#sebastian stan x latina! reader
sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
Remember Me
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Bucky Barnes X Mutant Female Reader!Latina
A/N: This story is something that is near my heart. Not only is it a part of my culture but a character in the story is based on someone I lost many years ago. If there are any words that are in Spanish I will translate them. I really hope you enjoy this story. Also credit to Nix on Instagram for the Bucky edit. 
Warnings: Tiny bit of sadness, fluff galore
Being a part of the avengers has been a dream of yours since you were a teenager. Ever since you developed special powers at the age of 13. You've always sensed that you had a connection with animals, when you turned 13 all of a sudden when you woke up one morning with your dog CJ staring at you with a tilted head like he was waiting for something. 
You ruffled his ears and through your mind you could hear him say “i like when you do that, thank you y/n.” then you said “you’re welcome buddy.” That's when you freaked out and fell off your bed just staring at your dog. From then on you learned on your own to hone your powers and find a way to be recruited by the avengers. By the time you were 25 you caught the eye of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Someone had filmed you out in the forests of northern New York helping a wolf that was injured, fitting that the wolf had white fur. 
They couldn't believe what they saw, you approached the wolf with no fear looking at his leg that was injured and reaching for your backpack and taking out med supplies to clean his wound and wrap it up. Before the wolf walked away he came up to you and bowed his head to touch yours as a thank you for saving him and he turned to walk away and howled. Telling the other packs that she was a helper and to trust her. 
They had to find out more about you, they tracked you down a few days later walking the same forest but this time you had an animal walking with you like he was your pet. They didn't approach you too quickly so as to not scare you or your pet which was a beautiful reddish brown wolf. You could sense them and once they were in your peripheral vision looking forward you spoke to them. “ It's ok, Apollo won't bite unless I tell him to.” That's when they came out from behind a tree and introduced themselves. Apollo sat next to you as they came towards you to introduce themselves. You locked eyes with Bucky and it's like you could feel a pull towards him, but shook your head to put that in the back of your mind for another time. They asked you how you were able to take care of that wolf and if you had any fighting skills. You demonstrated by bending down and looking Apollo in the eyes and speaking to him through your mind to have him go up to Sam and put his paws on his chest and lick his face. The look on his face was one of horror then amazement. You told them you have the power of animal manipulation and empathy, also you took jiu jitsu for several years and are a black belt. They asked you to come be a part of the avengers from that day on. That was 2 years ago and you couldn't be happier, forming a great friendship with Sam and Bucky as well as Clint when he wasn’t back home with his family. 
You are a proud latina and love showing the guys your culture, but one you have kept to yourself. Around Halloween you started getting a few deliveries to the compound, and Bucky was very curious about them. He thought they may be Halloween decorations but when you got a flower delivery, that piqued his interests. He didn't think you had a boyfriend otherwise you would have said something, but these were not regular flowers for a girlfriend they were small orange flowers. He didn't want to impose so he watched from afar, while you took them into your room. Halloween came and went and no decorations so 2 days after that he knocked on your door to find out what was up. 
You had been held up in your room all morning making sure your ofrenda was perfect. You had about 5 famed pictures and all your offerings set up in front of them. Flower pedals from your marigolds all over and a few in vases, candles were lit and your rosary laid out front. As you were finishing up you heard a knock at your door, you stood up and opened your door to find Bucky standing there looking a little sheepish with a crooked little smile. 
“Hi Bucky, what can I do for you?”  
“Well the other day I saw you were getting a few deliveries and wanted to know what you had gotten? I thought they were decorations but you didn't put any out and then the flowers confused me.”
You look at him with a sweet smile and think to yourself, might as well show him.
“Come on in buck and I’ll show you.” He passed by you and when he looked to his right he saw something he had never seen before.
“You guys know how I'm Mexican-American and love showing you guys all that entails? Well this is one I've kind of kept from you guys but I think it's time to show you.”
“What is this and who are… is that Tony and Natasha?”
“This Is called an ofrenda, in my culture november 2nd is Dia de los Muertos (day of the dead) you make an altar with marigolds and framed photos of those in your family or friends who have passed on and place their favorite things on it as an offering.”
He takes everything in as he looks at it. You have some frozen blueberries in front of Tony's picture, and somehow you found some of Natasha's widow bites as well. 
“Who are these people?” “That is my nana and tata and abuelo and abuelita (grandparents)”
“And the little boy?”
Front and center is a picture of a 2 year old boy with sparkling brown eyes and a smile that could rival Bucky's. With a shaky breath and small tear falling down your cheek, you tell him.
“That's my son. I lost him when he was 2 years old. He was the light of my life.”
Bucky turned to you and engulfed you in a big hug. You cried silent tears as did Bucky. While still holding you Bucky spoke. 
“Why didn't you say you had a son?”
“It's still hard to talk about him, but when I do I can't shut up about him.” You giggle a little at that.
“Well if you're willing to, I'd like to know about him?”
That's how you went on an hour long talk with Bucky about your son, when something popped into your head.
“Can I ask you something? If it's too personal just let me know, okay?” “Sure anything for you.” You blushed a little bit. 
“Do you know where your family is buried?” He looks off like he's about to shut down, but looks back at you with fondness in his eyes.
“Yeah, they are in Brooklyn, but i haven't gone to see them yet. Why do you ask?”
“Only if you would like to, since i can't be at my son's burial i’d like to visit your family and celebrate this day with them, only if you're okay with that?” 
Biting your bottom lip in anticipation of a hard no, he stands up and extends his hand out to you. “Is there anything we have to do before we go there?” With a smile on both your faces, you take his hand and head out. But not before you blow out the candles on the ofrenda. Don't want to start a fire. You asked Bucky what his mom, dad and sister liked, while gathering some of your flowers to place on their graves. He said his dad liked cheap cigars, his mom loved to bake and all he can remember from his sister Rebecca is that she used to carry around a teddy bear when she was little. As you headed to the garage, Bucky went straight for his motorcycle. 
“Is it okay if we take the bike?” “Hell yeah, as long as we have a place to put our stuff?” With a wink and a smile he had you put on a helmet and then he got on the bike. He patted the back and you swung over your leg and sat down. 
“Make sure to hold on tight, don't want you falling off angel.” 
He revved the engine a bit and that's when you snaked your arms around him and laid your head on his back. He grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze and off he was. Feeling the wind on your face and holding on to Bucky gave you a sense of peace. Weaving in and out of lanes you both head into Brooklyn. Your first stop is a small bodega near the cemetery. To your luck you were able to find what you came for, even a small bear with a blue bow around its neck to match Bucky's eyes. When he picked up the bear he had a sad look on his face. 
“Are you sure you're okay with this? We can head back home if this is too much?”
“No no it's ok, it's just I didn't realize how much I missed my sister.” You give him a hug from behind and hold him tight. You turn to face him and give him a smile, which he returns. After paying for your items, you ride the next few blocks to the cemetery. When you arrive you are pleasantly surprised to see several families gathered around various graves. It makes your heart swell knowing that you can do this Bucky. “Do you know where they are and are they all together?” “Yeah they are just over in the direction.” You pass by a few families on your way, and greet them as you pass by. Once you pass a big oak tree Bucky stops, there in front of you is George & Winifred Barnes as well as next to them is Rebecca buried with her husband. As Bucky stands there you get to work. You start laying the marigolds all around the headstones and once they are perfect you place a few candles and start lighting them. Next you grab the bag from the bodega and place a box of 3 cigars, a small pie and the teddy bear. After you made sure everything was in its place you kneeled there just admiring it. You look over your shoulder and look up at Bucky, you left up your hand for him to take and he kneels next to you. 
“This is your family so if you want some time alone I can just stand a few feet away.” Before you get up he stops you and gives you a hug, “No please stay, I want to introduce you.” “I would love that.”
“Hey ma, dad i know i should have visited sooner but better late than never. I want to introduce you to someone, this is y/n she's an avenger like me and she can talk to animals and they understand her.” 
“Hi Mr & Mrs Barnes it's an honor to meet the people responsible for raising such an amazing man.” You both look at each other like you're the only 2 around. After a few more seconds he looks to his right at Rebecca's headstone.  “Hey Becca, you have no idea how much I miss you little sister.” As he is trying to compose himself you rub his back reassuring him you are there for him. Taking a shaky breath he starts to speak to her again. “Becca this is y/n, I think you two would have gotten along really well.” “Hey Becca, it's great to meet you. I bet you have some great stories about your brother.” With a mischievous smile you both start to laugh a little bit. 
“If you don't mind, I'd like to say a little prayer for them? Are you alright with that?”
“Sure, go ahead.” You take out your rosary and begin a simple prayer.
“Descanso eterno, concédeles, oh señor, y brille para ellos la luz perpetua. Que las almas de todos los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz Amén.” (Eternal rest, grant unto them, oh lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace Amen.) As you spoke the prayer, Bucky couldn't keep his eyes off you. You spoke so beautifully, all he could think of that moment is how much he wanted to kiss you. “What did you just say? It sounded so beautiful?” Bowing your head , you told him. “Basically I was praying that your family find their light and find a peaceful and eternal rest.”  You turned to look at him and he had this look in his eyes, like he found his own peace right here with you. He moves closer to you holding your face in his hands. He wipes a tear you don't notice falling, and looks at your lips and then back to your eyes. You do the same, as that magnet starts pulling you both closer. It's stronger than ever and finally your lips collide in a soft but passionate kiss. You bring your hands up to hold on to his shoulders to ground yourself. Bucky moves his hands down your arms and to your back and brings your bodies closer. He licks your bottom lip and you moan giving him permission for his tongue to enter. The kiss get hungrier and you bring your hands to his hair and scratch his scalp and he moans into the kiss. You smile into the kiss knowing you did that to him. You both break from the kiss each holding the other's face, two goofy smiles then a bit of laughter. 
“I never thought our first kiss would be in a cemetery in front of my parents headstones” You both laugh again. “Me either but here we are. Sometimes when the time is right you just know.” “Come on angel, let's gather this stuff up and I’ll take you dinner, how does that sound?” “Oh definitely, I'm starving.” 
After a dinner of burgers and fries at a local diner, you make your way back to the compound. It seems to take a little longer this time, you notice he's taking the long way home thinking he doesn't want the night to end just yet. Once you see the buildings in the distance your day is coming to an end. You don't want to let go once he parks his motorcycle in the garage. You both just sit on the bike for another 5 minutes just keeping him in your embrace. He turns his head to look at you and you lock eyes ending up in a kiss that takes your breath away. His left hand is in your hair wanting you to be closer to him. You are able to swing your left leg in front of him and straddle him on the front of the bike. He takes the helmet off, never breaking the kiss. After several minutes of your hot motorcycle make out session. You pull away, lips swollen, chests heaving, both of you have lust blown eyes. You break the silence first. “Wow!” 
“Yeah, I've never kissed on a motorcycle before. We should do that more often, that was hot” You put your head on his chest and start laughing. All of a sudden you hear Apollo howl. “Well that's my cue, he needs to be let out to take his run.” “Well I better not keep his momma any longer.” He gets off the bike first then helps you slide off next. Walking hand in hand to elevators you head up to the living quarters. Just as the elevators open you spot Apollo licking Sam within an inch of his life. You walk over to them laughing. “Apollo, what have I told you about slobbering all over Sam?” You speak to him through your powers and let him know what not to do and apologize for not being home sooner. When you're done you head back to the elevators to let him run around the grounds. You pass Bucky and give him a chaste kiss on the lips. 
“I'll be back in 15 mins, want to cuddle and watch tv in the living room when i get back?” “That sounds fantastic, meet you back here in 20 then.” “Okay.” While you head down to the front lawn, Sam comes up to Bucky with wide eyes. “Where do you guys go and what was that kiss about?”
“I finally went to see my family at the cemetery and y/n opened my eyes to a whole new world of her culture I don't know how to describe.” 
“Really how did that happen?”
“I think that's something you're gonna have to ask her but tomorrow, i want to spend more time with her tonight.”
After letting Apollo run around with a local wolf pack in the area, you head back inside to change into comfy clothes and meet Bucky in the living room. You both end up cuddled under a blanket watching tv and just talking until 3 in the morning. You both fall asleep in each other's arms and it's the best sleep you both have had in a while. 
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cevans16 · 3 years
I Did Not Recognize You
Sebastian as Tommy Lee is sending you to another planet. I am not romanticizing Tommy Lee, this is about Sebastian in that role.
“Hey doll, what time are you coming over?” Sebastian asked you on the other end of the line
“Hmmmm well I can come over before you guys wrap up for the day, I want to see you in your role, its so different” you said to him
“I can send you a picture...” he teased you, you can practically imagine his smirk by the tone of his voice
“No, I want it to be a surprise, but hey I gotta go, I’m meeting with my agent really quick” you said
“Okay love you, see you later” he replied before hanging up.
You and Sebastian had been dating for almost two years now, first meeting on set for Captain America Civil War, you two had been dating other people at the time but became good friends. Once you were both single for a while, you hit it off and have been together ever since. The rest of the cast knew somehow you and Sebastian would date eventually, you were just like magnets for each other. 
You had a quick meeting with your agent in downtown LA before heading towards Sebastian’s set. You walked in looking for him but had yet to spot him, you spotted Lily James first. Well you didn’t recognize her until she called out for you.
“(Y/N)!!!” she yelled your name
You looked around, recognizing her voice but not finding her until she waved at you. 
“Oh my gosh! I did NOT RECOGNIZE YOU!!!!” you said running over to her to give her a hug. She looked amazing dressed as Pamela Anderson.
“You look HOT!!!” you said twirling her
“Thank you! As do you, I know Sebastian is here somewhere, you haven’t seen him yet have you?” she asked smiling
“No, I wanted to see his outfit in person” you chuckled
“Well I think he’s somewhere over here, come with me” she said leading you to another side of the set
You walked past two sets, you saw someone leaning on one of the walls but you didn’t focus on their face. Lily gave you a quick tour of the set, she was obviously hiding something because she had a mischievous smile on her face.
“You’re up to something aren’t you?” you asked her
“Noooo” she said but smile even wider
You narrowed your eyes at her motioning the “I am watching you” towards her. You could see her laughing harder which then confused you until you felt someone grab your waist causing you to yelp. You turned around to see someone with black hair, shirtless, covered in tattoos and nipple piercings, you were going to push him away until you realized it was your Sebastian.
