#season 3 episode 9 vox
Alright. In the q&a viv said some of the fan theories were spot on and I think we know which ones. Lilith is suspicious as fuck, the hotel finally has proof that sinners can go to heaven, we lost sir pentious kind of, Al and Vox used to have somewhat cordial relations, and tons of other shit. So what can we expect for season 2?
Well, let’s look at what plot points and characters are left open.
1. First thing that comes to mind is that Cherri Bomb is gonna join the main cast to fill the hole Sir Pentious created. Despite what she says, I don’t think she’s doing “just fine” so we’ll get to see some development for her. The Addict MV says it all but who knows if that’s still canon so idk.
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2. And what about Alastor? He’s the big mystery of the show. The Aaravos of Hazbin Hotel, for my TDP followers. Well I think we will see who’s controlling him. Furthermore, I think at some point he could be forced to choose between the hotel and his freedom. It’s a bit specific but if I’m right that would be wild. Calling it now! 🗣️‼️ I don’t think we are gonna see anything about his human life yet in s2 though but who knows.
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3. Emily is definitely gonna try and help Charlie from a distance and I think there might be a heaven sideplot with her and Sir Pentious and shit
4. Lute is gonna be out for vengeance yall. Brace yourselves.
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5. The deals Vaggie and Charlie both made with Alastor are absolutely gonna come back to bite them in the ass. They will probably need Alastor to do television shit and Al will probably make Charlie do something bad.
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6. The plot between Vox and Al thickens? Right now it’s just kind of a pathetic rivalry and a onesided boycrush (/j) with the best song in the show keeping it going. I’m loving it though.
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7. We finally get to see Molly and Baxter and Arakniss hopefully lmao
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8. We get to see Lucifer’s backstory a little more perhaps
9. Angel breaks free from Val’s clutches? It will probably involve a deal with Al honestly.
10. And finally, Alastor has spent this season setting the board and now it’s time to play. We need to see his plans in action, we need the payoff. What’s he gonna do with the power and assets he’s gained?
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I also REALLY hope season 2 gets more episodes. The pacing in season 1 was fucked.
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liamshawday · 6 months
On February 16, 2023, Picard Season 3 aired its first episode and ✨️Liam Shaw✨️ made his first appearance. One year later, it's time to celebrate!
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-Ten days of fan creations, for lucky number ten-
(See guidelines below- do as much or little as you would like to! Choose any of the three prompts and make any fan creation)
Day 1-Feb 16th: Alive/ S3E1 The Next Generation/ Hurt-Comfort
Day 2-Feb 17th: Borg/ S3E2 Disengage/ Backstory
Day 3-Feb 18th: Chicago/ S3E3 Seventeen Seconds/ Fix-it
Day 4-Feb 19th: Dead naming Explanation(s)/ S3E4 No Win Scenario/ AUs: Modern, Coffee shop, Vampire etc.
Day 5-Feb 20th: Engineering/ S3E5 Imposters/ Drabble or short fic
Day 6-Feb 21st: Fears/ S3E6 The Bounty/ Post-canon
Day 7-Feb 22nd: Gumption/ S3E7 Dominion/ 3&1 or 5&1
Day 8-Feb 23rd: Holodeck/ S3E8 Surrender/ Friends to lovers or sex pollen
Day 9-Feb 24th: Knives/ S3E9 Vox/ Crossover (with anything)
Day 10-Feb 25th: Lucky number ten/ S3E10 The Last Generation/ Trapped (in the turbolift, or anywhere)
All fanwork welcome: art, gifset, fics, crafty stuff, we love it all
Use any of the three daily prompts, or of course you can use two or three of them if you like
It's okay to mix prompts from different days, such as Holodeck(day 8) and trapped(day 10) and you can post on whichever day you want
You do not need to make something for all ten days! Pick just one day or more than one. Post your creation to tumblr on that date.
For the episode prompt you can make anything to do with that episode: gifset, missing scene fic, etc.
Post your creation (or a link to your creation) on tumblr
Tag @liamshawday and we will reblog!
Any ships welcome, please tag
If you post an entire fic or chapter on tumblr use a readmore
NSFW welcome, please tag “nsfw” on your tumblr post/use appropriate tags on ao3
If you post a fic on ao3 please add it to the “Liam Shaw Day 2024” collection
*No Shaw hate please, we know some people don’t like this character, but we would like to keep this event positive. (We also know how to block and will.)
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ur-dad-satan · 5 months
Okay so I just watched the two new episodes of Hazbin Hotel and I have THOUGHTS
There will be spoilers below the line so read at your own risk
First of all, SIR PENTIOUSSSSSS!!! MY LOVEEEEE!!! They didn't have to kill you like that but I'm so sO FUCKING PROUD OF YOUR REDEMPTION!! YOU GOT THE ENDING YOU DESERVED!!! Easily one of the best character arcs in any of the shows I've recently watched.
2. Lucifer coming in and saving the day because Adam fucked with his daughter?? AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!???!?! I love him so much!! The fight scene was so funny and so good!!! Holy shit Lucifer is the best dad.
3. The way the Vees were watching the final battle and Vox just kept butting in was so funny. Especially since Valentino and Velvette just didn't give a fuck about anything going on. Of course, I think they're delusional and not at all going to be able to take over Hell.
4. I want what Vaggie and Charlie have.
5. Niffty is the realest MVP. She is the epitome of "no thoughts, head empty" Charlie told her to stab all the angels she saw and then went directly for Angel Dust like the insane little gremlin she is!! I'm glad they stopped her but omg!!
6. ALSO in that very same scene, Angel hops up on the light poll until Niffty goes away. I love the tiny detail of him flipping down the poll like the slutty little stripper boi he is and I ADORE THATTT!!
7. Husk is amazing. In my top 5 favorite characters. I never thought I's hear Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog say "fuck" or actually kill people. Husk is sssooooo fine too?? Ugh
8. I'd fuck the shit out of Vox, Alastor, Angel, Husk, Lucifer, Cherri Bomb, and Lilith.
9. My top five characters are Alastor, Angel, Husk, Sir Pentious, and Niffty. Honorable mention to Vox (cause he's hot), and Vaggie (cause I adore her and her character development)
I want more but I wouldn't be mad if that was the end of the show/season
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bixbiboom · 1 year
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The weekly schedule is out!
✨ Tuesday, January 31st, 7pm PST: The second watch party for the second season of The Legend of Vox Machina streams on Twitch, featuring Liam, Marisha, Travis, Sam, Mica Burton, Robbie Daymond and Alicia Chan.
✨ Thursday, February 2nd, 4pm PST: Episodes 7-9 of The Legend of Vox Machina drop on Prime Video.
✨ Thursday, February 2nd, 7pm PST: Campaign 3, Episode 47 of Critical Role streams on Twitch and YouTube.
