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dice-wizard · 1 year ago
Okay writers listen up
I'm gonna tell you about how I wrangled my shitbird brain into being a terrifying word-churning engine and have written over 170K words in under a year.
I wanna be clear that before unlocking this Secret Technique I was a victim of my unmedicated ADHD, able to start but never finish, able to ideate but not commit and I truly and firmly believed that I'd never write a novel and such a thing was simply outside of my reach.
Now I write (and read!!) every day. Every. Single. Day. Like some kind of scriptorial One Punch Man.
Step the First
Remove friction between yourself and writing.
I personally figured out how to comfortably write on my phone which meant I didn't have to struggle with the insurmountable task of opening my laptop.
I don't care if this means you write in a Discord server you set up for yourself, but fucking do it. Literally whatever makes you write!
(if you do write somewhere that isn't a word processor PLEASE back your work up regularly!)
Step the Second
Make that shit a habit. Write every day.
For me, I allow myself the grace that ANY progress on writing counts. One sentence? Legal. Five thousand furious hyperfixated words? Also legal.
Every day, make progress. Any progress.
I deleted Twitter from my phone and did my best to replace doomscrolling with writing. If I caught myself idly scrolling I'd close whatever I was looking at and open my draft and write one (1) sentence until I made THAT a habit, too.
Step Two-point-Five
DO NOT REWRITE. If you are creating a first draft, don't back up or restart. Continous forward motion. Second drafts and editors exist. Firsts are for ripping the fucking thing out of your brain.
If you're working on revisions after an editor or beta readers or whoever has given you feedback, then you can rewrite that's OK (and it counts as your writing for the day!)
Step the Third
Now that you've found a comfortable way to write and are doing it every day, don't stop. Keep doing it. Remember, just one sentence is all you need. You can always do more, but if one lousy sentence is all you can manage then you're still successfully writing.
Remember: this is what worked for me. Try things until you find what works for you.
You can do it. I believe in you.
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latinare · 7 months ago
my magnum opus:
Salve, mihi nomen est Hebenus Tenebrae Dementia Corvus Via, et capillos promissos hebeni coloris habeo (quod est quomodo meum nomen mihi datus sit) paucis purpureis lineis attingentes usque medium tergum et oculos glaciales et caeruleos similes limpidis lacrimis, etiam multi homines semper mihi dicebant meam faciem esse similem faciei Amatae Lee (Adnotatio Scriptoris: si nescias quae illa sit, abi ex hinc!) Non sum cognatam Gerard Viae sed volo me fuisse cognatam quod valde speciosissimum est. Sanguisuga sum tamen candidis et rectis dentibus. Pallidam et albam cutem habeo. Maga quoque sum, etiam ad magam scholam appellatam Hogvartensem Anglia ibam ubi in septem annum sum (in duodeviginti aetatis annum sum). Gotham sum (si non potueris intellegere) et plerumque nigras vestes gerebam. Tabernam appellatam Gratiossisimam Rem amo et semper omnes meas vestes ex illinc emebam. Exempli gratia, hodie nigra adminicula pari ornato et subtili textili cingente id et minimam castulam factam ex corio gerebam roseis textis tibialibus et nigras caligis. Nigrum pigmentum in ore, album pigmentum in vultu, stibium et rubeum pigmentum super oculos gerebam. Extra Hogvartense ambulabam. Ningebat et pluebat ut sol deesset, ob quod maxime gaudebam. Multi parati me spectaverunt. Medium digitum ad eos sustuli.
oh my GOSH @anneonomus
have you done/are you doing the whole thing??
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une-sanz-pluis · 1 month ago
Henry had a physical catatonia associated with his assumed mental breakdown, which most modern scholars mention secondarily. There are no contemporary accounts of the moment or day of his attack; instead, there are only glimpses from distant, second-hand witnesses. Benet’s Chronicle simply said that “the king became very ill” and that “his sickness lasted a long time.” Bale’s Chronicle added to the story, that “the king suddenly became indisposed, his wit and reason withdrawn.” The Incerti Scriptoris Chronicon Angliae text said in quite a different tone, “the king suffered a sudden and unexpected fright, becoming so ill that, for a year and a half, he lacked both natural sense and intelligence sufficient to govern the realm. No doctor or medicine could cure him.” All of these accounts were written long after Henry became ill in July of 1453 and none of these writers had seen the king; they were only reporting what they had heard. It is the “sudden and unexpected fright” in the Chronicon Angliae, which has led many scholars to re-look at Charles’s crisis that took place away from home, on a hot day (Charles had complained of the heat earlier that day) in August, at a moment of an unexpected fright. Charles recovered his abilities within a couple of days while Henry remained incapacitated for about sixteen months. Whatever Henry’s disability was, it seems to have had a quick onset.
