not-poignant · 11 months
Fae Tales - The Nascent Diplomat (Gwyn/Augus)
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Pairing: Augus Each Uisge/Gwyn ap Nudd
Tags: Fae politics, past child abuse, past sexual abuse, developing relationship, slow burn, mind games, Unseelie Court (See fic for more tags)
Summary: Augus is summoned by the Unseelie King of the fae to test out his hand at being a diplomat with a secretive, cave-dwelling race of fae known as the vench. He is sent to the remote region of Aethelwaters to strike up a trade deal, with the King’s Mage and executioner - Gwyn ap Nudd - as his bodyguard.
They come face to face with a closed culture largely unreceptive to newcomers, initiations to test their merit, an unusual way of feeding, and pitfalls and traps at every turn. Will it drive the shaky foundation between Gwyn and Augus further apart? Or bring them together?
Fae Tales - 37/? - The Nascent Diplomat - Gwyn/Augus on AO3!
In which Augus and Gwyn spend time in the Unseelie Court together, and Augus gets a better idea of Gwyn's upbringing, as well as his current emotional state.
-Thanks to all the Patreon supporters for making this story possible!
Chapter 38 of The Nascent Diplomat is available now for early release, for folks in the Augus & Gwyn+ tiers on Patreon and Ream! :D In which one of the world's greatest wordsmiths, the Raven Prince, says one of the most important things he will ever say in his life to Gwyn ap Nudd.
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
Seedlings for Kakashi and female reader please (this is PF and I’ve been going through it lately and my own kakarisa rambles aren’t making me feel better so I would really appreciate it <3 (not that I’m asking for kakaoc that’s too much of an ask) (equally if you have too many for this request that’s completely fine) 🌸🌸🌸
hey, @pfreadsandwrites it's never too much to ask for that <3
Risa glares down at the patch of ill-tended earth before her. Attempting to garden had clearly been a mistake, but she's too deep in it, now, and so she forges ahead, scraping her small trowel into the dirt as she thins a row of carrots.
She only hopes her brother will eventually forgive her for so completely demolishing the delicate plants he gifted her a few weeks ago.
"Who brings seeds back from a mission, anyway?" she wonders, shaking her head.
Risa's wide brimmed hat shades her face as she kneels in the small makeshift garden bed she constructed, the rich smell of damp soil mingling with the scent of freshly cut grass drifting from someone's yard nearby. She sneezes, wiping carefully at her nose with her sleeve to avoid smearing dirt across her face.
She's glad for the gardening gloves Zekuu delivered with the seedlings, at least. She can't imagine how her nails would fare against her new hobby without them.
She sighs, letting her eyes drift from the terribly limp-looking stalks of her meager future harvest to the hutch where her two rabbits sit happily nibbling on the greens she left for them when she first came outside.
"It would be nice to grow food for them," she mutters.
But any hope Risa might have for a hearty yield of veggies has likely already been dashed for the season. Maybe next year.
As she stands to brush herself off, the wind changes swiftly, lifting Risa's sunhat off her head. She chases it a few steps, but gives up rather quickly, frowning.
She should have ditched the gardening for a book about tending vegetables instead.
With her hat gone, Risa realizes the sun has disappeared behind a set of rather ominous-looking clouds and she scrambles to gather her tools and return her rabbits inside before it rains.
She's much more comforable once she's back in her kitchen, a cup of tea in hand as she stands by a window, watching drops of rain chase one another over the glass pane. With how hard it's coming down, Risa imagines whatever persistent plants might have perservered under her inept (and definitely not green) thumb are likely being pummeled into oblivion.
At least she can blame the garden's failure on Konoha's irate weather patterns instead of her own lack of skill if anyone asks.
She's about to go find a book to occupy the rest of her rainy day when there is a soft knock on her door. Not expecting company, she walks cautiously over, confused.
"Who is it?" she calls, leaning close to the wood so she can listen for a response.
"I have your hat."
