#sea three and audrey
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theamityelf · 1 year ago
Uma answers the phone, and it's the standard "We have your boyfriend!" ransom call.
For a second she just stands there with a thoughtful look, like she's doing mental math. "Uh-huh..."
"Now, if you ever want to see him again-"
"No, shut up for a second, I'm tryna think."
She thinks for another second and then gives up. "Alright, you're gonna have to tell me who you have. If it was Ben, you'd have said you have the king; if it was Harry or Gil, I'd be impressed..."
"It's not me!" Gil calls out helpfully from another room. "And Jay's sitting on my lap."
"And it's not Jay," she adds. "So, who'd you catch?"
The voice on the other end of the phone grunts in annoyance. "You know, the blond guy."
"The blond guy's here; that's what I just said."
"No, the-! Cinderella's son. I forget his name; he hasn't been on the news in a while." There's an offended noise, ostensibly from a gagged prince of Cinderellasburg who didn't appreciate the comment on his diminishing spotlight.
"Oh my gods," Uma groans. "You got Chad? He's not even my boyfriend; he's my girlfriend's boyfriend. Did he say he's my boyfriend?"
"He said we should think twice about holding him for ransom because the queen of the sea was going to destroy us."
"Well, yeah, but only because it's the cool thing to do." Uma is putting on her sword belt and jacket at this point. "I mean, Audrey would be pissed if I just let him be kidnapped. Is there a reason you called me? He told you I'd destroy you, and you thought 'I have an idea, let's call her?' How'd you even get my number?"
"Listen closely! We took him because we thought the royals of Cinderellasburg would pay a hefty price for his return. But now that we know he's valuable to the queen of the sea as well, we'd like to make a deal. If you sink the ships of our enemies, we'll return the prince to you with all his fingers."
"Dude, I don't even know who your enemies are. Do you have nautical coordinates?"
"There are five ships we'd like you to sink. I'm sending you the first set of coordinates now, and if the ship is not destroyed within the hour, the prince loses two fingers."
"Got it," Uma muses, glancing across the room at Carlos, who gives her a thumbs up.
"And before you think about attacking us, you should know we're landlocked!"
"Yeah, for sure. I hear you." She's putting eyeliner on in the mirror.
"The first ship, now! When you're done, we'll send the next coordinates."
"Great, yeah. Okay."
The phone hangs up.
"That was long enough to get his location, right?" she asks over her shoulder.
"Yep, we got him," Carlos answers. He's in bed, but he pulled his laptop onto his lap as soon as the matter of hostages was mentioned.
"Cool. Guess I'll go get Chad and...I don't know, kill that guy?"
"No killing. Remedial Goodness."
"Oh, like the crown isn't responsible for-...Whatever. I'll just break his knees."
Another thumbs up. Jane, sitting next to Carlos, looks slightly bewildered, but she hops up to grab Uma's hat for her as she heads out the door.
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theamityelf · 6 months ago
I'm imagining a future where Audrey gets to know Uma better and they ride sharks together. 🥰 (And also, this post.)
Uma and Audrey go to the beach together. They're having a great time and then all of a sudden Audrey starts freaking out and running out of the water, yelling that there's a shark. Meanwhile Uma is calmly like- "Stop freaking out, that's just Bartholomew" and goes to pet her favorite shark.
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here-i-am-again-god · 2 months ago
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Descendants textposts that sort of explain the fucked up plot of this franchise.
Bonus: the thesis of the entire trilogy--
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Part 18
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humaudrey · 6 months ago
Descendants Scene Rewrite - Meeting The VKs (Part 1)
Auradon Prep's marching band played a typical, upbeat and positive song fitting for a student's first day, swaying to the beat of their own drum. From behind the marching band, nearby the school statue, Zephyr's shoulders joined them and were in sync with the band.
Ben nudged Melody with his free arm, and gestured toward Zephyr. The two shared a small laugh, mimicking his movements despite the amused and confused looks from Seth and Audrey. They couldn't blame him, the trio had waited for this day for years. Today was only the beginning.
The black limo had suddenly driven past the school sign and made its way in front of the dormitory building. Students and staff who greeted the newcomers at the front gate had marched behind them, waving blue and yellow flags rapidly and eagerly with smiles before joining their peers by the dorms and the main school building.
The driver parked in front of the drop off area, and hastily opened the door.
