#screwed up clique
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sadhours · 9 months ago
stuck in the middle with you - chapter one
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billy hargrove x mayfield!oc
cw: 18+ minors dni, stepcest, pseudocest, smut, underage drinking, oral (f and m receiving), unprotected p in v
Family night. Pamela hates them just as much as Billy does. These weren’t a weekly occurrence before they moved to Hawkins but Neil and Susan are very determined to make this blended family feel like they’ve been together forever. Checking her manicured nails, Pamela isn’t exactly paying attention to the western flick on the TV but she is keenly aware of her step brother sitting next to her, smelling like he skipped showering after his workout. He’s still wearing the teeny basketball shorts and thin white muscle tee. Billy fidgets a lot, Pamela’s noticed. Like he truly can’t sit still for more than five minutes. He bounces his leg up and down and each time, his thigh brushes up against Pamela’s ankle which she’s partially sitting on. Max leans forward and glares at him but Billy’s lost in his head, eyes on the TV while he gnaws on his fingernail.
“Tell him to stop,” Max mumbles to Pamela and she heaves a small sigh, always playing middleman for these two. Billy argues with Max like he’s also thirteen and not seventeen.
Instead of verbally scolding Billy, Pamela moves her ankle and pokes her toes at his thigh. His eyes dart up to her face and she whispers, “Stop moving.”
Billy’s face screws up, lips in tight line before he opens his mouth to say something but it’s like he rethinks it. Instead clears his throat and then stretches his legs out, crosses his arms and brings his attention back to the Clint Eastwood movie. Pamela keeps looking at him for a beat but her stomach starts to twist in shame and she has to look at the TV, too. She hates Westerns but they’re Neil’s favorite so they’re usually what the family watches together. Except on the Family Nights that Neil and Susan go out but they insist the three kids still watch a movie together. Billy and Max are the majority vote, so it’s typically horror movies those nights. Pamela doesn’t really care, she’s used to watching them with Max but before Billy was around, Max would agree to the romance movies Pamela preferred. A lot has changed and Pamela knows that change is supposed to be good so she’s making a real tried and true effort to accept it.
The high school is fine, it’s much smaller so she was a shoo-in for the cheer team. She and Billy found it easy to fit in amongst the “popular” kids but Pamela isn’t too fond of the clique Billy hangs out with. They’re mean and rowdy, which is common for the popular crowd but these kids think they’re really cool but it’s easy to be cool in such a tiny town. There’s nothing to even do here besides climb the social ladder. So, really, the person she could find a special comradity in would be Billy but Pamela can barely look at him. Before Neil and Susan got married, Billy wasn’t shy about telling Pamela he had the hots for her. And now they’re legally related so the whole thing just has her feeling really uncomfortable. She’s in denial too, because she also finds him incredibly attractive.
The credits roll on the movie and Neil stretches, all exaggerated and loud. Slaps his hands on his knees before he stands from his recliner.
“Alright, kids,” Susan smiles at the three on the couch, “Time to get ready for bed.”
Everybody retreats into their rooms. The kids are absolutely silent while Susan blathers to Neil about the movie they just watched, fiending interest in something she would have complained about had it been Max and Pamela’s dad insisting they watch. Billy’s behind Pamela, stops outside his door and watches her descend down the hallway. Their eyes meet for a second but Pamela’s the one to break it, goes into her room and flicks the light on. Changes into her pajamas in front of her mirror, shamefully thinking about how she looks to Billy. Pulls her lacy pink nightgown on and smoothes her hands down her hips, turns slightly to look at the curve of her ass. He’s quiet most of the time, but she can’t help but recall a moment between them on the three day drive to Indiana. They were staying at a shitty motel in a truck stop of a town. Neil and Susan got their own room and the three teens shared another. While Max was in the shower, Billy said something to Pamela that stuck. Repeats in her head over and over.
“If my dad didn’t marry your mom, I’d have fucked you by now.”
She made sure Max slept in the middle of the bed that night. But it didn’t really matter because Billy stayed out on the balcony of the motel, chain smoking until she and Max passed out.
Pamela opens her bedroom door, steps into the hallway and hears another door close. She snaps her head to catch Billy standing just outside his door, in nothing but his underwear. Her eyes scan over his body, at least what she can see of it from the light coming from her bedroom. It’s not like this is the first time she’s seen him shirtless but before, she really wasn’t looking. Unable to keep her eyes on him for more than a second. But he’s caught her off guard and the whole long distance thing with her boyfriend has got her particularly wound up. Billy has abs. Defined yet soft. His hips stick out and his muscles curve down towards his…
She sighs and looks away, doesn’t even catch the way Billy’s looking back at her. He just chuckles, low and breathy. Motions his hand to the bathroom, “Ladies first.”
Pamela steps quickly into the bathroom, flicks the light on and shuts the door. Turns on the faucet as she grabs her toothbrush and closes her eyes, realizing she technically saw Billy’s pubes. Soft blonde curls above the waistband of his underwear, and god, they were kind of tight, weren’t they? Hugged his thighs, which were also covered in soft blonde hairs. Pamela bites her lip, sinks her hand into her underwear and presses a finger to her entrance, finding she’s pretty fucking wet. You are disgusting, she tells herself as she rips her hand away and grabs the toothpaste. Squeezes a dollop on her toothbrush and wets it, shoving it in her mouth and brushing furiously as she stares at her reflection. She can’t be attracted to Billy. He’s her step brother. Legal siblings. Their parents have sex, that should be enough to make him repulsive. Maybe she should call her boyfriend. It’s earlier in California. He’s probably finishing up dinner.
She spits into the sink, then moves on to washing her face. Uses cold water to calm the heat radiating all over her. But Billy’s still in the hallway when she opens the door, leaning against the wall. Eyes her up and down as she stands before him.
“You like that color a lot,” he mumbles, sure to be quiet so no one can hear them.
Pamela looks at him straight faced, blinks a few times before she looks into her bedroom. Decorated in the same color.
“Pink’s my favorite color,” she replies softly.
Billy smirks, glances down at his briefs and back to her, “Red’s mine.”
Her eyes follow his, sees that yeah, his briefs are red but also, there’s quite a lot going on in them. She rolls her eyes, pushes quickly past him and shuts her door. A little more forcefully than she meant. Hears Billy laugh and it frustrates her even more. She groans softly, reaching for her phone and dialing the familiar number. She’ll deal with Neil’s anger about long distance calls later.
“Sawyer?” she smiles once she hears him say hello.
“Pammy, hi,” his voice sounds all floaty. She knows he’s smiling.
“I miss you so much, it’s driving me crazy,” she complains.
“I miss you, too,” he says and then sighs, “Hey, listen, I got to go. The guys are here but I’ll call you tomorrow. Okay?”
He hangs up before Pamela gets a chance to respond.
Pamela smoothes her hands over her short red dress, eyeing her costume up and down to make sure she looks perfect before she steps outside. She adjusts the little devil horn headband on her head and then purses her lips, checking her bright red lipstick. There’s an abrupt knock on the door before it swings open. In the doorway stands a short Michael Myers. Pamela eyes her sister carefully, “What do you want, Max Myers?”
“Are you done yet? I’m gonna be late,” comes the muffled reply from the redhead.
“Yeah, let me just grab my purse,” Pam heaves a sigh and turns to grab the rest of her things. Ignores the judgmental eyes of her step father as she steps out into the living room.
“Billy!” Susan sings, “The girls are ready!”
She’s clutching the Polaroid camera in her hands, looking excitedly at the girls as they wait for Billy. His bedroom door opens, smoke and aquanet flooding out. A stench that makes Pamela a little nauseous. He should open a window, she thinks. Surprised he hasn’t burnt the house to the ground. He wears his jeans, boots and a black leather jacket— no shirt underneath.
“What are you supposed to be?” Pamela asks, a brow lifted. Upon seeing his son, Neil grumbles and retreats into the kitchen. Pamela catches it, but isn’t sure if anyone else did. Thinks she might’ve heard him mumble an insult, of the homophobic variety.
“Terminator,” Billy and Max recite in unison, like it was obvious. And maybe it should be. She just took Max to watch it two days ago. But really, it was boring and she fell asleep.
Susan motions her hand, “Alright, kids, get close.” She lifts the camera to her eye, smile peeking out underneath it, “Say cheese!”
Pamela’s the only one to say it, ignoring how Billy’s arm brushes against the small of her back. Susan takes another photo before letting them go. Max climbs into the backseat and Pamela into the front. Billy speeds off before any of them can get their seatbelts on. He drives so fast, ignoring the stop signs in their neighborhood.
“It’s Halloween, you need to slow down,” Pamela chastises him, “You're gonna run down some trick or treaters.”
Billy cackles, loud and manically. In the mirror, Pamela can see Max glaring at their step brother but she’s silent. Pamela doesn’t get an explanation. Billy just turns up the stereo and Pamela considers it a win when he actually follows most traffic laws. They drop Max off on a corner of a neighborhood none of them recognize.
“Be safe, okay? Make sure you’re home by ten like mom said,” Pamela tells her sister as she stands in the street, letting Max climb out of the back.