Check out the details »HERE«!
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greenreticule · 16 days
Predictions for what will make it into Season 1 of The Mighty Nein animated show.
(I am presuming 12 episodes and eyeing the general pacing of Vox Machina)
The season will primarily focus on what the wiki lists as "Arc 1: Come Together"
Episodes 1-2 will be the Carnival Arc that brings our team together, like how we had the Brimscythe arc for Vox Machina
Episode 3 will be the Alfield adventure, as this is where several important things are introduced:
Caleb's trauma with fire (they will keep Molly kissing his forehead)
Shakasta (who I presume will be kept in as he reappears later, and Khary Payton voiced a character in the Vox Machina show)
The group being forced to take on the Mighty Nein name in order to get paid
Beau's goggles
The characters will develop an in-universe vocal stim with "Nein" to replace the game-level significance of everyone rolling 9s on their dice and yelling "NEIN"
Episode 3 will end with the sleeping Nein surrounded by dark figures at their camp as the week's cliffhanger.
Episode 4 will open with the Syphilis Bandits.
Episodes 4-6 will be broadly about their time in Zadash.
Plot points established:
The Kryn attack and the beacon
Caleb sharing his backstory with Beau and Nott
The Gentleman
The close brush with Trent Ikithon and other members of the Assembly
Moments kept:
Tusk Love
Pumat Sol
Mollymauk cornering Caleb about the coin
Beau and Yasha in the bath
"Long May I Reign"
Episode 6 will end with Cree recognizing Mollymauk as the week's cliffhanger (a confrontation moved to the Nein's second meeting with the Gentleman)
Episode 7 will open with Mollymauk disentangling himself from Cree so the Nein can go meet with the Gentleman for additional jobs.
Episodes 7-9 will be about them running jobs for the Gentleman
Plot Points Established:
Molly's life began when he woke up from a grave two years ago
Fjord's discovery of the first Cloven Crystal
Moments Kept:
Beau and Caleb getting into a fight and then being counseled by Fjord and Yasha about how best to apologize
And then everything else about depends on where they plan to leave off the season. There are three places I can think that they end it:
Fjord, Jester, and Yasha being kidnapped
Molly's death and burial
Meeting Caduceus
And I think most likely that it'll be Option #2: Molly being buried. Maybe there will be a Caduceus tease, maybe not. A toss-up.
Things I'm assuming will be cut:
Knights of Requital (the writers will have other ways to show the corruption of the Empire)
The pickpockets and the prison arc of Hupperdook
Kiri (I know we all love her, but she doesn't have a lot of impact moving forward)
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
Thought on Star Trek: Picard, season 3, episode 9, "Vox":
(Spoilers follow)
Geordi Rebuilding the Enterprise-D in a Shed Hypothesis CONFIRMED
Carpets! Lighting!
Shelby! And, in true Picard fashion, she dies.
Seriously, we're going to launder that bit of pseudoscience about your frontal lobe fully developing at age 25?
Why...would Jack be a transmitter? Why was the door red?
Why were the Changelings helping the Borg?
I feel like there would be a lot of people in the Federation who would never set foot in a transporter again
RIP Shaw. You were occasionally kind of funny.
Okay, I get that they wrote out the original cast, but are the first two seasons really so cringe that no one can even fucking MENTION Jurati when it would be absolutely natural and indeed almost inevitable to do so?!? FUCK YOU, TERRY MATALAS!
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kiraisrika · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel: Trace The primal Light 2/3
Finally its here!!!
Link to part 1 : xxx
Link to redesign poll ; xxx
Lets talk about Villains
In HH season 1 the big bad villain is Adam and well...lets just say he serve his purpose...not in a good way tho
I know, yes, HH tone fits with his characterization but i have more expectation for the big bad of HH. In my eyes and partly because of my own religion, i would expect him to be more of a fatherly type, and its just doesn't make sense that he enjoyed the extermination this much considering the sinners is his children. I would assume he would be the type that is forced to that pedestal because he believe its for the greater good.
- And then i have the idea, how about instead of Adam, his son is the villain? Cain, the first murderer, the father of evil its just so fitting, he is after all the first human who spilled blood on earth.
In my rewrite Cain is the Villain, the big bad, the perfect contrast to Charlie.
Cain is a sinner no doubt, but because of the forgiveness of Abel he is able to rise to heaven and "Cleansed" all and all he's a total hypocrite. He is the one who pitched the idea od extermination believing that it will protect heaven in an extent, himself.
Cain is someone who held beauty in high regard, he believes heaven is beautiful and sinners are not, it can threaten the baeuty of heaven and he cannot allow that.
He often calculate others move silently, thinking of every possibility and because of this he is an excellent fighter. His only concern can be split to 3 parts;
1. Will this benefit me?
2. Is this thing/person will get in my way?
3. Will this bite me in the back later?
He has affection, ofcourse but its so far in between.
He is everything that Charlie's not, he is selfish, hypocritical, pessimistic and manipulative.
And so, that concludes the big bad of the show what about other villains?
- Lute is what you call the villains right hand man, she truly believes that angels cannot do anything wrong, if it were it must be for "The greater Good" she don't Follow cain blindly no no no, she believed that what's he's doing is for the grester good, and so she follows him.
- Vox, unlike the original IS Alastor REAL rival.
Alastor and Lucifer isn't as involved as the original, Lucifer doesn't trust Alastor yes, because of how unexpected he is and he doesn't like the fact a man like him is near his daughter. With the surge of the internet and introduction of modern technology in hell, it safe to assume that Alastor if anything at all will atleast be wary of Vox, him being the one who have dominion over the new rise of technology means that it will overshadow his old timey Radio.
They have a real rivalry, trying to one-up each other in every way possible, Alastor is as invested in this as Vox is
OG Vox could never
- Valentino in my rewrite is more serious, he is more like a spider than angel dust is, he will not be afraid to use physical or psychological torture to torment his victims.
He gets in Angel's head alot, he will gaslight and guilt trip Angel to do his bidding, his only concern is money and power.
because he has Velvette and Vox on his side, He nearly Has every information in the pride ring and that's how he trapped his victim inside his grip.
If anything were to happen, its okay, he has control over hells information network, and he intented to use it anyway
Season 1 episode 9
As i promised you, its finally here
Episode 9 as i was saying is the prolog episode that will lay out season 2 and tease possible theories.
Season 1 ending with the hotel gaining traction, and getting more popular. But not with a slight hiccup, Cain and Abel founds out, Abel is delighted by this this can possibly be another way to control hell's overpopulation with less blood to be spilled while Cain is concerned and stressed, an unexpected variable has come in his way, and he intend to get rid of it.
In the end episode 8 he planted a bug down down to hell, to where the hotel is, trying to spy inside the hotel.
