#second one! william is taking up a lot of space bc he's trying to be so much ! and his colors are all very red (except for the waistcoat)
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rain-on-wax-feathers ¡ 4 months ago
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louise's friends throughout the years
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#small details !!#starting off with the hairtie color ! in the beginning its orange bc that's jean's color. still awkward still “too feminine” and stuff#also ! jean hasnt been freaked out about the color red/orange bc william hasn't been revealed as a spy yet!!#and then its teal bc louise is becoming more himself but is still holding on to becoming john (green)#and then at the end its blue and the braid is looser bc that's jean's color! not red anymore bc she's changed#more details !!#in the first one john is only wearing a waistcoat bc he's too sick to get dressed all the way.#his glasses are rounder than louise's bc he's more artsy and more laid-back. he also has eyebags bc sick.#samuel is just. samuel. nothing too special there#second one! william is taking up a lot of space bc he's trying to be so much ! and his colors are all very red (except for the waistcoat)#bc hes a spy for the British. his waistcoat is green bc he's try to get to jean#jean is wearing greens bc that's john's clothing / color. its dark bc he's in mourning bc john & samuel r dead#ohh and i tried to make william's clothing fancy bc he's from a wealthy georgian family#third one ! uh. lams. also i made du ponceau and lafayette have different uniforms. lafayette is fancy so he has lace and his is darker#etc etc. du ponceau is light and more pastelly and less military bc hes not really.like. super duper military he just got there.#fourth one !!! i gave her earings bc i wanted to incorporate femininity back in.#also if you cant tell change in time period ! its the early 1800s now <3#new glasses (these ones have the little arm side pieces idk what they are called)! and i just gave her a random outfit lmao.#nothing too special about eloise and silas that's just. how they look.#oh ! the backgrounds ! first is orangey bc that's when louise was solely louise (orange!!) and then yellow bc that's samuel's color#and war was supposed to be samuel's thing. also its a go between green (john) & red (william). third is blue bc AMERICA#and fourth is green bc they are in vermont and living the cottagecore life.#and last but not least !!! louise is looking out and then only looks away to the people beside her when she's discovered himself#and he's happy.#okay now tagging#amrev oc#amrev#oc#oc art#original character
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intertexts ¡ 8 months ago
having a lot of thoughts and feelings as always about how virion sees himself as the one who has to be strong, who has to be the one to protect the other two . dakota may have had his powers for longer, but virion has more field experience. he's been trained how to fight his whole life. his family prepared him for this since the day he could stand on his own two feet. it's so deeply ingrained into him, he knows the ins and outs of cape politics, and while he may be an outsider in new haven he had plenty of experience in fauna and how much different can the two cities really be? I feel like he's faaaar less trustful of the heroes, can kind of see through their bullshit when it happens, but he doesn't make a move because now he has a team, now he has people he loves again, and he would do anything to keep them safe even if that means putting up with bureaucratic nonsense. he's got that vigilante blood in him!!! idk how long he was on his own but even if it was as short as a few months that's still PLENTY of time to pick up terrible habits in the name of keeping on his toes, keeping himself safe. gotta keep moving constantly. can't sleep for more than a few hours at a time, and the sleep he does get is VERY light. only ever wearing dark clothes and covering his face even out of costume. constantly keeping at least one concealed weapon on him. being SO hyperaware of any sound or sudden movement in the general vicinity. when hes with the other two he always places himself in the middle between them so he can easily grab both of them if he needs to. maybe walking a half step behind them to watch their backs. always situates himself with clear view of any doors/windows whenever theyre in an enclosed space. etc etc you see my vision!!!!!
im just thinking abt like... the first time william and dakota see him Without All That Tension. he probably looks like a totally different person! the whole time they've known him he's been this stoic quiet intimidating presence, he always stays awake longer than either of them so they've never seen him sleep. after one too many all-nighter volunteer patrols he passes on pizza for dinner and gets home before either of them. when they walk in later (leftover pizza for him ofc) and see him passed out fast asleep on the couch it almost takes them a second to recognize him . who is this.. soft faced *boy* curled up in a loose ball facing the door in their living room!! what if this is where williams crush really kicks in and becomes Real- he desperately wants to be able to make virion comfortable enough around him to make him look like that again. william is just frozen in the doorway staring at him, studying him, trying to commit the whole scene to memory, so dakota is the one who steps forward to put a blanket over him. virion wakes up IMMEDIATELY at this and the moment is kind of broken and he thanks them for the pizza and everything's back to normal but now they KNOW. do you SEE my vision here.
I hope ur malaise is a little better sorry this took me like an hour and a half to type i had 2 keep pausing bc I was getting emotional thinking about them auaghaguyghh
ohh having so many emotions about him.... yeah..... yeah..... the cape world is all he's ever known! of course he's more experienced, cynical, knows the procedures and conventions and lies better than they do. he's maybe the only one of them who's killed before. i think it fucks him UP to realize he loves william & dakota. how can he trust them? he does, he can't choose not to, but i think he's very scared for a very long time that they're going to betray him like his father betrayed his friends. "they sound like they really mean it" yeah well. so did his dad!! honestly i think it's a kind of let it happen situation. he thinks about it for a while and goes well. it's not like i have anything else. this, right now, is nice, so if i end up dead in my sleep about it? whatever. i like them. they're allowed. he's constantly waiting in the back of his mind for the cold gun to the back of his head while theyre hugging or a knife to his throat on the couch during a movie or for them to detour into a dark alley while they're walking somewhere. and it takes a very long time for him to lose this mindset. it would fuck the other two UP if they knew but he's very good at hiding it, both the fear & the decision to just let them do it, if they want to. virion sol willing vulnerability looks like anyone else's efficient dangerous capability and hypervigilance. (i think they Should find out that their best friend is always waiting for them to kill him. that would be a lot.)
anyway. distracted!! in my mind he was a rogue for at least, like, around a year. so much time for bad habits to sink in! the thing ive been thinking about is like, he never really had to be subtle? he's so good at disappearing into nowhere & being a sneaky ass creep on the job, he's alright at lying and social engineering if there was a situation where it was necessary, but he never like... had a civilian life! to him it was fine if he was mostly perceived as a thug or a contractor or just as suspicious as "deftly moving masked figure in black checking all the entrances to the coffee shop as he sits down or buying zip ties and gorilla tape and kerosene at lowes" implies. so like i think their manager or boss or handler has to go "hey dude you need to like. Not be walking exactly a step behind your friends checking your surroundings wherever u go. please stop moving like you're getting ready for a fight. it directs so much attention to u u are in high school ur supposed to be a kid ur setting off so many red flags!"& he doesn't really get it. and it's a thing.
ill over everything ur saying here btw!!!! actually fucked up over them seeing him without all those walls and facades & constant tension!! oh christ!! he's so intimidating even when he's not trying and knows so much and is so good at what they do-- he's. actually their age? he's really just some teenager like them? the crackling anxiety and hypervigilance aren't, just, like, part of him? all the tense lines and angles of him soften into just-- something normal and loose and comfortable?? that fic when???
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crumbleclub ¡ 2 years ago
Anyway informing you that 1. Ur posts are so incredible and good and they're a treasure to see i prommy, and 2. Ur ficlet for dream theory revamp au is taking up rental space in my head. Having silly thoughts about Evan just acting completely dead after he learns the truth about henry. He doesn't play anymore. Doesn't talk. He can't even work up the energy to be Super Nice To Mike So He Doesn't Want To Die Again like he's been doing for all the time Mike has been back. Mike definitely notices, but whether he feels comfortable/capable enough of confronting Evan about it is up in the air. Oooo, or, or maybe Evan leans even *further* into the Be Super Nice To Mike So He Doesn't Want To Die thing bc he's lost Henry and Mike is the only thing Evan has left
From my perspective (since it's ur au lol):
Mike would be so weirded out by seeing his brother stop playing and talking, but I doubt he'd know what to say. He wouldn't guess that it was about Henry, and, since it wasn't immediately after his attempt, he wouldn't associate those things together, either. He might wonder if something else happened that he didn't know about– William being rougher with Evan since Mike was still healing physically, maybe, or some unrelated problem his anxiety could conjure up– and one thing my Michael will always be is nosy. Like, this is a situation where it's actually somewhat helpful– one should look into it if their little brother shows a clear trauma response, obviously– but he's nosy in every other situation, too.
Rather than ask what's up like a normal person, he'd probably start paying way more attention to Evan (and William, and everyone else Evan interacts with)'s behavior to figure it out. He might try to ask in very roundabout ways if he couldn't find anything elsewhere, but he'd try not to let it look like concern for Evan.
(That's not a conscious decision, or even related to his abuse of Evan or any resentment he might still hold; it's a completely unrelated conditioned response that mostly relates back to the whole incident with William using a dog as a lure and getting pissed when Mike tries to interrupt.)
The first response, Evan losing the will to be extra nice, could be percieved by Mike as either an extension of the trauma response Evan seems to be having that he can't figure out the cause of– which would drive him to investigate further– or as things starting to go back to normal, where Evan has a justified fear of his brother and they don't really talk much.
It would make him sad, though, which he wouldn't be expecting. He might have to examine either the fact that he does need some affection in his life to feel okay– which is typical– or the fact that he might, shocker, actually want to have a decent relationship with his little brother. Both of these things would be a pretty arduous process for him; he's emotionally immature, even for as young as he is, and this sort of thing isn't something he's had any guidance on. He would probably throw himself into something else whilst processing that on the back burner.
The second one– being even nicer– would be more surprising to him, because he's really just not seen that level of nice before? If Evan got too clingy, Mike wouldn't be able to hide his annoyance, and he might snap from time to time, even though he's had half a wake up call at this point about his own behavior– near death experiences make people reevaluate shit a lot, but he's not like. Magically well-adjusted– and doesn't have the energy to be all that terrible at the moment. That being said– even though Mike is really needing a mentor more for this than his little brother's kindness– this is one of the most vulnerable places he's ever been, and, if anyone were to ever successfully find a shortcut to breaking through Mike's defenses by the sheer force of being nice, this would be one of the easier times to try it.
On the bright side, Mike does not struggle with leaning on one person too much, so Evan wouldn't get stuck in a therapist role or anything. Probably the worst case scenario for his response to the second one would be having Mike start to answer any questions candidly, and receiving a bleaker view of the world in response.
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caffeiiine ¡ 1 month ago
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PREFACE: I originally imagined it as an animatic, so it’s easier understood if thinking about every note like a particular scene. Also, chronologically the timeline is bad. Bad bad and horrid. Not considered at all. Do not try and understand it chronologically.
And now!!! My translated handwriting ———- TL;DR: childhood stuff!
ahhh this is a lot of typing.
”My dream girl” -> Simeon
“My private inside jokes, sign the cast on my funny bone” -> I like to imagine that in the orphanage or school, kids would pick on Simeon then Horace would step in to defend him and get injured himself
“Floral sheets of long given up ghosts/haunt my bedroom at night and say/let’s get you home!” -> I like imagining that Horace had a lot of sleepovers at Simeon’s when they were kids. [lovingly blaming Plagued Affections on AO3 for this one <3]
“They say ‘grow up be a man because until then you’re nothing but’” -> Horace’s savior complex/his constant need to prove himself to /someone/. But I also imagine Issac said that to him at one point or another bc he was hanging around Simeon and it kinda just stuck.
“A short haired girl’” -> continuing that line, that’d refer to Simeon.
“And ‘oh my god, what’s wrong with me’” -> The Realization [hc]
“Dream girl” -> again, Simeon.
“Come and sweep me off my knees” -> continuing that line, pretty much Horace wishing Simeon comes back after he runs away.
“I’d rather stay asleep than never wake up seeing you next to me” -> personal hc that when Simeon ran away he previously shared a bedroom with Horace, so when Horace gets up the morning after Simeon runs away from the orphanage, he’s used to seeing Simeon there so he assumes he’s still dreaming and goes back to sleep. When he wakes up for the second time he realizes Simeon is gone-gone.
“Neon lights” -> streetlights
“Like heat lamps in the cold” -> nearly freezing to death in the car. [im taking my artistic liberties where I can okay]
^^all in all, The Car Scene.
“To incubate the shadows you can’t stitch back to your soles” -> Horace witnessing the interrogation stuff from an outside POV, he doesn’t super know what’s going on he just knows something is happening. I had too little space to write so expanded thoughts! Shadows, referring to Patricia and Blaise metaphorically, but also how what Horace sees is Simeon being super jumpy at every little shadow. I also misheard ‘soles’ as ‘soul’, so it makes more sense if you consider that, Horace seeing Simeon be so deeply affected by Something he doesn’t understand. Simeon won’t tell him either.
“And you seemed fine, just a few days ago” -> Horace questioning why Simeon left, and recalling the days that led up to it.
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TL;DR: everything that happened after!
“ ‘promise I’ll never have fun again’ “ -> obviously not that specific wording, but Simeon brushing off every confrontation Horace starts.
