#see also: controlling and overprotective parents
daphnebowen · 2 months
she is me. I am her. we are one, and we are soulmates.
(aka rapunzel icons, if you squint)
credits: pinterest
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abbyfmc · 17 days
Yandere President! Husband x First Lady! Wife Reader:
I have never seen a yandere as a political figure, be it a mayor, minister, senator, congressman or president of an entire country.
The Yandere President met you before he rose to power, and from there he became madly infatuated with you.
The yandere president came from a very powerful family like you, so your parents and his arranged a marriage despite the modernity of the time.
He received a very comprehensive, albeit and very strict education.
Your education wasn't very different from his; you even knew each other from a young age, as your parents purposely brought you together.
The Yandere President won't take "no" from you for an answer.
A president needs to have charisma and know how to communicate with people, and the Yandere president is no exception. He KNOWS that there are people who believe in him, and whether he is corrupt or not, he will use this chance of manipulation to his advantage to have you.
The Yandere President will always make sure you're comfortable wherever you go together, or whenever you want to stay home. You will have the best medical care and attention, as well as the best food, drink, clothing, treats, accessories and, above all, protection.
And by the way, you will have a great and powerful status that others would envy.
The Yandere President is one of those powerful, paranoid, manipulative, protective and, above all, controlling yanderes.
Whether you're alone or with him, you'll ALWAYS be watched by him wherever you go, even if it's from your bedroom to the living room. The Yandere President will have bodyguards on hand to carefully protect you, him, and his family; he also has servants such as private chefs, maids, chauffeurs, butlers, security guards, etc.
ALL of those servants will tell the yandere president everything you say or do.
The yandere president has a WHOLE team of security cameras and microphones watching you from every possible angle (even if you can't see them), so he ALWAYS knows where you are, who you're with, what you say and what you do. After that, there's no way you can lie to him.
He would even limit your outings to the patio, for fear of snipers, according to him.
Needless to say, you have become the main object of his crazy obsessive love. He would do anything to have you; including killing his love rivals; overprotecting you; isolating you; censoring or controlling all information about you in the media.
The Yandere President knows he has enemies everywhere, both politicians from other parties and other nations and civilians (including rebel groups) who are willing to kidnap you, torture you, extort you, rob you, rape you and even kill you for the simple reason of being related to him.
The yandere president would barely let you see your family.
The Yandere President would love any gift you give him, just because it came from you, his greatest love.
The Yandere President would proudly show you off to everyone, and wouldn't stop reminding the citizens that you are his.
Even though you participate in politics and charity events, the yandere president considers that you should only be his due to his jealousy.
And speaking of which, the yandere president will not stand for you leaving him or talking to another man other than himself, your father or maybe a brother.
Whether in public or private, he will hold your hand, hug you or kiss you, but not to keep up appearances, but to show you the love he feels for you.
Although the yandere president knows that he must protect you from the paparazzi and the media, since he knows that if they have no mercy on him (being the president), much less will they have mercy on you.
I almost forgot: the yandere president would NOT accept a divorce.
He can't bear the idea that you, his beloved, want to leave him.
He would question you intensively to find out the reason for the divorce. Did he not take care of you? Did someone threaten you? Did he not give you enough gifts? Did he not love you or give you enough affection? Did he not give you the attention you wanted? Did someone do something to you and he did not protect you enough?
The Yandere President would talk things over with you and tell you right away that he would NOT let you go anywhere.
The yandere president will even lock you up to make you reconsider.
The Yandere President is not only someone with a lot of money; he also has the best team of private detectives, investigators, spies, hackers, guards and even police officers; so he knows EVERYTHING about you and your family, so if he can't get you to give up on the divorce, he'll have your parents pressure you or threaten to make them disappear.
The Yandere President is capable of ordering the killing of any lover you have.
He is the yandere president; he has absolute control over every part of the country, be it houses, apartments, schools and universities, public administration sites, establishments, all streets and even airports and/or borders.
Now, he would never dare to hurt you directly.
The Yandere President would be capable of making your life difficult if you divorce him. He will do everything to get you back, even sending his men to kidnap you.
He would not accept a divorce even if his election campaigns fail, just think that if he fails, you'll do it together.
The yandere president would be able to become a yandere dictator for you.
He would invite you on the most dazzling trips around the country or around the world.
-The end.
So, what do you think?
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genderkoolaid · 24 days
some misc thoughts on child abuse and adultism/ageism:
in House M.D 2x16, the patient is a disabled teenage girl, melinda. she's had multiple life-threatening allergic reactions, the last of which led to a car accident which resulted in her needing a heart transplant. her mother is shown to be extremely protective of her (not allowing her to attend public school, not letting her go outside, restricting who can visit her) and this is a major issue in her and her daughter's relationship.
about halfway through the episode, melinda goes missing from her room. one member of houses' team, foreman, realizes she is trying to get outside and went to the roof. he finds her sitting in the stairwell, distressed. melinda reveals that her mother was always extremely controlling over her- the point of not allowing her to do seemingly any after-school activities- long before she got sick, and that her daughter's heart transplant "gave her what she always wanted." foreman responds by saying that, because of her current illness, it's "an insane time to criticize your mom for being overprotective."
melinda expresses that her mother's abusive behavior has now been retroactively justified by her disability; she is seen as "insane" for being distressed by what is clearly a life of restricted autonomy. the scene ends with a line that has stuck with me since seeing it: melinda looks up at the stairwell and says softly, "i didn't even try to get outside. i was too scared."
the actual plot of the episode isn't the point. the point is that we tend to view "children abused by foreign adults" and "children abused by their parents" as two separate categories with opposing needs. children being taken advantage of by strangers should have been monitored and restricted. like the mother in the episode, the parent assumes that being more protective = the child being more safe. the correct way to handle child abuse is parental vigilance. sure, maybe this behavior encourages some abusive parents (who are probably the minority anyways, because I would never abuse my child!), but that's just the price we pay for making sure the other children are safe?
what i think this episode shows- accidentally, seeing how they never actually take melinda's abuse seriously- is how you can be fucked over twice. a child who is being abused by someone online can also be abused by their parent- are probably even more likely to experience that because of an abusive home. and then, if that outside abuse is realized by the parent, it retroactively justifies their behavior. it proves not just to them but the adult world that controlling behavior is rational and helpful- clearly, the abuse was caused because they didn't control enough.
and in both the episode and this hypothetical, the parent's reaction- while it may include genuine feelings of love- also comes across as being more distressed over the violation of one's possession than being distressed on another person's behalf. the child is an extension of you, and thus any desires it has that conflicts against your own are like an autoimmune disease. something to be shut down as fast as possible. vulnerable children, abused children, the "sympathy" given to them is a double-edged sword because as soon as you aren't the quiet, docile creature who agrees with whatever the adults say, you are crazy and ungrateful and "don't you realize we just want what's best? look at what happened to you!"