“Yeah, whatever, I will. Bye!” Max says, pulling her mask on before running down the sidewalk towards a group of boys dressed as The Ghostbusters.
“Good,” Pamela says when she gets back in the car, “She’s already made friends.”
“I don’t trust them,” Billy grumbles as he takes off towards Loch Nora.
Pamela makes a face, flips down the visor and checks her makeup in the mirror as she tells him, “You don’t trust anyone. Max has good judgment of character.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Billy rolls his eyes, lights up a cigarette and keeps his eyes on the road.
Once they get to Tina’s party, they separate… well kind of. They have somewhat of an overlapping friend group. Pamela hangs out with the cheerleaders and the cheerleaders hang out with the jocks. Therefore, Billy’s in close proximity the whole night.
Does this weird thing where whenever she’s talking to a member of the male species, he butts in and derails whatever conversation Pamela was in the middle of. Which he doesn’t need to do. Pamela isn’t interested in any of these boys, she’s in a committed relationship with Sawyer. And besides, it’s odd that Billy would suddenly care but once they got to Hawkins, he picked up this like protective older brother schtick. She crowds him after the tenth time of him doing it and confronts him.
“What are you doing?” She presses an accusatory finger against his bare chest, the alcohol coursing through her veins is to blame for the way his skin shoots heat throughout her and definitely not something else.
He smiles, cocky and heavy lidded. Billy’s fucking smashed, maybe drunker than she is. Perhaps she should drive home but she doesn’t feel like that’s a safe idea either. He slurs when he replies, “I don’t know. What am I doing?”
“You keep interrupting every time I’m talking to a man,” Pamela accuses, eyebrows raised.
“Well,” Billy hiccups, wavers a bit before he leans against the siding of Tina’s huge house, “you should hear what these fucks say about you. I’m doing you a favor.”
Pamela’s face screws up in anger, maybe a bit of confusion, “Okay and? It’s not like I’m trying to sleep with any of them. I have a boyfriend, remember?”
Billy blinks then looks smug as he replies, “Oh, that’s right, the one that’s thousands of miles away. How’s that going? You tell him you were going to a party tonight? Tell him how you’re dressed tonight?”
She gasps, face in utter shock, “What the fuck is your problem?”
“What?” he pulls a face, mock confusion. Pink lips parted with those glassy blue eyes wide, eyebrows raised. “You looked in the mirror before you left, why would you wear that if you didn’t want people looking?”
Pamela groans, “I hate you.”
She turns on her heel and stomps away, fuming at the way he thinks he can talk to her like that. She keeps walking, out onto the street. Looks both ways and realizes she has no idea where she is, or how to get home but she’s determined to walk the way there anyways. She picks a direction, wandering in the middle of the road with her arms wrapping around her torso. Ignores the cold air and the way her feet ache from these stupid heels. She doesn’t get very far before the Camaro is pulling up beside her. Billy’s got the window down and he’s laughing. Pamela turns her nose up and keeps walking, the blue car matching her pace.
“You’re walking the wrong way,” Billy says, all cheeky. “C’mon, I’m sorry. Get in the car, I’ll take you home.”
“No, you’re mean,” Pamela responds stiffly but stops walking. Turns around and faces the other way. This town is small but she still has no idea how to make it back home. All the houses in this neighborhood look the same.
Billy sighs, “I said I’m sorry. Just get in the fucking car, Pam.”
“Do not call me that!” she shouts, turning toward him and stomping her little high heel. Doesn’t miss the way Billy’s smiling at her. Like he’s entertained.
“Pamela, I’m sorry, Pamela. C’mon, it’s like thirty miles home, you can’t walk that,” he tells her.
Silently, she accepts defeat. Walks around the hood of the Camaro and gets in the front seat. Keeps her arms wrapped around herself as she sits and stares out the window. Billy whips the car around, driving slower than he usually does as he reaches for his pack of smokes and lights one up.
“You’re mean,” Pamela repeats again, wipes at her eyes and messes up her eyeliner. Smearing it all over her cheekbone.
“I said sorry. Guess I hit a nerve, though,” Billy muses, “Want a smoke?”
Shamefully, Pamela thinks that sounds really good so she nods her head. Takes the one he’d just lit and feels grossed out that it makes her lips tingle, thinking that his lips were just on the filter. Billy lights up another and glances at her.
“I didn’t mean to uh, hurt your feelings. You look really good tonight,” he mumbles. “That’s why I had to do what I did. Don’t want those guys taking advantage of you.”
“Such a good brother,” Pamela rolls her eyes, sucks on the filter and fills her lungs with smoke.
Billy winces at that— brother. She finds it curious but doesn’t push. Just keeps looking out the window as she smokes. Then she admits, “I mean, I guess thank you. I am pretty drunk. Could’ve made a bad decision.”
“Why are you even trying to make it work with that guy?” Billy asks, sounding genuinely curious.
“I love him,” she answers simply.
“Yeah but— long distance is like, not ever gonna work. What if one of you cheats?” Billy inquires, thumbs against the steering wheel.
He’s kind of swerving but it’s late. Pamela thinks maybe one or two in the morning. Hopefully the cops are all busy. There’s not many in this town, they probably aren’t hanging around in this rich neighborhood on Halloween.
“We won’t.”
“So why wear that?” Billy wonders, “I mean, it’s like a big invitation.”
“You’re so gross,” Pamela groans.
Billy laughs, “I’m a man. We’re all fucking gross. The things these fuckers say about you. Literally, the locker room is all these fucks talking about how they wanna screw you.”
“I can handle myself,” Pamela replies softly.
Billy shifts in his seat, hand moves down to adjust his jeans and he says under his breath, “I don’t know if I can.”
“What?” she asks, looking at him.
“Nothing,” he shrugs, “Not important.”
“No, I heard you,” she insists, “What do you mean by that?”
Billy sighs, a big heavy one and bites his lip. Gnaws on it before he finally answers, “I mean, you’re fucking hot as hell. Seeing you dressed like that makes it difficult to handle myself.”
“We’re related, Billy.”
“No—“ he laughs, “No the fuck we’re not.”
“Our parents are married,” she says, like she has to explain it.
Billy glances at her, “Yeah… and I really fucking wish they weren’t.”
“Me, too,” Pamela mumbles, but something tells her they have different reasons.
“I already told you… I would’ve—“ Billy stops, hands gripping the steering wheel tighter.
Pamela looks at him again, really looks. Can see his abs where his jacket is open. Lets her eyes go down further and sees his bulge in his jeans. Inviting for some reason, probably the alcohol. She licks her lips, “Fucked me by now.”
It has to be the alcohol, and the lack of attention from her boyfriend. But she tosses the cigarette out the window and drags her hand up her thigh, lifts her dress with it. Catches the way Billy’s eyes dance between her hand and the windshield. Smoothes her hands up and cups her breasts over the silky red dress. “Would’ve touched me like this?” she asks, teetering over the boundary.
“Fuck,” Billy huffs, tosses his cigarette out the window and then palms against his crotch, “Yeah.”
“You think I’d let you?” Pamela asks, teasingly as she pulls her dress down, exposes her breast and grazes her finger against her nipple.
He smirks, squeezes himself in his jeans and speeds up. Keeps glancing between Pamela and the windshield. “I think so.”
She grabs his wrist, peeling his hand from his crotch and brings it to her chest. The pair of them moan at the contact. Billy keeps his eyes trained on the road, pinches Pamela’s nipple and then grazes his thumb against the tip of it. She whines, spreads her legs because she can’t help herself. Completely acting on horny impulse and lack of inhibition. Mind too fuzzy to realize just how much she’ll regret this.
Billy pulls up to the house, lets go of her chest to park and then he’s turning toward her. Grabs her dress and lunges forward, crashing their lips together. It’s a battle of tongue and teeth. All too much and not enough. Pamela pushes him back. Fixes her dress and opens the car door. Stands up and looks at him expectantly, “You coming?”
He’s after her in seconds, hands on her hips and lips on her neck while Pamela tries to quietly unlock the front door. She kicks off her shoes while they’re outside. Leans down to pick them up and places them next to the pile inside. Billy kicks his boots off, closes the door quietly and locks it behind him. They trail to Billy’s bedroom, sharing haphazard and drunken kisses along the way. Once inside his bedroom, they don’t stay dressed for long. First is Billy’s jacket. Pamela’s hands feeling all over his muscular torso while Billy’s tug down the straps of her dress and move to cup her tits. Squeezes them in his hands, meeting his lips to hers. Licks into her mouth as she opens it in a silent moan. Backing her into his mattress, she falls easily and he peels the dress the rest of the way off. Then he hooks his fingers into the elastic of her thigh heels and begins peeling them off. Discards them with her dress and presses the heel of his palm against her core, over her panties. Pamela whimpers, brings her feet to the edge of his mattress. Arches her back and Billy looks down at her hungrily. All spread and exposed for him. He wraps his hand around her hips and pulls her down the bed, gets on his knees and noses against her thigh.
