#season of Easter
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firstumcschenectady · 10 months ago
“The Tower” based on Psalm 148 and John 20:1-28
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You know that saying about how people need to hear things seven times before it sinks in? This is a sermon that I've preached before – kinda. I've preached the main idea of it, but it is a BIG HUGE IDEA, and it turns out that one time through it didn't manage to get it to sink in – not even for the nerdiest among you. Truthfully, I'm still working on letting it sink in for ME. So, I'm going to go over the idea of “Mary the Tower” again. It fits: our scripture, the We Cry Justice Reading today, our values as a church, the needs we have to see hope in the world, and the need for changes within the church at large.
Recent scholarship reveals that there is an textual error in John 11 and 12. John 11 is the story of the rising of Lazarus, which we have known in in our Bibles as the story of the sisters Mary and Martha and their grief over their brother Lazarus. The scholarship shows that there is not, in fact, a Martha. Someone changed the text.1
The relevant parts are now known to read:
Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and HIS sister MARY. Mary was the one who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair; her brother Lazarus was ill. So the sisters sent a message to Jesus, ‘Lord, he whom you love is ill.’ But when Jesus heard it, he said, ‘This illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God’s glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.’ Accordingly, though Jesus loved MARY and Lazarus, after having heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was.
… then Jesus debates with his disciples and finally shows up...
When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, some two miles away, and many of the Jews had come to MARY console HER about HER brother. When MARY heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him. MARY said to Jesus, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Your brother will rise again.’ MARY said to him, ‘I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.’ Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’ She said to him, ‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world.’
… Jesus raises Lazarus, and the plot to kill Jesus strengthens...
Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. There they gave a dinner for him. MARY served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him. Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who was about to betray him), said, ‘Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?’ (He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; he kept the common purse and used to steal what was put into it.) Jesus said, ‘Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.’
Great, now you've heard the story as it is believed to have been written. All Mary. One sister of Lazarus, who is the one who claims Jesus as Messiah. She is the first one to say so in John. And then she prepares him for his burial.
Now, it is NOT clear for sure if Mary of John 11 and 12 is Mary Magdalene of John 20, but it has long been assumed to be, especially now that scholarship has figured out something about the name Mary Magdalene. Namely, it isn't that Mary is from Magdala, because such a place doesn't exist. Instead, Magdalene is a title. Magdala means “tower” in Araemic. So, kinda like Peter becomes “the rock” after he says Jesus is the Messiah in the other gospels, Mary gets a title change after she says he is the Messiah in John. She becomes Mary the Tower. Mary Magdalene. Mary the Tower.
So then, Mary the TOWER is back again in John 20. Now you may remember that the Gospel of John is associated with the disciple John, who is throughout the book of John called “the beloved disciple.” And in John there is some tension between John and Peter that sounds a whole lot like later communities of faith arguing over who was better. This culminates in the Easter morning footrace between them, the one John wins but shows that Peter is braver? Yes, that ridiculous footrace.
But, the funny thing is, that given the rest of this information it seems like John and Peter were racing for second. Mary already say that Jesus was the Messiah. She saw him as he was. Mary already saw the stone had been removed. She saw. And the first appearance of the post-resurrection Christ was to Mary. She saw. She who came to know his resurrection because she heard her name on his lips. She who then was the first to tell the disciples, “I have seen the Lord.” She saw.
ONE person. The one who saw him raise Lazarus and saw him raised. The witness to the power of God over even death itself.
And, friends, a WOMAN.
We are not simply the recipients of tradition built on the power of men, even if this information has been obscured since 200 CE. Peter and Mary. Mary and Peter. The tower and the rock.
The stories of women, which are the stories of Easter, are certainly worth hearing. They are the stories we struggle to make sense of because there is too much hope and goodness in them. We're tempted to turn away.
But, Mary the Tower keeps us both grounded and able to see beyond the walls that hold us in. The church founded by Jesus is a radical one where the least, the last, and the lost – the orphans, the widows, and the children have always been center stage. We know because it was the women who are rarely believed – the women who are often DENIGRATED AND DISMISSED (Mary Magdalene prostitution rumors anyone?) who are the ones to tell us the key stories.