Risa tugs her lip between her teeth, all her garden woes suddenly forgotten when she hears Kakashi's voice emanating from the other side of the door.
She yanks it open perhaps a little too quickly, already smiling.
And there stands Kakashi Hatake, soaked to the skin, holding a sodden and slightly trampled sunhat in his hands.
Risa tries not to laugh, but a slight giggle escapes her, anyway. "Forget an umbrella?" she asks.
Chuckling, Kakashi steps over the threshold, careful not to step too far inside while he's still dripping. He holds her hat out to her, "I thought maybe this would keep me dry, but it turns out it's much better suited to sunshine than a downpour."
Risa, still smiling, sets the hat aside and turns toward her bathroom, calling over her shoulder, "I'll be right back with a towel."
Once Kakashi is sufficiently dry, Risa offers to make him a cup of tea and he joins her in the kitchen, peering out through the rain-slick window at her unimpressive garden bed.
"I take it they haven't quite adjusted to your unique gardening style," he teases.
"Stop," Risa says, offering him a steaming mug, "I tried so hard not to kill them, but I think they were beyond saving even before they drowned."
Kakashi chuckles, leaning forward to plant a soft kiss on Risa's nose.
"I'm sure I could ask Tenzo for some help. He's much better with plants than I am."
Risa shakes her head. "No, it's fine. If I kill them, I kill them. It's not like I asked Zekuu to give them to me, he had to know the risks."
That doesn't mean he won't mercilessly tease her over the failure, but she has no doubt he'd find something to tease her for, regardless.
Still, she frowns as she stares out at the little patch of dirt, lamenting the pools of water already collected between her careful lines of snap peas and butter lettuce.
When Kakashi's arms wrap around her waist from behind, Risa startles a little, but he catches her cup before she can spill tea all over herself before resting his chin on her shoulder to watch the rain with her.
"Once the weather clears up, I can rig a tarp over it so it won't flood again. And I'll bring Tenzo over in a few days to see if there's any way to salvage the harvest."
Risa turns in his grasp just enough to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you," she says.
She doesn't really care all that much about the garden, but knowing Kakashi cares enough to help her make it a success means the world.
Maybe she'll make a stop at the library once it stops raining to check out the garening section. She can't be the only hopeless novice who's ever tried to raise crops in their backyard.
For now, though, standing in Kakashi's embrace, quietly enjoying a rainy afternoon, is all Risa cares about.
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galaxythreads · 1 year
earlier today I was editing the audio for a Loki series video essay I've been working on and realized I need to re-record the whole thing (it is 80 + pages long) -- whhhhy did i not check sooner??? -- but while I was re-recording I was so nervous that I kept stuttering and messing up and so I have to start over again and asdlkfja;sdlkfjasdf.
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synthmama · 7 years
@futuresecured replied to your post: someone should, give the ice mom a Hug,
wraps her in the american flag
quinn vc: i’m fairly certain this is actually considered unpatriotic,
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desafia · 3 years
mags pretends she isn’t aware that she has the 🥺 face.  but she knows.  she very much knows. 
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deadendtracks · 3 years
so an example of this is that i work in a large open plan space with cubicles -- there are like... idk, 20-30 of us maybe? i can't remember. it's probably going to look different when we return to the office because they are going to allow more telework permanently. but one of the new policies going forward is that all meetings will be virtual! which is great, they're trying to discourage spread of COVID with people packed into our tiny meeting rooms.
but i mentioned that for those of us working in the shared space, participating in virtual meetings might cause us to disrupt our coworkers by you know. talking a lot, even if we are wearing headphones for the audio component.
this had not in fact occurred to any of them, because they have offices with doors that shut. and don't think about those of us in the open plan office as people who attend meetings, even though we do in fact do that.
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klarsynt-arc · 3 years
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y’all remember these?
