#second time i was a counselor at a different camp
indecisivemuch · 3 days
hii first of all luv the username cause as a libra rising, samedt ;-; i'd like to make a request for a luke x f!reader fic pls!! um, so they're best friends, and luke decides to confess to r by giving her gifts, letters, trinkets, etc. with hints about his identity, but she doesn't know who they're from. so she asks for luke's help to find out about the identity of her secret admirer. but what if there's like a mistaken identity and she thinks it's someone from the hermes cabin (maybe chris? or one of the stoll brothers idk) and luke's just all pouty but nonchalant or something, but deep down he's like 'how do i even make her see' or something (while also second guessing that maybe he shouldn't confess it's him) like fluff with tiny angst :>
Message in a Bottle
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Reader
Summary: You got a secret admirer and recruited Luke to help you find out who they are...ignoring the most obvious option (Fluff, angst, best friends to lovers, happy ending)
Note: I'm so sorry for the six month hiatus. It wasn't by choice, I swear 😭. So many bad things kept happening that prevented me from writing (is this the writers curse people kept talking about?). Also, the request wanted only a sprinkle of angst, but I kinda got out of hand with it I think 😭 (sorry).
Word count: 4.4k (whoops)
You’ve always thought that too much of something is bad. Yet, ever since the day your life intertwined with Luke Castellan’s, you weren’t very sure about that anymore. 
The two of you arrived at camp around the same time, entering a friendship that felt like hitting the jackpot. Your early days together were something that you both treasured dearly. Every time you thought a certain time period would someday be reminisced as the golden days of your friendships, new things would come, and top it off. 
However, golden skies were soon evaded by clouds of pink hues. You found yourself noticing and appreciating small details you haven’t noticed before about your best friend. Initially, you acknowledged the growing feeling but decided that they better remain as footnotes in chapters of your life. However, fate’s design was different to your plans, because two years later, here you were: you looked at him almost in the same way a fool would look at the world with rose-colored glasses (but then again, maybe it was because you have learned to embrace and adore his flaws).
The Hermes cabin counselor snapped his head towards the sound of your voice, eyes straying from his duty of the hour. A smile began forming on his face as you came to view, almost like he has always been programmed to do so. There was a certain spring in your steps. Moments like these made Luke feel like he was a minimalist because your happiness was somehow enough to guarantee his own. 
You situated yourself next to Luke on the ground, not minding the dirt.
“Hey now, I’m meant to be watching these kids train, don’t come over and distract me,” the Hermes cabin counselor warned, though he didn’t move his eyes away from you. He simply couldn’t.
Everything about you served as a distraction to him. From the soft smirk gracing your lips to the innocent tilting of your head. Every little detail about you was captivating and was equally capable of drawing his attention away from wherever it was meant to be. 
In fact, his attention issue around you was getting rather shameless because his friends have begun picking up on it and started teasing him for it. Personally, Luke doesn’t think it was his fault. His eyes just happen to draw to you in every room like second nature, while his mind short-circuited every time you were near. 
Maybe, and just maybe being rational and able to function properly has stopped being his forte…at least whenever you were around.
Your eyes moved to the group of kids that were only going to be at camp for the summer. From the looks of it, Luke has just assigned them to practice sword fighting in pairs. You then glanced back at your best friend, discreetly drinking in the sight of him. 
No doubt he did his fair share of demonstration before letting these kids go off on their own, because right now, his face was slightly flushed, veins evident on his forearm while the familiar orange shirt clung onto his body with glistening sweat.
You shook away the non-platonic thoughts and teased him, “Oh, come on, you wouldn’t pass up on talking to me. You adore me too much.” 
Damn right, he does. Luke could feel his cheeks heat up again.
“Fine. What are you here for, firecracker?”
“I got another gift,” you informed, presenting the bracelet in your hand. 
For the past month, you have been receiving small letters and gifts. This time it was a handmade bracelet with beads of your favorite colors, as well as charms that represented some of your hobbies and favorite things. It was clear that your anonymous admirer had put a lot of thought into such a small item. However, as always, there were no identities attached to it, leaving you clueless about the person behind these gestures.
Luke took your hand in his, eying the accessory that perfectly fitted your wrist. He started toying with the beads around your wrist that were shining in your favorite color.
The boy’s gaze flicked from the object to you, catching your soft and warm look. Gods, if you kept looking at him like that, he might just actually stop thinking logically. He could practically feel a confession lingering behind his lips, threatening to spew the second his ropes of restraint died.
“Anyway, I came here with an idea,” you broke the silence. “What if I try to find out who this person is? I mean, some of these gifts are quite specific. They seem to know my favorite color, flowers, and things I like. Surely, it wouldn’t be that hard to narrow it down and figure it out?”
Something shifted in your best friend’s behavior and you could feel it. There was a slight flustering look on Luke’s face as he avoided eye contact with you. It was rather strange to see the Hermes cabin counselor so fidgety. Luke has always been confident and composed, and you’d often be the one to humble down his playful cocky remarks. Half-way through looking at his behavior, you began speaking:
Luke could feel the blood draining from his face at your facial expression, his face paling despite how flushed he was seconds ago from demonstrating sword fighting. The boy tried to regain his composure, though his attempt at seeming nonchalant failed as you touched his arm. Did you—
“You can be my inside man, talk to these guys to see if they’d slip up or something like that.” 
“I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” Luke hastily replied, clearing his throat.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did that come across as a suggestion? I hate to break it to you but being best friends means you sorta have to participate in my schemes,” your lips curled as Luke grunted at your words. 
“Yeah, but—”
“Luke, please…it’ll be fun,” he almost scoffed at your words and unconvincing argument. Clearly, the two of you had different definitions of fun. Just as he opened his mouth to reject your idea again, his eyes caught yours. You were looking at him in such an eager and heart-warming gaze that it made him forget what he was intending to say.
Ah, there was no denying anymore. Being rational and able to function properly has truly stopped being his forte.
“Fine,” Luke uttered, the word pricking his tongue as regret started kicking in as he accepted being your accomplice. This decision could only come back to bite him in the ass. He watched as you quickly celebrated his lack of restraint.
“Ah, you gave in quite quickly,” you jabbed.
“Shut up.”
Oh, you were going to be the death of him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Two days have passed since you got Luke to agree to help you find your secret admirer. Though, the boy must say, the last forty eight hours have been slightly comedic for him, watching you trying to track down your secret admirer…
While the real sender of those gifts was right beside you, nodding along to your every word. 
Luke’s mind trailed to the origin of this “secret admirer” idea. He started it as a way to abate the urge of straight-up blurting out how love-struck he was with his own best friend, while also testing out the waters before finally confessing his feelings for you. 
Though it was slightly amusing how the idea led him to where he was right at that moment. The Hermes cabin counselor zoned out as he pretended to speak to another boy you thought was behind those sweet gifts and letters. 
Luke used to have those feelings under rein, but self-repression only caused it to grow exponentially. Initially, the Hermes cabin counselor dismissed those beyond friendly thoughts, thinking they would eventually fizzle away. However, against his predictions, this fondness towards you became a sort of companion to him for three long years. 
Not only that, years of excessively burying these feelings six feet underground also came back to bite him in the ass because instead of having his feelings under control, they now have the upper hand. 
Sometimes he felt like a puppet, while his feelings plucked the strings. His facial expressions were forever cursed to be sculpted in raw yearning whenever around you, having no choice over how he reacts to everything related to you.
But it didn’t matter, because he was going to finally confess soon.
Luke almost burst out laughing at the way you were standing in anticipation, waiting for his intel on the most recent candidate. It was entertaining, to say the least, pretending to engage in investigative conversation before heading back to you, shaking his head in feigned disappointment. 
However, it didn’t take long before the Hermes cabin counselor started feeling sour.
Just as he made it back to your side, he watched as you started talking again, already discussing the next guy you thought might have done these things that Luke himself came up with. He eyed your in sync footsteps with a heavy heart. Despite the matching movement, he somehow still felt eternally behind. Luke was so close, yet so far away, and never quite able to grasp onto your ever moving attention. 
Did you not consider him as an option at all? Did you truly not see him as anything other than a good friend? It started stinging him knowing you were considering all these other guys as potential candidates — the faces that now haunt him in his sleep, poisoning his mind with an acidic jealousy that was eating away his common senses and fueling immoral thoughts. 
Soon enough, that same jealousy seared his mind with this overwhelming self-doubt. Luke’s foot started feeling cold at the thought of confessing. Gods, he never thought the same security behind anonymity would now make him feel desperate to be seen by you. 
“Maybe I should give up,” you concluded, mindlessly staring ahead. Your attention elsewhere gave Clarisse and Chris an opportunity to send each other knowing looks. The two have been watching you run around in circles on a goose hunt, not knowing to look right behind at the sulking figure that was trailing after you. 
Your distracted state also meant you didn’t notice the moping human situated beside you. However, hearing your declaration of ending your chase, Luke saw a window of opportunity. Maybe now was finally the time to be truthful. After all, if he doesn’t tell you, then how will you know and see him? Luke’s momentary motivation carried him through waves of dejection.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something,” Luke blurted out without much more thought or preparation, and his tone made you fully turn to him. Just as words finally formed and the boy opened his mouth to tell you—
“Hey Y/N, can I talk to you privately?” Somebody interrupted. Your eyes didn’t leave Luke immediately, but when you saw your best friend’s momentum had faltered, you turned to the stranger. It was another Hermes boy, somebody who you’ve seen around. You politely agreed and left with him. 
“So, I heard you’ve been looking for the person who’s been giving you anonymous gifts. And well, it’s your lucky day, 'cause…” the boy stared you up and down while you subconsciously took a small step back when he leaned forward. “...I’ve decided to come forward and reveal myself.”
“Okay…well, prove it” you squinted. Though your skepticism didn’t make the Hermes boy in front of you falter. Clearly, he expected this.
“The first thing you were given was a note, and…the two most recent gifts were a cassette tape and a bracelet — which was made from beads of your favorite color and charms like…” you zoned out as the boy started listing out some of your favorite activities that were indeed the charms on your bracelet. You fiddled with the bracelet that you had purposefully hidden out of his view right behind your back.
There was a pinch in your heart that signaled the last bit of hope dying. 
Oh…so Luke really wasn’t your secret admirer.
You internally scoffed at yourself. You should have known right after he said yes to helping you out with finding your secret admirer — which was originally an idea used as bait to determine if Luke was the sender or not, because if it was really him then he wouldn’t have agreed to help you out with this. However, not only did your best friend agree without much convincing from you, but he had seemed so nonchalant and unaffected as you named all these boys you wanted him to talk to. 
Perhaps this secret admirer thing was something good. Somebody has shown interest and their actions have been nothing but sweet. Those letters contained words that were eternally bound to your memories, even altering the way you view yourself for the better. Maybe you could get to know this person and move on from hopelessly crushing on your best friend.  
Halfway through, you realize you were so engulfed in your thoughts that you have zoned out to half of the things the Hermes boy was saying, and merely caught onto the last bit of his speech:
“...thinking maybe we could go on a date and get to know each other more tonight?”
Your stomach churned again, yet you nodded your head.
Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. 
Your friends gave you questioning looks when you got back to where they were, clearly curious about what you were pulled away for.
“So…that was my secret admirer, and I’m going on a date with him tonight,” you hoped you sounded more enthusiastic than you were feeling. You tried convincing yourself at least it was good knowing definitely how your best friend actually felt about you. Quickly sitting down, you kept your eyes on Clarisse, knowing if you even looked over at Luke, he’d be able to tell straight away that something was wrong.
Your lack of focus also meant you didn’t think much of the quiet murmur from your best friend: “Sorry, I just remember I need to do something.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. It was now the afternoon and you just finished getting ready for your date. As you were leaving, you spotted a note at the foot of your cabin. Seeing your name written on the paper, you picked it up while eying it peculiarly.
“You could be the one that I love, 
I could be the one that you dream of,
Message in a bottle is all I can do, 
Standing here hoping it gets to you.”
Your gut feeling stirred, hitting you with waves of higher certainty over suspicions you have previously had and denied.
Those lyrics were directly associated with a memory from summer two years ago. 
Luke and you were sitting by the campfire when he asked what your favorite song was. You told him the name and mentioned you hadn’t listened to it in a while because using technology devices with signals were dangerous for Demigods. The conversation slipped your mind but clearly loitered in your best friend’s mind, because two months later while on your way back to camp from your quest together, he gifted you a tape player along with a cassette of said song along with others that you liked.
You blinked away the image of you leaning on Luke’s shoulder while the two of you listened to the song together on the train back to camp.
You re-read the note again while shaking your head. Perhaps it was a coincidence. Perhaps, that Hermes boy knew the song and it was also one of his favorites. Perhaps—
Your hand started trembling around the paper. Your eyes landed on one small detail in the note: a particular handwriting choice. The rest of it matched with previous notes, but there was one singular scribbling feature you’ve never seen used before. 
Everything came crashing down and your internal eternal cycle of excuses and denial shattered.
You ran. It didn’t matter that it was raining and your attire was getting soaked. It didn’t matter at all because you were frustrated and confused. In other instances, you would have been elated at the possibility of mutual affection, but in that moment, exasperation blinded you from sensibility. 
If what you have concluded was true, then why on Earth would he allow you to go on a date with a person who stole credit for things they didn’t do? This whole time, he made you feel like a fool — for waiting that long and having hope after all that time; for asking the person you were looking for to hunt them down with you; for sulking despite having what you thought was a good opportunity to come along; for borderline going on a date with an imposter; and for not seeing it all along that it was him. 
“It’s you, isn’t it?” you called out.
Despite the rain, you could see your best friend’s figure stiffened before turning around to face you. The boy stood with his hands behind his back, not yet daring to look at you. 
“The “th”. You connected the cross in the ‘t’ directly to the ‘h’,” you presented the note in your hand, pointing specifically at the slip up that Luke had made in the latest note, not caring of the raindrops that were hitting the paper. “It’s how I write it, and you started writing it the same way a year after we got to know each other because you liked the way it looked,” you pressed further.
The expression on Luke’s face painted your theory into the truth of the situation. You felt your hand slightly shaking at the revelation.
“Why? You left anonymous gifts and notes and watched me put on this hunt — which by the way, was for you. And didn’t even say anything when a guy lied and said he was my secret admirer? Is this one big cruel prank?”
“Oh! Well then, surely at one point in this whole thing, you felt like you should just tell me?” 
“I was going to.”
“Then where were you when I was just about to head out with that fraud? Maybe if you really liked me and really cared for me, like all those damn notes say, you would have fought for m—”
“I did,” Luke finally raised his voice, his face briefly hardened in an attempt to convey his desperation. His chest heaved, and the way it did almost made you think the anger radiating off every inch of his skin right then was directed towards you. But it wasn’t, and he knew you knew. 
“I confronted him right after he claimed that he was the one who gave you all those things.” 
Invisible ivies rooted your foot to the ground. You gulped, trying to digest the information you were given. However, it finally sunk in when Luke’s hands appeared from behind his back. It was then that you could see the bandage wrapped around his knuckles. Your breath hiccuped in both flattery and worry at the implication of what he had done. The darkness behind those deep hazel-brown orbs reflected a certain side of your best friend that you hadn’t seen before. Although, part of you felt like you wouldn’t mind it.
It made Luke’s blood boil knowing what he dedicated to you from the bottom of his heart was spoiled by ill intentions. Luke should have known better than to carelessly write all the letters and craft those gifts right on his bunk bed, rather than discreetly. 
Once again, the Hermes cabin counselor was pulled back to memories from an hour ago. The way the other boy shot remarks at Luke’s lack of precautions, boasting his wrong-doings like someone incapable of having a guilty conscience. Luke's jaw tightened as the image of the sly smirk on the other Hermes boy's face flashed in his mind, but a wave of satisfaction ran through him as he recalled how quickly that smirk was wiped away by his own fist.
They might be brothers by a fraction, but blood or not, that boy was dead to Luke the second he tried tricking you.
“And no, I wouldn’t have let you go out with a fraudster. Never,” Luke’s eyes softened. “And in case it’s not implied enough: I like you…a lot. I was going to confess but then this guy came along lying,” Luke could feel that tremor returning once more to his fist. He hated that something he built, from scratch, on the foundation of sincerity was momentarily tainted by the hands of a spineless liar. Not only that, he hated witnessing somebody so dear to him getting deceived in such a tasteless manner.
“I also…didn’t want to get hurt. It was starting to seem like you would ever consider me as more than just a friend with the way you were listing out all these other guys. So for a bit there I was considering just keeping quiet…forever” he confessed, eyes now straying away from you and down to his shoes.
You observed your best friend through a new perspective. So your initial suspicions were true. You had thought it was him because all the things you have received hinted to somebody who knew you so well, and who else at camp but Luke knew this many things about you. But ultimately, another part of you — the proclaimed “logical” side — has hyper-analyzed every split second you two have shared and deemed that Luke has not given any true signs of interest in you beyond as a friend. Thus, you dismissed the thought of Luke being your secret admirer.
You know now to trust your gut feelings more.
“Oh, Luke Castellan, you dumb ass…” you spoke softly underneath your breath, but you knew he heard you perfectly clearly from the way he slightly peered up. Your heart almost shattered at the dejected look on your best friend’s face and the thought of him burying his feelings eternally. You sure as hell would not allow that to be this timeline.
“I’ve liked you ever since the day you went out of your way and gave me that first cassette tape,” the marveled look on Luke’s face over your confession made you continue, “I guess I should have known it was you…cause gift giving has always been your love language.” It seemed like the boy was too stunned and struck frozen. However, his shell-shock state didn’t last long, because soon, your best friend’s gaze reverted back to the way he has always looked at you, only slightly more intense.
Your eyes fluttered at the sight of Luke Castellan in front of you at that moment. You were finally able to see the effect you’ve always had on him. The way his lips hung slightly agape, eyes dilated in such a way you were no longer able to see their usual color anymore, chest slightly heaving despite lack of physical reasons for such a reaction. You almost wanted to hit yourself for being such a fool and not spotting these details sooner. 
“Now, Castellan…you have two options,” you stepped closer to him, leaving an appropriate amount of personal space in between. “You either kiss me or—”
Luke grabbed your wrist with his uninjured hand and pulled you in. The same hand-guided your arms around his neck while also effectively eliminating the remaining distance between you two. 
Without hesitation, he kissed you.
Likewise, you returned the action without a second thought. You frankly didn’t care about the rain that was soaking the both of you. Kissing Luke felt like such a natural act that it felt simply like diving home. The way he held you made you feel like you were a national treasure he was so afraid of losing. Gods, you don’t think you mind doing this ever so often.
Though, there was a certain urgency in the way Luke kissed you, as if afraid you’d either vanish or you’d change your mind. You pressed your lips harder against his, hoping he’d understand you didn’t intend on leaving or having a change of heart.
A grunt escaped his throat as you kissed him harder. Oh, Luke Castellan already knew he was in immense trouble. He knew almost immediately that the concerning number of thoughts he had about you each day would only increase tenfold from this day on. He wondered if you could taste all of his unspoken words. If kissing you felt like this, he might as well sign away his heart, body, and mind to you. In fact, he’d sign anything you put in front of him without even considering the fine prints. 
Luke slowly backed you against a tree, giving you a bit of support to lean against whilst shielding the both of you from the heavy rain. He smiled into the kiss as you hummed at his action, feeling it echo against his lips. His heart tugged, almost leaping out of his chest when your hands made their way to both sides of his face, cupping it intently like holding something yours. Yours. Fuck, he loved the sound of that. 
You were the first to break the kiss. The both of you gasped for air while maintaining eye contact. The close-up view of his intense gaze drove your cheeks rosy. You could not help but admire the way his locks of wet curly hair clung onto his forehead, while raindrops fell from his face, some following the length of his eyelashes before falling — Oh, the way he glanced down at your lips at that second made you feel almost like you had the power to convince him into anything at the moment. 
“You’re my best friend…” he broke the silence.
“...but what if I want you to be more than that?”
“I can be both,” Luke’s lips broke out into a smile, and you mirrored his facial expression. He leaned his forehead against yours whilst softly rubbing his thumb soothingly against your waist.
“I’m not against that.” 
As a larger grin broke out on your lips, Luke’s eyes further softened. He realized right there and then that anything you wanted, he would not be against it. A breath of relief quietly escaped beneath Luke’s breath. He could not wait for whatever was in store for the both of you in the future.
Good thing his messages in a bottle did get to you.
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orphicnatural · 1 year
sammy coded: fire in my domicile x2
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Sometimes I remember the fact that one time during camp me & four other girls got sent to live in a cabin meant for 25+ people by ourselves and during the three weeks we spent there had the biggest amounts of horror experiences I've ever experienced in a single camp trip and I just think to myself, what the fuck
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xanasaurusrex · 8 months
clarisse being touchy clarisse la rue x reader (no godly parent specified) a/n: this randomly came to me while rewatching the second episode and i decided to write it. it's 11:30pm at the time of starting this, so idk how coherent this is gonna be, but it's gonna be cute, so strap in and enjoy the ride! taglist: @asvterias @lvrue @thewritingbarbie @kroumi @ravisinghs-wife
you were used to seeing a touchy clarisse. the two often found ways to be alone, to be just the two of you alone together. this was when clarisse got out all of her touchiness on you. whenever the two of you were in your little world, she never let go of you.
but the past few days had been busy. there had been lots of different types of incidents, and the two of you hadn't been able to get together just the two of you.
so when some of the other camp counsellors announced that they were holding a counselor-only bonfire, the two of you jumped at the opportunity.
at the beginning of the bonfire, clarisse was just holding your hand. you would occasionally lean your head on her shoulder, and she would lay her cheek on the top of your head. a few times, she pressed a kiss to your hair as well.
nobody really blinked at that, since those were things that the two of you already did. it was a bit of a shock at first, clarisse acting anything but hostile towards another person, but at this point, after the two of you dating for over a year, everyone was used to it.
as the night wore on, however, clarisse's restraint dissolved. she wanted so desperately to hold you, to grab onto you and never let you go.
she started following you around wherever you were, refusing to let go of your hands. when you told her that you needed your hands to get s'more stuff, she decided to just curl her arm around your waist, and refuse to let that go.
after a while, you wandered off while she was talking to someone from her cabin. she realized two seconds too late that you had extricated her hand from your waist, and she whirled around, freaking out.
she caught sight of you just a few seconds later, sitting in a camping chair roasting a marshmallow. her eyebrows knitted together as she walked up behind you.
she gently laid her hands on your shoulders, startling you slightly. you turned your head sharply, but smiled when you caught sight of her. "hi!" you said cheerily.
clarisse's mouth turned down into a sad frown as she gave you her puppy dog eyes.
"what?" you asked, turning around further in the chair to be more head on with her.
clarisse blew out a sad breath, and made eye contact with you as she asked, "why did you leave me?"
"oh my gods," you let out a laugh as you sagged against the camping chair. "you're so dramatic," you said.
clarisse scoffed. "i looked away for one second! one second, and you were gone! i thought a monster got you," she huffed.
