#second moral of the story is i wanna know more about linda and actually get to see her parent
hillerskaroyals · 2 years
i wanna see linda’s reaction to wilmon bc we know where kristina stands but we don’t know how linda feels post denial
will she blame wille for simon not pressing charges? will she forgive him for leaving simon to fend for himself? is she going to be disappointed in simon for going back to wille when marcus was a safe choice? is she ever gonna find out about the drugs? stay tuned to find out ig
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To be seen, part One (Frankie Morales x reader)
Summary : Usually, you’d be babysitting your friend Jessie’s son but you had to come into work. Your colleagues are really excited because “the boys” are here, so you get the chance, for the first time, to see what the fuss is about. You probably need to get laid. 
Author’s note : This is gonna be a four or five chapter story, not clear on that yet. Frankie isn’t here much but the endgame is Frankie x Reader. This chapter is really here to set up the reader’s relationships and workplace.
Warning : Harassment 
Chapter One :
« Yup, they’re here, » confirmed Anna, with a wink in Jessie’s direction, before she closed the kitchen’s door and went back to wait on the patrons. You were confused for a moment, but Jessie was jumping up and down in the small space, almost knocking over a bunch of plates she had been cleaning just before. She was vibrating with excitement. 
« You’re finally going to see what the fuss is about ! » She all but screamed. It dawned on you, then. 
The boys. 
So, here’s the story : once in a while, always on a Saturday, four dudes come in, sit down, drink a few beers, chat for a bit and call it a night. There used to be five, apparently, but one of them must have been kicked out of the group, according to Jessie. One of them is usually a little banged up - always the same. One of them always makes a point to flirt with whoever is waiting on them but it’s harmless. They tip well. Nothing special, right ? Except apparently, they’re hot. And Jessie juggles with this job and the kid, and she’s on her own, has been for a while now, so it is a big deal. Apparently. 
You’d been a bit worried with all the fuss she made about those guys, but then you remembered that her last date had been months ago and had ended with her coming home in tears, self-depreciating bullshit spilling out of her mouth, about her life, her failed mariage, the state of her car and the way she drank beer instead of wine and she shouldn’t because wine is more refined. 
So. You’d been worried. But you figured that nothing seemed wrong with those men, and that a little fantasy was harmless and sometimes needed. 
You’d never had first-hand experience with the four guys, though. You worked every other Saturday night but Jessie and you had an agreement with your boss, so you could babysit her kid the Saturday she worked since she couldn’t afford to pay someone. This Saturday, though, you had to make do and find someone to mind Clara because Phil, the cook, was sick and someone needed to replace him. 
You couldn’t cook for shit and Jessie could, so she was in the kitchen, you tended the bar and Anna waited on the patrons. You let her friend get a well-deserved sneak-peek at the table before you made your way back to the counter, making an off-hand, harmless remark that she needed to get laid as you walked through the door. Once you got behind the counter, you took a deep breath and looked around. 
Time to see what all the fuss is about. 
The place wasn’t overly crowded for a Saturday evening, but it was still early. You spotted the table pretty easily. It was one a bit away from the others, isolated, separated from most of the room by the pool but far enough from it not to be disturbed by the players and-
Maybe you needed to get laid, too. 
You were staring. You knew you were staring. Hard. But then again who on earth allowed those four men to look that good. Men should never look that good. Men that looked that good were trouble. And three of them definitely looked like trouble. It was written in the way they sat, like they were at home and not in a public space with other people, legs spread wide, radiating confidence. The last one, the one with a cap on his head, was on the shyer side, but still-
Here’s the thing. That dating thing, that wasn’t on your mind. You gave it a shot a few years back. You’d met her in college, and when you’d both ended up with an art history degree that proved to be useless, you’d moved in together, and you’d tried to open a bookshop that crashed and burned in less that two years, and all of your savings with it. Something had cracked in your relationship, then, and you’d both tried to fix it because you’d had a good thing. The break-up hadn’t been ugly, but mending both your broken hearts had taken time. You still called each other from time to time, true to your last promise : when things get easier, let’s not be strangers. It had been her - Linda - who had said it. You hadn’t had the heart, then. Now, five years later, you were glad she had. 