Everyone's smiles and happy demeanor had died with the music. Immediately, two boys fell out of the limo door, grunting as they tugged at a blue towel. Despite the size difference, the smaller, white haired boy had managed to put up a fair fight against the tan, long dark brown haired individual in the burgundy beanie.
"You got–everything else, why do you want whatever this is?"
"Because you want it! Give it–"
The two continued to roll toward the rear end of the limo before the beanie wearer managed to gain an advantage. He straddled the boy with his knees on the other's waist and they continued their vicious game of tug of war.
The marching band cleared a path for Fairy Godmother and the other five, who cautiously walked a few steps forward.
"Hey, get off of him!" Zephyr yelled.
"Zephyr, sweetie, let's not–"
Fairy Godmother was too late. Zephyr ran and pushed the beanie wearer off, only managing to cause the tug of war over the towel to get even more violent. Zephyr had found himself intertwined in their tussle and the three continued to venture more to the right of the limo, with Fairy Godmother pacing behind the three and pleading for them to stop.
Once the four were a good distance away from the door, the driver beckoned for the others to depart for the limo.
The next person was a girl dressed in blue leather, who stole everyone else's attention away from the scuffle. Save for her fair complexion, and her poison apple red lipstick, most of her was blue, including her softly curled hair. Her brown eyes lit up like fireworks as she spun–no, twirled–around the area a few times. She faced Ben and the others and greeted them with a deep curtsy in her black graphic skirt, and Ben found himself replying back with a charmed smile. Her posture and poise had rivaled that of any princess Auradon had ever produced. Her stance was perfect, almost too perfect, like a mannequin in a dress boutique or an action figure whose ballpoint joints were forcibly pushed to create the perfectly still pose. One of the band members had turned to look back at Seth. His eyes bounced back from the blue haired girl to him. Seth smirked and subtly nodded back in reply, and the eyes behind the trumpet player's glasses widened in horror.
Another girl followed after, but she was much more hesitant. She peaked her head out the door, and covered her eyes with her hand as if someone had shined a flashlight in her face. As she made it out of the limo, Audrey felt a nervous lump forming in her throat. She recognized that specific, unnatural yet beautiful shade of green in the girl's eyes from anywhere. Her purple hair and the purple and green leather ensemble with dragon insignias were dead giveaways as well, and the look of disgust as she surveyed the dorm building only made the resemblance to her that much more apparent. The girl in purple caught the gaze of another band member, a French horn player, staring at her. Though, unlike the others, he looked...interested?
Suddenly, the French horn player flinched as yet another person in the limo shoved the girl in purple forward so they could get out. Catching herself from eating asphalt, she turned to repay the favor. The person responsible cackled manically before winking at the four future monarchs almost in a flirtatious manner.
Yet another boy, who coincidentally also wore a shade of red like the other two boys before him, and the tallest one so far. He was a brunette, with beautiful blue eyes that popped thanks to his black eyeliner. Unlike the other four villain kids, he seemed to be dressed more like a–
"Pirate," Melody murmured to herself. His dingy scarlet leather trench coat that shined under the sun, the truffled white blouse underneath, the tethered pants, the boots, Melody scanned over his entire ensemble several times. He was definitely a pirate. And if he was a pirate–
He had to be the son of Captain Hook, the man who killed Melody's grandmother.
"Woah, pretty!" let out another voice from the limo.
Melody's eyes darted back to the next person, another boy. He had a similar pirate style to the previous; an orange and brown leather steampunk styled shirt, tethered jeans, and black boots. He was much tanner than the other pirate and the combination of his skin complexion and his wavy blonde hair underneath his brown bandana reminded Melody of the surfers back at Seaside, though, most of the surfers weren't as buff. Despite his stature, size, and getup, and the fact he was from the Isle; he glanced at the other people scattered around him and waved at each individual with a welcoming smile that competed with the sun.
"Hello?!" called out an impatient voice.
Both of the pirate boys immediately turned back to the opened limo door, a black leather gloved hand reaching out, as if it–or, she, Melody assumed–was waiting for one of the two to grab it.
The red pirate grabbed the right hand, and the orange and brown pirate grabbed the other she lent, and the two properly escorted her out.