"no you didn't!" you started cackling as you took hold of her hand that was rested on the top of the camping chair. you gave it a gentle kiss and looked up at clarisse through your lashes, giving her your own puppy dog eyes, the ones that were famous for getting clarisse to do literally anything you want. she wavers, but does her best to remain composed. "do you wanna come sit with me?"
and that was it.
clarisse immediately walked around the camping chair, and grabbed your hands to pull you up. she sat down in the chair, and then pulled you to sit in her lap.
this was something that clarisse loved, something the two of you did quite a lot. there was just something about having you, the most important person in her life, on her lap. she was able to wrap her arms around your waist and pull you closer to her. she was also able to lay her head on your shoulder, and she really loved that.
as soon as you were sat securely on her lap, she pulled the two of you closer, and laid her head on your shoulder, closing her eyes with a small smile on her face. she laid her hand in the crook of your elbow, gently stroking your arm as you roasted your marshmallow.
it was times like this that you and clarisse absolutely shocked everyone else at camp.
clarisse was a daughter of ares, and she really fit the bill. she was known for being ruthless in combat, absolutely terrifying with her magic spear. she hunted fearlessly in her neck of the woods during capture the flag, and it was so renowned that everybody avoided those woods as best they could during the games.
suffice to say, clarisse was known for being scary.
but she was different when she was with you. it was like you flicked a switch somewhere inside of her, made her different. you softened her edges, made her less scratchy. well, with you at least. she was still just as scratchy with everyone else, so to speak.
right at this very moment, luke, chris, and a few other counselors were looking at the two of you in complete awe and confusion.
"it's so weird to see her like that still," chris says, looking at the two in confusion.
luke nodded in agreement. "i agree," he watched as clarisse nuzzled against your neck, and sent you a beaming smile as you looked down at her with one of your own. she pecked your lips softly, and luke turned back to the group he was with. "it's crazy to see the switch. literally five minutes ago she was like, scolding me for taking too many chips,"
one of the other counselors laughed. "the other day, i accidentally put a sword back in the wrong spot, and she yelled at me for a solid five minutes. right as i was about to burst into tears, y/n walked in, and clarisse immediately melted,"
"she's so whipped," luke laughed, and the others laughed along with him.
clarisse knew she was whipped, she was very much so aware of that. but she was also, very much so okay with that.
she had never loved anyone as much as she loved y/n.
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seouljazzbar · 3 months
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☆ BUNK 19
ABOUT 𓂃 ࣪˖ what happens in bunk 19 does in fact stay in bunk 19. and the boathouse. and the dining hall. and the tennis courts. and the counselor jacuzzi.
WARNING 𓂃 ࣪˖ language, fake camp name, aespa + nct appearances, a smidge of angst, penetrative sex (f. receiving, both vaginal and anal), lots of spitting, a challengers reference if you squint, object insertion (do not try this at home), unprotected sex, daddy kink, random fluff, two seconds of physical violence
PAIRING 𓂃 ࣪˖ camp counselor!eunseok x camp counselor!reader (camp counselor au, summer fling to...?)
WORD COUNT 𓂃 ࣪˖ 8k of wickedness
THIS FIC FEELS LIKE 𓂃 ࣪˖ buzzin by shwayze
“Who else is here?”
It was the first question out of Eunseok’s mouth when he got settled into his cabin for the summer: bunk nineteen. That was the very first bunk he stayed in when he became a counselor freshman year of university. Now a recent graduate, this was going to be his last summer at Camp Watauga before entering the workforce. He intended to soak up every minute of it with no regrets.
“The staff are filtering in slowly, but not too many counselors just yet. You, Mark, and ___.” 
His ears perked up at the mention of your name, but he kept a cool exterior. “Oh, really? Not too many indeed.” His hands made home in his pockets as Director Irwin led him to the main hall. There was nothing but the echo of footsteps and birds chirping just outside as they walked to the break room, and that’s when he heard it. Your voice. 
Mark was laughing at something you said, something Eunseok missed entirely. “Hi, ___. Mark.”
You spun on your heels without thinking twice, eyebrows shooting up at the sight of all five eight and eleven inches of him. He looked different— hair lighter, jaw sharper, shoulders wider. But you didn’t let yourself focus on him for more than the appropriate amount of time to stare at your coworker: one and a half seconds, exactly. “Eunseok, hey!” Your tone was light, casual. Easy breezy.
“Alright, well now that you’re all checked in, you’re free to roam! Kitchen’s doing meals same time as regular camp hours, if you get hungry. Just, please, no illegal substances where I can see ‘em. I wanna be able to keep plausible deniability.”
Director Irwin left without a glance back at the three of you, all of you erupting into a fit of giggles the second you heard the door shut. “Dude, he’s so funny without even trying to be.” Mark nudged at your shoulder, looking at Eunseok with a goofy grin on his face. “Right?”
“Yeah, I always forget just how weird he gets,” Eunseok returned the smile, looking over to see if you were smiling too. That gorgeous, sparkling smile. “What are you two gonna get into for the rest of the day? At least until dinner.”
Mark stretched his hands in the air, his shirt riding up just enough to expose his taut abs. Eunseok noticed your eyes on Mark’s skin, your teeth sinking into your lower lip. “I was thinking about going into town, getting a couple cases of beer or something for the kickback tomorrow night. Minjeong, Jimin, and Haechan get in tomorrow and we’re gonna have a pre-camp rager. You guys down?”
“Ooh, I’m always down for a party with Jimin. She knows how to let loose.” You winked at Mark, blush instantly striking his cheeks.
“Alright, cool, I’ll make sure to get enough then,” His head turned over to Eunseok, “What about you, bro?”
A party was not his plan for tomorrow night, but he figured it’d be easier to play along for now. “Yeah, sounds fun,” He pulled his sunglasses down over the bridge of his nose, “I like Modelo.”
Mark laughed, heartily. He was so easily amused. “Alright, I’ll catch y’all at dinner?” He was out the door after two quick side-hugs, shaking his keys all the way to his car. The engine was loud as it started up, and you could hear the car shifting its way up the gravel driveway. The hall was quiet otherwise, just the smacking of Eunseok’s chewing gum, the minty peppermint wafting far enough for you to smell it on his breath. 
You moved first, pushing him by the shoulder as he kept his arms crossed against his chest. “Oh, c’mon. You can’t really think I want Mark.”
“Coulda fooled me.”
“I mean, he’s cool and all. And really hot, but… you’re sluttier.”
Eunseok rolls his eyes, closing the gap between the two of you, caging you against one of the break benches. “Hm, that’s it? You only want me because you think I’m a sure thing? Well I never!”
You giggle, glancing around the break room before swooping in for a kiss. Sweet, soft lips that you had been dreaming about for nine long months. His sunglasses smushed against your face but you ignored the slight discomfort as his hands found your ass. A handful for each of his palms, fingers kneading into each cheek with appreciation. You could feel your nipples hardening against his chest, the paper thin material of your bra heightening the sensation of his firm pecs. Eunseok was making you all warm and fuzzy again. “I missed you.”
“Yeah? You sure? Sure you didn’t miss Mark Lee more?”
“You’re so annoying! Wasting valuable time talking about a nonissue.”
His hands spread your cheeks apart just barely, just enough for you to take notice. “Valuable time? What else do you reckon we could be doing right now?”
Your mouth fell open as he kissed along your jawline. “W-Well I was thinking…”
He took a detour down your neck, floating right to your sweet spot just beneath your earlobe. “The counselor cabins are really close by, i-if you’re free.” Keeping your eyes open was a chore as he nipped at the skin of your neck erotically. “Eunseok, seriously. We’re gonna get caught.”
“What, that doesn’t turn you on anymore?” His palm revved back to strike your ass, squeezing afterwards to soothe the skin. “You know I’m always free for you, ___.”
Eunseok could smell your arousal through the thin material of your panties and shorts, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as all the blood in his body rushed to the front of his pants. Any notion of taking it slow with you went out the window as he grabbed your wrist, pulling you in the direction of BUNK NINETEEN. Since Mark had already started his journey into town and Director Irwin never left the movie room during his downtime, Eunseok didn’t feel the need to be sneaky while getting you into his cabin.
Sure, there were unspoken rules about how awkward it would be to have counselors wreaking sexual havoc for three months straight, but nothing in the handbook. The secrecy derived from how private both you and Eunseok were with your personal lives. It was nobody’s business who you were fucking, and if you two ever decided to stop, you didn’t want relative strangers feeling emboldened to ask questions. Plus, the sneaking around made everything that much hotter.
The cabins had been updated in recent years, and with that came much needed aesthetic and technological improvements. A few touches made the bunks a little less shabby chic and a bit more glamping. It was still ‘granola’, so to speak, but the doors locked automatically behind you. The interior was softer around the edges, no chances of splinters or wolf spiders keeping you up at night. Eunseok had made sure to make up his bed when he first unpacked an hour or so ago, knowing that he’d have company in the form of his summer lover.
“Cute sheets.” They were the same sheets he’d brought to camp for the last four years, with a flower you’d embroidered for each year you and Eunseok had done camp as counselors together. Three wacky looking blossoms in different colors with the years stitched beneath them, a little reminder of your place in his life. You couldn’t wait to add this year’s.
“Thanks, this girl I’m seeing really likes stabbing at it every year.”
He grabbed onto your arm as you shoved at his chest, pulling you into him. “Shut up, you like it.”
“Never said I didn’t like it.” His mouth was warm against yours, lips still wet from the kiss in the break room. Your nerve endings were on fire now that it was truly just the two of you, no chance of being interrupted. Swallowing the taste of your cherry cola lip gloss, a long lasting favorite that Eunseok mentioned liking the first time the two of you kissed back when you were mere campers. A clumsy, barely there kiss during a game of spin the bottle. ‘Wow, delicious’ he said offhandedly, making everyone giggle and making you quite popular with the guys that summer. Everyone wanted to get a taste of your fizzy lipsmackers. “Tastes so good.”
Your cheeks ached as you smiled involuntarily, his compliment flying straight to your ego. The idea that he craves you when you’re apart made you feel powerful beyond comprehension. “What, none of your little Stanford groupies wear lipsmackers?”
“What groupies?” His slightly calloused hands eased up your torso, fiddling with the fabric of your bralette to roll it up above your chest. Your breasts felt so heavy in his hands, full and swollen just waiting for him to play with. “No groupies. Just the memory of you and my right hand.”
He lifted your shirt clean off of your body, leaving your chest exposed to the balmy air of the cabin. “I always took you for a lefty.”
Another fit of laughter befell the two of you as he pinched your hip, kissing you with resumed passion. The way the sunlight hit you through the moss colored blinds made his heart skip a beat, the golden flecks in your skin glittering for him with radiance. “Take off your shorts for me. Slowly.” 
A string of saliva fell onto your chin as you stepped away from him, eyes on his that were already watching you as your hands pushed down atop your cotton shorts. You were slow, following his instructions exactly and leaving your panties on underneath. The material hit the wooden floor with a dense thud, your gaze never leaving Eunseok. Your bralette rested awkwardly beneath your armpits for just a few more moments, Eunseok moving just enough to pull it off for you. And there you stood, almost completely naked in your Birkenstocks while he was fully dressed in his usual Camp Watauga garb. “You’re a siren sent for my demise.”
He was sincere, eyes glinting in their candor. “You’re spoiling me.”
“Because you deserve it.” Eunseok kicked his shoes off as he walked the two of you to the bed, his touch tender as your back hit the mattress, careful not to bump into you roughly. The wet patch of your underwear was blatantly obvious as he got a flash between your legs, and it turned him on even more to know you were just as worked up as he was. “What do you do when you think about me?”
You shuddered under the intensity of his leer. “W-what makes you so sure I think about you?”
Eunseok scoffs, lowering his hips to press them square against yours. “Please, I’ve heard the audio messages you send me at two in the morning. You’re so wet the microphone picks it up. I swear, the way you cry into your phone just thinking about what I’d do to you is louder than how you get when I’m actually with you.”
The feeling of his cock swelling against your thigh made you wrap your legs around his hips, locking him flush against you; nothing but thin panties and his basketball shorts keeping you from what you really came here for. “Mm, okay, so what. You win. I think about you. You get my fingers nice and sticky.”
“So show me… tell me what you think about.” He sat back to pull his shirt off, chest exposing a well hidden surprise. 
Your fingers flitted across his nipples, both of them sporting little silver hoops pierced through them. “Woah, Seokie, I had no idea how hardcore you were.” In the roughly forty weeks that you were apart, he’d gotten drunk on a night out and got his nipples pierced.
“Make fun all you want, but I know you like ‘em.” Your tongue replaced your curious thumbs, swirling around the jewelry like you were trying to find the center of a tootsie pop. Eunseok’s hips undulated your drenched underwear while you got lost in sucking his pecs, giving each one equal attention until tugging at one with your teeth. He hissed, bucking against your pussy harshly at the sting. “Ah, fuck, ___. That hurt.”
Kiss swollen lips all moistened, you pulled away from Eunseok’s chest with a sardonic grin. “What, that doesn’t turn you on anymore?” 
His hands shoot out to pin your thighs to the bed, leaving your cunt exposed for him to grind against in a choppy rhythm. “You’re feeling feisty today, aren’t you?”
“Just like messing with you, s’all.”
Eunseok wasn’t in any mood to punish you, using his fingers to feel the outline of your pussy lips through the flimsy cotton. “I’ll give you a pass. Reunion immunity, or whatever.”
“Thank you, daddy.” 
He was instantly smug at the name rolling off your tongue, chest swelling with pride as you pawed at the waist of his basketball shorts. “Can only call me that if you’re gonna be good the whole time. Are you gonna be good?”
Eyes aglow with mischief, teeth sinking into your bottom lip, you nodded. It was hard to promise obedience when you were so used to being defiant with him, so used to being a brat because Eunseok always has so much fun taming you. But you’d try, if it was what he wanted from you.
“Wanna hear you say it for me, darling.”
His fingers were no longer idle by his side, instead cupping your mound as he waited for you to speak. “I’ll be good, daddy, I promise.” A sharp tug at your panties threatened to tear them but he stopped his movements just in time. Your wetness was the star of the show, glistening in the bright light of day for Eunseok to relish in. Basking in just how riled up you were, leaking with arousal without him really getting to touch you. He slid your panties down your legs, tossing them just over the edge of the mattress so you wouldn’t have to go searching for them later. “Wan’ you to finger me.”
“Thought I told you to play with yourself for me,” Another gush of wetness dribbled out of your core as he blew at it. “Though it doesn’t look like you really need it, you could take it all in one thrust.” 
You pulled at the hem of his shorts so they’d hang lower on his hips, the base of his cock visible from the way they hit his thighs. “But, daddy, I want it.”
“You’re so full of it, ___, you said you’d be good for me,” Eunseok pushed away from you just long enough to pull his basketball shorts off. “You’re awfully greedy, like you haven’t been fucked properly in far too long.”
His cock bobbed as it was released, twitching at attention while you drooled at the sight of it. “It’s been so long, Seok.”
Eunseok decided in that moment to give you what you’d been begging for, slathering his cock in the wetness that was smeared across your pussy lips. He was completely soaked in you without even putting it in yet. “Think you can take it all, baby?”
He knew you could, you’d been taking his cock like a sleeve for the past four years. But watching your bottom lip quiver in anticipation, nails gripping into the mattress, arms propping yourself up so you could have an unobstructed view to him fucking you open; it made him want to perform for you, give you something mouthwatering to remember him by. 
Your body welcomed him like it had a hundred times over. It felt like coming home, having him stuffed inside you again after dreaming about it for so long. Eunseok always fit so perfectly inside of you, like you were a match made in heaven blessed to find each other in this lifetime. Your mewls were a forgotten melody against his ears, his stomach turning at the sight of you underneath him again. “More.”
“Take what I’m giving you like a good slut and I’ll give you more.” Your nose was buried in his neck as his body caged you against the mattress— completely drenched in him as his skin fused to yours, the slight tackiness of sweat emboldening the waves of Eunseok enveloping your senses. That winsome and creamy essence would always remind you of his hips grinding against yours, deep and slow just to tease you. Just to make you gasp out beneath him and beg for more. And begging wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t so damn cocky.
Eunseok was so good at talking you through his strokes, the vibrations of his voice louder against your chest than he was in your ear. It was so easy for him to make your mind feel all fuzzy just by being around you, that sweet peach smell so specific to him. You liked being so inundated by him, liked feeling like you were drowning in a sea of nothing but him all the time. Loved not knowing where he ended and you began because he was just so all consuming. You loved being his. “You look so beautiful like this.” Your breath caught in your throat, fingernails digging into his bicep as his lips ghosted your cheek. You were convinced he’d never felt this good before. “So pretty.”
“Fuck me hard,” your voice was whiny and pathetic, just the way Eunseok liked it (even when you were defying him). “I’ll be prettier— I-I’ll be prettier if you fuck me harder.”
Something flashed across his face far too quickly for you to catch it, his eyes widening just for a moment as he faltered from the leisurely pace he’d set. Eunseok was trying his hardest to be a little gentler with you since so much of your sex life was rough and fast. He didn’t mind slowing things down and showering you with a bit more affection and flowery sweet nothings. But he was only so strong, couldn’t resist you pleading with him, voice so desperate. How could he possibly deny you when you asked him like that?
His hips snapped forward as your hands snaked down his back, mouth cracking open at the delicious change in rhythm. “Yeah? Want me to fuck you dizzy?”
A whimper escaped your throat as one of his thumbs flicked at your pert nipple, toying with it like he usually toyed with your clit. “Fuck me dizzy, daddy,” His jaw clenched as you spoke, your tongue licking at the shell of his ear like you had dozens of times before. “I'll be so good for you, please.”
The bed creaked obnoxiously as he forced your legs back as far as they could go, pinning them out of his way so there was nothing holding him back from absolutely battering your cunt. You were certain that the wet smacking sound of his hips meeting your soaked center could be heard from just outside the cabin. Your body was suddenly hotter, the air thick with humidity, sex and oh so sweet Eunseok. It was moments like these where you thought you’d do absolutely anything for him, no matter how dark, if it meant he’d drill into you like this whenever you wanted. You’d consider signing your life away to be his own personal cocksleeve.
“Gonna fuck you ‘til you can’t walk anymore. Show Mark that you’re taken.”
With the way he was fucking into you, that wasn’t too far off. He shifted his weight to his knees so he could wrap his hands around your hips, dragging your body down on his cock in time with his thrusts. Your stomach coiled with hot orgasmic bliss as he angled his hips to rub your clit with each thrust, the pressure taking over your entire body in the form of mind-numbing pleasure.
“Yes, yes, yes.” Your body twisted in on itself as he pinched your nipples, applying just enough force to throttle you over the edge. “Fuck!” His lips met yours in a heated kiss that you were too fucked out to reciprocate, just moans and whimpers tumbling out as he licked into your mouth.
You were barely restored from your orgasm before he was bucking into you again. “Tell me, ___, tell me about the guys you slept with while you were waiting for me.”
“E-Eunseok!” It wasn’t a secret that you weren’t committed to one another, but telling him the details was going too far. You certainly didn’t want to hear about all of the girls he was railing at Stanford. “Too embarrassing…”
He stilled your hips flush against his pelvis, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix. “Tell me, or I’ll stop altogether.”
Catching your breath, gasping for air you didn’t even really know you were deprived of, you opened your eyes to face his demand, “It was only two, I swear.”
Eunseok grunted, resuming his thrusts with exaggerated force. “Were they keeping you satisfied?” Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, not wanting to think about the meaningless hookups that you only went through with because you were horny. “Or were they greedy? Huh? Were they taking care of my baby the way I do?”
“Mnh, no! The first guy was terrible, nothing compared to you.”
He slowed his thrusts, gripping onto your thighs a bit harder. “And the second guy?” You didn’t respond as quickly as you had the first time. In fact, you didn’t speak up at all. Eunseok was starting to think you didn’t hear him.
“Ma— The second guy was… he took care of me, daddy.”
Eunseok wasn’t expecting you to say that at all. He was expecting you to wax on about how nobody was better than him, but this threw a wrench in his plans. “Turn around, get on all fours.” His cock slipped out of you unceremoniously, his jaw clenching as you scrambled to turn over.
“I’m sorry, Seok, it didn’t mean anything.” 
He folded you in on yourself, leaving your ass perched in the air for Eunseok to play with as he saw fit. His cock lodged back in your cunt in one motion, filling you to the brim like he’d never pulled out. Your cries were muffled by the pillow your face was pressed up against, arms limp above the mattress as Eunseok fucked you like a rag doll. All of your neurons were short circuiting at the same time, leaving you a braindead slut for your camp boyfriend’s fat cock. Drool soaked the pillowcase beneath you, and it only made Eunseok laugh at your tremors of pleasure. 
“Remember what I taught you last summer?” His deft fingers fluttered just over your puckered hole, laughing as he watched you jerk at the featherlight touch. “Yeah?”
A rivulet of his saliva dripped onto your hole, his index finger stretching through the ring of muscle. The fit was tight and you arched your back at the intrusion, a shaky moan rolling off your tongue. “E-Eunseok…”
He was still thrusting into your cunt shallowly, rocking forward just enough to prolong the pleasure. “Don’t tell me,” His long fingers slapped your opening harshly, sending down another glob of spit. “Was all our training for nothing? Am I the only one who’s fucked you here?” One more dribble for your entrance before he added another finger, pressing them against your walls that were still wrapped around his cock. “Hm? Am I the one and only, baby?”
You whimpered at the memory, his fat cock splitting you open in a way you’d always swore you’d never do. But he was just so charming and intoxicating, his charisma your fatal weakness— you’d never dream of saying no to Song Eunseok. 
“Y-yes. You’re the only one.”
He loved that answer. He wasn’t stupid, he knew you were fucking people the other three seasons out of the year. But there was a very large part of him that took pride in knowing there was something reserved just for the two of you, something no one else got to experience with you. It made him slip his cock even further inside of you, testing out a third finger as you bit into the pillow beneath you. “That’s what I like to hear, baby,” Gliding his cock out of your heat and tapping the tip against your hole, gaped open by his fingers that were still pressed inside. “You ready for me?”
You nodded slowly, nervous to take him after such a long time without it. “Slowly, Eunseok. I’m scared.”
Eunseok ducked his head so his lips were pressed right against your ear, “Baby, you know I’m always gentle with this one.” His free hand wrapped around your ponytail, pulling you towards him to arch your back at just the right angle. You barely registered the switch from his fingers to the head of his cock, his touch so delicate and the added gloss from your juices making it so seamless. “God, baby, you’re so hot.” His hand snaked around to your breasts to fondle them as a distraction to his length sliding deeper inside of you.
“Oh, fuck,” so that’s what you had been missing this past year, “oh, Seok, I’m so full.”
He’s never been shy around you, groaning out curses and moaning your name as he so pleases. His voice sends vibrations through your head, and all you can focus on is trying to breathe right. You were so overwhelmed with the feeling of Eunseok inside of you, you felt like you were pulsating. His hand in your hair tugged at you so you’d turn towards him, whining into your mouth before locking you in a sweet kiss that tastes like peach rings. “I’ve thought about this… everyday for the last nine months.”
That was true, or at least you wholeheartedly believed it. Very rarely, once every few months or so, Eunseok would text you into the wee hours of the morning, checking to see if you were awake. And every single time, you were. It was like you could sense that he was going to text you, your body wide awake until the very moment the text came through. It always ends with the two of you on the phone, talking each other through a filthy orgasm or two. You’d actually catch up once you finished, mesmerized by the facets of his life that you’d never seen before. And then you wouldn’t hear from him for another two or three months.
And when the wait was over, you were back in his arms, breathing in the sweat canvasing his body as he fucked you like his own personal toy. You were so pliable, so obedient, so in sync with his every desire; you were the high he chased September through May.
“Put your fingers in your pussy.” A quick slap to your ass before grabbing onto it, “you were dying for it earlier, go ‘head.”
You didn’t even have to move your fingers once they were inside of you, Eunseok’s thrusts providing enough friction to stimulate your g-spot. “Oh, fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum.”
Pumping two fingers inside of yourself, Eunseok added two of his own as he rubbed at your clit ruthlessly, thrusting into your ass still just as deep as before. The wave crept up on you in an unforgiving crescendo that raptured your soul from your body. Your body convulsed uncontrollably, hips thrashing against Eunseok as you squirted all over the sheets. The fingers crooked inside of you were a mess, covered in both your juices and cream from fucking yourself on them. You could just barely hear Eunseok hissing at how tightly your ass was squeezing him.