Five years later, you found yourself back in your home state, bartending on a Saturday night, that art history degree still useless but no longer leaving a sour taste in your mouth, a bitter sense of waste of time and money. You hadn’t had a date in three years - he had been nice, really pretty, you’d dated for a while but he’d wanted to become a big Wall Street boy and you just weren’t into that. It might be time to reconsider getting laid if you couldn’t look at a bunch of hot dudes without your brain turning to jelly, though. 
Somebody cleared of throat right in front of you and you snapped out of it, apologizing before getting the man’s order, good that his presence would prevent you from drifting away too much. Then the rush came, and you forgot about the table for a while. 
When Anna came back to give you a bunch of orders, she did so with an eyebrow slightly raised in expectation. You knew she wanted your feedback on that table, but you didn’t want to agree with Jessie and her, so you shrugged in a way you hoped looked casual and unaffected. She saw right through your bullshit. 
« Fine », you whispered. « They’re hot. Hot. » 
The patron at the barstool turned his head towards you and you felt your face burn. So much for whispering. Anna only laughed, head tilted back, her blonde hair waving as laughter shook her body. She was 25, beautiful in a traditional way. She was genuinely nice, and always saw the good in people. She was to this world what Jane was to Pride and Prejudice. 
Which is why, when the man sitting on the barstool leaned and said to her :
« You’re a pretty one, too. »
She just smiled and thanked him. Of course, he had to take that as an invitation. This could have been the beginning of a very beautiful story if not for the fact that he was old enough to be his father, knew it, didn’t care, and that this beer obviously wasn’t his first one. You hadn’t noticed when he first sat down but now that he had leaned in, you could smell it. He reeked of alcohol. 
« Wanna grab a drink sometimes ? See where that leads us ? »
Anna politely declined, and made to leave, but he grabbed her arm. You could tell it wasn’t meant to hurt her, just to hold her back, to prevent her from leaving, but you felt yourself tense. 
« Sir, » you said in a tone you hoped sounded firm and steady, « I’m going to ask you to leave my colleague alone. » 
He turned his head towards you and Anna took the opportunity to free herself from his grasp. She looked at you a second, a silent question (are you gonna be okay ?), and seemingly satisfied by your slight nod, she took off. 
« You’re not bad yourself, you know. » 
Steeling yourself, you turned to the patron. 
« This is inappropriate and I’m not interested, Sir. » 
But the man was relentless. When you said no for the third time he started muttering to himself, something about women all being bitches to him. You were getting really tense, and looked around to see where Anna was. She was at the boys’ table, watching you. Actually, the whole table was watching you as one of the men - the beat up one, your mind registered - was walking your way with purpose. 
— —— 
You were staring again, you realized. The man had taken a barstool too, right in front of you, and was waiting for you to say something. Probably a sentence. A coherent sentence. 
« Hi, what can I get you ? » 
Nice. One word at a time. You could do it. 
« Nothing, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Benny. » 
He offered his hand. You took it. He was all sharp angles and there was something wild and dark in his eyes, but he had a nice, warm smile. Your hand seemed tiny in his. After a beat, you told him your own name. He gestured behind him, towards the table, still looking your way.
« My pals over there and I were wondering if you were new. Never saw you around. »
« I’m not. I guess I’m not around when you guys are. » 
« That’s what your colleague said. »
He knew you saw right through it, and you tried to convey the fact that you appreciated the gesture without saying anything too obvious. There was no doubt that Benny would have no problem getting physical with the other guy at the counter if needed. But the man in question was standing awfully still, like he got the same vibe off of Benny you did. He’d stopped muttering and was looking very intently at his bottle. Benny kept going, and you soon saw what he was doing. He slightly turned and pointed towards his friends. You noticed Anna had gone back to work. 
