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kwistowee · 7 months ago
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sonnywortzik · 8 years ago
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joey. a fashion icon
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luz-natural · 6 years ago
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new-account-sam-christy-456 · 5 years ago
why are you taking the Scruffleupagus?
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the Cat invader Has returned to steal Patches' food and grace us with his fluffy presence.
@hunter-the-sad-skeleton @bccfggffbgv @cosmosinthechat @litteralyfuckinganybody.
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multiversemuses · 8 years ago
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A Sonata for a Root Vegetable ~ A Growing Love Story in Nine GIFs and 1,000+ Words
“You’re one of my favorite people in the whole wide world; you know that?” Danny prefaces one day while they’re hanging out at Spatola’s.
“Right back at you,” Rhett replies, scratching his chin and leaning back against the green cushion of the booth. “But?”
“But are you ever gonna break the ice and actually talk to her?”
Danny gives him a look and tosses a crumpled napkin at his face.
“You know who, dude.”
Rhett rolls his eyes even though his crooked smile belies this feigned annoyance.
“For the last time, I do not have ‘a thing’ for your lady friend’s best friend.”
“I don’t. I mean she’s cute or whatever, I guess, but I don’t even know her.”
“You could, if you’d just let me put in a good word.”
“Nah, that’s even worse. I can do my own flirting, man, when I want to.”
“Nola says you just get this really intense look on your face and then sorta walk away all broody.”
“Did she tell her that?”
“No. Nola saw you guys pass each other outside Farley’s.”
“Then she also saw that her friend didn’t even look my way, so it’s all good. Doesn’t matter what my face is doing if it’s just your girlfriend and Butter the Cat watching me through the bookshop window. Her bestie didn’t notice a thing.”
Danny folds his arms and looks away. “I wouldn’t be so sure...,” he mumbles cryptically. 
“Why? What’d she say? Did she mention me to you guys?”
Danny’s expression breaks into a broad grin and he cackles triumphantly.
“Busted! You do give a shit. I called it!” 
Rhett slumps sideways and groans loudly.
“I hate you.”
As the months go by and Danny and Nola start spending more time together, so too do their friend groups. “Groups” is being used a little loosely here since Nola really only has a couple of friends her own age. However, this only means that there are even less people standing as physical buffers between Rhett and The Girl. 
The absence of Rhett’s A-Game is reaching such a level that it is even starting to be noticed by the (albeit unintentionally) oblivious. It took Marty three years to discover her best friend and roommate was in love with her and even she can discern something is up with her shaggy sidekick. 
“You okay, Rhettro Chic?” Marty asks one night at a party, eyeing him over her glass. “You’re being all quiet. It’s weird.”
Vanessa, who is seated at the table with them, follows Rhett’s line of sight and figures out whose gaze has left him flummoxed. Mercifully, she uses her very recent upgrade to girlfriend status to distract the other young woman from this line of inquiry. Nessa presses her lips to Marty’s ear and murmurs what Rhett can only assume is a request to dance, given that they start making their way toward the floor. 
As they cross the room, Vanessa gives Rhett a pointed look over her shoulder and tilts her head toward where Danny, Nola, and her friend are standing. Rhett gives her a grateful nod in return. If he is finally going to do this thing, love her though he does, Rhett really does not need Marty’s encouraging whistles and calls echoing after him. 
He downs a gulp of his beer and strides determinedly toward the far corner. Danny sees his friend’s approach and gets a knowing look in his eye. After a little idle chitchat, Danny uses his best goofy smile and dance moves to coax Nola away with him so Rhett will have his opportunity.
Somehow, just like that, it feels like Danny has found a way to make this all easier on Rhett without directly interfering. Now, if he speaks to Nola’s friend, Rhett will seem like he's sparing her the awkwardness of being left behind as a third wheel. There can even be an unspoken commiseration over their current third wheel-iness. Rhett turns to face this fellow “single Pringle” and manages a smile that almost doesn’t look nervous at all. 
“So, how’ve you been?”
Progress has been made, it’s fair to say, although they're still very much in the friendly acquaintance stage. Even so, it’s nice to be able to exchange subtle nods of greeting across South Main Street. Danny has other ways of reaching the bookshop if he were so inclined, but he conveniently keeps asking Rhett for a ride to make sure his best bud will be in the right place at the right time. Not wanting to be too obvious, Rhett always busies himself afterward by entering other nearby shops as if he’s come this way to run errands. Much to his delighted surprise, there comes one afternoon when Nola’s friend uses this to her advantage. Rhett comes back to find a scrap of notebook paper with seven digits tucked under his windshield wiper. 
Call me sometime - S.
“So your friend Marty always addresses you by a nickname?”
