#seas of calamity au
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seasofcalamity · 6 months ago
What are the Straw Hats' views on Earth, is there anything they each particularly like or dislike?
Well let's see...
Luffy likes the foods, television, movies, comic books, cartoons (he Chopper & Usopp are all obsessed with visual media),
Nami likes shopping malls [or anywhere she can go shopping for that matter],
Robin is nearly brought to tears by the number of museums and libraries there are.
Franky is just going around taking everything apart to see how earth tech works,
and Brook is totally into earth music [especially older music]
Now, let's move on to the things they don't like.
Traffic and cars, how easy it is to get lost (Zoro), doorways and buildings not being big enough for some of the taller strawhats (Brook, Jinbe, and Franky), the police (they think they're the same as the Marines) Earth's depiction of Pirates (Luffy especially HATES them), not being allowed to ask if he can see women's panties (Brook), people mistaking him for a plushie (Chopper), not allowed to carry his swords around (Anne's mom confiscated Zoro's swords)
Honestly, I think most of the Strawhats would be extremely happy to get back to their world...Cuz Earth is BORING!!
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nextfloridamanarticle · 2 years ago
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Drew some post time skip Marcy for @seasofcalamity
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seasofcalamity · 7 months ago
. . .
Did you just steal my idea?
Anne with the Straw Hat crew
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- Anne was Luffy's first crewmate
- Nami treat Anne as if she were a younger sister
- Anne helps Sanji from time to time in the kitchen
- Anne asked Zoro to train her after the events in Syrup Village so that she could help more in the fights.
- Anne likes to listen to Usopp's stories
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gladiatorcunt · 6 months ago
this is a low flying panic attack (cybersex is holy)
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cw: kinktober prompt (aliens made them do it - bc he asked them too), nonconsensual voyeurism, extreme dubcon, yandere jacaerys, reader has a pussy, 4.6k of porn with plot, getting your back blown out in the 2001: a space odyssey trip scene, inspired by the mentioned movie, old valyria lore and obvious au where the valyrian gods are aliens, restraints, stray mpreg mention at the beginning, world building before the fucking, pussy slapping, piss kink mention
please do not repost, translate, or feed this work to ai
kinktober 2024
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2 BC, Gaelithox Star System inhabitant number 616. Subject Name: Earth (Human Outreach Base)
In the wake of doom, the world smoldered. Every realm, known and unknown, was reduced to scalding ash. Except for a volcanic island guarding the entrance to Blackwater Bay by the name of Dragonstone. A century later in his eternal wisdom, Lord Aerion Targaryen set his three children, Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys to take to their dragons and scour the vast emptiness for a miracle. In another universe, there were countless bounties to acquire and lush land to conquer, gilded crowns to pass on to the heirs shared between them. However, this was not to be. Visenya’s sharp eyes spotted gigantic chunks of metal in the narrow sea that resembled castles. One was as black as her brother’s dragon’s, Balerion, scales and as all encompassing as the volcano Valyria’s capital city was built in. The other, a muddier brick red with specks of green and even bigger than the former. She shouted to her siblings, pointing and informing them that she was going to land Vhagar on one of them. Rhaenys and Meraxes followed quickly after her, then Aegon and Balerion.
The violent winds assaulted their skin as they dove down, their blood rushed to their hands and caused a pounding sensation in their ears. It felt akin to a leap of faith, they were lighting a match and tossing it onto a pile of Godswood. Blasphemous and crazed. When flayed open, Targaryens are revealed to be plundering leeches with flaming branches for veins. Birthed from white fire, they are harbingers of calamity and tragedy, some say the heat slowly singes their bones and then their brain until they die. Ripping through an ill-omened husk that wails tears of blood and exhales soot.
All three dragons hissed as their claws kissed the unfamiliar material. It was only for a moment, and strangely they titled their heads up and roared into the skies in unison, a jubilant chorus as if they were connecting with the truest parts of themselves. Visenya and her siblings watched in confusion until they were done. Then their focus shifted to the ginormous metal ovals beneath their feet, Visenya and Rhaenys were on the smaller one while Aegon was on the largest of the two. He walked along the cool surface and stopped at what appeared to be a window of sorts, an opening into the inner workings of the beguiling monolith. Before he could consult with his sisters, he tossed them a self assured grin, pulled open the hatch, and jumped boot clad feet first through it.
When he landed with a harsh grunt and the feeling of his bones being briefly jostled, he discovers that the inside closely resembles the innards of a ship. Unlike the traditional boats that traverse on water with their sails made of flax and their hard wooden bodies, this one seemed to be purely metal. Sleek and shiny, light coming from the opening bounced off of his sword as he used it to gain a feel for his surroundings. It was just as massive on the inside, he had the thought that you could very well fit every major family of Old Valyria in there along with their dragons. Though he did not mind being part of the only ones who could benefit from it, perhaps it was the gods' choice to allow only them to survive.
There were many flashy brightly colored knobs, and Aegon felt out of his depth at the sheer amount of them. A command center maybe, a gravelly voice inside him whispered, controls the entire ship and every single facet of it. He would have to explore this specific mechanism further with Visenya, his eyes wandered elsewhere down the hall to his left. The shadows beckoned him forward, and forward he went.
As he explored the ship, Aegon mentally noted the presence of personal quarters, kitchens, places in which one could conduct work, and all the things one would essentially need to live a happy life. It bore familiar cornerstones of Valyrian architecture, winding spiral spires and exquisite detailing. There was even its very own dragon pit resembling the Bojurlion arena that once sat parallel to the palace in the civic center of Valyria, stables and all sorts of riding equipment and armor included. He strongly felt that such a thing surely proved that this was the miracle his Lord father had sent him to find, from the teats of the gods and into the lap of their chosen one. They must have delivered them a shelter and a way to blaze their trail anew, this time the flip of the coin was in the Targaryens’ favor.
To the Targaryens in the long gone days of Old Valyria, survival was a choice when you were doomed to be the middle of the pack, never soaring higher or lower than where the gods put you.
He climbed through the same opening hours later, eager to catch up with his sisters. It turns out that they had an adventure of their own, their ship was similar to the one Aegon had explored, though they described it as having a much lighter energy and a deceptively cozier atmosphere. The three siblings climbed aboard their dragons and took to the skies once more, carrying hope and fierce determination in their hearts. Lord Aerion was relieved to hear of the gods’ saving grace, and in no time at all, their belongings, dragons, and servants were all ushered into either of the two ships after numerous exhaustive back and forth journeys. Remnants of Old Valyria, maesters, descendants of blood mages from the Anogorian, workers from the bathhouses, soldiers who served in the Valyrian navy, and even merchants from the street markets.
It was quite the shock when the ships shook terribly as soon as their doors closed, and gasps wrung out when the main area was flooded with white light as the vessels rose into the heavens and beyond them.
Soon both ships teemed with life, Honorary Queens Rhaenys and Visenya were wed in Dragonstone’s church. They even had biological children with the help of maesters and the ship’s wildly advanced scientific center. A miraculous device allowed their DNA to mix together and be planted in Rhaenys’ womb, with no need for a man’s contribution. Two sons were born, Maegor and Aenys. On The Red Keep, King Aegon found love with the son of a blood mage newly finished with his apprenticeship, and soon they too were wed and bore heirs of their own. Three daughters, one named after Aegon’s first love, a Baratheon. As the centuries went by, these communities in space grew much like they would have on the ground, however they do dock on Dragonstone island occasionally. It was agreed that life would be better spent among the stars than battling to live to see the next day in the dirt. They took all their human ways with them though, buried under their jewels and extravagant lifestyles, their hierarchy and ruling class and debatable penchant for fire and blood.
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124 AC, Gaelithox Star System inhabitant number 460. Subject Name: Valyrian Peninsula Cluster (Interior Quadrant)
It is said that The Red Keep eclipses the Earth’s sun but Dragonstone intimidates it, depicted as having a presence so foreboding that any celestial body dims when the insidious ship passes them by.
Hopeful Would-Be-Prince Jacaerys kneels before a marble statue of the Mother.
“There is something very wrong with me, Mother.” His shake, an icy chill floods through his veins in the lukewarm temperature controlled chapel. “A sickness… a hunger… today I nearly bent my servant over while they drew my bath and tongued their cunt, I do not know if their resistance would have stopped me.”
Their tears would have looked transcendent in the reflection of the steaming hot water.
The statue’s eyes glow and emit a monotone beeping sound, standard routine for every prayer and confession.
The usually pleasant and well mannered prince frets, chewing at his fingernail in thought. Artificial breeding is all too available an option, these days one merely has to go to a maester and undergo the procedure, creating almost spontaneous life from the DNA one already possesses. Such things do wonders for couples with incompatible reproductive organs and those that want to be parents on their own, but it’s not enough for Jacaerys.
You could still be distant. There is no corner of the ship where you are free from his reach, but the prince would very much prefer it if you did not feel the need to scurry off at all. He thinks of himself as a wondrously different young man in comparison to his uncles and stepfather, Jacaerys loves you like a dragon loves a sleep. Helpless to the fear of being devoured by his hunger, but he’d keep you and roll you into a cotton ball in his mouth, savoring the pristine hairs left behind in the grooves of his forked tongue.
Wrestling you and bringing your body to the maesters, watching as they plant his child in your womb, would be meaningless to him. He wants to say he’d conceived your children in your marriage bed, as his family had done for generations before him. The advancements in technology had caused a decline in the tradition’s popularity, and that is precisely why Jacaerys wishes they had never set foot for the stars. You’d be more capable of succumbing to him if you were made to endure the pleasure he knows you could feel, without the miracle procedure. You have not yet mentioned a desire to carry children, not that that topic typically is shared between a servant and their liege.
The population on the ship is declining, the Targryens not producing the numbers they have in the past and various deaths in the family and amongst the smallfolk being a couple of the reasons. Madness from a lifetime of staring out floor to ceiling to wall windows of the same sparkly abyss, the traditionalists who spurn the technological wonders of the gods and grapple with complications in childbirth, the murders brought on by cabin fever. Unfortunate events have given Jacaerys the answer, the gift of a perfect reason to have you. To indulge in the murky facets of his soul, nursing from your bitter burning cup of wine and you in turn his.
If he were to be so goddamn lucky as to be in the same room as you, you would stumble out of there with a tummy full of triplets and a bounty of stretch marks.
“I would give all I am and have to be a loving husband, a dutiful father, if you would see it fit for that to be my path.” He bows his head and brown curls cascade around his face, an angel in the mouth of the guillotine. “At least cure me of this ailment if not, I can hardly stand the teasing from my uncles when I lose focus during the training simulations.”
Nightmares are becoming dreams in my darkest hours.
“My deepest thanks for hearing my prayer, I… I apologize, it is rather foolish I admit. I am not sure what’s come over me.”
The statue's eyes dim and it whirs as it powers down upon the prince’s exit. A most trouble occurence for one of their very own, but once this message is approved and received, the Gods will know the apt solution. Dragon eggs are their own star systems too, the cracks betwixt specks of color in the scales their own constellations, and the men born from them are the apples of the gods’ chromatic rainbow eyes.
A ghostly roar nips at Jacaerys’ heels as he strides towards his chambers, kicking off and throttling the silver pipes.
