#secret project 🤫
blackseafoam · 1 month
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femmehusbandyeji · 11 months
So I finally got around to working on the first chap of one of my aus and—
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considering how indecisive I am, that might change multiple times before I decide it’s good enough to leave alone 😭
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dragonfly0808 · 3 months
OMG I wrote over 5k words today!!!
… of my side project that no one will be seeing anytime soon… while the next chapter of the rewrite has less than a thousand words so far…
I hate my brain sometimes like- cmon girl PRIORITIES
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plxtypusbearr73 · 9 months
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squishykitty825 · 12 days
Darkest night
Dark shadows swirl around my shaking body. The thin desert tree I hide behind towers into the sky with its brothers and sisters. Its branches reach the sky, brushing the clouds in a way that no skyscraper ever will. Rain-heavy clouds swarm over the crescent moon.
Soft light from the moon and the stars filters through the clouds onto the hiking path to my right. A breeze rustles the leaves of the scattered trees and stout shrubbery, carrying the tune of a long forgotten song that only the wind could remember.
My heart pounds wildly in my chest.
They’re dead.
They’re both dead. Because of him. Because of the man who chases me through the narrow streets of the city I’ve sworn to protect. The man who’s haunted my memories without my consent—though I did not know the face or the name, until now. And now I’m among the desert squirrels and bushes on the outskirts of the city, the massive shape of the Hollywood sign looming above me as I pause, trying to catch my breath. I’ve faced worse things than this, I know I have. But something about this is different. Something about this has my mind racing, running a loop around itself again and again. I know what it is, but I do not acknowledge it for fear of getting lost in the depths of my memories of the ones I lost to this man—this monster.
I strain my ears, trying to listen. Trying to hear anything above the silence that echoes loudly through the near-barren landscape around me. Nothing but the chirping of crickets. It’s too soon for me to breathe out a sigh of relief. And I cannot believe that the man who killed my sister would have stopped the chase.
Blood drips down the side of my face from my temple where the wooden bat had collided with my head. The crimson liquid mixes with the salty droplets of sweat that gathered on my skin as I ran.
My breaths are loud in my ears. The rasping sound mixing with the gentle hush of the light wind trailing through the currents around me. A cluster of stars shines brightly through a gap in the clouds a moment before the rain starts, turning the sandy dirt at my feet to mud in a matter of seconds as the drizzle quickly turns to a heavy rain. Thick drops of rain land on my exertion-hot skin, cooling it.
Hearing no sounds of pursuit, I lean against the tree and thrust my hand into my pocket in search of my phone. I need to call her. I was supposed to meet her, and being ambushed on my way home was not on my agenda.
Shit. I can’t find my phone.
I must have dropped it somewhere in my hurry to get away.
Taking in my surroundings, I’m surprised at how far I ran to get away from the man chasing me. I must have run over a mile to have reached the outskirts of the city.
My shallow breaths become deeper as my heart begins to slow its racing beat, the adrenaline leaving my system slower than it had come. Goosebumps erupt over my skin under the icy touch of the rain. Looking back at the path I’d taken, I feel the dread roiling in my gut at the thought of retracing my steps to find my phone.
Cursing under my breath, I know it’s a bad idea. A terrible idea, really. 
Whatever, I can buy myself a new phone later. For now, I need to get back to the main part of the city and find a payphone or something. Except… I curse under my breath, again. I left my wallet in my office. All this time spent focused on figuring out Typhon’s next move has left me distracted and forgetful.
Blowing out a deep breath, I trudge through the light mud, forging a new path back to the city without taking the same route I’d run to get here.
My hair is plastered to my face as I try not to shiver against the cold. The suit jacket I wear is thoroughly soaked through, as is the white shirt beneath it. I must look like a drowned rat. All things considered though, I am glad for that. Grateful that I am still able to feel this miserable—that I escaped the psychopath chasing me—because the alternative would mean leaving Rissy alone in this world. Her parents—my sister and her husband—were taken by the monster who decided to make me his next target, and I will not let her lose another parent. 
