#scythe the corporation
(AKA, Cheeky is getting bullied on the interwebs, and I’m choosing to take that personally.)
Science and Mathy Things- Cheeky worked as a scientist for The Corporation for YEARS. Science and Math were her main jobs, and jokes about her not getting a simple math equation (FALSE ALLEGATIONS, DISPROVEN LATER) aside, I bet that she’s really good at stuff like that.
Being Clear- Cheeky is BLUNT. She says exactly what she’s thinking, no holds barred. She does what she wants, and has a awesome time doing it. She is one of the ONLY characters to be straightforward about intentions, blind spots, and feelings on issues. Part of this is probably because the others have to hide aspects of themselves in order to stay safe, and she didn’t really have to do that, but MY POINT STANDS!!!
Learning and Evolving- Cheeky is smart. Wicked smart. She picks up on things really quickly, learns from her mistakes with little to no trouble, and finds where she can be the most service. I’m not saying that other characters DON’T do these things, but I am saying that Cheeky doesn’t get enough credit for all that she does. She’s the ONLY light magic user in the world. She doesn’t have a mentor, boss, or anyone who TRULY understands her powers. V and L can only take her so far, a lot of her learning is practical application. And yet, she picks up on concepts very quickly, to the point that MULTIPLE CHARACTERS have commented on it. I could go on, but I won’t.
Emotional Vulnerability/Stability- Nuff said. I’m playing, but seriously, Cheeky adds a human element to V’s dynamic that is needed. V cares for and about people, obviously, but he doesn’t make it a point to tell them that or express that. (Probably due to a fear that they’ll be taken from him stemming from his childhood but WE DON’T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THAT-) Cheeky, however, has incredible empathy. She’s a protector, a healer, and a good person at heart. It’s even reflected in her magic! She does things that are difficult for her, and she handles it like a champ. Is she probably a little more sensitive rn because of the whole Atrocity situation? Maybe. But still! She also is able to bounce back from difficult situations with relative ease. (Most people would NOT be that chill with finding out that their whole life is a lie and they’ve been under mind control.)
Her Magic- Look, is Cheeky the strongest magic user? No, not by a long shot. Twinkle has more magical prowess than Cheeky, and Twinkle is making it up as she goes! But Cheeky still does have access to a whole other side of magic that the others don’t. And I think that makes her pretty neat. Furthermore! That same magic helped her break free of mind control (which we don’t have record of many people doing) and stay alive!
In Conclusion!
Cheeky is a boss, and I will not stand for this slander of her good name.
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tatonslice · 2 years
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idk how to draw the woodsman based on that one post
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hypodermicfroggy · 2 months
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Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, Romeo I've really been, on a bender and it shows So why don't you blow me A kiss before she goes?
= o = o = o = o = o = o =
So I was playing LobCorp, and while it has been HELL and I'm only on like Day 23, of course I've been populating my employee nuggets with OCs and friends, and since I was feeling inspired, I drew my Svarog and @bethne 's Elane together!
(Pose was originally referenced from a Rodigor art piece by @ notree05 on Twitter by the way!)
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pixelblacksmith · 2 years
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made in excel (lob corp edition)
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weepingmill · 9 months
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welcome home agent
the smell of metal, the indistinguishable sounds of her peers..no captors? it didn’t matter. did it?
the humming of the machine next to them. if they closed their eyes and let there thoughts and memories melt into one. they could make out the empty hum of their mother. or higher up. the prods and pulls of the scientists connecting wires trying to understand something that cheeky couldn’t even remember anymore. everything was melting and melding together. like their world was being rearranged in a way so distant than what it really was. prodding and pulling at their head in uncomfortable ways
one moment they were locked in a seat and the next they were sat in front of a mirror with their caretaker behind them. humming an empty hum as her hands fumbled in their hair. messy and sloppy so uncoordinated. so unusual to see. yet all to perfect in cheeky’s eyes. it was undeniable proof that their mother was alive. that some part of her was alive. that made mistakes. that didn’t walk and move as if she ran like a motor.
no in small moments like this. cheeky felt comforted. in a silent way. in the empty humming. in the cold air of their home. of the metallic smell that seemed to be radiating off everything and everyone. the clumsiness of their mothers hands.
this was home wasn’t it? what did they know besides this anyway. no one is coming. so for just a moment. let’s be at home.