In episode 9, with the hotel gaining more popularity each time the main cast works together to handle the customers, including Sir pentious and in the end they have a celebration surprised party for Charlie because she has worked so hard.
In the party they have fun, and Sir pentious watches silently while smiling, he has finally found his comfort place a place where he shouldn't act "Evil" for the sake of attention because he was finally enough.
But suddenly a smoke emerge from the party scene, Vaggie immediately took a stance, Alastor grabbed his microphone all the cast present freezed.
It all happened too fast.
The bug appeared, lifting Pentious to the air and stabbed him with it's sting he can only say "i'm sorr-" before he was cut off with a deeper stab that choke him.
The bug disappeared, leaving the heavily injured Pentious to fall, Charlie immediately runs to catch him, but before she can even touch him his flesh, skin, everything turned into that of a rose petal.
The cinematic shot pans over the kneeling Charlie, the cast, the countless roses petal that covering the entire floor, only leaving his hat and clothes to spare.
And Vaggie recognized that all too well.
The screen cuts off and slowly a calming humming sound can be heard.
The scene switched to a man sitting down in front of a table and caressing a single rose, its all a dramatic tonal whiplash from the scene earlier, this scene seems bright, light coming in clearly through the window, showing the beautiful golden hour, cinematic shot showing besides him a single vase with 6 roses i. It.
The humming stopped, he bought the flower in front of face, revealing the man's eyes but not his identity.
"Rose petals look so much prettier when its removed from it's thorny stems don't you think?" that man say seemingly to told no one else but himself.
Then, footsteps can be heard from outside that room, and then a voice rang "Cain, are you ready yet?" revealing the man's identity.
The man's grip tightened around the rose, breaking apart the petals from it's thorny stem, and he leave petals falling softly to the table, saying "yes, wait a minute"
The camera still focuses to the petals as door closing can be heard offscreen, then the camera pans out slowly, showing the table, the chair, and the vase ontop of it, containing 6 roses left.
A single rose petal drop down to the floor and the episode ends.
Cain and Vaggie
Now with episode 9 finally out of the way lets talk about Vaggie more in depth now.
I already covered most of what i dislike about Vaggie in my part 1 post so lets get straight to the point.
I wanted Vaggie to be more involved with the narrative without Charlie and actually have a character outside of being Charlie's girlfriend.
Vaggie once named Valitas, is Cain's favourite disciple. Cain took her under his wings since childhood and train her how to fight, Valitas respected Cain alot and admired him, and Valitas is one of the few people Cain actually cares about.
So when Valitas "betrayed" Cain, Cain draw an X with her own spear to her left eye and blinded her. Cain is hurt, Vaggie is hurt.
Vaggie always had a dream of that night, or her memories of training and sparring with Cain
Despite the calming tone of the dream, she will always woke up gasping and screaming.
This will be finalized in season 2! I will talk about it in part 3!!
Oh and btw feel free to give me ideas for the guests or even Cain and Abel, because i havent settled on Their designs yet
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xcal1bur25 · 1 year
Okay SO. The Legend of Vox Machina season 2.
I think I see what they’re doing. At the pace they’re going at (which is fine, I don’t have a problem with it, they’re hitting the beats they need to), they would, at this point, have a full six episodes left to dedicate just to westruun. Which, honestly? They don’t actually need. But episode 6 makes it very clear what the actual plan is.
1) Mythcarver gains a new role as a plot device. Keeping with the vestiges being just as hyperbuffed as the conclave themselves (which is fucking awesome, zero complaints here), Mythcarver goes from “occasionally useful item that doesn’t really synergize with scanlan beyond letting him be a mediocre knockoff of an Eloquence Bard sometimes” to “super cool macguffin that’s more than Just A Strong Magic Item and also fits with his character”. 11/10, highly approve. 
2) Mythcarver clearly has the power to show where more of the vestiges are, but they get interrupted. Using it to get the location of the rest of the vestiges should be a complete non-issue...once they get the sword, which is now in the hands of umbrasyl. The dragon that we all know they’re gonna kill at the end of this season.
3) Mythcarver shows two vestiges. Fenthras, and the Titanstone Knuckles. By every sane law of storytelling, that screams “these are the vestiges that our protagonists will obtain this season”. 4) The story has also spent a lot of setup on Vex and Vax’s shit relationship with their father. I thought this was good, that they were laying the groundwork for season 3...but it did feel a bit weird for me. it no longer does.
5) The feywild arc will require an episode mostly dedicated to Syngorn and an episode mostly dedicated to Fenthras. Covering it in two episodes? Very possible, wouldn’t even be that badly paced. I suspect that they may stretch it out to three. I like this change - out of all the arcs to move to before umbrasyl, this is the best one. It syncs up well with the current themes and the season’s heavy focus on Vax and Vex’s relationship, as well as giving payoff for Percy’s character growth. 6) While they may do a three episode feywild arc...I suspect that they might do it in two episodes and adapt episode 1x57 - Duskmeadow as episode 9. Why? Because it will very nicely complete both Grog and Vax’s character arcs this season, having them all character development’d up for the final battle. It will additionally pay dividends on the foreshadowing about raishan hiding in their midst. Because it would feel weird in the seasonal tv format to lay all that foreshadowing and not pay it off at all during the season. The more I think about it, the less sense it makes to *not* do Duskmeadow during this season.
7) Then, with them having wrapped all that up in 3-3.5 episodes, the remaining time is more than enough to dedicate an episode’s worth to the herd of storms, one more to murdering the fuck out of umbrasyl, and then having a bit of wrap up to conclude it all.
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beverlygifs · 1 year
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Fighting for their son.
[from Season 3 Episode 9 "Vox"]
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luxheroica · 2 years
so since my brain has been in Legend of Vox Machina land since the trailer dropped I kind of wanted to try my hand at putting all the scenes we see in context with the episode order and my best guess on when they take place. Just my speculation based on context clues. Obviously MAJOR SPOILERS for the entire season and a very long post under the cut. Don’t say you haven’t been warned. 
