#secretly my horror sona
cherrio-krispz · 4 months
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Made a Horrordust version of this
evil emoji.
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gothicdreamklown · 4 months
Okay Here me out
These headcanons are fucking killing me and my sensitive brain so with that I have to dump my brain so if these sound weird I apologize. But today's most likely rants and a headcanon are about my two hyperfixations, Brahms Heelshire from the movie the boy and gattapefur from the movie krampus because I am losing my braincells as each day passes when I think about these two cuties but chonky.
Brahms heelshire
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Honestly Brahms lives in the back of my head rent free 24/7. I've seen some imagines here of him chonky and they make me happy along with some art pieces which also makes me happy. How I managed to start liking the movie again was after seeing an edit of Brahms himself in my youtube feed (which also led to my horror phase coming back)
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Gattapefur is the most chunkiest out of all the dark elves he lives with (although I imagined the elves he lives with have a bit of small chonk along with stretchmarks underneath those layers of clothes to keep them warm, so who wouldn't have the urge to gently hug them?)
Gattapefur gets secretly excited when ketkrokur makes dessert with dinner which is why Gattapefur makes sure he saves some room for dessert after every dinner
Gattapefur sometimes overstuffs himself on accident and may result to him getting a food coma. If he is so full after dinner he'll retreat to his sleeping chamber and take a nap to sleep off his dinner
Now that gattapefur is chonky he needs to upgrade his main outfit so he can feel comfortable and snug in it. Of course he has his clothes altered with the help of Priscilla (my krampus-sona that I ship him with)
When he takes a small nap during the day long hours before dinner he'll wake up snacking on some cookies while he's still groggy as hell
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chilei-the-hotsauce · 2 years
1, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39,
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guess who accidentally forgor about this
1. If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
Scapino would be able to host any kind of show really, but he'd prefer talking and cooking shows. I think we can all agree that he'd slay as a TV show host. Scapino would invite people ranging from the most normal citizen to the most shadiest dudes (gender neutral) you'll ever see in your life. But mäns has it under control, he's Scapino.
4. How does your oc fare in the dark? Are they scared? Do they trip over things really easily or navigate like they have night vision? (Or do they have night vision?)
My sona loves the dark. Or at least the eldritch horror, but the feelings are shared. They don't fear, they are feared. Occasional stumbling may happen, but usually not. They don't have night vision, but the eldritch horror does. This results in almost seeing.
5. How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst?
Namiyo would either suck as a teacher or be really good at it. She does acute observations and states them in a way that's easy to understand. Namiyo just doesn't like a single subject in school to teach. She's quite average in her studies, but her english is quite good. Namiyo hates math.
8. Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
The unnamed vessel prefers to be alone. Even one person (bug in this case) can get it feeling very uncomfortable and find a way to leave at once.
13. How dangerous is your oc? Are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? Do others know?
My sona is a fucking threat lmao. To society and humanity. Not the person themself, but the eldritch horror. Others might perceive them as intimidating or vaguely dangerous. But not Armageddon dangerous.
14. What is your oc’s vision like? Do they require glasses, are they completely blind, or do they have 20/20 vision? Does this have an effect on their life?
The unnamed vessel has okay vision. Nothing special really. It sees what it needs to see (which results in it spinning around and turning its head in every direction known to man when it needs to see the whole room lmao). If the unnamed vessel gets too damaged though, small black particles start to appear near the edges of its field of vision. The more it's damaged, the more they appear.
15. What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Scapino likes sunset-time. He just likes the aesthetic lmao. If he can, Scapino will sit down with a nice strong cup of tea and some scones to watch the sunset. If it's not possible, he'll just admire the colours to the best of his ability. Mäns appreciates the sun bro.
17. How well can your oc keep secrets? Is there a difference between how they handle their own vs someone else’s? To what lengths would they go to keep something hidden?
My sona is good at keeping secrets. Mainly because they forget after a few hours. But if they are reminded of the secret, they will remember. And might tell someone if asked in the right way. My sona keeps their own secrets very well hidden. Others, not so much.
18. How does your oc fare in an emergency situation? Do they panic, do they freeze, do they take charge?
Namiyo would just be there. Not really freeze, but not really be all over the place either. She is present, panicking inside, but acting like what she was to act in the emergency situation. She looks calm and collected most of the time, but is secretly panicking inside. Or has no idea what is happening and is just confused.
21. Are there any public events your oc would love to go to? Concerts, plays, movies, parties, etc? What about ones that they would hate? Why?
My sona wants to go to all the events. At least once. With a curious ass eldritch horror possessing them, they have to let it experience everything at least once. They've already decided they dont like parties much, or at least the ones with many unfamiliar people. Movies and plays are approved.
24. How dramatic is your oc? Do they make a big deal over every little thing, or do they fail to react to even the most crazy of events?
I cave one word for you amigo: Scapino.
25. How does your oc handle being sick? Do they pretend not to be? Do they complain a lot? How susceptible to getting sick are they?
