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pupkashi · 11 months ago
volvi a nacer
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gojo feels life start anew now that you’re by his side
a/n: hi hi friends ! this is heavily inspired by this song !! i think it’s so sweet and yeah <3 (unrelated but my bf sent me it i was geeking out for a week ok) ALSO GIGI (@4sat0ruu) I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS SO MUCH MY FELLOW LATINA 🙏🙏🙏; slightly latinx coded reader bc i can !
wordcount - 2,737
translations: mi amor // my love, hermoso(a) // beautiful, mi corazon // my heart, cariño // sweetheart
there was time in gojo satoru’s life that he felt his life had essentially ended. he felt isolated, like no one would ever fill the void he felt in his chest.
he didn’t think he had anyone to lean on when he needed it, opting for a façade of cockiness and jokes when anyone asked if he was alright.
you saw through it all. with a concerned frown on your face as you wrapped your arms around him, holding him as tightly as you could and squeezing him.
“i don’t need your hugs, y/n,” he scoffed, hoping you didn’t hear the wobble in his voice, “I’m the strongest, i can take on anything by myself.”
“I’m sure you can, but you don’t have to,” you whispered, not letting go for a second. you heard the tremble in his breath, the hitch in his throat when he heard your next words, “I’m right here, you’ll be okay.”
for a split second satoru saw the world for all its warmth and love rather than its faults and challenges. he felt the love and support he’d only ever imagined, the suns warm rays hitting his skin as you held him tightly.
it faded as you pulled away, and he could hear nobara and yuji yelling in the distance, toge and yuta laughing at something.
“I’ll be here if you need me, okay?” you reassure him, your hand lingers on his shoulder for a bit before you walk away.
you’re only two steps away when you feel satoru gently grab your wrist, letting go not even a second after he did. when you turn to face him he looks shocked, as if he didn’t have control of his own body for a second.
“uh- can-” he stumbles over his words, not knowing exactly what to say and not exactly having the courage to say whatever they were.
“yeah, i can,” you smile softly, taking his hand in yours, “how about we get some food, when’s the last time you had actual food and not take out or sweets?” you question.
satoru rolls his eyes, scoffing before counting the days on his fingers, “it hasn’t been that long,” he mumbles, smiling a bit when you shake your head and laugh at him.
it’s been three years since then, somewhere along the way the line of caring friend and something more had been crossed, pinkies interlinking during movie night, a stolen kiss in a maintenance closet when hiding from an upset yaga.
he’s not exactly sure what’s making him reminisce on that day. maybe he’s recalling the way the sunshine felt on his skin, the way it does now as it pours in through the blinds, landing on his bare chest.
“you didn’t snore this time” you mumble, voice a bit hoarse as you wake up.
satoru grins, “I told you I’d stop,” you can’t help but half laugh, cuddling up to him more, “I’d do anything you ask of me sweets.”
“it’s 9 in the morning and you’re already professing your undying love?” you tease, just barely opening your eyes to look at your lover, who’s already staring right back at you, soft smile adorning his beautiful face.
“would do it all hours of the day if you’d let me,” he replies, not missing a beat. you can only chuckle softly, letting your head rest on his chest. your hair tickles him a bit but he ignores it, focusing on the way your index fingers draws random patterns on his abdomen.
satoru lets his mind wander, he thinks how lucky he is.
how lucky he was to be given a second chance at life, to be able to come back from a place so dark, to now be able to quite literally be bathed in sunlight and tender touches.
“where’d you go?” you whisper, adjusting yourself on your side and letting your arm prop you up. satoru is reeled back in, snowy lashes kissing his cheeks gently as he lays on his side to face you.
“thinking ‘bout how lucky i am,” he mumbles, staring at you for a second before a soft smile overtakes his lips, “I love you.” the words never fail to make you smile, you never miss a beat to respond, “i love you more, angel boy.”