« See the blonde guy over there ? That’s my idiot of a brother, Will. Guy with the cap is Frankie. Last one is Pope. » 
You raised your eyebrows at that. 
« Pope ? »
« Sorry, force of habit. His name is Santiago. Santi for short. We used to serve, Pope was his call sign, and I guess it stuck. » 
He shrugged, keeping the conversation light, but the mention of four ex-military casually sitting there and checking on you was enough for the other patron. He got up and left without a word. Your sigh of relief didn’t go unnoticed. 
« Santi saw something was off a while back with that guy, when he grabbed your colleague … »
« Anna », you automatically corrected.
« When he grabbed Anna, » Benni obliged. « She confirmed when she came to take our orders. » 
« Thank you. » 
You were used to dealing with that kind of stuff, but it was nice to have back-up, especially when the usual one wasn’t there. Normally, you’d go to Phil in the kitchen, but today, Jessie wouldn’t have been much of a match against a drunk guy would wanted some. Jessie, who was standing, you saw, right outside the kitchen door, gaping at you. 
« I never got your order », you stated, turning your attention back to Benny. 
He gave it again and you smiled. 
« It’s on the house. » 
« So his name is Benny. The blonde one, Will. That’s his brother. Then Santiago and Frankie. »
« Yes but which one is Santiago and which one is Frankie ? » all but whined Jessie. 
You were closing the place. Anna wasn’t saying anything but you could tell she was listening intently. 
« A bit too old for you, aren’t they ? » You quipped. 
She just laughed. 
« No harm in looking. » 
She was right. No harm. Meanwhile Jessie, arms waiving all around, complained :
« How come I tried to get their attention for weeks and something happens the first time you see them ? » 
« Yeah, it was a real pleasure to get harassed. I made sure it happened for the attention. All part of a very good plan. »
« Oh come on, » she shoved you playfully « you know what I mean. » 
The parking lot was empty. The cool air around you was quiet except for the occasional sound of a car going down the street nearby. The three of you fell silent, walking to Anna’s car. You kept silent during the drive, too, exhaustion settling in your bones. You knew you were lucky : tomorrow was your day off. Neither Anna nor Jessie had that chance. You’d be sleeping on Jessie’s couch tonight, just so you could babysit Clara. Your foggy brain betrayed you, then, and a bad thought came to you like a stab in the back :
When was the last time you saw a movie ? Went to an exhibit ?
You buried it, like you did every time you reminded yourself you were not where you thought you’d be at your age. When Anna pulled over in front of Jessie’s house, you thanked her and waited, silent again, as Jessie thanked her babysitter, winced as she paid her - you knew that was not something she could afford - and went to check on her sleeping girl. You were making yourself at home, preparing the couch for the night, thoughts of Benny and other hot dudes, ex-military guys entirely forgotten when you heard, soft and broken :
« I know it’s silly. This whole thing. I just … I wish someone would look at me, you know. » 
Jessie was standing in her living room, lost and desperate. You stopped, right then. The bags under her eyes were dark. She wasn’t going to cry, you knew that. The way she spoke, with finality, like she was convinced no one would look at her ever again, made your exhausted body tremble with anger. You closed the space between the two of you and held her for a while. 
Later, as you were plugging your phone, you saw a text from Linda. 
Hey, just checking on you. Everything good, these days ? Saw that French movie you told me about. It’s great ! Seen it yet ? I know you were excited. Don’t be a stranger ;)
You thought back on Jessie’s words. Somebody, at some point, had looked at you. Had seen you for who you were and had embraced every one of your qualities and your flaws. You didn’t miss it. It didn’t hurt anymore. But you remembered how beautiful it had been. Jessie’s marriage was never like that, from what you could tell. If you picked up the phone right now and called Linda, she would be there for you. If Jessie picked up the phone, all she’d get would be a reminder that her ex-husband had changed his number and couldn’t be reached in any way. 