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janitorhutcherson · 10 months
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt
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surprise, bitches!!! im giving yall a lil taste of some more writing. im not really on hiatus (obvi, i post every 5 minutes) but i've been sooooo busy that i haven't been able to post half as much. with that being said, here are some more in depth headcanons ab yandere!mike. :p could not have done this without @futturmand literally helping me (coming up w/) most of these. thank u bae.
warnings: drugging, violence, sex, daddy kink, abusive tendencies
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt was kinda an asshole. to his coworkers, random customers at the mall, anybody who came too close to you, and yes, even sometimes to you. he was the kind of guy who had a semi-permanent grimace on his face. the corners of his mouth would turn into smiles typically only when he was with abby or you two were alone and he could let his guard down. of course, even then, the moment you caught an attitude, that grimace would appear right back on his face. his demeanor was typically gruff. he was the kind of guy most people didn't want to mess with. this meant any male coworkers around you would be tested their fate to even glance at you the wrong way and god forbid mike saw one of them brush something off of your shoulder. that would truly be the end of them.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt is very obsessive over safety. after losing garrett, he has this urge to do nothing but to protect. this means that mike is the type of guy to want your location at all times. not only that, but he wants to know what you're doing, who you're with, and what time you'll be home. he expects a text when you leave, a text when you get there, an hourly check-in, then a text on your way home. it brings him a sense of peace, knowing where you are. he watches life360 obsessively when you're not in his sight, watching your little bubble move through wherever you may be. he's constantly checking the speed of the car you're in, occasionally stalking your friend's instagram stories to see where you are. he's overprotective to the extent that it can be overbearing, but at the end of the day it's endearing knowing he cares that much.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt uses the fact that you're younger than him to manipulate you. he's less about violence or anything physical and instead uses his words. he will constantly remind you how helpless you are without him, how he has so much more life experience than you. he'll point out randomly when you mention not knowing how to do something, saying something like, "see, babydoll, where would you be without me? that's right, nowhere. you need me to take care of you." he's also the kind of guy to eventually make you financially dependent on him if he could ever afford it. he would never put you in that spot until he was comfortable enough to do so, though, meaning it might be a loooong time before that ever happened.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt treats you less like a partner and more like a little sibling, kinda like he treats abby. as strange as it is, he also feels a paternal instinct to protect you. it comes from his deep-rooted feelings of abandonment. he lost garrett, his mom, his dad, and sometimes he feels like abby hates him. he loves that you listen to him, that he can command you to do something and you'd be so good for him. he absolutely adores being able to control different aspects of your life, making you completely reliant on him. it makes him feel special and needed, which he hasn't felt in a very long time. he loves nothing more than when he gets to scold you almost like a parent, your eyes falling to the ground, that adorable wounded puppy look he loves so much taking over your face.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt is incredibly clingy and touch starved. he wants to have a hand on you 24/7. forget having personal space, because you are not getting it with him. he'd follow you around, watching you everywhere you'd go. his hands would grip onto your hips so tightly sometimes it'd feel like they were glued to them. he'd always have his arms around you, kissing at your neck, nipping in a way you felt shouldn't be shown in public. mike didn't care, he wanted everyone to know you belonged to him in every single way. he controlled you, and if he wanted to embarrass you and turn your face red by leaving purple marks on your neck in the middle of a shopping plaza, then so be it. you would take it or be punished.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt who of course uses his sleeping pills on you when you're being a little brat. he isn't violent with you for the most part except for the rare occasion when he will hold you down onto the bed until you'll listen, but otherwise he opts for something simpler. when you're being a little too frustrating for him, going against his every command or you're not feeling like being held, mike will simply crush up his sleeping pills, slip them into your water. he's careful with you once you doze off, never abusing you in any way. all he will do is tuck you into your shared bed and hold your body in his arms, whispering sweet nothings as you're off in your own sweetly drugged up world.
olderbfyandere!mike schmidt would most definitely have a thing for being called daddy. sorry guys, it had to be said. hot take, i guess. considering he did want to protect you so thoroughly, he loved when you'd call him daddy. it made him feel like your protector, like you knew he was the one that did everything for you. it was so crazy how such a simple word could change his whole day. he loved hearing it fall out of your lips as he'd brush through your hair or wash your body off in the shower. "thank you, daddy," you'd hum and he'd grin ear to ear. "you're welcome, babydoll," he'd always say, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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writingwithcolor · 6 months
Desi Parenthood, Adoption, and Stereotypes
I have a story set in the modern day with supernatural traces, with three characters: a young boy, his bio dad, and his adoptive dad. The boy and his bio dad are Indian, the adoptive dad is Chinese. The bio dad is one of the few people in the story with powers. He put his son up for adoption when he was a child because at the time he was a young single father, had little control of the strength of his powers: he feared accidentally hurting his child. The son is adopted by the other dad, who holds spite to the bio dad for giving up his son since he lost his father as a young age and couldn't get why someone would willingly abandon their child. This also results in him being overprotective and strict over his son. When the child is older, the bio dad comes to their town and the son gets closer to him, which makes the adoptive dad pissed, mostly acting hostile to the other guy, paranoid that he'll decide to take away the child he didn't help raise. Later when they get closer he does change his biases. I can see the possible stereotypes here: the absent father being the darkskinned character, the light-skinned adoptive dad being richer than the bio dad, the lightskinned character being hostile and looking down on the darkskinned character, the overprotective asian parent, the adoptive dad assuming the bio dad abandoned the son. The reason for his bias isn't inherently racist, but I get how it can be seen that way. Is there a way to make this work? Would it be better to scrap it?
Two problem areas stand out with this ask: 
You seem confused with respect to how racial stereotypes are created, and what effect they have on society.
Your characterization of the Indian father suggests a lack of familiarity with many desi cultures as they pertain to family and child-rearing.
Racial Stereotypes are Specific
Your concern seems to stem from believing the absent father trope is applied to all dark-skinned individuals, when it’s really only applied to a subset of dark-skinned people for specific historical/ social/ political reasons. The reality is stereotypes are often targeted.