“there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for you, you know that right?” he’s focusing on the fuzz of the blanket rather than your eyes, looking up only when you hum in response.
“what if you have to fight off the most talented swordsman in the world for me?” you tease, he’s smiling at you as he sits up.
“then I’ll get a sword and do what i have to do to not lose you,” he answers like it’s the most simple thing in the world, “I’ve fought off worse haven’t i?” his cockiness makes you roll your eyes and chuckle, sitting up and kissing his cheek before stretching and finally getting out of bed.
“i guess so, you’re too strong for any of my hypotheticals,” you mumble, the taller man following you into the restroom, brushing your teeth together before heading into the living room.
“what do you want for breakfast?” satoru asks, his hands are already reaching for the ingredients for an omelette, recalling how you’d been craving one since last night but fell asleep as soon as you’d gotten home.
“what’s on the menu today, chef gojo?” you smile, moving from the couch to the kitchen bar, watching as he took out four eggs and various veggies and meats.
“how ‘bout that omelette you were dreaming of yesterday, sweetheart?” he’s grinning as he cracked an egg open with one hand over the bowl, a trick you’d taught him that took him the course of two cartons of eggs.
“you’re too perfect mi amor,” the words make his ears turn bright red, face flushed as he continues his fluid movements in the kitchen.
three years ago had someone told you the satoru gojo could make omelettes and crack eggs with one hand you would’ve laughed in their face, betting your life savings and then some against the snowy haired sorcerer.
yet here you are; three years, lots of broken eggs, burnt food and nights in the restroom later- you watch the love of your life make you an omelette.
the two of you eat breakfast over small talk, telling him of your plans for the day.
“I’ve gotta run some errands today, i hope traffic isn’t too bad” you trail off, mentally checking all the things you had to do.
“i can drive if you want,” he shrugs, chugging down the last bit of orange juice in his cup before grabbing your plate and placing them in the sink. “i don’t have anything else going on.”
you smile at your lover, “you don’t have to drive me around everywhere, you know that right?” satoru knew your distaste for being behind the wheel, he only saw it as an opportunity to pamper you and treat you like the royalty you were.
“i know, but i love driving you everywhere,” he grins, walking next to where you were seated and bending over to kiss your temple, “I’ll be your loyal chauffeur for as long as you’ll have me, hermosa.” the word is foreign on his tongue, it slips past his lips naturally, just the way you’d been teaching him common phrases.
“hermosa? who’d you learn that one from?” fighting the smile off your face was a predestined loss, barely hiding how over the moon you were at the new pet name. your words are teasing as you stand from the kitchen bar, stopping right in front of your lover, looking up at him.
“duolingo was hitting on me, actually,” satoru replies, a dimpled smile on his face when your arms snake around his neck, pulling him downwards so his lips met yours.
“can duo fight?” you laugh between kisses, pressing a softer kiss to the tip of his nose before detaching yourself from him.
satoru is ready before you, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching- no admiring, your every move as you get ready. his mind is filled with a whirlwind of compliments he can’t seem to get out, overcome with an overwhelming sense of love for you.
you’re an aura of warmth, kindness and love, and angel sent for him. a caring soul, who nurtured him back to health; through late night calls that ended with you in his apartment or vice versa, gentle reminders and tight hugs helping him through his toughest nights. through forced outings to fairs and arcades, despite his protests that he has been doing things other than working with his students and going on missions (he hadn’t).
it had taken time, but satoru had healed.
your love had healed him.
“oh i can’t do movie night Friday” you frowned, watching as the second and first years trained.
“oh? why’s that” satoru was caught off guard, you’d never been one to cancel on him.
“i- uh- I’ve got a date, actually” you chuckle, staring at your finger nails before looking at the man next to you.
“a date?” he repeated, heart sinking and stomach falling as you nodded with a smile.