Namiyo doesnt accept the fact that she's sick. She has to be hauled back to bed and gently beat with a pillow. Doesnt complain, just tries to sneak out of bed whenever she thinks her caretaker isnt looking. Gets sick surprisingly often, at least three times a year (in autumn, spring and winter, maybe even summer too).
28. Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this?
Namiyo is either waay too early or just barely on time. As in one and a half hours too early or just as the clock strikes the meeting time. There's no particular reason for this, Namiyo just doesnt like waiting around. Especially if she's the one being waited for.
32. Is your oc a pacifist, or someone who picks fights? Why? In what situations would they be the opposite?
The unnamed vessel never starts fights. It only defends itself upon being attacked. This way it would remain as hollow as possible: not showing any kind of violent tendencies. The unnamed vessel would start a fight if it found out the reason behind the infection.
33. How does your oc’s own perception of themselves compare to how other people see them? Is your oc aware that other people see them differently (if it’s different)?
My sona knows of the eldritch horror, unlike other people. They know others see them as a relatively normal person, no eldritch horror possessing them whatsoever.
34. How easily does your oc throw something away? As soon as something is through with its usefulness, or are they more like a hoarder? Is there a reason?
The unnamed vessel throws away everything it deems useless. Sometimes this kind of philosophy comes back to bite its ass, but it's used to it already.
35. Is your oc a workaholic, or do they find it hard to be busy at all? Do they find it easy to relax, or must they have something to do at all times? Why?
Namiyo is really good at balancing her work and free time. She always manages to balance her life in one way or another. After a particularly busy stretch of time, Namiyo makes sure to take some time to relax.
39. Is it difficult for your oc to focus, or do they have no trouble being in the moment? Do they daydream or zone out?
My sona is physically almost unable to focus. Their attention span is the size of an ant. Daydreaming & zoning out almost all the time smh. They might be able to focus under some circumstances.
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ramayantika · 2 years
Namaste hello inspired from @navaratna gothic romance mood board I got an idea to form a story. *fingers crossed that this turns out to be good one*
A/N: This story contains pieces of odia royal history too. Gajapatis, Routray, Kataka and Udaygiri are all taken from Odia history. And yeah this might turn super cliche too so be prepared. Also this is dialouge heavy but it will get better with time.
Ahem ahem presenting
Ch-1: History project, Old mansion and Horror stories
"And then Nandini transforms into her real form as the witch of Kedargaon. She bares her teeth and with her long nails tears open the chests of her victims who in this case were her friends," said Sonalika, her voice low and raspy to create an eerie ambience in her bedroom. 
"Bas ho gaya. If you narrate another horror story, I will take the next train home. Yaar aaj mereko hanuman chalisa lagake sona padega," said a visibly terrified Anika, clutching the purple bed sheet tightly in her fist. "Since when did you get so involved in haunted places and creepy stories?"
Sonalika laughed and flicked a stray hair strand away from her cheek. "I was secretly obsessed with them since school time and it's now that you get to know about this. Also, did I ever mention my supposedly haunted mansion?"
Sonalika was the descendant of the Routray dynasty who once ruled Kalinga, now presently called Odisha. The Routrays were celebrated kings under whom art, culture and military flourished. Among the east Indian dynasties, it was said that the Routrays possessed the best army. 
Anika frowned and looked at her friend. "Why is it that all the haunted places are large bungalows and mansions? I don't see ghosts lurking in huts. But anyway, tell me about your mansion and I hope there isn't a very dark story behind the haunting."
"It's a love story, my friend." Sonalika smiled and sat up on the bed, her head against the headboard. "Our history books never recorded this incident. We, the Routrays, lived in Udayagiri where my haunted mansion still exists. Later, after one incident which I shall tell you in the story after some time, we moved to Katak and shifted our capital there. You can even look up about the Udayagiri mansion on the internet though there are many rumours and tales about the palace saying that there was a tantrik who practiced black magic and had cursed the dynasty to leave the place."
"But your mansion is well decorated and maintained. It doesn't look like a haunted place at all. If I am not wrong, a part of it is also a heritage hotel," said Anika.
"Yes, it's true. A part of it is a heritage hotel. That part was later renovated and maintained. The palace stretches over the entire Udayagiri hill. The heritage hotel is over the east side of the hill while the west side is in ruins. It is now a hot spot for paranormal investigators and young teens who want something adventurous."
Anika slid down the mattress and rested her head on the pillow, covering almost her entire body except her face, and said, "Tell me the story now."
"It was my dadi who told me this story who herself heard it from her mother. Generations ago, when the Routrays lived in the Udayagiri mansion, a handsome prince was born to them who was named Kavindra. His older brother, by two years, was Ravindra. The kingdom rejoiced on the birth of both the boys. Both the boys grew up to be fine men. They were trained in weaponry and holy texts by a famous guru. The people loved both the princes. 