Wendy J. Turner, “A Cure for the King means Health for the Country: The Mental and Physical Health of Henry VI", Madness in Medieval Law and Custom (Brill 2010)  
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sleepyowlwrites · 17 days ago
i'm hunting for ocs with wings, feathery preferably but I'll take what I can get. *grabby hands*
Buddy the only characters with wings around here are actual birds. I'm weird about people with extra parts like wings or horns or what have you. Not against it, just... weird about it.
But I do have birds.
(btw my brain saw this ask and immediately was like "ah, my small scriptorial babe" and I was like "girl what")
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lux-scriptum · 7 days ago
hi completely normal-sized scriptorial friend
this is a neutral ask, to be answered at your leisure: is there one (1) thing that you absolutely have to know about a story before you start writing it?
this feels like a cop out, but... depends on the book. Dragonmarked I've apparently needed to plot the whole thing scene by scene and worldbuild for the better part of a decade (baring a few random scenes i had to purge). Personal Demons I started writing before I was even sure what the characters looked like, much less the plot. I just had a concept cobbled together thru an obsession about angels and demons, a tumblr post long since lost, and knowing there was going to be four mc. More recently, give me ur eyes i started writing (now on hold) once i had the core concepts down about the main four and the two gods, and the plot on that one is yet to fully be discovered. Ichor (godsuckers) has half of the plot and a full cast, sans a couple of names, and yet i don't feel ready to write that one. Despite it also coming on a decade in a couple of years. So. Genuinely, each project has it's own vibe. Makes for a really inconsistent writer i will admit.
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songedunmatindhiver-iii · 9 months ago
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Genêts & Avranches Scriptorial Museum, April 2024.
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corvusalbus93 · 2 years ago
Here a few examples I could find after a brief search:
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“Sy þeos gesetnys þus her geendod. God helpe minum handum.” (Thus, let this composition be ended here. God help my hands)
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“hoc opus est scriptum magister da mihi potum; Dextera scriptoris careat grauitate doloris”
(This work is written master give me a drink; let the right hand of the scribe be free from the oppressiveness of pain.)
The best notes written in manuscripts by medieval monks
Colophon: a statement at the end of a book containing the scribe or owner’s name, date of completion, or bitching about how hard it is to write a book in the dark ages
Oh, my hand
The parchment is very hairy
Thank God it will soon be dark
St. Patrick of Armagh, deliver me from writing
Now I’ve written the whole thing; for Christ’s sake give me a drink
Oh d fuckin abbot
Massive hangover
Whoever translated these Gospels did a very poor job
Cursed be the pesty cat that urinated over this book during the night
If someone else would like such a handsome book, come and look me up in Paris, across from the Notre Dame cathedral
I shall remember, O Christ, that I am writing of Thee, because I am wrecked today
Do not reproach me concerning the letters, the ink is bad and the parchment scanty and the day is dark
11 golden letters, 8 shilling each; 700 letters with double shafts, 7 shilling for each hundred; and 35 quires of text, each 16 leaves, at 3 shilling each. For such an amount I won’t write again
Here ends the second part of the title work of Brother Thomas Aquinas of the Dominican Order; very long, very verbose; and very tedious for the scribe; thank God, thank God, and again thank God
If anyone take away this book, let him die the death, let him be fried in a pan; let the falling sickness and fever seize him; let him be broken on the wheel, and hanged. Amen
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cigalien · 6 months ago
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While I’m on it here’s a wip of another one of my characters , Honesty Sevaros ( or for his true name Francis de Scriptoris ) . He’s a college of whispers bard / wizard lvl 1 and he’s so much fun to play. He’s canonically a divorced dad running away from the irs and I love that for him
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rausule · 1 year ago
Biographia Iesu
exemplum Prodeo-christianae matricis infanti Gesi dicatum, cui addendum iam visum est Matth. 1-2, sed originalis hatto. Pro his duobus "Infantia Evangeliorum Cri. Pero, c contententiame di unes pamamico essentiale, in pur obbedemás ad exemplar biographicum classicarum scientiarum biblicarum et planorum heroum (cf. Gale 13, e.g. , 17), tegi proto-evangelium, quod allusive sumit in principio capitis de fils Geni vitae nodosae omnia, in quibus gaudium et dolor plectuntur.
