#secret project đŸ€«
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blackseafoam · 7 months ago
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femmehusbandyeji · 1 year ago
So I finally got around to working on the first chap of one of my aus and—
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considering how indecisive I am, that might change multiple times before I decide it’s good enough to leave alone 😭
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bigheartlittlelies · 10 days ago
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Finally got a new tablet and I’ve been experimenting with procreate! Literally only three of these are done lol the rest I’m just trying to finish
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dragonfly0808 · 9 months ago
OMG I wrote over 5k words today!!!

 of my side project that no one will be seeing anytime soon
 while the next chapter of the rewrite has less than a thousand words so far

I hate my brain sometimes like- cmon girl PRIORITIES
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plxtypusbearr73 · 1 year ago
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eunicecorn22 · 3 months ago
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Art Summary 2024 đŸ„‚
Template Link & Credits: Papakkapao on Bsky
Final post for the year!
I definitely pushed myself more this year. Joined a few collabs, did my first art trade and took on my first commissions. It's been a good year for art and I'm happy with my improvement đŸ’Ș
And for a short announcement that I'll probably be posting a lot less art next year. I'm taking a step back from my usual monthly posting to work on a secret project that I've had to put on the back burner for months. So I'll be using 2025 as the year I finally work on it đŸ«Ą
I'll try to post art if I do have art to post but it'll be far more sparce than it already is hahaha
That being said, thank you everyone for your support! It means a lot đŸ„č💖
I hope you all will continue to stick with me as I work on secret project 🙏
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squishykitty825 · 6 months ago
Too close to the sun
My body feels heavy, drowsy, my head especially. Nausea permeates my senses as I try to swallow around the desert making a home in my mouth. Lifting my eyelids is a workout. I have to make multiple attempts in order to get them open, but when I do, I’m forced to blink a few times to focus my vision.
The room around me is dark, but when I lift my aching head toward the only source of light, I find myself looking out a floor-to-ceiling window. Outside, the half-moon light trickles onto the floor, coming to a halt just a few inches from where my head rests. I blink. I’m lying on the ground, my hands bound behind my back. 
With this new information in mind, I slowly maneuver into a kneeling position and scan my surroundings once again, this time more fully. I’m alone in the room, if it could even be called that. It was more like a construction sight. What I had previously thought to be a window was just an empty slot in the wall. Thick plastic tarps are draped over exposed steel beams, swaying in the night breeze like leaves on a tree. The breeze caresses gently over my skin like a lover’s touch without the comforting warmth, splaying a few strands of loose hair across my face in its path.
The night is too quiet, the air too still in the sudden absence of the breeze that had been here only a moment ago, and the sky too clear and devoid of any clouds. I don’t know what I expected though. In a city like this, it’s always this picturesque, even on days like this.
Memories swarm my drug-addled mind of the moments before everything had gone to complete hell. Alana. Visiting her in the morgue. Leaning on the edge of the autopsy table she had just cleaned. Sharing my concern over Darkshield’s behavior. And her telling me
 telling me

“What do you mean Christian Gray is Darkshield?” I ask, searching Alana’s eyes for the lie. Waiting for her to crack a smile and say it’s all a joke. But now is not the time to be joking and we both know it.
“You heard me,” she says, her voice hard as she says it. “If you want answers about his shitty mood why don’t you go talk to him. Word is he was pretty beat up after his run-in with The Anarchist.”
My face twists into a scowl.
“He barely survived that encounter.” I would know I was there in the aftermath. It was brutal. There was so much blood, and I could barely keep Christian conscious long enough for the police to get there.
Alana gives me a curious look, tilting her head to the side as she opens her mouth to say something more. Whatever she planned on saying is cut off by the sound of a thud in the hallway. Turning to the door, I wait for someone to walk in. Nothing happens.
That’s when I notice the sound of the air coming through the vents. It’s different than it was earlier. The sound is more of a hiss. 
I don’t have time for the panic to set in as I turn back to my friend. Alana is already swaying, bracing a hand on the edge of the autopsy table before falling to the ground. I’m swaying now too, my vision blurring.
Cold. The floor is cold beneath me.
My eyes are getting heavy.
My head is spinning.
I hear footsteps and heave my head in the direction of the doors in time to see him walk through them.
Guess it was only a matter of time before he came after me too.