..welcome home agent 6006
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thegreatcrowdragon · 10 months
For Whom The Bell Tolls
(An idea for an abno that just kinda hit me out of nowhere)
“I have given you all that you require, and yet you come to me asking for more. And for that, you shall be greatly punished.”
For Whom The Bell Tolls is a small golden bell attached to a short metal pole. If rang, the employee will gain a relatively large stat boost to one random stat. If used by the same employee twice, that employee will become Marked, with a small bell appearing next to their name. After a few minutes, and if the Marked employee is not killed, the abnormality will breach. For Whom The Bell Tolls breaching form is a large, greyish dragon-like entity, face and body almost completely covered by a ragged black cloak. It will make its way towards the Marked employee, killing anyone who gets in its way. Once it kills the Marked employee (or something else kills them), it will return to its cell.
Weapon: Chime (golden scythe)
"It came, took what it wanted, and left, only attacking when someone got in its way."
Ego: Chime (long ragged black coat)
"While it had many forms, it was always wearing that same raggedy black cloak, obscuring almost all of its body from sight."
Gift: Chime (small bell hairclip)
"The only warning it gave was the loud ringing of its bell, fortelling that someone had taken more than what they deserved."
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sinnerclair · 11 months
josi just casually carrying around a battleaxe thats the weight of a fucking boeing 737-900 like what breed of scythe is she????
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gootube · 1 year
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had trouble coming up with ego equipment for this fella so it remains unfinished but for funsies i made an abnormality page for julipede!
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romanceyourdemons · 6 months
one of the funniest things word of honor did was it had two guys who call themselves hei wuchang and bai wuchang and they’re besties, and they always wear this beautiful super detailed cosplay as the black and white guards of impermanence, they fight with scythes, everything. complete commitment to the bit. and then their boss calls himself wuchang gui and his outfit and weapons are 1. not even a little bit on theme and 2. fucking stupid. which means that either the other two were already a themed package deal when they became meng hui’s subordinates and he did the annoying corporate manager thing where he was like well i want to get in on this too, and does it poorly. or he was already calling himself wuchang gui and told his two new employees to maybe go along with the concept so it’s clear they belong to him, and the two of them were like alright sure. and proceeded to commit to the bit like no bit has ever been committed to before
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themotherofrevelation · 8 months
How can a wounded feminine heal her relationship with the masculine in general
Heal the father wound; heal your relationship with God the Father/Brahmā. Heal male-inflicted wounds, and retrieve your frozen selves. Trauma fragments consciousness. Health is wholeness; health is the realization of oneness.
Womban is the creator of man/sculptor in the sky; man is womban’s creation. As womban, you are man’s graceway to corporeal and eternal life. Man is your buttress-sanctuary. Your throat (cervix) is the heart of your power. Your internal voice is your shepherdess; your external voice is Kali Maa’s scythe of radical truth. Engage gentlemen with crystalline intent and firm boundaries. High standards repel low-quality men.
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So, I don’t know if she has a nickname, but I stay endlessly fascinated by the listener we have for the Atrocity. Not Cheeky, the OTHER girl, who was dating the Atrocity and then betrayed him. Like, maybe this is me being problematic (I accept that as truth), but I wonder about her so much, ESPECIALLY after learning about the mind control thing. Because, from what I’ve gathered, she did have some fond feelings towards The Atrocity. She’s hurt and upset when she sees him hurting in “Taken by your Ex Vampire Lover”, and she definitely lived with him for a little while, so, what’s up with that?? I also wonder if she was under the Corporation’s mind control stuff, and the betrayal wasn’t entirely willingly? Idk, maybe I’m thinking too much about a character who only shows in two(2) videos, but I just think there’s a lot of questions about her I want answers to. Feel free to tell me your thoughts, if you have any.
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astralbulldragon13 · 5 months
Behold! My second OC from an Audio Roleplay Fandom, this time from the Scythe Audio Universe!
Villain OC
Famed Singer and owner of a prestigious record label: Rhapsody
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Lives in the Super Villain Universe
Status in the Brotherhood of Heroes Era: Running her record label in Marshal Garvin's sector.
Status Post Corporation Rising: Unknown
She has siren-like powers, and she runs her own record label. Makes money making songs for the Brotherhood of Heroes under Lord Eli’s commission and secretly makes boss music for super villains. She’s a master at contracts and could out-swindle Ursula from the little mermaid.
