#scum fuck flower girl
chimeetsworld · 3 months
s/o to the girls that i lead on, for occasional head and always keeping my bed warm
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nothirstonmain · 1 year
Hii👋 me again. Just saw the fanfic of my req and it was epic👍
So wondering if you could do toya, rui, freminet, and if you want: akito and lyney x gn! reader who gets bullied by girls at school bc she's half deaf and also gets her hearing aids stolen A LOT. Ty
[WAHAHA glad it was to your liking ! Time for me to flex the writing muscle again. Sorry this took so long, school and allat]
[Warnings: like OOC maybe?? Bad grasp on these goobers. Canon isn't REAL.]
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♡ He doesn't really like violence. ♡ BUT. ♡ Joking ofc he wouldn't beat people up. maybe. ♡ He'd always be there to comfort you, obviously, and maybe try to act as Scary Dog Priveledge ♡ This mf would tell the Principal or a Teacher about this if you won't ♡ He ain't havin' it!!!!!! ♡ Bonus, I have the feeling his family would be somewhat rich.... he'd try to find you new hearing aids whenever he can ♡ I think he'd also try to learn sign language, just to communicate with you a bit easier sometimes ♡ Overall 10/10, sweet boy :3
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♡ Very unhappy when he finds out about this ♡ He doesn't get angry easily but So Help Him- ♡ He loves you! He can't have you getting bullied! ♡ So what does he do? ♡ Jumpscares the girls. Steals ur hearing aids back. Anything else chaotic. ♡ Listen it's KIND OF FUNNY TO SEE THEM JUMP to him at least ♡ They just start getting intimidated and leave him alone ♡ He would then give you back your hearing aids. Problem solved, at least for now. ♡ He'd be willing to try and make hearing aids himself. He's good enough at that kind of thing. Maybe. ♡ Physically restrain him before he starts an explosion, please.
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♡ He doesn't know wtf he's supposed to do ♡ He offers comfort. He's so lost. Help this poor boye. ♡ He hates seeing u upset tho ♡ He takes a "let me try nd cheer u up. pls." approach ♡ So you two end up collecting Romaritime flowers and watching the tidalga ♡ He secretly slips a few words to father.. ♡ Oh, you aren't seeing the bullies at school anymore and got a new pair of hearing aids on your doorstep? What good luck! ♡ He's a bad liar, okay, just don't mention any suspicions and he'll be proud of himself ♡ Bonus, I think he'd already know sign language. useful in the water I'd assume
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♡ Oh fuck that ♡ I think he would beat people up about it. He gives off the ~energy~ yk ♡ Nobody does that to his s/o and gets away with it ♡ Would buy you new hearing aids if he could afford it. Which he Cannot. ♡ You can cuddle with him as long as u want afterwards ♡ He may be a bit flustered abt it. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone ♡ Least Normal one here I think. quite humorous
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♡ He also takes a "don't worry, you won't see those scum anymore :3" approach (kind of like Fremi but very brazen about it.) ♡ Comfort first, then he deals with the girls himself. ♡ He comes home with blood on him like "hey i took care of your problem !! :D" ♡ I want to imagine this is true even if it isn't so let me bend canon until I break it in half, okay ♡ Will not leave u alone until he's positive you're feeling better ♡ Following u around like a lil kitten all night. No Escape.
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1.) The term “fridging” is literally based on Alex and what happened to her. She was killed off violently by a bad guy trying to get at her boyfriend only a couple issues after she was introduced (making it obvious they only brought her in to kill her off for shock value). Her death did very little to the narrative other than hurt her boyfriend Kyle and was done in an exceedingly horrifying and violent way. (Bad guy came to the door with flowers and threatening note, broke in and attacked her, choking her to death, before [off panel] chopping her body up and sticking it in the refrigerator as a “surprise” for her boyfriend. This obviously is really fucked up and she deserves better and should win this actually (a vote for Alex is a vote for all fridging victims [in spirit])
2.) It doesn’t get much worse than being the character whose death originated the “fridging” trope. In Green Lantern Vol. 3 #54, Kyle Rayner comes home to find that Alexandra, his girlfriend, has been killed by the villain Major Force and stuffed into the refrigerator.
Alexandra DeWitt is the character whose misogynistic treatment coined the term where a character, usually female, is killed off purely to make the main character, usually male, feel bad. Even if there are other characters who have been subjected to similar levels of misogyny, Alexandra DeWitt’s treatment has been essentially immortalized.
3.) I know she’s not going to win but shout out to my home girl, literally the trope namer for women shoved in fridges. All anyone ever knows about her is that she was Kyle’s girlfriend and got murdered for his character development, even though she had plenty of potential to be her own character.
1.) For context, she’s a medicine cat, which is essentially the priest/healer of an ancestor-worshipping religion called StarClan, and there’s a rule in the living Clans prohibiting anyone from dating outside their Clan, and also prohibiting medicine cats from dating/having kits.
So she’s breaking the law by seeing a cat named Crowfeather in another Clan, and eventually gets pregnant. She secretly gives the children to her sister to raise instead, because the kits would’ve grown up in misery if their true parentage was known. When the secret gets out that they’re her kits, Leafpool became demonized to hell and back.
Crowfeather, who ALSO broke the law and fathered the kits, only got a slap on the wrist, and he’s almost certainly going to become leader. But Leafpool was demoted from her role as medicine cat (by her FATHER), treated like scum by her whole community (aside from her sister and best friend), and her children despise her for lying to them (one even tries to get her to kill herself). The narrative constantly paints her as a liar that’s getting what she deserves, and even has her children insult her at HER FUNERAL, years after the secret got out. She’s a main character and she dies OFF SCREEN between books!
It’s not even over when she dies. StarClan decides to hold a trial for her when she dies to see if she deserves to join them, or if she’s banished to cat hell for eternity. War criminals who abetted in genocide never got a trial, they were just let in. An incel who tried to kill 4 people because he was mad his ex dumped him got let in without question. But the cat whose only crime was dating someone in another Clan and having kids gets a full trial? Keep in mind their sire gets a whole book about StarClan coming down to help him, because clearly only she deserved to be punished.
Leafpool’s life is nonstop suffering because of misogynistic double standards. Treated like the devil for getting pregnant and wanting to give her kids a better life, while all the men involved get excused, coddled, and placed into positions of power.
