#scrooge mcduck x reader
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dena-dena-dena · 23 hours ago
Remembering my AU because i saw someone thinking on making a fic out of a Scrooge McDuck related comic Pride & Prejudice style
I need to do more of this AU 🛐
I made a Pride & Prejudice AU with Drooge (Dei x Scrooge)
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One of my favorite book and movies
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denaliwrites · 1 year ago
f i c m a s t e r l i s t
p o l i c i e s (please read before making requests!)
b a d s a m a r i t a n The Best of You, Honey, Belongs to Me Blackthorn Cover Myself in the Ashes of You Dumb Ways To Die Enough of You to Dull the Pain (18+) Hellbent Looking For A Godsend Hit Me With Your Best Shot I Got This Feeling On A Summer Day (18+) I'm Gooey in the Middle Baby Let Me Bake In His Eyes A Flaming Glow Intrigued and Afraid Keep You Like An Oath (18+) Killing Me Softly My Baby Shot Me Down (18+) Not Much Between Despair and Ecstasy (18+) Only Touch That Gets Me Melting (18+) Run Rabbit Run (18+) Say My Name Send a Thousand Kings Away Shia Surprise Something Good to Celebrate Stop, Look and Listen, It's Halloween! Taste of a Poison Paradise Trust in Me, Just in Me With Your Scars and Your Lonely Heart Your Body's a Secret Girl and You're About to Spill It (18+)
t h e b o y s Watch That Butcher Burn
b r o a d c h u r c h Always Leave Me With a Hungry Heart Am I Doing This Right? An Art to Life's Distractions Beating Like A Kick Drum Girls Like Girls Like Boys Do It's Been a Long, Long Time Love's Perfect Ache Now and Again We Try to Just Stay Alive Regale You With A Gourd-geous Tale Say You'll Remember Me Say You'll Remember Me (Denali's Version) Tell Me It's A Nightmare What My Heart Was Worth
d o c t o r w h o Cuddle, Meet Puddle Cute Things Don't Blink (Part 1) Don't Turn Your Back (Part 2) Don't Look Away (Part 3) Dreams See Us Through (Part 4) Hate the Feeling of Falling Have a Holly Jolly Christmas Horrible Things Isn't That Wizard It's How I'm Made Let Me Come Home Little Creepy House Love Letters On the Brave Shit The Origin of (Love Bug) Species What Beautiful Things I'll Wear When the Crypt Doors Creak You Know That I Would Jump Too
d u c k t a l e s Tales of Daring
g o o d o m e n s All I Want For Christmas Aziraphale's Favorite Author Dance on a Tightrope of Weird Free as My Hair His Love is All in Me How the Wine Plays Tricks on My Tongue Lockdown Blues Making Biscuits My Heart's a Stereo Naked in That Garden (18+) Out There Making DuckTales Pickin' Up the Pieces of the Mess You Made Road to Hell Something Meaty For The Main Course Step Too Far Tongue Tied Your Love is Holy (18+)
f a l l o f t h e h o u s e o f u s h e r Tomorrow I Shall Be Fetterless (18+)
f r i g h t n i g h t Emptiness to Melody Everybody Scream in Our Town of Halloween Fixed Up to the Nines Howl Like an Animal in the Darkness I'm So Hot I'd Fuck Myself (18+) I'm Starvin', Darlin', Let Me Put My Lips to Somethin' Late Night Devil Put Your Hands On Me (18+) Make Me Glow Night of Long Fangs (18+) Parade of Dancing Skeletons Talk So Pretty (18+) Who Are You Supposed To Be, Criss Angel? (18+)
h a u n t i n g o f b l y m a n o r ???
j u r a s s i c p a r k / w o r l d Best Behavior The Future Ex Mrs. Malcolm
p r o d i g a l s o n But Then My Stupid Phone Beeps Never Fallen From Quite This High Office Supplies Rude Boy They are the Hunters, We are the Foxes Trigger Happy With a Sense of Poise (18+)
s l o w h o r s e s Imposing Figure Inappropriate
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diomcsimon · 2 years ago
Being Scrooge McDucks twin ☕️
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Head canons of what I imagine it would be like Scrooges twin.
Gn Reader
I want to mention that English isn't my first language and I am dyslexic so there might be a hand full of grammar mistakes.
🪙 You two most likely grew up close
🪙 So when Scrooge got his number one dime you refused to let him go without you
🪙 You two worked hard to where you two are now
🪙You two faced a lot of dangers together but with each other you guys were unstoppable
🪙 Then came the day when Della and Donald needed to be taken care of, you didn’t have a problem with this they were family after all
🪙 Well things happen and you for became a strong team that all sorts of mysteries around the world
🪙 when Della had here three eggs you became even more protective of her, tbh you probably saw her as a daughter in a way
🪙 When Scrooge told you about the spear of saline and how it was going to be a gift for Della, you were a bit unease
🪙 You knew that Scrooge wouldn’t allow harm to come to her but you also knew that Della was a curious woman and would find out sooner than later
🪙 So together you helped Scrooge build it but then Della found out about it and took it out for a test drive
🪙 You got a panicked call from Scrooge all you could make of it was “Della found it “ “she’s in a meteoroid storm” and that was all you needed to hurry your way to him
🪙 When you got there you saw Donald with the eggs heading out angrily and refusing to talk as you made your way further in there you saw Scrooge leaning over a counter of controls and a big screen only saying the words “signal lost”
🪙 You called out to Scrooge and when he turned to look at you your heart broke, he looked as if he had been crying for decades and was still panicking
🪙 Rushing into action you ran over to him comforting him and trying to understand what was going on
🪙 Together you search for Della spending enormous amounts of money but to no avail
🪙 You also tried to get in contact with Donald but he showed no interest in the dangerous life
🪙 When Beakly came around with baby Webby, you and Scrooge took them in and you made sure Webby felt at home and welcome in the machine
🪙 You made sure he knew he could come to you if things ever got too tough and you did send him some gift money and present to the boys from “ secret Santa”
🪙 So when one day you and your brother were coming home from work you were more than happy to see Donald in the driveway (unlike a certain someone)
🪙 You were more than happy to take care of the boys, even if it was just for a few hours
🪙 But Scrooge had other plans. When Scrooge but the kids in the old storage room you were ready to protest but Scrooge was quick to snap at you as well
🪙 Not wanting to anger him more you headed to your office to think
🪙 Wile in your office you heard sounds coming from the vents and the next thing you know four kids fall out of your ceiling vent
🪙 But to no surprise Webby is the firs one to jump up screaming "GOOD MORNIG Y/N"
🪙 Happy you greeted the kids before the were quick to run out, soon deciding to follow after them to make sure the don't get into too much trouble
🪙 Finding the kids looking around the garage
Walking into garage I saw the kids looking at the neglect artifacts. I saw one of the triplets putting sticky notes. My attention is then brought to the one in blue, what was his name again? Oh yeah that's it Dewey. I see the painting that Dewey is looking at and feel a sting in my heart as I realize its the one with our old team on it. "It's fake" Louie says before I'm fast enough to protest Webby beats me to it " What no it's not right Y/N?" " It's true it's real I still remember that like it was yesterday " I say recalling the old memory.