Mary the Tower sent us, and she said there is hope, there is life, there is a God who cares. We, too, can see. Thanks be to God. Amen
1The story of how this was found is AMAZING, came to my attention via Diana Bulter Bass's Wilde Goose Festival Sermon which can be downloaded by clicking here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://dianabutlerbass.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Mary-the-Tower.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjGjMXKv7qFAxU6EFkFHcQdDb8QFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2qAIrS7kX87OxdrYJ1EDJB or watched here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://dianabutlerbass.substack.com/p/all-the-marys&ved=2ahUKEwjGjMXKv7qFAxU6EFkFHcQdDb8QFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw24F4hwzT5F53i7I96ru9gi
April 14, 2024
Rev. Sara E. Baron  First United Methodist Church of Schenectady  603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305  Pronouns: she/her/hers  http://fumcschenectady.org/  https://www.facebook.com/FUMCSchenectady
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caemidraws · 3 months ago
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
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Terry Pratchett painting in the Dirty Donkey pub ❤❤❤
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tampire · 4 months ago
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Grey Matter in Episode 1 / Episode 3 of Dragula 666
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livhowlett · 1 year ago
I don't of anyone has notice but there's an 'Amazing Mr.Fell" poster in the magic shop
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Right over Crowley/David's shoulder
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thequietesthing · 5 months ago
i’m sorry but KAOS is like a greek mythology fanfiction AU on steroids and i love her for it.
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onceuponadream · 2 years ago
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Happy Easter
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wenzie76aster · 10 months ago
Happy TransVisibilityDay and Easter<33
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startrekuniverse · 3 months ago
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He's British.
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blindmagdalena · 4 months ago
Center Stage in a Gilded Cage (chapter six)
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18+ 4.6k. homelander x f!reader. stalking, kidnapping, imprisonment, abuse, forced relationship, slow burn, eventual smut. gif credit | fic directory | AO3.
“You must never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention. Walk slowly, and pretend to be thinking of something else. Sing a song, say a poem, do your tricks, but walk slowly.” ― The Last Unicorn
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When he first moved into it, Homelander loved everything about his penthouse. He’d given extensive feedback to the interior design team, even going so far as to offer crude sketches of what he wanted.
He’d always had a specific vision for his home: spacious and open, but not vacant. Rich colors that wouldn’t strain his eyes. Windows and mirrors that gave and reflected as much light and space as possible. 
No white walls. 
Not a single blank space. 
He wanted art on the walls, but not just any art. He wanted historic portraits and moments of history. A face on every wall, the same way that the people on TV had pictures of people on their walls.
Pictures of their family.
He doesn’t have a family, so familiar figures from his studies would have to do instead.
His favorite place was his bedroom. The mirrors give not only the illusion of space, but company.
To this day the bed is as plush as it was then. It’s stacked with fluffy pillows, and the sheets are made of soft cotton. They’re always vibrant, always colorful. The staff washes them in gentle detergent instead of bleach.
He spent his first night in that bed with his face buried in the pillow just smelling it.
It smelled like home.
However, the longer he’s lived in his penthouse, the more the spaciousness of it began to feel like absence. The distinct lack of something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on right away.
It eased on the odd occasion that he had company, but as soon as they were gone, it was as though their presence had carved out holes in his home that he couldn’t fill.
He added statues. More portraits. He left the television running because the silence of his own isolation had become deafening. He started spending more time away. His home had gradually morphed from a place of freedom into a finely decorated version of the same horrible fluorescent box he spent his childhood in.
At least in the box he’d known there were people watching him. With him.
How he’d hated it back then. He hated how he could always hear the camera lenses adjusting as they monitored him from somewhere else.
It makes him sick to have missed it even a bit.
Thanks to you, he no longer has to.