The second prince, Kavindra was attending a court meeting with his father and older brother when it was announced that a young veena player would grace the court after the meeting. The Routrays were the biggest patrons of the arts and always encouraged young artists. Kavindra enjoyed music the most and was looking forward to listening to some melodious music of the veena." Sonalika turned her body towards her friend, keeping a hand under her head, continued with a smile, "Little did he know that he would lose his heart to the veena player."
Anika removed some of the bedsheet from her body. "This sounds like those romance books you know. Prince falling in love with an artist and all that. What was the name of the veena player?"
"Eager I see," Sonalika chuckled. "Okay, so the name of the Veena player was Ragavathi. Beautiful name isn't it? Just like her beautiful name, she played the veena beautifully too. Her debut performance was at the court where she had enthralled everyone present there. Turns out that everything was beautiful about her. Her name, her music and her looks. The young prince's heart skipped a beat when he saw how the young lady smiled shyly at her audience before playing the veena. Later he was mesmerized when he saw her getting lost in the music she played on her instrument. By the time she left the court, she had taken a part of the prince's heart with her. She was then asked to perform for a big festival in the kingdom. Kavindra was ecstatic to hear that, and secretly hoped to steal some time and strike a conversation with her. Now, my friend, guess what happened next?"
"Kahani bata na tu yeh suspense nahi badha," said Anika, a frown adorning her forehead. 
"Haan thik hai bata rahi hu. The festival takes place and our Ragavathi gives a brilliant show. Lucky for the prince, for he sneaked out from the company of his family and friends and walked to her to compliment her performance leading to a blossoming friendship. The king being highly impressed with Ragavathi often called her to the court to perform. Kavindra and she would then discreetly meet in the palace after her performance. Kavindra soon began to fall in love with her and so did Ragavathi, but they never brought up the topic of love during their conversation." Sonalika pressed her lips into a thin line. "And this is where the tragic part starts." 
Anika opened the window behind her letting some of the nightly breeze in and sighed, waiting for her friend to continue the story. 
"Months passed by. The prince was deeply in love with her. Sure, she was beautiful, but it was her music, her words and her thoughts that made her fall for her more. Being in the arts, she naturally possessed a very creative mind. She would show some of her own compositions to him and tell him about her ideas. She was also a very compassionate lady. Ragavathi too had fallen for the prince. But like every famous love story where the protagonists won't tell their feelings to their partners, our prince and veena player too did the same. One day, there was a huge birthday celebration for the eldest prince, Ravindra. Naturally, Ragavathi was also called to perform. But someone had casted an evil eye on the family. That day, their rival kingdom with some traitors in the Routray family lit the palace on fire. The celebration was taking place on the west side of the palace where even the royal family was present. It was a sudden fire and everybody panicked. The soldiers were helping the royal Family to escape first, but they stepped back and asked them to save the other commoners and guests first. They thought that it was an accidental fire, but it was a deadly ploy. The rival kingdom had sent soldiers to finish off the royal family in case they escaped the fire. The king and queen were shot dead with arrows. Ravindra had gone to help the women and children escape the fire and the soldiers. Kavindra went to find Ragavathi but somehow she was already escorted out of the palace by a soldier. Her veena burnt in the palace fire. The prince did not know that she was safe so he went to search for her desperately. But, fate did not support him and he was soon surrounded by soldiers of the enemy kingdom. He put up a brave-"
Anika interrupted her. "Wait. Don't tell me that the prince died."
"Sssh." Sonalika placed a finger over her lips. "Now this is a real story so I don't get to change the plot. He put up a brave fight but one man cannot win against five men so he was killed. By the end only, Ravindra survived with a handful of the noblemen. They then shifted to Kataka. Ravindra was made the king. He then married someone and the progeny of the Routrays continued."
"What happened to Ragavathi?" Anika asked with a sad pout. 
Shrugging her shoulders, her friend replied, "Some say that she married someone later. She must have had a broken heart when she got to know that the prince was dead. However, she continued her life and music in Katak."
"And what about the haunting?"
"So many people died that day, but it is only the prince who haunts that side of the palace. I have read on a few blogs where people have posted saying they heard a manly voice cry at night and the sound of some notes on a veena. People say that the ghost has never troubled anyone but the sounds of him crying and the veena definitely spook them out. Some say that since the prince's love was incomplete he haunts the palace hoping for Ragavathi to come."
Both the friends then grew silent. Anika looked at the ceiling. She arrived in Cuttack, previously called Katak today morning. She was a history student at Ravenshaw University and had a project for her second semester. She had to present the culture and history of any kingdom from any part of India. She had a hard time deciding which dynasty she would work upon for she was searching for a dynasty that wasn't mentioned much in history yet had good amount of information on them. 
An idea clicked her. Immediately she turned towards Sonalika. 
"You remember I was telling you about my history project for college. I think I will do it on the Routray dynasty. I was thinking of doing the Gajapatis but they are already well known. Will you help me?" asked Anika. 