“Sebas-” you said in awe not even finishing his name
“Did you not recognize me?” he said laughing
“No! I didn’t even recognize Lily, holy shit, I’m not normally into this look but you look hot baby” you said to him, not even realizing that you were eyeing him up and down.
“I’m still here” Lily said laughing
“I’m sorry....you set me up...this is why you were giggling” you said to her
“He was watching us from the other side this whole time, we made a bet to see how long it would take you to notice him...thanks for the twenty bucks” she said, bringing out her hand to Sebastian
“You owe me twenty doll” he said to you as he handed her the money, rolling his eyes
“Not my fault you look entirely different, I’ve never seen you with black hair, it brings out your eyes more” you said ruffling his hair softly
“She’s more in love with you now, I have to go I’ll see you two later at the bar” Lily said walking away leaving you and Sebastian alone.
“Babe, I don’t know why I am digging this look on you” you smirked at him. He leaned down to give you a kiss, then playing with the string of the straps of your summer dress.
“I can make it permanent” he teased
“Please don’t but I do enjoy it, you look hot, you’re going to kill it as always” you said to him, “stop playing with my straps” you said playfully smacking his hand away, he scoffed at you before pulling you in for another kiss. 
“I need you right now” he whispered in your ear, “let’s go to my trailer?”
“Sebs isn’t the staff still here?” you asked
“No most of them are gone for the day” he said shrugging.
“What are you going to do to me?” you raised your eyebrow at him
“Maybe I can show you if you follow me” he said pulling you towards his private trailer
You guys went inside, he made sure to lock the door, pushing you back and setting you on the counter
“Sebastian - I didn’t” you didn’t finish your sentence since he kissed your neck, getting your sweet spot causing you to moan
You pushed him back slightly to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants to push them down. Meanwhile Sebastian was pushing your straps down and pushing your dress up.
“You always kill me with this dress” he said to you kissing you back again.
“And you’re killing me with this look” you looked up at him.
He bit his lip, observing your face for a moment before he dove back onto your lips. One of his hands on your waist while the other hand trailed south. He gasped when he didn’t feel anything else underneath.
“No panties” he practically squeaked
“It’s been a while babe” you said back to him
Sebastian rubbed his fingers along your thighs, teasing you, you opened your legs further for him to get the hint
“Impatient are we?” he asked chuckling
“If I remember correctly, you’re the one that dragged me here” you said sticking out your tongue tongue. You were about to laugh again when you felt two of his fingers dive into your core, causing you to moan again. Sebastian fingered you deeper, moving his fingers in a hither motion. He loved his other hand to choke you gently with the perfect amount of pressure around your neck. You were a moaning mess, trying to close your legs at the sensation.
“Nah uh doll keep them open for me” he sternly said. You nodded your head, moving one of your hands to grab onto his forearm.
“Please... Sebs” you moaned
“What baby?” he teased
“I need you, I need your cock now” you said, gripping his hard on through his briefs, this time Sebastian was the one to gasp.
“Fuck.. I don’t have any protection on me doll” he said
“I don’t fucking care at this point” you said quickly
Sebastian stopped moving for a second, looking into your eyes, his blue ones staring deep into your soul.
“Are you sure?” he asked, “I know you’re not on birth control doll”
“I’m not....are you sure Sebs?” you asked him
“Uhmmm yes” he said moving his fingers out of you and sucking on them.
He moved closer to you again, you could feel his member slide along your wet core. He leaned down to kiss you again, trailing to your breasts, and back up to your neck
“I love you” he whispered
“I love you too” you said
Sebastian stroked himself a few times, moving himself along your slickness. He looked at you once more to see if you’d oblige, you didn’t, you bit down on your lip knowing what was next. You two had never had sex like this.
He slid in you painfully slow, allowing you to adjust to his girth, you felt yourself grow hot, your breath hitching when he bottomed out in you, you clenched around him causing him to groan.
“Fuck” you both moaned in unison
You kissed him back passionately, tugging on his hair gently, you moved your hips forwards causing his hips to stutter.
“Fucckkk doll” he groaned against your lips, he bit down on your lip, finally moving his hips into a steady rhythm in and out of you.
“Sebastian” you moaned against his lips, you could feel him smiling against them. You now began rotating your hips on his, both of you gripping each other closer, Sebastian hands were tight on your hips while yours were around his neck. Even though he was dressed drastically different, he still wore his cologne, intoxicating you beyond notion. You kissed his neck, gently biting down on his shoulder. You could feel yourself getting close to climaxing.
“Baby—- please” you kept moaning. You moved one of your hands to place them on the counter, allowing you to lift yourself up slightly so you could ride Sebastian.
“Ohhhh fuck doll don’t stop” he whispered, moving his body fully onto yours. You two became one, the sound of skin slapping on skin filled the room, you felt like the temperature was boiling at this point, you had one goal for each other.
“Babe I’m close” he said, his eyes fluttering at you
“Me too” you replied
“You sure?” he asked again
“Yes I need all of you Sebastian” you moaned
Sebastian went into overdrive, his gentle pace changed into a rough one, signaling that he was closer than ever. You never felt each other without protections, this time you felt like your senses were heightened down there. You couldn’t help but keep clenching around his girthy cock slipping in and out of you.
“Sebastian ....yes... yes... oh right...Sebastian!!!” you yelled, feeling your abdomen explode in pleasure. Your eyes rolling back, legs shaking around his waist, you felt Sebastian’s rhythm falter and then he pushed deep inside you, feeling him engorge within you. You heard him groan and then you felt his hot and sticky load spurt inside you, you never thought it would feel this amazing. You thought you would have another orgasm at the sensation of his cum exploding in you. He thrusted in a few more times, not allowing any cum to fall out. His head fell on your shoulder, trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck that was - now I know why babies are made” he joked
“Shut up” you giggled smacking his shoulder. You turned your head to kiss his temple.
“I love you” he whispered
“I love you too” you replied
“Don’t get mad at me if I end up getting you pregnant from this” he said laughing
“Maybe I want to make you a daddy” you smirked at him causing him to scoff and then kiss you on your forehead
“I’d be okay with that” he said.
And that he was okay with, because sure enough, you had a positive pregnancy test three weeks later. You both already knew what had sparked that...
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mavsstar · 2 years
.⋆˚ 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲︱𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫. 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐚 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠︱𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬︱𝟏𝟖+, 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓, 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲, 𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐟!), 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞︱@buckspumpkin 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐬𝐨 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦!𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐛𝐜 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐥. 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 <𝟑
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“Bucky you have to watch the movie, it’s phenomenal!” You rambled on as you plopped down next to him. “I know you don’t like a lot of the newer things but you’ll like this for sure.” 
“Are we sure we want to watch tv?” Bucky asked, trying to divert your attention. “You know what we should do?” 
He snapped his fingers in the air, “Play a board game!” 
“Buck we’re not playing a board game,” You said as you grabbed the remote. “Come on please just try it. If you don’t like it we can–oh my god!” You gasped when you turned on the t.v and was faced with a cracked screen. 
You turned to Bucky with your mouth agape, “What happened?” 
“Sam came over and–” 
“I don’t think I need an explanation, you said enough,” You cut him off. “I’ll bring my computer, just give me a second.” 
You left and Bucky was left sitting on the couch as he played with his thumbs. He watched you curiously as you marched out of your room and back into the living room where the internet box was. You inspected the internet box and let out soft questioning hums. 
“That’s weird, everything is just fine so why isn’t the internet working?” A moment of silence passed as you tried figuring out what was wrong. “Bucky, did you forget to pay the internet bill?” 
He screwed his eyes shut in frustration, “I must’ve. I’m so sorry Doll.” 
“S’okay Buck, it happens to the best of us. I’ll go pay it tomorrow during work.” You blew air through your lips and tucked your hands into the front sprocket of your jeans. “Looks like we’re playing a board game.” 
Bucky followed you to a very small closet down the hall. That closet mostly contained board games and long forgotten boxes you were supposed to open when you first moved in. 
You opened the door, revealing the dust collected boxes. 
“We can play Uno.” 
“Too repetitive,” You said. “What about Monopoly?” 
“No, because you cheat!” Bucky accusingly exclaimed. 
“I do not!” You defended. “Ok so no Monopoly….We should play chess!” 
“What are we 80 years old?” 
You glanced at him and checked him out, “Well you are.” 
Bucky’s face scrunched into one of annoyance, “Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Bucky hummed as he kept looking. “What’s Twister?” 
“You’ve never played before?” You asked as you grabbed the box. 
“No, I've played my entire life and I suddenly forgot what it is,” Bucky sarcastically said. “I haven't played before, that's why I’m asking.” 
You grabbed the box and started to walk back to the living room while you explained the rules. “There's a color wheel with a picture of a body part, depending where it lands you place the body part on that color. So say I spin and I get green and right hand then I have to put my right hand on a green circle on the mat.” 
“Seems easy enough.” 
Bucky truly overestimated his flexibility. At first glance he thought it would be easy and you would easily lose against him. He’s a very trained soldier after all.
Bucky flicked the spinner. Body part, foot. Colour, green. He bent over on top of you but because the only green circle left that can make it physically possible is behind him. Which means he would have to be stuck in a crab position until it’s his turn. 
“Come on Barnes, this hurts,” You complained as your arm cramped under you. 
“I don’t think I can do this,” He muttered to himself. 
“Either we keep going by you trying or it’s a forfeit and I automatically win.” 
There was no way Bucky was going to lose to you. He instantly moved backwards and into the dreaded crab position. 
Right as you went to flick the spinner you lost your balance and fell, making Bucky automatically the winner. 
“Ha! I win and you lose!” Bucky boatsed as he got up. “And I didn’t cheat.” 
“Yeah yeah you win and I lose,” You mumbled and tucked your legs under you. “How’d you like the game?” 
“It was alright,” Bucky shrugged. “But what if we added our own twist to it?” 
“Like what?” 
“Every time it lands on red we have to take a piece of clothing off,” He smirked. “In other words, strip Twister.” 
“You’re on Barnes,” You smirked, getting up. “You’re going first though.” 
Bucky flicked the spinner, left hand on red. Bucky clicked his tongue as he took off a sock and placed his left hand on the red circle. It was your turn and you landed on right hand on green. 
“You better not cheat,” Bucky teased. 
“Or what?” You playfully retorted. “Is the big bad soldier going to get mad?” 
“Jesus christ,” Bucky chuckled as he shook his head. “You love to tease me don’t you?” 
“Yes sir,” You winked as you saluted him with a devilish smile. 
“Just for that I’m making you go again.” 
“Meanie,” You pouted and spun again. “Oh you have to be kidding me,” You groaned when you landed on left foot on red. You copied Bucky and took your sock off. 
It was Bucky’s turn and he landed on right hand on blue. A flash of disappointment ran though you and you cursed at the spinner. 
“Why the sad look Doll? Wanted me to strip?” 
“You wish,” You scoffed. “Your turn.” 
The both of you continued taking off the smaller pieces of clothing, each getting excited with each spin. Soon enough Bucky had ran out of small clothing to take off. He spun and landed on red. 
“Get ready to see an adonis Doll,” Bucky said as he peeled off his shirt. 
You stared in awe as you watched him. It all felt like it was going in slow motion right before your very own eyes. He was an adonis. Even the faded jagged scars around his arm made you want to plant sweet tender kisses upon them, showering them in your affection. 
“Hey eyes up here,” Bucky smirked as he pointed his finger up towards his eyes. 
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll look wherever I want.” 
Now it was your turn. You spun the spinner and landed on red. Perfect. 
You slowly took your pants off, making sure to purposefully wiggle your but in front of his face. Bucky’s throat went dry when he saw your thighs. All the blood started to rush to his cock and he knew the game wouldn’t last long. 
“Now I really can’t do this,” Bucky said as he contemplated losing. You only had a pair of panties and shirt left on and he only had his boxers on. If he took his next move his face would be impossibly close to your chest and he would for sure lose. “I really can’t.” 
“Just do it Barnes, s’all part of the game.” 
Bucky took your word and maneuvered his body around, his hand going over your body to land on the green dot in the right hand corner. Just as he predicted his head was right in front of your breast. 
Bucky turned a bright shade of tomato red as he tried to look anywhere else. His hardened cock pressed against your thigh and you smirked in triumph. Bucky had desperately tried to hide his boner and he was successful. For the most part. 
“What sarge? Can’t handle a pair of tits in your face?” You asked as you pushed your chest in front of his face tauntingly. 
“That’s it,” Bucky growled as he got up. 
“Ha! I won!” You stuck your tongue out at him. “I’m the winner!”
“For now.” Bucky abruptly grabbed you and tossed you over his shoulder with ease. You squealed as you felt his metal hand grasped your body. He took you to his room and gently set your body on the bed. 
Bucky shortly after climbed on top of you and kissed you with an intense need. His body grinded against yours as he sloppily kissed you. 
“Just take this damn thing off,” Bucky snarled against your lips as he ripped your shirt in half. His jaw momentarily dropped when your bare breasts were exposed, “No bra? Dirty slut.” 
His hands played with your breasts, his thumb stroking your pebbled nipples ever so slightly. Your body arched into his touch, silently begging for more. He took the hint and his lips placed their love on your body all the way where you needed him the most. 
Using his teeth Bucky pulled your panties down to your ankles. It was the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen your entire life you couldn’t helped but have moaned. You felt his head dip between your thighs, his growing beard scratched your inner thighs deliciously. 
“Can’t wait for your pretty thighs to tremble ‘round my head,” Bucky quipped, biting one of your thighs. 
Bucky spread your legs impossibly further, watching your pussy leak. He flattened his tongue and likced a bold stripe up your cunt. Your hands flew to his hair, gripping the tousled hair in between your fingers. 
“You taste so sweet Doll,” He complimented, dipping his tongue into your hole. “Like fuckin’ candy.” 
Bucky went from long bold licks to short sweet kitten licks. It made you writhe around in pleasure and push your pussy closer to his face. His hot wet tongue was addictive, he had become your own personal drug. 
You felt his tongue trace out letters on your clit. You tried so hard to concentrate but the pleasure overwhelmed you. He kept going again and again until you finally got it. My cumslut. 
