#sdk izumo no okuni
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Youtuber AU (warning: some spoilers)
(requested by @ladyofthelake13)
AU in which all (or most) of our favorite characters make a living as famous/semi-famous Youtubers/vloggers.
Yuya is a True Crime vlogger a la Buzzfeed Unsolved. Each week she researches old crimes and cold cases, adding in her own thoughts on the case and her thoughts on who really committed them. She started out the channel first as an extra credit project when she was still in pre-law but grew so popular that she started creating videos full time. She earns most of her money through merchandizing rights and by creating her own brand. Every now and then she delves into supernatural-type videos with her adopted sister Sakuya as co-host. Her adopted brother Nozomu helps out behind the scenes with editing videos and doing some camera work. One of the more popular aspects of her channel is when she brings her friends, other popular Youtubers, in as guests. There are even shipping wars among her followers on who she has the most chemistry with.
Benitora is a travel vlogger who travels all around the country trying out different local and specialized food/snacks, showing off various features in the geography and chatting with friendly locals. His prestigious family only allows his ‘frivolities’ under the excuse that he’s going out and building goodwill with the populace he will eventually be in charge of. Tora’s father is the leader of the country, something that Tora himself tries to keep quiet about. To finance his travels, other than the Patreon page he set up, Tora made a deal with his father Ieyasu: he can keep up a steady and consistent view count Tora can keep making his videos. As soon as viewership drops below a certain amount, he has to stop and resume his training to take over leadership. So far he’s been able to keep up his end of the bargain, but the looming future ahead of him is something that he’s never quite able to forget.
Okuni is a beauty vlogger who has inside access to some of the newest products about to hit the market. She regularly reviews the new and upcoming products, shares tutorials for both beginners and those who’ve been using makeup for a while on how to apply the perfect foundation, get expert wingtips, and how to match their particular color pallet for their skin tone. Okuni will bring in her friends, both women and men, to give them makeovers as well as to have them compete in different makeup challenges. So far, the most popular video on her channel is from when she let Hotaru and Shinrei give each other makeovers.
Yukimura’s channel comes across as half family drama and shenanigans and half prank channel. Saizo is largely his go-to camera man, but other members of his family take turns as well, lending to some...interesting footage that almost always ends up in the videos released to the public. Every now and then Yukimura will drop his own political takes into conversation, only to immediately start talking about something else as a distraction. There are rumors that he’s going to be running for public office as a bid to overthrow the current political power. There are also others who discount this theory stating that Yukimura’s not serious enough for the role and actually doesn’t have any interest in politics beyond his ‘hot takes.’ It’s goofy, fun-loving Yukimura, there’s no way. Yukimura himself loves to obfuscate this even further by going on regular shopping trips where he shows off the newest gifts he’s planning to get for his family...usually specifically for whoever’s holding the camera at the time, leading to a lot of back and forth with the cameraperson on exactly why they deserve these gifts in the first place.
Sasuke’s channel is largely an unboxing channel for various toys and other gadgets, usually ones he gets from Yukimura. He’ll also review the items based on how engaging or mentally stimulating he finds them. When Sasuke isn’t reviewing items he’s usually filming himself out in the woods exploring with his childhood friend Kotaro. The two friends run a side vlog documenting skateboarding, biking, and rollerblading tricks and stunts or hiking and camping trips they go on together. A popular series of videos the two friends have that has boosted their viewership considerably involves them showing off various sword stunts and tricks. Every now and then Benitora sneaks his way onto Sasuke’s channel, sharing travel tips and stories. Despite Sasuke repeatedly mentioning how annoying he finds the older man, viewers can’t help but notice that Tora’s never actually cut out of any videos he appears in. Every now and then Sasuke will post gaming videos that he plays with Kotaro and occasionally Tora; despite several requests, he insists he’s not a gaming channel.
Bontenmaru’s channel is almost exclusively dedicated to bodybuilding and workout techniques. Usually these videos include him trying to get his friends involved in working out or acting as their personal trainer. Some of his friends are more receptive to this than others. Whenever a new workout ‘challenge’ comes out, Bon will immediately make a video about it, either criticizing the challenge or pointing out the different ways that the challenge helps develop certain muscle groups. When he’s not making workout and bodybuilding videos, Bon can be found filming drunk hangouts with his friends. There’s a small subsection of his videos dedicated to reviewing workout clothes while trying to promote his own personal brand or workout clothing and accessories.