2.) she went through So much bullshit. squirrelflight (her sister) too. i’m sure she’ll also get submitted. Cat God (starclan) vaguely told her to run away with the man she liked and then got mad at her when she did it. and then she was punished for it the rest of her life. She had kids with him and those kids were like Incredibly Important and wouldn’t exist if not for her but she’s still punished for it. BY STARCLAN. Who told her to have those kids in the first place . and of course the books just treat this like it’s pretty much normal and fair
3.) just like her sister squirrelflight, she does many things that male characters do and faces drastically different consequences. she and another cat, named crowfeather, run away from their clans to get cat married. this is illegal because they’re from different clans. when they get home, leafpool is pregnant. when all of this is revealed(years later) their punishments could not be more different. when they first come back, leafpool is suspected, talked poorly about, and outlasted. we aren’t shown any consequences towards crowfeather at all. after the grand reveal of leafpool having kids(and giving them away to her sister since she’s a doctor and doctors can’t gave kids) leafpool is forced to give up her position as doctor, is disowned as her kids aunt figure, and completely outcasted by the whole clan(mostly the same happens to her sister). crowfeather is just minorly treated poorly and gets a cat divorce.
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rreskk · 1 year
Can you please make another mommy kink trevor philips fic , I'm okay with you not taking requests, I just LOVE LOVE the way you write him needy and whiny is PERFECT , I keep rereading your fics
I have a special speciality for Trevor's mommy kink. I fucking love writing it. One of my favourite things to do LOL
Summary: Trevor likes to act up, you made him change his mind quickly though.
TW: -Smut
Word count: 2686
Pairings: Fem!reader/ Trevor Philips
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A man so rugged, scary, dangerous. Any normal person would look at him and see Satan spawning in those ugly black pupils. His lips were tattered with scars and unhealed cuts. His face, with every inch of exposed skin, were smothered with dirt and permanent marks from all the conflict he insists. He didn’t even have to try and look this rocky and jagged. Whenever he smiled – his natural, yellow smile – it looked down-right creepy. There was no innocence behind those raged eyes, none at all. This is what he presented, and it didn’t attract anyone.
But you.
You had him wrapped around your pinkie like a swan and her baby.
You knew him. He wasn’t all this “macho, eating flesh, sniffing meth, shooting innocent scums” guy. As time goes on, all he needed was a little ounce of love and affections for him to turn into this “I found this flower and it reminds me of you” man. He was a gentle man. He was gently aggressive.
Is that a thing? Yes. It is with Trevor.
Picture this: stroking your skin so rough that it feels like a slap. That’s him.
He was talented at changing how he touches and perceives you. He’d never want to hurt you, it was never something he ever considered. You were his favourite girl, his favourite woman. He wanted to impress you. It took long enough to see through his ugly exterior and he wants you to savour his lonely soul.
You completed him enough to heal this wound that had been made years and years before.
A woman.
Womanly love.
Maternal love.
Trevor has found home in your care and affections. You replaced that beast who tormented him. His mother, that bitch. He opened up more and more about her treatment and he thought he deserved all that abuse. Even if he refuses to believe the truth, you still gave him hope that there is a cure for his illness that stains his mind. You provided a comfortable, stable relationship (even if he wasn’t capable of keeping it stable himself).
Anyways… Enough of that. The wound is too deep to disfigure and it would take your whole life to understand him properly. So you just let him differ and express himself in ways you’d think was… Unusual. By unusual, it means that hardcore mommy kink he has. He was a switch at heart and some nights he felt so overwhelming alone, but horny. It was your job to love that poor little boy which was trapped in that hormonal, drug-addicted head.
It was one of those nights.
Tucked into your chest, he reminisced about the past few weeks he had shared with you. Trevor’s face was stuffed between your breasts, both of you naked. It wasn’t sexual, not yet, he just loved skin-to-skint contact. Whenever he wanted to cuddle, it had to be without clothes on. The friction and restriction of not being “close enough” made cuddling less enjoyable, so he had to be naked in order for it to calm him down.
His hands happily caressed your lower back. Them dirty nails would leave red lines from your shoulder blades to your ass. It was a repetitive move that it didn’t hurt nor sting anymore.
“Mmm…” He had paused his mid-ramble to breathe in the fumes of your breasts. It was a long inhale. You felt his breath linger against your sensitive skin, occasionally sending electric energy down your spine.
The night was still young. Your eyes peeled open when you felt his naked groin grind against your inner thighs. He was grunting. You looked down at your breasts (where he was hiding) and saw him obviously trying to subtly jack off to your thighs.  
He knew he was caught now and just whined. His thrusts had gotten more obvious since you’d catch him. His penis, fully erected, was diving in and out of your thighs that were pressed together like a real fleshlight. You refrained yourself from moaning due to his cock stroking the sensitive patch of your inner thigh.
“Trevor…” You repeated bashfully, “What are you… Doing?”
“I’m too horny.” He growled. He moved out of your breasts before inserting his full attention on the nipples. That long, tormenting tongue stroked the surface until he tried to suck as much of your breasts as he could. He sucked and sucked and sucked and sucked.
Your hands clenched onto his hair, cradling his head as he continued to suck your tits. You’d hear him mumble out small whimpers when you attempted to pull him away. He refused to move an inch.
“Trevor, baby – “
“Don’t stop me!” Cried Trevor after you had departed him from your swollen nipple and breast. He still had his penis stuffed between your thighs, the length twitching every second also.
“Take it slow, tiger.”
“Fuckin’… No! I want to suck your tits.”
“Easy – “
“[y/n], don’t play with me. I’m so horny, I want your tits…” He begged.  
“Trevor, take it easy. Don’t outrun yourself.”
“I can’t stop myself, mommy.” And it just came out.
That’s when you knew he was in that maternally deprived mood. You should of known the warning signs when it was there. So you fondled the back of his neck and calmed him down. He fell back into your embrace and made whiney noises against your collarbone.
“Tell me how good it feels.” You decided to ask as he was humping your thighs dry.
Trevor gurgled some distorted moans before his ability to speak had returned.
“So good… So good, it’s so hot…”
“Yeah? Are you going to cum yet?”
“I- I’m almost…” He took a sharp exhale, “Fuuuck…”
Then you praised him so more. Trevor had arched his back with your hand around his neck. He moaned your name, thrusting harder and faster that your poor thighs were growing rashes and bruises. It wasn’t long until his whole body went into spasms and that hard boner squirted cum all over your lower stomach, some on your bedsheets. He couldn’t help himself.
“I’m sorry, mommy!” Trevor wailed as his cock didn’t stop ejaculating semen everywhere.
“I made a mess, ma… I made a big mess.”
“I can see.”
“I’m sorry, I made a mess!”
You wiped away drool from his lip, “Enough,” You’d tell him, “Stop. Don’t apologise. Stop apologising for feeling good, baby.”
Trevor watched your thumb effortlessly wipe away his saliva. He wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. There was still so much tension in him that was struggling to come out. He’d give you glassy, sad eyes and call your name.
“I – “ He lets his finger drape across the breast he sucked earlier on, “I’m still horny. It hurts, mama…”
“It hurts?”
“Make me feel good, ma. I’m real horny.”
You sighed, “Okay, baby. Alright.”
The way his eyes lit up. He squeezed his hands together and gave you that iconic, Trevor grin. The feral in his face grew more strong and heavy.
“Gimme more…” He slowly slurred with lust, “I want more, ma.”
