#second POV
Prompt: okay but cas would show up with a handful of weeds, with the roots and dirt still on the bottom, and give them to dean because 'it's the human tradition to bring flowers, right?' and dean would 'yeah. yeah cas that's right' because that is how they say i love you @deanspunchingbag
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Title: Surprise me
Pairing: Castiel x Reader (they/them)
Characters: Castiel, Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Word Count: 1,254
Summary: What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Thank Jack that Castiel doesn’t know you’ve been in love with him for a while. If only he would reciprocate your feelings, even a little.
Warnings: Alcohol, consensual licking of arms and neck (sort of)
A/N: This was the first idea I came up with for the prompt and it became self-indulgent. Hush. This is in second person POV.
What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Dean, of course, interrupts you and explains to Castiel, for a couple hours, how to flirt with the ladies and men. You just giggle and chuckle at the stories he tells. It’s even funnier when Dean makes Castiel “practice” these “new moves” on him. Dean keeps at it, and finally the angel seems to be getting the hang of it.
Suddenly, Castiel gets up and goes to get everyone another round of beers, deciding to all get a shot of tequila, salt and lime. He sits back down next to you and distributes everything evenly. He tells you “The bartender said it could be a good tool to flirt with so I thought I’d try, but they didn’t explain how.”
Dean tells Cas to watch Sam and him. Sam and Dean eye each other in their silent communication, they salt and lemon their wrists and lick before shooting the tequila. You giggle when you see their faces.
The brothers aren’t big tequila people,they prefer whiskey or bourbon.
Castiel looks confused and says “That doesn’t seem very flirty.”
You giggle at them and tell Cas that “It isn’t. They’re chicken.”
Castiel then asks you to show him how to shoot the tequila flirtatiously. You know you’re a bit more than buzzed for this, and mumble “What the hell, why not?”
“Okay,” you begin. “I’ll show you. The idea is to make it as close to a body shot as you can, since putting your mouth on someone can be considered flirting if not a potential interest in sex.” You tell him step by step how to make a tequila shot flirty and sexy by taking the ladies wrist—you take Castiel’s wrist, in this case, and place a kiss on the sensitive area/spot inside before licking it.
You tell him how “Most people will laugh it off. That’s when you salt the wet area on their wrist so it sticks.” You salt his wrist and then grab the slice of lime, telling the blue-eyed man to open his mouth only a little. He looks confused, but does as instructed.
You notice Dean and Sam eyeing each other again and nod. They make some excuse to get up, and walk away as you continue teaching the angel.
You stick the lime in Castiel’s mouth to hold it. “The idea is to get a subtle kiss here. They’re going to come and bite the lime to get the juice, and you can either let them have the lime when they do, keep the lime so they only get the juice and you get the lip press, or if you wanna be a true sneak, spit out the lime and get the kiss you want instead.” You smirk at him, not telling him you’ve always been scared to do the latter.
Castiel quirks a brow at you and you have to stop the shiver that it causes, dominating you so easily.
He’d only have to do that brow at you and you’d probably do whatever he says. You can feel yourself beginning to get wet.
Ignoring it, you continue your lesson.
“So, you lick the salt, juice the lime and shoot the tequila, but this is the flirt…sexy way.”
He squints his eyes at you.
“You ready?”
He nods. “Yes.”
Still holding his wrist, you proceed to lick his wrist.
With his free hand, Castiel removes the lime and asks, “If this were you doing this to a man or woman, what would you do?”
“Me?” You ask. “For a guy I wanted to sleep with, I’d just ask him if he wants to go back to my place for sex. Men tend to like directness, from my experience. Women, though, I’d flirt with and tease. I’d probably do what I’m doing right now and make sure I was the one with the lime, so we could make out instead of shooting tequila.”
“You haven’t tried flirting with men?” Castiel inquires.
“I have, but I get nervous for some reason. I’ve taught many friends how to successfully flirt, but for some reason I end up acting like a fish or stuttering when I try to flirt with me.” You roll your eyes and shrug. “It’s easier to be friends with people I like than it is to actually…pursue,” you quietly confess to Castiel.
Castiel tilts his head, keeping his eyes on you for nearly a minute in silence. The silence isn’t awkward, but calming and companionable.
It is one of your favorite things about Castiel, you think to yourself. You can just sit together and do different things, but still feel like you’re engaged and doing something together…or maybe that is just you.
And then, he asks a really weird question: “How do you like to be flirted with?”
You furrow your brow at the question, initially confused, but then you think about it. You look down as you think, then say the first thing that comes to mind when you’ve gone on really good dates. “Be interested in me and actually listen to what I’m telling you. Tell me about you, your past, your history, experiences that I might be able to relate to, about your family and friends, your aspirations…”
Castiel’s head tilts the other way as his blue eyes continue to watch you.
“Be accepting of me and my truths, my authenticity. I may have been born female, but I am very good at taking care of myself. I’m choosing to be here with you when I could be elsewhere. Be satisfied I’m here with you.”
“You are,” agrees Castiel. “And others. You care very deeply about your found family, as you call us.” He uses air quotes and slightly smiles. He leans forward, getting your eye to look into his. He is mere centimeters from your face. “I’m very happy you came out here with me tonight. It makes me very happy to spend time with you.”
“Thanks, Cas,” you give him a small smile, feeling your cheeks heat up. Your brow furrows again. “Cas, are you flirting with me?”
He looks down at his wrist. You follow his gaze and see that you’re still holding it, but resting on the table now. He gives a sheepish smile and nods looking at your hand.
Your heart races as adrenaline pumps through you at this disclosure. You take a deep breath and exhale. Then, you rotate and slide your hand into his. “Okay.”
He looks at you, confused. “What do you do when they realize they’re flirting back?” Worried, Cas’ blue eyes search your face.
You grin at him. “How bout we get outta here, just the two of us?”
It takes him a few extra seconds to connect the dots and nod. “Yes, okay.”
He scoots out of the booth and you follow him, keeping his hand in yours. You look around for the brothers who are sitting at the bar, chatting.
You both walk outside, looking up through the light pollution to see the moon and brilliant Venus close by.
“Where to?” He queries.
“Surprise me, Angel.”
He bends down and plucks a daffodil that has broken through the asphalt parking lot. Castiel hands it to you. “For you.”
You smile and take it, putting it behind your right ear.
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thatoneash · 2 months
The Sun and The Rain
Aether x Reader
Hurt/ No comfort, Heavy Angst, Major Character Death, No Happy Ending
One moment. One moment of weakness is the biggest mistake you can make in the midst of a battle. Too bad no one ever told you that.
One moment of weakness is the biggest mistake you can make in the midst of battle. Aether knew that. He wishes he told you that.
word count:1680
It happened before you could react. The swift motion of the blade that one of the highest-ranked enemies you were battling with wielded, cut through your abdomen with sharp pain, leaving you choking on your breath as you stumbled away from the enemy. It was a mistake on your part. You were distracted, turning your head towards Aether, when you heard him grunt in an unmistakable sound of pain. Aether got a low hit from his side but was back in motion the next second, turning his focus onto the enemy as he quickly got back to fighting.
You instinctively covered your wound with one hand, warm, sticky blood making its way from your abdomen to your legs and to the ground fast enough that it left you with a feeling of fear. You had no time to give in to the pain. However, as your survival instincts peaked, the hot rush of adrenaline ran through your body like electricity, making you grip your weapon harshly. The enemy attacked again, wasting no time and certainly not waiting for you to catch a breath as he swung his blade sharply. You dodged in time, grunting from the pain that even this swift, slight motion gave you, resulting in the blade grazing your left cheek like paper.
You had no time to reflect on yet another wound as you got into your attack stance, the anger that heated your whole body, giving you a little more push to fight back. You swung your weapon harshly, sloppy from being wounded, as you fought back with the enemy. You could hear Aether and others fighting loudly, too focused on wiping out the entire army of the upper legion of the Abyss, as they killed one after the other.