Melody's stomach dropped to her toes. The first thing she noticed were the long turquoise braids underneath a black pirate hat. Her black, turquoise, and purple fishnet and leather dress that complimented her deep brown skin implied she was a pirate too. No, not just a pirate, a captain. Their captain; the looks of pride and admiration on the other pirates' faces as if she were their goddess made that obvious. Her hardened face with such familiar facial features resembled that of a soldier going to war, and the confidence in the few steps she made in her heeled boots suggested she'd be the sole victor. The smoking gun that tipped Melody off about the identity of the pirate captain was the all too familiar gold Nautilus necklace that hung near her chest.
She was Ursula's daughter, and subsequently, Morgana's niece.
Melody thought she was ready for this, but her shivering body disagreed with her. Did she hate Melody for what her parents did? Or for sabotaging her aunt's attempt at opening the barrier and freeing her and the rest of the Isle inhabitants? Did she want revenge? Was that the original necklace?
As if the sea witch pirate captain heard the haunting thoughts in Melody's head, her brown eyes locked with Melody's. Like the rest of her surroundings, she gave Melody a careful and slow look over, examining every molecule that made up Melody's entire being.
A sudden, soft yet high-pitch ringing noise caused Melody to look down at her necklace. The gold seashell pendant was glowing, despite the lack of water needed for it to work, and it floated outward lazily. Melody glanced back at the sea witch pirate captain, only to find that the Nautilus pendant had done the same, glowing and floating outward toward Melody as if their necklaces were magnetic.
This was a first for Melody, but she never had the opportunity to meet others with enchanted jewelry other than her siblings. The sea witch pirate captain silently laughed and winked in Melody's direction while tucking away her pendant necklace under her dress. That answered one of Melody's questions at least.
Both of their necklaces had calmed down but Melody only continued to shiver, clasping her hands together tight like stress balls. Every cell in her brain told Melody to run, while every vein in her heart wanted her to stick it out.
"–and as we always say, leave it like you found it."
Melody looked back at Fairy Godmother making her way back to her group. The two boys from earlier dragged their feet over to the rest of the Isle inhabitants. The shorter boy was quite fashionable, in red, white, and black, with brown freckles like Dalmatian spots covering his unamused face. The taller boy dusted off his burgundy and yellow vest before he slowly made his way to the makeshift welcoming committee.
Zephyr was right on Fairy Godmother's tail, his head hung low with his hands in his pockets, unaware of the beanie wearer's presence.
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dizzydizney · 10 months ago
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this-hattan-newsie · 2 years ago
Audrey didn't know how it ended up that she started to date Harry and now she is lying on Uma's chest and Uma is hugging her, while Harry is lying on her stomach and Gil is lying on her lap. It just...happened
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bucket-barnes · 1 year ago
You asked to be asked about Max but what about a request?
Like Max returning to school in a new healthy throuple. And maybe they look like a captain of the Lost Revenge and a strong golden retriever third mate of another universe?
I do love a good challenge…challenge accepted
(Some creative liberties were taken in character designs for the sake of it making sense for the gossip girl universe)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It had been five months since the breakup, Aki and Audrey thought they could make it work but…it just wasn’t the same without Max, they just…didn’t work without him. Maybe they weren’t meant to be…but they had to work as a duo again, it’s not like Max wants to ever see them again- but they saw him
It was a Wednesday, Aki and Audrey were on their way to the MET steps to meet up with the rest of the group, when who do they see but Max…and who are those people with him? And why were they so close to him?!
No, no, no- this won’t slide, no one gets that touchy with their boyf- ok, maybe no longer boyfriend, but they still have a right to protect him!
They were a girl and a boy, the girl had eyes like fall leaves and strands of teal woven into her jet black braids. Her wrists were adorned with gold bracelets and her earrings were pearls, but the most peculiar thing was her necklace. A gold naughtilus shell. She was holding Max’s hand and it looked like he hung on every word she said
As for the boy…Audrey was ashamed to admit what she thought when she saw him. He was built like a Greek god with his muscles practically ripping his shirt off, his blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail with a few strands hanging out, and his eyes were blue, but not the cold, piercing blue like Max’s, they were a warm and friendly blue, like a summer day. The boy was laying in Max’s lap, listening to the conversation with a goofy smile on his face while Max mindlessly stroked his hair
Max himself seemed different…was he wearing eyeliner?
Aki and Audrey walked up to Max and tried for smiles, but before they could get a word out, they were stopped by the girl with the brown eyes
One simple word cut them down, there was so much power behind it that Aki and Audrey had to stop in their tracks. Max looked up at his exes with unamused disdain, upon further inspection, he was wearing eyeliner
“I thought I said I never want to see you again”
His grip on the girl’s hand tightened
“We were hoping you’d introduce us to your new friends!”
