#se aman
9l-sky0 · 3 months
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Jijiji este no es el primer dibujo de ellos que hago pero si es el primero que termino, tenía que dibujar algo relacionado con la lengua de Para😊
Me los imagino que ya habiendo ido a terapia de pareja (que raro ver a una llave gigante y a una loquita en tu consultorio de todas maneras) los besos podrian ser más comunes y bueno, hay que aprovechar los dotes de tu esposo jiji
If someone who speaks English sees this, please tell me if the image is translated correctly. oo"
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Esto para que no se sienta tan vacio :3
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cxnsdellaj · 11 months
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I would have liked to see more of their relationship. :(
They give us very little to eat
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peligrosapop · 17 days
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luffuqueen · 1 month
It's our own little warm, cozy beautiful 👁️‍🗨️hell👁️‍🗨️
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0809sysblings · 1 month
song: Judas by Abu-Se-Ken
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chicafinal · 2 months
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slimmyjim99 · 2 months
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I just wanted to draw a eaarly pre-klok nickles smooch
(i also am not good @ digital media and i forgot what size brush i was using by the third pic :( )
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pudulover · 3 months
Comparison of Stony vs Stucky fanfics by language
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Additional data:
-In English, there are 38.6% more Stucky fanfics (57565) compared to Stony (41533).
-In Spanish, there are approximately three times as many Stony fanfics (1523) as Stucky fanfics (494).
-For Stony, there are 27 times more fanfics in English than in Spanish.
-For Stucky, the difference is even greater: there are approximately 116 times more fanfics in English than in Spanish.
-In English, the ratio between Stucky and Stony fanfics is approximately 1.39 to 1.
-In Spanish, the ratio between Stony and Stucky fanfics is approximately 3.08 to 1.
Other fun facts:
-Total number of fanfics in English in Ao3: 11504741
-Total number of Spanish fanfics in Ao3: 165534
-This means that there are approximately 69.48 English fanfics for every Spanish fanfic in Ao3.
I would have liked to add more data from other more well-known Spanish fics sites to the statistics, such as Wattpad, Amor Yaoi and Slash Haven (RIP). After all, AO3 is mostly used by the English-speaking community.
However, it is very difficult to collect information from Wattpad and Amor Yaoi, so I could not include it.
Please don't comment hate messages, this post is purely informative. I don't want my notifications to be filled with ship wars/hate in general :ccc
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9l-sky0 · 3 months
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Algunos dibujos que hice de V en estas ultimas semanas, y tambien otras cositas. Aun no he termino este pero lo tengo hace mucho y la intriga me mata (esta basado en un edit nuzi, el edit no es mio)
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midostree-art · 8 months
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Albiore and Crystal, a rareship that I've been liking a lot. They are in love, officer.
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
I mentioned this in the AO3 comments, but:
What does Fuuta think about how Es treated Amane at the end of her interrogation? (Still not completely sure what happened)
And in trial 2, what does he think now that Kotoko has joined the ranks of "people who have been hit by Es" while he has not? (And Amane, if she didn't already count)
Yessss thank you :3 I always enjoy LCSyS questions (even if I take forever to reply to comments and things LMAO) Though, some details apply outside of the au too
Well. I don’t know if it really needs to be said for Fuuta, but yeah, he is pissed 😅 Even if she wasn’t directly hit, he would be just as riled up that she was treated so roughly. (Ah, I’m once again tempted to write up my mv machine post, but) basically I picture the machine itself locking the prisoner in place with sudden restraints. There were reactions of shock and fear, as if it were affecting them immediately,  and prisoners like Fuuta and Muu would definitely run from it if they could. So I believe that moment in Amane’s first interrogation is just Es standing over her and rubbing it in. There’s no direct harm, but the fact that they are so smug about her helplessness is just as psychologically painful. 
I don’t know if Amane would really go into detail about her interrogation (the others who were hit seem the type to come right out and say it), but she mentions it during the trial hiatus debriefing. Fuuta is furious: “why didn’t you say something sooner?? I would have kicked their ass right then and there!” His outburst is the very reason she doesn’t tell him that she was hit in T2. She knows he’ll get himself into more trouble, and she feels pressured to bear it on her own. She ends up pulling him aside and telling him during the second hiatus. He has to tone down his explosion a bit to focus on comforting her more than cursing Es. Though I don’t know exactly what will happen, the knowledge that she was hit drives him to stand by her side in T3 and defend her every chance he gets, affecting whatever changes we already are getting hints of.
He feels equally upset when Kotoko mentions getting hit, and Kotoko's nonchalance allows him to do a full rant. She doesn’t seem that phased, and admits it makes sense they would have an extreme reaction to her violence. She says that she deserved it, and Fuuta of all people stumbles over his words to tell her that she didn’t – violence does not deserve more violence. (He’s learning, folks!) In the privacy of his own thoughts, the poor guy is mortified. He would be grateful if he didn't keep comparing himself with the others who didn't get hit. “Do I look as fragile and girly as Yuno, Muu, and Mahiru?” “Do they not see me as a threat?” “Do they pity me or something?” He makes up his mind to be a big, manly threat in T3 and be taken seriously enough to get hit. (He can only learn so much at a time, folks.)
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conobarco · 7 months
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roll de hojaldre killing cono barco gifset
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alejunsu · 8 months
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Enserio Night... lo hiciste en ese entonces y después de unos años vienes y lo vuelves a hacer...
No puedo con la expresión de Dream 💔😭
Night Dream EP4
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heylelumus · 11 months
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RIP Duncan Gadder 🙏🏼 siempre te recordaremos como el perro que le rompió la cara al muñequito de porcelana de Kyrios.
@caos-y-libertinaje @anarchypig0
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sayurime · 11 months
Navidad 2003
Mickey,Rafa, Donnie,Splinter, Abril y Casey: *Viendo que Usagi solo llevó regalo para Leo después de que le explicaran que la navidad es una celebración para pasar con tus seres queridos y regalar algo a las personas que amas*
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
siendo honestos cuando hablo de devoción terminal no quiero decir que damian y rakiel estén enamorados el uno del otro necesariamente. bueno,, damian un poquito a lo mejor pero mas que nada siento que los dos solo,,, se aman mucho. en un nivel tan visceral y profundo. que ni siquiera se han puesto a pensar realmente en que sentido. y para el final ya no importa realmente. siento que pasaron tanto tiempo solo tratando de protegerse el uno al otro, queriendo mas que nada mantener al otro con vida, que nunca tuvieron tiempo o oportunidad para pensar en su relación o sus sentimientos. asi que ya para el final ninguno de los dos siente realmente ninguna necesidad de definir su relación aparte de "esta es la persona mas importante en el mundo para mi, daria cualquier cosa por mantenerla a salvo y quiero pasar el resto de mi vida con ella". y como que ya no les importa si es algo platonico o romantico o los dos o ninguno porque,, el amor allí está. y no importa el nombre que se le ponga, lo unico que importa es que puedan estar juntos. ya lo que venga despues es solo un extra.
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