There’s an inherent thrill to coming home that had been lost before you. Excitement starts to prickle up his spine as soon as he steps into the elevator and hits his floor. He can’t remember the last time he’s been so excited to go home.
Every day this week you’ve cooked for him, sat with him, laid in his arms, lived with him. In the last three days you’ve come a long way from the timid thing you started as, no longer jumping at his every move. You still tense at his touch, but he’s willing to bet a few more of those massages will remedy that.
Your presence can be felt even when he’s at work. He recently connected the hidden security camera on his balcony to his phone, ensuring he gets pinged any time you open that door. He isn’t worried about you going off unattended that way, given that it’s a hundred story drop.
It makes him smile to see you getting braver, occasionally stepping out onto the concrete to stare out across the cityscape. Soon he’s going to have to take you for that flight he promised. 
While he’s spent these evenings with you blessedly free of obligations, tonight will be different. He has to leave, and he won’t be able to bring you with him. At least not yet. You aren’t ready for that kind of exposure, nor what being revealed as his beloved would entail.
The media would eat you alive. He won’t subject you to them without proper preparation.
He isn’t cruel.
Vought’s hosting a gala that will serve as the early foundation of their campaign to move supes into the military, and as such, the U.S. Secretary of Defense will be in attendance, and it’s Homelander’s job to convince the man of the innumerable benefits of the operation. 
Ridiculous. He might as well try and argue the benefits of a smartphone to a fish.
If these people can’t understand why having honest to god superheroes in their military is a good idea, he doubts anything shy of a hand delivered miracle from God would sway the morons.
It’s just common sense, for fuck’s sake. War has only ever been a matter of who could bring the biggest gun. They will never find a greater weapon than him, much less a weapon that chooses to protect them.
However undeserving of it they may be.
He lets out a rough breath and shakes his head to knock loose the talking points that have been bashed into his skull over the course of the week, determined to leave work at the door. 
“I’m hoooome,” he sings as he steps in through the doorway, the mechanism locking behind him with a soft beep.
It feels good to know you’re safe here. While he doesn’t have enemies, per se, there’s no telling what some lunatic could be driven to do if they knew about you.
“Living room,” you call.
The familiarity of it makes him smile.
This is what coming home was always supposed to feel like.
He hums a little tune to himself as he walks, a slight bounce to his steps.
“Something smells good,” he says as he rounds the corner, finding you curled up on the couch under a blanket.
On the table across from you is a neat little stack of glass containers full of food. He cocks his head, pausing to pick one up for inspection. “You meal planning out here or something?”
You slip out from under the throw and stand. Something is… off. He hears you picking your nails before he even looks at you, and when he does meet your gaze, there’s a subtle apprehension you’re clearly trying to mask with a cordial smile.
“It’s just leftovers from lunch,” you say, eyes flickering from the container of food back to him. “How was work?”
“The usual,” he says a little curtly. Due to your unusual demeanor, he’s forgotten the laundry list of complaints he’d saved up at work with the intention of sharing with you. 
In his experience, it’s rarely a good thing when people suddenly start behaving differently.
Especially when they try to hide it.
“Something wrong?” He asks, giving the penthouse a cursory sweep. Everything looks to be in order.
Your eyes widen a fraction, but you catch yourself from looking overly surprised at being caught.
Got’cha, he thinks. He’s spent his entire life reading the subtleties in people’s body language, seeking out ways to understand the things they say when they’re not speaking. The things they won’t say. Particularly to him.
“No, no, nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to… I want to ask you for something,” you say, hands falling to your sides, your spine straightening.
His brows lift, his curiosity piqued. “Sure. Fire away.”
You’ve been here for days, but you haven’t made any requests of him despite his numerous offers. There isn’t a thing in this world he couldn’t obtain for you. Hell, he doesn’t even care if it’s legal. It’s about time you took him up on a little self-indulgence.
“Do you remember my friend John?”
His head gives a sharp little tic of a turn, his brows furrowing.
He hates the effect hearing you say that name continues to have on him. It isn’t as though he has a meltdown every time he hears the name John. That would be pathetic. It’s the most common name in America, for fucks sake. 