Eunseok was able to hold off on his own climax, thrusting shallowly into you until your tremors subside. “Felt good?” He took the risk of ruining his camp shirt by wiping his cock down with it, leaving your holes filthy and empty as he took an intermission for cleanup. “I thought about you every night at school, wishing my hand was you. Imagining pumping your sweet little pussy to the brim with my cum. Or painting your pretty face with it. Sometimes both,” His fingers curled inside of you and your eyes flittered shut. “Would think about you in my dreams, too, fuck. Had to jerk off before class because you’d get me so worked up.”
When Eunseok got like this— messy, generous, overruled by lust— there was no stopping him. You knew that you were effectively out of commission for the rest of the day.
The marathon fuck-fest went on for all three days you had before camp started, sneaking away to grab food at the very end of meal times, doing everything in your power to avoid everyone else. The days spoiled you, the reality of the situation escaping you until you were forcefully faced with it. The beginning of camp meant having no time designated for private moments tucked away with Eunseok. It was all about finding time throughout the day for stolen kisses, coordinating bathroom breaks so he could finger you hastily, slinking out on late night smoke sessions with Haechan and Minjeong to ride Eunseok until you passed out. The only guaranteed time you had with Eunseok was after campground curfew if you weren’t on cabin watch.
The nightly routine was the same— at eleven o’clock on the dot, you were knocking on his cabin door. The lights were already off but Eunseok would take the time to make sure every single light including the porch one was out. That’s when he’d open the door, just enough to peek out and ensure no one was watching before pulling you inside. It was the same for when you left, and all the hoops you had to jump through was just part of the fun. Having a three step plan before even being able to kiss him was worth it when he put his hands on your body, lips on your skin, knees knocking yours. He was yours only in private moments, but yours nonetheless.
Eunseok kissed you like you were the antidote to his incurable desire, and that wasn’t something you were willing to give up (even if you couldn’t tell anyone). But this summer was all about risks, evidently, as the two of you were quick to jump each other’s bones all across the campgrounds. Something about the looming threat of never being back at Watauga again made the two of you much more willing to test your luck.
Your panties in your mouth was the only way you were able to muffle all the noises you were making, your ass sore from the way Eunseok was fucking into you. There wasn’t a sturdy enough surface for you to grab out for so you settled for pressing your hands against the wall, eyes trained on the rest of the counselors outside. The window was tinted, and small enough that they wouldn’t be able to see anything, but you couldn’t help but wonder; did they know? Know the reason you and Eunseok stepped away at the same time? 
“Look at them. So clueless. Minjeong has no idea you’re getting your little pussy pounded right now.” His head rested in the crook of your neck, careful not to leave any hickies with his kisses.
“Oh, please, Seok, let me cum.”
The vibrations from his laughter permeated through your skin, “you wanna cum? Play with your clit for me. Rub it like I would.” Your eyes rolled back so far you were sure you’d go cross eyed, scorching hot bliss consuming your body as your orgasm swallowed you whole. The fear of being caught was the greatest aphrodisiac Eunseok had ever served you, the feeling reaching down to the tips of your toes as you curled them in rapture. “I know, baby, I know.” Quick fingers swirling around your clit as you spasmed on his cock, his own legs buckling in weakness. His arms wrapped around your torso, keeping you steady as cum spilled right into your cervix. 
He pulled out before he went soft, cum hitting the floor with a quiet splat. You turned at the sound, mouth ajar as he looked back at you with eyes wide as saucers. “Eunseok!”
It wasn’t on purpose, but you definitely didn’t stop him from peppering kisses along your neck and jaw as you filled the juice dispenser with ice. You wouldn’t bother getting fully undressed, lulling articles of clothing to the side amidst the grinding and heavy petting before he entered you smoothly. “So good for me, letting me fuck you out here.” His hands clasped atop yours as you gripped the dining hall counter, the prettiest gasp torn from your throat as he bottomed out. 
Eunseok’s chin rested in the juncture of your neck and shoulder, warm breathing fanning the side of your face as your eyes screwed shut from the pleasure. His arms move to wrap around your neck as you let your head fall back onto the table, mewls slipping past your lips as he rammed against your g-stop. “Feels good baby? Want more?”
You frantically nod because you could never say no to more from him, back arching as his hands fondle every erogenous zone he could reach; nipples, chest, lower tummy, inner thighs. That paired with his deep thrusts sends you over the edge briskly, your cup of bug juice spilling over from the way you were thrashing in his hold. Your orgasm triggers his own, his teeth sinking into you as he fills you up to the brim. 
Twice a session, Camp Watauga organized Field Trip Day. No counselors ever want to go on the first trip, but you and Eunseok were smart— make the sacrifice for the first trip so that you both could hang back together when all the other counselors had to go on the second trip. It was the smartest thing you’d done in all your years at Watauga. The campgrounds were like a deserted island, just you, Eunseok, a few staffers, and a first year counselor whose name you kept forgetting.
“Would you let me fuck you with a racket?”
You didn’t need too much time to think about it. “Mm, a fresh one, yeah. If you really wanted to.”
Eunseok dug his hand through the duffel bag he brought out with him, “Like the brand new one I washed this morning just in case you said yes?” He wasn’t kidding. “I wrapped it in a clean towel to be extra safe.”
“Okay, I was under the impression the question was hypothetical.”
His head tilted to the side as he shrugged, a little embarrassed to be shot down so quickly. “It still can be. But I really want to.”
“How thick is that thing, anyway?”
A wicked smile spread across his lips— he knew he had you. “It’s thinner than my dick, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
And he was right, your skirt pulled up and your panties to the side testing your entrance with the edge of the racket. Your pussy opened up for him slowly, taking every centimeter of the racket that he sank into you as he tested the waters. Light, precise thrusts to get your body used to the feeling. “Feels…” 
“Good? Do you want me to keep going, or do you wanna stop?” Eunseok halted his movements as he waited for you to respond, smiling like he’d won the lottery when you urged him to continue. “Be as loud as you want, baby, no one can hear us out here.”
Out on the tennis court, the very one you used to play on when you were a camper, you let your guard down. You leaned back into Eunseok’s chest, head resting on his shoulder as he worked you open with the racket. The ripples of pleasure already had you squirming in his hold, having to force yourself to calm down— he was just getting started. With Eunseok wrapped around you taking care of your sodden folds, you crept your hands beneath your shirt to fondle your breasts. The attention made your hips buck into the racket, a sharp cry soaring from your throat. “Fuck, the felt good. Aim it higher.” He did as he was told, in awe of your transformation from hesitant to in charge. The grooves on the handle added extra sensation, that soft spongy spot flourishing under all of the attention the racket was giving it. Your orgasm was rushing in on you hard and fast, and you couldn’t stop yourself from fucking the racket back. “Faster, fuck, right there! ‘M so close.”
Eunseok altered his position before granting you your demand, fisting the racket handle with one hand and caressing your clit with the other. You were unreservedly exposed to the woods before you, but the way you were spreading your legs suggested that you didn’t care. Another gush of wetness leaked out of you at the thought of a random hiker seeing you splayed open like this, drinking in your pussy like a pervert. You were gluttonous, your appetite for euphoria unappeasable; it was complete benediction that you’d found Eunseok to not fulfill your desires, but tempt you with entirely new ones.
“Give it to me, angel,” A string of spit dripped from his lips onto your cunt, “Wanna see you cum all over this racket like the hungry little slut you are.”
It was the kind of orgasm where you thought you might die, the ecstasy too much for your body to handle. Bathed in direct sunlight, heart racing like a marathoner, brain utterly devoid of any thoughts other than Eunseok, Eunseok, Eunseok! 
The racket slipped out of you naturally as Eunseok loosened his grip and your seizing pussy pushed it out. Eunseok was hard as a rock as he watched you come to, your sweaty palms reaching out for him. “Just so you know,” your voice was hoarse from all the screaming, “I would’ve never let those other guys put a racket in me.”
The perfect goodbye, in Eunseok’s words, was a tryst in the coveted counselor jacuzzi that required special permission from Director Irwin. “We won’t have to ask if we go while he’s asleep.” And just like everything he’d ever talked you into, you couldn’t say no to Song Eunseok.
Eunseok was already waiting for you at the jacuzzi when you arrived, arms spread out against the rim as the beginning flecks of sunrise teased the horizon.
It felt different than all the other times you guys had been together, except one— your first time with him. Neither of you were virgins when it happened, but he was so tender with his every touch. Gentle with the way he spoke to you, soft in the way he praised you. Sleeping together sprang from carnal desire, but his manifested delicately. All of those feelings came flooding back as he talked you through this time, lips sucking on your earlobe as you twirled your hips with his. Hands pressed to your back, tongue crying out about how beautiful you were. It gave you déjà vu. 
And there, with your cheeks flushed and your hair pulled away from your face. With sweat dotting your hairline and your lips three shades darker. It had never been clearer to him. “I love you,” The sound of the jets in the water almost muffled him. “And I don’t want you to say anything just yet, alright? I really want you to think about it because I really think you might be the love of my life, and I don’t wanna rush through that. Just… think about it.”
Your head bobbed in understanding, not knowing how to just continue after a confession like that.
“Alright, let’s get out of here. Before someone catches us.”
It was the only time Eunseok had ever left you high and dry, and you were too frazzled to finish yourself off. You walked back to your cabin in a trance, combing over every moment you’d spent with him under a microscope. He loves you. Not just into you or in love with having sex with you. He loves you.
There wasn’t much for you to think about, but you’d already decided to humor him. You’d take the rest of the day leading up to the going away party to ‘ponder’. 
The annual (unofficial) going away party for the counselors always took place in the woods, keeping the debauchery far away from the campers who liked to test their luck with curfew since it was the end of the summer. It was a childish celebration of all the time spent at Camp Watauga, but you wanted to entertain it, anyway. It was your last summer, after all.
Eunseok didn’t want to play Never Have I Ever, knowing that it was gonna leave him hungover the next morning since everyone liked to play dirty. He resigned to finishing his drink leaned up against a tree, soaking in the picture of all of you together for the last time. Sure, he was staying on the East Coast, but it wasn’t a guarantee that he’d be able to keep in touch with everyone. Although, the only person he really cared to stay in touch with was you.
“Okay, never have I ever hooked up with someone in the circle.” Giselle giggled at her own addition, knowing for a fact that several of her friends would have to drink. Minjeong and Jimin rolled their eyes as they took a sip, their relationship being a dead give away that they’d hooked up before. But Eunseok was far more concerned with the sip that you took than anyone else.
He wanted to say something, but he knew it would give him away immediately. So he was relieved when Jimin spoke up for him. “___! Someone in this circle?”
You cleared your throat, obviously avoiding Eunseok’s gaze as you tucked your hair behind your ear. “Um, yeah. Just a couple times, nothing crazy.”
“A couple times? Who?”
It was painful as you polished off the rest of your drink, fidgeting with the fibers of the rug you were sitting on. “Mark.”
Oh. Oh. The same Mark you’d told Eunseok you wanted nothing to do with, that Mark? Mark Lee who’d had a thing for you since you were a shy camper, nervous about spending the night away from your friends and family? Eunseok could kill him. “When was this? Was it right under our noses?”
“Eunseok—” You knew you shouldn’t have said anything, but lying would’ve been just as bad. Mark could’ve chimed in at any moment, and he wouldn’t have been exaggerating. Sure, the two of you knew it was just sex, but you never told him to keep it a secret. You weren’t ashamed of your sexual history with him, but you were afraid of how it would affect Eunseok. 
“No, please, tell the class. I think we’re all just curious.”
You couldn’t feel the night breeze anymore, white hot humiliation burning you from the inside out. “It wasn’t a big deal. It was when Mark moved back to Connecticut for a few months for work. His apartment was like ten minutes from campus and he asked if I wanted to meet for a drink.”
“We never did get that drink, now that I think about it,” Mark chuckled to himself, locking eyes with Eunseok, “Never made it out of my apartment that night.”
The difference between humans and animals is quite simple; logical reasoning. Humans can think about certain things and are motivated by their instincts, intellect and logic. Animals are incapable of reasoning and are simply motivated by their instincts alone. Eunseok, by definition, was an animal. His fist cut through the air and into Mark’s jaw without a second thought. 
You were almost certain you heard a crack upon impact, but Mark barely flinched. Like he was expecting it. He was ready to fight back with his hands curled into fists, fractured jaw bone an afterthought. Everyone else was shuffling to get away, screaming at the two of them to knock it off. The only person to jump in the middle was Haechan, arms flexing every muscle possible to keep Eunseok and Mark off of each other.
“Guys, stop! Why are you fighting?” Their fight was lost on everyone but you, the guilt you’d shoved down bubbling to the surface as you watched them claw at each other. 
Haechan was able to get a handle on Mark, leaving Eunseok open for you to shake some sense into. He was so hurt as he finally looked at you, shoulders slumping as his chest heaved. “Eunseok, stop it, why are you getting so worked up about this?”
Mark was out for blood, cradling his jaw as he said what everyone was thinking. “Because everyone knows he wants you but he can’t admit it.”
“I have her! She is mine! I belong to her!” The hush that fell over the room was eerie, not a single peep out of anyone as you watched Eunseok with bated breath. “You guys might have fucked a few times, but she’s mine. Has been since year seven. Just because we set each other free from fall to spring doesn’t mean I’m not hers.”
So much for keeping it a secret. Everyone gawked at you, the shock of you and Eunseok actually being a thing greater than the shock of Eunseok punching the shit out of Mark. Like clockwork, everyone gathered their things and fled the area, whispering about how they’d never seen that side of Eunseok before.
You were still startled. “What was that?”
“Oh, don’t start. You’ve been nothing but distant this whole summer, you let me hang around Mark looking like an idiot, you made me feel fucking stupid!”
“Distant? Eunseok, we’ve spent everyday together. You’ve been my entire summer. And of course I didn’t tell you about Mark, there’s nothing to tell! We only hooked up like three times, and it was mainly because I was missing you,” He moved to interject but you cut him off with a wave of your hands, “Do you know how selfish it is for you to tell me you love me, tell me not to respond, and then accuse me of keeping you at arm's length all in one day? To paint me out to be this heartless tramp when I’ve only ever loved you?”
He kicked at the twigs by his feet, hair on the back of his neck standing up at those last two words. “You love me?”
“Does… does this really sound like the time for that? I’m in the middle of tell you that I’m pissed at you.”
That cocky smirk was back on his face, his front teeth gnawing at his bottom lip. “Yeah, but you love me.” He took his bruised hand to grab your chin, forcing your focus on him. “Say it.”
“Eunseok…” He hummed at the sound of his name in your mouth, angry demeanor nowhere to be found. “You big, dumb idiot, I love you.”
He kissed you like he was afraid he might hurt you, cradling your head delicately as you let yourself simmer in the feeling of love. The feeling of your fingers in his hair, his heart beating at the speed of light against your chest. It was a feeling you’d pushed down year after year, too afraid to confront the possibility of losing him. And now, wrapped in his arms post love confession, you weren't afraid of anything.
So, yeah. Maybe you felt a little corny walking into the dining hall the next morning with Eunseok’s arm thrown over your shoulder. But you’d do way cornier things for Song Eunseok.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
ok ok, so you said you wanted some ideas for a camp counselor James, so I am here to supply one! What if reader was teaching the kids lashings and knots, and when cutting the rope with a pocket knife, their hand slips and they cut themselves, so reader tells one of the kids to get the nurse (because their hand is bleeding and they can't stand from the grass) but the kid comes back with James instead (because the kid panicked and James is the first person she saw) and James helps reader get to the nurse while fretting over their hand
Thank you for requesting angel!
cw: blood
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 827 words
A hiss escapes you as the knife slices across your hand. You drop it and your fist clenches closed on instinct, but not before the kids watching you see. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Did you cut yourself?” 
“Do we call 999?”
“No, it’s okay,” you say, keeping the pain out of your voice. “Accidents happen. This is why I’m the only one who gets to use the knife, see?” You take a second to pray it’s not bad, but when you open your hand blood spills onto the grass beneath. 
You squeeze it shut again, breathing through the wave of dizziness that nearly takes you under. The only thing worse than scaring your kids by bleeding all over the place would be traumatizing them by passing out on your way to the nurse. 
“Mia.” You look to the most responsible girl in your cabin with the most reassuring smile you can piece together. “Can you go get the nurse for me, please?” 
She nods, eyes wide, and sets off. You spend the next couple of minutes trying to distract your kids and yourself, but when an adult-sized shadow falls over you and you look up in relief you very nearly swoon for different reasons. 
“Hey.” James’ brow is puckered. It doesn’t suit him, you think, but he looks lovely anyways. He probably can’t help that. “I heard we’ve had an accident.” 
“Sorry,” Mia pipes up, “I couldn’t remember where the nurse’s office was, and I—” 
“It’s okay,” you tell her, making your voice slow and soothing to combat her squeakish one. “You did your best, and I appreciate it.” 
James flashes her a smile about ten times more effective than your own. “You have good instincts. Really, no one’s more equipped to help your fearless leader than me.” He sets a hand on your shoulder, softening his voice as he leans down close to you. “Are you alright?” 
“I’m worried I’m gonna pass out,” you admit. 
“Can I have a look?” 
“It’s bleeding a lot, James. I don’t want to open it.” 
“Alright, you’re okay. Let’s get up.” James uses his grasp on your shoulder to pull you to his chest, holding your elbow with his other hand as he stands the both of you up. The change in altitude makes you immediately woozy, and a quick sigh escapes you as he scrambles to get a better grip, one arm banding around your waist. “Do you need me to carry you?” 
“No, sorry. I think I just…sorry.” 
You expect him to tease you, but maybe you should have thought better of him. “What’re you sorry for? You’re alright, lovely, just let me know if you change your mind. Or just collapse on me, and I’ll get the point.” 
He starts walking you towards the nurse’s office, your unsturdy legs following behind you. James’ body is warm and solid. You can feel the flex of his bicep pressed tight to your back, and the material of his shirt is softly worn. You don’t realize you’ve dropped your cheek onto it until you register the chatter you’re leaving behind and pick your head up. 
“The kids,” you murmur, making to turn around. James keeps you held to him, but stops. 
“Hey, guys,” he calls back to them, “my cabin’s in arts and crafts with Charlie, do you wanna go down there and tell her I sent you?” 
There’s a few excited calls of agreement, and James waits until your campers start heading in that direction before you both continue. 
“You cut yourself with your knife?” he asks, peering over your head to see where you’ve tucked your injured hand tight to your chest. It’s still dripping blood as you walk, though you think slower than before. “Is it deep?” 
“A little.” You sigh. The sun feels hotter than it did a few minutes ago, and yet James’ touch has the beginnings of a shiver curled up at the base of your spine. “I think I probably scarred my kids for life.” 
You can feel James’ chuckle reverberate through his chest. “Don’t worry, they’ll be fine. Kids are hardy, especially these ones. One of my boys put hot sauce in another’s coke yesterday and the kid barely even flinched. Drank the whole thing.” 
You feel your lips tugging upwards. “Well, my girls are better than your boys.” 
He huffs a laugh. “I could so prove you wrong, but I don’t make a habit of arguing with the wounded.” 
James gets you to the nurse’s office in one piece. You expect him to go then, but he insists on staying to make sure you’re okay. He keeps you tucked into his side, scrubbing his hand up and down your arm intermittently and kissing your hair when the nurse has to clean your cut. He lets you leave your cheek resting on his chest, and you still feel dizzy for a myriad of reasons, but your injury is no longer one of them.
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angelribbon · 6 months
tw: dark!luke, kidnapping, smut, cursing, innocence kink, daughter of aphrodite!reader, stalking/obsessive behaviors, violence
a/n: was gonna scrap this but we move on !!!!!!
ღ: in which luke believes you can fix him.
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Theres a greed that arises from hatred-from envy.
Insatiable, no matter how many tries he attemps to satiate the huger that claws at him. He's empty, wafting through camp like a ghost because really? he's not there. His minds somewhere else, the only thing bringing him down to earth is the rush he gets from sword fighting.
He's volatile, even, like a ticking time bomb, the sound revolving in his head, relentlessly. Its louder when he forgets the hypocrisy, the rejection and for a second? something sick like sympathy snakes into his mind. His hand traces over his scar on instinct because if he presses hard enough? It burns-stings.
And eradicates any solicitude he thought he had.
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Tick. Tock.
Campfires were never luke's thing. He sits towards the back, eyes downcast and shadows coveting him due to the flame. His hands drum against backbiter, something he uses to keep himself busy until he can go back to the cabin. The orange hues that bring him back so much so, that he quickly averts his gaze.
His fingers trace the line of his sword, and he swallows. He'll be gone soon enough. Laughter echoes in his head at that statement, but he ignores it.
Luke's mind is buzzing, thoughts spiraling like his head has a heartbeat. It drives him mad. He's about to leave, sneak and tell some lie to Chiron about forgetting to lock up the stables. Anything, if he can just get out. He walks, caught so much in his head, he doesnt see where hes going.
And walks right into you.
You stumble backwards, as he holds you to stop your fall. You look up at him with wide eyes, a hurried apology emitting from you as he takes you in.
"shit-'m sorry, i didnt hurt you, did i?"
He bites his tongue, retracting what would have been a sarcastic comment, and shakes his head.
"Should be me apologizing to you, sweetheart, didnt see you-"
You smile at him, shaking it off though he's sure you're head is pounding. "'Its okay ,-'m not even hurt-nothing ambrosia cant fix-"
You've regained your balance, staring up at him and something makes his chest feel tight.
Adrenaline, he tells himself , Adrenaline.
He brings a hand to your head, an innocent gesture meant for him to just check if you're really okay. But really? he just wants an excuse to touch you again after feeling the loss of heat from your body, and like he guessed, you're face burns again from the movement.
You've regained your balance, staring up at him. Your eyes are slightly dilated, probably drunk of something a camper snuck into camp and if he was a good camp counselor-he would have reprimanded you, probably sent you to chiron to get punished.
But he's not, the term "good" almost foreign to him by now.
So he lets his eyes trail from yours to your mouth where your lip now threads between your teeth. Maybe you think he knows, and some part of him likes watching you squirm a little bit. Another comment dies in his throat when cold blue eyes meet his, ones that he knows too well,
Your face falls when he steps back, your lips forming into a subtle pout as his indifference.
"Just be careful next time, yeah?"
He doesnt even give you a chance to respond, brushing past you as your face contorts into confusion, and for a second luke feels something rising in him, that he quickly snuffs out.
He's not stupid enough to fuck with silena beauregards little angel.
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Luke cant sleep.
Insomnia's not uncommon for him-far used to the nightmares by now. But this-this, is different and he knows exactly why, no matter how much he denies it.
He thinks its aphrodite magic, that you've found someway to fuck with his head with those damn eyes of yours.
(Atleast that would allow him to hate you)
But it kills him.
How sweet you were to him. He knows aphrodite girls, that most would have given him a dirty look or mutter something under their breath when he left so abruptly, no apology gracing your ears or emitting from his lips. But you smiled at him, sweet voice serenading him until he's dizzy, even thinking about it now makes his head feel light.
( The timers stopped, something that flies over his head now, his thoughts only centered on one thing)
He supposes youre to blame, for not screaming at him?, calling him a dick and moving on?
Really, any of the scenarios would give him more ease. Curiosity aches to get the better of him, that maybe it would give him an answer to the enigma that you are. Piercing blue eyes resound in his head, and he sucks in a breath between his teeth. Eradicating any thoughts of any further pursuit after tonight.
And its good.
He doesn't need a distraction or silena gunning for him again. He convinces himself that he can abstain from you-the possibility of hearing that sweet, sweet voice again and falls into his bed.
But his eyes don't close and his mind refuses to shut off.