Nato Salvatoris, gaudium salutis in terris diffunditur ( 2.1-11.20.38), laudatio exprimitur, quae per quattuor cantica praeclara, ineunte versio primi versiculi latinae notae, exprimitur; Mag at edictus, Gloria in excuba, Nume dita. In ei heilla etiam « plenitudinem » Scriptoris biblici de qua supra memoravimus idem anon- Maria, Zacharias Abetta, Glimeppe, Samenn, Anna XIIII annorum, pastores — pauperes Domini incarnati, in Vetere Testamento Hebraeo. nam, qui puram fidem et ardentem spem fidelium Aracie significat, cosidationem exspectans (2.25) "redemptionis Hierosolymorum" 2.383
Dolens autem notatio quae in oraculo emergit , quod porta Simeone pronuntiat , cum habet
piccos Jesus ductus per gratiam suam in templum redimendi secundum legem biblicam primogeniti (Ex. 13:1-
16) "Gh hic in ruinam et resurrectionem montes in Israel, contradictionis signum et tibi etiam Mariana"
gladius Tanima transibit" (2.34-35) Haec prima pagisa bacana dinis similis est, duae tabulae, quarum scenae etiam per infinitas artis christianae repetitiones claruerunt. Ambae annuntiatione occupatae sunt et angelus Gabriel angelus nuntiat. Zacharias in templo vespertino incenen nativitatem Ioannis Baptistae, quae tunc completur: idem angulus nuntiat Mariae, in domo sua in Galilaea villa Nazareth, natum Iesum, qui factus est. pirata in Romano imperio census
Vinculum quod duas tabulas simul tenet, est sic dicta "visio, id est congressio inter duas matres cognatos inter Elisabetham et Mariam (1.39-56). Textus ante omnia dilatatur in parte Iesu reservata, quae est. secutus usque ad decimum annum, cum ad aetatem pervenisset (similiter ritibus galaiciis hodiernae suae mandatae, "higlie precationis, signum officialis introitus ragaran in comuna, in templo iam resipiscat. unchained ut majestas per excellentiam scribarum sapient
Loquebantur etiam de secunda praeludio quod considerare possumus ut specimen secundae paginae Evangelii Lacae (oc. 3-4). It opens with a singular introductory note " Quintodecimo imperii Tiberii Caesaris anno 128-29 27-28 A.D.), dum Gludeus praefuit, Pontius Pilat of Wales Herodis [Antipas, filius Herodis Magni), tetrarcha. de Hurra et Trachonitidis Philippo fratri suo, et tetrarcha Abilinae Lysaniae, sub Annae summo sacerdote (6 ad 15) Calphas (18 ad 361, verbum Dei descendit Ioannem Baptistam (31-2). SCENA Ioannis et Iesu intra coordinatas politicas superpotentium et parvarum localium potestatum persona Gesi non mo vel symbolum ideam quae coetus hominum binorum peritorum movebat.
Revera, ghee et temporis quod hit vertit in praeteritum dahil promassa in praesenti secundo trina samine tempus arale usque ad 12), praecipuum tempus Gesi (cann. 3-24), tempus Ecclesiae (cann. 3-24), tempus Ecclesiae (cann. Am degli Apomol Narratio iterum interpretata est in key. Paulo post, evangelista construet genesingicam alberam "promunturium Iesum, a praesenti recedens a Christo non solum usque ad Duvidem et Abrahamum, sicut Matthaeus fecerat apud Matth. "descendere" genealogiam (11 -17), sed usque ad Adami 1323-381, racinghendo, con: wilfase de Iesu tota historia.
Secunda haec praefatio, ut diximus, triptychum Baptistae, hattesis Gesis al Gordani et tentationum satanicarum innititur, quae, ut iam ex Matten legere novimus, etiam triptychum, Lucas vero adversa. ordo duarum ultimarum scaenarum post tentationes in eremo et in monte (qui pro Matteo Tape) est, Geo a Satana in pinna templi, meridiem in Tangulo sacrae edificationis mapanatae, imminens Cedron vallis. Iesus Ierosolymis adimplet electionem messianismi non socialismi (lapides in pane), non politio regni della terra, magicam (pepeting e muro pro domibus eventum thaumaturgicum, sed statim illustratur in sua re in pagina illa. sequetur tertia de quinque, in quibus nostram lectionem Laca enuntiat, post duos priores modos descriptos
Synagoga Nata?
