#secret history tails headcanons
shmilestprower · 13 days
Some Final Boss Tails art.
"Sonic, you don't even need to realize what I am talking about. Don't you ever break my heart again."
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If you smell..
What The Final Boss, is cooking.
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temmtamm · 2 years
'Best Friend.'
(Yan! Secret History Tails x Reader)
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Note: Been obsessing over this little fucker so decided to write this down for fun. If you enjoy this, feel free to blow up my ask box as I would gladly write more for this stinkalink.
Word count: 4,593
Tw: Death, violence, worship, threats, attempted murder, and yandere behavior
(Y/N) never wanted to get wrapped up into all this, all they really wanted to do was just help an acquaintance in need, they never planned or even thought that the action could have any consequences, much less ones to this severity. Even now, with slick scarlet staining at their hands, they still are in shock, thinking it all must've been some crazy type of dream, but they knew better.
The night this all started was just like any other for (Y/N).
The morbian had just gotten off of their shift, with sore feet and a strained brain from hours and hours of work, their only thought was about returning to the comfort of their home for some much needed dinner and rest.
Their body was practically in autopilot, following the familiar trails of the sunset forest zone. Even with a lack of thoughts or cares, they still took the time to take the slightly shorter way through, cutting through the trees and actual forest part of the zone to avoid the obstacles that the land had, making it hard for anyone to really get anywhere without it being like a parkour course.
Of course people like Sonic, Knuckles and any other of his friends might've had no problems with doing a course like that in under 5 minutes and continuing with their day, but (Y/N) wasn't like any of them, they were painfully boring and on the weaker side of things unlike the colorful cast of heroes that they had grown to be acquinted with. So, for people like (Y/N), they took the shortcut.
(Y/N) trudged through the forest, gently swatting away any leave or tree branches in their way as they did so. The setting sun's golden rays warmed their body to the touch, making a relaxing, lulling feeling overtake the morbian, allowing for them to wash away the stresses and worries of the day.
They felt completely and utterly safe right there on the path, not worrying about anything, not having to worry if another villain appeared along their way, and not having to worry about the creepy customers at their work who made it their goal to make them as uncomfortable as possible and then leave a shitty tip.
It was nice to have no cares, being able to just enjoy yourself in a comfortable silence. Though, that didn't last long--Well, at least not the silence part of things. Just before reaching a clearing of sorts, (Y/N) heard some subtly shoveling noises coming from ahead, followed by muffled cursing. They couldn’t understand most of it, but they were able to make out the whisperings for "Imposter." and "Dirty cretin's."
Taking notice to the hostility in the raspy tone that they head, (Y/N) immediately halted all movements and stayed deathly quiet, trying to make out where the sound came from so they could avoid that area or find a way around it without running into any possible dangers.
Sure, they could've ran in trying to find out whatever this hostile person was and see what they were up to and if it were actually dangerous but (Y/N) did not want to stick their nose into any strangers business. Especially when that stranger is in the woods alone with them. That sounds like the start to a bad horror movie they did NOT want to be a part of.
The sounds seemed to be coming from straight in front of (Y/N), causing some difficulties for any escape plans. If they just moved far to one of the sides, the person or morbian behind the sounds would easily be able to see them, thanks to the fewer amount of trees near the clearing.
So, (Y/N) quickly crouched down and crept toward the direction the noise came from, carefully listening in on the voice as well as trying to peek at who or what was there to be able to plan out an escape route. However, they could hear only faint whispers and hushed curses. As they approached closer, the earth decided to give them a cruel reminder of their surroundings.
They took a step further than they should've, and suddenly the noise of a twig snapping under their foot hit not only their ears but mostly likely the figure they we're spying on as well. The murmurings and shoveling noises came to an abrupt stop, confirming (Y/N)'s fears that the person had heard it.
In one swift movement, (Y/N) pushed themselves up from their crouched position, darting to the left to at least try to hide in the few of trees they did have while evading the thing that had made all those noises. They weren't sticking around for even a second longer to figure out what the hell would happen to the. They had a better chance of surviving by running instead dog staying put like a deer in headlights.
The sound of something heavy hitting the floor was not lost on them, and neither was the pitter patter of feet chasing after them. The calming feeling they previously held in their chest when strolling quickly turned to adrenaline and fear.
This person had to be bad news, they wouldn't have been chasing (Y/N) unless they had something (Y/N) wasn't supposed to see.
The exhaustion that previously consumed (Y/N) and alertness took it's place. (Y/N) pushed against the wind, running as fast as they could, to the point where the fear of their leg muscles tearing was an actual thought that crossed their mind. Their breathing became erratic, both due to the energy they were using up as well as from fear. Despite their attempts to avoid any other branches or other parts of the natural environment that could slow them down, mid-steo their ankle had snagged onto one of the trunk roots belonging to one of the few trees around, sending (Y/N) toppling to the ground.
With the force and momentum, their fall knocked the air out of the lungs. (Y/N) yelled out, cursing out as a sharp pain was spent through their knee, making their cab quickly cramp up. They tried twisting their body to force themselves back up but before they even could, a hand grabbed at their shoulder, making the morbian flinch and their blood run cold.
But the touch was...oddly gentle??
"Ohmigosh!! Are you okay? What are you doing out here?" A familiar voice fell on (Y/N)'s ears, a stark contrast from the shrill yet raspy voice that they heard from the harsh whispering earlier. (Y/N) whipped their head around, turning to come face to face with a familiar two tailed acquaintance.
"Tails?! What are 𝘺𝘰𝘶 doing out here??" Despite (Y/N)'s confusion, the morbian couldn't help but feel relieved at the familiar face. At least there was a hero here now, no one would dare try to chase after them if Tails was by their side. There was a high chance people wouldn't question their disappearance--But tails?? Tails was a part of Sonic's crew, people would definitely be worried if he left.
"I was just..Making sure Robotnik hadn't set off any traps here for Sonic. What are you doing here..??" He questioned with a tilt of his head, a curious look taking over his features. He moved his hand away, allowing (Y/N) to sit up which gave the Morbian a chance to inspect their own leg. (Y/N) took notice to how his lips parted at the end of his sentence, as if he was about to use their name but had forgotten or hadn't known it. They were hurt, but they couldn't really blame the two tailed fox.
The two had never really hung out alone before so there's no surprise he wouldn't remember them that well. "I was just going home from work when I heard something. Before I know it, I'm being chased off and now this." (Y/N) explained, gesturing to their leg as they did so. Tails' eyes followed where (Y/N) was gesturing, taking notice to the leg.
"Oh, geez. Can you move it??" Tails asked, a hand reaching out to inspect the leg and stretch it out to see if that could help. He placed his paw on the leg, his eyes held no emotion, despite how his face made an effort to contort in concern. He did some simple stretches on the leg, but it only took a few minutes for a noise of pain to escape (Y/N)'s lips, alerting the fox friend to the fact that it was most likely too painful to walk on.
"I'm no doctor, but I think you might have a sprain. I don't think you can walk with it."
He looked at (Y/N). "Do you need me to carry you?" Tails asked, offering them a soft smile. "I may not remember where your house is, but if you tell me I'm sure I can take you there."
(Y/N) considered it for a few moments, their brows knitting together as they did so. They didn't want to cause him any trouble by asking him to do such a thing but with the throbbing pain in their leg, they doubted they could limp all the way back to their home. So with a nod of their head they agreed on Tails's offer. "If..if you can, please." They answered quietly, a tired and exhausted expression taking its place on their face.
The two tailed friend grinned at this before adjusting where he was so he could easily scoop (Y/N) up. Once in position, the fox picked up the morbian with little to no struggle. The morbian fox quickly draped (Y/N)'s body around his shoulder, carrying them firefighter style similar to how someone would carry a dead body or unconscious one.
"Jeez...I uh...I don't remember you being this strong, Tails." A nervous laugh escaped (Y/N)s throat, their hands latching onto any of Tails to make sure that the furry fox wouldn't drop them.
"Well, Sonic isn't the only one whos been pummeling Badniks." Tails chirped out, to which (Y/N) made a noise of understanding, eyes still cautiously watching the ground to make sure that they wouldn't slip and land face first into it.
With (Y/N) now draped over his shoulder, Tails took off into the direction towards (Y/N)'s home--Of course, after the Morbian had told him the coordinates.
"Thanks again, Tails. You really came at the perfect time." (Y/N) grunted, their bed bending when the two-tailed fox placed them down on it. Tails gave a small nod, his tail slowly swishing behind him as his hands hovered over (Y/N)'s figure for minutes longer, ready to grab at them in case they would fall back or the like. "It's no sweat off my back--After all, What are friends for??" Tails smiled widely, flashing the other with a cheeky grin.
(Y/N) laughed lightly at that, their mouth twitch upwards. "Friends?? Didn't know you considered me one. I'm honored, Tails." Tails rubbed the back of his neck nervously, though it didn't feel entirely organic, more so that he planned for the action, deciding what would look the best.
"Whoops, must've just slipped out, huh?"
(Y/N) hummed in response, their expression taking on a slightly troubled one after the warmth of the interaction rubbed off.
"Hey...Tails?" (Y/N) questioned, unsure in their words of they should say it.
Tails raised his head once more, his ears perking up and twitching at the sound of his name. "Hm? What's wrong??"
(Y/N) paused for a moment, before opening their mouth to speak.
"Do you mind if you stick around for a few minutes?? You don't have to stay the rest of the day or anything, I'm just a bit worried that...something had followed me from the woods."
Tails furrowed his eyebrows at this, his eye even seeming as though it we're twitching from annoyance, but the expression only lasted a split second and was barely registered by (Y/N) before it returned to the kind smile the fox always had. "You're right, of course. It won't bother me at all!! I'll stick by the front door to make sure no one comes by and so I can see if anything goes on."
(Y/N) flashed the short fox a grateful grin, words being incapable of expressing their gratitude towards his act of kindness. "Thank you so so much, I really appreciate it, tails."
Tails waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry, it's no biggie!! Just worry about getting some rest for your leg, okay?? Once your safe and asleep, I'll just slip on out." Tails didn't wait much for a response, quickly taking his leave with a flick of his tails, leaving the morbian alone in their room, confused but still grateful nonetheless.
Once away from the morbian, Tails released a sigh, one of annoyance as he quickly dropped the kindhearted smile he kept plastered on his lips the entire time he was around that..that...𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨!!
Who were they anyways?? His universe never had anyone like that, and neither did any of the other universes with the other fake 'Sonic's. It was always him and Sonic, occasionally Amy, and Knuckles as well but there was never someone of (Y/N)'s caliber--Much less one that seemed to be acquainted with Sonic and the imposter of himself.