A small scattering of stars twinkles outside the not-a-window. The heaviness of my body has eased, but the throbbing in my head has yet to subside.
My time to evaluate my surroundings ends with the sound of footsteps behind a large piece of opaque tarp. I recognize them. Recognize who they belong to.
The hero killer steps out from behind the tarp, his arm sweeping the material to the side. His stride is slow as he approaches, flanked on either side by two lackeys. He is solely focused on me as he walks, coming to a halt mere feet from where I kneel.
“You’re a very hard woman to find, Midnight Dragon,” Typhon says, his chrome-plated muzzle mask reflecting the soft light of the moon. The mask distorts his voice, the modulator in it making it sound more demonic than human.
“I try,” I reply, my voice hoarse from the tranquilizer.
Metal sings as Typhon draws Godslayer—the short sword he is known for carrying. I watch the way the dim lighting splays off its shimmering surface, shifting in my seat. My eyes don’t leave the blade as Typhon lowers it to his side.
He smirks at the movement. We both know what that blade has done, who it has been used to torture, to kill.
It was only a matter of time before it was my turn. Typhon has been slowly making his way through my comrades. The other vigilantes had stood no chance against him, and I was no different. I had thought that, with Darkshield’s help—Christian’s help—that we could take him down. That we could stop him before he could get to us too.
We were wrong.
And now I was about to pay my due.
Cool metal meets my jaw as Typhon uses the blade of Godslayer to lift my gaze to his. I wince, turning my head away as he slices the edge of the blade along my jaw. A thin line of blood leaks down my neck, its warmth making my stomach churn. Turning my gaze back to the monster before me, I glare at him. In all the time spent going after him, I had yet to figure out why—with the exception of Mister Luck, who had been lucky enough to choose his own death before letting himself get captured—he tortured the heroes before killing them.
Typhon’s grin widens at my expression, only faltering when he suddenly darts his gaze to something behind me. I listen to the heavy steps, my breaths heavy in my chest as I watch Typhon watching his approach. The armored boots stop after a few steps, leaving me stuck in the middle of them. I don’t have to turn around to know that Darkshield stands behind me. His heavily armored suit hovers behind me as he stares down Typhon. At least that’s what I’m assuming he’s doing.
Gripping my upper arm, Typhon hauls me to my feet. I stumble against his grip, stars dancing in my vision at the sudden movement. 
Shoving me into the arms of one of his goons, Typhon faces Darkshield, flicking his long coat aside as he changes his stance. Christian doesn’t move. His eyes are solely focused on Typhon though. I know he’s not here for me. Not after the way we’d left things. His parting words echo through my mind, Forget it, Midnight. I’m not going to risk my life to save you. This partnership is over.
“I’m surprised, Darkshield,” Typhon says. “I didn’t expect you to find me here.”
Christian doesn’t reply. He stands, shrouded in the shadows, watching Typhon. Then he moves, quicker than someone in that much armor should be able to. In one move, he draws his bo staff, extending it as he charges, and swings it for Typhon, who lifts his sword to meet the blow.
The two dance around each other, swinging with expert attacks that the other dodges or blocks with incredible effort.
Behind me, the two men Typhon brought with him watch the fight intently. The one holding me drags us to the edge of the room, giving the two men space. 
Typhon and Darkshield move about the limited space, their fight entrancing. It’s incredible watching the way Typhon jumps away from an attack or the way Christian’s armor deflects the blade. Sparks fly from the metal as it connects with the gauntlet on Christian’s arm.
Their fight gets too close for comfort, making both me and Typhon’s men take a step back, but there’s nowhere else for me to go and I don’t realize that I’m stepping onto the empty air until it’s too late.
“Christian!” I don’t realize I’ve screamed his name until I see his head turn toward me as my body plummets over the edge. I see Typhon’s blade sink into his side, the hero killer finding a weak spot in the armor. I see the blood on the blade, the crimson liquid spilling from the wound as Christian falls to his knee, one hand going to his side just before I can no longer see him.
And suddenly I’m falling. Falling through open air, the ledge I was just standing on getting farther and farther away as I fall.
Wind tugs at me, pushing and pulling as I get closer to the ground with no one to catch me. Because I know he won’t save me. Darkshield—Christian is a selfish man. A desperately broken and selfish man who would never take the leap even if he wasn’t bleeding out on the floor of the building above me. Would never jump after me even if Typhon didn’t have him at his mercy.