“For what it is worth, I am of the opinion that your brown hair and brown eyes suit you. Being around your family is no different than going for a stroll in the snow, but you stand out as the tree of solace in the middle. Sturdy and warm in its own way, something you rest on when you grow weary of the world around you.”
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Your widening eyes are the first things he sees when he next wakes up. Jacaerys is content to consider this a dream until he moves to brush some of his hair away from his face and is stopped by a harsh clang.
The universe is howling.
He looks down to see valyrian steel chains dragging on the floor attached to cuffs around his wrists. The chains are of considerable length, he imagines that he could walk around the entire room and never get the bindings to go tight. His cuffs are so loose they hardly serve their purpose at all, but his flesh stings when he attempts to touch them. They would likely singe his skin off to the bone if he was their true prisoner and resisted. You have similar ones, but as soon as Jacaerys relaxes his chains vanish and he sits up to take stock of the room you are being held in.
Something sort of like an atrium, gleaming metallic tones with high ceilings and a large divot in the floor where the bed you both are on stands. Tall pillars showcase scrolling led screens, high valyrian scrawlings are preserved and repeated in scarlet pixels. The walls are replaced by windows into the vast openness of space, but it is different from what Jacaerys is used to. Outside is a sea of pure black, neon colors make up the waves, they seem to continuously bleed and fold into each other at the midpoint. There are no stars, no planets, but if Jacaerys squints and pays close attention he can just about make out the heavy flap of leathery wings.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright.” The prince whispers, turning his focus to your panic and stroking a finger down your cheek. “If we were supposed to be dead, we would not even be having this conversation.”
“The princeling is correct. You are safe in *indistinguishable*, this designated facility, our audience chamber, so long as you comply with us and our own.” A chorus of deep and crackling voices boom all at once in both of your minds, their syllables and inflections in their speech overlapping and melding together. “We have heard his prayers for your companionship and have decided to grant Jacaerys Velaryon his heart’s deepest desire. For he has raised valid concerns, this blessing is a multi purpose one.”
“Think of it as a bedding ceremony, and all that that name implies. Once conception is confirmed, you will face the brunt of a painful headache as we leave you. When you stumble into slumber, whether wrapped in an embrace or seperate, vessel number *indistinguishable* Dragonstone will house you once more.”
You gasp as the voices go quiet, and Jacaerys knows you must be aware of the feeling of being watched. It makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and gives you goosebumps down your forearms. Goose-pimpled flesh that Jacaerys traces with his fingertips, it’s the least he can do to give you a moment to calm down and get your bearings. Perhaps this is a sign that he has gone truly mad, because he can’t find the same trepidation in your expression within himself.
How often do prayers get answered? Yes, having a swarm of otherworldly all knowing beings witness your love making is quite unusual, but there is nothing Jacaerys would not put up with to form an everlasting covenant with you and your body. So he lays beside you, watching the fabric of your uniform shift and swish as you stretch your legs, a bumbling baby deer finding its footing.
He would smile and laugh, because he’d truly believe no one had ever been happier in their lives than he, but you probably would not take it all that well.
You shut your eyes tightly, either coming to grips with the bizarre reality you now found yourself in or desperately clinging to the hope that this was all a dream brought on by contaminated rations.
“M-my prince… this is not how i envisioned this moment.” You murmur at last, your eyes opening to meet his.
He wonders what you mean by that, could you really have wanted him in all the ways he has wanted you? Surely not all of them, but in the most basic and carnal of them.
Suddenly he knows in his bones that is what the two of you are meant to do, that this is so impossibly right that it must be woven in the grand fabric of fate’s design.
Jacaerys tuts and extends an offering of peace, entertaining his fingers with yours, “I’ll be gentle, this is my first time as well. It was not like I could practice without you finding out about it, I did not wish to hurt your feelings.”
Your brows pinch as he speaks, an instinctive coo gets trapped and tangled in his vocal chords. That expression is precisely why he is glad to be relying on scandalous hologram demonstrations and enticingly hedonistic data scrolls, amusingly numerous and often exuberantly descriptive. His confidence is triple what it was once years past, and Jacaerys would dearly love to lead you by example.
Fake it till you make it, but he is cocky enough now to believe you will never have to pretend in the first place.
A lock must have opened inside you, an opening made ready for him, because your brow lines smooth out and you go lax on the bed spread. You blink up at him as if trying to eat your nerves with your eyes by overindulging on the sight of him. Your face must be hot to the touch, as brave of a front as you’re putting on, you are not immune to embarrassment or fraying nerves.
Jacaerys sharply inhales and takes the tentative first step, settling a hand at the top of your chest and dragging it downward. His fingers catch on the buttons in your bodice and he undoes them with only a couple minor fumbles here and there.
“Ah.” The prince groans, peeling back the black panels in your uniform to uncover the skin beneath. “These breasts are wasted on servant rags, they’re so beautiful. You’re so very beautiful, my love.”
Your teats are round and perky things, so over encumbered with themselves that your flesh pushes out in between his fingers as he squeezes them softly. You softly moan and recline even further on the bed, as much as you are able with the chains still holding onto you. Jacaerys chuckles and lifts each one as if here debating on which decorative jeweled necklace weighed more, the rubies or the emeralds.
“Thank you, my prin- Jacaerys.” You sigh, never forgetting your well taught manners, and then gasp, “Wait, do not just grope them like that- Gods-“
Upon further investigation, the ruby, your right breast, is marginally heavier and bigger, but Jacaerys refuses to have favorites so resolves to love the emerald just as much. He rolls them in his palms for a bit before departing with a loving pat to your nipples.
His palms softly fall to bracket either side of your head, caging you in. “Now come, grant me a kiss, your nerves will fade with practice. What is there to be afraid of?”
His voice grows shakier than he’d like it too, a genuine hint of uncertainty shining through. In this he knows, at least, that it would do you a world of good to take your own leaps of faith. It would have been cruel to ask you such a thing when he had been sitting farther away, but now he is oh so close, the tips of your noses brush against each other is a shy sort of kiss.
Your eyes flick down to his lips and before he can say anything else, you’re leaning forward as much as you can and pressing against them. Jacaerys is pleased that his earlier assertion of your temperament was correct and turns his head, deepening the kiss and slotting his lips in the empty spaces left by your own as they part.
He laughs when the kiss is broken, airy and on the wings of a more formidable beast than love. The beings watching must already be impatient, for when he presses his chest further into yours, he notices a sudden lack of clothes. As if the Gods had grown tired of waiting for you to undress each other properly, not that Jacaerys minds all that much.
The prince snakes a hand in between your bare bodies, slipping down to cup your mound. He sweeps you up in another kiss so as to not afford you the opportunity to shy away when his digits sink into your slick.
“This cunt is overflowing, is this where it feels best? My thumb is right on your pearl just. like. this.” He teases and sketches tight circles on your bud, shifting his body weight to keep you down when you kick out your legs reflexively.
You keen into his open mouth, a high pitched bottle rocket about to go off and explode into bursts of bright color “Yes! Jace, just like that, don’t stop, oh my Gods- I’m so wet, how am i so wet?”
You ask him about your own body like you’re genuinely bewildered and Jacaerys is so charmed, so in love. He wouldn't peg you as the type to go a long while without slithering your hands up your skirt and delivering an unsatisfying orgasm, this much liquid must be drowning you. He takes his sweet time, flicking and playing your pearl in an obsessive fashion, taking your plush breasts into his mouth as his tongue lavishes them in saliva.
You’re making such melodic sounds, one of the songbirds must have escaped from the automated menagerie and fluttered their wings into his arms. Pinks and oranges and greens and purples and oranges spill across the void in his peripheral vision, but this bastardized marriage bed is the only thing Jacaerys cares about. It doesn’t matter that there is no sound save for the squelch of his fingers in your cunt and his rose petal pink lips popping off your tits repeatedly.
Jacaerys has seen many moons during the ship’s travels through the vastness of space, but the way your hips are arching off the bed in search of more of his touch would make any one of them bleed red in embarrassment.
Amused, he teases you now, slowing down his concentric circles into loose ringlets. “So this is not enough?”
“Jacaerys, please- You know it’s not.” You glare but still grind your hips up into his hand, not even bothering to address him by his title, he’ll let it slide in this instance.
He dips down to press a few last kisses to your breasts, nipping at your pebbled nipples and sliding a finger into your cunt. He crooks his fingers, going at a leisurely pace and waiting until you’re near tears to insert a second.
“Mmh, who knew i’d come by such a hungry cunny, almost carnivorous in its attempts to keep me inside its snatch.” Jacaerys grins and pumps his fingers, going faster as he slips a third and then a fourth one in, feeling how your walls cling onto their shape.
You’re like a leech, suckling at his flesh to the point of blood loss.
“ ‘m not…… don’t talk about it like that. Fuck, yes- Jace- take what’s yours already, i’m burning up.”
He kisses you again and abruptly pulls his fingers out of you, slapping your clit in one heavy strike. For all his efforts of taking things slow and keeping the atmosphere gentle and loving, you inspire such a deep teasing streak in him. He could never seriously hurt you, but quick smacks resulting in your eyes flashing with lightning aren’t off the table.
You whimper, wetting yourself under the heel of his palm. The intense colors around you swirl into a psychedelic kaleidoscope pattern, rhythmic beeping comes from the pillars and the atrium seems to hold its breath. You don’t notice when your mind begins to unravel, babbling about needing it being too much and you need to pee. Because there’s a drop of shame that your intuition injects in you, something more than being on the brink of a climax.
“You’re so sensitive, my love, did the slaps make it worse?.” He coos, serving you slap after slap after slap, nothing worse than what would make his hand and your mound sizzle. “Good, you can piss if you need to, there is nothing to be embarrassed about with me.”
You’re so cute, he could never understand how people could stand marrying for anything other than love. The worry that his heart will expand too quickly and splatter around the rungs of his ribcage, that you feel when you lay with someone you love, is a sensation he would slay his kin for. He is aware of its luxury, that he is lucky to experience it at all during his life on the spaceship he will live and die in. He sends a brisk thank you to his ancestors for taking yours with them when they departed and took flight from Earth, the beauty of your swollen tits and stomach will honor them.
And oh, how he wants to make you come on his tongue and around his fingers and every other way possible. In the depths of his soul, Jacaerys wants you to feel as if you were falling from a very high tower, a royal with no choice but to fall skull first into the great nothingness of the beyond. The fragments would adorn the cobblestone just like how your tears frame your lashes.
No, the first time you shatter and crumble to nothing will be around his cock. Stardust sprinkled over the void, scattered like ashes.
Perhaps the worst sin Jacaerys will commit tonight is that he is too impatient to continue the foreplay. He knows that no amount would prevent you from enduring any pain, but he also knows that he did not do enough. He, and the celestial Gods hidden in the stellar bushes, wants you to feel the burn of his cock stretching your walls. Commencing a wedding of sorts between your cervix and his throbbing tip.
“W-wait, ah!”
“Be pliant for me and take my seed, stop being so stubborn and let yourself have this, allow it to blossom and it can just be us for the next round, sweetling. I swear it.”
He will guide you through all the details later.