“nanami set me up with them, didn’t know he actually had friends besides us,” you smiled, trying your best to ease the palpable tension.
you’d gotten up and left shortly after that, some lame excuse he can’t remember now. he did remember angrily walking into nanami’s office, accusing him of hating satoru and wanting to see him suffer.
“have you thought of- i don’t know, maybe telling y/n how you feel?” kento sighs, trying his best to focus on the report he was filling out before satoru had barged in.
satoru hadn’t thought of that, but he took his friends advice and marched up to you three hours later, confessing his feelings upfront.
“don’t go on that date, they don’t deserve you,” he began, immediately taking you back, “and maybe i don’t either but just give me one chance and i swear you won’t regret it.”
“what’s up with you today? maybe you shouldn’t drive” your words pull him out of his memory, blinking once, then twice before fully coming back to his senses.
“do you remember when you told me you had that date?” he asks, watching as you furrows your brows, the corners of your lips turning upwards as you recall the memory.
“oh yeah! then you confessed like an hour later” satoru nods, blushing a bit. “what about it?” you ask, moving to sit next to him, taking his larger hand in yours, tracing soothing circles into his skin with your thumb.
“i didn’t even know i liked you then,” he admits, “i just felt this terrible feeling in my stomach and yelled at nanami for wanting to ruin my life.” the revelation makes you smile a bit, “he told me to tell you that i liked you and only then did it dawn upon me that i had romantic feelings for you.” satoru laughs at himself now, looking at you with sparkling blue eyes.
“well, you were- and still are a bit of a dummy” you mumble, pulling his arm so satoru can lean against you, letting you rest your head atop his. “my silly angel boy.”
angel boy.
the first time he heard you say that he quite literally stopped in his tracks, smiling from ear to ear before picking you up and spinning you around. ‘say it again!’ he kept asking, blushing just as hard every time the pet name left your mouth.
satoru loves grocery shopping with you, checking off things as you put them in the cart. he thinks you look angelic against the backdrop of produce, heart fluttering as you look for the best bunch of cilantro.
he could do this for the rest of his life, he thinks to himself. the realization makes him bump against the display, thankful nothing fell over.
satoru gojo wants to marry you.
he wants nothing more in his life than to be with you for as long as he could. he wants to spend his mornings and nights besides you, he wants to make you breakfast and help you cook dinner, he wants to wash the dishes because you hate washing them, he wants to wake up to Cumbia and bachata on Sunday mornings as you clean, joining you and singing in broken Spanish as you serenade him with a broom.
it’s not as romantic as he’d once imagined, he thought the realization would come to him as the wind blew through your hair, or the golden rays of the sun kissed your cheeks.
instead he’s watching you pick out a two pack of steak, looking at him with a wide smile, “the prices dropped!” you grin, giddy as you happily put the meat into the cart, practically skipping down the line of raw meats.
he can hear his heartbeat in his ears as he wonder what to do next, mindlessly following you around the grocery store with the cart, every aisle affirming the fact that you’re the only one for him, especially as you tell him to get one sweet treat for the week as you go and get the milk.
he’s staring lovingly at you as you wait in line at the register, watching with interest as your eyes light up, “cariño can you get the eggs? i completely forgot,” he nods immediately, placing a chaste kiss to your cheek before turning on his heel and heading towards the eggs.
satoru lets the thought of marriage ruminate in his mind, recalling the times you’d talked about marriage, agreeing that you’d want to marry him. what if you’d changed your mind since then?
later that week as satoru is passing you the salt, he asks you the question that’s been eating at his mind. “do you still wanna get married?”
you chalk it up to his usual insecurities, turning around and kissing the tip of his nose and both his dimples. “‘course i do, angel boy” you reply, not missing a beat, “why? everything okay?”
satoru nods, eyes fluttering shut when your lips are pressing against his. “everything’s perfect,” he mumbles against you, smiling and chasing your lips for one more kiss before he passes you the butter.
one month later satoru is under the shade the cherry blossom trees give him, with you staring down at him, mouth still agape from seeing him get down on one knee.