“Bucky y-you gotta stop-AH!” You moaned when he started to harshly suck on your clit. “Bucky!” 
Bucky pulled away, a string of your arousal connecting to his lips. “You really want me to stop?” 
“Yes,” You shook your head no despite your response. 
Bucky chuckled at your response, “Why?” 
You nervously gulped, “Because the first time I cum I want it to be around your cock.” 
Bucky looked genuinely shocked at your response. Never did he ever think he would hear those words fall from your lips. If he could he would replay those words over and over again until he got tired of hearing them.
Bucky didn’t respond and attacked your lips once again. You felt his tip prod at your entrance, “Needy slut, wanting to cum on m’cock first.” During the middle of his sentence he pushed all the way in, bottoming out soothingly. 
Pure ecstasy rippled through your lower half, your eyes fluttered shut as you felt him inside you. His hot throbbing member pulsed inside you. Teasing him some more you clenched down hard and watched Bucky’s eyes screwed shut. 
“Can’t stop with the teasin’ huh?” He clicked his tongue. “I’m just going to have to fuck it out of you.” 
His thrusts started slow but quickly rose to a fast and brutal pace using your hips as leverage. So fast your body jolted with the banging headboard. Pain and pleasure seared through your body. Beads of sweat formed between your bodies as Bucky continued to fuck you. 
“You feel s’good Bucky,” You whimpered as you felt his tip rub against your sweet spot. “So good. I love your cock.”
“Cock drunk already?” Bucky questioned. “Looks like it didn’t take long to fuck the teasin’ out of you.” 
“Shut up,” Your voice was merely above a whisper. “Just keep going.” 
Bucky finally felt the tremble of your thighs around his outer thighs. Deciding to spice things up he pressed on your lower tummy so slightly. He watched your eyes roll to the back of your head and drool dribbled from your swollen lips. 
“You look so pretty like this, fucked out becasue of me,” Bucky said as his thumb pushed the drool back in. “Imagine how you would be like if I actually got to take my time with you. Slowly tearing you apart with my fingers, tongue and cock.” 
The mere thought of it was enough to make you come. You dug your nails into his back as you screamed his name while you gushed around his cock. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” You mindlessly hummed as he kept going. 
After a few more thrusts Bucky pulled out and finished over your stomach, both of your juices mixing together. He watched as it started to drip down and closer to your pussy. 
“You ok Doll?” Bucky asked when you didn’t make a sound. 
“I'm way more than ok,” You giggled. “I don’t think it’s ever felt this good before.” 
“That's because the other guys weren’t me, Doll,” he pointed out. “Remember that, no man will ever make you feel as good as me.”
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callmelinamfsnow · 2 years
Character Work (Sneak Peak)
Sebastian Stan x Plus Size!WOC
Sneak Peak of a fic I started last year that I’m finishing up for you guys !! Follow, like, and reblog for more :)
You loved exploring his body whenever you two were like this. Feeling his back muscles tense every time he pulls in and out. Grabbing at his thighs when he bottomed you out, grabbing a fistful of his hair and staring him dead in the eyes while you make him cum first. You loved doing that. Getting him to cum first. Made it even better being able to tease him and make him blush. You might just make that your mission for tonight.
“Oh, James” you moaned and tilted your head so you could tug on Buck’s earlobe, causing him to groan in response and hoist you up into a better position. A quiet but present squeal escaped your mouth when he did so and he pushed you into the wall more. “I don’t know how you turn me on so fucking much doll” he muttered into your neck and kissed it sweetly. “Don’t know how I was living without this tight little thing” he started grinding his hips against yours. The friction from his pelvis to your sensitive bud was amazing. “This dirty little mouth” he continued and gave you a deep kiss. You let him explore your mouth which inevitably just turned into both of you moaning into each other’s when you clenched around him.
“God I don’t know how I was living before you doll,” he said breathlessly causing you to clench again. “Fuck I’m gonna cum soon” he groaned and pressed his forehead against yours. “So do it, Sarge. No shame in having a woman and more specifically a pussy this good have you cumming so quick” you said though you were moments away from cumming too. “Don’t do that. You’re gonna say that and a some more of that stuff I like and get me to cum before you” he started, you went to speak but he cut you off “-aND it’s been over 30 minutes so don’t even start with quick” he added and slapped your ass. The sensation drawing another high pitched moan of his name.
Please let me know via ask, message, or reblog if you’d like to be tagged when the full fic goes up
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witchychanel · 3 years
Hey, could you wire a sfw or a nsfw alphabet for Bucky? I loved the one you wrote for Steve
I posted it right here
Just click he link
16 notes · View notes
Someone Like You [5/6]
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Summary: In which Sebastian tries to win you back a year and a half after your relationship’s rupture, but only because there’s a new man in your life. [Part 5]
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Latina
Warning: Angst (LOTS) , language, 18+. 
NOT PROOFREAD so watch out for lots of errors.
Word count: 4.5k
You’d avoided thinking of Sebastian for a good portion of the morning, but he was creeping back into your head forbidding you from forgetting what had happened just last night. Upon arriving at your hotel room the night before, you had turned into a weeping mess while still clad in your beautiful satin dress, a huge contrast to the ugly emotions that were seeping out of you. Sobs had wracked through your body to the point it had become hard to breathe.
The strong smell of him lingered on your body as if taunting you that he still owned every part of your being. Despite everything, despite the many months apart and despite the very reason why things had not worked out he still had an effect on you. Even after you’d jumped into the shower to wash the night away, especially to rid of his scent and the smell of sex that had followed you, you could still feel his lingering hands on you, the wet trail his lips would leave on your skin. As if taunting you, his scent was still present even in your room. You couldn’t escape him.
He still managed to pull at your every heartstring. It was the silky locks, the azure eyes with the crinkles on each end and that toothy grin of his. It was the way a single glance your way and you were a puddle at his feet, melting for him. But whatever happened last night had been a mistake, he was a part of your past and had to stay there. Yet you still found yourself pondering over how after so much time he could hold such a part of you, tight and permanent. The fluttering sensation in your belly, and pressure on your chest weighing heavy and electric that he induced with just one glance let you know that he was still very much a part of you. And when he looked at you, kissed you, let alone put his hands anywhere on you? It was a magnetic force so strong it left you breathless.
With a heavy chest and an even heavier heart, you thought of how you’d become pathetic and submissive all over again with just a mere touch of his. So puddy in his hands, holding onto every word that fell from his lips. His hands had been so greedy, wanting to hold you and kiss you all at once. He’d been everywhere, placed his large hands on every single part of your body. And you couldn’t lie to yourself, couldn’t deny the deep attraction that was clearly still present.
The magnetic pull, the sexual tension and desperation that had surrounded both your glistening bodies the night before was an engraved image in your head; pinned to your mind not letting you forget how he’d felt inside you. How he took you with such force, kissed you as if your lips were his only mean of survival.  It was memorable what you’d both shared. Raw and emotional and in its wake left a gaping hole in your heart.
Despite how good it had felt while it happened, once it ended everything felt as if it had come crashing down. Like shattering glass around you, falling, breaking and so very loud, your mind had woken you from the bliss that had been shared in that stuffy closet. Like an alarm that rang and rang and the only way of shutting it off was the very act of leaving. Again. And so you did, you ran off once again from the man who’d held your heart almost two years ago and had refused to care for it. Refused to hold only you and you alone. He’d been valiant enough to corner you and take you again with such confidence, then you were valiant enough of walking away too.
But this time it felt different. Horribly different because there was pain growing inside, building up and tormenting you. You had been unfaithful. It didn’t matter that the relationship with Romeo was not yet serious or that he was away in a different country at the moment, none of that mattered because your desire for Sebastian shouldn’t have clouded what reality was in the first place. Nothing should have made you forget your morals and had you commit such a sinful act. It felt as if the guilt was diminishing you if you didn’t come clean or at least put pause on the budding relationship.
As if he had an extra sense, your phone rang next to you breaking you from the torturous thoughts that had been clawing at you. Romeo’s name appeared on the screen, his contact picture blank. Swallowing loudly with tears already brimming your eyes, you took a hold of your phone with shaky hands. God, what the hell were you going to say?
“Hi.” Was all you managed to choke out when you finally answered. Voice low and dull, nothing compared to the usual silkiness and cheerfulness that laced it.
“What is going on, Y/N?” Romeo’s boomed through the phone. The background noise was distracting, loud chattering in Spanish could be heard.
“What?” You felt slightly shaken at the tone of his voice, he didn’t sound like the sweet Romeo you’d grown used to hearing. He sounded different and, dare say, impolite without even a simple greeting to start the conversation off.
“I’m not a fool, Y/N. What the fuck happened yesterday? What are all these pictures of you and that damn actor from those Marvel movies?” He paused, the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard and the background noise was slowly disappearing. “They’re circulating everywhere to the point that people keep tagging me on that shit.”
You shouldn’t have, but a wave of relief washed through you. He was referring to Chris and at the mention of him you wanted to laugh. Even he thought the same as the media and besides the relief, you also felt upset.
“Oh, that...I got really anxious during the red carpet and he was nice enough to help me out. Walked me inside the venue and all. After the awards, we were just chatting.”
“You’re making me look like a fool. My whole team thinks so too.” It was apparent that he was only concerned about his image and the way people perceived him. It was disappointing to hear the roughness of his voice, accusatory and unkind. Though deep inside you were telling yourself that you deserved this type of treatment. You deserved it because even though he was upset about something that had not even happened, there was still something to be upset about. He just didn’t know what.
“I can’t befriend people because it makes you look bad? That makes no sense.” The words had flown past your lips before you could even think. You wanted to take the accusations, forgive them because you’d done something awful, but you weren’t that type of person anymore. You didn’t let men walk all over you.
“That looked more than friendly to me.”
“Yes, to you. My line of job has me meeting people constantly, as does yours, so either you get used to it or you don’t.” You had no filter. The words were just coming out without much thought. You wanted to be calm and let him continue accusing you using the harsh edge in his voice because you deserved it. You felt like he had every right to treat you this way, to denounce your behavior because he was right it had been more than friendly. It had become more than friendly just not with Chris, but with a different man he didn’t even know about.
“¿Qué estás diciendo? Se clara conmigo.” What are you saying? Be clear with me.
“You heard me. I’m not going to sit here and let you accuse me of anything. ” You responded, voice somewhat shaky. You were pleading with yourself to let you be firm and to keep an even voice, but your eyes were already welling up with tears for the second time in less than a day.
“Don’t embarrass me anymore,  that’s all I’m asking.” He couldn’t be serious, you thought. The world didn’t revolve around him.
“Vete a la verga.” Go to hell.
And you hung up the phone. You didn’t know what had come over you. You wanted so badly to take the treatment and the accusations because you were worthy of them. Despite Romeo’s true colors that were coming to light, you had still done him wrong. You’d slept with another man and now you had probably just ended a relationship not even over that, but because of another man whom you had nothing to do with. You were an awful person.
Although you were an emotional mess and felt like one too your mind drifted to what Romeo had said about being tagged in certain pictures. You became curious and despite the state of being you were in, curiosity always overrode anything.
Grabbing your phone again you did the one thing you were advised to never do, google yourself. Upon typing your name in the search bar and hitting the search button, instead of it being about you it was about none other than Chris Evans. High quality pictures had surfaced the web the moment your anxiety fiasco happened last evening and it had become an even bigger deal today.
Y/N flirts with Chris Evans.
Romeo who? Y/N cuddles up to Chris Evans.
You pressed your face back into the pillow and groaned loudly. The sound echoed in the empty room as the city of Angels boomed below you. You were upset that even the sweet interaction such as yours and Chris could be taken so out of context. The man was no doubt an Adonis, you weren’t blind and you’d be a liar if you said your heart hadn’t beat faster at the sight of him yesterday. But it had all been so innocent and his gentlemanly actions had been genuine and with no underlying intentions. It was nothing but friendly.  He’d been gallant, extending his arm so you could hook yours through it to get you out of the dramatic disaster that had been your red carpet experience. That was it. People were insatiable with their yearning for new information on people’s personal lives, wanting every little detail.
You’d taken pictures with other people at the after party and those pictures were out there too, but the media had clawed at those images that included Chris and ran with them. Of course, he was single and any woman who crossed his path was apparently dating him. You hated that now you were rumored to be one of them.
You were now a fuse of different emotions. Sadness because your relationship had just ended through a phone call, guilt because you’d been unfaithful and a flare of anger because you couldn’t believe your interaction with Chris had been taken as otherwise.
You saved one of the images to your camera roll. You were upset because many things in your life had come tumbling down in a matter of hours, but you knew that only you could discredit rumors that had no foundation. You didn’t want to become a victim of the media and knew just how to fix this.
Just letting y’all know that @ChrisEvans noticed me become extremely anxious in the middle of the red carpet & was kind enough to walk me the rest of the way. That is all. Please don’t believe these dating rumors, men and women CAN be friends🙄
You typed on twitter and attached a picture of him being the perfect gentleman, your arm hooked to his, bearded face smiling while he led you down the carpet. The real fixture of the picture was the clearly agitated face expression you wore. Lips formed into a nervous smile, anxious with knitted brows, forehead creased.
Pleased with the words and image, you pressed send to your tweet and dropped your phone back onto the bed. It bounced on the very edge of the very edge of the bed, any sudden movements and it would fall to the floor but you didn’t care.
Your cheeks were still wet with tears. Eyes dull, saddened and you felt exhausted. Chest so heavy it felt as if a weight was on top of it. Crawling under the covers you decided that the only way to forget about everything at least for a few hours was to doze off into a deep sleep.
When you arrived back in New York a few days later after having concluded with a packed schedule, the weather had significantly dropped. You noticed the way the trees were still continuing to change in colors and drop their foliage on the wet floor. The holiday season was commencing and the vibrant colors of lights and many christmas decorations were already up throughout the city. It was such a divine sight and provided a serene feeling throughout your body. It felt like such a contrast from the way life had been playing out for you the last few days. Everything had changed in such a short time.
Your apartment was exactly as you’d left it and because the temperature had dropped even being in the comfort of it you felt as if you were freezing so you’d turned on the heater. You’d spent the last few hours trying to forget what the reality of your personal life was by taking the christmas decorations from storage and beginning the process of decorating that you loved so much. The holiday season was one of your favorites and despite the emotional state you were in, bits of happiness had oozed into your aura.
Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me to the Moon was rudely interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. You hadn’t contacted anybody in the last few days so nobody knew you were back in New York so you felt a little puzzled as to who it could be. You looked down at yourself in a haste noting that you were decent enough with your cozy oversized clothing. With a huff, you opened the door.
“Sebastian.” You sputtered out at the sight of the disheveled man. Like you, he was clad in comfortable clothing. Black sweats and a large jacket. With a shocked expression you noted how he looked so tired with dark undereye circles and he looked awfully cold standing in the hallway of your apartment complex.
“Hey.” Was all he said. His hands in his pockets.
“What are you doing here?”
He remained quiet for a few seconds, his teeth biting the plushiness of his bottom lip. Sebastian was just standing there looking at you as if you were the one standing in his apartment. As if you’d been the one to show up to his place unannounced.
“I know you probably don’t want to see me, Y/N. But I really have to talk to you. Can I please come inside?” His azure eyes were almost pleading, gazing at you. Even in the situation you found yourself in you couldn’t help but take notice of how blue his eyes were in the light, gleaming and so pretty. It was inappropriate to even be thinking of him this way when he’d just asked you a question and you seemed to be stalling.
“Uh. I don’t know, Sebastian.” You were unsure if to let him in. You’d been so weak for him at a venue filled with hundreds of people that you didn’t trust yourself to be alone with him in your apartment.
“I just really have to talk to you. Please.” He was begging and looked so desperate for you to say yes. He looked so cold just standing there in the freezing hallway that his lips seemed chapped too. You were pitying him despite everything and thought how this was the exact reason why sometimes you were taken advantage of. You were too kind.
Regardless of how much internal battle was taking place within you, you nodded and pushed the door ajar to let him in. He walked into your living room, taking a seat on the love seat opposite you when you did too.  The atmosphere felt a little awkward.
“I can’t stop thinking about that night, Y/N. I know I shouldn’t have initiated it, but it felt so right at the time. And even now, it still feels right.” Sebastian started.
“That night wasn’t supposed to happen, Sebastian. I did something awful to someone I was in a relationship with by being unfaithful. And guess what?” You paused, slightly chucking at yourself and the way life seemed to be playing with you. “Not even a day after I cheated and we broke up. Not even because of us, by the way, but because of something completely unrelated. And now here you are in my living room almost a week after we had sex and I’m...lost.”
Sebastian’s gaze was glued on you, he looked desperate. But you didn’t know what he was desperate for. You were confused as to why he was in your apartment in the first place.
“I’m sorry about your relationship.”
“No you’re not.” Was your response. He wasn’t sorry at all, why would he be?
“My relationship just recently ended too. But this was a little bit before the awards show.” God, what did he want from you. You wanted to know why he was at your apartment but he was beating around the bush.
“Oh. Well, I’m sorry about that.” You unconsciously took your lip in between your teeth while looking down at your clasped hands. Your apartment was warmer now with the heater having been on for a few hours and you made a mental note to turn it off soon.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And this has been going on for a long time, Y/N. It’s not a recent thing. I think what triggered it even more was when I saw those music videos of you and...Well I felt extremely jealous. And I felt so angry with myself at having let you go and not treated you the way you deserved.” Sebastian stopped himself as he broke his gaze from you to look down at his hands. “And God, he just couldn’t even keep his hands off you...fuck, it was like you were a piece of meat to him and you just let him touch you like that.” His blue eyes were wide, mouth slightly ajar while he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He had no right to be telling you off like this, especially not when you were witness to his many escapades with other women after you called it quits with him. No matter how hard you tried to avoid any news on him, it always came up somehow. It had been a nightmare.
“Who do you think you are, Sebastian?” You retorted, loud enough to alert him but not loud enough for your neighbors to hear. You didn’t let him answer as you continued spewing your rage. “So what’s it to you now? It seems like you suddenly want me again only because you saw me with another man. Was it because it wasn’t you?” You spat, doe eyes furious. Even with the gushing hot anger pulsing through you, this whole scenario was somewhat satisfying to you. After so long, he was the one in a jealous fit.
“Because that should be me. I feel like it’ll always be me.” His face had perked up at your questions, face still red with anger but slightly softening his hardened expression. He’d gotten to his feet, rounded the coffee table and started walking to you in a slow manner, careful not to push you away. You were on your feet then too, watching his movements and not at all knowing what to expect next from him.
“I don’t belong to you, Sebastian.” He hated the way his name seethed out of your mouth because you used to call him adoring names or whenever his name flew past your lips it wasn’t out of anger.
“Did you think I was going to sit around and wait for you? You refused to commit to me. I mean we weren’t even in a relationship according to you. You didn’t have time for one, didn’t have the type of commitment it took to be in one. Even the thought of being in that type of situation again makes me sick now.” Your voice was wavering, but your newfound confidence had not. He was going to hear what you had to say and he was going to hear it loud and clear. “You never did much for me. We were always holed up in my apartment because it seemed as if you didn’t want to be seen with me.”
“No, that was not it at all. Don’t think I was ashamed of you because that’s not it.” Sebastian was grabbing at his hair again, and this time he was pacing your living room back and forth. He couldn’t believe you thought he’d been ashamed of you.
“I was stupid. I was a fucking idiot who didn’t appreciate you and had commitment issues. That’s it, but I was never ashamed of you. I don’t want you to think that.” He exclaimed, eyes meeting your teary ones. He didn’t want to make you cry, and the sight of your pretty face with fresh tears falling down your cheeks was eating him alive.
“What the fuck do you want from me?” You cried out, hands wailing in the air in exasperation.
“To be with you.” Sebastian choked out. He was coming to terms with his feelings again, he’d pushed them aside for too long.
“Fuck, that’s all I want baby. To be with you. A chance to make it right by you and treat you the way I should have done before. I’m sorry for not appreciating you before and for taking you for granted. I’m sorry for being a blind asshole. I’m sorry for everything. You deserve the whole world and I’m willing to do anything to give you just that.” He was walking closer to you, hands stretched in front of him to grab hold of your arms. Your heart was beating erratically and eyes searched your living room, looking everywhere but him.
“Look me at me, doll.” He whispered as he stood in front of you now. He was so close. Too close that you could feel his breath fanning down at your face. He was taller than you and your eyes peered up at him through long dark lashes .
“I can’t, Seb…” Your voice was wavering, the confidence it oozed earlier was diminishing. You were internally screaming at the fact that he still had an effect on you. A heavy deep seated effect that pulled waves of electricity through you as his hand traveled up to caress your tense jaw.
“Fuck, yes you can. We can. Don’t you feel this?” He was inching ever closer if it was possible. His body plush against yours.
“No. ” You said, eyes breaking contact with his and hands pushing at his chest to move him away. He slightly stumbled backwards, not expecting the harsh refusal from your part.
“And you need to leave right now.” You pointed at the door. His shoulders had dropped at the sound of your words and he felt so dejected at your refusal to be with him now. He knew exactly how he had made you feel now because he felt devastated. Chest tight and his breathing uneven. You were tearing him apart.
“Is that really what you want?” His voice was low, eyes downcast as his hand slipped from your arm.
“Yes.” You whispered, your eyes looking forward trying so hard to focus on the tan lamp at the far end of the room. Even though it tore him apart, he walked his way back to the front door. He turned again just to take a quick glance at you as if expecting you to change your mind. When you didn’t even budge, didn’t even offer a single look at him, his demeanor faltered and he sauntered past the door managing to shut it behind him.
A sudden pang of excessive emotion allocated itself in your chest. So heavy it almost had you gasping. Cheeks wet with fresh tears and lips quivering, you were in such disarray not even a minute after he’d walked out the door. Even after so long, this is what you’d wanted. Him finally confessing how he felt about you, showing you the very emotions you so deeply felt for him.
You were unable to move as if glued to the spot near the sofa staring into space as cries wracked through your body. The man you thought you had stopped loving and had seemingly forgotten had just left and instead of feeling relief or a gust of calmness, you felt desolate. You were being forced to face the very reality that you didn’t just desire Sebastian, you were undoubtedly still in love with him. It didn’t matter that you’d been apart for so long, none of that mattered because what you felt for him was otherworldly.
And maybe you were the most ludicrous person in the world and maybe you deserved to get your heart broken many times again, but your feet dashed to the front door. You swiftly pulled it open, expecting to find the hallway empty. But Sebastian was still cemented there, back against the wall of the narrow hallway, with teary eyes. He pushed himself off the wall as your figure planted itself in front of him.
“Y/N.” He gently whispered your name. Frantic eyes meeting, both swollen and red, and his hands had moved to touch you in a desperate manner but they moved back as if scared you’d stalk back inside your apartment and leave him.
“When you walked out, I felt—I felt everything was closing in on me and this sudden rush of sadness washed over me. I don’t know why I feel this way about you, Sebastian. You know, maybe I’ll never be able to understand why after everything that’s happened between us we still have this strong connection. And I’m probably stupid for even contemplating this…”
Sebastian was holding onto every word you were uttering. Waiting for you to say the words he wanted to hear the most. He watched you pause, trying to gather your thoughts with your lip between your teeth.
“You get one chance, Sebastian. One chance and you better not fuck it up.”  You finally finished. Sebastian’s mouth had fallen agape first before a large smile began to form on his handsome face. He immediately moved his body to reach out to yours, but you backed away.
“Not so fast. We’re going to do things differently this time.” You pursed your lips. He was still beaming at you and you tried so hard to fight off the same expression from your face.
“I’m going to take you on a date. That’s the first thing I’m going to do.”
“I’m going to do things differently this time, Y/N.” Sebastian was looking at you with gleaming eyes as if they were reserved just for you. His smile hadn’t faded away. 
“Tomorrow we’re going on our first date.”
Good god this took me so long to write lol I feel like this is a horrible chapter! Next chapter will be the final one. Lee Bodecker is next on my list🥴
Thanks for reading y’all ♥️ 
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trillian-anders · 4 years
amor de mi vida - 1948
pairing: bucky barnes x latinx!reader
warnings: racism, prejudice, fluff, angst, smut
word count: 2423
description: Bucky Barnes is a sweet young Brooklyn boy, just on the cusp of manhood, a hopeless romantic that falls in love with almost every girl he sees. when he sets his eyes on a young girl fresh off the boat from Cuba he finds out how hard love can really be.
for @cake-writes 1940s challenge.
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You told Bucky you were never having sex with him again. 
Jaime was the eldest of three, Dia becoming a middle child, and those newborn cries you weren’t given the time to miss sounded from your bedroom at night every two hours like clockwork. 
Grant was a handful. But he was so cute you forgave him for it. Jaime looked like his father with your coloring, Dia was an exact replica of you, but Grant, he had his father’s eyes. They just about knocked the wind out of you when they didn’t change from that milky newborn blue to brown. His sweet fat little cheeks and blue eyes. 
Dia waddled her way over to you, holding onto the side of the couch and bouncing while looking at her father, babbling for his attention. Bucky peaks at her over his newspaper, the radio keeping Jaime preoccupied while he plays with a toy car Santa brought him for Christmas, making motorized sounds as he pushes it across the carpet. 
Dia lets out a little screech. Bucky laughs and drops his paper, her little arms reaching out for him. He picks her up and settles her on his lap. Another screeching sound as she bounced, Bucky’s mouth blowing raspberries and tickling her. Grant was milk drunk and falling asleep on your breast. 
“We need a vacation I think.” Bucky laughed, Dia pulling roughly on his hair that desperately needed to be cut. You smile softly, looking down at your newborn. 
“Just you and me?” Dia screeches again, accidentally jumping on Bucky’s lap, feet first into his groin. He groans, lifting her off his lap, 
“Just you and me.” 
Martha Green was still talking to your husband. He was short with her, mostly ignoring while he mowed the lawn. You stood in the front window of the house, watching her. Leaning on the fence, pushing her breasts out, smiling. She was wearing a frilly pink dress and for a moment you envied how she had two kids and kept her figure, there was no secret that yours had filled out. Almost every dress you owned had been adjusted. 
But Bucky had seemed just as insatiable as ever. He still kissed you a hundred times a day, he still pressed himself against your back at the sink, he’d grope your ass or breast in passing. A playful slap here or there. But he was respecting the fact that you weren’t comfortable enough to have sex again, not yet. 
But maybe you were wrong for that. 
Grant was three months old now and while the weight from Jaime didn’t stick to your tummy or hips, Dia and Grant certainly did. Bucky respected the fact that you weren’t ready, and not out of fear that you’d get pregnant again, which he was happy to buy rubbers for, but the change in your body was hard to deal with. 
You loved your children more than life itself, and you heard the ‘girls steal your beauty’ more than once after Dia was born. That didn’t help. 
Bucky had packed on muscle. And a lot of it. Between boxing and training with Steve. Completing missions, his arm had been upgraded to just about match his flesh arm, and he was sporting a six pack when he flexed. But luckily enough he seemed annoyed with her. Bucky could hold a grudge and the woman had called the police on you after all. 
He glared at her, pulled the mower, and resumed cutting the grass. Grant wailed from behind you and you gave her one last look, her face clear with disappointment and annoyance before she stomped back into her house. 
Later that night, after the kids were sleeping soundly, you knew Bucky wanted to have sex. He had a tell. “I just like looking at you.” He always says when you’d playfully tell him to stop, but his eyes stay on you as you wash your face and set your hair at the vanity. You could see how hard he was in the mirror. The gentle hands that began to massage your shoulders. 
But the doubt and the insecurity from earlier was still nestled in your chest. You shrug his hands from your shoulders and step from the vanity, walking to your side of the bed and removing your robe before slipping under the covers. Bucky was looking at you from his spot still next to the vanity, debating,
“What’s wrong?” He asked. You’d known each other for nine years now, if he couldn’t tell something was wrong there would be a bigger problem in the marriage other than insecurity about extra weight. He squat next to your side of the bed, brushing his fingers across your cheek, cupping your face. 
“Nothing.” You shake your head, pressing a kiss into his palm. “It’s nothing.” Three months was the longest the two of you had gone without sex since he’d gotten home from the war. 
“It’s not nothing, talk to me.” You roll onto your back, rubbing your eyes, before looking back at him. Concern clear on his face. 
