#sdv Rose
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Finally, I can properly introduce my Farmer to y'all !
Her name is Rose, short for Rosemary, she’s 25 and moved to Stardew Valley to flee her depressing life in the city.
She’s a natural blonde who dyed her hair for the first time before coming to the Valley. You know, the Spiel of “starting fresh”.
She has found many people she calls her good friends, but one of them is a bit more special to her *wink wink some grumpy chicken breeder wink*
Can’t talk about her backstory too much as I want to draw and write it.
I want to do more with her and hope to post some cute and funny comics in the future (as well as fanfics but you know writing is something I do anyway) 💕✨
(I used the template from RazorsEdgeM7 on Deviant art)
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seyvia · 2 months
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𝕀 𝕨𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖.
"your welcome, That's what friend are for!"(❁´◡`❁)
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spacesapphi · 2 months
if ur still doing drawing reqs... some sharvey doodles or samseb Perchance. pls pls pls i would love u forever /p
What if I told u I could do BOTH, quick lil pieces but 😁
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maeowl · 1 year
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she bought that pomegranate tree for absolutely no reason at all
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voidoftheeyes · 5 months
AHA I beat artblock for rn
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So ive been obsessed over stardew valley and I didn't know what to make my farmer look like so I just made Ellie
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cheesysocsandart · 1 year
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I dunno if I did post this here or not but im doing it again cause I'm still really proud of this illustration owo
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im bored soooooo
ough there’s probably a lot more but the poll would be a bit too long methinks
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Growing Fond
Shane x Reader
Class: SFW
Word Count: 1.6K
CW: Spoilers For Shane’s First Heart Event, This is Basically a more Detailed Version of the Heart Event, NB Reader, Alcohol, Extisential Dread, Reader is a bit Unhinged, Reader is refered to as Farmer, Mentions of Injuries
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For Shane it was a normal boring routine day, he got up, went to work, stocked shelves until his hands were numb and is now being screeched at by his phone that it’s finally his lunch break. He let out a groan as he stood up from his crouched position, his back cracking loudly when he stood up straight. He made a bee line for the door not bothering to acknowledge Morris as he sped past him. He walked all the way to the saloon to find it pretty much empty aside from Gus, Emily, Pam and you. Pam was already 3 drinks in and you seemed to be busy ordering something, so he just made his way to his usual spot against the wall and waited. As he sat down he didn’t notice when your eyes flitted over at him and returned back to Gus quickly adding one more item to your order. When you were done you took your time walking over to him, he looked up and saw a small smile on your face as you waved at him. “This seat taken?” you asked nodding your head at the empty stool. “Nope.” he said popping the p, he didn’t necessarily dislike you but he didnt want to spend his lunch break with you either. You sat down with a sigh leaning your head on your hand as you look at him “So how’s your day been so far Shane?” “Same as always, anyways what are you doing here? Don’t you have crops to take care of?” it came out much more annoyed and rough than he wanted but he’s too tired to correct it.
 Before you could answer Gus came up with 4 cups of a coffee and a small pizza, before Shane could ask Gus for the usual the man sped off to the other side of the bar where Pam is. He raised an eyebrow at your...questionable lunch, although he doesn’t have any room to speak regarding your diet since his looked frighteningly similar. “Ah, well, I’m heading to the mine after this and-” you said pulling a plain silver thermos out of your bag “-I don’t want to run out of energy immediately so...” you opened the bottle and started pouring the coffee into it not spilling a drop from any of the cups. He could feel the terror that flashed on his face before he tried to go back to the usual RBF he has. “That can’t be healthy…well at least you’re getting some solid food in.” He eyed the personal pizza that sat in front of you, “Oh! Uhh…” You looked away from him with a soft chuckle “I actually got the pizza for you.” A nervous smile forced it’s way to face as you try to figure out what to say next. “I know today’s your birthday so I thought I’d get ya lunch…” His head cocked the side slightly “Oh, is it my birthday today?” He looked down at his phone to see Spring 20 on the lock screen “I guess it is, thanks.” He looked up at you with a small smile “This is nice.” “Well I’m glad you like it!” You slide the box in front of him and after he takes a couple bites from the pizza you got him you turn towards him, “I should probably get going-” you hop off the stool next to his with ease “Bye Shane, have a happy birthday!” Your smile makes him almost sad to be alone again…almost. “See ya, Farmer.”
He watched you walk out the Saloon door, he finished the pizza in a few minutes and let out a sigh as he looked at the time. Sliding off the stool he walked out of the Saloon back to his miserable job. The day blurred by restocking the same shelves that he wished he could watch burn to the ground, when his shift ended he picked up a pack of beers before heading home. The night air was crisp and the temperature was not…uncomfortably warm, so he walked out to the pier on the property and plopped down with his pack next to him. He was about 2 cans in when he heard the creak of the old wood planks behind him and footsteps approaching, stopping when they reached him. When he looked to his side he saw grimy boots covered in mud, slime and…insect remains, well there was worst company to have than you. “Up late, huh?” “Actually just got back from the mines.” Letting out a tired chuckle as if it was hilarious that you spent 10 hours underground. As he turned up to halfheartedly scold you for your life decisions, he got a glimpse of the arm and hand closest to him. Cuts ranging from little scratches to a freshly stitched up gash on your bicep, large welts that resemble…bug bites, and bruises of all colors are splattered across it. He no longer had the will to tell you off, “Here, have a cold one.” He extended the can to you, feeling your calloused fingers brush against his as you grabbed it.
