#seattle pagan
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edgeofthecirclebooks · 12 days ago
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aestheticcore · 2 months ago
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Welcome to my Tumblr
Its not my first account. I keep coming and going.
So, my name is Jayce. I go by Jace and JC as well. Living in Seattle WA and hating every second of it. I avoid talks about politics so if that's your gig please be kind and walk away from my page now. I do not say that in malice, I just do not need that stress in my life. I am pretty much friendless at this point and likely to stay that way until some so warrants my friendship. And in Seattle I do not see that coming any time soon.
I am a born and bred suburban Long Islander but have live in FL, GA, DE, AZ and Greece.
As you may or may not be able to tell I have a huge interest list, as is Aesthetics and "cores" list. To quote Rango. "Who am I? I can be anyone." Creepy hu? But seriously. I do have tons of interests and have no one in my life to share them with anymore. My interests and hobbies are vast in general: Cooking, Baking, Readings, Music, Art, Movies, Nature, Animals, Legos, Craftings, Archaeology, Cryptozology, Mythology, Writing. LARPing, RPGing. History, Dinosaurs, 70's and 80's, Autumn, Halloween. Summer, Paganism, Pool/Billiards, Pinball machines, Hockey. Swimming, Camping, Hiking, Walking about and exploring. Zoos, Museums, Aquariums, Book shops, Comics and Hobby Shops, Amusement Parks, Beaches, Forests.....The list goes on and on and on. Some of these hobbies have waned from my live in the last few years. But they still hold dear to my heart and mind. I am ot too big on videos games unless they are like Sims, Zoo Tycoon, Rollercoaster Tycoon. I really cannot afford to get into video games now.
Anyway, that's me in general. Why am I telling you all this, knowing most people are just here to look at pictures??? I have no idea. I guess in hopes that someone will pick up on it and either feel comforted that there is someone like themselves out there...or maybe make a friend or two.
Anyway, if anyone stops to read this and feel a connect or just wants to say hi or whatever please do so. It would be appreciated. I do not bite, had all my shots and make great cheesecake. 😁😁😁
Best of days to you all.
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sftworker · 7 months ago
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tobeimean · 11 months ago
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bozzyb · 2 years ago
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aelinvioletrose · 2 months ago
This! My wonderful fiancé is holding Ares. You can use his code orrrrrrr: I’ll be holding Pan! You can use code Goats10 for 10% off (they don’t stack tho, pick your fav). Hahah. Hope to see you there!!
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Come walk amongst the gods this April. Become a pilgrim to the Elusinian mysteries today. Use code Swords10 for 10% off your ticket. #greekgods #pnwpagan #ares #paganfestival #newElusis #springmysteriesfestival #washingtonpagan #witches #witchesinwashington
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upthewitchypunx · 2 years ago
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It's been go-go-go time with vending events, new housemates, and autumn garden stuff. I took the afternoon off to drive up to Seattle with @lemonbalmgirl for a nature walk with Pacific northwest animists arranged by Via Hedera. We are waiting for food now because the traffic was miraculous! Seriously, it takes between 3 or 5 hours to get from Portland to Seattle and we aimed for 4 and got here in 3.
The picture is one of the hawthorn protection charms I finally got around to make and sell on Sunday at Columbia Willamette Pagan Pride Day. It's at Oaks Park and it's free! I'll do more promo tomorrow.
Gonna go eat a dosa now.
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fruityyamenrunner · 5 months ago
First of all, I didn’t mean to imply that anything countercultural is cool or vice versa. Being an atheist is mildly cool because it’s probably true, and it’s counter cultural in some places. If you live in Seattle, being a vocal tradcath is objectively countercultural, but it’s still not cool, because being a tradcath is stupid.
For context, since it matters, I’m coming from an American perspective where I’ve lived in many places where being a vocal atheist would 100% not have been interpreted as being “normal but loud about it”. You probably wouldn’t have gotten beaten up, but it would’ve rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and invited mild to moderate social ostracism. Not everyone was churchgoing, but the agnostics who didn’t go to church certainly didn't make a display of it.
as for satanists and provocativeness, maybe “provocative” isn’t the right word. All I know is that I just reflexively roll my eyes when some dude shows up and goes “hey, look at me, I’m gonna put up a Baphomet statue, ooooh, spooky, I’m gonna wear an inverted cross, ooooh, I’m gonna ask to deliver a blessing and then say Hail Satan, doesn’t that just freak you out maaaaan”.
it’s not exactly offensive to me, it’s just tiresome and childish. There’s a certain nobility in taking a stand for something you feel or believe regardless of how the social milieu around you feels about it, but just saying stuff solely to get a rise out of people is boring.
