#season analysis
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s1llypaws · 7 months ago
some things i thought about when finishing season 2 of interview with the vampire
CLAUDIA AND LOUIS have such a fucking unique dynamic and i think the tv show explored it so excellently. their relationship is so unique you cant really put a word to besides some twisted, vampiric father-daughter, brother-sister bond. claudia's character is explored in this context so much more beautifully then how the movie did. the movie made her seem so.. unnatural, even in this supernatural context that is the vampire chronicles. the tv show excellently showed her evolution of character: from her creation (still being truly a child, mentally and physically), showing the depression she got realizing her body would never match the maturity of her mind and the mania that came with those feelings, the resentment of her guardians, knowing they knew she would forever be a confused woman in the body of a teenage girl, to her running away, becoming independent and becoming far more mature than she would have been in those seven years if she had spent them with louis and lestat, returning to take louis off to europe with her, finalizing the development of louis in her mind, who she once saw as a father, she now sees as a brother. i love her dearly and she deserved a life with madeleine, if not just voiding her experience with the dark gift altogether. im not sure if her never becoming a vampire at all would be a better path for her, but im sure it would be less grieving
the show basically sets you up to appreciate armand and hate lestat, but as louis recalls the story, with the help of molloy, brings the truth to light and kind of flips the point of the rest of the story told in that season at the last second
there is no single character in this show that is either completely good or bad (morally grey?) (scratch that, this mainly applies to the vampires, as i can see molloy being an ultimately good-natured character). maybe its just the way the story's told, but theres a time you will hate every character, at least once. you love armand then learn to hate him. and vice versa with lestat! (at least, this is how i felt)
this show has broken and built me back up in a single episode
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madhare0512 · 2 years ago
A Comprehensive List of Spideyfist Interactions (pt.6)
hello and welcome back to: reasons Spideyfist is canon. a series where i take you through each episode of The Ultimate Spiderman and show you why i believe that Peter Parker and Danny Rand are dating in canon, or at least that they are each other’s favorites. and also give you commentary on the show itself as i do
warnings for: episode spoilers, season spoilers, action/injury description, unsolicited commentary, probable cussing, violence, caps lock
this part features episodes 7 through 13 of season 2
S2E7 Spidah-Man!
- say what you will about this episode, i know i do, but the majority of what i saw when it first came out with kinda not great. i like it alright, but it wasn’t my favorite. 
- Danny’s not in this episode until the end, so headcanon and commentary!
- cartoon characters carry sinks for the purposes of throwing
- people go insane when money is involved, never freaking fails
- dude, this entire show and the characters send like 90% of the time dumping on Peter, it’s cringey and awful. 
- Danny and Peter are standing next to each other, Danny is uneccesarily close
- “oh, i’d tell you where to stick those cameras, but i was raised better than that!” i wasn’t, but i’d do the same. you fucking go, Peter
- Boston works FAST, holy shit
- Peter Parker, New York resident, not understanding a Boston accient
- juice box, juice box
- Peter wanting to help Ollie by NOT getting him wrapped up in the hero life when he’s so young. Peter understanding that kids are kids and need to be allowed to be kids
- the team having the best time at the water park
- Peter, despite feeling under appreciated, still goes back to New York because he has responsibilities there and knows he can’t shirk them. plus he has a team to lead and he can’t just cut them loose, that would be rude
- ahh the villains of Boston. Adam Slammer, the Plymoth Rocket, and Salem’s Witch
- good grief
- i think at this point, i’m just either gonna do only headcanons for episodes Danny’s not in or just mentions he’s not in it. maybe a mix.