Aki continued trying for that smile and failing miserably
“I thought you were our boyfriend?”
The boy in Max’s lap spoke up
Audrey stuttered which got a sigh out of Max
“Yes. This is my boyfriend, Graham and my girlfriend, Ulani”
Max explained with an annoyed scoff, wanting this conversation to end as soon as possible. Aki and Audrey looked at Max with shock, then down at Graham and Ulani…what was it with them? Why did they feel so…off?
They didn’t look like Constance students, honestly they kinda looked like they raided Max’s closet and just went with it. They looked like they were dressed as pirates…really fashionable pirates
“How…how did you meet?”
Audrey asked as her voice went up an octave
“Not your business, princess”
Ulani stared daggers into Audrey. For whatever reason, Ulani did not like Audrey. Did Max talk about her and Aki to his new partners? Why was Ulani so terrifying? And why did she smell like the ocean? They are in the middle of Manhattan!
Ulani and Graham started to seem possessive. Graham was no longer lying on Max’s lap and instead had his arm around his waist, and Ulani was practically gripping to Max’s hand and looked like she was ready to charge if her or Aki made the slightest move towards Max
…Ulani and Graham…huh
So while writing this I realized there was so much potential in this concept so I decided “fuck it! I’m writing a fic” when’s it coming? Eventually- we’ll see how much gets done- but it’ll happen!
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panthera-tigris-venenata · 1 year ago
Thinking about writing a disaster ship for Claudine Frollo ✨✨
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animangalover-writes · 7 days ago
Fandom: Descendants
Ships: Gil/Audrey, Implied Gil/Harry/Uma, Implied Future Gil/Harry/Uma/Audrey
Tw: minor bullying
It works, the girls turn around with confused and irritated looks, and before Audrey can ask what he’s doing, Gil throws the ball towards them at full force.
Its so fast that they dont have time to react, aimed just right so that it hits the girl who insulted Audrey square in the face, bouncing off of her and into the side of the other girls head.
Audrey gapes, eyes wide. When she turns to Gil, he’s laughing like mad, eyes wide and feral.
- or -
Audrey knows people don't like her, and its fine. She's fine.
Gil isn't so forgiving.
People don’t like Audrey. She’s used to that fact, had known it ever since she was a little girl. Now, they hate her, after she went bad, after she almost destroyed Auradon.
So when she’s with Gil, walking through campus just before the sun starts to set, shes not surprised to see the two girls passing them aiming sneers her way. Gil is talking endlessly, tossing a ball between his hands over and over again. She had been so invested in what he was saying before, but now, she puts her focus into avoiding the girls eyes, looking down at her feet and hoping that’ll be it, hoping that they will sneer and leave her alone.
It’s not of course, shes not surprised that when they cross paths, when one of the girls leans into her space and says, “Witch.” voice dripping with venom.
Audrey swallows, aims to keep walking even as the girls laugh meanly and walk away, but Gil stops, and turns back to watch the girls walk away.
Audrey eyes him wearily. “Its fine.” She says, “I just ignore them. It’s not like they’re wrong.” She tries a laugh, but it falls flat.
Gil barely nods, doesn’t look at her. He’s got this intense look in his eye, wild. The ball in is hand stopped.
“Gil,” She says, hunching her shoulders, “Let’s just go.”
But Gil doesn’t follow that easy, instead he yells loud, “Hey!” He says as the girls continue to walk further down the path, whistles loud and high pitched for good measure.
It works, the girls turn around with confused and irritated looks, and before Audrey can ask what he’s doing, Gil throws the ball towards them at full force.
Its so fast that they dont have time to react, aimed just right so that it hits the girl who insulted Audrey square in the face, bouncing off of her and into the side of the other girls head.
Audrey gapes, eyes wide. When she turns to Gil, he’s laughing like mad, eyes wide and feral.
She doesn’t have time to question him before a security gaurd sees them and starts running towards them. “Hey!” He yells
“Oh shit!” Gil laughs, then grabs Audrey’s wrist, “Run!” He’s already pulling her along, still grinning wildly.
They dart across the plaza, scraping their shoes against brick paths and rounding a corner. The scecurity calls out behind them, but they keep running.
Audrey hears one of the girls crying, and she cant help the mean laugh that bubbles up out of her. What a baby.