Idk, I’ve just gotten sick of irony. People can sit around and play little salon games online where they archly say things they don’t think to coyly gesture at things that suggest other things that they might actually believe, but I’m over it. If the church of Stan found an actual Frey-praising Norse Pagan and sent him out to freak out the evangelicals, that’d be kinda cool, but the whole thing is just tiresome and corny.
tl;dr: when I say provocative, I specifically mean when people insincerely put on an act to try to freak out the people they don’t like. You should only do things you actually believe in doing, and say things you believe in saying. Irony is bad for you.
I can’t exactly explain it in words, it’s just a vibe. Even pretending to be a kind of pagan that actually exists would be a little better, at least someone somewhere sincerely believed in Odin.
I just don't think "counterculturality" has been possible for at least 20 years now, and even when it was possible, it was never any more authentic a mode than the monoculture that countercultural people posed in opposition to.
you can be an anonymous prophetic voice stalking satanists on tumblr.com if you want, but if you're talking to people with names and faces without even offering one of your own, you shouldn't be surprised if you end up repeatedly talking at cross purposes if your aims are based in terms of "the countercultural" or, for that matter, "cool", which as a concept to theorise with, rather than a vague positive term, is also redolent of the 20th century and the ~plane of immanence~ that tied together 20th century "countercultures" (i.e. the same clique of marketing firms that did all the campaigns). young people will simply not hallucinate this frame out of nowhere for you.
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mournwatch · 2 months ago
A (Non-Exhaustive) List of Original Characters
Because you need to understand how incredibly vampire-pilled I am...
Vampire the Masquerade
🤡 Valentin Orsinov
Tzimisce (Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Trashy, edgy clown
Chronicle: Modern Nights Georgia
🦊 Seneca Fairchild
Toreador (Camarilla)
In a Nutshell: Pagan taxidermy artist. Primogen.
Chronicle: Blood on the Snow (Victorian St. Petersburg)
💀 Peregrine Artemona
Capadocian, later Harbinger of Ashur (Obsidian mask)(Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Snarky doctor. Record-keeper of the dead. Harpy.
Chronicle: Dark Ages Carpathia
🎊 Vaughn Kismet
Setite (Anarch)
In a Nutshell: Punk dandy, maestro of parties
Chronicle: Modern Nights Paris
🐸 Benoit Thibault
Tzimisce (Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Fashionista orphanage owner and herpetologist
Chronicle: Modern Nights New Orleans
🥷 Arron Lochhead
Banu Haqim (Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Washed up TV actor turned slasher
Chronicle: Modern Nights Glasgow
🎶 Axel Cherrywine
Lasombra (Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Elusive industrial DJ
Chronicle: -
🌘 Guadalupe "Enoch" Betancourt
Banu Haqim (Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Goth Noddist Priest
Chronicle: 1980's Miami
💃 Engel Reiher
Tzimisce (Anarch)
In a Nutshell: ex-model on the path of Metamorphisis
Chronicle: Modern Nights North Carolina
🦌 Rain Mulder
Gangrel (Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Bahari stripper who loves to roam and break hearts
Chronicle: - (somewhat related to Modern Nights New Orleans)
🚚 Jet Guinn
Ghoul (Setite)
In a Nutshell: Divorced truck driver
Chronicle: -
👁️ Mikey Jaeger
Ghoul (Baali)
In a Nutshell: Hacker who films and sells illicit content
Chronicle: Cyberpunk 2069
🏹 Blažeje Sýkora
Tzimisce (pre-Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Artemis-coded hunter with a pack of Borzoi
Chronicle: Dark Ages Prague
⚔️ Ludovico Pallavicini
Tzimisce (pre-Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Sword fanatic, weaboo for The Dream of Constantinople
Chronicle: Dark Ages Marseilles
🪄 Stasys Navick
Telyavic Tremere (Sabbat)
In a Nutshell: Big daddy bishop
Chronicle: - (adjacent to Prague)
🤖 Cellar Door
It's complicated
In a Nutshell: Wraith in an android body
Chronicle: Cyberpunk 2069
🔪 Zera Shio
Tremere (Camarilla)
In a Nutshell: Blood sorcerer Yakuza scion
Chronicle: Cyberpunk 2069
🧟 Jaden Doe
Samedi (Independent)
In a Nutshell: Former heir to a cosmetics corp, turned zombie burlesque dancer