My feet freeze in place as I hear something behind me.
No no no.
He couldn’t have found me already.
My heart is once again pounding in my chest as I continue walking, this time faster. The pace at which I walk increases until I’m suddenly running again, trying not to slip in the mud as I race for the sprawled out houses of the suburbs. If I can just reach them maybe I can find someone willing to help, to call the police.
Slick mud slides beneath my feet as I round the corner of a house, nearly taking me to the ground with how slippery it is. I can hear Blake’s vocie in my head as I stumble down the small alley between the houses, You gonna let yourself lose to a girl, Christian? Their spar from the other day had left his blood thrumming. She was a skilled fighter and has beaten me mercilessly on the mat. But she was also a fierce leader, offering tips to fix my form and encouragement after each defeat. 
Don’t let your guard down just because I’m a smaller opponent.
Keep fighting, Christian. Maybe someday you’ll reach my level.
Something hard hits the back of my head, sending sparks of pain through my skull and creating black spots in my vision. I stumble, almost faling to my knees as I am forced to come to a halt, nausea eating away at the world around me, making it spin and spin and spin.
I’m sorry Blake, I think as the darkness grows bigger, my body swaying. I don’t think this is a fight I’ll win.
Darkness in my vision twinkles as I blink, staring up at the night sky through the gap in the clouds. The stars are soon blocked out by the shape of a man standing over me. A monster with a monstrous smile who kneels next to me and puts a hand to my throat, pressing hard until I feel myself falling into oblivion.
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lowcallyfruity · 1 month
Trey just seems like he is so tired. He is so tired of everything . So tired of pretending and being the one that has to do everything
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the-true-overlord · 2 months
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Working on a thing hehe
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itsyourstarboy · 1 year
@celestecreateschaos don't look 👀
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I'm in love with them
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princemyra · 1 year
How the heck do i do this.....this trailer? Like ughhhhhhhh
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ghouldump · 1 month
here a silly request... louis has a sister and that's who lestat is interested in and louis is just a means for lestat to get what he really wants! I'm imagining that scene with lestat, louis and lily where lestat practically just used lily so he could sleep with louis, Louis will be so much more worried about Lily that he won't even notice Lestat seducing his sister 🤫🤭
Spider And The Fly | Lestat De Lioncourt x Reader
ෆ when Lestat uses Louis as bait to lure and trap his actual prey.
this is FAR from silly !!
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Fierce, Secretive, Cunning, you were quite a vixen with everyone wrapped around your fingers as if you were a goody two shoes - but Lestat could see right through you. He remembered the first night he'd laid eyes on you.
You had no business being on this side of the city, some salesman pressed against you. You'd paid one of the many prostitutes to warn you, if Louis came through, and low and behold, he had just parked.
Pushing away from the guy, you pretended to be uninterested, unlike seconds ago. He kept trying to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, but you kept shrugging him off.
“What’s the matter, darling?” he asked, his hand brushing down the sleeve of your dress.
“I need to get going,” you said, standing, but he followed, throwing the money on the table, and going outside.
“Hold on now, princess,” he said, trying to stop you and kiss on your cheek, while you attempted to push him away. Unexpectedly, the man was punched, groaning, confusedly staring up at Louis.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked you.
“I came with some friends, but they left, so I was going to get a drink,” you said, pouting at your dearest big brother.
“Hell no, you don't need a drink, get in that car and wait for me,” he pointed. Nodding a solemn expression in place, you walked to the car. As you passed Lestat, he could see the mischievous glint in your eyes, you could put on a good show.
He had to get close to you, he found out about your background, your usual circle of friends and associates. How other than Louis, you were the only other child to have some sort of socialite status. You were popular amongst men, and while you weren't a loose young woman, you weren't as innocent as you led your family to believe.
There was only one problem, you were impossible to get to. Louis was protective, extremely protective, perhaps it was his way of projecting his fears. Whoring out women, day and night, yet the idea of his baby sister doing the same thing bothered him. Paul, when he wasn't chasing down Louis, expressing his dislike of Levi, or at church, he was trying to warn you to stay away from men, in general, and Grace was too focused on her wedding to care as much as the two. It was challenging, but Lestat wasn't going to give up easily.
