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seblaineworld · 1 year ago
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
Yes, sadly that's it for another year, Seblainers! From the bottom of my heart, I just want to thank each and every one of you who took part in our marathon 10 Days Of Seblaine. It was a huge ask for me to have to reschedule the event following my mum being hospitalised in the summer, and I've been so touched by all your lovely and kind messages of support.
I know everyone has asked to be kept updated on Mum, so I'm happy to report she's doing really well and is back to her usual self.
As some of you may have noticed, it's just me running SeblaineWorld now. It has been for a while. Our lovely Lisa had an exciting career path change that meant she could no longer commit to helping out, and then even more excitingly - she got married! So I'm sure you'll join me in wishing her all the best for the future, and I personally would like to thank her for being an awesome friend, for all her hard work, and for being a wonderful co-admin while I had her!
The incredible @seblaineaffairs ladies left behind them very, very big shoes to fill, and while you didn’t get your usual Seblaine Week this year, and things were chaotic and very different with us combining Seblaine Week 2023 with Seblainiversary 2023, it was important to me that our tiny (but always fierce!) community got its chance to celebrate our beautiful boys, and I really do hope you all enjoyed the bumper event. I've been overwhelmed by the amazing contributions from you all, and while I haven’t had a chance to sit down with a glass of wine and read any of the new and updated WIP fics yet - that's what I'll be doing over the Holidays. Well that, and putting together the Masterpost for 10 Days Of Seblaine 2023!
I truly hope I managed to do justice to the event, and thank you all again. All that remains for now is for me to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season, and I'll see you all in February for Seblainintine's Weekend 2024! We'll also of course have Seblaine Week 2024 - back to its usual slot in the summer and Seblainiversary 2024, next November, when we'll be celebrating a jaw-dropping 13 years since our gorgeous boys first caught our interest!
I love you all so much.
Ail 💜
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seblaineaffairs · 1 year ago
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Seblaine Week 2022 - Masterpost*
What a way for @seblaineaffairs to go out, with a WHOPPING 70+ NEW ENTRIES IN THIS FANDOM! Big thanks to everyone who contributed to making this an AH-MAZING week yet again, for all your continued love and support honestly we’re getting better with age.
Below is a handy list of everything posted over the past week. Give it a peak, leave it some love, like, reblog, or kudo!
day 1 - reunion
fic: 2am, Who Do You Love? by @why-therapy-when-ships (ao3)
fic + graphic: And All This Time You Held My Heart by @seblaineaddict (ao3)
fic: Begin Again by @andyandersmythe (ao3)
fic: Burn Baby Burn (8) by @pseudowoodo (ao3)
fic: Cities of Love by @nightbirdssidekick (ao3)
fic: Dalton Boys by @akfanficlove (ao3)
fic: Every Night that Summer Just to Seal My Fate by @endiness (ao3)
fic: Gardens of March by @arwenp (ao3)
fic: I'm Proud of You Today by @wren-stirlinglove (ao3)
fic: Journey's End by @imogenlefay (ao3)
fic: You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home by @mollyellee (ao3)
fic: Reconnection by @sperrywink (ao3)
fic: Royal Purple and Dove Gray by @whatdiditellyouflawless (ao3)
fic: The Beat that Won't Leave Me by @xonceinadream (ao3)
fic: The Scent of Home by @anisstaranise (ao3)
day 2 - amnesia/memory loss
fic: Amnesia by @imogenlefay (ao3)
fic: And When I Felt Like An Old Cardigan by @andyandersmythe (ao3)
fic: Champagne Supernova by @lusthurts (ao3)
fic: Didn't Mean to Fall by @merry_mint (ao3)
fic: Forget Me, Forget Me Not by @arwenp (ao3)
fic: I'd Move the Earth and Lose the Fight by @xonceinadream (ao3)