“mi corazon, I’ve loved you more than i thought possible, you’ve breathed life into me when i thought there was no reason to keep living, you bring out the best in me everyday,” he begins, hands shaking slightly as you stare back at him, tears welling in your eyes.
“i want to be by your side for the rest of my life, i want to find you in every crowd, save you a seat next to mine and end my days with you in my arms,” satoru tried to ignore the thumping of his heart in his ears, “i want to be the only one lucky enough to be loved by you, will you marry me?”
you’re nodding quickly, mouth still covered before you’re throwing your arms around the snowy haired man- your now fiancĂ©. “of course, yes!” you laugh, sniffling and wiping the tears that had fallen as you squeeze him tightly. “i love you cariño, i love you so so much” you grin, pressing your lips harshly against his, not caring when your teeth bump against his as you both smile, the spring wind causing pink petals to fall around the two of you.
there was a time in gojo’s life when he thought his life was over. he looks back and smiles, how was he supposed to know the best part of his life was only starting?
the void he once felt in his chest was now overflowing with the love and patience you poured into him; sickeningly sweet pet names and tender touches to ease his mind.
satoru can’t help but smile when he wakes up next to you everyday, grateful beyond belief he decided to be vulnerable that day in the courtyard.
“already staring at me lovingly?” you teased, making satoru grin, dimples on his cheeks as he hummed.
“something like that.”
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campusaint · 6 months ago
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I wrote a book, you guys (gender neutral)!
WHERE BEAUTIFUL THINGS GO TO DIE is a coming-of-age / romance / thriller about growing up surrounded by crime in Latin America and how we escape violence through love.
Pitch: Two estranged lovers. A dangerous city. A deadly secret. Alex will risk everything to save Luz, but can he uncover her truth before it’s too late?
I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ❀
Cover art and — beautiful — illustration: Margaux G aka gummybean.
Tropes you can expect:
The one that got away
Mafia romance
Forbidden love
Second chance
Escape from danger
Latinx protagonists
You'll cry a lot
TW (non spoiler): Graphic violence, depictions of substance abuse.
If you make any sort of book related content / reviewing, DM me for a free copy. 👀
Crabs and shoelaces,
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luxthestrange · 2 years ago
TWST Incorrect quotes#432 Real History
2nd years-In History Class
Ridd: What the hell do they know? It's just a word, They can't change your whole life just by calling you property!
MexYuu: Bullshit! You better ask my ancestors! One minute, you are in Mexico, washing your clothes in a river, Titties out you good!-THEN...Then all of a sudden, you getting fucked Hernan Cortes!
Kalim*Looking at You in Awe'd*Wow! You make history come alive...
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We gonna teach these whiteboy's real history...
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nerdieforpedro · 10 months ago
A New Discord Group!
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Calling all Black/Latinx/POC in the pedro pascal fandom! Between the crazy unhinged minds of myself and my friend @fhatbhabie we have decided to create a server where minds like ours alike can get together and be unhinged in a judgment free zone. đŸ€—
The link to the discord server is here.
We’ll be doing fic challenges, very unhinged thots, tv/movies, WIPs, self-promo and more we can make up. 😆 You don’t have to be a writer, you can be an avid read and share your favorite fics or make really cool Moodboard or maybe you create dope and beautiful drawings. Whatever you feel like sharing. 😊
Feel free to DM me with any questions about the group you may have. ❀
I’ll tag some people below who have expressed interest or who might be interested:
@megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @chaithetics @soft-girl-musings @cardierreh15
@yaachtynoboat711 @westside-rot @spacecowboyhotch @saturn-rings-writes @professionalpromqueen
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luciathcv · 1 year ago
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hola! - sjy
summary: jake x hispanic!reader - you see the clip of jake "speaking french" || warnings: none || genre: fluff || word count: approximately 600
I was mindlessly scrolling through my FYP when I saw a video of Jake from his live the other day. I knew he’d gone live and I even watched a few minutes of it but didn’t get to watch the full thing since I was busy that day. 