“If you’d stop flying but then you start crying” -> Simeon ends every confrontation either brushing it off, or bursting into tears
“never mind, you win” -> Horace usually gives up and drops the topic whenever one or the other happens.
”And far too late came far too soon” -> Manosouta in general tbh
“And the love you never made became the things you’d never do” -> to Horace, Simeon only gets more distance with time and honestly what can he do about it? He’s just accepting it atp.
“Oh sweet dream girl come, but keep your hands off me” -> There’s several fics I’ve read where in a general scenario, Simeon slips up the façade and Horace pulls back a bit.
“Go on back to bed my love, I mean, that’s where dreams are supposed to be” -> But, at the end, Horace always returns after clearing his head, he never brings it up either or demands an answer other than tears or a brush-off. He just kinda ends it and puts it in the past.
”so come on, William, grow up be a man cause until then they’re gonna treat like you’re just a little girl.” -> Same thing as Page 1, but this time in reference to the president and his thing against Rooke.
”it’s me who cries mercy while your fingers curl” -> honestly Horace is the softie of Manosouta. You cannot convince me that as a kid he would not purposefully lose at ‘mercy’ games to avoid hurting Simeon, but also because he wanted to see Simeon smile when he won.
“And oh are you at all like me? Do you know what I mean, or am I too close to see?” -> Honestly, Horace is not stupid. I like to imagine that he knew the dynamics were changing, but he believed in Simeon’s goodness, and their friendship that maybe just maybe everything wrong would pass if he just gave Simeon time. He’s not stupid, just really in love with his best friend.
“Watch me fold my hands” -> he and Simeon’s ‘plan’
“Just to crack my knuckles” -> just to die in jail
“Well here is the church” -> jail
“Here is the steeple” -> that big building that Kay got amnesia on, I forgot it’s name
“Open the door, see all the people” -> every victim that Simeon’s plan made (including Simeon himself, via killing Horace)
“All right, that’s enough, let’s get you home” -> refers to Simeon going to jail or Horace’s death. I liked to imagine that he was kinda haunting Simeon then decided, “m, maybe this isn’t needed anymore.” And kinda fades away like in those movies when a ghost’s purpose is fulfilled.
@silliest-basilisk in case you couldn’t read my writing!!!
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glassamphibians ¡ 4 years ago
ahaha election is stressing me out so its Will Solace Headcannon Time
• this mf has the worst fashion taste in the world but he’s cannonically beautiful as fuck so he gets away with it
• his mom is pretty famous so she’s busy a lot which is why he’s a year rounder but she always takes him on trips for holidays or visists when she’s in the area bc she really wants to be there for him
• unfortunately tho that means Will rarely gets to go Home home like he hasn’t been to his hometown in a long time and he really misses it :(
• he still loves his mom to death tho!! he know’s she’s trying and thats what matters most to him
• he loves old movies SO MUCH star wars and other sci fi stuff is his favorite but he’s also a huge fan of horror movies
• during the battle of manhattan he healed demigods that fought for kronos too even though they were enemies bc he couldn’t just leave them wounded and that was a big reason so many of them decided to join camp after the war
• hes 100% a STEM kid he loves math and science and he’s very good at them!!
• when he grows up he wants to help with space research and is hoping he can find a way to bring his healing skills into that some how
• before finding out about the whole Myths Are Real And You’re One Of Them thing he only believed in stuff that had concrete scientific evidence and he definitely had a hard time coming to terms with monsters and magic bc “thats just. not how the world works?? like thats impossible whats next you’re gonna tell me i can glow?”
• . he can in fact glow . said glowing ability is tied to his emotions and when he’s really mad its hot and blinding to look at. so while he is just naturally a Chill Dude he also has try to keep calm so that he doesn’t hurt people which leads to ~bottling things up~
• Will had a crush on nico the second he crashed the Battle of Manhattan and was lowkey planning on asking him out pretty soon after blood of olympus but then realized nico needed a friend before anything else so he scratched that plan
• but it worked out over time so !!! win for will boyfriend achievement unlocked
• OH OH OH yk those glow in the dark space stickers? yeah he put those on the bottom part of the top bunk of nico’s bed in cabin 13 so if he wakes up at night its not completely dark and its spacey so he thinks of Will
• 100% hopeless romantic he loves doing soft shit like that and planning cute dates and just loving openly!! life is short, even shorter for demigods, so why be quiet about what makes you happy?
• sometime between the hidden oracle and the tower of nero Will turned 16 and decided to get his sun tattoo so he can always be reminded of his dad if things take a turn for the worse
• when theres an animal at camp he’s the first to pick it up and show all the younger kids!! one time a watersnake from the lake slithered into the dining pavilion and he just picked it up with no hesitation and everyone was like ????? william what the fuck
• he is the absolute KING of passive agressiveness like he’s a really nice person but if he doesn’t like you he will absolutely let you know in a “bless ur heart” kinda way
• he hates lying and breaking rules but is concerningly good at finding loopholes and telling halftruths
• the physical embodiment of that one john mulaney quote thats like “this might as well happen, life is already so goddamn weird”
thats it i think anyway i love this boy with my whole heart and would very much like to be his friend hope you all enjoy
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transsexualhamlet ¡ 4 years ago
predictions for yuumori s2 (as a manga reader)
No matter what happens, this is probably gonna end up aging badly, but i’m hyperfixating and I’ve decided to make it everyone else’s problem so I’m going to predict where they’re gonna go with s2 of moriarty the patriot (keep in mind i’m writing this as of episode 2) and what I think would be the ideal scenario, in the likely situation that this is the last season.
So we can tell a lot about what they’re going to cut/include from the opening and ending, and the first two episodes. 
-moneypenny and most likely von herder are gone, already evidenced by the first 2 episodes, which is :( but understandable bc there’s only so much space and they’re definitely cutting the arcs where they would be important
-so that means no moran backstory because duh, there’s a point in the backstory and i see value in it, moran slaps when he’s not being an ass lmao, but again, time constraints
-no matter what I can’t see them keeping in the like, child hunting thing 2 electric boogaloo, even tho it did further Fred’s and Louis’ characters, since they’ve previously cut out stuff considering them and. You know. That’s how it be.
-You can see they’re including jack the ripper arc (considering, jack is in the opening) and I have faith that they can downsize the arc without butchering it if they do it right. This is good that they’re keeping it in, considering it’s one of the... main arcs not involving milverton that advances the plot.
-Major thing we can tell is that, yeah, Milverton is nowhere to be seen. It seems like this would fuck things up bad since he’s like, the only kind of “main villain” we get here. But honestly? I agree with that. Fuck Milverton. He has no character or motivation and is like my one and only bone to pick with the manga. He’s just there to suck ass and create plot convenience?? I don’t like him and he never needed to be there if he wasn’t at least going to do something interesting. I support the anime cutting him.
-That DOES fuck over their ability to do the white knight arc, since, well, milverton is the cause of all of that. And this is the one thing I really don’t know what they’re going to do with that to connect jack the ripper directly to the final problem. I can’t predict that, but I do think there are ways it can be done that won’t be Awful.
-So considering that, Mary’s arc is definitely axed, which doesn’t bother me that much since by that point i so impatient for gay people and really didn’t care about watson’s fiance even tho she is a lovely lady. For anime effect, she does not need an arc, though I could see them having her show up a few times so watson doesn’t seem too gay either lmao.
-They’re definitely shooting to end with the final problem, considering without it there’s no big culminating event between moriarty and sherlock, which is obviously the big sell. And well. It’s. Um. The final problem. 
The season says it’s slated to be 13 episodes, since s1 didn’t have enough time for 12. I honestly think they can manage it all, if they play their cards right. 
This whole potential situation does sound familiar, I’ll point out that I just arrived here after the shit show of the promised neverland’s second season. But I don’t think it will get bad like tpn did. Because in Moriarty, they could afford to cut things because there are many stand alone and disposable arcs, whereas tpn really shouldn’t have, since they pretty much all contributed later to Major Main Character Plot Things. And the important points of the arcs that they’ll probably cut can actually be written into existing ones without looking like plot convenience, in my vision of it.
Honestly, I’m pretty optimistic for moriarty, it works better for this kind of adaption than in a lot of other manga that end up getting these most likely two season adaptions. I’d love to get those arcs for the servant’s and other character’s developments of course, but trying to stick that in when there’s really only time to focus on the main characters would suck up time better spent on really getting deep into the main storyline. Even if there are less characters, in a situation like this a streamlined and nuanced story will look elegant, whereas shoving as much content as possible into a few short episodes makes everyone cringe.
The situation does end up looking like the promised neverland, but it has a chance to be significantly less fucked considering,,, well,,, tpn is an insanely low bar, and they will hopefully not make the promised neverland’s same mistakes of Shove Seventeen Plotlines Into One Episode After Realizing Belatedly They Actually Needed Those Parts.
Obviously I don’t know what will happen, and this will be outdated by sunday lmao, but my projection looks something like this for 13 episodes to conclude the show.
(Episodes 1+2: A Scandal in the British Empire)
Episode 3: I’m very anxious for 3 considering this will probably make or break my opinion on the anime. Ideally, this episode would wrap up the scandal arc and go over the whole James Bond thing, it could be pretty baller and fit well into an episode. But though there’s plenty of Irene in the opening, there’s no sight of Bond, so considering anime as a whole is fucking transphobic, they might try to change it, twist around bond’s words or just, gloss over it altogether. If they cut it, they might have time to squeeze in another arc but I don’t think they honestly need to? With what they seem to be keeping in, they’ll have ample time to get to everything, and it would be shorter anyway considering the smaller amount of servants. 
Here, we do definitely need to cover Sherlock’s “receiving the name of the lord of crime and deciding to burn it and find it out himself because he’s extra”, no matter the status of irene/bond’s gender. If they do that right and possibly change a few things so it’s more important, this could play into them moving forward his whole discovery of their secrets.
Episodes 4-7: These will most likely cover jack the ripper arc. There’s a lot to go over here, and I’m confident they can cut it down, because tbh Moriarty is pretty long winded for a manga and cutting things is good to an extent. This covers most of the major expansions on William’s ideas and plans, and definitely has the holes to stuff in more of the points made in the arcs that will be cut out. Though I have my reservations, they could plausibly take most points in white knight and integrate them into here.
Episodes 8-10: These are the ones that are going to take the most work and probably be the most changed. They should finish up the ripper arc in 7, give or take a few episodes, and then here, If Sherlock has a little more figured out from episode 3, he can look deeper. I think it’s honestly a good idea for the one to discover the Incriminating Records to be him, as it again gives them more connection. There needs to be some other reason Moriarty’s secrets are in danger of getting leaked to the paper, but I’m sure they can put something together with scotland yard or something, or even like, Mycroft. I see that. But if that happens, then we can spend an episode or so on the merchant of london, aka little liam commits girlboss, which can be woven into the idea of everything Coming Out.
Episodes 11-13: Final problem. I see this going mostly unchanged, up until 55. Truth is they’ll probably end up cutting something but hmm. I don’t know. They should keep the fred stuff in, since they’ll cut his other development. They should keep the squad asking sherlock for help, since they cut the other parts that highlight the crime squad’s care for him. But I think they could montage most of the William Goes French Revolution On You Hoes, even the part where the kids come in front of one of them, if you see what’s going on right. But everything can proceed as in the manga pretty smoothly, I think, it all makes sense if they put it together in 7-10. You know, you got somehow, the worst case happens, and boom, scandal, final problem enacted. Killing spree. William reveals he’s been emo this whole time but it’s too late now. Everyone scrambling to catch up with his damn plans. Gay boy knocking on 221B with a fucking love letter. Shit gets found out. And then... well, yuh.
Disclaimer I still don’t know everything about this, bc I cannot find a translation of 54, only the raw with no context, and I know there’s content after 55 but I can’t find that either. But I’m sure as hell an english major and can understand where things are probably going. I don’t know what’s involved at that point, and if there’s some plan detailed to save him or something. That’s the main thing I don’t know, and if there is one detailed of course that kind of changes everything, but for now I’m going on the assumption that 54 is “sherlock runs to the bridge and yells at liam to stop being a dramatic whore while london burns around them and the murder squad watches anxiously with mysterious intent, until it is chapter 55″. (IF Y’ALL HAVE THE ENGLISH PLEASE HMU) They better not TOUCH anything in 55 or so help me god.
But as to after 55, things are going to be different. Besties, I’m an optimist, but there’s no way they’ll make a season after this. It does appear that they’ve mostly wrapped up, and they’ve gotten through what Big Revals they plan on doing. The shit hinted from the beginning has happened, and there probably won’t be enough to create another, unless the author plans on fucking shit up again, which I don’t approve of. There are a few things still left unsaid, like, Liam’s real name and everything, but if it’s supposed to be important, things that small can 100 percent be written into this.