Sonalika nodded her head excitedly, "Of course I will. You are my friend and also a project on my dynasty. Why will I refuse? Since I am the descendant of the Routrays, I can even take you the palace, the heritage hotel one. There is a lot of stuff there which I believe will help you."
"Thank you so much Sona. You are the best." Anika hugged her tightly. She was happy to gain access to the heritage hotel side, but her mind wavered to the west side of the palace. For some unknown reason, she wanted to look at the ruined palace. 
"Chal ab sone ja. I will tell Maa and Bapa tomorrow in the morning about your project. They can also share some things relevant for your work and we will go to the palace right after breakfast. 
Anika smiled and pulled the bed sheet over her face, excited for tomorrow. But little did she know that she was going to discover a lot more information about herself. 
Tagging the peeps: @ma-douce-souffrance navu you are already tagged and @rasode-waala-cooker (okay tumblr tag nahi krne de rha :(
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artiboi-navarro · 4 years
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I saw a fanart of Annabeth with a red plaid shirt the other day. And because I’m a comic book NERD, my brain thought it was Spider-Man’s costume. It got me thinking.
What would a Spider-themed Athena Demigod look like?
My first thought is that their character would be a lot like batman. Spiders are Athena kids’ natural enemies. They would fear spiders. So if one of them adopted the spider as their theme, they would be embodying their own fear to leverage against others.
There might also be some kind of pride involved. This child takes pride in flaunting what is generally agreed upon to be a pretty jerk move on Athena’s part. It’s so weird cuz that attitude is exactly what Athena turned Arachne into a spider for, but perhaps in this context Athena might treat this demigod as some kind of dark favorite.
Another idea is Heracles. As in Hera - cles. Hera’s glory. This child of Zeus was named after Hera and after putting him through the ringer, she came to sponsor him. They had a very complicated relationship. What if this Athena demigod struck some kind of deal with Arachne (who is in the Riordan universe some kind of monster-goddess hybrid)? How would Athena feel about that? Would she disown, hunt down, or embrace this demigod?
So let’s make this character
Child of Athena, goes to camp halfblood in the 70′s. Her dad was mob boss and got himself killed when she was very young. She grows up appearing to be a star sheeple for camp halfblood. But secretly she’s the most intelligent, manipulative, power hungry demigod to enter the cabins in some time. She spends time in the forges late at night and constructs magic gauntlets that shoot synthetic webs.
She fakes visits from gods and fake prophecies, arranging a quest to Greece. She “loses” her questmates and finds herself alone with Arachne and uses her web shooters to present herself as an ally, and best her on her own territory. Arachne likes the idea of using Athena’s own children against her and blesses her with the ability to climb walls and the super natural strength and healing reserved for only the best demigods. She also teaches the demigod how to sense disturbances in the mist, like a spider senses movement in it’s web.
After learning all she can, she collapses all exits to Arachne’s lair and leaves the monster behind to rot. She never returns to camp half blood. Instead she creates a masked costume and starts hunting mafia leaders across the world. She’s known as the Spider Woman and as nothing else. The smartest, most ruthless crime lord in ages can't outwit her as she seeks revenge for her father. Cops and criminals alike try to take her down, and anyone who tries is met by the masked master or webs. An inhuman, undetectable super, the likes of which they’ve only read about in comic books or seen in horror movies.
Sorry for how long this was
Point is, I just made a demigod version Spider-sona out of an Athena kid 😁 The aesthetic is Spider-Man inspired. It’s got that Batman fear feel, and I even turned into a vigilante at the end there. I didn’t know I was gonna do that, but that’s how writing goes. If any of you can come up your own version of this that would be SO cool!
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rosymiz · 7 years
Like A Rose, CH 12: Descent
Title: Like A Rose By: ArisuChanSenpai (Visit my blog for AO3 link!) Fandom: League of Legends Ship: Jhin x Sona
Shen was at a loss. He had been trying to find Sona since her mother notified him that she didn’t return from her rehearsal yet. Strange, he thought as he walked back the way he came from. He had thought Sona was back at the inn since the concert crew had left for home already. Suspecting that she may have stayed behind, he neared the stage only to hear the muffled voice of a man and clacks of shoes against the wooden floor. He peeked from behind the curtains, squinting his eyes to make out the dark silhouettes dancing around the ghost light.
But when he switched on the lights, he saw Sona and the dancer sitting on the floor together. He groaned in embarrassment, realizing that he had interrupted a moment between them. It was too late to turn them back off and pretend nothing happened. He stepped up to the stage, feigning interest in a topic about sponsor matters as he approached her.
Yet, he only saw Sona stare at him in horror as she tried to cover the eyes of the dancer’s mask.
“Sona, what’s wrong?” The dancer pried Sona’s hands away from his eyes and looked up at Shen. He saw the dancer’s eyes widen.