It was disgusting. Why was this universe any different?? How could it be? It was never different. It always always the same, it was supposed to be the same. He doesn't like change, but he especially didn't favor this change.
The two tailed fox strolled down the halls, his eyes flickering from wall to wall with disgust evident in his gaze. What was so special about this person that Sonic would be wasting his time on them?? The only person he should be wasting his time on was him--His best friend.
Tails paused, his eyes falling towards a table just barely in his line of sight from the gap that lead from the halls to the living room then the kitchen. Curious, he made his way over to it, though most of his intentions was just to get to the kitchen, to grab a knife and finish the job to leave no witnesses.
On top of the table were some documents, just the usual rent and bills and things of the nature. He grabbed for the documents, bringing it closer to his face and squinting to try and read the finer details and possibly attach a name to his victim.
"(Y/N)...(L/N)..??" His voice muttered, dropping the whole impression of this universe's Tails to instead speak in his usual shrill and raspy tone.
It wasn't a...bad name. Not bad at all actually. Kinda had a nice ring to it.
He shook his head, clearing it of its thoughts before he tore his eyes away from the work, letting it fall on the walls instead--Or more specifically, the pictures on the walls. There were many photos of (Y/N) and family members but they weren't the ones that caught his attention.
The one that did was one of (Y/N) who appeared to be just a few years younger, their hair dawning on a slightly different style and they were grinning like an idiot with Sonic right next to them, taking the picture. It must've been the first time the two had met, (Y/N) looked as though they had just met a celebrity or something so it was a possibility.
Sonic looked so right in that image, almost reminding Tails of the Sonic he thought was the real one, the one from his universe.
Maybe this universe actually 𝘥𝘪𝘥 have the real Sonic, His Sonic. He might actually find him this time.
Maybe (Y/N) was the reason for that?? They WERE the difference that separated this universe from the many, many others with many, many imposters of Sonic that tried to deceive him.
That's how it all started.
After that, Tails had successfully replaced his 'imposter' and nobody were none the wiser. Sonic and Amy noticed that he seemed off at first and was able to get them off his trail. Amy even started to grow vulnerable enough to open up about her crush on Sonic and how to win him over.
That wouldn't be the last time he saw (Y/N), however. The day after, (Y/N) had showed up at his lab with a noticeable limp, having made him some food as a thanks for him helping their leg out. Tails--Although a bit begrudgingly, ended up helping the morbian out, making sure that they were able to walk around by making them a cane for temporary use until their leg healed up.
The plan originally was to get (Y/N) out of the picture, either by executing them in a similar style to how he did with Shadow and Knuckles sor through other means.
But when he finally had the opportunity to do such a thing by them complaining about how their phone was bugging out, he...didn't. He offered to help and had a chance to turn it into an explosive as he had done with Knuckles but he couldn't. All he did was fixed up the bugs as well as add some much needed upgrades before giving it back to the morbian.
He swore he never saw Amy or Sonic's eyes light up like how theirs did whenever he did similar favors for them.
He found himself spending hours and hours reasoning his behavior with himself.
Of course he couldn't kill them, they were the reason he was with his Sonic!! If he killed them, the universe would be just as interchangeable with all the others, than that wouldn't make his Sonic special.
The two grew a bond rather quickly. (Y/N) usually came over to check out any little projects or gadgets Tails was working on and Tails would let them rant about their day.
Tails hadn't wanted to admit it, and actively pushed it away but this feeling kept returning to him, one too familiar for him to deny much longer.
He liked (Y/N), didn't he?? The feeling was definitely similar to the ones he felt for Sonic, yet they weren't as well. They could both rival his deadly obsession with the blue blue yet also surpass it.
Before anyone knew it, Green Hill had two people that Tails was always hovering over.
Tails started making more and more trips out of his lab, skipping out on projects or time he usually spent twisting and toying with Any's emotions for Sonic in favor of just always being around (Y/N).
He 𝘩𝘢𝘥 to know what (Y/N) was doing 24/7. That's why he always kept tabs on them. If they went anywhere, if they left their house, if they were eating at lunch, if they did anything else, anything to indicate that they weren't alone in their home at all times, Tails would immediately know.
So, when one day you had gotten more dressed up than usual and made your way to Angel Island to meet up with a certain red echidna, he was the first to know and He. Was. 𝘗𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥.
For the first time ever since he got there, he refused to hang out with Sonic. He stopped hovering around the blue blur, instead almost immediately making a B-line for Angel Island. He offered little to no explanation for the hedgehog, though Sonic was grateful nonetheless for finally being able to be left alone.
Once catching the familiar glimpse of (H/C) and Red, the fox was quick to duck behind some of the islands nature, using that as a way to obscure his figure as he took in the scene in front of him.
(Y/N) was sat comfortably on the ground, legs crossed and leaning against the stand where both Knuckles and the master emerald were perched upon.
The two were talking about nothing and everything, (Y/N) chatted away meanwhile Knuckles watched the morbian, paying attention to every single word as if they were speaking of the world's secrets.
Knuckles and (Y/N)'s conversation was audible to the fox, though all the two titled fiend could really hear was white noise. Disgust and bile built in the back of his throat at the sight. His disgust soon bubbled into pure unadulterated rage when he saw the red echidna reach over to the morbian and grab for their hand, holding it as if it were the most casual thing in the world. Who did he think he was to even touch (Y/N) so casually?? He was a nobody. You could replace this Knuckles with any other from any other universe and no one would be able to tell the difference.
He was nothing compared to Sonic--Compared to (Y/N).
Before the canine even really registered it, he had sprung out from his hiding spot, almost leaping onto the echidna in an attempt to wrestle the morbian away from (Y/N). It was a foolish thing to act off of his emotions, cause even with the adrenaline coursing through his veins he was still lanky and held absolutely nothing against Knuckles in combat.
In an instant, he had been pinned down, the red echidna holding down both wrists above his head.
"What the fuck are you doing?! What the hell, Tails?!" The echidna exclaimed, his rage possibling rivaling Tails'.
(Y/N) jumped back, their face contorting at the sight before them. They stayed deathly still, unsure if they should do anything in the moment as Knuckles seemed to have it under control.
"Get off of me, you filthy vermin!!" Tails hands futily reached up, clawing at the air near Knuckles face, but never managing to get close enough. "I'll claw your eyes out, imposter!!"
"Tails!!" The fox cringed at the sound of (Y/N)'s voices he almost forgot they were there in his rage. "What the hell has gotten into you??"
"This imbecile thinks it's alright to touch YOU like that! To be with YOU like THAT!?!" Tails yelled, not caring about how loud he sounded. Knuckles seemed to get angry at this, his grip on Tails tightening as his teeth grinded together. "He's an imposter, A fake!! He's not even good enough to matter!! He's no one in a million!! He's no Sonic!! He's not your best friend!" Tails writhed and swatted at Knuckles, attempting to somehow get the echidna off of him.
He was lucky enough to get a good kick to the groin, making Knuckles stumble back with a pained hiss. He looked ready to fight Tails, but a the yellow furred fox was quicker to action, grabbing for the closest thing near him which just so happened to be a rock.
Tails pounced back onto Knuckles, lifting the rock high before striking it down against his skull.
And again.
"Friend thief!!"
Hands wrapped around his neck, using it to yank him away from Knuckles before he could strike again, though the effects were already done.
Gurgling noises escaped what remained of Knuckles skull before his body went limp, the remaining fight that it contained draining away along with his life.
"Tails...What the fuck did you do?! Do you know what you had just done??" (Y/N)'s voice cracked, so much emotion being continued behind their words. They had just watched their friends life drained before their eyes. Not only that, but it was by the person they trusted, the one they thought were their hero, their friend.
"He was replaceable!! They all are! I can get you a new one in the snap of an eye--One that knows to keep its FILTHY hands away!!" This wasn't the voice they recognized. This wasn't the one that belonged to their Tails. The love and care that was once held in his tone was now filled with hate and lunacy.
"You....You're a fucking freak!!" (Y/N) cried out, their hands that were once grabbing onto the Fox's neck and shoulders now pushing him back, letting him collide on the harsh concrete of the Master Emeralds stand.
(Y/N) didn't know what was goingon in their brain, they almost blacked out from the rage but they do recall their body moving on their own. They kicked and stomped at the two tailed fox, making sure he'd stay down.
Tails didn't fight back. Unlike with Knuckles, he actually seemed to revel in this pain. A sickening, deafening cackle left his body, almost involuntarily. Every kick and stomp only seemed to fuel this giggle fit of his. He was clearly enjoying himself, watching with a wide smile as his eyes stayed locked into (Y/N)'s.
(Y/N) wanted to stomp his head in, to massacre his body like he did Knuckles, but they couldn't. They weren't as heartless as this Tails and they certainly weren't as vicious.
A whimper involuntarily escaped their lips as tears started to prick in the eyes. They felt betrayed, they were used. Their leg froze mid air, just hovering over Tails though they couldn't slam it back down on his form even if they wanted to. They wanted to go back to a couple minutes ago, where they were just having fun with a friend, when Tails wasn't even there.
Cracking noises came from the joint sofa Tails as he contorted his body, forcing his sore limbs to lift himself up.
With the pop of his joints he seemed to be...longer, lankier. More and more, he strayed from what (Y/N) knew tails to be until he was practically unrecognizable. He wasn't Tails, he was his own creature far far from the loveable tech-whiz (Y/N) knew.
"Oh, my dear. Don't tell me you're actually crying over a vermin of their caliber??"
Crazed eyes looked up at (Y/N) with an adoration of some kind, one that the morbian recognized as the lions he'd give his blue friend. "You have me, and I'm certainly better." His hand reached up and grabbed for (Y/N)'s leg, setting it down before his arms wrapped around it, hugging it close to him as if he were worshipping (Y/N)'s physical form. Hypocritical. This was far worse than holding hands and yet where was his punishment?? "I've always been there, since the beginning. I'm Tails, Sonic's best friend, the player two. You're hero."
(Y/N) shook their head violently, trying to free their legs from Tails' grasp only to be met with his two tails wrapping against it, keeping it in place. "Stop. Stop trying to leave. I'm the best for you, I'm your friend."
"I love you."
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Thanks for reading ♥︎
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fleeglefazbeagle · 15 days
Headcanons involving three particular background from Secret History of Harry Potter plus some names for them since they don't have any as far as I'm concerned.
(Flag and symbol names in ALT text.)
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This is in relation to an AU that is only set in the "Secret History" series, so no DreamGirl Amy or Kaiju Knuckles(of course, Detective Luigi is in it even though he's not in that series but ya know).