( And in the quiet, he hears the subtle noise start up again. Tick. Tock)
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Irritation already settles on your face, by the time you get to the cabin. Words go in and out of your ears, none of them making a single impression as you roll your eyes.
“He was being nice, for christs sake!” you say as she stops, and turns to you. “it’s not like he pointed that sword at me or something-it was my fault, okay? and my heads fine-“
She sighs, her figure relaxing slightly as she dips into the bed beside you. Its weird, her reaction, for many reasons-but especially how much emphasis shes putting on him in particular. You know there's more-that she's not telling you something. But you're too tired and too wasted to ask.
(Or maybe you'd just rather not know what really goes on inside luke castellans head)
"Just stay away from him, okay? and im serious about this-"
You just nod, not for any reason but for hope that she'll get off your back about it as she leans back into the cushions off the bed and you try to feel comfortable in yours.
But you dont.
Maybe its the buzz of your short lived high, or the fact that you've never been a good sleeper or what you know it to already be, the drumming of a fake promise that resounds throughout your head. Because if its one thing you never were, its honest.
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He sees you first.
You're upset, evidently, eyebrows furrowed and face formed into a scowl as you make your way to the sword fighting arena. He uses the excuse of an apology for dragging you here-that he just needed a way to see you and say sorry without being too presumptuous.
(Which is ridiculous, because even he knows that the boundary lines blurred the second he removed your name from archery to swordsmanship.)
His brain is fuzzy when you talk to him though. You mumble about being switched over-your tone indicating you're irritation though despite your failing attempt to cover it, his brown irises watching you so intently that you feel your cheeks heat up.
"but i swear i can get them to switch it back if you're busy-, clarisse is a bitch about timetables but im pretty sure i can get her to do it if i-"
No, is what immediately pops into his head and just as quickly comes from his mouth. Its abrupt and makes you pause for a second, staring back up at him.
"Wouldnt want to make you take an entire mile across camp for somethin' like that" he says as if he didnt make you take the journey before. "can probably find space"
He'd kick out every damn demigod in there if he had to.
Despite your protests, he does eventually get a sword into your hand. Positioning himself behind you, as his hands lock onto your waist, slow, intricate movements along your side under the pretense of 'steadying you'.
It has its adverse effects, what luke really intended to happen, as heat rushes up your spine, leaving you as distracted as ever. You try to ignore the urge to turn around, failing miserably as you turn to him. His grip tightens, as he shifts your body back around by your hips, his chest pressed against your back.
"Eyes up front, pretty girl"
A whisper-the nickname-so quiet you're surprised you even caught it and lukes even more shocked that he even uttered it. He should stop, take a step back, he knows hes well past that little boundary line he tried to imagine for himself. He knows hes enjoying it all way too much. But his hands dont leave your hips, his breath doesnt stop warming your neck because he'd be right back at your knees like a dog to its owner if he stopped-coming right back just to have that one moment of redamancy-even if its just out of pity. He snaps out of it though, reminding himself that he at least needs to finish his lesson like a dutiful counselor.
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Its what he knows he is and what causes kronos's mocking voice to pop back in his head in the nights. He can only make excuses for so long-knowing that he needs to atleast put something in place before the solstice-before all hell breaks loose.
(Its starting again-he feels it, the low drumming that will eventually become a migraine, and turn into something more. A resounding noise that he's been able to escape with you, letting him turn off his head before his sciamachy begins and he paces like a madman. He wants-needs- to go, its why the damn clock wont stop, why he cant seem to close his eyes for too long.)
Despite his apprehension, he trails you around camp. Even staying at those stupid campfires, just long enough so he can see your smile when your eyes meet. A single moment before your face turn sullen as silena gives you a look.
You say something back, a comment silena seems to dislike as her face contorts into something irritated. Whatever comes out next, though, hits a nerve. He sees the way your eyes still and you swallow, a nod as you walk off before silena can open her mouth again.
And he follows you, making sure you’re okay, of course-nothing more, nothing less, like a good counselor should.
(Another feign play at innocence)
You don’t seem to know where you’re going either-weaving through the cabins, even passing your own. He’s fine with his distance, he’ll just watch, not interfere-he’s good like this.
That is until you stop, turning around with a look on your face that he prays isn’t for him.
���Stalking me now, castellan?”
Eyebrows raised, as you fold your arms. “Didn’t take you for a creep”
(He scoffs, though his reaction is only because you’re right.)
“Just making sure y’r alright” he mutters, taking a step forward-closer-too close-for either of your liking.
You stiffen, at his proximity, at his words-instinctively moving a hand to wipe your face of any remnants of tears.
“I’m fine-it’s hot over there y’know-“
Another step.
“The-the humidity-hot air, all stuffy and-“ you stop when he somehow finds a way to get closer, rambling briefly paused as you stare up at him with your face flushed. “shit-“
The silence doesn’t help. If anything it’s worse-even more intoxicating for him as he smells your perfume. Subconsciously, his hands move to your shirt, fiddling with the hem as you take a sharp inhale.
He hates how you say his name.
It makes him feel sick-how almost pretty you make something so depraved sound in your mouth.
(But he’d rather hear it in another context-see how far he could push you, how sacred his name could really sound when his head is between your thighs and your hands in his as he kneels like he’s at some altar. He truly believes he might be-something almost sacrilegious in how he wishes to desecrate you.)
You only exhale when his eyes meet yours, and he allows a hand to snake up your abdomen.
So casual, relaxed, the exact opposite of the alarms sounding in your head to get him to stop. You should-need to, for both of your sakes.
You don’t.
Instead you let him, when his hands reach the softness of your breasts- you let him touch you. Let him run his hands over your sensitive nipples and pinch them when they harden. You’re just as greedy as him-he realizes, when he watches you arch your back in a desperate attempt for friction.
A slap on the hips is what gets you to snap out of it.
“Such a needy fuckin’ thing” he hums, trailing back to your thighs, “don’t think you deserve it though, pet”
You’re eyes almost go cross way when he kneels. A short lived victory, however, when you hear the footsteps of the returning campers. He hears then-he has to but he either doesn’t care or is too caught up to move.
Trying to get him to focus-to fucking move before someone sees you too. Instead a finger presses against the wetness of your panties. A squeal leaves you-a testament to his earlier thoughts about your sensitivity.
You buck your hips for more, but he just tuts as he gets up.
“Should be careful sweetheart-not everyones as lenient about the rules as I am”
He doesn’t wait for a response, instead leaving your wetness on his fingers as he turns his back to you and your legs wobbly when you walk back to your cabin.
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
almost (sweet music) | luke castellan
synopsis: exbf! luke castellan goes on a date with another girl after your death. went back to my roots and wrote an aphrodite reader!
song: almost (sweet music) by hozier
it's been a year.
it's been a year since percy uttered the words, "we need a shroud, for the daughter of aphrodite." it's been a year since he survived the battle of manhattan and you didn't. it's been a year since hermes had to pull him off your dead body as he thrashed and mourned your death.
he's out of camp half blood now, which he thinks you'd be surprised to learn. you always joked that he'd end up taking over mr. d's position if he wasn't an immortal god. luke had a special relationship with chb, just like you did. back when he was sixteen, the first time he kissed you, he let himself think about growing old with you there.
maybe taking over the summer activities and planning. living in a small cabin just on the outskirts of camp. he thought about making it into a welcome center for new arrivals, somewhere where they could have a hot meal and have a room of their own before they inevitably ended up in the hermes cabin with his rowdy siblings.
those were the easy days. back when his biggest fear was losing his best friend if he told you how he truly felt about you. it seems silly and trivial now that he looks back at it. he wishes he told you how he felt sooner, just to get those extra years, extra days, extra seconds with you knowing that you were his and he was yours.
but now he's in his twenties and you were six feet under. it wasn't fair and he felt disgusted with himself as he prepared for his first date with a girl chris set him up with from his sociology class at nyu. he knew that you would've wanted him to move on, after all, you always said that your favorite version of him was when he was in love. something about how his eyes sparkle differently and how his voice turns softer, kinder, when he spoke, but luke didn't know how to tell you that he was only like that when it came to you.
the date was fine. the girl was pretty. she had the same hair color as you and same giggly laugh, and luke should be grateful that chris knew his type, but all luke could do was compare her to you. it wasn't fair to the girl. she was lovely and she deserved someone who didn't think about their ex-girlfriend every time they looked at her.
when she showed up to the mom and pops restaurant luke picked out for the date, she was listening to your favorite artist. luke almost felt like he was back in the aphrodite cabin, listening to the song on your record player, swaying you back and forth in a lousy attempt at slow dancing. if he tried hard enough, he swore he could feel the sound of your heartbeat pressed against his chest, reminding him that you were still there, still alive.
it made him so dizzy that his date had to ask him if he was okay. he turned pale, all the color draining from his face. luke meekly nodded and told her a half-truth. i haven't gone on a first date in a while.
the girl smiled at him kindly, just like how you did when you first met him, and told him she understood. she sat across from him and sipped on her water, trying her best to keep the conversation going, but luke could tell that she knew his mind was elsewhere.
his mind was at camp half blood, in the sheds by the strawberry fields. his lips were on yours, a smile grazing his face that you had to pull away to tease him. he was always so smiley with you, no facade of the brooding, tough as nails, hermes head counselor that everyone else got from him. with you, he was luke, young, naive, and helplessly in love. when he closed his eyes, he could still feel the ghost of your lips on his, cherry lip gloss teasing his tastebuds.
his date complimented his necklace and for the first time that night, luke gave her a genuine smile and a look of interest. it was the necklace you bought for him for his seventeenth birthday. you'd saved up all your money from your part-time job at the froyo shop in ohio during the year. it was a silver dog tag with an engraving of mercury and venus circling each other. he hasn't taken it off since you put the necklace on him years ago.
when she asked the story behind it, luke spoke your name for the first time in a year to a stranger. when he caught himself talking about you in the present tense, a bitter taste lingered in his mouth and he had to gulp down the rest of his water to wash it away. he flexed his hand, a nervous habit that he had. and when the girl leaned over to place her own hand over his to steady him, luke pulled away from her like she just burned him.
he apologized profusely and it became clear to the girl that luke was not ready to go on a date with anyone. luke saw a flicker of disappointment in her eyes and he wondered if he'd looked like that the entire time, disappointed that it was her in front of him and not you. but then she tapped the back of his hand in a friendly way and leaned back in her chair and said, tell me about her.
you were his favorite topic of conversation. he recalled one too many conversations with chris and the stolls where they'd complain about how every conversation somehow ended up about you. so luke obliged and told her the story of how the two of you came to be. he kept the details vague, deciding that exposing olympus and the existence of the gods would be too much for a first date. maybe sixth, or seventh, but he doubts he'll get that far with her.
when the date was over, the girl gave luke a hug and whispered, i hope you guys get back together. it seems like you really love her.
luke wanted to tell her that if he had the power to be with you again, he would do it in a heartbeat, but that was beyond his control. luke thanked her and said, i hope so, too.
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taylormarieee · 6 months
In my Feelings Luke Castellan
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Summary: You find Luke talking to another girl and after taking action it backfires on you and now you might lose the love of your life...
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Fem!Aphrodite!Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Angst, fire, arrows being shot, hair burned off, threats, Luke being a douche and terrible boyfriend, sad reader, humiliation, drama, anger, reader being a badass, that's all enjoy!
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He faced your body away from the door and shielded you with his body that way if Chiron came in, he wouldn't see you.
"I got my eyes on you my pretty girl. Won't let anything happen to you baby."
He finally drifted off to sleep letting his dreams flow like a river, a river full of love and happiness.
He finally had a peaceful and loving dream rather than a nightmare. And he was grateful you were the cause of his fantastic dream.
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Three weeks later your walking around Camp half blood and it's cooler than normal. Maybe it rained and brought cool breeze but the sun was still shining.
You were walking towards archery as this will be the first time you go back ever since the "Incident". The incident where that boy came onto you and when your heard Luke confess his love for you offically.
You both were now in a happy relationship that's been going on for a month now and personally, you think it's the best thing in the world.
He's handsome, smart, very sneaky, and a total goofball, but he's your goofball and that's all that mattered to you.
As you were walking towards archery you saw Luke there and your face lit up and you started smiling, but that smile sooned dropped when you saw him with a girl. It wasn't just any girl, it was Candice.
She was a demigod child of demeter, she was also head counselor of Cabin 4. You didn't mess with her or get on her bad side because you didn't want poison ivy in your bed sheets or some type of flower to put you to sleep.
He was laughing with her and she was touching him and was too close for comfort, way to close for your liking anyway.
You felt a little hurt, he never liked Candice, he always hated the way she acted so prissy and stuck-up. Those stuff he told you were clearly lies if he's laughing with her and letting her touch him like that.
You stared at the both of them before Clarisse and Percy came up to you. You and Clarisse became closer friends and you helped her and percy settle their differences, there not friends but they tolerate each other.
"What's up? You look sad." Percy asks, his face contorting into one of worry. "Luke and Candice. At Archery. Look." You say in pieces not even able to say a proper sentence. They both look to where your pointing and see what you see.
You hear Percy sigh and you can feel Clarisse roll her eyes. "Candice was always a bitch anyway, and Luke was too good for you. Let's go, it's almost lunch." She says grabbing your arm to try and turn you away.
You stay in place and look at percy, he has an apple in his hand. "Hey can I borrow that for a second? Thanks." You say not waiting for his reply and snatching the apple from him.
You hear him protest in the distance but just walk closer to the two. "Hey Candice!" you shout not even acknowledging Luke, you were pissed now, but you didn't wanna show it.
A couple of other campers were aware of your presence and were nosy enough to want to see what was happening.
"Oh, hi! What's up!?" She shouts but as you get closer, your nice facade drops. "Hold this apple and put it on your head and stay fucking still, got it?" You demand before finishing off your sentence with a charming smile.
Clarisse and Percy give each other a knowing look and sit back and watch not even attempting to stop you.
Candice, looking like the confused girl she is puts the apple on her head anyway and stands still. You smile at a little girl before asking if you can borrow her bow and arrow.
You get in position and hold it out, but of course you wouldn't be you without a little flair. "Light it up please." you ask politely. Candices smile drops and she gets scared.
Someone rushes over and lights the tip of the arrow on fire and you smile and thank them. "uh I didn't sign up for this." Candice says moving a bit. "Didn't I tell you to stay fucking still? You signed up for this when you decided to flirt with my fucking boyfriend." You snap back.
You ready the arrow and release it causing it to hit the apple but what you didn't expect was for the fire to burn some of candices hair in the back. Luckily Luke put it out with some water. She screamed and stormed off before looking at you one last time.
'She had it coming.' you thought. You looked at Luke, rolled your eyes and walked off before he could even chase you. You walk up to Percy and Clarisse and wrap your arms around them, "Anyone hungry?" You say with a smirk on your face. You and Clarisse laugh and Percy smiles.
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It was a couple hours after the incident and Chiron decided to make an example out of you, in front of everyone.
"Y/N Y/L/N and CANDICE CAPONE! Come up here now!" He yelled, silencing everyone and making all their heads turn towards you and Candice. Your eyes darted around before they fall on Luke.
You were still angry but that anger would soon turn to sadness. You looked at Clarisse and then Percy and the Annabeth and lastly, Grover. You smiled at all of them as they had worried expressions because they've never seen Chiron so mad.
You walked up and Candice stood on the other side of Chiron. You two stop in front of each other but looked at Chiron. "You, y/n y/l/n did something extremely unexceptable. You shot an arrow at a fellow demigods head and burned her hair. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He asked
"Yes, yes I do. Candice Capone, I'm extremely sorry for what I did. It was not nice and completely unfair to you. I shouldn't have done it, but I didn't think that was going to happen. So for that I'm sorry. Do you accept my apology so we can put this shit- sorry, this situation behind us?" You said.
You didn't actually mean it but you had to make it sound believable before you get stuck on horse duty for the rest of the week, month even. She stared at you for a few minutes not saying anything.
At that point you got tired of standing up there and was ready to sit down. "I accept your apology but I do have one thing to say to you. That's exactly why Luke doesn't even like you anyway."
The whole room gasps. Everyone literally knows you and Luke are the IT couple, you guys were perfect and everyone kew how much Luke loved you, or so they thought.
"He is so sick of you and your constant complaining, your random outbursts and just the way you always bother him with wanting to do cutesy stuff together. He said your annoying and he wants you off his back." She says with the evilest smirk on her face.
You were on the brink of tears. "That's all, but I do accept your apology because now we're even, you embarrassed me, I embarrassed you." She says before walking away to go sit down.
You stood there in complete shock. You know you shouldn't have believed it but lately the signs were coming back to you. Luke had an attitude with you yesterday because he was tired and you wanted to go swimming, you ended up going with Percy and Annabeth, and Clarisse tagged along for the fun of it.
You watched as everybody looked at you. Your eyes were dark and your expression emotionless. "Hey Candice, when your hairs all gone tomorrow and you can't grow it back, I'm gonna see whos embarrassed now. Watch your back." You threaten.
Her smile drops and you try so hard not to grab something to throw at her fucking face. You loom at Luke and that's when the tears come down. 'Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't. Fucking. Cry.' It repeats over and over again in your head but it's not working.
One tear falls and then you run off before anyone can say anything. You didn't wanna be in your feelings because then you would go into this isolation where you avoided help and avoided everyone.
You hated this and god why'd you have to be such a cry baby. You hated when you got in your feelings.
Why couldn't Luke just say something. ANYTHING! He just sat there, didn't even try to come after me and comfort me and tell me it's all a lie. Instead he sits there like a fucking jakcass and does nothing.
You wanted to drown, get struck by lighting, died in a war full of men or maybe just died in your sleep. Anything is better than this feeling. Anything is better than being in your feelings.
Slowly drowning in a pool you can't get out of. Stuck in a time loop of constant nightmares that fuel your overthinking and negatively shut you down physically and mentally.
'If only there was a way to get out. If only I could stop being in my feelings.' you thought...
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Taglist: @elaratckker @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @angelinajolie0213 @maryann2013 @kneehe-nehar7 @rhydianissuperior @urmomsbananabread @reader-bookling123 @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @csifandom @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @glorywielder101 @aanoia @madelainelupin16 @ahh-chickens @callsignwidow @murdrdocs @bright-molina
A/N: i'M SORRY THIS ONE IS SO DEPRESSING STOPPPP! dw though they'll have their happy ending and their happily ever after in the last and final chapter! Love you guys and thanks so much for the support! MWAH💋
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asvterias · 3 months
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟨: 𝖢𝖺𝗉𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖥𝗅𝖺𝗀
the cast // series masterlist
chap. 1 || chap. 2 || chap. 3 || chap. 4 || chap. 5 || chap. 6 || chap. 7 || chap. 8
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Adrianna & Reader are 💯 bestie goals, Funny Sibling Antics from Reader and Percy, Typical Daily Foreshadowing, Protective!Reader, Reader is a simp for Clarisse (rightfully so), #MuscularGirlsCanGetIt, Percy & Reader have a sibling emotional moment, Dealing with Grief and Loss, Doubts of being unable to protect loved ones, Slight Mentions of Death, Slight Sludge of Angst, Kinda Flirty!Reader x Kinda Flustered!Clarisse
Italics Alone are Reader’s Thoughts
Bold Italics are Other Various Character’s POV
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word count: 5.1k+
tag list: @starless-nightz @starvviss @lov3rgiiirl @random-girls-loves @coolgirl458 @kjisbae17 @s0r0ws @a-fucking-sappho
author’s note: anyways, i hope you liked this chapter! please don’t be a silent reader and interact within the chapter.
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🌊 🐚 ✘ 🔥🗡️
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The following day was Capture the Flag, a day everyone seemed to love, filled with unsparked competitiveness and victories to win.
“You’re gonna love this. Camp-wide mock warfare, all glory to the victors,” Luke informs the siblings. You and Adrianna walked ahead of Luke and Percy as you all passed many campers practicing for a weekly game of Capture the Flag.
Your friend, Adrianna spotted a young teen out in the midst of campers. The young girl was brown-skinned, wearing braids, appearing to be the same age as Percy.
Then, it all suddenly clicked together, she was the other girl during your first night here in the infirmary.
“Annabeth’s the head counselor of the Athena cabin. She’s led our team to three straight wins, it’s been a long time since anyone won the fourth,” Your best friend stated.
“So she’s strategically smart, huh?” You asked, now intrigued.
“Like you wouldn’t believe, but being an Athena kid means you’re just blessed with intelligence.”
“She was there in the bathroom,” Percy recalls.
“Wait, what? Why was she in the bathroom with you?”
“I don’t know, Y/N, but she said she’d been waiting for it to happen,”
“Waiting for you to screw up?!” You raised an eyebrow.
“Haha, Y/N,” Percy replied dryly,
Annabeth stares at the sibling duo in the distance, maintaining her attention on Percy, while she slightly smiles at you. Smiling sweetly in response, you waved at the girl, and she refocused her attention on the practicing campers before her.
“Annabeth sees the world differently, always six steps ahead of everyone else,” Luke explains to your brother as he turns to the familiar girl.
“Whose side are you on, anyway?” Percy questions.
“Oh, hers, always, she’s my little sister,”
You stared at Percy in confusion, looking down at your brown skin and glancing back up at Luke’s skin. “Ain’t y’all got different parents on the whole? Unless it’s a non-blood type of sibling bond.”
“The second option,” Adrianna nods to you.
“Maybe I should back up,” Once Luke observed the cluelessness on the blonde boy’s face.
“Very,” You crossed your arms.
Back at the dining pavilion, the four of you sat down, breakfast already finished as Luke tells his arrival backstory to this camp.
“Before camp, I was on the road, me and a forbidden kid I met along the way. Her name was Thalia.” He smiles in remembrance.
“What’s a forbidden kid?” You whispered to your blonde friend.
“Children of the big three, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon,”
You nodded in understanding, returning your attention back to Luke.
“A long time ago, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades agreed their children were becoming too powerful, so they made a pact not to father anymore. It held for a long time, until Zeus broke that pact…until Thalia.”
“Long story short, a forbidden kid attracts trouble, monsters everywhere, it’s just a constant battle to stay alive,”
“But…forbidden kids are being more hunted than regular?”
“Yeah,” Adrianna hums.
“One day, we found this little girl hiding in an alley, Annabeth. We were worried about taking her in, exposing her to all that danger. Then we saw her fight…” The Castellan boy says, holding a small smile but it quickly disappears as he continues, “Thalia didn’t make it, but Annabeth and me…we did. We’ve been family ever since.”
“She’s been watching me since I got here. Why?”
“Someone’s high and mighty of themselves today,” You snorted.
“I’m not.” Percy deadpanned, “Everywhere I go, I always manage to see her, even catching a simple glimpse.”
“Annabeth is the strongest warrior in camp. The only way left to prove herself is to go on a quest,”
“But what does this have to do with me? What makes me so special?”
“Who told you those lies?” You chirped up.
Percy rolls his eyes at you, ignoring your remark.
“Chiron’s been promising her for years. One day, two demigods would arrive who were fated to go on a quest that even Chiron couldn’t prevent, and when that happened she could join it.”
“Every new arrival, Annabeth watches, looking for a sign they’re the one. Usually, she gives up after a day or two, but she’s still watching you,” Luke concludes, “the both of you,” he clarified, now shifting his eyes to you.
“Can you ask her to knock it off?”
“She’s not…like mentally deranged right?” You hesitantly asked.
“What, Y/N?” Adrianna asked incredulously, “No, she’s not, just observant, that’s all,”
“She could be hiding her deranged mentality from all of us, and we wouldn’t even know it. I really hope you don’t underestimate what Annabeth is capable of, she’s pretty impressive,”
“How can you make that assumption?” The Castellan boy asked.