You were lucky, you realized with a sharp sense of guilt. 
You were lucky that you’d had that, with Linda. And you were even luckier that you didn’t need anyone to look at you. You didn’t need anyone to see you for who you were. 
You didn’t. 
You didn’t.
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cottonwren · 5 years
Dancing in the dark
summary: Finn takes you to meet his family over dinner. It goes surprisingly okay.
word count: 1.5k
note: requested by the lovely @justanothershelby 💞💞💞
"Woah." Finn grinned as you opened the door and stepped back to let him in. He had a little bouquet in his hands - flowers of your favourite colours arranged nearly and wrapped in newspaper and cellophane.
"Is it too much? It's too much, isn't it?" You asked as he closed the door, checking your dress. "I'll change."
Finn was quick to shake his head, placing the bouquet on the mantelpiece and wrapping his arms around you. "You look great, love. You look great. They're going to love you." He pressed a gentle kiss to your jaw and stepped back, giving you the bouquet. "Even got you flowers, like a proper boyfriend."
"Shush, you are a proper boyfriend. You remembered my favourites." You hummed, tucking one of the flowers from the bouquet into the pocket of your dress. "Are you sure it'll be alright?"
"Love, don't worry. Everyone's busy fighting Tom, and Ada's going to be there - I've told her I'm bringing you, she's got our backs. Sure you're alright to stay the night? I'll drop you back, don't worry about it." Finn told you, fixing your collar gently. He was always so gentle with you - you were scared his brothers wouldn't like this side of him. Especially because it was your favourite.
"I'd like to stay. I haven't got work in the morning." You admitted, pulling on your coat. "I just hope it goes well."
"It will, love. Come on, get in the car. Forgot to say that Ada and Arthur are picking us up." He grinned as he pulled you out the door. 
You could only squeal and grab your purse as he pulled you out your front door. "Babe! Calm down, I have to lock the house up." Quickly turning your key in the lock, you threw your keys back in the bag and let him run with you to the car.
"So, you must be Y/N!"
Ada Shelby was, quite plainly, a powerhouse. She was gorgeous. You knew many stories of her intellect and her sheer power. 
"It's really nice to meet you." You smiled, feeling awkward and trapped in the small car. At least you and Finn were in the back. It meant he could take your hand, which was nice.
You couldn't tell if you had butterflies or you were feeling nauseous.
"Y/N! Finn! I was going to drive but Ada thinks I drive like an old man." Arthur chuckled, turning in the passenger seat to give you both a grin.
"You stop for every fucking pidgeon." Ada grumbled out, ramping up the speed as they headed through a country lane. "So, Y/N, I expect Finn's given you a briefing?"
"...No?" You winced, looking over at Finn, squeezing his hand. "What haven't you told me?"
"Guys, she's scared enough, don't scare her more." Finn told them defensively, looking at Arthur who was still turned to you.
"Nah, we're alright, kid. If Finn likes ya enough to bring you home to us, then you must be a cracker. Just don't mention Grace, or anyone else who's kicked the bucket." Arthur winked at you, doing his very best to coax a smile on your face.
“Tommy will try and scare you, but he’s just like that. Polly will see right through you within three seconds, so don’t try and hide anything from her. If there’s anything you’re hiding from Finn, she will know.” Ada sighed,  flipping someone off out the car window and going even faster. “She has guessed the sex of each and every child in the Shelby family.”
You thanked not only God but Jesus that you weren’t pregnant.
“You alright, love?” Finn asked, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand, lifting it to press a gentle kiss to it. “They’re going to love you, stop worrying.”