I close my eyes, accepting my fate. Accepting it the way all those heroes before me did. The way Azalea did. The way Mister Luck did before her, and Bellafina before them both. Despite this, I can’t tamper down the fear coursing through my veins. Can’t stop the pounding of my heart. But I can stop that fear from overtaking me.
I close my eyes and just feel. Feel the wind as it rushes past me and wait. Wait for the darkness that follows the landing.
But it doesn’t come.
Strong arms wrap around me and I feel whoever it is rotate us. I open my eyes and stare at Christian’s bloodied face behind the domino mask he wears. 
I stare into the green eyes of the person who only days ago swore he would never risk his life for mine as he whispers, “Hold on tight, Midnight.” And fires off his grappling hook at that distant ledge.
“Christian,” I say against his hair, my voice soft as he holds me tight against his chest. “Please don’t let go. I can only fall for you once.”
His breath catches in his chest, our feet landing on the edge of the room we’d fallen from a moment later. 
“Blake,” he breathes, not yet releasing me from his arms. One of his arms moves, and a moment later I feel the cool metal of a blade brush against my skin as he cuts the rope binding my hands.
I nod then take a step back. Christian doesn’t stop me.
His eyes track my movements as I rub the raw skin around my wrists.
“What are you doing here?” I ask him, my own eyes scanning the empty room. My gaze skips over the small puddle of blood a few feet from where Christian stands.
I return my gaze to Christian when he doesn’t respond.
He’s not looking at me anymore. Instead, his head is turned to the side, his eyes searching the cityscape.
“He took Rissy,” he says at last.
My heart drops. Christian’s niece was a little bubble of joy in his life. I’d seen the way he was around her. He was happier, more carefree. If Typhon had taken her

“Christian,” I say, but I pause, unsure of what I should say.
“He knows who I am now,” Christian continues, still not looking at me. “I have no idea where she is, and now I don’t know what he’ll do to her now that I have gotten in his way.”
I feel the tears forming in my eyes, but they don’t spill over.
When Christian finally turns back to face me, I take a step back at the fear I see there. This is my fault. I was the one who had revealed his identity. It’s my fault Rissy’s life is now in danger.
My voice cracks as I take another step back and say, “I’m sorry. I–”
Christian crosses the distance, grabbing my shoulders and forcing me to meet his eyes. “This is not your fault, Blake. I would jump after you in a heartbeat all over again.”
” I search his eyes, the tears that had begun forming finally slipping loose. “Rissy–”
“We’ll figure it out,” Christian tells me, leaning his forehead against mine. “Together.”
“I don’t think this is a fight we can win, Christian,” I whisper.
Christian’s hand is gentle as he wipes away the tear falling down my cheek.
His voice is soft as he says, “Then we’ll do that together too. Win or lose it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we try.”
I nod, closing my eyes as another tear rolls down my cheek. The adrenaline from my fall finally begins to subside, leaving only worry for Rissy and the dread of having to eventually face Typhon again.
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lowcallyfruity · 7 months ago
Trey just seems like he is so tired. He is so tired of everything . So tired of pretending and being the one that has to do everything
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the-true-overlord · 8 months ago
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Working on a thing hehe
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years ago
@celestecreateschaos don't look 👀
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I'm in love with them
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chloeworships · 1 month ago
When I see the beaver I think of Canada
but it doesn’t have to be.
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You know what’s crazy, I heard the LORD say to me “The vultures are coming” — so do not feed the vultures nor the leeches nor the vampires 🧛 Anyone coming to take advantage of you will face the wrath of GodđŸ”„
Also, God is protecting you

Someone here is a runner or sprinter. The word I was looking for was “hurdles” — the baby bird was jumping over the fences which reminded me of hurdles and their mama was right behind them.
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These birds reminded me strangely of crows, though they looked nothing like them.
Someone here has a disability â™żïž — they will be healed from this and they may have a speech impediment or something else.