Pamela rolls her hips, hands groping her own chest as he mouths against her skin. Inching up and up until he gets his mouth on her pussy, underwear still playing as a barricade. He licks the thin fabric, makes out with it. Eyes up and on her. Pamela props herself up on her elbows and lets the arousal fuel her. Keeps playing with her tits while Billy eats her out over her underwear. His blue eyes look wild. Blown pupils. She whimpers as his tongue flicks against her stiff clit.
He pulls back and hooks his fingers in the elastic, peels them down and laughs.
“What?” Pamela looks at him panicked.
“Uh,” Billy laughs again, softer as he peers down at her cunt. “The hair… it’s red.”
Oh. Pamela rolls her eyes, “Yeah, I’m not a natural blonde. Why are you laughing?”
Billy shrugs, looks kind of sweet, “Just didn’t expect that.” He smooths his fingers against the tuft of hair and bites his lip, “I like it.”
She’s about to tell him to shut up but he beats her to it, his hot mouth on her pussy that makes her toes curl. Drags his tongue through her folds, circles at her entrance and meets back up at her clit. Pamela’s eyes flutter shut, rolling her nipples between her fingertips as she spreads her legs further to give Billy better access. He zeros in on her clit, flicking his tongue against it and sucking it between his lips. His fingers gripping her thighs tightly, flesh dipping in under his fingernails. Billy moves his head with the motions, moans into her heat like he really can’t himself. Like he’s starving and she’s the last meal he’ll ever have. Holds her still while he licks her out until she’s gripping the sheets beneath her. Biting her lip as to stay quiet.
“Billy,” she pants out, thighs shaking while the coil twists in her stomach. She’s not sure if it’s being so riled up, the dry spell she’s been under or Billy’s genuine skill but she’s reaching her climax quicker than she has before. Her body goes slack, freezing as he sucks particularly harshly on her clit. As her orgasm crashes through her she wails, unable to control herself and Billy basically folds her in half, mouth still on her cunt as he slaps his hand over her mouth to quiet her instantly. Her body seizes, aftershocks of her orgasm jolting through her as Billy continues licking at her. She has to push him off when it becomes too much.
He stands then, gloved hands unbuttoning his jeans and shoving them down his thighs. Pamela’s mind is even more clouded from the post orgasm bliss, sitting up and mouthing at his muscular stomach as she cups his bulge. Squeezes while she licks a line above the waistband of his briefs. She moans into it, fueled by the headiness of it all. Billy exhales shakily, hands snaking into Pamela’s messy hair and tugging at her roots. She glances up, catches his fucked expression and feels her ego inflate. Before she got with Sawyer, Pamela had a bit of a phase because she liked when men looked at her the way Billy is right now. And in this moment, she’s brought back to that person she used to be. Doesn’t care that it’s her fucking step brother that’s giving her the attention.
Pamela smiles against his skin, hooks her fingers in his underwear and tugs them to his thighs to meet his denim. Billy’s cock pops out, all proud and swollen. Pink head leaking precum, drooling down the veiny side and Pamela licks her lower lip. He’s big. Probably the biggest she’s seen. By far the prettiest. Proportional and not weirdly colored. Round head, not pointed like some she’s seen. It’s curved to the right but that’s par for the course and really, one this big, she can only expect is a chore to contain in tight Levi’s.
Her tongue meets the underside of his tip, circles around the sensitive skin and kitten licks at the little heart shaped part. Pamela’s manicured fingers wrap around the thick base of Billy’s cock and he grunts, body swaying forward from the pressure. Stirring a giggle from Pamela as she peers up at him. Billy meets her with a crooked smile, cockiness evaporating from him. She’s in total control here. Just how she likes it.
She drools down the side of his cock and uses her hand to smear it all around. Billy continues making these soft sounds of pleasure, hands still tangled in her bleached hair. Pamela wraps her lips around his tip, sucks softly while swiping her tongue along the edge as she works her hand up and down his shaft languidly. Has her back arched, sticking her ass up and puts on a total show for her step brother. Receding to a persona she’d thought she’d permanently forgotten. But this is too good, she feels incredibly attractive. Thinks for a second about how her boyfriend hasn’t looked at her like this since they first started dating. And maybe that should be enough to put an end to this but Pamela’s too drunk and her inhibitions are long gone. All that’s important to her is getting that validation.
“So good,” Billy breathes out, gathering her hair up in his hand and holding it like a ponytail. “You can take more, can’t you?”
She’s drunk on it, would pretty much agree to anything Billy asks. So she sinks his cock deeper into her mouth, until her knuckles meet her lips and blinks up at him. As if to ask, like this?
“Mmm,” Billy hums, “That’s a good girl.”
He then uses his grip on her hair to guide her, tugging her up and pushing her back down on his cock. Pamela has to blow air out of her nose so she doesn’t gag, eyes glazing over as Billy sets the pace. The praise does something to her. Completely sends her into a different headspace. Lets her know she is good.
She swallows around him, holds eye contact while Billy bobs her head up and down on his cock. Then he holds her still, hisses and closes his eyes.
“Fuck— I…”
“Don’t cum yet,” Pamela pulls off, eyes narrowing into angry slits. “I’m not done yet.”
Billy laughs, but it sounds whiny. He lets go of her hair and rubs his face with his hands, “I’m trying.”
“I need you inside me, Billy,” she tells him, eyebrows knit together in frustration.
“Saying shit like that isn’t helping your case,” Billy says, eyes screwed shut.
Pamela sighs, lets go of his cock and shuffles up on his bed. Billy’s eyes open from the lack of touch, watching as she lays back on his bed, eyes following her hands as they run up and down her exposed body. A hand landing on her tit while the other rubs through her folds, legs spread for him.
“You’re such a little bitch,” he grumbles and kicks his jeans and briefs completely off before crawling up on his bed, between her thighs. Grabs her hands and pins them above her head, crashing their lips together. “S’your fault for being so fucking hot,” he mumbles against her mouth.
Pamela giggles, hooks her ankle around his back and rolls up against him, “Yeah? Think your sisters just so fucking hot sucking your cock?”
Billy thrusts roughly against her, moaning into her mouth and grabbing onto her face, “Fuck, yeah. Look so sexy sucking my cock. Such a good little sister.”
She gasps, knitting her fingers in Billy’s hair and writhing against him, “Fuck me, please. Need it. Need you to stretch me out so bad.”
“Such a filthy little mouth,” Billy chastises her, pins her thigh back and then grabs hold of his cock. Presses the tip to her entrance, “Gonna beg for your big brother's cock?”
Billy’s a whole two months older than her and really, he’s her step brother. Emphasis on the step. But this is play. They’re horny beyond means and giving in to this stupid sexual tension that’s been building since he hit on her in the grocery store all those months ago.
“Please,” she babbles, “Pretty please. Fill me up, Billy. Please, please, please.”
Billy sinks inside her, holding her hip as he sheathes his way inside. Pamela gasps, clutching onto his back. Fuck, it feels so good. Stretch is beautiful, has her head spinning. She whimpers, “Oh, fuck….”
He snaps his hips forward, penetrating her to the hilt, balls snug against her ass. Her legs wrap around his waist, gaining him unobstructed access to her hole. Billy takes advantage, thrusting against her relentlessly. It’s animalistic, almost. Sweaty, slapping sounds filling the room, shifting the smell into filthy sex fumes instead of stale cigarettes and cheap hairspray. Pamela’s holding onto Billy’s hair, pair of them panting into open mouths as he drills into her. His hands are firm on her hips, pushing her deeper into the mattress while he fucks her so hard the bed begins to squeak. And they’re both way too far gone to care. The only attempt to cover sounds is their lips muffling each other's moans.
Suddenly, Billy is pulling out. Pamela elicits a sound of protest— a whine but Billy’s flipping her onto her stomach. Pulls her hips up, displaying her ass for him as she presses her cheek to the mattress and props her knees up. He sinks back inside and this position gives Pamela a whole new wave of euphoria. Her eyes roll back as Billy pummels her pussy from behind. The slapping sounds getting louder. His hand skates up her back and into the roots at the nape of her neck, uses the grip to pull her up. Her back and his chest flush while he continues thrusting into her at breakneck speed. Licks up her neck and then presses his lips against her ear.
“Taking my cock so fucking well,” he grunts out between moans. “Filthy little whore.”
“Fuck me…” she babbles, almost incoherent with the pleasure flooding her senses. From this angle, Billy’s cock is repeatedly pumping against her g-spot. He maneuvers his hand to her pussy, rubs her clit in messy, quick circles and in quick time, Pamela’s falling apart. Orgasm rushing though her. Another too loud moan falling from her lips and Billy pushes her down, mouth into his pillow as he thrusts his cock harder and faster. Pillow masking her shrill moans.
Billy pulls out, flips Pamela over and gets his hand back on his cock, jerks it quick and hard until he spills hot white spunk all over her stomach. He leans over and uses something— she thinks it might be a dirty shirt— to clean her up. Then everything kind of goes black.
Pamela awakens from the sound of a door slamming shut. Her eyes blink slowly and she’s met with… Billy’s room. She turns over, sees her step brother snoring peacefully beside her. Then she looks down, pulls the covers up and observes her worst fears have come true. She and Billy are both naked under the blankets.