Based on these clips and the episode structure released I think the plot of the season is going to go thusly: 
1. The Conclave attacks and the fallout around that. We end in Whitestone with Kima and Allura providing direction to Vasselheim.  2. Our heroes get refused at the Platinum Sanctuary, meet Zahra and Kash, have to prove themselves, and get information on the Vestiges of Divergence. Grog gets his beard-giving belt. We meet Victor either here or in episode 4/5.   3. SUNKEN TOMB 4. Sunken tomb aftermath. Vax visits Raven’s Crest. I’m guessing this is where we meet Kaylie and Dr. Dranzel, based on the double meaning alone. (”Those who walk away...” from the Sunken Tomb and from their accidental daughters??)  5. Pyrah and Raishan backstory. Vex either gets her broom in this episode or episode 4. Keyleth gets her new outfit.  6. Mythcarver and Kamaljiori. I think that we go into Westruun at the tail end of this episode before leaving for the Feywild. I actually don’t think that we are going to get Craven Edge denouement in this based on the clip of Pike trying to talk to Grog about Craven Edge as they head towards Gattshadow. I think this means we will get to Westruun at the end of Episode 6 and the stinger will be our heroes scouting out the town and then leaving. Also makes this a Scanlan episode which means we could introduce Kaylie here, although I think that’s late in the season for it.  7. Feywild part 1, Feywild shenanigans meeting Garmelie and arriving at Syngorn 8. Feywild part 2, Syldor and Saundor and the title, this is going to be Vex’s episode 9. Westruun, we meet Willhand and Scanlan helps survivors escape with Kaylie. Craven Edge denouement which leads directly into the fight with Kevdak.  10. Kevdak 11. Umbrasyl part 1 12. Umbrasyl part 2 and wrap up. 
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0:01 - 0:12 is all clearly footage from Episode 1. Big dragon attack, lots of destruction, etc. Picking up exactly where we left off at the end of last season. 
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0:13 we get this shot. Vax is in Deathwalkers Ward, Keyleth has her new Ashari colors which I am assuming we get at Pyrah, and Vex seems to be holding Fenthras. I think this probably is going to take place in the last episode of the season, in Umbrasyl’s lair. 
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0:14 is our first glimpse of what I can only assume is the Raven Queen communing with Vax. I’m guessing that this takes place in Episode 4 “Those Who Walk Away”, but could be elsewhere as well. 
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0:16 - 0:18 is this shot of Keyleth saying “It’s like the end of the world” followed by Thordak and Vex, Keyleth and Scanlan narrowly being missed by a fireball. All of these I’m pretty sure are from Episode 1, based on Keyleth’s outfit and that I doubt we’ll see Thordak again until next season. 
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0:19 we get Vax asking what the plan is. I think this takes place in Whitestone with Allura and Kima, right before they go to Vasselheim. End of Episode 1 or start of Episode 2
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Followed by this shot at 0:20 of the Chroma Conclave together. Probably episode 1 or possibly in Episode 5 as a flashback to Raishan’s role in everything.  
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0:21-0:28 is Grog vs. Raishan. “19 doesn’t hit,” indeed, Grog. More from Episode 1, to set up the main plot of this arc.  
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0:31: Keyleth opening the Sun Tree with Cassandra, Keeper Yennen and Gilmore watching. Guessing this will be at the top of Episode 2 to start us going to Vasselheim. (I doubt we are going to get back to Whitestone until Season 3.)  
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0:31: Scanlan making plans in front of Trinket. Hard to tell from context clues when this is but we’ve got sunset lighting. I’m going to take a stab and say Episode 3, or in the Feywild. Could be anywhere though. 
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0:34 team shot!!! Based on the shape of the buildings in the background and the lighting this is Whitestone, probably Episode 2. 
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0:35-0:36 is definitely going to be Episode 5 in Pyrah, possibly with Percy worried about his flammability because he’s just loaded up on black powder at Victor’s shop. 
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0:37-0:38 Vex’s spit take here and the following group shot seem to be in the same place (the trees are very similar). Neither Vax nor Keyleth have their new outfits which means we haven’t been to Pyrah or the Sunken Tomb yet which means either episode 2 or early in Episode 3 for both of them. Lighting on the first shot matches Grog’s beard growing, and lighting on the second matches ice skating above the Sunken Tomb. These are probably different scenes, I’m guessing from episodes 2 and 3 respectively.  
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0:40 New building architecture + snow says this shot is probably Vasselheim! It matches the sunset lighting of the previous group shot. Interestingly we’ve got Grog separated from the rest of the group and in shadow so maybe our first hints of Craven Edge stuff? I’d guess this is Episode 2, probably around when we meet Zahra and Kash. 
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0:41 Interestingly it seems this bar scene takes place later on, with Keyleth in her Fire Ashari outfit! I’m assuming she gets the upgrade in Episode 5, which means this is Episode 6 or later. Probably Westruun but could take place in Vasselheim or Whitestone as well. 
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0:42-0:43 we get this orc-looking guy getting into a fight with Grog and some clever editing to make it look like he’s getting into a fight with Grog.  Interestingly though those big wide open arches don’t suggest that this is a bar fight. They actually seem to match the architecture from when Keyleth summons her wall of thorns in Episode 10... And whoever Grog is punching in that final shot doesn’t actually seem to be the same guy. I don’t think these are the same fights. 
Not sure what episode orc-guy is from, I think it’s the same bar episode as the rest based on the crowd behind him and the white-haired lady drawing her sword later on, which places this Episode 6 or later. Those last two shots are definitely from either the end of Episode 9 or Episode 10. 
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0:44 Keyleth falling, definitely the same episode as the bar shenanigans from before. 
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0:45 we get this interesting character. No idea who she’s supposed to be other than some bar tough. I think this is from the same episode as the other bar scenes and wherever we get that orc-guy from.  
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0:46 Vex has the broom, and hopes some asshat falls into lava! I think this has to be Episode 5 in Pyrah (there’s sparks drifting down). 
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0:47 - 0:52 we have Vox Machina getting kicked out of the Platinum Sanctuary, almost certainly at the very top of Episode 2. 
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0:53 We meet Osysa and get our first glimpse of the Vestiges of Divergence!! Which is likely going to be the arc of Episode 2, meeting Zahra and Kash and capping off with meeting Osysa who gives Vox Machina the quest for the vestiges. Interestingly her speech seems like it’s cut somewhat awkwardly, which means it’s probably going to be longer in the actual show. 
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0:56 we get out first shot of the Titanstone Knuckles and what could be Kevdak! (Although he has hair, so maybe it’s not Kevdak?) This might be pulled from Osysa’s speech about the Vestiges but could also be from a later reveal of Grog and Pike backstory. 
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0:57 Pike facing down a sphinx. I think this might actually be Kamaljiori rather than Osysa based on the size and Pike’s role in that fight. But also the markings are slightly different based on what we see from Kamaljiori later in the trailer. 
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0:58 Vax at Raven’s Crest wearing the Deathwalker’s Ward. I think this is almost certainly Episode 4, since I doubt once we leave Vasselheim we’re going to go back until Season 3. 
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0:59 we get this shot of Raishan, most likely from Episode 1. 
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1:00 - 1:04 Grog gets his beard!! I think this must happen in episode 2 or 3. Neither Vax nor Keyleth have changed outfits yet, so I think this is probably during the Trial of the Take equivalent or right preceding the dive into The Sunken Tomb. 