Please don't rip into me... :(
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meep-m0rp25 · 2 months
what are your sh tails headcanons? :o
these were simmering in my notes app for the longest, and now i have a reason to share them!! :D
some of these are either me projecting or unserious hc’s tho, lmao (sorry for it being cluttered 💔💔)
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((these are hc’s for both SH and TSAA tails btw))
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ctheathy · 1 year
hiii i love your writing so much!!!and im so happy to see someone writing for Secret History Tails! could you write something about him with a reader who finds his "scarier" form really endearing? and they praise him and are very physically affectionate, much to his surprise
Secret History Tails w/ adoring!Reader
Secret History Tails x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author’s note : Yesss~! Let’s pamper this fox until he melts like a little wax candle🕯️🧡
SH Tails [TSAA]/Reader [Romantic Tendencies]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
To have somebody be interested in him as a whole is already a completely foreign concept to this fox. Much less the said person actually being aware of who and what he genuinely is. Tails has always just felt the need to deceive those around him and manipulative them, viewing them more as steppingstones for his own benefit instead of real creatures and making him even more distant towards the concept of love. Your touchy and affectionate demeanour catches the mobian completely off guard, as he’s not used to people being so ... joyful to even be around him. Heck, he remembers people not even looking in his direction back at his own dimension. Making him incredibly fragile to the offered kindness.
Tails usually isn’t one to care much for his physical appearances, his obsessions having gotten far too deep into his head to pay any mind. I can certainly see his fur being somewhat on the messy and oily side with how little he takes care of it. He oftentimes even fails to take care of himself as a whole in his position. But I can still see him growing somewhat hostile if it gets brought up through a negative way. If you compliment him though? He is going to be trembling on the spot and melt in your hands like silly putty. Please be patient with him, he tends to get incredibly overwhelmed and flushed when being put in a positive light. It only feeling obvious to him that he’s not even worthy of this kind of attention in the first place. Making him a bit awkward and shy.
It oftentimes catches even him by surprise by how much strength you hold over him.
He has never really had anybody give comments such as those directed in his way. But he’ll accept all of your sweet words with open arms and return the favour in an instant. Tails has always been one to praise and worship those who he loves and looks up to, you being no exception to his entitlement. He is quite needy for validation and is pretty touch starved himself, so as soon as he lets nature run its course when being around you; he cannot help but grow a deep bond and attachment to the way you treat him with care. It’s like an absolute drug to the fox, only leaving him to beg for more whenever you take some of your distance. The simple acts of basic decency and sweetness is enough to leave Tails completely compelled with you, leaving him in a complete submissive and vulnerable state when it comes to you and your thoughts about him.
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saphira-approves · 3 months
Random headcanon, but I think Saphira would be enamored by drag culture. Honestly I think a lot of dragons would be but Saphira in particular is a) fascinated by ✨Shinies✨ and b) notably preoccupied with her own appearance. She would be FASCINATED by people who take fashion and gender to extraordinary exaggerated heights.
Honestly Alagaësian drag culture would probably have a ton of influence from dragons—you know, the bright, colorful, gem-like manifestations of magic incarnate. There’s definitely a trend to wear slit-pupil contacts and paint scale patterns with tiny glued-on crystals into their eyeshadow, and wear those claw finger cap things. There’s probably awards for “most creative integration of wings and/or tail into hair or outfit” given at any drag show that has more than one dragon-inspired look, with solutions ranging from long ponytail or lifted cape (basic) to fully articulated extra limbs (no magic, because that would be cheating) to wild abstract interpretations (someone once walked onstage with just pieces of paper tied to their back with “wings” and “tail” written on them in like five different languages. yes this one won the award.).
And that’s not even touching on elf drag, elf drag is a whole other beast, elf drag has elves like Blödgharm who normally look absolutely wild walking the runway in normal human cosplay, but with exaggerated features like extremely round human ears or extremely square human jawlines. In other circles you’ve got elf drag shows that ramp up in stages of “oh yeah this is a regular drag show” to “oh my god the trees that have been here the whole time and which i assumed were part of the forest have started walking the runway” to “that is a deer. that is straight up just a deer that wandered into the show. whatdoyoumeanit’sgettinganaward-”
Urgal drag involves exaggerating their horns with intricately carved extensions, often wood or bone, but sometimes the horn of another animal or even another Urgal—one famous Kull Urgal drag king used his late father’s horns to great effect. Their competitions also usually involve combat in some form. Basically it combines drag shows and wrestling into the ultimate “dress up in elaborate looks with elaborate personas and over-exaggerated rivalries and throw down about it” pastime. They also tend to focus on makeup rather than clothes—obviously what they do wear is still intricate and beautiful, often woven to tell a story or represent a clan or idea, but the REAL visual focus is the exaggeration of the physical form, turning a broad muscled chest into that of a bear or bird, or even a mountain, animated into a humanoid form. Basically imagine if the colossi from Shadow of the Colossus were drag personas, you’d be pretty close to what I’m envisioning here.
Dwarf drag is heavily rooted in clan identity, rather than gender, as well as religion. Dwarven drag houses will often come together within a clan and claim a patron god, with all the hostility and rivalries that would entail. As a counter-culture to this, there’s always a few subversive houses established to welcome anyone from any clan, or for those ostracized from their clans, which often face vicious backlash and are ascribed reputations of dishonorable traitors, though they are rarely outright declared criminals. This results in a subculture of “anonymous” drag, where these subversive houses protect themselves by maintaining secrecy of their members and numbers, and craft personas and looks that also act as disguises. Though to some this only reinforces their untrustworthy reputations, these secretive houses are staunch bastions of those treated unfairly by dwarven society, with a perspective greater than clan ties, and due to their anonymity have been influential in several key moments of dwarven history in uniting the clans for crucial decisions.
Werecat drag is done entirely in cat form. It’s definitely done in the style of the “Be Best” competition from Centaurworld, ie to be your best self, whatever that is. There’s never a winner because every werecat votes for themself. Yes even the judges. Yes even the audience. It’s basically a big party of self-appreciation taken to narcissistic heights. Every participant gets a prize, and that prize is not getting mauled by the judges for not voting for the judges. When dragons start doing drag, this is the model they follow.
Alagaësian drag. I just think it’d be neat. Happy pride everybody.
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rea-grimm · 10 months
hi, I want to say I love all your headcanon, I really wish they got more recognition because you deserve it. What you write is so cute, I love your one piece monsters ♥️
Can we get hcs or history, where does the reader decide to leave them? maybe not necessarily because of something bad. I really would like to see the reaction of dragon Luffy and the others you want (here is a fan of your dragon Luffy) xo
Hi, you have no idea how happy I am to know this! I am delighted even if there is even a single person who likes my stories. Thank you so much ♥️
I hope you enjoy this story too.
Leaving them - Luffy, Crocodile, Buggy
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Dragon Luffy
When you first told Luffy about wanting to leave and try to fulfil your dream, he immediately refused.
You were his treasure and was there a dragon who would give up his treasure?
However, you weren't going to give up and explained to him how important it was to you.
You sat on the figurehead on your ship. You were trapped in Luffy's embrace with your tail wrapped around your body like a snake. Tears were streaming down his face and he didn't want you to leave.
When Luffy finally understood how important it was to you, he wanted to support you even though he didn't like that you had to leave. He knew how much you supported him and he wanted you to fulfill your dream too. Moreover, the sooner you go after your dream, the sooner you will return to it.
Although there were worries inside him, what if you didn't come back, but he fully trusted you. He knew you were strong and that you could handle it. Moreover, you promised him that you would come back and that was enough for him.
Even so, he was at odds with himself. He wanted to support you and at the same time, he didn't want you to leave.
On the day you left, you promised him that you would come back as soon as you fulfilled your dream. Luffy then squeezed you in his giant hug and you kissed him goodbye. Luffy wished you a safe journey and that you come back soon. He waved you off until he lost sight of you.
If you were engaged or married, Luffy looked at his ring when he missed you the most. He remembered the promise you made to yourself and the fact that you would definitely come back again soon.
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Fallen god Crocodile
You've been planning this for a long time. Alabasta was nice, but while Crocodile was busy with his plans, you wanted to pursue your own dream.
You had everything ready and according to your calculations, it should be faster to do than his whole secret plan.
However, when you told him that you wanted to follow your dream, he first looked at you, and exhaled smoke from a cigar, before telling you a clear NO accompanied by an irritated crash of the crocodile tail. He then returned to his work.
That's why you tried again. You knew that if you were persistent, you would get some kind of result.
Crocodile finally had to stop his work and focus on your request. Finally, he suggested that you go nowhere and instead send one of his mummies or a believer who wishes to join him.
He didn't want you to go anywhere. You were his most faithful and greatest worshiper. He wanted you by his side, like his own goddess.
You didn't agree to this condition either. How could a stranger make your dream come true? You had to be smart about him, use promises and a bit of your charm.
After much persuasion, Crocodile finally agreed. Somehow you didn't give him a choice since you'd been pestering him for so long that you were afraid he'd turn you into a mummy or something as punishment. But he wouldn't do anything like that to you.
“I promise I'll be back before you take over Alabasta,” you said softly and determinedly. Crocodile was to accompany you to the ship, where he made sure everything was as it should be. This fallen god was not going to leave anything to chance.
In addition, he gave you a special Eternal Pose that responded to his abilities so you could return directly to him at any time, wherever he was.
Even before you left, Crocodile assigned Mr 1 to keep a secret eye on you and keep him informed of everything. Not that god didn't believe in you, but he just didn't want to lose you and wanted to be absolutely sure that nothing would happen to you.
Before you left, Crocodile took your hand and kissed it on the back. A crocodile with a hook mark appeared under his lips. His own blessing. A sign for him to know that you were okay and most importantly for others to know that you belonged only to him and no one else.
Every night, or every moment you had time and thought about Crocodile, you kissed the crocodile mark on your hand. You knew it would make him feel that you were okay and that you were thinking of him.
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Kitsune Buggy
You've been with Buggy long enough to be careful about things like this. When you confided in him that you would leave him for a while to fulfil your dream, he thought it was just a bad joke.
However, once he found out that you were dead serious, it completely threw him off. He started shouting that you don't want him, that he's not good enough for you, that it must be because of his nose, etc. He ended it all by yelling at you to go away before he turned into a fox and ran away.
You knew you couldn't do this to him and you definitely didn't want it to end like this. You weren't going to pursue your dream behind his back, especially when he was mad at you.
Buggy has successfully avoided you all week. But when he saw that you hadn't left, he came to see you. "What are you still doing here? You sure can't leave the big Buggy!” he didn't understand why you didn't leave.