“Fuck,” she curses, a sharp pain hitting the back of her head. She got way too drunk. This is not good. Not good at all. She jumps out of the bed, slips her red dress over her body and opens his bedroom door. Peeks out and sees no one. Looks towards the front door and sees that Neil’s shoes are gone. He’d just left for work. Pamela’s stomach curls something wicked so she rushes to the bathroom. Barely makes it to the toilet, lifting up the seat and hurling into it. Contents of last night's bad decisions filling the porcelain.
Pamela skips school that day, relieved that Billy doesn’t.
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seattlesellie · 2 years ago
Abby with a gf who sleeps with plushies hcs? I can see her giving them death stares and shit talking them when gf isn't looking lol
omg i love this one so much! i had to sneak an nsfw one…
also i for some reason see ellie being more of a plushie hater and she was kind of on my mind so i hope this didnt come off as ellie coded rather than abby coded but i tried 😭
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♡ imagine just laying on top of your bed with abby, your head on her chest while watching a cheesy romcom <3 ur so comfortable and warm, almost falling asleep on top of her. ur literally in ur happy place just focusing on feeling her soft breaths tickling your hair. all of a sudden, abby starts breathing heavier and heavier and her leg just jumps in anger and youre like wtf abs????
♡ “your stupid fucking dolls” she whines and huffs and you realize shes quite literally surrounded, circled, by about 6 plushies all around her. 2 laying on her head, 3 on the side of the bed being squished on the wall by her figure, and one just fully squished under her ass (u have absolutely no idea how that one even got there.) “theyre not dolls abby theyre my plushies and you better put some respect on their name” you tell her and she gives you this look like why is my girlfriend the weirdest person in the world. then she just side eyes, like fully side eyes, giving one of ur plushies the dirtiest look and elbows it???? 😭 “abby!!!” you whine at her and hit your hand on her chest. “theyre taking up my space!” she responds, like a literal big baby and ur like “dont elbow richard!!!” and she just blows out her eyes “they have names???” “screw you richard” and u immediately grab richard and give him a kiss and shes gasps like “what the hell?” bc who the fuck is richard and why are you giving HIM a kiss and not HER
♡ then ur like “woah… abs… did you just get jealous?” because you know just that look so well and she just huffs “pft no” and states at the ceiling all offended and you decide to make a show out of it bc big jealous baby abby is your favorite kind of abby so you give your plushy even more kisses just to spite her and shes all shocked looking like she just caught you cheating and just tells you “youre insane for that”, takes richard, throws him on the floor with such force and starts giving your face little kisses and whispers “mine mine mine mine” and you just let out these inhumane giggles, borderline screeching bc richards face somehow landed with his eyes directly towards you like *O*
♡ one morning after waking up with abby, u make ur bed while shes sipping on her coffee just staring at u (she loves looking at u doing domestic shit bc it makes her want to bend u over). n every time u make ur bed u make sure to organize all the plushies in the right places (duh they need to stand like soldiers bc they all have their own cliques bc some of them are beefing) you puffed out your pillows all nicely and as soon as you grab one of the plushies off of the floor to put it on your bed abby decides to just grab it and throw it on the floor. literally just robotically throws it on the floor. you dont say anything or even react, just roll your eyes to yourself bc she decided to fuck with you and its 8am and you do NOT have the energy. you grab it off the floor again, put it in its place, and as soon as you go and grab the second plushie, she does it AGAIN. just takes it - and throws it on the floor. you just give her this deadpanned look and shes like “what?” while taking another sip. “abby” you warn, and she just raises her brows like what did i do? 🤨 “stop that” you tell her and go grab it AGAIN. this time she lets it slide and doesnt do anything. u slowly and hesitantly tip toe and go pick up the second plushie, relieved she didnt throw it again, and then - she kicks it from you, picks you up so easily while youre squealing “abby let me go!!!” and she places you on your pillow and says “my plushie, hm?” and ur heart sort of melts and ur kind of a puddle now but u have to make the bed and shes not letting you for like 25 whole minutes
♡ one time, you have manny and her in your apartment to just hang out together. since these 2 are literally always hungry they basically beg you to make them something to eat (usually abby would never tell u to cook, since she loves doing it for you) but she was so tired and had to entertain manny bc if hes left alone for 5 seconds he turns into a 4 year old. so u go and make them some pasta while they chill in the living room. when u come back with their plates (and yours) you literally catch them playing some weird ass version of football with one of your fucking plushies. literally one of them is being thrown around the living room like a balloon from one side to the other and youre so shocked. youre standing there with the plates and immediately put them down on the table and try pushing abby away and shes like “what??? im playing with your dolls” and you start banging on her chest “they. are not. my dolls!!!!!” and she just melts bc ur so cute in ur apron and ur literally almost crying and she just coos at you “im sorry sweetheart im so sorry” but she cant help but laugh and manny’s literally cracking up on the floor
♡ btw. she gets brutual when she fucks u in ur room. you being you, you always insist on turning your plushies around to not face you (because they should not be watching their mom getting raw dogged and thrown around like a literal rag doll on their own bed) and one time while abbys fucking you and youre on all fours she just grabs one of them. and turns it to face you. “ab- abby- no” youre whimpering while getting your insides destroyed and she pants over you “yes abby- yes” mocking you and laughing in your ear forcing you to make direct eye contact with her sworn enemy, richard himself.
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d3f3n3str4t10n · 2 months ago
New Year, New Update!
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I hope y'all had a good New Year's feast. Ashley certainly has! We'll be eating too, it seems, thanks to this new update!
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Firstly, the least exciting thing to someone that's already bought the game: Due to steam pricing jank, they're extending and increasing the discounts for now up until the game's price increases with the release of Episode 3A. Cool!
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Next are some words typed straight from Nemlei's hands themselves, describing how working on the game has been like for the past year, and another content comparison between episodes. It's really weird to see it laid out in plain numbers like this, but it does a good job showing the scale of 3a! And they're not even done yet! It's good to hear that the team has gotten into the groove of things, now that all the development issues we saw lined out during the devlogs have been taken care of. Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer! Now onto the REAL good stuff...
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First, we see a pretty familiar corridor. The same one what Andrew confronted Ashley in, during the dream sequence that leads to Episode 3A's beginning. Fortunately however, at least according to Ashley, everything seems to be resolved. I'm honestly a little surprised that they'd share something so... blatant, like this, but maybe that's the trick. We only have Ashley's very untrustworthy words to go off of here, of course.
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Next, we see a short reunion. One of Andrew's friends is back! It's unclear whether this is during the present day, or sometime before quarantine, however. Given Andrew's insistence that they drop all contact with anyone they knew during Chapter 1, I'd imagine that if this IS in the present day, Andrew isn't too happy about it. Probably NOT why he's throwing up, though. Either way, he still considers him a friend, so that's nice to see!
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And lastly... a video!! Hell yeah! This one shows us the full context for a previous screenshot we saw in one of the devlogs. The video begins with a CG of a VHS rewinding. Whether or not it's meant to be something dietetic or not, it makes it clear that this is meant to be a flashback. We see Friend B and Andrew chatting in their highschool class after the bell has rung. Friend B offers to go to some non-descript event with Andrew, but he can't, because he has work. During this conversation, Ashley barges in, furious that some clique of girls is preventing her from getting a drink.
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We then see the CG from the devlog, as well as Andrew's reaction. He tells her to just go with Julia, to then Ashley says they aren't talking at the moment. Something that I don't doubt happened quite a lot, in their "friendship."
On their way to the vending machine so Andrew can sort out the situation... somehow, Andrew realizes he left his notebook back in the classroom and goes back to get it. On his way, he overhears an interesting conversation...
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Some guy, presumably an acquaintance or classmate of Friend B, starts talking with them. He calls Andrew a "fucking sissy", and mistakes Ashley as his girlfriend. Again, probably happens a lot. Friend B sticks up for Andrew throughout the conversation, calling out how rude the Douchebag is being to Andrew and how creepy his not-so-subtle suggestions to get with Ashley are. Friend B claims Ashley has "A few screws loose" which may be why he thinks she's so clingy, and why Andrew goes along with it. Because, why would he go along with it, if there wasn't some reason, right? Siblings aren't just LIKE that. The further the Douchebag seems to push it, the more Friend B tells him to knock it off.
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Andrew is, at first, confused by the situation, not really understanding what the big deal is. Of course they're close, they're siblings. He has to look out for her, with all the bullies in this school, apparently.
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His confusion quickly turns to anger, and he starts to work up the motivation to tell the douchebag off... but he doesn't. The narration then lets us in on another side of Andrew's thought process.
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This is the start of Andrew's Denial. This is most likely before the "rumors" Julia brings up begin, perhaps they were even started by this Douchebag. Andrew is finally starting to realize how odd his and Ashley's relationship is. When they were kids, it could be excused and defended by adults as just, them being kids... but they're in High school now. That excuse isn't going to cut it anymore. Andrew though, still doesn't see anything wrong with it. They've been this way forever, and they're fine with it, so why does anyone else care? What's so weird about it? A very well written scene, if you ask me.