"Oh come on are we really stupoustu believe that?" Dewey asked. As I wen't to answer he starter walking around wile pointing to different things clainig they were fake, I rushed after him worried hell get hurt. When he opens a chest with the ghost of a pirate.
Acting quickly I grabbed Dewey and guidet the others to cover. As I tride to think of a plan I see the triplets panicin "Hey it's going to be okey im going to take care of this, you four stay here until its safe"
Just when I was obout to jump into action I hear my brother yell " what in dismal downs is going on in here ?!" oh great now that. “What are you three doing out of your room?” He yelled to the kids "We've got this. There are four of us and three of them. If we, wait never mind, they teamed up" "Ah good, that means only one target" Scrooge said ready to lunch at the ghost. " No, get back your old!" Dewey yelled after him to no avail.
"Oi Beastie, what's it gonna take to shuffle you off to the afterlife?" Scrooge yelled pointing his cane at the ghost "The head of Scrooge McDuck!" it yelled "Would you settle for his hat ?" Scrooge asked launching at the ghost. " You kids stay here !" I yelled leaping out of the hiding spot.
"hey need help Scrooge ?" "Well I'm certainly not agains it"
That's sorta all the motivation and ideas I have for now. I might make more later if I get motivation and ideas :))
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bookiezzz · 1 year ago
was on wattpad and i can’t fuckign stop laughing why would this be in my reckmmended im crying
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eternal-learner · 5 months ago
Female Reader x Captain Martens (The Expanse)
Summary: This is the scene where Bobby beats Martens' ass but basically you take Bobby's place in this story and you use a more NSFW method to extract information.
Warnings/Tags: non-con, handjob, overstimulation, squirting
Author's Note: I haven't actually watched The Expanse, I just watched his scenes and even then the only one I watched recently was this one so no doubt there's inaccuracies.
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His room blurred as he slammed into the ground and rolled. He couldn't stifle a whimper when he dragged himself onto all-fours, feeling a searing pain in his collarbone where he knew it had likely been snapped by your palm.
“Your whole generation has forgotten what it means to sacrifice for the dream of Mars,” he spat. The metallic taste of blood coated his tongue.
He cried out as you plucked him from the floor and bent him over the arm of his couch. He really couldn't put up a fight. With him being a chaplain, he never went through the training that had hardened you and the other Martian marines. He was pathetic. Even in your fury, seeing him like this stirred up desires that were getting more and more difficult to suppress with each whimper and whine that passed his wobbling lips. A thought crossed your mind. You shook it away. That kind of punishment would be… cruel and unusual.
Martens squirmed. His black spacesuit stretched snugly over a paunch that heaved as he gasped for air. He was soft, his build speaking to a life spent comfortably in the safety fought for by soldiers like you. You were sure he would talk with a little more coercion. A few hits to the face should loosen his jaw. But the other method… well, there was the added humiliation. The more you thought about it, the more the gentle throbbing between your legs became impossible to ignore.
You tightened your grip on the lapel of his spacesuit, ensuring he wouldn’t be able to worm away. Your other hand reached towards his throat. His Adam’s apple bobbed at the brush of your fingers. He winced and threw his head, expecting you to choke him.
The huff of his breath was joined by the low, rolling sound of his zipper’s teeth parting one by one. The bewilderment on his face made you smirk. All at once he seemed to understand what was happening and he wiggled in a fruitless attempt to prevent his exposure. To prevent this humiliation.
The stretchy, black material peeled open, unveiling a patch of wiry chest hair. You paused to undo his belt and then trailed the zipper over his soft belly, over the dark button at its crest, down, down, hushing his feeble whines of protest until it reached the end of its path, just below a bush of grey curls.
Martens swallowed thickly. The air gently pricked his bare skin, cool but not cool enough to extinguish the heat of embarrassment. He had been beaten by a subordinate and now this. There was a tightness in his chest, different from the pain radiating from the injury you had inflicted. This wound was to his pride.
You raked your fingers through his chest hair. The darkness clouding his face lightened just slightly. He was very aware of how close you were to his injury. How easy it would be for you to thrust your hand and send an explosion of pain through his body. But soon you explored lower and he exhaled shakily.  
You rubbed his soft stomach.
“I’ll ask again. What happened to my team?”
Martens eyed you and scoffed.
“You’ll get a firing squad for-“
Martens squealed. The sudden grip on his balls made his thighs quake and a churning nausea took hold of his gut. As he panted, you removed your hand from inside his suit. His small, soft cock flopped out and you rested his sack over his zipper.
“Oh God,” he moaned. “What are you doing?”
You hushed his whines of protest and fondled him. Even with fear chilling his blood, it didn’t take long until he was swelling in your palm. You spat in your hand until his pink length was glossy and slick.
Martens refused to meet your gaze. He was both utterly confused and humiliated at your method of interrogation. He expected that at any moment you would hurt him. Maybe squeeze too hard or target his vulnerable, twitching sack. But as his slippery cock squelched and smacked in your pumping fist, he felt his guard descending ever lower.  
He sighed and his front teeth peeked out from beneath his top lip. Martens caught himself staring at where your breasts pushed against your uniform.
“What happened to my team?”
His eyes flicked up to yours. They were so blue. He had teared up when you threw him into his TV and a few drops were caught in his long, dark eyelashes. They caught the light just right and shimmered. But he gave no answer besides a moan and that wasn’t by choice. He was a touch-starved chaplain and his orgasm was building quickly.
Suddenly the realization of what he was about to do in front of you hit, and wanting to deny you the satisfaction of seeing him that way and himself the embarrassment of losing control, he thrashed in an attempt to loosen your hold. It was fruitless. You only sped up the pace.
His breath quickened. His flushed face twisted and a guttural grunt tore from his throat. Ribbons of white shot onto his soft belly.
You kept going. The last drop oozed out and you kept going still. The pleasure of his orgasm gave way to discomfort. He was too sensitive for this. Martens squirmed and tried to grab your hand but a quick smack to his collarbone sent a shockwave of pain through his shoulder and made him abandon his efforts.
“Tell me and I’ll stop. What happened to my team?”
Martens eyes widened. Oh, now he understood. His thighs twitched and his body jerked.  There was no way he could outlast this. Still, he needed to try.
His poor, overstimulated cock bobbed in your unrelenting fist. You ignored his cries, staring down at him smugly.
“Please… please! Fuck, I can’t take it.”
Martens began to sob. He white-knuckled the couch and used every ounce of his waning strength to resist giving up any information. Again he felt the build-up, too soon, of another orgasm. His sweat-slicked body curled. White hot pain and pleasure wracked him as his cock was forced to spit out another string of cum.
Something was happening to him. Something that had never happened before and his mouth gaped in surprise as he started to squirt. It sprayed onto his chest and belly and you couldn’t help but smirk at the way he shuddered violently against you.
He couldn’t catch his breath. The edges of his vision blurred.
“The tablet! There,” he pointed frantically to the device on his coffee table. Your fist stilled. Finally, to Martens’ utmost relief you released your grip and reached for the tablet.
He didn’t need to be prompted. He breathlessly uttered the project name and that fateful field test was projected before your eyes.