She is good friends with Frequency, and Blade is her favorite client to make music for. (I headcannon Lord Eli only lets Blade listen to bubble-gum pop music and that kind of stuff because it's better for her image, but Rhapsody will slip her an MP3 player with the music Blade actually wants.)
Another person she encounters is Goodborne whom she constantly teases and talks circles around because he’s always trying to bust her for illegal activity but her contracts and law knowledge are so airtight he can’t do shit. Her fans think they secretly want to hate-bang each other.
Her preferred style screams 1980's office boss+party girl and exclusively wears shades of purple and green
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thuskindlyshescatters · 2 months
Team RWBY TTRPG Character Sheets
As an example of my RWBY TTRPG rules, here's Team RWBY at level 1.
Ruby: leadership +3, agility +1, power -1, knowledge 0 Weiss: leadership 0, agility +3, power -1, knowledge +1 Blake: leadership -1, agility +3, power 0, knowledge +2 (Faunus trait) Yang: leadership +1, agility 0, power +3, knowledge -1
Maximum Aura Points / Dodge / Speed
Ruby: 15 / 6 / 35ft Weiss : 12 / 8 / 45ft Blake: 11 / 8 / 45 ft Yang: 13 / 5 / 30ft
Ruby: Spend 3 AP to teleport to a point you can see within your movement (35ft at level 1). Spend 6 AP to bring one entity with you.
Weiss: Spend 3 AP to place a corporeal 1x1 meter glyph on a point you can see within your movement (45ft at level 1). Spend 6 AP to place up to 6 glyphs (30ft) at points you can see within your movement.
Blake: Spend 3 AP to take no damage from an attack. Spend 6 AP to propel yourself through the air by half your movement (20ft at level 1).
Yang: Spend 3 AP to return half damage from an attack to your opponent. Spend 6 AP to return full damage.
Weapon Hit & Damage (Melee / Ranged)
Crescent Rose: scythe 1d6+3 & 1d6 / rifle 1d6+1 & 2d6 Myrtenaster: saber 1d6+3 & 1d6 / wand 1d6+1 & 2d6 Gambol Shroud: swords 1d6+1 & 2d6 / ribbon gun 1d6+3 & 1d6 Ember Celica: gauntlets 1d6+1 & 2d6 / rockets 1d6+3 & 1d6
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insane-control-room · 2 months
Aegis of Red and White
We have obtained a sample of a virus from a researcher.
An activating agent is being created.
ink demonth - umbrella
Rated: G Warnings: None AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57956284 Length: 500
Umbrella Corporation can not let this get out. We cannot have another virus scandal under our belts, even if this one is different from the… other mistakes. 
Even if it was not synthesized by us. 
But rather, found in one of our scientists. 
It was a dormant thing, quiet and insidious, and that makes it all the more valuable. 
We obtained this sample when the researcher had voluntarily submitted his DNA profile for the purposes of the corporation’s specialized lock system; as he is assigned to work in the secret space that the dangerous viruses and diseases that are studied. Of course, we would not like for those diseases to end up in the wrong hands, now, would we? Either way, in that sample, there were two anomalous patterns. 
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One aligned with pure tardigrade DNA, which obviously does not fit a human, and the other was a peculiar form of RNA. 
Now, as we are a bio-pharmaceutical company that specializes in virology, this was of particular interest to our C-Suite. So, we quietly assigned the researcher to the RNA virus strand found in his own system- without telling him where it was sourced, of course. He was one of those who believed that his contract said exactly what he was signing up for, that being medical research for preventing illnesses from spreading, and synthesizing viruses into beneficial things. 
With J. Drew’s studying, it became apparent that the RNA was a dormant virus. What it did was yet to be discovered, as his current assignment is figuring out how to activate it. 
We are confident in his ability to do so- he is one of our best virologists, right up there with L. Benton and T. Connor. If Benton and Connor would spend less time bickering and more time working together, then they may surpass Drew in their work- though, as it stands, he is the superior researcher. Not that we will tell him that. On his performance reports, we generally rate him lower than he actually is, as it is a strong motivator. 
With the Umbrella Corporation’s ‘umbrella exchange’ program, we have partnered Drew with a H. Stein, of the Manhattan Beach free clinic. They appear to get on marvelously, and have a sort of rivalry similar to Connor and Benton, though this one promotes more research rather than reduces it. 