You bit down on your lip, suddenly feeling ashamed of yourself for getting distracted in the heat of battle, the one mistake none of the others seemed to make as stupidly as you did. Your lack of being able to keep your attention in one place always came to bite you in the ass, and you were okay with that most of the time. But to think that you let that happen in a life-or-death situation like this made you feel foolish and incompetent with the people you’ve come to call your friends on this journey. You would be okay If it resulted in your death, but you would never forgive yourself If your stupidity cost you the lives of your friends.
As the enemy attacked again and again, it’s only intention to be transparent to you that he certainly wasn’t gonna stop until you took your last breath. You uncovered your wound to wield your weapon with both hands, with your dangerously decreasing stamina and sense of surroundings.
Your eyesight was becoming blurry, your slowly increasing dizziness making it harder for you to be aware of the enemy’s growing attacks. You were getting increasingly sloppy, the thin line between your will to survive and the need to close your eyes for a second at least, making it almost impossible to detect what was real and what was fake.
Were you fighting right now? Was there really a dangerously blood-lusting enemy in front of you, waiting to end what you could call a short-lived life? You didn’t even get to try all the foods of Teyvat yet, didn’t help Aether reunite with his sister, didn’t cook that one food Paimon wanted from you for over two weeks now, you didn’t get to revisit Mondstad -and oh how you missed the city of freedom- you didn’t get to revisit Angel’s Share or the Kamisato siblings and the Crux. You haven’t got to do anything yet.
You haven’t got to confess to Aether yet.
Your eyes slowly opened back up, your confused eyes meeting with the gray sky. Before you could look at your surroundings from your position on the ground, the sounds caught up to you first. Screams, blades crashing on one another, and the familiar voice of the blonde traveler were enough to pull you back into reality.
However, before you could even get your head off the hard ground you were laying on, the enemy you were battling against stood over you with a sick grin, seemingly very satisfied that he finally got you where he wanted.
Contrary to your sickeningly fast beating heart, your body wasn’t obeying any of your brain’s orders to survive. Every single part of your brain was screaming at you to move, an alarmingly increasing rush of fear consuming your body, making it clear that If you didn’t do something now, these were going to be your last moments. Your eyes glanced to your sides in panic, opposing to your frozen body, as you caught a glimpse of your weapon.
Once again, it happened before you could react. The body that was frozen out of fear just a few agonizing seconds ago reacted before your brain caught up to your movements. Just a second ago, your eyes fell on the weapon that was next to you, and the next second, the same weapon’s shaft was in your hand in a tight grip, the other side of the weapon cutting right through the enemy’s body that was hovering over you.
You caught the guy’s eyes on top of you, his eyes wide from the unexpected attack that happened in mere seconds, leaving him with a weapon cutting right through his chest as his blood spilled down onto your face.
And then, he took his last breath, leaving his body limp as he fell to your side.
I’m alive, you thought to yourself. I’m alive. I’m alive. Hot tears threatened to spill from your eyes as the aftershock of the whole situation started settling in. I’m alive, you thought, just a second before all the adrenaline slowly left your body, almost mocking you with the way it made the wounds from your body known to you again. The sharp, agonizing pain from your abdomen left you breathless once again, leaving you coughing for air, only resulting in coughing up more blood.
‘’And that was the last of them,’’ you heard the voice of Aether, seemingly out of breath as a few others started talking. ‘’Archons, finally! I need a long bath after this.’’ you heard another sound chime in, followed by another. ‘’You guys know what this calls for? A celebration feast tonight, and it’s all on me!’’ you heard a few people start cheering and laughing, unable to make out who was who.
You smiled, nonetheless. You wanted to be able to join them and cheer with them, but your body was tired. You decided it was nothing a little nap wouldn’t be able to fix. Besides, you were already feeling your eyes threaten to close, begging you to rest just a little. Who were you to resist? You were sure the others would understand. It was just gonna be a little nap, and then you could go and join the celebration feast with them. Before closing your eyes, you also decided that you would confess to Aether. But before that, you just needed to rest your eyes for a little while...
‘’Hey, where’s-’’ Aether asked, frowning as he looked at the others. The little celebration talk died down as they all seemed to notice the girl’s absence.
“Where is she?” The golden hero asked again, his voice trembling from the panic overtaking his body.
“Hey, relax, I’m sure she’s somewhere around-“ Aether ignored other’s voices as he frantically looked around. You were there a moment ago. He saw you fighting, he was sure. You were okay, you looked okay a moment ago.
When was the moment ago he recalled back to? His brain started flooding with the flashes of the battle that took place just a moment ago, trying to recall back the last time he heard your voice in the heat of it. When was it? Where were you?
He started walking fastly around the bodies of the Abyss soldiers, trying to get a glimpse of your familiar clothes. Surely you weren’t among them? Maybe you were just sitting under a tree, trying to catch your breath? Yeah, that seemed reasonable. After all, there was no way you’d be lying amongst these bodies, right? No, he wouldn’t let something like that happen in the first place, he was sure.
Then, he caught sight of the familiar colors you wore everyday. Right next to an Abyss soldier’s lifeless body.
His eyes widened in terror as he realized that you were lying next to it, unconscious.
His body moved on its own as he rushed over to your body, almost tripping over the bodies on the ground.
“Hey, hey hey hey! Why are you lying here? Come on, this is no place to take a nap!” he shook your body frantically as his own body started running cold with fear at your unresponsiveness
“Open your eyes, come on come on come on…” some watched in fear, some watched in shock and some watched in sympathy as the golden hero of Teyvat held his partner’s body close to him, desperately trying to talk a dead corpse into coming back to life.
“No no no no… don’t- don’t do this” a sob escaped his lips, “Please, please open your eyes. Come on, open your eyes, please. I’m begging you please don’t-“ another sob “Please don’t leave me”
All of a sudden, it started raining. Aether thought of it as a sick joke when the first rain drop fell on your face, followed by others. You hated the rain.
He looked up at the sky with a scowl. It was bright, not even a cloud in sight. The sun’s burning gaze shone down at him, as if it was mocking him.
He looked back down at your body on his lap. The scorching sun above was making him feel like he was in the depths of hell, yet your body seemed to be getting colder.
He decided that he hated the sun that day.
I was feeling sad the day I wrote this and wanted to write something sad in return. You give you take I guess.
Anyways hope you enjoyed it even though it’s super short
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saeugen · 7 months
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trust fund, baby
— in which i’m inspired by gacha life music videos LOLLLLLL 😄🙏
— not even joking btw but i love unguys also idk how to set up tumblr posts sigh
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looking at you was like the rainbow after a storm. a harsh, bruising storm. you are his medicine. i mean, look at you! he doesn’t care about the dirt on your jeans. thinks it adds a little flavour, you know? anyhow, he didn’t care about the whispers and murmurs that you were just using him. heck, he’s asked you to. but that’s for another time.
in this moment where you’re fixing a car, he knows that you can fix him. tinker with him a little and he’s complete. dwelling in your presence has done enough. your oil painted hands skilfully move around, eyes concentrated as black dusts your face. he’s not sure what it is, but you look hot.
“‘toru,” you mumble, pausing as you tie your hair up. he could faint. sure he’s the strongest, but in your hands he’s putty. “mhm?” he hums in response, completely dazed. you laugh, and he falls all over again. “stop starin’ at me like you’re fawning over the simple act of fixing a car.” oh, but he is. he could watch you for a lifetime if it meant getting a glance of your perfect being.
he’s dumb for you. it really should be the other way around— just yesterday was he confessed to by… what was it? 5 girls? you’re a quiet one, though your hilariously terrifying sound of a laugh can silence an assembly of people. another thing he loves about you, he notes. he doesn’t notice when you stand up, because his mind wanders elsewhere. “‘toru.”
he blinks, and you’re in front of him.