“I uh…” You felt anxious, sitting up in bed he rested his chin on your knees, looking up at you. “Do you…” His hands found yours, thumbs brushing over the back of your hands. “I just…” You could feel yourself getting emotional, wanting to swallow it down. 
“Dahlin, talk to me.” His voice was full of concern. 
“Should I lose weight?” You ask him. “Do you think I’m…” His brow furrowed and he leaned back on his haunches. 
“Is that what this is all about?” He asked. You let out a heavy sigh and nodded. “Sweetheart, I don’t care about any of that.” His hands left yours and held your hips. “You’ve given me three children,” Hands bunching your night dress, “You’re so beautiful.” A kiss to your knee. “If losing the baby weight is something that would make you happier, I’ll support you.” Kiss to your other knee, “But I don’t mind either way.” His hands met your hips under your night dress and pulled you closer to him, his lips trailing up your thigh. “I’ve loved you since the minute I first saw you.” Hot words against your thigh as his fingers twisted into your panties, tugging them down your hips, “Nothing is going to change that.” 
Your back met the mattress as he placed your thighs on his shoulders, fingers intertwined with yours as his tongue met your clit. Back arching and soft moans, his hands leaving yours to grip your thighs and fondle your ass as his tongue pulled moans from your lips and made your hips roll against his face. You were quick to cum, his eyes hooded and mouth tangy with your release as he kissed you. The quiet shift of his boxers being dropped and he paused over you long enough to roll a rubber down his shaft. 
Whispered love and affirmation as you joined for the first time in three months, hands gripping sheets and mouth muffled moans to keep from waking the kids. 
Bucky made it a point to tell you that you’re beautiful daily after that. And he meant it, truly. 
Bucky had gotten home midday in Spring, another mission done, tired to the bone. But from the kitchen sink he could see clear into the backyard. Jaime was in just his shorts, running around the backyard, enjoying the playset Steve had helped him build a few weeks before. Dia in her diaper following him, your sweet voice calling out to them and ‘ralentizar’ and ‘ven aquí’, Dia coming back to play with the blocks you laid out on the blanket that 6 month old Grant was currently banging together. 
His eyes moved to you, a slip of a dress on, shoulders bare, laying back in a day of heat that was causing the flowers you’d planted to bloom. He admired you from the window. Your skin seemed to glow in the sunlight, hair in loose curls down your back the way he remembered seeing for the first time in that club so many years ago. A relaxed loose, carefree way he always wanted for you. 
He sighed in contentment, leaning over the sink to stare out the window. Watching you lean back on your forearms, Grant’s one tooth smile grinning up at you, holding out his blocks and banging them together while he laughed. 
Your dress business is being taken care of by five employees of your own now. You’d talked to him about maybe getting a building in the city, maybe with his backing you’d be able to open a small store. Once the summer was over, the two of you decided, after the vacation he’d been planning, then you’d work on opening a store in the city. 
“I’ve never been away from them.” There was a little panic as Winnie took Grant from you. Bucky rubbed your arms, Jaime’s hands wrapped around your legs. He was already so fussy that day. Like he knew you both were leaving, he’d thrown three tantrums which caused Dia to be uncontrollably fussy, Grant was the only one who seemed content to go with whatever was going on. 
“They’re going to be fine.” Bucky soothed. George was bribing Jamie with a toy, trying to pry him from your arms, but the two-year-old was not having it. His face red and wailing, arms wrapped around your neck as you hugged him goodbye. “It’s just a week sweetheart.” Your heart broke as you walked down the steps of the Barnes’ brownstone and to the car. Winnie having Grant wave goodbye and cooing to Dia and Jaime that the two of you will be back and that they’re going to have so much fun. 
Howard had a beach house in the Hamptons, quiet and secluded. Far away from anyone able to protest and argue. A beautiful house with large bay windows and natural light. Bucky was unpacking the groceries, your shared suitcase by the front door still, while you looked out at the crashing waves. This was your home for the next week. And while you’d sit on the phone with Winnie each night, asking her to hold your babies up to the phone, you couldn’t help but be relieved for finally having some kind of break. 
The sun was going down, both of you warm with it, sleepily laying in the sun listening to the waves crash. No kids to care for, no responsibility, just the two of you. You’d eaten cold cut sandwiches and had started drinking at lunchtime, followed by an indecent amount of kissing and fondling on the blanket in the sand. 
He blocked out your sun, leaning over your frame, mouth consuming and hot, malty from the taste of liquor. 
“I’ve missed this.” He said, your face on his chest, fingers dancing down your back. “Just being the two of us.” You hummed, sleepy and a little drunk. 
“Me too.” His hat is halfway propped onto his face, he continues, 
“Once the kids grow up and move out,” He says, “Maybe we could retire up here.” You hum, knowing that it probably won’t be possible, not unless they abolish segregation, but who knows. Maybe one day, maybe when you retire forty years from now things will be different. 
The bath is big enough for the both of you and once the sand is rinsed from your bodies you find yourself there, sinking into the warm water, your back to his chest. Bucky tried his best to make it romantic, all the candles, the oils in the bath. A bath that wasn’t littered with toys and having the ability to bathe longer than five minutes was a definite advantage. 
The days that followed were much like the first, a steady routine you both created in the absence of the normal routine you had at home. Automatically formed out of habit. 
The sex was passionate and much needed. The ability to love each other openly without worry of a baby crying or interrupting in any way. Bucky’s stamina was unparalleled. You’d even risked it out on the sand, swimsuit bottoms pulled to the side, legs over his shoulders, moaning against the sound of the waves beating on the shore. 
You’d lost count of the times you called the Lord’s name in vain. Dumb and babbling with it. Bucky’s back was littered with deep red marks that weren’t given time to disappear. A revitalization for your marriage, with a realization that you’d been together for eight years. Married for six. 
You celebrate your anniversary in the Hamptons, definitely not on your anniversary, and eat cake naked on the kitchen floor. 
“Okay,” You hum, “You look beautiful.” Peggy gave a watery smile in the mirror, the satin and lace wedding gown draped over her body accenting every curve she had. You smiled at her, your dark blue bridesmaid dress a stark contrast. 
Turning she grasps your hands and holds them between the two of you, her nails red lacquered and pale. 
“Thank you for being here.” She lets out a heavy sigh from nerves, “I don’t have many girlfriends.” You shake your head, 
“You’re my friend,” A grin, “Of course I’m here.” 
A small ceremony, not much fuss, that’s what Peggy wanted but certainly not what she settled on. It was a little larger, with a lot more flowers, and a bigger audience than she expected. She was marrying Captain America after all. They’d gotten requests from reporters, people wanting to take pictures as the couple took their vows, but they were told a hasty ‘no’ and now sat outside the church waiting to snap a picture of the newlyweds as they left. 
You cried. Standing across from Bucky as he stood behind Steve. You tried not to, but you couldn’t help it. Not just for the happiness of the marriage, but the love you could feel from your friends. Bucky met your eye and smiled, eyes watering as well, clapping with everyone else as Peggy and Steve shared their first kiss as husband and wife. 
Bucky met you behind them while they walked down the aisle, pulling you tightly into his side. “Do you regret that ours wasn’t like this?” You met his eyes and they were watery, he seemed upset. You shake your head, pressing a kiss to his lips, the congregation more focused on Captain America and his bride. 
The love you felt for him chokes you and you begin to cry, “Not at all.”
taglist //  @corneliabarnes​ @bookish-shristi​ @saturnki​ @jennmurawski13​ @geeksareunique​ @albinotigerpython​ @cake-writes​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @000bananaclip000​ @shadowbusiness @sprinkleofbooty​ @gifsbysimplysonia​ @vhsbarnes​ @loseralert @wendaiii​ @mcueveryday​ @alwaysbenhardysgirl @beck-alicious​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous
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mcu-hoes · 5 years
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fanfictionized · 5 years
The Hating Game - Masterlist
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Status: Completed
Character: Lance Tucker x Latina!OFC
Summary: This is your classic Enemies To Lovers-quarrel. The reader’s little sister goes to Lance’s gym classes. She’s one of the best prodigies he’s ever trained, but what he is even more interested in is that hot older sister of hers. 
She tells him off every time she comes to pick her sister up from practice, but that won’t stop him from flirting like there’s no tomorrow. And even though she acts unbothered and he’s playing it all cool they’re both not entirely unaffected by each other.
And yes, perhaps she is considering it... if he would just stop being such a cocky bastard all the goddamn time. Such a beautiful, beautiful bastard...
Warnings: Fluff (cocky!Lance and asshole!Lance, but also a lot of softie!Lance), smut, language (this is not just flirting anymore, it’s dirty-talk) + swearing, mentions of suicide, near character death, angst, talking about past-domestic violence
Chapters: 9 + Epilogue
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 
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One Hell Of A Blind Date (Sebastian Stan x Latina!Reader)
Description: You were Anthony Mackie’s neighbor, so he always invited you over to his parties or hangouts, getting to know his friends and cast members. Anthony decided to take it upon himself to set you up with a cast member that he was really good friends with. 
I know, horrible description. But like, I got this idea in the shower, for some reason. I get my best ideas in the shower because why not? Anyway, enjoy!
Warnings: None?
Word count: 2,144
Y/N= Your Name
C/C= Career Choice
*Not my gif, credit goes to the gif owner
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Anthony’s parties were something that he tends to invite you too and whenever you had the chance you would go to them. It was how you met some of your closest friends like Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo. Anthony was one of your close friends too, you were also his neighbor and you loved taking care of his kids when he politely asked, you adored his wife. They were like an extended family to you.
 Anthony looked around at the crowd in his house, smiling at his friends as he made his way around. He spotted Sebastian looking at something, deep into thought, walking up to Sebastian. Anthony gently placed his hand on Sebastian’s shoulder, making him jump, he noticed what Sebastian was staring at you talking to Chris.
 Anthony smirked, “maybe instead of just staring at you, you should just go over there and strike a conversation with her,” he suggested. Sebastian had met you before but never really spoke to you, you had always ended up having a conversation with Chris or Mark. But Seb always wanted to have an actual conversation with you, he found you beautiful and just wanted to get to know you better but you always just turned the other way for some reason.
 Seb just shooks his head, taking another swig of his drink, “Nah, looks like she’s already got something going on with Evans anyway.”
 Anthony rolled his eyes at Seb. Robert came up to Seb, starting a conversation. Anthony thought of this as his chance to go over to you and Chris to be noisy and maybe see if he can change things.
 “Come on, Chris, trust me,” Anthony heard you say.
 “I don’t know, blind dates are scary,” Chris expressed.
 “She doesn’t know anything about you, she’s never seen Captain America, this would be a perfect girl for you! She’s a Disney freak like you, she loves dogs, she- please stop me because I’m running out of ideas,” you said causing Chris to laugh.
“Why don’t I set you up for a blind date,” you heard Anthony say.
 You rolled your eyes, “No, hell to the no,” you stated.
 “Aw come on, Y/N, why not?”
 “Because it’s you, Anthony, I don’t trust you.”
 Anthony looked at Chris who just smirked, “I’ll go on my blind date with your friend if you go on a blind date with Anthony’s friend,” Chris said. You gasped, looking at Chris in shock, he was teaming up with Anthony.
 You pondered it for a second, “it’ll be a double date, if that makes you feel better, Me and Sheletta and you and my friend,” Anthony suggested.
 Knowing that Anthony’s wife was going to be there put you more at ease, “Fine,” you stated, catching Anthony by surprise.
 He smirked, “I’ll text you the details,” with that he walked off, you had no idea what you had just gotten yourself into.
 A couple of days went by, Anthony had set the date for Friday night, he told you to dress nice. When you suggested to carpool, Anthony said it’d be better off you all just met there, this caught you a bit off guard but you didn’t think anything much of it. You took an uber to the address that Anthony had sent you, the restaurant looked way to fancy for your taste, you felt a bit underdressed with your black skater dress that had thick spaghetti straps. You sighed to yourself texting Anthony real quick, asking where he was at.
A couple minutes went by and he texted back that he was running late, to go ahead and go inside, that the guy he had set you up with was already inside waiting.
You felt so confused, why would you go inside if you didn’t know who your blind date was. You texted Anthony, asking how you would know who it was.
Anthony sent another text back with a winky face emoji, you’ll just know, he texted.
Sighing to herself, you were already tired of waiting outside, not liking the looks you were getting from people passing by. You decided to just walk in, you were instantly greeted, asking who the reservation was under. You quickly informed them that they were already waiting for you, they gave you a small nod and let you walk on into the dining area.
You scanned the room as you walked around, spotting a familiar face, you smiled and walked over to Sebastian, “Sebastian?” He looked up from his phone, his breath was caught at the sight of you, the sight of how gorgeous you looked in that dress.
“Um- uh, Y/N,” He stuttered, he didn’t know why he was suddenly so nervous around you.
“What are you doing here?” You questioned.
Sebastian chuckled, “You’re gonna think this is dumb but I’m actually waiting for Anthony, he set me up on a blind date.”
You looked at Sebastian with widen eyes, you admitted to yourself that you had a small crush on Sebastian a while back, partially why you tried to avoid him to avoid any embarrassment on yourself. “you don’t say,” you mumbled, suddenly feeling nervous. You muttered some words in Spanish that shouldn’t be repeated.
“What about you?”
“I’m waiting for Anthony too.”
“You’re Anthony’s date?”
You laughed, “No! Anthony’s married! I’m your date!” Sebastian facepalmed, he was so nervous that he had forgotten that Anthony was married, “Anthony set us up together,” you sat down on the chair next to Sebastian, “I knew he was up to something.”
Sebastian smiled, this was the most you had ever spoken to him. “No wonder he said,”
“You’ll know when you see them,” you both said in unison, causing you both to erupt in laughter.
“So, how did he drag you into going on a blind date?” You asked.
“Oh you know, Anthony is like a brother and well, he hates seeing me single. Also, he said he may have blackmailed me into it.”
You laughed at the last part, “sounds like him.”
“And you?”
“I was trying to get Evans to go on a blind date with my best friend and well, they both teamed up basically and now I’m here.” Sebastian gleamed at the thought that you were actually trying to help find Evans someone else to date, that must have meant that you weren’t interested in Evans.