Do not walk away from beaver đŸŠ« or this tiger 🐅
Do you see how protective this Mama owl is of her babies? All 3 of them — be like this mama. Someone could be watching you and your baby or will soon catch on to see you’re hiding or protecting this child from the world đŸ€°đŸŸ
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If you’re pregnant đŸ€« for now
This child will be immensely successful and you both could have been abandoned like Haggai and Ishmael by their father and mistreated
 but the LORD will cover you both. Your child will be a star ⭐ and as ferocious as the Hawk
. A hunter. They are a visionary. Stand by them in what THEY want to pursue. Support their dreams and aspirations. Your belief in them is what gives them confidence to face these hurdles. It doesn’t mean you still don’t discipline them when needed but give them room to grow while keeping an eye on them. You won’t regret it. Your son will be famous like King David and Jacob aka Israel and someone will discover their talent. This is a promise to you from God just like he promised Haggai. Read that story from the Bible for further details.
Someone here is from Atlanta and someone loves music đŸŽ¶ another will or has twins đŸ‘Żâ€â™€ïž
The House of David victory message is for you as well.
Pray about this and receive triple confirmation from the LORD. I want to say “triple axel”. Is someone a skater â›žïžïżœïżœïżœïżœ 🏒👀
PS. This child could be a girl too 🎀 I receive lifetime prophecies for children as well babes.
Someone likes to race PROFESSIONALLY
I’m so happy for you and your babies!!!!! đŸ‘¶đŸŒđŸ„č also you do not have to be a mother. You could be a father as well. Idk but I feel like saying “angry bird” lol 😂 perhaps your child loved those characters.
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The bird was round like this 😆 — stay tuned for an update and remember this CARDINAL bird. This is a sign for you. I’ll explain soon BRB
đŸȘ§ ♄
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For some of you, this is your BIG ADULT SON but they will always be your babyđŸŽ¶ — they are spoiled *ROTTEN* đŸ˜‰đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
This mama bird could be angry about something. Probably about how he has been treated. Watch out now because she’s in position to strike đŸȘ§â€” she could be a teacher or coach and God hears and answers her prayers đŸ™đŸŸ
This wasn’t the update I was going to do (still working on it) — but this is just as GOOD.
The LORD showed me that boy D!!!!
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Don’t sleep on him đŸ’€
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astrologydray · 1 month ago
Astrology Observations 4: Dark & Unspoken Astrology Takes
‱ Venus conjunct MC people don’t just attract admiration—they attract obsession. People don’t just notice them; they study them📚.
‱ Lilith on the IC feels like growing up in a house where you were punished for simply existing as yourself. The “villain” of the family narrativeđŸ–€.
‱ Mars in Pisces isn’t weak—it’s just invisible. These people don’t fight in the open, but when they move, they’re already 10 steps ahead.
‱ Neptune in the 1st house gives “people see what they want to see” energy. They project their fantasies onto you, then resent you when you don’t match them😑.
‱ Uranus aspecting the MC = the kind of person who could reinvent themselves overnight, disappear, and come back as someone unrecognizable😭😭
‱ If you have Pluto transiting the IC, you’re not just going through a “family transformation.” It’s ancestral. You’re the first to break a generational curseïżœïżœđŸŸ.
‱ Saturn in the 1st house (or transit) makes you earn your identity. It strips away every false version of yourself until only the real you remains.
‱ Chiron in the 10th house or MC can make success feel like it comes with a wound—publicly respected but personally unfulfilled😞.
‱ People say Neptune 1st house people are “mystical” but don’t realize how isolating it is when no one actually sees you clearly. I’m abt to go cry now.đŸ˜–đŸ˜–đŸ–€
‱ Venus on the MC doesn’t just make you beautiful—it makes people project their idea of beauty onto you, whether you like it or notđŸ« .
‱ Pluto-IC aspects feel like being born into a home where you had to survive rather than existđŸ„ș.
‱ Lilith on the IC: The “problem child” of the family. You weren’t difficult—you just refused to submit to the unspoken rules of dysfunctionđŸ˜€.
‱ Neptune in the 1st house: People love the idea of you, not the reality. The moment they see the real you, they act like you betrayed them.
‱ Mars in Pisces: You don’t attack—you dissolve your enemies. No one ever sees you coming until they’re drowning.
‱ Pluto aspecting the IC: You were raised in a home with secrets. Whether you knew them or not, they shaped youđŸ€«.
‱ Chiron conjunct the MC: Your pain is public property. People don’t just notice you—they dissect your wounds like an open book.
‱ Pluto-IC people don’t have childhoods. They have survival stories.