“Patience first.”
He cried, “More! More! I want more! I don’t want to wait.”
“Trev – “
But he was already pestering at your breasts again. That sloppy tongue was leaving trails of his drool everywhere. You gripped onto the mattress when he’d playfully bite your nipple and suck you all in. He was so fast. Trevor had completely crawled over your body, his weight pressing against your chest that was being abused by his nasty mouth.
“Trevor!” You gasped.
“Oh God, you have perfect tits…”
“Trevor… Stop – “
“I don’t wanna stop, mommy. I waited too long.” He snickered like a bratty school boy.
If he wants to act like a prick, he can be treated like one; your thoughts exactly. While he was rudely exploiting your breasts, you had reached for his sore cock and with one swift motion, you grabbed it and clenched your fists.
You wanted to replay the moment he jumped back and drastically moaned your name. He sobbed when you didn’t loosen your grip. His hips began jerking all over the place, trying to nudge you off.
His penis throbbed in your hands. This uncircumcised, small dick he calls “good enough” was going crazy. Despite Trevor’s painful cries, you knew he enjoyed it. No man would have his erection twitching like this.
“[y/n], fuckin’…” He was struggling to speak. Trevor was now on his all fours. He looked up at you with your hand violating his penis. He wanted to slap your hand away but he couldn’t.
“This is what naughty boys deserve.”
Because he deserved it, just like you said.
“But ma! – “
“But ma, but ma! No, nothing!” You played on his feelings a little more.
“No, don’t say that.”
Your grip tightened on his dick, making his words stutter pathetically.
“No what? Why should I listen to you when you don’t listen to me, hm?”
“Mommy… I’m sorry, [y/n], eh! Babe!”
“Don’t mommy me, Trevor. Your fetish makes you a very naughty boy.” Talking dirty was always a speciality when it’s with Trevor.
He sucked in his lips and stared at the way you used your tongue to speak.
“You like that, darling?” His cock twitched more as you spoke, “You like the way I talk to you?”
“Yes mommy…”
“Why’s that? Why do you like being spoken to like that?”
“Because… I- I deserve it.” Trevor whispered, his eyes barely open at how intense the pleasure was.
You squeezed his dick one last time before he hunched forward, burying his face in your neck and squirting (once again). He moaned intensely.
“Fuuuuuck! AH! OH, YEAH!” Cum soaked the bedsheets now. He couldn’t help but lie against you, his whole body weight in your arms. The orgasm must of taken a turn considering he began choking on tears.
“That feel so good, baby?” You purr.
“Oh, fuck… Ma, I – “ Trevor gulped, “I feel so much better. Ah… Fuck…”
“Now… Only good boys get another chance at feeling good again.”
His face dropped and he stared up at you with despair.
“You heard me, sweetie.”
“No, no. But… Mama, c’mon… Babe? [y/n]? Sugar? I- I’ll fuckin’… I’ll do the shopping, I’ll do the gardening, please! Ma, please!”
“Don’t act like you deserve it, Trevor.” You’d grin.
He shook his head frantically. His hands gripping onto your waist, your stomach, your breasts. His breathing had grown rapid.
“I love you, I love your body, you’re amazing, I love you – “
“No, no. I wanna… I wanna feel good! Please, mommy… Please, this ain’t funny anymore! Stop playing with me!”
“I’m not playing with you.”
He growled, “I hate begging, ma! I hate it!”
“I know you do, babe. But you can’t get what you want, right?”
“Fuck you! You bitch!”
You raised an eyebrow at his profound insults. Trevor paused when he realised what he had said. His little outburst had possibly destroyed the last chance he had of receiving more pleasure from you. He nibbled his bottom lip and waited for a reaction, but when he saw nothing but disappointment in your face, he broke down and began praising you like a Greek God.
“Fuck! I didn’t mean it!” He was on his knees, hands stroking your body, “I’m sorry!”
You frowned and went to stand up before he pulled you back onto the bed.
“Baby! I didn’t mean it! I want you, so bad!”
“Shut up, Trevor, shut the fuck up!”
He went dead silent, mouth dropped open.
“What do you want, huh?” You were hostile, intimidating.
Trevor was too afraid to speak. He just looked around the room for a saviour.
“What do you want, Trevor?” Your voice growing louder.
“Ma! I want you! Just you, I just wanna feel good!” He whimpered and held his arms open, desperate for warmth.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes, mommy! Yes!”
“How do you want to feel good?”
Trevor chewed on his tongue, “I- I… I want your cunt, babe.”
There was a deep desire that was living in your gut. You were horny as well. You did want something to cure it. Even if he didn’t deserve it, you were just using him at this point. Like a doll.
“My pussy?” You’d muse and walk over, your hand fitting around his neck as he moaned softly.
“Yes…” He breathed and gave you a smirk, “Your pussy…”
“That’s right.”
Trevor groaned when you sat on his lap. His naked crotch was pressing against your cunt, his favourite thing. He grinned when you started to use both hands and choke him. He struggled to breathe, but he loved it. He ogled you with admiration as you took matters into your own hands.
“Mmm…” You murmured when you pushed his dick into your pussy. His lap was shaky – by all means – of all the torture you’d put him through. It was understandable.
“Oh – “ He muffled out a longing moan and jerked his hips up, beginning to thrust.
The penetration itself was glorious. You bounced onto his beaten cock and choked Trevor as he turned bright red and blue. He squealed out a sigh of pleasure, still managing to survive through the choke-hold.
“God, fuck…” A gasp left your lips.
Riding him was a regular occurrence. It was your favourite position together. That or doggy style… But either way, whenever there’s a whole to fuck (Trevor’s words).
The both of you kept on moaning together as the night grew old. It was like a ghost-town outside. You wouldn’t be surprised if your neighbours had heard your activities with Trevor (like you don’t do this most days).
“Urgh – “ Trevor panted, getting close.
You loosened your grip around his neck so he could be more vocal. Nonetheless, you were whining and growing more overstimulated with his dick in your cunt. You exhaled heavily and rode him more and more until your laps were both numb.
“Oh God…” It was getting closer and closer now. Your pussy was soaked and his cock throbbed continuously.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” He whispered.
“Ah… Ah!” You pressed your forehead against his, “Shit. Oh yeah, tell me how much you love my fucking pussy, babe.”
“I fuckin’ love your cunt, mama… It’s so hot, I love – OH, SHITT!” He bellowed and released his third load from today. He held you down onto his lap and came inside you, his voice hoarse from all the moaning and yelling he had done.
“Oh… Oh my, God!” You gasped at your orgasm that filtered his dick with your cum. He shivered when the sensation of your hot fluid painted his skin. He quickly thrusted back into you so both your cum would merge and mix together, bonding.
“Mmmm…” He’d growl lowly with a smirk.
“So good, babe.”
“Uh, huh…”
“God, my fucking cunt.” You fingered your clit and groaned when you had finished your orgasm.