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Oh, Also there's a Q&A! Check out the steam post to participate! My question was about what Nemlei thinks Andrew and Ashley sound like. Not very creative but eh. Happy New Year, everyone!
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jburrgf · 5 months ago
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Prudence Girl.
We could stay alone, you and me and this temptation, sipping on your lips hanging on by thread.
pairing: joe burrow lsu x reader (becoming enemies to lovers)
summary: after a year at LSU, your best friend finally convinces you apply to be a prudence girl.
description: college life, frat party, kiss
It was a relief to be far from home. From Ohio in general.
Now, I have to put up with my best friend, Tracy Evans, rambling about the fraternity and sorority homecoming at LSU and how much she’d love to be part of Prudence.
Prudence, by the way, is a sorority mostly run by a clique of cheerleaders. They all live in a huge house, practically Republican HQ, where they throw parties almost every week.
I find it cosmic and weird that the name is also a condom brand. But hey, no judgments here.
“We have to go, y/n.” Tracy grabs my shoulders, shaking them. “We can’t miss this!”
“Freshmen can’t miss it, and we’re not freshmen,” I say, winking at her. “At least, not technically. I still feel like one, tho.”
Tracy rolls her green eyes. “That’s where you’re wrong, y/n. It’s not just freshmen who can’t skip out. Prudence pledges can’t either.”
“And why does that matter to us?” I ask, frowning.
“Because, my dear, if we pass tonight’s initiation, we’ll be Prudence pledges,” she says, winking as my jaw slowly drops. “I signed us both up.”
“You what?” I get up from my chair, furious. “If you want to be a Prudence Girl, Tracy, go ahead, but don’t drag me into it!”
Tracy rolls her eyes again. “Don’t be dramatic,” she says, stroking my cheek. “You don’t have to go through initiation if you don’t want to, or even join Prudence. I just want your company, you know, moral support and stuff.”
With her puppy-dog eyes on me, it was impossible to refuse. Sighing heavily, I nodded.
“You owe me, Tracy Evans!” I growl, grabbing my black jacket and throwing it over a white T-shirt that says, “Don’t look at my tits, perv” as I leave the room.
I walked across the dorm with a scowl on my face. Sure, it’s good to be away from home, but it’s not like Cincinatti is a paradise. It’s not even close.
“Hey, y/LN!” I turned my head to the left, where Alyssa Powell was calling me. “Love the shirt.”
I roll my eyes with a faint smile. “What’s up, Powell?”
Me and Alyssa knew each other from the hallways of LSU. She wasn't like a friend of mine, but she was cool to talk to.
“I need ya’ help, y/n,” she says, biting her lip. “You know I don’t get along with Abby Griffin, right?”
“I think the whole campus knows, after she grabbed the principal’s megaphone and announced she’d make your life hell.” Aly grins at the memory. “Go on.”
“I need a reason to stay in Prudence,” she continues. “And a great reason would be to mentor a pledge during initiation. And I saw your name on the list…”
Oh, no.
“Aly… Look, you’re awesome, smart, funny…extraordinary!” Aly smiles, blushing. “But no way.”
“Why not?” She pouts. Oh boy, here come the sad faces again.
“Because I have zero interest in being part of Prudence,” I reply, tucking a strand of curls behind her ear. “Mentor Tracy. She really wants to join you guys.”
Aly sighs. “She already has a mentor,” she says, her voice pleading. “Abby made sure every pledge had one before I could even consider it. I’m surprised you don’t have one yet.”
“Oh, that’s simple. I hate every Prudence Girl,” I say, shrugging. “Including you. But I hate you with love, you know?”
I watch Alyssa laugh, throwing her head back.
“Y/n, look, I wouldn’t be here begging if it wasn’t important,” she says, grabbing my hands. “My mom graduated as a Prudence Girl, so did my aunt, and my older sister. It’s a family thing, you know? I can’t screw it up just because the leader hates me for sleeping with Joe.”
“Wait, what?”
I had no idea about it. Fresh gossip, I guess?
Joe Burrow was the new sensation on campus for the last six months. He was QB1 from the LSU Tigers and didn't lose any games in the regular season — at least not until now. I didn't know that guy very well, and honestly, I like it that way. I'm not into jocks, especially the ones with massive egos.
“Yeah. She doesn’t like me because I hooked up with her boyfriend once, that’s all,” she says, shrugging. “Please, y/n…”
I stare into her brown eyes, at her wild curls and clothes far too bold for a university.
“Okay. On one condition,” I say, watching her smile grow wider and wider.
“I want a room with Tracy, just the two of us. That, or no deal!” I cross my arms.
When I return to my dorm, Tracy is there, jumping around to an ‘80s song, dressed in pink leggings, a black crop top, leg warmers, and a headband holding back her blonde hair. She looked ridiculous. Ridiculously beautiful.
“What the hell are you doing, Evans?” I ask, climbing the bunk bed ladder. If joining Prudence means having my own bed on the floor, it might be worth it.
“Aerobics,” she says, smiling. “I do it every day after class for two hours. It’s exhausting, but it works.”.
“You should try it.”
“No thanks. I prefer my soft butt,” I say sarcastically. “Oh, by the way, I’m doing the initiation and becoming a Prudence Girl.”
“What? Why?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be happy?” I frown.
“I am, of course I am,” she smiles. “But why? You were so set against it this morning.”
I sigh. “Alyssa Powell asked me,” I shrug. “If she’s not my mentor, Abby Griffin will kick her out of Prudence.”
.“Remind me to thank her later.”
I lay back on my pillow, thinking about what it would be like to share a house with dozens of girls. Rent is $100, slightly less than the dorm, but that’s not reason enough to join a sorority.
“How does this initiation work, anyway?” I ask.
“It’s really simple, almost childish,” she says, rolling her eyes. “The guys eat or drink something, then kiss us. If we guess what it was, we’re in.”
“Seriously? That’s it?”
“Almost childish, like I said,” she grins.
Then it hits me. “Wait! Guys? What guys?”
“What other guys, silly? Prudence Girls kiss Prudence Boys,” Tracy bites her lip. “I can’t wait to kiss one of them.”
I rub my face with both hands, already regretting agreeing to this mess.
“I bet you can’t.”
Prudence House was packed, full of students. Nobody cared that it was the initiation for the new Prudence pledges because it was one of the most anticipated parties of the year—alongside the Prudence fraternity’s homecoming, the Kappa farewell, and the random Acacia parties, all of them Republican houses.
Tracy made me wear one of her dresses, shorter and tighter than I had imagined. My best friend did my makeup and hair, not because I can’t get ready on my own, but because I take forever doing it.
In just an hour, I was perfectly ready, waiting for the campus lights to go out and the pink lights of the Prudence sorority, in the back street, to take over. The house was ridiculously large—after all, it housed almost thirty girls—with many rooms, many bathrooms, and a huge party hall. It was in this hall that I stopped to observe the beige walls.
“Stop looking at things like that, you look like a child,” Tracy murmured, elbowing me.
“Sorry, mom,” I teased, hiding a smile. “This place feels like a museum.”
Tracy didn’t respond, maybe because she agreed or maybe because Abby Griffin was making her way toward us, looking determined.
Abby Griffin was the type of girl with queen bee energy. And she really was, technically. For the past two years, she was the “Prudence Queen”. I never knew how we became friends — actually, I didn’t even have the idea that she knew who I was.
“Y/n y/ln, I presume,” she said, eyeing me with superiority. “Alyssa’s new recruit.”
“In the flesh,” I smiled at her.
“The initiation will start shortly, in the backyard. If you're late, you’re out.” I could see in her eyes she wanted to add "along with Alyssa," but she held back.
“We’ll be there.”
Tracy squeezed my hand and pulled me outside in a matter of seconds, making me roll my eyes dramatically.
When we arrived outside, a line of women stretched across the lawn, their nervous and anxious faces clearly marking them as potential pledges. Everything would depend on a stupid kiss from a guy.
Alyssa found me when I got to the end of the line; including Tracy and me, there were twelve of us, the maximum number allowed per semester. Aly smiled and held my hands.
“Your room is already reserved,” she whispered. Aly glanced around, checking the area before leaning in to whisper, “Coffee candy and mint gum.” To disguise her words, Aly gave me a quick peck. “See you later, Prudence Girl.”
I held back the urge to groan that "Prudence Girl" and "Prudence Boy" sounded like names for a girl group and boy band—and they also actively reminded me of condoms, of course. I could make that joke later, after surviving the initiation just because a fling had kindly asked me to.
Tracy watched us with a smile; a nod from her confirmed she had heard what Aly said.
I would call this cheating if I cared about this whole mess.
“Welcome, everyone—brothers, sisters, pledges, and nosy students,” Abby Griffin began, silencing the crowd. “Tonight, we’ll be welcoming our new sisters—those who, of course, pass the initiation.”
Tracy squeezed my hand. Sneaky little thing.