The neon waves crash against the windows, and the led scrawlings on the pillars glitch and scramble and unscramble themselves as you come together. The atrium dissolves into numbers after you’ve fallen asleep for the final time in the chamber, Jacaerys’s hand clutching your belly and your head pillowed on his chest. Giant wings cradle the pair in their center, ghastly creaking and groaning as they slice through the shifting rainbow patterns. Each moon along the journey is full and winking.
Jacaerys thinks he sees a comet fly over your heads when he’s halfway to consciousness, and he traces the valyrian letters for ‘I love you’ into the bloated skin of your stomach.
The chapel has mysteriously changed places on Dragonstone by the time of your actual wedding, the statue lies dormant.
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expanding-hyrule · 4 months ago
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Story Spotlights Hub Post
Reference post for links and details on the Expanding Hyrule Story Spotlights community project.
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Works In Need of Reviews
Looking to help support a creator in Expanding Hyrule? All of these works in our collection have yet to get enough reviews for a spotlight. Works need a minimum of 3 reviews to be featured, and will include up to 5 in their post, but you are welcome to submit more, the link to the responses is available on this post for creators to read the whole list.
You can find all these works linked in the archives listed above!
Short Projects (Concept boards, under 10 chapter fics, etc)
Song of the City by @/ReBuggy (1/3)
Depths of the Darkness by @reallybadgirlcovention (1/3)
In the Blood by @/Zeldas_Eyebrows (1/3)
The inconsistences of fate by @stinkyguar
Linkubus by @/RoughInTheDiamond (1/3)
Fall Under Your Spell by @louwhose (1/3)
The Final Hyrule by @louwhose (1/3)
Red Dead Zelink by @/ghostgirl19 (1/3)
On the Shores of Change by @/leadernovaandthemacabre (1/3)
The Temporanaut by @/leadernovaandthemacabre (1/3)
The Prince of Hyrule by @batrogers
Shadows of History by @palmolli (1/3)
Tri-Time War by @ixtaek (1/3)
The Tale of the Realm Walker by @tnc-n3cl (1/3)
Western Hyrule by @spicymcbean
To Fall In Love With a Goddess by @abbyz-elda
Day After Destiny by @amelias-calamity-quintet
Moderate Projects (Started comics, <50k fics, etc)
The Triforce Awakens by @sillylildude (2/3)
DadLink AU by @dadlink/@pluviatrix
Princess Link: Engaged to my sister's kidnapper??? by @sparkspsps (1/3)
The Legend of the Three by @fablesfables
Lock and Key by @louwhose (1/3)
petrichor and bones by @/pastelsandpining
Into the Dark by @deiliamedlini
The Hand That Holds the Sword by @zarvasace
Restoration Age by @amelias-calamity-quintet
Cinders of Life by @amelias-calamity-quintet
Large Projects (Ongoing comics, <100k fics, etc)
Fighting Fate by @/Allendra
Desert Blight by @/jclbs
Path of the Infinite by @shadow-djinni (1/3)
Blooming in Adversity by @/botwriter
The Promise by @zeldaelmo (1/3)
A Conviction to Save by @advocaado
Inspiration, Illusions, and other Inconveniences by @zeldaelmo (2/3)
Epic Projects (Long running comics, >100k fics, etc)
Hero by @karama9 (2/3)
All That Hurts Us by @karama9 (2/3)
The Hero of the Dunes by @webhead3345
The Golden Chain by @zeldadiarist (1/3)
Legacies & Bloodlines by @/nolansman
Unbroken by @deiliamedlini (2/3)
A Crossing of Stars by @ixtaek
Fighting Gravity by @/CrazygurlMadness
The Wondrous Adventures of the Righteous Maximus by @/Split Infinitive
Bright as Night by @/Allendra
Make a Wish, Make it Count by @/LiliansMalice
Cloak and Dagger by @crownedcrusader
The Weekly Hyrule News by @/BatNeko
Reality by @/Leila Editer
The Hunt by @/andrhars
And the Clouds Parted by @/SkyLeaf
I Belong To You by @mistresslrigtar (2/3)
The Magic Awakens by @/Scarlet_Curls
Alone With You by @deiliamedlini (1/3)
S.T.T. by @/AzrealTheStoryteller
A Voice from the Desert by @avoicefromthedesert
Already Spotlighted Projects
| Alternate Triforce | The Baker and the Seamstress | Break the Wheel | Captain Link Araki and the Harbinger of Destiny | The Curse of Demise | Cycle of the Stars | Divine Gemstones | Fae & Fortitude* | The Fruitcake Campaign (post scheduled) | Goddess of Secrecy | Guarding Zelda | The Hero and the Priestess | The King's Lament | A Link To The Stars | The Mage's Lantern | Mark of a Hero (post scheduled) | No More. Not One Single Time More | On My Honor | The Princess's Heart | Remnants of the Past | The Ritual of Lomei Labyrinth (post scheduled) | The Sea's Prophecy | Stone Fate | Strings of Fate | Too Old to Keep | Triforce of Power | Uneasy Lies the Chosen of Farore | Vessels (post scheduled) | Void's Grasp
*Some works spotlighted received spotlights but were removed later due to reassessment with the EH's archive requirements or request of the author. This is not a reflection on the quality of the work, only that further readings or statements from the creator no longer qualified it as an Original Legends work.
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yukaro353 · 4 months ago
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How sweet is the calamity
The sea has decided your destiny
Love will be the last thing you feel
This could become an AU But my brain is fried jsjsjs Admire him as "foolish monk fell off the boat and was hypnotized by a hungry creature".
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localicecreambiter · 6 months ago
demi god LU time
the law of hyperfixations says you must combine interests at every given chance
adding a cut here as to not clog feeds!! its a real long post
i wanna hear thoughts too! so dont be afraid to comment. these are my personal opinions and i wanna hear if anyone agrees or disagrees :D (apologies for all the tags btw)
edit to add the stupid doodle
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the gods all have favorites, and ironically none of them are their own kids (save for hades: he loves his kid. doesn't make him a good parent, but you know?)
In a more Zelda timeline abiding setting; Originally they weren't all at camp halfblood at the same time, but time shenanigans decided they were to be brought together
Imagine Chiron’s surprise when 7 of his dead campers waltz into camp (this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME they enter camp. Dionysus is completely unfazed, knowing the bs time shit the gods are dealing with atm)
By the time they enter camp in Wild’s Hyrule for the second time he kinda understands (Wind and Sky didnt have a Camp Halfblood, for the record, for obvious reasons)
Alternatively, its some form of modern au where they’re just from different parts of Hyrule (skyloft, downfall, ordonia, windfall peninsula, hyrule town (different from castle town), the list goes on) which would make a lot more sense for this kinda au (the world would’ve just had a LOT of calamities within the span of a few years, some of the heroes knowing about camp and others not so much)
(i think Legend, Wars, Time, Wind (post WW) and Four would’ve known about Camp Halfblood while the others were just kinda on their own until after their quests) meaning over half of them didn’t have prophecies and just went to deal with the issue themselves, possibly meaning on their journey they learned of camp
Ok well, all of them but Wars, who grew up at Camp Halfblood
All Zelda’s are children of Athena, save for Skyward Sword Zelda since she's the reincarnation of Hylia (yeah, im keeping the original Zelda goddesses! What of it?)
At some point fairly early on, a Zelda only had a son, who got together with Athena at some point and boom
Sky: child of Zeus 
self explanatory 
God of the skies? his name is literally Sky
not to mention how fucking powerful he is?
he was the "first" Link; Zeus was technically the first God, it makes sense (this is such a stupid reason)
The skies are his home, Zeus finding someone on Skyloft and “falling in love” with their love of the sky too results in this bad boy right here
The demise fight? Only a zeus kid could harbor lightning like that
A camp counselor in the modern setting (ik typically once you’re 18, you’re no longer a camper really, but shhhh)
Wind: child of Poseidon 
Don't roll your eyes, i've got a reason!!
the 4 wind gods throw a fit anytime he's sent on a quest (they all love him even if they won't admit it)
A world purely ocean and islands? Poseidon would have a fuckin ball
The Great Sea needed a hero, Wind was brought about more for necessity than out of the want to have a child (this leaves a hard disconnect between wind and the gods, knowing his dad didn’t really have him out of love for his mom but because the world needed to be saved)
The irony of Poseidon being the patron of pegasi and horses and Wind not knowing what a horse is will never not be a funny thought
Has more control over the wind than he does the sea (for now) 
he, like Legend, pointedly ignores that he's a demi-god, especially since he comes after the Hero of Time (kinda hard to live up to that, even outside of a demi-god au)
The ocean and winds are his mood ring: you upset him the wind gods are after you
In a modern setting, the same reason applies kinda; a quest under the sea would be virtually impossible for anyone but a child of Poseidon, and hell knows a cyclopes isnt gonna be sent (gotta love those prophecies) 
Wind isnt a demigod
The wind gods still adore him, but he doesn't have the hero’s spirit and i think that’d kinda translate to not being a demigod, yet still being the one who was destined to go on the quest because there just weren't any demigods to do it
Still not set on which id go with
Legend: child of Hades 
Ah yes, child of the big three goes on so many quests trope. Love to see it
he's Apollo's favorite favorite (Warriors is jealous as hell. Thats his dad! Wdym he likes Legend more????) 
Pointedly ignores the fact he's a demigod (at least, he definitely tries to)
Blessed by (and beefing with) so many gods from his quests
probably one of the few heroes who's spoken to their godly parent (trust me, it was out of obligation rather than free will)
Prefers helping out the more minor, underappreciated, and not as needy or bitchy gods (like Hestia, for example)
curses the Olympians constantly, they've learned to ignore him, hes their best questing kid
Sort of a general camp counselor since Hades doesn't really have kids (its technically his last year but hes been there the longest out of everyone)
Managed to block the oracle over iris message
After his trip to the dark world and lorule, the gods go haywire around him, much to his delight (because it means they leave him alone)
Hyrule: child of Hecate 
adopted by Hermes (much to the dismay of all the Hermes children)
I was on the line between Hecate, Apollo, and Hermes; Hyrule’s affinity for magic and the blood curse resulted in Hecate to win 
Very detached from the gods, the help he receives is never outright but more subtle blessings
The gods like to ignore Downfall after Legend died tbh (outside of modern, obviously)
Well, they still ignore Downfall as a city/country. 