The “absent father” stereotype is often applied to Black fathers, particularly in countries where chattel slavery or colonialism meant that many Black fathers were separated from their children, often by force. The "absent black father" trope today serves to enforce anti-black notions of Black men as anti-social, neglectful of their responsibilities, not nurturing, etc. Please see the WWC tag #absent black father for further reading. 
Now, it’s true many desis have dark skin. There are also Black desis. I would go as far as to say despite anti-black bias and colorism in many desi cultures, if one was asked to tell many non-Black desis from places like S. India and Sri Lanka apart from Black people from places like E. Africa, the rate of failure would be quite high. However, negative stereotypes for desi fathers are not the same as negative stereotypes for non-desi Black fathers, because racially, most Black people and desis are often not perceived as being part of the same racial group by other racial groups, particularly white majorities in Western countries. Negative stereotypes for desi fathers are often things like: uncaring, socially regressive/ conservative, sexist. They are more focused around narratives that portray these men as at odds with Western culture and Western norms of parenting. 
Desi Parents are Not this Way
Secondly, the setup makes little sense given how actual desi families tend to operate when one or both parents are unable to be present for whatever reason. Children are often sent to be raised by grandparents, available relatives or boarding schools (Family resources permitting). Having children be raised by an outsider is a move of last resort. You make no mention of why your protagonist’s father didn’t choose such an option. The trope of many desi family networks being incredibly large is not unfounded. Why was extended family not an option?
These two points trouble me because you have told us you are writing a story involving relationship dynamics between characters of both different races and ethnicities. I’m worried you don’t know enough about the groups you are writing about, how they are perceived by each other and society at large in order to tell the story you want to tell.
As with many instances of writing with color, your problem is not an issue of scrap versus don’t scrap. It’s being cognizant of the current limits of your knowledge. How you address this knowledge deficit and its effect on your interpretation of your characters and the story overall will determine if readers from the portrayed groups find the story compelling.
- Marika.
I have one response: what? Where are the father’s parents? Any siblings? Is he cut off? Is he American? A Desi that has stayed in India? 
Estrangement is not completely out of the question if the father is Westernized; goodness knows that I have personal experience with seeing estrangement. But you haven’t established any of that. What will you add?
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pollyanna-nana · 5 months
I think it’s so interesting that Kui decided to show us how differences in lifespan affect tallmen and elf relationships from both angles with Kabru and Thistle and also how that reflects real-life abusive situations. And then goes on to deconstruct that by showing how genuine understanding and respect CAN exist between the races with other characters!
Kabru being raised by an elf (who is shown to only have a superficial respect for short-lived races, the same one might have for a pet in a lot of ways) and treated like a child even though he’s in his 20s. After all, a 20 year old elf would be a kindergartener, and Milsiril seems to have a rather toxic combination of overprotectiveness and dehumanizing tendencies that leads to perpetually seeing the children she raises as children, even well into adulthood for their race.
And yet, we see with characters like Otta that this doesn’t have to be true of EVERY elf (nor should it logically be, especially those who spend actual time around short-lived races.) For all the jokes made at her expense I actually think it’s really interesting that she’s also canonically queer since recognizing the agency and maturity of short-lived races is in itself a type of queerness in elf society from what we’ve seen. Senshi too, as funny as his misconstruing Chilchuck as a child is I think it’s really important that he realizes his mistake and rethinks his assumptions on short-lived races following his example. It doesn’t HAVE to be the way it is, but it will take work on each side to improve things.
Then on Thistle’s end… woof. Complete opposite of Kabru, it was difficult for the tallmen of the golden kingdom to comprehend how someone in their, like, 60s could still behave like a teenager and chalked that up to a personal and moral failing rather than literal differences in biology (kind of an autistic mood but that’s a conversation for later.) It’s just as disturbing as Milsiril’s treatment of the children she adopts really, since they explicitly didn’t want an adult that could exert their own agency and control over their situation. And the thing is it’s not like that’s totally uncalled for, the previous points show how a non-insignificant number of members of long-lived races do genuinely see short-lived races as inferior, or are otherwise ignorant, like with below.
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It ended up working out just how they wanted, because Thistle’s child-like innocence and singleminded desire to make the only family he had happy meant he was never going to do anything he didn’t think would help them… which then backfired, because of course it would. It’s overcontrolling and manipulative parenting, but with the added spice of lifespan differences and magic. Kabru ended up detesting the elves that raised him and wanting nothing to do with them, and Thistle basically had a massive breakdown trying too hard to please everyone. Infantilization vs adultification, as some have said, with predictable results.
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playerwhitecloud · 4 months
Miss Circle – your mother.
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●Yes, this is overprotective.
●She loves you very much. (I'm serious, very much). If she were allowed to kill not only double–crossers, but also anyone who looks at you askance, she would do it. If someone really offends you, well, he's not a tenant.
●Will brag about you and your achievements. (Even minor ones.)
● You don't have a second parent. Lol.
●Will buy you as many goodies as you want. I'm serious. She will sit next to you and eat oreo's while you eat your sweets.
●She won't let you skip meals. If you decide to trade breakfast for sleep, Circle will pull you out of bed and carry you to the kitchen.
● Be sure that you will go to the same school as her.
●You will most likely be very good at math and other subjects
●Won't kill you if you get a bad grade and won't let them kill you. But you will definitely be punished. For a long time. And she will make you study even more. Until she's sure it won't happen again.
● If you and she don't have a lesson, Circle will take you to her office. You will spend all your free time on her lap while she hugs you.
●Stores EACH of your drawings that you gave her
●She puts many of them on public display.
●This bitch is 9.3 feet tall. Don't even think that you can resist her if she wants your attention. If you are in a bad mood, she will hug you and you will watch a movie. Or she will tell you funny stories about her students. She doesn't really know how to comfort, but she tries.
● Evening movie viewing is like a tradition.
●Won't let you see corpses or blood. She will hide it from you.
● She doesn't like your loser friends, drills them with a dissatisfied look, but she won't do anything to them so that you don't get upset. (Until they gets a bad grade in her lesson, of course)
● She will go home or walk with you by the hand, or she will pick you up in her arms / put you on her neck. Prefers to stay at home, but sometimes goes outside with you.
●Did I mention that she likes to carry you in her arms?
● When you get sick, she will always be there, asking if you need anything else.
● Afraid of losing you.
●If you feel eyes on you while walking with friends. This is your mother.
●It's dangerous outside, what did you want? If someone snaps at you or pushes you, that dude is dead.
●Even more control if you get hurt. Even a minor bruise or scratch.
No one asked me to, but I did it. I am very sorry if there are errors in the text. English is not my native language. But I hope someone likes it.♡
(I tried to make the reader gender neutral.)