Gil looks at her when he hears it, laughing too. Audrey's cheeks hurt.
The security is far enough back for now, so they pause. Gil looks around, then pulls her to a row of bushes. They have to hop over them to hide, something that takes audrey more effort then she would like to admit, blushing while Gil giggles at her the whole time.
They rush behind a building, into an alley they normally wouldnt be able to get to. Audrey cant seem to stop laughing and Gil frantically shushes her with a manic sort of smile.
She barely manages to cover her mouth and muffle the sounds just as they hear security rush into the area. The man stops, shuffles around in a way they can tell means he’s looking for them. His radio crackles and a voice speaks over it, to muffled for them to be able to hear properly. He curses under his breath, speaks into the radio, and goes back the way they came.
When theyre sure he’s gone, they break into a fit of laughter, barely able to breath.
“Gil!“ She says, giddy and out of breath, “You can't just-“ Another wave of giggles emerges from her, “You can't just do that!“
Gil doesnt look the least bit sorry, his face close and red, smile wide and wild. He bites down on his bottom lip to contain his own laughter, then shrugs. “They deserved it.“
Audrey’s smile softens, her eyes darting across his face with something that feels too genuine to be able to name. Her chest feels tight.
She doesnt realize what shes doing until she feels his lips on hers. Her arms are around his neck, his body against hers. He grunts in surprise, and for one terrifying moment, she things shes done something wrong, moving to pull back. But he grabs her waist, then wraps his arms around it.
She sighs into it, relaxing her shoulders. She hasn’t felt this in awhile.
When she pulls away, Gil has a dazed expression, and she realizes she’s mirroring it. Then he grins.
“Can we do that again?” He says.
She can’t help but laugh, even as she leans in to give him another kiss. His chest vibrates with giggles, giddy as ever.
She’s never felt more loved. Is this what it’s like to be with villain kids? Does kissing Harry and Uma feel just as good as kissing Gil?
When she pulls away again, it’s only by a few inches. “Thank you.” She says, quiet.
He still looks dazed, drunk on Audrey’s kiss, and isn’t that a wonder. “Huh?”
She smiles, “For standing up for me.”
He scowls, like the memory upsets him. “They deserved it.” he says again.
She snorts, leaning her forehead on his chest. “Yeah I guess they do.”
It feels nice being bad sometimes, different then the way she used to be, but nice.
“We should go.” She says, not bothering to pull away.
Gil looks past the wall they’re still hidden behind, holding Audrey close, making sure the coast is clear.
“Yeah.” He says, tugging her along.
Audrey feels light, like shes walking on air.
Is falling in love already?
She remembers Uma saying something about obsession, about dedication. She remembers watching Gil and Harry glue themselves to Umas side whenever they were near, remembers watching their dependence.
Maybe that’s not such a bad road to follow.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year ago
I redid the edit!
To see, click read more.
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Family name asesthic.
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dxscxndxnts · 8 months ago
I saw something recently that said “Wow the core four were really bad at being villains.” And i’m rewatching D3 and lowkey…yeah
Like comparing them to the Sea Three is one thing.
But they couldn’t steal the wand whereas, on her own, Audrey walked into the same museum and stole two artifacts before casting multiple wide range curses on the kingdom
Audrey. An Auradon kid.
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theamityelf · 6 months ago
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Gil almost didn't make it in the picture. Popped in at the last second.
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descenderintofantasy · 2 months ago
So you like the twenty-second scene in D3 where they're in Audrey's cottage, and they let a freaked Chad out of the closet, and he runs out of the cottage while screaming, "I want my mommy!" All while Harry is hysterically laughing at him the whole time?
Maybe Chad told Cinderella about how scared he was when Audrey locked him in the closet and then how when he was finally let out there was this "scary looking dude who was laughing like a crazy person! And I think he was holding some kind of weird hook looking thingy?!"
And while Chad was running away too fast to pay much attention to what else he looked like. Cinderella has suspicions of just who that boy was, or more accurately, whose son that boy was.
I like to imagine that at some point, relatively soon after D3, someone writes an article on what all happened during the time Audrey had Maleficent's scepter. And since they helped, plus maybe as a way to get more positive publicity for VKs, it features the Sea Three and has pictures of them.
So, a few weeks after the Audrey scepter mess, Charming is reading the article one mourning at breakfast and Chad, who's at home because of all that happened, looks over and sees Harry's picture and goes, "That's him! That's crazy laughing, guy!" And when Cinderella looks, her suspicions are confirmed that it was Hook's son. Hook's son was near her own son, and that scares her.