‱ Venus conjunct the MC isn’t just “pretty privilege.” It’s a curse when people assume you have it easy and resent you for it.
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princemyra · 2 years ago
How the heck do i do this.....this trailer? Like ughhhhhhhh
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onlymingyus · 4 months ago
Your Eyes Only (teaser)
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pairing; choi soobin x f!reader x park sunghoon
genre; smut (minor dni), angst, midly toxic, comedy, fluff
summary; Groups projects are the worst, right? But when your group is Soobin and Sunghoon it gets interesting.
content warnings; poly themes, rich kids, university au, jealousy, self-confidence issues, fuck boy!sunghoon, nerd!soobin, alcohol, drug mentioned, mild bullying.  
smut warnings; protected sex, semi-unprotected sex, cum play, fingering, oral (f/m giving and receiving), hand job, cum eating, double penetration, anal sex, anal fingering, very mild mlm, pets names/degrading names, dirty talk, glasses kink, begging.
w/c; 21k and some change [2.1k this teaser]
a/n; thank you to @junkissed for proofreading for me and givng me the courage to write outside of my svt box. i know this is different BUT if you are looking for the svt version it is on my Patreon right now đŸ€«not saying which members took the place of soobin and sunghoon but.... it's a good good one imo.
this fic will be released 12/16 to read the revised version now subscribe to my patreon and click here
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Chewing on the end of your pen, you tap your heel against the leg of the table as you listen to your professor explain the basics of the project that would pass or fail you in his class. You had spent most of your time at university avoiding any course that you knew would involve a group project, but this was one class you couldn’t get out of. 
“You will be randomly paired with a partner for this project.” Glancing around, your professor sighs and looks down the list of names in front of him before pursing his lips. “And one group will have to welcome in a third. You can thank those who dropped the class for the uneven number.” 
It was no secret that there were those in the class who were well acquainted with each other and those who were set up for success in the business field, so the random assignment of partners was already making everyone nervous. You were somewhere in the middle of everyone. You weren’t unknown, and it wasn’t like you didn’t have connections after you graduated, but you were no Park Sunghoon with your life already on a silver platter in front of you. 
Glancing up as your professor starts to move through the classroom, you swallow hard as he starts to call out names, putting together the groups. 
“Lee Yongbok, you will be with Kang Taehyun.” 
Great. Only one pair had been named, and you already felt like you were going to be left with someone who would leave you with 90% of the work. Puffing up your cheeks, you glance around the room before quicking looking down at your desk when you meet the one person’s eyes that you had been trying to avoid, Sunghoon. He looked so smug—like he didn’t give a shit about who he was put with, because it honestly didn’t matter. He knew he wouldn’t fail, and he probably wouldn’t have to do a damn thing. This would all be fine as long as you didn’t get put with—
“Park Sunghoon, you will be with Y/N Y/L/N.” 
Letting out a deep breath, louder than you mean to, you meet your professor's eyes just before he looks down at his clipboard and purses his lips. “I think honestly this might be the perfect group for a third, so I’m going to add Choi Soobin. You don’t mind, do you, Mr. Park?’ 
Of course your professor had only asked Sunghoon if he minded. What if you had an issue with it? Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, Soobin glances from the professor at the front of the room towards you and then Sunghoon as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. 
“It’s whatever. I can make it work.” 
“Perfect, I knew I could count on you.” 
The sound of your professor's voice is almost muffled as he continues to call out names, Hwang Yeji being paired with Ning Yizhuo and Park Jongseong with Julie Han. None of them mattered because you could feel eyes on you and were too nervous to look up and see who they belonged to. 
“That’s everyone. Now, take the rest of the hour to get acquainted and make a plan for your project. Remember, I want a detailed business plan that I would actually want to put money into. This is 75% of your grade. I expect results.” 
Finally looking up, you are relieved to see the room moving into action and no one staring at you. It isn’t until Sunghoon lifts his brows and slides from his chair, picking up his bag, that you feel your heart in your chest. You hadn’t spent much time with him before. He made you nervous—he made almost everyone nervous. 
Sunghoon’s father was the CEO of some multimillion-dollar company, and he didn’t even need to be here, except his father wanted him to prove he could take the reins when the time came. Everyone knew that Sunghoon resented the decision, and while he was a genius—truly brilliant—he barely did any of the work and still managed to pass with flying colors by magic every single time. 