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
So, I cannot stop thinking about this. Petlike yandere Red Death, but raised from an egg. Perhaps reader is a dragon rider, who was exploring the volcano post HTTYD1, since I can't imagine Red Deaths are anything but rare. Thank you very much!
Yeah, this was my take on baby Red Death! I apologize for weird formatting.
Yandere! Red Death raised by Viking! Darling
Pairing: Animal/Pet-like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Territorial behavior, Possessive behavior, Alpha dragon, Isolation, Violence, Generational yandere concept, Not entirely yandere/overprotective, I had thoughts with this, Forced companionship.
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There was only one known appearance of a Red Death in the series.
It's said they live 2,000 years and lay 3,000 eggs before they die.
It's unknown if the last Red Death ever laid eggs, considering how we never see another Red Death, we can assume it didn't.
However, for the sake of this concept, let's say one egg manages to survive on Dragon Island.
As a dragon rider you had decided to do an expedition on Dragon Island and found the volcanic egg.
As an experiment you were probably instructed by Hiccup to carry the large egg to a secure location.
After all, not much is known about The Red Death.
This would be the perfect opportunity to research the new dragon type that's only been encountered once.
The egg is no doubt kept near a volcanic region but you are sent to oversee its development.
Being picked for such a task is no doubt exciting at first.
Something about this concept to note is the fact your Red Death won't be fully mature.
It may even take your full lifetime before your Red Death even hits what could be considered a teen.
The baby dragon will get big, sure, but not as big as its mother.
I imagine when you have it the size is only going to be about a medium size dragon.
So it will be rideable, but unable to reproduce or use its full abilities.
When you raise the dragon you are careful to note behavior and diet.
You feed your Red Death red meat and keep them in a hot area.
You have them visit volcanic areas for lava baths.
You are quick to note down everything you learn about the dragon while caring for them.
You even grow attached to them, while they attach themselves to you.
Admittedly it's hard to take notes when your Red Death, the size of maybe a large dog at the start, keeps nuzzling into you.
Red Death's can be a ruthless and controlling species, but a baby doesn't have the ability to control dragons yet.
They'd be demanding and needy, like little divas.
But they aren't capable of full control yet.
You are sure to report all your findings to Hiccup as you care for your Red Death.
While they are still small you simply watch and feed them while researching.
When they are a size where you can ride them you work on teaching them how to fly and carry you.
The dragon is certainly not agile, they're more tanky than anything.
Your Red Death is a brute due to their body type and personality.
Also, wouldn't it be problematic if they learned to control dragons once riding age.
Unbeknownst to you, your Red Death is a dragon that will be taken care of for generations.
You know how you have to put a tortoise or parrot in your will due to their lifespan?
Same thing would happen with you Red Death due to their ridiculous lifespan.
Imagine if they became yandere for your entire bloodline?
They just know your children and their children are related to you, so they defend them.
It may all be fun and games researching your Red Death now, but the truth is you're stuck with them.
They see you as their parent and treat you like family.
So while you can ride them now, soon they'll continue growing.
When you leave this world, they'll still be here.
They may even stumble their way to your grave and sit there.
I feel this Red Death is more caring due to being raised by a human.
Some Vikings are till wary about you as they know tales of the original Red Death.
Even more so when your dragon starts exhibiting alpha behavior.
Yup, you heard me, Red Deaths are similar to Bewilderbeasts since they both act like dragon leaders.
They can command dragons, hold territory, have a sense of authority... etc.
So you run into some problems when your dragon starts roaring to command smaller dragons and claims territory,
They're still affectionate towards you but are expressing dominating behavior.
They even summon smaller dragons to protect you.
Think of this, as you fly on them they usually have some sort of dragon flock around you both.
With their methane breath type they can cause flash fires in an instant.
Your Red Death may move you from your home when they start nesting.
You would be forced to live in a more volcanic area so your Red Death can nest in the crater.
Although, that sounds like a future generation problem.
Your kids/grandkids would have to deal with that.
I actually think the idea of a generational protective dragon is interesting.
Your kids and so on are simply told they have a draconic protector, your Red Death.
As a result, this dragon will defend them with their life.
A protective Red Death is no joke either.
They're capable of swallowing dragons whole when they hit a certain age, which is actually their main food source other than whole sheep and other creatures.
So you are stuck with this dragon right up until you die.
While your Red Death is behaved now, it's mostly because they are young.
They're overprotective and sometimes possessive, but not quite an uncontrolled problem yet.
You think it's cute.
Although other Vikings can see the issue before you can.
You have no idea what you've done, have you?
When they grow older, your kids will suffer the consequences of your actions.
Your Red Death loves you and wants to protect the family you build with them...
Even after death, your Red Death fulfills such a wish... at the cost of those around it.
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sophieseals · 2 months
It frustrated me the way Mallory reacted with Ryan but at the same time I think it was very human and I think her experience with her grandchildren blinded her in a very human way.
When I saw her tell Ryan everything in a hurry and a panic and then again when she told him she loved him, it reminded me of my mother. In that she was nervous in the moment and she told him with the best of intentions and to keep him safe but unfortunately her panic and worry made her overlook his feelings and his possible reactions. I think when you have overprotective parents or in this case ‘grand parents’ they want to keep you safe from the dangers of the world (in the case homelander and the threat he will be like him) but overlook that they are also a potential danger especially emotionally to their child’s development. A lot of it can work in a reverse psychology way that you prevent them so much from the outside world that when you relinquish even the slightest of control they don’t know how to behave outside or go immediately to what you were protecting them against.
It also works in a very literal sense with Mallory with her being a part and even at some times the leader of the boys, a group that mainly targets supes and takes them down and, now she is desperately trying to protect one. It makes complete sense why Ryan’s reaction was the way it was which then in turn only increased Mallory’s fear more and the more she tightened her grip. I think it’s very key that Ryan was told what he was told about his conception and the true reality of things as I think this will prevent him from returning to homelander especially with the government control (although we will see with everything that happens with Billy and others). But this will leave Ryan completely lost and again in a very easy state to take advantage of. Whoever wins his trust now may have him by their side for life with no real parental figure and no friends by himself in the world.
So I don’t hate Mallory I was also frustrated and I understand why she did what she did and the good intentions. I think a lot of the hate towards her in this scene just shows how unwilling people may be to not recognise this possibly in themselves towards the people they love.