Now, Shen was awkwardly standing at a distance behind them while Sona weeped as the dancer kept staring at him. He didn’t know what was going on. He looked at the man with Sona, whose eyes were now back to normal. But something felt off. The stare felt familiar, but it was an eerie feeling that crawled up his back like a shadow.
A question began to ring in his mind. A question he should have asked since Sona told him about the dancer.
Who was this man?
A thought was starting to bubble up to the surface until the dancer suddenly broke eye contact and gasped as he noticed Sona’s tears.
“Sona… Sona… it’s okay, I’m still here,” he softly cooed as he tried to wipe away her streaming tears. “I’m still with you, I promise,” he whispered. Shen was almost nonexistent to them in this moment, and he couldn’t find the courage to walk away. He could only avert his eyes and pretend he wasn’t here.
Sona kept signing ‘sorry’ to Jhin over and over again as she weeped. She let out a sobbing breath when he kept whispering to her with an understanding comfort. He wasn’t angry or upset with her. But he found out about Shen in the worst way possible.
“Shh,” Jhin whispered as he cradled her close to him. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” He didn’t bat an eye at the blue-clad ninja behind them, not when Sona couldn’t calm the dissonance within her. He had snapped out of his trance when he felt her warm tears wet his skin. His heart broke when everything began to fall into place. Her worries, her silence, her burdens all made sense. She had to carry such a huge weight on her for so long. He couldn’t imagine how she must have felt all this time until now.
Finally finding the strength to take action, Shen slowly took a few steps back as silently as possible. He refused to voice any words in fear that he might make things worse. However, he found himself staring at the dancer through the entire time of his escape.
Something about the dancer was familiar. The way his stare bore through the back of his mind.
Like a nightmare.
Like a bad memory just waiting to haunt him.
Shen slipped behind the black curtains to turn off the lights and teleported far away from the site. He landed on the roof of one of the council buildings, where he could barely make out the silhouettes of Sona and the dancer still on the floor. The thought that was swept away like a current earlier started bubbling up to the surface again. But this time, it surfaced and created a ripple. A ripple of memories he knew wouldn’t come back unless…
Zed. He had to find Zed.
Sona awoke to a blurry vision. She was exhausted, and her eyes felt swollen and warm to the touch. Last night’s incident flooded into her head as soon as she recognized the ceiling of Jhin’s room. They had left the stage to prevent attracting any attention since Shen had turned the lights on. He took her to the inn he stayed in to help her calm down and try to continue from where she left off in their conversation.
Jhin understood everything Sona did, and he didn’t blame her. There was no sign of disappointment in his tone and expression, but his voice held a tinge of heartbreak seeing Sona weep an apology so sadly.
She sighed as she pressed her arm to her eyes. Her skin was cool to the touch, soothing the swelling of her eyes a bit. After a minute, she looked around the room. The neatly folded blanket and pillow that Jhin used to sleep on the floor sat on the edge of his bed to indicate his absence. Slight panic settled into her as she sat up and hurried to the window, hoping to spot Jhin outside. The panic then turned into anxiety as she tried to look under the bed and drawers for the bag Jhin kept his weapons in. She opened the door of a dresser next to the bed and found the bag. She sighed in relief when she felt the protruding of his gun inside.
Footsteps on the wooden floor forced Sona to close the dresser and return to the bed. Jhin walked in with a tray holding a bag of ice and a cup of water. “Good morning.” He pushed the door closed with his back and set the tray on the dresser. “How are you feeling?” he asked as he pressed his lips on her forehead.
“Exhausted. I feel like my eyes were going to swell shut if I didn’t wake up any sooner,” she signed, earning a chuckle from Jhin. A wave of relief washed over her seeing that Jhin hadn’t changed since his encounter with Shen last night. Sona sipped from the glass before setting it down.
“Take good care of yourself for today. You have a concert to do tonight, after all.” He wrapped the bag of ice in a cloth and sat next to Sona, gesturing her to lie down on his lap. He gently dabbed the ice on her swollen eyes to help settle it down. “Did I scare you yesterday night?”
Sona frowned. “Just a little. I thought you would be angry with me for not telling you sooner.” Her fingers curled in hesitantly. “I didn’t think you’d find out that way. I was so sure I could tell you without an interruption, but…” Her hands resigned to her sides, her frown looking more grim.
In an attempt to soothe her troubles, Jhin switched hands to hold Sona’s hand to his lips. “I will always repeat it as many times as you’d like, but I will never be angry with you for not telling me.” He dabbed the ice on Sona’s other eye. Perhaps it was better not to tell me at all , a voice echoed in his head.
The ice felt like it was burning through her skin. Sona lifted the bag of ice on her eye to see Jhin gazing out the window. She pursed her lips, touching his hand to gain his attention. Seeing him return to reality in one deep breath brought an uneasiness to her heart.