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babblingbonnie · 2 years ago
CHAPTER ONE: Peculiar Parcel!
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when a peculiarly shaped package arrives on Scrooge's desk, he takes some time to reminisce about the day he arrived in Louisville to find that dinky steamboat on the Mississippi river and the ducks that took him in. Albeit one seemingly reluctantly...
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hello - I'm very much in love with 2k17 ducktales as well as the older versions! I wanted to try and merge some of the complete life and times of scrooge mcduck by Don Rosa with 2k17 ducktales because for some reason I adore ducks that also happen to be sailors.
There is a major spoiler warning for 2k17 ducktales season 3 finale, though it came out a few years ago I wanted to add this just to be sure you're aware. This is cross published on Quotev -- I also apologize for any inaccuracies, I really hope you enjoy this silly little story! :-)
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CHAPTER ONE: Peculiar Parcel!
A PARCEL HAD FOUND ITS WAY TO SCROOGE'S DESK THAT MORNING. It was long with odd bulges along its surface and seemingly insignificant. It sat, and sat, and sat.....then sat some more.
In fact, the sun was already setting slowly in the foreground behind wide windows by the time Scrooge had actually taken a look at it.  
It had been a busy day full of mundane meetings and even more soul-wrenching interviews for a new Board of Director as his old one turned out to be evil.
Figures, with a name like Bradford it was only a matter of time before something mildly evil became of him.
The children were lively as ever, an occasional scream and the sound of something thumping on the ground could be heard outside his office. Shenanigans afoot.
Della's voice seemed to carry throughout the whole manor, and it was assumed that she was an avid player of whatever game the children were participating in as the duck's battle cries rang across the air with promises of multiple darts to whichever body part was exposed if she caught them.
Scrooge had passed Donald in one of the numerous sitting rooms before he had retreated to his study, sharing a few exchanges of words and his one daily comment about his nephews free-loader status.
By the sounds of furious quacking it seems like the rambunctious group had roped the sailor into their chaos.
Scrooge chuckled into his work, cringing ever so often at the sounds of crashing followed by 'oops!' every time, without fail. Usually he would go out there and wave his cane around like a true old man telling dastardly kids to get off his lawn, threatening them that they would be the ones paying for everything with a crack.
But that afternoon paperwork demanded the McDuck's full attention, he couldn't go on any longer without a Board of Director. Mostly because he had taken up the duty himself and he was very much over it. Just because he was willing and able to put in the hard work, doesn't mean he enjoyed it.
The Scottish duck could only hope with all his heart that Beakly or Duckworth would step in and tell his family to STOP BREAKING EVERYTHING.
Trying to push all that, as well as the nagging thought of how much the damages were going to cost, to the back of his head Scrooge hummed a small tune that sounded vaguely familiar.
But he couldn't put a finger on what exactly while he began to hunker down and start reading through words printed in a font size that shouldn't be legal to use.
Something about racecars...lasers...airplanes maybe? It was all a blur, really.
Sifting through the sea of papers, his hand eventually hit the previously mentioned package after a quite violent display of signing a document for the hundredth time. The hand that held a golden ball tipped pen tightly froze midair, a couple inches from the table while Scrooge blinked out of work mode tiredly.
Glancing at the clock that hung just above the study doors it was no wonder why the brutal festivities had died down, leaving the manor deadly silent. It was almost two in the morning.
Had time really passed so quickly? Bah, of course paper work would keep him beyond the hours he could be sleeping.
Tugging the signature black top hat that had suctioned its place on his head from extensive use off his skull, Scrooge flipped it over and placed it beside him on the table before returning all attention towards the brown package that now sat before him.
A hint of confusion mixed with a healthy dose of suspicion took over the duck, after all the richest duck in the world has many enemies and those enemies try all sorts of tricks and schemes. Perhaps it was Flinty sending him some sort of deformed bomb just to inconvenience the McDuck.
Not that it would be the first time. Probably not the last.
Poking the hazard with his pen, the Scottish duck was able to determine it passed the first test of not exploding immediately.
Closing his eyes with a tired sigh, Scrooge almost left the mysterious item alone for a problem to deal with in the morning....well it's already morning. Fine, that afternoon.
That of course, was the original plan before his eyes caught hold of the particular handwriting scribbled on it's rough surface. It was small, almost as small as that blasted font on the multiple resumes he just read.
Slightly shaky, but with beautiful penmanship nonetheless and a unique lettering for the first initial of his name that only one person had ever done for him.
Despite the excitement (one that he would never tell anyone about) that bubbled up through his webbed feet and to his hands, Scrooge jabbed the package one more time in cautious habit before nodding to himself with a confident smile that this was for sure not a bomb.  
Sitting back in the chair he had stood from in order to glare at the now-safe package properly, Scrooge sat with his back straight and hands folded in front of him in an attempt to regain a dignified appearance despite no one else being in the room.
It didn't matter anyway, as the next moment consisted of the McDuck leaping forward in his chair and ripping open the wrapped item like a duckling on Christmas morning.
Shredded bits of packaging laid about the table and floor, the now uncovered item placed delicately over a thrashed background of brown and torn paper with paper work thrown about.
A fond smile found its way to Scrooge's bill, running a feathered hand over the top with a ghost of distance between it and his hand.
"Well...Bless me bagpipes."
Scrooge laughed quietly, brushing off some loose dust and strands of fabric that no longer clung to it's original place. The quiet moment felt slow, and moonlight poured in around him like a thin blanket. Specks of dust seemed to shine in the light like diamonds, while the item before him looked like it almost glowed like magic under the light.  
The item in question was a vintage parasol -- a white base with beautiful blue lace work over it. Lace that use to be pure white hung along the edges for a couple inches, now a tiny bit darker in coloring due to its age.
Something that Scrooge himself wouldn't have paid more then a few seconds attention to back then, and probably wouldn't now if the duck hadn't happened to know the history behind this specific sun blocker.
A small part of Scrooge couldn't believe that the thing was sitting on his desk right now, he thought it was long forgotten or turned to dust by mere age.
A bigger part of him use to stew in disbelief that his uncle hadn't included the parasol in the inheritance, but he had gotten that years and years ago so this showing up now clued him into the bigger mystery that he was pinning down in his head.
Eyeing the umbrella with a scrutinizing gaze that only an old miser could perfect, Scrooge took mental notes about any rips or snagged lace admonishing the top layers of the parasol with an intention to get it fixed as soon as possible.
During his search of fixable imperfections Scrooge came across a small note on some stiff stock paper that was stuck in one of the folds of the parasol, and the McDuck's interest peaked immediately.
Plucking it from its place, Scrooge took a few moments to adjust his small spectacles that sat snug on his beak and began to scan the card.
'Dear McBrat,
Wasn't sure where to send this to where it would reach you personally. Your mailing system is ridiculous and I want to send a formal complaint but your HR is just as, if not more, preposterous. I'm sure this is by design, but jeez kid it's like you expect bombs in the mail. Ha!
Your aunt wanted this sent to you with Pothole's things, but it got lost due to some sort of events that I couldn't relay to you because I have no idea how it ended up in the Forgotten Brewery Caves. I knew it was hers because of the stitching, I'd recognize that nuisance of a last name anywhere. I'm only sending this because I unfortunately owed one last thing to your uncle.