Chronicle: Cyberpunk 2069
🎸 Cancer McKean
Nosferatu (Anarch)
In a Nutshell: He's really into doom metal
Chronicle: -
🫀 Morgan Flowers
Nagaraja (Independent)
In a Nutshell: Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite distilled into a goth Londoner
Chronicle: Hunger's Teeth (Modern Nights Seattle)
Werewolf the Apocalypse
🌲 Shaun Ames
Ghost Council Ragabash
In a Nutshell: Soft-spoken stoner/New Age spirituality nerd who accidentally killed a LOT of people
Chronicle: Rage Across the Evergreens (Seattle)
Changeling the Dreaming
👽 Gus o Maoilriain
Unseelie Sluagh
In a Nutshell: Gregarious-flaw goblin who spreads secrets with encrypted graffiti
Chronicle: Modern Atlanta
Hunter the Reckoning
💖 Nero Starkey
In a Nutshell: Pink-haired, transmasc, working class, and full of trauma
Dungeons & Dragons
🕸️ Ziyanon
Fey-touched Drow Bard
In a Nutshell: librarian gone rogue, master of dry humor, has too many eyes
Campaign: Apotheosis
😈 Faust Crowden-Black
In a Nutshell: Goth boy, full of demons
My oldest OC on this list that still matters to me
I have a ball-jointed doll of him
Sometimes, he's a Ventrue vampire
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edgeofthecirclebooks · 1 month ago
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fetznerdeathrecords · 4 months ago
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Vanagandr - Utgard Is Calling
Epic Pagan Black Metal from Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Themes: Paganism, Heraldry, Nature, Cosmos, Death, Rebirth
1. The Star Shrine 13:59 2. Utgard Is Calling 13:35 3. Midwinter Spells / Seal of Destruction 06:19 4. Voice of Thunder 10:20 5. Flesh from Angrboda 08:11 6. Descent into Nifelheim 07:33
Release date: November 10th, 2024
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roskirambles · 5 months ago
Bad Horror Movie of the day: The Wicker Man (2006)
Californian police officer Edward Malus has separated from his ex-fiancée some time ago, but when she brings news that her daughter has gone missing, he takes the case. Thus, he embarks in an investigation to this island famous for its honey, where the girl was last seen, and a suspicious neo-pagan cult lead by women governs the land. Near Seattle. Uh...
Aka, the stupid, illogical remake of the masterpiece that is the 1973 original. Cutting the folk music is probably the least of the problems here: the story gets convoluted, over the top and involves such radical leaps of logic the questionable attempt at tackling the subject gender roles pales to the sheer amount of idiocy packed in 102 minutes. Every and all changes to the original just make the story make less sense; a pagan island near England works quite well culturally speaking. Near Seattle... not so much. And trying to "punch up" the kidnapping fake out by making the girl related to the Police officer just adds pointless complexity.
But that's not what made this movie worth watching. Oh no. Whoever cast Nicolas Cage on the lead role was doing the world a service, just not for the reason they were thinking. He brings the ham, the cheese and the laughs. And the heat too. Seeing an incompetent police officer with no chill get into a fistfight with inn maids shouldn't be funny and yet here we are, which says a lot since that's far from the most absurd thing to happen in the film.
I could go on about the details as to how it fails to grasp the mechanics of horror and plain basic storytelling, how it's attempts at cleverness feel insultingly on the nose, or how it might have had a shot to frighten people with bee allergies if it wasn't for the fact those animals don't behave like a liquid. But let's just put it like this: when people remember the emotional peaks of your horror film with laughter instead of dread... you fucked up.
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servicereward · 5 months ago
do you have any alex xanatos headcanons?
Yes! I'll divide them in to childhood and adulthood. A lot of my childhood head-canons come from the fact that he grew up in the late 90s - early 00s. Here's a few:
Childhood (1996-2014)
I think the Family Xanatos celebrated holidays Alex showed interest in. He grew up celebrating Easter with a mix of secular aspects, paganism, and fae (old world) traditions (think more of a turning of the seasons, renewal after winter, etc. than something directly related to Christian theology).