Trevor licked his lips and stared at you with absolute devotion. He smiled as you closed your eyes to remind yourself of the pleasure.
“I love you, ma.” His whispers were coarse.
“Jesus… Just shut up and cuddle, yeah?” There was no bitterness behind your words, he knew that. You were too immense to act so “lovely dovely”.
“Okay, yeah. But I love you.”
“I lo – “
“I love you.” Trevor repeated.
“Woah, oka – “
“I love you.”
“Trevor!” You laughed, “Goddamn! Let me speak. I was going to say, I love you too…”
“I know,” He smirked, “I just wanted to say it three times.”
“You said it four times actually.”
“Oh! Little miss smartass!”
“Shut up, Trevor.”
“Your tits actually tasted quite nice. A bit salty but that’s sweat, right?”
You rolled your eyes, “Bedtime. Now.”
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shrimplymoray · 19 hours
Hello!!! if its alright, could you perhaps do a sheriff(madcom)) x reader where reader is a flower girl and loves raising plants? THNANK YOU!!!!! ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
HIII thanks for the request, the Sheriff deserves more love, pathetic little meow meow of a guy ehehe! Also side note: i've been trying to start and failing because i have no idea if my idea makes sense, but i just said fuck it rn and am gonna pull what i think may work, if it is not very M:PN compliant, i'm sorry ;-;
The Sheriff x Flower Girl! Reader - Green Thumb
After long nights and days of work, The sheriff liked to take a drink by himself, and walk around the industrial district. Not to brag, but he has so far done a pretty decent job at keeping the scum outside and the ones that needed to be in, well, in. He liked to see himself as doing the dirty work so his old pal can deal with whatever the hell has been happening at the center of the Nexus City, and at the science tower. After one of these long days and nights, he grabbed a good old beer and walked around, appreciating the little bit of peace he managed to get after so long suffering being hunted for sport by those damned man. This walk, however, was cut shorter than expected, as something catched the old cowboy's attention. Something that for all reasons, shouldn't be existing. A little over run and beat up small building, tucked to a corner. nothing would drive one's attention for it, if it weren't for the small glimpses of a... Garden? Well, damn, that's as rare as it can get in Nevada. Although part of him screamed that this is the most suspicious thing that he could find, the way it seemed tended to drove him in. Slowly and cautiously (to not say cowardly) he walked near the little tucked in garden, which led to him going inside the building that for all means looked abandoned, specially compared to the other factories of the area. It was... a beautiful view, really. A flora long thought dead was clinging to every wall, and it took him a long second to hear the whistling, to which he put a hand on his holster, just in case. "Who's there?" It felt almost as if he was asking himself and not the person, to which a... lady, came and looked at him. "Ah! Sheriff, nice to see ya! Don't get visits often, specially in here, heh." "Er, Yeah sure doll. What's... all this about?" The lady looked around with a second of confusion before letting out a chuckle. "Oh this is my little Greenhouse. I know, the building is beat up but... the lights still work here, and it has just the right power to grow some pretty good stuff." "A Greenhouse, huh? Call me stoked, haven't seen one of these in ages..." In his moment of distraction, the woman got near him and took his hand on hers, both calloused but for greatly different reasons, it seems. "Want a Tour? I've been growing stuff in here since i got in the district, and i don't get much guests. That is, if you allow me, sir. You are the boss here, aren't ya?" Her voice was laced with teasing tone. It felt as if they've known each other for ages, good old friends just meeting again. The feeling of her hand on his, and the sheer happiness she showed over the place, it made something beat inside his chest, and his cheeks grow red, but by everything sacred, he was gonna blame the beer. "Welp, yer lucky i'm free right now, dollface. But i can only accept the tour if ya gimme the pleasure of taking ya for a drink later~?" Sadly for him, he didn't sound as smooth as he wanted, but that worked his way in the end. Luck has been getting on the ol' Sheriff's way, it seems.
I genuinely have NO IDEA how to write the Sheriff and also i am out of my head cuz of caffeine crash and my night meds, but i still hope this is somewhat enjoyable!
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carimemeblog · 3 months
Nick DiRamio Watches Hannah Montana Movie Pt 2
Gay Bitchlast, the name of my new mascara.
Thanks and you’re not actually not the dustiest, most broke-ass cowboy.
First of all, you only heard me sing about three words.
Not that I know how to build anything. I tried to take a shop class once, but they kept locking me out because I would harmonize with the buzz saw.
I know to be gentle with you because you’re still in the phase where you wear a junior prom gown to every appearance.
And to make that seem okay, Disney will add exactly two black people to this scene.
Anyway, back to your chicken dance.
________, no I didn’t. Stop making this up.
That’s all you’re getting out of me today.
If it’s anything other than this, I quit.
That developer who’s trying to build that mall is here to ruin the event.
I always get so distracted by how board child background actors look.
Look at these kids.
And we’re doing all this to save a meadow, not somebody’s life?
I’m having a hard time seeing what the stakes are here.
Well, we never saw that happen; so I guess it’s true.
Just quickly add a friendly hug to quickly appear as if you’ve resolved an unaddressed character flaw.
This type of real life arguing can only come from siblings or Disney co-stars who are pitted against each other using salary.
That’s very biblical; let me wash her feet with my hair.
The gay community after Brokeback Mountain came out.
That is both a weird way to comb your hair and a weird way to hold flowers while you’re doing it.
So, good luck on that date tonight, _________.
And things are getting really wacky.
Can we get some helmets for the ______ family please?
Yeah, it uh, it really goes there.
Can someone give _______ permission to exit the revolving door?
It’s not all about you.
Whaaaaaat, it still legally counts as music if we sell it on iTunes.
Why should I trust her? She photocopies crossword puzzles from the library magazine.
That’s right and I fucking stole it from her right before she died.
I’m sorry; I know I said I would let ______ sing. I just thought I could do a better job of it.
Oh my gosh, it’s that brown haired girl who taught us all those authentic hip hop moves.
He said yeeees serving them public deception.
Damn, she’s clutching that wig like it’s her last residual check.
Tell your dad he’s media scum.
It’s like all coming together.
If changing clothes is an option, I say let’s go ahead and do that because you look like you work at a barbecue restaurant at a theme park right now.
Just ignore it.
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mellyyoutubestuff · 8 months
Mind Brand English Lyrics (Melly Ver)
Hold on, one second pregnant lady there, what's with the baby inside you?
Your body robbed of innocence, despite what you try to convey
Is that stupid brain of yours still thinking you're naive and pure?
Get a grip you fucking fool, I know that you're not even sure.
Hold on, a sec man, I gotta ask. How are you just a filthy scum?
Plucking that girl's blooming flower, just you leave your seed with sun.
You promised to give her the moon before giving a swift farewell.
Leaving her so casually, you're such an asshole go to hell!