HELP GIYS IDK WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS it’s just fluff but noniooe like satoru my mind keeping’s wandering ugh it’s 1:05 am i should go to sleep 😓😓😓
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enterrandomname · 8 months
The Cannibal and The Man
Hannibal x Male Reader
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Warning: Reader ‘kills’ Hannibal, Reader has bad taste in clothing, consuming a liver, And more…
Word Count: 990 words
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Your eyes fluttered open as your heart pounded against your chest. The memory of Hannibal's wound was still fresh in your mind. You needed to find a way out; you needed to escape the clutches of your captor, who held you captive for so long. A knock on the door startled you. Getting dressed in simple attire, you prepared a fake smile before opening the door.
You didn't know if you wanted to be offended by what Hannibal had said. This is usually what you wore whenever you were still living in your house, even when you weren't there. "What do you want me to wear, then?" You said, finding the floor interesting enough to look at, but you never liked making eye contact with the people you spoke with as it made you uncomfortable.
Hannibal looked at you for a moment, as if figuring out what would look good on you. You could see a lightbulb go on over Hannibal's head as the man immediately left the room. You stood there dumbfounded, not understanding what had just happened.
Dear God, just let it be something good, they thought, hoping that it wasn't anything terrible. A few minutes went by as Hannibal returned with a (F/C) medieval steampunk tailcoat and black pants that went with it.
You looked at Hannibal to see if he was joking or trying to get you to laugh.
Hannibal only stared at you with a little smile on his face. "I am NOT wearing that!" you yelled, staring at it with a look of anger. You didn't want to be walking around wearing something weird. You hate to admit that it would be something you would probably wear.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, fixing the collar of your (F/C) tailcoat. "It doesn't look too bad," you whispered to yourself. You closed your eyes and placed a hand on your cheek before slapping yourself, making sure it wasn't a dream. Opening your eyes, you were met with your reflection and your deceased parents staring at you. They stared back at them before turning around, just to see that their imagination was playing tricks on them.
Suddenly, your body twitched. You never understood why it did that. All you knew was that it was embarrassing whenever someone saw your body jerk. You looked around the room, making sure no one saw that. I must've been seeing things, you thought, looking back at the mirror to see your parents gone.
You were glad that Hannibal had left to go run some errands. Maybe this time you could come up with a plan to get away from this place. You could finally be alone and not be in the same room as a cannibal. You could finally be left alone. The house was quiet and peaceful, just the way you liked it. You felt all their worries slowly disintegrate into nothingness.
A smile appeared on your face. You exited the room and walked around, hearing nothing but your footsteps.
You had hoped that Hannibal would take his time and arrive later in the evening. You were clearly enjoying yourself alone, with nothing but the ghosts of your parents haunting you. You soon came to a stop as you stood in the kitchen. Your fingers twitched as you glanced at a knife rack. Your mind began to drift someplace else...
You gripped your knife as you stood over Hannibal's sleeping body. With both hands, you raised your knife before plunging it deep into the cannibal's chest, stabbing the heart. Your eyes dilated as you watched the red liquid trickle down Hannibal's chest. You could see the blood staining his shirt, creating a dark red patch. You grunted as they pulled out the knife from the body before stabbing it once again in Hannibal's abdomen. Your breathing got heavier and heavier as you watched blood begin to ooze out.
Not once did you imagine yourself in this type of situation. You grabbed your knife and stabbed Hannibal once again before sliding it to the stomach. You got rid of the excess skin before grabbing the liver. You brought the liver close to your lips as if you were going to kiss it, but soon dropped it as if you thought of the idea again.
You looked at the floor and spotted the liver. You lifted your boot and stepped on it, watching as tiny pieces of the liver spread across the floor. You knelt down and swiped some of the pieces onto your finger before placing it in your mouth, savoring the taste.
Licking your bottom lip, you stood back up. You stared at the cannibal's motionless body, and a smile formed as you finally achieved what you had been waiting for.
A shaky breath escaped from your lips, and your eyes were still trained on the knife rack that was on the countertop. It was as if the knives were mocking you, laughing at you for being so weak. You soon realized that it was all but an imagination—a dream you had thought of.
You couldn't help but feel miserable that it wasn't true. The other side of your brain kept telling you to escape. To flee! But the other side kept telling you to accept the fact that you were trapped here. Your head was hurting, and you felt like the whole world was spinning around.
You took a wobbly step, extending your arms to try and balance yourself. Images of your parents popped into your head; you pictured their black, empty eyes staring deep into your (E/C) ones. Falling to the ground due to the dizziness, you laid there defeated. Your eyelids were getting heavier and heavier with every second that passed.
You couldn't help but close them, as you were unable to keep them open for so long.
The sound of a door opening was the last thing you heard.
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any recs for fics with unique formats/elements (non-linear narrative, second pov, epistolary, etc) and fics with flowery language / good prose ? hope this makes sense lol
thanks for the work you do on the blog, i hope you have a great day!
Hi, this is a very interesting ask! We love unusual elements in stories and tried to put together some very different examples. Hope you have a great day too and happy reading 💕📖
what the night does to the day - Ian and Mickey have been best friends since childhood. Sometimes things just fit together perfectly.
Thicker Than Forget - Ian is a poet. Mickey is his recently-corporal muse. They eat an absurd amount of stupidly named ice cream, try to find beauty in things, and fall hopelessly in love.
Suncatcher - He grins. “Maybe, but you still wanna find out if it’s true.”
Unsent - Five emails that sit in drafts for over a year. One reply.
and all the moments in between - When people look back at the past, they're only seeing the standout moments, never the whole fucking picture.
a lot like love - Ian wants more than what Mickey is offering. Mickey doesn’t believe he deserves to be loved.
Minutes - A moment of life post S5, canon divergent.
There is no me (without you) - An exploration of Ian and Mickey's respective insecurities and past trauma as we follow them through a tough couple of weeks as newlyweds.
the sun, chasing the moon - Ian waits for Mickey.
The Art of Maintaining Moral Ambiguity - AU in which Mickey was raised in a shitty New Jersey beach town and Ian just wanted to see the ocean.
Postcards From Mexico - Everyone likes getting postcards.
Chapter 8: Hey Mick - A letter from Ian to Mickey in juvie (set between seasons 1 and 2).
The Buzz Under His Skin - Ian's manic thoughts, set in early S4 after he runs away.
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rainiishowers · 1 year
Hi -- may I bother you with another request I had?
So, what about the brothers with an mc who's the complete opposite of them? Basically mammon with an mc that's responsible and able to take care of themselves financially, Levi with a normie and extroverted mc, etc.
Please, again, don't feel pressured whatsoever! Take your time to do this, and don't do this request if you're not ok with it as well. Second pov, gn reader. Thank you!
CW: Suffocation (Belphie's part)
With you, who is easily excitable/impressed, gets easily distracted, and is more laxed with your work
At first, he didn't pay attention, until you started to cause problems for him, which is when he had to step in
He found you extremely infuriating, and would try to get you to actually focus or be disciplined with your work
You were just another Mammon to him, basically
Eventually he did get used to it, and at some point would work with you instead of against you
Lucifer would find ways to get you to focus and promise to get you something if you completed just this bunch of assignments
While he still had to reel you in sometimes when you wandered off in town, he was much more gentle with you then at the beginning
With you, who is more financially responsible, responsible in general and more proper
Honestly, he saw you as a buzzkill at first
His first thought, being a demon of good character reading, was "oh fuck, another Lucifer."
You would often be the one to keep him on track and actually made Mammon pay Levi back for some of the money by making him work some shifts at Hell's Kitchen (which the otaku was extremely grateful for)
His brothers had made many comments on how you were a good influence on him, especially Lucifer, who would make further remarks about how he was smart in choosing Mammon as your guardian
As time went on, he did use some of the knowledge he gained and sometimes had the thought of "what would MC think?" whenever he wanted to buy things... even though most of the time his greed still won...