However, there’s something particularly vile about hearing you say it with such gentleness.
“What about him?” He asks flatly, hackles rising. He was hoping you’d ask for something fun.
“I’m worried about him,” you say, clearly fighting to keep your tone even. Your fingers curl into the fabric of your pants. 
He doesn’t understand why you’re so nervous. It makes him suspicious.  “And I don’t want him to worry about me. We’ve had a routine for months. So I thought–”
“Oh,” Homelander interrupts, setting the container of food back down as understanding dawns. 
They’re scraps for your stray pet. 
“No problem, I’ll have someone take this to him,” he says, gesturing encompassingly towards the food. 
“No,” you say, the firmness in your voice catching him off guard. “I want you to take me, and I want to give it to him myself.”
He bristles, needles of suspicion creeping further up his spine. “Why?”
Though you’re quick to swallow it back, he doesn’t miss the flash of frustration in your eyes.
“You said you’d take me anywhere I wanted to go. Were you lying?”
He lifts his hand sharply enough to make you flinch, his index finger pointing only inches from your face.
“Don’t you ever call me a liar,” he says slowly, fist curled so tightly that the leather of his gloves groans in protest. “I didn’t say no, I asked you why.”
Your eyes are wide, your heart drumming loudly in his ears. He hates that look of fear, the look that tells him you’re waiting for him to hurt you when he’s never done anything of the sort.
You have no right to look at him like that.
“Because I want to. I want to see him, and make sure he’s okay, and because… because I want–” You stop mid sentence and break eye contact, pressing the back of your hand to your opposite cheek. You take in a slow breath to compose yourself. 
With a start, he realizes your eyes are welling with tears.
“I want to say goodbye.”
At a loss, Homelander stares for a long moment. For the life of him, he cannot fathom how this little charity schtick could possibly be so important to you. Isn’t he enough for you?
You’ve been spending your days carefree in domestic bliss, yet here you are crying because you aren’t taking a box of food to some bum. It’s baffling enough to give him a migraine.
On the other hand, it was that persistent nurturing that drew his eye to you. If not for your diligent care, he may not have seen the same potential in you. He likes that you care. He just wants you to care for him.
He lets out a long-suffering sigh.
“Don’t cry,” he says, voice full of his exasperated bewilderment. He lifts both hands in a placating show of surrender. “Fine, fine, I’ll take you, and you can do whatever it is you need to do.”
“Thank you,” you practically sigh. Your hand drops from your face and you look at him with palpable relief, your lips spreading into a faint smile. He likes your smiles. He likes being the reason for your smiles. That, at least, comes as a slight boon.
He clicks his tongue, observing you for a moment before he blows out a raspberry. He cups either side of your face, stepping in close to you.
“I hate it when you make me take a tone with you, you know,” he says, brushing the tip of your nose with his. Your breath catches. “You should know by now that I can’t say no to you.”
His thumb strokes your cheek. He’s been gentlemanly in your time here, accepting of your hand in his, your lips on his cheek. When he wakes up hard as a rock with your body pressed to his, he’s taken care of himself in the bathroom. Frankly he’s been more than a gentleman; he’s been a fucking saint.
“I’m downright pussy whipped, and I haven’t even gotten any yet,” he huffs through a little laugh, almost close enough to taste your lips. 
He hasn’t felt your lips on his since that night in your apartment. He wants them exactly as they had been. Pliant and without tension or fear, yet still you tense as he holds you close. You place your hands on his chest and though you don’t push him away, they’re braced to prevent him moving closer.
There’s a faint tremble running through you.
“Don’t tell me you’re still scared of me,” he says, offering you the sharp edge of a smile. He means for the words to sound playful, but even he can’t deny that there’s an underlying ache. Insecurity and impatience in equal measure.
Can’t you see how good he’s been for you? He’s had enough of having to beg for and pry every scrap of affection in his life from reluctant hands. All he wants is–for once in his life–to be freely offered tenderness.