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lesdienne · 3 years
allison i love how you just Own what you are into and you have for a long time like way back in the tjlc days <3 if something is on ur blog i know you really like it, and it doesnt matter what it is! also its very nice that you listen to me abt spn <3
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azhefa-archived · 4 years
i asked my dad if he could get me some chips and a chocolate bar. he came home with a family sized bag and two huge ass packs of chocolate i-
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videcoeur · 5 years
someone is commissioning me on da and im crying cause its been so long since someone commissioned me ;asldkfjas
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darisugawa · 6 years
❝ Sorry I, uh… Walked in on your alone-time. I swear I didn’t see much. ❞ for uhhhhhhhhh Jakurai he deserves to get his meat beat
so yeah this one’s another Long One and it took me 84 years a;sldkfjAS;DLKFJ 
but tbh shoutout to @theempresskaizer who left like the nicest tag dump under my samatoki fic bc it gave me the Encouragement to finish this scenario for jakurai thank u
ANYWAY UH… this is phone sex just. straight up. so very dialogue heavy LOL
Negative Numbers
          ↪ Jakurai/Reader
Jakurai doesn’t consider himself a man of many indulgences.
He could make many excuses as to why that is, whether it’shis schedule, his lack of desire, his priorities–anything. There’s along list of things that come before his own pleasures that he has sorted downto a particular science and he’s too meticulous to stray from it at this pointin his life. Or perhaps he’s just getting old–too stubborn to strayfrom habit to fix what’s not entirely broken.
The only problem is that his current predicament might be inneed of fixing, given that it’s not the first time he’s had to deal withit in just the past two weeks.
Jakurai sighs to himself, having woken up from another dream–sovery unlike him, as seeing things in his sleep only ever means bad news.They’re not like the nightmares, at least, but he wonders if they’re worse.There is tea to drink and syringes to fiddle with when he is restless frombattle-hardened memories, but there is no quick fix to longing,indefinite as it is. Matters of the heart are confusing andfrustrating–incomprehensible and without reason. Jakurai dislikes problemsthat don’t come with decided formulas, even if he begrudgingly understands thathe’s no exception their inevitable nature.
He’d prefer it, at least, if that said longing took a moreshapeless, anonymous form. It’d be far, far easier if he didn’tassociate his desires with you.
Another sigh escapes him as he sits up, ever aware of the heatthat’s coiled up at his very core and how he strains against his pants.He’s not been a teenager for some time, but Jakurai is certain he’s notexperienced inane wet dreams in just as long. Faint images of animaginary you remain in his mind–your lips wrapped around his cock as you lookup to him, observing every reaction he gives you. The thought isn’t nearly assatisfying when he’s lucid, as the feeling ghosts along him instead ofactually providing anything of substance. Jakurai drags his legs over the sideof the bed and puts his face in his hands with a groan. He will have to takecare of this, even though a small part of him loathes putting the effort into asolution that will only last him a short while.
The clock reads 2:17 AM.
As it turns to 2:18, his phone rings.
Jakurai doesn’t bother to check the name before quicklyanswering it, hoping that maybe whoever it is may have more importantmatters to distract him with. Perhaps it’s Ichiro-kun, who’ll apologize for thelate hour but insist he needs some over-the-counter suggestions for one of hisbrothers… He considers Doppo-kun, but realizes he’d more likely be trying tosleep at this hour. Hifumi-kun should be at work, and–
“Oh, Jakurai-san? I didn’t think you’d answer at this hour.”
… Ah. This is quite the predicament.
“… It’s not very common,” he grunts out, cursing his ownluck that the very source of his distractions is just on the other end of theline. The sound of your voice sends a shiver down his spine and Jakurai pincheshis own thigh, as if reminding himself to keep his composure.
“You do sound like you’ve just woken up,” you say,sounding a little guilty. “I apologize if–”
“No,” he says, too hasty, before he shakes his head,trying to get rid of the haze. “No, I was… already awake. It’s no trouble. Whatwas it you wished to call me for?”