“I just have a thing, I suppose,”
“A thing?” Adrianna was skeptical of your plain explanation.
Luke finishes off, “You’re not serious, are you?”
“Deadly, I never joke about my intuition with people, that’s why I’m mostly right.”
“Please, Y/N, focus on what’s important here,” Percy said. “Anyways, what’s the deal with Annabeth, does she think I’m special?”
“Yeah sure,” Luke tilts his head, “But what if she’s right?”
“Imagine that, if we managed to be forbidden kids too, oh that’d be absolutely ironic,” You joke, sipping on the last of your orange juice.
“Maybe you are,” Your blonde friend nudges you with a slight smirk.
“Wait…what?” You panicked, choking slightly on your drink. “I was just joking, can’t you guys take a joke in this camp?”
“Just screwing with you, Y/N,” she laughs.
Oh, okay! That’s good!
A swift noise in the air interrupts your conversation as Chiron smiles fondly.
“Heroes,” Chiron announced, glancing down at his pocket watch, “It’s time. The game begins.”
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For some reason, an exciting feeling ran through your veins as you prepared in the mandatory armor with Adrianna. The blonde girl had to literally hold you still, trying to contain your buzzing excitement as a smile adorned her face at your enthusiasm while she redressed you in armor for the game.
Heading to the main campgrounds alongside Adrianna as you talked on the journey there, reaching upon a river that disperses into a waterfall, each two teams standing on a riverside that separated them.
Chiron stood up, front and center as he read the game rules from an old scroll. “The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor,”
You stared over at the red team, your opposing team. The very same team that Clarisse happened to be leading.
Admiring the way she walked down, dressed in battlefield armor made your heart skip multiple beats at a time as your eyes remained focused solely on her.
“Isn’t she so pretty?” You muttered dreamily to yourself. Adrianna’s ears perked up at your murmurs, causing a perplexed look on her face.
“Aren’t you losing your mind?” Percy murmured, judging Clarisse. “You sure you weren’t dropped on the head when we were younger?”
“What the fuck is she talking about?” Adrianna shakes her head, chuckling when she realizes who your reference was about, and her face instantly hardens.
“Clarisse, well at least I think,”
“Don’t even think about it, Y/N!” She grits her teeth.
You broke your attention away from Clarisse and turned to look at Adrianna.
“What?! I wasn’t even thinking of anything,”
“You’re not an airhead, Y/N, that’s your brother.”
“Oh, right,”
“Hey!” Percy took offense to that jab directed at him.
“Sorry not sorry, blondie boy!”
The young demigod boy rolled his eyes, shuffling closer to Luke.
“Anyways, back to us, you can’t be serious,”
“I’ll just distract her for some time, how hard can it be?”
“Very much so.”
“Wow, you have no faith in your best friend,”
“I do have faith in you, just not in your fighting skills…well lack thereof,”
“That’s a minor issue,”
“Minor issue?! Clarisse is the best fighter in camp, she’s the most ruthless kid of Ares here, you’d be foolish to go against her,”
“I don’t have to go against her, silly Adri,” you chuckled, “I just have to get under her, keep her occupied until we win. Easy-peasy.”
“That’s the most ridiculous plan I’ve ever heard in my life,” She closes her eyes, frustration settling on her face.
“Either way, I’m doing this with or without your support,” You quipped. “It’s a foolproof plan, really,”
“Fine,” she gave up, “Just be safe, okay! If you get hurt by her don’t say I didn’t warn you,”
“Safe is my middle name,”
“Reckless is your middle name!” She mutters under her breath.
“What was that, Adri?”
“I said reckless is your middle name so pay attention to the rules. End of discussion.”
You huff in annoyance at her demand, regardless continue to listen to Capture the Flag rules.
“As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected.”
Finally, Clarisse stops, settling down, right in the front, with an amazing view to politely observe her. God, you hoped you didn’t sound like a stalker when saying that.
“Any magical items you may possess are permitted as well.” You looked down at the regular pen in your hand, “Every camper who is not injured has to play.”
Luke noticed your uneasiness with your weapon, “It’s okay, let her rip,”
“Last time I ‘let her rip’ a Minotaur died by my hands,”
“I doubt you’re gonna kill a human,”
“You never know,”
“Oh, I’m certain.” He chuckles.
“Prisoners may be disarmed…but may not be bound or gagged.”
Bound or Gagged? Campers tried that before?! Are these campers into some kinky shit or something? Hold up, ain’t most of these kids under 15, nah that’s more concerning!
“I still don’t know what my job is, maybe a sword is useless to me.”
“Let the games begin,” Chiron finished. The boy beside him blows into the conch shell, initiating the start of the game, and earning a crowd yell from the red team, Clarisse included.
You were startled at the unexpected noise, “Oh hell nah, I’m not fighting them, I want everything on me to stay connected with me,” You began to unbuckle your breastplate, internally panicking at the mere thought of fighting the red team. You were definitely not losing a limb or more because of a mock game, you simply refused to! No doubt why the red team seemed so loud and ruthless, the entire Ares cabin was there, highly determined to gain glory from the losing teams.
“Leave your armor alone, Y/N,” Adrianna swatted your hand away from unbuckling your breastplate.
“Oh my god, we’re gonna die out there,” Percy groans in defeat.
“You got that right,”
The blue team stands at attention, hitting their sword against the ground and their shield, synchronizing a loud yell before divulging into their assigned locations.
Annabeth walked over to the four of you. “All right, we have 20 minutes before the second conch and game-on. You know what you’re doing?”
“Yes ma’am,” Luke smiles, motioning to leave with Adrianna.
“Hey.” Annabeth halts their movements. “Today feels like a winning kind of day to you?”
Luke contemplates answering her question, but ultimately decides to leave her in the dark, “I’ll see you on the other side.”
“Company! Move out!” Adrianna yells, instructing the other team members, pointing straight ahead with her sword.
“Kleos!” They yelled and started to jog away.
Looking at Adrianna, sending a smile your way, you returned the kind gesture, ready to follow her but a familiar voice stopped you and Percy.
“Not you sunshine, you’re with me,” Annabeth confirms, getting a move on, “You too sunshine protector,”
Sharing a confused look with your younger brother, you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly, starting to follow after the Athena girl.
Looks like Annabeth had a pretty convincing plan, supposedly having a major plan involving the two Jackson-Matthews siblings.
Oh, this was definitely gonna be a fun adventure!
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Throughout the trail of the walk, Annabeth was quiet and kept up her pace, continually peering at the Jackson-Matthews siblings.
All of a sudden, Percy stumbled on a fallen tree branch, causing him to trip and fall to the ground. You stifled a laugh, stretching out a hand to help him up, and he accepted it, standing on his two feet again.
Annabeth stops, facing the two siblings with a neutral expression.
“I’m fine, thanks. But I appreciate you, you know, standing there silently,”
The young girl raises an eyebrow, turning around and continuing her walk, picking up the pace even faster. You had already caught up to her and Percy speed walks towards the two girls, getting closer.
“Listen, I– I get it, okay. You’re better at this than me, but I need this to go well today,” Percy starts, “I can’t really get into it, but I need my father to see it go well,”
“Do we really need his attention? He’s been a shit dad so far, he’s not going to change just because we asked him to,”
“Anyways…” Your brother dismisses your comment, “So, if you’re gonna expect me to know how to do something I don’t know how to do and I end up falling flat on my face, I can’t really have that right now…”
Once again, Annabeth stops walking, facing Percy, staring at the boy, her eyes drifting to his armor. She leans in, firmly buckling the breastplate for his safety as Percy keeps his eyes trained on her actions.
Yeah, you definitely see something going on between these two. Because your brother’s a dumbass, they’re probably gonna be a slowburn too. Only could be your brother’s obliviousness to get himself in this predicament.
“You still didn’t get where you two fit into all this, do you?” She questioned, looking at the two siblings.
“I may have a theory, but I could be wrong,”
“Let’s hear it, then.”
“Umm okay,” you cleared your throat, “Maybe me and my brother are more powerful than necessary, which could benefit you in a way.” You snorted, “Or maybe, we’re forbidden demigods, that monsters desperately seek to kill,”
“You know, you should listen to your sister more often, she’s smarter than you realize.”
“Hey, thanks,” you grinned before recognizing the deeper meaning behind her words, “Was that a compliment or insult?”
“A compliment,”
A second conch shell blows, echoing around the forest, catching the trio’s attention.
“Game on,” She smirks, putting a cap over her head, instantly shielding and making herself invisible.
You gasped in bewilderment at the sudden action, not believing your own eyes.
“Wait, what?”
Annabeth appears again, removing the cap from her head, and smiling down at the item, “Gift from my mom. Don’t worry you two will do great.”
“Do great? Do what great?” Percy persistently asked.
Of course, to keep your brother guessing, she placed her cap on, becoming invisible again, and walked off. The deft footsteps signified her departure, only further increasing your boredom with this game overall.
“Well, I quit,” you started unbuckling your breastplate.
Sitting on a big rock on top of a hill, the armory discarded across the dirty ground as you talked with Percy. Capture The Flag was long forgotten in your minds as you both quit mid-game.
“I can’t believe everything that happened in the last few days. This was all so crazy.”
“Should we talk about it?” Percy was hesitant. You stared at him in question but instantly knew by the spark in his eye where this conversation was heading.
You knew this talk was coming. You just didn’t expect it to be this soon. Something in you was telling you to avoid this conversation, but you had to manage through this, at least for Percy’s sake.
“What do you mean?”
“About our moms, Y/N.” He deeply sighs.
“Don’t, Percy…” you quickly dismiss him, closing your eyes momentarily, “I can’t talk about it, not right now.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N…” He breathes out.
“Can everyone please stop saying sorry, it doesn’t lessen the pain anymore. Saying sorry is just a go-to card expressing sympathy and sometimes not actually mean it. But not you, or Sally or Grover should feel obliged to say it, you were there, experienced it too. You deserve to mourn too, she is— was your mom too. If anything I should be asking you, how are you dealing with our parents’ losses?”
“Wait, are we talking about your mom or my mom?” His cluelessness brought a small smile to your face.
“Both, dummy.”
You pulled him into a hug, gripping onto his shirt, anything to ease the heavy burden in your heart. You wanted to feel safe and Percy wanted to be safe.
“Promise me something…” You start, the tears already forming in your eyes.
“Yeah, anything, sis,” he mumbles into your shirt.
“Promise me you won’t do any stupid shit to get you killed.”
“Promise me! I can’t afford to lose another family member, you’re my baby brother, I’m supposed to protect you from dangers, and can’t bear to lose you too as well.”
He didn’t want nor need a protector, in fact, he was sick of people trying to protect him. At this point, he was scared of people protecting him, all because they’d end up in danger. Or even worse, risk their lives and unfortunately take their last breath at Percy’s expense. All he needed right now was you. He didn’t want a protector but he needed his older sister, the last person of family in his life.
He just wanted his sister to be with him. Only his sister, not another demigod, just his older sister.
Percy noticed the urgency and desperation plastered on your face and nodded against you. “I promise.”
“Thank you,”
However, your sibling moment was short-lived when Percy glimpses at Clarisse walking up the hill, alongside two other Ares kids. You stood up, at their sudden presence, steadily shielding Percy away from them.
“The flag’s that way, it’s not here.” You gulped at the trio as Clarisse discarded her helmet.
“We know...” her voice was sultry, indulging more than she should have let on.
Her intense stare lingered on you as you gulped down the slight fear….and possibly something else, leaning towards fluster.
Clarisse shifted her eyes onto Percy, nothing but malicious intent in her eyes.
“Yeah glory’s fine, but revenge is more fine,” She states and slams her spear against the ground, watching it flicker on, an electric spear, her eyes sparkled in admiration.
That was kinda…no definitely hot!
“What did you do, Percy?” you glared at your brother.
He stares at you in bewilderment, “What did I do? There was a toilet, and Clarisse and her sisters were preparing to shove my head into the toilet, and the next thing I knew the water exploded at them. Which also broke the nearby bathroom stalls by the way. If anything, this is all her fault.”
“What? How does this—“
Clarisse interrupted, “It’s not about what he did or how he did it. This is about whether you two can fight to save your own asses.”
Percy’s eyes widened as he turned back at Clarisse.
“It was just a harmless thing, I- I didn’t even know I could do that.” Percy was quick to defend himself.
“And a few days ago, you didn’t know you were Poseidon’s latest mystery son.” The Ares girl rebuts back, clearly dismissing his reasoning, “Some things tend to change overnight, your powers being one of them.”
“Hold up, you mean to tell me that you’re getting revenge on my brother because he humiliated you? You threatened to shove his head into a toilet, insisting that he lied about killing the minotaur and now you’re furious that he defended himself.” you stared at her in astonishment, “Oh, that’s really sad and pathetic.”
The Ares girl huffs impatiently and blatantly ignores your whole statement, precisely focusing on her insight into the situation.
“No maiming it’s like the one rule, right?” Percy stumbles to grab his armor, and hurriedly puts it on.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll lose dessert privileges for a while.” She seems as if she is reconsidering her consequences, “I’ll live.” she concludes with a neutral expression. “Besides everyone at this camp truly knows you killed the Minotaur single-handedly, don’t let your brother get all the credit.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“You two take the punk,” Clarisse commands her two sisters, looking at Percy. Her head cranes to you with a mysterious grin as you hold strong eye contact, “The pretty girl is all mine.”
“What are you going to do?”
“You’ll see..” Clarisse darkly chuckles.
“Oh this is just great.” you shrug your shoulders, “We’re not even here for a week yet we have bullies on our asses.”
“Don’t get me confused, pretty girl, I’m not a bully. I just like to set people straight, especially the newbies, so no hard feelings right?”
“No hard feelings,” you agree, scoffing. What exactly was this girl’s thought process?
“I know you’d understand…” Sending you a half-lipped smile, “There was always something about you that I always liked.”
Right now, you have two instinctive choices, which are flight or fight. Long story short, you chose the easier way, relying on your adrenaline to save you this one time. Without much thought, you chose flight and god, you only hoped it would be your rescue.
Slowly backing away from the trio of girls stalked closer to you, shielding your brother away from the teenage girls.
“Percy,” you whisper to him, attention on the three girls unwavering in the slightest, “Get ready to run.”
“What?” He breathlessly exclaimed.
You quickly grab his arm, turn on your heel, and immediately run away in the other direction. Aiming towards the woods, the two siblings sprinted off, hoping to lose the Ares trio of trouble. In the midst of many trees and bushes, the wilderness provided you with endless possibilities but very few solutions.
How the hell are you going to get out of this mess now? You hardly know anything about this camp, much less about the vicinity of those woods. The bottom line is that you’re so fucked.
“I always loved a good hide and seek,” She speaks to herself, a playful smirk resting on her face. Oh, Clarisse was loving you already, feisty and frightful, a wicked combination. A combination that Clarisse certainly loved to cherish…or demolish, depending on the other person. But you were different, you were the first to stand up to her; you were her challenge and she was determined to put you in your place.
“Stop,” she puts a handout, halting her sisters’ movements, “We’ll give them a head start, they’ll probably need it.”
At her statement, her younger sisters chuckle in agreement, urging their boastful ego. A few seconds passed, and Clarisse’s patience was running very thin.
After a while of running away from the trio of girls, you lost Percy during it and groaned in annoyance upon realization.
You became exhausted from running, and the next best thing was to hide and pray that Clarisse wouldn’t find you or just give up and leave.
Her pride and unnatural stability wouldn’t allow you to escape from her clutches so easily. Oh, who are you kidding? Clarisse was the daughter of Ares, a literal war god who possibly killed for fun. If she was anything like her father, she possibly is, then she’d be extremely persistent and dedicated to ending this childish game, and declaring her victory. She seemed entitled to her glory, the ultimate root of her reputation at this camp.
Tired and out of breath, the adrenaline is still pumping in your blood as your eyes frantically dart everywhere for a decent hiding space. Using your last amount of energy, you stumbled towards a huge green bush and stayed in a crouched position without any movement. Just a slight movement might get your cover blown and you didn’t want that.
Soon enough, she makes her presence known and your heart sped up at the sound of her voice.
“You can run but you can’t hide forever, pretty girl.” Clarisse taunted you, light on her footsteps and she surveyed her surroundings. “I’m gonna find you eventually, so don’t make this harder for yourself and just come out.”
Her chuckle was not so much terrifying as it was hot. You rolled your eyes, internally panicking as her voice grew closer.
Truth be told, you thought of a plan. Now was the plan a brilliant or well-thought-out plan, no, it certainly was not, you weren’t secretly Athena’s daughter. Guess it has to be one of those; figuring it out along the way type of plan.
Spotting the curly-haired girl, her back was turned to you and her stealthy movements made you nervous. Would it really be that easy for you? No, but you decided to deceive the possibilities and just seized the moment in its unawareness.
Without any second thoughts, adrenaline pumped through your veins as you sprinted towards her, not stopping until you tackled her, possibly knocking the breath out of her. You both landed on the ground with a hard thud, the dirt smearing onto your clothes and you staggered to get back up.
As Clarisse is still recovering from the strong hit, you took the opportunity to straddle her, taking her by surprise as you kept her trapped underneath you. Her spear landed a few feet away from both of you, making immediate eye contact, seemingly knowing the other’s movement, as you both scurried to retrieve the spear, you beat her to it.
The spear felt weird in your hand and you analyzed the supposed weapon.
“Be careful with that,” Clarisse demands with a sharp tone.
“Relax, I’m not gonna break it or anything,” You reassured her. Catching her by surprise, you aimed the spear at her neck, pressing the cold metal there.
“Leave me and my brother alone, that’s all I ask.” you breathed heavily, inching the spear closer to her neck. The girl below you barely flinched, staring into your eyes, and lifted her neck upward, as if she was challenging you to puncture her neck.
Were Ares’ kids really this fearless? Never revealing their vulnerability, even when getting injured, they remained so cold and brutal to others. You understood why no other campers truly messed with Ares’ children, they were all so terrifying in a way. You assumed they were all psychotic, and you were beginning to believe it, maybe Clarisse’s psychotic tendencies made you attracted to her.
“Is that all you got, pretty girl?” she whispers hoarsely, gazing into your eyes, “It’s gonna take more than that to convince me.”
She had that menacing look, a dangerous fire dancing around in her eyes. Her thick eyelashes flutter at you almost innocently as her eyes pierce at yours.
You lean closer to her face, merely inches from your lips touching, discarding her spear away, hearing the metal clink against the forest floor. Clarisse felt flustered, her eyes widened as the unfamiliar butterflies swarmed around immensely in her stomach.
She began to internally panic at the new position and you were aware, reveling in some joy. For a girl who was convinced of being ruthless and cold by others, your presence made her timid, and vulnerable….an unusual feeling for her. Of course, Clarisse was overwhelmed with her emotions, something she was taught to control by her father, and she stared at you, dark-chocolate eyes twinkled, not filled with malicious intent, but rather an observant curiosity.
It came as a surprise to Clarisse, being left speechless, unable to make a snarky remark on the spot. Usually, she was the one with the last word, yet, her thoughts were all hazy by the image of you, everything regarding you. It was all about you, you, you. As always, Clarisse’s mind was consumed by other priorities such as finding ways to impress her father or practicing her fighting skills to remain the most victorious Ares kid at this camp. For once, Clarisse wasn’t upset by this revelation but more confused…or was it frustration?! Clarisse was clueless and it scared her, unaware of how to handle this situation but with your lingering gaze and gentle touches, you made it impossible for her.
So much for her being a bully. You found her reaction to this entire interaction quite entertaining, inclined to provoke her even further.
You made Clarisse La Rue blush. You made her nervous. You made her feel vulnerable, and you loved every ounce of it, you practically relished the exciting feeling.
Still, you decided to tease her further, just to see how much she’d allow herself to take.
“Would a kiss suffice?” you meekly ask, refusing to come onto her too strong. Yes, you had the upper hand but you still had morals and respect, it’s common decency. Some people really ought to learn that.
By now her eyes were as wide as saucers and her eyebrows furrowed in shock.
“You heard me, La Rue,” you chuckled, settling some distance between you two. The Ares girl hated how she missed your proximity, your scent enticed her in ways beyond her imagination.
You got her, right where you wanted so now all there was to keep her there for the time being. Just like you said, a foolproof plan…as long as Clarisse doesn’t catch on. Going off purely based upon the hope that Clarisse is too enamored with you to realize the distraction from her hurting your brother.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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addisonnie · 1 year
mine for the summer
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summary: a lifeguard and a camp counselor walk into a bar…..
an: HIIIIIIIII here is part 1 of maybe 3? not sure. anywaysssss, enjoy! im working on trying to make my fics shorter because i work myself to the bone making long ass fics, so this one is going to be a few short parts rather than one long one !
warnings: cursing, there’s a camper named ‘michelle’ who is mentioned a few times, my apologies if that’s your name! you’ve got a name twin i suppose. not proofread because i’m in my lazy era (as i always have been)
Wyoming is particularly hot today. Ellie has spent much of the morning wiping sweat from her brows and detaching children from her back — they seem to be extra clingy this year. For the past four years, Ellie has donned the same red athletic shorts and matching white top with the words “CAMP COUNSELOR” across the chest in jersey font. Here she stands for the fifth summer, in the middle of an open field with children clinging to her legs, giggling like madmen.
A few other counselors sprawl across the grass, all involved in something different: capture the flag, football, and general roughhousing. One particular counselor catches her eye, though. You’re standing on the lake’s shore, donning a red bikini top and a pair of shorts that match hers, only yours say “LIFEGUARD” across the globes of your ass. She doesn’t think she recognizes you. Your hair is tied back, sunglasses cover your eyes and your skin seems to sparkle and glow under the heat of the Wyoming sun. And then, you turn around.
Ellie just about drops the child she’s holding on her back. You’d missed camp last summer due to unforeseen circumstances, and in that one year, you’d surely grown into yourself. She couldn’t deny the blush that crept up the nape of her neck as you caught her eye and immediately began waving before breaking into a full sprint toward her.
“Ellie Williams! Is that you I see?” Your voice is as sweet as it always was, Ellie blushes harder.
She carefully places the camper down before meeting you halfway, “it is! Look at you, all grown up.”
You chuckle before dragging her into a tight squeeze, “you’re only six months older, yanno.”
Ellie’s grip loosens as she pulls back to smile at you, “I’ve got to take wins where I can get them.”
The hug goes on for a few more beats, you sway side to side and squeeze Ellie a bit tighter when she moves to pull away.
“So, Williams. How you been? Joel? Sarah?”
She smiles a little wider at the mention of her family, “good. We’ve been good. Sarah actually just got engaged, so the wedding is soon. You’re invited, by the way.”
Your jaw drops in shock and you lightly smack at Ellie’s bicep, “engaged! I didn’t even know the bitch was dating!”
“We have a lot to catch up on—“
Her words are cut short by a shrill scream of your name, “Get back to the lake! We’re playing chicken and you're my teammate!”
The shout was followed by you being dragged away by several young girls, straight back toward where you came from. You maintained eye contact with Ellie as you were dragged toward the shore and shouted back at her, “come find me later!”
Ellie smiled and nodded.
Ellie hated kids, that much she’d admit. However, if you asked her how she felt about her campers, don’t act surprised when a slight smile brushes across her face — only for a few seconds. Friday night at Camp Silver Lake called for a massive camp-wide bonfire, chock-full of s’mores, hotdogs, and some classic campfire songs.
Ellie is sitting on a log in front of the fire while she watches you over the burning embers, a couple of gangly kids are wrapped around you like a jungle gym; You giggle and attempt to shake off their sticky fingers.
“Ellie. I will give you five whole dollars if you play campfire song song from Spongebob. Five. Whole. Dollars.” One of Ellie’s campers stood at the front of a gaggle of children with her hands clasped together as if she was praying.