He has to laugh at the times he bought something for you, and you would sometimes scold him for buying something for you, but still take it anyways
With you, who is a social, extroverted normie
There's not much else to say except that he straight up didn't like you, and would always avoid eye contact so he wouldn't risk a conversation with a normie like you
These traits of yours also fuelled the envy of you winning the TSL competition even more
It took a while, but he started opening up to you
You actually got him to come out of his room a few times, you often delivered packages to his door, so on and so forth.
Levi is thankful for you helping him out out of his shell.
With you, who is more academically challenged, calm and tidy
Satan found you... confusing, at first.
You were calm, and being a creature that was made from wrath, he assumed you were masking it to hide something much deeper
But nope! You just had incredible patience with his idiotic brothers that surrounded you.. or just in general
He studied you a lot, which also led him to the conclusion that you weren't the.. sharpest tool in the shed when it came to academics
It was much later after you helped him that he decided to help you with tests or homework, it's the least he could do after all
There would be the occasional nights that some of the brothers would be in MC's room for a movie night, and Satan would notice how tidy MC is with their belongings...
Perhaps he should ask for their help in organizing his own room at some point
With you, who is less popular, more introverted and not too focused on your fashion/skincare routine/appearance
It wasn't immediately clear to him that you had these qualities, but he soon noticed how introverted you are during class or just at the HoL
One day, he randomly asked you about your home life and how many friends you had
You answered saying you weren't extremely popular where you live and didn't have too many friends in real life
He felt bad, and tried getting you out there by dragging you to places like Hell's Kitchen... with little warning...
Yea.. It backfired...
During a Majolish haul, he noticed you often shrugged at the clothes he suggested you wear, and gravitated towards more comfy and not so fancy clothes, which surprised him
During a beauty store haul, he again noticed that you didn't really seem to care what you looked like to the public eye, nor did you really know what some products were
"Hon.. I have to ask.. What's your skincare routine like?"
"Skincare? I uh.. don't really have a routine..?"
The appalled gasp he gave was loud
What do you mean you don't have a skincare routine?!!
"We are getting you one, ASAP!!"
Overall, well meaning, but could be pushy in the things he does if you don't set boundries
With you, who is sassy, weak and follows your head more than your heart
Not much to say at the very beginning, but during your first week or so here, he found you... a bit standoffish
You constantly sassed his brothers which he didn't really liked or appreciated
You were smart, and mostly followed logic, but didn't really follow your heart
Beel wore his heart on his sleeve, so it was pretty weird for him to be around you, but the concept of following your head wasn't exactly alien to him since Satan did as well
In terms of your strength... He noticed a few times that you'd refuse to pick up a heavy object, making up an excuse as to why you couldn't do it (which would sometimes cause Mammon to tease you)
When he would (rarely) see you try to pick something heavy up.. You failed tremendously, which he would try to help spare your embarrassment and pick it up himself..
Fortunately for him, as you stayed, you started to grow a bit more warm-hearted and compassionate
And hey, if you're up to it, maybe he could help you gain some muscles in the future
With you, who is a lot more warm, open minded and energetic
When you came to him, he figured right away that you were stupid enough to help him
All that mattered to him is that he left
When you came to the attic, having finally opened the door, he went to trick you into suffocation
However, the only thing that stopped him for a minute was your smile.. It was similar to Lilith's... That grin she always wore when she always reigned triumphant in little competition they would always have
He hesitated, but soon shook it off and went through with his plan
Belphegor almost felt bad when you were suffocating, but you were a human, and in his mind, all humans should be destroyed
When the royals told the brothers that you were Lilith's descendent, everything just came crashing down
No wonder your smile reminded him of Lilith's...
During the aftermath, he became a lot more cuddly
In hope that you would someday forgive him..
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absent-enigma · 1 year
Short lil Swapfell papyrus x reader (and/or just MC). Because I need to do something while I’m trying to stay off ao3 until it’s okay.
“On a scale of one to ten, how bad will this be for you if your brother finds us like this?” A bare whisper, as you and Papyrus huddled close to one another in a small coat closet at a party, avoiding said skeleton’s older brother. Sans had already passed by a few times, audibly gnashing his sharp teeth.
“he already knows where we are.” Papyrus snuggled in closer to you, resting his jaw on your shoulder with a low chuckle. “just working up the nerve to open the door.”
“You didn’t answer the question.”
“He’s just trying to give himself plausible deniability and is hoping i’ll short cut away with you first.”
“Plausible deniability on what?”
“that his little brother is dating someone and he, the perceptive bastard he usually is, didn’t realize it, as focused on work as he’s been.” Papyrus hugged you, and you happily snuggled into the cushy jacket he wore, face in the fluff of the hood.
“no. he’s just embarrassed he’s not been treating you like you’re my date mate.” Papyrus lets out a sudden laugh as he pats your head. “see you tonight.”
“What? Why?!” You gasp as Papyrus burst out of the closet and gently tossed you in Sans’ direction. The last you see of your so-called date mate was a cheeky grin as the golden fang flashed away as Papyrus shortcut away, leaving you to Sans’ mercy. Luckily, after a brusque apology over the nature of your relationship with his brother, Sans offered a wicked, sharp-toothed smile.
“Hell yes.”
Papyrus was later found in his room with his fluffy hood pulled up over his completely flushed skull after being mercilessly teased by both his brother and date mate.
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Room & Board - Part 17 (Tabaeus x Reader)
paranormal fantasy vampire x human eventual triad (x werewolf)
Anonymous asked:
For the prompt submissions a vampire that feels guilty after feeding/attacking someone so they leave obscenely valuable ancient artifacts as payment/an apology?
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Get early access to Part 18, when it’s ready, on Patreon!
Comments, tags, and reblogs are real motivators for me, too! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
Also, my inbox is always open for asks, so don’t be shy!
x x x x x
Lachlan Barrett. Your brain swirls, trying to place the name with some snippet from the journal or some other odd place you've heard the name before. It feels strangely familiar but, at the same time, unfamiliar.
As you're thinking, Lachlan takes a step toward your group. Immediately, Ewan tenses, growling so low in his chest that you can feel the vibrations in your stomach. Simultaneously, Tabaeus hisses from behind you, quiet and soft and sharp. Sandwiched between your companions, you hardly feel threatened, but the predatory air - plus Ewan and Tabaeus's reaction - piques concern in your gut.
"Please, try not to kick up too much of a fuss," Lachlan chuckles, though he does not take another step closer. He inclines his head to Tabaeus and Ewan, flashing them a look over the edges of his sunglasses with a pointy-toothed smile. "We are in a library."
The meaning was clear. You look around at the other patrons of the library: children and teenagers and people just minding their own business. People that are likely unaware of the two vampires lurking in their midst. Glancing back at Tabaeus, noting their stricken look, says enough.
A sudden thought crests your mind, overcoming the shock of the moment. Given this man had just lightly threatened a whole library, was it too hard to imagine he'd kill a town? Or a doctor?
It was a shot in the complete dark, but you had to ask. Tabaeus admitted to blacking out the name, so perhaps Lachlan would fall for your question. "By chance are you the same Lord Barrett who worked with Dr. Kieran Bennett in the 1880s?"
"Ah, Kieran! Yes. That is a blast from the past, as the young ones say." Something in Lachlan eyes glow, but not in a pleasant way. It reminds you of the iridescent shine of a predator's gaze. In a theatrical way, as if he were playing for the nosebleed seats, Lachlan rubs at his chin in a thoughtful way and leans toward you. He ignores Ewan's warning growl. "I did know my pet showed you to one of the vaults, but to think they gave you that information. That is such a surprise."
"I am not your pet," hisses Tabaeus, low and soft. As if they were not entirely certain they wanted to be heard.