Akira’s videos are full of DIY tips and tricks as well as testing to see if other DIY videos hold up. More often than not the DIY videos he reviews are hilariously wrong, something he goes out of his way to prove and mock. When he’s not reviewing DIYs, he’s posting Let’s Plays to his channel. Akira is also a popular Twitch streamer, usually co-opting his friends into playing either Team Death Matches or pvps together. He likes to consider himself a cool and collected gamer, which admittedly he is to a degree. Whenever he has to be on the same team as certain ‘friends’ of his, though (Benitora, Hotaru and Akari, namely) he tends to lose his cool. If his friends annoy him too much, though, he’ll just bring them on as guests to try out the end results of his DIY videos.
Hotaru’s channel is about as chaotic and disfunctional as the man himself. His videos are almost completely unedited, excepting for a few special effects for when his brother appears on screen. He tends to get stuck with the label of ‘Travel Vlogger’ flor lack of a better description for his videos, which usually document the various places he finds himself whenever he gets lost. It’s become an in-joke and even a betting pool among his followers on where he’ll end up next with his videos. If he’s not out getting lost, he’s posting videos about random things that he’ll find interesting--various stray cats, an interesting bug he found, or even a few attempted prank videos on his brother Shinrei. For those who don’t get enough humor out of his videos, Hotaru’s twitter account is open and well documented, usually with various out of context posts or sporadic updates on where he is. He is well recognized on the Internet, if by name only, as a living cryptid.
Akari is well known as an influencer, posting her own beauty tips and tricks, local restaurant reviews, and even some humorous videos of her friends doing silly, stupid, and humiliating videos as a result of some kind of blackmail that she has on them. Every now and then her videos turn educational when she offers medical advice on how to treat certain wounds and injuries, usually because one of her dumb friends has that specific injury that she demonstrates with. Akari also has certain Opinions on a certain pharmaceutical company that she absolutely in no way has any connections with. She certainly never worked there at one point, and you can’t prove that she ever did.
Kyoshiro’s mostly known for his editing skills, being the go-to editor for his girlfriend’s sister Yuya’s channel. He has a few tutorials on how to edit videos together, though there are a few videos that are light skits that he does with his girlfriend Sakuya. He did a series at one point that was part tea-review and part gushing about Sakuya. He tries to stay out of the spotlight for the most part, but he’s not opposed to appearing on Yuya’s channel as a guest host...as long as Kyo’s not also guest hosting at the same time. He has a unique relationship with Kyo, where sometimes they appear to be best friends and in other videos as mortal enemies. No one’s quite sure what the relationship is between them, though there have been a few rumors floating around that the two are siblings. These rumors have yet to be acknowledged either way, however.
Kyo’s channel isn’t actually run by him. Every video that appears on his channel is something that one of his friends made and then uploaded for him. These videos usually take the form of boasting Kyo’s skills (usually made by Akira or Akari) or as group hangouts with his friend group. There are a few that were made by Yuya that are typically along the lines of “look what this guy did now” that are pretty popular and technically give Kyo the title of ‘influencer.’ Kyo is also known on the Internet as a type of cryptid, though not to the levels of Hotaru. Instead, he’s known as the kind of person you want to emulate, who men either hate or want to be like and who several women wish to date. There’s some speculation that Kyo may already be in a relationship with someone (typically Yuya, though she refuses to say anything about the subject). There’s some talk that there may be open warrants out for his arrest, but so far nothing about his alleged crimes or the man’s whereabouts has come to light.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Yuya: The world used to be a bigger place.
Okuni: The world's still the same. There's just less in it.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Okuni: All the haters being like “Aren’t you wanted by the State?”. I’m wanted by a lot of people, alright? That’s the price of being pretty.