- in season 3, we get wind that Spiderman’s sacrifice for New York has inspired a whole new group of heroes, but Spiderman’s been inspiring heroes since season 1 and 2
- god bless JJJ leave it alone
- team has doubts Peter isn’t coming back, but did Danny? no, no he didn’t
S2E8 Carnage
- Peter, you know something always goes wrong when you say that
- ah the Goblin returns
- probably because you HAVE been herded to something vile and villainous
- ah yes... the ongoing issues Peter has with Harry and how Harry views Spiderman
- the innocents will always be Peter’s number one priority and that’s fucking NOBEL
- oh this episode, i remember it now. this episode has BIG evidence too
- in just about evey shot after being pulled from the rubbel, if the camera’s focus isn’t solely on Peter, Danny’s in the shot too
- Harry only expects the worst from Norman and it fucking sucks for Harry because Norman has shown him he can only expect the worst
- Harry and Peter? ride or die. if Peter needs help on an assignment, Harry’s there. if Harry needs help hiding a body, Peter’s there
- side note: Danny and Luke have those vibes too
- and again i say, Goblin is the worst parts of Norman, his darkest and most intrusive thoughts
- ahhh Carnage
- Peter fighting every second to get control back
- the team deliberates and talks out of Harry’s earshot, wondering where Peter would’ve gone and what Goblin wants with him and the entire time, Danny does NOT let go of Peter’s backpack
- Danny doesn’t look. Danny doesn’t even LOOK and even so, Peter doesn’t look like Peter. so how does Danny know Peter’s back? well, Danny can read an aura and we’ve long established that Peter is “a beacon for someone with [Danny’s] power”
- shit, things are flying, people are getting hurt. what to do, what to do? well let’s start with protecting Peter’s best friend. Danny steps forward in front of Harry which i count
- the whole fight, the only one to land more than one hit was Danny, why? Danny is Peter’s favorite
- god this episode
- there are stark differences between Carnage and Venom and i think it well shows, especially in this episode
- Venom is honestly, scary
- Venom and Spiderman are a love-hate relationship
- “i can’t let you do this!” should’ve been the ultimate clue for Harry figuring shit out but NOPE
- Danny answers Peter’s call for help
- “we’re almost there” “Iron Fist, good”
- oooh shit
- the symbiote interacting with Harry is honestly the only basis Peter has for Venom and it really sets things up for the later season
- “indeed. i do. kick alot. with my feet!” this fucking kid
- “Harry!” “I’ve got him!” the IMMEDIATE reassurance, the moment of panic, then the calm. the way Danny knows. this isn’t Iron Fist talking to Peter Parker it’s Danny talking to Peter, telling him that Danny’s got this
- Danny’s doing his best and it’s so cute
- “how do i thwip?” aww Danny
- Danny asks for help, Peter’s on his level willing to do so
- this man spitting facts. cause i don’t know if it’s obvious, but Danny’s bigger in the shoulders than Peter is and Peter’s already said he doesn’t wash the costume but once or twice a month
- this episode i have love-hate relationship with, but it does give me excellent evidence
S2E9 House Arrest
- i have a love-hate relationshp with this episode too
- okay, so you might ask how this part counts too, but the only complaint Danny gets is his insence, which bother’s Peter’s sense of smell. easily fixed but Peter doesn’t ask Danny to stop. he’s got no issues compaining about the team and ther habits on any given day, but Danny never gets a complaint except for to us the viewers who don’t live in his world
- Danny also gets spoken about last, which i’m counting
- Danny throws a punch and Peter goes after him, which i count
- this fucking team is acting suspicious and it’s so cute once you know the reason
- Danny gives Peter a thank you because Danny is POLITE
- why are the team still in costume? there’s dozens of people coming over and you’re not out of costume yet?
- Peter’s not scolding Danny, he’s literally not even looking at him, he’s yelling at Ava, Sam, and Luke and Danny WALKS OVER 
- casual gnome theft
- who’s the blonde in the picture? Peter’s mom?