“So, did Chris ever go on that date with your friend?”
“They did actually, yesterday and they have a second date today,” you smiled proudly, “I’m a pretty good matchmaker.”
You both talked for a couple more minutes, mostly about Anthony and how you both got played by him.
“That’s like the fifth time the waiter has come by to check up on us,” you stated, “I kind of feel bad for just sitting here, traffic must be pretty bad if they’re this late.”
Sebastian decided to check his phone, letting out a small chuckle at the text message he had received from Anthony. He slid his phone on the table over to you, showing you the message, “Sucker, enjoy your date,” you read aloud. You instantly knew that Anthony had this all played out to ditch you both. “Asshole,” you crossed your arms, you still didn’t feel comfortable in this setting.
Sebastian must have noticed by your body language, “hey, why don’t we just ditch this place?” You quickly agreed, causing Sebastian to grin. You both left the place unnoticed.
“He’s going to get what’s coming to him, Sebastian.”
“Seb,” Sebastian said.
“Call me Seb,” he stated, “Sebastian feels too formal.”
You smiled, “Seb,” you said quietly. You both walked down the block for a little bit.
“You know we don’t have to go through with this date,” Sebastian said quietly.
He was starting to let his insecurities get to him, “What if I want to?”
Sebastian looked up at you with a smile, “really?”
You nod, “why do you think I avoid you?”
“I thought it was because you just didn’t like me.”
You shook your head, “I’m just afraid I’ll embarrass myself in front of you.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “I doubt that.” He then cleared his throat, “Alright so if we’re going to go through with this date then what should we do?”
You grinned as you noticed a familiar diner coming into your view, “come on,” you grabbed Sebastian’s hand, you felt something shock you but you decided not to make a big deal about it. You and Sebastian ran over to the small diner, “I love this place,” you said as Sebastian held the door open for you, you thanked him.
“Booth?” He questioned, you gave him a small nod and followed him to a booth in the corner. “So, why this place?”
You smiled, “my dad used to bring me here when I was younger, whenever I had a bad day, usually to grab an ice cream Sunday or shake.”
“Are you and your dad close?”
“We were,” you said softly as you let out a small sigh, “he passed away a couple of years ago.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
You shook your head, “it’s alright.”
A waitress came and you both ordered the same thing, a cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate shake.
“Tell me more about yourself, Y/N. I want to get to know this girl, the one that is so afraid to embarrass herself in front of me that she avoided me for months now.”
You laughed, “Well, I work as a C/C and I live in my aunt’s old home, she gave it to me when she passed…” you didn’t know what else to say, you kept catching yourself staring into Sebastian’s blue eyes.
“Oh really? Were you two close?”
You nod, “she was like a grandmother to me, she was much older than my father. There’s actually a treehouse in the backyard from when I was a little girl, I hope one day I’ll get married and my kids can play in that treehouse like I did as a little girl… I don’t know, that sounds dumb now that I say it out loud.”
Seb shook his head, “it doesn’t sound dumb, sounds like someone just knows what she wants.”
“And you, tell me about yourself,” you said as you turned to him. The food then arrived, you both began to eat as Sebastian told you about his move to New York when he was a kid, about Romania and what it was like living there. “There was seriously no bananas?” you questioned.
“No bananas,” Sebastian repeated, “and I’ve always wanted a banana because I saw them on t.v.”
“That’s crazy.”
You both fell silent, taking in each other’s presence, “I really like you, y/n. I’ve had this crush on you for a while now…” You smiled at Sebastian, “And I hope this first date doesn’t end horribly because I would love to take you on a second date.”
“I would love that,” you stated. Sebastian’s eyes lit up, “but let’s finish this date first.”
Throughout the night you talked and ate, ordering dessert as well, you were full but if it meant staying at the diner a little longer and talking to Sebastian, then so be it. Once you both decided it was time to go, Sebastian ordered an Uber for you, you both waited outside, talking a bit more about stories from the past.
“Okay so, how do you say how are you in Spanish?” Sebastian questioned.
“Como estas.” 
“Como,” he repeated perfectly, “estas?” 
You gave him a nod, “You’re good at this!” you said as you noticed a car with the Uber sign pull up, “that’s probably my uber.” You turned back over to Sebastian, “Thanks for an amazing night, Seb.”
“No problem,” Sebastian said with a smile, you both stood there awkwardly for a second, you hadn’t noticed how close your bodies were. You looked up at him, he was smiling down at you. He gently placed his hand on your chin to lift your face, “is this too soon or…” he trailed off.
You rolled your eyes, your lips brushed his lips softly, long enough to feel his warm breath against your skin. You couldn’t help but think about how soft his lips were, and he couldn’t help but smile. Sebastian placed his hand behind your neck to deepen the kiss, both your lips moving in sync. You let go of the kiss, a little out of breath, “I really should go,” you gestured to your Uber who was probably tired of waiting. Sebastian let out a dry chuckle, “can I at least get your number before you leave?” He said with a wink. You facepalmed as he handed you his phone, you quickly dialed your number and hung up.
“Thanks again, Seb,” you said as you gave Sebastian a kiss on the cheek before getting into your uber. You were right, you didn’t know what you had gotten yourself into but you were okay with that. Anthony was one hell of a matchmaker and you and Sebastian both knew it.
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sebsgirl71479 · 1 year
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Preview of my next bucky barnes story called Wedding Hijinx.
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cevans16 · 3 years
It Was Fate
Summary: Sebastian and you have a cozy date night out
You and Sebastian were enjoying a cozy dinner at a local restaurant that was a few blocks from you guys new shared home. It was a chilly fall evening, Sebastian had been gone for a few weeks and was finally back. The both of you had recently moved in with each other two months ago, you were new to the city so you were also exhausted from starting a new job but you were beyond happy. 
You guys were seated at the corner eating and enjoying each other’s company, giggling every now and then. You noticed an older man walk over to your table, you thought he was going to ask for Sebastian’s picture or something but then he said “Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you but what part of Israel are you from?” he asked you, you were confused at first, “I’m sorry I don’t follow...I’m from California” you said shyly, “And your parents?”, “Mexico” you replied, “Oh I am SO SORRY!” he said over and over, he explained that you looked familiar and thought you were from Israel where he was from, you guys laughed about it and conversed for a little bit. “Now I know who you remind me of” he said, “Really...who?”, “Gal Gadot!” he said excitedly, “Sir you just made my day, she is so gorgeous!!” you said blushing while looking at Sebastian, “You are beautiful yourself, you two have the same smile and eyes, along with this vibrant energy, excuse me young man you better take care of her!” he said. Sebastian laughed and nodded. “Oh I promise I will”, “You two look so in love, you remind me of my wife and I” he added, “how did you two meet?”, “Here in New York” you and Seb said at the same time and giggled. “You’re from California and you’re from here?” he asked Sebastian, “No no I’m actually from Romania but I have lived here since I was around 11”, “Romania! Wow! So how did this happen?”, “I was visiting New York helping one of my friends move in” you explained, “you know the funny thing was that I wasn’t supposed to help her at all”, “Wait what do you mean doll?” Sebastian asked curiously. “She had ‘friends’ who were going to help her but they all bailed at the last minute, she called me crying that she didn’t know what to do since her lease was up so she had to move out. I told her not to worry, so I flew from Boston down to Florida, rented a U-Haul and we drove up here to New York, surprisingly we finished quickly but we were so exhausted and we were debating on what to eat so she suggested coffee and a bagel or something. We were going to go to Starbucks but then I was like let’s just check out a little coffee shop and we did, which is where I ended up meeting him” you said pointing to Sebastian. “Wow, you know those things don’t just happen sweetie” the old man said. You were lost in your own thought, he was right. “So I guess we have your best friend to thank” Sebastian added smiling, “And the bailing friends hahaha”. 
“So then you moved here to New York?” the old man asked, “No no I actually just moved in with him about two months ago, we dated for a year after we met and now we are here” you said, “New York was never in my plans, Boston or California was my end destination but then this guy happened” you said scrunching your nose in. “Love is beautiful and it will always be worth it, so when are you putting a ring on that finger?” the man asked Sebastian. Sebastian laughed and blushed along with you, “Oh please don’t pressure him” you joked. Little did you know that Sebastian had planned on asking you to marry him that night. 
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captainmarvels · 7 years
Muñeca Traicionera
Summary: Sam decides to pull a prank on one Bucky Barnes - how far will it go? 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Latinx!Reader
Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendos?
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I’m real scared about this fic b/c I feel like its not good but ANYWAYS, about 85% of the dialogue and some descriptions are in Spanish - NO English translations so either ask me or google translate for help lmao sorry - the songs mentioned are Propuesta Indecente by Romeo Santos and Loco by Enrique Iglesias!  I want to dedicate this to all my Hispanic/Latinx/POC writers and readers who have felt the lack of representation; hopefully this is the start of something good for all of us :) Enjoy! [PS: this is definitely not the last time I write a poc!/latinx!reader fic!]
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As soon as you walked into the conference room, you were tackled into the wall.
“¿Por fin llegas, Y/N! Ay, como te he extrañado, por qué no vienes más seguido, eh?” You pulled away, giggling while enjoying Sam’s thick American accent. “¡No te reís de mí, chica. No soy una broma!”
“¡Jaja, por favor, nunca me burlare de ti, Sam! Te extrañe también, tontito.”
“Okay, eso dolio un poco, don’t do that to me!” Sam pulled away, laughing along with you.
“Perdoname, but your Spanish has gotten better since the last time I saw you, mi Falcon. ¿Como están todos?” You took a seat next to him, pulling out your laptop.
“They’re good - we’ve got a few new additions to the team, but you’ll meet them soon enough.”
You were about to ask about the new members when Tony strolled in, Steve and Natasha right behind him.
“Wow, hace tiempo desde la última vez que nos vimos, ¿verdad? ¿Como estas, nena?” Steve said as he pulled you into his embrace, practically smothering you. Once he lets go, you give Natasha a quick kiss on the cheek, hugging her as well.
“Muy bien, gracias. Y si, demasiado tiempo. ¡Pero, buenas noticias! ¿O todavía no les dice Tony?” You glanced over at him, his eyes scanning some document in his hands. “¡Oye, Stark! Para hoy, ¿no?” Sam and Nat snickered behind you as Tony just glared at you before turning around.
“You’re even snarkier in Spanish, Y/N. How did I ever deal with it before?”
“¿Quién sabe? Lo bueno es que sobreviviste para ver lo bueno que he hecho con tu ayuda.” You smiled as you walked up to him, pulling him in for a hug.
“Ugh, stop getting so sappy. Now, time for the briefing.”
“Man, I wish I could vacation in mother freaking Brazil! Take me next time, alright?” Sam was putting away his files while the rest of you stuck around, catching up before grabbing some lunch together. “Hey, Y/N? I got a favor to ask, and I really hope you’ll say yes.”
“Sam, this better not be the same thing from earlier-”
“Rogers, c’mon! You know it’d be funny, too! Natasha thought so! Right?” Sam looked between Steve and Nat, who kept a straight face while shrugging her shoulders. “Nat, c’mon, back me up, woman!”
“Just spit it out, Sam!” You laughed, rolling up the sleeves of your shirt, revealing a few painful scars on your tan skin from your last mission.
“Yo, where are those from?”
“Sam! The favor?”
“Okay, okay. So, like I was telling you, we have a few new teammates, right? Well, one of them is Bucky, and he’s just like Natasha - es un ex-asesino, y habla varias lenguas, incluyendo el español. I thought it’d be kinda funny to make him think you only know Spanish, and convince him that he’s the only one who can translate or talk to you? I was just wanna see how long the man lasts speaking Spanish - he once went like 4 months speaking pure French around here before Tony threatened to send him to Texas for 6 months.” Steve covered his face with one hand while Sam just looked at you, his eyes pleading for you to say yes.
“So, you just want me to pretend like I don’t know English? Isn’t this, como se dice...um, neglectful? No, no, eso no es...ah, demeaning! I mean, I’ll do it because it’s you, Sam, but I don’t want to make someone suffer.”
“Oh believe me, he won’t, cariño!” Sam smiled, walking out of the room. Steve walked you out, pulling you aside just before reaching the elevators.
“You know you don’t have to, right?” Steve frowned, concerned etched on his face.
“No soy una niña tonta, Steve. Lo quiero hacer; por lo menos puedo hablar español como siempre, y no perderme en los dos idiomas todo el tiempo.”
You were standing at the front of the conference room, right next to your mentor, Tony. You shyly looked up at the team, who had just begun to make their way to their seats. You spotted Bucky - Sam had mentioned he’d be the one to stick out like a sore thumb. You were pulled away from your thoughts when Tony mentioned your name.
“Well, like I said before, this is Y/N - they work for a Secret Service-type intelligence agency in Portugal; fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French. Y/N, por favor.” Tony winked, gesturing that you move to the front of the room. You stepped forward, tucking some loose strands of hair behind your hair as you began to speak.
“Me llamo Y/N, soy latinx, he trabajado en varias misiones con Tony, pero solamente en Europa, América del Sur, América Central y México. Es un placer conocerlos, y me emociona trabajar con ustedes en los meses que vienen.” You smiled, looking up to see understanding nods with the translator comms in place.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. It’s a pleasure.” Vision was the first to greet her, and soon everyone else followed. Bucky was one of the last ones, and after seeing Natasha greet you in Spanish, he decided he would as well.
“Hola, Y/N. Es un placer conocerte – ojalá podemos conocernos mejor luego, ¿sí?” He smiled, clearing his throat as you shook his hand.
“Por supuesto, Bucky. Eso me gustaría mucho.”
“Han pasado dos meses, y apenas acabamos nuestra decima telenovela juntos, Barnes. Esto si es una locura.” You laughed, handing him a bowl of grapes and cherries while taking your spot on the couch. He smiled, laughing too.
“Es una locura que nunca los descubrí antes de conocerte, Y/N! ¿Ahora, como si llama la que vamos a ver ahorita?”
“Teresa. Es una de mis favoritas, desde que era niña. Te va a encantar, Bucky. Mucho drama para alguien como tú.”
“Órale, que quieres decir con eso, nena? No seas mala conmigo, por fa.” Bucky frowned while eating his fruit. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ay si, pobrecito. Cálmate, ya verás. ¡Anda, déjame ponerlo!”