"Are you not? Let us think about this," purrs Lachlan, his gaze shifting to Tabaeus. His voice takes on an irritating singsong quality as he counts off on his fingers, "You are pampered and cared for entirely. You need not hunt nor stalk the nights, need not risk being caught by a hunter. You are beloved among covens all over the world and gifts of clothes and food are showered upon you."
The description doesn't overly surprise you. And the longer Lachlan speaks, the more Tabaeus bristles behind you. Glancing back to your vampire, you press a hand to their arm, but it does nothing to ease their upset. Their red eyes remain pinned to Lachlan, afraid to let the other creature out of their sight.
"In return, all you must do is what you were created for," chuckles Lachlan, a vile gentleness to his voice that sets your teeth on edge. Underneath his words, there's an implication you can't quite put a name to.
As your gaze bounces back to Lachlan, Tabaeus spits out, "And what was I created for?"
The other vampire takes another step forward, ignoring Ewan's bristling snarl and how Tabaeus flinches behind you. Lachlan's arms spread wide, as if for an embrace, as he smiles like a television evangelist. "For memories."
Your brain sputters for a second, before a slew of awful imagery comes to mind. Bacchanal and violent and not all to the consent of Tabaeus. Weren't those always a trope in vampire media? They would drink and have sex and be cruel? Something about enjoying the world in excess while being undead. Or perhaps trying to feel something in their dead nerves?
Before you can stop yourself, you wrinkle your nose and blurt, "Excuse me?"
"I won't explain myself to a foodbag or a fleabag." A brief darkness flutters over Lachlan's features at your question, pinched at the edges. He doesn't glance to either you and Ewan, but waves a hand in your direction. "Tabaeus understands, deep down."
"Tabaeus?" Once more, you turn to look at your vampire, hoping to prompt more revelation. They refuse to look at you, at Lachlan, at Ewan. Their gaze has gone distant, averted. Something strains in their expression and you wonder if they've been accosted by triggering memories.
"They get this way whenever I mention their purpose," sighs Lachlan, shaking his head as if he is speaking about an ill-behaved child. "Now, I'm not a cruel master. I will give you time to say good-bye."
"And then what?" Enough suspicion was evident in Tabaeus's voice, you could picture them squinting their eyes critically at Lachlan.
That irritating smooth smile widens across the other vampire's lips. "And then we leave."
You hear Tabaeus swallow and their tone seems to lack confidence as they murmur, "And if I refuse to go?"
"Well, that will be such a pity, seeing as you live with two liabilities." Lachlan tapped a finger against his chin, eyes flickering to you and Ewan. You never realized how long and black his nails were before. His unwavering smile made your skin crawl. "Who are you willing to sacrifice first?"
Tabaeus snarls at the question, making you jump. You can feel their rage prickle along your back. In the short span of time it takes you to turn, a breeze passes by and you are shoved forward, away from Tabaeus. Their snarl is cut off in a choke. You gasp, stumbling only to be caught single-handedly by Ewan. As you turn, catch the sight of Lachlan backing Tabaeus to a far wall, hand around their throat.
The people around you don't even blink, don't even falter in their actions. You wildly wonder if Lachlan has some sort of cloaking power or if he managed to hypnotize all present with his mere presence. Vaguely, you sense Ewan's arm curl tighter around you, keeping you close.
One question resonates as you stare, frozen at the vampire: How old, how powerful, is this man?
"A good owner disciplines their pets when they misbehave." You hear the hiss-laden words even from the distance. Lachlan gives Tabaeus's throat a squeeze, another sound choking from your vampire's mouth. "Do not make me discipline you. That gets rather messy, doesn't it?"
Tabaeus glowers at Lachlan, before their gaze can take no more and they turn their face away. They refuse to look at you or Ewan. Shame rolls off them in waves as the other vampire pats their head with his free hand. "There's my good darling."
You and Ewan barely take a step forward, before Lachlan moves again. He bites his own free wrist with a sickening rending of flesh, and holds the dribbling wound to Tabaeus's lips. "Now, so your memories of me are fresh."
At first, they refuse to drink, turning their face further away from the offering, smearing strangely dark blood across their cheek. But Lachlan is not having that. His grip moves from Tabaeus's throat to their hair, knocking aside their bucket hat as he forces their mouth to his bleeding wound.
It doesn't take long for Tabaeus to succumb, to eagerly feed on the oozing blood. They lick the streams up first before latching onto the bite. Their eyes flutter closed, their hands reach to grip at Lachlan's arm, holding him close.
You're frozen in place, watching with nausea rolling in your stomach. Desperately, you look to Ewan, hoping he has some idea or answers. Heavy breaths make Ewan's chest rise and fall, his eyes scanning the area and the vampiric scene. Feeling your eyes on him, his gaze flickers to you and his expression is akin to a fearful dog in the face of a greater predator.
The silent look makes your skin crawl further, your stomach lurch.
"That's enough," Lachlan finally purrs over the grotesque slurping sounds of Tabaeus feasing on him. When Tabaeus refuses to let go, Lachlan yanks them by their hair with a snarl. "I said enough."
A pained gasp escapes Tabaeus as Lachlan hauls them away, blood oozing down his arm and down their chin. That sound seems to spur something in Ewan and he launches himself at the other vampire. You barely had a chance to jolt, a chance to raise your hand. As soon as Ewan makes contact with Lachlan, mingling snarls erupt just before the werewolf flies backward, across an aisle, into a shelf of books.
Books clattering around him, you can hear the wind escape Ewan's lungs. He isn't down for long, scrambling to his feet and baring his teeth, half-crouched and prepared for another strike. Despite the tension and adrenaline, he hasn't gone full wolf, though you're sure his stubble is thicker and his eyes far too inhumanly green.
Your attention flickers to the surrounding people. They still haven't seemed to notice anything and, if they had, Ewan was still human enough to not cause a stir.
Tabaeus, too, is back on their feet, swiping a hand over their chin. Their sunglasses sit askew, their red eyes alight and the whites of their eyes darkening at the edges.
Both fall still as Lachlan's arms suddenly clamp around you, his hand curling around the front of your throat. He was too fast to see, too fast for you and your shock-stricken brain to register. Or perhaps he has you enthralled as well, just less-so than the other unaware bystanders. His ice-cold touch burns and is unyielding to the point you, too, freeze in his grip. You barely even breathe.
"I can see you need time to understand your situation. I will give you a day, twenty-four hours, to say good-bye to your consorts." Disgust swirls inside you as Lachlan bends close, nosing along your throat. Tucked against Lachlan, it's strangely quiet and cold. No heartbeat, no breaths, no body heat. It's worse than Tabaeus, you muse as you hold your own breath.
"You should already be aware of the levity of the situation. But if not..." Lachlan yanks your head to the side, exposing your neck further. Sharp pinpoints dig into your throat, a threat that doesn't yet break skin. Your eyes snap shut as you steal yourself, feeling his amused breath play over your neck, "Well, I do enjoy the screams. Twenty-four hours, Tabaeus."
And like that, Lachlan is gone. Dissipating into shadows or just misting from existence, you're not sure. It is only after a few breaths, you realize the library's ambient sounds are returning along with heat and sunlight from the windows.
How did you not notice how quiet and cold it had gotten near Lachlan? Had it been that way in the diner? Your mind whirls, as if it has been electrified with jumper cables. Was that a powerful vampire's ability? Or was something else at play?
As your thoughts churn, Tabaeus - re-hatted - and Ewan crowd around you. Both ask you questions, visually check over your body, but you can't find enough words to answer them. You stare at the two for a long moment, before you realize you are shaking.
"Hey, it'll be okay, alright?" Ewan whispers, looping an arm around you. His head dips toward you, pressing his fluffy hair against you. His body heat is a blessing, cutting through the ungodly cold that has sunken to your bones.