“By the way, your mother called earlier. She was worried about your whereabouts when she didn’t wake up to see you. I let her know you stayed with me for the night.” A crooked smile tugged at his lips. “She was implying something rather embarrassing as a joke, but I felt like if I didn’t firmly tell her otherwise, she’d take my laugh as affirmative.”
Jhin looked down in surprise, seeing Sona shaking in laughter. He had never heard her make that sound before. Her burst of laughter wasn’t her voice, but it made his heart skip a beat.
“Despite her standing in Demacia, mother secretly likes to tease,” Sona signed, still laughing. He smiled. She seemed to revert back to her cheerful demeanor. He felt peaceful seeing her bright smile return to her lips. “I’m feeling much better. Thank you.” She sat up to peck him on the cheek. Her eyes were still a little red, but the swelling settled down more.
“Shall we deliver you to your mother then? I’m expecting her to stare at us with a teasing smile, however.”
Sona rolled her eyes as she straightened the nightgown Jhin had gotten for her and headed for the restroom, collecting her concert outfit in her hands to change into since it was what she had for now. “Ignore her.”
“It’s rather hard to ignore a Demacian noble grinning like she’s expecting some sort of announcement, darling.”
Another sound of her bursting into laughter and a clap of amusement sounded from the restroom, making Jhin chuckle to himself. He exhaled as he stared out the window again. The clear blue sky indicated no signs of clouds that might obstruct the starry night for the concert. A good sign, indeed.
As Jhin went to put the bag of ice back on the tray, something flashed outside. Screaming. They were screams of terror and panic. A splattering sound hit the window of his room, making him freeze in place. He slowly turned his head to his window. For a moment, he swore he saw a splatter of blood… and the silhouette of a man in blue. His feet dragged him to the window, his hands against the glass as if they were trying to feel for something.
There was nothing there.
His hand was shaking. Was he afraid? Nay, he felt… excited. He swallowed a lump in his throat and shook away that same tugging feeling in the back of his mind. He curled his hand into a fist to quell the shaking. He could resist it. He had the power to.
Resist it.
Sona stepped out in her concert outfit, holding her nightgown in a neat fold in her hands. She placed it on top of the folded blanket and pillow at the foot of the bed and turned to Jhin. She tilted her head when he didn’t seem to notice her presence. She reached over to her etwahl and strummed his name. “Did something happen?” she asked when he turned to her with his hands behind his back.
Resist it.
Jhin simply smiled and shook his head. “It’s nothing.” Behind his back was his quivering hand, itching to hold that familiar grip of a gun once more.
Resist it.
He followed Sona out the door to escort her back to her inn so she could prepare for the concert tonight. As he closed the door behind him, his eyes followed the grain of the wood to the dresser, where his gun slept inside until its next use. His eyes lingered for a moment before locking it shut.
Resist it.
Sona dragged Jhin along with her mother to find the shop that styled her hair after hearing that the shop offered makeup services. She refused to let him out of her sight after his short answer to her. He didn’t know, but she had noticed his shaking hand while he was closing the door.
“You’re both rather quiet today. Did something happen between you two? Did I perhaps go too far on the teasing?”
“Not at all, Lady Lestara,” Jhin answered calmly. “I suppose you can call it an early case of stage fright. It’s been a while since I last performed in front of a large audience.”
Sona’s eyes were fixated on the ground as Lestara conversed with him. She wasn’t certain if he meant that as his time as a stagehand or… the last time he killed. She shut her eyes to shoo the thoughts away, her hand finding Jhin’s and intertwining their fingers.
“Are you alright?” Jhin worriedly asked, slightly bending down to her level. “Do you need to sit down?”
She shook her head, her head still lowered. She was afraid that if she looked into his eyes, he’d know what she was thinking about. Unknowingly, her fingers slightly tightened around Jhin’s hand to ground herself.
Jhin gave her hand a squeeze back, as if he knew what she was feeling. He was still with her. He was trying so hard. But his concentration was beginning to waver. Every corner they turned, he saw a gradual increase of red painting the walls and stone pavement. It all started with a few splatters, but the splatters grew bigger until an entire wall was splashed with blood. He started to hum one of Sona’s songs to himself to suppress the visions.
  The two makeup artists stepped away from Sona as they put the finishing touches on her face. “Done! All we need now is to find a good color for her lips.” They went with a more natural look with her foundation, but if one looked closely, blossom pink shaded her lids on top of her eyeliner. Under the small spotlight of the mirror, there was a dash of sparkles on her cheeks that subtly shone as the light hit her face.
Jhin then stepped up to the makeup artists who were trying out different shades but found no luck. “May I try something?” he shyly suggested.
“Go ahead!” They let him through to see the varying shades of red to peach. “Are you a makeup artist also?”
“Something of the sort.” Oh, how that phrase seemed to roll off his tongue so easily. “I’ve studied a bit of theatrical makeup but I was more interested in simple face cosmetics. Ah, here it is.” He picked up a shade of pink that had a redder tint to it and a shade of a pale pink and approached Sona. “May I?” he asked her.