“Your strength scares me,” you eventually admit, palms flat against his chest, stare focused on the backs of your hands.
He tips your head back, coaxing your downcast gaze up to meet his. The closeness of you makes your eyes look large and deer-like: a prey animal that recognizes its hunter. 
“It’s unreal, I feel like I’m not…I feel like I’m made of glass when you touch me.”
As a boy he snapped bones as easily as other children snapped twigs. He cradles your skull knowing exactly how much force it would take to crack it. 
You’re right to feel the extent of your own fragility in his hands.
“I won’t break you,” he says, the words little more than a breath.
“Do you promise?” you ask, your own voice barely a whisper.
“I promise.”  
All those that have come before you have taught him his limitations. And yours.
With that, the tension in your arms softens a fraction. He takes a mile from the inch you give, moving to encircle you in his arms. You slide your hands up his chest in turn, moving over his shoulders, around his neck. The way your fingertips settle on the nape of his neck feels like heaven.
Pressing his forehead to yours, he closes his eyes. He listens to the tempo of your heart gradually slow, settling like the wings of a bird finally accepting the safety and kindness of its cage.
Just then, ever so slightly, you tilt your head and lightly press your petal-soft lips to his. The shock of it knocks the wind from his lungs. Joy hits swiftly afterwards, sweeping through his body from his head to his toes. He kisses you in kind, his lips spread in a smile against yours. 
This–more than any kill or record breaking profit for Vought–feels like a victory.
He cups the back of your head as he savors you, branding the memory of your yielding lips against his into his mind. You move to pull back, but his yearning is a beast he cannot tame, and it’s the beast in him that holds you still, intent to relish the kiss just a second more, which becomes just a moment more.
Trapped, you slide your fingers up into his hairline, combing through his sheared undercut into the longer blonde locks. You send a jolt through him when your fingers tighten suddenly, pulling his hair taut between them. 
The sensation shoots through him like a bolt of lightning. His stomach flips, suddenly aflutter with butterflies. He makes a noise against your mouth, which regrettably makes you stop, your fingers going slack in his hair.
It doesn’t hurt–you don’t have the strength necessary to hurt him–but he can still feel it, and it feeds a gnawing hunger in him to be made to feel anything at all. 
“Do that again,” he says between fervent presses of his lips. “Feels good.”
To his delight you slip both hands into his hair and grip it, eliciting a low moan.
He could get lost in this. In you.
Your pulse has kicked back up, but so has his. Your heartbeats dance with one another as you kiss, drowning out the rest of the world. He moves from your lips to your jaw, your throat, peppering hungry kisses down your neck, ignoring the tension he can feel building back up in you.
He could make your whole body sing if you’d just let him.
Your hands move from his hair, pressing once more to his chest. With how weak you are, it takes him a beat to realize you’re actually pushing against him.
An impatient little growl escapes him. He holds you in place, too deep into it to let you go now.
You suck in a shuddering breath, pushing harder. “Homelander–”
His teeth graze your pulse point, and his tongue presses in to taste the rapid flutter of it. The taste of you is intoxicating, your skin salty-sweet.
Do you know his taste yet? Do you crave it the way he craves yours?
There’s fear in you but there’s desire there, too. He can feel it in the way your skin warms under his touch, hear it in the quiver of your breath, and smell it in the heat between your legs. 
“Wait, wait, just–would you just wait–” 
He exhales roughly and pulls sharply back, leveling you with a harsh stare.
“What? What! You kissed me, remember? So which is it; do you want me, or do you just want to be a fucking tease?”
He feels his desire like a longstanding hunger he’s only just become aware of. A painful, gnawing thing that demands he sink in his claws and rip, devour, relish. He’s been so good in all of this that one little taste was all it took for the feel of it to come crashing down on him.
For as badly as he wants you, he wants so fucking badly for you to want him, too.
The look of you is one for the history books. Flushed and wide-eyed, you’ve taken his words with a shock like you’ve been slapped. Your hair is mussed from his hand pushing against it, into it. Your lips are kiss bitten and shiny, plump with all that blood rushing to the surface.