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monimccoythings · 7 months
Alastor x daughter!Reader (Platonic)
So, I finally gave in and watched the series. It was cool but the pacing was a bit too fast for me and sometimes i felt like it was deviating way too much from the original plot for such a short series. But wow, y'all were right about Alastor. He stole the show. I wanted to write something for him, but I was not sure how to proceed given that he is aroace (tremendous irony considering that I might be aroace irl). Nothing seemed to fit, given that this dude has never had a bit of romance in his life and refuses to do so. But I came accross a wonderful fic about Alastor having an adopted daughter who became an angel, and everything made sense to me. I saw the light. Whoever you are, I will find your fic again, like it, and reblog it.
Big reminder: Alastor is in hell for a reason. TW: gory elements, blood, near decapitation, implied death threat towards a child.
This is not proof read. So please excuse any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
Part I (You are here!)|Part II|Part III
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This deer man has never shown interest in neither romance nor sex. So the only logical conclusion is that he adopted you when you were just a baby.
He found the idea of having that much power and control over someone amusing, molding them just the way he desired.
How unexpected it was for him to suddenly find that it was you who had him wrapped around your little finger and not the other way around!
But how could he not adore you! You were delightful! You were his little fawn, always so sweet and loving, he would have thought his own beloved mama had been secretly raising you from the afterlife!
Oh, with how much joy your eyes filled when you saw your papa return home after a long day at work! He was your everything, always smiling and fun loving, but also knowing where to draw the line.
He absolutely loved singing to you, his tunes filled with rythm along with the smoothness of his voice were enough to give you a full night of sleep filled with sweet dreams.
And while you dreamed... Your dad was outside, creating nightmares.
He made sure you never got to see that side of him. You were too naive and pure, your light could become corrupted.
Very overprotective father. Always subtly controlling who are you hanging out with and how much time (he would despise having to share his beloved child's attention with someone else) "Darling, I think you have already played enpugh with X I'm sure their parents miss them." (and if they don't, they WILL).
Finding about your Papa's double life would be entirely on accident. One day, he would take you to his job at the radio station, and some drunk and racist asshole would harass you on the streets, terrifying you out of your mind. Your dad kept a calm and collected expression never once losing that charming smile of his, but you could tell something was off. He quickly brushed it off, casually reminding you that it was just your terrified imagination playing tricks on you.
That night, your papa was taking too long from the station, so you decided to come and get him (dunno how safe the streets would be for a child that time because reader is about 13-14 years old). You wished you had waited and stayed home. Because the only light was coming from the recording studio, and peeking through the small opening, your blood froze in your veins.
Your Papa was pushing off himself the dead body of the same man that had assaulted you early that day. His pristine white shirt that he always made sure to keep in perfect conditions was drenched with blood that was quickly drying up.
You quietly tiptoed your way back to the entrance, wondering how you weren't heard given how loud your heart was hammering in your chest.
You felt like your entire world had come crashing down, and as you returned home, you tried your best picking up the remaining pieces.
Your beloved father would never do something like that, right? There had to be a misunderstanding. That was it. That man had viciously assaulted you earlier that day, maybe he came back and tried to attack your dad at his job? It had to be self defense. That was the only option.
Your dad seemed to be breathing heavily, probably from the adrenaline rush from having had to take a life in self defense, but had you not been so shocked and scared, maybe you would have noticed the manic glee in his eyes and the way his smile had widened into something outright demonic.
You decided you would never tell anyone. Yes, it was horrifying that it had ended up like this, but telling anybody could get your dad in serious trouble and in this case he was not the one to blame.
So you kept quiet. Tried to act as normal as you could in front of your father and everyone else. If Alastor noticed, he never told. Everything seemed back to normal, until...
Until one day someone knocked at your door. A police officer. He seemed to be asking questions about the guy you saw your dad kill, protect himself from, a week ago. He was the son of some big shot from the city. A very important one. Rats.
He had come knocking on your door because some witeness had said that the very same day of his murder he had saw him in an altercation with your dad. Double rats.
It was amazing how your father didn't lose composure at all, not even for a second, always keeping a calm smile on his face while he patiently described the events of that day. You could barely refrain from shaking, how was he so relaxed?.
You knew your father was lying, he had to. What else could he do? Confess that that man had assaulted him again at his studio at night and he had to fight for his life? He would be hanged. No one would believe his word against that of a rich white man.
When the officer left, you thought that would be the end of it, your father's charms having won him over as always.
Nothing could have prepared you for what happened a week later.
The first red flag would have been having your father letting you stay at a friend's house for the night. That never happened. Your father always insisting very dramatically that if he were to be apart from you for an entire night he would surely die of grief!
But that day something seemed... Weird. Your father had a determined look on his face and gave you no explanation when you asked if there was something wrong.
You couldn't sleep, there was this nagging at the back of your head that was practically screaming at you that you should return home right now.
You quietly sneaked out of your friend's house in the middle of the night and made your way back home. That unnerving feeling growing inside your mind. 'Just a quick peek, just to make sure he's alright and I'll go back to my friend's'
The lights at your home were on, but it was so dim you could barely make out anything. It was coming from the basement. Someone was humming a tune, you recognized your father's voice.
There was a terrible smell coming from there, like rotten fruit mixed with burning trash. It made you gag, but at the same time you needed to know what was going on there.
Curiosity killed the cat, that was your father always told you.
On top of the wooden table, laid a dead body that you sadly knew too well. It was the police offcer that had come home to interrogate you a week ago. His chest had been cut open and some organs seemed missing. His head had been nearly torn from his body and was only hanging by a few tendons in his neck. The blood was forming a sticky puddle on the floor.
If that wasn't horrifying enough for you the worst part had to be the look on your father's face. Joy. Pure unbridled joy and elation. It chilled you to the bone.
You tried to take a step back, tried to return to you friend's house and forget everything, pretend this had never happened. But your shoe got stuck. And you fell backwards.
That caught Alastor's attention. His joyful expression changed into one of confusion, but never once losing his smile.
"Y/N?" He asked flatly.
You bolted. You didn't know what to do where to run, but you knew you had to escape before he caught you.
You could hear him giving chase, calling your name. You could see him getting close, reaching for you.