"When, oh, when will you be due? Hey, pregnant girl, I'm talking to you. "
Some cheap ass sympathy from bed, born so you aren't misled
You're so fond of mocking cynicism, but dear, I can tell
By the end of this, we'll all be in the bottom layer of our own hell
(They'll all be dragged down there)
Alas, the hero starts to cry, no justice to find, the happiness he that fought bravely for
It has been stolen right out from his fondling hands
It would be so much easier for him if it slipped his mind
The times of embracing, fighting, and sharing he had to find
Bruised skin covered with scars brings out the most insane pleasure of ours
It's funny how your voice almost held some love for me
Don't tell you're feeling silly little Miss "Needs Everything"
Looks like there's so much to learn before you're truly ready!
Is it almost time for us? "Gotta catch up with everyone!"
Throw in that mindless chatter, doesn't matter, "oh you're wandering!"
Eyes becoming wet with tears. "The lost kid is trying hard!"
But it all means nothing. We're all just pawns for the time yet to come
(Such is our place in life)
Alas, the heroine in tears, her tragedy is near, the happiness that she barely grabbed
Was stolen from her pretty, bruised, and painful grasped
It would be so much easier for her if it slipped from her mind
The times of sharing, fighting, and comfort she had to find
You can bluff, but every lie will come out
There'll be blood, even if you're scared of a doubt
That cut you tried to hide opened again
"You don't like it, but the wounds will be in pain,"
Remember the past, locking eyes at last, fooling nights went fast, then came us now
I feel like wallowing in my pessimistic ideals
I used to run to you, get close, and we knew we'd been laughing soon!
Why must I remember? Please let me forget it all!
Aah! Aaaaah!
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london-flowergirl · 2 years
Brianna Ghey vigil
so. first off, contact warning, i guess? this is me writing about a vigil and protest for a murdered trans girl in london. and i feel very raw about it.
so. i guess i’ll start by talking about where im coming from. i live in the uk, in london. im also trans. and the sitution in the uk is pritty awful. there is 0 poltical will to provide support to trans people. my mp is a tory and his one of the better people in parlmenet about the issues (the torys are fucks and should die in a fire, but transphobia is cross party so i’ll take the small crume, even if he is tory scum still, becous he is)
brianna ghey was murdered 5 or so days ago, by my count. the polical orginal rulled out it being a hate crime. they’ve had to step it back. Brianna was a pritty white trans girl. much like the girls on the side of milk cartons, she’s perfect for this story. but i want to say, right now, there are black and brown trans people who do not get the same respect, the in life, or in death, as brianna dose. i will talk so angryly about what happend to her, and she deserves, and deserved, so, so much more. but so dose every single one of my trans sibblings.
big events like this dont move me, nessercerly. i see it for what it is, tragic, but...i find myself isolated. sometimes. like theres a layer of rubber around my emotions. keep the charge contained. idk.
there was a memorial, a vigil, for brianna at the department of eduction in london. this is one of dozens being held in the united kingdom. briannas death has had an impact on the natinal press, after months and years of vitirol and bial. after dripping posin in to the ears of the public, they have gotten blood. but, in the press style, Brianna was the perfect victim. sixteen, by all accounts, kind and sweet, pritty.
the week before the event, i went to an LGBT event. at it one of the particents discuessed the maintream uk media had published 27 diffrent storys about trans people, all of them negetive.
the blood is on their hands, to be clear. not just theirs thought. the goverment too.
the point being. i went to the vigil. right after work. i turned up, and stood at the back of the huge crowed. i figure maybe 2000, although ive seen srouces call it a few hundred to a thousdon. how its figured idk, but yea. and i stood there, on my own, lost. but with my community. and i thought about how young she was.
i thought about how she didnt deserve to die. and that to drag this crum of fucking attention, she had to die. if not her, someone. and without her death we would still be lashed to the wheel of transphoic storys. how she didnt deserve to be a sacrifice to give pause to this all. i cried. poeple there offered me sweets, offered me hugs, and offered me tissues. i wrote a poem.
people chanted. they talked about the siution in the uk. they spoke about her age. and we spoke about how no one should have to deal. people left candles and flowers. i lit a candle for her, i wrote a note. mostly i felt angry and upset. and again, her story is know becous shes what the press wants, young, pritty, white. 
i am still burning with anger. our youth, trans youth, black youth, brown youth, deserve to grow up.
we should, none of us, should need people to die for people to give a shit.
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nicestpamkale · 1 year
~Welcome to my page!~
Hooo boy is there a lot to catch you up on, hm? Well, don’t you worry!
I’m Pam. I go by he/they for the most part, but you’ll notice that my tag for things that I talk on or make comments about is #bigsispam. This is tumblr. That shouldn’t be all that surprising. Don’t worry if you slip and call me she/her. It’ll mostly just be uncomfortable for the Moment. (Not worrying =/= being okay with it. Please use he/they.) 
I’m on desktop and mobile. I mostly scroll while eating dinner, and I am the resident Tumblr User in the group, meaning that a lot of Tumblr posts on my dash are probably in the friend-group discord. It’s impossible for me to stay on-point. You’ll see that quickly upon reading one of my essays.
I very frequently have episodes of an unknown type- I cannot afford medicine or therapy at this time. 
Present Hyperfixation; Scum Villian’s Self-Saving System / SVSSS 
What you’ll likely see me reblog the most.
Present Worldbuilding Work; The Demon Lords / The Seven Hells - Legends of Runia / Clove’s Curse
This is what I’ve been working on most in the background. I dunno how to synopsize it tho so. **Shrug**
Main Project; Storyteller Volume 1; Kuroshitsuji/Reader
Female Reader-Centric - It’s technically going to be Sebastian/Reader / Undertaker/Reader but that element is very light and it’s not at all the main point of the fic. The main point of the fic is to watch what happens when a bunch of people get transmigrated into Black Butler of all things and each of their individual perceptions of the content cripples the world dramatically. 
Antagonists from every season- and some of whom created themselves- crawl out of the woodworks at unexpected times. Plot points are significantly altered or shoved in places they weren’t before. It’s practically a whole new story. So take that how you will. There’s also a lot of magic lore and demon/angel/reaper expansion which may not be your jive. In which, sorry.
Main AO3
One-shots / Sillies (Pseud: Laurel Wreaths)
Commission Info
More niche things below. ^u^
Key Tags;
#nicestart - my art
#nicestwriting - my writing
#ocs - posts about my original characters
#worldbuilding - Failing the above, I probably have some good writing in here! 