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1:04 - 1:06 Kamaljiori firing off laser beams at Vax! This probably takes place in Episode 6 based on the episode titles alone, which means that something else is going to happen to trigger Craven Edge. 
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1:07 Scanlan, Kaylie and Dr. Dranzel’s Troupe. I’m guessing they’re going to want to introduce Kaylie as early as possible before stuff in Westruun. Might be as early as Episode 2 although I have a feeling Episode 2 is going to be packed already. Based on the title of the episode I’m gonna say Episode 4 in Vasselheim.  
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1:08 Keyleth and Zahra opening the way to The Sunken Tomb which places this smack in the middle of Episode 3. 
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1:09 - 1:12 We’ve got this Beholder-like creature, followed by Keyleth and Scanlan saying they’ve pissed something off. I think they’re talking about the Beholder-beast, which is clearly a copyright-friendly stand in for the Beholder in the Sunken Tomb. Episode 3! 
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1:13 - 1:14: Scanlan doing some arcane skating above the lake that holds the Sunken Tomb. 
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1:14 Pike yelling at someone that Vox Machina is trying to save the world. Interestingly this line also sounds slightly cut down. I wonder if it was originally “we’re trying to save the fucking world”. 
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1:15 and seems based on lighting that Pike was yelling at Zahra and Kash in the Slayer’s Take, probably after being rejected by the Platinum Sanctuary. Zahra doesn’t look impressed (although I think this is probably some clever editing and this reaction might be towards Vex rather than Pike). Regardless I think both these shots are from Episode 2. 
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1:16-1:17, Keyleth summoning some thorns in Episode 10. Interestingly this architecture matches up with the big arches sees in Grog’s fight earlier in the trailer, which makes me think that that’s not actually him vs. Kern and rather Grog v Kevdak. 
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1:18 - 1:20 we get a series of shots that I can only surmise are going to take place in the Feywild. Look at all that weird flora and those psychedelic colors!! These have got to be from Episode 7. 
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1:21 Grog coming out of the Pokeball for his final attack at Kevdak, solidly Episode 10. 
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1:22 Percy is shocked by something new. Vax in Deathwalker’s ward and Vex on the ground and what looks like a chest full of gold to their right. Based on the gold which I think was the herd’s tribute to Umbrasyl, this is probably the start of the Umbrasyl fight which puts this at Episode 11. 
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1:24 Scanlan and Pike trying to save Mr Winky from a wolf. Doesn’t look snowy enough to be Vasselheim so I think this is the lead up to Kamaljiori in the Frostweald which means episode 6. 
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1:25 Vex uses Raven’s Slumber to summon Trinket. There’s sparks flying through the air and the general ashy atmosphere makes me think Pyrah so episode 5. 
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1:26 And Vex on her broom vs Umbrasyl! Looks like this is indoors which means in the lair, which means Episode 12!
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1:27 - 1:37 our longest gag, Vax and Scanlan prepare to go inside a dragon the only way they know how. With a brief cutaway to Episode 1 and some poor lady melting to underscore how dangerous Umbrasyl’s acid breath is but otherwise this entire sequence will be in Episode 11. 
Then we get the title card and release date! 
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1:43 - 1:57 We get Scanlan in the baby bjorn! More context on this clip was released on twitter. Keyleth and Vax are in their new outfits and that’s clearly Gattshadow in the background which means they’re headed down to Westruun. Pike is trying to talk to Grog about Craven Edge and he’s not having it. Pretty sure this puts us at Episode 6!
Anyways those are my thoughts, we shall see if any of them pan out a month from now!! (I can’t wait!!) 
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disneywizard · 1 year
The Best Animated Series of 2022
2022.  Another year of Animation has come and gone, and so it is now time to do the one thing that I do on this site: make my top 10 list. This year should be an interesting mix, since I am allowing myself to put adult animated shows on the list for the first time.  But only if they are exceptional.  While this definitely made making this list harder this year, due to more content, it wasn’t as bad a deluge as I feared.  
Before we unveil the list, I also wanted to give a shout-out to the best thing that happened in 2022: the return of Gargoyles in comic form.  From Dynamite Publishing, written by series creator Greg Weisman.  Gargoyles is my favorite show of all time, it’s the reason I became enamored of Animation in the first place.  So I highly encourage everyone to check the comics out, if you can.  
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And now for the list: Honorable Mentions: Green Eggs and Ham, Dragon Age Absolution, and Paranormal Park were all fantastic shows, I just thought that the following ten series were slightly better.  But all three of these shows ALMOST made the list as I was working on it, so I thought they belonged here.   And without further ado:
10) Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
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The French Action Adventure show about two superheroes in love with each other continues to go strong for it’s fourth and fifth seasons, which have included some of the best episodes of the show.  
Available on: Netflix (S1-3) Disney+ (S4 & 5*)  
9) Legend of Vox Machina
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Man I wish someone would animate my D&D campaign.  
Available on: Amazon Prime.
8) Kid Cosmic and the Global Heroes!
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Craig McCracken’s amazing superhero show is the first one on this list that officially ended this year, and went out quite strong.  I cried at the end of the series.  Definitely worth a look.
Available on: Netflix
7) Tales of the Jedi
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I’m not much of a Star Wars fan.  It’s hard for me to even care outside of the Rebels series.  But this anthology series was so good, I’d be remiss to exclude it from the list.  
Available on: Disney+
6) The Dragon Prince: The Mystery of Aaravos
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If I’m being honest, TDP was a bit weaker this season than previous showings.  We’ve had a time skip and the characters are now all in different places, which made it a little harder to get back into a groove with them.  But the story was still fantastic and I can’t wait to see how the next 4 seasons unfold.  
5) The Owl House
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Why are you not watching this show?  You definitely SHOULD BE, it’s FANTASTIC.  The top four-through-two shows on this list were, IMO all so good, it was impossible to objectively place them in any order, so I’m listing them by my favorites.
Available on: Disney+  
4) Star Trek: Prodigy
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This show taught me to love Star Trek again.  Everything from the voice work, to the animation, to the story is an absolute treat.  The easter eggs aren’t heavy handed, but will excite you trekkies when you see them, and the plot kept me fully excited and engaged all season long.
Available on: Paramount+
3) Amphibia
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Another show we said goodbye to this year, the series finale had me in tears.  I just love these characters so much.  Everyone should watch this show, especially if they want something more from the property, and the defictionalized Marcy’s Journal hinted at some interesting future possibilities...
Available on: Disney+
2) Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
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Another show that we said goodbye to this year, Season 5 was an excellent close to the series, especially following the slightly weaker season 4.  The epilogue hinted at the possibility for further hijinks with these characters, and I hope we get them.  This is my favorite entry in a Movie Franchise that I already love.
