#seat of the triumvirate
offdensen · 2 months
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James "Heart Eyes" Kirk
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mymultiverse00 · 10 months
It was a quiet Friday afternoon in Volterra Castle, and as Marcus signed his name on the day’s last edict, he couldn’t help but smile. Friday meant the end of the work week under the new Volturi work/life balance guidelines, instituted five years ago by his beautiful mate, Y/N, thank you very much, and it also meant the end of the school week. Marcus always looked forward to Friday, now that he was a father, as he could not wait to spend the weekend doing normal human activities with his wonderful wife and darling daughter. They had been with him for just under a decade now, and every second spent with them filled in the cracks from a millennium of hurts, and he cherished every single one.
He looked down at his watch with a small frown, noticing the hour was later than normal, but it was quickly erased as the air around him shifted, and the light, airy scent of oranges and vanilla filled his senses. His daughter had just arrived home from school, and as was her custom, she was making her way to the King’s study to greet her father and uncles. She was moving quickly - too quickly - he thought, and suddenly he had a feeling that something wasn’t right. The intensity of the feeling actually scared him a little, and he had just risen from his chair to go meet her when he heard his daughter arrive.
Wham!! The door to the study was flung open heavily, causing it to bounce off the wall behind it. He could see his daughter was extremely angry, and her eyes blazed with rage.
“Uncle Aro!” She shouted, her eyes scanning the room in fury. “Where are you?”
Marcus looked to his right, noticing that his brother had indeed abandoned his desk, and was forced to hold back a smile as the man in question casually reentered the room from the adjoining balcony. Aro was doing his best to appear surprised to see the girl, but Marcus knew better than to believe the act.
“Ah, principessa! You are home!” Aro enthused, greeting the girl with a wide, happy smile. “How was your day?”
“You know how it was, Uncle,” she hissed. “You promised you would stop doing that!”
“Doing what, my heart?” Marcus asked, coming to stand next to his daughter, offering her a careful hug. “What has Aro done?”
The girl sighed, leaning heavily into her father’s embrace. “He helped me with my homework again!”
“Aro!” Marcus chided. “We’ve discussed this, brother.”
Aro said nothing for a moment, looking down to brush an imaginary piece of lint away from his jacket. “I had to do it darling, your essay was incomplete. I was only thinking of your grades,” he explained.
“Incomplete!!” The girl screeched. “It was fine before you tampered with it!”
“There, there, little mouse.” Marcus patted his daughter’s back in a comforting gesture. “Do you have the essay with you? May I see it?”
She nodded, untangling herself from their hug, and reached down into her discarded backpack. “Here. Read it, and you’ll see, Daddy.”
He took the papers from her hand and moved back over to his desk, turning on his reading lamp as he took a seat. He read aloud to the room.
Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman. A member of the First Triumvirate, Caesar led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars before defeating his political rival Pompey in a civil war.
“A fine start, darling, well done.” Marcus praised her.
“Skip down to the last paragraph, Daddy. That’s where you see a last minute edit someone added.” She glared at Aro as she spoke.
Marcus looked down again and flipped to the last page of the report, focusing on the final lines, mysteriously written in flourishing red ink. The penmanship was familiar to Marcus. After having to read it for the last several thousand years, he would recognize it anywhere. He grimaced and read aloud again.
In conclusion, Julius Caesar was a pompous bastard who got what he deserved. He was an uncultured swine and a blight on society. Shakespeare’s play is nothing but gross exaggeration and, frankly, not worth the paper it’s printed on. The Italian school system needs to do better.
“Aro!” Marcus scolded, setting down the paper and giving the dark-haired man a disapproving look. “Shame on you, brother.”
“What?” Aro questioned. “Tell me which part of my statement is untrue, Marcus. You hated that asshole as much as I did!”
“Maybe so, but you cannot put those things in her homework. What will the teacher think?”
“She’ll think I’m being insolent and give me detention, that’s what!” The girl cried. “I had to write lines about not using inappropriate language in my reports and I have to read Romeo and Juliet as extra homework now!”
“Ah! How delightful!” Aro rejoiced, clapping his hands in excitement. “Now the Montague family, there was a family that understood diplomacy!”
“Daddy! Please make him stop!” The girl begged her father. “Tell him he can’t help me with my homework anymore, please?”
“Aro, brother, I have to agree. As much as you want to share your first-hand knowledge of historical events with our princess, you cannot do so by changing her homework. I want you to give your word; you won’t tamper with her work again.”
Aro considered Marcus’s words for a moment, looking into his niece’s pleading eyes before silently acquiescing. “I am sorry, little dove. I should not have changed your paper and I will not do it again. I was only trying to help, but I can see my help was not needed. Forgive me?”
The girl smiled at Aro, moving to his side to embrace him in a hug. “I forgive you, Uncle. And I’m sorry I shouted at you. I was just upset about getting detention.”
“Well, I’ll find a way to make it up to you eventually, love. “Do you want me to have your teacher killed?” He asked innocently.
“Aro!” Marcus scolded. “You will do no such thing!”
“We can discuss it later,” Aro whispered to the girl, smiling at the giggles spilling from her lips.
“Ok, Uncle Aro.” She kissed his cheek and then crossed back to her father to do the same for him. “I’ve got to go talk to Mama about our plans for the weekend, so I’ll see you two later. Love you!” She called as she darted out of the room, backpack in hand.
Marcus shook his head as he returned to his desk, packing away his books and ledgers, chuckling all the while. He looked over at his brother and gave him a wry smile. “He was a pompous bastard, Aro. You were right about that.”
“Of course I was, Marcus. Wait until she sees what I wrote in her report about Henry VIII.”
The End
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Lord Brahma Talon Abraxas
Brahma is the Creator God in Hinduism. He is the first created being, along with the other gods, Vishnu and Mahesh. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (Trimurti) are associated with creation, preservation, and destruction. The most essential Hindu philosophical concept attributed to him is that of Brahmavidya (divine knowledge). Brahma is also considered the Supreme God - The Creator and destroyer of the universe. He is often depicted as having four faces and four arms, holding a sacred scripture in one hand. Brahma is usually shown as being seated on a lotus flower in full bloom. Brahma has four heads and is often depicted as having four arms, holding a rosary in one hand and a book in another. He also holds an axe, which is said to be used for creation, preservation, or destruction, depending on the context. He is also known as the "Supreme Being" and the "Benevolent Creator." The four heads of Brahma are faced in each of the cardinal directions, representing his knowledge of the past, present, and future.
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the-better-kazoo · 10 months
Furina and Julius Caesar Parallels
I know we already established that Furina is both Jesus and Marie Antoinette, but istfg I am gonna shove my Julius Caesar Furina agenda in here somewhere because I swear I make perfect sense. 1. The infamous backstabbing. If we really think about it, Furina's friends can count as the equivalent of Julius Caesar's senators, mostly with half of them technically having some involvement with leadership/government. Though Julius Caesar's was a literal backstabbing and I know we all still have mixed opinions about the entire putting Furina on trial thing, the entire process leading up to the trial can count as a more metaphorical emotional backstabbing for Furina because even if we can all argue about its necessity, there's no doubt Furina felt really betrayed by the entire thing.
2. Julius Caesar conquered France back then. Do I even need to explain it in detail? 3. This is gonna be the most detailed point because my mind is still rotting with this, but there's the Triumvirate that existed before Caesar officially rose to dictatorship. If we follow the timeline and apply it to Egeria, Focalors, and Furina's two sides, I swear it fits.
The Triumvirate back then was comprised of Crassus (Egeria), Pompey (Furina's Ousia Side), and Julius Caesar himself (Furina's Pneuma side). For this, we also have to keep in mind that Furina's Ousia Side is the real Furina herself (the actor), and Furina's Pneuma Side is the "archon" (her role).
As all, it starts with Crassus dying in battle (Egeria's death). Soon after, the Senate (Focalors) endorsed Pompey (the real Furina) as the new leader (the acting hydro archon). And because of this, Julius Caesar had to defeat Pompey's forces to take his seat as the leader of Rome (The real Furina had to die inside little by little so "the hydro archon" Furina can properly take her place as the archon that the citizens wanted.)