I think it'd be pretty plausible for Cinderella to think that the 'laughing incident' was somehow Harry's way, maybe Hook's way even, of taunting her. Even though (1) neither Hook nor Harry knew she was the reason Beast knew where to look for Hook in the first place. (2) Harry didn't know who Chad was. He just thought it was funny, and well, he was right.
So, it wouldn't be out of the question for the years between D3 and RoR for Cinderella to have thought that Hook, and even if he was 'manipulating' them, his kids were waiting to get revenge for what she did. And come RoR, it's Bridget, who's the one who gets revenge, aka justice for her family.
The part with Harry and Chad in the cottage has been in my head for a while, but the other stuff seemed to work with what we've come up with. Sorry this is so long.
Never apologize! I love your long asks! :D
Okay, so I know this backstory has been fitted in pretty much for Hookheart shippers only. But it MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!
Even if Harry was taken away from Bridget at age three, it's not out of this world that Hook would have told the Hooklings that their mother used to be friends with cinderella in high school over the years on the Isle. And becuse he wants to be honest with his kids about how he and their mother got together, he would also tell them that ella and Bridget had a falling out when he and she started dating, which left Bridget pretty broken up.
So when Harry finds out that Chad is cinderlla's son it would be the 'your mom broke my mom's heart so you'll get no friendship from me' all over again.
This may make me evil, but I kinda like the thought of deep down cinderella fearing that one day either hook or his kids would come for revenge on her. She tells herself that there's no way they can know it was her who 'snitched.' But that doesn't stop the niggling fear in the back of her mind.
But in a way...it's almost poetic that it was actually Bridget who killed her in the end. Becuse out of all of them, cinderella probably never worried about Bridget. But what she didn't know was she should have.
She was the catalyst in creating the bigger monster Bridget became by tipping things off to take her family so how fitting that she died from the monster she created.
Thanks for the ask! :D
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friendlyheartless · 1 year ago
"We're right here." Elsa spoke as she, Anna and her friends from Arendelle were in the house of mouse. "And so you know, this blizzard has nothing to do with Elsa." Olaf said. "That's true." Anna nodded.
"Well, we do have Mole make a tunnel." Audrey spoke. "He could dig us out, but..." Milo Thatch said about one of his friends. "He's a bit different." Kida said to Lucas about Mole. "I could make a tunnel, but it would take me a while, without being frozen." Mole said to the group.
"Did you hear, Belle? It could us a while for us to go home." Beast said to comfort his lover, Belle. "Well, we could always build a home." One of the Three Little Pigs said, given they always make houses of hay, sticks and bricks. "Then, what can we do?" Melody asked. "I'm sure Mickey will think of something." Ariel spoke to Eric as she comforts her daughter. "Of course he will. He always does know what to do." Cryst said.
As Asha was holding hands with Lucas, Mickey had began the show as everyone from their respective worlds had applauded throughout Christmas Eve. "Well everybody, that's our show. Thanks for spending Christmas Eve at the House of Mouse! Here's wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe trip ho-ho-home." Mickey said giving everyone a farewell.
"What a great show." Mickey said going backstage to Minnie and Pluto. "Oh Mickey, it was just wonderful. And now we can spend our own Christmas at home." Minnie smiled. "But we can't go home!" Goofy shouted to Mickey's confusion.
"We're snowed in." Daisy stated. "Well, this is a fine predicament." Donald frowned. "It can't be that bad." Mickey said as he walks to the entrance. "Uh, Your Majesty?" I asked getting Mickey's attention as I was standing next to Sora. Mickey then takes a look along with the others. "Oh no." Mickey spoke seeing that they ARE snowed in.
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kneesheee · 6 months ago
I haven’t watched D4, and I’m probably not going to, but one line that I see floating around is when Cinderella says:
Some people act mean at fist cause they're too afraid to feel. It's survival, it's protection. That's why roses grow their thorns.
Who were the first two “good” people that we met that were “mean?”
Chad and Audrey.
We know Auradon isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
Audrey had a mental breakdown and fell victim to a lingering curse and she was still punished by planning the wedding for Ben and Mal; the reason for said breakdown. Yes, it’s funny, but who would want to tempt fate like that again? Also, yall wasn’t scared that she’d do something to mess it up?