In the clip from the live, Jake reads a comment that says, “Can you speak French?”. Jake thought for a moment, “Uh
 hola!” He said. My mouth dropped open. It then cuts to a clip from the same live of someone asking him to speak Spanish. He then went on to say, “Bonjour.” 
I couldn’t help but smile at this but at the same time I felt a bit betrayed- jokingly of course. I mean, I was literally Hispanic and have taught my boyfriend some stuff in Spanish. I would’ve thought he’d at least know ‘hola’ by now. 
Later in the night, I heard the front door open from my bed and the sound of Jake yelling out to me that he was home. A minute or two later, Jake walked into the room with a smile. I smiled back at him as I put my phone down and crawled to the end of the bed, kneeling on the mattress as I hugged Jake in greeting. He hugged me back, rubbing my back as he did so before we both pulled away. Jake then leaned down and gave me a kiss which I returned.
“How was your day?” I asked Jake as he got in bed next to me, his hair damp, seemingly having had showered at work.
“It was tiring but it was good.” He responded. “What about your day, princess?” Jake then asked me.
“Hmmm,” I pretended to think. “It was good for the most part.” I told him.
“For the most part?” He asked with a small smile.
“Yeah, it was good until I saw a clip of you on TikTok.” I told him.
He looked confused, “Mind showing me the clip, baby?” Jake asked me.
“Of course.” I say, pulling out my phone and going on TikTok, clicking on my saved videos and going to the TikTok I saw of Jake earlier. I let the clip play for Jake before turning off my phone.
He bit his lip, awkwardly smiling at me for a moment, as I held back my smile. His smiles were contagious
 okay. “Princess, I’m sorry. I know that ‘hola’ is Spanish. I was just tired and not thinking.” He apologized.
“Wow, after all the time I spent teaching you Spanish.” I teased, dramatically putting my hand over my heart.
“Hey, you teach me a lot. My brain just wasn’t working. Listen
” He cleared his throat which made me giggle. “Te amo, mi amor.” Jake then says.
I giggled even more at his words, blushing and smiling at his dorkiness, “Whatever.” I teased, rolling my eyes.
“Hey, I spend time teaching you Korean too. Can you even say anything to me in Korean?” Jake asked me with a wide smile.
“Um, yes. 자Ʞ  ì‚Źëž‘í•Ž.” I say.
It was now Jake’s turn to giggle at me, “Fine.” He says.
“How about this
 you teach me one new Spanish word a day and I’ll try my best to memorize it.” Jake tells me, holding me closer to him. “As long as you promise to learn some Korean as well.” He then adds.
“Deal.” I say, happy with his compromise.
“Now, let’s cuddle.” Jake suggests and I nod, cuddling up closer to him as we start talking about the most random stuff.
á„«á­Ą link to my masterlist
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lady-phasma · 10 months ago
Clarification: inclusive!reader for physical description could be used alongside female, male, or gender neutral reader tags.
Please comment or reblog if you have a suggestion for an alternative or question about the use of this tag.
Thank you so much to @underthelavendersky for the suggestion!
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theanothersherlockian · 1 year ago
Me nace del corazĂłn || Frankie Morales x Latinx!Reader
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Just a quick drabble. I wanted to make Frankie embrace his Latin side jeje.
Reader is gender neutral, no physical description. She understans spanish and speaks it.
The translation of the song at the very end.
just 500 words
this might or not might be self indulgent (it is c: )
Music was always in the scene, no matter how the mood was. It could always lift him up if Frankie had a bad day at work, or keep the good energy on a good day.
You hadn’t gotten him to admit it verbally but he loves to dance, especially if it's with you. Well, he only likes to dance if it's with you. Swirling you around, humming along to the song, not minding where you were, not worrying about prying eyes, being with you was enough to take him out of his comfort zone.