If you're ever down in Kentucky, come finish that race that old Pothole was too cowardly to finish. You'll win me that Southern mansion.
Porker Hogg.'
The idea that Porker was even still alive shocked Scrooge almost more then anything else described in that letter. He had already finished the race anyway, with the guys nephew.
What's with the information about the parasol being found in the Forgotten Brewery Caves anyway? That was one of the few caves located along the Mississippi, and even then most of it is blocked off.
How was it even lost in the first place, and now that he really thought about it how was it that Porker had found the parasol without packaging as stated in his letter but Scrooge received it in a package with his aunts handwriting?
Immortality for the first problem...maybe time paradox for the second...? Rubbing the bridge of his beak, Scrooge groaned into the open air and let out a deep sigh knowing he would end up checking whatever was happening down there one way or another.
If one thing as important as this was lost, imagine the other heirlooms that could be scattered in some other cave without his knowledge. The idea sent chills down Scrooge's spine.
An almost silent sound of the door being pushed open brought Scrooge out of his deep contemplation, eyes snapping towards the entrance that was now cracked open.
One of the many ducklings that resided in the mansion poked her head through the doorway, curious eyes glinting in the dark while she looked around the room before landing on the older duck.
Scrooge straightened at the title, if the McDuck claimed he was use to being called a 'dad' he would be absolutely lying through his teeth.
He didn't detest it, obviously. The duck was more then overjoyed to learn that the duckling in front of him named Webbigail was of his own flesh and blood, but that didn't make the title any more normal to him.
He'd gone through life without any real thought put towards having kids of his own, he never settled down quite enough for that and by the time it was even a feasible idea, he had all his other free time taken over by nephews and nieces and other family members.
"What're yew doing out of bed, Webby?"
Scrooge pushed on through his slight dilemma of the title that was bestowed upon him only a couple months ago.
"I was just thirsty, but now I'm thirsty for whatever you've got on your desk!"
Webby gasped, having noticed the blue umbrella that her dad placed a hand over. Scrooge smiled in response, lifting the laced parasol with both hands under it, making sure it was secure before shuffling over to Webby who bounced around on her feet.
It was an ongoing mystery to how she had any amount of energy this early in the morning, and Scrooge was sure he'd never truly find out.
"Now...careful dear, this is my Aunt (Y/n)'s beloved parasol. Technically I own it, she never did pay me back."
Scrooge mused, the last bit of the sentence hushed under his breath while he counted up the combined interest of what he should of been paid by now. Not that he ever forgot, every year he counted up what his aunt and others owed him. Like his uncle Jake who owes $8362 of accumulated interest.
"Aunt (Y/n)," Webby repeated quickly, excitedly looking over the parasol "Pothole McDuck's wife! Originally daughter of Blackheart Beagle, but after she married she took the McDuck name! She saved you and Angus during a steamboat race against Blackheart and the Beagles."
"Aye, she did. She jumped into the muddy Mississippi just for me dime too."
Scrooge added onto the list of facts that Webby was enthusiastically reciting from memory. Letting his shoulders relax as the duckling with messy white hair took the parasol from his hands and held it delicately in her own.
Reaching into his coat Scrooge pulled out the familiar dime that hung around his neck 24/7 while talking about the experience.
"Thought she might not come back up after she went headfirst in," Scrooge murmured, the vague feeling of terrified desperation that his younger self had been frozen in was crawling up his neck as he turned the dime over in his feathered hands.
It's face was a bit rough but that would be expected for how long Scrooge has kept it. The fact that it was still shiny and readable was a miracle.
Holding it in front of him the older duck briefly thought over just how much panic he went through when the dime had rolled off the edge of the boat all those years ago.
"Both my uncle Pothole and I couldn't believe it, but she managed to grab it in time and then single handedly stopped 'em from throwing us over!"
"Wow, she sounds so cool! I've been wanting to learn more about aunt (Y/n) and uncle Pothole - I mean I know they lived in Louisville for awhile and Pothole sold his steamboat to you but I couldn't find anything about the actual race itself-- ...."
Webby trailed off, noticing the cane wielding duck was only half-heartedly listening.
Gazing at the shiny silver coin, Scrooge let a fond expression take over his features before moving the dime out of view to focus on his daughters face again, noticing her abrupt silence.
She was watching him closely, hugging the parasol closer in an upright position and probably wondering where Scrooge had just gone to in his memories.
A hopeful grin tugged at the corners of Webby's beak, having recognized the mood that her father was in. A story telling one.
She quickly grabbed his hand, rushing them both back to Scrooge's desk without any warning. Webby always knew when the billionaire was stuck in reminiscing something that had happened years and years ago in his oh-so daring life, a telltale sign being when Scrooge had his eyes glued to his number one dime.
A piercing but glazed over gaze, when ranges of emotion from sadness and happiness and everything in between suddenly became very apparent on his face.
"Tell me everything," Webby all but squealed, a dash of wonder sprinkled her eyes and wide smile.
Almost shoving her father back into his large lounge chair, Webby plopped the parasol down before scrambling after it onto the desk. Completely oblivious to the previously important paperwork that was now rather unimportantly laying on the ground.
Chuckling nervously at just how much joy seeped through Webby's small body at potential McDuck information, Scrooge took a few moments to get comfortable in his chair.
It was moments like these that the small girl loved, moments that were few and far between where she would spot Scrooge staring ahead (usually at his dime,) but in his head he was far away. She would practically corner her dad and lovingly ask (force) him to tell her about whatever memory he was thinking about.
Moments when it was just her and Scrooge.
"Well, what do ye want to know, lassie?" Scrooge asked slowly, stuffing the precious dime down his red coat.
Placing his cane on the ground so it leaned on the chair, the McDuck reached out over the edge of the desk and grabbed Webby by the armpits and dangled her in the air like a wet cat for a few moments before placing her on his knee with an expectant stare.
"Everything! Tell me everything -- oh oh! How'd you meet them? Were they nice-? How about every single detail about the race, how did you guys find the treasure in such muddy water-?! Uhm- also what about the parasol? How'd aunt (Y/n) get it -- what was she like? Why did she jump into perilous waters for your dime? Was uncle Pothole really a writer? Is he as stingy as other McDucks? How did he know the location of the Drennan Whyte? Did he really sell his steam boat to you at a cheap price?!"
Webby rambled on, intense hand motions flaring everywhere while squirming in Scrooge's lap.
"And who's Porker Hogg?!"
Scrooge stared down at the duckling bewildered, not because he was cut off nor was it from all the overwhelming questions. He was far use to that, it was mostly because she mentioned Hogg. He wasn't aware Webby even knew vaguely the name, let alone the guy.
The white feathered duckling in his lap craned her neck slightly to look up at him, blinking a couple times before pointing behind her at the somewhat crumpled letter Scrooge found in the parasol that sure enough had Hogg's dastardly name signed at the bottom.
Forming his beak into a slight 'o' shape, the older duck nodded in understanding.
Clearing his throat after a couple seconds had passed by of more winded questions, Webby stopped short and excitedly began to shake about a bit in her seated position.