Okuni: Anyway, yes, I did commit a smidge of treason.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Okuni: Being “overdressed” is a myth made up by people who don’t want you to have fun and be sexy.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Yuya: I'm just saying, when I die in mysterious and unexplained circumstances I want you all to make sure that everybody knows it. Instead of saying I was "a friend to everyone" and that I "lit up a room" when I entered it, I want people to shake their heads while muttering that I "asked too many questions for my own good" and talk about how they "warned me that I was getting in way over my head" and that I "always had a knack for finding trouble" wherever I went. If you don't make me a local urban legend, you've failed me.
Team Kyo:
Okuni: I'm sorry, "when" you die in mysterious and unexplained circumstances?
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Okuni, having been stabbed: Oh God, I’m dying, I can feel it… [moans]
Akari, bringing her back to the others: People who are dying don’t keep talking about it.
Okuni: R… really? Is th… is… is that true?
Akari: Eh, maybe I’m just usually around people who die faster. [shrugs]
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
[meeting your rival be like]
Akari, after meeting Okuni: Okuni, there's only room on this team for one hysterical queen.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 5 years ago
Okuni: You turned Kyo into the police?!
Yuya: They offered me what I couldn’t refuse.
Yuya: Money.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
More SDK AUs!--Hogwarts AU
[honestly, feeling kind of drained at the moment, so have another AU!]
Hogwarts AU--basically, everyone’s now going to magic school!
Yuya is a recent transfer student to Hogwarts after having some Family Troubles and having to move. She’s sorted as a Gryffindor because go ahead and try and tell her she can’t do something. Go ahead. We’ll wait. Upon entering the school, she finds out that there’s a specific group of troublemakers who seem to get away with murder--or at least, don’t seem to suffer any serious consequences for their actions and hijinks. Since she’s looking for some pointers on how to Get Away With Shit like them so she can help her family, she decides to befriend the group--or at least, learn a few pointers.
Enter Kyo and the Four Emperors, named because they come from and ‘rule’ all four houses. There’s Kyo, the leader, who’s from Gryffindor as well. He’s up for any challenge, any duel, and knows a surprising amount of high powered spells that don’t seem to be taught at Hogwarts--the legality of these spells is questionable at best, but no one can really find any real justification to expel him. There’s rumors that he’s related to the headmaster, a mysterious man who appears to favor Kyo over the rest of the students. Despite this rumored relation, Kyo is actually the adopted son of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Muramasa (the actual source of Kyo’s knowledge of high-powered, dangerous spells).
Joining Kyo in Gryffindor house is Hotaru, a pretty chill young man who only really seems to show interest in duels--predominately with his half-brother Shinrei over in Ravenclaw house, but he’s not too picky with who he fights. Hotaru likes to gloat that he’s the only one in the Four Emperors who’s in the same house with Kyo--when the group’s not together, Hotaru can routinely be seen either getting exceptionally lost around the castle, following Kyo around, getting into fights with Shinrei, or discovering secret passages and rooms all over the school. He’s a frequent visitor of the Room of Requirement, though he wouldn’t be able to tell you how he got there.
Akira, Kyo’s self-appointed right hand man, belongs to Slytherin House. A muggle-born, he exemplifies the house’s trait of ambition--he’s the top of his year and his go-to move whenever anyone tries to use his heritage against him is to humiliate the other person at something that ‘only pure-blood wizards’ could do. When he first met Kyo, it was when some sixth years were trying to pick on him as a first year for ‘not knowing his place.’ Kyo came across the fight and joined in on Akira’s side since the others were ‘in his way.’ He didn’t pity Akira and instead commended him on his ability to hold his own against the others. Since then, Akira has held Kyo up as his image of what an ideal wizard should be and has worked hard since then to match his idol.
When Bontenmaru was sorted into Hufflepuff House everyone initially thought that the Sorting Hat had made a mistake. How was this big, buff eleven year old, already covered in scars from his many, many fistfights, a Hufflepuff? Bontenmaru set them straight when he punched out an upper year for bullying someone in his house. He then proceeded to taunt and chastise his housemate for giving the upper year the opportunity to bully them in the first place. Bontenmaru straddles the line between actively helping those weaker than him from being bullied to taunting and teasing his fellow classmates just for the fun of it. He decided to follow Kyo because he thought the other teen was fun to hang out with, and even more fun to tease and fight. By the end of his first year at Hogwarts, everyone knew that Bontenmaru fully embodied his house’s mascot the badger.