You had a stressful day. Things at work didn't work out how you wanted, making a domino effect on everything else. It just wasn't your day. You just wanted to get home and de-inflate, laying on the couch with Frankie, maybe even starting a movie that you probably sleep through.
Once at home, you started making dinner, something small for the two of you. You put your playlist on your phone, something with a fun tempo to make you feel better, and in no time you started singing and dancing along too.
Frankie didn’t make a sound when he unlocked the door, he had made it sure to be that way when he heard you through the walls, your voice and laughter making him soft every time he heard it. He opened the door and made his way in with light feet. He stood there watching you, he couldn’t believe this was his life now, after everything he's been through at the military, he now can be at ease. If only young Frankie could see how his life would do a total 180.
You turned around, and saw Frankie there.
“You’re early” you say laughing
“Hey baby,” he said, walking closer to you, pulling and hugging your waist. He started to swing you slowly to the tempo of the music. Until it changes to a different song.
He grinned knowing the song. He would always sing that to you. The trumpets making the entrance.
“Frankiee!” you said playfully laughing into his neck.
“Me nace del corazón” he started singing along the song “Decirle que usted es mi vida, que no se vivir sin usted disculpe que se lo diga.”
Frankie started swinging at you jumping on his feet at the new fast tempo. His right hand held you tighter to the waist while the left hand intertwined your right hand, making it go up and down.
His voice was playful but at the same time his low voice made you feel something. He swirled you around on your feet. his right hand always knows its way to your hip. You both were dancing through the kitchen.
Your laughs impregnated the room. You were always happy to be with him, he made your days brighter no matter how bad they were.
“Y quiero sentir sus besos, su manos que me acaricien” you started singing with him as well “quiero comprobar que vivo, no quiero morir de amor”
You both were breathing fast, giggling into each other when the song was over. Your head resting on each other, lips bruising.
“I love you” you whispered to him, the breathing slowing as a sense of welcoming washed over you.
“I love you too baby” he whispered back to you. His soft eyes linger on your face
the name of the song is “Me nace del corazón” and it’s specifically Juan Gabriel’s version.
ME NACE DEL CORAZÓN DECIRLE QUE USTED ES MI VIDA: It is born from my heart to tell you that you are my life.
QUE NO SE VIVIR SIN USTED DISCULPA QUE SE LO DIGA: that i don’t know how to live without you, i’m sorry for telling you.
Y QUIERO SENTIR SUS BESOS, SUS MANOS QUE ME ACARICIEN: And I want to feel your kisses, your hands that caress me.
QUIERO COMPROBAR QUE VIVO NO QUIERO MORIR DE AMOR: I want to check that i’m alive, i don’t want to die of love.