Before you answered him, you took his hand so he wouldn't run away from you again. Sure, he could split and disappear, but you didn't care. You wanted to explain to him that you would definitely not leave like this. You wanted to leave and be with him for good.
When he finally understood, you could explain the rest to him. How important it was to you and what it meant to you to know that he would wait for you. However, you told him all this in the privacy of your tent.
Buggy understood you and was on the verge of tears. He didn't want you to leave. You promised him you'd come back, but what if you ran away to someone else? He was just an ordinary fox playing clown. What if you met Shanks and stayed with him? He wouldn't survive that.
In the end, he kind of came to terms with it. On the day of your departure, his entire crew said goodbye to you, and Buggy himself escorted you to his own ship.
The kitsune kept back the whole time and didn't seem to mind, but once you were alone he became a mess. Tears were running down his cheeks and snots were dripping from his nose and he begged you again to change your mind.
You wiped the tears from his face and kissed his nose before promising for about the thousandth time that you would get back to him as soon as possible. This cheered him up and he was able to say goodbye to you properly.
Buggy left one of his tails for you to travel with, which could change into a hand that you could hold on your travels. The hand could change back into a bushy blue tail that you could wear as a scarf on cold nights.
Buggy Masterlist
Crocodile Masterlist
Luffy Masterlist
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writer12 · 5 months
Could you do a Lute (hazbin) x female reader with fluff and smut?
Okay, here! The character hasn't been revealed much at the moment, so there will be a lot of headcanons here.
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One of the main problems is that Lute is very sticky to the rules and his sense of absolute justice.
As you know, the Bible is not very supportive of same-sex relationships and, given that heaven in the series is based on it, Lute may also be against it.
But if we look at history, there were often lesbians in private girls' schools and academies. Yes, it was against the rules of the Bible, so they hid their relationship. And considering that Lute commands exorcists, among which only women and Adam, it is likely that she has some kind of minor interest in women.
In any case, if she dates you, your relationship will be secretive or only the top ranks of Paradise will know about it. This comes not only from the rules of the Bible, but also from its title. She wants angels to respect her and demons to fear her, and a relationship with you can not only destroy this façade, but also put you in danger, especially if you are exorcists too.
She is very proud of her work as an exorcist and after Extermination she brings you small trophies of the demons she killed: horns, tails, heads and the like. But if you don't like it, then she can come up with something else.
Her favorite thing to do with you is relax. She works a lot both in Extermination and on regular days. She has a huge responsibility and often after work she just wants to lie down next to you and hug you.
If you are also an exorcist, then Lute will ask Adam and Sera to remove you from this position. Knowing that there is a possibility of not returning, Lute is afraid for you and wants you to stay in Paradise for the sake of your safety and her peace of mind.
Adam, Sera and Emily are among the few who know about your relationship.
Emily thinks your relationship is sweet. I believe that Lute is in some way the bodyguard of Emily, Sera and Adam, which is why Emily considers Lute her friend.
Although Sera knows about your relationship, she is neutral about it.
Adam loves to make fun of Lute and that’s why your girlfriend will never let him into your house after hours.
I see her as the same woman who has an average apartment with a simple design.
Before her relationship with you, she did not visit her home often due to a lot of work, which is why her apartment is so simple. After starting a relationship with you, she gave you every right to change and add whatever you want to the apartment.
Now let's move on to smut.
She's definitely a dominatrix, but she doesn't mind and is very good at giving cunnilingus to you.
She has low sex drive. She might not have sex for months because of work, but after starting a relationship with you, she might have sex 1-2 times a month.
She believes that sex is just a release after hard work. Therefore, especially after a whole day of slaying demons in hell, it might be a good idea to go for a few rounds and change positions a few times.
Нer favorite positions are scissors, face to face and 69.
She doesn't see the point in sex toys, but she can try them if you ask.
Adam once suggested a threesome to you both as a joke, but Lute sharply rejected him. She believes that sex should only be with lovers.
Prefers to do this in your common home and does not agree to do it in some other place.
She loves lingerie and doesn't mind if you wear a cute white lace lingerie set.
Аfter sex, she will naturally be tired, but she will try to bring you a towel and water before she falls asleep.
By the way, her inner wing is sensitive and if you stroke it, Lute will become embarrassed and let out a groan.
This is all! I hope you liked it and I will be glad if you write some more requests!
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stxrrynxghts · 8 days
Shrutakarma Headcanons
My last reblog inspired me to finally post this.
He is the youngest of Droupadi's children. He was born a year after Arjun returned from his exile.
As a result, he also has a large age gap from his brothers. He is eight years younger than Prativindhya. The only ones younger than him are Abhimanyu, Niramitra and Sarvaga.
Shrutakarma has his parents' complexion, but his facial features resemble Dhrishtadyumna a lot.
He is the closest to Droupadi's mother. She practically raised him, since he was only seven when the game of dice happened.
As a child, Shrutakarma was a bubbly, clingy child. The separation from his parents changed it forever.
Shrutakarma's favorite brother is Ghatotkacha. *cue sad Prativindhya noises*.
Shrutakarma is the shortest of Arjun's sons.
His secret hobby is painting. He will never tell anyone about it.
Shrutakarma never really liked fighting, even when he was good at it. It makes him feel extremely guilty, but not guilty enough to actually fight actively. He just practices enough to keep his skills polished enough.
Shrutakarma's favorite food is anything spicy.
Shrutakarma loves the sea. As a result, he has always enjoyed visitng Abhimanyu and Subhadra in Dvaraka.
Abhimanyu always sneaks into his bedroom the night before his birthday.
Shrutakarma enjoys making pharmaceutical substances and poisons. Especially poisons.
To prevent fighting too much, Shrutakarma's weapons were always laced with poison, during the Kurukshetra war.
Due to his trauma post the game of dice, he went inside his shell, rarely speaking. He also hates any type of physical contact.
Droupadi hugged him when she met him for the first time after 13 years, and he went absolutely rigid. He felt so guilty after seeing her confused expression.
Abhimanyu drags him around to all interesting activities. He acts as if he hates it. He does not.
Shrutakarma rarely cries.
Shrutakarma loves swimming. It is one of the few activities he enjoys. He also loves reading. History is one of his favorite topics to read about.
Shrutakarma loved meeting Iravana. Finally, someone who enjoys poisons as much as he do.
He is disappointed upon learning that Iravana, infact, has never poisoned anyone before.
Abhimanyu drags him to play slide on Iravan's tail. Shrutakarma, as always, begrudgingly joins, but enjoys it.
He has a breakdown when Abhimanyu dies. He silently feels that it should have been he, he who is antisocial, who never talks to anyone, instead of his joyful, beloved baby brother.
Arjun keeps Shrutakarma in the end part of the formation for each day after Abhimanyu dies. Arjun does it to protect his remaining son, Shrutakarma feels that he does it because Arjun does not wish to see him anymore.
Shrutakarma woke up to see Shatanika and Sutasoma dead. Prativindhya had tried to shield Shrutakarma with his own body, but had ended up being beheaded in one swoop.
Shrutakarma's arms were chopped, and his torso was almost split away from the lower half of his body. His own dagger, which he had received as a gift was lodged in his right eye. It's what kills him.
By the time Arjun arrived, the entire camp was burnt down. Shrutakarma and his brothers will always stay together, even in death, for their ashes are mixed with each other's.
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shmilestprower · 2 days
?deid dneirflrig ruoy nehw leef ti did woh
?deid dneirflrig ruoy nehw leef ti did woh?
?deid dneirflrig ruoy nehw leef ti did woh?
There you are.
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temmtamm · 2 years
My godshshshddd I just read the tails fic and 𝘐 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌 𝘐𝘛
I don't know if your taking request/ask for sonic but can you another one but with tails realising that sonic and the reader are dating? How would he react seeing the reader liking the fake (or real?) sonic and asking him for help? Pretty much like Amy's situation.
Love that scrunkly pathetic meow meow (𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶) :}
Ofc I am!! I am hyperfixating on sonic and sonic parody media so hard so feel free to bombarde me with all that jazz!! Sorry if it strays a bit from the ask, I got too into the moment with it.
Secret History Tails x Reader Who Likes Sonic
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Tw: violence, needles, Yandere themes, all around horror.
"--It's just--He's so kind, yknow??" (Y/N)'s hands came up, hiding their face as a flustered chuckle left their lips. "And today we were having one of those back and forth moments again and he called me a 'Dummy', but like he said it with such emotion and i--"
Tail's grip tighten on his screwdriver, threatening to stab it right through the Tornado's insides the he was working on. "Yknow, I don't really think a guy who calls you a 'Dummy' is all that into you.. No offense."
"No, no!! It's one of his more playful moments, yknow like how he likes to trash talk with Shadow or Knuckles when the two are rough housing?? It's like that." (Y/N) sighed, letting their arms fall to their side once again as they seem to fall into their many many daydream like states. One of the curses of pining for someone.
If you asked Tails, (Y/N) would be the last person he'd suggest for Sonic to go out eith--Hell, Big the cat and Froggy would be a better couple than the two!!
It's not that he doesn't think (Y/N) is good enough--Hell, it was kind of a miracle someone of (Y/N)'s caliber even really hung around the group.
And it's not that he didn't think Sonic wasn't fit for them either--Hell, his Sonic could charm the pants off of any living creature with enough elbow grease.
It's just....
He didn't think they'd be the best paired together, is all.
That's the reason.
"It just kinda...stinks, though. I mean, he has Amy practically glued to his side and everyone knows that she is absolutely smitten with him. Doesn't help she's all he can talk about to me too. It's always, " How should I give Amy this gift??" and "What type of flowers would Amy like??" when I made all the signs SO CLEAR!!" (Y/N)'s love-drunk rants quickly turned to annoyed ramblings, their face scrunching up in disdain as they did so.
"Geez, (Y/N). You really feel strongly about this, huh??" Tails' ears flicked at the sounds of (Y/N)'s complaints, a small smile forming on his lips though he his it by keeping himself nose deep in his work.
"Yea, well. Yknow the whole 'Love' thing isn't a very subtle feeling, Miles." With a tired sigh, (Y/N) leaned back in the designated seat that Tails always kept free for them in his lab. "I wish that just for once, I could know what Amy feels like. Must be nice being pined for--Especially by a hero such as Sonic."
Tails paused, a lightbulb shooting off in his brain. He was quick to seize the moment, putting his brain to work. "Yknow, I think that could be possible..."
(Y/N) paused shooting Tails a inquisitive look. "What do you mean by that, Miles??"
The orange furred fox grinned cheekily, his fingers pausing all movement across the machinery before him. "Well, You already know all the stuff he likes about Amy, right??" He set down his tools and turned to face them, watching as the morbian eyed him down with curiosity.