I think Alex's favorite musical artist in middle school was Lady Gaga; pop is his favorite music genre and he made sure to be at as many concerts of her as he could manage (physically and magically)
Alexander accidentally hurts someone he cares about with his magic at some point.
He doesn't have any siblings but desperately wants them, and adopts the Gargoyle hatchlings as his brothers and sisters
He doesn't want to use the tech his parents make at Xanatos Enterprises. It's just not cool! (to kids his age)
Alex has a variety of school experiences growing up, because his parents are trying to give him the most well-rounded education they can buy with their billions while also being active in his life. This results in him being a very busy child. When he's in elementary age (4k-11) he's enrolled in a private day-time school, pretty typical. In middle school (12-13) he spends his weekdays at a STEM-focus boarding school and comes home on the weekends. After he completely masters teleportation I think he'd spend his high school years (14-17) going to a public school or arts-focused charter somewhere like Los Angeles or Seattle; west coast for certain, and because of the time difference he's able to maintain tutors on other specific subjects they don't teach in school. And of course, magic lessons with Puck.
He ultimately grows up to be a good person; better by the standards of the Manhattan Clan than Xanatos, Fox, and OwenPuck are considered to be. Knowing what others think about his parents causes a deep sense of conflict in him as he grows older. He was raised to be pragmatic, confident, and ambitious - but was also raised by people who genuinely respected his feelings and treated him with love and kindness. He knows it's better to be realist but has a hard time reconciling some of their more nefarious plans with the parents he loves. I think this causes a break between them at some point, though they come back together eventually.
Adulthood (2015-XXXX)
I think Alex has multiple long-term partners over the course of his life, but fathers no children. I think this will be his reality unless the Gathering ends within his lifetime.
Alex is bisexual and really figures this out at uni (yay)
Alex attends a university in the UK (for the first time)
He makes the most out of his longevity and academics; by 2100 he's earned doctorates in history, economics, political science, sociology, and literature. He has master's degrees in more.
His job at the UN in 2198 is his first political office
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months ago
Holidays 12.20
Abolition Day (Réunion)
Barahimizong (Sikkim, India)
Big Chungus Day
Bo Aung Kyaw Day (Burma)
Captain America Day
Cathode-Ray Tube Day
Day of National Mourning (Panama)
Dot Your I's Day
Dot Your I's With Smiley's Day
Fête des Cafres (Abolition of Slavery Day; Réunion, French Guiana)
Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover Day
Games Day
Go Caroling Day
Halcyon Days of Calm Seas begin
International Human Solidarity Day (UN)
International Wrinkled Shirt Day
Invocation of Molag Bal (Elder Scrolls)
Katharina von Bora Day
Louisiana Purchase Effective Day
Make An Ornament Day
Mudd Day
National Gregory Day
National Steven Day
Patient Empathy Day
Poet Laureate Day
Resilience Night
Ring of Troth Day
Sacagawea Day
SARE Day (Macau)
Security Agency Worker’s Day (Russia)
Shovel Day (French Republic)
Space Force Day
State Courier Service Day (Kazakhstan)
Stolen Day
Tammasmass E'en (Orkney Islands)
Try to Remember Where You Hid the Christmas Gifts Day
World Day of Skepticism
World Kajalism Day
Wrinkled Shirt Day
Yuletide Lad #9 arrives (Bjugnakraekir or Sausage Pilferer; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
BPT Remembrance Day (Before Pop Tarts)
National Cortado Day (Spain)
National Parsley Day
National Sangria Day
Pop Tart Day
Independence & Related Days
Camboriu (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Campinia (Declared; 2000) [unrecognized]
Lycem (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Macau (Macau Special Administrative Region established, 1999)
South Carolina (Seceded from the U.S.; 1860)
St. John (Declared; 2013) [unrecognized]
3rd Friday in December
Christmas Jumper Day (EU) [3rd Friday]
Comfort Food Friday [Every Friday]
Five For Friday [Every Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Friday Finds [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Mad Friday (UK) [3rd Friday]
National Holiday Party Day [3rd Friday]
National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day [3rd Friday]
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) [Every Friday]
Underdog Day [3rd Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning December 20 (3rd Full Week of December)
None Known
Festivals Beginning December 20, 2024
Night of the Proms (Cologne, Germany) [thru 12.21]
NOLA Christmasfest (New Orleans, Louisiana) [thru 12.30]
Winter Beer Festival (Seattle, Washington) [thru 12.21]
Feast Days
Beverly Pepper (Artology)
Cheech & Chong Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Clodion (Artology)
David Markson (Writerism)
Dominic of Silos (Christian; Saint)
Guyton Morveau (Positivist; Saint)
Hogswatchnight (in Discworld) [December 32]
Ivana Kobilca (Artology)
Kate Atkinson (Writerism)
Midwinter’s Eve Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mōdraniht (Mother’s Night; Anglo-Saxon Pagans)