I know all of this is a stretch but my Furina brainrot combined with my history lesson and my tiredness is still making all of this make perfect sense for me and I need to make this everyone's problem.
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Joining Snippet Sunday!
Everyone thank @tracle0 for the brilliant idea! (And reblog their post while you're at it!!)
But it was also that 72 hours that made ignoring things I didn't want to deal with sound like a normal idea, instead of questioning whether the station was about to cave in, or - more relevantly - if I had company.
I turned down the last corridor to the "surface access lift".  Caught something in the corner of my eye, glanced half-heartedly and shrugged.  More rattling, but really what didn't in Earth Central.  The "up" button was already lit on the lift panel, which was less the gravlift it should have been, and more so an elevator system some extremely driven agents managed to "procure" the night before a local hotel demolition, sometime in the 80's.  My head slowly started questioning, through the murk of exhaustion, as the elevator made its sharp, echoing 'ding'.  The sound set my sluggish nervous system on fire, hair on end, banishing any thoughts that tried to form as the florescent light poured out of the elevator into the dark hallway, illuminating me and the flood of dust and lint in the air as I stood somewhat dumbly before it.  The dawning anxiety you get when you realize you're dreaming washed over me as I squinted into the light.  Slow thoughts percolating poorly through exhausted synapses and pseudo-cells, as I tried to either decide I'd already passed out and was dreaming, or if what I'd seen was real.
The elevator door shut without anything leaving the car, my eyes still locked on where the 4-or-so foot tall figure stood behind the door.  Was it even a figure?  A street sign?  A diamond-shaped head on a stick-like body with a single eye seated off-center of the face that managed to blink at me once before the door shut between us.
Another moment passed with me squinting at the elevator door.  "Autex, proximity bio scan."  My voice echoed back to me metallically off the deck plating of the dark, empty hallway.
["Attention: Insufficient Host Intracellular Energy."]
The interface voice of the Autex slurred in my head as it read off a litany of diagnostics and repairs it was initiating on my body, as my consciousness fell out of my grasps, and my body fell to the ground.  Half-thought questions about the blinking street sign, the Autex, and my impending concussion floated lazily in the dimming murk between my eyes.
"Belvedere Thurston, you are Summoned by the Triumvirate of Founders," a voice like tar and leather echoed in the hallways, and the last thing I saw, squinting through fading vision, was a "Road Work Ahead" sign with a mustache and one, off-center, eye leaning over me.
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celinamarniss · 3 months
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The Triumvirate finale will start posting this week!
Padmé has a little cameo in Thrones, Dominions, and she's on better terms with Mara now.
Mara sat up and wished she hadn’t. 
“Do you want to throw up?” Padmé reached across the bed and pressed the back of her hand to Mara’s arm and then to her forehead. Her fingers were cool. 
Mara wanted to throw up very badly. “No,” she said. Moving gingerly, she eased back against the head of the bed. She had no memory of returning to the Chimaera or of changing into a nightdress and being put to bed. 
“You should eat if you think you can keep something down,” Padmé said softly. She twisted around in her seat to reach a service table topped with a silver dome. Lifting the dome, she retrieved a bowl and spoon. 
“The glitterstim they drugged you with was potent,” Padmé said, placing a tray across Mara’s lap and offering her the spoon. “Luke did something with the Force to neutralize the effects of the drug in your system, but you might still feel unwell.” 
Nodding in agreement would only make her head swim and Mara wasn’t going to throw up. 
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
I guess we're at war now. Sure, I can take a detour.
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So we have two plates that both need to be held down and five people in our group. I feel like we could probably solve this without climbing any further in the tower....
But maybe there's something worth stealing further up. Let's keep going.
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My persistence has been rewarded with more work.
That's on me. I should have known better. *sigh*
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Genuinely unsure what to make of these statues. Decapitated figures holding a helmet in one hand and a staff with a bird skull in the other. Given that these are birdfolk, I assume the skull on the staff is meant to be their own?
They're all over the place, too. The Triumvirate seems to be super fond of this art. I bet you a one of them (or a relative) made the original, so now they're being distributed everywhere even though nobody's really sure what the artistic intent was supposed to be.
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Good news, we found Estrid. Bad news, we're embroiled in a political conflict and will have to come back to this. See you soon, Estrid. I have a cult to destabilize out of spite.
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Okay, team. The sign on the wall clearly labeled this place "Seat of the Triumvirate" so we should be getting close to...
...to, uh....
Are you guys having a meeting without me? ._. That's hurtful.
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Pay attention to me
I don't even remember what I was going to say now. Thanks, everyone. Just... expect to have to fight them all at once but don't stress over it because it's five against three and we are, each of us, worth ten.
This is going to be an easy in-and-out and then we're back to doing god stuff.
Also, the statues up here are even uglier. I don't know why that was important to bring up. But they are, and I hate them for it.
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Hey, Wabbit Season over there declared war on us so now my crew and I have to turn you guys into a human centipede of regret. No hard feelings, nothing personal.
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Fine, we can try diplomacy again. But if I see buttons pushed or switches pulled, I'm gonna start swinging. I don't know when I'll stop.
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Well, this is going well. There's nothing religious people love more than having outsiders trample all over their sacred territories.
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I'm sorry, were you saying something? We were too busy being way above your pay grade.
Come on, team. We're done he--
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You know this dipshit, Resh'an?
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Yeah, I'm both confused and alarmed too. You keep saying you've never been to this world. Is this something that happened pre-fracturing of the timelines?
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Hold up, Aephorul pulled off a seemingly impossible feat of magic to give you that form, didn't explain how, and you've just... never questioned it? To this day? Even after everything with Aephorul went so horribly sour?
I've been wondering this for a while but, Resh'an? Do we have a conflict of interest? Because we're here to commit a murder. I made that very clear in my Statement of Intent speech. Are you too emotionally invested in Aephorul to carry that out?
I just. I need to be sure you're committed to this, man. And I'm not.
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Shit, I want to try that. You've been with us for how long now and never even brought it up? Not even one "check out this cool drink I can make"?
Now my feelings are hurt. ._.
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"I'm going to kill countless members of your population for a powerful enchantment and in exchange, you can have some neat elevators and I'll let you worship this rock with a face on it."
I don't see the bargain there. Pretty sure you were just being used. This sounds like revisionist dogma to try and whitewash over a historic catastrophe by pretending it was secretly good actually.
In any case, I need to go visit a rock with a face on it, if we're done here. We are done here, right?
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valamirx · 1 year
@ofromulan location: the STREETS notes: greasy
Valamir had history in Rome, but that wasn't the only reason he'd come back here. Romulus had been in this city when the lycan had returned, which meant that Xerxes wasn't far behind him. Word was that one of the Triumvir's sat in on their meetings with a booster seat - really there weren't many vampires that drew that sort of mental image. He expected to run into Xerxes eventually, but in all likelihood the Pluto vampire had his head too far up Romulus' ass to realize that Valamir was even in Rome. Or care, for that matter.
The skull of a man with an unpaid debt hit the stone wall, Valamir's hand encompassed most of it as he held the man in place. "This is your last warning." A second extension was more than the gambler deserved, but the lycan was in an uncharacteristically good mood as of late. Something about a dead magister. He could smell the blood as it spilled down the man's temple, could hear it as it trickled against the stones before Valamir's grip loosened and he let the witch scamper to his feet. "Three days." Mumbled, frantic gratitudes fell from his lips as he scurried off, making it past the source of a very distinct, pungent scent.
"You're far from your estate." Valamir pointed out as he turned cerulean eyes towards the vampire, they were near what used to be Arno territory: a place for rats and vermin like the petty excuse for a man that had just ran off. "Let me guess, daddy sent you out here to do his dirty work?" He wondered if Xerxes would know that Romulus was dead, if he'd accept it - if his compulsion had broken.
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writingmaidenwarrior · 9 months
Sin Eaters Part 8
You know, good things take time? Yeah, they do, especially in December.
Have the next part @cljordan-imperium
Warnings for: minor swearing, overall sexual tone, nudity, self-pleasuring.
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“You made up your mind.”
His mother’s statement surprised Wynthan when he helped her bringing in some of the dirty dishes while the others stayed outside.
“What do you mean?”