“The initiation is as follows: we have a dozen Prudence Boys here, but you won’t see them until after you've kissed them.” At that, each mentor handed their pledge a black blindfold and placed it over our eyes. “Each guy has tasted something different—maybe a strawberry, maybe whipped cream, maybe vodka... Your job, during the kiss, is to figure out what was in his mouth before he kissed you. Good luck.”
Apparently, a line of twelve boys stood in front of us, aligned like we were. But we wouldn’t be kissed all at once.
I had to endure the sounds of sloppy kisses for several long minutes, along with guesses of foods or drinks—all of them correct.
Tracy squeezed my hand one last time before letting go.
It was her turn.
More kissing sounds, longer than usual. I rolled my eyes beneath the blindfold.
“Coffee candy!” Tracy shouted, earning applause and cheers.
Now it was my turn.
I felt the approach of someone who smelled of cheap cologne and sweat, and I automatically grimaced. This was clearly Abby’s doing.
But before the guy could mess up my night, a voice stopped him.
“Step aside, Oliver.” The body heat from the boy faded as he stepped away, and someone else approached. This one smelled of Dior Savage and coconut shampoo, and I honestly like it more. “She deserves someone better.”
“And you’re that someone better, Burrow?” Oliver, I assumed, yelled.
There was no response. Instead, soft lips covered mine, kissing me gently, while a hand slid to my neck, holding me in place, at his mercy.
An overwhelming sense of déjà vu hit me.
But his mouth didn’t taste like mint gum. Oliver surely would have, but this intruder had interfered.
I didn’t know whether to thank him for sparing me from the sweaty guy or curse him for confusing my mind.
I was still being kissed. His lips pressed lovingly against mine, and at the end of that affectionate wildness, three soft pecks were left as his hand released my neck.
Oh, crap. Crap, crap, crap.
The once-noisy crowd had gone completely silent. Not a single person was saying anything.
Nothing. Not even a whisper.
I focused on the taste left in my mouth, where his tongue had roamed freely.
“What the hell was that, Burrow?” Abby yelled, probably storming toward us.
I didn’t dare remove my blindfold, afraid of what I’d see. Of who I’d see.
“You weren’t supposed to kiss her!” Abby continued.
Someone leaned toward me, and from the scent, it was him again.
“Do you have a boyfriend, darling?” he asked with the sweetest voice he could do it.
“Then yes, I can kiss you.” I pressed my lips together as they argued.
“No, you can’t! You took Olly’s place!” Abby shouted back.
I cleared my throat, embarrassed.
“Chocolate,” I suddenly said, silencing them. “You ate chocolate before...”
A soft gasp escaped the boy, low and pleading, before his mouth claimed mine again.
Oh my God...
“Joseph Burrow!” Abby shrieked, furious, while the boy ignored her completely, more interested in caressing my lips with his own.
Damn, this feels so good!
A strand of my hair was tucked behind my ear as my lips were reluctantly released.
“Congratulations, Ohio girl. You’re a Prudence Girl now.”
I felt like I could faint at any moment, but I didn’t remove the blindfold, because I knew who I’d see if I did, and I wasn’t ready for that.
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classic80sand90smovieloves2 · 3 months ago
Being friends with Martha and Veronica would include~
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(My very low effort gif/ I legitimately don't think there are any gifs of Martha on tumblr)(Requested by anonymous)
- The most beautiful and heartbreaking thing about becoming Martha's friend is that, no matter how many times she's been burned before, she still accepts your offer of friendship as though those terrible moments never happened. She welcomes you with open arms, immediately trying her absolute hardest to make you happy and comfortable; to ensure that you stick around and don't up and leave her like everyone else.
- The worst part is that she wouldn't even hold it against you if you did: she'd give you a smile and insist that she understood, that she knew people ended up ostracized for being in her company and that she'd hate for it to happen to you.
- But because people tend to avoid her; in fear of the aforementioned ostracization, you'll probably have to be the one to approach her yourself. Although, if you're on the shyer side; and want to befriend the two of them after the whole JD debacle, you'll be relieved to find that Veronica is willing to do the job for you.
- You'll all probably meet in some random corner of the school corridors or the cafeteria, asking to sit with each other and not caring about what any of the other cliques in your school have to say about it. Your first meeting might only last a couple of minutes, but it really doesn't matter. By the end of the day, the three of you are already beginning to form the most genuine friendship in the entire school, one that will only get better the more time you spend with each other.
- Martha really blossoms when she's given the opportunity to: like when you put a dying plant in new soil. She's dorky and sweet, and she never fails to make you laugh or feel better whenever you're feeling down. She's not afraid to be silly with you and it makes hanging out with her incredibly fun.
- She's also incredibly considerate. She'll give you the shirt off her back if you need it, and she'll never forget to carry an extra pencil or book or snack. She'll remember important dates for you: things like your birthday, or the day of your recital, and she'll never fail to show up and show her support.
- Doing almost everything together. After years of having nonexistent or fake friends, the three of you really like to make memories and do all of the stereotypical teenage girl things that you feel like you missed out on. You go to different places together, have sleepovers, spend holidays with each other, drive home after school together, etc. All of your houses slowly start to become each others homes away from home.
- Having designated seats at the lunch table or on the bleachers, or really just wherever the three of you go. You sort of just fall into place the same way every time.
- Hiding out in different parts of school whenever you really don't feel like entertaining high school stupidity. Both Martha and Veronica know all of the perfect places to avoid social interaction, and in a school as crazy as yours, that's very important information.
- You all usually walk to class together: walking to Martha's class first, then to yours, then Veronica to hers. You both look out for Martha, and Veronica looks out for you and herself: she's a lot more confident and uncaring about everything around you so most of the time she really just looks out for anything that might phase you.
- Comforting and being there for each other. High schools hard, and the three of you know that more than anyone else. So whether it's cutting class, or sitting in the school bathroom for all of lunch, or waking up to a phone call at three am, one of you is always there for the other. Screw the rest of the world, you have each other, and nothing else matters.
- Veronica's house is usually your main hangout spot. Her parents are probably a little confused by the very abrupt change of friends, but they're fairly clueless and still very happy to welcome you in.
Movie nights, complete with popcorn and junk food. You all go to the rental store after school on Fridays or during holidays, and the each of you pick one out, teasing each other over your selections and laughing over their descriptions.
- Having picnics. You usually have them in Veronicas backyard: fetching snacks from inside, doing your homework, and occasionally playing croquet; though she might hate the game after her time with the Heathers.
- Lounging around your bedrooms, doing each others makeup, watching television or listening to albums, snacking, chatting, and just plain laughing with each other.
- Going shopping. Martha and Veronica both have very distinct fashion styles, and both of them are very vastly different, so you always go to a bunch of different stores and help each other decide on things.
- Going to the record store. You guys have a collection of new albums that you go to each others houses to listen to. You take turns buying the newest releases and letting whoever likes it best take it home; it helps you not completely drain all of your savings.
- Martha loves taking polaroid's of the three of you. She's very sentimental and she likes having keepsakes of all of your fondest memories.
- Helping set Martha up with a genuinely nice guy who will actually care for her. I think it's kind of obvious that she wants a boyfriend, but she's not always willing to go out and look for it; especially after years of ruthless bullying, so you and Veronica put in the work for her.
- Showing Martha that people will like her, genuinely like her, and that everything that was said or done to her was complete and utter bullshit. Once you get to know her, you'll find that she's a genuinely lovely person, and you'll spend the rest of your friendship convincing her of that fact.
- Even when Veronica was "friends" with the Heathers, she desperately wanted to have a real friendship; sort of like the one she had with Betty when she was younger. So she's really happy that she was able to find it with you and Martha, and she tries her hardest to repent for her past social hierarchy sins: doing her best to make sure that you and Martha never fall for any of the mean pranks or petty tricks that popular people like to pull.
- Overall, it's simply the greatest friend group you'll ever have.
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lithiumfae · 2 years ago
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✰ Charlie From The Cinema Club ✰
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i don’t give any description of reader other than her being a woman, i just added this pic because he looks like such a little loser in it 😭 enjoy <3. the smut felt kinda rushed, sorry :( hoping to hear feedback i’m nervous!!!!!
tags: friends to lovers, ooc robbie??????, sub coded charlie, smut, oral sex.
cw: charlie being kind of a 🚩 (he’s like a crazy obsessed bf), all in all alarming behavior if he were to be a real person. so if you’re uncomfortable w that don’t read <3 it’s nothing too bad though don’t worry, just feel like i needed to say that.
💫 — @quicksilversg1rl @roryculkinsgf @doddernix @milsthouqhts
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The cliche of being the new girl came with all that one could expect; the questioning glances from curious people couldn’t wait to see if their first impression was indeed accurate, along with the rumors about the “real” reason she moved towns, and of course which clique was going to take her in.
The cinema club was always looking for new members but the old members tried to steer clear from engaging with anyone that seemed like they had the potential to screw things up. For various reasons but mainly because even though they were a level under the glee club, they were quite selective. Not just anyone was allowed to enter their carefully crafted ecosystem.
Voice traveled fast after she arrived at Woodsboro. The news reaches Charlie’s ears a few days before the school year started. Robbie acting as more of a member of the gossip club also known as the cheerleaders than the cinema club, called him an uneventful Tuesday night.