- robotic voices means everything is going tits up
- Peter casually scooping the weights up like they’re nothing
- Peter really only thinks the worst of Sam sometimes, which is ANOTHER thing that turns me off that ship
- the team trying to keep Peter from finding shit out while also fighting off the house security
- this team has three stupidly strong people on it; Peter, Danny, and Luke, which gives me the “they’ve totally arm wrestled” but then you have to think about the fact that Danny’s only strong like Peter and Luke when he’s charged up the iron fist
- “Death Trap Makeover”
- when you look at Danny, he’s already got his chi charged up and ready to go as he’s being smashed between the two walls. there’s nothing stopping him, he just won’t punch his way out. why? “i’m trying not to ruin your room” this COUNTS
- “when that man is generous enough to let me sleep on his floor” Danny slept in Peter’s room fucking conFIRMED
- do i even have to say it? Danny follows Peter’s orders without question, he’s the only one who does so FROM THE BEGINNING
- Danny get knocked into the wall, Peter’s engaging the enemy in seconds
- Danny climbs up, Peter’s right behind him
- Danny and Peter standing next to each other after a battle again
- headcanon: SHIELD does bi-weekly scannings of every single thing in the house to make sure the house would be perfect in the event it was destroyed
- “we where going to tell you. the party? it was for you.” cue me crying
- Danny’s the first one to speak up, almost the second Coulson’s finished speaking
- “maybe we can do some group yoga!” Danny, sweetie, Peter would probably do anything you asked of him
S2E10 The Man-Wolf
- fun fact, this episode’s title is forshadowing for later episodes
- this episode also has big evidence in it, season 2 is just full of big evidence for this ship and it’s great
- Peter takes a hit, Danny’s the first one who responds
- i headcanon that the LMDs also have illusions for each of the team members. they break them out for solo training sessions and special occasions
- Danny and Peter standing beside each other after battle, once again
- Peter’s love of the moon
- them all being moon geeks
- “drive faster, Danny!” “faster?” proceeds to drive faster
- Danny sounds so amused and fond when he says “faster?”, it’s so cute. it counts
- Danny literally spends the rest of the episode immensely worried the second we find the scratchmarks. it’s not just worried either, he actually looks scared
- the team splits up and Peter goes with Danny and Sam, why? likely because if you remove Sam’s helmet he’s no longer got access to his powers, and Danny’s just a normal human with no special abilities aside from the Iron Fist. Luke and Ava both have access to their powers at all times and Luke’s got impervious skin
- LOOK AT THEM, they’re terrified
- Peter and John have a lot in common and i think their relationship could be good
- Danny says a wise saying that John and Sam don’t get, but Peter just says, “here’s to NOT judging a book by its cover” which implies he understood exactly what Danny was saying. counts towards time spent togther 
- “Earth to Spiderman” Danny’s literally acting like a completely different person here, I wonder- sees episode number oh that makes sense
- Peter apologizes to Danny for spacing out, which he does NOT do with other people
- well, you see, Spiderman, THESE jewels are inactive, the one in my chest is NOT
- sword!
- Danny gets thrown into the wall and the first thing he tells Peter is “stay on him, i’ll catch up!” ughhhh mans knows Peter so fucking well
- also, Peter checked on Danny before he did anything. if Danny’s talking, relatively unharmed, and saying “i’ll catch up” Peter’s fine to keep moving
- when he and Danny crash into each other, neither of them move to get up. with others, Peter’s on his feet in seconds, but with Danny, he’s content to lay there a minute
- Danny gets pinned to the floor and then picked up and once Peter sees this he’s moving and getting Danny out
- Danny’s injured in this episode to the point that he’s not getting up and it’s kinda scary cause Danny’s pretty fucking durable
- Danny’s not getting up and the walls are coming down around them, so Peter shoots his webs at Danny and pulls him closer. “Danny! i got you." i cannot explain how cute and loving this scene is to me
- Peter’s not “helping Danny walk” carrying him out, Peter’s legitamately carrying Danny bridal style!
- Danny’s first up the ladder, which might be because he can pilot the engine but may also be because he was injured to the point that he WASN’T GETTING UP
- Peter’s upset with himself because he’s leaving John behind and Danny rushes to comfort him about it
- Peter’s so supportive of his team. he’s always boosting them up and helping them out and it’s so sweet
- “on the moon, even I can pitch a Fist-Ball!” because you can’t on Earth? sir, you’re STRONGER than Luke is, wdym?
- Ava trusts that Peter’s got a plan, but Danny trusts Peter implicitely
- Danny’s rushing to comfort Peter about John
- Fury may be a fucking idiot, but he’s a protective and realistic idiot and i love that for the team
S2E11 Swarm
- Danny’s not in this episode, no notable interactions. this episode is really funny though
S2E12 Itsy Bitsy Spider-Man
- in the wide shots for the opening, Peter and Danny are swimming next to each other
- the team is lucky Fury likes them otherwise, they'd be grounded
- this episode confuses me cause it's not like the team doesn't still have the control they have, they're just smaller now so it's harder to stand up to the things they normally would, like windmills or whatever it was Luke was doing
- you know the whole thing about the Maximoff twins being co-dependent in the MCU. I'm about a minute away from putting Peter and Danny on that level if they don't stop walking/standing right next to each other
- of course SHIELD has a daycare
- Loki as a child is not something I want to see again, mostly because of the route the writers took it
- also the team being oblivious
- Danny and Peter are both on the top of the piles when the team is trying the Trojan Horse escape
- you know, I really think this list wouldn't exist if the writers didn't make it so damn easy. when you start really paying attention it's so simple to see
- when Loki poofs away and then rematerializes, Peter and Danny land next to each other
- again, it's too fricking easy, Danny and Peter ate standing next to each other again
- okay so the entire fight from the team finding out the extra kid is Loki to them destroying the Destroyer armor takes 10 minutes? wack but okay
- Peter, grabbed by the head and swung around. Danny, goes in immediately
- Danny: has a problem, Peter: immediately has the solution
- I s2g if Peter and Danny don't stop standing next to each other before, during, or after battles-
- see! see! Luke is still strong enough to lift a big ass panda (which isn't light) with one hand when it has another person in it! they should be able to win the battle normally even if they're smaller!