“Michelle. Mickey. My beloved Mickster, five dollars isn’t enough. Make it ten and do my laundry for a week.”
Michelle squints at Ellie and purses her lips, “ten bucks and I won’t tell miss lifeguard over there that you have a crush on her.”
Ellie splutters out a cough and looks up at Michelle with wide eyes, “I do not!”
“Oh, please. You’re so whipped for her she’s practically got your balls in her back pocket. Ten. Bucks. Oh—! Here she comes.”
Ellie scoffs’ “language!” eliciting an eye-roll and a a $10 bill slapped onto Ellie’s naked thigh before she happily skips away, winking at you and ignoring the confused look on your face.
“What’s Mickey so excited about? Someone fall out of that tree again? She thought it was reaaaal funny when I did the other day.” Ellie laughs and pats the open space next to her, “something about me playing the Spongebob campfire song. Really gets her going, I guess.”
Your eyes light up like a kid in a candy shop, “I fuckin’ love that song!”
The tips of your fingers squeeze at Ellie’s thigh and she blushes wildly, hoping she can blame the flush on the heat of the roaring fire nearby, “that would be so fun, you have to! Oh— also, will you hand me that cup? The red solo, it’s mine.”
Ellie smiles and pats the top of your hand with hers, “If you’re good I’ll dedicate it to you.”
She misses the way your cheeks burn red while she turns to grab your drink, “here you—hey! Chill out with throwing that ball by the fire! You’re gonna hit someone.”
A chorus of “sorry Ellie” rings out from the crowd of campers and she grunts, turning back to face you.
“Sorry about that, here’s your drink. Jungle juice?”
You laugh and nudge her with your shoulder, “I wish. Try fruit punch.”
She watches you sip from the cup and swallows harshly while you maintain eye contact over the rim. Her fingers itch and tingle, and before she knows it her pointer finger is tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. She wishes she could find a wildflower somewhere to place with it; All she sees is dirt and grass. Could she tuck a piece of grass behind your ear? Probably not.
Her thoughts are cut short by a yelp and a quick wet splash, leaving her forearm just slightly sticky. A football sits in your lap along with an empty solo cup, the contents appearing soaked into your white tank top.
“Oh, fuck. I told them to stop throwing that ball over here. C’mon, we can go get you cleaned up. Fuck, I’m sorry. Shit.” Ellie is cursing and mumbling like a madman as she grabs your waist and yanks you from the log you were sitting on.
“Geez—Ellie! It’s fruit punch! You’re acting like I got shot.” She huffs and squeezes your hip, “whatever. I’ll take you to my cabin, you can borrow a shirt and I’ll wash this one.”
You smirk to yourself as her pointer finger hooks into the belt loop of your shorts, Ellie dragging you behind her as she angrily marches to her cabin.
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kissitbttr · 2 years
Eddie and his Mean cheerleader girlfriend going skinny dipping during school's trip or something, they would be such a menace😩
yes yes yes !!!
although i do think she's the actual menace in this context lol
“will you stop being a pussy and get naked already?” y/n yells with a playful smile, already tearing her shorts down as she runs towards the water,
“you don’t know for sure that the water is sanitary enough! it’s a lake for gods sake! can’t we just lay here and get high? baby, Higgins won’t even notice” he points at the heavy thick blanket that he just spread,
she rolls her eyes, “we’ve been doing that dozens of time! lets try something different with me edsy!” pulling her sweater off she is left with nothing but a baby blue bra with matching panties before facing him. his eyes immediately lights up with brows raised
“i don’t think i have seen you with that one” he says looking at her lingerie. “your tits gotten bigger, have they?”
“eddie!” she giggles, throwing the fleeced material at him. “language, please”
he catches it in a second, wicked grin on his handsome face. “what? you’ve heard far worse from me than the word ‘tits’. come on, can you just—get out from there! ever heard of pneumonia?”
“sure” she shrugs, chills running down her spine. “get in here! the water isn’t even that cold” she tries to convince him when she knows it’s the exact opposite,
the water is super freezing.
his head shakes, hands on his hips. “nope. sorry sweetheart not gonna happen. I made up my mind.”
she quirks an eyebrow. “are you sure?” her teasing tone comes to play as she keeps an eye contact with her man.
her hands slowly snaking its way to her back before unclasping the bra. she lowers the straps and throw it away to his direction. then her fingers move down slowly to the waistband of her panties, tucking it down like she’s giving a strip show. his eyes nearly pops out of his sockets, quickly looking left and right to make sure no one is watching
“are you out of your damn mind, woman?!” he exclaims, hurriedly walking over to her naked body before —trying his best— covering it, despite the water seeping through his jeans,
“what if jason and the dickheads passes by and caught a glimpse of your tits and that?!” he nods his head to her bare crotch. “no wait, scratch that. my girls. my pretty things.” he emphasizes, hugging her body while he looks over to the back. “or steve harrington? because there’s no fucking chance i would let that happen! you and i both know he has a thing for you!”
“everyone has a thing for me, it’s not news. but it’s you who I’m with right?” she says, trying to console him. yet eddie just looks at her in disbelief for that comment and it makes her giggle,
she presses both hands on his face. planting a soft kiss on his lips to calm him down. “you’re so adorable. but trust me, no one’s definitely coming, baby. they’re probably far too busy burning some mary janes or jacking off to that one blonde camp counselor in the cabin. although jason voorhees maybe…”
“okay you know what, that’s not funny.” he answers sternly, looking over her shoulders to make sure no serial killer on the loose,
“ugh! lighten up you little shit!“ she groans. “I’m literally naked with my tits out and all, and you’re not even going to budge? get naked with meeee” she whines, giving him her best puppy dog eye and a pout, tugging his shirt a little.
eddie isn’t gonna lie. the sight of her with dampen hair, naked and wet body begging for it to be touched is turning him on like crazy. not like it’s all new to him. she could be wearing a freaking potato sack and he’d still think she’s the sexiest girl ever.
plus, she looks so damn cute doing that with her lips
“fine” he grumbles with an eye roll. discarding all of his clothes in quick motion. “you’re so lucky i love you” with a mumble, he throws away the rest of his clothes
“i love you baaack” she sings, letting out a playful moan when she sees his naked self. “oof, hubba bubba! look at that ladies and gentlemen. hottest rockstar alive about to get freaky with his girl! better hide your wives!”
“don’t hide your cock from me!” she swats his hands when he’s awkwardly trying to cover himself,
he blushes, then suddenly hissing when the water hits him. sending chills down his spine.“fuck, you were lying weren’t you. It’s so cold! how are you even holding up?”
“i don’t actually” she starts giving feather light kisses on his chest. feeling him shiver under her touch. “but it’s a good thing we can keep each other’s warm right? and maybe we can try to fuck under water?” her arms then move down to hug his torso
eddie’s cock grows hard at the thought. even more when he feels her bare pussy rubbing against the base of his shaft. gulping softly when she’s batting those pretty lashes at him. looking so innocent when he knows damn well she isn’t,
he smiles down at her, burying his palms in her hair while he lightly massages the scalp. her eyes shut in pure bliss,
“you’re going to be the death of me sweetheart.”
requests are open!
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demigod-shenanigans · 15 days
Lean on Me
Summary: After the war, Leo finally has some time to process some pretty big feelings he’s been avoiding. Thankfully, Piper is there to help.
Shoutout to my friend @halcyon-hyacinth for beta reading!
Word count: ~7K
So, I passed 250 followers a while back and I thought I’d take this as an opportunity to do a test run of tumblr fanfic posting (Ao3 version linked in the title). Therefore, have my very first HoO fic from all the way back in March! Feat. lots of Leo and Piper friendship, Leo being an oblivious pining little idiot over Jason and some very minor background pipeyna.
Even though it had been weeks since they’d gotten back home, Leo was sometimes still in disbelief about the fact that he was back at Camp Half-Blood after how long they’d been away. It felt weird not falling asleep to a rumbling engine anymore. It felt even weirder to wake up in a cabin full of people.
The number of people being home involved was something he didn’t think he’d ever grow used to. He’d grown up with just his mom and the very occasional visit from family who couldn’t be bothered to care about him after she’d passed away. Then there’d been the foster homes… well, the less said about those, the better. Point being, it was strange how different things were here, and despite the months he’d lived here before the mission, it never stopped feeling that way.
Leo liked his half-siblings, but he wasn’t great with people. He was even worse at being any kind of role model. Most of his time as head counselor for the Hephaestus cabin had been spent on constructing the Argo II. What exactly being head counselor involved now that that was done… that was a problem for future Leo, he supposed. Current Leo was perfectly content hanging out in the same space as some of his siblings, watching their various contraptions grow as he worked on his own. So far, no one had asked him to do anything else, save for the occasional question about his epic adventures. Those he could handle just fine.
Part of Leo missed the time on the Argo, beyond the soothing familiarity of piloting Festus. Not all of it—not the constant monster attacks or knowing the world might end or having to replace the mast four times in the same week. Not the lonely moments when everyone seemed perfectly content without him. But he missed the group breakfasts, and the peaceful bits of the night time watches he’d had with his friends, before something inevitably tried to eat the ship. He missed running into Jason when he got up for a midnight snack, the strange comfort of knowing neither of them could sleep. He missed teasing Frank, and spending three hours arguing with Annabeth about one of her architectural sketches that was as gorgeous as it was physically impossible to construct. Something about the contained space of the ship had made certain things easier. Camp wasn’t huge, but most of them got swept up in their respective tasks, and it just wasn’t the same, especially since Frank and Hazel had left. Some of the Romans had stayed to help with the rebuilding effort, but they’d needed at least one praetor back at Camp Jupiter, so he’d gone, and Hazel had gone with him.
Still, for the most part, Leo was glad to be back home. It was nice to not be fighting for his life every thirty seconds for a change. It was even nicer to be back in his usual tinkering space. Note to self: if he ever built another flying ship, it desperately needed to come with a furnace. His own fire was handy, sure, but setting his limbs alight wasn’t the safest or the most effective way to forge Celestial Bronze. Kid Leo really should have thought his crayon sketch through better.
Speaking of projects he should have spent more time thinking through… he dipped the hot metal disc into cold water, waiting for a moment before he retrieved it with his bare hands.
He’d always felt kind of silly wearing protective gloves considering he could reach into the furnace just fine without it affecting him. (He’d done that exactly once, before a very startled Nyssa had ruined his fun by insisting that the head counselor maybe shouldn’t be teaching his not-fireproof younger siblings that it was fine to stick your bare hands into the furnace. Being a role model was seriously boring sometimes.)
Leo eyed his device, uncertain. It looked better than it had before the last correction, but… yep. Like he’d suspected, the folding mechanism still wasn’t working right. On the last few attempts, the helmet hadn’t unfolded at all, and now that it had, it wasn’t retracting correctly. He had a feeling it had something to do with uneven volume distribution, but he’d gotten too attached to this prototype to just start over now. There had to be a way to make this work. He’d rebuilt a whole metal dragon nearly from scratch, for crying out loud. Like Hades was he going to let a piece of armor defeat him.
Leo was still thinking about whether to take a break and try sketching out the prototype to see if that would help or continue to just wing it when Piper appeared.
“You busy?” She looked tired, but satisfied, like Leo felt when he had a breakthrough on one of his projects at two in the morning.
She’d been dropping by more often since they’d gotten back. Jason was about a million times worse.
It felt… not like old times, exactly, since the time when they’d been a trio of friends and Piper and Jason hadn’t been dating had mostly been Mist memories. But it did feel nice.
“Very. Currently having a staring contest with my newest project. Don’t distract me, or it’s going to win,” Leo joked.
He was met with an eye roll, but Piper’s smile didn’t waver.
“Right. What are you working on, and how worried do I need to be about it blowing us all up?”
“Not very, I hope. That’d kinda defeat the purpose.” He showed her the palm-shaped device, a few parts of metal still sticking out of the sides where they weren’t supposed to. “Retractable helmet—though currently not as retractable as I’d like it to be. I’m tired of Jason constantly getting concussed. There’s only so much brain damage any demigod should be subjected to, ambrosia or no.”
Piper snorted.
“Yeah, he could really use that.”
She was looking at Leo in a strange way—like he’d just answered correctly on a game show he hadn’t even known he was participating in.
“Why are you in such a good mood? Do I need to be worried?”
“Reyna said my combat skills needed more work. She’s spent all morning repeatedly disarming me in three moves.”
“Your girlfriend is terrifying.”
“Yeah, she is.” Piper sighed contently.
Leo was happy for her—she hadn’t been dating Reyna for long, but he’d never seen Piper smile this much before. In some ways, it was easier than seeing her with Jason. It didn’t come with the same weird pang in his chest.
That didn’t mean being around Reyna had stopped feeling weird to Leo, though. He couldn’t shake the feeling that she hadn’t fully forgiven him for getting possessed and firing on her home. Not like he’d fully forgiven himself for it, either. He was still seriously considering that Slap-Leo-in-the-Face machine. He was unfortunately pretty sure there’d be more opportunities to use it in the future.
“I really don't get what Reyna’s problem is. You’ve got excellent aim when it comes to firing smoked hams at monsters. We just need to come up with a convenient way to carry those around now that we don’t have the cornucopia anymore.”
“Har. Har.” Piper rolled her eyes at him. “Anyway, any chance you could interrupt your glaring contest with the helmet for a bit? I need to talk to you.”
Leo’s mediocre mood had started to improve slightly since the start of their conversation, but now it took a massive dip. Those words never meant anything good.
He squashed down the first question that popped into his head—that being ‘who died’—because Piper was still smiling, so even if someone had died, it probably wasn’t anyone they liked.
More likely, Leo was about to be scolded for something.
“Whatever it is, it wasn’t me, and if it was me, it probably wasn’t on purpose,” he tried, mentally running through all the ways he’d messed up lately to figure out which one she was most likely to be mad about. It wasn’t that Piper scolded him a lot—half the time, she was a very enthusiastic participant in his nonsense—but maybe her rule-abiding girlfriend was being a bad influence. “If it’s about the glitter bomb I placed in Drew’s handbag-”
“You did what?” Piper asked, crossing her arms.
Great. So she hadn’t known, and Leo had just snitched on himself. Good job, him.
“I needed to test the mechanism for a new monster fighting gadget.” He shrugged.
“And you didn’t let me help?” Piper did actually look kind of offended. So Reyna wasn’t being that bad of an influence. Good to know.
“Hey, I can’t let you have all the fun. I’m head counselor of the Hephaestus cabin, remember? Someone’s gotta teach Harley about strategic glitter bomb placement. I take my responsibilities as an older brother very seriously.” Piper snorted, and Leo knew he was forgiven. Still, he wasn’t willing to risk any more guesses. “So what did you want to talk about, if it isn’t that?”
“Walk with me?”
“Slightly ominous request, but okay.”
Leo dropped the prototype into his tool belt to be retrieved later, then started fiddling with his rings until the crutches folded out obediently. Those weren’t his own design, unlike his prosthetic leg. They’d been a gift from his siblings. He didn’t need them as much at the forge, where he mainly went from briefly standing up to sitting down a lot, but outside of that, they were extremely convenient. It was great to not have to worry about where to put them so they wouldn’t topple into the campfire during singalong.
Relearning to walk was more frustrating than he cared to admit, but hey, at least he was about ninety percent less dead than the Fates had wanted him to be. That was pretty great.
“And me wanting to talk to you is ominous, why, exactly?” Piper asked, an eyebrow raised at him.
“She said, luring me into the woods like any half-decent murderer would,” Leo joked. It wasn’t that he actually feared for his life—not after Piper had put up with him for this long—but the whole situation did make him nervous. “For the record, I will be the world’s most annoying ghost, so, you know. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I was actually going to help you, but I think I’m pushing you into the canoe lake instead,” Piper deadpanned. “Or maybe I’ll just ask Reyna to-”
“Alright, alright, message received. No need to actually threaten my life.” Leo lifted his palms in surrender, which was a bit of a ridiculous balancing act with the crutches, but entirely worth the effort as far as he was concerned. “Just tell me why you’ve dragged me out here.”
Piper moved to sit on a large rock at the edge of the water and patted the spot next to her. Leo flopped down next to her, his crutches obediently folding back into the jewelry. He swung his legs back and forth, the celestial bronze parts of his prosthesis clunking whenever it hit the rock. That maybe wasn’t good, but he’d fix it later if it got dented. His fidgeting always got worse when he was nervous. There wasn’t much he could do about it.
He pulled a spring from his tool belt and started bending it with nothing specific in mind to keep his hands busy. Maybe he’d end up with something handy to use for one of his devices later. Maybe he’d just end up with a completely ruined spring. Who knew.
“Like I said, I wanted to talk to you. Preferably alone—or as alone as you can be here, with the dryads and the harpies everywhere.” Piper sighed. “I feel like we’ve not done that in a while.”
“Yeah.” Leo looked down at his sneakers. “Not that I can remember most of the time we did spend alone.”
That still stung. For the first few weeks after they’d freed Hera, Leo had assumed his and Piper’s real memories of Wilderness School would come back—that the influence of the Mist would fade. It hadn’t. They’d saved Hera’s life, but she wasn’t quite so grateful that she could be bothered to fix the memories she’d messed up by interspersing them within a bunch of fake memories of Jason.
Leo wasn’t even sure what was made up completely, and what had been Hera taking memories that should have been him and Piper messing with Hedge and testing out some of his faultier contraptions during lunch break and replacing her with Jason. Part of him wondered if it had been the two of them sneaking onto the roof for the meteor shower, sitting next to each other and lamenting about how romantic this would be if they weren’t both so painfully single.
Wondering was all he could do, for most of these moments. He couldn’t remember.
Some memories were clearer than others, like Piper telling him about her dad, or when she’d realized he was down on the anniversary of his mother’s death. She hadn’t pushed him to talk about why he was upset—just suggested they sneak into the kitchen for some low-stakes theft. He remembered being sprawled out on the carpet in her room afterwards, laughing, victoriously splitting a box of strawberry ice cream. But even in those memories, Jason was there, distracting the staff and laughing with them.
It was like Hera had pressed Control-Alt-Delete all over those first months of their friendship, leaving only fragments. File that under even more reasons to hate his evil babysitter.
“It doesn’t change anything, you know,” Piper said gently. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m still mad that Hera messed up our memories. But memories or no, you’re still my best friend. I wanted to make sure you know that.”
“Hate to break it to you, but Jason is my best friend,” Leo joked, because he absolutely could not let Piper get away being this sappy, no matter how relieved it made him feel.
Piper raised an eyebrow at him. “Sure.”
He had no idea what that was supposed to mean, and honestly, he was afraid to ask.
“So did you bring me out here just to talk about how amazing I am? Because I’m absolutely down to talk about that any minute of the day, obviously, but we really could have had that conversation back at the forge.”
Piper rolled her eyes at him, though it was in a way that Leo knew was more fond than anything. He’d learned to tell the difference at some point. Which, if nothing else, really did say something about how much she rolled her eyes at him.
“I actually wanted to talk about why you spent so much of the mission avoiding me and Jason. A lot of the time before the mission, too, honestly.”
Oh, great. Part of him had hoped she wouldn’t notice, naive as that had been. He kind of wanted to bolt, but that would just make her bug him about it more. Besides, running with crutches was really inconvenient, and Will would not be happy with him if he overdid it again. Forget Nico being scary. Will could be terrifying when he wanted to be.
“Maybe I just thought you wouldn’t appreciate my presence as much as you should,” he joked, but the words felt hollow in his throat. He really didn’t want to talk about this, but he couldn’t exactly skirt the topic forever.
Avoiding them hadn’t been a conscious choice—not at first. It had been a lot of work to finish the Argo in time. Then he’d had to fix it. Then he’d had to work on Festus. And, well, a bunch of their missions required him to go with Hazel and Frank instead of Piper or Jason. Most of them, really.
Leo wasn’t sure at which point he’d realized he was just making excuses to not be around his two closest friends. To not see them be perfectly happy without him. He loved them both so much, and he’d hated the resentment he’d felt looking at them. So he’d found reasons to look somewhere—anywhere—else.
“Well, you were wrong.” Piper looked at him, expression soft. She’d known him too long. His humor deflections only worked so well when the other person was aware that was what he was doing. “We both missed hanging out with you. I know you couldn’t see it, but you’ve always been part of the group. You were captain of the damn ship. We couldn’t have done any of it without you. No matter what some goddess says.”
Leo tensed. “Hazel told you? About the Nemesis thing?”
“She’s been worried. So have I.” Piper squeezed his shoulder. “Talk to me, please. Tell me how you’re actually feeling.”
Piper wasn’t charmspeaking him—she’d done it enough times by accident that Leo knew how to tell when she was—but he still found it nearly impossible to refuse when she looked at him like that. It was obvious she cared. So few people in his life had, since his mom passed away.
The truth came tumbling out, then, and there was nothing he could do about it.
“It’s just, you were probably the first real friend I made, and Jason’s my best friend, and when you two started dating… it sucked, okay? It felt like you didn’t need me anymore.” It was like something burned inside him every time he thought about it. His chest felt hot and painful enough that he kind of wanted to cry. The spring he’d been carefully uncurling snapped in his hand. “I finally got myself to stop running and tried to fit in somewhere, and it still didn’t work. I just found new and exciting ways to be alone.”
No matter what he did, he’d always be the odd one out. The seventh wheel. The sacrificial lamb that no one would miss too much. That was the only role he’d ever been promised.
“Oh, Leo.” Piper hugged him, then, fierce and warm. He sunk into her, hands cramping into the back of her shirt. She didn’t seem to mind. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because, as we all know, I’m the ‘talks about his issues’-guy. Key defining Leo feature.” He tried to smile, but he wasn’t even fooling himself with that embarrassing attempt. His heart was a piece of burnt-up wood, fragile and aching. Human emotions sucked. “Besides, we were so busy saving the world and trying not to die. Me feeling a little excluded seemed kind of unimportant in comparison.”
For a while, they stayed curled into each other like that, in a way they hadn’t really done since Wilderness School. Gods, he’d missed this. But being around her and Jason had just stung too much.
“It’s not. I’m sorry that I made you feel like it was. I haven’t exactly been a great friend lately.”
“Hey, you saved my life a couple times, that counts for something.” Leo nudged her. “It’s not your fault that I’m not great at the whole feelings thing. That’s just part of what you signed up for when you agreed to be my friend. Unfortunately for you, I’m non-returnable. You get the honor of being stuck with me forever.”
Leo had never minded being an only child when he was little. Then he’d met Piper, and for the first time he’d realized how much he liked having a sister. He teased her, sure, but that came with the territory. That didn’t mean he liked seeing her upset.
“I wouldn’t get rid of you even if I could,” she said, nudging him back. “But I know you. I know talking about stuff like this isn’t easy for you. That means I need to pay more attention to it, not less. I should have realized something was wrong. I should have been there for you, and I wasn’t. I was so caught up in my own problems that…” Piper trailed off. She looked seriously unhappy with herself. “I can’t believe I didn’t even notice how jealous you were until after Jason and I broke up.”
“I-” Leo stared at Piper for a long moment, then he burst out laughing, despite his charred coal of a heart. The thought was so completely ridiculous that he couldn’t help it. “Gods, Pipes, I’m not- you’re great, but I don't like you like that. You do realize I can hang out with girls without falling in love with them, right?”
Piper quirked an eyebrow, as if to say ‘can you?’ But the next words out of her mouth were, “I didn’t say you were jealous of Jason.”
Leo felt like he’d just walked face-first into a wall. “I- hang on. You think I- with Jason?” He didn’t feel much like laughing anymore. He felt a bit like he was suffocating, actually—like the time he’d been in that underwater cave with Frank and had accidentally set his oxygen supply on fire.
“You didn’t realize?” Piper asked, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Oh great, we’re both idiots. No wonder we’re best friends.”