Only learned of camp thanks to Legend, otherwise he wouldn’t have had a clue it existed
Wild: child of Athena 
Also adopted by Hermes 
One of the more chaotic children of Athena
The idea of Athena being his godly parent sourced from his resourcefulness and quick battle (or just general) strategies, along with his pre-calamity self being stoic and more on the critical side
Completely forgot he was a demigod and just let loose, Athena is more than slightly perturbed by him and yet so infatuated
Supervises archery at camp
Warriors: child of Apollo 
exemplifies almost 0 traits of his father other than his looks and his affinity for medicine (shit archer, shit musician, can't write poetry)
blessed by Athena during the war since he was struggling so much, she always has a soft spot for the heros since they fight to protect her daughters so hard (aka pity blessing) 
Actively beefing with Ares 
Aphrodite likes to keep an eye on him, mostly for entertainment (she woulda eaten the whole Cia debacle UP)
Very notorious in camp considering he was a war captain at the ripe age of 17; once learning of the whole Camp Jupiter has apartments and college for half bloods insisted and led a project at CHB to get something similar built (which is where he, Sky and Twilight stay after turning 18)
Twilight: child of Demeter
His love for ranch animals and caring for his farm lead me to this decision
Also the whole wolf thing, that also counts
Appalled by the fact Wind doesn't know what a horse is considering he's literally the son of Poseidon (jealous the kid can talk to Epona and he can't)
After his journey to the twilight, the gods kinda flicker between Greek and Roman around him so they tend to avoid him like Legend
blessed/cursed by Lupa, hence the wolf thing
Teaches foraging lessons at camp
Four: child of Hephaestus
He's the smithy, I couldn’t not say he's a Hephaestus kid
received a lot less help from the gods since he was one of the first 
started advocating that heros receive help from the divine after LU concludes so those after him have a fighting chance (not in the modern setting)
I havent played many of his games, but the kinstones sound like a thing Hephaestus would scatter across the earth as scrap from his creations
Not one of the fire wielders (the only one that can wield fire is Red when split, mostly because of the elemental bs in minish cap)
After drawing the Four Sword, Janus (despite being roman (i like to think the four sword would be a roman artifact, it just feels right)) was suddenly pretty interested and bestowed what wisdom he had for the demi-god
Vulcan, Neptune, Aeolus, and Ceres all came together to forge the elemental stones; the Minish were still the ones to bestow the sword to Hylian people
The gods tend to avoid him too, for the same reason they avoid Twilight and Legend (dark world shenanigans and the Four Sword)
He loves the damn forge at CHB, and was ecstatic seeing the one at Camp Jupiter
He was asked by Chiron if he would be interested in running a forge class for young demigods (be it his siblings or anyone interested) but sadly declined 
Has that air of responsibility to him, being a seasoned quester (and while his 3 doesn't stand to Legend’s 6, its still pretty sizable) hes looked up to by the younger campers
Time: child of Demeter Kronos? 
The Kokiri were so Demeter core dont even tell me they werent
I guess they’d kinda act like nymphs and dryads in a sense??
His abilities use to relate to his mother until the events of his first quest: the Ocarina of Time was designed to slowly corrupt the user, being a creation of Kronos’
However, it wasn’t really designed with a demigod in mind sooo…
Also self explanatory, the titan of time? Duh… huh?? what do you mean he was taken over?? What do you mean he was a child of Demeter?? No he wasnt lol that Neverrr happened
the reason he's the only “child” of a titan is mainly because of the fierce deity mask literally making him god-like, meaning he has a lot more power harbored in him sooo (the second he dawned that mask he discarded his old identity for that of a titan’s child, since it was also cursed object)
Don’t ask how he came to being Kronos’ kin, no one knows, not even he does (I do) (no, it does not imply a Hylian wandered into Tarturus and got out alive to have the baby)
Avoids interacting with the gods at all costs, he's weary of them as they are of him (even if he saved the world twice)
Extras :)
Ravio: child of Pluto 
blessed by Minerva for his natural quick witted nature and clever war strategies, if her own daughter can't succeed she might as well make sure ONE does
can tell if a rupee is real or not by glance alone
Sheerow scares the fuck out of the gods, which in turn means Ravio puts them on edge, a thing very few can achieve
the gods never gave him much thought until the events of albw, to which he suddenly gained like four pair of godly eyes on him
can and will plan one of the worlds most successful heists, refuses to participate 
also beefing with Ares (not Mars, Ares)
Based on my personal HC that Ravio’s some sort of artificer (be it replicating magic dungeon items or just flat out creating new ones) i think Vulcan has his eyes on him too
Hilda: child of Minerva 
by far the strangest child Minerva ever birthed
exemplifies the traits of a hero rather than a ruler
a little jealous her mother likes Ravio more than her
gods be damned, she's not going to let them neglect her kingdom anymore 
a force of fucking nature that single handedly forced a meeting with the gods and somehow forced them to agree to start restoring Lorule (she got the idea from Legend, who has done this multiple times for multiple different reasons)
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balrogballs · 26 days ago
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an indulgent little Russingon vignette/out-take from the postcolonial AU, featuring a quietly queer moment in the margins of the world 🥰 light-study painting mine as well, from mid 2021.
“Hush. We would be Maedhros-and-Fingon in every country in every world,” Fingon says, gently tracing the edges of a tangle with the pointed end of the comb, his toes half-buried in the sand. “Because we have been Maedhros-and-Fingon since we were six and gave the school daily frights when we would run away from under their eye to go fishing in potholes. Maedhros-and-Fingon, the teachers would say — stretch out your hands.”
“And you would always put out two hands and take my punishment too, because I used to cry at the sight of the ruler. Do you remember? Always, you and I, back-benchers, class-skippers, pothole-fishers. Maedhros loves Fingon, and Fingon loves Maedhros, and it will be so always. Terror charge or tsunami. It will be so always.”
“Maedhros loves Fingon, yes,” Maedhros looks out at the sea, watches the red sun bobbing slowly over it like a distant lure, calling to elsewhere. “It will be so always. But why does Fingon love Maedhros? Does Fingon wish to spend his future as the keeper to a rabid dog leashed to a rotting post? He is better than such a life. How can Fingon love Maedhros? In his rage, his stasis, his destructiveness?”
“Because he does,” he feels Fingon shrug, as if it all truly is as simple as loving unconditionally. “Because when Maedhros was eight years old he knocked his own brother’s tooth out for calling his Fingon a sissy. When Maedhros was thirteen, he thrashed a twenty year old for the same. That has always been what sits within the rage and destructiveness of Maedhros.”
“Love is just another way of looking at something. Squinting, glaring, scanning, loving. And what Fingon sees in Maedhros as he loves him, is too unexplainable and complex to be confined within the four rigid corners of a single photo. So, don’t ask me silly questions like why.”
Maedhros nods, leans back onto Fingon’s knees and lets him brush his hair out. On the sand, Fingon realises, Maedhros is neither six-foot-four nor the ineffable Comrade, the swallower of worlds, the breaker of knees, he who shatters the earth. Here, away from solid ground, he looks at Fingon with the quiet, terminal exhaustion of a beached cetacean. The way a whale drying out on the sand looks at the first person to come across it, the hopeless, grateful gaze of an irremediable calamity.
He never despairs at what Maedhros is. No, the only thought that ever brings despair to Fingon, is the thought of what he could have been. The artist. The scholar. The marks of violence, Maedhros’ scabbed knuckles marking each election season, the scars on his back, such things never grieve Fingon. He does not mourn the present. No, what he grieves are the dog-eared old textbooks secreted in Maedhros’ drawers, the scraps of poetry torn out of books, the left-handed sketches of a right-handed man. He loves the Maedhros who is, and mourns the Maedhros who might have been.
He lowers his eyes, starts easing out another tangle as the stars start winking awake overhead. And it’s the most natural phenomenon in the world, Maedhros-and-Fingon in the dark, primordial nocturnal creatures crawling out of the day. The sunset carves the hollow through which they disappear each night and cease to exist outside of the queer spaces where their bodies touch. Each night happens and unhappens like a handshake; gentle and unchaste, an exchange of comfort, keeping-time with heartbeats, until the sun rises again and Maedhros-and-Fingon are swallowed by the empty dawn.
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bethanysnow · 9 months ago
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So me and @lonelystczennie have been working on a project for a while now that is both of our babies. Around the time the Korea Elle shoot happened for Hyunjin, we both showed interest in this concept. I wouldn't have been able to write this without @lonelystczennie she is one of the best writers I have seen and I love her dearly. Everyone should follow her BTS account @7ndipity
★Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem! Reader.★
---slow burn, obsession, College AU!, pinning, eventual stalker, Fluff/eventual smut????/there is a sprinkle of angst. ---
3.3k wrds. CHAPTER ONE
Y/n sat in a chair in the theatre hall of SNU between classes. The room was large, and the red plush seats were a sight to behold at least in comparison to the underfunded American theatre she was accustomed to. They had just finished Romeo and Juliet for the fall and far on a facade balcony was where their Juliet stood and uttered the famous line “where for art thou Romeo-” Of course in Y/ns opinion she could have done it better. 
That was the problem with the South Korean society, or more so any society as far as she was concerned. It was about who looked the part, not that they did it well. 
Getting up on stage Y/n started to gather. A music stand, a chair, a folder of monologues she had put together. Holding her imaginary audience captive she readied herself…
“To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles
    And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,”
It was here in this soft moment that Y/n could be herself, be loud, be obnoxious, be in her own little corner of the world where no one would see. She meandered around the stage, using its size to her advantage. Her mind cast back to the years at theatre camps, high school productions, anything to get her hands on stage…where she could be anyone she wanted to be. At least in theory.
“-No more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
    That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
    To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,”
While she wasn’t insane, she knew where she stood in the world. She knew what people thought when they looked at her. It was hard to miss, but somewhere in the mean girls brimstone there were glimmers. Glimmers of what might be, what could be..what should be. 
“Must give us pause—there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution
   Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment
  With this regard their currents turn awry and lose the name of action.”
The crowd was silent, jaws agape at the performance that befell them. Until it was a trickled down noise, starting as a low hum, but grew to a roar of applause, A tony! One shouted, Encore!! Brava Brava!! Another yelled from their seats. In the space between classes Y/n got to hold onto her dreams.
Silly Y/n, dreaming big dreams…
            The door to the theatre opened and like a lightbulb flickering out. Y/n turned finding the head director of the art department walking in. 
“Ah! Y/n, you here to pick up some costumes?” 
            “Oh uh- yea! Just making sure folks didn’t just leave them behind after last show…” Quickly taking the music stand to the side of the stage, it was in reality where Y/n had to stand her ground. So, she batted the stars away and swallowed the butterflies, getting off the stage to grab her bag. Maybe this year’s Musical would be more fun…
Hyunjin slowly followed Jisung across campus towards the art building, watching the dry, faded leaves skitter across the pavement ahead of them, caught in the wind, his hands stuffed in his pockets in an attempt to fight off the growing autumn chill.
Why had he agreed to this?
When he joined the drama department, he hadn’t realized just how much time and effort it actually entailed from him. He didn’t know much about how any of it worked actually, he had signed up mainly just to appease his friends and to get them to stop worrying about him so fucking much… 
“I didn’t know this place was here.” He’d commented as they’d navigated their way through the crowded cafe, sitting down at one of the few available tables.
“How have you not noticed it, it’s like two blocks from our place?” Changbin asked. 
“I don't know, I just haven't.” He mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee. It was surprisingly good.
“You need to get out of the house more.” Changbin commented.
He didn’t argue with his roommate, though he didn’t necessarily agree with him. Nowadays he spent most of his time holed up in his room, painting, but he was okay with that. That seemed to be the only thing that made him happy anymore, the only thing that held any real spark for him.
It was quiet for the briefest moment before Jisung suddenly piped up.
“Hey, why don’t you sign up for the theatre department? Most of the guys are already involved in some way, so it’s not like you won’t know anybody." Jisung suggested, referring to the rest of their group of friends.
“I’m not an actor.” Hyunjin said flatly.
“You look like one though, that goes a long way.” Changbin stated, swiping a cookie from Jisungs plate. “The rest, you can learn.”
“And there’s more than just acting involved.” Jisung adds. “There’s writing and production, wardrobe and set dressing, music-”
“You could paint sets!” Changbin offered, earning a side-long glare from Jisung.