“Fresh meat,” he said.
Immediately Charlie wanted to laugh. Robbie tended to pretend like he was an expert when it came to women, like he knew how to get girls when that couldn’t be furthest from reality.
“Fresh meat,” Charlie mocked him, making his voice sound nasally. “It’s a girl man, she’s not gonna be too interested in whatever it is you’re trying to do.”
“What? Like you’re a fucking pussy magnet or something.”
“At least I don’t try and fail to get some,” the bickering continued.
Robbie insulted him some more before sighing.
English class.
Having been sentenced by his undying love for Kirby to sit in front of her for years, he found himself yet again listening to her flirting with God knows who via phone call. Jill sat next to him, smiling at her and wiggling her eyebrows to match Kirby's smirk.
He was in the middle of letting out the most eye watering yawn of his life when he felt Jill slap his arm to get his attention.
“What is he doing?”
Robbie being the he in question.
Apparently he was indeed planning on getting with the new girl, if it wasn’t obvious by the way he managed to be the first one to help her find the only fucking classroom with a red door. The little fucker. He hadn’t mentioned the new girl looking like someone dragged her straight out of a fucking– vogue or whatever magazine that’s got the pretty girls on their pages.
They locked eyes and Robbie lifted one hand pointing at Charlie.
“Yo, move.”
What the fuck?
Was their friendship lacking that solid base that made Robbie willing to kick him to the curb just to impress a pretty girl?
“I can just sit in the back…”
“No it’s okay. I’ll take Robbie’s seat,” because fuck him really. He moved his things feeling a bit jittery knowing she was looking at him while he gathered everything.
After a couple weeks of sticking to her like a piece of chewed up gum, Robbie had somehow managed to convince her to join the Cinema Club. It took a lot of begging on his part and Charlie was sure she accepted out of pure pity. Whatever the reason was, now he saw her in class and at club meetings.
Even though Charlie thought Robbie’s approach was rather pathetic, honestly the guy was trying too hard, he couldn’t help but put a little more effort in his looks when he knew her eyes were going to be on him.
One day as they waited for the others to fill the room she asked him, “did you put something on it?” As she looked at his hair.
“Uh– This– yeah! I saw this video of a dude putting like, mousse or something,” he responded. “He said it helped with curls… made them fluffy… yeah.”
“Looks bouncy,” and oh god, he could have died at that very moment.
He cleared his throat trying to ignore the few seconds of silence. She smiled and added, “Do you like your hair long? I noticed Robbie keeps it really short.”
“Yeah he’s lazy like that,” he smiled too when he heard her laugh.
Charlie saw her stand up and start walking to the desk he was resting against. “Can I ask you a favor?”
She grabbed the bag on her shoulder and reached inside it pulling out a piece of paper. “Robbie gave me a list of movies to watch so I wouldn’t be lost when you guys talked about them,” she paused. “But I don’t know where to find them so I was wondering if you could help me with that. I don’t want to ask Robbie in case he gets the wrong idea since we spend so much time together already.”
“Umm, yeah, yeah. I can do that,” he would be a fucking fool if he rejected such an opportunity. He reached a hand to get her to pass him the list, “I think I have most of these at home…” he could feel her gaze on the side of his face. “I could, bring them tomorr– or you could go back to my place after school to pick them up,” she didn’t respond immediately and he realized what it had sounded like. “Not like that! Just– you know…”
“No I know, you’re not Robbie,” and she giggled, fucking giggled. She was teasing him. “Okay Charlie, wait for me after school then.”
She looked out of place in his room.
Like if someone was playing house with only one Barbie and the rest of the things in his room were all from the Transformers universe. Not that Charlie was even slightly similar to Optimus Prime, he resembled a littlest pet shop figurine. If he were to be honest with himself.
“Sit anywhere,” Charlie suggested feeling jittery. She walked to his bed and sat down as she watched him rummage through the pile by his speakers.
He wanted to curl into a little ball and squeal because of how he could feel her gaze burning into his back muscles.
Charlie heard his bed squeak when she moved to find a more comfortable position. “Have you watched all those movies?” She asked, pointing in his direction.
“The ones here,” he patted the pile he was taking CDs from. “The ones I haven’t, are here,” he pointed to the other pile to the right.
“How many movies have you watched?”
“Like, ever?” She nodded. “I don’t know, like, around two hundred? I think?”
“That’s crazy Charlie, Robbie said he’s watched like a thousand.”
Well fuck Robbie.
He forced a laugh, “to be fair Robbie’s got like, a problem or something. I mean, a thousand really?”
As she stood up from the bed she replied, “I’m so relieved you have the movies I need,” and Charlie felt like exploding all over the room when she kneeled beside him on the floor. “I don’t want to be out of the loop,” she smelled like fucking flowers and… sex? No. Too raunchy of a word for a girl like her. Flowers and something alluring. Fucking pheromones.
‘s gotta be.
He was brought back from the brief mind fog he was experiencing when he heard her murmur a “mhm?”
Charlie stared at her with his mouth open for a second, “I’m sorry?”
“Can you hurry? I need to go home in a minute” she smiled. “Sorry.”
“‘s cool,” he reached to the side to grab a random tote bag he could find. “Strict parents?”
“Kinda yeah. I mean it’s only me and my dad so he’s super protective of me.” She moved to help him put the CDs and tapes in the bag, “especially around this time of year when it gets dark early.”
“Lots of creeps hanging around,” he teased her. “I’m joking, probably just Robbie live streaming again. Though I’m not sure what’s worse, a murderer or Robbie.”
She hit his arm while smiling, “he’s not that bad.” She paused. “He’s very nice to me, not creepy at all. He's just… you know, a teenage boy I guess.”
“And so are you,” she said as she looked him in the eyes.
A beat of silence. “… and so am I,” he quickly stood up and clapped once. “A teenage boy that will walk you home if you want him to, though.”
Her hand lifted in the air inviting Charlie to help her stand up. “Okay,” she smiled again.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
He had never been totally normal in the head, never quite correctly wired.
When he was four he had a stuffed whale he took everywhere with him. They ate breakfast together, it sat on the sink while his mom gave him a bath. He was so attached to it that when the stuffed animal needed to be washed, Charlie cried until his mom let him skip school so he could sit in front of the washing machine and wait for it to be done.
That would serve as a taste of the type of person he would become in the future. Now a senior in high school the only fitting transition from his stuffed whale to a more grown up fixation had to be the girl who was everything he wanted in a woman.
She was gorgeous and she seemed to enjoy spending time with him.
Ever since the day he walked her home Charlie felt on edge. No reasonable explanation to make him feel such an emotion other than the mutual mention they shared every time they had a conversation.
One of his redeeming qualities was his ability to know when the delusions were clouding his judgment. Being self aware comes in handy when one happens to be a social reject. So he knew he wasn’t making it up, he wasn’t imagining it. He wasn’t imagining the way she would let her fingers fiddle with the collar of his shirt as if it was an unconscious action, or how she had wiped a stray eyelash off his face.
The signs were there.
The doubt made its appearance when he asked himself if she was doing it because she did in fact find him attractive or if all the attention she gave him was part of some big plan to humiliate him. After all, he had fallen victim to something similar in the past.
He would set himself on fire if a pretty girl asked him to so he had to be careful.
It was exciting to think she could actually be interested in him. And maybe it was a long shot but fuck, if it didn’t feel good to hope for the best.
If he were to expand on the self aware side of his personality, he would be forced to admit he was quite the obsessive guy. He liked Kirby for years on end, nothing she did or said to him could make him kill his undying love for her. He used to lay in bed and imagine what perfume she liked to wear the most, he would fantasize about how soft her lips would feel against his. He knew what she loved and hated. She liked her hair short and neat, she liked making fun of scary movies and she specially sporty guys with a tan. In short, she hated everything Charlie was so he never bothered.
But he would really fucking love it if this time around things played out differently.
She was not Kirby.
She didn’t make him feel like a tiny ratty chihuahua begging his master for attention. She seemed him out. She asked him questions about whatever shitty movie Robbie told her to watch.
One could think someone treating him like a human and not a bed bug would make him finally snap out of it, that he would stop acting so needy. On the contrary, this girl seemed to have revitalized his psycho tendencies with a spark fueled by pungent desperation.
After about two weeks of befriending her he had started dreaming about her, not wet dreams, he wouldn’t even think about disrespecting her in that way. But every night before going to bed he gets under the covers with a smile plastered on his otherwise blank face, eager to indulge in the mostly harmless pleasure that is to escape to dreamland to experience what he desires the most.
He saw himself doing mundane things.
He takes her to get her done, then they go buy food to have a picnic. They sit on a blanket as they eat fruit, he looks down at her knees and he sees her pants stained green by the grass that surrounds them. They laugh and they kiss, they giggle in each others arms
Some nights he dreams of her running her hands through his hair, he feels the warmth of her fingers on his scalp. In his dreams he doesn’t fear waking up and forgetting what everything felt like, he can allow himself that small pleasure. In his dreams he writes a letter and he reads it to her. When he wakes up he wishes humans were capable of reading while dreaming that way he could replicate said letter. Maybe the words written down contain the key to make her love him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Word travels fast, but it travels even faster when you have a camera surgically attached to your temple.