Rounding off the Four Emperors is Akari, known throughout the school for her knowledge of everyone’s secrets. Gifted with a particular aptitude for magical healing, Akari is more than willing to help heal anyone who has an injury, curse, or hex too embarrassing or compromising for the school’s nurse to handle--for a fee. In exchange for her magical healing, Akari demands secrets and knowledge in return. It’s said that she even knows some of the school’s founders’ most well kept secrets. After deducing that Yuya has an important secret she’s trying to keep from everyone, Akari becomes determined to find out what the secret is--even if she has to be friends with the admittedly charming and friendly girl to do it!
Joining Yuya in Gryffindor house and befriending her almost immediately is Benitora. Enamored by the feisty new girl who made a name for herself quickly for standing up for herself against the various bullies in their year, Benitora decided he wanted to help his new friend get to know her new school better. Yuya’s confidante, he’s not quite sure why she wants to know so much about that Mibu Kyoshiro guy who suddenly dropped out of school, or why she seems to know so much about the famous divination expert and prophetess Sakuya. Benitora is a proud member of the Gryffindor house Quidditch team, playing as one of the team’s Chasers. He’s in a not-quite-one-sided rivalry with Akira.
Yukimura is a charming upperclassman in Slytherin house, a mysterious young man who seems to know just as many secrets as Akari--with twice as many secrets of his own. Yukimura is determined to bring back glory and honor to his pureblood family no matter what kind of dark paths he has to go through to reach his goal. He has many helpers and followers in both his own house and in others, though no one’s quite sure who all of them are. Yukimura routinely clashes with and joins in the fun with Kyo and his friends. The two are openly rivals, though only Yukimura is willing to refer to them as ‘friends,’ and only then when he’s sure he’s alone and drunk. It’s more fun to keep everyone guessing, right?
Sasuke is a prodigy in the Second Year class and one of the few Named ‘helpers’ of Yukimura. He claims that he follows Yukimura out of a sense of pride and in return for a debt that he owes the older teen, but you can’t help but notice how fond of the eccentric upperclassman he really is--something that Benitora loves to tease the lowerclassman for. Sasuke is also in Slytherin house--all the better to keep an eye on Yukimura, he says. Despite his age, Sasuke is one of the more formidable duelsts at the school.
Okuni is a member of Ravenclaw house and a rival in more ways than one with Akari. Okuni is in love with Kyo and has devoted her time at school to helping him in whatever way she can--be it finding gossip on their classmates, bribing teachers into looking the other way when Kyo and the Emperors’ antics go too far, to even framing other classmates for Kyo’s misdeeds. When she’s not openly helping Kyo, she’s also helping his enemies in the hopes that that will get him to notice her more. Initially, Okuni was cold towards Yuya though she started warming up when Yuya rushed to help her after a misfired spell hit Okuni during a duel gone wrong. Now fond of the new girl, Okuni is looking for the information that Yuya wants while also keeping this a secret from Kyo and the others--a woman should keep at least a few things secret, right?
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incorrectsdkquotes · 5 years ago
Yuya: You know, when Kyoshiro comes over, Kyo can get a little...
Benitora: Psycho?
Okuni: Scary?
Yukimura: Drunk?
Yuya: All three.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Benitora, before battling the Mibu: We either die free, or die trying!
Okuni: Are those the only choices?
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incorrectsdkquotes · 5 years ago
Okuni: The present tense of regret is indecision.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Yuya: How do I politely tell someone I want to hit their face with a brick several times?
Okuni: One wishes to acquaint your facial structure with a rigidly edged object fundamentally used in the construction of walls repeatedly.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 5 years ago
Kyoshiro: I DO WHAT I WANT!
Okuni: I’ll tell Yuya-san.
Kyoshiro: Oh, come on, man!
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incorrectsdkquotes · 5 years ago
Yuya: We all want them gone, why do I have to be the bad guy?
Okuni: I don’t know, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years ago
Okuni: The beautiful cannot be held responsible for the havoc our looks create.
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