- Loki went after Danny and Peter said "not on my watch" by webbing his legs together so he can't run anymore
- Loki goes after Peter and Danny says "not today!" by tearing out the anchors of the ferris wheel so it can be knocked into Loki
- Danny would've shot the norn stone to Peter, but Peter had a heartfelt speech to make
- the standard after battle standing right next to each other, complete with being unnecessarily close together
S2E13 Journey of the Iron Fist
- the opening sequence is adorable and I love how cartoonish it is
- Danny seems agitated from the get-go, which is the first clue that something's wrong, AND something Peter picks up on
- I mentioned in an early list that the weekly sparring session is (to my knowledge) something Dammy does specifically with Peter, and I hold to that
- "the spirit of a K'un L'un warrior beats in you" I'm sorry, I gotta just- minor fangirling squeals 
- Danny being insistant that Peter learning to fight without his webshooters, telling him that they’re only a tool, and reminding Peter that he’s more that his webshooters is so fucking cute, man
- Danny is powerful enough to block Peter’s hits without even paying attention
- of course they’re fighting on the Brooklyn bridge
- Peter being impressed by Danny’s abilities and skills
- Peter being excited and Danny IMMEDIATELY being like “hey, no, focus. this isn’t a game” because he KNOWS this guy, as we’ll later find out
- Peter gets hurt and Danny goes to catch him, which COUNTS
- there are no words exchanged, no words that are said between either of them, and they still grab onto each other. the mutual understanding, the instant communication- i just fucking-
- Danny sounds worried- actually worried when he tells Peter to grab his webshooters
- “what about all that using ones ability talk”, “repitition begets skill, neither of which lie in you against THIS assassin”- because Danny knows that kind of people Peter faces, he’s been at Peter’s side for a year now, fighting the good fight and training right next to him. Danny knows Peter can handle himself in a fight, but not against this man- further evidence Danny KNOWS who this guy is. Danny wants Peter at his best in this fight (because he knows Peter will not leave) and for that, Peter needs his webshooters
- “there is no honor in you!” 
- Iron Fist gets hurt, he falls, he hits the ground in front of some truck. he could defend himself against the truck with the Iron Fist, and get out of it, but his chi stays calm and Danny braces himself for a hit. Spider Man, the second Danny falls, is right there, webbing up the truck as fast as he can and standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF IRON FIST
- and again, Danny gets hurts, falls, and Peter says, “nope, not today!” literally sends him flying behind a fast moving cargo truck. and I’m supposed to NOT ship them? come on, man, they practically write themselves!
- the way they both immediately flip around when Danny’s birth name is used- knowing a heroes real name is dangeous, using it when said hero is in costume is a big no-no and no one respects that more than Peter
- “is that Papa Fist?” “no, he’s-” the way Danny was just gonna explain everything to Peter. the way Danny just automatically started doing so, yes this counts, Danny doesn’t do that for other people, he’s very tight lipped about his home country
- and then Danny just gives Peter his belongings. there’s no will or other instructions, just gives everything to Peter. there’s no stipulation that Danny thought important enough to say, he’s literally leaving EVERYTHING to Peter
- and Peter doesn’t even CARE. he just wants to know what’s going on
- and, even better, Danny looks so sad, and the sad music playing in the background? no, man, i’m fucking done
- “yeah, we’re not just gonna let this happen, right?” no, no we’re not
- “why would Danny Dollat-signs sleep on my floor?” the whole rich thing and Danny giving him all his earthly possessions doesn’t even hit until later, he’s more concerned with why Danny would sleep on a floor if he doesn’t have to
- and then he immediately disregards the whole rich thing because Danny’s more important to him, he even says “it wouldn’t be enough. obviously.”