I’m not having someone who does not like me and had literally just said that she wanted to hurt me plan my wedding no matter how sorry she is.
Then we have Chad who this quote fits the best honestly.
Chad has been described as dumb, a womanizer, a jerk etc.
1. He’s the heir to his kingdom.
At the time of D1-D3, he was presumably an only child, meaning that at the time, there were no thoughts about how the inheritance to his throne would go.
This means any girl that succeeded in marrying him and birthing an heir has secured her and her family’s future with no threats.
(This is now a challenge due to Chloe’s existence; if the girl decides that she even wants kids.)
Chad isn’t dumb; he’s proven to be quite smart considering that he made a copy of Jay and Carlos’ dorm room key so that he can use their 3D printer. He’s smart about things that he prefers.
In D1, Doug describes him as someone that inherited all the charm and not much else.
For opportunists, this basically means: He’s an idiot. If I marry him and give him a heir, I can basically be the real power behind the crown.
Not sure how well that’s going to work because in the book Return to the Isle of the Lost; he does seem to care about his kingdom when Ben takes him on a trip there due to Madam Mim’s escape.
Also, it does show that he is concerned about how the line of succession moves if something happens to Ben, and I have thoughts on him, so that’s for another post though.
Back to the point, if he’s “dumb” and they want to take advantage, who wouldn’t turn it around on them? In the movies and books, he canonically had three official girlfriends and a lot more unofficial girlfriends.
1. Ruby Firzherbert; Second in line to Corona and Dark Kingdom.
In some cases, she could be the heir to the Dark Kingdom since in Frozen; Hans mentioned that his brothers were set to one day inherit different kingdoms, and it happened a lot in Ancient Greece that sons would have to find their own kingdoms.
Why not make her the Queen of the Dark Kingdom? It’s been about twenty years. It has definitely been restored to glory.
2. One of Ariel’s nieces.
Ariel has six sisters, and unknown amount of nieces so it’s hard to say what number she is to inherit because the only niece we know of canonically is Arabella. However, if we go with the idea that the sisters were supposed to inherit the seven seas like in the live action version, as a nod to their names and numbers and tails, then this niece would have also been secured in her own lineage.
There is also the fact that said niece could have been the one to inherit the throne to all of Atlantis.
3. Audrey.
She has two kingdoms. Her Father’s and her Mother’s. If we go by the live actions, she has the Moors. She’d also a direct descendant to Queen Ingrinth’s old kingdom. That gives her four kingdoms, but we’re going to stick with two.
Chad was very excited when Audrey wanted to date him. He drove six hours to her with a tire. They broke up in Return to the Isle of Lost, but he still immediately went to help her even after he spent so long on having Evie design his outfit for the Royal Cotillion.
So, the past how many years and months that Ben and Audrey had been together, which really sounds like an arranged marriage from the first book and her line in Queen of Mean where she says “she always thought she’d be the Queen”… then this means he’s watched the only girl he loved be in love with someone else. His best friend basically.
Back to the quote, in D1, we see from Lonnie that the Auradon kids operate under the belief that the villains loved their kids.
Stay with me now.
In D4, we learn that Chad has a younger sister. The early assumption was with the first three movies that he was an only child. Now, we move on to a bit more canonical side. He has a younger sister.
A thing that some mothers fall victim to is living through their daughters.
This gives Cinderella the chance to give her daughter the life that she never had. That same headcanon where everyone says that she spoiled him rotten to make up for her own childhood… it fits better with Chloe because again, Chad is the oldest and the presumed heir so he’d be having a bit more lessons in regards to the kingdom meanwhile he sees his Mother and sister going on another shopping trip or wtv else.
He sees her doting on what he can assumed is the child that she always wanted. He’s obviously not that much older than Chloe, so he could see the difference in how they are treated.
Going with the thought that villains loved their kids and under the presumption, that yeah, his mom loves him, but he wasn’t the child that she wanted… he lashes out.
a. Mal love potions Ben, causing him to publicly embarrass and hurt Audrey.
b. Evie tries to use him just like everyone else.
c. Jay doesn’t have sportsmanship, but he’s quick to take up for the girls. Something that Chad is doing for Audrey, and the parallels are staggering and not something that he wants to see at that point of time.
Now, this my own personal interpretation. You may feel differently. You can disagree with me just as I can disagree with you. That’s your personal right.
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dizzydizney · 10 months ago
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