Sona smiled and nodded. She closed her eyes as he delicately tilted her chin up with his fingers. She felt dabs of a brush at the center of her lips and spreading the color to the remaining areas. There was a pause before she felt his fingers brush against them. Her ears caught the sound of the two makeup artists excitedly whispering to each other.
“There we are.”
She opened her eyes and gasped at her reflection. The inner area of her lips shaded with the redder pink turned into a gradient of the pale pink as it got closer to the lining of her lips. It reminded her of…
“The cherry blossoms we saw in the grove,” Jhin said. “I thought a color scheme of that would have suited you. What do you think?”
Before she could answer, the makeup artists beamed at her in excitement. “I didn’t think you could pull it off, but you did! You’ve done really well with this, sir.”
Jhin nervously laughed, humbled by their compliments. “Thank you. It most likely took a while since I’ve never practiced on lips before, just on my hand.”
“Are you sure you just didn’t take a while because you wanted to kiss her?” one teased. The other muffled her giggle as she faced away from them.
Sona’s face turned red as Jhin muttered embarrassedly under his breath, “It wouldn’t be a lie…” The girls giggled as they picked up the serums to set Sona’s makeup so it won’t smudge during the performance. He fell silent and found himself gazing out the window into the crowd.
His shoulders tensed as visions of blood spread like ink on a calligraphy brush flashed before his eyes. This time, he felt like he was there in the crowd, listening to them scream and beg for their lives. Their terror sent chills down his spine. It all felt so… real. Jhin turned around to see the makeup shop. Behind the window was not Sona but Shen, cowering behind the glass. His hand suddenly moved up. Whisper materialized in his palm like a wisp of smoke as he pointed it at him. His finger pulled the trigger. But when the bullet was about to make contact with Shen, he disappeared… and Sona was in his place, her eyes filled with terror as the bullet was a fingernail’s length away from meeting her eye socket.
Jhin gasped in surprise when reality rushed back to him like a crashing wave. He had broken out in a cold sweat, his heart racing in fear. He shot her. He shot her. He shot her. He shot her. His darting eyes found Sona approach him in worry and hold his hand. She was alive, thank the gods.
Sona strummed his name. “Is it happening again?”
“I, I apologize, Sona.” His mouth felt so dry like he swallowed sand. His words scratched against throat every time he spoke. He pressed his forehead to Sona’s shoulder. “May I request a song? The final song you played during your last performance, if that is fine.” He felt himself relax when Sona’s music softly trickled through him and silenced the whispers once more.
“Oh dear, your stage fright must be bad if you’re not feeling well,” Lestara said. “Will you be alright by the time the concert begins?”
“Yes. I apologize for worrying you.” Jhin tried to give her and Sona a reassuring smile. “It should pass soon.”
Sighing, Sona embraced Jhin’s neck tightly. Please , she begged. I don’t want to lose him…
The night finally fell on the capital after what felt like forever. Sona kept an eye on Jhin all day and linking her arm with his whenever she felt like he was going to stray into the darkness again. Why did it have to happen the day before the concert, she wondered. Why did Shen have to show up the moment she was going to tell Jhin the truth?
She had to let him go temporarily for him to change into his costume, but she waited by the door of the changing room just in case. She listened to the muffled sounds of the crowd gathering in the venue. It sounded like the entire city came to her concert.
“Lady Sona.”
Sona jumped at the sound of Shen’s voice. Oh no. She gulped and forced a smile. “What’s wrong, Shen?”
Shen didn’t say anything for a second. “Is… everything alright? I didn’t realize you were with the dancer yesterday, and… I came to apologize for my actions last night.” He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “I seemed to have interrupted a moment, and…”
She wasn’t listening. Her priority was making sure Jhin didn’t come out of that changing room while Shen was here. “Everything’s fine. No worries.” Her hand slipped behind her to try holding the door in place.
But Shen noticed. “Is the dancer getting changed?”
She nodded a little faster than she wanted to.
“I see…” He fell silent, not knowing what else to say. “Well, I shall leave you two alone. I have been requested to make a speech before your debut and the finale to keep the audience on the edge of their seats,” he said amusedly. “That won’t be problem, will it?”
She shook her head, again, a little faster than she wanted to.
“Excellent. What is it that actors say before their debut… Oh yes! Break a leg out there.” He patted her shoulder and went on his way.
She let out a big sigh, wanting to sink into the walls. Suddenly, the door creaked open, making her jump. What a relief. Jhin came out just in…
It wasn’t Jhin. It was one of the background musicians that had come out in his performance attire. Her eyes widened. Did she miss him? Didn’t he come to change here? She swore she saw him go into this stall. Panic flared through her body as she ran past him in a hurry to search for Jhin backstage.
Where was Jhin?
He was nowhere near the lighting crew or any of the other changing rooms. She checked with the musicians to see if any of them had seen him. They shook their heads when they realized she was talking about the dancer. Her mother hadn’t seen him either. He wasn’t even waiting by his side of the stage either.