“We just finished the Shakespeare production too, so it’d be a good time to join before we start planning for the spring show,” Jisung added.
“Why do I feel like you rehearsed this?” Hyunjin asked. They glanced between each other guiltily.
He knew what they were doing, they just wanted to get him out of his room, out of his apartment, out of the headspace that he’d been living in these past few months. They’d tried a few similar tactics in the past, and while he appreciated the gesture, he really didn’t see much point to it. He didn’t see much point to anything anymore if he was being honest. Still, he knew they wouldn’t relent until he agreed to something.
“I’ll think about it.” He offered, satisfying them for the moment.
Now, as he trailed behind his friend, he felt a weak flutter in his chest.  Anxiety? Probably, but there was also something else, something faint, more pleasant.  Excited? He hadn’t felt excited by much since-
No, no. We’re not thinking about that anymore.
He shook his head, quickly following Jisung through the door of the auditorium. Maybe they were right, maybe a change of scenery would be good…
The auditorium was abuzz at SNU. That winter was to be the planning and prep phase for the spring musical, and every theatre geek on campus was somewhere in that room trying to live out their slice of life anime dreams. 
Y/n was in the back of the theatre typing on her laptop, busy working herself away already for what she had planned this quarter. Her theatre friends, Chan, Seungmin, Felix, Han, Jeongin, Changbin, and Minho all tended to arrive late. Leaving her to babysit the freshmen if the art director wasn’t in. 
This year as part of his senior project Seungmin was going to direct and produce the Musical with the help of his friends. She was glad to be part of it; just didn’t think being late necessarily set a good example for everyone that was new. 
The doors to the side stage opened and sauntering in was her band of misfits. Or at least that's what the group chat was called. 
With a…new person in tow. His shoulders risen to his ears and yet his gate was sluggish. Shuffling and looking at the ground. Y/n found herself walking down the aisle to the white fold out table with stuff for the crew putting her bag down. 
“So glad you cared to join us- oh great leaders~” She bowed dramatically to Seungmin and Chan. She laughed and rolled her eyes at Seungmin flipping her off. 
“Yeah, yeah, let’s just get on with this.” He said, trailing after her down the aisle.
The light peal of laughter drew Hyunjin’s attention, his eyes flicking up from the floor, quickly scanning the group until he found its owner. She was turned partially away from him, but he could still make out part of her features. Round apple cheeks, bright eyes that disappeared into half crescents as she smiled, her whole body moving as she spoke animatedly with Seungmin about something. He didn’t realize he had frozen, staring at her, until she looked up and met his gaze.
“Um, hi?” She offered, looking at him curiously.
“Oh, Y/n, this is our friend, Hyunjin. He just joined the group. Hyunjin, this is Y/n. She’s in charge of keeping us from accidentally setting the building on fire.” Han said, gesturing between the two of them before quickly snagging the chair closest to Minho’s, as per usual.
“Don’t pin that kind of responsibility on me!” She shot back before offering a warm smile to Hyunjin. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you.” He said quietly, finding himself unable to look away from her.
“Alright, should we get started?”  She nodded slightly before turning back to the rest of the group.
After rousing games of zip, zap, zop, freeze and change, and traditional ice breakers for the lonely extrovert, Y/n found herself sitting in the audience scrolling her phone while the rest of the crew bickered over what to do in earnest. Her eyes drifted to the new boy.
His face was a lack luster pale like he hadn’t seen the sun in over two weeks. But his eyes were an abyss. No real emotion, seemed to be dragged here by their friends. Which- was how they got her to come in the first place; now it's their 3rd show season all together. His clothes hung on his body like a wire frame in a department store. Out of place, but far more expensive than the financial aid in her bank account could dream of. Catching his eyes, her own fell back to the screen in her hand. Maybe her cheeks were red from the smut she was reading earlier, or just being stared down by a dark prince type. 
Y/n had gotten used to living in and around very attractive people. It was the land of the Idol.
There were enough plastic surgeons to go toe to toe with the number of Walmart’s back home. Everyone had someone they wanted to be, to look like, to sound like, to replace. 
There just was no one like Hyunjin…He was who boys put up on their wall as inspiration, and girls put on their wall to admire. She dreaded to think what came to mind when she was caught looking. 
“Beautiful, ethereal, the human incarnation of a Renaissance Goddess.” Every word or phrase that came to mind didn’t seem to do justice to the woman sitting just a few seats away from Hyunjin. ‘Y/n.’ Her name danced around the inside of his head like a lyric from a forgotten song, foreign and yet somehow familiar. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying several times to redirect his attention towards his friends, who were clearly in the middle of some heated argument, Jisungs voice echoing loudly through the hall in frustration, but each time, he found himself drawn back to her.
He couldn’t understand it, every little thing she did seemed to hypnotize him. The way her fingers danced lightly across the screen of her phone, brow creased in concentration as she read, sending occasional curious glances in his direction, sending a small jolt of electricity through his system every time her eyes locked with his, even for the briefest moment.
His heart thundered in his chest; mouth dry as his mind raced to figure out what he should do. Should he try to strike up another conversation with her? What would he even say? Every time she glanced in his direction, his mind went completely blank. Maybe it would be better for him to keep his distance? He didn’t know how long he sat there like that, observing her from afar, before Chan suddenly spoke up. 
“Y/n, I need another adult!” 
She jumped slightly at the sudden use of her name, making the glasses she was wearing slip a little further down her nose.  Cute. He bit back a grin, watching as his friend approached her.
“Can you please explain to them why Dracula is a severely overdone production right now and how-”
“Actually I really like Dracula,” She interjected, stopping Chan in his tracks. “I think it’d be a great idea for the spring production. “What do you think, Hyunjin?” He froze as she suddenly glanced over at him. 
“I-” He stuttered, his stomach doing somersaults at the way his name sounded slipping from her lips. “I think it would be good.” He managed to agree, causing her face to light up in a triumphant grin as she turned back to Chan.
“See? Majority vote wins.”
“What do you mean you wanna do Dracula? It’s cringey-” Chan exclaimed. 
“Says the man who at my birthday went on a tirade about how aegyo is cute and it should be embraced…sir you are a master of cringe- embrace ego death it wouldn’t be that bad for you” Y/n laughed. Still, her eyes glanced at Hyunjin, hoping he didn’t mind that she brought him more into the conversation. Her hand reached up and pinched his hyungs cheek. “-plus, vampires are hot- if you don’t think you could pull off being a sexy vampire just say so” 
Chan's eyes widened and he gasped in faux horror. Y/n smiled triumphantly looking to Seungmin with a raised brow, silently asking for his thoughts. 
“Director!!” Han yelled clinging onto Seungmin's arm trying to force him into receiving his love and affection “Mom said it's okay! Let’s do sexy vampire show!” 
“I told you to stop calling me that!” Y/n yelled back pulling Han off. 
While they all ended up bickering about the ethics of sexy vampires, Changbin’s eyes found Hyunjins. Staring at Y/n as she manhandled Han to get off their mutual friend. Was…that a blush on his cheeks?
There was a light in his eyes that Changbin hadn’t seen in so long. 
It was a welcome change, maybe with some encouragement, Hyunjin could find his way back to himself again. Or- that was the hope at least. 
Hyunjin looked up from his middle-distance stare to see Han chasing Y/n around the stage and her dodging his antics.
 “!would-” “-yoU” “QUIT-” “IT?!” She shrieked bobbing and weaving from the younger’s attempts to grapple (he would say hug) her. A small smile teased at the corner of his lips as he watched her interact with his friend, admiring the grace and agility she moved with. I wonder if she dances-
“Alright that’s enough, Han!” Chan called, finally managing to capture the hyper younger man in a tight bear hug, allowing rehearsal to get underway at last. Chan eventually catches Han, and play rehearsal could truly start. 
Y/n sat in an auditorium seat in the front row, while the rest of the boys spoke to the incoming freshmen for that year. Explaining Dracula, what it entailed and if they were uncomfortable with it to go now, no hard feelings, but best for them to see just who they could work with. 
It was a rather daunting undertaking, but Y/n planned to be in charge of costumes and wardrobe for the year's productions at SNU, and hopefully for the coming seasons as well.
 Not by choice of course, but rather had resigned herself to the fact that the cost of auditioning, the cost of being good, but not good enough, the cost of being ensemble as great as ensemble is, was too much. She had a skill set that was fit for behind the scenes work, might as well embrace it. The boys were getting names, contact information, and the like as Hyunjin decided to test the waters, coming over to sit near Y/n, keeping an empty seat between the two of them so as to avoid potentially making her feel crowded.
“So,” He cleared his throat awkwardly, catching her attention. “How do these things usually go?”
“Well,” She sat up a little straighter. “Once we figure out the main production team, we start working on things like set designing, auditions, wardrobes-” Hyunjin’s attention began to drift as she spoke, her hands capturing his focus with the way they moved and flitted about as she spoke, leaving him transfixed. “What department are you interested in joining?” Her question shook him out of his daze, his eyes snapping back up to meet hers.
“Uh, I don’t know yet.” He said. “What department are you working in?”
“Costumes.” She answered with a small, amused grin.
“I might try that then.” He said quickly. 
She laughed, or more chuckled. Almost one could think she just cleared her throat, but the smile on her face would prevent the assumption. It was enough though. Hyunjin had fireworks in his soul blowing off and he didn’t know how to stop it. Not that he would want too of course.
“You should audition though! Everyone should give it a shot; you won’t know what you don’t try.” Y/n said in an attempt at being encouraging to the newcomer. 
“Are you then? Going to Audition?” 
“Nah- not this year, It’s Seungmins project, I wanna support him best I can and that is with costumes.” She smiled and leaned back in her chair. 
Looking at Hyunjin Y/n couldn’t help but notice the bags under the boys eyes, the flat expression wore thin and the smile he dawned was tired. Her heart ached, but not in pity, it was in recognition. She knew what it was like for the lights to go out behind ones eyes…thats what happened when she moved to South Korea.
The main 7 that adopted her brought her back to life and now there was Hyunjin. In a similar position to where she was, and maybe with some musical theatre shenanigans he would find his way back to wherever he fell off. 
            “Y/N do you think you could get the phantom costumes from freshman year?!” Seungmin raised his voice above the chatter. Her head whipped to the sound of her name and rolled her eyes. “What do you think?!” She shouted back only to bow her head at Hyunjin briefly to go join his friends little circle that had been made. Leaving him, to watch her walk away. 
Hyunjin watched her join their other friends with a faint pull in his chest as she went. “Y/n”, everything about her seem to draw him in, though he couldn’t quite place the reason why. Was it the bright flash in her eyes as she spoke? The warmth that colored her cheeks as she laughed? Her very being seemed to exude a warm, calming quality that he hadn’t experienced in another person before. He shook his head, looking away from the others as he tried to collect himself.
Was he seriously this infatuated with her after only a half hour?
It wasn’t impossible, he knew he tended to be rather intense when it came to these types of things, he’d been told that more than once in the past, but something about her seemed to strike a different chord within him. 
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thank you @lonelystczennie for being my writing partner.
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zeldadiarist · 3 months ago
Golden Chain AU: Worldbuilding
Hello! It's time I already shared these notes that have been sitting in my drive for ages - I wrote them in 2019!