What you didn't see was the truck that ended it all.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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Ochako and Tsuyu just LOVE and ADORE seeing you in cutesey frilly dresses which make you look like a baby. They like dressing you up in various different outfits and take thousands of pictures of you in an outfit in hundred different poses just so the entire dekusquad can drool over you later on
Iida and Todoroki are the actual masterminds behind all the planning like how you're going to fall in love with them, whom they should kill for talking to you and being too close to you and stuff like that which requires INTENSE planning. They are also the types of yanderes who will not hesitate to punish you when you behave badly. Yes, it breaks their hearts as much as it breaks Deku's and Uraraka's and Tsuyu's when you get punished by Iida and Todoroki, but it can't be helped. Those 3 are TOO soft with you and REFUSE to even make you cry whereas Iida and Todoroki are like the strict parent types. At least, that's what I feel
Whenever Todoroki gets out of hand like he's almost going to burn you or freeze your limbs off, the other members of the Dekusquad will tell him to calm the FRICK down and Iida will have a very stern lecture with him on how he should control his anger while Tsuyu, Uraraka and Deku will be busy trying to pacify you and baby you 
Izuku will make sure you are getting enough rest and you're getting enough to eat and you're healthy, stuff like that. He's like the soft overprotective mom whereas Iida is like the strict overprotective mom. Izuku will make sure you fall asleep EXACTLY at your planned bedtime and if you can't sleep, he'll stick to your side like a LEECH ngl... or he might play some soft jazz music and help you sleep by slowly stroking your hair and petting your head. Yes, it does get the others all riled up and jealous ASF, but they don't want to start a fight in front of you since you're already scared of them, no point in making you MORE scared than you already are
They will actually have a weekly schedule so you can spend time with ALL of them. Don't worry, they will treat you like a princess and they will smother the hell out of you and spoil you rotten to death, but if you act up, start kissing your favorite things goodbye and sayonara
Uraraka, Tsuyu and Deku are kinda like the gullible and innocent yanderes who'll be really EASY PEASY to manipulate to get whatever the HECK you want. They just LOVE to baby you and cuddle with you 
Iida likes teaching you new things and will occasionally give you treats and rewards for your good behavior 
If they're feeling particularly nice that day, they might actually consider taking you outside for some sun since staying indoors year round can't be all THAT healthy (According to Iida's research on how to keep a darling happy)
Will always make sure you're safe and happy no matter what :)
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dshksh · 2 months
Teen or adult christinaa..
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Oh boy, anon, you asked for it.
Alright, so after Christina had her own "hunting trip" (I still haven't come up with an idea of what that event might have been for her. Would've been interesting if that happened between her and her mother instead of her father. Still have no idea, but she definitely had a major traumatic thing happen to her.) she, just like Orel, saw that her parents are (shocker), not decent people.
To cope with that, she becomes a bookworm and distances herself from everything happening around her, especially involving her parents. Her parents wouldn't notice that, since they were so caught up in their unpleasant marriage. She gets into psychology, reading a lot of books dedicated to it.
As for her and Orel, she would try to isolate herself emotionally and ignore her feelings for him. She knew that they wouldn't meet in years (due to living in different towns), so she tries to suppress her love and focuses on studying. College was an escape from her feelings and parents. Also, I think Christina's dad was really overprotective of her, which caused her to experiment a LOT in college. College was a big opportunity for her to not be as influenced and controlled by her parents as she was at home. She does end up having a few love affairs, but they don't last that long due to her being emotionally distant and still in love with Orel.
She finally meets Orel while she's still in college, almost accidentally. Orel is studying to become a teacher, and his college is doing a practice exchange of some sort with Christina's college (like sharing extra psychological knowledge with future teachers, so they would understand kids more). She doesn't recognize him at first, but when she does, they exchange numbers and talk a lot (mostly Orel, lol). At first, Christina is really cold towards him, but when she sees that he is still a good old-fashioned Christian and a nice guy in general, she grows fond of him.
As for her faith, when she first met Orel after so many years, she would be an atheist. But once she starts spending more and more time with Orel, she regains her faith.
Christina and Orel end up in a relationship with a lot of issues. They have unrealistic expectations of each other due to barely knowing one another and not having experience with emotional intimacy. Christina ends the relationship and focuses on graduating. Both are heartbroken.
She does graduate and ends up having a decent job as a psychologist. Her interest in psychology came from her wanting to understand her parents and the reason behind their actions.
They make up after a few years again, when Orel decides to go to therapy. Christina is there. She is the shrink that Orel visits. He bails and decides to cancel all the appointments.
Christina realizes that she is ready to confront her feelings and initiates the meeting with Orel. Orel gets extremely anxious and doesn't answer her message for weeks. When he has the courage, they meet and dot the i's. Finally have a meaningful conversation about their feelings and problems.
Orel was the one who insisted on her going to therapy. She ignored most of her feelings towards her own parents and childhood (towards Orel as well). Therapy helped her become more aware of her own emotions, yet she still remained her emotionally distant and cold appearance.
Orel gets a job in the town Christina lives and works in. They eventually make up and go to couple therapy. They still have a bunch of problems, but they cherish one another, and this love helps them to be better people.
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musicalmoritz · 25 days
if TBHK couples have kids, what will their parenting look like?
Awww, this is such a cute question!! I’m gonna do my main ones to keep this short but if you want to hear my takes on any others feel free to lmk!!
• Gotta do the gay moms first
• Unsure of whether they’d have a son or a daughter…either way these too are gonna adore their kid
• Aoi would be the strict mom, her own mother seems to be pretty controlling and she gives me “turning into your parent” vibes. She’d try to acknowledge when that behavior goes too far tho and eventually try to loosen up a little. She’s not the first they go to when they’re in trouble but she gives the best advice; and she doesn’t really get mad or yell, more-so she gets stern
• Nene would be the exact opposite. She’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool mom/ref. Definitely the type to take her kid on spontaneous shopping trips and not tell Aoi until they’ve already splurged. It’s okay tho because Aoi can’t stay mad at her wife. She buys her kid extra treats every time she stops by the store, and takes them for ice cream every Friday
• As they’ve both had their own mental health struggles, they would check in a lot with their child to make sure they’re doing okay
• Their family might struggle with communication because, well, it’s Aoinene, but they’re certainly going to make an effort. They’d be really into family holiday traditions, I’m talking movie binges, festivals, decorating, big meals, etc.