And as something that’s intending to finish up a story, depending on what manga canon really is (BESTIE I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS) they might change it. There’s two options, a bittersweet/hopeful and a tragic one, but either one will end up open ended, because of my extensive knowledge of 2 season animes with significantly longer mangas. (done badly: tokyo ghoul and tpn, done well: owari no seraph and mob psycho) Either we have it like well, oh damn, everything was destined to be Sad but well you’re with him now you’re probably dead, but you know there’s something hinted at and you don’t know for sure so that’s the catch. So you get a vague and bittersweet but possibly hopeful ending. OR something that takes,,, whatever ends up happening in the manga or whatever the plan is and turning it into an epilogue infodump.
I can see either going well depending on how they handle the messages of the story. But yeah, as far as to my extent of the understanding of the show, that’s how it’ll probably go, and what my opinion of how it should is.
To What Extent Will The Gay:
You know, this is my ideal scenario within these time limits, but you know they could always go The Wrong Direction if the anime team took a look at some of the later chapters and went “holy shit this is a bit too gay” and try to axe some of the sherliam content, which I wouldn’t put past any corporation.
In the case that they do, I see lot of good shit going. They’re clearly trying to do the final problem, so they obviously can’t cut out 55, which is good :). But though 55 is clearly, uh, really fucking homosexual, the most romantic shit goes down in 53, as far as I can tell? (keeping in mind i still haven’t found 54′s english version, if anyone would like to direct me to a translation, that would be LOVELY.) I unfortunately can see them cutting Liam’s letter almost entirely, and that kind of scares me.
You know, even if i’d hate and slander them for it, cutting out james bond would be something i would understand. But messing with sherliam would fuck them over, not just cause that would be awful, but like, because it’s like... kind of the main point.
So I’m not really too worried about them messing with it, mostly because the content itself is holding them at gunpoint, sherliam holds the whole plot structure in place, especially if you’re shooting for final problem. And even in the manga they never, like, actually say they’re in love with each other even tho historically gay lovers would probably call each other “friends” lmao so it’s not like they have to greenlight gay sex or anything lmao it’s just Very Romantic (No Homo)
And apart from that, yuumori has actually been pretty decent to the gays so far?? Damn shawty, they certainly haven’t toned down the gay yet and it’s clearly their main source of fans, and what they’ve decided to emphasize in both openings and a significant portion of the s2 ending. We’re all here for it, and they’re catering to it, so I can at least give you that.
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therobinsonwayoflife ¡ 5 years ago
There's a disney film from 1960 on disney plus called Swiss Family Robinson and i know they don't connect with mtr but the main characters name is Fritz Robinson 👀 i love lil similarities like these
(part ii) i also forgot to mention the Swiss Family Robinson, they have THREE SONS although only one is called Fritz im still gonna pretend its actually him ahahaha
You are not wrong. There is a direct connexion between the Swiss Robinsons and our American Robinsons!
Ok here’s a fun history of the Robinson name in popular media: first we had Robinson Crusuoe, followed by Swiss Family Robinson, succeeded by Space Family Robinson.
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Robinson Crusuoe, 1719, is a fictional travel log of a (European) castaway “exploring” the tropical islands near the coasts of Venezuela and Trinidad. Its popularity spawned a new genre of desert island stories called “Robinsonade”.
Swiss Family Robinson, 1812, follows the adventures of shipwrecked Swiss immigrants in the Indies. They transform the narrative of a lone castaway into one of a family sitcom.
Space Family Robinson introduces a sci-fi element to the genre where instead of colonial island exploration, the Robinsons take a step toward the Final Frontier. Space Family Robinson was a comic series published in none other than the groovy atomic age of the early sixties from December 1962 all the way until 1982, when the space craze had effectively ended. Family hijinks constrast the vast and chilly unknown of the future. (Although even in sci-fi robinsonsade, the genre still resembles its colonial roots bc oft times characters will terraform foreign planets or have colonial first encounter conflicts with native aliens... :/)
According to Wikipedia:
In the comic, the Robinsons were scientist father Craig, scientist mother June, early teens Tim (son) and Tam (daughter), along with pets Clancy (dog) and Yakker (parrot). They lived in "Space Station One", a spacious moving craft with hydroponic gardens, observatory, and two small "Spacemobile" shuttle craft. The family was selected by computer to be the most mentally and physically qualified to man the space station. They left Earth in the year 2001. In the second issue, a cosmic storm deposited them far from Earth and they have adventures while they try to work their way home.
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Circling back to Swiss Family Robinson, Swiss Family Robinson was adapted no less than four times for the silver screen prior to Disney’s 1960 live action film yet the popularity of Space Family Robinson likely inspired them.
Edit: hold on Disney’s Swiss Family Robinson debuted two years before Space Family Robinson so the inspiration may have been the other way around lol
All of this and a number of other adaptations solidified the notion of an outlandish, quirky family of outsiders known only as The Robinsons in the cultural zeitgeist, especially in the sixties. William Joyce, b. 1957, an enthusiast for all things retro, groovy, and sci-fi no doubt grew up with these comics and adaptations before he decided to author his own version of the Robinson Family, loosely based off his own family as well as that of the Robinsonade genre.
Robinson-like characters popped up as early as 1985 with his first solo project, George Shrinks which, along with a boy three inchEs tall (*COUGH*inspired by the borrowers*COUGH*) features an artistic family with dark hair. That same family pops up again (under a different name) in Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo. Dino Bob just so happens to follow closely in the footsteps of the Robinsonade genre, a genre that resurfaced in Victorian-style children’s media in the 80s where outsider characters explore fantastical lands. Think Babar, a story of a wealthy, fantastical, anthropomorphic elephant family exploring foreign jungles via hot air balloon. Anyways Dino Bob features the eccentric millionaire Lazardo family who adopt a dinosaur , carrying him from his tropical habitat back to their metropolitical home. Billy likes dinosaurs.
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But of course his most important work (for us at least) is A Day with Wilbur Robinson published in 1990. Retro futurism about the atomic age and Robinsonade may be outdated in the public consciousness by now but children’s literature is always fond of nostalgia and so the 1950s aesthetic of Joyce’s book made him a success... at least in the tiny world of children’s books. In it a boy named Wilbur nonchalantly introduces his friend Lewis to the bizarre wonders of his home, mostly composed of his eccentric millionaire relatives in the midst of their artistic and/or sci-fi hobbies. Wilbur also casually mentions the Robinsons’ pet dinosaur and his grandpa’s time machine.
Space is also occasionally featured in his Guardians of Childhood series but in a fantastical, Voyage à la lune by the Lumière Brothers kind of way.
Throughout his career Joyce would feature themes of scifi, retro futurism, eccentric millionaire families with dark hair, space exploration, childhood and especially modern takes on Robinsonade themes of exploring the unknown.
Joyce did and still does a lot of work with Disney, a company known for its love of space, innovation, futurism, retrofuturism, fantasy and family.
And thus we land in 2007 with the film adaptation to A Day with Wilbur Robinson, Meet the Robinsons a sci-fi story about a boy stranded in the foreign land of a futuristic utopia surrounded by a family of eccentric millionaire scientists that directly homages the atomic space craze of the sixties. :)
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occasionalfics ¡ 5 years ago
hi so i haven’t made any real posts in a while bc i haven’t really been writing that much but i wanted to just post SOMETHING for y’all to interact with
anyway, if you don’t know, i have a youtube channel and i’ve been watching (almost) every movie that chris evans is in because i love him and reviewing them for my channel and i thought i’d give a rundown of the movies i’ve seen so far (including ones i haven’t rewatched for the channel yet because i’m not gonna link to the videos - if you really want to watch, message me) so maybe you could decide which ones are worth your time and/or money 😂
for this, i’ll give a brief description, my general thoughts, and a score from 1-10 (1 being unwatchable and 10 being PEAK cinema)
i’m keeping things very light on spoilers, meaning there might be one or two overall but not for every movie.
so here we go:
The Newcomers (2000) - some indie movie with no theatrical release about a family that moves from boston to vermont because of money troubles. chris is in it for like 5 minutes and he’s honestly the second best part (second to a dog only). 3/10, mostly boring but not offensive.
Not Another Teen Movie (2001) - i feel like everyone has seen this. it’s a spoof of 80′s and 90′s teen movies (namely she’s all that and cruel intentions). chris plays the main love interest and he’s definitely funny enough to pull off the part but it’s not really my thing. 4/10.
The Perfect Score (2004) - this is the first time chris and sc*rj* worked together. 6 high school kids fail the SATs so instead of retaking them, they sneak into a government building and steal the answers. it’s an mtv movie and it’s...fine? not great, not special, but...very early aughts mtv for sure. 4/10
Cellular (2004) - an action flick where chris plays a regular dude who gets a call from a woman who’s been kidnapped, and then has to keep communications up with her in order to save her and take down some corrupt cops. surprisingly funny, i had a great time watching, would recommend! 7/10
Fierce People (2005) - i think this was another indie movie without a theatrical release. based on a book that, from the reviews of both, is identical, i think because the author of the book was also the screenplay writer. and that’s probably why this movie sucked. bby anton yelchin (rip) gets caught scoring drugs for his mom, and because she has connections to this super rich dude, they end up going to live in new jersey with his weirdass family instead of bby anton going to jail. chris’s character is not who you think he is. content warnings for drugs, rape, and murder. overall boring, not what it thinks it is, 4/10
Fantastic Four (2005) - okay everyone’s seen these. i actually hate both of these FF movies, but chris as johnny storm is the only shinning light in either. reed is the WORST and sue is treated like eye candy. 4/10 for johnny storm alone.
London (2005) - literally the worst movie i have ever seen. i hate london. also an indie movie, very misogynistic, very pretentious and self-important. lonely emo boy does drugs with random people in a bathroom at a party he was not invited to INTENTIONALLY, in the hopes that he will win over his ex girlfriend, who he repeatedly emotionally abused while they were together, even though the party is literally in honor of her moving across the country. and she didn’t want him there. please never, ever bother watching london and talking about it online - fuckbois will attempt to tell you that you know nothing repeatedly. 1/10, worst film ever made.
TMNT (2007) - does this need an introduction? chris plays casey, but the movie’s really about the turtles. honestly the writing kind of relies on you knowing a lot about the turtle lore and overall it’s a boring but ultimately harmless film. it’s just really not worth your time. 2/10
Sunshine (2007) - ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES I HAVE EVER SEEN, I HAVE NOT  STOPPED THINKING ABOUT SUNSHINE IN OVER A YEAR. 8 astronauts are on a mission to ignite a nuclear bomb into the dying heart of our sun. but it’s a space film so shit goes wrong and, one by one, they start dying. very tense, very sad. the biggest complaint all around is that the first 2/3s of the movie are one genre and the last 3rd is a completely different movie, and yet it’s STILL amazing. please watch (if you can handle a space thriller)! 8/10
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) - a very bad follow up to a very bad origin movie. not even andre braugher could save this one. reed is really mean to johnny for no reason and i hate his guts. 3/10
The Nanny Diaries (2007) - second time appearing alongside sc*rj*. she’s the main character. an anthropology student takes on a nannying job for an upperclass family in new york, but the job ends up being more than she bargained for. chris plays harvard hottie, her upstairs neighbor who is THE BEST BOY. i loved this movie. 8/10
Battle for Terra (2007) - a very weird but very good animated movie about humans attempting to colonize an alien planet because we were stupid enough to destroy earth, venus, and mars. lots of big names on the cast list for a movie that not many people saw, but it goes ham in the “fuck colonizers” theme. overall, a surprising joy. 6.5/10
Street Kings (2008) - well this was directed by david ayer so my friend and i went into this with very low expectations and it didn’t even meet that bar. keanu reeves plays a sad and angry corrupt cop who almost kind of gets framed for killing another cop, and then spends a good chunk of the runtime just hunting down other corrupt cops without doing anything about his own corruption. it’s copaganda, but very bad copaganda. also chris dies. fuck this movie, don’t waste your time. this is another one where the fanboys will come for you if you say a bad thing about it on the internet, 2/10
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (2008) - another indie that apparently caught the eye of kevin fiege? i don’t really know why because chris’s character is very bland and the movie overall is nothing special. tennessee williams wrote the screenplay before he died in the 80′s and then this was made and nothing about it was changed. it’s basically straight people in the 20′s in the south being weird and rude. a rich girl pays a hot poor boy to escort her to parties after a huge scandal was caused by her father. she loves the poor boy but he doesn’t return the feelings and everyone’s sad, dying, or mean. skip it, honestly. 4/10
Push (2009) - honestly, an underrated movie that so often gets shit on because of x-men. push is so good! a telekinetic man meets a young girl who can see the future, who tells him that if he helps her find her mom, they’ll also come into $6 million. they run into his ex and the government department trying to control people with powers, and shit ensues. chris’s chemistry with dakota fanning as big brother/little sister is adorable and i need more people to talk about it. 8/10, very worth your time.