The other side of Sunghoon was the one that you knew just by reputation. You didn’t have time to party. While some got their way here on their parent’s money, you had gotten in on a scholarship and had to keep your GPA where it was or risk your full ride. You heard about the parties every weekend; you had been invited—but you had stuck to your dorm almost every time. Sunghoon, on the other hand, did not. He hosted the parties and kept putting notches in his bedpost from what you had been told through the rumor mill. 
“Dude, shit or get off the pot. Are you sitting on this side of her, or am I?” Sunghoon’s voice made your cheeks heat up as you looked up to watch him and Soobin stand in front of your table. 
Soobin was, as far as you knew, the polar opposite of Sunghoon. He was quiet and reserved—more like you. His family was wealthy, and you knew that he probably didn’t need to be here either, but from what you had gathered, he chose to be here, like he had something to prove. 
Pushing his glasses up his nose, Soobin narrows his eyes at Sunghoon and sighs before sliding into the chair on your left, leaving the right side open for the other man. He had never gotten along with Sunghoon. They had been in almost every single class together since day one, and somehow Sunghoon always was top of the class. It didn’t matter how much work Soobin put into something; Sunghoon’s smug ass was always one step ahead. 
“Hey, Y/N. We, uh—we haven’t talked much. Excited to do the project with—” 
“Oh my god, obvious much?” 
Sinking down into the chair on your right, Sunghoon rests his arm on the back of your chair and looks around you at Soobin, cutting him off. Meanwhile, in the middle, you felt small as the tension built between the two. Clearing your throat, you lean forward to grab your notebook and pen in an attempt to clear the air. 
“I’m excited to do the project with you too, Soobin.” Glancing towards him, you quickly look at Sunghoon, finding that it feels like a mistake as he meets your eyes with a smirk. “And with you too, Sunghoon, you know
 of course.” Your mouth feels dry as Sunghoon’s smirk widens into a smile, his eyes moving over your face and dropping to your lips before he nods and furrows his brows in a teasing manner. 
“Oh, I’m sure. You look thrilled, princess.” 
Opening your mouth, you quickly close it as Sunghoon calls you princess, managing to fluster you even further. “I—no, I am. I mean—I just
um.” Shaking your head, you drop your pen onto your notebook and fish your cellphone from your purse as you swallow hard. “We should probably exchange numbers or something. So we can plan a time to meet and work on the project.” 
Nodding, Soobin straightens his back as he furrows his brows, trying to keep his head clear as you struggle so much with your words. He hadn’t been lying when he said he was excited to work on the project with you. You had caught his eye weeks—maybe even months—ago and now he had a reason to talk to you, if he could keep Sunghoon’s claws off of you. 
“Yeah, sure. Uh—” Smiling as you turn towards him, Soobin watches as you put his number into your phone; your thumbs quickly move over the screen before you tilt your head and meet his eyes. 
“What emoji do you want?” Up close, Soobin was even more handsome than you realized. You weren’t stupid; you had looked at him and at Sunghoon before. While Sunghoon was a dangerous sort of sexy that made you both terrified and excited, Soobin made your stomach feel warm and tight when he smiled at you. 
“Emoji? Do I need one?” 
Sighing, you give Soobin an exasperated look as you scroll through the emoji’s landing on the smiley face with glasses. “Everyone needs one. You can’t be the only one without one in my phone, Soobin.” 
“Are you gonna pick one out for me, or do I get to pick?” 
Sunghoon’s voice causes chill bumps to erupt along your skin as you press your lips together and turn back in your seat to face the front of the room. “Uh, no, you can pick. I mean, unless you just want me to pick.” 
Grinning at how flustered you seem every single time you talk to him, Sunghoon raises his brow and glances down at your phone as you put his name in and wait for him to tell you his number. “You can call or text anytime.” Leaning his arm back on his own chair, Sunghoon tilts his head as you go back up to his name and start to scroll through the emojis, not commenting on what he had said. “You pick one. I’m curious to see what you’ll choose.” 
Taking a deep, shaky breath, you glance to the side at Sunghoon before letting it out in a sharp sigh, trying not to let him get to you. You aren’t sure if it’s just wanting to try to prove something to him or stupidity, but with a small burst of confidence, you purse your lips together and scroll until you find the devil emoji pressing down on it and then save. 