Bucky se tapó la cara con un cojín del sofá, tapando sus gritos de frustración, mientras tú te quedabas acostado, riéndote.
“¡Cariño, por favor dime lo que va pasar, tengo que saber!”
Le diste la espalda saltando sobre el sofá para ir a la cocina. “Ni madres, Bucky. ¡Te tienes que esperar como los demás!”
“¡Muñeca, por favor, te lo suplico, dime! Hare lo que quieres si me digas lo que pasa.”
“¡Cabezón, no te voy a decir nada! Ya, pon el próximo capítulo.”
“Te gusta hacerme sufrir.”
You were scouring the kitchen for something to eat when Bucky’s voice came out of nowhere, causing you to almost drop a massive pan on your foot.
“Maldita sea, Bucky! ¡No me espantes así, cabrón!” Bucky giggled, leaning against the island counter as you closed a few of the open cabinets. “¿Que quieres?”
“Nada. ¿Que estás haciendo, muñeca?”
“¡Tratando de encontrar algo de comer porque el bastardo Stark nunca deja nada bueno para los demás, como siempre!”
“¿Jaja, porque no salimos entonces? ¿Yo pago – que quieres?” You turned around, eyebrows raised.
“En serio? No tienes que pagar, Bucky, está bien-“
“Yo invito, Y/N. Basta ya, que se te antoja?” You rolled your eyes, walking over to where he stood.
“Sé que es una pregunta tonta-“
“Que chistoso. ¿Has probado los tacos en Harlem?”
“No. Ya ves? Nunca una pregunta tonta contigo, muñeca.” You smacked him in the arm, laughing as he feigned discomfort.
“Déjame subir pa’ agarrar mi bolsa y chamarra. ¿Te veo en el garaje?”
“’sta bien. Si, te veo allá bajo.”
“¿En serio, por cuanto tiempo has guardado este tesoro de lugar? Están riquísimas estos tacos”
“Lo sé. ¿Mm, quiero decir como tres meses desde que llegue? Ya llevo cinco, así que todavía era un poco egoísta pa’ compartir este paraíso con los demás hasta ahora.”
“Pos, gracias por compartirlo conmigo primero – ahora ya sé que soy tu persona favorita!”
“Ay si, ¡tú crees! En tus sueños, Barnes.”
“¡Todas las noches, muñeca!”
“Ya cállate y disfrute de los tacos, bobo.”
“Ya ves, ¡hasta me tienes un apodo cariñoso!”
“Bucky, cállate!” Bucky laughed, winking at you before taking a bite of his taco.
You adjusted the speakers in the deck before plugging in your phone to the surround sound system. Bucky was pacing back and forth, rolling the sleeves of his henley up and down.
“No tengas miedo, Buck. Todos tenemos que aprender en algún momento, ¿no? Iremos despacito.”
“Y si piso tus pies con las mías?”
“Deja de preocuparte! Vente, ya va a empezar la canción. Es una de mis favoritas.”
The music began, and you grabbed Bucky’s hands; placing one on the small of your back, holding the other in your left hand. You swayed your hips, taking two steps to the left, before stepping towards the right, in the same fashion. Bucky watched your feet, doing his best to follow the rhythm you had set.
As you slowly stepped along to the song, you began to softly sing the lyrics.
¿Si te invito a una copa y me acerco a tu boca
Si te robo un besito a ver te enojas conmigo?
¿Qué dirías si esta noche te seduzco en mi coche?
Que se empañen los vidrios
Y la regla es que goces
¿Si te falto el respeto y luego culpo al alcohol
Si levanto tu falda me darías el derecho
A medir tu sensatez?
Poner en juego tu cuerpo
Si te parece prudente esta propuesta indecente?
“Cantas muy bien. ¿Nunca has pensado en una carrera como cantante?”
“¡Que broma, hombre! No, soy la peor en cantar y bailar.”
“Por dios, bailas bien también, muñeca. ¿Me vas a enseñar más?”
“No dijiste tu que tienes dos pies izquierdos?”
“Anda, me gusta bailar contigo.”
“Anda pues, pero vas a tener que escuchar mi voz terrible.”
“Gano de cualquier manera, Y/N.”
A ver, a ver
Permíteme apreciar tu desnudez
(Take it off)
Relájate que este Martini calmara tu timidez
Y una aventura es más divertida si huele a peligro
It was after celebrating their one year of being at the tower - and their official invitation to become an Avenger - that Bucky decided he wanted to ask them out. Y/N had become his best friend over time, and he grew so fond of speaking Spanish and learning about latinx culture because of them. He only realized his feelings when he was listening to the lyrics of one of Y/N’s favorite songs.
Being the cheesy romantic that he was, Bucky decided that he would ask Y/N out by serenading them. He told the rest of the team to steer clear of the main living room, and he especially threatened Sam and Nat if they tried to pull anything.
He told you to meet him there in 30 minutes, so you could go out for lunch. Just enough time for him to set up the sound system, and get the music ready. Bucky had instructed Friday to let him know when you were in the elevator and about to get off, so he could stop psyching himself out.
���Mr. Barnes, Y/N is about to arrive from the elevators.”
He took a deep breath, hitting play on the music, right as you opened the doors.
“Wow, nunca pensé que iba tener una banda sonora en mi vida. ¿Que pasa, Bucky?”
“Y/N, ven, por favor. Quiero decirte algo; bueno, es mejor decir cantarte algo.”
“¿Me vas a dar una serenata, Barnes?” Sentías como tu corazón se iba a saltar de tu pecho, el sonido de tu latido fuerte en tus oídos.
No te perdonare
Si me dejas solo
Con los sentimientos
Que pasan como el viento
Lo revuelven todo
Y me vuelven loco
Por besar tus labios
Sin que quede nada por dentro de mi
Diciendo te lo todo
No te perdonare
Si me dejas por dentro con ese dolor
No te perdonare
Si me vuelves loco
You felt the tears at the brim of your eyes, and your face hurt from smiling. You could tell Bucky was nervous, pouring his feelings out to you in song, so you decided to cut him some slack. You walked up to him, cupping his face with your hands. He stumbled over his words, looking down at you.
“Eres un romántico desesperado. Mas, mi romántico.”
“¡No juegas conmigo, James!”
He laughed, closing the distance between you. His lips were gentle and soft against yours, and you couldn’t stop smiling as you kissed him back, the music softly playing in the background, as if you were in a movie. After you pulled away, Bucky held you tight against his chest, kissing the top of your head.
“Nunca pensé que sentirías lo mismo, muñeca.”
“Bueno, ya sabemos que eres un tontito, pero está bien. Ahora sabes.” You laughed as you looked up at him, a frown tugging at his lips.
“Cuando me dejaras vivir?”
While you two stood there, on the other side of the door, Natasha, Sam, Steve, Tony and Wanda stood, high-fiving each other after witnessing your little moment. Sam slumped back against the wall, rolling his eyes as Natasha and Steve stuck their hands out.
“Man, I never would’ve thought he’d last this long. 14 months?! Goddamn it, I’m gonna be broke now.”
“Your loss, Sam!”
tags: @bladebarnes, @retroasgardian, @roamingharlem, @thesaraaaaahpfan, @avengershavethetardis, @buenostardissherlock, @jurassicbarnes, @storyofavengers, @imsecretlyromanburki, @buckyswife, @cassandras-musings, @nottheopera, @coltcas, @thefridgeismybestie, @rda1989, @callamint, @dejmccray, @kaaatniss, @seb-ass-tian-stan-ws, @bootypoppinbarnes, @hollycornish, @h4izel, @charliexowrite, @kapolisradomthoughts
@hum4ntrash, @mrs-dr-strange, @yes---soldier, @cxptain-americaa, @waitforthehurricanlore, @thecrownedrose, @sexylibrarian1, @leah5684, @worldsroses, @wintertrbl, @griseldaevn, @bananahero13, @toofangirl, @saradiamayaf, @orbiting-leslie, @howlingbarnes, @captaingiemarie, @bi-diana-prince, @farfromjustordinary, @shunnybunnysunny, @kimmybear, @theweirddragon, @ailynalonso15, @trylenawinchester, @writingmarcy, @thewinterswimmer, @kidasol, @myfriendmagislit, @fucky-thebucky, @mirnita, @ssweet-empowerment, @20joso, @puezzy, @vampirewithniceheels @slutforteenwolfimagines @persephone-is-here-omg, @papi-chulo-bucky
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wildtoast-blog1 · 7 years
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honeymoon with Bucky Barnes x latina!reader moodboard
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floosies · 4 years
floosies mcu masterlist
[Thank you to @indecisivedolly for creating this masterlist all that time ago]
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Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan
Dancing with Bucky May Include
Trouble - mob!bucky x reader (series)
bury a friend: The Story of Noctua - bucky x Noctua, avengers x Noctua (series)
Busy Bees - domestic!bucky x reader
Haunted Heart - Bucky x reader
Escapism - bucky x reader, avengers x reader
Everything Stays - dad!bucky x pre teen!reader
Brooklyn Kids - bucky x poc!reader
She - Sebastian x poc!reader
Postmodern Girl - Sebastian Stan x poc!fem!reader
Celoso - Sebastian Stan x latina!reader
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans + characters
La Muneca del Barrio - mob!steve x reader (series)
Cinderella - steve x reader
Time after Time - steve x reader
Jaripeo - Chris Evans x mexican!reader
Lovely - Chris Evans x poc!fem reader
Here comes the Night - steve x fem!reader
Beyond the Storm - steve x reader
Yes It Is  - steve x reader
Static - au!teen!chris x poc!fem!reader
Artsy Things I Think Steve Rogers is Into
Late Night at the Grocery Store  - Andy Barber
My Blue Heaven - mob!Andy Barber
Sam Wilson
Throw it in the Bag -  sam x reader
Folding Clothes - sam x poc!reader
Rainy Day Rituals - sam x fem!reader
Tiene Tumbao - sam x mob!oc!reader (series) 
A First - sam x poc!reader
daydreaming - sam x poc!reader(fem)
Natasha Romanoff
Girl - Natasha x reader
Fix You - mom!natasha x son/daughter!reader x avengers
On a Morning, in Paris - Natasha x fem!reader
bury a friend: The Story of Noctua - avengers x Noctua, bucky x Noctua (series)
Escapism - avengers x reader, bucky x reader
An Avengers Christmas - avengers x reader
Gold Medal Ribbon - avengers x reader
Christmas at the Compound - avengers x reader
Some Christmas Cheer - avengers
Could You Imagine? 
If The Avengers Would Be Teens Today
If The Avengers Would Be Teens Today: Part 2
Tik Tok Trends/Dances I Think the Marvel Cast Would Attempt
Loki/Tom Hiddleston
Coffee - Tom x reader
Amorsito - Tom x hispanic!reader
Coffee Bars - Loki x reader
Dead to Me - mob!tom x poc!reader
The Joy You Felt - Loki x poc!reader
Coffee - Tom HIddleston x reader
For So Long - AU!Loki x oc!character x AU!Bucky
Honeymoon - Loki x reader
The Professor and I - Professor!Tom x black!reader (series)
Peter Parker/Tom Holland
Omened - Peter x reader
Half a Person - Tom x reader
Puppy Love - peter x poc!plussize!reader
Thanks, Little Sis - Peter x Morgan
Happiness is a Warm Gun - Peter x reader
Mio Amore - mob!Tom x poc!reader
I Only Have Eyes for You  - mob!Tom x poc!reader
Tony Stark
She's Mine - dad!tony x daughter!reader
Sides - tony x poc!reader
It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World - tony x poc!reader
Marvel Ships
Tranquil - Thor x Bruce
Everything Stays - Thor x Bruce
Viral - MJ x Shuri
In Another Life - Steve x Sam
I Like the Way You Love Me - Sam x Bucky
Others Marvel Related:
All the Way - Howard Stark x reader
Ned's Day Out -  Ned x Tony&Bruce
Bambi - M'Baku x black fem!reader
Sweetheart - Pietro x reader
The Holidays - Frank Castle x reader
‘Girlie’ - Carol Danvers x fem!reader
Shades of Cool - Stephen Strange x reader
Saviour - Matt Murdock x reader
Personal Jesus - dark!Thor (18+)
Salvatore - mob!Jake Lockley x oc!fem
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trillian-anders · 4 years
amor de mi vida - 1949
pairing: bucky barnes x latinx!reader
warnings: racism, prejudice, fluff, angst, smut
word count: 3362
description: Bucky Barnes is a sweet young Brooklyn boy, just on the cusp of manhood, a hopeless romantic that falls in love with almost every girl he sees. when he sets his eyes on a young girl fresh off the boat from Cuba he finds out how hard love can really be.
for @cake-writes 1940s challenge.
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Sunset Park was ever growing with Hispanic population, in the years since you and your Mother came to New York the population had grown and people, while still not allowing certain people to mix, there was a little less of a stigma of someone brown walking down the street. Surprisingly enough the property you’d found was right across the street from the bodega where Bucky had first dragged you in trying to buy bread and the man refused you. It straddled the line of the Hispanic and white population in Brooklyn. 
It was the perfect spot. 
The upstairs level would be for sewing and crafting, the downstairs would house the shop and sales. Bucky and George painted the upstairs and downstairs, fit new light fixtures, and fixed the shoddy wiring that hadn’t been worked on, you were convinced, since electric light had been invented. 
“What do you think?” He asked, coveralls splattered with paint and sweat on his brow. You grin up at him, 
“I love it.” 
The women you’d been selling dresses to over the past few years now had somewhere to shop and you could sell more products standardly while offering tailoring services. A big, ‘EVERYONE WELCOME’ sign in the front window. Which means you had to hire more people. You stuck to hiring women, the women who wanted to work in your community.  
You figured things were going pretty well, until the first time you were vandalized. Broken glass and a clear message of not being welcome a month into opening. You couldn’t help but figure it might have something to do with the man across the street who seemed to remember your faces. 
He stood there now, arms crossed. Lips pressed so tight they almost disappeared from his face. You huff, trying not try cry as the girls help you sweep up the glass. You called Bucky, knowing he was home with the kids, from the back office. 
“The front window is shattered.” You couldn’t help but cry when you heard his voice. 