He became close with Louis, and while he enjoyed the man and what he had to offer, Lestat already had made his decision. He recalled fondly, the first time you'd met each other.
Sitting at the dinner table, next to Louis, he was cordial with everyone in vain conversation. Abruptly, the front door could be heard opening, before your head poked into the dining room.
“Y/n, where have you been?” your mother started.
“I was over at Anna’s house,” you said, as you waved everyone at the table, making your way to the empty seat next to Louis.
“This is Lestat de Lioncourt, he is a friend of mine, this is the baby of the family, Y/n,” Louis said, as you sat down. Facing the man, you thought how handsome he was. He was probably Louis’ lover, heaven knows he had never brought a woman home.
“I have heard many things about you,” he said.
“I hope only good,” you smirked, briefly glancing at Louis.
“Of course, Louis goes on and on about you,” he smirked.
The conversation shifted back to Grace and Levi as they went on and on about their wedding. Picking at your food, you sat uninterested in the topic. “Is this all they talk about?” you heard, making you look up at Lestat.
His mouth hadn't moved, as he still faced Grace, nodding his head as she spoke to him. “I see why you're always disappearing” you heard again.
“Excuse me?” you spoke, everyone’s attention turning to you.
“Something wrong?” your mother asked.
“Nevermind,” you shook your head.
“Be careful, ma chérie, they’ll think you're like your brother,” he said, this time when you looked up, everyone sat frozen.
“What is this?” you asked him.
“A specialty of mine,” he smiled.
“Unfreeze them,” you demanded.
“I’d like a word, I have anticipated this moment, since the first time I laid eyes on you,” he smiled.
“You and Louis, are you not together?” you asked him.
“We’re colleagues, who like a little fun on the side, but you, your brother is very protective over you, a precious gem, inaccessible, but I wonder if he knows you aren't even a virgin. Even I can't help but want a taste from you,” he said before everyone unfroze, continuing their conversation.
This was only the beginning of seeing and questioning the essence of the Frenchmen. It was also the start of the inception of Lestat’s plan.
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“You okay, pudding? You look a little on edge,” Mr. Clèmence asked, reaching to touch your lower back. He was your father’s business colleague before he passed, and also a creep. Not long after you turned twenty-one, he began trying to bed you.
“I’m okay, I think I‘ll have another drink,” you smiled.
“Go on and hurry back, we have some catching up to do,” he whistled as you walked away.
Rolling your eyes, you regretted accepting the party invite and having to deal with his perverted tendencies. Walking to the bar, you made small talk with a few old friends along the way, thanking the bartender as he replaced your empty glass.
Making your way back to the table, your heart sped up, seeing Mr. de Lioncourt. What was he doing here? When did he get here? Was Louis with him? Why was he talking to Mr. Clémence? They seemed to be having an interesting conversation until you approached.
“I’ll be right back, Y/n,” Mr. Clémence said, standing up, and walking away. He looked hypnotized, never meeting your eyes as he left.
“Join me”
“Is Louis here?” you asked him.
“Louis is working, he has an establishment to run,” he smirked, crossing his leg over the other, as you sat down.
“Then what are you doing here? You don't want business with Mr. Clémence, he's a crook,” you laughed.
“Yes, depraved swine, I am here to see the star of the night, Ms. de Point du Lac,” he said, smirking.
“You seem special to my brother, I don't want to cross any boundaries,” you shook your head.
“Is Louis the only thing stopping you? Or is it the act you plan to keep up for your family and friends? You and I aren't much different, carefree, meant to live your truth, unapologetically, without fear of judgment”
“You wouldn't understand, we’re from two different worlds,” you told him.
“And with just the snap of my fingers, I can make you a part of my world, I just need a yes,” he said, you didn't realize how close he was to you, until now.
“Mr. de Lioncourt-
“Lestat,” he corrected you. Gulping, you stared into his eyes, he was inches away from your face.