“Wow. Damn, Y/N. That’s kinda hot.” Sliding his phone from his jacket pocket, Sunghoon quickly types your name into his contacts and puts an angel emoji next to your name before turning it towards you for you to put your own number in. “I already have Soobin’s number; I just need yours, Angel.” 
Leaning his head back, Soobin tries not to show how annoyed he is at Sunghoon’s blatant flirting with you after he had tried to embarrass him from the get-go. Instead, he waits for you to finish putting your number into Sunghoon’s phone and for you to turn to him expectantly. He could almost see how flustered you were, and while Soobin wished that he was the cause, he wasn’t that dense. “Here you go.” 
Quickly putting your number into Soobin’s phone, you meet his eyes as you scroll through the emojis one last time before picking the girl with glasses as your emoji and saving it in his phone. “Cool. Uh, did you guys wanna go ahead and set up a time and place to get started on the project? I kinda have a few ideas for some business proposals, but of course we should all have some so we can decide together.” 
You were so cute as you tried to stay on task. No matter how much Sunghoon tried to tease you, and no matter how flustered he made you, you still found your way back to the task at hand. You were persistent; he had to hand it to you. 
“I’m good anytime—well, not anytime. I have plans this weekend. So anytime before Friday night.” 
Rolling his eyes, Soobin lets out a loud sigh and leans towards the table to rest his forearms on the top. Of course Sunghoon would have plans and make the rest of the group work around them. Furrowing his brows at Soobin’s outburst, Sunghoon shifts in his chair and lifts his hand from the table like a question. 
“I mean, yeah. Literally told, this is basically our entire grade and you’d rather get trashed—” 
The tension is once again getting thick. You sit up straight and clear your throat, trying to stop the argument before it starts. You had been concerned about this group for other reasons, and now you were starting to realize you were going to be spending your time trying to keep Sunghoon and Soobin from killing each other for the few weeks it would take to complete the project and present it. 
“We don’t have to meet this weekend. How about Thursday? No one has to cancel plans right now. We are just getting started.” Glancing from one man to the other, you look for sympathy as a slight pout forms on your lips. “Please don’t argue. I just want to get a good grade on this. I really need it. I just need you guys to help me pick something out, and I’ll research. I don’t need much.” 
Taking a breath and pursing his lips, Sunghoon lets his eyes stay on Soobin for a moment longerïżœïżœa look of contempt evident before he shifts his gaze to you, and it softens slightly. “It’s a date. Your place or mine?” 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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theangelicimp · 5 months ago
hi!!!! any vi x reader nsfw headcanons? as if like, how she'd be in bed :3
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Summary: just some nsfw headcanons 😈
Word Count: about 175
Pairing: Vi x Black!AFAB!Reader
Warnings: It's sex y'all. No minors allowed
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Let’s start: Vi may not seem like it but she prefers gentle sex
She’s had enough roughness in her life, cradle her head while she eats you out please
Shaved, unshaved she doesn’t care, either way, she’s IN there
Lots of foreplay - she really wants to savor the moment
Y’all see her biceps? You can’t tell me she doesn’t do wall sex
Imagine being in the bathtub - she just got done with a long workout session
You made her a nice hot bath, she get in, you give her a massage
You start at her shoulders, then work your way down to her breasts
She tries to stifle a moan, but once you start on her nipples, its all over
Please please please pamper her
Vi’s not a pillow princess, but she’s not used to aftercare, and we all know she needs it
Most importantly: show her you love it
Be loud, tease her, run your finger down her back
Show her she is wanted and loved
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A/N: Just a little something for those of you who want some spice today~ I've got two more requests I'm working on, plus a super-secret project I've been working on for a while đŸ€« Stay tuned for more!
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weirdcoregal35 · 2 months ago
HELLO! If you are reading this, then you (YES YOU!) have been specifically selected to work at the Rainbow Factory!!
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(Lol, Solar was too tired to hire people himself, so I’m doing it :3)
Your persona or OC shall be placed in the official Rainbow Factory attire after their training!!
Solar needs help hiring people for a “special project” (it’s a secret! đŸ€«)
So, if you would like to join, please tell me your OC/persona in the comments/reblogs!
Any type of OC/persona!! Especially TSAMS OCs!!
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And here are some Mutuals I think would qualify:
(y’all can tag more people too!)
Hope to see you at the factory!!
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