- “as flies the Iron Fist, so goes the Spiderman.” .... do I even need to say anything? do i? yeah, no, this fucking counts right here
- "beautiful” is the first thing Peter thinks about Danny’s home country. we’ll get into why that counts in another episode
- Peter makes it a point to say he’s with Danny, that he’s just visiting, because he understands that he knows NOTHING about this country and it’s customs, he’s very calm and relaxed and doesn’t even fight when he’s attacked first
- Danny needs to know nothing other than Peter is here and he’s being attacked before he’s jumping in to help, to defend his best friend coughcoughlovercoughcough against the guy he’s known since he was a child, callng Peter his guest without hesitation
- Peter asks a question and Danny answers it immediately
- “if you throw your lot in with this fool, you’ll suffer the same fate!” “gladly.” omfggggg, no hesitation, NO hesitation
- the way Danny turns back to look at Peter, to check on him
- Danny’s quick to reassure Peter that in his culture, Peter isn’t being insulted, and then is like welp, you’ve never been here, let’s get you inside and warm
- Danny just patiently answers any and every question Peter has. no one else does that! and you can blame it on the fact that no one’s as zen as Danny or Peter’s askign a lot of questions, but none of them are like that with anyone else either!
- Danny likes orange soda, that’s adorable
- “talk.” and Danny DOES
- Danny specifies Peter when he says he chose to learn
- the immediate concern for his friend, even as Danny keeps trying to explain
- also, K’un L’un is a private place, doesn’t trust outsiders, so it’s doubtful Peter would’ve gotten into a private medical area without Danny being like “i want him with me”
- he fucking- breathes deep Peter, who’s been on the ceiling and out of the way the entire scene, immediately jumps down to the floor to help Danny stand up because he needs to be on his feet for this
- Danny doesn’t even try to see about the other warriors. he knows who he wants, he knows how he can win with honor, he knows how to handle this competition. Peter’s the one he wants. Peter’s who he names. no hesitation.
- Peter keeps a hand on Danny through the entire interaction, if you notice. It’s not a “hiding” or a “holding back” or anything, he’s literally helping Danny. that hold he’s got on Danny is one to keep Danny steady, one hand on his arm, the other on Danny’s back
- “don’t take it personally” mhm mhm, yep. counts
- i’m not gonna cover the trials much, tbh. there’s not a lot i can say about them in reference to Spideyfist, but i’ll do my best
- Peter fights to the last because “Danny... needs... me”
- Peter APOLOGIZES to Danny like it’s his fucking fault this guy didn’t play by the rules. this counts
- Peter still saves Scorpion even after everything
- awwww the old monks
- Danny and Peter actually have very similar fighting styles when you think about it, and nothing showcases that more than this episode. they’re both on the defense with Scorpion until they have the oppurtunity, that’s how they both are in a fight, holding back until it’s necessary to fight
- Peter realizes Danny got his eyesight back and asks about it, you can hear a little concern
- Danny choosing that moment to compliment Peter, a perfect counter point to the abuse Peter’s been suffering all say, AND the only compliment Peter cares about enough to answer 
“let’s no push it” with an amused smile
- the HUG Danny gives him, the way he doesn’t let go until the monks call for him
- and they let him go back!
- Spiderman being excited about the one year as well!
I finally finished it guys!
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h3artw0rms · 4 months ago
So the gift Powder received from Ekko was a necklace with a blue peony.
And you know me from my Vi and Caitlyn post so of course I'll look up what the flower language of that means and it's the following:
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And if you look closely, you can see the profile faces of Ekko and Powder in between the petals
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In this reality, the two can't be together, as he wasn't HER Ekko. But Powder still means the world to him.
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your-senpaaaai · 3 months ago
so are we gonna talk about how mirror pieces around jinx’s face are literally in the form of warwick jaws ???? like omg ?????
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bi-for-vi · 4 months ago
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I don’t see anybody talking about this, but it hurt my heart
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iminmywritersdungeon · 5 months ago
This this this right here is getting to me. Gif is from @terrapia
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Yeah you could argue this parallels Silco but it doesn’t really. Silco didn’t want to give up jinx because she’s his daughter. Sevika doesn’t want to give up jinx because she’s a zaunite
And you know who that reminds me of so fucking much?