She looked like she was going to burst at the seams with more questions if Scrooge didn't start talking now. So he did, placing a comforting hand behind his daughters shoulder as a support while she leaned into his side.
Scrooge let her settle down a little more before he used his other arm to spread out as far as it would go, pointing to a slightly large round oak picture frame that held the image of two white feathered ducks on the wall, just to the left of his parents grand photo.
One duck, the taller and gruffer looking one, had a scruffy white beard under his beak with eyes that looked permanently grumpy, much like his fathers stern face in the aforementioned picture next to this one.
A long wooden tobacco pipe was held between his beak, and a sailor outfit adorned his body. A bright blue sailor's captain hat sat perfectly on his head, tuffs of short feathered hair poked out slightly.
The boatman had an arm in a bent position, having offered it to the other duck in the photo who had her dainty arms wrapped tenderly around his. She had a large giddy smile and kind eyes, long lashes curled a bit above them.
Her hair was short and a little wild, and she wore a short sleeved blue collared dress that was buttoned up on the right. A blue lace parasol was held tight in her hand, casting a shadow above her in protection from the sun that beat down that day.
Both ducks were facing a little tilted from the camera in a candid sort of way as if just having noticed the camera during a normal walk, and despite the gloomy attitude of the sailor, Scrooge knew he absolutely adored the woman next to him more then anyone else.
His uncle Pothole was happiest with (Y/n)…and maybe a little money here and there that he horded. Mainly aunt (Y/n).
Webby followed Scrooge's hand all the way to the photo, beaming as she noticed who it depicted.
"Let's start with meeting my uncle Pothole and aunt (Y/n), eh?" Scrooge began, restating their names as if introducing characters in a book.
A playful tone went along with his words and he leaned forwards slightly again to fondly touch the parasol one last time before diving into retelling the long and daring adventure of childhood memories.
Tilting backwards, the old miser thought for a bit before opening his mouth. Webby sat impatiently by his side, fidgeting with her hands as she anxiously waited.
"It all started when I got a job as a cabin boy on a cattle ship from Glasgow, heading to New Orleans."
Scrooge spoke, and with each word Webby saw her father become more and more sucked into the past. Starting to truly relive past events, and the white feathered duck swore he could smell the ocean salt that wafted in the wind while he stood on the deck of the boat.
He was suddenly there, transported to the stylish streets of New Orleans and feeling the murky river water of the Mississippi that he travelled up. Hearing the constant chatter and buzz of enthusiasm upon reaching the dock in Louisville, Kentucky.
He made sure to tell Webby just how marvelous the gala he had docked on was, how the air tasted of fortunes being made. How exciting the view of this bustling town meant to him.
Scrooge chuckled, recalling his wonderment for the whole event that never really did stop phasing him. Glancing down, the duckling that was stuck between his side and the firm armrest could bearly contain her excitement any longer, and Scrooge knew he should probably get on with the tale.
"Quite a sight for a penniless lad from Glasgow, but I still needed to find my uncle."
END . next chapter: Bet on Drennan Whyte!
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I'm going to be changing around certain aspects of each story to try and fit, so this is very much canon-divergence in both universes. Keep in mind, some parts about reader are already predetermined but other things are customizable!
Thank you so much for reading, I have no idea how to tag things :)
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cherryrainn · 1 year ago
Mind if I request a DuckTales Scrooge McDuck x Male reader, where they play the Pocky game?
━━ ✧ 𝐩��𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; scrooge mcduck + you
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; of course! here you go, also, my first ducktales ask! woohoo!
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; none!
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the sun had begun to set over duckburg, casting a warm orange glow across the city. scrooge mcduck, the wealthiest duck in the world, found himself in a rare moment of leisure. he had invited you, his close friend and confidant, to join him on the balcony of his lavish mansion to enjoy the peaceful evening.
as you both sat on comfortable lounge chairs, scrooge couldn't help but steal glances at you. there was something about the way the fading sunlight kissed your features that left him captivated. he had always cherished your company, but tonight felt different, almost electric.
noticing the box of pocky sticks on the small table between you, you picked one up and offered it to scrooge with a playful smile. "care for a game, scrooge?"
he raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "a game? what's the catch?"
you chuckled. "ever heard of the pocky game? it's simple. we both take a pocky stick, and we start eating from each end. the goal is to see who can get closer to the middle without breaking it."
scrooge's eyes sparkled with amusement. "a challenge, eh? well, i never back down from a challenge!"
you both grabbed a pocky stick, and with your fingers gently touching, you began to nibble. the atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and tension as you inched closer to the center of the stick.
time seemed to stand still as you and scrooge continued the game. the sun had fully set, and the balcony was now illuminated by the soft glow of the moon and stars. the only sound was the quiet crunching of pocky and your synchronized breathing.
eventually, you both reached the center of the stick simultaneously, and the tension broke. you burst into laughter, the melodious sound filling the night air. scrooge's eyes crinkled at the corners as he joined your laughter.
as the game ended, scrooge set aside his half-eaten pocky and turned to you. his usually stern expression had softened, revealing a warmth that you had never seen before. "i must admit, this was a pleasant surprise."
your heart swelled with affection. "i'm glad you enjoyed it, scrooge."
he leaned in closer, his eyes never leaving yours. "and i must confess something, too."
you held your breath, unsure of what was coming next.
with a tender smile, scrooge whispered, "i cherish our moments together more than any treasure in my vaults."
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 days ago
I think it would be so cool for the petvincible to have a regenerative!reader almost like immortal but better obviously maybe they can cut off an arm for sinister Mark and every thing! (I love Sin Mark and just want him to be loved and happy!)
Alternate Mark Graysons x regenerative male reader 
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Readers inspired by deadpool, cuz i love that guy. I also had a request about regenerative reader who was like deadpool, so i mashed the two together. 
The petvincibles with a reader who regenerates, whos also a mercenary means they are harder to control than normal. 
Normal reader can be like “killing is bad guys, stop doing that please” but if you are also a trigger-happy killer, then it's kinda hard to throw stones at a glass house, right? 
Becomes more the reader being like “hey, we only kill bad people, or the ones we are paid enough to kill. We dont just kill any randos, okay?” 
Reader matches their crazy on most days, but there are things they do that even reader wouldn't do. Like damn bitch, you live like this? To some of them, but he loves his babymamas, so who is he to judge. 
I think the petvincibles are also the first people to not judge reader on his appearance if he has the scars like deadpool. They have all seen way worse, and reader is handsome in their eyes. 
Reader being like deadpool also means hes even more of a pain in the ass of the GDA. Like, they had to deal with him as a merc before and could barely contain him, but now hes got all the vincibles? Hell on earth. 
Reader wouldn't work for the GDA, obviously. “i dont trust the government bub, get someone else to do it” when he was asked to join the guardians once upon a time 
Instead, he gets paid a shit ton of money to help out every now and then, without actually being a member or signing any contract with the GDA. Reader also only accepts the money in physical bills, because he wants to swim in it like scrooge McDuck. 
His regenerative powers is probably how he “tamed��� sinister at first. Cuz like, does reader possess Deadpools whole, fourth wall breaking knowledge and power too? 