Since I decided to gather everything in one post, it's going to be long, so read under the cut!
1. The basics
Name of the country: Great Kingdom of Hyrule
Regions: Central Hyrule, Hebra, Akkala, Eldin, Necluda, Lanayru, Faron, Gerudo.
Capital: Castletown.
Insular territories: Eventide Island, Tenoko Island, Wintre Island, Lanayru Sea Archipelago (Tingel, Ankel, Knuckel and Davide islands), Lomei Island.
Official Language: Hylian.
Measuring system: metric, established by Queen Zelda V (Botw) during Hyrule Restoration/Renaissance.
Approximate size: Hyrule is a small continent in itself. Every region has around 60-100k km2.
Population: around 30 million people. The population growth was really slow after the calamity (population was barely on the thousands)
Neighbors: Termina to the north (Frontier checkpoint is North Lomei/Deplian Badlands lol), Calatia to the Southwest (Checkpoint: Tanagar Canyon/Hemaars Descent). Both countries are considerably smaller, but developed and have active trade with Hyrule.
Time usage: 24-hour, sexagesimal system.
Seven day weeks. Naming convention:
Tuesday- Twiliday
Wednesday- Wingsday
Thursday- Faesday
Friday- Faronday
Saturday- Timeday
Sunday- Dinsday
13 months of 28 days (lunar calendar), the remaining day is New Year’s.
National flower: Silent Princess
National motto: Post Tenebras Lux (After Darkness, Light comes)
Flag: Hylian crest in gold over three bands (green, blue, red)
Anthem: none, but Zelda's lullaby is the only tune associated to the kingdom.
Demonym: Hyrulean for them all, but also are used the ones describing regions/races: Hebran, Rito, Akkalan, Goron, Eldinian, Faroner, Hatenite, Necludan, Kakaricon, Fielder (central Hyrule), Towners (Castletown).
2. Historical structure
The kingdom of Hyrule counts years since its foundation, everything previous (pre and skyward sword) is prehistory, since there were no written records. Year zero is the crowning of the first king of Hyrule - the grandson of Sksw Link and Zelda. The establishment of the monarchy leads to a dynasty that is interrupted by the Calamity.
The modern history of Hyrule begins when the Hero of the Wild saves the kingdom, and the monarchy is re-established under agreement of the remaining settlements, tribes and kingdoms, bringing another Golden Age that ended with the reign of king Rhoam II, father of the “Bastard Queen” - Zelda’s grandmother Zelda (born Viridiana).
3. Political and internal organization
The Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and the regent is active in politics, as head of the state/executive power. The King/Queen is also the Commander in Chief of Hyrule's Self-Defense Forces (HSDF), comprised by:
Knights of Hyrule
Gerudo Guard
Royal Guard
Zora Guard
Goron Fighters (army and spec ops such as rescue and first response stuff)
Coast guard (Navy)
Air Rangers (Air Force, led mostly exclusively by Rito Warriors)
Civil Guard (police, firefighters, lifeguards)
Each one of the branches of the HSDF has a leader, commanded by the ruler in power.
People who want to join the HSDF enter Hyrule's knight academy, and undergo training for four years (two years basic training, two years specialization), and rotate through the regiments.
Hyrule's intelligence is the Sheikah. They sort of separated the Sheikah as institution from the warrior clan, but it's still comprised mostly by them. They also develop a lot of technology for civilian and industrial/defense purposes.
The legislative power lies on the 150 representatives of the High Council, elected every five years, with only one re-election term. They have a president, elected to represent them all during official acts. Name of current president: Rhett Groose.
The King/Queen besides the council has a set of ministers to assess them more directly, chosen after receiving nameless dossiers (blind selection). They stay in their positions until the ruler deems necessary. Longest length of ministries have been under Zelda VI’s reign: her initial cabinet stayed with her for over fifteen years.
Each region has a governor, Except for Lanayru, Eldin, Gerudo, in which the Chief/Regent of the tribe is the highest political authority.
The King/Queen is the highest ranking civil servant of the country. The house of Hyrule has ruled more or less steadily for 500 years after the Calamity.
The crown has a matriarchal rule.
The firstborn by birthright inherits the crown, but if at any point before the current ruler passes away or abdicts, the title goes to the next of kin - preferentially a daughter of the house.
Upon coronation, the ruler names a cabinet of ministers, and designs a knight to be their champion.
Five years after coronation, the citizens evaluate the ruler through a binding referendum. If the ruler is disapproved (over 60% reprobation), they are forced to terminate their rule and the next of kin takes the crown (every prince and princess receives the same education to be fit to rule). This measure can be invoked anytime again during the reign, through the people themselves, who have to bring the request through the high council. Queen Zelda V put this measure to avoid abuse of power and tyranny from the crown.
3.Towns and Cities
The cities are mostly the same settlements after the Calamity, and some others were recovered, turning into boroughs of larger cities, or small towns. Several new towns match the former stables they were once.
Hebra: Snowfield, Rito Village, Pondo’s Lodge
Eldin: Goron City, Foothill Town, Shadow Hamlet
Akkala: Tarrey Town, East Town, South Town
Lanayru: Zora’s Domain
Necluda: Kakariko Village, Hateno Town, Dueling Peaks Town
Faron: Lurelin Town, Lakeside Town, Highland Town
Gerudo: Gerudo Town, Canyon Town.
Central Hyrule: Outskirt Town, Riverside Town, Gatepost Town, Outpost Town, East Post Town, Deya Village, Rauru Town, Serenne Town, Castletown.
Great Plateau: Eastern Abbey Village
The capital of the Kingdom grew massive after the restoration period ended, and has several boroughs: The Quarry, Mabe, LonLon, Civic Center (formerly Castletown jail), Downtown (divided in Upper-Lower West/Upper-Lower East side).
4. National Parks and protected areas
Hyrule takes extreme care of its environment, not only because of ecology, but also because nature is sacred for being one of Farore’s gifts. Zelda VI (Viridiana) had to undo several older laws regarding industrialization, because they weren't sustainable and would destroy nature and the balance long term.
Main parks:
Hebra Mountains
Hyrule Great Forest (Deku Tree, sacred site)
Eldin Canyon/Death Mountain
Deep Akkala (Spring of Power)
Mount Lanayru (Spring of Wisdom)
Farone great forest & lake Floria (the green lung of Hyrule)
Gerudo desert (specifically some archaeological sites)
Pillars of Levia
Tanagar Canyon
Oseira plains
5. Economy
Hyrule’s currency is still the Rupee, abbreviated Rp. It’s still used in the same physical form, and fifty years from the start of the story in digital form, for electronic transactions and such.
Since for a long time the country lived barely there during the Calamity, people worked strongly to have self-sustainable communities, and this remained as a trait of the economy, which is circular: there is a strong repair - reuse - recycle culture. Zelda does a lot of thrift shopping, not only because she’s a cheapskate, but because it’s most common for the average citizen. Link has mostly new clothes because he uses tech gear (and due to his size he needs to get things custom made).
Communities generate their own energy, having a clean energy plant in their regions, all connected for a general supply if needed (Hebra has windmills, Gerudo solar panels and so on).
Hebra produces wood for construction, paper and others, central Hyrule, cattle and dairy, faron does agriculture, and fishing, lanayru manages water and electricity (hydroelectric plant in upland Zorana), Eldin does all mining and manufacture, Akkala and Necluda do Farming and agriculture besides industrial activity (Sheikah tech). Gerudo produces fabrics, glassware, tapestry, and luxury items, such as jewelry, high fashion clothes, etc.
Tourism is another of Hyrule's forte. People travel a lot, whether nationals or foreigners. The crown has always incentivated tourism (although they do not travel for leisure often, specially Zelda, who only knows Gerudo Town and Kakariko).
Monopolies are illegal, and the law establishes limits to the riches people can gain to avoid inequality gaps.
Taxes are according to income, and the return is very low, since they finance social insurance, health and education,and basic housing, which is free and universal.
Private property is allowed, and the trade is free but overseen by the state. Excess accumulation of riches is frowned upon - and researched by the Internal Revenue Service of Hyrule’s Treasury.
The minimum wage is for minimum work, but still a livable wage.
Hyrule as a secular state has no official religion. The church of Hylia is the most important one though, for Hylia is the guardian Goddess of the land, besides the Golden Three, the mother Goddesses.
The cult is very lax and open, pretty much like Shinto, with small shrines scattered across the land, taken care of by a Sheikah monk, or a priest or priestess of Hylia. The priests/ess hold no particular vow. They train for their duty at the great plateau complex. Zelda is a priestess of Hylia due to her powers, but she only partakes in certain rites, like funerals, weddings, and naming ceremonies.
People worship certain things/values associated with the Goddesses: Nature is revered for it is Farore's gift, same with education for Nayru, and martial discipline for Din (sorta like Greek areté/Roman Virtus). Hylia's attribute is spiritual enlightenment.
The Sage head of the great plateau complex is the highest spiritual authority in Hyrule along the high priestess of Hylia (role fulfilled by the ordained daughters of the royal line.)
By definition is the ability to use the energy that surrounds us in order to defend oneself or others. Most of the time invoking natural forces, like in the case of Din’s Fire, or akin to it.
Magic generated with the purpose of malicious harm, torture, cursing is considered dark magic and deemed forbidden. Exception: Zelda’s Phantom.
Magic has a set of rules:
use it for self preservation or to protect others, never for harm.
actions have consequences of equal dimension.
clear and pure intention must always be behind it, you cannot use it for evil purposes or illegal gain.
You cannot revive the dead. Necromancy is taboo.
The golden rule: what magic gives, magic takes, aka Equivalent Exchange. For a magic user to grow or earn power (such as unlocking sealing magic/the Triforce) they must let go of something as a sort of tribute.
Glamour spells are used as camouflage in certain occasions (like undercover missions), mostly by Sheikah agents.
There are incredibly few magic users nowadays in Hyrule: some Sheikah (less than ten, and mostly on glamour spells. Impa is one of them), Sage Rauru, and Princess Rutela of the Zora, a renowned healer (skilled, but not to the level of her aunt Mipha, who could almost bring people from the verge of death).
8. Culture
Common customs:
Every baby has a naming ceremony, ten days after their birth.
When children turn 10, there’s a small celebration about cherishing childhood, related to the hero of time. Kids (no matter the gender) wear green.
Coming of age is at 17. It is celebrated in a formal fashion, with a sort of party that is halfway between a graduation and a debutante ball. Zelda hated it because she felt like she was a walking meringue pie with her formal dress.
The structure of their society is matriarchal. Men generally have the role of caretakers, and do housework. Before the Calamity they were kept out of town, but after it, they were welcomed, incorporating to their society, participating in a more domestic fashion.
Since men were scarce or away, lesbian/pan relationships are completely normal. Women would take a concubine to procreate, or adopt. Now it's IVF and/or adoption.
Clothing is genderless for them, there’s no "feminine" or " masculine" style. The basic garments are linen caftans and pants, very colorful, and use lots of jewels. They are considered the most stylish and fashionable amongst the peoples of Hyrule.
They are extremely polite and well-mannered. You’ll never see a Gerudo cursing, lest in public. For the same reason, they are the best diplomats and speakers. Gorons are always thankful of how easy to understand they are.