“Talindra. Since our conversation about how careful you have to be or not have to be with her because of the authorities you became more relaxed. Mel already joked you are falling for her.”
The ghost of a smile played around Kimesnin’s mouth as she looked over her shoulder to him.
“Isn’t it too early to say this? We met little over a day ago. Even with this strange connection that makes us trust so easily and I just learned she also has fire; I still doubt there is already more than these two things.”
Pushing the longer hair streak aside aside, only to huff frustrated when it fell over his eye again, Wynthan leaned against the counter next to his mother.
“Maybe it is but I can see she is eying you like a hungry woman eyes a nice piece of meat. Even if it is only physical at the moment you never know if it can become more. As Sin Eaters we are put in a situation out of the ordinary. You have an idea what that connection is, it seems?”
“Gil gave me an idea, but I need to ask an elder some questions”, he confirmed.
“That is good. I didn’t tell her when she asked me about it, but you should. Like you should tell her about how magic has influence on us horned ones. Especially in your case.”
“I know, mom…”
Another frustrated huff escaped Wynthan as he looked up to the ceiling.
“It is weird how easy things come to me with her.”
“One more reason to tell her sooner than later.”
“I don’t know if the trust bonus from the connection can withstand this.”
Gently, Kimesnin turned around and hugged him.
“A few more days won’t hurt. This isn’t something you tell over breakfast, I know. She is smart, maybe smarter than it is good for her own safety, and apparently stubborn like all of us together.”
An aloof smile was his only response.
“Never heard truer words. She will burn the city down once she knows everything; I am sure of this.”
“Maybe that’s what we need.”
“Aren’t you afraid of me getting caught in all this?”
With a stronger hug she placed a kiss on his cheek and smiled.
“I know if someone can withstand the fire, she will let loose it is you, Wynthan. I said it before, and I say it again. The triumvirate had no idea what they did when they matched you and whatever happens from today on: they had it coming a long time ago.”
Guided by a sudden impulse Wynthan hugged her tight.
“I love you, mom.”
“I love you, too. But now, let’s get back outside before your partner raids the leftovers like a rabid cat.”
The mental picture of Talindra stuffing herself silly was too much for him and he burst out laughing. It got worse when he stepped outside and found her deep into the bowl with chocolate covered fruits.
“You were right, she is a rabid cat”, he threw back into the house to his mother.
Talindra’s confusion while her mouth was stuffed with food was a comical sight that brought laughter to the whole table.
“I didn’t dare to stop her”, Gil proclaimed dramatically, “She is as bad as Mel.”
“Hey!”, Mel lamented with her hands deep in the bakery bag.
Kimesnin stepped out with a bowl of nuts and a telling gaze to Wynthan. Somehow he made it back to his seat next to Talindra to get surprised by her shoveling the chocolate covered fruits under his nose.
“I think you didn’t get some.”
“The way you stuff yourself, no.”
As he picked one of the fruits Wynthan caught the glances Gilmyrn and Melleis exchanged. Slowly he started the regret bringing Talindra here today but on the other side it helped in so many ways he could stand the little stupid remarks from his brother.
“I hope you didn’t stuff yourself too much”, Melleis snickered at Talindra.
An impish glimpse in her eyes was already the warning Wynthan needed to give him the split second to move aside from Talindra.
“You don’t want to be too full for any physical activities, don’t you?”
Melleis winked with a naughty smile. Kimesnin snickered and even Gilmyrn tried to hide his smirk behind a glass. It took Talindra about the length of a breath to the meaning of this statement. Wynthan expected her to jump up and pull some stunt on Melleis but the sweet smile she showed was even scarier.
Still the bowl with the chocolate covered fruits in her hand, Talindra leaned forward with this scary sweet smile, her eyes trained on Melleis like a high-class snake monster and licked her lips.
“I am always up for those kinds of physical activities, my dear Mel, with anyone. Wanna test it?”
Now it was Wynthan’s turn to hide his smile behind something while the others looked at her in confusion until Melleis burst out laughing.
“Sorry, girl, I am a guys only woman, but our dear Natty might cherish this information.”
“Oh, don’t pull me into this again”, Wynthan blocked, even if he clearly noted the information for later.
He just realized they need to have some talk about their likes and such and most of all find a way to survive the days until the festival. A glance to Talindra who eyed him from the corner of her eyes gave him the impression his mother was right: If you would give her the chance, she would jump his bones immediately; and if Wynthan was honest, he wouldn’t mind either.
His personal confession to himself was highlighted by Talindra moving over him and resting her head on his shoulder with her hand resting in the place where the small bomb was located.
“I think we need to pull you in, because this is about you and me.”
He took her hand in his with an amused huff.
“In the end, yes, but we still have time and a plan. You forgot, my little devil?”
For a moment Wynthan felt the desire to kiss her fingers but noticed the curious glances of everyone around them on him and pushed it aside, together with the deep sigh that dared to break free.
Everything felt so easy and natural with Talindra, and it was unsettling.
The next morning came too soon in Talindra’s opinion. The day at Wynthan’s family was nice even if her head was busting with all the information and she felt emotional hungover but that was nothing she couldn’t deal with.
Surprised she was up first; she took the chance to shower and clear her head. A list was clearly needed for all the questions she had in mind after the last day and sort it by personal stuff and things connected to Wynthan.
Talindra didn’t expect him to be up by the time she was done with her shower and so she stepped out of the bathroom just wrapped in a towel to find him sitting on the sofa in the living room area with his head resting on the backrest, his eyes closed. On tiptoes she sneaked closer, hoping to at least solve the question about the horns.
Her fingertips almost touched the tip of Wynthan’s horn when his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist.
“What are you trying to do?”, he yawned with an amused tone.
“Trying to figure out what’s the deal with the horns.”
“No one told you?”
“Kimesnin and Mel said I will figure out myself.”
“Of course, they did”, he sighed annoyed and pulled her around.
His eyes widened when he realized she was just in a towel.
“Today the other way round?”
“I thought you would sleep a bit longer.”
The mischievous gleam showed itself at the same time Talindra felt him pull her into his lap. Dripping wet from the shower and just the fabric from the towel between their upper bodies she found herself pressed against him.
“Getting impatient?”, she teased.
“Evening out the score. You saw me almost naked, now it’s my turn.”
“What a devilish deal…”
“Didn’t your family warn you about them?”
He joked back with a strained voice. When she readjusted her position, it became clear why. She wasn’t the only one whose desire laid close under the surface. Biting her lower lip, she leaned forward to his ear.
“They did but maybe I like playing with fire.”
“I can see, how much you like it.”
“What’s the deal with the horns?”, she whispered.
“I’ll let you figure it out, but not today.”
His laughter vibrated through both of them and sent lovely shivers through her whole body.
“If you continue doing this, I will go crazy.”
His hand rested on her neck with his thumb massaging the base of her skull what made her hum delighted. It tingled through her whole body in gentle way.
“I will, too”, he confessed huskily, his lips ghosting over her exposed side of the neck.
“Why aren’t you giving in?”
Talindra emphasized it with a soft thrust against his growing erection.
“This is purely physical, little devil.”
“It may sound crazy, but I like us to be more than this.”
Her chuckle echoed in his.
“No, this isn’t crazy, even if this means you will torture both of us”, Talindra replied, “Especially when you are the one who starts those situations.”
“I couldn’t know you aren’t dressed.”
“How would it change anything?”
His loss of words told her, Wynthan knew it would have the same outcome in the end.
“I should take a shower”, he suddenly stated and softly pushed her aside.
With a frustrated sound she fell on her back and glared at him.
“I will make you pay for this.”
“I can’t wait for it”, he winked at her and literally ran for the shower.
Still, she managed to take a glance at him and groaned. If what she saw was right, she wouldn’t be able to walk once Wynthan finally came around and gave up on this little game but damn if this wouldn’t be worth it, she will yell.
Her imagination started to run wild and made things worse. When Talindra thought it couldn’t get any worse and scrambled on her feet she heard Wynthan’s unmistaken moans from the bathroom. A pleasant shiver ran through her as the wicked smile crept on her lips. For a moment she was tempted to just get back under the shower and make him fuck her against the wet tiles till they both pass out happy and satisfied but something held her back.