The Losers (2010) - apparently went up against some other star-studded action flick with a similar plot at the time of release and suffered for it, but other than that, this is a fun romp with lots of character. a team of militiamen are framed for an international scandal and forced to go underground until a mysterious woman helps them exact revenge on the billionaire who framed them so they can go back to their families. chris plays one of the secondary characters and he’s PERFECT. best character in the whole movie! you’ve probably seen the “don’t stop believing”/”lethal killing machine�� scene around tumblr before - that’s just how his character is the whole movie and it’s great. definitely recommend! 7/10
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) - we’ve all seen it. lucas lee is the best. there are lots of problems in the word choice and some of the moral quandaries but overall, an enjoyable ode to videogames and comic books. 6.5/10
Puncture (2011) - once again, an indie film with very little theatrical release. WHOOOH though. this movie. SO GOOD! two personal injury lawyers take on a case when a nurse is accidentally pricked on the job and contracts AIDS. they take on a huge pharmaceutical supply company in the hopes of manufacturing and creating a legal standard for using safety needles to protect frontline medical workers, all while chris’s character is dealing with being an addict. based on a true story, honestly   one of chris’s best performances (and that’s across the board). you can  rent it cheap from youtube and it’s totally worth it. 7.5/10
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - i mean. it’s cap. honestly this movie feels a little long even though it’s not. overall it’s a good, enjoyable movie and watching it all the way through reminded me of why bucky was so important. 7/10
What's Your Number? (2011) - okay honestly i love this movie? a woman is slutshamed by her sister’s friends and then embarks on a journey through her past relationships to find her soulmate, only to realize that it doesn’t matter how many men she’s slept with because the right one really won’t give a damn and neither should she. everyone’s seen naked collin around tumblr. he’s a good boy. mostly. 7/10
The Avengers (2012) - so i can appreciate that this was like THE event movie of the summer of 2012 but it is LONG and there’s still so much spy shit i don’t understand. my friends and i also think that j*ss wh*d*n oversimplifies most of the characters, and ultimately the writing isn’t super strong. the performances are, for sure, but it’s still not as great of a movie as i thought it was when i was a senior in high school. 7/10
The Iceman (2012) - also an indie? based on a true story. a man (played by michael shannon) is recruited by the mob to be a hitman, and then something happens where they don’t want to pay him or something, so he starts doing a shady job with another hitman (played by chris) to support his family. overall it’s a boring film but michael and chris were both really good! watch it if you like dark mob movies, michael shannon, or winona ryder. 3/10
Snowpiercer (2013) - this movie, no pun intended, is a RIDE. poor people at the back of a train containing the last living human beings revolt against the bourgeoise. everyone’s dirty and tired and hungry. weird shit happens, but ultimately, this was SO worth the watch (and the money i spent on the blu-ray)!  7/10
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - still my favorite cap movie. excellent characterization, maybe the only time i cared about natasha. the plot should be an avengers movie given that shield is a team concern, but i will stand by the winter soldier aspect of this movie til i die. 8/10
Before We Go (2014) - an indie movie that chris directed (his directorial debut)! it’s...cute, i guess. it’s not harmful in any way, but also not special in any way. flustered woman misses her train, cute musician in the station offers to help her navigate NYC. they talk about feelings and their pasts and what they’re running from and toward. it’s fine. 6/10
Playing It Cool (2014) - indie? i don’t know?? screenplay writer (chris) wants to write action films but keeps getting hired to write romcoms, then he finds himself IN a romcom. it’s okay. some people think it’s terribly misogynistic which i didn’t find it to be, but it’s also just...kinda bland. 4/10
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - my least favorite avengers movie. i genuinely hate how ultron was handled and this movie has never once made me sympathize with the maximoffs. except for when steve defends their choice to allow experimentation to be done so they could defend their country. uh the party at the beginning is the best part, full stop. 3/10
Captain America: Civil War (2016) - this isn’t a cap film. he has no character growth. this is an avengers film at best. i also take issue with how much of this movie is really just two movies forced into one. bucky gets the short end of the deal in the overall mcu and this is really where that starts. 5/10
Gifted (2017) - PLEASE. WATCH. GIFTED. a former philosophy professor gives up his career to raise his niece, but when his mother attempts to gain custody, he has to fight for the person he loves most in the world. one of the most heartfelt, genuine movies ever. chris and mckenna grace have SUCH good chemistry. bonus octavia spencer (also in snowpiercer). 10/10
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - probably my favorite avengers movie. great stakes. amazing acting. THE BEARD!!! 8/10
Knives Out (2019) - WHOOO BITCH. TOP TIER. ransom drysdale could do whatever he wants to me and normally, i don’t “date” villains. 9/10
Endgame (2019) - the lesser infinity war. i’m not a fan of time jumps and also hate fatphobia. thor was mistreated and i can’t forgive that.
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goldenhour-goldenboy ¡ 6 years ago
Hi, I'm obsessed with this movie. I've seen it like 10 times now and none of my friends/family will watch it with me. But I was wondering if you could do a younger benny and his high school sweetheart. Maybe they find eachother again later in life. How they were in high school and how they were before he and Will enrolled Vs how they are now given all the things they have seen and how they are older. I just thought this would be so cool.
My LOVE I am so sorry this took so long but I’ve made it! I actually got a bit carried away by the whole younger Benny thing but I hope that’s alright! The ending is fairly short since I didn’t want to overwrite the whole thing (maybe I’ll do another one where I go into detail a bit more how the service changed him but I have to work through the other requests first and there are some that are asking for the same thing so we’ll see)I had SO much FUN writing this and also broke my own heart bc now I’m sad that there’s no Ben Miller in my life lol OKAY 
also i’m also obsessed with that fcking movie it’s not funny i tell you
High School Sweethearts and Long Life Lovers (young!Benny Miller Headcanons)
When you and Benny first meet it’s like two worlds colliding. It’s not necessarily because you are the opposite side of a coin but more that you’ve never interacted with him and don’t exactly share the same group of friends. While you try to get through High School as fast and as unproblematic as possible, Benny seems to almost celebrate every second of it. He’s not a trouble maker per say but he likes to be seen (and heard) while you try to fly under the radar as much as you can. 
For Benny High School is just a passing point, somewhere he’s stuck until he gets his degree and an environment where the rules are not meant to be broken but defiantly meant to be bent to the maximum. For you he’s just another loud guy that tries his damn hardest to prove to the world of tough and different he is and you’re not at all interested in getting drawn into whatever mess he decided to create this week. He’s not a trouble maker but you think he does mean trouble.
You shoot him down the first time he strolls up to you to ask you to hang out. It’s not because rumor has it that Benny Miller leaves nothing but broken hearts and bruised knuckles behind but because his cocky attitude and constant teasing annoy you, not as much as the stares from jealous girls down the halls do, but still enough to decline. What does spark your first interest is the way he accepts your answer (which really consists of a simple “No”, you not intending to argue with him). Though his gaze is still lingering on you for a second, he backs of fairly fast - faster than most boys you’ve encountered by then and it’s his understanding and the space that he gives you afterwards that you appreciate about him. You don’t like him a whole lot better after that but at least he doesn’t turn out to be a real asshole.
Falling for Benny Miller turned out to be a marathon, not a sprint. Somehow, and you’re still not sure how, he wedged his way into your heart. It’s the little things that seem to come to your attention more often afterwards, how he’s almost always late to the classes you share with him not because he doesn’t care but because he walks everyone else of his group of friends to their classes first. How his face lights up when he’s getting picked up by his brother and you watch them through the windshield, Benny turning up the music and belting out the lyrics to a song where he doesn’t hit every note and his brother just snorts at him. 
His bruised knuckles turn out to don’t come from fighting in the streets and picking fights constantly but from taking boxing classes late after school at a local gym. You find out by accident, your cousin who picks you up from school recognizing his brother William and stopping for a quick chat, mentioning training and Benny being involved. William seems far softer than Benny, though you haven’t talked to Benny any more than his brother. For a second there’s a hint of surprise in Will’s eyes as you introduce yourself and you wonder if it may be recognition as well. As you pull your hand from the short handshake you can’t help the thought that crosses your mind if Ben has talked to his older brother about you, the image sending a soft blush to your cheeks.
A lot of firsts happen in the time you’re with Benny. 
The first time seeing bloody knuckles followed by a first time where you have to patch up said bloody knuckles. This time it’s not from training and it’s takes a bit of questioning until he rasps out that there were those bullies that tried to pick on a kid in his neighborhood. You scoff, telling him that he’ll get in trouble if he goes to School like that the next day and that it’ll only make the rumors worse about him being violent but Benny just shrugs, murmuring that it was worth it and he’d do it over and over again.
The first time you taste the bitterness of beer was on his lips, which happened to be the first time you kissed. You remember how his lips were a bit chapped that night, the music blaring inside the house you’ve been invited to, the smell of cigarettes lingering on the front porch and the railing behind you. You remember Benny’s hands on your waist, at first more hesitant but then your lips parted, a soft sound escaping yours and he gripped your waist harder, pressing his body against you.
You remember the first time you smelled him, face pressed into his shirt as it seems that you just couldn’t stop crying. You felt silly in that moment, balling over the loss of your favorite pet but that bundle of fur grew up with you and though you knew that it’s end would come long before your own it still hits you, hard. Benny was there then, rubbing small circles on your back and holding you steady.
Benny’s seeing a kind of sanctuary in you, something steady in a life that seems to move too fast for him. There are countless nights that he crawls through the window and into your room late at night. Sometimes you’re still sitting at your desk studying, sometimes you’re already lying in bed and the face that suddenly appears in your window scares you to death. 
When his dad gets called for another tour, it’s you Benny turns to. Will calls you first after Benny storms out when he hears the news and it doesn’t take long for the younger Miller brother to show up at your window, cheeks red and breathing furiously. He’s frustrated at first, walking circles into your carpet and cursing his dad and his brother and the army and the whole goddamn world before stopping with his back to you. You can’t see his face but the way his shoulders tense up, hands balled at the side before starting to shake you take a gentle hand to turn him around. The sight of his scrunched up face, tears falling big and heavy to your shirt as his head hangs low nearly breaks your heart and this time it’s you that wraps him in a tight hug and rubs his back.
Normally he leaves after a couple of hours but this time Ben falls asleep in your arms, face pressed into the crook of your neck, exhausted from the fear and the crying while you stroke his head, again and again until his ragged breaths calm down and he stops shaking. There’s really nothing you can say to him that will make it better. After all you’re both just two teenagers, too old to believe in miracles, too grown up to ignore the realistic chance of his father getting injured while being deployed. So you hold him and hope that in the daylight, the fear won’t be as strong.
Benny’s an absolute sweetheart to you in school. It’s not like he was rude before but now he’s taking chivalry to a whole new level. There’s usually an arm around your waist or a hand in your back pocket, stolen kisses between class. Glancing his way he’ll catch your eyes, a sheepish smile on his lips and before you turn your attention back to the board.
You’ve tried studying together for a while but it really doesn’t work that great. It’s either Benny distracting you or your distracting Benny, causing piles of homework to get kicked onto the floor, pencils clattering to the ground as you feel his body pressing you into the soft mattress of your bed, hips grinding against yours as he’s starting to suck with his sweet lips right under your jaw.
Benny accumulates a couple of habits since you’re around. There’s little notes that you randomly find in your backpack or your locker, not everyday but mostly after you had a tough week or a fight. Picking you up and dropping you off becomes a thing as soon as he passes his drivers license and there’s usually a cup of coffee waiting in your cupholder at the passenger side. On your birthday he creates a cd with your favorite kind of songs and it becomes your morning pickup playlist, William having to sit through the same songs over and over again whenever he happens to sit in the car.
Benny learns how to play guitar in those years with you though he swears Will made him do it and he didn’t learn it just for you. He’s can’t play an awful lot of songs, most of the time he can’t concentrate and sit still for the amount of time that it takes to learn a full song and playing the same thing over and over bores him to death very easily. But whenever he feels the need to clear his head, he likes to sit down, guitar in his lap and mindlessly pick at the strings. 
Though he hasn’t played in years the old guitar, that was actually your dad’s old guitar that he didn’t need and gave Benny as a gift, still sits in his childhood room at his parents house. He thought about taking it home but he really sees no point in it since he doesn’t play anymore but at the same time he can’t get himself to give it away either.
You try to go to prom with Benny, you even picked out a nice dress and he got dressed up but the night of the actual prom went a bit different than expected. You even made it to the parking lot but neither of you seemed to wanna get out of the car, instead you kept sitting there and looked at the people lingering around or waiting to get inside. It takes one look at each other and Benny’s pulling out of the lot in seconds.
You end up at a diner that night, with burgers and fries, first alone which you enjoy immensely and later joined by your friends that didn’t seem to enjoy the prom too much, even less without you two being there and Benny raising havoc. Instead of dancing in a very sweaty overcrowded gym Benny gets some change for the old jukebox and you end up dancing in the middle of the diner. And though Benny’s dance moves are a bit questionable at times, he twirls and twists you around that night that you get dizzy, grabbing onto his arms for stability where he takes the chance to steal a kiss from you, leaving your friends hollering and whistling at you two from the background.