fic: Soon You'll Get Better by @akfanficlove (ao3)
fic: What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You by @endiness (ao3)
graphic + fic: A Month to Remember by @seblaineaddict
day 3 - detective au
fic: Celebrity Island by @merry_mint (ao3)
fic: Champagne Supernova by @lusthurts (ao3)
fic: Charade by @merry_mint (ao3)
fic: Dissecting the Details by @justapassingglance (ao3)
fic: He Was A Detective, He Was A Musician by @arwenp (ao3)
fic: I've Been the Archer, I've Been the Prey by @andyandersmythe (ao3)
fic: The Best They'd Ever Seen by @mollyellee (ao3)
fic: The Case of the Missing Diary by @xonceinadream (ao3)
gifset by @endiness
graphic: We Are Detective by @seblaineaddict
day 4 - free
fanart by @amy-arts
fic: Cities of Love by @nightbirdssidekick (ao3)
fic: Coffee Order by @imogenlefay (ao3)
fic: Flour Powder by @akfanficlove (ao3)
fic: Half and Half Makes One by @arwenp (ao3)
fic: Safe and Sound by @andyandersmythe (ao3)
fic: Some Nights (I Hold You Close) by @mollyellee (ao3)
fic: When You Cry Diamonds, Yeah, They Shine by @xonceinadream (ao3)
gifset by @endiness
graphic: Dancing in the Light by @seblaineaddict
day 5 - time travel
fic: Back to November by @jammie3132 (ao3)
fic: Keeping Time by @merry_mint (ao3)
fic: Like There's No One Else But Us by @xonceinadream (ao3)
fic: The Devil's in the Details by @andyandersmythe (ao3)
fic: The Past Stays in the Past by @arwenp (ao3)
fic: Thirty, Flirting, and... Thriving? by @wren-stirlinglove (ao3)
fic: Time's Arrow by @nightbirdssidekick (ao3)
fic: Today, Forever by @mollyellee (ao3)
fic: When the Dance Is Over by @akfanficlove (ao3)
fic: Yesterday by @amy-arts (ao3)
graphic: The Quantum Bridge by @seblaineaddict
day 6 - exes with benefits
fanmix by @secretseblaineshhhhh
fic: A Season Finale (This Isn't A Breakup) by @justapassingglance (ao3)
fic: Back to You by @mollyellee (ao3)
fic: I Didn't Know What I Was by @xonceinadream (ao3)
fic: I Won't Let Go by @akfanficlove (ao3)
fic: In the End They Always End Up Together Anyway by @arwenp (ao3)
fic: The Way I Loved You by @lusthurts (ao3)
fic: We Never Go Out of Style by @andyandersmythe (ao3)
gifset by @endiness
graphic: It's (Very!) Complicated by @seblaineaddict
day 7 - years and years/years later
fic: A Single Thread of Silver by @akfanficlove (ao3)
fic + graphic: A Most Unexpected Turn of Events by @seblaineaddict (ao3)
fic: Are We Out of the Woods Yet? by @andyandersmythe (ao3)
fic: Hold the Line by @nightbirdssidekick (ao3)
fic: Kiss Me Like Your Ex is in the Room by @xonceinadream (ao3)
fic: No No Never by @imogenlefay (ao3)
fic: No Time Like the Present by @lostintheread (ao3)
fic: Of Complicated Internships and Long Summers by @arwenp (ao3)
fic: Something More by @lusthurts (ao3)
fic: To the Future by @mollyellee (ao3)
gifset by @anisstaranise
*Entries are organized by (alphabetic) type, then title, then username. Titles link to tumblr posts, other links are self-explanatory. Please do let us know if we missed anything, or if any links are wrong/broken.
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endiness · 3 years ago
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Seblaine Week 2022 | @seblaineaffairs | Day Four: Free Day “Maybe In Another Universe, I Deserve You” by Gaby Dunn
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anisstaranise · 3 years ago
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“Thank you...”
For @seblaineaffairs Seblaine Week 2022. Day 7: Years and Years.
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seblaineaddict · 3 years ago
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Seblaine Week 2022
Day 6: Exes With Benefits
It's (Very!) Complicated
In truth, my heart actually sank when I read that this theme won out over some amazing other options this year, because I seriously HATE this trope... So I decided to write it from a different angle.
Since many of you know me sooo well, it won't surprise you that this one will have a very happy ending.