The way he dodged her despite clearly being attracted to her showed how serious Wynthan was about his wish to get to know her better and to make it more than just physical attraction. No matter how damn horny she was right now, Talindra didn’t want to overstep this.
Another of Wynthan’s moans made her hurry back into her bedroom and fall on her bed with a dramatic sigh. Harsh she ripped the towel from her body and let her hands wander over her too sensitive skin while her mind was busy imagining all the things, she wanted Wynthan do to her. One hand moved between her legs, found her overly sensitive clit, and slowly started to please herself, but after a few moments she grew impatient already.
It didn’t take long for an orgasm to roll through her and Talindra spread on her bed like a dead bug. Her body demanded more but this would need to do it for now, they had a lot to do today. A deep growl like she never heard before caused her to jump up, ready to defend herself.
Wynthan stood in the open door. Talindra blinked and realized she forgot to close it, but his dark eyes confused her more than her forgetfulness. The red eyes turned almost black and his whole body was tensed. Even with him leaned to the frame and dressed already there was something slightly dangerous about it, Talindra couldn’t name. It was almost primal.
“I heard those strangled noise you made and went to check. Couldn’t expect you to be so greedy.”
The typical mischievous smile laid on his face but appeared someway off with his current eyes. Somehow Talindra had the feeling he was about to devour her.
“I told you, I have a high sex drive”, she shrugged it off and grabbed the towel.
“Getting another shower?”, he teased.
She could feel his eyes on her back all the time.
“That was the plan. After that we need to make a plan for the next days, don’t we.”
“Sounds good to me. We also need to talk about some things.”
This time Talindra was smart enough to grab some clothes before she went to get a shower and wanted to walk past Wynthan when he stepped into her path. His eyes slowly got redder again and his body was more relaxed.
“You should make sure to close the door when you help yourself.”
“Thanks for reminding me”, she shot back annoyed, but he made no move to let her pass, “What else?”
Wynthan sighed in a defeated and almost burdened way, that gave her a weird feeling.
“I am serious about this. I’ll explain you after breakfast. How does sandwiches sound?”
With a small nod he let her finally pass. Talindra frowned as she stepped under the shower again to cool off and clean herself up. Since they had been at Kimesnin’s place there was obviously something running through his head, but it seemed Wynthan felt forced to talk about it earlier than he wanted because of this little event.  Her head resting against the tiles of the shower, Talindra took a deep breath to swallow the yell that threatened its way up.
Happy to be distracted with making sandwiches Wynthan had some time to think about how to explain Talindra about how magic influences horned ones and what it does in his case. He honestly wouldn’t imagine it would already happen on the second morning he almost lost control of himself. Without the guidance of his mother and the elder Silvadar he surely would have lost it minutes ago and only the eternals know what he would have done to Talindra. On the other side he wondered why he was so close to lose it with her when he was in control most his adult life. The last time he lost it was early in training when their company leader punished him the first time.
Lost in thoughts his thumb run over the scar on his right lower arm that still reminded him off this day. One of the other soldiers had attacked him with a knife and cut deep into his arm. After this both got scolded but Wynthan promised himself to never let the magic control him again.
“What worries you?”, Talindra’s voice sounded off softly behind him.
It was beyond him how she could smile so mischievous at him after what happened just minutes ago. Either she was slightly suicidal or masochistic. Her shoulder leaned against a wall, but her gaze was on his arm, or probably more on his thumb.
“Why do you think I am worried?”, he deflected with a light-hearted tone.
The look she threw him was a big tell she didn’t buy it.
“Let’s start with your warning minutes ago. Don’t tell me it wasn’t one.”
Rolling his eyes at her, Wynthan put the sandwiches down with some fresh coffee.
“It was. This is something I needed to tell you anyway but thought I had some days to figure out how.”
“And a few more days to learn how I would react. You are more calculating and careful than me.”
Her lips tousled, Talindra grabbed the first piece. Her eyes on him, waiting, analyzing, but also probing. Wynthan couldn’t blame her, he also would like to know what was going on if he were her.
“How much did you get taught about magic?”
“What exactly do you mean?”
“Ever heard, magic influences its wielder?”
Her face lit up in realization while she swallowed hastily, only to cough heavily and urgently drowned some coffee.
“Fuck, I should take some time”, she snickered, “Yeah, we got taught magic amplitudes emotions. Staying in control of our emotions, or more in control than an average human is the first thing we get taught once magic shows up.”
It was a physical sensation of something being lifted from him while Wynthan nodded.
“That makes a lot of things easier. See, for horned ones this is extremer. It can go so far as influencing out character, our personality since we usually wield two kinds of elements.”
Talindra hummed along. So far it seemed all logical to her. Involuntarily Wynthan snickered about how he thought again how damn smart she is.
“Unfortunately, some elements don’t like to be friends. Air goes well with every. So does water. Fire and earth on the other side are little sassy bitches.”
In the middle of taking a sip of coffee Talindra stopped and pushed the mug down with such a force it let the remaing coffee spill over.
“Fire likes to be the dominant one, doesn’t it?”
“You can also sense it?”
Her snicker told him his surprise was visible on his face.
“I do, especially after your little trick yesterday. It is like it constantly sings a tempting lullaby to lure me in to do its willing.”
She contorted her face at what she said but Wynthan just nodded.
“Don’t worry, this doesn’t sound crazy. If you ask me the elements have some rudimental will of their own.”
“And earth?”
There was unmistakenly worry in Talindra’s eyes. She was probably already on the right path what Wynthan dealt with every day.
“Basically, the same, but less a soft tempting song but more a growling push. Having both is like being the rope in a tug-of-war between the elements. There have been horned ones who broke under it.”
“Depends on the person. Some became fractured minds, other retreat into their mind completely, some turn into something closer to the monster outside the walls than a horned one. No higher thinking, no regret, only acting on impulses and destruction follows them. Those are the most dangerous ones.”
“Is there a way to prevent it?”
The sympathy in Talindra’s gaze hurt Wynthan in some way he couldn’t explain. He reached over the table for her hand and squeezed it.
“Many like me could contain it, don’t worry, little devil. But it takes a lot of self-control, and you little naughty kitten are scratching on it.”
She squeezed back with a dirty grin.
“I am sorry. It wasn’t my intention. I thought it could be a fun game to see how long it takes till you give up on your plan.”
The almost shy way she tried to push hair behind her ear only to realize her hair is short now made both snicker. A relieved sigh later Wynthan relaxed now she knew about it. He could only hope she would be more careful now.
The careful curiosity in her face was a bad sign.
“Those darker eyes of your’s earlier… you are on a risk to turn like this last kind of folks, aren’t you? Only driven by impulse and instinct.”
He bit his lip. This came out of the blue and he didn’t expect her to notice anything to give her the right idea. His head turned to the side, he nodded. He heard her getting up and felt the loss of her hand in his almost painful.
In his mind he was ready to scold himself an idiot when her hands rested on his face and forced him to look at her. Talindra’s face was dead serious. This damn amber ring around the iris in her eyes sparkled at him in some sort of hidden signal.
“I won’t let this happen.”
A soft smile on his face, he took her hands and placed kisses on each finger before he pulled her down and placed a kiss on her lips. Wynthan realized it was a bad idea the moment both groaned in need.
Without thinking about it, Talindra sneaked onto his lap as their lips opened softly. His hands found their way from her face to her hair and stroke through it, gently going over the little stumps that soon will be mighty horns of hers. She threw her head back with a moaned growl which he used to nibble on her neck a bit. Her hands found the spot on his neck where fire resided and gently massage it. Wynthan copied her action and within seconds the temperature in the room raised significantly.
It was his giggle about the temperature rise that pulled them both out of this moment.
“Fuck…”, Talindra swore with a sigh.
“Oh, we will get there, little devil”, Wynthan joked.
“You will make me go crazy before that.”
“What about going to the archives today?”, he suggested, knowing the dry and stuffy atmosphere will kill any sexual tension.
“A good plan. We need more of them.”
“Before you burn everything down.”
“The warmth was you”, he informed her with a little glee.
The sheepish glance around was worth it.
“Interesting. I couldn’t do this before.”
“We need to train you.”
“Tomorrow, that sounds like a good idea.”