Available on: Netflix
1) Young Justice Phantoms
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WOO-HOO!  It’s here!  It’s finally here.  I can finally actually put the show I actually thought was the best of the year on my actual list, instead of just being an “Honorable Mention” like in past years.  This season was an incredible well written roller coaster of character and story arcs, that kept my attention and interest from beginning to end.  I cannot emphasize how good this show.  There was never any question where it was going to fall on my list, unlike the rest of the shows on here.  It was always going to be #1 because it was the best.  Watch it on HBOMAX while you still can, because given what has been happening over there lately, who who knows how long that will be.
Available on: HBOMAX, for now.  
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nottawriter · 9 months
20 questions game
Thank you @luthordamnvers for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Individual stories: 10 (some are series and 1 translation)
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
Individual stories: 337,399
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl- Primarily, Arrowverse with the main focus on Supercorp, but other ships as well
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
PRIDE and Prejudice (Super gay retelling of the classic), Tell Me It’s Not Too Late (Post-S4 finale), I Believe in a Thing Called Love (Entire Season 6 episodic rewrite), Wouldn’t It Be Nice (50 First Dates Movie AU/Continuation), What Has Been Lost (Human/Original AU Series).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Usually. I appreciate getting the comments, so I try to repay that effort.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
When She’s Gone, the Darkness Comes
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
PRIDE and Prejudice… though it could be said Lena and Kara both get very happy endings in Speak Now (18+ Explicit Sexual Content)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really “hate”
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
See Question 7 lol… I do have smaller sex scenes in other fics, but nothing that compares in scope
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
My Human/Original AU Series is an amalgamation of original story work with various locations, character names, character descriptions, and/ or conversations, pulled, used, and/ or referenced from throughout all of the CW Arrowverse and DC Comics Universe, though primarily Supergirl. It’s not really crazy, but it is intricately woven throughout the storyline.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, my I Believe in a Thing Called Love into Spanish.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet, but I’m not opposed.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Supercorp... There are others (Avatrice, Caitvi, lots of wlw really), but nothing compares to the hold they still have on me.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I plan on finishing all of my actual WIPs that have writing associated with them. There are a couple of WIP ideas I have that I’m not sure I’ll ever get to… A Christmas fic, one loosely based on the movie D.A.R.Y.L., a couple with other main relationships
16. What are your writing strengths?
No idea… Someone once told me they love the way I sometimes write a singular scene from different POVs, telling the story in pieces to eventually for the whole… Not sure that’s a strength. I guess plotting out the story details then?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Lol stealing @luthordamnvers‘s answer: Actually writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English is the only language I really know, so in the past when I’ve needed to write in a different language (I’ve done Spanish and Icelandic), I used Google translator- which I now know is kind of bad at what it’s supposed to do. I need to ask a native speaker to check on the Spanish I’ve done, but I don’t know any Icelanders. For Kryptonian, I use the Doyle dictionary but I don’t know if I do the grammar/ syntax right or not.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Supergirl/ Supercorp.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh, this one’s hard… Um, I like a couple of my fics for very different reasons, but I guess the Human/Original AU Series is the one that’s taken the most effort and I’m most proud of… It also started as my first, so you can see how I’ve grown as a writer as it continues which is fun/interesting/embarrassing for me lol
Tags, but no pressure: @casualsavant @itsalliebitheway @fyonahmacnally @natalievoncatte @villainousunsub @vox-ex
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ecoamerica · 3 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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cassiebankscr · 1 year
The Legend of Vox Machina
Episodes 7, 8 and 9 Are Out!
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As of this evening, the new episodes of "The Legend of Vox Machina," Season 2 (7, 8 and 9) are Number 1 on Amazon's Top 10. Be sure to catch the Watch Party for Episodes 7, 8 and 9 on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 10:00PM Eastern (7:00PM Pacific) on the Critical Role Twitch channel.
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This Thursday on Critical Role, the most frequently asked question was "Where was Ashley?" Work? Vacation? No one knows, but she appeared in this week's episode of Critical Role (Campaign 3, Episode 47) via satellite location.
Speaking of Ashley Johnson, those of us who enjoyed "Talks Machina" and "Between The Sheets" with Brian Foster will be happy to hear Brian is ready to take on the world and do what he does best! Brian started the year with a brand new set for his Twitch stream and will be conducting interviews again on his new set, something so many of us have been waiting for since we realized "Between The Sheets" was over.
If you love "The Legend of Vox Machina" the animated series, "Talks Machina" can give you some behind-the-scenes insights from each of the cast members from the original campaign. "Talks Machina" Playlists can be found here:
Talks Machina Episodes For Campaign 1
Talks Machina Episodes For Campaign 2
Today was the inaugural run for Brian's new set. He's still perfecting the package and probably will be for the next few broadcasts, but the interviews have been lined up and he's ready to go! Ashley looked incredibly comfy on the couch and I loved being able to hear about the people they've met and the places they've been together as snippets of their history slipped into the conversation.
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For those of us who have missed seeing Henry on the set of "Talks Machina" with Brian, good news! Brian's new, comfy set comes complete with doggos! Henry and Bullock can be seen hanging out wherever they are most comfortable throughout the stream.
In addition to his interview schedule, Brian is poised to do a complete "The Last of Us" game playthrough once the PC version is released by Naughty Dog on March 28th. If you love HBO's "The Last of Us" series, it's a great opportunity to learn more about the source material and perhaps learn some behind the scenes tidbits if Ashley is around while the gameplay is streaming. For those unfamiliar with both the game and the HBO Live Action Series, Ashley Johnson is the voice of Ellie in the game and makes an appearance in the series as Ellie's mother.
As a side note, if you loved "The Last of Us" in any of its forms, Pedro Pascal will be hosting Saturday Night Live tomorrow, February 4th on NBC.
If you love "The Legend of Vox Machina" please be sure to watch it as often as you like on Amazon Prime to keep the good energy going!
Be well blessed and well loved always. ❤️
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implausiblyjosh · 1 year
S3 Picard Hot Takes
Crosspost from my cohost!
Spoilers for Star Trek: Picard.
This show doesn't even care about it's own fiction. In the most recent episode, Vox, we finally get both the reveal of What The Hell Is Up With Picard & Crusher's Son and we get the (as of right now) reveal of The Real Big Bad. Who is that Real Big Bad? Why, The Borg, of course!
Except. Well. You see... The Borg were made into Not Bad Guys in Season 2. Not exactly Good Guys, but specifically Not Bad Guys.
During the course of Season 2, Picard & Friends were sent back in time to 202X wherein they had to stop Q from fucking up the timeline in some way. To do this, they needed the Borg Queen to help them know how time fucked up and to get back home to their present. During the course of the season, one of the "& Friends" becomes the Borg Queen and stays in 202X. When they eventually get back to their present, who else shows up but their "& Friends" Borg Queen to help save the day! It ends with The Borg being under new leadership from this new Queen, who wants to make The Borg into a friendly people who may, some day, join The Federation.