That’s Vander’s ideology right there. Vander could have done like Grayson suggested, picked any rando off the streets to take the fall for the apartment explosion, but he wouldn’t, because those are his people.
Vander was weak and Vander was a coward but Sevika followed him once, and there was a reason for that
Silco may have been the Eye of zaun, but Vander is its Heart, and that heart is still fucking beating
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neo--queen--serenity · 5 months ago
I need to stress how important it is that Jinx made that prosthetic arm for Sevika.
Jinx, for as long as the audience has known her, has only ever made inventions for her own personal use. She designs them in a way that is specific to her whims and interests, which gives the overall impression that no one should be using her creations without instructions. And they're made to suit her fighting style, which is why we don't see anyone close to her, like Silco, using them.
That prosthetic arm she designed for Sevika is quite possibly the first invention she's made that is purely and entirely for someone else to use. Jinx saw how Sevika mourned Silco, saw that her unrelenting loyalty for him still held layers of resentment and rage, but that she still grieved him anyway.
It's not coincidence that immediately after this encounter (during which she saw Sevika struggle to repair her old mechanical arm), Jinx creates this prosthetic for her, pouring all her creative innovation into it. She deliberately designs it as a gift in every sense of the word, wrapping it neatly into a bow like a present, for a woman who may or may not even be her ally anymore.
And the second Sevika puts it on, we see Jinx's trademark eccentricity, her wild colors, her manic machinations whirring to life. It's a sparkling, visual reminder of Jinx's affection on her body, a physical manifestation of her desire for Sevika to live and succeed. She gave the arm tricks, weapons, instruments of brutality--things we expect to see from her--but also music and fireworks, features that serve no purpose in combat other than making her smile.
We have never seen this from Jinx before, never seen her do something like this for someone else. When Sevika asks why Jinx made it for her, knowing the novelty for what it was, she'd simply responded with, "It was something I could fix."
It's no surprise that Sevika continues to protect Jinx aftewards. Whether Jinx was consciously aware of it or not, she had been openly declaring, "this is my ally; attack her and face my wrath."
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ratvic · 4 months ago
Havent seen anybody talk about this frame (yes this literal less than one second frame) I love it so much, it's so cute.
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gobbogoo · 4 months ago
A quick Analysis of Grown-Up Mylo and Claggor:
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Mylo was always the insecure middle child looking for attention, and we see bits of those traits have survived in the slightly ostentatious way he dresses compared to his siblings, and the sarcastic way he greets Ekko. While everyone else is drinking from old steins, he's waving around a cocktail glass. And of course there's his weedy little moustache, which like all young men his age was grown mostly for the novelty, and because he thinks it makes him look older.
Claggor meanwhile was the awkward second-eldest sibling who often shared Vi's sense of responsibility, but not her confidence or authority. This changed when Vi died, and evidently Claggor has taken over her duties as the eldest. He's leading efforts to clean up the undercity, and was the one who tells Powder to help out Mylo, to give some examples. His manner of dress is also the most practical of his siblings, with accessories chosen not for style, but because they assist in his work.
Lastly, I feel I should touch on how Powder is so quick to play wingman for Mylo. Obviously everyone's matured since they were kids, but this specifically tells me two things:
1. Mylo must have stopped bullying Powder after Vi died, and she now views him quite fondly.
2. Powder understands her brother's bravado is an act, and actively helps him with his lack of confidence.
If I had to guess, Vi's death hit Mylo almost as hard as it hit Powder. Grief often leaves us vulnerable, which is probably what allowed the pair to properly share their feelings and bond as siblings. Nothing builds empathy like personal tragedy, after all.
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viktorthemachineherald · 4 months ago
What actually happened to Jayce and Viktor in the end? And why didn’t Ekko’s Z-drive destroy everything within its blast radius?
TL;DR: the only timeline that could have worked was the one where Viktor gives Jayce the Acceleration rune, where Ekko invents the Z-drive, and where Jayce saves Viktor and gets his partner back.
Something we’ve seen pointed out is that the world rune that worked in this timeline was the Acceleration rune, which has the function of transportation through time and space. 
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Ekko’s Z-drive was built by inverting Jayce’s Acceleration rune (this is important later).