It makes him want to bite them, bruise them, claim them. 
Those same lips open and close as you struggle to form a response before eventually settling on one.
“I’m sorry.”
He recoils from that, features twisting up in displeasure. 
No, no, no.
“I’m sorry, I just–”
“Shut up,” he snaps, letting go of you. He screws his eyes shut, not understanding how he got from where he was a moment ago to where he is now. 
All that sweet delicious heat is fading away, leaving him feeling emptier by the second, his skin prickling uncomfortably under his suit. 
He would be clawing at it if he could.
“I don’t want you to be sorry,” he says, hitting the word like a hiss. “I want you to–I want you–”
I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you.I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you. I want you.
He pushes his hands into his hair, gripping the short strands tight enough to ache, digging for pain so that it might bring him clarity and stop the terrible repetition his mind has latched onto. He can imagine so clearly how things should be, what you should be saying, feeling, and I’m sorry is nowhere in that vision.
He hates that word. It echoes in his psyche like a curse, dragging him back by the throat to the only stretch of time in his life he ever felt weak enough to say it.
Back then, in his days in the lab, Vought was always testing the boundaries of how human he really was. At one point, when he was still a boy–maybe eleven or twelve–they began to reduce his sleep by an hour every few nights.
Each day they would repeat the same grueling tests to see at what point the lack began to affect not only his cognitive abilities, but his powers. Given the sheer amount of Compound V in his system, there were some who wondered if he really needed to sleep at all.
It would have been miraculous if he didn’t. It would be one more aspect of his perfect design that they could pat themselves on the back for. 
Unfortunately for both him and them, it was not so.
When they realized the deprivation did affect him, they wanted to understand how badly. They continued to deprive him until they had reduced his sleep to nothing at all, keeping him awake by any means necessary for days. He begged for sleep. 
It’s a marathon, John, Vogelbaum told him. Eleven days. That’s the record for a human. You can beat that, can’t’cha, tiger?
Tiger. It always made him feel stronger when Jonah called him that.
Ultimately it was less about his perseverance and more about his endurance. He didn’t have much choice in the matter of whether or not he would fall asleep. 
Every time he started to doze off, an alarm would blare in his room, startling him back awake. 
I’m sorry, he would sob, riddled with guilt for the failure.
There was never any answer.
When it was over and neither he nor the scientists had anything to show for it–nothing but misery and a newfound insomnia–he decided he would never be sorry for anything ever again.
His temples are throbbing, his skull aching from the pressure of his own strength. 
Though his eyes are tightly shut, he can feel the searing heat of his laser vision pressing against his eyelids. 
It makes him want to scream, to run, to fly, to break apart everything around him, but he can’t. He’s too powerful to ever allow himself a physical outlet.
When the average man throws a punch to blow off steam, at worst they’ll put a hole in the wall.
Homelander could punch through to the core of the planet. 
Maybe he could split the whole damn thing in half. He’s never been allowed to find out.
Instead, he focuses it all inward. He swallows the feelings like bile and fights not to choke on it, on the tension of his own impossible power straining his muscles. He can’t hear your heartbeat anymore, it’s drowned out by his own blood rushing in his ears.
Or it’s not there at all.
You’ve fled, he realizes. His stomach churns, and still his mind is on a punishing loop of all the things he has ever wanted that he cannot accept he’ll never have. 
I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want. I want.
Anger surges through him and the heat of it is painful, twisting all his already tautly wrung innards and flushing them with fiery rage.
She’s not sorry. She has no idea the fucking meaning of it. If she wants to know what it’s like to be sorry, then we’ll–
Arms slip around his neck, and suddenly his mind hits a deafening quiet.
The feeling is so alien to him that it takes several seconds to understand that it’s you. That you’re here. That you’re… holding him.
Faintly he feels the tug of your meager strength, and he leans into it, his cheek coming to rest on your chest, head tucked under your chin.