“Lestat, I appreciate your offer, but I will have to decline. Louis has the business, Grace has Levi, Paul has the church, and Mama. It is up to me to make a name for myself and have something of my own. I can not ruin my future because I was known as the French man’s créole plaything, good night,” winking at him, before standing up to leave.
Your rejection only added fuel to Lestat’s burning lust. He bit his lip, watching as you walked away, and headed toward your driver. So set on what you needed in life, or what you thought you needed, you were willing to sacrifice everything you were. Marrying an attractive, but poor man, or an old ugly rich man, and for what? To please your family and finally receive the approval you craved, to show them you had something of your own - but this, this fantasy, was not what you truly wanted. You wanted freedom, from misogyny, racism, social pressures, etc.
“I will set you free, from the troubles of this life, ma chérie”
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Time went on and Lestat was no longer a concern in your mind. You'd seen him at a few events, sometimes alone, sometimes with Louis, regardless, you kept your distance. He'd stare, but you ignored him. Eventually, you didn't even acknowledge him anymore. There was still a small feeling that you were being watched, or followed, but you ignored it until it went away completely.
“Paul, you have a fever, mama said to lay down,” you told him, helping him into bed.
“I’m alright, really, I just need to see Father-
“I’m more than sure God wants you to get better before you go to church,” you said, sternly. Putting his head down, he nodded, climbing back into bed.
He had been sick with a nasty cold, and you had been helping your mother take care of him, since everyone else was too busy.
“I have soup,” your mother announced, holding the tray with the porcelain bowl on top.
“Good, and now you can explain to your son why he needs to get better before he runs off to church”
“Paul, Y/n is right and you're risking getting others sick,” she told him, setting down the tray.
“Where’s Louis, maybe we could read a few chapters together, like old times,” he said, hopeful.
“Sorry, Paul, he's working-
“Go get him, he won't mind coming home,” your mother told you.
“How am I supposed to know where he is? You want me to go around the French Quarter screaming his name?” you asked. Louis was never in one place for long and it would be a struggle to find him, now that the sun was setting.
“Check at Mr. de Lioncourt’s house, and the red light district,” she said lowly.
“No, Y/n, you have to stay away from that devil,” Paul shook his head.
“His address is in the address book, please, I think it would be nice for him to bond with Louis,” she said. Holding back the urge to groan, you nodded, leaving the room.
She was always trying to accommodate Paul, he had his issues, please Louis, he carried the family, help Grace, she was the first to marry - but what about you?
Taking the car, you went straight to the red-light district. You frowned at the smell in the air, as you looked around. You didn't see him or his car anywhere in sight.
“Hey, have you seen Louis?” you asked Bricktop, one of his madames.
“He left a while ago, either went home or to that French man, he didn't say,” she told you.
“Thank you,” you said, reaching over, giving her a few cents, before driving off to his home.
By the time you parked, night completely covered the sky. You couldn't differentiate between the vehicles, as you pulled up to the curb. Turning off the car, you hope that he is in this house because you did not want to see this man for the fun of it.
Anxiously, you approached the gate, raising your hand to knock, and you realized it was unlocked. Making your way to the door, you reached to knock, when the door opened.
“Y/n, it is a pleasure to see you, what can I do for you, at this hour?” he smirked.
“I'm looking for Louis, is he here?” you asked, standing on your toes, attempting to look over his shoulder.
“Come in,” he opened the door, stepping to the side to let you in.
“Well, is he here?” you asked, as you walked in, watching him shut the door.
“You knew he wasn't here, ma chérie, but you had to give in to your desire only a little, to see me again,” he grinned at you.
“What the hell are you talking about Lestat, get out of the way,” you said, seeing that he stood in front of the door.
“You can fool them, but I see you, I know you wanted to give in, you want to give in, but you're too afraid, you'd rather hide your true self from the world,” he said, moving out of the way, walking towards the living room.
Rolling your eyes, you went to reach for the door but stopped when he spoke again.