“You asked me for those documents a few days ago, remember?I’ve finally gotten them gathered and organized, so I figured I’d leave you avoicemail since your phone is usually off at these hours.”
“Is… that right?” he asks, just barely able to wrap his mindaround what you’re talking about. Jakurai ends up focusing so much on the soundof your voice that he can’t even comprehend what you’re saying. Goodness.
“… You sound flustered, Jakurai-san,” you say, soundingsuspicious. He shivers again at the sound of his name on your tongue. “Did I…perhaps interrupt something?”
Ah. A direct question, as always. Jakurai clears his throat,caught off guard, but he knows that alone has given him away and he wonders ifyou have that curious smile turning your lips up at this revelation. Thesilence is heavy, but you wait for his answer patiently. He swallows.
“… Something like that, perhaps.”
“I see,” you say, humming to yourself on the other end. “Yetyou saw it fit to answer me right away, regardless? It makes me wonder of yourintentions, Jakurai-san.”
“Nothing unsavory, I can promise,” he insists. Not foranswering the phone, at least. “I was quite hoping for a distraction fromthis… issue of mine, actually.”
“Oh? Talking business to get your mind on other things?” youask, sounding as if you’re shifting your phone from one ear to the other. “Or…were you looking for another sort of distraction?”
Jakurai feels himself throb and uses all of hiswillpower not to curse aloud. “… Is that your offer?’’
“I wouldn’t mind. We’re good friends, aren’t we?” youinsist. “I’m a bit pent up myself… it could be mutually beneficial.’’
Mutually beneficial. It sounds so clinical, butJakurai wants to use it as a proper excuse for himself. Maybe it’s not right ofhim, but if he can rationalize he’s also helping you in the process,then he suddenly doesn’t feel so bad about it.
… Is he really so desperate that he’ll reach for anything?
“… What do you propose?”
“Hm… Will just my voice do for you?”
He hears you giggle on the other end and he moves to leanback against his bed frame. This is shameless, he knows, but you areboth adults. You know him too well by now to offer him something like thiswithout knowing the consequences… of which there will be many in the aftermaththat you’ll have to talk about in extent. But just this once, Jakurai doesn’twant to consider the details–he just wants you to tell him what to do.
“Tell me then, good doctor,” you say and he hears the soundof a chair leaning back. “What were you thinking about before you picked up thephone?”
Jakurai wraps an arm around his stomach, gripping at his ownclothes. “… I was dreaming of that which I do not have.”
“And what would that be?”
He’s afraid to say it, but your gentle voice prods him,anyway. “… You.”
“Oh?” you ask, feigning surprise as you hum to yourself. Youknow exactly what you’re doing, but he’s not inclined to stop you. “That’s verycurious indeed… For you to be so riled up, I must’ve been doing somethinginappropriate, for certain.”
“… It is my own fault, to have imagined it that way.”
“Nobody’s blaming anyone, are they? I’m simply askingbecause I want to help, Jakurai-san…” you say with an even tone. “… Was it myhand? Perhaps my mouth you were thinking of?”
His hand starts to loosen its grip. “… Your mouth.”
You fake a gasp of surprise, but he doesn’t respond to itright away. “Really? You’d be so desperate for me to have a taste ofyou? Jakurai-san, I’m surprised…” You pause. “… Though I suppose being calleda god makes one long for someone to kneel before them.”
“… I’m no better than any man seeking the warmth ofanother,” he says, allowing himself to push his pants past his hips and lettingout a sigh of relief as he rids himself of restraint. “I wish to be nothingmore before you, if I may…”
“Before me? Jakurai-san, you must be joking.”