Mother Night (Beginning of Yuletide; Celtic, Pagan) [Begins at Sunset]
Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet (Artology)
Not Frank Zappas Birthday (Pastafarian)
O Clavis David (4th O Antiphon or Great Advent Antiphon; Christian) [O Key of David; 4 of 7]
Onion Stuck with 9 Pins to Send True Love Night (Old England)
Paul of Latrus (Christian; Saint)
Philogonius (Christian; Saint)
Pieter De Hooch (Artology)
Pongol of the Sun (Hindu)
The Refined Young Cannonballs (Muppetism)
Saturnalia Day 4: Unbound (Pagan)
Snowflake-Riding Championships (No Goblins; Shamanism)
Swashbuckling Day (Pastafarian)
Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne (Christian; Saint)
Ursinus (Celtic Book of Days)
Katharina von Bora (Lutheran)
Yaldā (Iran; eve of the birth of Mithra) [Day before Winter Solstice]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [50 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [69 of 71]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
All That Jazz (Film; 1979)
Aquamania (Disney Cartoon; 1961)
Beanstalk Jack (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
Born on the Fourth of July (Film; 1989)
Bring Himself Back Alive (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1940)
Busybody Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1952)
Cat Feud (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Cats (Film; 2019)
The Color Purple (Film; 1985)
Concert for Bangladesh (Live Album; 1971)
Double Dribble (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
Dreamgirls (Broadway Musical; 1981)
The Dumb Cluck (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1937)
Everybody Plays the Fool, recorded by The Main Ingredient (Song; 1971)
Father of the Bride (Film; 1991)
Flaming Star (Film; 1960) [Elvis Presley #6]
Gangs of New York (Film; 2002)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Film; 2011)
The Godfather Part II (Film; 1974)
The Greatest Showman (Film; 2017)
Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Fairy Tale Collection; 1812)
The Hand is Pinker Than the Eye (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Hare Lift (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit (Film; 1968)
Hot Rocks 1964-1971, by The Rolling Stones (Compilation Album; 1971)
I’m Cold (Tex Avery Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1954)
Island at the Top if the World (Film; 1974)
It’s a Wonderful Life (Film; 1946)
Ivanhoe, by Walter Scott (Novel; 1819)
JFK (Film; 1991)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (Film; 2017)
Lover Come Back (Film; 1961)
The Man with the Golden Gun (US Film; 1974) [James Bond #9]
My Fellow Americans (Film; 1996)
Name That Tune (Radio Series; 1952)
Out of Africa (Film; 1985)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (TV Series; 2023)
Persuasion, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1817) [#6]
Pinkcome Tax (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Pink in the Drink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1978)
Puny Express (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1950)
Rocky’s Dilemma or A Squirrel in a Stew (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 7; 1959)
Rosamunde, by Helmina von Chézy with incidental music by Franz Schubert (Play; 1823)
The Sand Pebbles (Film; 1966)
Scream (Film; 1996)
The Shooting of Caribou Lou (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker (Film; 2019)
The Submarine Squirrel or 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 8; 1959)
They Were Expendable (Film; 1945)
Two Weeks Notice (Film; 2002)
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (Disney Cartoon; 1968)
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too! (Disney Cartoon; 1974)
The Witcher (TV Series; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Eike, Holger, Julius, Regina (Austria)
Ignat (Bulgaria)
Eugen, Julije, Makarije, Slobodan, Zefirin (Croatia)
Dagmar (Czech Republic)
Abraham (Denmark)
Pärja, Pärje (Estonia)
Benjamin, Kerkko (Finland)
Isaac, Jacob, Théophile (France)
Eike, Holger, Julius (Germany)
Ignatios (Greece)
Teofil (Hungary)
Liberato, Macario (Italy)
Abrams, Argods, Arta, Minjona (Latvia)
Daugardas, Gražvilė, Teofilis (Lithuania)
Abraham, Amund (Norway)
Amon, Bogumiła, Dominik, Liberat, Teofil (Poland)
Ignatie (Romania)
Dagmara (Slovakia)
Domingo, Eugenio, Teófilo (Spain)
Israel, Moses (Sweden)
Ammon, Roxana, Roxanne, Roxie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 355 of 2024; 11 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 51 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Bing-Zi), Day 120 (Wu-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 19 Kislev 5785
Islamic: 18 Jumada II 1446
J Cal: 25 Black; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 7 December 2024
Moon: 71%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Bichat (13th Month) [Berthollet]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 90 of 90)
Week: 3rd Full Week of December
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 29 of 30)
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blackmarket-playlists · 10 months ago
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The FOURTH PART with forgotten treasures of shoegaze and closely related styles. Most bands are pretty much forgotten with less than 200 monthly listeners on Spotify, despite excellent songs.