“Just so you know, what happens in secret, is always revealed”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Mr. Clémence, Mr. Smith, Gabriel, William, Isaiah, he seems like he is you're favorite. Funny how people with the very names from the Bible are usually the most troubled, I mean, look at your brother,” he laughed.
“Shut your fucking mouth, you don't get to speak about him or any of them-
“I wonder how poor Louis would take it, knowing his innocent baby sister is a femme fatale, struggling with hypersexuality because she didn't get enough love as a child”
“Does Louis know that you're a dick, he'd love to hear that,” you spat, but it only made him smile.
“Bathrooms, boats, fields, cars, at the park, it would break his heart, to know how erotic you truly are”
“You've been watching me, you pervert,” you realized.
“I think you're entire family would be disappointed, moans such as those could only be made by a nymphomaniac”
“So tell them, is that what you want to do? Are you jealous? They get to have me any way they'd like, but you were rejected,” you taunted.
“I have you where I want you,” he smirked, tilting his head.
“The only place you'd ever have me is in your dreams”
“Is that why you haven't left yet? I moved from by the door and you followed me, you want to argue for my attention, but it is already set on you. I could never be jealous of any of them, they don't make your heart skip a beat, make you nervously chew your lip, clench your thighs together, I do,” he said, approaching you.
“Asshole,” you said, backing away from, them and turning to leave. However, your feet stopped on their own, running back to him, jumping into his arms.
Pressing your lips against his, you moaned as he hungrily explored your mouth, reaching for the back of your dress. Lestat was frightening, not because of how mysterious he came off to be, or his appearance, or background - but because he was always spot on. He had been right about you.
You last track of time, Louis wasn't even a thought, as you gave yourself to Lestat. In his lap, on the loveseat, panting in the most ungodly manner, you gasped, as he bit into your neck. The pain was quickly replaced by pleasure, his cool arms wrapping around your warm skin. It wasn't until the euphoric ecstasy came down, that you realized what you'd done and with whom. He was special to Louis and yet here you were, lying against him.
“I’m sorry, I need to go,” you said, scurrying to get dressed, your hand going to your neck, holding the two holes in your skin. He smiled, satisfied, for now, at least he had more access to you, with his blood in your system.
Rushing home, you tried to look as natural as possible, taking the small backup scarf from your purse, tying it around your neck before entering the house, and going upstairs to your room.
“Hey, they told me you went looking for me?” Louis spoke from the bottom of the stairs, making you turn around. Your eyes softened, guilt plaguing your mind of your actions.
“Yeah, I stopped by the district, at Mr. de Lioncourt’s and I drove around a while,” you lied.
“Sorry about that, I went to see Ms. Lily, her birthday recently passed,” he said.
“It's okay,” you said, told him.
“What’s with the scarf? It’s hot as hell tonight,” he chuckled.
“The mosquitoes are tearing me a new one, I had to hide my neck, I can't wait until winter,” you said, going up the steps as he laughed.
Entering your room, you immediately pulled off the cloth, staring into your reflection. Wincing, your fingers pressed against the two holes, moving to your lips, you thought about Lestat, how he kissed you as if it was his last kiss. Held you, as if you would slip away. He was everything you could ever want, and he was right about all of the things he'd said and for that reason, you would have to stay away from him.
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“I’m so glad you're feeling better, partying just isn't the same without you,” Anna, your best friend, pouted, intertwining your arms, as you both sat in the back of the car.
“I know, I think I caught whatever Paul had,” you said to her.
You heard, making you glance around, but he was nowhere in sight. It had been two long weeks of hiding away in your room. At first, it was only until the bruising went down, no amount of makeup could hide the holes in your neck. Then it started, calling for you, telling you to come to him, but you couldn't, you wouldn't. He plagued your mind, crept into your thoughts and dreams. You felt crazy until it finally stopped, immediately, you were rejuvenated and accepted Anna’s invitation to her boy toys party.
“Your mother had you tending to him again? I swear, you need to get married Y/n so you can get away from them,” she said.