Then he knows their whole deal and is like “alright dude, have a snack and calm down” after slicing his own arm off and shoving it at sinister. 
I like to think reader tastes pretty damn good, cuz his cells are always regenerating and deteriorating at the same time. Means hes always fresh and yummy to eat. 
Also means that the vincibles take a longer time getting used to being around normal humans again, cuz the reader is so unserious and just heals when they accidentally break something, or rip something off. 
But i do imagine that the Marks start realizing how messed up mentally the reader is, just like them. Like, after a while all the readers self-deletion jokes aren't so funny because they know he means it. 
The Marks would start to try and be more careful and being there for him, maybe help him do something outside of killing, which is pretty damn bold coming from them.  
But it also means they have experience with feeling that there is nothing else you can do but just keep killing. 
In this house we all heal together and become better people. Readers still a merc though, even if his babymamas start joining him on hits to make it easier, quicker and more efficient. Reader obviously demands double pay cuz theres two of them now. 
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fastlikealambo · 2 years ago
three fucking percent raise is all the writers are asking for and these scrooge mcduck motherfuckers who fart gold bricks are acting like they asked for the holy grail.
the last time i checked ai couldn’t write something that made me shut my laptop and walk around my house dissociating for an hour only to jump into the x reader tag once I’ve finished.
the writers of our favorite shows maybe on crack but they deserve to pay their rent
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dena-dena-dena · 20 days ago
It was supposed to be just thumbnails, but i couldn't contain myself and did the entire thing in paper.
I love this audio since i saw diferente ships with this and i wanted to do it with mine also 🥹
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denaliwrites · 1 year ago
Tales of Daring
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Scrooge McDuck x GN!Reader
Summary: Scrooge catches you in his Money Bin.
Soundtrack: DuckTales Theme by Felicia Barton
Requests: Open!
Warnings: I... I'm so... I don't even know what to put here. What the fuck, man. What did I do to deserve this?
"It's not every day I catch a thief red-handed," a Scottish voice purred from behind you. You hadn't even heard him effortlessly dive into the seemingly infinite pile of gold that you'd had to rappel into, and now he had you at a disadvantage. What were you supposed to do with that?
Well, you certainly wouldn't beg for mercy. It was exactly what the old coot wanted, and you couldn't give him that.
"It's not every day a thief makes it out of your Money Bin with a pretty penny to show for it," you replied, holding up a giant, glinting ruby. Light bounced off it, sending scattered shards of red all over the room. One lit up the grin on your bill.
"Tha's a bit more than a pretty penny, wouldn't ye say?" he asked. You heard some coins shift behind you, signaling his moving closer to you.
Your grin grew just a fraction.
"To you, I'd think it's little more than a pretty trinket, wouldn't you say?" you teased, shooting him a look. He didn't seem as amused by your twist on his words as you were. No matter. "Would you really miss this little token, Scrooge?"
You watched as he shivered at the way you said his name. His eyes bounced around the bin contemplatively in an attempt to play off the reaction he'd had to you. "I know all the coins and gems and trinkets in this bin as if they were my own children. Of course I'd miss it."
"Then it should bring you some comfort, shouldn't it, that it's going to a good home?"
"I hardly think bein' sold on the Black Market for a wad of cash is 'goin' to a good home.'"
You feigned offense, laying a hand dramatically over your heart. "Scrooge! I'm hurt you'd think so poorly of me. Of course it's not going to the Black Market. It's going to a very reputable buyer. Hired me to steal it from you and everything."
"How much is 'e payin' ye, then?" Scrooge asked.
Now it was your turn to shiver -- though the one that danced down your spine was a bit more... anticipatory in nature. "Not nearly as much as the ruby is worth," you confessed lightly. "But we both know I never was one to back down from a challenge."
He was suddenly on you, his hands pinning yours behind you while his chest pressed flush against your back. A gentle shushing whisper blew past your ear before he spoke, "And how goes yer little challenge, eh? Would ye consider it successful?"
You shot a look back to him, along with a grin. "Well, I got your attention, didn't I? I'd call that a win."
He grunted in amusement before shifting his hands so that one was still holding you by the wrists, while the other delicately plucked the ruby from your grasp.
He held it up within your line of sight, twisting it so the lights bouncing off it danced along the walls. "Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked, though even as he spoke of it, his eyes were on you.
"You're not so bad yourself," you purred.
He unceremoniously threw the ruby back into the sea of gold with a sigh, then released you with a grunt that seemed a lot less amused than before. "Same time next week?" he asked.
"Of course."
"Off ye pop, then. I've got a meetin' in ten..."
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kinopio-writes · 1 year ago
Hi!!!! I’d like to request Vox and a reader who just refuses to get like new technology at all because they’re like “I don’t wanna waste money when it still works!” Like their phone case could literally be hanging on by a thread and they’d still refuse to get a new one
You don’t have to do this request if you don’t want to, take care of yourself and drink water❤️
A/N: Thank you. I keep forgetting to drink water every day. The only time I remember to drink is whenever I eat. Take care of yourself, too. And I’m the same as the reader you’re describing, lol. I still have an iPhone 6 and it’s still working. The battery drains so fucking fast though.
Warnings: None
Vox x Reader who’s a minimalist
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• while Vox is someone who owns (I think is) a multi-billionaire company and never had to think of not buying things he needed or wanted, he might agree with you about the money part
• he’s like Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls or Scrooge McDuck (rich as hell but doesn’t like wasting money)
• but the thing is, he owned technology
• if it were any other stuff, he would be okay with it (it’s your money, after all. You do you)
• but it’s literally what his brand is built around
• he could just…give you a new one
• “No! I don’t want a new one.”
• he’d take offense to that
• because he already put all of your personal information in, from the apps you downloaded to your photos and, heck, your passwords, too
• and he did all of that without syncing it with your old phone (yeah, he knows everything—it’s not creepy at all)
• he knew you were complaining about the darn thing and decided to give you one
• so…why didn’t you want it???
• “Because it still works.”
• he’d just give you the deadest pan (not a word) ever
• your phone was old as hell, so the battery is pretty chemically fucked up
• it was also a device that he no longer puts any new updates in (because everyone else already moved on from it), so your phone was pretty outdated
• like, extremely outdated
• all of which meant that there would be some slight difficulty with communication
• and this man thrives from Facetiming you (he’s a busy guy)
• there would probably be more times you Facetime him than actually seeing him in person (assuming you don’t live with him. He probably has cameras there regardless)
• you’d keep complaining about how he keeps bugging out after a certain time has passed in the call or how it’s already gone down to 5% or how your phone is overheating because you’re charging it while calling him or how it’s just searing hot in general every time you use it—speaking from personal experience, lol
• it’s the reason why he decided to give you a new phone (he wanted longer calls without you having to hang up every 20 minutes because you needed to charge it)
• but noooo—your stubborn ass still insisted on using it because ‘it’s still working’
• ...yeah, no, he’s not taking any of that shit
• he’s still going to give it to you whether you like it or not
• his proposition is that, okay, you can use your old phone, but you have to use the new one for calls
• that’s all he’s asking for, really
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ducktales-lucktales · 3 years ago
could I request a romantic scrooge x gn reader? maybe something along the lines of them doing something risky to save the family and him being conflicted between anger and being flustered abt it bc he thought it was lowkey attractive? sorry if that’s too specific, feel free to branch out/go a different direction!