The small embarrassment still lingered on Talindra when she got up from his lap again after one last glance at him. Wynthan wasn’t sure if his mind played tricks at him but the small amber around her iris was dull again and if his mind didn’t play a trick on him, it meant her fire was closer under the surface than he assumed. On the other side he liked to entertain the thought that hers was bright and warm, contrary to his dangerous and dark one.  
Before she sat down again, she threw an amused smile over her shoulder at him.
“Oh, I think I know now what’s the deal with the horns.”
“You do?”
“It was quite nice when your hands rubbed over those stumps of mine. I can imagine how it would be with proper horns.”
“You have no idea”, Wynthan snickered, suddenly in a good mood again just from the knowledge she still had not even an inkling about it.
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druidx · 5 months
Her Countenance was Light - Chapter 12
CW: None AO3; Chapters: 01. 10. 11. Tag list (ask for +/-): @aquadestinyswriting, @hannahcbrown, @jacqueswriteblrlibrary, @babyblueetbaemonster
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Elo lets herself into the chambers from a side door. Her footsteps ring out as she passes over the multicoloured marble floor. The giant semicircular window, against which the menfolk are silhouetted in the waning daylight, rests against the semicircular speaking floor like someone has taken an oblique wedge from an orange. From the curve of the speaking floor, seating rises like a lecture hall to meet the domed roof. She's always thought this room is beautiful – perhaps more so when it's not filled with bickering politicians. The wooden balustrades are lovingly carved with vines and mythical creatures, the domed roof is moulded and painted with cornucopias, and the speaking floor is inlaid with the Triumvirate's seal in shimmering brass and coloured marble. "Good evening, your Majesty. Acting Magister. Exchequer," Elo greets them. Outside the window, the orange sun is captured on myriad windows, making the city blaze. "Lady Toreguarde," King Storri says, inclining his head in greeting. "It is indeed a fine eve." He takes a step to the right and invites her, with a wave of a hand, to watch the sunset with them. "'Sargent' is fine," she mutters as she stands next to him. He flashes a smile. She hadn't meant for him to hear the comment, but after the day she's had, Elo can't bring herself to care. "It is a beautiful sight," King Storri says. "Yes," Elo replies, and it is. She can think of no fairer sight than her city; at any hour or in any weather, she loves the sight of it. The sun has dipped lower now, the sky turning from amethyst to navy. Along the canals, the bargemens' lights twinkle merrily along their darkling paths. The Exchequer clears his throat. "If you'll excuse me, your Majesty, I fear I have more work to do, ere our meetings tomorrow." "Of course," King Storri says with a dip of his head. With a mumbled, "Good night." the sallow man hurries away. Clayrmantle grumbles something to himself, then, "Alas, I should also depart. Early birds and worms, et cetera. Good night, your Majesty. Oh, your Majesty? Don't forget about tomorrow night." "Mm. God nat, Magister." "Elowyn, dear?" Clayrmantle says as he steps away. Elo pulls her gaze away from where the stars now glitter across the firmament. "Yes, Thazar?" "Kindly ensure the king is abed before midnight?" "I'll do my best, sir." With a fatherly smile, Clayrmantle nods and departs.
King Storri is deep in his thoughts, so Elo lets them gaze over the city for a few moments longer before calling him back. "Your Majesty?" He sucks in a breath, as though he has been very far away. "Dinner, sir." "Yes, Sargent."
Elo leads him out to the now deserted corridors of City Hall. "What's happening tomorrow night, sir?" "May we speak on it over dinner? I find I am quite exhausted and would prefer to broach the subject with a full stomach," King Storri says. "Of course, sir. Where would you like to dine? There are several Michelin-starred restaurants in the city, that your Majesty may find pleasing–" "Stop." Elo stops walking, looking at the King with eyebrows raised. "I find myself wanting a quiet evening. Where would you recommend?" "Um. I'm told chefs at the Emerald Star are excellent, if your Majesty wants to dine in your suite…?" "No. I wish to know where you would recommend," he says, pointing at Elo. "Sir, I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help," Elo says. "A copper's salary doesn't lend itself well to eating out. The rare times I eat out, it's at one of two pubs. Neither of which, I should add, are remotely appropriate places to take someone of your station." King Storri lifts his chin. "Tell me what they are called." Elo tilts her head incredulously. "Sir–" "Tell. Me." Elo keeps her glare up for a touch longer than is necessary, but the King does not blink, so she relents. "The Slippery Slope, and the Skiving Scholar." It comes out muttered. "Which is the cleanest?" "I really think your Majesty should reconsider. I'm told the fowl at Bourdain's is exquisite, and Passport Plates, though the name is a bit kitschy–" "Of your pubs, which is the cleanest?" Elo closes her eyes and takes a breath. "The Scholar, your Majesty." "It sounds like a fine establishment. We shall go there."
With that, King Storri turns and begins to stride away. "Your Majesty… Excuse me– Sir!" Elo calls after him. The King stops. "How are we getting there – have you been given use of a chauffeur? Or are we packing everyone onto a public bus?" King Storri tilts his head. "I was informed you have your own transport." "I have a motorcycle that barely fits two. Again, not really appropriate for a King," Elo gesticulates wildly. "Not to mention insufficient for transporting your security detail." "Are you suggesting I will need them?" "Yes. The scholars can get remarkably rowdy." He quirks an eyebrow. "You are suggesting that the fabled Lady of Toreguarde will not be enough to assure my safety?" "Correct. The fabled Lady of Toreguarde got her title by working alongside your Chief of Security, Meredeth Gruksdottir. Who, incidentally, is going to kick me into next week if I let you swan off without your security detail." "You are suggesting we may find ourselves in such a dire situation, I would need them?" "Abso-fucking-lutly! Toreguard is dangerous. Maybe not as much as other places, but still. And even if we didn't, that's not the point! They are your security detail. It is their job, as well as mine, to keep you safe. I will not have you risking their livelihoods and reputations because you want to go rogue. At the very least, I have to inform Agent Ironforge of your whereabouts, or she will eviscerate me. "So you sit your royal ass down and don't you dare move until I've returned, you emmerdement. Am I understood?" And great, she's shouting at him again. It's been mere hours since she was told she'd used her one free pass. His face is a rictus of shock, and cue declarations of war in three, two– King Storri beams. "You are everything they said you were and more," he says, the grin turning smug and self-satisfied. Eloquently, Elo says, "Who? What? Huh?" "Agents Ironforge and Copperheart, and your Mother." "Aunt," Elo corrects on reflex because he is surely talking about Alexis rather than Oakrose. "Your Aunt then, Alexis," King Storri inclines his head. He turns away. "Come. We have much to speak of over dinner." Elo crosses her arms. "Sir, I think you're forgetting something." The King turns back, an eyebrow raised. "I will allow you, this once, to take a quiet meal without the furore of your security detail. But Agent Ironforge will have me drawn and quartered if I don't report your intentions and whereabouts. Please wait here while I do so." "Very well," King Storri says, still smiling as he settles himself into one of the many chairs dotted through the corridor.
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amberthefantasy · 3 months
Nitimur in Vetitum
chapter fourteen: ligatus (bound)
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9th Day Before the Kalends of Iulius (23rd June)
Lucretia let out a loud huff as she leant back against Agrippa. The messenger that had just arrived from Brundisium was stumbling over his words as he relayed the message that Antonius had sent to Gaius. For the past three months the two Triumvirs had been sending messages back and forth, on some odd attempt to avoid a war.
Why they couldn't just come to terms over this petty conflict, Lucretia didn't understand. This back and forth did nothing but weaken them both in the eyes of Rome. It was foolish and it made her blood boil. "Gods this is foolish," Lucretia snapped. Her annoyance with the stuttering fool of a messenger finally boiling over. "Just settle this now Gaius"
"I'll look weak if I give in first," Gaius glared at her.
"You look weak now," Lucretia snapped. She stood quickly, striding across the room to stand before her brother. "You look like a foolish child who cannot solve a petty disagreement with your ally."
"If he looks foolish then Antonius will too," Agippa said from behind her.
"Yes," Lucretia agreed, she took a few more steps forward to lean against the table. "But Gaius has only been active in Rome's politics for four years, he has begun to establish himself but is still seen as young and inexperienced. His inability to handle this disagreement reflects worse on him than it does on a seasoned general and politician."