“Uh, Laurent lives in the French Quarter?” you asked, feeling the hairs on your body standing, as you recognized the area.
“Yeah, I forgot to tell you, he recently bought a house here,” she said, your eyes landed on his house, as the driver drove past.
Parking in front of the large home, you stared down the road, he stayed minutes away.
“Come on, I can't wait for you to meet him,” Anna squealed, dragging you into the house.
As the party began, houses down the road, Louis faced a dilemma. He and Lestat had been growing closer, concerning too many. He knew by their looks the multitude of slurs they were biting back. Lestat had brought Ms. Lily to his house, insinuating on a threesome. However, after a little kissing, he whispered into her ear, grinning as she fell into a deep sleep.
“Ms. Lily?” Louis pulled away, worriedly staring at her.
“She is only sleeping, where were we?”
“I’m supposed to trust your word, wake her up?” he said, lightly shaking her.
“I can't, she's in a deep sleep, she’ll wake up…eventually,” he chuckled to himself.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, she's innocent,” Louis screamed at him.
“When has prostitution become innocent?” Lestat laughed, watching as Louis picked her up, carrying her out of the house.
“Stay away from me”
“Y/n, come to me, I can not wait much longer, ma chérie,” he called out.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you leaned against the wall, the glass to your lips, as you listened to Anna’s boyfriend and his friends go about uninteresting matters.
“Ma chérie, I will set you free”
“Get out of my head,” you muttered under your breath, looking off to the side.
“You said something?” Anna asked you.
“No, I think I seen someone I know, I’ll be right back,” you excused yourself, going outside.
“Y/n, come,” he said, as soon as you were outside. You were beginning to panic, your body moving on its own, headed to his house. To his front door, until you reached for the knob, entering. Going to the living room, you stopped, his back facing you, as he stood in front of the piano.
“Why are you doing this to me? You have Louis,” you asked him.
“I have never wanted Louis, it was always you,” he said, as he finally faced you.
“He just left and wants me to stay away from him, you have no competition, ma chérie,” he continued.
“Lestat, I told you, I can't-
“I love you, and I see you, your efforts, your attempts to please everyone around you, to live up to the standard they have for you - but you don't need that with me. There is nothing too little or too much, you could do, to change the unconditional love that has grown,” he said. Embarrassed, you covered your face as you began to cry. You couldn't recount a time anyone had ever said something as loving.
“You don't want me, I’ve pretended my whole life-
“I want nothing more than to have you, and so you've done a little acting, it doesn't matter. Accept me, and your life will start anew, and you can decide, according to your standards what is best,” he said, he was in front of you within milliseconds, reaching for your hand.
“What are you?” you asked him.
“I will teach you, what I am, what you are, and what you're meant to be, I just need a yes, a simple nod from your beautiful head,” he said, caressing your hand.
Staring into his pale eyes, you wiped your tears, before hesitantly nodding.
“Yes,” you said, taken by surprise when he pressed his lips against your own. Kissing along your neck, you released airy moans, your eyes shut. Taking the back of his hand, he wiped the makeup from your neck, revealing the mole-like scarring from the bite.
“Your new life starts now,” he said, his fangs sinking into your neck.
In the end, the fly was left tangled in the webs of the beautiful spider, awaiting death. Lestat had succeeded and he couldn't wait for the eternity ahead, spent together.
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edenfire · 4 months
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just a lil warmup doodle between secret projects🤫💗💞
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bycmykae · 2 months
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🍵☕️Caffeine Rush: A Coffee and Tea x Color speed run zine
Concept: Contributors will about 2 weeks to complete a mini piece that relates to the theme of coffee/tea, features one of the colors from our palette and incorporates one of our secret prompts.
Content Restrictions and Requirements
Prompts: 🤫 Our secret prompts will be revealed in the Discord server once the project begins to add to the challenge. We will have 4 prompts that your work should relate to. Our prompts are open to interpretation.
Rating: SFW, PG
Original Zine: Caffeine rush is an original zine. OCs are not necessary as work just has to feature coffee or tea and people are not a requirement.