“Pause. Can we take, like, fifteen steps back, maybe?” Leo felt like he’d missed about an hour of this conversation. And sure, he zoned out sometimes, but not that much. “What exactly makes you think I’m into Jason?”
“Do you want the list in alphabetical or chronological order?” Piper deadpanned. “You were literally napping on his shoulder at campfire yesterday. Clinging to him like a freaking koala. Apparently he had some trouble getting you to let go once he got you to bed.”
Leo’s face burned. He had vague memories of drifting off to the crackling fire, his head lolling to the side. He had wondered how he’d gotten back to his cabin. “I haven’t gotten a ton of sleep lately. And I just- I cling to stuff when I have bad dreams. You know that.”
Now that he thought about it, that did explain the strange looks he’d gotten from his siblings this morning.
“Right.” Piper looked amused in a way Leo wasn’t sure he liked. “Then there’s the fact that the project you’re working on at the moment is for him. Or how you’re always trying to make him laugh. Oh, and the wistful little looks you give him. You stare at his mouth a lot.”
“Making people laugh is my thing, that’s not exactly Jason-specific,” Leo protested. Of course he liked making Jason laugh. He was so serious a lot of the time, like at some point someone had decided to drop the whole world on his shoulders and he had just taken it and carried on. Whenever Leo managed to make him laugh, something inside his chest softened. That didn’t mean anything aside from the fact that he liked to see his friend happy. Did it? “And it’s not my fault his stupid scar is so distracting.”
Piper grinned. Yeah, well, he’d walked right into that one. “So?”
“Fine, I do think he’s attractive. Obviously. I have eyes.” Leo shrugged. His face still felt hot. Part of him was worried he’d catch his nose on fire again. “That doesn’t mean anything.”
“Right, and me walking around grumbling about Reyna being all ‘how dare she be so beautiful and powerful and competent’ was peak heterosexuality.” Piper’s tone was teasing, but her expression was soft. “You know it’s fine if you like him, right?”
“It’s not that. I’ve liked guys before. There was this kid across the street from my mom’s shop…” He trailed off. Okay, so maybe the kid had been a blond guy with glasses. Getting into that probably wouldn’t help his case. “But I get crushes on people a lot. You’ve witnessed an embarrassing amount of them. They’re not- they don’t usually feel the way it does with Jason.”
“So what does it feel like with him?” The teasing had melted out of Piper’s voice. She sounded sincere, like she really was just offering to listen in an attempt to help. Somehow, that didn’t make it any easier.
“It’s… I don’t really know how to describe it.” Leo sighed. “I’m not great at this stuff. ‘This stuff’ being people, just in general. But it’s easy with Jason, in a way that it’s never been with anyone else. I like being around him. It just makes me feel good. He treats me like I’m competent, even when I feel like a colossal fuckup. And he won’t always get it when I ramble about my inventions or fidget with whatever new thing I’m working on while we talk, but he listens like he’s actually interested in what I’m saying. Sometimes he’ll just sit with me, and we don’t talk at all, but it still doesn’t feel weird the way it would with other people. But it’s not… that doesn’t mean I have a crush on him.”
His legs tapped a discordant rhythm against the rock. He couldn’t believe he was actually saying all this. He wasn’t the type to talk about things so openly. Not even with Piper.
Never mind the fact that he wasn’t sure what there was to talk about. Leo’s crushes tended to be pretty easy to pin down, usually. Jason was just… different, somehow.
“So, let’s recap: the reason you think you can’t have a crush on him is that he’s easy to be around and it feels nice?”
“Uhm.” Well, when she put it like that, he just sounded like a moron. “I mean, doesn’t it feel like that for everyone? Do you not feel like that when you’re around him?”
“Not… exactly.” Piper looked embarrassed. “You remember the incident with the giant killer shrimp?”
“No, I fight those about twice a week. You’re gonna have to be a little more specific,” Leo replied sarcastically. He had no clue where she was going with this. It felt like he’d lost several minutes of the conversation again.
“When Jason and I were cleaning up after, I kept wishing we were more like Percy and Annabeth. There I was, dating the guy that was everything I thought I was supposed to want, and didn’t at all know what to do with him. Jason’s great, I’m glad he’s my friend, but we never had those kinds of easy silences. Us being together romantically was a total disaster. I’d just sit next to him with nothing to say, being all ‘wow, this is awkward’ and trying to convince myself that some relationships were just like that.” Piper laughed dryly. “Some daughter of Aphrodite I am.”
“Hang on. Are you telling me that the times you two ditched me to hang out, you just spent sitting awkwardly next to each other in silence?” Leo felt bad for her, truly, but he was also trying not to laugh.
“I plead the fifth.” Piper still seemed embarrassed, but also a bit amused. “Honestly, it’s gotten better since we broke up, but we’re still not great at it. There’s a reason we don’t hang out much, just the two of us.”
“I thought that reason was mostly you and Reyna being attached at the hip, but that’s honestly way funnier.”
“Well, it’s also that.” Piper got that dreamy, faraway look in her eyes again, and Leo briefly hoped he’d successfully distracted her, but his luck didn’t hold. “And it doesn’t help that Jason followed you around everywhere for days after you got out of the infirmary.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” Leo snorted. That experience had been so ridiculous that it was easy enough to talk about. “He spent a bunch of time hovering—and I do mean both metaphorically and literally hovering—while I was at the forge. His feet were not touching the ground.”
Piper burst out laughing. “You’re kidding.”
“I wish. I don’t think he even realized he was doing it until I pointed it out.” Leo probably should have minded that. He didn’t need a babysitter. But honestly, getting all that time with Jason had been kind of nice, even if Jason was being an overprotective idiot about it. “You die once, and suddenly everyone’s all worried you’re gonna drop dead a second time. Like, no thanks. Been there, done that, never doing it again. Death really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”
“Yeah, you better not.” Piper flicked him in the head. “You scared all of us pretty badly.”
“Sorry.” Leo shrugged. “Next time I go up in flames and get half my leg chewed off, I’ll try to be less dramatic about it.”
“I really don’t know why I’m friends with you.”
“Because I’m hilarious and smart and I make great tofu tacos?”
Piper put a hand on her chin like she needed to consider this. “It’s mostly the tacos.”
“I can’t believe you.”
“Unfortunately for you, I’m non-returnable,” Piper said with a wink, echoing his words from earlier. “Suppose we’ll just have to be stuck with each other.”
“Suppose we will.”
“Circling back to your little Jason issue,” she said, just when Leo had been starting to hope he’d finally escaped that topic. Damn the fact that Piper knew him well enough to realize he was trying to derail the conversation and didn’t let him get away with it. “I really think you should just talk to him.”
“Yeah, that’ll happen.” The piece of coal in Leo’s chest flickered with heat. He’d snapped the third spring in a row in half, scooping the scraps back into his belt. The dryads didn’t take too kindly to littering. He’d learnt that the hard way. “Jason’s… I don’t know. He’s a born hero. He’s brave and powerful and kind. He trusts other people to lead and know what they’re doing. Even me. He’ll tell me I can do something, and I’ll feel like I can. And then instead I’ll get possessed and blow up half of New Rome, or I’ll make a crappy deal with Nemesis and everyone else suffers the consequences. I’m a huge mess, Pipes. Even if I was into him, what chance would I have with someone like that?”
“Right, you only sacrificed yourself to save us all. Not a heroic bone in your body.” She rolled her eyes again, this time in a distinctly fond but annoyed way. “Putting aside the fact that you did save the world, that’s not a requirement for someone to like you. There’s a reason you were my best friend way before you were ever a hero. And Jason cares about you. A lot. You know that, right?”
“No, I thought he just hung out with me because I’m so hard to get rid of.” Leo was back to looking at his sneakers. Wow, those were some thrilling shoelaces, alright. “That’s just how he is, Pipes. He cares a lot. About many people. That doesn’t really mean much. Besides, I don’t want to mess up a perfectly good friendship. I don’t get to have these a lot.”
It was too much and too raw and he barely resisted the urge to throw another joke at it to make it hurt less.
“With all the love that I have for you, sometimes I think you’re the dumbest smart person I know.” Piper squeezed his shoulder. “Jason wouldn’t leave the infirmary the first three nights after we revived you. He barely slept. We all visited a lot to check on you, obviously, but Jason refused to move.”
“I did tell him he looked like death when I woke up,” Leo commented, not thinking about it.
Not thinking about the days he’d spent drifting, not registering much except faraway voices and the warm feeling of a hand in his and fingers brushing softly through his hair. Not thinking about waking up to a hand pressed to his cheek and blue eyes like storm clouds. Not thinking about the way Jason’s entire face had lit up when he’d said his name. Leo’s brain had still been so filled with fog and charcoal at the time that he hadn’t been sure how much of it he’d made up after.
He’d known Jason had worried about him, with the hovering and all. He wasn’t going to feel all warm and fuzzy just because it was a bit more than he’d realized. Absolutely not.
“Leo…” Piper looked at him, exasperated. Having a friend who had a love goddess for a mom and could read you like a book on top of that was really inconvenient sometimes. She opened her mouth to say something else, but then her eyes widened in alarm. “Leo, your shirt is smoking.”
“Crap.” So maybe he was feeling warm about it. Maybe a bit more than was convenient. His thoughts running rampant was always an excellent way to catch himself on fire. So was him being nervous. Both of those combined… well, this should be fun.
He moved away from Piper to avoid lighting her on fire by accident and tugged his rings off to drop them into the tool belt—a burnt-up shirt was annoying, sure, but there was a reason he didn’t get too attached to most of his clothes. Melting the crutches would be way more inconvenient. Once that was done, he started patting down his sleeves, trying to smother the sparks before it could get worse. The dryads would be furious with him if he started another forest fire.
It finally felt like he was starting to succeed, but because his life was a comedy intent on making jokes at his expense at every opportunity, that was when Jason wandered into the area. One of the slightly charred sleeves he’d just carefully put out immediately burst into flame again.
“I was wondering where you two-” Jason started, then stopped. “Why is Leo on fire?”
“Maybe I just really hate this shirt,” Leo joked, distinctly not focusing on the way Jason’s eyebrows knitted together in an expression somewhere between worry and amusement.
“Do you need anything? Should I get Percy so he can put you out? Or a bucket?”
“A hug would be nice.” It should have been obvious that he was still joking, but Jason was chewing on the stupid scar on his lip like he was genuinely considering it. And yep, Leo was definitely staring, heart migrating into his throat where it didn’t even slightly belong. If he got in any deeper, he’d be all the way underwater. “Sparky, I know I'm, like, extremely hot right now, but trust me, those third degree burns are not worth it.”
“Maybe get him a new shirt?” Piper suggested unhelpfully.
She was visibly struggling not to burst out laughing, and Leo briefly considered that maybe her shirt would look better on fire. He was also reconsidering the bolting option. Maybe Gaia could wake up just enough to swallow him whole? That sounded great just about now.
“Right, yeah, I can totally do that. Anything else?”
“A cheese platter would be nice, since you’re offering. Oh, and maybe a new gaming system.”
Leo wasn’t sure if he was being funny or just extremely annoying at this point. Gods, his jokes always got so much worse when he was anxious. Why did any of these people want to hang out with him? He desperately needed some time off from humans after this.
To his relief, the corner of Jason’s mouth just ticked up into a smile, and Piper did not push him into the canoe lake—though if she had, that at least would have resolved the fire situation.
“Gonna have to decline on the other stuff, but I could get some sandwiches, since you two missed lunch. Is it… are you sure there isn’t any other way I can help? I don’t want to just leave if you’re upset.”
Jason was looking directly at him, soft, worried eyes and all, and if he kept looking at him like that, Leo would fully combust. Jason staying right now, nice as it sounded in theory, would be the opposite of helpful. Leo really didn’t want to accidentally melt part of his prosthesis again. He was pretty sure demigod insurance wouldn’t cover that.
“No need to go all mushy on me, Superman,” Leo tried, his voice barely working. Gods, what was wrong with him? “I’m fine. Don’t start hovering again.”
“That was one time!” Jason protested. “And the last time you went up in flames-”
“It was three times,” Leo corrected, because like Hades was he ever going to let him live that one down. “And this isn’t Gaia, okay? It isn’t- I’m not in danger or anything. This is just me being my usual smoking self. Seriously, I’m good.”
Jason still didn’t seem entirely convinced. He glanced at Piper, who looked meaningfully back and gave him a nod in return. That was… slightly worrying. Them communicating in facial expressions was never a good sign. They might have been a terrible fit as a couple, but they’d still spent enough time together to develop some alien language that Leo couldn’t understand. Constantly being in life-or-death situations together apparently did wonders for your ability to silently communicate.
“I’ll make sure Leo doesn’t burn the forest down until you get back, don’t worry.”
Leo thought that was slightly unfair. Sure, his left shoulder was still on fire and currently refusing to go out, but he had managed to keep the fire from spreading after it had eaten his entire shirtsleeve. He’d probably manage to extinguish it completely the moment Jason and his stupid smile finally left the area.
Leo needed to get his shit together and make sure this didn’t become a regular occurrence. If he started to burst into flame every time Jason smiled at him… well, that would be somewhat inconvenient.
“Maybe check in with Reyna while you’re at it,” Leo tried, desperate to change the subject to something that wasn’t him or the fact that he was on fire. “Let her know Piper hasn’t been kidnapped before she sends out a search party.”
Now it was Piper’s turn to blush. Ah, sweet revenge.
“She’s not going to-” she started to protest, but Jason cut her off.
“She was a bit nervous about you not showing up for lunch, actually. She said something about your mom?” He shrugged. “Can’t really blame her for worrying about her girlfriend disappearing, after what happened with Hera.”
“I did tell her what I was going to do,” Piper said, face still burning. “I guess we lost track of time. I didn’t realize we’d missed lunch.”
“Breaking news!” Leo said, extending his arms outward like an overly dramatic TV host, careful to avoid brushing Piper with his burning shoulder. “Two ADHD kids have a shockingly bad sense of time! Also, water is wet! More details at six!”
That got them both laughing, and Leo laughed with them, having to focus really hard on keeping his fire situation under control. It was so easy to feel warm when he was with Jason and Piper. It was a feeling of home—something no place or person had been since his mom had passed away. His heart was all sparks.
“Let Reyna know I’m still hanging out with this dork for a while, yeah? No kidnappings scheduled for the day,” Piper joked. “Oh, and tell her I want a rematch for this morning.”
“I’m honestly afraid to ask, but noted.” Jason met Leo’s eyes again, smiling, and Leo smiled back, trying to calm the live wire feeling in his chest. “See you in a bit?”
“Only if you really do bring sandwiches.”
Jason laughed and gave a thumbs up before he disappeared between the trees, thankfully missing the way Leo’s entire left arm caught fire in a last nervous burst before the flames finally had the decency to flicker out. The live wire feeling stayed behind, and so did the extensive need to fidget, but at least that wasn’t a forest fire.
“Yeah, I really have no clue what gave me the idea that you might be into Jason,” Piper laughed, wiping tears from her eyes. “Gods, you are a complete disaster.”
“The universe is punishing me for giving you shit about Reyna, clearly.” Leo sighed dramatically. “I’m going to get you back for this.”
“You’re welcome.” Piper grinned, elbowing him. “You and Jason would be good together. I really do mean that. As long as you don’t accidentally set yourself on fire every time you try to flirt with him, at least.”
“I hate you.”
So maybe Leo did have a crush on Jason. Worse—and better—Piper actually thought he had a shot. The anxiety he felt about it being out in the open after he’d run from it for so long, the same way he always ran when things got hard, slowly gave way to relief. It might take a minute for him to process all the things he’d been feeling that were suddenly starting to slot into place in a way that actually made sense. But he was glad that, out of anyone, it was Piper who knew. Piper, who understood, even if she teased him relentlessly.
Piper, who was the first real friend Leo had made.
Fate was a funny thing—when it wasn’t actively trying to kill you, at least. Sure, fate was prophecies, and for some people, it was romance, doomed or otherwise. But sometimes, fate was looking at a girl in an old band shirt and faded jeans, and knowing, somehow, that you were meant to be friends.
Some notes:
This takes place in a universe where the whole Calypso/Ogygia stuff didn’t happen. The ending of BoO went down a little differently, which is obviously vaguely referenced here and which I’m hoping to eventually do a oneshot about (it’s been sitting in my app at around 2.5k continuously getting neglected in favor of the Orpheus Eurydice fic so we’ll see when I get around to that). Jason and Piper amicably broke up halfway through house of hades, which I do have a oneshot on my Ao3 about that I’ll probably post here eventually.
Yes, technically this fic is part two in a series of oneshots. Why didn’t I post part one first? Excellent question. The thing is, the oneshots are mostly standalone anyway (they obviously take place in the same universe and are loosely connected but aside from missing a joke or two, you’re fine to read them separately or in whatever order you want), and I have a couple more ideas for that universe that won’t be written or posted in order either, so I thought I’d start confusing you early on, lol
…in all seriousness, this is just the only HoO fic that I hadn’t already posted the link to here yet and since it was the first one I wrote, it also just felt appropriate for it to be the first I cross-post to tumblr.
Anyway! Would love to hear your thoughts on this if you have any (here or over on Ao3) and thoughts in general about whether or not you’d like me to keep posting my fics on tumblr. It’s been a long time since I last did that and putting all the italics back in was a little annoying, but it’s definitely doable.
Fun fact! I reread pjo and Heroes of Olympus specifically because I couldn’t afford to get into a new fixation during exam phase. Unfortunately, Leo Valdez whacked me in the back of the head with a baseball bat, and well, here we are. As you can all see, that plan did not go well for me, lmao
Tagging @poppitron360 very specifically since you said you wanted to be tagged if I ever posted any of my fics on tumblr!
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satansapostle6 · 8 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
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Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Smut. Rough sex. Switch. Face-sitting. Slapping. Praise kink. Hair-pulling.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen: For You
Something had definitely changed since Katherine was revived by Kronos. Luke was slowly becoming sure of it. He wasn’t exactly sure of what, but he knew something was different. It wasn’t necessarily something bad, or off, but it was something. Luke noticed it as he and Katherine had laid in his bed together, in the late morning.
The campers in Cabin 11 were all accounted for, and Luke was glad to be able to have some time alone with Katherine.
“How long do we have before we have to get up?” she mumbled lazily as he pressed multiple, sweet kisses to her lips.
“All the time in the world,” he told her, as they both lay bare under the covers.
She chuckled softly, nuzzling her head into his warm chest as she allowed him to wrap his arm around her. She rested her hand on his chest as she laid on top of him, which made him feel like a king. To Katherine, and probably everyone else as well, Luke was big and strong. His suntanned body, especially when intertwined with hers, felt solid and reliable. She felt safe with him.
Katherine liked the way it felt, laying her head on his chest as they slept together. Even in her sleep, she could feel his muscular build wrapped around hers.
“I love you,” Luke murmured dreamily, making sure that only she could hear. “I will always love you.”
Although he spoke casually, something in his tone when he said it gave Katherine that feeling like they had reached the gates of Hades together.
“I will always love you,” she promised him in return.
“You’re so beautiful,” he cooed, sitting up just so that he could carefully tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “I never wanna lose you,” he said, thinking of the prophecy that had been delivered for the two of them.
“You won’t lose me,” she stated, sounding more confident than he was.
“I don’t wanna take that chance,” he told her in a whisper. “I’m gonna fight for you. With every second I have.”
“It’s okay,” Katherine reassured him, her hand caressing him from his hair to the side of his face.
Luke smiled as he softened at her touch, closing his eyes for a moment as he savored the feeling.
“I’m gonna go take a shower,” she told him, getting out of bed and throwing her orange Camp Half-Blood shirt over her body.
“Okay,” he nodded softly, disappointed to watch her go so soon.
She lazily put on a pair of shorts as she left the room. Moments later, one of the Hermes kids in the cabin, a boy who couldn’t have been older than eight or nine, knocked on the door urgently.
There was a short pause as Luke undoubtedly sighed as he got up, opening the door.
“Yeah?” he asked expectantly, seeing the small boy standing outside of the door. “Tyler, what’s up, buddy?”
“Anthony says you have to go help the Hephaestus kids with arts and crafts today. He says he can’t, cuz he’s helping with training,” the child relayed.
“Of course he can’t,” Luke muttered, “God damn it…”
“He also said if you say ‘god damn it’ you have to give me five dollars!” the child yelled annoyingly.
Luke stared at him, growing increasingly irritated. He knew that was exactly the kind of thing he would say.
“I’m not giving you five dollars!”
“But, Anthony said you’d give me five dollars!”
“Tyler! I said I’m not giving you five dollars!”
“But I want five dollars!”
“Leave me alone!”
Katherine just shook her head as she continued toward the showers with her things, amused by Luke’s exhausted behavior. She returned to the cabin after a nice, warm shower, heading off to the mess hall with Luke for breakfast.
They sat at a table with some of the camp counselors, minding their own business as they ate together. Much to Katherine’s dismay, Silena Beauregard took a seat across from them, not too far from Luke. The younger girl looked up at him like some schoolgirl, meanwhile, he didn’t even notice until she spoke up.
“Hey Luke! Finally, you’re back,” Silena chuckled, pulling his attention away from Katherine for a moment.
Luke looked over at her awkwardly, giving her the warmest smile he could muster.
“Yeah! Hey,” he said laconically.
“So, everyone says you brought back a new camper?” she asked, momentarily glancing over at Katherine.
Katherine just smiled, trying hard not to roll her eyes.
“Hi,” Katherine said, only to be ignored by Silena.
“This is my girlfriend, Katherine,” Luke said as he lightly put his arm around her.
She pointedly stepped on his foot under the table, reminding him to make himself seem more available to Silena. But Luke wasn’t having it. Just as Katherine had anticipated, Silena made a face when she heard the word ‘girlfriend’. She tried to hide it, but it was too late.
“Oh. How nice,” she smiled, trying to come up with a new angle. “You know, it’s really nice of you to take in a stray demigod. It’s really hard out there for lone demigods. I bet you were, like, homeless, or something,” the girl remarked.
Luke frowned for a moment, not impressed.
“Well, I got by,” Katherine said plainly.
“Aw, it must’ve been hard,” Silena pouted, seeming almost genuine for a moment. “You must’ve been, like, really smelly and stuff. And obviously you had to dress like a man.”
“Katherine did just fine on her own all these years,” Luke assured her, smiling at his girlfriend.
“I’m sorry, did you say your name was…‘Katherine’?” Silena asked her.
“Yeah,” Katherine nodded, unamused.
“Wow, I’ve never met someone named Katherine under the age of fifty!” she exclaimed. “Most people just go by ‘Kate’, or ‘Katie’.”
“Well, I go by Katherine,” Katherine told her, her smile thickening as it became more and more forced.
“Well, you’re really pretty…” Silena stared at her, undoubtedly trying to find something to judge.
“Thanks,” she responded in a friendly manner.
“That’s good you can afford makeup,” Silena said, just saying whatever came to mind.
“Yeah, but I’m… actually not wearing any makeup right now,” Katherine told her patiently.
Luke sat beside her, looking more and more irritated as the conversation dragged on. The others around them, even though they weren’t really part of the conversation, were still picking up on the discomfort.
“Really?” Silena asked, not seeming convinced. “You know, even though I’m a daughter of Aphrodite, I won’t judge. You can tell me.”
“She didn’t have time to put any makeup on,” Luke said more forcefully, trying to move the conversation along. “But either way, she’s absolutely beautiful.”
Silena seemed horribly jealous as Katherine just politely went back to her meal. She and Luke sat in silence as they tried their best to ignore everyone else. Katherine, who was perfectly content with minding her own business, eventually noticed as Luke kept glancing back at a table of other Ares and Aphrodite kids behind them.
