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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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6 women sculpture. My husband figured out a great way to set sculptures to make a template using Styrofoam, so I'm experimenting in putting these 6 women together. I'm going to change them a bit and see if they look better than this. Then make the template and make the arms and hands. 👩‍❤️‍👩 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 👭 #papersculpture #esculturaenpapel #contemporarysculpture #esculturacontemporanea #contemporaryart #artecontemporaneo #arteenmexico #escultura #sculpture #artinmexico #arteencolima #artincolima #womansculptor #womenwhosculpt #atelierarenas #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculpturesofwomen #paperart #paperartist #arteenpapel #artinpaper (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR4-f8qL1EF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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johnnyrodger · 8 years ago
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Statues of sisters. Diana & Joan. * * #femaleisthefuture #gold #goddess #saint #sculpturesofwomen #philamuseum #fairmountpark #philadelphia #philly #paywhatyoucan #artmuseum #firstsunday #dianaonthestairs #joandarc #joanofarc #whyilovephilly #wherearethesculpturesofwomen (at Philadelphia Museum of Art)
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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earth bound sculpture. This part went quite smoothly and I'm pleased with the way that it came out. Another cause for celebration! I'm still flying by the seat of my pants, so every successful step is to be cheered. I've left the holes because I may use them to coat the insides with sealer. As always, questions are encouraged. 🌎🌍🌏#atelierarenas #ranchoflordelcerro #sculpture #paperart #papersculpture #womansculptor #sculpturesofwomen #womenwhosculpt #escultura #artinmexico #arteencolima #arteenmexico #artincolima #arteenpapel #esculturaencolima #esculturaenpapel #artecontemporaneo #contemporaryart #contemporarysculpture #esculturacontemporanea (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRrk76KLThj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 3 years ago
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Sunday studio tour. Tranquility in the hills of Colima. I hope you enjoy seeing my progress. . . . 👱🏽‍♀️👩🏽‍🦰👩‍🦱👩🏼‍🦳👵🏽 . . . #sculpturestudio #sculptures #womansculptor #womenwhosculpt #atelierarenas #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculpturesofwomen #paperart #paperartist #arteenpapel #artinpaper #contemporarysculpture #lesstoxicsculpture #artecontemporaneao #esculturacontemporanea #contemporaryart #arteenmexico #artinmexico #esculturaenpapel #contemporarysculpture #arteencolima #arteenmexico #escultura #esculturas (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdUqiaTM2Mo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atelierarenas · 3 years ago
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Studio tour. I'm a lucky person to have this place to work in the subtropics with greenery and wildlife of all sorts all around. I hope you enjoy a slice of studio life. 😍 🌎 ‼️ #sculpturestudio #studiotour #dianelouisevanderzanden #paperart #papersculpture #womansculptor #sculpturesofwomen #contemporaryart #contemporarysculpture #esculturacontemporanea #atelierarenas #arteencolima #artecontemporanea #arteenmexico #arteenpapel #esculturaenpapel #esculturaencolima #tallerdescultura #mujereseneltaller #artecontemporaneo #artincolima #artinmexico #artefigurativo (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcL082pr4fA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atelierarenas · 3 years ago
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Soul Sculpture. Yay! We've reached a momentous day. My studio assistant, Ana is back to work after nearly a year and a half away. We started by cleaning the studio😅 She continued by starting to make this sculpture that will be in collaboration with Judy Serebrin. Check out her work. 🎉 👏🏻 😃 #sculpturestudio #sculptures #womansculptor #womenwhosculpt #atelierarenas #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculpturesofwomen #paperart #paperartist #arteenpapel #artinpaper #contemporarysculpture #lesstoxicsculpture #artecontemporaneao #esculturacontemporanea #contemporaryart #arteenmexico #artinmexico #esculturaenpapel #judyserebrin (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU1F3AHrsiW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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Grandma sculpture. Ready for the drying cabinet and almost ready for final finish. I like this one so much and will probably enlarge it. 🧓🏽 👩🏽‍🦳 🟤 #colimaartistas #colimaartist #arteenmexico #artinmexico #contemporaryart #contemporarysculpture #figurativesculpture #figurativesculptures #artecontemporaneo #artefigurativo #figurativeart #esculturaenpapel #papersculpture #womansculptor #sculpturesofwomen #dianelouisevanderzanden #atelierarenas #sculpture #escultura #esculturaenmexico #sculptureimexico (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS1nuR9LRwl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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Where is Mama Going? sculpture. The final pieces of the paper being cast into the molds. Two torsos, two hands, an arm. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🤰 🤱 #dianelouisevanderzanden #contemporaryart #artecontemporaneo #arteenmexico #artinmexico #atelierarenas #contemporarysculpture #esculturacontemporanea #paperart #papersculpture #womansculptor #womewhosculpt #sculpturesofwomen #figurativesculpture #esculturafigurativa #figurativeart #artefigurativo #moldes #molds #moldesenyeso #plastermolds #arteenmexico #artinmexico #arteencolima #artincolima (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSw9FmarJUG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