Zine Specs: Free Digital Artists: 1748 x 757 px Writers: No Min or Max but you only have 2 weeks FAQ listed after the “Keep Reading”.
🍵 Schedule
Interest Check: September 01 - 14
Contributor Sign Ups: September 17 - 30
Finals Due: October 19
☕️ Moderators
@cmykae - graphics, design, social, org
@thelocalmuffin - all things writing, org
🍵 What is a zine? New to zines? Check out https://zinebaby.carrd.co/ for some general information. For this project, a zine is a digital PDF that will be released for free.
☕️ Who can participate? Anyone who applies during the application period. No previous experience. No portfolio needed.
🍵  What type of mediums are allowed? 
Anything that can be put into a PDF, which means no music or animation. (Although contributors are encouraged to turn their pieces into animations if they choose to outside of this project).
Physical mediums like painting, clay, or embroidery is allowed as long as the contributor is able to crop and prepare files to zine guidelines. Please apply as an artist.
Chefs, baristas, and bakers are allowed to participate to create recipes using coffee/tea flavors, write about coffee blends, etc. Please apply as a writer.
Although short stories (fics) are most popular in zines; poetry or article styled writing is also welcomed.
☕️ Contributor Expectations:
Adhere to the guidelines
Discord attendance: mandatory.
Final deadline: non-negotiable.
🍵 Cover Artist Due to the nature of this zine (a speed run), we will not have cover artist applications.
☕️ Using our Color Palette: The main highlight of your work should be the one of the five colors provided. Artists: You only have to use ONE of our colors. It does NOT have to be monochromatic. You are NOT required to use all our colors. Writers: How you interpret and incorporate the color into your piece is up to you. 🍵 Is romance allowed? Coffee dates are okay! Please remember this zine is rated SFW, so nothing scandalous is allowed.
☕️ Can I draw digital merch? Although not a popular choice, artists are allowed to make digital merch. From social media assets to printable pages. If you are interested in making digital art, please apply as an artist. 🍵 Is it only Coffee and Tea? Anything made from coffee and tea is allowed as well. Fruit tea, Milk tea, Affogato, Iced Coffee, Tea Cookies, etc, etc.
☕️ Is fanart allowed? Yes, fanart will be allowed in this project. — - — - — - — 
Additional Questions? Feel free to reach out through email or ask box
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stylespresleyhearted · 6 months
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When I am bored or obsessed (or avoiding doing my homework which is always) I make fake IG edits for celebrities I like or bombard my favorite fic authors (who I am lucky enough to call friends) with thots & blurbs.
austin butler (coffee girl universe)
the start of it all
soft launching the relationship
five times she posted him and the one time he did
happy birthday ccg!
luci’s 3rd birthday
austin butler x reader
sticks & stones
austin butler in love
Callum Turner x reader
dating callum (x) (x)
callum turner, soon to be dad
callum turner, new father (also known as pt.2)
pub w/ callum headcanons
illicit affairs ✨
secret project 🤫
illicit affairs headcanons
Masters of the Air
john egan (acorn universe) blurb
bucky egan x innocent! reader snippet
The Major’s Wife
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kaarijazineofficial · 7 months
Hey Kääryleet!
We’re happy to announce that the drawing part of the zine is FINISHED! We are now entering the production stage 🥳🥳🥳
Here is a sneak peek of what beautiful illustrations you'll be able to find in this wonderful project, as well as some of the artists that took part in it 👀
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However, we need a bit of your help! Nothing much though, don't worry.
We just need to know how many of you would be interested in a physical copy!
So for the approximate price of about 11€, 12$ USD or 16$ CAD, you would be getting:
a copy of the zine
stickers from the wonderful @mitamicah
a little secret 👀🤫
shipping to where you are!
(the price is still in approximate, because production costs could vary depending on many factors)
Thank you so much for your time! We can't wait to share with you all what we've made in the past months 💚
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yun-fangz · 2 months
HI UM can I hear your hcs for sub!Jongho please 😵‍💫
Oh boy, CAN YOU.
