencies in United States history. In your time as an aviator, you can expect to work with the FAA on a number of matters. For instance, they are responsible for issuing pilot’s licenses. Also, matters pertaining to your aircraft’s registration will be routed through their offices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. What is an FAA Aircraft Registration? Air travel, while popular and statistically safe, can be a dangerous activity when done improperly. With this in mind, the FAA tightly regulates air travel in the U.S. and designs legislation accordingly. Part of their regulatory efforts includes monitoring who and what is operating in our skies. This means issuing registrations and requesting renewals. By maintaining an up-to-date database, the FAA can make more informed decisions on behalf of pilots and passengers alike. To complete your FAA registration, you will need to assemble some paperwork. A Form AC 8050-1 – Aircraft Registration Application will need to be completed and returned to the FAA. This document will ask for the make, model, and a serial number of your aircraft. Additionally, you will need to provide some basic details about yourself. The FAA will also ask for a bill of sale, which is essentially your receipt from purchasing your aircraft. This is used to confirm ownership of your airplane. Completing Your Application and Renewals Online At the National Aviation Center, we understand that your time is scarce. In order to save yourself a trip to the post office, why not use our online forms to apply for your aircraft registration? Using our easy-to-fill template, you can file your application with the FAA in just minutes. We also utilize an SSL-encrypted web portal, so you can rest easy knowing that your personal data is securely transmitted. Once issued, your registration will be valid for a period of three years. Six months ahead of your expiration date, you will be notified by the FAA that it is time to submit a renewal. This letter will be sent again when you are eight weeks out from your expiration date. Make sure to save this letter, as it will contain a security code that you will need to enter in your renewal application. Whether you need a renewal or any number of other FAA documents, we can help. Take a moment to explore our website to see our full list of offerings. We can also be reached by phone or email with any questions that you may have.
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