Favourites - Subject to Change / Addition;
Favourite Colors; Midnight Blue, Sky Blue, Pastel Yellow, Pastel Pink
Favourite Flowers; Daffodils, Chrysanthemums, Carnations, Heather
Favourite Flavours; Cinnamon, Wintergreen, Mac & Cheese
Favourite Games; Sky COTL, Skyrim, Dorfromantik, Lob Corp
Soft Projects (Qoutev Links, Mostly);
(Qoutev) Ereyesterday - A story about a grown woman going through the school years with a little girl named Lily. There’s various monsters that will stalk and hunt the two throughout this story. It will be primarily psychological horror, obviously. #ereyesterday
(Qoutev) That Blank Space - A Lonnie x Hadley Office AU Fic I wrote for the fun of it. I thought making the two bisexual disasters kiss would be silly. Not updated that frequently but there is a vague outline for how it goes down. Non-canon compliant. #lonley
(Qoutev) Consequences of Time Loops in Skyrim - A Skyrim crackfic that’s just a bunch of idiots fucking about in Skyrim Time Loop Scenario. I need to update it, I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. #skyloops
(Ao3) Shen Qiao's Very Strange Life - A Yanshen Flower shop AU I just started. Will probably be updated when I feel very sad. #shenflower
#world: legends of runia
Villain Masterpost
Gods Masterpost
Demon Lord Masterpost [Not Yet Made]
Country Masterpost [Not Yet Made]
[Not yet revealed! :o]
[Not yet revealed! D:]
Hadley Milner - Incarnate of Ariadne, a gardener and incredibly resilient. Has the magical abilities to control plants, though she could potentially do more down the road and I have some Funny Ideas about that. #oc: Hadley
Arlo Winchester - Ex-cultist and angry about it. Has killed a lot of people to be free with his sister. Has the magical ability to read someone’s emotion through physical contact and mess with their memories. #oc: Arlo 
Please please ask me things about any of these topics! I’d love to start up tags for them / talk about them but I simply have not had the time or energy to do so on my own volition with lorge posts.
Vampirica and Cinnabari don’t yet have too much on them but I can always give you the run-down on what’s happening (generally speaking) if need be.
I’ve also got a private Skyrim Fic in the works that’s more serious than Skyloops.
CW // All of my worldbuilding and writing is liable to feature topics all over the spectrum of fucked up. I would recommend sending an ask personally about certain things and what topics may come up in projects I am working on, if you’re concerned for your health. 
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ohdarlings · 2 years
Favorite song/album/band of each decade since 1960s?
such a hard question omg
song: waterloo sunset by the kinks
album: rubber soul by the beatles
band artist: scott walker
song: rhiannon by fleetwood mac
album: new skin for the old ceremony by leonard cohen / blue by joni mitchell / pink moon by nick drake …. i could pick so many
artist: the clash
song: this must be the place (nïave melody) by talking heads / corridor of dreams by the cleaners from venus
album: hounds of love by kate bush
artist : the smiths / kate bush / the style council
song: i wish you were a girl by 12rods
album: either/or by elliott smith
artist: elliott smith
song: im still your fag by broken social scene
album: in rainbows by radiohead / original pirate material by the streets
artist: ………… my chemical romance
song: out getting ribs by king krule
album: scum fuck flower boy by tyler the creator
artist: frank ocean
20s … so far x
song: i love you by fontaines dc
album: ants from up there by black country new road
artist: black country new road
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the-clockwork-three · 10 months
tell me about these new blorbos you have reblogged very much just now. i am somewhat interested
AAAAAA thank you anon :D this is now The TGCF Zone and none of you can escape
Quick summary: these are Xie Lian and Hua Cheng from Heaven Official's Blessing, a 800k-word-long webnovel by MXTX
OKAY SO. Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù (MXTX) is a Chinese author of webnovels. Specifically danmei or Chinese BL. She has written 3 novels, all of which have now been officially published in English, with the final volume of tgcf having come out last week. Her novels are, in order of writing: Scum Villains Self Saving System (SVSSS), Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS), and Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF), with the latter two's acronyms coming from their original chinese titles. I really like all three of these novels, although I've been on a svsss kick recently. Also I've been a tgcf fan for about a year now, just not actively blorbo-ing.
All three novels are cultivation novels. Cultivation is this idea in Asian literature and culture that comes from Taoism and myth. Basically if you meditate and train really hard in martial arts, you will gain magic powers, and eventually you could become immortal or a god. Svsss and mdzs focus on very powerful humans, but tgcf is about gods and ghosts.
Xie Lian (the guy in white in the fanart) is the crown prince of a country called Xianle. He is a good kid, and very dedicated to trying to "save the common people". A memorable thing he did was during a parade to celebrate the gods he deviated from his fight choreography (where he was playing the emperor of the gods) to save a child falling from a building. Symbolism!!! The child "falls" for him, wink wink, and Xie Lian is not afraid to to do the right thing even if that means going against what he's supposed to do etc etc.
When he was 17 years old he became a god of martial arts. But after a tragedy befalls Xianle, he gets kicked out of heaven for handling it... Poorly. He ascends for a second time as a god of misfortune but is kicked out again within half an hour.
800 years pass and he ascends for third time, this time as a god of scraps. Unluckiest man in the world, straight-up not having fun 95% of the time, but sweet and humble because the world has repeatedly crushed him to dust but it physically Cannot Kill Him so he has to cope somehow. This is where the novel starts.
Important motif: sword in one hand, flower in the other/the flower crowned martial god. While Xie Lian is very pretty and soft, he can fuck you up. Dude is obsessed with swords.
Hua Cheng is a king of the ghosts. He's mysterious. He once beat 33 gods in duels of their choice. He wears all red. He can make it rain blood. He can summon silver "wrath" butterflies. Everyone in heaven is a little scared of him. Luckiest guy in the world (except for the whole being dead thing).
But with Xie Lian he is gentle and kind. Hes always down to hang out. He doesn't mind that Xie Lian is the bottom of the pecking order of gods, he always treats him with respect. He dresSES AS A GROOM WHEN HE GOES TO PICK UP XIE LIAN WHO IS, FOR PLOT REASONS, DRESSED AS A BRIDE.
Pretty much everything about his backstory is a spoiler, ranging from "you're supposed to figure this out about 20% of the way through the book" to "literally the big twist at the end"
Whatever could be the connection between them ;) and surely one could not describe their relationship as.... Homosexual? Look they're kissing for totally normal heterosexual reasons. Xie Lian just needed the spiritual energy.
Anyways Xie Lian may be a god of literal rubbish, but Hua Cheng is forever his most devoted follower.
I love them, even if it's Been A While since I sat down and read the source material.
Tgcf also features such memorable side characters as: two guys I fucking hate, not because they're bad people but because they're annoying and boring. Rusalka and the Shepherd Girl if they were both genderfluid and gods. Cannibal ghost you can't kill because he's your cousin. The child of the body your cannibal-ghost-cousin is possessing. Even As A God This Poor Librarian Experiences Misogyny. Quan Yizhen.
The second season of the animated show is airing right, so... I guess now is as good a time to get into tgcf as ever :)
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5ammi90 · 1 year
Season 6 episode 2
They found a what now. The fuck is happening. I have many questions and now I need to watch the next episode. Dang it.