You don't have a chance to respond as Tabaeus gathers you in their arms, as well. The odd cool-warmth of them easing Lachlan's cold from your body. Their grip on you is firm and fearful, almost quaking. Something holds them back from allowing themselves to tremble though. Some need to appear stronger than they feel.
Your heart lurches as the very thought crosses your mind.
"May we go home?" They ask quietly, still holding you close to their chest. You're crushed so tight to Tabaeus, you're not even sure if Ewan still has an arm wrapped around you.
Still unable to find words, unable to connect synapses to work your mouth, you nod with a noiseless whimper. The three of you are quick to leave the library, huddled close as you return to the safety of home.
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wonda-ch · 10 months
As a little holiday treat, I've posted my first original fic. 😏
Words: 2,075 Explicit
It is definitely nsfw, so watch out.
Tying the bond - Chapter 1 - Wonda_hc - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]
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artsybelle1015 · 2 years
Not Safe Here Pt. 2
“See?” Kalim uttered to the Prefect. “He’s out of it!”
“I am not,” Jamil disagreed, he was fine, there was no reason for him to be there; he began to remember how Kalim kicked him out and forced him the ramshackle dorm. There was a glare boring into Kalim, his breath quickening from the hatred he was feeling.
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Part One || Part Two
Warnings(!!!): gore, death, panic attacks, aggressiveness, SPOILERS FOR BOOK 4!!!
A slow blink came about, nothing was quiet anymore, nothing was blurry anymore. He heard voices discussing. What he saw down below was a wooden ground on the verge of breaking.
Snapping his head up, Jamil eyes laid upon Kalim and the Prefect.
For some reason, he was holding a bag and so was Kalim. Everything around him had an evening glow, strange, last time he checked it was bright as day out.
Wait, how much time has passed?
A snap of fingers quickly flashed over his face, it was very loud too that it made Jamil jump, backing away. He furrowed his brows and hunched over, glaring at Kalim for scaring him like that.
“See?” Kalim uttered to the Prefect. “He’s out of it!”
“I am not,” Jamil disagreed, he was fine, there was no reason for him to be there; he began to remember how Kalim kicked him out and forced him the ramshackle dorm. There was a glare boring into Kalim, his breath quickening from the hatred he was feeling.
Kalim backed away, seeming to be a little frightened, even the Prefect backed away.
Jamil face distorted back to numb. He did it again, he isn’t any better. Now everyone is scared of him, he will be alone forever. All he will ever be is Kalim’s servant. There’s no way he should go out into the real world anymore, all he would do is get angry and crave to abuse. He would overblot again and may never be pulled out.
Everything is unfair, he was still a complete failure. He could never look at his parents and sister again. What was the point in all of this? What was the point in his life? He can’t even serve.
Life was suppose to be him out of the spotlight, an average student, an average person.
His thoughts went silent for some time.
You quietly stared at Jamil sleeping on your couch.
The three ghosts and Grim were examining him as well. Grim shouting protests about him being here whilst the ghosts were thinking of activities to do as he stayed in this busted up house.
Sitting down at the table, your head began to pound, regretting the choice of bringing him in here. He wasn’t your problem, yet Kalim made you feel responsible for him even though he didn’t mean to. He kept begging and pleading, on the verge of tears for his friend. You felt obligated for sure.
When you saw Jamil about to lose it on your porch, that’s when you realized how hard this will be. He was mentally unstable.
Goddamn Crowley for not putting counselors or therapists on this god forsaken school. It wasn’t fair you were the one stuck being a therapist and caring for everyone while you were already about to break down too.
“Henchman!” hollered Grim, jumping up on the kitchen table at which you sat. “Let’s just send him to another dorm, I’m sure Azul would love to have him.”
Your nose scrunched, disgusted by that idea. Sure, they may be getting along better, but Jamil barely has in interest in Azul and was terribly annoyed with his existence, that would make Jamil lose it more. And you had already promised Kalim to take care of him, how could you break Kalim’s heart? He was a good guy towards all of you, he deserved some help especially after all he went through with the manipulation and hypnosis.
“No Grim, that’s a horrible idea,” you sighed.
“Is not?” he hissed. “That guys psycho!”
Thinking of a solution to get Grim to shut up, you decided to just bargain with the stubborn cat. “I will buy you that tuna you really wanted everyday for dinner if you suck this up.”
Grim paused, thinking on it. “Well, henchman, you think you can just bribe with me on this, how stupid you are, but I will take you up on it.” He was refusing to admit that he wanted to do it, of course. That’s how he always was.
No. No.
He was staring down at Kalim and the Prefect. Kalim was facing down, face hidden by the ground. The Prefect was breathing heavily, bleeding out.
Staring down at his hands, they were covered in blood, their blood specifically.
The Prefect kept a whimper, tryna stand a bit to get away, but their body couldn’t budge. There was a small crack, indicating many broken bones in their body. He did this to them.
Slowly turning to Kalim, he took some shaky steps. Crouching down, he saw no movements within Kalim’s body. His heart froze.
Without much of a choice, his arm reached out and turned Kalim’s face towards him.
Still movements, time froze. What stared back at him made the world stop. Now he could feel his heart, it was pounding, trying to break free of him, probably disgusted at the monster it kept alive.
Kalim, dulls eyes stared at him; his mouth ajar, spilling blood. Pale and cold, that’s how he felt, yet the blood covering the top of his head was warm and fresh.
Backing away, Jamil saw the world speed up. Everything spun but Kalim’s body, his dead eyes staring at him.
He saw people now, staring at him in horror. Glancing to the side, he saw Azul, Jade, and Floyd broadcasting this scene, laughing their heads off. It wasn’t funny, Kalim was dead, why wouldn’t anyone do anything?
Even though everyone was a blur, their eyes weren’t, they were boring into him.
The Prefect slowly stood up, like their bones weren’t broken and had no reaction to anything. Instead, there was an exhausted yet numb look. Mimicking the one he saw in the mirror. All the Prefect did was walk to the students of Octavinelle, Jade coaxing them into a hug as they all walked away.
Soon enough, everyone walked away, like they never saw a thing. Yet, Kalim body remained there, still dead.
The world fades to black, yet him and Kalim still remained.
He killed Kalim, he killed Kalim and overblotted. How could he do this—he was a monster. Looking back down at his hands, he finally saw behind the blood how different and dried up they were, he was in overblot. How did he not see that before?
Tears began to pool in his eyes, he hated Kalim yet was grieving his death. This was unexpected yet made sense.
He was thinking maybe it was because he swore to his family he would protect the eldest son of the Asim. But no, it wasn’t that. He wasn’t upset because of his family right now, he was upset because Kalim was dead and he was dead because of Jamil, not an assassin.
Covering his face, he let out a cry.
“Jamil.” a hasty voice rang out.
Lowering his hands, his pupils shrunk in horror as he watched Kalim stand up. He still looked like a corpse, but held a smile.
Walking over to Jamil, he hugged him, nuzzling into his shoulder. He killed Kalim- but Kalim was forgiving him.
“Are you stupid?” Jamil sobbed. “I killed you.”
Kalim only looked up and smiled to him, suddenly pushing him to the ground, but instead of a thump, Jamil fell through the floor.
He couldn’t see, when he tried to open his eyes, but it was all black and stung. This was ink, ink like from his overblot.
Throat now pooled up. He started to choke, to drown. Drown in the mess he made.
If only he had stayed quiet, this wouldn’t be his fate, it wouldn’t be Kalim’s fate. Things would’ve been okay and normal. Doesn’t matter how upset Jamil was, how much he hated his life, that past was better than what was happening now.
When he felt like he was about to be dragged to hell, he suddenly landed on solid ground.
Jamil eyes shot open, quickly he sat up and coughed up ink. He was covered from head to toe with the black substance, but he noticed he was in his school uniform and warm again. He was himself.
There was standing room, the ceiling about being flowing ink that stayed in place, refusing to drip down.