Fecoct ergo ad specimen tertiae paginae vel melius, tertiae Evangelii Lucae sectio, quae cap. 4, erecta 16, et sic etiam cap. 9, vers. quod Sevangelista, caput est. In modica synagoga solis pagi pronunciata, Nazareth et ex parte "strate po", locum obtinet in "Sermone Montano" (inter alia, ut iam memoravimus, portio ultimi retractata. et a Luca in fontes Togo patriae planae anno 617-49), G .
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gammm-org · 1 year ago
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marcogiovenale · 1 year ago
'koko' - next generation journal, issue #1, "text/image parergon"
KOKO – Next Generation Journal Text/Image Parergon Here is the first thematic “space” of KOKO – The Next Generation Journal, a Shared Campus publication. Text/Image Parergon explores potentials and challenges in the relations of scriptorial and pictorial signs. How do text and image respectively frame an artefact? Does the combination of both constitute an extended value or merely a supplementary…
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codexurbanus · 2 years ago
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Les bestioles déferlent sur Avranches!!! Si vous voulez voir des chimères médiévales ET des créatures urbaines, rendez-vous à mon expo au Scriptorial d’Avranches, jusqu’au 4 septembre 2022… si vous passez dans la baie du Mont St Michel, ca vaut le détour….
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xxxdragonfucker69xxx · 1 year ago
Death-Cheating Deception: When you die, don't, and immediately join battle and gain some motes to help you get away safely and secetly.
Relics Justly Claimed: When you steal something, immediately use it, "looting from its soon-to-be tomb"
Fear Not the Grave: Cup Boils Over... 2!!! Extinguish fear of death, granting them resolve against threats but also allowing them to take stupidly risky actions
Enthralling Scriptorial Perfection: People fall in love with your words... or perhaps just envy?
Gospel of Oblivion: Corrpt a character's ties towards despair or death. Jesus christ i hate the bishop
LORE okay i will read all of lore. since you are so polite
Crypt Bolt Attack!!!! the fucing og!!! can be upgraded with Accursed Radiance Empowerment to be an icy wind, a blinding darkness, pyreflame blast, ghost curse, soul-eating doom....... fuck me im so excited!!!
A Lesson In Sorrow: when you introduce a fact you can also bazinga everyone into despair, or maybe rage
Fatal Flaw Scrutiny: Scrutinize a bitch. For their fatal flaw
Teaching Incomprehensible Truths: The whispers teaching charm. Old faithful.
Waking Nightmare Inspiration
Broken World Understanding: Who made this and how do I break it?
Night-Horror Summons: bring a nightmare into the real world???? holy fuck??? with a later charm you can reveal that you did so last night and the nightmare is here right now
Nightmare-Carving Murmur: I don't care that much but wyld shaping technique was like five pages with all its upgrades and now its like one. Btw filling the area with monstrosities is free
Endeavor-Dooming Prognostication: Tell someone how their shit's gonna be fucked. Then fuck it
Promised Nightmare Unleashed: God-King's Shrike.... 2!!! but now it has actually nice structure
Life-Mocking Assembly: zombies but bespoke.
Necrotic Graft Technique: fuck yeah
Foetid Earth Miasma: "The Abyssal taints a region by interring the corpses of seven victims who died at her hand to mark its boundaries. This ritual must be performed at night..." and in exchange you get to blast the area with plague and blight. You can fix it if you give the corpses proper burial rites tho
oh my god melee is so long
Soul-Drinking Blade: suck a soul into your blade when you kill htem, drinking motes and having them there to interrogate with corpse-questioning technique etc. also theyre tutors for you
soul-cleaving woooound
Apocalypse Blade Unbound: overdrive motes.... 2!!!
i have to read all of occult. i have to
Howling Silence Meditation: beef up those whispers!