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deepwoodmotte2 · 7 months ago
hey i’m continuing my own werewolf thread bc i’m moving and do not have time to write this fic until at least next week but i can’t get this image out of my head of a newly married maybe dornish reader (look u know me i love to get a latinx reader in it’s my job as a latina i think the thought of cregan getting used to dornish customs is so funny but this is also bc in my head dorne is a combination of various latin cultures so i’m over here like imagining feeding him anything w condensed milk his medieval ass would die!!!! or a chile relleno oh my god go white boy go! he would love my mom’s pozole like) being like hey wtf and cregan is like i must go
 my time
 so she’s like ok freaky whatever he “leaves” to this little housing complex away from the castle but still in the hunting grounds and she’s like wtf does he keep a mistress in there or smth??? so she goes looking! beauty and the beast almost little red riding hood style picnic basket and scarf on head like hellooo??? hello large man i recently married wherefore art thou and she comes across him, who’s in the same sort of half-wolf form as blaidd from elden ring, stalking a deer on the grounds. he won’t look at her. she, who lives in a world with dragons and a whole host of unexplored dornish mythology, is like well! fuck! uh! and leaves. cregan comes back a couple of days later de-wolfed and she’s like “is that?? does that happen to you a lot??” so he explains (roughly) the curse lore (see my other post) and she has three immediate thoughts: a) what the fuck, you’ve been cursed for like 140 years in the timeline and you haven’t tried to fix it, go kill the rip-off glennmorril/maggy the frog witches that did this to u!!! b) was that. was i a little sexually attracted to cregan as a wolf man. am I allowed to say that. uh. c) oh my god is my stepson going to be a werewolf he’s a toddler has anyone explained this to him
anyway so so so many thoughts to blog i’m going to go write a whole seperate dornish reader thing rn
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pupkashi · 2 years ago
now that we’ve discussed this
 could i request gojo x reader dancing bachata
te amooo jess <3
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a/n: i absolutely loved writing this omg </3 just the thought of gojo with a latinx reader makes me so so giddy bc yeah that me and him :33 IDK EEEE i hope this was okay and that u enjoyed !!! plz lmk what you think <33 te amo tanto amiguis
the brownies are on the cooling rack, the kitchen counters have flour on them and the bag of chocolate chips is empty due to satoru eating half of it before even adding them into the brownie batter.
“put your hand here by my shoulder” you direct, satoru looking down at you with the biggest smile on his face, prince royce’s ‘mi ultima carta’ playing as you unconsciously sway to the beat.
“like this?” he asks, look at you for approval as you nod, “now just move two steps here and then tap, then two to the other side and tap” you say, your hands wrapping around his neck as you slowly take the steps, smiling as he follows along with your movements.
“this isn’t too hard actually” he giggles, his hips swaying naturally as he settles into the rhythm. you can’t help but feel giddy as he dances so easily to the music.
it’s only a couple moments later that satoru gets the hang of it, moving his hips easily and following your rhythm easily.
“how are you so good at this? you sure you aren’t latino?” you tease, smiling up at the snowy haired sorcerer. satoru only laughs, looking at you with a small grin.
“just a natural” he replies, you’re rolling your eyes at how cocky he is, about to make a remark when he’s dipping you, laughing softly at the small shriek that leaves your lips.
the familiar beat of royce’s ‘stand by me’ begins, and satoru’s eyes are widening in excitement, his hands finding their way to your hip and intertwining with your other hand, pulling you impossibly close to him as he softly hums along to the lyrics.
you can’t help but blush as you stare up at your lover, watching him as he sings the English parts of the songs to you, trailing off when the lyrics turn to Spanish.
you’re giggling as his cheeks turn rosy, “maybe you should take spanish lesson, mi amor” satoru can’t help but lean down a bit, your noses practically touching.
“only if you’re the one teachin’” his eyes sparkling a bit, even in the dim lighting of your living room.
“let’s start with something simple” you say, the two of you still moving to the music easily, there’s a giddy smile on his face as he watches you.
“how about eres el amor de mi vida” you smile, youre biting your lips softly as satoru sounds it out a bit, the foreign words leaving his mouth easily.
“eres el- what?” he says, smiling as you repeat yourself, “eres el amor de mi vida” the words come naturally to him, “what’s that mean?” his head cocks to the side a bit, bangs getting in his eyes.
you’re slipping your hand out of his, brushing the hair back and pressing your lips to his gently, “you’re the love of my life.”
satoru can’t help but let his smile widen, his arms wrapping around your waist, picking you up and spinning you around, his lips finding yours somewhere between the spinning and giggles.
“eres el amor de mi vida, sweetheart” the words make your body buzz, and you can’t help but pull him closer to you.
“te amo mi amor” you whisper, the music in the background softly coming to an end.
“te amo” satoru breathes, already knowing the meaning behind the two words, his lips crashing back onto yours as another prince royce song comes on.