They tend to be politely distant with strangers, but once they warm up to them, they are ride or die, brethren for life.
They were the first to recognize a third gender, and call them “vae” (portmanteau of vai+voe). The word permeated throughout the land. Vae covers all non-conforming gender expressions.
They are the masters of women’s studies, health, pregnancy and childrearing. If you have fertility issues, no matter the race, you go to see a Gerudo Ob-gyn, they’re the best.
Sand seals are still the region’s mascot.
Their cuisine is always flavorful, spicy, and fragrant - they will silently judge you if you don't season your food properly.
Youngsters at seventeen - last year of hs- go into a compulsory exchange program, equivalent to when the tribe women left the town to see the world.
Gerudo weddings have a very romantic ritual: couples meet under the full moon on Lover's Pond and eat a pomegranate together before the wedding. On the wedding day, after taking their vows (written on their own), one of their spouses takes the other on a ride around the town.
Funerals last a week: after a day of wake, the ceremony is held, then the body is cremated. At the seventh day, the ashes are thrown to the desert. After that, relatives stop wearing mourning clothes. They keep a small shrine at home with a picture and burning incense.
Live the same as humans, with an average of 85 years.
Very art-focused, they excel in music, but are into all arts and crafts as well. Every Rito knows to sing and play at least one instrument.
They used to be a very formal society regarding gender roles (women were discouraged into participating in martial arts and combat), but they slowly changed.
The Rito still have the tradition of a Village Bard. The current bearer of the position is Sagi Blackwing, father of Taka, Marshall of the Air Rangers.
Rito elect their chief democratically, and they have indefinite reelection terms.
They are very blunt and straightforward in nature, despite their graceful forms and manners. Gorons like that.
They are pescetarians. Fowl is kinda taboo, but will eat game or beef if necessary.
Rito families are very large. When a Rito sees another one somewhere, they say “I’m from the [insert family name] of [insert place]”, similarly to Scottish clans.
Weddings are lavish and have a very colorful party with lots of music and dancing.
Births have a very domestic celebration, but they go all over when their little ones learn to fly.
Funerals are very solemn. They burn the body, and throw the ashes to the wind, as the bard plays a beautiful requiem.
They live around 60-80 years.
Due to their status as the most long-lasting of the Hyrulean species, they are the keepers of the history of Hyrule, in charge of records and archives outside the castle.
Said records are kept in stone, like they have done for ages. But they use digital copies too nowadays.
They still pretty much have the same structure they had before and after the Calamity.
They have a strong sense of collectivity and equality. The ruler never takes political actions without the agreement of their subdits.
They excel in arts, history, and traditional martial arts.
Mostly pescetarian. They tolerate chicken, but don't eat red meat.
Masters of water sports and swimming. King Sidon is still the diving and swimming champ of the Domain - he still teaches the little ones to swim, “just like my sister taught me”.
King Sidon is the longest living individual being in the land with 605 years of age, he has the honorary title of “Venerable Sage”. He says he probably is going to be ready to pass onto the Sacred Realm when he sees “another Link being a Hylian Champion”.
They love being verbose. The Gorons have difficulty to understand them sometimes.
They are not so favorable of interspecies relationships, because of their longevity/ past history of tragic relationships.
Births are warmly celebrated. When Princess Rutela was born, the celebration lasted a month.
The funeral of a Zora is epic: they go Viking, and after a wake and a ceremony, they burn the body on a raft on the Lanayru sea. After that, the family hosts a feast to celebrate the departed.
You don’t have a family? 100% chance you’re getting adopted by them. Say hi to your 94976937832 new brothers.
Prepare to eat rocks, literally.
They don’t get puns unless they are rocky. Nor double entendres, so communication always has to be very clear and literal with them. They get along wonderfully with the Gerudo/Rito because of this, not so much with the Zora. Hylians/humans and Sheikah have to explain always things twice.
They reproduce asexually. They all come from the “mother rock”, a sort of nursery cave near the caldera of Death Mountain (a la Kindergarten from Steven Universe). They are all aces.
They use “goro goro” as pet word.
They have an almost childlike sense of wonder; they are super warm, open and welcoming to everyone.
They practice tough love, in the sense a goron hug is really tight. Like, you’ll be kinda dizzy for a solid 15 minutes.
They choose their chief through a trial of strength.
Goron sumo is the national sport, followed closely by goron golf.
They still don’t understand why all other races use those shiny rocks that are inedible (i.e. rubies, sapphires, diamonds, etc.). They say “why do you like to wear rubbish?” - I guess someone’s garbage is someone else’s treasure, bro.
Never interrupt an argument between two Gorons. It's RUDE.
They live around a hundred years. When they are about to die, they go back to the mother rock, to the same book they came from,and they fuse with it, giving way to the formation of another goron. They don't make a big deal over it, since they say 'brother went back to our mother'.
The only difference between a Hylian and a human is the ears. Who proved that? Science. It's a mutation. Deal with it. Thus, they have gotten over this complex of “race blessed by the goddesses” that existed until before the Calamity - except for a handful of twits.
Humans were scarce during the Calamity, but they slowly reappeared. The current rate is 55% Hylian, 45% human. They are more an ethnicity than a race.
Hospitality is very important for everyone, ever since the Calamity. There is always a spare room or couch to crash in, and there is always a seat at the table for anyone who needs it.
Every family acquaintance is dubbed "aunt/uncle/entle (nb term)".
Learned a lesson from the Gerudo and the Sheikah, and broke gender barriers to the point sports are not divided by gender.
Hylians are specialists in bakery and pastries. During the Restoration, hylians took to heart to recover the culinary traditions of central Hyrule.
Because of their love of carbs, they don't mind a bit of roundness around the edges (a chubby girl is dubbed 'a tiny Goddess', after the goddess statues)
Weddings are simple, mostly held at the house of a relative doing written vows, or a city hall one, to be later crowned with a feast with plenty of food, and a huge wedding cake.
Funerals are short, one day of wake, one day of funeral. The body is cremated, and the ashes put in a box that goes to a small grave relatives visit oftentimes.
The life span is in average 85-90 years.
"Pure" Sheikah do not exist. They can be mostly Sheikah, but they are mixed. Despite that, their genetic features (white hair, reddish brown eyes) are strong, and tend to be passed down.
Matriarchal society. The chief is almost always a woman, although male chiefs have existed, such as Lord Shigure, father of Impaz, current chief.
They still use their traditional clothes most of the time, and/or mix them with modern ones.
They still prefer traditional housing over modern buildings, at least at a residential/suburban level. The manor of the chief is built in traditional style too, and it's located at the center of the city. It's the oldest building in Necluda, and one of the oldest in modern Hyrule.
They cultivate traditional martial arts and other combat techniques, besides science (Akkala and Hateno labs are the tech centers).
Prepare to eat pumpkins in everything. And rice. And apple pie.
Extremely respectful of other people in general. They are amazing hosts. Their parties are incredible.
Weddings are very symbolic and full of rituals. The Sheikah chief offices it. Bride and groom meet each other at the gates of a shrine along their families, and the chief "merges" them by tying the bride and groom's hands with a red ribbon. Then both drink rice wine from the same cup, and then received the blessings of the Goddesses and the spirits of the land. Once married, they parade around the shrine along the whole family. At the gate the receive another blessing, as their families are now one.
Funerals are very solemn. They burn the body and bury the ashes at the cemetery, placing a jizo/goddess statue on top of it. Kakariko cemetery is the largest and most ancient of the country. Even the Royal family used to be buried there.
Their life span is the longest among humanoid species: 150 years.
9. Holidays
Hyrule has 6 big holidays:
“Day without time”: New Year, coincides with Spring Equinox, because of association with rebirth. People gather at home and feast on a big family dinner. One hour before midnight, all lights are out everywhere, and stay like that until midnight, where the royal family rings the bell of the castle at the same time as the new Temple of Time and light a torch that is used to light paper lamps, and get released to the sky. Everyone does the same at home with candles, and welcome the new year going to shrines/temple (if they are believers) or spend the day with their families - making resolutions you generally never accomplish or wishes at the temple is a funny tradition for everyone. Flower arrangements are the key decoration for the event, and goddess statues all over wear wildflower garlands, generally made by children. Zelda and Link love this holiday because they get to eat to their heart’s content. She also enjoys touring kids over the royal gardens - the great plateau temples and the Castle are fully open for visitors, King Daphnes and Queen Amaya welcoming them personally along Zelda, an activity that reinforces their image of “down to earth” royalty. Celebration lasts 5 days (it’s the two previous days, new year’s, the two following days to recover lol).
Summer Solstice/ Midsummer: Everybody loves this holiday because it’s all about having fun in the sun: people go on picnics, to the parks, or to the beach/lakes. Maypoles are placed everywhere, and a huge one is set in Hyrule Castle. Zelda hates the festivity because she sweats like a pig in a suit - it’s one of her official outings and has to dress formally, then change into an elaborate gown with floral motifs and a flower crown. Link loves it because he likes outdoor activities (and Zelda looking like a forest goddess). Similar to Japanese Obon (almost nobody works in the entire week). Goddess Statues are decorated with braided ribbons (blue,red,green).
Autumn Equinox/Harvest Festivities: Fall celebration is focused on thanking Farore for a good harvest, so the theme is gratitude… and food. Cornucopias are everywhere - so is anything pumpkin (Kakariko made a good campaign some decades ago to market their most beloved fall crop), and apple cider. Goddess Statues are decorated with offerings of apples and warm colored Akkala maple branches. The ugly sweater season begins - Link LOVES THEM.
Winter solstice/ The Longest Night: This is a celebration focused on the “light in the dark”: in the daytime, people go to cemeteries to pay respects to their dead, and after 6 pm people gather around to have nice evenings with friends and family, dining, baking treats, and drinking eggnog. People light bonfires on parks and gather around in the evening, singing folk songs, and houses are decorated with fairy lights, and paper lamps they buy for the occasion and keep one of them lit through winter until day of remembrance. Horrid thematic sweaters are almost mandatory, stars and snowfolk being the most common thematic (Link loves them; ironically for a desert child, he likes snow). Celebration lasts over the weekend.
Day of remembrance: third day of the third moon. A very solemn celebration regarding all the people that died during the Calamity, and the survival of all the races. It's tied with the Winter solstice and new year rites. People leave the now unlit paper lamps used through winter solstice, and garlands of silent princesses (they bloom all year round) as offerings at the memorial in Castletown square, fort Hateno, Akkala Citadel, Zora's domain, and the Temple of Time. Those lamps then are gathered and used in the new year.
Day of victory: celebration of the end of the calamity and the establishment of the new kingdom. Castle opens gates and all people dress up in historical costumes of the time. Zelda lives for this shit. Happens during the second week of the eighth month.
There are other regional celebrations, but they are not as relevant as those.
Music day (Rito): 22nd day of the eleventh moon
Goron Bowl (Goron sumo tournament finale, not a holiday in itself, but they go big about it): 28th of the second moon.
Guardian Mothers' day (Gerudo): 7th of the fifth moon
Champion festival (Zora): 14th of the sixth moon.
Other, more general celebrations exist (Teachers’ day, science day, arts day, etc), but they are not holidays.
On the legend of the hero
The relevance of the legends is very important, but has reached a status of pop culture staple, like the Greek gods. Reversions and reinterpretations of the legends are commonplace in media.