All songs can be found in one playlist! (The playlist will be updated in the coming weeks with further posts here on this channel and more lost songs from great bands. So stay tuned...)
Playlistcover: OLD MAGIC PALLAS (Brazil) (just remastered their brilliant album „Pull My Daisy“ from 1995)
Artist name: Pray TV
Country: Naarm/ Melbourne, Australia
Latest release (Spotify): Horizontal Life (2016)
Highlight song: Spent (1991)
Artist name: Technicolor Teeth
Country: Wisconsin, US
Latest release (Spotify): Teenage Pagans (2012)
Highlight song: Magick Sunlamp (2012)
Artist name: The Rosemary Beads
Country: Perth, Australia
Latest release (Spotify): Shine (2016)
Highlight song: Wedding Song (1994)
Artist name: The Rosaries
Latest release (Spotify): Engine Common (compilation, 1993)
Highlight song: Leaving (1992)
Info: A short-lived indiepop group who released one 7" single on the legendary Sarah Records label in 1992
Artist name: Sonic Discruptor
Country: Brazil
Latest release (Spotify): Poppers (1995)
Highlight song: Landscape Lane (1995)
Artist name: Deardarkhead
Country: Atlantic City, NJ (US)
Latest release (Spotify): Strange Weather (2016)
Highlight song: Alone With You (1999)
Artist name: Hideous Town
Country: Naarm/ Melbourne, Australia
Latest release (Spotify): Disquiet Living (2016)
Highlight song: Don’t Forget (2016)
Artist name: The Sky Drops
Country: Wilmington, Delaware (US)
Latest release (Spotify): Bourgeois Beat (2009)
Highlight song: Swimming with Fishes (2009)
Artist name: Juned
Country: Seattle, Washington (US)
Latest release (Spotify): Every Night for You (1996)
Highlight song: Kyuss (1996)
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thebowynntradition · 10 months ago
Just a note or two for followers and bypassers
The info I post on my page is of the BOWYNN FAITH. It is not the beliefs of Wicca or other Pagan faiths. I got a couple of notes this morning slamming me saying the info I am posting is wrong. Point of fact - No it is not. It is of the beliefs of the Bowynn faith. It is NOT the beliefs of Wiccans, Hellenes, Nordic or Keltic. It is not the teachings of Buddha, Hindu or the Lakota.
So, if you are Wiccan and watching my page for more info for your Wiccan or Pagan faith, you are going to get very confused and find that the information is going to contradict Germanic and Keltic teachings. The meaning and pathways of elements will not be the same.
Also, I just need to stress, that the Bowynn faith is not a Cafeteria faith: You cannot pick and choose what fits your current belief and wedge it into your Saxon-Roman-Hermetic Pagan faith. Either embrace it in its totality or move on path.
I am not posting this in a bloggers rage. I am just stating this following a couple of private message I got because some people thought the Elemental information was wrong. It is not wrong, it just not Wiccan, HIndi or Huna beliefs.
I appreciate the notes and messages just please do not come at me with swords-a-blazing, saying "your information is wrong."
Second, I was asked if my images posted here are AI generated. No they are not AI. Some are photos I created almost a decade ago out in the woods around Seattle. Others are photo manipulated, using images of items I created myself. In the case of the Elements posts, the Numatam, cups and wood chalice are mine which I wood-burned myself. As previously noted, I am totally against AI Art and pretty much AI anything and everything. They are all signed with my name and dated (At least most are) and have hidden signatures as well.
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