• Teru practically already has two kids so whoever he’s dating is going to get the co-parenting experience (at least with Tiara, Kou becomes more of an awkward brother-in-law)
• These two would so be girl dads you cannot change my mind. If it’s not Tiara then it’s another little girl they adopted
• Teru would be a total helicopter parent, not necessarily strict like Aoi but very overprotective. And he’d do that typical parent manipulation tactic of “oh I guess I’m just the worst dad ever” during arguments. But don’t let those traits fool you, he would be the most loving dad ever. His kids are his entire life, he probably carries pictures around of them in his wallet
• Akane would also be a good dad, just less overbearing. He’d be the type to take his kid to the baseball field or yell at them over math homework at the kitchen table. It would be that type of parent/child dynamic where they immediately look at each other whenever another family member says smth out of pocket. He’s really good at taking care of ppl so he’s be very doting at times like Teru
• Since neither of their parents seem to be very active in their lives they’d try to devote as much time and attention to their daughter as possible
• One of those family dynamics where they constantly make fun of each other but it’s obvious they love each other more than anything
• In an au where they could grow up together…
• They have a son or a son and a daughter
• Kou would be one of those overly loving fun dads. The type of guy you think of when you hear “dad energy.” He tries to make conversation with all his kids’ friends and it’s awkward. And he’d start a bunch of projects for his kids like building a pool or planning family vacations. If one of his kids has a rough day he sits them down for an emotional talk. Overachiever Dad, if you will
• Mitsuba would be the type of dad to lovingly bully his kids 24/7. Yes he critiques their outfit choices every day. Yes he gives his input on school drama. He’d be very annoying but at the end of the day still care a lot, I like to think he’d have a subtle overprotective streak. Kou does like 80% of the parenting for him but he’s there for emotional support
• They care a lot abt making sure their kid has hobbies and friends so they’re both on the PTA
• They’re one of those really annoying families that wear matching pajamas at Christmas. Yes you are going to see their aesthetic family pictures every time you open Instagram. The kids think they’re too cool for it but they’re not
I hope you enjoyed these, thank you for the ask!
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nebulousmedic · 11 months
I saw some tier lists on Twitter and they were inflicting a lot of psychic damage upon me. Anyway merc dad tier list
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So here's mine! I think Spy gets WAY too much shit.... He seems to care for Jeremy AT LEAST to some degree. I don't think it's a coincidence that they ended up landing the same job, honestly. I could actually see Spy being decent-ish if his identity didn't, y'know, force him to leave his family for safety reasons. You betcha he pays child support tho.
Sorry Py and Solly lovers, I think they'd be a right mess. You can let them play with your kids under a VERY watchful eye. But that's it.
if Medic had a kid I think they'd turn out kinda traumatized.... Or, at least they'd be eerily desensitized to blood and viscera. He's one of those parents that doesn't know how to play- well, not with toys anyways. Worst dad jokes. Very embarrassing, probably scares off any other kids with his presence and eerie smile.
Sniper strikes me as those "hands off" kinda parents?? exposing kids to controlled danger, teaching them to hunt and such. He's probably seen as a "cool dad" by the other kids due to his tough and rugged appearance. Both him and Medic would struggle opening up emotionally to their kids, and they wouldn't know what to do when the kid is struggling as well.
Yeah Scout was the youngest out of 8, BUT that means that at least one of them had to have kids, there's a very high chance that he got to do all the kid caring stuff many times, being and uncle. I feel like he's pretty good with emotions and whatnot. He's definitely the kinda dad to be super involved in his kids' friend circle and play with them as much as he can (wether it be boys or girls, he doesn't care). If his kid didn't like sports he'd be sad but try to find common ground with them in other things.
I don't have a lot to say about Engie and Demo. Demoman obviously has alcoholism problems but I think he'd -try- to tone it down for the kids' sake. Like he wouldn't be able to quit for sure, but he's drunk less frequently. He definitely wouldn't want the kid to see him like that. I feel like he's a very sweet dad, very silly and encouraging. Definitely cries when he pauses and realizes how fast they grow up.
As for Engie, I feel like he needs a bit of anger management, he doesn't snap at his kids or anything but he does get very frustrated (it is visible) and has to walk away and leave for a while. Very good parenting other than that and submerging himself in work. Maybe a bit strict at times.
Heavy is.... Pretty much perfect in my eyes. He's patient, sweet, smart, stable. Knows how to deal with kids even if they're throwing tantrums. Very mature, but he also knows how to let go and be a child himself. He might be a little overprotective at first, but after he realizes that, he'll pause and think about it and how to deal with it. He constantly keeps himself in check, asking if he's doing a good job. 10/10 please give me piggyback.
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theangelcatalogue · 11 days
❝ Have you ever died in a nightmare? Woke up surprised you hadn’t earned your fate? ❞ ― YANDERE X MEN X DREAM INTERPRETER!DARLING
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❝ Have you ever felt like Atlas, threw your back out on the axis... ❞
— ⠀Third person
A dream interpreter, that's what you were, basically, your mutation consisted of controlling, entering and experiencing other people dreams, you discovered when you accidentally transformed your neighbor's kid dream in a nightmare while babysitting them, silly you.
And that happened until you realized that you were the problem. You also could do that with your own dreams, well, that was bad because there was one little problem...
You could hurt yourself in your dreams, one day you dreamed you were drowning, just to wake up soaking wet, or like when you dreamed you were bitten by an animal, just to wake up with a bite mark, bleeding, in your arm.
It took a few time to Professor found you, asking you about your experience, it was hell for you, you could control your dreams? Yes. You knew how to do that? No. Did you almost die in these dreams and nightmares? Yes.
He also asked your father about this, talking about how the institute would be an amazing experience, where you would stay with teenagers like you, and help you control your abilities.
Your father was hesitant, his only kid, away from him? After hesitating, he agreed, not before talking about your problems to the Professor, warning him to have patience with you.
" Please just be patience with they... they have these hallucinations, and they can hurt themselves in these dreams, and- "
" There is no need to worry, sir, we will take care of them. They are in good hands. "
Well, technically, you were in good hands, all of them tried to do be your friends and thought your power as rather different (Kurt and Evan asked you to interpret the dumbest dreams ever.)
They were very patience with you, or tried to be, and they were very, very protectives. It could be suffocating, so you tried to not tell them what happened so they wouldn't worry.
Your power had another problems, sometimes, you can hallucinate with things and creatures from your dreams, but the most recent and common ones are from your nightmares. You aren't sure if they are real or your imagination, but how you were the only one that could see them...
And this made you pass for many problems and situations at all, some classmates would have patience with you, some would find you weird, and others would be... downright mean and bullies.
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" Come on, freak! Tell me what you're saying! It's another scary clown?, " Ram mocked, arms crossed, looking at you with like a total idiot. He is your main bully, he thought he was so funny, like this 'joke' wasn't made before.
" Yeah, it's a clown, the dumbest one i have ever seen in my entire life. " You responded him bluntly, you already were feed up of him at this point, why couldn't he just leave you alone? He has nothing better than to do? Like, smacking lunch trays? Or be a huge dick— Oh wait, he already is that.