“Sorta. I don’t know if it really counts as a nickname when she tries to steer clear of repeats so it’s never the same. More like name puns? Play on words or whatever.”
“Gotcha. I’m gonna give you one for your contact in my phone. It’s like  Rheumatologist, Rhinocerous, stuff like that?”
“Nah, that’s more like that Benedict guy who played the dragon fr--”
“Got it! I’m texting you a screenshot.”
“...Rutabaga Wickerchair. You’re pretty proud of that one, aren’t you?”
“Taking my bows as we speak. I brought it up a level ’cause your last name’s in it now, too.”
“All right, two can play at that game. Check your messages.”
“Symphony OldMacDonald. That is... something special.”
“Hey, it’s a closer match than Rutabaga.”
“A coffee date. Very conventional. And very not you.” 
“What can I say? I’m a man of mystery. Gotta keep you on your toes.”
"Sure, Jan. C’mon, spill it. What’s going on, Scruffleupagus? You’re up to something; I know it. This wouldn’t happen to be one of your collaborative effort pranks, would it?”
“Dunno. Guess you’ll have to wait in suspense and find out.”
“Gonna keep your secrets to the last, huh? All right. But I’m on to you.”
“Scruffle Shuffle!”
Rhett cleans the cheese dust off his fingers with meticulous care, pretending not to hear.
He tilts back his head, catching the remaining bag crumbs in his mouth. Rhett gives no indication that he has seen her waving.
“Pardon me... Handsome!”
Rhett smiles in spite of himself but keeps up the act that he hasn’t noticed her prior to this moment.
“Oh hey, Syd.”
“Y’know, strictly speaking, we’re not allowed to bring outsiders back here.”
“Funny, of the two of us, I’d have said you're the one who favors the Ponyboy aesthetic.”
“Har-dee-har. You know the kind I mean.”
“Uh, yeah, something like that.”
“They’re right to be wary, y’know.”
“’Cause I’m such a bad influence?”
“No, ’cause I am. I throw a mean bash, mister. Gimme a box of rinse cups, some AA batteries, and a little dry ice and I could put this place on the social map in a night.”
“A regular Party MacGyver, eh?”
“Damn straight.”
“I’d better not let The Powers That Be know you’re here, then.”
“You’re gonna protect me from your scary headmistress?”
“Risking life and limb for your lady fair?”
“Yeah or, y’know, like a month’s detention.”
“And they say chivalry is dead.”
“This is where you wanted to show me? One of the piers under the bridge?”
“Yup, this is the one.”
“Interesting. Why this place? What makes it special?”
“I don’t know. It’s quiet, I guess.”
“Yeah. Or it was, ’til you brought me out here.”
“Hmm... The water does seem weirdly still. Even the semis don’t scare off the fish, but they sure heard you coming.”
“Watch yourself, Studly, or I’m gonna help you get intimately acquainted with the Delaware.”
A handful of the academy kids are sitting with Nola and her friends around a bonfire on the shoreline. On a log by themselves near the far side of the circle, Syd and Rhett scuff sand onto the ends of each other’s shoes and make shadow puppets in the flickering glow from the flames.
“Crap, outta juice again,” Marty whines a little louder than necessary and tilts her Solo cup with an exaggerated flip of the wrist. 
“There are a few Mike’s left in the cooler,” Nola points out.
Marty pretends to consider them but wrinkles her nose. “The ice has gotten melted from being too close to the fire.”
“I’ll get you a cold one from the spare supply in the truck,” Vanessa volunteers.
“Aww, thanks, babe. You’re the best.” Marty gives her a peck on the cheek and they discretely exchange a conspiratorial wink.
Things go back to normal for a minute or two until Marty’s cell phone suddenly blares. The ringtone is so loud that everyone around the bonfire jumps about half a foot. 
“Sha la la la la la! Don't be scared. You better be prepared. Go on and kiss the girl!
Marty puts a hand to her chest and gives an exaggerated laugh.
“Oh, that must be my talent manager. Excuse me. I really have to take this.”
She sweeps away into the darkness with the phone pressed to her ear, kicking Rhett’s shin rather sharply as she passes. He winces and rubs the leg of his jeans but, when he sits upright again, Syd is watching him. Did she glance at his lips just then or was it a trick of the light?
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hoscos · 9 years ago
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When the night is warm @jonmrod @jeffersonisme @robertlanzas by @scruffleupagus
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kwistowee · 2 years ago
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kwistowee · 2 years ago
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kwistowee · 2 years ago
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kwistowee · 3 years ago
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So dreamy... DenverCon 2021 x
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luz-natural · 9 years ago
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When the night is warm @jonmrod @jeffersonisme @robertlanzasby @scruffleupagus
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