My Nephew
Scrooge McDuck x GN!Reader (GN!Reader & Dewey Duck mentioned)
Word Count: 1K+
Warnings: None! Everything is kinda vague! I nailed like 50% of your ask, and 50% went elsewhere. I don't know how i missed the mark but I hope it slaps anyway lol
AO3: Link
Master List 1, 2
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“No one lays a hand on my nephew!” Scrooge replayed what [Y/N] said in his mind over and over again. Saddened by the how the event had to happen, angry with them for their actions and lack of thought, but the rage and the protectiveness of his family… he fell in love all over again. Time after time again.
Scrooge sighed and set his hat down on his desk and glanced behind him at [Y/N]. He watched them place their hands on the chair in front of them and lean into it, obviously still in pain from their stunt last week. The chair held most of their weight and kept them from curling up onto the floor to complain about the pain they’ve been hiding from the children. He slowly turned around and leaned against his desk, staring at them with a million and one things on his mind after seeing the light of his life commit a lifesaving action so recklessly and so hastily that they managed to get hurt themselves. Scrooge stared at them with a new kind of sadness; a sadness where he realizes that those around him are mortal, vulnerable, and in danger because of him and the enemies he has made throughout his life. The sadness slowly moved itself to the back burner as his lingering anger from that day returned to the surface. It was stupid of [Y/N] to think they could manage the situation alone, but it was just like them to go out of their way to prove something to him–to the world–to prove that [Y/N] McDuck (née Duckerty) still had it! But Dewey and the rest of the family were more important… and leaving [Y/N] behind was what they would’ve wanted him to do anyway.
By the time Scrooge noticed Dewey was gone, [Y/N] had already pulled a Dewey Duck and run off without the rest of the family toward danger or treasure–presumably the danger. They slowly peered around the corner, planning their next move and subsequent moves in order to save Dewey from what might be an untimely demise judging by the looks of the situation. As much as they loved the lad, he was a bit… crazy. It wasn’t just him, running off silently seemed to run in the family. They watched the cloaked foe and listened to their spiel about what their goal was, unaware that Dewey was barely going to recall a thing (and Dewey may have been unaware that the foe was not going to let him walk, their end goal was similar to that of Bradford Buzzards, except this foe wasn’t going to play the game as kindly was Bradford had).
Scrooge inhaled deeply, trying to contain his emotions.
“I know what you’re going to tell me.” They chuckled as they beat him to the punch. “I was stupid and reckless; you’re going to tell me that I shouldn’t be such because we’re both not as young as we used to be, Scroogie. But you know, I’m not the only guilty one here.”
Scrooge looked away and tried to hide his smile. “I’ve no idea what you mean.”
[Y/N] shook their head and stifled another laugh. “You’re too much. He’s just like you. You always ran headfirst into everything and got yourself into much more trouble than you bargained for. Without that, you probably wouldn’t be where you are today. That’s what I admire about you.”
He looked back up. “You’re lecturing me and you’re also doing that thing again.”
“Force of habit.” They smiled. “And I swear I’m not doing the thing.”
Scrooge caught up to [Y/N] and Dewey; except [Y/N] was nowhere to be found. He thought that maybe he was too late, and the cloaked foe had already gotten to them when Huey tugged at his coat and pointed toward the ceiling of the old cave. Scrooge looked up and noticed his crazy significant other planning something insane on the ledge above the cloaked foe. He chuckled to himself to hide the boiling rage he felt, knowing that [Y/N] felt no fear or remorse for what they were about to do.
As if on cue, the whistled, grabbing the attention of the foe and dove headfirst into a situation that they were most certainly unable to escape. The foe lay on the ground, recovering from being slammed into the stone below them; [Y/N] rolled onto their side and yelled at Dewey to go toward Scrooge. Dewey obliged and ran toward his great uncle and the rest of the McDuck family. He paused, halfway to safety and glanced back at old [Y/N] McDuck. Fear had set and Dewey almost turned back and ran toward them to aid them, but Scrooge ran in and grabbed Dewey; he himself paused to look at [Y/N].
They stood tall with their cane in their hands as if they were posing for another one of Scrooge’s forced portraits. Behind them, the foe slowly started to pull themselves off the ground. [Y/N] was listening for something, Scrooge could tell by the tilt of their head. He ran back toward his family, with Dewey in his arms.
“You’re alright lad.” He spoke slowly.
Dewey tried to peer around him. “Uncle Scrooge! [Y/N]!” He pointed behind his uncle.
Scrooge turned around just in time to see rubble begin to trap [Y/N] in with the foe.
“No one lays a hand on my nephew!” He heard them spit at the foe out of pure rage.
“You almost didn’t come out of that.” Scrooge kept it brief.
“But I did, and I know you enjoyed it, makes you feel young, doesn’t it?” [Y/N] crossed their arms and watched Scrooge. “Look, I would do anything for this family, and you are not going to stop me from doing just that. You’re not the only one who cares about those kids, Scroogie. I might not be as fast as those triplets, but I can hold my own against any foe that wants your head on a silver platter.”
“[Y/N]…” Scrooge sighed.
They inhaled deeply. “By the way, can you ask Ludwig for a new cane? I may or may not have used mine to knock all those rocks and such down to buy you all some time. It got buried and I’ve got no free time to go digging for it.”
Scrooge looked down and chuckled. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Oh please, I’m more believable than you, dear.” They rolled their eyes.
“Stop trying to get me off topic, you know I can’t resist…” He pointed a finger at them.
They grinned. “I haven’t the slightest idea… I would never.” They sat down in the chair.
Scrooge followed in suit and sat down in his desk chair. “You make me so angry. You’re so reckless… but that’s what I love about you.”
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unclemcdunkle · 3 years ago
Y/n: Scrooge can you buy this for me please?
Scrooge: of course my dear
Louie: but- wait you CANT JUST BUY HER THAT
Scrooge: of course I can lad, she’s my wife
Della: this is monopoly
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yandere-toons · 2 years ago
I'm on a roll with old cartoons right now. Just started re-watching old 1987 DuckTales and got some platonic yandere headcanons for Scrooge with nibling reader (Again I only watched several episodes of the series so if I made him ooc I'm sorry):
To be honest, Scrooge didn't like you at first and just saw you as another child Donald told him to babysit. Most of the time you would be in Duckworth's care while he gets some work done, being insistent or stubborn in spending time with him would quicken the pace of his attachment. He couldn't recall the last time the manor was this lively but it would be frustrating to keep track of what you're doing.
He would bring his nibling to most of his adventures, but not without bringing any necessities needed for them just in case they get hurt. From extra clothes and first aid to a shotgun if an enemy will be pushing his niblings boundaries (Cause I've seen the first episode with Scrooge bringing a gun when he thought he was being robbed and thought it was scary and hilarious). Launchpad would question if this much luggage is needed for the travel but Scrooge would convince him it is necessary.