Breaking up wasn’t so much a decision as it kinda just happened. Near the end of your High School both of you are met with the question on where to go next in life -  and unfortunately it seems as if fate is working against you. While Benny is set on joining the army with his brother (and this really does not come to your surprise since it has always been his dream) you start to look into Colleges. Both of you are stressed because finals are coming up, the inevitable question on how you should continue your relationship combines with the worries about the future and one fight too many leaves both of you with the feeling that maybe this isn’t meant to last forever.
Maybe if the timing was different, the two of you would’ve had the chance to talk it out one more time but you move away a couple of weeks after Benny gets employed and sent to camp for basis training. It’s your first real heartbreak, for both you and Benny and it certainly weighs heavy on your soul. A breakup is always hard but being this young it defiantly feels like the end of the world and it doesn’t help that you can’t seem to shake the thought of “What if..?”
The next time you see each other happens by accident. You’re back in town for a week to catch up with your family and though Ben has certainly changed you recognize him immediately. His body that just started to gain muscles when you last saw each other now has developed quite well and he’d outgrown his scrawny body but it’s still Benny. His hair is cut short and you catch yourself thinking that it’s even a bit too short for your liking. The sheepishness is still there, though his eyes flicker around the area, and you think to spot a hasty glow behind them, though it’s hard to tell from across the parking lot.
You don’t talk that day, him entering the grocery store and you’re about to pull out the lot, time doesn’t seem to give you a chance. But seeing him stirs something inside of you, the thought of him crossing your mind the following week again and again until you even ask your mother if she heard anything from the Millers, though she doesn’t know too much. Your brain is like a overachieving little helper, serving you memories at the most inconvenient times and it takes a bit for you to store the thought of Benny Miller to the back of your mind again.
It’s been ages now, at least it feels like it, when you stumble into each other, for real this time. You’re in front of a bar, waiting for your friends who want to celebrate your move back to town, though the thought brings nothing but hot shame to your cheeks that you wish to drown in a generous amount of alcohol. It really doesn’t feel like your next step in life but more like you’re taking ten steps back and thinking about moving back in with your parents makes your hairs stand in the back of your neck. 
This time you don’t recognize him immediately. He’s almost inside the bar when your eyes meet on accident, you glancing up from your phone again, trying not to look too long at the bulky dude in the grey sweater passing you by. He stops and you clutch your bag a little tighter, frantically trying to remember what your father told you about throwing a punch, just in case, and you almost take a step back as you hear his voice. “Y/N?” It’s hard to look at him now, his face a collage of colorful bruises, a split lip and red nose and you though you try hard find the boy that you gave your heart to in his eyes it takes you a minute.
You quickly realized that his appearance isn’t the only thing that has changed. He’s still witty and quick with a come back to tease but there’s a lack of his easy going charm and he seems to have lost some of his carelessness along the way. Maybe it’s because you’re not as close anymore, a small voice in the back of your head whispers and you silently agree. After all you’ve grown too, so expecting him to be still a boy at heart might be a bit too much.
You’re chatting for a while and it feels awkward at first, a stiff conversation about nonsense. Your eyes sneak back to his injuries and you can’t help but think that Benny looks .. rough. You don’t ask him how he’s been, the question seems silly to you because what even are you trying to hint at? His time in service? Where’s at now? What the hell he’s done to get that beaten up? 
You part as your friends arrive, Benny scattering away as they get out of the car and you end up not knowing how to say goodbye. It ends in a long nod from him and a small smile from you, fiddling with the hem of your jacket as you debate wether or not to ask if he wants to stay in touch and you get caught up in the excitement of your friends, the group giggling and pushing you through the front door of the bar. As you look over your shoulder you only see Benny’s back as he’s crossing the street, almost at the other side and you break into a sprint to catch him before he vanishes into the night. 
It takes a bit of convincing until he lets you type in your number into his phone. “Let’s keep in touch, yeah?” He nods and you’re almost sure he won’t call. It’s a week later that your phone rings, Benny on the other line, stuttering about catching up (he promises that most of his face looks better now and that he won’t scare the living daylights out of you this time) and suddenly you’re fifteen again, heart racing as you agree.
Find the moodboard for highschool!Benny Miller here! xx
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naturallytom ¡ 6 years ago
Mind Games (Ex-best friend!Tom x reader haunted house au): part 4
A/N: second to last part!! I can’t believe it tbh I feel like I started this yesterday!! please leave me some asks/comments bc the ending comes out on Halloween and I'm excited for you guys to read it!! 
Warnings: angst, mentions of death (kind of?), a bit of violence at the end 
Tags:  @lover-of-books-and-teas @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell @zendayacolemen @fandoms-stuff @pignolithecookie @savethebabyseals @its-livelovelife @spideysimpossiblegirl @caitlyn-blackwell @hollandroos @spiderboytotherescue @bisexualparkers @vloggerparker @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown @tony-starks-ego @chocolateandstorms @fuckyou-imspiderman @differentproselyricscash @thetryvlogs @spiderboytotherescue @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown @hollandroos
*strikethrough means tumblr won’t let me tag you :((*
Tom made sure you were breathing after you collapsed before he too fell asleep. He woke up to a piercing scream coming from you. You were sat up, hysterical, pointing at something in front of you. 
“Hey, hey, love, you alright?” Tom soothed. You said nothing, just continued pointing shakily ahead of you. “D-Do you see that too?” You whispered, your voice shaking. “No, love, I don’t, what is it? What’s wrong?” Tom asked, rubbing your back gently. “T-There’s something there. I-I don’t k-know what it is.” You whimpered. “Can you describe it for me?” Tom inquired gently. “It-It’s not human. It’s dead. It’s crawling towards us slowly.” You whispered, curling into yourself and trying to move backwards. “Darling, it’s okay, there’s nothing-” he was cut off by another blood curdling scream from you, who was thrashing around, before you suddenly stopped, your head snapping towards Tom. “Tom, something is happening. Right now. A-And it’s happening to me. It’s something bad, Tom. Something bad is happening to me.” “W-What do you mean?” He spit out, fear taking over his own body. “Don’t you see it, Tom? This is what they do! They get inside your head, they play games. We’ve both seen things, don’t even try to deny it. We have no concept of time, hell I don’t even know if we have food or water anymore. We don’t know what’s real or not.” You cried. “That doesn’t explain why they’re doing this to you!” He snapped. “I was scared, Tom. They feed off of my fear. They’ve had this planned since the beginning.” You whimpered, your voice wavering. 
Before Tom could respond, he was cut off by the creaking of the floorboards followed by a dull thumping “Do you hear that?” Tom whispered, pulling you closer. “Uh-uh. I’ve seen that man before.” You gulped. “You have?” Tom squeaked. You didn’t respond, only shutting your eyes, prompting Tom to do the same as you held onto each other as the man passed. “Okay. You’re good to open your eyes.” You mumbled, pulling away from him slightly. “So who was that?” Tom asked, focusing on you. “I dunno. He’s just, smiling. All the time. But not a friendly grin. One that’s more...sinister.” You explained softly, making Tom nod. “Hey, um, I know this isn’t uh, the best time, but I was wondering if we could talk?” Tom mumbled, his hand going to the back of his neck. “Nothing to talk about.” You responded, your gaze following the long hallway on your right. “But there is! I know I don’t have excuses for why I stopped talking to you, but fuck, I miss you!” He said, following you as you scoffed and began walking away.
“I missed you too, Tom! Don’t you remember? I’d call you and try to talk to you at school but you’d just ignore me! I’m done, so fucking done with you and your bullshit!” You cried, making Tom flinch.
“Y/N-please, just hear me out.” He pleaded. “No. It’s not like you’ve supportive so far since we’ve been in this hell house!” you snapped.
“Oh for fucks’ sake, Y/N, can’t you just listen? Is that so difficult?” Tom finally snapped, his voice raising. “You didn’t listen to me, why should I listen to you?” You yelled, both of you standing across from each other.
“Because I love you, Y/N! I fucking love you!” Tom finally yelled out, making you freeze. “No. No no no no. That’s not fair.” You muttered, running your hands through your hair. “What?” Tom asked, his breathing slightly heavy. “I loved you too, yanno. ‘S why I kept trying to contact you, even years later.” You mumbled. “Loved? Look Y/N-” “Tom, I can’t. I can’t do this.” You whispered, your eyes filling with tears.
“Why not?” Tom asked, confused as to what was happening. “I told you before. There’s something bad happening to me and I just can’t put you through that.” You spoke quietly. Tom felt his heart burst as your compassion for him, even though he didn’t deserve it. You were right, he had been kind of a dick in the beginning.
“Listen, I’m, uh, gonna try and sleep. I dunno what time it is or what day it is, but I need rest.” You mumbled, making your way to the worn out living room, laying down on the battered couch. “Good idea. I’ll keep an eye out.” Tom responded, making you nod slightly as your eyes fluttered shut.
Tom tried to keep watch, though his mind was racing. You still had no idea about the possession or the deal Tom made with William’s ghost. Before Tom realized what was happening, he felt himself being lured away from his position by a small voice murmuring “Tommy,” over and over again. It was like he was on autopilot, he wasn’t consciously leaving you, but he wasn’t necessarily unconscious either.
The voice led Tom down to a room in the basement, unbeknownst to him, it was the worst room in the house, where most of the kids were trained in performing the rituals. William and Nancy weren’t stupid, they knew they’d die eventually, but they wanted to keep their house of horrors alive when they weren’t.
It was then that Tom woke up, once again face to face with William’s ghost, the hollow spaces where his eyes once were staring deep into Tom’s chocolate brown eyes. Tom began to panic, wondering where he was and how he ended up in the room. Before he could say anything, William had him put under another trance.
“Now Tom, you gotta watch and listen to me. I’m gonna teach you how to perform the sacrifice.”
Meanwhile you woke up in a sweat, in a box. “Tom?” You asked, beginning to try and move around, only to find you couldn’t. Looking down, you saw your skin rotting, making you start to panic. To make things worse, when you looked up, you noticed there was a covering over you, confirming you were in a coffin. You began to panic, trying to get out. Looking around, there was one small hole, that was slowly being covered by dirt. Hearing muffled voices, you heard Tom talking to someone else. The other person was complimenting Tom for doing such a great job with you, making you gasp. Tom was the one who put you in this coffin. Thrashing around, you became hysterical as he started to call your name.
“Y/N! Y/N, wake up!” Tom called, causing you to jolt forward. “Don’t fucking touch me.” You mumbled, shaking his hands from you. “What? Why?” He asked, taken aback at your hostility. “You’re only going to hurt me.” You spit, moving away from him.
“Y/N- I love you! I would never hurt you.” Tom argued. “You don’t love me, Tom.” You shook your head. “Yes I d-” “You avoided me for years, Tom! You just completely abandoned me!” You cried, shaking from frustration and fear of your realistic nightmare. Tom sighed, letting his head drop. He knew you were right, but he really did love you. Just because he stopped talking to you didn’t mean he didn’t think of you. He thought of you every day and how much he messed up. He wanted to reach out, try to talk. But as time went on, he gradually accepted that you hated him for his actions and you moved on, until he made the bold move to invite you and Olivia to his house. He hoped to reconcile with you that night, but instead you were lured to your current hell and things between you weren’t getting much better. You were physically weak and fragile, small bruises covered your body and dark bags covered your eyes, a sign of the physical tolls this house had taken on your body. But Tom knew just how strong you were for enduring what you had endured in this house so far.
“Y/N, I know you’re upset and I understand why and I promise you when we get out of here, you can move on and I won’t bother you ever again, but we need to work together to get out of here.” Tom spoke gently and quietly, making you nod. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” You said softly.
With the knowledge that someone had managed to escape before, you and Tom began finding your way to the door you thought you came in through. You found lots of doors, all of them leading to dead ends, most of them walls. Both of you tried to block out the thought that there were bodies behind those walls, knowing whoever didn’t die in sacrifices or of lack of food and water was often sealed in the walls while they were alive and left to die.
“Tom I think we should give up.” You muttered, feeling tired and dizzy. “No way, Y/N. There’s gotta be a way out of here,” Tom replied, the two of you finding a door that looked the same as all the others, Tom opening it. Instead of being greeted with a wall, you were greeted with the woods. The outside. Finally, you could feel fresh air against your faces, you could smell the crisp autumn air. Tears filled your eyes as you turned to Tom, who looked disappointed.
“Why do you look upset? Tom we can get out of here!” You cried, still grinning. “Y/N, no, that doesn’t lead outside. This is the room where they perform sacrifices.” He said, giving you a look. You felt tears fall from your eyes as your glimpse of the outside world decayed to an unfamiliar room to you, but one that seemed vaguely familiar to Tom. “No, no no no. T-This led outside. T-There’s no way-” You breathed out, tears falling down your cheeks.