Recently, the pair had discovered a breakthrough. An activating protein had been synthesized for the new pathogen. 
Testing had been approved, and as of now, the disease, which turns liquids in the body to a substance not unlike ink, has proven an effective bioweapon. 
Drew’s compliance likelihood levels have been dropping; therefore, human testing has been approved on patient 0. He is in the lab right now, and two agents with the activating protein, codenamed Scythe, have been dispatched.
We have just received notification that several viruses have been stolen from the lab.
Update: Drew has shut down the camera systems.
Patient 0 has escaped the building. 
Dispatching Tyrant. 
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prismaticstarshch · 2 months
Okok so- Babbling a little to @cosmic-corporation about a faction swap au that I've been thinking of Playground: Scythe/Medkit/Sword Blackrock: Skateboard/Boombox/Rocket [Before becoming factionless] Thieves' Den: Subspace/Hyperlaser/Biograft Lost Temple: Katana/Vinestaff/Shuriken/Slingshot Like design wise it would be SO much fun to come up with little outfits n such for the phighters, although personality wise I feel like a couple wouldn't really change all that much!!! But I also love the idea of like- Playground Scythe almost having a sort of like- Big sister/wine aunt personality towards Medkit [And Playground Broker since he'd be included too]. Like yeah she's still sassy n whatnot, but she's a lot softer and a little less uh.... Criminal-like lmao. Meds and Sword? They still have that big brother/little brother relationship, Meds still went through a significant amount of trauma, but was able to cope with it better than his Blackrockian original. I can't say Sword changes too much. And for Katana, since he was originally from Lost Temple before escaping to Thieves' Den, I feel like he'd be in a position maybe similar to Scythe's [Vine and Shuri are prolly in the cult with him] [Sling would be in a position like Sword, living in LT but not in the cult] Blackrock Rocket prolly followed a similar path as Young Zuka. Blackrock Rocket losing two of his limbs and eventually dropping from the faction [Much to the dismay of BR!Skate and BR!Boom]. BR!Skateboard maybe being some kind of like... Soldier or something and BR!Boom could possibly be an engineer of some kind... TD!Subspace I like to think is more like... Magic than science, he's known for making poisons and such too. He used his magic to make Biografts out of various types of natural materials [Woods, stones, etc etc]. Haven't thought of anything for Hyper unfortunately. I am spitballin' here and I would genuinely love any comments or possibly ideas tossed at me. [Also hi Prism I apologize for this LONG ASS post please forgive me] - @simply-windy
HSDHSDH it's fine, I've gotten longer asks (still remember the time when someone sent part of the Bee Movie script to @themostwantedphighter...)
also I absolutely love faction swap AUs
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scribblesbyb · 3 months
The Day I Died (And Didn't Notice!)
Based on a prompt by @writing-prompt-s! It really tickled me funny so enjoy my take on it.
Prompt: You died the way you lived: having no clue what's going on. You are so clueless that you didn't even notice that you died and just got up and went to work like normal the next day.
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Business as Usual
I died the way I lived: having no clue what's going on.
Seriously, I was the person who forgot their own birthday. So, naturally, the whole dying thing completely slipped past me. One moment I was trying to figure out why the elevator music in my office sounded like a dying cat, and the next... well, I was dead. But who has time for that?
The next morning, my alarm clock blared its usual obnoxious tune. I slapped the snooze button with my usual precision, groaning about another day in the trenches of corporate boredom.
I didn't notice the faint ethereal glow around my hands or the fact that I floated to the bathroom instead of walking. Ghostly bathroom habits, it turns out, are remarkably similar to the living kind.
The Commute
On my way to work, I passed through my usual routine: nodding at Mrs. Pigglywiggle as she walked her forty-seven Chihuahuas, grabbing a coffee from Pete's, and trying not to trip over my own feet. I did wonder why Pete's was empty, save for Pete himself, who looked rather pale.
"Morning, Pete!" I chirped, grabbing my coffee.
Pete blinked at me, a drop of coffee spilling onto his apron. "Uh, morning?"
"New look, huh? Pale chic?" I grinned. Pete just stared, and I figured he was finally taking my fashion advice to heart.
Work is Dead Boring
I arrived at the office and slipped into my cubicle, ready for another day of pretending to work while actually perusing cat videos. My coworkers, who usually ignored me, seemed especially distant today. Literally, they all kept their distance. It was like I had a force field around me.