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greatdecaygreatrenewal · 10 months ago
me when i make a tomura x latinx! reader series
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scareymulligan · 3 months ago
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 year ago
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ïč’Mark Oshiroïč’
Six Books Written By this Author:
The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure
Anger is a Gift
Each of Us a Desert
The Insiders
Into the Light
You Only Live Once, David Bravo
Happy reading!
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aroaessidhe · 1 year ago
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2023 reads / storygraph
The Follower of Flowers
sequel to The Name-Bearer
younger-YA queer fantasy adventure
follows the name-bearer on her quest to find the unnamed prince and fulfill the prophecy, by traveling to the enemy kingdom, having left the temple where she trained for years with the Danrayan warrior women
multi POVs, bi MC, Guatemalan and Peruvian inspired worldbuilding
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orivode · 2 years ago
I am not one to post much, but ngl the fact that if you go to Miguel O'hara's tag and check the relationships you find out that Miles Morales/Miguel O'hara as a ship is the ship with the third highest number of fics and that most of those fics are porn is truly disgusting. The fetishization and exotification of Miguel as a man of color who speaks another language is already an issue, but then we get into the way are conveniently forgetting his characterizations during the movies to make him predatory, inherently violent and worse and yeah, you all truly need to take a step back and review your actions because demonizing a man of color that is portrayed as misguided but not evil by the narrative is not only not ok but also straight up toxic and malignant.
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hyperfixationsporfavor · 2 years ago
Potential Miguel O'Hara Fic
Hello everyone. I'm not sure how far this will reach but I wanted to pick your brain on something. I've been considering writing a Miguel/Reader fic but I'd like some advice. I've seen people complaining about bad Spanish in the fics and the overall cringe of including it without being knowledgable enough. I'm a Mexican American myself but unfortunately I'm not fluent in Spanish. I can read and comprehend it but speaking and writing are where I fall short. I was considering writing a fic in English and including some nods to Mexican culture. I'd like feedback if you're Mexican, latinx/e, and/or a Spanish speaker. Thank you.
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pupkashi · 2 years ago
More latino Gojo please!!
omg I’m so happy you guys are liking these so far hehe đŸ€­ here’s a couple headcanons just off the top of my head !! scenes w reader are very slightly hispanic!reader coded ,, let me know if u guys want more :3
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he’s obsessed with hispanic candy ,, goes to mexican / Hispanic stores solely for their candy aisles and stocks up with insane amounts of them (always gets the students some too :3)
the first time he meets your parents is at a carne asada and every mom and aunt is absolutely fawning over him telling you how handsome and how tall he is
he’s an absolute charmer, giving them all sweet smiles and saying hello and making conversation with the little spanish he’s learned so far
all the dads and uncles are sooo apprehensive of him bc who is this guy ??? thinking he’s all that acting all cool ??? and then they talk to him and he’s talking to them abt soccer and he’s making them all laugh and is immediately accepted 😭
can dance literally ANY style it makes you insanely jealous . one time you guys went to a cousins 15 and they started playing salsa and he was dragging u on the dance floor, then they switched it to bachata and he was immediately pulling you into his chest, THEN they switched it up again to Cumbia and he was all smiles
everyone was just like :0 because ???? are we sure are we absolutely sure he isn’t latino
he’ll call you ‘mi sol’ ‘mi amor’ ‘cariño’ when it’s just the two of you
picks up Spanish very easily actually !! sounds like a native speaker the first time he tried saying something to you in Spanish
he was learning it behind your back to surprise you, but he once answered a question you asked in Spanish and he was caught
“¿que no sabes cuanto te quiero?” you mumbles, kissing his nose, “i love you more” he sighs out, his body tensing when he realizes he’s just exposed himself
“since when do you know Spanish?” you smile, a shocked expression on your face, “been practicing for a while now, wanted to surprise you” his face is red and his ears burning, but he’s peppering your face with kisses
“but now i can ditch that murderous owl and have you teach me instead” he grins, tackling you onto the floor when you shake your head ‘no’ teasingly
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