“Tommy.” A voice spoke, chills running down your spine.
“Tom who’s tha-” You got out before Tom hit you over the head with something, rendering you unconscious.
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thorsdiana ¡ 6 years ago
Tell me aaaaaall about Sofya, Helena, Valerie, and Kiara. Put it under a cut if you have to!! I want all the tea!!!
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ahhh i love you so much jen!!! you really came through for me 💖💖 okay this is gonna get hella long so i’m gonna put my answers under the cut bc there’s just so much i gotta say!!
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so here’s the tea on sofya volkova! her story is called “budapest” she’s paired up with my queen, natasha romanoff. and her story is full of sadness lol. on new years day in 1937 (aka her 9th birthday), her parents who were well respected scientists for the soviet union were killed in her home and she witnessed their death. she was later taken in by a name named viktor grankin, who encouraged her to join the red room academy under the idea that she could one day get revenge for her parents’ death. it’s during this time that she meets natalia romanova, and the two often clashed that lasted nearly a decade. but they eventually came to respect one another as assassins and eventually led to a relationship that remained hidden from their handlers.
viktor grankin was her handler during her time and he set her on missions that they believed would lead her to her parents’ killer. she would later earn the alias “sparrow” which was given to her by viktor himself. during one mission, she learned that the man behind her parents’ death was none other than viktor. she tried to take him out but failed, but she faked her death (also ending her relationship with natasha) and remained in hiding as she worked up a plan to ruin viktor and kill him. 
she was inspired by the infamous line in the avengers where natasha and clint mention budapest. and since we don’t know what happens, i decided to make sofya and she’s the budapest mission lol. basically clint and natasha get word of a dangerous assassin that they’re meant to take out, and nat is SHOOK bc her old girlfriend is alive and well but also dead set on killing viktor (who basically was given something similar to natasha and sofya). 
her story is so sad bc she’s lost so much and was used by viktor for 21 years. and in order to get her revenge, she had to leave the only person she’s loved since her parents??? and now she’s like a stranger in natasha’s eyes but natasha doesn’t want to lose her again?? i love angst lol!!
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here’s the tea on my mom, helena hartley! her story is called “second chances”. so’s a revived oc of mine from yeeears ago and i think i love her a lot more now than i did before lol. but she’s the ex-girlfriend of tony stark and the mother of the beautiful lauren stark. she met tony back in 1990 at a science convention and she honestly couldn’t stand him but he always flirted with her and it was cute as heck. they clashed a lot on ideas but they also really enjoyed the bickering?? and formed an interesting friendship. but after the death of tony’s parents, helena was always there for him and something more bloomed.
tony didn’t admit his feelings until like 1992. tony was always supportive of helena’s dreams of being an engineer and even got her a job at stark industries. their relationship resulted in the birth of their daughter in 2001, but they never got married. there were also a LOT of cute dad!tony moments like he spoiled lauren to the point where her only way to sleep was on someone’s chest and listening to their heartbeat. or he loved mentioning her whenever he could during an interview bc he was so proud!!
but tony was prone to self-desctruction and it put a strain on their relationship that eventually ended in 2005. but despite their breakup, they always made sure lauren wasn’t too negatively affected and remained coordial for her sake. helena left stark industries and became an engineer at northrop grumman. but when tony needs help making the jericho missile, the first person he wants on his team is helena (but honestly it’s partially bc he misses her and is still in love with her).
their story is gonna be filled with angst (especially during the iron man movies) bc helena is trying to date other men but tony keeps finding his way back into her life, then tony goes missing and it messes up helena AND lauren (who’s like really young during this time so OW) and then when tony becomes iron man and how lauren is constantly worried about her dad.
i’ve also planned to have helena being an inhuman but it doesn’t get found out until later. and her power was going to be technology manipulation bc i didn’t want her to be a full on hero but have something a little different.
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um so i really love my time traveling bby girl!! she’s one of the three main characters of my fic, “timeless,” and the other main characters are my cyborg bby boy jai graham (who was created by the queen shuri herself) and sarah wilson, who’s the younger sister of sam wilson. so valerie is the only child of tony stark and her mother was an old girlfriend of his named susan byers. their relationship was never liked among susan’s parents and though it ended, susan found out that she was pregnant but never told tony. in fact, valerie never found out about tony being her father until she was 15.
valerie would try to find ways to meet tony, such as going to different conventions he held or was a guest at. but after the battle of new york, she realized how much she needed her father. her mom was paralyzed during the event and it wasn’t until valerie was 20 when susan finally passed. valerie then made it her business to get a job at stark industries, which she luckily did. she would work under tony, but never tell him the fact that she was his daughter.
but due to the events of infinity war, and tony is believed to have died after last being seen going into space, and the avengers fail to save the world from thanos, valerie’s life goes to shit. 
since “timeless” is basically one big au and my own spin on infinity war, thanos actually takes control of earth after the big snap and the chitauri still roam earth. it’s kinda like an apocalyptic setting and humans aren’t as free to do much and the chitauri controls a lot of what happens???
but anyway, valerie meets jai and sarah when she’s out looking for scraps to build stuff and jai and sarah and they come up with the idea fo build a time machine and valerie is the perfect brain needed for the job to help create it. their plan is to go back to different points in time to assist the avengers and stop them from breaking up (bc they believe them being apart was a downfall) and try to find the infinity stones and destroy them so thanos can’t get his hands on them.
and they all lost something in the war; valerie lost her father, jai lost his creator/mother (he really never got to meet her bc she died and her last thing she did was setting him free), and sarah lost her brother who turned to ash. but one happy thing is that valerie is paired up with jai but they’re gonna be hella cute and make s.carlet.vision look like nothing compared to them lmaoo. 
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finally, we have my pretty bird kiara! her story is “icarus” and i created her maybe a year or two ago??? she was inspired by the line where sam mentions wanting to impress the lady who worked at the va, and kiara is that lady!! she’s got a younger sister named layla and kiara is also an inhuman (the mcu has ignored them and i love them so i gotta include them lol). her father, raymond, is also an inhuman and he brought her to afterlife where she got the help after going through terrigenesis in her early teen years and gained the power of wing manifestation. when she finally returned to society, her relationship with layla was strained, but they’ve been working hard on fixing it.
she tried her best to live a normal life, getting a job as a receptionist at the va in washington dc and eventually meeting sam wilson (who she’d admire from a distance lol). but when steve rogers comes in and plays a wingman for sam, they start to become friends that eventually leads to something more. 
kiara eventually becomes an avenger and gains the alias “icarus” thanks to a cute interaction she had with sam years prior. basically when it was believed that shield attacked afterlife (which kiara just so happened to be at the moment) kiara was hit in the line of fire and barely made it out with her life and it’s that day when sam finds out about her being an inhuman and her powers. he’s really sweet and helps her heal and he makes a joke saying “i guess icarus flew too close to the sun” and it’s just been her nickname ever since.
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treeplays ¡ 7 years ago
okayy sooo My feelings about Life Is Strange are complicated and personal and honestly I wasn’t even thinking about Before the Storm in a critical way at all when playing through it, so maybe this is all premature and I really don’t know what I’m talking about but whatever. Here’s some long rambly spoilery thoughts on Before the Storm!
What bothered me before starting was how to reconcile the events of BTS with what we learn from LIS. Tbh not just because Why torture us with seeing Chloe and Rachel happy and together if we know how it all ends? (Do not even get me started on that final “cliffhanger” shot.) But it’s not so much that, bc obviously I agree that what happened between them was important no matter the interpretation, it does matter, but what i dislike is how the plot itself ends up switching the focus away from Rachel and Chloe and onto characters who aren’t important to the overall story of LIS.
And i think one reason why it turned out this way is the constraint of limiting the series to three consecutive days. It feels they’re following the formula of LIS for its own sake by doing one episode = one day. When everything is so consolidated to such a short time frame it feels like it’s thematically not about the relationship between Chloe and Rachel and what they meant to each other in those in between years; instead it’s about how they solved this particular problem in those three days. BTS feels so removed from the events of LIS that you could almost pretend that it takes place in an alternate reality from the main game, except of course for that final shot… (ugggggggghhhh)
So in the end it just kindof ends up feeling cruel of the developers tbh, for the plot to end up abandoning what it really started out with in regard to Chloe and Rachel’s relationship.
Back during LIS my impression of Rachel was pretty accurate to her as the force of nature we see in BTS. In both series Rachel is multifaceted; her character and relationship with Chloe is open to different interpretations and she’s a very real kind of person. We’ve all had our own Rachel’s, basically, a wildfire; beautiful and passionate, both innocent and manipulative, supportive and destructive.
That’s why it’s tough to talk about Life is Strange in terms of reviewing what works and what didn’t; it’s hard to be neutral when so much of these games feels so intensely personal. The thing about the first two episodes of BTS is that it IS intensely personal to the characters too… at first. It was always about Rachel and Chloe, building their relationship and the give and take, trust and dreams and friendship and romance and all the teenage drama, it was Chloe and Rachel versus the world, only for the final episode to devolve into this singular focus on secondary characters who in the larger scheme of LIS S1 don’t even exist.
The dream sequences with William were one of my favorite parts, and just as the first two episodes do, they start off as thematically centering on Rachel and Chloe, but later on it changes into a broader question, the truth vs lies theme of the final choice. Which seems like an odd about-face; the previous episodes were so focused on the worlds of Rachel and Chloe, their hopes and fears and anger and isolation from the world of adults, that the switch to the very grown-up question of lying for the ‘greater good’ vs the truth even if it hurts, feels a little off, especially considering that when we know where Rachel and Chloe end up in the sequel makes it all feel like going backwards. I feel like it would have been more effective to continue the episodes as little slice of life moments like in the first episodes centering on the relationship between Rachel and Chloe, but  but spread throughout the years between.
I wasn’t following the fandom at the time of release but from what I can tell it seems there was a lot of rumors about cut content and leaks regarding Episode 3? And I can definitely see where that impression came from. The final episode seems a lot less cohesive than the rest, a lot of things feel unresolved or out of left field. I also didn’t like the feeling that they were going for another Gotcha climax like in LIS that you -never see coming- or whatever. It was kindof nonsensical and honestly I was just confused. The thing with Elliot was legitimately scary but what gets me about it is, like…
I’m not sure if it’s really clever or missing their own point? When Elliot is the one framing these questions and doubts, what if Rachel really is manipulative and bad for Chloe, it’s just automatic for you to reject the idea. And maybe that’s why that ceases to be the question for the rest of the episode, Chloe is no longer interested in whether or not Rachel is “good for her” or if she should trust her, it’s no longer even a choice.
But the other “twist” part that I just don’t get is with Rachel’s dad and what he was really doing, because honestly, how is hiding the truth even an option after that? The ending sequence with the office was just one “wha” moment after another but the vision/hallucination and the mill confrontation had a great lead-up but then a terrible conclusion. I’m so disappointed Ghost William and Damon didn’t have an epic throw-down. Ok i’m kidding but it would’ve been pretty fun to have the final backtalk sequence be some kind of Vision William and Chloe vs Damon knife/verbal action sequence.
And I legit thought that talking with Sera was another dream sequence and the conversation was actually trying to convince her to not die and see Rachel again, and when it was over we’d wake up and THEN have our epic throw down with Damon. But instead we don’t get to do anything before being knocked out and suddenly all our problems are solved off screen? Then we have a nice calm conversation, it’s so out of place and weird, like were you not just injected with a huge drug dosage ten seconds ago that may or may not have been intended to kill you I still have no idea what Damon was actually trying to pull off here????
It’s just a weird choice that Rachel’s parents situation started out as another bullet point on the list of shared angst that she and Chloe bond over but becomes the entire plot of the final episode while Rachel herself is sidelined out of the picture completely.
This video explains in a really interesting way, the first LIS had a kind of genre bend in the last few episodes, but where it worked there in a very thematic way that even tied in to the final choice (unintentionally or not), in BTS it just feels like things got switched up for no reason. The question of the final choice is a tough one in any other circumstances, but the actual events leading up to it and as the entire reason for this series to exist? Meh.
But you know whatever I cried anyway and didn’t really care if it made sense tbqh!!!!
I didn’t expect answers to any of the supernatural stuff in the first game, to me it’s fine for it to just hint at things, and I kindof wish they kept up with that vibe instead of going into soap-opera territory in the final episode there. The stuff with The Tempest and the wildfire and the symbolism and love at first sight, it was all so dreamy, just hanging out with Rachel & friends and trying to navigate the awkward and the uncomfortable and the space between childhood and adulthood, the unexplainable and the mundane and the magical, that to me is the heart of Life is Strange and what makes Before the Storm beautiful in it’s own way.