Screaming In Silence: now you are the whispers. send psychic messages
spirit-devouring appetite: oh my god they fixed carnal spirit whatever. eat a spirit for eclipse charms and mutations
Death of Miracles: when you see spirit magic or a spell, introduce a way for that magic to be undone, or for workings to be suppressed, etc. hot damn
God-Scourging Wail: Psychic scream that hits dematerial spirits and inflicts whispers as well as regular pain. With Life-Annihilating Susurrus you can keep screaming and your range grows longer as you do
Soul Domination Method: you know how everoyne complains there arent enough things to exorcize? now you can invade a soul to rifle through memories, fight with possessing demons, etc
and a bevy of necromancy-enhancing charms that solars are just green with envy about
Tormented Artist Propaganda: this name just cracks me up. when artists perform something you composed, you know, and you can use Morbid Fascination style to keep anyone from interrupting or leaving
Thousand Corpses Waltz: move through battle like a dance. notably, if your dance ebats their resolve, you get surprise attacks, they're too busy watching your dance
Witness the End: Your audience sees the world as if it had ended, overwhelmed by sorrow and forced to trudge through an imaginary wasteland
Wicked Stagecraft Expertise: all the persona charms, in a very easy package
Heartstring-Severing Adoration: seduce someone into falling in love, and then weaken all tehir other ties
Killing Words Technique: it literally hurts to resist
Soul-Flaying Gaze: not only tat, but they may gain obsession or paranoia as they crack under the pressure
Soul-Consuming Pyreflame Baptism: turn someone into a pyreflame apostle, holy hsit
theres a lot more presence charms i only skimmed because i am so sleepy
The Abyssals crowdfunding campaign closes in about 24 hours.
I did not get to hourinblack all their charms. As penance, I am going to skim just the end of each charmtree, and tell you about the biggest, coolest power of each tree. I am also going to do this for necromancy because i am a necromantic slut.
World-Wounding Darkness: Shoot a hole in the world, leaving a black hole that sucks people in. This isn't actually near the end of the tree but it caught my eye and I was like holy fuck.
Heart-Numbing Spike: When you shoot someone, wound their ability to care about things.
Last Days Portent: Shoot out the fucking sun. Kills the lights over the battlefield. If you're being goth about it, kill the lights for miles around.
Mountains Become Dust: Physical scale is no longer a limit on feats of scale or destruction.
Light-Killing Stride: Move faster than someone. Didn't ask how fast they moved, you move faster than them.
Temple-Shattering Ruination Curse: Destroy a building to curse the land, making it shadowy and blighted and supernaturally scary. if you were being intense about it, it becomes an abyssal demesne, a permanent upwelling of goth energy
All-Seeing Overlord's Lair: Extend your senses throughout your stronghold, you can't be surprised inside and your ghostly sentinels (you know, the wraiths you cast to patrol for you) can roam throughout
Morbid Inspiration Witness: Find inspiration in " the morbid, the eerie, or the darkly beautiful: an albatross dropping dead in flight, three  black cats crossing the same street in sequence, lightning striking a distant temple." That inspiration grants you bonuses on various projects, and also makes you care deeply about it. This is enhanced by further charms like Fervent Caprice Fever and Unrelenting Obsession Genius
Piercing Gaze of the Unmaker: Pick a place within, like 20 miles. You see it like it's your lair and you're there. Or maybe you want to cast your gaze on your rival instead? they are going to feel a crawling sensation up their spine from your gaze through <3
Illustrative Overkill Technique: When you kill or incapacitate a guy, it's so fucked up you can use it to threaten anyone else. Or like blow up a building or whatever
Explosive Gore Eulogy (!!): When you do that ^ you can also use their corpse as a weapon. Jesus christ.
Life-Annihilating Castigation: Pyreflame your attack and multiply (!!) damage by your opponent's wound penalty. If you get their ass they explode with pyreflame from within, and if it kills them their ghost burns up on the spot
Void Avatar Embodiment: Now with 0% prana! Envelop yourself in the void, dealing aggravated damage on touch and withering ranged attacks away. Also you're as close to death as you want to be <3
Hateful Scorn Panopticon: when you use Accursed Overlord Authority to inspire hatred in your followers, you can sense when any of them encounter your enemy, and where.
Rotting Palace Proclamation: Reveal that you embedded a traitor in a rival organization. Or was it someone we knew all along?
Iron Tyrant Reign: When you do that Accursed Overlord thing, if it's a Defining Principle you can carve it into the world as an Old Law: everyone who hears or reads it must follow, words bleed through coverings or hover like fire in the air, the mindless dead automatically obey
Suffer No Betrayal: When you do the Panopticon, you can also count people who've broken your laws as enemies. You can immediately gain Defining Hatred... and possibly carve that as an old law with Iron Tyrant Reign? That isn't in the charm im just reading between the lines
Malicious Mechanism Mastery: Jesus this one is a cartoon supervillain bit. Reveal that an enemy has stumbled into your trap! If it's a corpse-based trap, it's worse!