“You would need only to ask of me…” he insists, shivering ashe wraps a hand around himself, circling his thumb at the tip. “Call it worshipif you wish… I’ll confess at your altar, if only you’d be mine…”
“Dangerous words from a dangerous man, Jakurai-san,” yousay, thought you sound a little breathless. He wonders if he can have that sortof effect on you–if you long in the same way that he does. “Surely…I’ll let your words go to my head, if I’m not careful.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you,”–never to you–“So youneed not to worry… If it’s a god you wish to be, then I would make it so…”Jakurai starts to stroke himself then, sighing as he imagines your hand insteadof his own–smaller, more delicate.
“Do you always make such impossible promises?” you ask. “Itmakes me wonder what it is you expect of me…”
“I expect nothing,” he says, moving his hand in a twistingmotion. “Even if this is all you’ll give me in the end… I won’t be able tostop. I’m too far along to let go…”
He hears you sigh against his ear this time and he wondersif you’ve begun to touch yourself, too. The thought haunts him–the image ofyou messily half-dressed as you seek release with him, unable to experienceanything but your own touch. Do you wish his hands were on you instead, the wayhe does yours? Do you want him to unravel you, take you apart until you laybare beneath him in the same way?
“… You offer too much of yourself, good doctor,” you saywith a breathless laugh. “… Wouldn’t you prefer to be a little selfish? Letme take care of you…?”
He stutters out a quiet moan, speeding up his pace a little.“I dare not to hope for such things, you must realize…”
“Let me indulge you then,” you insist, your breath hitchingas you speak. “Though all you have are my words right now… You can ask mefor whatever you like, Jakurai-san.”
“… You’re all I want,” he admits, too caught up in his ownpleasure to reel himself back in. “These are desires only you could possiblysatisfy… I long only for what you and you alone can give me…”
He hears a moan from the other end and Jakurai slumps backfurther against his bed frame. You’re in your own throes of pleasure, allbecause of him and he can hardly stand that he’s not there to see ithimself. It’s quiet between you two for a moment, save for the sounds you shareover the phone, but you speak up again after a while.
“… Allow me to give you that,” you eventually tell him,short of breath and so, so close–or so he hopes. “If it’s just me youwant, then take it… I won’t stop you.”
“You can finish… just for me, Jakurai-san.”
For you.
His breath hitches when he feels himself spill over hishand, leaning back heavily as it trails down his knuckles. He calls your nameout in whispers, wishing so desperately that you might be here to kiss it outof his mouth. Jakurai doesn’t have such a luxury, so he at least settles forhearing you call out for him in turn as you reach your own high from the otherend. You share heavy breaths over the phone and he’s too content to want tomove from his spot, wanting to let the moment drag on for as long as possible.You’re the one who breaks the silence and he almost regrets it.
“… Was that what you were looking for, Jakurai-san?”
He doesn’t answer right away, gathering his thoughts. “…Did you mean it? When you said you wouldn’t stop me?”
You laugh in response. “As you would do the same, I wouldn’tlie to you.”
His shoulders relax and despite himself, he feels hopeful.“Perhaps my timing is terrible, but… may I see you tomorrow? We should… discusssome things.”
“Of course. I’d hate to leave you with just thoughts of me…I’m not so cruel, you know.”
“Only when you don’t feel like it,” he says, unable to helpthe chuckle that leaves his throat.
“I won’t be cruel to you, is what I mean,” you say,sounding indignant. “But… the hour is late. For now, you should rest… and wecan have our talk tomorrow.”
“… You swear it?”
“On my very soul, Jakurai-san,” you say. “I’ll come for you,worry not.”
He nods to himself, offering a hum of approval before hefinally bids you good night. You’ll come for him, you promised it, anddespite the mess he’s in, his worries are no longer there in the back of hismind.
Jakurai will see you tomorrow–perhaps things will be setback on the right path, then.
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galaxythreads · 1 year
(Intesponse to ur alt universe post) and then as thor and loki are arguing odin sits in the background drinking mead and rolling his eyes
Odin: Just hug and say i love u already
asdlfkja;sdlkfjasdf. This fic is like if Odin was their drunk, tired mentor instead of their father and there's something just so funny about it.