The childhood ceremony revolves around the legend of the child heroes, who wore bright green.
That's all, sorry not sorry for the wall of text, I hope you find this interesting and complements your reading!
Tagging @expanding-hyrule because it's fitting!
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creatureprofessor · 2 months ago
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For day 5 of @terroryuriweek - alternate universe
(click for better quality!)
Portrait of arcane navigator Le Vesconte and saint-guided navigator Fitzjames, who were assigned as core navigators for the expedition tasked with mapping out the spatial anomaly known as the "Northwest Passage". Taken in 845 A.C. near the skyport of New Greenhithe, colorized.
More about them and this AU under readmore:
This is the Skyship Navigators or simply Navigators AU, which exists in a universe I created a couple years ago, and just plonked the Terror guys as women in there. Actually, there are 2 stories taking place in this world before this AU which have nothing to do w The Terror, but more on those at another time.
In a nutshell, this universe is somewhat similar to our Earth, yet the rules of magic, science and such are different. No machine more advanced than a steam engine can really exist in there; at least, not in a large scale because of Anomalies.
Centuries ago, an event called the Seven Days of Calamity happened, which then made advanced machinery unusable, and caused pocket disturbances all over the planet (think of the book Roadside Picnic or the Divine Cities trilogy). These Anomalies vary in shape, size and abilities, but they essentially made land travel very risky and travel by sea nearly impossible. This is why humanity uses skyships for trade and travel, and the role of navigators has changed as well.
Because in the aftermath of the Calamity, new powers entered the picture: the fae, the arcane and saints which each existed before, but on a much more obscure scale. Also, there is no Christianity or Catholicism here they way it is in our world, it all works differently as the saints don't pray to God to grant miracles or to save someone, they themselves help their navigator.
There are 4 types of navigators: the Faeguided, arcane navigators (commonly known as ‘conduits’), saint-guided navigators (c.k. as ‘vessels’) and the Comedians, a rogue faction relying on lost then unearthed knowledge. Their job is to ensure the ship takes a safe route through the sky, with some help.
For brevity’s sake, arcane navigation relies on harnessing arcane magic to find safe paths, but it is highly addictive, and prolonged usage will lead to loss of sensation in the limbs and then to gradual paralysis. This can be mitigated by using arcane yet again to regain feeling, but this will make it all worse in the long run. But it’s the most powerful navigation type, as a conduit can also protect the ship itself from outside damage by conjuring shields.
Saint-guided navigators, as the name suggests, rely on the guidance and protection of their patron saint, each navigator having one. It is the “safest bet” of navigation, and the most prestigious. The Aerial Admiralty, who issues out navigators and deals with their training prefers it over the others.
Now for Dundy and Fitzjames:
Henriette Tamsin Dundas Le Vesconte (or Dundy to her friend(s)) is a middle-grade, but competent and reliable arcane navigator, assigned to be the core navigator on HMS Erebus alongside Fitzjames, with HMS Terror having saint-guided navigators Garnet Gore (originally from Erebus, a last-minute change) and Johanna Irving. Dundy is easy-going and easy to like, yet under the surface she can be quite headstrong and selfish, and can sometimes treat people with elegantly disguised impatience. She and Fitzjames have known each other since their early days at the Admiralty, had a thing back then, split while remaining the best of friends, but still land in each other’s arms from time to time.
Now, “She Who Lights the Way”, James or Jamie Fitzjames (she uses both) is the poster child of the Admiralty, the ideal saint-guided navigator. Her patron saint is Saint James the Unblemished (partly why she decided to stick w James), whose jawbone she keeps sealed inside a compartment in her helmet (many vessels do this with relics). Normally, a prolonged patronage of a saint leads to the loss of individual identity, hallucinations and dissociation, but so far James remained largely unaffected. Graceful, decisive and brave, she is often first in line to protect the ship and has been employed on warships before, earning a gilded reputation. However, she keeps her past battle injuries a secret and her presence can be somewhat of an annoyance with her seemingly endless anecdotes. She never said it out loud, but losing Dundy would be a great tragedy for her, as she remains her best, and perhaps only friend.
But much will change during the course of that fateful expedition…
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seasofcalamity · 6 months ago
How do Anne, Sasha and Marcy react during their respective captain's attempts to outdo each other? (ex: Sailing off the waterfall or playing chicken with the fireball.)
I'm gonna answer this in 2parts to make it eaiser *reactions to them playing chicken*
Anne: *concerned and bewildered* LUFFY WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING??
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Sasha: *enraged by his stupidity* KID, WTF!?!
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Marcy: *too busy being in awe of the actual giant, fire-breathing dragon-man standing in front of her to notice her captain's face getting fried*
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nextfloridamanarticle · 2 years ago
Part two of a Fic I wrote for @seasofcalamity 
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mereelskirata · 8 months ago
Get to know me tag game
Rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with.
Tagged by the lovely @hastalavistabyebye and @whiskygoldwings <3
Favorite color : Blue
Last song : Spotify says it's The Summoning by Sleep Token
Currently reading : Colorless by KENT
Currently watching : A vod of CohhCarnage playing The Calamity Mod for Terraria, and House of the Dragon
Currently craving : Either cheesecake or mint ice cream
Coffee or tea : Peach Tea!
A hobby you would like to try : Watercolour painting or clay modelling
An AU/Alternate universe you've been plotting for : I have quite a few, but the ones I have worked most on: a No O66 AU where Wolffe builds his own home after the war (this one I would like to finish one day) and Royalty!QuinFox
NPT : @serri-i @the-starry-seas @rooksunday @starwarsanthropology @bladelei
@aerjnn @coffeeandbatboys @i-eat-worlds @brokenphoenix99
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writing-heiress · 21 days ago
Magical Girl AU: Origin Arc Chapters
Freya finds a mysterious book and together with Isabelle, they become the first Maidens, members of a coven lost in Twisted Wonderland history.
With the Magical Library available, hidden entrances throughout Night Raven begin to reveal themselves. A literal rabbit hole leads to a lost world, surprising secrets, and new allies.
There’s a new fight club that’s growing popularity which got Minako and Ophelia interested. But the grand prize for the winner is not what either dorm head expected.
There’s a festival honoring the union of the Young Sea Princess and her prince, where land and sea come together. There is someone from the deeper parts of the Coral Sea make a surprise appearance.
Kalim and Jamil invite their found family, friends, and partners to one of the Al-Asim’s vacation homes to spend their winter break. The latter group are completely unaware that they just fell into the cunning hands of a sorcerer.
VDC’s back, but this time following the style of a Battle of the Bands. Our favorite growing coven learn the power of song. They decide to use this newfound ability to not only win VDC, but also prevent Vil’s team from hypnotizing the entire island.
The tiny Titans have acting strange: they’ve been getting stronger and out of control thanks to an old friend supplying them with chthonic magic. It’s a race against the clock to stop the rampaging on the island.
Freya has been cursed to be the newest underling of a dangerous villain and forced to engulf the whole island in a sleeping spell. Luckily, the spell didn’t reach the Maidens & Calamities, but they need to escape the nightmare of their friend’s curse and free her.
Tagging - @adrianasunderworld @the-trinket-witch @the-weirdos-mind @yumeko2sevilla @liviavanrouge @yukii0nna @queen-of-twisted @abyssthing198 @tragedytells-tales @kousaka-ayumu @fair-night-starry-tears @mangacupcake @1-800-camelliahotline @skboba-stars @ice-cweam-sod4
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nocturne-side-blog · 3 months ago
˖⁺‧₊˚ WIP Tag Game ˚₊‧⁺˖
When you're tagged, share the names of each wip doc you have no matter how ridiculous! Tag as many people as you have WIPS, if you can. Open asks to talk about these WIPS!
Thanks for the tag, @aegon-targaryen! I've actually done this one before and it was so long, but it's somehow managed to get longer... Gonna divide it into categories this time to make more sense of my insanity. 💀
As always, I'm open to answering questions about them! ♡
Fic Update WIPs
WIPs for chapter updates.
The Mage’s Lantern (Doc 2)
Stone Fate
Forget me Not
Origins of Calamity
totk rewrite
Unreleased Fic WIPs
Multi-chapters I haven't posted yet.
my tloz 1986 lore abyss + ROG Plotline
crack au + crack fic
Age of Imprisoning
Wait for Me
The Ancient Era
well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
in another life
three eras
Hero's Awakening
calamity au
Spy x Family: The Unseen Files (not zelda sorry lol)
ace attorney thing idk
plumbing's our game
One Shot WIPS below the break, there's a lot. ^^"
One Shot WIPs
WIPs for one shots.
Voe & You
Voe & Me
I'm Home
Ash on the Wind
Divine Disappointment
Unsung Hero
Slow Dance
Something Human
Ballad of the Pirate Queen
(title something to do with colors)
Somewhere Before
To Wait for Millinnea
Mortal Growth
zelda borrows link's clothes or something
bokoblin study + monster ecosystem
If Boats could Talk (They'd Tell You Stories of the Wars They've Seen)
midna diary
albw zelda gets caught
Hero's Shade story thing
sage avatar therapy
Midnight at Hateno Bay
link sure hopes zelda's alive and not a dragon
Home Away from Home
A Prophecy Fufilled
knockoff zelink
Sheik's Lies
scrapper :(
Stick in the Mud
Circadian Rhythm
The Latest Rumors
Feeling "Thank You"
Fit for a Princess
My Voice
Condé's Hot Chocolate
Last Time We Met...
Foreboding Discovery
My Destiny
The Gift of Your Time
A Pirate's Grace
sick fic
Watch of the Descendant
Kiss and Tell
The New Guard (auru pov)
all the time in the world
legally blonde good ending (????)
Cut Strings; Princess's Lament
zelink hildavio double date
Save You from Me
Trials of Hylia
Tangled Bait
IAL Vignettes
About a dozen other unnamed concepts in my idea doc.
Original Legend Concepts
Worldbuilding and writing WIPs for original TLOZ stories. Many of them have multiple docs, so I went with the ones I have been using the most with them lately.
Modern AU Wordlbuilding + Modern AU Idea Dumping
Sea of the Hidden City
Dream Spinner Ideas
Imminent Darkness
fairytale aus
Era of Malice
wots out of order
Sages of Hyrule
Legends Crossed
zelda ttrpg + zelda fighting game
more I am too lazy to dig for
Wilting Heart
Strings of Darkness
Art WIPs
return of ganon sketch concepts
att refs
(insert all the sketches for tml cover redraws here I'm not listing all that)
fmn banner
other stuff I probably am forgetting
I think this most of it, I got a bit lazy here and there keeping track so I clumped things together. Most of my stuff has 2-4 docs. I definitely can't tag this many people because I don't know that many, but I'll try to tag as many as possible who I haven't seen tagged already. 🫡
✦ Tagging...
@cherrysalsa @hurricane105 @mistresslrigtar @leiladebees @zeldadiarist @aheavenscorner @linktheacehero @dubiiousfood @skyyknights @karama9 @amelias-hart @musical-chan @citrinediamondeyes @cetaseok @mailrebel @michpat6 @minstrelsmusings @ladye-zelda @isasan347 @pastelsandpining
And anyone else who would like to participate! :)
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