Fivefold Malice Curse: Lay a curse on something you make, for instance if its bearer breaks an oath or acts against one of your principles. and if they trigger the curse they get blasted by your Bleak Expiations, aka Abyssal Limit Break aka You Cannot Escape The Goth
Soul-Tarnishing Treasure: Instead of an overt curse you can cause it to inspire vice, a sword demanding bloodshed or a chalice inspiring drink. You can't be totally free of this unless you give the object up
Drawn to Death's Beauty: When you use Magnificent Cenotaph Allure to imbue something with emotion, you can also fill it with the mesmerizing lure of death, so that people wander towards it like a will o wisp and cant look away
Betrayal-Spurring Gifts: Annatar their shit socially if you've given them something you've made. &btw cursing that shit is free
Hanging Shrike Focus: Dodge up into the air and float back down, or fall on your enemies maybe
Queen of Killers Pirouette (!!): dodge so good you turn it back on them, like fucking zelda's neutral-B in smash
Tenebrous Cloud Dissolution: DRACULA FOG its fucking dracula fog
Breath-Seizing Mist: Hey how would you like it if dracula fog was inside your lungs
Icy Sepulcher Entombment: When you cause someone to despair at hitting you the ice literally grows around your heart and then freezes them over. The freezing stuff is actually pretty early in the tree but this is setup for
In Awful Glory Crowned: When you bring them to despair with Frozen Fears Blossom you can also drain their Willpower, and if you drain it all they become obedient to you. Unless they're unimportant in which case they might just fall over dead, turn into a ghost, and then be obedient to you
Freedom In Chains: If forced to act against death's chivalry or your principles, brood about it, then break free
Clarity in Hatred: Shaping defense if you're mad enough
Immortal Malevolence: If you've enshrined an intimacy with Eternal Enmity Approach, you can care so much that you simply do not die. Wake up the next sunset completely healed, but you can't use that intimacy again
Heart-Haunting Condemnation: Scrooge a bitch. Nightmares and omens reinforce your accusations.
Bleak Justice Malediction: If your victim of the above draws on Ties to resist giving in to your accusations, the haunting spreads to those people and things too. If they die they haunt your victim. You can fully Book Of Job somebody here.
Omniscient Spymaster's Web. Know something. Your people told you. You think anyone can keep a secret from you?
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mloartware · 6 years ago
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Detail Scriptorial Series 2 #detailpainting #alloverpattern #detail#artgalleries #collages#kahlo #papers#recycledart #Scriptorial#artdetail #catlin#kandinsky (at Jacaranda West, Venice, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt91NpfDtQP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10pbuc3rn7cfb
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character-composer · 6 years ago
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Tenebris scriptoris is a non-binary villain. They try to appear sophisticated and in charge, but they really don’t have their shit together. At all. They tend to manipulate people and play a lot of mind games. Tenebris, when upset, can either go two ways: extremely cold-hearted or just threatening others. 
Tenebris is the voice of reason in a group of idiots who don’t know what they’re doing. Even though they certainly aren’t nice about it, Tenebris will help with whatever is needed of them. They’re intimidating, but not to the people who really know them.
Music composed by character-composer
Tenebris Scriptoris © @peaches-n-reptiles
It’s always a pleasure to write music in this short of chiptune-esque style. Thank you peaches-for-reptiles for commissioning. If you’re interested in checking out their cool art, feel free to head on over to their deviantART: https://www.deviantart.com/infortunatus-artifex.
Want to commission a theme for your own original character? Head on over to my commissions page for more details!
Want to support my music and get exclusive musical content? Check out my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/charactercomposer
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juan-francisco-palencia · 3 years ago
Te soñé . . .
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Y en tu rostro desconocido, encontré la ternura de una mirada angelical que me sonreía.
Y me pude ver, en tus ojos, como un niño otra vez. Echando a volar, encontrando al viento de Gales.
Llegué entumecido a tus brazos. Y te pedi detenerme junto al calor interminable de tu amor y secreto.
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Te soñé . . .
En tu mirar de tul, me pude sentir. Y caminar, conmigo venir orgullosa como una luna vestida de octubre. Aunque solamente de perfil, nos encontramos.
Y te besé, para vernos después desaparecer, desnudos sobre las nubes enrojecidas de un gran silencio, de un ríto del atardecer que se rompió.
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Y te quise detener, en mis deseos, pero echaste a volar, en las alas de los sueños.
Y desperté, aún sintiendo el aroma de tu piel, buscándote en las sombras de las estrellas que están fijas en la pared.
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Te soñé . . .
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Como un ángel azul, vestida de blancos encajes. Y te lloré al verte después desaparecer, con un rayo de luz al amanecer.
"magni scriptoris et poetae memoriae".
Cysgod.1991 — 2021 ♰ R.I.P.
—  Juan Francisco Palencia.    
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