earth bound sculpture. Filling the front of the head with paper. The back is done, and the curls wait until tomorrow. It's getting exciting, folks. 😃 🌍 🌎 🌏 #sculpture #escultura #esculturaenmexico #sculptures #womansculptor #womenwhosculpt #atelierarenas #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculptureclass #artinmexico #arteencolima #artincolima #womansculptor #sculpturesofwomen #plastermolds #moldesenyeso #papersculpture #sculptureinpaper #esculturaenpapel #contemporarysculpture #esculturacontemporanea #contemporaryart #artecontemporaneo (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR2UiMgHhCk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
earth bound sculpture. Casting paper into the molds of the feet. These feet are in the warming box now waiting for a couple more coats. The lower parts of the sculpture will have more coats of paper than the upper parts. 🌍 🌏 🌎 #papersculpture #escultura #esculturaenpapel #contemporarysculpture #esculturacontemporanea #contemporaryart #artecontemporaneo #atelierarenas #dianelouisevanderzanden #figurativesculpture #figuresculpture #sculpture #sculptures #sculpturesofwomen (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRFnUzqHOrz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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earth bound sculpture. Mold walls and wells are done and ready to pour the first pieces of these plaster molds of the head and the curls. The curls mold will be a two piece mold and the head mold will be three. Once they're done, they have to sit for a couple of weeks to dry completely. After that, I will be casting the paper. During the mold drying time, I'll continue making the rest of the paper parts. Legs and feet. And finishing details of the hands. 🌎🌏🌍 #sculpturestudio #sculptureclass #atelierarenas #arteenmexico #artinmexico #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculpture #escultura #esculturaenmexico #sculptureimexico #clasesdeescultura #plastilina #plasticine #moldmaking #plastermolds #moldes #moldesengeso #sculpturesofwomen #sculptures #womansculptor #womenwhosculpt (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzSA-qLa0q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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earth bound sculpture. Three coats of paper on half of the two legs. This took me about two hours to do. Still to be finished are the feet and the other leg halves and the head. I love having the molds and the ability to make many pieces out of the molds for one sculpture. Continue along with me to watch how it comes together. Also, Corinne's Picks is airing on Bronxnet TV on the 20th of June. I'll give you more info when I have it. 🌎 🌏 🌍 #esculturaenpapel #papersculpture #corinnespicks #bronxnettv #womansculptor #womenwhosculpt #sculpturesofwomen #sculpture #escultura #escultura #esculturaenmexico #esculturafigurativa #figurativesculpture #figuresculpture #ranchoflordelcerro #dianelouisevanderzanden #atelierarenas #esculturacontemporanea #artecontemporaneo #contemporarysculpture #contemporaryart (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQNMcrMB8ny/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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singers sculpture. 👱‍♀️👱🏽‍♀️👩🏽‍🦰#sculpture #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculptures #paperart #papersculpture #womansculptor #sculpturesofwomen #ranchoflordelcerro #atelierarenas #arteenmexico (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPY-oU5h5nu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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singers sculpture. What's going on in the studio today? Working the plasticine parts on the paper parts. It will be disassembled when it's done and we'll make molds and paper and then reassemble all the paper parts. Any questions gladly answered. 🦵🏾💪🏻 #sculpturestudio #ranchoflordelcerro #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculpture #atelierarenas #womansculptor #sculpturesofwomen #womewhosculpt #papersculpture #paperart #contemporaryart #arteencolima #arteenmexico #arteenpapel #artecontemporanea (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPOSCDXBtR5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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singers sculpture. This is about 1/3 life size. The heads and torsos have been in a box for more than a year and here I'm working on positioning and building the arms and legs in plasticine. The idea is the same, creating figures that look like people you might see on the street. 💪🏻🦵🏾 #sculpture #paperart #papersculpture #womansculptor #sculpturesofwomen #ranchoflordelcerro #atelierarenas #arteenmexico #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculptures #bodypositive #bodypositivity #selflove #atelierarenas #arteenmexico #arteenpapel #artecontemporanea #contemporaryart #arteencolima #artinmexico (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPLtMYpBrCP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atelierarenas · 4 years ago
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singers sculpture. Speed sculpting 😁 I used to love texture but the paper casting requires smoothness and I go where the technique takes me. She's meant to be singing. Let's see if I can get her there. 💥🎤🎶 #ranchoflordelcerro #atelierarenas #womansculptor #womewhosculpt #dianelouisevanderzanden #sculpture #sculpturestudio #sculpturesofwomen #contemporaryart #esculturafigurativa #escultura #esculturas (at El Naranjal, Colima, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBqrAIBhJK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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