I shrugged and turned on my computer. The screen flickered, then went dark. "Stupid piece of junk," I muttered, thumping it a few times. The screen flashed a message: ERROR: User Not Found.
"That's new," I said, squinting at the screen. I rebooted it, because when in doubt, reboot. But it stayed stubbornly black.
A Strange Meeting
Lunchtime rolled around, and I decided to hit the vending machines. My usual ham and cheese sandwich wasn’t doing it for me. As I reached for a bag of chips, my hand went right through the machine.
"Great, now even vending machines are against me," I grumbled. I looked around to see if anyone noticed, but everyone seemed too engrossed in their own lives—or too intent on avoiding mine.
That’s when Larry, the office prankster, walked up. "Hey, you going to the meeting?"
"What meeting?" I asked.
"The one with the Grim Reaper," he said with a grin. Larry loved his jokes.
"Sure, I'll bite. Where's this Grim Reaper meeting?" I played along.
Larry pointed down the hall. "Conference Room B. You can't miss it."
Meeting the Reaper
I strolled into Conference Room B, expecting to find Larry’s prank in full swing. Instead, there was a figure in a black cloak, complete with a scythe. His hood was down, revealing a surprisingly average face. He looked like he could have been an accountant.
"Take a seat," the Grim Reaper said, checking his clipboard. "Let's see, who do we have here?"
I blinked. "Uh, I'm here for the meeting?"
"Yes, yes," he muttered, flipping pages. "Ah, here you are. Charlie Thompson, right?"
"That's me," I said, sitting down. "So, what's this all about? Is this some new kind of employee evaluation?"
The Reaper looked at me over his glasses. "Charlie, you're dead."
I laughed. "Good one. Larry put you up to this?"
The Reaper sighed. "This is always the hardest part." He waved his hand, and the room shimmered. Suddenly, I was looking at myself, slumped over my desk, with a bunch of coworkers huddled around, looking horrified.
"Oh," I said, tilting my head. "So, that's why my computer didn't recognize me."
Adjusting to Death
The Reaper nodded. "It takes some getting used to."
I glanced at my ethereal hands. "So, what now? Is there like a ghost orientation or something?"
The Reaper chuckled. "Not exactly. But there are a few things you should know. For starters, haunting your old workplace isn't going to do you any good."
"Right," I said. "Guess I should move on, huh?"
"That would be wise," he said. "But don't worry. The afterlife isn't as bad as you might think. Plenty of cat videos, too."
Embracing the Afterlife
As the days turned into... well, whatever they turn into in the afterlife, I started getting the hang of things. Turns out, being dead isn't so different from being alive. Except for the whole corporeal body thing. And people finally started to notice me, albeit other dead people.
I even ran into Mrs. Pigglywiggle one day. "Fancy meeting you here," she said, her Chihuahuas swirling around her like a furry tornado.
"Yeah, small afterlife, huh?" I replied.
The Grim Reaper Returns
One day, as I was floating through what I called Ghost Starbucks (it wasn't really Starbucks, but it had that vibe), the Grim Reaper appeared again.
"Charlie," he said, looking a bit flustered. "We need to talk."
"Uh oh, am I in trouble?" I asked, sipping my ethereal coffee.
"Not exactly. There's been a mistake," he said, shuffling his papers. "Turns out, you're not supposed to be dead yet."
I nearly choked on my ghost coffee. "What?"
"Yeah, some mix-up in the paperwork. You're supposed to go back," he explained.
Chapter Nine: Back to the Living
In a flash, I was back in my body, blinking at the concerned faces of my coworkers. Larry was holding a bucket of water, ready to splash me.
"Charlie, you okay?" he asked.
I nodded, feeling the rush of life returning. "Yeah, I think so."
As everyone sighed in relief and patted me on the back, I couldn't help but chuckle. The Grim Reaper had a sense of humor after all.
Later that day, I got an email. It was from Pete, the coffee shop guy. "Welcome back," it said.
I smiled. Maybe being clueless wasn't so bad after all.
The Bright Side
And so, I returned to my life with a newfound appreciation for the little things. Like breathing. And not walking through walls. And understanding that sometimes, even death can be just another quirky chapter in the book of life.
But just in case, I keep an eye out for the Grim Reaper. You never know when he might drop by for a chat. Or another mix-up.
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