None of that matters in Season 3. The Bad Guys are The Borg. And also The Changelings. It doesn't matter what happened in Season 2. Doesn't matter what happened in Deep Space 9, for that matter. Forget what happened, actually. You remembering what happened just last season makes the show worse, somehow.
So when I see the big reveal, the thing this whole season of television is leading up to, it doesn't matter. Why should I care that it's The Borg after you attempted to redeem them last season? If you have so little regard for your own story, for your own show, for your own fiction... why should I care?
The other funny thing is that they do the "Surf Dracula" thing with the Enterprise D. In Episode 9, 2nd to last episode of both this season and this series, in the last 5 or so minutes they show Enterprise D. Also! It's the first well-lit spaceship set in this whole season, if not the whole series.
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The only positive thing I have to say about the show is that the soundtrack is pretty good. Lots of good uses of old motifs, the new music sounds like it fits into the Star Trek canon pretty well. The only exception is that the ending song is just the First Contact theme with a hard cut into the TNG theme, which is so funny. Couldn't even make a new theme song, just spliced two songs together in Audacity lol
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justdalek · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Music Ranking
Wooo, ranking time! I'll rank the episodes in a different post lol
Forgive me, I'm gonna use the knowledge that I grabbed from my dropped music minor (aka lots of music nerd talk)
I'm also gonna put out what I think each of these songs were based off of in the context of theater (my opinion, not fact in the slightest)
Happy Day in Hell (7/10)
(Based on all Broadway openers ever)
The "opening number" for the show, and Charlie's "I want" song, I think it's pretty strong. It gives the audience a great way to see the pride ring as well as locations that we are going to see later in the season. The only two things that bring it down for me is the weirdly abrupt time change to a triple meter (from what I can count the song goes from like a 4/4 to what seems like a 6/8) that feels like an unintentional whiplash effect, and the brain lyric seems a bit out of place from the rest of the song. Other than that, solid opener
Hell is Forever (9/10)
(Based on rock musical numbers, such as Fright of Their Lives from Beetlejuice)
I'm not usually a fan of rock style musical numbers, but Alex Brightman's performance knocked this number out of the park. This number also gives a great insight on how not all of Heaven is actually nice, especially in terms of their views on sinners.
Also, when the music drops out and it's just clapping sent chills down my spine, I freakn love when numbers do that
Alex, your Beetlejuice is showing-
Stayed Gone (10/10)
(Based on villain duets and talk singing, such as Master of the House from Les Miserables and Your Fault/Last Midnight from Into The Woods)
My absolute favorite number in the entire first season hands down. Vox and Alastor being petty to the max is my bread and butter. Also, the fact that this number highlights the real world thoughts of radio vs T.V./streaming is so freakn cool (saying this as a mass comm major who deals with both of these lmao).
Alastor's solo at the end is so terrifying, but uuuuugh Amir does such a wonderful job with balancing petty with sheer sadistic evil.
It Starts with Sorry (8/10)
(Based on "apology" numbers, like 'Til Him from The Producers)
This is such a cute number, especially as it's the start of Sir Pentious' redemption arc. I feel like lots of people need to listen to this song.
Respectless (8/10)
(Based on "dueling genres" such as Feed Me/Git It from Little Shop of Horrors)
I love Velvette so much here. The way that she takes control of the situation by carefully observing Carmilla while also being a #bitch was such a clever use of show don't tell. Zestial's little lyric is also smart, and a nice foreshadowing nod to episode 7. Also, I didn't think that Latin-style music mixed with hip-hop/rap would gel so nicely here.
Whatever It Takes (3/10)
(Based on power ballads such as Memory from Cats)
As I alluded to in my deconstruction of transitioning musical numbers post, this is my least favorite musical number by a landslide. I really don't like how loud Zestial's solo is (no shade at James Monroe Iglehart, I think this was the music director's choice and not his own), especially when the context is that this is a private conversation between him, Carmilla, and her daughters. Honestly, the volume becomes a consistant issue when the electric guitar riff comes in and Carmilla becomes super loud. When it's Vaggie's solo, the instrumentation feels so out of place for her as she's singing quietly. When the two come together, Vaggie is completely smothered by how loud Carmilla is singing (doesn't help that Vaggie is singing a high-ish soprano part. Carmilla is belting out the alto part with her chest voice, which is easily overpowering Vaggie belting with her head voice).
I think the kicker to the whole number is that in the context of the show at that point, Vaggie and Carmilla haven't truly met face to face, and we the audience have not known Carmilla long enough to realize that she and Vaggie have a lot in common. I do get that this number is a set up for episode 7 (which we'll get to that in a minute), but we needed just a bit more time to get to know Carmilla on a personal level as well as Vaggie to understand why they both sang this number "together"
I also dislike power ballads, and this one really did not win me over
Poison (10/10)
(Based on pop song "video" numbers, such All You Want to Do from Six)
Man, this song hits deep, especially the ending. This is a really great way of both showing and telling Angel's life before and while at the hotel when he's working for Valentino. The ending hits the hardest with him wanting an out, but he feels like he has no power nor will to leave. It's both a super catching song, and a very deep song when you understand the full context of it.
Loser, Baby (10/10)
(Based on friend number duets and "cheer up" numbers such as You're the Top and Be Like The Bluebird from Anything Goes)
This is my second favorite of the bunch. Husker spitting facts instead of sugar coating Angel's situation is such a true friend thing to do, and like with It Starts with Sorry, more people need to listen to this song. Both Angel and Husk admitting and embracing their faults is so nice to see, especially as they become closer friends after that song.
This song also has so many chromatic intervals that I love so freakn muuuch, Andrew and Sam did so good with writing this one.
Hell's Greatest Dad (9/10)
(Based on "competing" numbers such as Pirelli's Miracle Elixir from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)
The return of petty Alastor duet! With Hell's leader no less! This song's lyrics is really clever with showing that Lucifer- while he means well- doesn't actually know how to speak to his daughter, while Alastor is able to manipulate the situation by showing that he was indeed with the hotel since day one and essentially getting Charlie on his side since her dad has done really nothing aside from letting Charlie go to that meeting with Heaven a while back. The second half of the song really hits with the blood family vs found family argument, and it's a very interesting conflict idea for Charlie.
Devil Went Down to Georgia vs Piano Man made me cackle like a maniac.
When Mimzy interupts, I actually hated it when I first watched it. After rewatching the episode, I freakn love her interruption. That woman just saved the hotel from an all out brawl that was fixing to explode.