Season 6 episode 3
Alright let’s do this.
This police guy is an ass. Like damn there is no need to be that cruel.
Calling it now. Kid snuck out fell into the foundation and got stuck and suffocated. That is my theory.
Bobby is taking sense. Athena come on. Out of your parents killing somebody my money is on your mum.
Wow that sister needs to see a grief counsellor. I feel bad for both.
Aw little Athena so cute.
Bobby is talking sense. Listen to him Athena.
Wow people jumping right to conclusions.
Wow it’s like a time capsule.
Big sis use to sneak out the window using the flower box and little sister copied her. Come on, I’m right.
She followed her big sister. So a bunch of people knew she wasn’t at home the whole night. All cause they didn’t want to get in trouble. Junior was one of them. They are letting her drink a beer. She most definitely fell. She walked off and none of them cared.
The hell is up with cop. Does he have it out for Athena or something????
Yesssssssss Athena sass him.
Wait. Why would it have been senior? What’s the motivation? I thought maybe Junior cause he disappeared the same time the little sister did. I just don’t know why he would kill her.
Okay I was wrong with my first guess but right with my second. Yay me.
She was actually listening to her sister and was leaving after an hour.
Oh great so he was a pedo as well. Was that why he chased Athena??
Yes Bobby. Tackle that scum bag. Show him whose boss. Shit the big sister almost shot Bobby. Get him Athena chase him down. The poor girl, she died terrified and yelling for her sister.
She clocked him with a shovel. Go Athena.
That was a painful one. No more 911 tonight for me.
One last wee bit. The dad is just as bad. ‘How could I not protect my boy’ easily. If I was in his shoe then Junior would have been sent to jail that night. I knew there had to be more than one. Someone like him wouldn’t stop after the first one. That why I was confused because there had to be more.
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sagaofstardustmkg · 2 years
ah priest, said the judge. what could I ask of you that you’ve not already given? | arianna
[ ♪♪♪ ]
She sees the change come over Bo’s face through a weird and distant fugue and knows he can now hear it, too. The mantra. The metronome. The word that sits inside her mouth all the time, refusing to melt. 
Alone alone alone alone alone alone alone. 
And he can feel how true it is within the world he now glimpses. This particular kind of madness (one grown for many years between the brain and the skull wall like algae scumming over a pond) is wonderful like that. It gives its victims all the answers and relieves them of all innate capacity for doubt. Janelle knows, like every maniac knows, the pure and absolute truth of existence. 
That these people are her victims and she has been their tormentor and the shadow cast by that fact blacks out the possibility of any other interaction. 
That Caleb has been with her and she has loved him but she is responsible for this in a way he simply isn’t, and never will be. And when he and Ben go home together, he won’t need or want to know her anymore and that will be right. 
That the fantasy she used to have of a wizard school where the odd little friendless girl finally fits and makes the most wonderful friends in the world — 
(The fantasy she felt creeping back in when she put a flower crown on Mizu’s head, practiced waltzing with Caleb in the record room, handed Yuto his protective charm, took Strikeout’s hand on the dance floor, read the comics Mari had brought her in the infirmary.) 
— was a story for children and she has learned that these stories will only hurt you for keeping them past their expiration date.
Knowing this must be painful for Bo. She hates it. She wishes she could have kept her charm.
She finds, despite the fact she has considered herself long resigned to such things, that it’s painful for her, too. 
Why is it still painful, after all this time of waiting for it? Why doesn’t she have calluses? 
(Because it hasn’t happened yet. She’s just been dreading it for years.)
Her eyes stay open and her hand lowers from her hat as Fumie delivers the no, which she can take. (It makes her heart clench and twist to see Fumie completed not just by their efforts but by her friends; with the curse cut away, allowing her to begin healing back into her whole self.) She has prepared for the no, and she has answers that she’s trying to shape into words — 
When Mari speaks. It’s an unusually lenient response from a woman who has more than once resorted to murder outside their designated motive periods. This, too, is wholeness. Mari has been forged over time from a jagged bit of metal into a weapon with heft, balance, a safe place to put your hands — and a fine sharp point. She wouldn’t be Mari without it. 
It’s Ben who makes her eyes quiver first. She must look like she’s reading invisible lines of text in the air; Rya, sensing her distress, is so confused she begins to rattle again before realizing there is no actual threat coming from the radiant brilliant all-loving man who hasn’t even been conscious of how many times he’s cleaned up after her. 
Her mouth floods with the taste of pennies at his You must be tired. Her eyes are still held wide but there is a new feeling in them at the words thank you for loving him. There is some movement of her lips but she can’t think of anything to say to him in words and knows she will only sob.
And she can’t sob. She can’t. She is alone and she is rightly alone and crying would just be one more wicked manipulation she has visited on these people — on fucking Ben, of all people, who least deserves it. 
Who would say that to anyone, she tells herself. That’s the whole point of him. He would say that to anyone because he loves them all so much he literally exploded from it. So his words can’t be ones she lets herself —
(her throat makes a noise that’s kind of like nnn, but wetter) 
— internalize. An outlier. 
Caleb is more of a challenge because he knows everything. She can look at the others and dismiss them for not being able to comprehend the scope of it all, but he can. He’s been there for all of it.
She loves him so desperately now as their eyes meet and she forces hers to stay open but the silent tears start slipping out anyway when he speaks. Everyone. You can’t be alone and part of everyone, can you? But he says she is included in everyone and she has come to trust him more than anyone else in the world, between their dance lessons and late nights refining the game and the time she forced him to lay on the record room floor listening to Vashti Bunyan. 
(She might have written her most famous song just for them. Thought of them in the studio in 1970, when her high flutey voice prophesied a journey back to her love: "It’s many hundred miles and it won’t be long.")
They sat in the grass together when all of this started and talked about The Myth of Sisyphus, which he had encouraged her to read. The book claims life is fundamentally purposeless, unrewarding and absurd; therefore, it presents infinite opportunities for the creation of meaning and for recovery from your latest roll down the hill. 
Her body begins to shake. She’s being pulled between alone and everyone. Both things are true. Both things can’t be true.
And it’s Miyuki, with her perfect aim, who delivers the gentle it’s okay to lean on me, too, that cracks her down the middle. She paws at her still-open, still staring eyes to wipe away her tears. Her breath is coming short and ragged. Her sour mouth is not sure whether to twist or smile. 
“Miyuki, I —  that dance with you was one of the — “ she forces out, the first thing she’s managed to say “ — happiest moments I ever — like a dream, I — “ 
She doesn’t finish the sentence. She cuts herself off and presses her palms against the long table. Her spine is trying to curl itself inward again; she thinks about crouching on the ground with her knees drawn up to chest and her hands clapped over her ears.