“Hey. What’s the matter?” Katherine asked.
Luke stared at her incredulously, stunned by her sudden nonchalance. “You—You don’t hear them?” he questioned.
“No,” she scoffed, quietly listening in.
“They’re fucking vultures,” he muttered under his breath, appalled.
“That’s Luke’s new girlfriend, the street rat,” Katherine overheard one of the girls.
“Her? Why’s he with her?!” another one chimed in.
“Do you have eyes?” one of the boys retorted.
Katherine just rolled her eyes as she tried to
“Ugh, she’s not even pretty,” another girl stared heavily. “She’s probably wearing makeup, too.”
“Becca, you should fight her,” one of the other sons of Ares added. “I bet she can’t fight.”
“No, I bet Gina could take her.”
“Why do you care?” Katherine wondered.
“Because,” Luke scoffed, “They’re disrespecting you.”
“Aw, look at my big, strong man,” Katherine teased, playfully pinching his cheek.
“I’m serious! It’s insane,” Luke argued, “Why do they care so much about messing with a newcomer?!”
“Because, I’m your girlfriend,” she pointed out. “You’re popular here. The guys are all curious, and the girls hate that you’re with someone.”
“I’m popular?” he raised an eyebrow, disgusted by the word.
“Yeah. You are,” she nodded. “And that’s something that’s gonna be an advantage to us.”
“Fine. Whatever,” Luke sighed.
After breakfast, Luke was in charge of training with some of the younger demigods in the arena. Katherine had just been standing around in her own camp T-shirt, trying to fit in as she watched Luke affectionately. Although he didn’t particularly think he was, Luke was good with kids. It was endearing, how patient he was.
Katherine knew that, ever since he was a child, forced to survive on his own, Luke knew what it was like to be at a disadvantage. Furthermore, he knew what it was like to be constantly rejected and constantly shit on. Katherine saw that, in a way, he took advantage of his position as Head Counselor, using it to be to the younger kids what he’d wished he had when he was their age.
“You know, you’re not what I would’ve imagined Luke to like in a girl,” a voice interrupted her thoughts.
Katherine turned, arms crossed, to see who had dared to disturb her. She didn’t know the girl’s name, but she knew it was one of the daughters of Ares she’d seen at breakfast earlier. One of the ones who’d been encouraged to challenge her.
“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” Katherine asked pointedly.
“Gina Alvarez,” the tall, broad-shouldered girl crossed her arms.
There was an army of Ares and Aphrodite kids behind her, along with some others.
“Gina… I don’t know if you have some kind of unrequited crush on Luke, or if you just think I’m fresh meat… But I’m not interested in this high school bullshit,” she looked at her blankly.
“Good. I’m not either,” the younger girl agreed. “Man, you really think you’re the shit… You know, you might be able to dominate at a homeless shelter, but here, I always end every fight with two swords.”
Katherine chuckled softly, looking down at her feet for a moment before she spoke.
“You know, I’ve met a few of you Ares kids. Some of you are cool, but some of you really don’t think about who you’re fucking with,” she said calmly.
“Is that so?” Gina asked. “Then why don’t we settle this in the arena?”
Katherine smiled, not having any qualms about fighting this girl.
“Let’s do it.”
Gina Alvarez didn’t need any further encouragement. The spectators all laughed and murmured, ready for a show. Katherine decided to follow her as she suddenly burst into the arena, nothing but a sword in hand as she decided to disrupt everyone’s activities.
“Alright, everybody out!” she boomed, drawing attention immediately. “We’re gonna spar!”
Luke looked around, trying to determine who she was referring to when he saw Katherine standing behind her. He gave her a worried glance, trying to decide whether or not this sounded like a good idea.
“Are you sure about this?”
“I’ll be fine,” Katherine promised him, allowing him to come to her.
“Be careful,” Luke warned her, lightly kissing her to wish her good luck.
The quickly growing audience around them whooped and hollered like a pack of hyenas as they enjoyed the spectacle.
“Well? Are you gonna kiss your boyfriend, or are you gonna come fight?” Gina demanded as he cleared out the arena.
“Where’s your arm for?” Katherine taunted her back.
“I don’t need it,” Gina smiled, shrugging as her large portion of the audience cheered on her arrogance.
Luke just shook his head in dismay as Katherine nodded appreciatively.
“You’re fighting without armor?” she asked expectantly, eyebrow raised.
“Yup,” Gina grinned. “See, unlike you, street rat, some of us actually have enough training to go without it.”
Katherine nodded in amusement, considering all of her options.
“Alright. Well. I don’t need it either,” she announced, as Luke’s eyes widened. His mouth quickly formed a frown as he pursed his lips, disapproving of Katherine’s recklessness.
Everyone watched as she pulled Aphrodite’s lipstick tube out from her pocket. Luke watched in horror as she tossed it out over the arena for him to catch.
“I also… don’t need a weapon,” she announced, as the crowd of Half-Bloods gathered all around them roared with excitement.
“No,” Luke mouthed, watching as Gina seemed amused by Katherine’s confidence.
“Alright. Let’s see how this pans out for you,” the dark-haired girl agreed, readying her sword.
Katherine just remained calm, no discernible expression on her face as she simply put her fists up in front of her face, ready for a fight. Everyone was now silent, waiting in suspense. Many people seemed eager to watch Katherine lose the fight, while a bunch of others were cheering on her cockiness, mostly the sons of Ares and some of the Apollo kids.
A loud grunt cut through the maddening silence as Gina charged at Katherine, slashing her sword right at her and missing miserably. Katherine jumped to the left, ducking the blow and taking to the ground as she swept Gina with her foot, knocking her to the ground.
A bunch of the Ares kids laughed hysterically as the girl angrily hopped off the ground, humiliated by the fall. Glaring at Katherine with an immense hatred, she took another swipe at her with the sword, once again completely missing her as she leapt out of the way, coming behind Gina as she just barely turned quickly enough to avoid being caught off guard.
Everyone around him was yelling and screaming, but Luke found himself standing there in complete silence, arms crossed as he observed the fight. He had no idea what was going to happen, but he knew that if Gina actually hurt Katherine, he’d kill her himself. For a split second, Luke had to remind himself to focus on the fight in front of him before he spent too long thinking about strangling Gina Alvarez.
The fight seemed to be going well, as Katherine seemed to still have been able to completely avoid being hit or cut in any way. She seemed perfectly fine, more than fine. Taking advantage of Katherine’s currently passive fighting style, Gina attempted to deliver a finishing blow to her head with the hilt of her sword, just for Katherine to gracefully outmaneuver her, grabbing her by the elbow and managing to completely grab hold of the sword.
Before Gina even knew it, she was staring down the edge of her own blade, hands in the air as it came extremely close to her face.
“Where’s your two swords now?” Katherine asked her.
Those watching cheered for their winner, as Katherine just ignored the entire ordeal altogether, swinging the sword around so that she could hand it back.
“Here’s one,” she said, leaving the arena.
Sighing as he just shook his head at her, Luke rested his hand on Katherine’s back as he handed back her spear, deciding that was enough human interaction for the both of them. No one really messed with Katherine after that. Eventually, she began to fit in fairly well at Camp Half-Blood. She didn’t really have any friends, but she’d established something of a place for herself in their ranks.
Throughout the rest of the week, Katherine met plenty of people, most of which were welcoming to her as a new camper and as Luke’s girlfriend. Even a good amount of the Aphrodite kids were nice to her, complimenting her and sitting by her at meals. Gina didn’t bother her anymore, respecting the fact that she’d won their fight.
She’d had no trouble from the majoritu of the Aphrodite and Ares kids, except for a select few who were assholes to everyone else anyways. One group in particular were Adam Peters, an som of Ares, and his band of yes men, along with a group of girls they were friends with.
Up until a certain point, Katherine and Luke were able to disregard their childish comments and teasing. Up until a certain point. The trouble all started one Tuesday morning when everyone was still gathered around talking after breakfast, mostly all the older kids.
Luke had always hated Adam and his friends; they were all a bunch of sadistic meatheads who just liked to torment people. They were the kind of kids who picked on him when he was younger and smaller, and he just couldn’t stand them. He couldn’t stand the way they acted around people and got away with it, and he definitely couldn’t stand the way people actually liked them.
He was watching them standing around, messing with one of the younger Demeter kids before they went back to talking about whatever they were talking about. Of course, he really started to notice when he realized that they were talking about Katherine, who was standing off to the side talking to Destiny, a daughter of Aphrodite she’d found was actually nice.
This was one of the more rare occasions in which Katherine was dressed in her own normal clothes, a pair of jeans and a tank top. It was sunny out, and kind of warm, so she’d elected to be comfortable. But evidently, Adam and the sons of Ares couldn’t just leave her be.
“Luke’s girlfriend is so hot,” one of them stared. “I don’t know how a guy like Luke’s hitting that.”
Luke’s blood started boiling.
“You really think he is?” one of the others asked skeptically.
“How could he not?” Adam chimed in. “Look at her. She’s probably done, like, whole football teams and shit.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Katherine saw everything quickly unfold. She saw Luke fuming, and she saw him march up to Adam and his friends. She and Destiny quickly stopped talking, as Destiny began to panic.
“Oh my God, what’s happening?” the girl began to stare.
“Hey. What’d you just say about Katherine?” Luke demanded, his voice dark with a rage that simmered just below the surface.
Adam laughed at the taller guy, looking at him as if he were the one out of line.
“I wasn’t talking about your girlfriend, dude. Relax,” he scoffed, as the other guys started piling onto the confrontation.
“Don’t bullshit me, you know exactly what you were talking about,” Luke promised him, getting dangerously close as he pointed a finger at him. “If I ever catch you talking about Katherine like that again, or any girl, for that matter… I’m fucking rocking your shit.”
The other guys began quietly chuckling and laughing as they tried to gauge how Adam would handle the confrontation.
“What’d you say?” Adam all but puffed out his chest.
“I said, you talk about a girl like that one more time, I’m gonna punch you in the face,” Luke smiled, crossing his arms smugly.
There was something strangely humorous about his threat, as if he were about to burst out laughing even at the thought of something so violent in nature.
“You’re gonna punch me?” Adam demanded. “Next to me, you’re built like a stick.”
“I don’t think you wanna compare sticks with me,” Luke promised him with a smile.
This comment seemed to anger him far more than any of the others.
“I’m gonna beat you to a pulp,” Adam decided, stepping up.
“Can you spell pulp?” Luke asked.
Angered beyond measure, Adam took a swing at Luke as Katherine immediately stepped in. None of his friends tried to pull him back, but Katherine threw a hard punch at him as he and Luke tussled, trying to deter him like a giant shark. But Luke was able to handle the fight on his own, shoving Adam back as he threw another punch at him, getting him right in the nose.
Adam ignored the nosebleed, lunging at Luke as Luke got a couple more hits in, hitting his face and kneeing his rib cage. One of the other guys eventually decided to pull Adam back, as Katherine finally intervened and grabbed Luke, realizing that if he kept throwing punches, this would turn into a full blown brawl. Like was livid as he instinctively pulled against Katherine, teeth bared like an animal as he is one-track mind focused only on drawing blood.
Katherine grabbed him and quickly spun him around so that he was facing her, taking in the reddish purple bruise forming on his cheek. Luke took a moment to stop growling like an animal, her eyes bringing him back to reality as he forced himself to stop fighting against her, feeling awful as he worriedly cupped her face in his hands.
“Oh, Katherine, I’m sorry,” he apologized, looking at her apologetically.
“It’s okay,” she assured him, nodding as he held her. “You’re fine. Everything’s fine.”
“Are you sure?!” he asked her, panicking as the others left them alone.
“Yes, baby, I’m sure,” she breathed, trying to calm him down. “Just calm down. Take a deep breath.”
Luke sighed as her hands fell, brushing his arms as she loosened her grip on him.
“Come on. Let’s get you back to the room,” she said quietly, leading him away.
Although she knew he’d be perfectly fine, Katherine decided it’d be best if she tended to the gash on his face, dabbing at it with a cold cloth to soothe him. She was more focused on soothing him than his small wound.
“I don’t know what got into me,” Luke admitted apologetically, looking up at her as she sat down next to him on the bed.
“You don’t like it when people talk bad about me. That’s what got into you,” she said calmly.
“That’s not an excuse. I shouldn’t have acted like that. I shouldn’t have been acting like this… Ever since the diner,” he expressed guiltily.
“Luke,” Katherine murmured, affectionately cupping his face as she sank into his lap, “I don’t care. I Iike that you wanna stand up for me. Okay?”
He finally found comfort as he looked into her dark eyes, seeing everything he wanted. He could finally calm down.
“Okay,” he nodded, allowing her to help him.
She smiled softly, brushing his hair back with her hand.
“You know… It’s really hot, the way you like fighting the guys who disrespect me,” she cooed, brushing his lower lip with her thumb.
Luke looked up at her with wonder.
“Are we doing this right now?” he asked her.
“Only if you want to,” she murmured, her lips breathing hot air on his neck.
He groaned softly, hands dropping as she staryed to shift on his lap.
“Fuck, I want to.”
He pressed his lips against hers as she slid her fingers up into his short, dirty blond hair. He moaned at the friction she was causing, pulling away for a split second to appreciate the view of her. He watched with wide eyes as she began to grind herself against his knee, groaning as she practically got herself off on just his knee. He stared at her and absolute wonder, not sure that he deserved someone like her.
“You’re perfection,” he murmured, looking up at her in adoration.
She started grinding down harder on his knee, sighing happily as she found the sweet spot. She rocked back and forth, fucking his knee as he watched her, feeling like some sort of voyeur. She smiled with relief, throwing her head back in ecstasy as she slid her hands up his thighs, groping at his flesh through his pants as she rode his knee. The friction against her hole was frustrating in that it was just barely enough.
Luke panted hard as he tried to stop himself from getting to lost in her. He was taken completely by surprise as she aggressively mounted him, shoving him back on the bed. He landed with a thud on his back, glad in that moment that they had their own room and definitely couldn’t be heard by anyone, especially with the entire cabin being empty.
Luke just took a moment to look up at her helplessly as she pushed him down, grinning hungrily as she slid her hands up underneath his shirt. He moaned softly as her nails slightly scraped against his bare skin. He sighed happily, lying there as she tackled him, her lips and sharp teeth nipping at the sensitive skin on his neck. She knew all of his weak spots, and it made him dizzy.
Luke cackled like a maniac as she unexpectedly slapped him across the face. He knew it should’ve hurt, but in that moment, he was only burning with passion. Everything she did set him on fire and he wanted more of it. He watched with a nervous gulp as Katherine threw her shirt off, kissing his lips as she slowly moved her hands up his shirt, helping him take it off.
Luke watched her a she continued to get herself off on his thigh, rocking back and forth like a psycho. He chuckled in disbelief as she groaned like a porn star, eyes almost black with greed as she began to leave a wet spot on his knee.
“Fuck, baby…”
He eagerly threw his shirt over his head, looking up at her lovingly as she looked at him like her next meal.
“You’re so fucking nasty…”
Amused and captivated by his submission, she slapped him again, watching sadistically as he groaned. He inadvertently thrusted up against her, desperate for some sort of friction.
“Baby,” he whined, needing more.
“Yeah?” she looked down at him normally, as if nothing interesting was happening.
“Sit on my face,” he instructed eagerly.
Katherine smiled as she looked down at him, still met with a desperate furrow in his brows.
“Please, baby, just sit on my face,” he begged her. “I just…” he gulped as he watched her get up, quickly undressing.
She watched him like a hawk, ready to prey on him.
“Just wanna make you feel good, baby,” he babbled a bunch of nonsense. “Come on… Sit on my face. Come all over my face. Want you to come all over my face…”
She was nothing if not amused by his devotion.
“Want you dripping all down my chin,” he pleaded, watching as she slowly straddled him.
She leaned down, pressing a hard kiss to his soft lips. He nearly yelped involuntarily as she bit down on his bottom lip with her teeth. He didn’t know why, but he was currently in awe of her. He’d never seen her quite so hungry and animalistic before, and it was consuming him entirely. He needed her. He needed to feel her.
“Sit on my face, baby,” he babbled, already pussy drunk.
Luke watched with pleasure as she didn’t hesitate to sit on his face. Sighing with relief, he waited for her to sink down completely. Unable to contain his excitement, he grabbed her by the thighs, pressing them all the way down until his handprints started to become embedded in her soft flesh. He held her down on top of him, forcing her legs down as she moaned out loud, feeling his tongue inside her.
She gasped again as she felt his hands loudly smacking her thighs, leaving them red as he forced her down on top of him. She groaned with pleasure as tongue flicked at her most sensitive areas, his fingernails starting to dig into her thighs. She sat on his face for a while, in awe of how he neglected to even breathe as he ate her out.
Luke acted like his life depended on it. He moved his face up and down beneath her, licking harsh stripes up and down her folds, and flicking his tongue against her clit. He growled hungrily into her flesh, needing her to finish.
She had no idea exactly how long this went on for as she lost herself in the pleasure, but she knew they had a habit of taking their time together. She sighed exhaustedly as his strong hands forced her thighs down on top of him. His tongue licked up and down at an almost uncontrollable pace. He was an expert, and she couldn’t help gasping softly as she felt herself suddenly squirting as he groaned, lapping up every drop.
Luke growled like an animal as he licked it all up, like he was licking his entire plate after a good meal. She hardly noticed him thrusting and rifting up into the air as he became more and more aroused by her sitting on his face. Growing frustrated, he quickly sat up, almost startling her. But she didn’t have much time to adjust as he changed their positions.
He sat up on the bed, face still slick as he adjusted her on his lap.
“You’re gonna come again,” he announced roughly, lining up his long erection with her opening, “On my cock.”
She moaned quietly as she faced away from him, only feeling the sensation of him easily sliding in.
“Fuck, that was easy,” he gasped. “You’re so wet… Good fucking girl,” he praised excitedly.
He watched with a satisfied grin on his face as she slowly bounced up and down, taking him from behind as he grabbed her by the hair, roughly pulling her head back so that he could suck on her neck like some kind of crazed sex vampire.
“Fuck, I love the way you feel,” he gasped as she bounced up and down, “You like it, baby?” he asked considerately.
“Yes!” she groaned, just as aggressive as he was. “Fuck yes!”
She grabbed him by the hair, forcing his bites on her neck and collarbone to get even rougher. He had no idea what it was about her lately, but when Luke was with her, all his inhibitions went out the window. Even everything he said was more unhinged and full of unbridled passion.
“I’d do anything for you,” he babbled. “You’re my fucking girl… You want me to eat your pussy? I’ll eat your pussy. You want me to fuck you from the back, I’ll fuck you from the back… You want me to slit Adam’s throat and lick the knife for you to watch, I’ll do it. I’ll do it all, baby,” he laughed darkly.
Luke threw his head back in anticipation as she tightened around him, intentionally pushing him over the edge. Her fingernails dug into his thighs as she rested her hands on his knees to steady herself.
“Just come, baby,” he urged her. “Come on, you got it. Just come all over my cock…”
He whined aggressively, his breath hitching in his throat as she rode him harder and harder.
“You’re so fucking nasty, I love you,” he moaned, feeling her hand reach behind her to tug on his hair. “I love you,” he breathed.
He gasped lightly as he realized he came, the warmth penetrating her as she just grinned, enjoying how disgusting they were both being. He is breath grew shaky and labored as he watched her slowly coming down from her high, as her own wetness began to mix with his. Not fazed by any of it, she reached for his face and kissed his lips, hungrily getting a taste of herself through him.
His hands fell to her waist as he gently held her down on top of him, pulling away as his soft blue eyes looked into hers.
“I love you,” he whispered, absolutely pussy drunk.
He chuckled lightly as he got another smack across the face, sighing in ecstasy. He knew it shouldn’t have been, but the idea of violence in her name was what started all of this.
Chapter Fourteen
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annabelle--cane · 10 months
one of my favorite memories from my last year of camp was when my cabin's two counselors had to go check on something just after lights out and the very second they left all fourteen of us got down from our bunks to sit in a circle on the floor and play never have I ever. to my knowledge, myself (only out as bi at the time) and one other girl (charlie, a soft masc french lesbian) were the only queer people there, and that kept tripping people up because someone would point at me and say like "cmon marina, put a finger down, I know you've had a girlfriend," and I'd get to say "but you said 'never have I ever kissed a boy' :)", so it was very gay rights for me. and then we started running out of romantic ones and went into more risque territory, so someone said "never have I ever sucked a guy off," and charlie was the only one who put a finger down, leading another girl to whisper-scream "I thought you were gay!" charlie, blushing profusely and hiding her face in her hands, just said "sex is different in france." and that is maybe the frenchest thing I have ever heard in my life.
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afyrian · 4 months
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no. 1 - forgotten enemies masterlist
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    the sun filters through the thick canopy above you, slivers of light shining through your car's sunroof. it bounces over your car seats and peeks through the space between you and your sunglasses. 'til the summertime, forgive my northern attitude, "oh i was raised on little light.."
  you sing along to the song on the radio, fingers tapping against the steering wheel. everything seems so familiar as you picture what it looked like when you were younger. except the budding trees are higher than your car now and the ponds are a little wider. even the tree line has widen some as the roads are fixed of their cracks. 
  bought some shit you searched online- your finger searches for the mute button, eyes wide at the sight of the cabin. it's certainly not as you remember it being. the dilapidated cabins are fixed up and harboring blue painted roofs. the paths are paved with sand and rock and there's a climbing wall not too far from the entrance. 
  even with everything changing, you can still see the large sign at the front of the camp. the blue signage still looking the same, just slightly cleaner. little balloons are tied to the sides for the grand reopening after a couple years closed. from what you can remember in the email, it was closed for something weird that went down a year after you left.
  however, wondering about the past and how your formative years could've changed if your camp time had been different was not something you wanted to endure. instead, you just step out of the car and take in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. your thoughts quickly flicker to your bag in your trunk and baseball cap in the passenger side. 
  you open the trunk and grab your duffel bag, throwing the handle over your shoulder. as you turn around to open the passenger side door and grab your cap, you can hear a car driving down the concrete path. out of the corner of your eye, it's a jeep-like car. great for the wilderness with some terrible inside atmosphere.
  before you can even shut your door and head towards the camp, their car door is opening. the sounds of flip flops hitting the parking lot sends your head swerving around to see who has arrived. the yellow-ish hair is the first thing you spot, besides the obnoxious aviators he's sporting. atsumu miya. 
  a name nor a person that you had thought about in a while. especially when all you wanted that year was to forget that very same face. the only thing seemingly different is the light scruff and the stronger jawline. a part of you wants to forget everything the two of you fought over, simply because he takes some of your breath away. however, you know better, knowing that he only brings you pain. 
  so you pull your hat on, turning around and shutting the door so maybe he won’t see you too. that he won’t give you some snide remark about all of the years that he excelled above you. however, something else entirely occurs that sends you reeling. 
  just as you’re walking towards the camp sign, the sound of his loud flip flops echo through your ears, him jogging towards you, “are you another counselor here?”
  “uh- yeah. yeah, i am,” you look over at him for a moment, wondering if this is him winding up to some joke or tease, “this is my first year as a counselor, l/n y/n.”
  he snaps his fingers, nodding his head as soon as he hears your name. “right, yeah, we had cabins near each other, didn’t we? sorry, i don’t remember much of my time here. but it was great to see you again,” atsumu shrugs his shoulders, hurrying past you to get to the mess hall.
  you narrow your eyes in his direction, wondering how he can’t remember you. for a second, you simply wonder if you’re petty and vindictive. holding onto a grudge from years ago when he’s clearly pushed past any memory of the torture he put you through. you shake your head and continue to the mess hall to meet up with the other counselors, hoping that your friends would already be there.
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a/n: thinking of doing atsumu’s pov next chapter..
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