More Than Anything (8/10)
(Based on family duets like Happy/Sad from The Addams Family)
I'm kinda topsy-turvy about this song. Like the beginning kinda doesn't do it for me, probably because it is a slow start. When Charlie and Lucifer begin their duet, I almost thought for half a second that the writers were gonna pull a "they thought they were thinking the same thing but they actually don't" trope (I was thinking that Lucifer was thinking that Charlie was going to shut down the hotel after talking to him about his failed attempt, while Charlie was thinking that Lucifer was on board with the hotel idea). I'm super glad that they didn't do this trope at all, and the harmony between the father and daughter is just so nice to hear, gave me chills.
Welcome to Heaven (7/10)
(Based on "cheery" openers, such as Hello from The Book of Mormon)
The companion to Happy Day in Hell, this is more pop/contemporary style than Broadway, which is a nice genre to go against it (you could argue that it's new-age music vs old theater music). The way the music guides us along to how "great" Heaven is compared to Happy Day in Hell's was of showing how Hell can improve was such a nice subtle comparison. It's a cute intro song for Heaven.
You Didn't Know (9/10)
(Based on "realization" numbers like Defying Gravity from Wicked)
Ah, the revelation song. I do love the reprise of Hell is Forever, especially the change in lyrics to reflect what Heaven and Hell really is: shades of grey. I do wish that Emily's realization of the extermination was explored longer, even before the song (like Emily was becoming suspicious of Sera's actions).
Adam and Lute revealing Vaggie to Charlie had such a nice horror chord to it, I just don't like the still they used for Charlie (it looked rather silly to me)
Out for Love (8/10)
(Based on "motivation" numbers such as The More You Ruv Someone from Avenue Q)
The better version of Whatever It Takes, very catchy and has a nice message. Buuuut what still drags it down is that Carmilla and Vaggie's relationship was never built up (especially with Carmilla insinuating that she has met Vaggie before and realized that she's a fallen angel long before Charlie did).
The dropbeat did save this one tho.
Ready for This (10/10)
(Based off of "rally" numbers, such as Sister Suffragette from Mary Poppins)
I love a good rally song, especially since this song was hyped up before the episode was dropped. Charlie's worry that she'll fail her people is nicely sutible, but is prominent throughout the song, even with her brave face.
The musical references to older Broadway shows (mainly Rogers and Hammerstein, the Sherman brothers, Cole Porter, etc) gave my brain a nice scratch that I didn't know I needed.
Alastor and Rosie's duet is by far my favorite part of the song, especially because it's in a minor key to remind us that Alastor still has a sinister motive behind his decisions, with Rosie on board with it.
More Than Anything Reprise (8/10)
(Based on quiet "reprise" numbers, such as Proud of Your Boy Reprise from Aladdin)
Oh thank god, a quiet ballad at last. Ngl, all the ballads up to this point have been rather loud, so it's nice to have a quiet ballad that is also is shared between Charlie and Vaggie. Those harmonies got me to almost cry on the first viewing as Vaggie is reassuring Charlie that everything will be fine, even in the face of angelic death.
Finale (9/10)
(Based on all Broadway finale numbers ever)
Man, what a true Broadway closure. Charlie mourning Sir Pentious' death, Lucifer and the gang comforting her and raising her up by helping her rebuild the hotel, the Vee's trio, Alastor's solo, and the reprise of Happy Day in Hell melds so well.
Alastor's solo especially is so chilling compared to the rest of the upbeat song foreshadowing possibly his fate for later on? But it still doesn't deter the song in the slightest. The melody and the culmination of Happy Day in Hell is a wonderful send off to the first season!
All in all, almost all these song are full blown bangers! I can't wait for season 2's album to see what they do next!
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smoothmedia · 1 year
Shows I've Seen Every Episode
Alice in Borderland
Arcane: League of Legends
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Big Little Lies
Black Mirror
Breaking Bad
Chappelle Show
Cobra Kai
Cyberpunk: Edgerunner
Dragon Ball Z (Kai, Super)
Family Guy
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
How to get away with Murder
Hunter X Hunter
Lovecraft Country
Mad Men
Moon Knight
Mr. Robot
Ms. Marvel
Only Murders in the Building
Poker Face
Prison Break
Ray Donovan
Rick & Morty
She Hulk
Sons of Anarcy
South Park
Stranger Things
Sword Art Online
The Boondocks
The boys
The Duece
The Falcon and Winter Solider
The Last of Us
The Sopronos
The Wire
The Witcher
True Blood
True Detective
Shows I Never Seen Any Episode Of
American Gods
American Horror Story
Black Clover
Black Sails
Boardwalk Empire
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Doctor Who
Dr. Stone
Luke Cage
My Dress up Darling
Naruto: Shippuden
Parks & Recreaction
Star Wars (Any of them... The Clone Wars, Bad Batch, The Book of Bobafett, Visions, Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tales of the Jedi etc.)
Steins Gate
Ted Lasso
The Defenders
The Fear of the Walking Dead
The Last Kingdom
The Legend of Korra
The Owl House
The Punisher
The Sandman
The White Lotus
Vinland Saga
What we do in the Shadows
Shows I've Started But Haven't Finished (Last episode I seen in parentheses)
Assassination Classroom (episode 4)
Attack on Titan (Season 2 Episode 12 "Scream")
Battlestar Galactica (Episode 11)
Beef (Epsiode 4)
Better Call Saul (I dont remember but I believe I seen most of Season 1)
Bleach (Never seen but I read the Manga, even that Alphabet war arc)
Chainsaw Man (Episode 2)
Deathnote (About 3 episodes)
Demon Slayer (Episode 7)
Daredevil (I think I saw 1 or 2 episodes but dont remember)
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Episode 14 or 15)
Gravity Falls (Episode 1)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (seen 3 or 4 episodes here and there)
Jessica Jones (Season 1)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Season 1, Episode 5)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Only 1 epsiode)
Money Heist (Season 3)
My Hero Academia (About 33 episodes)
One Piece (I read the Manga to Wano, so in episode terms I'm probably around episode 960)
Orphan Black (2 Seasons)
Peaky Blinders (Season 1)
Power (Season 1)
Ranking of Kings (6 episodes)
Rings of Power (Episode 2)
Snowfall (Season 1)
Solar Opposites (One episode)
Spy x Family (Episode 9)
Swarm (Episode 4)
The 100 (Season 1)
The Leftovers (Season 1)
The Legend of Vox Machina (Episode 3)
The Office (Season 2 Episode 6 "The Fight")
The Orville (Season 1, Episode 3)
The Umbrella Academy (Season 1, Episode 2)
The Walking Dead (For the tv show, somewhere in Season 6, I never met Neagan. But I have read the comics)
Titans (Season 3, Episode 2)
Twin Peaks (Episode 1)
Westworld (Season one)
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