Everything they are saying is in direct contradiction to what she knows to be true. That she is and should be alone. Alone alone alone alone alone alone. No one but Caleb has known enough to contradict this belief — this truth — in five years, and now that she’s getting it all at once she realizes she’s never had to defend it, really. She’s just known it and remained silently invincible in that knowing.
It’s Haruki who breaks her down completely. 
Which fits, doesn’t it?
He has cried so much, here. In this room and elsewhere. He provides a hugely disproportionate amount of the emotional energy they gather each time, less a high-voltage battery than a nuclear fucking reactor. Like the ocean, endless; like the ocean, impossible to ever predict or fully map. There are things inside Haruki that have evolved to produce light in absolute darkness, and vast horrors with rows of steak-knife teeth, and things Janelle is sure she has not yet seen.
And like the ocean, he compels a love that is strange and complete and total. A person who loves the sea can’t explain why any more than they can imagine not loving it. Beauty beyond beauty. A hundred million wonderful things to balance out a hundred million awful ones. 
(Janelle has one very strong memory of standing in the tide. They were in California for a Carter vacation, paperwork submitted and approved by the state; she was young and still scared of everything. She had not yet accepted that she could have two sets of parents, Longbough and Carter, who mattered. But she already knew Adelaide, another lost child from another set of parents entirely, was her sister.
Addie held her hand. They screamed and then laughed as the waves knocked them over. Their Carter mother tutted over them getting their hair wet. They were obsessed with playing mermaid for many months after.)
And seeing him be brave, well. 
How can she not find it in herself to be brave when he is? 
(Come on in. The water’s fine.)
She lets her eyes close and begins to cry quietly but in earnest, still ashamed, bending forward, choking out as she does —
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. Give me a sec. I’m sorry.”
Her hands against the table are the only thing holding her upright. 
It hurts more not to be alone, somehow. 
But she has hurt them all so much. They didn’t choose how; she and Caleb picked it for them. So she has to bear the hurt they pick for her.
The hurt of having her precious truth shattered. Of realizing her commitment to isolation and being misunderstood had always been its own kind of arrogance.
Of having her soft uncallused skin touched by gentle hands when she’d been bracing for blades.
“I’m sorry,” she sobs again, and she doesn’t know what it’s for. “I wish there were something better I could say that didn’t sound like a goddamn — two-dollar sympathy card — words are too small for what I owe you all — but I’m sorry. I. Give me a — just a minute, and I’ll be. Ready to talk. I’m sorry.“
There are many long seconds in which they can all hear the quiet workings of her throat and the hitching of her lungs.
But she gets herself back together quickly, all things considered. Takes her hands off the table and wipes her face. There will be a full-blown Ari Aster crying jag in her future if she has one. For now, she has questions to answer.
“I want to tell you all everything. Everything. Who was first —“
Her eyes roam the table.
“— Miss Fumie.” Sniff. “Right. Okay. And Mari, and Haruki — you all basically had the same question, right? Why should we believe Calamity Jane won’t fuck this six ways from Sunday?”
A half-laugh. A deep breath. 
“Because last time I had stolen pages of someone else’s research, half-cocked homebrew magic and Sasha givin’ me directions. This time, I am what I believe is the most bonafide expert on this specific move in the world. I’ve had Caleb, who is among the most bonafide experts on pocket dimensions period, helpin’ me learn for five years. I’ve practiced. I’ve planned. I’ve read every book there is about pocket dimensions and learned to cast on things I can’t see from a long way away. I’ve been at it all this time, close to non-stop as I could manage.”
Her words start in a tumble but regain their usual rhythm, deep and deliberate, as she continues. 
“Because havin’ the focus would mean I can work more precisely. It’s the thing that opens the pocket dimension up for the start and end of the year; connecting to other dimensions is something it already does. Last time, when I didn’t have it, what I did was like — like trying to get out of a house by running straight through the wall.”
Kool-Aid man style.
“With the focus? I can just open the door and close it again.”
Rya nods sagely, as if her opinion counts, from Janelle’s shoulder. This seems to reassure Janelle, if nobody else. 
Looking at Baku and the Bosties:
“Because Caleb has one more reset.”
She holds up a single finger.
“No matter what happens, he has the restart button. Win or lose, alive or dead, the moment he sees fit — we all rematerialize on our first day of school, healthy and whole. All the way whole. And —”
She swallows hard. Her throat clicks. Her eyes get wet again and her voice quavers:
“Because now you all know what it’s like. To be held prisoner someplace you can’t escape, where you thought things would be better, where someone who has all the power in the world is using it just to hurt you.
It’s been Hell here for six months, right? I know it’s been Hell for me these past five years. To not be able to get away from the hurting or make it better. To wish you could go home and — and see something familiar. Eat good food. Hold your pet. Tuck yourself into your own bed and sleep without dreading the moment you wake up. Or see something new. New music, new movies. Wear new clothes. Read a book you haven’t already read. Change yourself into a new person you couldn't be while you've been stuck here getting torn open again and again.”
Deadly serious. Weighted down with pain. The voice of someone who has walked on her knees a hundred miles through the desert repenting and expects to walk many more before she feels right with herself again. 
“Adelaide has been there for nine years, and maybe longer if faerie-time isn’t the same as our time. With no friends. No magic. No one to look out for her and no reason to believe she’ll ever see the outside again.”
A hard blink, dislodging more tears.
“I don’t deserve much. But Addie has always deserved everything. And I think all of you are vantaged to understand exactly how bad she needs to get home. So please let me try. Please.”
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blindeyeofthestorm · 2 years
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Parallels between Scum Fuck Flower Boy, IGOR and CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST
Garden Shed, Flower Boy // Teaser video for A BOY IS A GUN*, IGOR
Pothole, Scum Fuck Flower Boy // GONE, GONE/THANK YOU, IGOR
911/Mr. Lonely, Scum Fuck Flower Boy // WILSHIRE, CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST
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kuglrfisch · 7 years
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FLOWER GIRL 🌻 original art by Eric White
Edit by @kuglrfisch
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caytheblkmermaid · 4 years
“Let these black kids be who they are, dye your hair blue, shit, I’ll do it too. ” - Tyler the Creator🌻
And why that line means so much to me.
To many of us that album, Flower boy helped us through a lot rather it’s going through depression, black n closeted, etc.
For this line in particular it meant being black and careless. I’m a black quirky girl who wasn’t afraid to like weird things and expressing myself. When I got shunned by the black community I felt lost, I went through an identity crisis, and had internalized racism. Looking at Tyler’s growth I no longer felt lost.
I figured out that being black is what I wanted it to me not what ANYONE wanted me to be. I appreciate my culture and the power we have.
That year I discovered the art hoe movement and where I’d see portraits of black girls and boys with sunflowers in their hair, promoting black artist, and talking about how the color yellow compliments our skin. I never felt more proud to be black that year. I will never forget that beautiful moment...sometimes I wish I can go back🌻💗
~ I wonder if any other black kid felt this way☺️ share ur thoughts if you like💕
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