"Your point??" (Y/N) cocked their head ever so slightly.
"Let's use it!! Use it to your advantage!! Help Sonic see the good in you!!" For someone who was usually so indifferent to (Y/N)'s ramblings of Sonic, Tails actually seemed pretty interested at the moment.
"Say, (Y/N). Have you ever heard of little white lies??
The morbian fidgeted with the hem of their top, swallowing thickly as their footsteps came to an abrupt stop. Just before them, the blue blur himself was there. He was distracted by a conversation with a fairly familiar red echidna, allowing (Y/N) to go unnoticed. (Y/N)'s gaze glanced back at some bushes behind them, rethinking on if they should go through with this plan they and Tails had crafted, but when the orange furred fox popped his head out of said bushes to give the morbian a toothy grin and thumbs up, that managed to strum enough confidence out of (Y/N) to take the necessary steps forward to enter Sonic's line of vision.
"HE--!! Crap-I mean...hey, Sonic.." (Y/N) coughed, the start of their sentence being unnecessarily loud, causing them to quickly backtrack and make their voice as meek as possible, which only gave it the appearance of a voice crack. Sonic raised a brow over at the morning, clearly weirded out by the 'crack' which made (Y/N) feel like just crawling in a hole and dying.
"Hey…?? Weren't expecting to see you here, (Y/N). I thought you were back over in the Green Hills Zone." Sonic spoke up, resting his left hand on his hip while he used the other to wave around as he spoke, talking with his hands.
"Oh, well I was actually in the area!! I was–" (Y/N) paused, a bit of uncertainty about lying to Sonic washing over them, though when a familiar two tailed fox got caught in their peripheral vision, they were reminded of why exactly they were doing this.
"I was just…in the area!! Saving…kittens from..uh...burning buildings…?" Sonic squinted suspiciously at the morning, making them fight back a sweat in an attempt to look as normal as possible.
Just as quickly as he was suspicious though his facial features shifted into a more proud look, and before (Y/N) knew it, he had leaned in and placed a hand on their shoulder, damn near giving them a heart attack.
"Well, well, Looks like we have more than one 'hero', huh?? Gotta keep my game up so you don't take my title." Sonic teased, bringing a flush of heat to the morbians face.
(Y/N) reveled in the moment, more in the fact that Sonic was LEANING into them than the others. Of course though, you can't have shit in Angel Island, and the universe was quick to remind (Y/N) of that.
"Wait…but I just saw you and you were with Tails, not saving any animals." Knuckles spoke up, reminding (Y/N) and Sonic of his existence.
"Oh, well, I uh–" (Y/N)'s face flushed up even more so, but this time it was out of the stinging feeling of embarrassment rather than any warm fuzzy feelings for any certain blue hedgehog.
"I uh…" (Y/N) gulped nervously and forced a smile.
"I JUST REMEMBERED I HAVE AN EXCUSE WAITING FOR ME IN MY HOUSE, GOTTA GO!! BYE!!" With that, the morbian took off in speeds that'd even make the blue blues head spin.
"It was a bust, Miles!! All I did was make a fool of myself!!" (Y/N) whined out, face buried in their arms from the sheer embarrassment of the moment that they kept reliving in their head on repeat.
"Now Sonic probably thinks I'm a no good cheap hack just tryna' gain some brownie points!" (Y/N)'s voice was muffled from their arms but still somewhat comprehensible.
"Oh, geez. I should've known better than to suggest that. There's no way Sonic would fall for a lie, no matter how small." Tails placed a hand on (Y/N)'s back, reveling just a tad in how the morbian leaned into his touch, seeking comfort.
"I'll tell you what, I'll come up with another plan for you!! This time, it'll be fool-proof!! I promise!!" Tails spoke up, persuading the morning to lift their head up to look up at their yellow-ish furred friend. "Really??"
Tails nodded, his usual lopsided grin placed tightly on his lips. "Really." With that conformation, (Y/N) practically flung themselves into their small friends arms to give them a death hug that could knock the wind out of even the most strongest and fearless monsters ever.
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!" (Y/N) buried their face into the chest fur of Tails, much to the two tailed friends delight.
"Dont mentioned it."He patted his friends back, his gloved touch lingering for just a few minutes longer than socially acceptable.
"After all....
𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳??"
"Tails...Are you sure this is going to work..?" (Y/N) raised a brow at their compassion, unsure of his plan as he held up a very well burnt piece of toast.
"It works in the shows, doesn't it??" Tails shrugged, limply holding the bread with two fingers as if it were poisoned as he did so. "Just bump into him on my go, and it'll work for sure!!" The morning released a sigh but took the bread nonetheless.
"If you say so.." With that said, (Y/N) placed the bread into their mouth, cringing just slightly at the crunchy texture. With that said and done, they peered over the corner of the building that both them and Tails were hiding behind.
A blue blue, one all to familiar was zipping past, just over the horizon on some far away bumps, but knowing the speeds of the beast it belonged to, it would only be a matter of seconds before it was go time.
With that in mind, the antsiness that came with anticipation filled (Y/N) to the core, making it hard to stay still for long.
Barely letting the words get out of his mouth, (Y/N) zoomed out from their hiding spot, far too much momentum in their "light jog" to the point where they looked as if they were a morbian on a mission.
And with momentum, came force.
A sharp pain shot through (Y/N)'s head and a yell croaked out of their throat, accompanied by a yell coming from the front of them. With that harsh collide, (Y/N) went tumbling to the ground, along with their victim. They groaned, still recovering from the pain that throbbed in their head but took this chance to reach out to their victim and grab to lift them up, taking the time to seem as gentle and caring as possible. Gotta put your best foot forward, even if it was after accidentally headbutting your crush to the ground.
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Soni--" (Y/N) cut themselves off, opening their eyes to see just a normal, everyday morbian instead of the blue hero they had expected. "Wha--" (Y/N) whipped their head around, attempting to catch the blue blue again. Whipping their head behind them, they got the lingering blue of Sonic's speedy form extending out as he zipped up and down hills far, far behind them; having been too fast to bump into.
"Oh, for the love of--"
(Y/N) growled out, dropping the morbian hand in a fit of anger, making the poor civilian fall back down to the harsh ground.
"I don't get it, Miles!! I've been doing everything you told me!" (Y/N) whined out, years threatening to spill from just the sheer anger of it all as they sat still, arms extended as the fox worked on the scrapes they gained from the previous stunt the two pulled.
"Maybe I'm just--" (Y/N)'s gaze fell to the steel flooring of the fox's lab, watching the shine that glistened off of the metal. "Maybe I'm just not good enough for Sonic?? I mean, he's saved the world like what, a billion times?? What have I ever done?? Hang around and drag you guys down??" (Y/N) threw their hands up in frustration, though flinched when the bandaging on their arm tightened due to pulling away from Tails' work.
"Maybe he's right to love Amy, at least she actually fights by his side. She actually helps out." Their voice became softer as they trailed off, causing a cold silence to fall upon the room as it hit them that maybe, just maybe, they just had to cope with the fact that them and Sonic is incompatible. They've been doing all this and yet, all it really did for them was either give them some scrapes and bruises or negatively effect their relationship with Sonic.
Maybe, they couldn't force someone to love them.
"...You're right, (Y/N). There's no way he can notice you in this state. You're weak--Or, at least he thinks it." Tails voice was...different from before. It was cold, it lacked them love it once held almost minutes before. His hands paused, if only for a few seconds before pulling away from his work to instead place themselves on the morbians shoulders.
"It's not all pointless, though. There is a way to show him just how string and capable you can be--And it could get rid of the...competition." (Y/N) froze, the coldness and strangeness of his tone not lost on them, their gut feeling sending alarm bells in their head though they tried to keep it down. Tails is their friend, it'd be so shallow of them to be suspicious of their friend of 3 years over just a strange shift in tone.
"What do you mean by that, Miles...?" They asked, voice now laced with suspicion.
Tails paws dug slightly into the morbians shoulders, almost like how a massage artist would find pressure points. "What good has Any ever done for us, hm?? There's probably a million other Amy's out there. But how many of there are you?? Maybe you just need to...make this one Amy in particular disappear, to help shift Sonic's focus onto the right person."
His paws lowed slightly, down to (Y/N)'s forearms, much to the morbians discomfort. "It's not like you're putting a dent into the the overpoluted ocean of girls her caliber. It's like just picking out a weed where it doesn't belong, yes??"
At first, (Y/N) didn't respond, trying to figure out exactly what Miles was saying. But as the more the fox talked about it, the more (Y/N) started to connect the dots and get passed. Real pissed.
They stood up abruptly, making Tails hands pull back from their form due to the harshness of their action. "Excuse me??" (Y/N) whipped around, turning to face the small friend who kept his calm half-lidded expression as he held a small grin on his lips, as if (Y/N) we're speaking the most mundane of things and not yelling at him.
"Am I jealous?! Sure!! But I'm not gonna kill over it!! You're sick, Miles!! Sick!!" They hissed out, face scrunching up in a expression of disdain at the fact that their friend who usually is so bright and cheery would suggest something so volatile and disturbing. "I don't know if this is some sick joke or what, but you need some help of you thought that was an acceptable thing to say at a time like this."
"Calm down, calm down. It was only a suggestion." Miles raised his hands up in a defensive stance, though his movements were lazed and relaxed. "If you want to live with being the second choice, then be my guest. I just couldn't stand to see my friend suffer."
(Y/N) paused, features softening for just a split second, pain at the feeling of both being rejected as well as being the second choice. The pain was almost enough to consider accepting Tails' offer, though they were quick to snap out of it.
"Miles...Are you.." (Y/N)'s brows furrowed as they took a step closer to the two tailed 'friend' before them. "Are you trying to manipulate me??"
Tails froze, expression faltering into one of surprise. He hadn't really expected (Y/N) to realize his tactics so easily, especially after all that time he spent pushing and toying with his limits to make sure that he could get away with such blatant acts as that. And yet, all it took was a heated moment for (Y/N) to figure it out.
He was impressed.
He knew his (Y/N) was smart, but he hadn't known they were THAT smart.
"Just like that, huh?? I knew you get defensive about your friends, but seriously? Just that? You're a tough cookie to crack, (Y/N)." He dropped the act. He didn't need it anymore, it'd do him no good. With the act came the voice, him letting his real voice break through out of the annoying mold that he got in the habit of using to recreate the other Tails' tone.
"You..." (Y/N) locked up for just a minute, pupils shrinking at the display as their mind seemed to connect dots. Lucky for the two tailed fiend, (Y/N) had verbalized said thoughts, leaving nothing to the imagination. "You're not Miles, are you...?....Who-Who are you??"