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thatnamelessbutler ¡ 3 years ago
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So basically: The Wild West town(which is now named Lazarus bc I'm stealing it from ksqwildwest) has the three-lives system. One of the first few areas to get it. It was remote enough that no one would figure it out until the gods worked out all the kinks. Said kinks being the workings of the Life series, which they didn't want, and respawns only happening on Sundays. Those on their final lives got a bit more wrong, a bit more abrasive, a bit more violent.
Sherman is on his last life. The first, he lost trying to survive in the Overworld, and then upon respawning his body adapted and he was just fine. The second, he lost to a stray bullet shot by one of the Bandits during a chase. He couldn't get it treated fast enough, nor did he know how to do it himself.
John is on his last life. The first, he lost a few months after he came to town, from just a little injury that he hid away because he thought it would be fine- he'd sustained little injuries just like any other child, after all. But it got infected, and he didn't have the right antibodies to fight it off. He died for the first time in the orphanage. The second one... we all saw the second one. The bandit duel from the episode. John respawned that Sunday and was furious, because he knew that Butler would've felt that. The day was Wednesday. He didn't even get to visit his brother that week. For a while there, he just sat in bed, stewing, until he finally decided to snatch up an old iron sword and take care of the problem himself.
Connor is on his second life, the only bandit sensible enough to be. Mason is on his last life. He lost the first when trying to fight off mobs around their tent. Jack has no lives left. The first, he lost while trying to scam people in town, and half of them don't take too well to that. The second, during the duel. And the third, to John, in his murderous rage. No one had expected that quiet, anxious bartender to come at them with glowing red eyes and a blazing heat following him, and without hesitation nor a chance to defend, Jack was hit in the back and the neck. He died right there. The other two took the chance to run while they still had it(well, more like Connor made Mason run from whatever fucking demon John was now).
Michael has all three lives left. He's just a bit too sweet of a guy(if a little odd) for anyone to kill him <<<<<3
William is on his second life. Lost the first stumbling into town, bleeding out. They tried to help him, and failed.
The Priest is on his last life. He sold the first to a demon(*coughgeorgecoughcough*) for love and power, and lost the second to Crops that week of the duel.
Percy is on his second life. He lost the first by being a dick to everyone and I guess some Red life stabbed him for it. This does not mean he has stopped being a dick, but he better learn real soon if he doesn't wanna be John's second victim.
Crops is on his second life, surprisingly. One would think he'd be Red, but nope. Only time he died was a townsfolk acting in self-defense due to not expecting his cannibalistic tendencies. He's fine otherwise.
Ranbutler(or should I say, wait no I shouldn't) is... technically on his second, by pure mention of having been dead for a few minutes during this blogs first few months(#{M!A Lazarus Effect}, I believe. Might’ve been Lazarus Syndrome) and then coming back. His body never poofed, so technically he never respawned, which means that I guess he's still on green? But it's really up in the air about that, he's in some sort of gray space between Green and Yellow. Like a half-life(and no, it's not a reference to the game Half Life). If he half-died again, then he'd officially be on yellow, with his green eye glowing that orange color that the Egg turned it instead. If he were ever to turn Red, it would be his purple eye glowing red, since that was the color it was turned by the Egg, and he'd be a lot less opposed to the parties and the Egg in general since it's letting him fulfill his many murderous fantasies. It's a very unhealthy in-the-moment coping mechanism.
TLDR; Wild West town(now called Lazarus) works on 3rd Life rules. Everyone that steps inside now has 3 lives, and Red lives are only slightly less murderous. Sherman is Red, John is Red, Connor is Yellow, Mason is Red, Jack is dead forever, Michael is Green, William is Yellow, Priest is Red, Percy is Yellow, Crops is Yellow, Ranbutler is between Green and Yellow due to an M!A event near the start of this blog. Also John took Jack's last life.))
((ooc: you guys i want so bad to ramble about the new hc i have for the wild west town but i can't just change the lore now, this blog has been running for over a year and we have this thing established already-))
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Look What You Made Me Do Music Video First (few) Impressions and Thoughts
Are we out of the woods yet? No.
Are we in the clear yet? No.
She lost him
But she found herself and then everyone on the outside decided to step on her for every little thing and now she’s done with it
(I swear every few listens I am going to get more and more enraged about all the *you know what* they put her through)
The first thing I thought of during the opening was haunted…which is also fitting because people thought similar things about the OOTW mv
The old Taylor is Dead LITERALLY. It’s brilliant. It’s OOTW Taylor, the last mv Taylor we’ve seen and that mv video ended ambiguously, so new Taylor could’ve killed old Taylor. The beginning is also very theatrical which reminds me of pieces of OOTW which is another great tie in.
Nils Stoberg - This Is What You Came For…all the haters you came but girlllll she dominated and there’s nothing that you can deny we’re all dead
2014 met gala Taylor swift is in the grave which seemly transitions us into bathtub Taylor. Met Gala Taylor gave me PLL vibes but I will say it over and over again that she is a genius, this is 2014 Taylor going in the grave. 2014 Taylor is the Taylor who put out an album about how she found herself again and then everyone walked on her (*realized she’ll be underground and ppl would actually walk over her wow*)
Somethings never change, starting with Bathtub Taylor we still have those same red lips. We have the $1 bill from the Trial which is EVERYTHING. What that man did is disgusting and is NEVER OK. I get Blank Space mv vibes from bathtub Taylor. I love how the makeup is very smoky to give reckless feel to it all…or just like you got in a steamy tub
Snake thrown all I can think is… were there any real snakes. I doubt that would be the case *flashback to love story bts video with the spider.* The teapot and cup, while it is being served by snakes it gives me beauty and the beast vibes like I was the beauty now I’m the beast or that new post going around I’m a nightmare dressed like a nightmare.  The pillars say “Et tu, Brute” which according to google is
A Latin sentence meaning “Even you, Brutus?” from the play Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare. Caesar utters these words as he is being stabbed to death, having recognized his friend Brutus among the assassins. Note : “Et tu, Brute?” is used to express surprise and dismay at the treachery of a supposed friend.
Even friends can’t be trusted. Keep your eye out. (this phrase is also on the arm of the chair - which are shaped as skulls)
I also like that this scene is in conjunction with one of the “I got smarter” lines because I would equate Shakespeare with being intelligent (obv there’s a lot of different types of intelligence..but). Also “list of names and yours is in red underline while her dress is red and the chair she is sitting at has red accents).
I knew that her rings were snakes (obviously) but her shoes, her bracelet, and her necklace are either snakes or snake inspired which again has me like wow at the detailing. And then all the snakes pop up when she’s like ahh (makes me think of the promo video)
Her entire look in the Maserati scene is hideous and I love it. She has a snakeskin dress on with cheetah print and a cheetah wearing a 13 chain in the back seat (they better be fake). A reference to RED the song and album with a Grammy in hand. “love is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street.” she’s tying all the loose ends lol. And even the fire: “it’s burning red.” And before I end on this section I must mention NO ONE helps her once she crashes they just photograph her (paps give me I know places vibes, but she didn’t get to their (her and her Cheetahs) place.
ORANGE OUT FIT I AM DYING THIS IS MY FAVORITE LOOK. ALSO. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE TATTOO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE TATTOO THE THATTOO. The cage gives me Miley Cyrus Can’t be tamed vibes. Also, I love the glitter on the bottom the cage (you still sparkle my dear).
Cat bank robbery. Interesting. Kinda creepy for me. She likes cats. Gives me WANEGBT mv vibes. People think she’s doing all this stuff for the money but she takes her songs off of Spotify so that new up and coming musicians can get fair pay, she asked for $1 from her trial, she has always tried her best to keep tour ticket pricing low so that everyone can come..like don’t tell me she’s in it for the money. MUSIC IS TAYLROS THERAPY. TAYLOR IS A WRITER AND SHE’S BRILLANT it makes her happy and yep.
Ok idky but my mind just went to OITNB and now I feel like the cage scene is, even more, brilliant bc orange jumpsuits in jail while she’s caged away…but there’s still glitter on the floor and she’s having a feast…it’s too late for me to figure out the symbolism in this.
Don’t ask me why but the beginning of the cage scene made me think of the 7th harry potter book/movie when they are at the ministry of magic and they are trying to break into Umbridge’s office and they use one of Fred and Georges stink bombs or something from the shop.Ironically they later do break into a bank and the snake is a very important part of the story.
Her sweatshirt says blind for love, which…do I need to say anything?? We have the motorcycle scene which made me think of 1D’s MM music video (very different and defs their worst mv but that’s what it made me think of)
My favorite part of the squad scene is the fact that her hairline is outlined with GLITTER. I had thoughts about the squad earlier but now I don’t remember but my girl’s boobs look good and like hello latex. (blah blah blah all the bs about her “squad” in the media). What is u squad…what’s the U for? Note her squad is broken and useless at the end and she’s all alone. also, note the room they’re using when looking in the background is really cool.
I need to rewatch the blank space music video because I swear this is the same set. Watching her dancers before they get their walkie talkies out is brilliant. Is he holding a wonderstruck enchanted perfume bottle?
Next is a snippet of Airplane Taylor which is sooo hard to see, but she’s cutting a wing off (Harry?) and she’s got a bandana on which makes me think Kennedy phase
And then we have the star of the show. Old Taylors crawling up like corpses. There’s not much to say except I LOVE THIS PART. I do have a question tho… do we have any Taylor Swift era Taylor’s I mean sparkly guitar could be seen as our song but the dress is fearless. Does that mean that that version of Taylor Swift is still there? or is untouched? That era didn’t have as many staple music video characters .. if she would’ve pulled an outfit though still probs been from our song. I need a side by side comparisons of all the Taylors found. Someone make this please (since it’s taking me 10 years there’s probs already one out).
STOP TELLING ME TAYLOR SWIFT CAN’T DANCE. also half the people saying that probably can’t dance either and WHO CARES. It’s not her profession were all just trying to have some fun. You’re the one missing out.
One of my favorite clips is Taylor walking away from the Maserati scene. No one helped her but now she’s bigger and better and she’s leaving everyone who left her out to burn to save themselves.
Casually picks up 2 motorcycles.
THis doesn’t matter at all but that airplane looks dusty. Anyways I love that airplane Taylor in a tropical shirt is just chilling in the background when all the other Taylors bicker.
The line up is obviously the best part. When initially watching it I didn’t realize it was still going I thought the applause was from the VMA crowd. I love how each Taylor has a different bow.
YBWM Taylor is my Taylor out of the old ones. Me is the VMA Taylor.
Yeah wow. It was amazing. Side note from the sneak preview we had gotten of Taylor I defs thought the taco bell?? commercial was the mv for a second while I was watching the vma’s and then I was like nope. lol.
Love you girl it was amazing.
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ddcjas ¡ 8 years ago
trey and jai for the lil couples meme
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1. Who's the one who's reckless and always getting into trouble while the other gotta pull em out
honestly?? jaira’s the reckless one, but she can pull herself out. meanwhile, if trey got into trouble, jai’s there in .000001 seconds.
2. Who's the one to send the other "I love my gf/bf" memes
trey. and jaira just responds with something vaguely mean or threatens to cancel his service provider.
3. Who's the one who listens to a music genre the other doesn't like and how does the other react
jaira doesn’t like anything. so it’s probably something that’s actually decent and jaira’s just standing there with an attitude the entire time for no absolute reason at all
4. Which one spoils the other more and do they ever get competitive to show the other more love
trey absolutely adores having someone to spoil, especially when he knows jai doesn’t like it :> but jaira shows her affection/spoils in different ways so it can get a little bit competitive from time to time
5. How many years did it take to get married or was it just not for them
marriage is not for jaira. marriage refuses to marry another human. but she’ll probably still give him the satisfaction of a “ceremony” even if it’s just a domestic partnership or something.
6. What was their wedding like
lame and cheesy.
7. Is their friends/family supportive
well.....jaira’s entire family is dead at this point lol. all she has as “family” are her best friends selena and adina (YES: ADINA MORALES, AKA WONDERWOMAN, AKA CAMDEN’S GIRLFRIEND???? IS JAIRA’S BEST FRIEND LMAO) and her cousin nadia turay-williams. as for trey, aside from the whole “my girlfriend is a real life vampire see look!” thing, they probably support it.
8. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying
when trey is having a “moment”, at first jaira didn’t know how to handle it and it annoyed/confused her. but now, she’s learned to give him some room to breathe and if its that necessary, she knows how his anxiety makes him irritable so she’d literally make him take off his clothes and sit in ice to wake him the fuck up. as for jaira, she’s violent when in distress, soooooo....as badly as he’d want to help, he’s gonna need to give her space unless he wants her to severely injure him lol!!!
9. Which one dissociates
jaira dissociates a lot, actually. she’s had practice so she can hide it better, but they both prbly dissociate when they’re alone rather than in front of the other.
10. Which one stares at the other's booty like "damn" and how does the other react when catching them
LOL TREY. at this point, jaira no longer has the energy to say anything anymore.