Gaius gritted his teeth. Lucretia could see his thoughts running through his head as he tried to find a flaw in her argument. "I have been nothing cordial, offering actual solutions to this issue. It is Antonius who is being obstinate," Gaius finally said.
Lucretia raised a brow. "Antonius is being obstinate," she repeated. Lucretia tapped her hands against the wood of the table. "I shall go and speak with Antonius," she declared.
"No!" Gaius and Agrippa almost yelled as one. Lucretia glared sideways at them. Then, noticing that the messenger was still standing near the door, she waved him out. 
"I have known Antonius since I was a child, he would not harm me," Lucretia said. "Besides, to cause me harm could cause a war of blood instead of papyrus."
Agrippa let out a noise of complaint but Gaius was staring at her with narrowed eyes. "You truly believe that?"
"I do," she gave a decisive nod.
Gaius swallowed. "You cannot actually be considering this?" Agrippa snapped.
"She's right," Gaius said softly. "We need to solve this now and she is the only person who Antonius may speak to."
"You have to be fucking joking," Agrippa hissed lowly. "I will not let my wife risk-"
"-I am going," Lucretia cut him off. "And that is final." She snapped turning to one of the slaves near the edge of the room. "Gather my things I shall leave at once."
5th Day Before the Ides of Iulius (11th July)
The city of Brundisium was beautiful. Lucretai had seen quite a few cities in Italia throughout her life, travelling with her mother when she was young and her father after her mother passed, but she had never seen Brundisium. It was not nearly as large as Rome but bigger than Ardea was. 
Antonius had set up an encampment on the outside of the city but himself was living in the house of some ally inside the walls.
Lucretia had not expected to be instantly invited inside after her arrival, but it seemed some scout must have seen her coming because there were already men waiting to escort her to Antonius when he reached the city gate. 
They led her through a few small streets and to a large villa. Antonius was waiting inside for her. Seated on a klinai, reading a letter. "Lucretia Julia!" He called with a smile that did not reach his eyes when she entered the room. 
"Marcus Antonius," Lucretia responded with her own fake smile. 
"To what do I owe this visit?" Antonius asked.
"My brother sent me," Lucretia said bluntly as she took a seat on the klinai opposite him. "He wishes to finally resolve this petty disagreement."
"Petty disagreement..." Antonius repeated. "He fought my wife."
"Your wife attacked us," Lucretia raised her brow. "And when the war was over both her and your brother were pardoned for their uprising. It was you who sent her away." Lucretia paused, "I hear she recently passed, I am sorry for your loss." She added.
Antonius clicked his tongue, "thank you." There was a moment of silence. "What does your brother want?"
"All he asks is that his occupation of Gaul be recognised as a legitimate action, and that he gain control of Illyricum. In return he will confirm your control of the east and support any military actions you wish to take there," Lucretia told him the terms that she and Gaius had discussed before she left.
Antonius stared at her with narrowed eyes for a moment. "Italia remains neutral."
"Of course," Lucretia nodded.
Her father's old friend clicked his tongue again. "I will agree on the condition that Gaius comes to an agreement with Sextus Pompeius too."
"He already has plans for one," Lucretia nodded. 
"Then I am amiable to these terms," Antonius nodded. 
"There is one more thing," Lucretia leant forward. "Due to the recent death of your wife... my brother is willing to offer you a marriage to seal this peace."
"A marriage? With who?" Antonius raised a brow.
"Octavia. She is a widow and not currently pregnant."
"From my knowledge she has not yet completed her mourning period. Nor have I," Antonius said.
That was true, she was not even halfway through it but she was the only female member of the family through which this peace could be sealed. "The pontiffs would be willing to offer an exception."
Antonius tapped his fingers against the side of the klinai. "I would be honoured to marry Gaius' sister."
6th Day Before the Kalends of Sextilis (27th July)
Lucretia pushed off the wall she had been leaning on to watch the builders when Scribonia entered the room. "Get Octavia," she ordered one of the slaves standing beside her. 
Scribonia turned to look at her. "Hello Lucretia," she greeted.
"Hello Scribonia," Lucretia smiled. She walked over to hug the other woman in greeting. 
Footsteps came from behind them and the two women turned to see Octavia walking towards them with her two youngest children. "Uh Octavia!" Scribonia called. "The Gods. Give me one of those." She reached for one of the children. A slave was following behind Octavia with Fabia in her arms and Lucretia reached out to take her daughter as well. 
"Take Marcellus. He's such a lump," Octavia held her son out for Scribonia to take. "I can mange Marcellina," Octavia fixed the cloth wrapped around her youngest. 
Fabia grabbed Lucretia's hair and she had to push the little one's hand away. Replacing her hair with the gems around her neck in her daughter's hand. The three women began to slowly walk out of the atrium. "Wow. How much did this cost?" Scribonia asked.
"Our brother came into some money, as you know," Lucretia explained. 
"Excuse the mess. Gaius has only just got back to Rome from signing the agreement with Antonius," Octavia moved her hand in the direction of the builders.
"He's too busy to bully the builders so we offered to help," Lucretia joked.
"It helps take my mind off everything," Octavia said softly. "Do you like it?" She suddenly asked Scribonia, looking up at her.
"I...I do," Scribonia laughed slightly.
"That's good," Octavia locked eyes with Lucretia for a moment. "Because you'll be living here soon." Scribonia furrowed her brows slightly. "Our brother's proposing a marriage to you as part of the treaty with Sextus."
Scribonia's eyes widened in shock and joy. Lucretia felt her stomach turn. Marcellina began to cry. Octavia smiled down at her and then began to walk over to one of the seats against a wall behind them. Lucretia followed her.
Scribonia let out a slight laugh again as she placed Marcellus down and turned to face them. "I told you you'd find my family useful," she smiled.
"Of course, negotiations are bound to drag on for months," Octavia said as she pulled one of her sleeves off to feed Marcella.
"That's what Gaius says anyway," Lucretia added.
Octavia looked down at her feeding daughter, face filled with emotion. "What?" Scribonia asked. "Aren't you happy for me?" Lucretia almost rolled her eyes at the oblivious selfishness of the woman, Octavia was obviously upset.
"Yes," Octavia looked at her. "Yes. But I am to marry Marcus Antonius to seal the peace between him and my brother," she revealed. "The latest one anyway."
"You're not even halfway through your mourning period," Scribonia said, her voice a mix of shock and care.
"I could hardly say no to Gaius," Octavia looked sideways at Lucretia who blinked and looked away.
On the Ides of Sextilis (13th August)
Lucretia shifted her dress slightly as more people entered the villa. Even Antonius would be here today, and Lucretia caught sight of him pushing his way to the front of the crowd. Gaius was already standing to the left of her, with Agrippa at his side. Her brother caught her eyes and gave a small smile, Lucretia responding with her own tight one. 
There was the sound of movement behind her and Lucretia glanced up to see Scribonia and her father, Lucius Scribonius Libo, walking down the stairs. Lucretia raised her hands to politely clap as Scribonia reached the bottom of the stairs. She had to admit that the woman looked beautiful in her white and yellow dress. 
Agrippa stepped forward to stand closer to the dais where Lucretia was waiting. "Welcome, to the marriage of Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus and Scribonia Liba," Agrippa began. The two named people came closer together to stand beside Lucretia. She looked forward when she saw some men leading forward a goat for the sacrifice. "Great Juno, Goddess of Marriage and Fertility, accept this gift of life and blood from this great house of Lucius Scribonius Libo." Agrippa halted to let the sacrifice take place.
"Scribonia Liba, are you ready?" He asked the woman.
"Yes," Scribonia said softly.
"Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, do you agree?"
"I do," Gaius' voice was strong.
"Then she is yours," Agrippa nodded.
Lucretia held out her hands and placed Gaius and Scribonia's together in front if her. Cheers and clapping broke out amongst the watching crowd and Lucretia smiled tightly at the newly married couple. --
On the Nones of September (5th September)
Lucretia did not know whether she preferred to be watching or participating in this wedding. Maybe it was the fact that Lucius and his wife were the ones officiating that made her displeased. She may have recommended that they pardon the man but that did not make her like him anymore.