He decided to get up and looks around, the ink slowly fading off his body. Everything in his body calmed down, now wanting to explore this new place. He had always wanted to explore, it was one of his dreams, but he didn’t expect a blank gray space.
Maybe this was limbo, or possibly hell. Hell was associated with being hot and burning, yet this place was cold and empty. Was it a personal hell?
Well, he thought it was empty, but the sound of wailing proved otherwise. Quickly whipping around into that direction, Jamil almost tripped from the speed.
His eyes widened. It was Kalim’s mother who was wailing like her life depended on it. She was dressed in all black and being consoled by her husband.
Next to her stood all of Kalim’s younger siblings, some crying, some staring.
But the worst sight to see, was Jamil sister and parents there too, a pained and sorrow look on their faces.
Not only had he hurt Kalim, he hurt two whole families.
Guilt wallowed up, filling him to the core. He slowly walked over, steps heavy and loud, like there was a weight trying to stop him. No, he needed to apologize to Kalim, but his body was trying to refuse.
With each step the force made it harder until Jamil crashed under it. Smacking his face against the ground and his groan in pained caught attention.
His parents specifically, looked at him while everyone else seemed to have not noticed. There faces filled with hatred, hatred for their own child. Yet, there was pity and disappointment mixed in.
Slowly, everyone faded away. And Jamil sat there, helpless, unable to move even an inch. His eyes slowly shut in exhaustion.
Something was vibrating against his legs, the thing felt quite soft.
He didn’t want to open his eyes, he didn’t want to see this world again, yet he had to, he had to face hell and his punishment. But he had to… he needed to know what was against his leg.
When Jamil opened his eyes, all he saw was a normal ceiling. No ink, no gray, it was a warm brown and dusty. There was a hue of orange coming from his right, he glanced over to investigate and it was a fire.
The thing against his legs was the Prefect’s friend, Grim. Strange, Grim didn’t seem like the type to do this cat—like sort of thing, he was normally aggressive.
Looking back up at the ceiling, he realized it was just a dream. A nightmare actually.
He noticed too looking around with his eyes this was most likely the ramshackle dorm, considering that Grim was next to him and the place was worn down. The couch even felt scratchy.
Despite how disgusting this environment felt, he stayed glued to the couch, forced to lay down by his own body. Just like how it was in the dream but more comfy, it had a pillow and blanket at least, and was warm.
The ramshackle, why was he here? Did Kalim actually kick him out? Stupid question to ask, obviously. Yet he doesn’t remember entering or falling asleep. In fact, he couldn’t remember much, everything would go blank and then suddenly he would appear from place to place, his mind bombarding him about his failures and how worthless and pathetic he was. He kept thinking about ending up as overblot again, he didn’t want that to happen so he would force his body to numb the emotion.
Clearly, that didn’t work in his favor, because now the days were shortened.
Creaks from floorboards could he heard. Jamil’s heart races, he wanted to get up and leave, run away, but couldn’t. He really was stuck.
The footsteps creeped closer.
He shut his eyes, not wanting to see who is there. Fearing for his life now, fearing of the look he would get. Heart was pounding the same way as the dream, wanting to escape, wanting him dead.
There was a long pause, long yet quick.
Then, all he felt was the blanket being slightly lifted and pulled up more.
He was okay?
Finally drooping his eyes open, he saw the Prefect walking away.
Authors Note: I want to cry- tried to generalize the reader by going off what I felt as if most people felt playing the game plus some realism in how a person would feel in this situation, I promise the character you’re written as won’t be boring!
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rayanneisreading · 2 years
A Curse for True Love Second POV
Heads up, I think this is going to be long lol.
So we have confirmation now that Jacks is getting a few chapters in his POV.
I feel like these will be toward the end, since Stephanie only recently mentioned adding them, and she’s currently at the tail end of writing the first draft). STILL THEORISING ON WHAT KIND OF SCENES THEY COULD BE. 
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There’s still that main second POV we haven’t gotten confirmation on, though! I couldn’t find my screenshot of when Stephanie first announced it on her story, but I do know that EVERYONE’S first assumption was Apollo.
But shortly after, Stephanie posted another story saying that the second POV wasn’t as obvious as she thought it was, and that she hadn’t seen many people guessing it. I don’t know about you, but I think I saw EVERYBODY guessing Apollo. 
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I really don’t think an Apollo POV makes sense narratively. 
1. Apollo’s POV would give too much away — we didn’t know he had the power to take memories before he did it, and I think his POV would tell us too quickly who he really is (though I have a theory). 
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AND about his past with Jacks.
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Screenshot taken from @jackstheprinceofhearts because we didn’t have this edition in the UK :’).
I think this is something that would be more fun to discover, narratively, through Eva’s perspective, as she unravels the mystery of what really happened to her.
2. Apollo is our villain.
He’s keeping Evangeline and Jacks apart in this book. What’s the fun in knowing everything the villain will be scheming? I feel like a villain needs to stay unpredictable to surprise us (much like Jacks in the Caraval trilogy).
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3. Our no.1 POV will be from Evangeline’s perspective...but she doesn’t REMEMBER the events of the last two books.
Presumably, she’ll be stuck in the palace with Apollo. It wouldn’t make sense for Apollo to be the second POV here either, because he has no real idea about what happened too (I mean, he was cursed in various ways the entire time). AND he’s in exactly the same place as her, offering us no fresh angle on the story. HE will see everything Evangeline will see, and there’d be no NEED for his POV when she can share everything that goes on in the palace. 
What we need is an outside perspective of what’s happening, someone who has known Evangeline for the last two books, AND wants her to get her memories back. 
It’s not Jacks. And from the blurb, we know Apollo wants to kill Jacks and keep them apart so Eva doesn’t find out what she lost. Jacks will probably be kept away from Evangeline for at least the first 1/4 of the book.
So, to me, that means the second POV has to be someone who can show us Jacks’ side of things, without it being Jacks himself. Most importantly, at the end of Ballad, Jacks was READY to give up Evangeline. 
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So we need to see the process that leads to him fighting for her again instead. 
Without a second POV OUTSIDE of the palace (i.e., not Apollo), we probably wouldn’t be able to see Jacks at all for a good chunk of the book, and I doubt Stephanie wants that. 
So my guess is LaLa. 
Mostly because she’s a good plot device. She’s on the opposite side to Apollo, she’s friends with Evangeline, will want her to get her memories back, AND (mostly importantly) she’s friends with Jacks.
Chaos seems like he’d take too much attention away from the main plot to me. We don’t really know much about him, so I think FINDING out things about him would distract too much from Jacks and Evangeline. He seems like the perfect candidate for his own series tbh. His role reminds me a lot of Jacks in Caraval (and he seems like the kind of LI Stephanie would love to write — she loves vampires, after all).
Jacks would also NOT go to Chaos if he was in trouble, especially as we know he’ll be harbouring a grudge after what Chaos did to Eva in the other timeline. And an even greater one, if the blood on the arch means Chaos attacked JACKS instead the second time.
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But we know Jacks goes to LaLa when he’s in trouble. 
This is when the after-effects of the vampire venom leave him nearly passing out in the street.
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So he might ALSO go to her if he were injured by Chaos.
As well as this, LaLa already has a romance built into the plot, with her dragon shifter, Dane. Who would have been released from the arch at the end of Ballad.
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So her side plot as a POV character could only be REUNITING with Dane. I don’t think that would take much away from Evangeline and Jacks, as this is a pre-established romance that needs no build up. As opposed to the attention Chaos would steal. In fact, if she turns human again, seeing as the only reason she became a Fate was because she wanted to stop loving Dane — that would only make her all the more motivated to see Jacks happy too. They were friends as humans, after all. 
Don’t forget, Jacks also just gave up what he sees as his only chance at ‘happily ever after’ by using the stones to save Evangeline, instead of going back to Tella. He not only just watched her die, but he can’t even have her now he’s saved her, because he’s afraid HE’LL kill her. He will need someone to motivate him again.