11. When they live together what kinda place do they live in? What does their home look like?
i mean, they do live together lol they’re downstairs neighbors. jaira’s apartment is really like...scarce? but still messy? and lots of shit is broken lol. meanwhile, trey’s apartment is neater and more organized. and full of books and plants and posters of the black panthers and shi.t
12. What do their dates look like
cute shit like going to the movies and to dinner
13. How does each act when getting drunk
jaira doesn’t exactly get drunk lol but trey gets super talkative and more willing to admit things that he probably wouldn’t if he were sober.
14. Which one rolls over in the morning to wake up the other one just to give kiss them
trey, because jaira’s already up looking at him anyway.
15. Have they saved each other's lives before
yeah, she probably has. i mean, she killed a guy in his bathroom.
16. Does one have an interest the other think is weird but wants to listen to it regardless
jaira is........so fucking weird. she picked up a lot of habits so he’s still getting used to them all, but he thinks her fascination with numbers is probably the weirdest one.
17. Which one uses cropped hentai as reaction images
jaira. don’t ask why.
18. Does one of them kinkshame the other
jaira generation-shames.
19. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them
it’s not really self conscious i guess? she doesn’t like talking about her “death scar” that covers the left side of her ribcage, and she doesn’t like how she doesn’t take a human-like appearance. he reassures her often that it’s what makes her unique, but she still will take extra precautions to look “normal” if they go out.
20. Say they were cuddling on the bed while listening to record player playing the background. Which song is playing?
all the way down. shut up.
21. What is their song? Like the song that gives them overwhelming feelings?
insecure or scales. :~)
22. What song do they listen to while going on a joyride
jaira prefers instrumentals.
23. What kinda joyrides do they go on? Relaxing ones or wild ones?
relaxing ones. unless jaira decides she wants to get #Wild, then guess what? they gettin wild.
24. Where would they vacation for a honeymoon
jaira’s already been every damn where, so she’d just take him to all her favorite places.
25. Do people ever get annoyed of their pda
yes. namely, jaira.
26. Would they live in the city or the country
jaira prefers the city as a blending method, but trey likes the quietness so she’ll settle.
27. Which ones the red which ones the blue
it depends. normally jaira’s red and he’s blue due to their circumstances, but jaira can be very blue and his “liveliness” is the red.
28. Are either of them mentally ill, if so how do they help one another cope
jaira’s very depressed. and has been depressed for years. its something i wanna expand on more for the sake of developing, but jaira’s depression can be so bad that her still being alive is painful, because she knows she can’t do anything about it. before trey, she either didn’t sleep at all or slept for days at a time. (ofc now her sleeping is bc of dat BABY) also, because of the things she’s seen and endured in a past life, she may have PTSD as well.
29. Does one have a spot on them where they would melt when the other kisses them there
neck kisses
30. Do they dance together
whenever trey makes her, yeah.
31. Do they sing together
whenever trey MAKES her, yeah. bc he knows now that she had a whole career out of it, so he takes whatever he can get
32. Which one is better at cooking than the other and makes most the dinners
jaira, hands down.
34. Are they a reckless couple or safe
surprisingly, they are soooo safe.
35. What be they kinks and do they try each other's kinks
yoooo, they are probably so fucking spontaneous. he probably uses her powers as an advantage to do shit like CEILING SEX
36. What would their valentines gifts be to each other
trey’s would be something super heartfelt that would last a long time so she understands how he felt about her. jaira would like...cook something. or a buy a book. or something completely dumb that only she understands.
37. Do they get into fights often? If so what do they fight over and how do they make up?
their fights are probably over things super passive that could easily be fixed, but because they’re so “different”, they have different points and view and have no idea how to handle it. they separate for a little while but eventually find an excuse to see the other and talk it out. or...they get drunk and talk it out. or, jaira has to kill someone.
38. Which ones top, bottom, verse
no offense, but jaira tops.
39. What kinda sex they be having (gentle rough whatever)
it depends on the mood. i feel like they have rough ‘quickies’ where they end up breaking shit, but it’s probably gentle most of the time.
40. Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them
trey. he knows that jaira is fully capable of defending herself from deadass anything, but he’ll still fight for her.
41. Which one has a favorite movie that they have the other watch with them again and again
trey probably bought jaira a TV so they can watch movies, tf.
42. How would one react if the other was to die
WE ARENT TALKING ABOUT THIS but she’d probably find a way to die. that’s her 10, man.
43. Who dies first
OR THIS but we all know unless jaira turns him, it’s trey.
44. Do they want kids
it was never a discussion, bc yknow, she’s dead so he prolly assumed she couldn’t have any/jaira doesnt talk about the fact she has kids around the world. but now it doesnt have to be :-)
45. How would they spend their last moments together
NO but listen. jaira would probably hold him like a baby because she knows how much he hates it but she wouldn’t care, and she���d talk about the moments they had before they started talking to each other regularly like when they’d run into each other in the laundromat or in the hallway when she’s yelling at people and then she’d probably talk about the wife she had that died and why she never wanted to turn him (if she never turns him)
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susebron ¡ 8 years ago
ohhhh. maybe... i don't know... all the numbers. yes let's go with all 100 of them
i sincerely hate you and these took forever to answer so you better read ‘em all!!!!!!!! but also thx bc some of these were v nice and fun to answer
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal than milk bc i came for the cereal, not the milk
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? if i’m in a good mood,  yes. if i’m in a bad mood…. not at all
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? reciepts usually but i very much prefer actual bookmarks; specifically those with a magnet
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? with honey or sugar and lots of milk
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? i sincerely feel confused about how to smile properly??? so i guess a bit. like i can’t smile on order. i did as a kid but if i did it that way now, ppl would Wonder
6: do you keep plants? i had a cactus a while ago called robert plant but he died. my mum is currently keeping some plants in my room tho and i decorated one with some plastic dinosaurs but they are definitely not my responsiblity. i mean, robert plant died
7: do you name your plants? if you read the sixth answer, you would know that yes i do
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? writing i guess. idk it’s usually Metaphorically my feelings but i do make attempts to keep a diary sometimes. it doesn’t go well for long
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? not really
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? i really really really like sleeping on my side. i’m currently forced to sleep on my back and i do not like it
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? if one shouts sir yes sir then the other one has to shout I CAN’T HEAR YOU PUSSY #tbt @13000ants
12: what’s your favorite planet? tatooine which makes no sense
13: what’s something that made you smile today? leif gw persson was on tv
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? there would be books everywhere
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? um. macaroni and cheese or pasta salad. NO WAIT milk-stewed macaroni
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? tbh i’m content with my hair colour
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. that one time i thought sydney was in asia #tbt @weeplittlelannister
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i do! idk i have one more diary-like, one with lists and drawings and shit… but also a calendar with is also somewhat a bullet journal
20: what’s your favorite eye color? what kind of q….. lmao oscar isaac’s
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. my mum gave me aleather messenger box, like a post office bag or whatever and I Love It. it’s tbh never big enough to fit everything but it tries
22: are you a morning person? no 
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? read
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? i was gonna say my grandfather but then i realised there is no way he wwon’t end up telling my grandmother ausifsafa. idk. my stuffed elephant
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? me and william once broke into this storage room where we live. he stole one of those long light bulbs and hit me in the head with it. it hurt
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? just normal chuck taylors. off-brand tho of course lmao
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? mint or y’know…. bubblegum
28: sunrise or sunset? both
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? i know this says friends but listen. when @sneutrinos talks about physics or physicists he admires… his eyes are like Glittering and it’s endearing as fuck. makes me want to listen (or watch lmao) him talk about it for hours 
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. the best way to describe my socks and usage of them is that my nurse the other week when i was getting dressed to go home was like “oh! you’re wearing mismatched for rock the socks day (a day to uplift/celebrate down’s syndrome) and i was like “i guess….. but this is also just how i wear my socks” i very rarely end up having matching socks?? it just??? never happens even if i try
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. lmao idk if this was after 3am but i remember that one time me and @kkruel were ranting about his dorm neighbour showering at like midnight but literally just shrugged it off when the ceiling caved in saihfoasp
33: what’s your fave pastry? pastry is such a loose term though??? there is so much to choose from??? but i’m like really feeling muffins lately
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? i had a bunch but let’s talk about the one stuffed dog i got when i was like six and is still like brand-new because i was terrified of ruining it so i just…. occasionally gave it a pet. nothing more
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? i do, i do. i prefer certain pens, even if the ink’s only black, and i tend to use them more than pencils. 
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? nirvana unplugged would fit so much i had to go listen to it
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i mean i like when it’s clean but i don’t mind if it’s messy… as long as it isn’t Messy
38: tell us about your pet peeves! flour
39: what color do you wear the most? um probably blue or black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? i honestly don’t really own any jewelry. i do have a watch that i use sometimes but it doesn’t really have a meaning other than that my mum bought it for me during one of our trips to uppsala. so i guess it does mean something after all lmao
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? i really loved nimona. it was hilarious and amazing
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! idk i really like espresso house because they have really good chocolate muffins but it’s always crowded and overpriced. wayne’s also has good muffins and are usually a bit cheaper, a bit less crowded
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? i guess micah and his dad lmao
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? um probably last tuesday
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? i mean i guess?
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. my mind is BLANK
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? ticks. oh this said FOOD. um. mustard
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? i can only think of my trauma-based fears and they were usually about water and losing my parents??? i’m not sure i’d say either is the biggest fear now, but i still feel really uncomfortable in muddy water
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? p sure the last i bought was highlights from the original french production of les misĂŠrables
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? as a kid i used to collect popcorn boxes from the movies? i think i only have lotr ones left 
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? i associate @conradsricamora with conrad’s cover of ain’t no sunshine
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? i like the meme about ted cruz as the zodiac killer but it’s not from this year. uh. i can’t think of a 2017 meme
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i’ve seen beetlejuice and pulp fiction and i love them both. one’s the perfect funny rainy october night movie and the other’s just… wow
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idk someone on grey’s anatomy. mum’s been watching it a lot lately
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? gosh idk. i hope nothing too Dramatic
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? their love for their hobbies. like when someone is really intensively into something and it’s so Obvious. i love that
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? it always makes me feel so good. and i mean… yeah…. who doesn’t… 
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? um @itsjustaheartache is the wine mum and @caesarsbuddy is the vodka aunt because…. they just are
59: what’s your favorite myth? um anything to do with swedish trolls tbh
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? tbh i love poetry but i’m a bit picky with it. but i’ll read anything by richard siken
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? um my aunt once gave me a cp3o pen for christmas. like that was it. i think it was in the 1 dollar bin
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? no i don’t but if i have to, i prefer orange juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? i really like them organized but i have so many books that i just.. give up a lot
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? it’s late so probably dark, dark blue. perhaps even black
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? all my friends at this point lmao
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? idk… flowery
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? like it’s time to travel to middle earth
68: what’s winter like where you live? it’s either really cold and snowy or no snow and probably really rainy
69: what are your favorite board games? dnd or monopoly
70: have you ever used a ouija board? no and i fucking never will
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? rn it’s my pokémon tea that my dad’s gf got me
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? lmao i definitely need to write everything down which i’ve failed to do lately and i hate it
73: what are some of your worst habits? procrastination
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. gay
75: tell us about your pets! one is satan but also the sweetest??? v interesting mix. she is honestly so good. and the other one is chunk in cat form. also p good
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? i’m trying to finish my assigned math tasks for today but ashfpsao god damn ebba made me answer all these 100 q’s
77: pink or yellow lemonade? neither? i’m not a big fan of lemonade
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? i haven’t seen the movies so i was neutral… and at this point i’m neutral evil about it. stop it
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? john boyega exists so that was a cute thing of his parents to do
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? blue at dad’s and like white/cream-ish at mum’s…. bc blue felt most neutral and the other one was already there, so
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. sea with a touch of caramel
82: are/were you good in school? lmao
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? um. tbh anything by led zeppelin
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? i’d want some, sure, but i’m uncertain of what. probably something relating to ryan dunn at least
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? it’s been a while since i had time to but i really love captain america, sweet tooth and…. tbh i’m not picky???
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? i love them. esp if it’s by king diamond. if i have to choose one of his, it’s got to be them or abigail tbh
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? the lord of the rings trilogy and the star wars original trilogy. also artifical intelligence
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? resistance
89: are you close to your parents? i mean yeah? in different ways but i’m close to both of them which is v nice
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. it is really neat with beautiful old buildings and lots of book shops. or at least a bunch of good book shops. also actual shops dedicated to comics or gaming. also a v nice tea shop
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? i’m hoping to move to a new city this autumn, so there’s that
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i don’t get cheese on pasta unless it’s mac and cheese
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? a luke skywalker inspired ‘do
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? um some family friend on facebook
95: what are your plans for this weekend? um. study, probably
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? i procrastinate. def
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? infp, leo, hufflepuff
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? i don’t remember when it was but i know that i did not enjoy it
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. anything by led zeppelin or stromae. a specific song though is the freshman by the verve pipe
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? no. no. you do not mess with time ok
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