Lucretia had to contain a scoff when Scribonia started playing with the ends of her sleeves. Even a month into their marriage Scribonia was still clinging to Gaius like he would disappear and it made Lucretia's skin crawl.
Her thoughts were derailed by Octavia and Gaius entering the room. Octavia was gorgeous, she always had been. She was wearing a slightly darker white than other brides often did. Even though she had received a dispensation to marry it did not make her mourning for her late husband any less potent.
Lucius began the ceremony with a smile, and Lucretia let her thoughts wander again as she gazed around at the guests. Many were people she knew but were not close with. Horatia was here, with Lucius Fabius, and she caught her eye and gave a small smile. Agrippa placed a hand on Lucretia's back to bring her back to the present just as Antonius said the words that would confirm the marriage. She began to clap with the others, glancing sideways Lucretia locked eyes with Gaius who gave her a small triumphant smile.
Their peace with Antonius was sealed and soon the negotiations with Sextus would come to an end. Peace would rule Rome. 
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mythriteshah · 1 year
Brilliance Born from Activity
Another brilliant day within the vibrant terraces of great Radz-at-Han as commerce begins to run rampant throughout the streets once more.  But amidst the hustle and bustle of this melting pot of mercantilism is the Higuri Regalia’s Main Branch, tucked deep within the residential district of Kama.  Within this mythril-blue palace lied the Servants’ Lounge, where an extravagant feast was being held.
Much revelry was had as Regalia workers, Near Eastern citizens, associates, and adventurers alike enjoyed the many sights and sounds of Thavnair within this opulent hall.  Every party-goer within this meyhane-in-disguise wore festive masks with myriad faces of men and beasts alike.  These were worn in homage to the Manusya and the Mrga - the deific beings who once warred in ancient times, but eventually sought for peace by trading their heads and limbs and were created anew as creatures of might and wisdom.
Atop the balcony which overlooked the lounge proper were three Lalafellin women garbed in matching robes - also masked, but upon which bore the likenesses of the greatest deities worshiped in Thavnair - the Magus Sisters, patron deities of Thavnair.  The one in golden robes bore the mask of Sanduruva - the Sister of Prosperity, and stood in the center.  To her left was a Lalafell dressed in silver, bearing the mask of Minduruva, Sister of Ingenuity. Which left only Cinduruva, Sister of Wisdom, to the lass opposite of her.  She was adorned in bronze, and with glasses of Bacchus Wine in hand, each of them toasted to their audience below after a riveting speech was given by each of them - a toast to the revitalization of commerce.
“Is it not wonderful, my sisters?” spoke the golden-clad Lalafell.  “This is what we have fought so hard for, and even now, our coffers flourish - our profits soar... And everyone benefits from it.  Truly, were we any richer, our tears may as well turn to gold!”
“Indeed, Baroness,” chimed the silver-clad one.  “If we so willed it, Etheirys would be ours.  Not even the Syndicate can compare to us.  But even they have their uses.  After all, we ourselves had humble beginnings in the sea of sand known as the Sagolii.  And now look at us: at the forefront of fashion, and the proliferation of profit.”  The bronze-clad Lalafell chuckled before nodding in approval.
“It is humbling, truly, to recall our start,” she said.  “But through us - the D.B.M. - the Duchess, Baroness, and Marquess - enacting our lord’s will - we ensured that nary a soul was left unaccounted for in our everlasting quest of profit.  Truly, a job well done throughout the summers.”
As they danced and feasted below, the trio would unmask themselves:  Duchess von Sena, the Bronzed; Marquess von Sona, the Silvered, and Baroness von Suna, the Gilded.  These three special agents comprised the financial triumvirate of the Higuri Regalia, answerable only to House Higuri.  It is through their actions that their prime directives are fulfilled, which they would utter in unison:
“To make our statement known; to bless all within our presence with riches.  By our authority shall none ever dispute the veracity of the Higuri Regalia’s financial strength.”
The festivities proceeded apace, with little end in sight.  After a good bell’s worth of time had passed, they would receive a call from their linkpearls...
Further eastward lied the Higuri Regalia’s Othard Branch Headquarters: the Mythrite Suites Hotel.  This castle-like established was the seat of power for Head Secretary Yuanji Yuji, whom had just recently opened up her own commercial leg of the Regalia which she had dubbed the Mythril Treasury.  This expansive Far Eastern shop located in the hotel’s basement quickly attracted the attention of locals and Ijin alike, and the rare and exotic items displayed would be coveted by many.  Koban lined the fountains and ponds strewn about the market, and on the far end sat the Yuanji, reclining on her White Tiger-inspired throne as she gazed upon the massive phasmascapes before her.
Staring at the center one, she was awaiting the call of the Regalia’s agents.  Before too long, they would appear on-screen as the proximity feed was projected directly from the linkpearls they were given, allowing anyone on the same frequency to see what they saw on the phasmascape.
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“Baroness!  Duchess!  Marquess!” she greeted as she rose her pipe in greeting.  “Full glad am I to receive you!  The Mythril Treasury flourishes and the kogane flows into a venerable river.  Much profit has been gained... and many secrets have been learned.  I owe it all to you, whom had taught me the finer points of mercantilism.  Arigatou!”
“Oh, think none of it, darling,” the Baroness replied, taking the lead.  “You know as well as any that those who serve the Regalia are destined for great things - from the newest employee to the most seasoned of models - and you are of no exception, Miss Yuanji!  Far gone are your days serving tea, for you are now a merchant worthy of renown!  The Dunesfolk blood runs in you as well, and by the Traders and Sisters, we saw fit to awaken that thirst - that drive to amass coin.”
“And it feels amazing!” Yuanji replied, spinning in her seat in delight.  “Such potential I never knew existed from within!”
Some moments later would Yuanji and the others receive another call from their linkpearl.  The frequency was familiar to them, and thus would they answer.  The phasmascape to the left would then flip over to the sight of what appeared to be a lush garden against a mountainous backdrop.  Some individuals were chatting amongst themselves in the background, but a few familiar faces were seen escorting some Garleans of significant import.  Himmeya, Kaori, and Swoztu were seen waving in the background.
“Ahh!  Our Enforcers!” chimed the Baroness.  “Which could only mean -”
“Yes.  My apologies for my tardiness, Angels,” spoke a voice.  The feed (which was being broadcasted from a magitek bit) panned over to reveal a voluptuous and bespectacled Duskwight in a winged clockwork gown.  Beside her was a tall Hyur of a woman with blonde tresses held back by a white hairband.  She wore armored gauntlets which stopped at her shoulders; sabatons and greaves protected her legs, and she bore a large tower shield upon her back and a gunblade sheathed at her left hip.  She wore a dress of vanilla yellow which maintained an air of refinement.
“You’re never late, Telphie-Hime!” Yuanji reassured.  “Besides, I see that operations in Ilsabard are proceeding apace!”
“Well, lest you forget,” the Duskwight explained, “I owe much and more to this nation of Garlemald - even more so to the Regalia and House Higuri.  I had been conscripted into servitude for my technological know-how, but Lord Fafastima won my freedom so long ago when he realized just how young I was.  And now, so many summers hence, I have helped contribute to this nation’s return to greatness.  With trade re-established between it and Radz-at-Han, Garlemald will finally be able to stand on its own feet.  So thank you, dearest Angels, for taking this silly nerd of a Princess under your wing.”
"If anyone is to be grateful, Princess Higuri, it is I,” spoke the Hyur.
“Oh!  Is this who I think it is?” the Baroness asked.  The Hyuran female lowered her head into a flowing bow and smiled.
“I am Youmei dus Kyria, quondam Hoplomachus Optio of the IVth Imperial Legion, 2nd Cohort.  With conflicts finally dying down I can finally assume my place among my fellow House members.”
“House Kyria...?  I am afraid I am unaware of such,” Yuanji pondered with a furrowed brow.  After a long swig of her wine, the Baroness would chime in once more with: “It is no surprise, Miss Yuanji, that you are unaware of her clan.  But it is best you hear the story from the lady herself!”