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henrysdunne · 5 years
🏩   :   book a valentine’s trip away with my muse.
Henry knew he was getting way ahead of himself. They were mostly just screwing around and going on small lunch dates…. which usually led to more screwing around. He was beginning to grow tired of having to sneak about the office and even outside of it. Going two or three boroughs over just to have lunch was becoming too time consuming and even then, there was still a big chance Henry would run into someone he or his parents knew. The Dunne’s had connections just about everywhere in this city and there was no escaping friends, business partners, or other associates no matter how hard he tried to avoid them.
Flora wasn’t due in the office today, so he made the trip down to the cafe where she was pulling a double shift. They were just closing up when he arrived, a bouquet of roses in hand and presented to her purposely in front of the simp that owned the place. Noah was always giving off weird vibes and, to tell the truth, he’d rather her work elsewhere. He was always staring, doe eyed, at Flora like she was the center of his world and the light of his life. The last time Henry was in here, Noah was entertaining a group of children on his acoustic guitar, which made him cringe. If he had a little less control, Henry would have knocked the guy into one of his hand made Valentine displays, but he was sure Flora wouldn’t appreciate that. 
“Are these for me?” Flora gladly took the bouquet, an assortment of red, white, and pink roses because Henry was unable to decide which color she’d like best.“Of course, Flo. Anything for my best girl.” his voice purposely carried to the not-so-subtle cafe owner sweeping at nothing in particular, clearly eaves dropping in the corner. Henry wrenched her hips forward, sealing her in a kiss that was more heated and possessive than it needed to be, but he was determined to give her little admirer a show.“I’m sure you say that to plenty of girls.” Flora’s pushed him back with a look.“No, only you. And I don’t usually jet set anybody else for a 3 day weekend.”“What do you mean?”“Pack your bags, Blume, I got us a jet to take us to Venice for the weekend.”“Wh— Henry, I can’t just leave I have to work all weekend.”“Sure you can! There’s no one else who can pick up some shifts?”
It was said loud enough to signal a response from Noah. Henry’s gaze drifted off to the corner where he was still sweeping that one spot. When he realized the questions was directed at him, Noah turned with a tight lipped smile and a small shrug of his shoulders. “Oh, I’m sure a few of the others can pick up some shifts! Not very many people get the opportunity to take such a lavish vacation and…” Noah’s voice trailed off as Henry immediately tuned him out and peered back down at Flora. “See? C’mon, get your stuff. I’ll drive you home to pack.” Flora seemed to mull that over for a few moments before finally giving him an ‘ok!’, a quick peck on the cheek, and racing into the back to gather her belongings.
 It left the two men in a quiet stand off, Henry forcing a smile in Noah’s direction, which was met with the same expression. The two couldn’t be any different. While Henry screamed ivy league in his peacoat, perfectly pressed button down, khaki pants, and class ring on his finger, Noah looked like he was better suited reading poetry down in Brooklyn with the other hipsters.“I’m sure Flora will have a great time. She’s very special and she deserves a break from things. I’ve only ever seen pictures of Italy and I hope she gets to see all the wonderful sights!”“Oh, yeah, I hope we have enough time to get out of bed and see the sights. She can be quite vigorous.” a smirk tugged at his lips, refraining from divulging any other intimate details Flora would kill him for. “Or else I may have to take her there again… but for longer.”
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argoetia · 5 years
me, stepping away to paint cosplay: me, coming back and seeing the notes: h O LY SHIT--
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yerbamansa · 6 years
so i never watched It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia because i didn’t have cable when it started and just never got on board. but it’s on hulu and i am very bored and kind of sad and literally everyone i follow on here is into this show so...fuck it?
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avalonianrising · 6 years
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Dorks, a la Nightspear Company.
This is way too fun, y’all. Sorry not sorry for the spam.~
(Wolfsbane is bi, but yanno’. There’s probably some funny story behind that choice. Haven’t figured it out, yet, but I bet it’s good!)
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