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We know from his experiments that the limit for reversing time is only 4 seconds. Any further back and it causes catastrophic harm to his surroundings. It’s implied that the further he overextends his Z-drive, the more disastrous the damage and radius of effect.
In the final battle against Viktor, we see Ekko overextend his Z-drive far beyond 4 seconds. Then, he yeets it at Viktor, whose mask is shattered from the impact.
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We know that turning back time beyond 4 seconds causes catastrophic destruction of the surrounding areas: Jayce and Viktor, and perhaps countless others should have been caught up in the blast. But instead, we see something different:
Time stands still for a moment, courtesy of the boy who shattered time. 
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Now things happen all in a manner of seconds: In the astral plane, we see Viktor comment on the anomaly that Ekko has created.
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It’s something that Viktor as smart as he is, couldn’t have conceived— leave it to Ekko (and lest I forget, Heimerdinger and alt-Jinx) to show them all up.
This is debatable, but I firmly believe that Viktor with his awareness of all time and space, could have escaped or even survived the explosion.
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It’s only Jayce, the only person who could show him what he showed him, that gets through to him in the end and convinces him to give up his Glorious Evolution.
"In all timelines, only you can show me this". Ekko is the catalyst but Jayce was the key.
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Jayce returns the Acceleration rune to Viktor which kicks off a chain of events. The souls under Viktor’s control are freed from his grasp. Back in the real world, and back to the explosion, we see the following happening almost simultaneously: 
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The blast from the Z-drive extends from Viktor’s reach to Jayce’s
The Acceleration rune embedded in Jayce’s wrist starts to glow from being activated by Jayce and Viktor in the astral plane
Jayce and Viktor are absorbed into the gem and the gemstone blips out of existence 
Recall that the Z-drive was created through an inversion of the Acceleration rune. To multiply something by its inverse, is to divide it by itself. The Acceleration rune multiplied by the Inversed Acceleration rune, cancels out the effect of the other: nullifying both the anomaly from the Z-drive but also the rune.
This explains why there was no larger explosion. Viktor and Jayce (who chose to stay) sacrificed themselves and took themselves out of the equation. Jayce and Viktor were the anomalies— just like the Z-drive should not have existed, neither should have Hextech.
Through all the timelines and permutations of runes that Viktor tried, the only combination that could have worked was in the timeline with the Acceleration rune. It couldn’t have worked if it was any other rune, if Ekko had never invented the Z-drive, or if Jayce had never convinced Viktor to give up his path of destruction, and got his partner back.
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In short: Boy Savior saves the day; Love Wins
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the-irreverend · 4 months ago
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Damn, this scene right here where Vi reaches out to her to comfort Jinx just KILLS me every time.
It's a very small scene, but it carries so much weight because it shows how, despite all that's happened, Vi's love for her sister is still very much present, and the bitterness and resentment she felt toward her all those years ago are withering away.
I also love that when she retracts her hand, she doesn't do it forcefully or speedily, which would indicate hostility or resentment. She does it gently as if she's saying to herself, "Maybe I'll just give her some space for now."
As great as the big emotional scenes are (e.g., Vander reuniting with her daughters), you CANNOT undervalue the little moments that made them all the more impactful.
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patchouii · 2 months ago
Sometimes I watch the show and try to think of Hannibal’s perspective and it’s a total trip. Like. Imagine you’ve been able to control and pick and choose your emotions and reactions your whole life, due to being somehow psychopath-adjacent. And the only time you couldn’t was when you were little with your baby sister, and it’s probable that as your brain matured, the possibility of feeling and forming connections like that dried up entirely. You read the psychiatric journals, and occasionally there’s something about a man who can connect with others so deeply he can become an echo of them. And then you meet this man, and he mocks your comment about eye contact while holding yours.
An understanding passes between both of you that you have hidden depths. Instead of killing him, you bring him breakfast, and make him dinner, and serve him drinks. Instead of being able to toy with his mind without a care, you think of him and your chest clenches, and your gut swoops, and his face and voice and his rude little barbs invade your mind like glittering parasites that you can’t remove. These feelings are alien, and they’re also yours. You know, deep down, why you’re letting him live, why you stare after him, why you toe the line of risking it all for him. But you don’t want to face it. It’s terrifying, this horizon of who you are and can be that looms before you with no choice of your own.