“Thank you, O Gilded Baroness,” Youmei said with another bow.  “House Kyria was around since the time before the Imperialization of Garlemald.  Before we were accepted into the royal family as Palātīna, we were but humble merchants.  Trade and commerce were our lifeblood, and it would not be long until we would come upon that blessed nation of Thavnair to the south, where we conducted numerous agreements prior to, and even during, the non-aggression treaty.  When Lord Fafastima headed the Regalia, he had his own ambitions to create an Ilsabardian branch closer to our capital, and we had strong ties to the Populares to help ensure such relations were possible.  While unsuccessful sometime after its creation, Lord Fafastima’s generosity and drive for international collaboration ever lingered in the minds of House Kyria.  Thus did we try to maintain as much communication as possible with House Higuri, keeping them apprised of imperial matters as time passed.  It was difficult at first, but - loathe as I am to admit - as Garlemald’s grip upon the realm began to waver, such talks became easier.”
“After much deliberation, we have finally brought Youmei into our fold, making her an official Angel, and the first Garlean to do so!” Telphie declared, which gave everyone in the call reason to cheer.  Youmei could not help but blush in embarrassment, though she was no less honored to be welcomed so enthusiastically.  “She still has duties she would like to fulfill in Garlemald proper, so she will remain with the other Enforcers --”
The Duskwight damsel would find herself being cut off mid-sentence as the Baroness, Marquess, Duchess, and even Yuanji began to debate amongst one another as to which branch Youmei would be assigned.
“It is only right she join our Lord Sultan in the Main Branch!” The Baroness stated.
“With all due respect, Baroness,  the Aldenard Branch is the most logical!” interjected a new voice.  It was Shishira Shira, Advisor to the Head Secretary of the Aldenard Branch.  She would come into view on Yuanji’s right, pointing her finger authoritatively.  “They are already in Gyr Abania anyway, and our airships are bound to receive them shortly to give her her new garments!”
“It is certainly a delight to see you, Miss Shishira, but I must apologize!  The Othard Branch is her destiny!” Yuanji retorted.  “The Garlean and Thavnairian Consulates would benefit much from a Garlean Palatina’s presence!”
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This friendly bickering over Youmei only made the Garlean turn redder than a rolanberry as Telphie could only shrug and spectate.  While it was fun to participate in an Angel’s discussion, there was still work to be done amidst the revelry.  Telphie and Youmei spotted a hooded figure amidst the crowd of Ala Mhigan Resistance Fighters, whose gaze would meet with hers before she slowly approached the two.
Himmeya and her fellow Enforcers would rush to Telphie’s side to defend her, which alarmed the onlookers present, but she stretched an arm out to them, gesturing her fellow Angels to stand down.  After closer inspection, they recognized the symbol on the hooded figure’s mask.  It was similar to the same ones they saw during the Ilsabard Contingent’s initial push into the capital, and as before, this individual - a Raen female - presented before them a magicked mythril case.
“It is all right, everyone.  She is a friend,” Telphie reassured the crowd, which eased any tensions that may have risen and deflected their interest.  With the coast now clear, the individual bowed in thanks and slowly opened the chest to reveal its contents, which left everyone’s eyes wide in awe.  “Angels, you may want to see this.”
The ladies’ argument would end abruptly as the feed would be changed to share Telphie’s vision.  Shishira was able to view it from her monitor in her office, whilst the D.B.M. looked at it from their Tomestones of Frivolity.  What they beheld was a chest filled to the brim with inky stones of red, blue, and green hues, brimming with an ominous yet familiar energy.  Strewn about it were also fist-sized pearls that housed elemental might, as well as a motley assortment of other dark-looking materials that seemed as though they were absorbing light.
“By the Sisters, what is this?” the Baroness gasped.  Youmei simply looked on in wonderment, unsure of what this meeting would entail.
“I recognize some of those contents...” Shishira answered.  “Studying under Queen Chichibi, I have learned enough from our Mhachi heritage that most of the contents in that chest is void matter coalesced into those stones.  The other materials, however, I’m not too sure about.”
“It seems like they are tiny pearls that hold within them a profound amount of elementally-aspected energies!  Quite a find!” Yuanji hummed, intrigued by what she is seeing.  “I should contact the Mythril Wavetraders to have some sent to us!”
“You may not have to, Miss Yuanji,” Telphie spoke, “For this lady has just informed me that a shipment will be sent to the other branches by sundown.  Our airships and submersibles have also redirected their course to accommodate this.”
“I could only imagine what this could entail!” spoke the Duchess.  “Such a discovery would make excellent additions to the Regalia’s reserve stock!”
“If only this came before the Largesse - we could’ve offered these to the public as well once we had them purified and refined,” posited the Marquess.
“Yes, yes-yes-yes, but what does it all mean?” the Baroness huffed.  Before too long, everyone would hear another voice within their ears as a new individual entered the call.
“It is simple, my dears.”
It was a calm and gentle voice like a quiet snowfall.  They knew immediately that it was none other than their lord, the Diamond Sultan, and everyone straightened themselves as though they had been called to attention by a commanding officer.  And the sentence that followed was the most tantalizing string of words that was sweeter than any lassi; spicier than any pepper, and more uplifting than any song or dance...
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“It is the precursor to my latest breakthrough.”
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khadgarbignaturals · 1 year
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Lord Brahma Talon Abraxas
Brahma is the Creator God in Hinduism. He is the first created being, along with the other gods, Vishnu and Mahesh. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (Trimurti) are associated with creation, preservation, and destruction. The most essential Hindu philosophical concept attributed to him is that of Brahmavidya (divine knowledge). Brahma is also considered the Supreme God - The Creator and destroyer of the universe. He is often depicted as having four faces and four arms, holding a sacred scripture in one hand. Brahma is usually shown as being seated on a lotus flower in full bloom. Brahma has four heads and is often depicted as having four arms, holding a rosary in one hand and a book in another. He also holds an axe, which is said to be used for creation, preservation, or destruction, depending on the context. He is also known as the "Supreme Being" and the "Benevolent Creator." The four heads of Brahma are faced in each of the cardinal directions, representing his knowledge of the past, present, and future.
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kcrclrezni · 2 years
How dare the show exclude Fabrikators from the Triumvirate, especially when the trilogy stresses how they’ve never been given a seat at the table and how damn important it is that they gain one.
The Triumvirate is to include a Grisha of each Order and that’s that. Not two Etherealki because some writer thought powerful besties was more important than inclusion.
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anempressofmars · 2 years
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The Martian Triumvirate
The de facto world government of the Martians is constitutional stratocracy called the Triumvirate. Formed c. 1560 as a military alliance between the three most powerful reigning queens of Mars, it has since evolved into a world-spanning web of alliances and political unions with a mandate to preserve international stability.
At the apex of the Triumvirate is the Empress. She is elected by all members of the Martian military, from among the ranks of retired and serving officers. By tradition, the Empress is typically also a member of an imperial bloodline or clan, but this is not always the case. Throughout Martian history, often in times of crisis or instability, promising regular officers have been elected on promises of change.
The death of an Empress brings about a period of mourning known as an Absence. However, these are quite rare. The most recent Absence occurred in 1972, when the reigning Empress died of an apparent stomach illness. Most Empresses simply abdicate into retirement when they reach a venerable age.
Parliamentary democracy was a recent innovation for the Martians. A legislature, known as the Fellowship, developed out of necessity in the late 17th century due to political disagreements between clans. It is comprised of a variable number of elected representatives. Any clan on the planet, from the smallest clan of laborers to the dynastic landlords of cities, may hold a vote an select a representative to send to the parliamentary citadel.
Most of the actual business of government is decided upon by the High Council, with the agreement of the Empress. The High Council is a standing committee of legislators from among the wider fellowship. These councilors are elected to office in a worldwide septennial election. Many run for these coveted seats; few win. Those who do not serve on the Council instead serve as lobbyists for their respective clans, jockeying for influence.
On Mars, politics can be a cutthroat business. Many earthly scholars have noted, with some worry, the authoritarian nature of Martian government. Any prospective representative must be confirmed to office by the Empress herself. Civil service requirements mean some cannot participate. While some idealistic UN diplomats hope to encourage reform, it may be still be some time away.
-- From, "A Brief Study of Martian Government", by interplanetary sociologist Stephanie Maxwell.
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