This has been the easiest ask response of my life…. I am very passionate about sub!jongho yup yup. i also have more versions but this is the softer more tame ver. he's really so versatile i can't just pinpoint him as one kind of sub
warnings: mentions of spanking, pegging lol
(A/n) I could’ve swore i answered this (maybe in my head) or i just never saved the draft/posted… whoops!
18+ mdni, hcs are under the cut !
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The cutest most adorable baby ever
very obedient and shy
He flushes so easily, his ears and chest turning a bright red at just a couple of words/actions
He seems so confident in himself but it's so easy to break him down into a puddle.
Super sensitive! both emotionally and physically
especially his nipples, he can nearly cum just from them being toyed with
It's not easy to manhandle him, considering how big he is compared to you, but he loves it when you just have your way with him
did i mention pillow PRINCE!
loves to lay back or be in whatever position, as long as he's feeling good
he's super bashful at first, hiding his reddened cheeks and muffling his whines and moans
it doesn't take long for your praises to coax him out of his shell though, soon he has no shame letting out noises or asking for what he wants
don't spoil him too much though, he can be a greedy and bratty little thing
not big on choking on anything of that sort
however if you give a couple spanks (read; a lot) he'll be a crying and babbling mess
he just has such a nice ass i just want to knead it and play with it all day like a sensory toy
a dirty secret of his..... hmmmm
pegging 🤫
he used to think it was so dirty and demeaning but fuck, after the first time he couldn't get enough
he's never came so hard in his life
even when he's not getting fucked, put a little something there (plug/vibe) and he's a GONER.
he likes it especially when you're fucking him and playing with the soft flesh of his ass
LOVES praise
tell him how good he's taking you and see how fast he can shoot one
he's satiated pretty easily, only needing one or two rounds before tapping out
it is however very easy for him to get riled up, he gets off almost daily
overall he's just a dream boy
be careful though not to spoil him too much, let him get comfortable enough and he can be a bratty and teasing baby
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(a/n): sorry if i went a lil overboard or put some stuff you didn't like, a lot of this stuff is me projecting. lmk what you think and please send more sub!jongho, he's my favorite. i also have twt links that i might add into my main jongho twt link post so lmk if you're interested in that too 😪
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I have been a lurker for the longest time. But the amount of updates you have for us is mind-boggling (in a good way) I can't resist but send you this ask.
So for a lost follower like me, can you share a summary of status of all your WIPs (i am looking at you side WLGYL commissioned single parent angsty wip)?
Haha. I think you're kind of lost track too, because that side WLGYL commissioned single parent was completed and delivered to its owner, and then the concept was fully implemented in the full game after the readers were kind enough to support me through a Kickstarter.
But to answer your question.
When Life Give You Lemons: I'm hoping to submit it to Hosted Games by the end of April. They will then decide when to publish it.
Insert Rich Family book 2: the demo is out will have an update at the beginning of May. This one will not be finished this year.
The Wedding: Steam page is up. The next update will be at the end of March but for Patreon only. I'm hoping to release the game in full by the end of this year.
~~~~~~~~~~~~New Projects~~~~~~~~~
The lawyer IF: The first chapter will be released in March for Patreon only. It will go public later on.
The IF where you'll be a Chef: This one I can't really say much about the plot until I have confirmation. But... I'm hoping that a certain IF label that uses chili pepper as scales will be interested in it. 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 🥵🤫
The New VN: It's called "Pilow Talk" and you're an undercover agent who needs to blend with the people of a small town in order to discover the identity of a serial killer. Basically, MC has to spend time getting to know people and even sleep with them to get intel and know about their deepest secret, hence the name Pillow Talk. It's a mystery/romance/erotica VN, and there will be explicit artwork in it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Some other stuff~~~~~~~~~
Side stories of Lemons for Patreon
More spicy short story for Seduction. Patreon.
That's all it is, really. I'm getting laid off as of March 8, so I plan on staying busy creating content because Patreon will be my main source of income to pay bills. So, yeah. 😁
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