In this fic outline having dated for only 6 months in their early twenties, (they split because Blaine wasn't over Kurt, and Bas found it difficult to feel like he was second-best, on top of him not yet being emotionally mature enough to handle a monogamous relationship), the fic starts off with them accidentally reuniting 2 years after splitting up.
They hook up and realise just how much they have missed each other - not that they tell each other that! They decide the morning after when they're curled around each other after round 5, that they should become friends (or rather Exes!), with benefits, but both are free to sleep with anyone else as well. They make it a golden rule though, that if either of them falls in love with someone new, they'll instantly end their arrangement, as it wouldn't be fair on the new person.
They've been sleeping together again for 8 months, until inevitably, when a guy seems to have caught Blaine’s eye in a pretty serious way, a very jealous Bas acts out and they have a blazing row.
After not speaking for a month, Santana, who's had quite enough of their mutual pining, intervenes and tries to drill some sense into them both, gently suggesting that it's obvious their arrangement is no longer working for them, since it's clear they can't sleep with each other without deep-rooted feelings getting in the way.
Furiously in denial, the idiotsinlove are determined to prove Santana wrong. They separately ask her to set up a meeting between them, so she decides to play Cupid and tells each that the other had suggested the meeting place, and has them meet at the Gay Club they were reunited at.
They can barely keep their hands off each other after a few drinks, and are soon in a Taxi to Bas' house where they both state,
"This is the last time we EVER do this!"
But when Blaine confesses that he couldn't date the guy who was interested in him cause he wasn't Bas, Sebastian pushes him away telling him he loves him so much, but can’t give him what he wants.
Blaine is heartbroken (as is Bas!), and while they have both caught feelings all over again, they try to move on.
(Very) long story short, after a lot of Angst and turmoil, and a very emotionally-charged reunion, they decide they hate being Exes, get back together and run off to Paris to get married, after Bas tells Blaine he loves him more than he can ever quantify, that Blaine is his home, and that he needs to be able to tell him that every single day for the rest of their lives.
**This one will probably be published in the next couple of months, but in the meantime this is the title Graphic.** 💜
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mollyellee · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe, The Warblers (Glee) Series: Part 1 of Seblaine Week 2022 Summary:
Blaine sits in on Warbler practice and helps Sebastian refine his teaching style.
(sadly, this is not innuendo, just a cute little drabble)
posted for @seblaineaffairs Seblaine Week 2022: Day 1 Reunion!  Just something small to get things started :) special shoutout to Hannah Montana for the title
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imogenlefay · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Sebastian Smythe, Blaine Anderson Additional Tags: Seblaine Week 2022, day 4: free day, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Sebastian the barista, Featuring the Klaine Breakup, (Which one?), Mentions of New Directions characters, Coffee, (duh), Fluff, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together Series: Part 3 of Seblaine Week 2022 Summary:
Working as a barista, Sebastian has enough to deal with without Santana bringing in her theater nerd friends - even if at least one of them is pretty enough. Things change, when said pretty boy gets dumped at the Coffee Shop.
One random act of kindness starts a quest to cheer up Blaine, find him a new coffee order without strings tied to it, and may lead not only to a new friendship, but possibly more.
Written for Seblaine Week @seblaineaffairs
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akfanficlove · 3 years ago
Seblaine Week is finally here and this is my first contribution 🙌 Thank you @seblaineaffairs for organizing this again. I can’t wait to ahow you all what I've done and to finish the week with dozens of new fics to read.
For Day 1 "Reunion", I wrote "Dalton Boys": What if... Blaine was invited for the 10-year-reunion at Dalton and turns Sebastian Smythe's "Maybe we could be something" into a solid "We most definitely probably could be a thing, I guess"?
Read the whole thing here.
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jammie3132 · 3 years ago
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Story Summary: Tragedy derails every plan Blaine made for himself, but an unexpected new mentor leads him to a new path. While it gives him purpose, this change does nothing to stop the gut-wrenching pain he lives with every day.
Years (and years) later, what will Blaine do when he's given the opportunity to go back in time and “fix” everything?