I think LaLa will be the one to realise something is wrong with Evangeline and that she’s in danger, spurring Jacks to action. 
Maybe LaLa will want to thank Evangeline for opening the arch and giving her back Dane. But will realise her friend doesn’t remember her at all.
This way, we’re not starting from ground 0 again, with only Evangeline’s POV, and the relationship development between her and Jacks completely erased. If we only had Evangeline and Apollo’s POV, not knowing ANY of the prior plot, the whole book could’ve turned into a stream of “who’s this”, “wait, what happened?”.
If we have LaLa, we can see Jacks suffer. We can see how he will REALLY react to learning she’s forgotten him. We can see how cocky he is to Evangeline’s face (his whole “you can’t stay away from me” shtick), with it then skipping to LaLa’s POV where Jacks is crying into his apple cores. Y’know. That sounds a lot more fun to me than an Apollo POV. 
AND just because it’s dual POV doesn’t mean they’ll be equally weighted dual POVs. The fact Jacks also has a few chapters just reinforces this for me. I think Evangeline will take precedent, and the second POV could be more of a plot device to build up to an EvaJacks reunion, showing us the situation from both sides. 
AND we know there will be more scenes in the Hollow. 
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So maybe Evangeline will realise there’s something wrong with Apollo and run away with Jacks to find a solution?? Maybe I should write my theories for the actual plot in another post because this is getting LONG, BUT —
I don’t think the second POV is Apollo!
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"Out of the Shadows"
Aizawa and Class 1a x ftm!bullied!student!reader
Part 2
Tw: violence, purposely deadnaming and misgendering, internal transphobia
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"Oh shit, I'm gonna be late" You curse and quickly run to your homeroom class, when you got there you took a deep breath.
You slowly opened the door, forcefully pushing down the anxiety inside of your body. Everyone looked towards you, you thought you were going to collapse on the ground from the embarrassment.
"Everyone look at me, not at him. Y/n, sit down at your desk." Aizawa says, keeping an eye on you for for your body actions and behaviour.
He thought it was incredibly surprising, you haven't been late for the whole year you'd been there, though the curious-ness wasn't even slightly portrayed on his face.
After homeroom, Mic walked in energetically, ready to teach class 1a. Aizawa signaled for you to come outside with him, Midoriya saw and looked at you from across the classroom.
You hesitated, but you got up in the end and went outside with him. Nobody else saw because they were too focused on what Mic was saying.
"Let's walk and talk" He said as he started walking along the corridor, you walked beside him, confused as to what he wanted to talk to you about AND where you were going.
"I'm not going to beat around the bush Y/n, Midoriya told me yesterday that there was a dispute between you, Minato and his friends. I need you to be honest with me here, is something going on?" Aizawa said as he slid open the door to the staff room, revealing Vlad, Midnight and AllMight doing work at there computers.
"Nah, I'm fine really. It was just a little argument but it's been sorted. I'm fine" You say, lying straight to your teachers face though it was worthit, you didn't want anymore problems than you already had.
Aizawa knew you were lying to him but still said
"Alright, could you help me sort out these papers please, they're kind of stacking up?" He asked, just trying to make you stay away from the class, knowing they would pester you about what happened.
All the teachers looked up in amazement that he was asking you to help him do something. Aizawa never asks anyone to do anything let alone a student. Even at your own amazement you still agreed to do it, how bad could it be to help out a teacher.
For the next hour or so, you and Aizawa sorted out some paperwork and had a nice conversation then before you realised it, the lunch bell rang and you were about to leave but Aizawa stopped you and said
"If you ever need any help just come to me and I'll be open" he gave you a small smile and you smiled back at him and left, going to meet Midoriya and Uraraka who were probably eating in the cafeteria.
You hurried towards the cafeteria, enticed by the delicious smell of food. Hoping for a less crowded lunchtime, you walked with urgency until someone called out to you.
"Hey! You fucking female. Turn around and face some real mean for once." You recognised the voice of the person, Riku. And standing right behind him was Asahi. Though you weren't going to back down.
"What the hell do you want!" You shouted at them from across the corridor.
"We want your money" Riku says as he advanced upon you, with a big smirk on his face.
"No way, get away from me" You said as he stood right in your face and tried to grab you but you elbowed him in the chest and ran....again. you were so weak for doing that, even a real man could of fought.
You snapped right out of your thoughts and kept running, startled, you hurriedly made your way forward, turning corners quickly, until you unintentionally ran into the entrance of the men's locker room.
You heard a couple boys talking around the corner and you thought you were safe until you saw Minato and Haruki talking and laughing before Haruki spotted you peeking around the corner of the changing rooms.
He pointed to you and Minato turned to you, you quickly exited the locker rooms but Riku and Asahi were about 10 meters away from the locker room and they saw you.
They ran towards you, you stood there for 5 seconds pondering your options, they were going to do something to you anyways so you ran back into the locker rooms, where Minato and Haruki were waiting for you.
Just then Riku and Asahi ran into the locker rooms.
And then you realised, you were doomed.
"Riku, you brought him for me. That's nice." Minato said as he pushed you down against the floor of the locker room, you sat up, looking scared but hateful at them.
"Go on then, do whatever you want with his stuff but just don't hurt him, that's my job" Minato laughed and the rest of the group pounced on you like some sort of animal and started searching your pockets for cash flinging you stuff out the way and harassing you.
!The scene isn't finished there so the next part will be a continuation of the end scene!
Hey guys, that was part 2. If I think about it, they're may be a part 4 if not then enjoy the last part that's coming tomorrow.
This hasn't been edited and I was so tired when I made this so don't expect it to be great and good.
By the way, some smut is approaching so stick around for that.
If you liked it drop me a follow and a like
And remember
Drink some water and wat some food, you deserve it :DD
It's 2:43 am, Zyler signing out
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bjugnakraekir · 12 days
wouldnt 2pov games be like point-and-clicks or text games? where you pick an option and the game describes what you do? something like undertale or even zork
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saeugen · 1 year
how simon “ghost” riley wifed you up .
simon didn’t know when he fell in love with you.
he never even knew it was possible he could fall in love with someone like you— someone so bright, so happy, so adored.
but when he had snapped at you, shouting all kind of obscenities, you said nothing.
you just flashed the softest, sweetest smile he’d ever seen.
with that honeycomb voice of yours, you muttered a shy apology.
and despite his insults— which he very much regrets— you stayed kind to him.
and he folded.
it wasn’t long ‘till he straightened himself up and mumbled a stubborn apology.
it wasn’t long ‘till he made it up to you by buying you dinner.
it wasn’t long ‘till those dinners became dates , and you slept over quite frequently.
and it wasn’t long ‘till you were mrs. riley , the mother to his children.
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Purlhew (Blue) Masterlist
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Please read the rules before requesting!
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(Request) [Fluff] Purl-Hew X (Chatty) Reader - Headcanons [Fluff] Purlhews reaction to receiving flowers from his S/O
[Fluff] Purl-Hew X Female Reader - Rain [Fluff/Lime] Purl-Hew x Female Reader - Lazy Morning Pt 1 - [Smut] Pt 2
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curiouselleth · 9 months
The third round of chapters is posted!!! 5 chapters altogether!
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Additional Tags: Choose Your Own Adventure, Darkening of Valinor, First Kinslaying (Tolkien), POV Second Person, Valinor, Additional Warnings In Author's Note Series: Part 1 of Be He Foe or Friend Summary:
In this fanfic you read the about the events of the Silmarillion as if you are witnessing them as Lalwen, daughter of Finwe. You get to make choices that influence the story at key points, starting in Valinor before the darkening. This is my first fic I've ever posted so I'm trying to stay on the safe side with tagging, I'll try to put warnings on more intense chapters.
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