Where was Jhin?
The tapping of a microphone caught her attention. “Good evening. I thank you all for coming here tonight for Lady Sona’s concert. It’s always a sight to see such a crowd gather to listen to her wonderful songs.” Shen was making his speech already. The musicians were already lined up by the side of the stage, their eyes urging her to hurry to the front before his speech ended.
Where was Jhin?
A blurry haze settled into her mind. There was no time to search anymore. She didn’t have enough time to run to Jhin’s room and drag him back to the concert site. The crowd applauded and cheered, chanting Sona’s name in excitement.
Jhin wasn’t here.
She had to go onstage. Now.
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espytalks · 7 years
 oc thoughts (knox focused and some worldbuilding and a few other ocs)
Knox has very violent nightmares, usually of him doing something horrible to someone.
He hasn’t told anyone of this
he keeps a journal
He’s normally very good at acting relaxed or bored. Kay says he has “resting bored face”
He actually can get really stressed out. He’s good at working under pressure though.
He was originally made to be a villain character for a company trying to compete with the bigger companies. It didn’t work out, and he ended up working with various other companies over the next several decades. He made just enough to get by until his big break a few years before where i have him right now.
He was made the same way as the original toons, and can’t age. He can’t die by aging, and is essentially immortal. 
He’s considered suicide because of this. He hasn’t told anyone about this.
Kay is a “third generation” toon. Her mother is part human.
Because of this, kay ages at the same rate as a human.
kay and ken are at least 21 years old. knox is over 50 at least, and possibly is closer to 100.
At the time that kay’s mom was born, it was considered taboo for toons and humans to have a relationship, because of the whole “outliving your partner” thing. and turns out they’ll outlive their kids too.
most people kept this part of their family history a secret.
I’m still working out kay’s family tree.
Kay ken and knox are neighbors. They’ve lived on the same street for quite some time now.
Knox is gay, kay is straight, and ken is panromantic.
Knox cares very much about his image and how he is seen by people. His facade of an old fashioned toon is intentional, but he genuinely likes the old timey aesthetic.
Knox secretly loves modern pop music. it’s a guilty pleasure for him.
Knox knows a wide variety of accents, mostly english ones. His natural one is the trans-atlantic one.
Knox would actually like kay as a friend if she didn’t deliberately go out of her way to annoy him. he humors her sometimes and lets things go to cartoony extremes (christmas decoration battles are fun for him. he looks forward to that.)
Knox prefers to be referred to by last name. 
Knox is his legal last name, but he came up with it himself. originally his name was just kevin, but he doesn’t like the name that much.
Knox is very formal. his manners are on point.
knox knows modern slang, and keeps up with it for acting purposes.
knox doesn’t curse.
in this universe, the bendy game is based off of a true story. none of my characters knew those characters personally, but it was huuge in the news. it even reached mainstream  human news.
i’d like to say the april fools thing i was doin’ is canon, but all of the ocs only remember certain things outside of the house they were in. They know this, and they all have access to the building at any time. this was actually so i would be able to continue the idea after april fools, but it never took off. 
i’m still thinking of new things to do with my ocs in that scenario, so maybe i’ll have the motivation to continue with it one day.
i reeealy wanna figure out a way carter and becky could know kay ken and knox in that universe, but there’s no reason for them to know each other. the only reason they would is through the crossover caused by the house of ocs.
by the point in the house of ocs event, knox and kay are on better terms with each other. (kay knows knox’s first name by that point, which he only tells to people he's close to)
kay thinks his name is spelled nox.
since house of ocs is supposed to have been canon, i want to address a small detail regarding knox’s clothes. i didn’t wanna draw him in his suit, which he normally wears, so i has an idea one of the other characters had ruined it somehow (possibly spilling a drink on it)
he very rarely wears casual clothes outside of when he’s acting, unless he’s at home alone. in house of ocs, he’s actually super self conscious about the fact he’s wearing a t-shirt and shorts. he’s just hiding it reeeaaaly well. he knows no one cares. he just really likes his suit. it makes him feel powerful and mysterious.
knox’s design isn't based off of any specific thing. he used to wonder about it, but because he'll never have a clear answer, he has given up and settled on “sort of cat-like, or maybe a devil.” 
Kay and Ken are both clearly cats though. they’re legal last names are “Cat.” they’re also not related.
Kay is annoyed Kaylee has a similar name to her. (there is a reason kaylee’s name is similar. Kay was my original oc, and when i made kaylee, i gave her a similar name because they were both originally sonas. there is also a very specific story reason kaylee chose that name for herself.)
Kay calls me Cate. She thinks it’s weird we have the same name, and will call me out for my lack of creativity. 
all of my ocs would watch youtube in some way. i’ve debated having carter run a knitting channel, and i think with some help running and maintaining it, hidden would have a really successful gaming channel, focusing on horror games cause her screams are super funny to watch.
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