Framing him presents a convenient opportunity for ridding yourself of this thing he brings on in you, this total lack of control, this fever-dream surrender that breaches the walls of your mind and the tics and tells of your body so effortlessly— but you miss him. You don’t miss anyone, and the one person you do is more of an imago that never was able to grow into her own real person. But the you you’ve helplessly become certainly does. You’ve become an addict. You cannot let him rot when his presence gave your monochrome world color, you can’t quit the drug you’ve always shunned. This is all a devil’s bargain, certainly, but you’ve already damned yourself, and all that’s left to do is plunge further. Oh and by the way. The infuriating man in question looks like this:
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Like okay then, good luck not having the crashout of the century 😭
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justrustandstardust · 9 months ago
the op of jjk season 2 is rife with symbolism. there's one particular motif, however, that foreshadows the trajectory (and tragedy) of gojo and geto's love story.
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almost immediately, we see geto running through the rain. the stylistic choice to portray him holding his bag over his head is deliberate, because it emphasizes what he conspicuously doesn’t have but so clearly needs: an umbrella.
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gojo, on the other hand, is not operating with the same sense of urgency, seen through him taking his time looking at a cat. gojo has what geto needs, but he's not rushing. their behaviour is incongruous; geto is hurrying to get out of the rain, and gojo remains still, because he’s absolutely not hurrying at all.
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the sense of urgency is compounding, seen through geto bouncing his leg. he’s waiting impatiently in the rain, and he's not using his bag to cover up his head anymore. geto knows gojo is coming; that's why he's impatient— because he's waiting for someone who has what he needs that hasn’t shown up yet.
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geto needs him, yet gojo doesn’t pick up the pace. this is despite the fact that he needs to because it’s raining and geto doesn’t have an umbrella. we, as the audience, feel geto's impatience and we're urging gojo on, yet he still doesn't go any faster.
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sharing an umbrella is an established trope in japan. it’s widely recognized and practiced enough to have its own designated terminology.
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gojo is bringing an umbrella for them to share. that's why it’s repeatedly reinforced to the audience that geto doesn't have one. that’s also why the shots cut between them; it highlights what gojo has that geto doesn’t, and in doing so, ties the narrative together through the umbrella.
by the time gojo finally shows up, the sun has come out. gojo lowers the umbrella and smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. contrarily, geto almost seems resigned, like he’s accepted the fact that gojo took too long. they can’t share the umbrella anymore because they missed their chance to use it.
we can see that geto is saying something to gojo when he finally shows up with the umbrella. you know what i would bet actual money it probably was?
“you’re late, satoru.”
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flaursiey · 15 days ago
oh. irving was willing to face being fired, ending his life, because he felt love for the first time and then had it stripped away form him. dylan was willing to quit, ending his life, for the same reason. and helly, who had been the one so desperate to end her life from the moment she set foot on that severed floor? her love for mark is what keeps her bound to that floor, now. i think that’s what they failed to consider when perfecting their severance process. whether or not love transcends severance, that doesn’t matter. but love in any form, in an existence that is otherwise so limited, that holds so much power
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your-senpaaaai · 3 months ago
guys maybe im going crazy and starting to overanalyse everything in arcane BUT LISTEN
one thing I kept noticing in s2ep7 (which I rewatched an insane amount of times) is how different powder's mimics are from jinx's
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like even when her expressions are pretty calm and she's not smiling ear to ear she has SMILE LINES !!!! I've watched arcane a bunch of times and never noted out the same for jinx. yes we see her screaming/crying etc and her mimics are obviously expressive in those moments but when she's not experiencing some crazy shit her face is just kinda blank ??
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a lot of people have already said how powder is taller, has different physics and healthier skin tone and I think her expressions is another thing that shows how much her and jinx's lives are not alike
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she has a ton of reasons to smile every day while we've barely seen jinx do it :(((( powder is happy and it's literally marked on her face :((((
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bi-for-vi · 4 months ago
In literary/cinema mediums, when a character extends their hand in friendship while hiding their other hand behind their back, that can actually symbolize tension between trust and betrayal
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The hidden hand means the character is hiding something, literally or metaphorically. A weapon, a scheme, an ulterior motive. It signifies that their friendship is likely a trap
TLDR Maddie was always hiding something and the writers hinted at it the whole time
Fuck that bitch leprachaun
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