In the adventures where he brings along Huey, Dewey, and Louie he would tell them to keep Nibling reader safe and out of trouble. But it has the opposite result Scrooge wanted which resulted in him nearly having a heart attack when he heard his nephews lost you on the way back to the plane. He would scold them on how you could've been hurt, or worst killed, and decided that his nephews and his nibling would not be brought in the same adventure.
:] Anon
When Scrooge is over for tea and someone knocks on his nibling's door:
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biostris · 3 years ago
:Scrooge Mcduck x Female! Reader:
:Ae fond kiss:
A/N: this is a song fic so please listen to the song ‘ae fond kiss’ for some context. Also once again sorry for weird formatting I’m posting this from my phone.
Requested by: vic1617 on wattpad
:older reader, flashbacks, lost lover, slight angst(?), young love:
Fire crackled in the distance as its warm light spread across the stone walls of castle McCracken like a blanket. An old (y/n) McCracken sat in her plush chair reading a book as songs played on a device that her great grandchildren had gotten her for her birthday just last year. All was calm and warm, as the cool crisp Scottish air outside whipped against the door, Mr.McCracken was out late at work as a gravekeeper for a historical grave sight so it was just (y/n) for the night.
As (y/n) went to turn the page a familiar chorus began to play out causing the young lass to pause in her tracks, her grip turned loose as the book gently hit the hardwood floor it's fall cushioned by the beautiful (y/f/c) persian rug sprawled out beneath her. 'Ae fond kiss, and then we sever.' (y/n) stood up grabbing a cashmere shawl and wrapping it around her shoulders before walking down the large hallway. 'Ae farewell and then forever.', upon the stone walls lay many paintings but one stood out like a sore thumb, its frame was gilded with intricate designs.
Within the frame borders lay a painting of many lassies and lads, but in the middle was the one and only Scrooge McDuck and (Y/n) McCracken holding hands, (y/n) closed her eyes with a soft smile as the memories came flooding back to her. It felt like it was only yesterday that she was just a young lass struck by a cupid's arrow in the middle of the gilded ballroom. (Y/n)'s hair was now a young (y/h/c) color and full, she wore a (y/f/c) dress and her (e/c) orbs stared at the decorated ceiling with wonder. As (y/n) lowered her gaze they met a young lads, was he staring at her? He turned his head quickly and flushed, stealing another quick glance before dancers blocked his way.
Soon (y/n) and other young lasses and lads lined up opposite to each other for their dance, and as if fate had bound them together for the night, (y/n) was standing in front of the young lad from the previous moment. 'Deep in heart- wrung tears I'll pledge thee, warring cries and groans ill wage thee!', as the music played (y/n) gently grasped the handsome stranger's hand and found herself within his grasp, his calloused hands on her waist, and her soft ones either in his free hand or on his shoulder. 'I'll ne'er blame my partial fancy, nothing could resist my nancy.', "Hello," he cooed sweetly in a hushed voice as they began to twirl around the other dancers. "Hello yourself." (y/n) cooed back in a flirtatious tone of voice as a blush began to crawl onto her face, The stranger couldn't help but give a warm chuckle towards her advances.
'Just to see her is tae lover her, lover but her and lover forever.', "My name is Scrooge, of clan McDuck." he introduced himself as he twirled her away and then pulled the frazzled young (y/n) back into him "And to whom do I owe the pleasure of dancing with?" he asked with a raised brow, causing the blush on (y/n)'s face to grow more, "(Y/n), of clan (L/n)." She responded, using her maiden name as she did not become a McCracken till later, "A bonnie lass of (l/n) alone at her own party?" he teased with a slight and very real shock in his voice. (y/n) chuckled "Ironic i know but truth be told," (y/n) trailed off before leaning in close to his ear to whisper "My dad has been scaring most of them off." Scrooge laughed a bit too loud causing some stares , he blushed and offered those who starred an apologetic smile.
Once the dance ended, (Y/n) led scrooge to a beautiful garden,filled with luscious greenery and beautiful flowers, the both of them laughed and flirted with each other as Scrooge told (y/n) his life and his aspirations, it made (y/n) fall harder for the ambitious young man. Her (e/c) orbs were glossy as she lovingly stared at Scrooge, he paused his rambling to stare back, her eyes were gorgeous, especially in the serene light of the moon.'had we never lov'd sae kindly, had we never lov'd sae blindly', Scrooge reached up into a yellow rose bush and picked the beautiful blossom off at the base so no thorns would prick his rose. He gently tucked the rose behind her ear before caressing her face which she happily leaned into with a soft warm hum.
They did everything together from that night on, a picnic in a park near the St. Andrews Lammas market, That day was so warm and lovely as scrooge laid his head in (y/n)'s lap and listened to her own dreams, his eyes soft as he admired the way the sun made her glow. And their first kiss in the pouring rain when Scrooge had forgotten his umbrella and they had to take shelter under an old willow tree, (y/n)'s dress was so muddy after that which caused her mother to get on her tail feathers but she didn't care, her lips were still tingingling from the sloppy yet romantic and needy kiss.
She was by his side when he set up his first 'business' at a local market selling tea blends that they made the night before in a rush because they had gotten distracted and blew off everything to go swimming in the lake near his parents cottage. 'Fare-thee-well thou first and fairest, Fare-thee-well thou best and dearest.', but the day had come where scrooge set sail to america, the night before they shared their last kiss and embrace before severing the ties of their courtship and the morning of (y/n) wore her dress of mourning as she watched the love of her life drag his luggage on deck before hugging his Ma goodbye.
'Thine be like a joy and treasure, peace, contentment, love and pleasure', (Y/n) tried so hard to keep it together as Scrooge approached her, he gently grasped her hands and held them caressing his thumb over her knuckles. "I got you something to remember me by," he said solemnly as he reached back and pulled out a McDuck tartan cashmere shawl, (y/n) was in awe as her glossy tear filled eyes finally met Scrooge's , "We might be far apart but i will always love you, and i hope you find someone who treats you like the queen and can give you the attention you need, even if it sadly isnt me." he flashed a sad smile as he lifted (y/n)'s chin with his thumb and fore finger before gently kissing her, 'Ae fond kiss and then we sever.'.
Tears spilled from both of them as they shared their last kiss, the boat's horn called for all passengers to board, Scrooge hesitantly pulled away from the crying lass and boarded. (y/n) raced after the boat in her dress "HEY! SCROOGE!" she called out, he turned back just in time to catch a golden locket with the initials (Y/N)(L/N) <3 SMD. he smiled as he fought back tears, 'Ae Farewell, alas, forever!'. "I LOVE YOU!" cried (y/n) as she wrapped the shawl around her, tears streaming down her face as she watched the boat disappear, "I LOVE YOU TOO (Y/N/N)!" he called back fondly
‘Deep in heart-wrung tears i'll pledge thee,', As the music faded out (y/n) came back to reality, a smile crawled across her face as her glossy eyes stared at the picture for just a bit longer, she wrapped the McDuck tartan cashmere shawl around her tighter and began to walk back to her spot in her comfy plush chair, passing by pictures of her and her husband, children and grandchildren. In America Mcduck was in his home office fiddling with the golden locket as he hummed, "Warring cries and groans i'll wage thee." he held the locket close to his heart before placing it back around his neck and joining his three grand nephews for yet another adventure.
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