"Isn't it obvious?? I'm--" A sick crack escaped him, almost like his bones had snapped, and with the noise came the sickening sight of his body contorting and twisting, as if breaking out of a box it had been contained in.
It was a painful experience, (Y/N) knew it just from the sounds of his flesh and muscles tearing as well as his bones desperately trying to find where they belonged to repair themselves into his new form. His lankier, more unsettling form. (Y/N) took a few steps back, but couldn't stop themselves from looking. It was like watching a train wreck unfold before your very eyes, something about it forced you to stay, to watch the outcome even though you knew it would leave some mental scars on your psyche.
"BEST FRIEND!!" Tails gripped harshly on the lab table behind him, using that to keep himself upright, his gaze flickering over to (Y/N), showing the morbian that they too had changed. The once large dark brown orbs of the fox now were now shrunken into a permanently surprised look, his pupils now in the shapes of stars and having many vibrant colors that were organic looking, despite not belonging on any morbians body.
"Miles...Miles, you're not okay..We-We need to get you to a doctor, or-or a therap--" (Y/N), although frenzied and panicked to the point where having a heart attack was a very real fear that could happen, tried their best to keep their cool, trying to cling onto the idea that this was still their friend of 3 years who was just having psychotic break rather than an imposter who had been masquerading as their friend.
Before their sentence could truly be finished though, 'Miles' had grabbed them by their arms, pulling them closer to him and closing any possible gap they had made when they had time to back up. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!! DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN!!" His shrill yell was short lived, though did it's job in throughly scaring the ever loving daylights out of (Y/N) if that's what it set out to do.
A smile placed itself onto his lips, acting as though he hadn't just bursted out in anger moments prior. "Don't...Don't call me that again, okay, Dear??" Despite his cheery tone and smile, his chest heaved up and down from the energy his previous yell had exerted, showing that he had been and probably still is very pissed about it. "I'm Tails, Sonic's best friend. Not that whiney, shit for brains imposter!!" His grip tightened, threatening to place bruises along (Y/N)'s arms.
Ironic choice of words, considering he was the imposter. But, not wanting to anger this clearly deranged and dangerous individual, (Y/N) nodded frantically, agreeing to whatever he'd say as long as it kept them out of harm's way.
"Right, Right. Tails, my apologies." (Y/N)'s tone was shaky and full of fear, not that Tails seemed to notice--Or maybe he didn't even care. Neither of these options seemed that far of a reach.
"Good." Tails' grin widened, if that was even a possibility, and with that came the flash of his gums, drawing (Y/N)'s attention to his mouth, or more specifically his teeth.
They were crooked, misplaced, and appeared to be rotting. It looked as though when he was being made, whoever had made him had used if as a playground to go ham on all the possibilities of where teeth could be, and that's not even getting started on the smell of his breath.
"Yknow, I waited so long for this moment," His grip loosened on (Y/N)'s arms, making relief wash over the morbian, though the feeling was brief as he soon would replace his previous hold with another, now wrapping his arms around the morbian and pulling them into an air-tight embrace where the breakage of their ribs was a very real possibility. "When I could finally show myself to you--My real self. I think you'll find you like me better this way--Much better than that phoney vermin that came before me!!" His grip tightened as he spoke about Miles, making a pained noise involuntarily escape (Y/N)'s throat.
Tails took notice to this, and then loosened his grip as one of his gloved hands came up to stroke (Y/N)'s hair, bringing a sickening feeling to the morbians chest. "Though, I wished that it was on better terms, I guess this will have to do." (Y/N) froze, staying as stiff as a board, they didn't know what to do, no words left their throat, and they didn't even know how they could start to respond to this man's insane ramblings, much less his touches and--Did he just sniff their hair.
After what felt like centuries, (Y/N)'s fight or flight kicked in and they started to fight back. Hard. They kicked and thrashed, attempting to scratch out the imposters eyes and break free from his grip. "Wha--Cut this out!!" Tails, obviously fought back, though he only tried to keep his grip on the morbian tight, making it hard for them to let go--Though, he also did let warnings or threats of sorts slip out. "I don't want to get physical, but if I need to, I will, Darling."
(Y/N) finally managed to break free after biting down on Tails' arm, breaking the fur and skin and even drawing blood. They pushed Tails away, giving them enough space in between the two to break off into a sprint for the lab's doors, making a break for it.
They were so close, their hand right on he handle when suddenly a steel shield of sorts came down, blocking the outside as the lab had went into a lockdown type of state. Whipping their head around, they saw the reason for this.
Tails stood there, a remote in one hand with a thumb pressing down on one of its many many buttons. "Don't tell me you thought it'd be that easy. I thought you were smarter than that."
"Miles, let me go." (Y/N), despite their fear, spoke in a stern and commanding tone, hoping that would be enough to persuade Tails, despite knowing it very well couldn't. "If you kill me, people will notice I'm gone. I won't speak a word of this, I swear. Just let me go."
"Kill you??" A small giggle croaked out the Fox's throat, little at first, but soon escalated into a hysterical laughing fit. "Kill you?! No, I couldn't dare lay a finger on you. You and Sonic are one of the only good hings about these sick dimensions." He chuckled again, breathlessly this time around.
"No, no. I have much bigger plans for you, my sweet." Then he set his remote down, hand reaching behind him to grab for something that his body obscured from (Y/N)'s vision. "Though, I doubt you'd go through it willingly. You're such a fighter!! It's like playing hard to get for you!"
(Y/N) didn't need a rocket scientist to figure out the possibilities this could lead down. All were definitely not in their best interest. They were quick to reach over, to try and grab something, anything they could use to defend themselves. Their fingers brushed against a small screwdriver sitting near the edge of a toolbox, and they quickly snatched it up, gripping onto it tightly in their hand.
(Y/N) attacked first, using the screwdriver as a dagger of sorts to stab at Tails. It made a slice, but not one deep enough to stab, let alone deter the two tailed fiend. Before (Y/N) could even really process all that the lightly furred fox had done, they were sent to the ground with a pounding feeling in the back of their skull and a gloved hand tightly clutching at their throat with their attacker, Tails, mounted on top of them.
"Well done, Darling! I really don't see why Sonic skipped out on you, you certainly are the whole package!" He was grinning from ear to ear, teeth gleaming dangerously as the scarce lighting of the room reflected off of his teeth as well as his eyes. "Beautiful, intelligent, and a fighter!! There really is only one flaw with you!"
(Y/N) gasped for air, coughing and wheezing as they tried desperately to get some form of oxygen to fill their lungs, their hands instinctively went for the one that was wrapped tightly around their throat, trying to pry it off though that only made the fox's fingertips indent themselves deeper into the morbian's neck.
Tails leaned I'm close, half lidded eyes watching them and reveling in the sight of them. "You just don't know when to quit." That's when (Y/N) saw it. The glisten of light hitting the slim blade of a needle that he held tightly in his right hand, preparing to strike (Y/N) with it, inserting the mysterious liquid that the needle was holding into them.
"Tails--Tails, wait!! You don't have to do this, We can--" (Y/N) was cut short, a chaste kiss being planted on their lips with sharp teeth threatening to cut them before the fox made his move, inserting the needle into the little amount of (Y/N)'s neck that wasn't before squeezed by his hand.
Inserting the liquid and pulling back, Tails' grinned and admired his handiwork. His grip loosened, allowing (Y/N) to catch their breath, though that didn't matter much when the liquid had already started to take its effects, draining away at their energy until they were in an almost slumber like state.
"Sleep. Sleep now, and once you're awake, you'll be just like me. We can finally live like we were meant too--Not collecting dust with all these vermin. You'll have no need for this imposter 'Sonic' you busy your thoughts with. You'll be with me, and the 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 Sonic."
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fleeglefazbeagle · 7 days
Agere Secret History Tails stimboard.
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I did try my best here, I never made a stimboard before.😅
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14 notes · View notes
tealfling · 2 months
Circuit of Devotion
🛎️🛎️ @kimberbohwrites 🛎️🛎️🍽️ Order Up!
A/n: I wrote this for Kimerbohwrites by request based on this headcanon of mine.
Rolan x Coren (my tiefling Storm Sorc F!Tav)
Wc: 3,600
 It's stupid in love fluff, so no warning I think. well except bad grammar
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 Rubbing the back of his neck Dammon hummed, considering everything he could have at his disposal. He mentally listed every artisan and guild trader he'd met in the Gate. His eyes roamed his shop interior and landed on a canvas covering an old bucket. He had never found a use for the material inside, but maybe…
     "I have this," he said, ripping back the canvas and disturbing the dust. Both tiefling men shooed the dust from their face. Rolan eventually magically cleansed the air so as not to cough. He peered down into the pail. There was some arcane essence emitting from the dark, speckled ore before him. "And this is?" He asked, arching a brow, not entirely sure what he was looking at.
     "Currently? Junk. These pieces are too small to forge into any worthwhile weapon or armor." Dammon held up his hand as Rolan's face began to sneer at the word junk. "But, it is Adamantine and I think it could serve our purpose. She traded this to me and I just never had the heart to get rid of it."
     Rolan regarded the chunks of highly rare, highly enchantable ore. Of course she’d somehow managed to come across such rare material. He considered everything he knew of Adamantine, its history, and innate properties. His head nodded as the possibilities revealed themselves, it wouldn't be easy, and would require their highest skills, but they could do it.
     "This could work," Rolan said, more as encouragement to himself than anything else. The tieflings shared a grin. Dammon couldn't contain his excitement at the challenge before him and it manifested in a subtle wag of his tail. It was going to be perfect.
A Few Months Later
     Coren nuzzled her cheek into Rolan's arm with a delightful sigh. The sun was low. Offshore a dark storm threatened to overtake the sunset. The breeze carried a chill signifying the changing of the season. The cobblestone streets heading towards Sorcerous Sundries were emptying for the day as they strolled leisurely back home. Coren looked back up at Rolan with another contented sigh. Home. Something, someone, she'd never had before. She couldn't help but squeeze his arm. 
     "Thank you for today. That place was delicious." Soft adoration plastered her face while she spoke to the man she loved.
     "I'm glad you liked it." Rolan replied with an equally smitten smile. "Getting on the guest list was nearly impossible. I hear it's currently a three ten-day waitlist." A meager hint of smugness to his tone. He readjusted the garment bag in his arm so that he could bring his hand up to place on hers.
     Coren paused, "Oh, love, did you pull the 'Master of Ramazith's Tower' card? For me?" Her voice was riddled with teasing affection and a fiendly smile.