The car ride went as smoothly as it could. You didn’t let go of Finn’s hand at all, needing the  reassurance so that you didn’t just barrel out of the car. It was sunset when you arrived, and you were glad you brought your coat. Stepping out, you tightened your coat around you and found Finn’s hand in yours again, leading you up to the Shelby manor. You could only describe it as so, because it was palatial. 
“You look like you’re about to pass out, love. Do you wanna take a second? We can walk around for a bit, we don’t have to go in yet.” Finn told you gently, whispering in your ear as he wrapped one arm around your waist. 
“No, no. Let’s go in - I don’t want to be rude.” You quickly brushed it off, straightening your shoulders and watching as Ada and Arthur walked in with ease. 
“If you say so,” Finn pressed a quick, cheeky kiss to the corner of your mouth and then began walking up the steps with you - he had a protective hand around your waist, and it calmed you more than you’d like to admit.
 Once you were in, your coat was taken by a friendly maid and someone handed you a small flute. You recognised her as Lizzie Shelby, and gladly accepted it.
“Drink it, love. Trust me, it makes every one of these shitshows easier. I’m Lizzie, that broody fuck is my husband. Don’t mind them, and if any food gets thrown just duck and drink more whiskey.” She smiled wryly, downing flutes of champagne like they were water.
“I’m going to go help Linda in the kitchen,” Finn smiled, hearing his name being called. You could sense the hesitation, and quickly kissed him on the cheek and waved him away.
You quickly realised why he had been so reluctant to leave your side, because the women of the Shelby family were circling you like vultures, watching you with their piercing eyes.
“You need to relax,” Came a voice from beside you, eerie and soft. She smelt like cigarettes and incense, and you knew who she was without even looking or asking.
“I’m just nervous.” You admitted honestly, giving the woman a shy smile. “Finn meeting my parents went really well, and I want the same to happen with all of you.”
“You need to relax yourself and realise that the only way we will get to know you is if you let us. Ada’s already warned you about everything, so I won’t bother.”
“Did she tell you…?”
“No, she has too big a moral compass to actually let anyone come here unaware.”
Dinner went about as easily as the car ride, and once everyone was seated you wanted to scream. Everyone was talking and you were doing your best to reply to all the questions, to smile and laugh a little at all the jokes. 
Finn could sense that you were uncomfortable, and placed a gentle hand on your thigh.
“So, Y/N, what do you do?” Ada asked, trying to ask gentler questions. Tommy and Polly had said nothing the whole time, choosing to watch you and Finn like hawks.
“I’m a nurse, which has come in handy quite a bit.” You were more than happy to share about your work - you loved it, you loved the hospital you worked in, and it did come in handy for when Finn barreled through the door with a bullet wound.
“She’s a miracle with bullet wounds - pretty sure I wouldn’t have my arms left without her.” Finn beamed proudly, grinning at you. 
“Ada did nurse training once - it’d be nice to have someone actually qualified in the family, eh?” Arthur chortled, then winced as broccoli hit his head from three chairs over.
“I’m technically qualified!” Ada shouted, which made you laugh a little.
“Ada, you went to a course in sunday school.” Tommy reminded her with a smirk. “Y/N, how long did you study to become a nurse?”
“Three years.” You admitted, remembering the long time spent revising and learning. It had been hard, and you were unpaid for a long time. 
"Three years - whereas Ada sat there for three minutes and got kicked out for laughing." Tommy explained, sipping his whiskey.
"I learnt a lot!"
"Sure, Ade."
"Enough to give the kiss of life to enough people." Arthur smirked, gaining a snack up the back of the head from Polly.
Surprisingly, dinner went fine. It wasn't amazing, but you could definitely call it good. The table was cleared and people dispersed into the house. 
Finn pulled you into the lounge, where someone had set up a gramophone. Pulling you in close, he swayed with you around the lounge.  He sung the melody in murmurs as he span you. 
For a while, it was just you and him - nothing else in the world could have bothered you, nor would you have let it. You didn't even notice Polly watching sagely from the door.
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