Seblaine Week 2022: Day 5 (Time Travel) & Day 7 (Years & Years)
Warning: Major character deaths (x2) but this is a story about TIME TRAVEL…so, deep breath
Chapter Title: November 8, 2012 Chapter Summary: Exactly one year after finding Sebastian, Blaine loses him Chapter Note: Neither Time Travel or Years & Years show up in this chapter Warnings: Read tags & Notes
Author’s Note: This story will have a MCU tie-in (but not a crossover). The idea came to me after seeing the photo of a friend, myself and Jeremy Renner hanging in my office. This is dedicated to that friend. Thanks again @sperrywink
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lusthurts · 3 years ago
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Language: English Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe, Nick Duval/Jeff Sterling Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe, Nick Duval, Jeff Sterling, Thad Harwood, Trent Nixon, Original Male Character Additional Tags: Exes, they’re very horny twenty-somethings, toxic relationship (but in a fun way), infidelity, but like it’s not infidelity because it’s casual™, they both sort of have a thing for public sex, exes to lovers
Sebastian and Blaine dated for three chaotic years, and all they did was fight. Now, six months after their breakup, Blaine's finally starting to see someone new. But when he reunited with Sebastian at a former Warbler's wedding, he remembers how much he missed his physical chemistry with Sebastian. So the natural next step is a casual exes with benefits relationship.
There’s a thorough author’s note at the top of the fic that you can check out for more info! Hope you enjoy :) 
Written for Seblaine Week 2022 @seblaineaffairs
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pseudowoodo · 3 years ago
fandom: glee pairing: blaine/sebastian summary: au where the fire that burns Dalton Academy to the ground in s6 happens a few years early, forcing Sebastian to finish his junior year at McKinley. s3 rewrite from 3x14 onward.
chapter eight: it’s all coming back to me words: 5000
Seblaine Week 2022 - Day 1: Reunion - @seblaineaffairs
“Okay guys, listen up,” Mr. Shue says once they’ve all gathered back at the hotel after lunch. “They’ve posted the starting order for tomorrow and… we’ll be going first!”
He’s doing his best to sound excited but his smile looks more like a grimace and no one is fooled.
There are groans and gasps. Tina starts crying and Rachel buries her face in Finn’s arm as Kurt grimly intones, “The Death Slot.”
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secretseblaineshhhhh · 3 years ago
@seblaineaffairs I wanted to do something for my first and *i'm pretty sure* last seblaine week:). so i created a playlist for the prompt Exes with Benefits. thank you for all you've done
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endiness · 3 years ago
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Seblaine Week 2022 | @seblaineaffairs | Day Three: Detective AU Sebastian Smythe is a private detective hired to find Blaine Anderson, an up-and-coming lounge singer, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. As he searches for him and the case grows more dangerous, Sebastian finds himself falling in love with a man he's never even met. Noir AU.
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anisstaranise · 3 years ago
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the scent of home. seblaine | G | 600+ words | A/B/O dynamics.
Written for @seblaineaffairs​ Seblaine Week 2022 | Day 1: Reunion.
Sebastian, after being away on business, is eager to return home.
Read on AO3.
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mollyellee · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Post-Slushie Incident, Apologies, Lost Love, Eyepatch Blaine Series: Part 3 of Seblaine Week 2022 Summary:
post-"Bad" slushie incident, Sebastian tries to salvage the relationship he and Blaine had built. But the pain in his eye (and most importantly, in his heart), reminds Blaine it might just be too late for that.
written for @seblaineaffairs Free Day, a sad contemplative one that I choose to believe is canon xx
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imogenlefay · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Sebastian Smythe, Blaine Anderson Additional Tags: Seblaine Week 2022, day 1: reunion, ...loosely, Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, Voyager AU Series: Part 1 of Seblaine Week 2022 Summary:
Star Trek Voyager AU. After a seven year journey, they have finally returned to Earth. Sebastian isn't quite ready to say goodbye to it yet. One last night at Sandrine's leads to a lot of thinking about home, about regret, and of course, about Blaine.
  Here he was, in an empty holographic bar at the end of what might have been the best part of his life, feeling empty and tired and bitter, with no idea how his future would turn out, or even begin. If that didn’t warrant another swig of 300 year old simulated cognac, he didn’t know what did.
“I had a feeling I would find you here.”
For Seblaine Week 2022 @seblaineaffairs
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