Taking the beer as an invite to stay for awhile you take a seat next to him. You’re much closer than either of you expected, shoulders pressing against each other. He watched you a bit as you fiddled with the little metal tab, after a couple minutes of insect chirps he lets out a sigh. You tilted your head at him and he just responds with a bitter “Buh…life.” Maybe it was the beer or the comfortably uncomfortable silence that made him speak without thinking, “You ever feel like…no matter what you do, you’re gonna fail? …Like you’re stuck in some miserable abyss and you’re so deep you can’t even see the light of day?” He could feel your eyes burrowing into the side of his head, but he kept staring straight into the darkness of the lake beneath you both. “I just feel like no matter how hard I try…I’m not strong enough to climb out of that hole.” He can see your head turn forward in his peripheral, taking the opportunity to actually look at you. Your body was tense and face wearing an expression he knows all too well, a mixture of existential dread and tiredness. In the silence that settled over you two the crack of the tab finally breaking the aluminum can was heard. He watched as you brought it up to your lips and tilt your head back, hearing your big gulps of the icy beer until you finally crush the can in your hand. Maybe it’s the beer buzzing in his system but the way you’re lightly panting and the expert chugging had him feeling…funny. You looked over at him and mumbled a little “Sorry.” 
He felt the corners of his mouth curl up a bit “Heh…fast drinker, huh? A person after my own heart.” You could feel your face warm up a bit at his flirty joke. “Just don’t make it a habit…you got a future ahead of you still.” There was such a soft undertone of sincerity that it caught you a bit off guard, you watched as he finished his can of beer placing it next to your crushed one. “Welp…my liver is beggin’ me to stop. Better call it a night.” You got up wobbling a bit, man are your legs and arms sore from today. Shane grabbed the empty cans placing them in the plastic bag the pack came from, you watch as he grunted to get up on his knees, without hesitation you extended a hand to help him up. He stared at it for a few moments before taking it, you pulled him up towards you with ease, his hands were warm and a bit sweaty along with his his now slightly red cheeks it was something that nestled into your brain without realization. You reluctantly let go of his hand opting to shove them in your pockets, “I’ll walk you to your house…it’s on the way to mine.” Despite the fact the house he shared was visible from the dock he wasn’t opposed to having your company a little while longer. The grass crunched under your shoes as you walked with him, reaching the trash can that sat right outside the front door he dumped the bag with the empty cans. 
“This was nice, thanks for the beer and the company.” Your smile was well visible due to the house lights shining right outside the front door. “I’m heading home now, I’ll see you tomorrow, Shane!” You waved as you started walking off, “See you around, Farmer.” Returning the wave as he walked into the house, without thinking he stood by the window and watched you dissapear down the path that connects the two properties. He slowly walks to his room attempting not to wake anyone else in the house, sliding into his room he softly closed the door and let out a sigh. He faceplanted onto his bed feeling the effects of the day and beers crash on him, his mind drifted from the shelves of the market, the few ‘Happy Birthdays’ he recieved and finally landed on you. He let his thoughts linger, marinating in the details his slightly hazey brain grasped onto. The callouses developing on your hands, the scars forming on your arms and the way that you lifted him like he was a feather...he could feel his face heating up again like before, ‘I need to stop...but I guess there are worst ways to spend my birthday?’ Getting up he kicked off his shoes, lazily changing into a T-shirt and shorts. Crawling back into bed he closed his eyes and let himself indulge the thoughts his sober brain would’ve shot down immediately. The best gift he’s getting today is from himself and it’s a good night’s sleep.
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I hope you enjoyed reading this! Remember to drink water, eat something and get plenty of rest! Feel free to return whenever you want traveler, take care!💜
~Love Patient 0
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butterfrogmantis · 7 months
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Art trades what I did complete recently (by that I mean I absolutely turbo sped through them in less than a week fjsdkf) Gonna be worth it for a nice little pile of Buster n' George art <3
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sleepy-violette · 2 years
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magnus lemme smash
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seyvia · 6 months
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𝘐'𝘮... 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥...
POV: your barely getting by and your friend is the hairy old man living in a tent that you dumpster dive with♡ ...but you can't tell your folks that.
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spacenintendogs · 7 months
Tuffnut and Shane would definitely bond over their chickens. Either that or tuffnut would drive him absolutely nuts
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aurora-ze-aquarius · 8 months
Elliott and Rose for Valentines day! (I know it's tomorrow, but I'm busy with school.)
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southernbaphomet · 10 days
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Welcome to Moonland Farm!
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speed-demon-doodler · 4 months
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slowly learning how to use different opacity layers while stile making them look like pastel strokes :) it's fun!
(the SDV family grows!)
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jinghay · 11 months
Teen Jas and Vincent🪻
Shane be sending memes in the group chat
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