It took him a while to understand you were talking about him, that he was a clown, that guy was really dumb. His face darkened with pure annoyance at you.
" Well, at least i'm not an insane freak! How did your parents didn't leave you when they had a chance? How do your friends even support your presence? " He scoffs.
" You are so right! But you know? I have to go. " You said, closing your locker, preparing to walk away, he really thinks he is offending you, sure it still hurts, but crying or fighting him wouldn't make this better, it would only make his ego get worse. So you just decided to agree and leave, hoping he wouldn't do anything.
However, you felt him grabbing you by your shoulders, making you look at him again, he was pissed off you were walking away, he grabs you by your jacket and press you in the lockers. Preparing to punch you.
" Who said you could just walk away from me? Your little piece of shit- "
" What's happening here? "
You hear a familiar voice, you and Ram turn your head to see a familiar figure, your hero... or your military general:
Scott Summers.
" Let them go. Before i do something you won't like. " Scott said to Ram, while crossing his arms, if looks could kill, Ram would be dead right now. I mean, you couldn't know because of the glasses, but you felt that he was giving him a death glare to Ram, you just knewn that.
Ram lets you go, not before sending you a " This isn't over. " look, he walks away, leaving you and Scott alone in the hallway.
You turn your head to look at Scott, the good thing is that you're safe from Ram... the bad? Having to listen to Scott giving you a whole speech about how you should ask them help in moments like this. This is the safiest option, actually.
" Who was that? "
" Ram Kelly. "
" Ram Kelly..., " He repeated, you could feel something weird in his tone, something that caused shivers in your spine. " And... he picks on you daily? "
You didn't know how to respond to that question, yes, Ram did that daily, it was part of your routine at this point. But if you tell Scott that, he will realize you are hiding things from him and the other X-mens.
" I will consider your silence as a yes., " He sighs, obviously disappointed with you. " Y/N, we already told you... if someone is messing with you, you need to tell us. " He advised you, he and the others have told you that many times.
" I know, i know! Sorry... i don't want you guys to worry, my problems, my deal. " You responded him, and it was truth, you already worry them enough with your nightmares, creams and bruises in the middle of the night, you don't want to bother them with some stupid school problems.
Before he could say anything to you, the bells rang, you rushed to your class, not wanting to be late, but also not wanting to hear Scott's possible scolding.
" We want to worry... " Scott mumbled to himself, observing you rush away, before going to his own class.
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" Ugh! This guy is so disgusting! Now i'm feeling weird because of that... " Rogue complained after touching Ram, making him faint.
" Don't worry, i will be worth it! " Kurt responds her, while Scott looks at Ram's body.
" It is. " Scott said, before taking his glasses off, in direction to Ram's head.
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★ I love x men evolution so much
★ How are u guys?? Hope you all doing well!
★ Silly Oona gif
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
This is my last drabble request before my games take me, May I please request for a drabble between Platonic Yandere Nanami and Platonic Yandere Higuruma wherein their little Darling is eating by themselves and so those two decide to eat with her and it devolves into Nanami trying to coddle her / threaten Higuruma.
Good luck with your games buddy! Considerate it done!
Platonic Yandere Nanami/Platonic Yandere Higuruma: please eat, Darling
Tension was especially high that day.
It always was, I mean, it was something to expect. Nanami was a very neat and upright man, but also very controlling, especially with his young son (reader), whom he was unwilling to share with anyone due to his own paranoia.
so having to accept such a big adjustment as having (reader) another "father" figure in your life was definitely a difficult thing. It didn't help that both men's personalities were practically opposites and constantly clashed.
Higuruma was also fair, but he had something that Nanami didn't: make room for change and, above all, making the necessary changes to make (reader) happy.
which included undoing several of the strict rules and regulations that Nanami had implemented years ago. Obviously it wasn't easy.
This caused great chaos between both men, as although Nanami was going to *tolerate* Higuruma for (reader)'s sake, he was not willing to acknowledge that his "parenting" methods with them were wrong.
In Nanami's words, "You would only be misleading (reader), you want them to reveal themselves to us."
For a long time everything boiled down to a game of tug of war on the part of both of them for total control over (reader), if Nanami was with (reader) watching television, Higuruma would go and take them out for a walk. If Higuruma and (reader) were arguing about overprotection, Nanami would take (reader's) side.
and so on..
Although the worst was when on one occasion (reader) went too far trying to get away from the two, that they both decided that they would give him individual punishments.
Nanami went with his typical tactics, isolation, (reader) had already gotten used to having not only Nanami but also Higuruma with them, so the punishment was considerably worse than previous times.
and when he finished, (Reader) went to Higuruma for comfort, not knowing that he himself would have an impact.
He threatened to use his dominion on them if they even thought about running away again, almost killing them with fear when they saw the judge's entity... was he really serious? Would he do that to them?
which led to the current situation. Because of the severe joint punishment, now (reader) did not want to eat.
It wasn't that they couldn't, but that they were left in such an intense state of shock that every time they tried to eat they shook like jelly and couldn't even take a bite.
It got to the point that Nanami and Higuruma had to take turns spoon-feeding (reader). Under any other circumstance, Nanami would have enjoyed the moment similar to (reader's) childhood, but seeing how bad they had left (reader) this time...she didn't know how much it was appropriate to enjoy it.
Higuruma was more direct and tried to apologize to (reader) for his rudeness, let them know that he was the one who was wrong for going beyond his limits, not them. but it took quite a while until real change occurred.
During this time, surprisingly Nanami and Higuruma managed to get along better, solely because they had to in order to properly take care of (reader), but at least they weren't throwing daggers at each other anymore.
Although the real question would be when that would change.
and it happened when (reader) finally started eating on their own again.
Nanami and Higuruma were discussing (in low volume) what they were going to bring (reader) to eat now, and they heard someone moving in the kitchen.
When they went to see what was happening, they found (reader) at the table, eating a small snack that apparently they had prepared.
Nanami and Higuruma stood still for a long while before one of them took the first step towards (reader).
Higuruma stood on their left side, putting an arm around them in a half-hug as he softly congratulated them for eating on their own again.
Nanami stood on their right side, discreetly trying to remove Higuruma's arm from around (reader), while also giving soft compliments to them.
a strange duality, but the new reality of (Reader), apparently.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
IM SPEEED (sometimes), it Takes long to make this one and the one of Toji bc i'm now in the night schedule (fk university), but now I'm getting used to it and it's easier for me. I will try to make all the Requests that You all send. Thank You
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