     "I did no such thing." Rolan drawled. "I didn't need to,” he admitted. “When asked what names to put down, the moment your name left my lips, suddenly a spot at the very top of the list became available. Apparently," he continued raising a brow, "you saved the owner's niece from absconding with a vampire in the sewers, the chef's brother from a cultist, and it seems the kitchen fire elemental is very close with a mud mephit and earth elemental couple you once met at a circus." He stopped to spin the woman on his arm to face him. "Tell me, how is it you're not exhausted from being so phenomenal constantly?" He questioned bluffing exasperation. "Also, you must share your secrets for accomplishing so many miraculous feats in such little time." Gentler than his playful tone, he used the back of his hand to push one of her white streaks of her hair back behind her ear tip. She shivered, leaning into his touch, with a contented hug. Enjoying his warmth and the warmth that seemed to spread through her very being when he was near.
     The blue sorceress stepped onto the air, using it to raise up until she floated to meet his eye level. Coren slid her hands up Rolan's jaw with a hum, "I suppose at the time, my two main motivations were ridding my brain of the Illithid tadpole trying to consume it and," Her blue eyes flitted to his lips, "getting my favorite wizard to admit he wanted kiss me." She smiled, "It makes it easier to push through a difficult time with a reward oriented goal in mind." Her nose crinkled playfully.
     "Well," Rolan's breath ghosted her lips, "you always were an overachiever." He slid his arms around the small of her back, drawing her close. Locking his gentle, yellow starburst eyes with her icy ones he smirked "And greedy. You never seem to have enough, but it is a price I am most enthusiastic to pay-" he leaned his forehead to hers, "even if it didn't secure the safety of the Sword Coast."
     Their lips met. Smiles pressed warmly. A soft gentle kiss. Heart fluttering so. If he weren't holding her, she felt as if she could float away. Very reluctantly, Coren pulled back first. Her instinct ever to seek more passion, to press forward with an inherent need to physically show the love that bubbled within her. To reassure him of her steadfast feelings. Still, she withdrew while she had the remaining wherewithal to remember they were in a public street and Rolan was publicly shy about intimacy. Though she did enjoy the little chase his lips gave hers seeking more.
     As if to prove her point, the bell of a shop door opened then closed, and hasty boot steps grew closer. Coren lowered herself back to the ground and Rolan pulled back straightening his shoulders then drew his hands to smooth out his coat. Respectable in appearance once again. He looked so handsome with his longer hair pulled back. It would almost be a shame to dishevel him later.
     The approaching footsteps finally drew the lover's attention away from each other long enough for Coren to immediately recognize her favorite tangerine tiefling blacksmith rushing in their direction, donning a coat.
     "Dammon!" She waved. The three tieflings greeted each other. It was odd to see the blacksmith out at this hour. He was usually still wielding his hammer at his forge into the early evening. Instead his hands held a fine looking wooden box. "Did you close the forge early?" Coren asked, tilting her head inspecting the box.
     Turning to look over his shoulder, almost like Dammon was checking that he did indeed close the forge properly. Satisfied that it didn't slip his mind, he turned back to the mages before him. "Oh, yeah. I'm trying to catch Lakrissa at the Elfsong." He lifted the box at the other woman's name. It was a simple rectangular box, but expertly crafted to showcase the red wood's natural beauty.
     Coren's eyes went wide, "Is that for tomorrow?!" Her tail flitted around in excitement.
     "Sure is," Dammon smiled sheepishly. He leaned in as if he were about to whisper a delicate secret. "Would you like a peek?"
     She almost missed it. The way Dammon's blue hazel gold eyes flicked back over her shoulder up to Rolan. That was- odd. Somethinghad just been shared between them that she was not privy to. She turned up to Rolan. His face gave nothing away. He just gently looked at her and nodded encouragingly toward Dammon's box. Coren nodded, the curiosity overwhelming her moment of suspicion.
     The lid creaked open. Two daintily crafted rings of golden rose metal and pink gems lay on a bed of velvet. A pair of larger, finely detailed companion bands, completed the set perfectly. Gazing at them felt like hearing a love song. Coren could almost hear Alfira's singing dancing around her heart. These were perfect, like the love they represented.
     "You made these, Dammon?" Coren gasped, hovering a hand over the rings as if to touch them, but worrying they were so delicate that she might break them.
     Dammon cringed, "Ouch. You don't have to act so surprised."
     "That's not what I meant and you know it." Coren pouted, narrowing her eyes. Behind her she could hear Rolan stifle a chuckle in his throat and batted his calf with her tail. He immediately caught her tail with his own and the two intertwined like a tether.
     Distantly thunder boomed and Dammon snapped the box shut. "I'd better get going. Lakrissa will kill me if this box gets ruined." He nervously slid the box inside his coat.
     Coren giggled, "We wouldn't want that."
     Rolan re-laced his arm through Coren's, "We'd better be going, too. Good day, Dammon."
     "See you at the wedding tomorrow. Tell Lakrissa I'll make sure this storm's past. She can expect gorgeous weather for two gorgeous brides!" Coren said, waving her friend off as he sprinted down the street.
     Sorcerous Sundries was still more than a block away. And with the sky darkening quickly, they knew they'd need to use the portals there as they'd never make it to the tower on foot. 
     Coren's smile, however, could not have been brighter as she returned home with Rolan. He looked down at Coren, a wealth of warmth spreading through his chest. "What's got you all smiles?"
    "I'm just so happy. For us. For everyone. Everything is perfect. Everyone is safe. We're together. Cal and Lia are doing great. You're the most admired wizard south of Waterdeep." Rolan scoffed as she continued, "Dammon's smithing is doing well. Bex and Danis just had a baby, not to mention the success of their bakery. And Alfria and Lakrissa are finally getting married. When we all met our lives were kinda, well, shit shows. But look how far we've come," Coren was beaming, truly proud of them all. "Even Mattis and Mirkon are keeping out of trouble. I can't believe how good this feels. To have friends. To be with you." She glided up to place a kiss on Rolan's cheek. Thunder clapped over head.
    "Do you think we'll make it?" Rolan peered up assessing the sky.
    "No. I can feel it under my skin. It's too close." Coren tugged herself closer. "You're not afraid of a little rain now are you?"
    Rolan huffed playfully. "Of course not. I just don't want to get our nice clothes wet. Or ruin your dress for tomorrow." He said lifting the bag.
    Coren produced a pout. "I'm not sure if I should take offense to that or not. You know I wouldn't let you get wet if you don't want to. I'll always be here to protect you, my love, especially from the Big Bad Evil Rain Storm."
    "As it should be, my dear," he smiled warmly, pressing his lips softly to her forehead between her horns. "But that's not the point and you know it." He held out his hand. "Let me Dimension Door us to the Tower."
    "Fine." She exaggerated a sigh, but tangled her fingers with his all the same. "But you know how much I like the rain. That first wave always makes me feel so powerful," she pouted over exaggerating her bottom lip.
    Rolan pulled her close, resting his forehead on her's and wrapping his other arm around her back. A mischievous grin pulled at his mouth as he whispered, "In that case, my dear, let me see what I can do." He lifted her up into a kiss, but this time she pulled herself closer deepening the kiss as they disappeared from the street in an arcane flash.
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    Rain softly pelted the tower windows. Coren lightly skipped over the sopping wet clothes passionately thrown across the bedroom floor after being ripped from heated bodies. That was future Coren's problem. She slid into bed, handing Rolan a fresh glass of water, and seated herself beside him. Coren took a bite of leftover strawberry lemon cake she'd gathered as Rolan gulped down his drink.
     "So," she continued, dusting the crumbs off Rolan's shirt that hung loosely over her smaller frame. "What was that weird look between you and Dammon earlier?" she asked, chewing another bite of sour sweet cake.
    "What look?" Rolan asked, not hiding the small awkward cough of water as well as he thought.
    Swallowing her snack, Coren continued, "Dammon gave you a look when we met up earlier. Like you knew something I didn't. So, fess up."
   "As I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about, there is nothing to ‘fess up.’"
She studied him for a moment. He held her gaze with his sunny sunflower eyes, but Coren sensed he was holding something back.
   "No, there was definitely something weird between you two when Dammon wanted to show me the wedding rings." Rolan readjusted himself, placing his glass on his nightstand. “And since we’ve been together over a year, I think I know when you’re trying to hide something from me.”
  “Oh, do you now?”
   “Yes, so what has you all cagey about Alfira’s rings? Why would you and Dammon- '' A thought struck her at that moment. “Unless,” she started, more to herself than him. A flutter of excitement stirred in her stomach. “Unless there are other rings you two talk about. Are you going to ask Dammon to make rings?” Her tail curled behind her and she threw her weight forward on her arms. 
   Rolan’s neck tensed, he averted his gaze, and scoffed. “I don’t need to ask him to make anything. It’s already made.”
   Coren bounced back on her thighs, “You had rings made for us?! Let me see!” Her tail thumped behind her and her voice a little too loud.
   “No. I had a ring made. Your ring. One. And I know the second you see it you’re going to put it on.” Coren shook her head in agreement. That’s exactly what she would do. Without a doubt. Rolan sighed, “I just haven’t found the right time to ask. I wanted the moment to be as perfect as you are.”
   Coren almost groaned, “If that’s what you’re waiting for, then I’ll never see it. Just a little peek. Please.” She purred, leaning forward, “You know I never beg. Pretty please.” Her tail swished behind her.
   Pinching the bridge of his nose Rolan relented. “Fine. No use keeping it from you now. But, just one look.” 
   Coren was vibrating with her giddiness. He knew now that she was aware of its existence, Coren would certainly spend every unsupervised moment tearing the tower apart in search of it. Might as well save himself the trouble of cleaning up the destruction in her wake. Rolan leaned over, opened the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out nothing. Clutching an empty hand he muttered a dispelling incantation. A beautiful purpleheart wooden box was revealed in his hand. 
   Coren gaped, “It was there the whole time!?”
   “Easily concealed from the wandering eyes of a sorceress by a simple Invisibility charm.” Rolan bragged as Coren pouted, protruding her pillowy bottom lip, and grumbling about wishing she’d taken Volo’s eye. She thumped her tail behind her. Rolan eased the box open revealing a single stone dark metal band.
   Springing forward, Coren snatched the ring from its box and held it up to her face closely examining it. It was a simple ring, but Coren didn't mind. There was something familiar about the cold dark blue-grey metal that she couldn't quite place. The band itself was almost plain looking except for a few faint runes Coren could feel, but not really make out. She'd never seen anything like the dark center stone before, but she could sense it tugging at the magic within her. 
   Drawn in by the stone, Coren hadn't realized she had lined it up with her finger ready to slip it on until Rolan grabbed her hand.