He opens his eyes, the world still awash in the crimson glow of his lasers, and he feels you flinch at the sheer heat of them. He works to blink the light away, his hands resting on your hips, gripping at the fabric of your pants.
“You’re still here,” he says, voice frayed with confusion and steadily ebbing tension. 
“I thought I was alone.”
“You’re not.”
Gently, you comb your fingers through his hair. He doesn’t need his super senses to know your heart is pounding. He can feel the hammering pulse of it against his cheek.
Your fear is so tangible he can practically taste it, but he wouldn’t know it existed at all if he went only on the way you’re holding him.
How is it you can be so afraid and yet feel so firm against him?
“It’s okay,” you whisper, a faint tremble in your otherwise firm voice. “You’re not alone.”
Tears sting his eyes. He moves his grip from your hip to the fabric at your back, your shoulder, his hands climbing your clothes with a clawing desperation to ensure every bit of you is real and within his reach. He envelops you in his arms and nuzzles you, exhaling another breath of the terrible miasma that had built up like sulfur in his lungs.
You move your other hand in soothing patterns between his shoulder blades–just as you had before–and with every repetition of the pattern he feels the rage, the pain, the fear, the misery of it all drip away, like a wet cloth being wrung dry.
The two of you stand like that for a long while, focused only on the sound and feel of the other. The burn in the back of his throat and in his eyes fades. By the end of it, he feels heavy with the exhaustion of holding back the weight of his own might.
Slowly, he lifts his head to meet your gaze. You’re somehow even more beautiful than you had been. Your edges are frayed, and though there is lingering fear, it doesn’t repulse him to see it.
Because you stayed.
Your fingers slip from his hair, moving to his face. It isn’t until your thumb moves through the wetness on his cheek that he realizes a tear had escaped the burn of his lasers and streaked down his face.
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” you tell him, and to his own pleasure, he believes you.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. I know you didn’t,” he says, cupping your face in turn. He brings you forward and presses a firm lingering kiss to your forehead. 
He’s in control again, and he speaks as if that were always true.
“Just like I know you’ll make it up to me.”
He draws away with a crooked smile, the episode fading to a distant corner of his mind as he puts the fractured pieces of himself back into something cohesive. He strokes your cheek, admiring your features. Your eyes.
In hindsight, it’s strange to think that he’s always thought of you as the sweet, doting little rabbit to his wolf. 
Staring at you now, he’s sure he’s looking into the eyes of a fox. 
“C’mon,” he says, siding his hands down your shoulders so that he can take hold of your wrists, guiding you towards the balcony. “It’s about time I take you for that flight I promised.”
Wouldn’t want to keep John waiting for his meal any longer.
( chapter seven )
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laurenluvss · 15 days ago
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"Where flowers bloom so does hope."
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rose-in-blue · 3 months ago
Wait a second... If the Great Orion Plague took place over 300 years before Lower Decks...
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...And Lower Decks takes place in the 2380s...
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...And, of course, 2380-2024 is 356...
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spongebobproductionart · 4 months ago
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Squid hand painting from Sandy's Rocket.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year ago
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(Reece Shearsmith (Furfur) and Steve Pemberton (Mr Glozier - one of the Nazis) made together a brilliant (if a bit disturbing :D) tv series called Inside No. 9)
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noodleypie · 1 year ago
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Here's the piece I did for Seasonal Riffs! My prompt was Fall- I had a lot of fun throwing in as many small details as I could!!
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amadelii · 8 months ago
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Finally finished picking at this one :) all three kisses in S3 P1 are so Iconic in their own ways, but this is THEE Kiss imo
If I had a nickel for every time I re-hashed this specific painting--
More versions and close-up under the cut! Click for better quality! Y'all know the drill :)
A nice juicy closeup :) the linework was super fun, but definitely got a little lost in the big picture
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And a few different versions - moon+lamps, just moonlight, and just flat. I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I'm posting them all lol
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Thanks for looking this far! May we all be strong enough to last until P2.
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