“Okay,” He sighed, you could hear Grant fussing in the background, “Let me call my Pa and I’ll see what we can do.” The police didn’t care, but George was the one who originally talked to the inspectors and bank having already started his own business before. 
He had someone out in an hour to fix the window and to install new, easier to pull down, grate for them. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked, he’d finally got the kids to sleep. The excitement of Mama coming home and a quick dinner had been followed by a carefully orchestrated bath and bedtime routine. Now it was just the two of you, and the bottle of wine you’d opened. 
“We are very lucky,” You start, “In New York they haven’t banned us being together, they segregate, sure, but we have a good amount of people who believe in integration. We don’t have a lot of problems with prejudice so sometimes I forget.” His hand met the back of your neck, massaging. “It’s just a little bit of a wake-up call.” 
He shrugs, “I thought that now Jackie Robinson was playing for the Dodgers that people would be a little more accepting.” You glare at him and he laughs. “If we are being honest here...” Bucky sighs, taking a sip from his glass, “I worry about our kids.” He leans further into the couch, “I worry all the time about the day we have to send Jaime to school, I worry about them playing outside. I worry about things happening to you and the kids when I’m not here.” 
People respected Bucky Barnes. He was a war hero, right hand man to Captain America himself. You lost count of the amount of times you’d take the kids for a walk and be stopped. Women wanting his autograph and men wanting to thank him for his service to the country. There was a level of protection there. It was possible that it was keeping you and your children safe. Not out of the realm of thought. Especially when you were actually with him out. 
Without him was tight smiles and folks crossing the street to avoid you, like you were some kind of threat to them. 
You lay your legs on his lap, wordlessly asking him to rub your aching feet. You’d worked the floor all day, first cleaning up glass and then helping with customers and you did four fittings in the afternoon. He drains his glass and begins to rub your stocking clad feet. 
“How was the shop today besides the window?” Thumbs digging into the sole of your foot you moan, letting your head roll back against the armrest of the couch. 
“Good, we sold ten dresses.” He switched to a different foot, “I think Amara and Rosalyn are a little more than friends.” He pauses, looking at you. 
“Like?” You nod. 
“Huh.” He shrugs, “That makes a lot more sense.” The two women, your first employees, told you they moved in together to save money and were tired of living in the boarding house. With their savings they bought a cute little property not far from the store. They also adopted a few animals. 
“What did you think?” He shakes his head, 
“I just thought they were strange.” They always seemed so fidgety, like they were doing something suspicious when you weren’t in the room, but it would make sense of having the fear of getting caught. An interracial marriage some could be okay with, but a same-sex marriage? That was a whole different story. 
His fingers danced their way up your skirt, to your hose, removing the stay ups slowly, keeping eye contact, while massaging your foot with his other hand his fingers slipped under the hose and rolled the first one down your leg. Then the other. 
“I missed you today.” He whispered, kissing your ankle. “We all missed you today.” He tapped your leg, tugging gently on your thigh to get you to sit up, straddling his lap. His erection was already straining against his trousers. You ground yourself against him, meeting his lips. His hands held your hips, moving you against him enough to tease. “It’s so sexy,” He whispers, going for the button on his slacks, you lift up, shimmying your panties off and tossing them to the side. “You're going off to work,” A breathy kiss, you bury your fingers in his hair, tilting his head back as you press kisses down his jaw and onto his neck. “You’re so talented dahlin.” He groaned as you sunk down onto him, rocking your hips with his hands. “So fucking talented.” 
“Te quiero mucho.” Kisses wet and sloppy as you muffle your moans against his lips. His hand held the back of your neck, body slipping down to hover his hips off the couch, bringing your body close to his in order to thrust upward into you. Mouth pressed tightly to keep quiet while you came, fingers dipping between your thighs to strum your clit, riding out the pleasure while Bucky’s hips stuttered with release. 
“I love you too sweetheart.” Erection staying stiff inside you. He breathes and lets you collapse on top of him before sighing, “We forgot to use a rubber.” 
And just like that, pregnant again. 
You pretended to be hateful. “This is all your fault.” But Bucky just laughed. “You planned this.” Grant crawled over his shoulder, going to tumble down his back, letting Bucky catch him before he falls, laughing and doing it again. Dia and Jaime were playing with the new dollhouse she’d received for her birthday. A present that ‘Santa’ brought her, but was really bought from Macy’s and you didn’t even want to ask Winnie how much it cost. 
This pregnancy was a little rougher than the last three. You felt sick constantly and the ginger mints only did so much, aside from the fact that you started showing almost immediately. Your feet were swollen from working at the store and a rushed doctor visit was needed after you’d started spotting. 
“Bed rest.” Was what the doctor said, you’d huffed indignantly. The last three pregnancies you’d lived normally up until the day they were born and the doctor had the nerve to tell you that it was because you were older now. You weren’t even thirty yet. 
“Sweetheart,” Bucky tried to calm you down after you cursed the Doctor, “He’s an asshole, but if he’s recommending bed rest, you should probably rest.” So the keys to the shop were handed over to Amara and Rosalyn. 
“I hate this.” You grumbled, the kids were a mess today, and you felt very stressed. You couldn’t do anything right for Jaime, Dia seemed to want nothing to do with you, and Grant was throwing a tantrum over a soft breeze. “When are you coming home?” You could hear him pause on the other end, 
“About an hour left and I should be on my way.” The longest hour of your life. 
The sickness, the bleeding, the swollen feet. You’d been blessed with twins by the way your belly was measuring. “You did this.” And Bucky laughed. 
You sat in Peggy’s kitchen, snacking on a cheese plate she layed out for the two of you, grumbling about it. 
“He doesn’t know what it’s like.” Peggy, radiant as ever, nods in understanding, “In the seven years of our marriage I’ve been pregnant for four of them. The other three he was gone.” Every year you’d been together resulting in pregnancy. Jaime and Dia within months of each other. Grant a little while after that, and then a break in between him and now. “I love my kids,” You defend, “But you’ll understand when you have them.” You sigh, rubbing your belly, “It’s difficult.”
“I’m not sure Steve and I are ready quite yet.” She laughs, “Our work is dangerous,” She wasn’t joking. You knew their apprehensions, you felt them every time Bucky walked out the door. You weren’t sure if he was coming home or not, every time. “But I’m living vicariously through you in the meantime.” The playpen was set up in the living room, the three kids in view of you, playing quite loudly to the noise of the radio. The boys were out back, fixing loose shingles on the roof. 
“You can take one if you want,” You joke, arching your back trying to relieve some of the pain. Bucky stepped inside behind Steve, grabbing a drink from the fridge he lays a sweaty kiss on your cheek before going over to the chorus of Papa from their sitting room. Dia was the one who wanted his attention the most, her little feet climbing up on the gate and reaching her arms out to him while Grant and Jaime quickly lost interest as the noise from the radio changed. Bucky picked her up and brought her over to where you were sitting, handing her a piece of cheese to nibble on. 
“You trying to sell our kids?” He asked.
“I’m trying to give them away for free.” Another kiss to your head and a hand on your belly. 
“Baby.” Dia said. Pointing to your stomach. 
“That’s right mija,” You smiled, “You want to feel the baby?” She nods, chewing on a finger. Bucky sits her on your lap, your sweet girl’s hair was finally growing, the soft brown curls done back with a bow, she put her hands on your tummy.
“Big belly.” She whispers, tapping on your stomach. 
“There’s two babies in there mija.” She scrunches her nose, tapping on your belly again before reaching beside you for some more cheese. Bucky takes down the gate for the playpen, the other kids coming around to snack on cheese. Jaime whining to come up into your lap as well, Grant behind him. Peggy picks up Grant, settling him in her lap. Bucky taking Dia for you to let Jaime snuggle up into your lap. His body curled around your tummy, thumb in his mouth. 
“Who would have ever thought.” Steve mused, “I thought you were crazy for chasing her the way you did.” Bucky chasing you, ten years ago now. So young and naive. 
“I thank God every day that I did.” He grins at you and you could almost see the way he looked when he was seventeen, when he ran into you on the street and dragged you into a shop you knew you wouldn’t be allowed in. 
You smile back, “Me too.” When Bucky leans in for a kiss Jaime groans and pushes him away, pulling you to him and making you give him a kiss on his forehead instead. 
“Mama.” He whines, “I’m hungry.” You give Bucky a look.
“Alright mijo, let's get you something to eat.” 
Something was wrong next door. The only reason you knew that was because the house was quiet today. Bucky had taken the kids to his parent’s house so you could nap, so you heard the shouting clear as day. You slipped out of bed, and walked to the bedroom window, the window facing the side of Martha Green’s house. The shouting was loud, almost frightening. Your hand fumbled with the bedside phone, dialing quickly. 
“James,” You rest a hand on your belly, still looking out at the house, but their blinds were shut, “Something is happening next door, I think he’s hurting her.” There was a blood curdling scream you were sure he could hear, 
“Call Steve,” He said, “I’m on my way.” 
Steve didn’t answer, you placed the phone in the cradle and heard another scream. Waddling down the stairs, you knew it would take Bucky thirty minutes to get home. Another call to Steve, another unanswered call. 
You could hear glass break. And you called the police. But how far out were they? You could hear her screaming and crying. There was a gun by the front door that felt heavy in your hands, shaking and nerves you walked outside, to her house and up the stairs. You knocked on the front door, hard. 
There was a pause in noise, the gun heavy in your hand, hidden in the pocket of your house dress. The front door ripped open. You’d seen Martha’s husband a number of times and you believed Bucky when he said he didn’t think that he treated her very well. There was a wild look in his eyes and behind the small crack he opened you could see the shattered remains of what must have been their china cabinet. 
You swallow nervously, but quickly ask, “Is Martha here? I uh… I came to return this.” In a quick moment of clarity you’d grabbed the glass dish you’d left by the front door that you’d asked Bucky to take back to Winnie, you thanked God he was forgetful in that moment. His jaw was tight and he looked down at the casserole dish in your hand. 
His grip was rough on the dish, yanking it from your hand, “I’ll be sure to give it to her.” You see movement in the background, Martha. The two children hiccuping in tears as she ushered them in the closet under the stairs. You could see the bruises blooming on her face. “Is there anything else you need?” 
“I would just like to talk to her.” You found some firmness. 
“I’m sure she would not like to talk to you.” And you knew why. A spit at your feet. Your jaw clenched, your ears listened for sirens but you couldn’t hear any. It felt like it had been twenty minutes but you knew it had only been maybe five. 
“Martha!” You called behind him. His hand quickly shot out, grabbing your arm and yanking you into the house. 
“You nosy fucking bitch.” Your back met the hallway wall, fingers fumbling for your gun. You quickly pulled it and aimed it at his chest. He looked startled and backed away. 
“Martha.” You could see her out of the corner of your eyes, “Grab the kids and go to my house.” She was frozen in the doorway, the anger from her husband clear on his face. “Go!”
You were shaking, which was a mistake, he rushed you. You fired the gun but it missed, the bullet embedding itself in the wall above his shoulder. He quickly grabbed your arm and brought a fist down on your face. You fired the gun again, clipping him on his arm. Screaming as you fell, hands coming to protect your belly as you fell. The gun spun out from your grip. 
Martha’s husband, the big hulking man he is, stepped over you and grabbed the gun, pointing it in your face. You gasp, coming back onto your knees, eyes springing with tears. 
“You stupid fucking bitch.” He spits, pulling the hammer back. You’ve made a mistake. Your heart in your throat you grab your belly. 
“You’re a fucking coward.” It springs from your throat before you can help it. His upper lip curling, his finger tenses on the trigger. But before he could pull it you see a flash of metal, Bucky’s hand going to grab his wrist with the gun and in one instant, disarms him and the gun, flinging the piece of metal to the side he wraps his arm around Martha’s husband’s neck, bringing him to the ground. 
When he arrived home he found a bruised and beaten Martha sitting in his den, her two sobbing kids beside her. When she told him where you were, his heart dropped. He felt like he was going to be sick. He snuck through the back door and came into the hallway through their den. Stopping the man about to take his wife away from him. 
“What were you thinking?” He would yell later. Crying. Both of you. “I told you to call Steve.”
“I did.” You were blubbery, “He didn’t answer.” Bucky sighed, scrubbing his hands over his face before turning back to you and sighing heavily.
“Come here baby,” A tight hug to his chest, “I’m sorry. You were so brave, I’m sorry.” Hands rubbing up and down your back as you cried. “Please, never do that again.” You’d talked to the police, Bucky backing your story and telling them what he’d done. “You scared the shit out of me.” 
The next day Martha showed up on your doorstep, an apology pie in hand. “I just wanted to say thank you,” She was looking at her shoes. You stepped aside, inviting her in. Settled down at your kitchen table with a cup of coffee she continues, “I honestly thought he was going to kill me yesterday.” A rough swallow, “He almost killed you.” Her blue eyes meeting yours for the first time. “I’m sorry I was so jealous of seeing how your husband treated you.” Her lips swollen with bitten worry, “And I used race as an excuse to treat you poorly and for that I apologize.” Her hands shaking, you reach over to comfort her. 
“I forgive you,” a mutual cry between new friends. “Listen,” You scribble down your number on the pad by the phone. “If you need help you can always call, James’ work…”
“I know what he does.” She thumbs the paper. “He’s a good man.” You smile softly, 
“Yeah, he is.” You muse at the thought,
Ten long years have led to this. Five children and an ever passionate love between the two of you that, at first, you thought was a simple infatuation that would pass with time. But he loved you, he married you. He helped you create five beautiful children and you couldn’t help but love him endlessly for that. 
He’s shown you how intensely he loves. Every single day. And doesn’t relent, even when things had gotten a little hard. You admire him for that, and know that he was true in every sense of the word. 
His love was all consuming and with every kiss he lay on your lips the relationship between you grew more solid. 
He truly was the love of your life. 
And you were his. 
taglist //  @corneliabarnes​ @bookish-shristi​ @saturnki​ @jennmurawski13​ @geeksareunique​ @albinotigerpython​ @cake-writes​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @000bananaclip000​ @shadowbusiness @sprinkleofbooty​ @gifsbysimplysonia​ @vhsbarnes​ @loseralert @wendaiii​ @mcueveryday​ @alwaysbenhardysgirl @beck-alicious​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous
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