   “Wait,” he paused, sliding the ring out her. "You must be sure before you put it on." 
    "Why? Is it cursed?” Coren smirked. “Did you make me a cursed ring I could never take off?" she quipped.
    Immediately Rolan rebutted, "Of course not. But you would be the one to wear a cursed item without a second thought."
    Coren leaned in to tease. "Did you curse it so that I would never leave you? Because you were already cursed with that the moment I survived the Absolute."
     "Is that so?" Rolan chuckled, a soft grin pulling up to one side. "No, it's not cursed, but it is heavily enchanted,” he stated. “Everything from the Adamantine metal to the gems, Astral Shard, and engravings were all meticulously selected for their specific arcane properties,” he explained, turning the ring over in his fingers as he did. “I wanted something that would not only look beautiful, but enhance the natural abilities of its talented wearer.” He looked at her with a cheeky smile before his brows knit together. “It will immediately attune to you once you put it on, so you must be sure.” With a wistful sigh he continued, “I only wish I could have come up with a worthy way to ask you to wear it.” 
    Coren arched her brow and smiled softly trying to lighten the mood, “Like, what, getting down one knee in front of the Baulderan fountain? That guy’s an asshole.”
    “Ha, it had been a thought.” Rolan admitted. “I wasn't sure if it would be better to ask in the traditional Baulderian manner, or if one of the many tiefling customs would have been more appropriate. I-"
    Coren slid her hand over Rolan's, "Darling, you're overthinking this. My answer would be the same regardless of the way it's done. Do what feels right for you. Don't hold yourself to the standards of others- we know they fall short of your greatness anyway.” She smirked trying to boost his ego a little before continuing, “Alfria proposed to Lakrissa in song because that's what bards do. Do what feels comfortable to you. I can't answer a question I'm never asked, but don’t doubt yourself. Because- I hope you know- there’s no doubt about my answer.” Coren's words were earnest before she looked down in his hand, “I am still going to put the ring on though."
    "Wait!" Rolan said, adjusting to his knees. "One moment." His eyes frantically darted around nothing as he worked through a thought in his head. Rolan lifted his hands drawing purple arcane sigils, whispering an incantation under his breath.
    The bedroom around them slowly disappeared into darkness. A deep, unnatural, pitch-filled darkness. It almost reminded Coren of the imposed darkness of the Shadows Curse, but there was no impression of evil. A sense of ease fell as Rolan's magic settled through the room like a warm blanket. The arcane nature of the spell almost made it difficult to see even as Coren strained her dark vision to make out the outline of the man in front of her. There was stillness for a moment while she felt the arcane energy in the room shift as another spell was cast in the darkness.
    "Coren," Rolan breathed gently, grazing his fingers along her own until he held her hand in his. The moment he spoke movement in her peripheral drew her attention away from the direction of his voice.
    Across the room deep in the darkness, a tiny mote of golden light flickered like a firefly.
    "My beautiful storm. My peaceful center." Another slightly bigger green light appeared. Then a blue, and a purple. A colorful assortment of lights began to spark into life around them as Rolan spoke. "Since the moment I met you, I have called you many things. There were a few I– admittedly–regret, but the rest, you, have brought me so much joy."
    The chromatic oscillation surrounding them was memorizing. Like standing in a field of dancing technicolor fireflies. Try as she might to focus on Rolan, Coren couldn't help but look around in wonder. The stars themselves didn't sparkle as bright. She recalled this enchanting feeling forming in her chest. The way her heart skipped a beat in her camp by the Grove while she watched Rolan perform for his siblings. A precursor to the magnificence engulfing her now. The longing for people that cared for her like this little family clearly cared for each other. It was breathtaking.
    With a gentle squeeze to her hand, Rolan brought her back to him, he held the dark metal band over her finger. "Would you please allow me the long overdue honor of calling you my wife?" He whispered, sliding the ring onto her finger.
    Bright, electric blue light crackled around the metal of the band, followed by a softer icey blue feathering. The interior of the center gem whirled like a galaxy and flickered like a storm. A warm sensation crept from Coren's finger up her arm, through her very veins, through the threads of Weave inside her. Small jagged crystals in shades of white & blue jetted up around the center shard. 
    The warm sensation spread through her chest like a deep, calm breath. It rippled through her body like a beating heart and the primordial elemental magic inside her beat with it. Tears silently slid down her cheek. Where once she felt the constant clawing to contain it, now she felt like it lay in the palm of her hand. Ready to wield. The magic enveloped her like a familiar embrace. It felt like power. It felt like love. Like Rolan.
    “Coren,” Rolan whispered, touching his horned forehead to her’s, “are you going to give me my answer?”
    If she wasn’t so damn enthralled by him right now, she knew there was a joke to make there. Stupid wizard and his enchanting displays of affection. She nodded her head and cupped his cheek in her hand.
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ctheathy · 1 year
I don't know if requests are open, but can you maybe write some secret history Tails headcanons with a fox darling? I find that concept so cute ^-^❤
Secret History Tails w/ fox!Darling
Secret History Tails x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Mashed pls I’m starting to run out of pictures
Author’s note : Two foxies coming right up~!
The timeline for this concept isn’t explicitly stated, so I’ll leave that up to you, sweetie☺️🌻
SH Tails/Reader [Romantic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Insecurities mention • Clinginess
Ooh, boy. Better give your farewells to personal space and time of your own as this man is going to be spending up all time he has on you. We all know that Tails over here is an incredibly attached and admiring to whoever managed to steal his heart. He is completely devoted to you and shows this through whatever means he has to in order to prove himself. But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t taken some things for himself either. For example, a singular hug from you is what gets him through the day. One little hand stroke can heal his sour mood within a matter of milliseconds for the rest of the week. Give him a peck and he’ll do whatever you ask him to, cause you have him so very tied up in your love. He cannot help but crawl back and even beg for more as long as it results in his needs being fulfilled. His hands are going to be all over you, deeply hoping it not only ensures his comfort, but yours of course as well.
He is specifically incredibly touchy with your own tail, it truly seeming to be his favourite body part to just completely cling to. You can often even catch the mobian staring in thought at your singular tail, just ... completely awestruck. Seemingly getting lost in his own mind. Sadly though, there also happens to be an upsetting part to these observations. As despite how the harassment of his tormentors have been left to the past, there remains this insecurity lingering in the back of his head about his extra tail. Despite feeling too anxious to ask you for the reassurance, he’ll likely be especially needy that day knowing the closure in your presence easily has the capability of making him feel better. Even at his lowest, giving him one little caress with your tail still has him shaking with euphoria.
Speaking of both of your tails, you two absolutely don’t have a singular moment in eachother’s company where they aren’t tangled up with one another, the two just holding eachother to try and stick closer to one another and to always be in contact. I also truly enjoy the idea of you two having created some sorts of ‘courtship dance’ with your tails, much like swans do with their necks. And to make this better, due to his second tail, he continuously makes little slip ups as it accidentally caresses and crashes with your own. He just cannot help it-! His tails tend to instinctively sway in excitement when around you, just with how happy you make him feel, which usually result in always having a good laugh at his sheepish attempts.
I feel due to you being another fox and holding similar instincts, including that of picking one single mate for life, he’d be a whole lot less paranoid when it comes to your relationship with one another. While his usual possessive aura and fear for being dumped would be literal skyrockets high, he feels as if he can truly be at his calmest around you. This makes the relationship a lot more trustworthy than the others do, as his usual unsteady demeanor is really just a result of him being terrified of you finding someone ‘better’ than him. For this case, Tails would have no problem just speaking his mind and share his thoughts that aren’t visible among the outer surface by body language or certain moods in behaviour. In fact, he may be a little bit too comfortable with you. He is like an open book, just sharing literally everything that even crosses his mind for a split second. But you certainly do appreciate the wholesomeness of him trusting you as much as he does.
It truly pays off for the genuineness of the bond.
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drangy · 26 days
Sonic headCanon icons Part 2!!
(Sorry it is late, i was soooo busy)
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🧡 Secret history Tails🧡
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💝Secret History Amy and Secret history Sonic🩵
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Satanos - i headCanon him to be Agender/Genderless, XenoGender (Xe/Him) and Gay/Homosexual
Curse - i headCanon him to Trans-male (already canon), Pansexual and Genderfluid
Sanic - I headCanon him to be XenoGender (Xe/it) and Aroace
Secret history Tails - i headCanon him to be Genderfluid, XenoGender (He/Xe/It) and Gay/Homosexual
TSAA Amy - I heacanon her to be Bisexual
Secret history Sonic - i headCanon him to gay/homosexual
Reguest (kinda) by @fleeglefazbeagle
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sssammich · 6 months
For Character ask:
Kelly: 12, 20 :)
Andrea: 12, 15 :)
LMAO okay happy to answer these now that im home
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
i headcanon that she goes to the shooting range as a means of decompressing and releasing tension and to keep her skills up to par. i think it's meditative and centering in some ways for her. which is, also, i think an excellent way to see her relationship with her military past and her civilian life come at an intersection.
additionally, i like to think that she takes lena with her. it's their secret friend date that they go to and if she thinks that the danvers sisters or others are on their tail, she has at least five other places she knows about to rotate through and it's something that she shares ONLY with lena.
but i just headcanon that kelly, in general, needs her time for herself to recharge and reflect and tether back to herself especially when she's doing any particular heroics or have to contend with particularly heavy matters. as a result, i think she's the kind of person who employs 'astronaut time' and sets up that kind of boundary for herself.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
ohhhh i want her and andrea to be best friends. they have a shared history already, but i just think that out of everybody, kelly is the one best suited to understand andrea and/or lena next. especially from the superfriends. and that's that on that.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
this is silly and a little sad but my headcanon is that she talks to herself in the morning and gives herself a mantra. she reminds herself she's the boss, that she's in charge, and that she's in control of herself and her destiny. like she goes through her skincare regimen and get ready for the day but that she literally spends thirty seconds in front of the mirror and talks to herself. out loud. says it in both english and in spanish. it's her armor. because she doesn't hear it from her father, but she needs to hear it so she has to say it to herself.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
well im having a blast writing collateral with a tangled superrojas in there. rojarias works as such interesting foils to supercorp in several ways. but to be totally honest, idk if i have a favorite ship for her. you see, im a shipper, so i actually go with what i think narratively is more compelling. so if the story calls for her to get with someone, then that's my favorite ship. because it serves the narrative. i think her overall snarky and antagonistic dynamics with kara is fun, the textured history with lena is fascinating, and i think combining her even with more even-keeled people like kelly or sam are also fascinating to kind of highlight those lurking qualities in her. BASICALLY i will ship her with whoever is the best and gayest pick LOL
character ask meme
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