The entire day, Robbie had been acting weird, and staring at Charlie, whenever the latter opened his mouth. And because Charlie is a bit of an empath himself, he instantly knew his infatuation had been noticed by his best friend.
“Fuck is wrong with you man,” Robbie confronted him.
Ever the coward, Charlie moved to the side trying to walk closer to the classroom door.
“Dude we’re gonna be late.”
There’s not gonna be a club if I kill you right now,” Robbie looked down at him. “Let 's talk.”
“Talk about what?” Asked Charlie, choosing to play dumb.
Robbie furrowed his eyebrows and snorted before looking around in disbelief. “Well I don’t know, maybe we should talk about how you’re trying to steal my girl.”
“What girl Robbie?”
“You knew, you fucking knew about it. I called dibs.”
Now it was Charlie’s turn to snort, “dude. How old are we? Five?” He paused. “She just– I don’t know, she’s fun and she doesn’t look like she wants to die when I talk to her. What was I supposed to do?”
“You’ve liked Kirby for years! Why the change?”
“Robbie it’s not that serious, lower your voice,” people were starting to stare. He saw a couple of girls stop by a locker clearly pretending to look for something just to eavesdrop. “It’s not like she’s with you right now…”
The other boys, through his hands in the air, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“That I didn’t like– steal her from you or anything,” he grabbed Robbie’s shoulder and smiled. “Maybe I’m just her type man, nothing wrong with you,” he tried to make the joke land but as his friend blinked at him a beat slower that usual he felt a bit more anxious.
“You weren’t Kirby’s type and you’re her type?”
“…Robbie I was joking,” said Charlie with an awkward laugh. His eyes darted around taking notice of the increasing number of people around them.
“Well I’m not fucking joking,” he got closer to his face. “Stay away, I’m being serious.”
So Charlie was left to deal with the stares and the scratchy throat he got every time he felt embarrassed or humiliated.
The encounter was brief but it left him buzzing the rest of the day, people briefly glanced at him with a little smile on their faces as if they knew something he didn’t. As if he wasn’t present when it all went down.
And honestly fuck Robbie for feeling so fucking entitled. What if he liked her knowing Robbie wanted to get with her too? Out of everyone that lived in Woodsboro the one that was the most deserving of having her was Charlie. Nobody else had taken the time to memorize shit about her. They don’t know anything about her.
Charlie does.
In record time he had learned more about her than anyone in her life, that he was sure of. Because Charlie took people seriously.
So who did Robbie think he was?
All his life he had to settle for the bare minimum when it came to girls and the amount of attention they let him enjoy. Even fucking Jill, the only ever girlfriend he’s ever had, kept him as a secret because she was probably embarrassed to be seen with Charlie from the cinema club. In the past after their breakup, he dealt with a lot of anger whenever he started thinking about their relationship. He would wonder how big of a loser Jill thought him to be if she was comfortable letting him interact with Kirby even after knowing that for years he harbored a crush for her. It’s like she knew there was not a chance of him ever cheating. Or maybe she thought Kirby would never look at him twice. Whatever it was, Jill didn’t take him seriously.
There seemed to exist a pattern of people seeing Charlie as a filler character in one of those cringy Disney romance movies. The comic relief if you will.
No one ever made outright mean comments about his appearance or the things he liked, but that wasn’t because they respected him, it had more to do with the fact that his peers saw him as the silly guy. That silly guy you know, the one that wasn’t even worth ridiculing.
He was under the impression that he had found a friend in Robbie. They cheered each other up whenever the way people ignored them became too much. They both liked the same geeky stuff. But he was willing to let go of him if it meant he had a chance with the girl of his dreams.
What the fuck would Robbie even do with a girl like her. He then remembered him saying how annoying it was when girls put that sticky stuff on their lips.
As if he has ever kissed a girl, the fucking virgin.
She was always wearing makeup, she wasn’t the girl for Robbie. He could never learn how to properly be hers. On the other hand, Charlie already was. In body and soul.
So honestly, fuck Robbie for thinking showing his teeth and growling like a rabid dog would be enough to get Charlie to back off.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
He saw her at the end of the school day as he was putting his things in his backpack. She poked her head past the door frame.
“Hey,” Charlie greeted her.
“Hi. Already heard all about what happened,” she said, making a face.
“… yeah. Robbie’s always been a bit of a diva.”
She walked into the room at a slow pace.
“I feel like you were collateral damage. This morning he waited for me outside the school because wanted to talk,” her face looked kinda funny with how serious she was. So unlike her. “Would you believe me if I told you he professed his undying love for me.”
Charlie continues packing his belongings to look like he didn’t care. “How romantic.”
“It was really weird because he was live streaming the whole time.”
“That’s Robbie for you,” he jokingly said.
“Did he do the sa–”
“Oh no, no. He wasn’t live streaming when he tried to bite my neck open.” Charlie heard her laugh and he looked at her. She looked too guilty for someone that hadn’t done anything wrong. For what reason? He wondered. He hoped she wasn’t feeling guilty for rejecting Robbie. “It’s okay he didn’t do anything too bad. I just think he got the wrong idea, you know.”
“Because we’re not like that, Robbie’s just fucking crazy.”
He stared at her for a second longer, he noticed she had that snarky little smirk on her face once again. Once again he wasn’t allowed in the running inside joke she was always cheesing about.
“My dad told me to invite you over tonight.”
And she had the nerve to act like that wasn’t a wild thing to say.
She laughed, “last weekend we watched two of the movies you recommended and he really likes them. I told him you’re a friend.
He is.
Charlie felt like Hulk Hogan, fight after fight coming his way. Letting Robbie yell at him in front of everyone was light work, but to risk his life by meeting her overprotective dad was a completely different way of self harm.
“I mean… why though.”
“I don’t know Charlie, maybe he was impressed by your taste in movies, you both have the same old man interests.”
“I also told him you were the same friend that walked me home the other day,” she bumped him with her shoulder.
“Did he call me a good boy for doing that?” He joked.
“Something like that,” she lifted a hand to grab a strand of his hair and she lightly pulled. “Come on, it’ll be fun and wholesome or whatever.”
He already knew he was going to accept but he was a little busy freaking out about what to wear or how to do his hair to voice out his answer. Sure his personality was great and he wasn’t sleazy like most guys his age but he was aware that his looks were completely the opposite of what a father would want for his daughter.
He was already thinking that far ahead.
Should he flat iron his hair? Wear a sweater vest?
“Is he gonna fucking shoot me or what?” He tries for a joke, adding an awkward giggle.
“Don’t make it weird silly,” she smiled. “We can watch a movie in my room after dinner.”
And okay, Charlie was what you would call socially inept but even his baby brain was able to pick up blatant offers such as that one.
“With your dad?”
“… no Charlie.”
He watches her exit the classroom leaving him to panic in the confines of his mind. He made his way to his house on autopilot.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
At first he fully intended to put his hair in a ponytail, he was set on looking as pristine as a seventeen year old boy could look. But as he stares at himself in the mirror the more he realized how a guy that wore a ponytail was definitely not her type.
It made him look like a food delivery guy anyway.
He opted for his usual hairdo. The famous “book that has been read halfway through” Parted down the middle. A button down and khakis, sneakers on his feet.
While he ties his shoelaces he kept thinking back to when he walked her home.
He could see her dads silhouette from afar, he was being illuminated by the lights on the porch. Dude not only sounded scary he was also built like a fucking tank. So Charlie only walked her as far as his faint heart would allow it. Close enough so her dad could see she didn’t walk home alone but not close enough that Charlie could see his face.
He was now wondering if that had been a good choice. What if he gave off cowardly vibes. Which would be a correct assumption but not one Charlie would like to make.
Those few hours before he made his way to her house he moved around in his room like a ghost on debt. His palms clammy.
The final product was the usual Charlie get up plus cologne. Because no man is respectable if he doesn’t smell like a car air freshener personified.
Her dad said a total of five sentences to him the entire evening, but Charlie didn’t sense bad vibes or anything of the sort so he wasn’t too nervous. The only thing that felt mildly threatening were the slaps on the back the man gave him every time Charlie said something a bit funny. His spine and ribs threatened to fall apart after every slap. But hey, he did call him son at least once. A win is a win.
The girl seemed to be a fucking witch or something. It was like she had swapped here dad for a humanoid alien because soon after dinner she had reminded him of the groceries he needed to buy for the birthday party of one of his colleagues at work (Charlie wasn’t entirely sure, he was too busy staring at her tomato sauce stained lips), and her had just stood up and left. He left them home alone.
He dared leave his beautiful teenager daughter home alone with a dude that even knew the perfume she wore. Granted he wasn’t aware of said fact, but still.
Charlie counted his blessings.
She walked her dad to the door and he left after telling her to lock the door until he came back. Charlie would try to make an analogy about him leaving his daughter trapped with a lion inside the house if it wasn’t for the fact that he felt like the prey.
When she came back he was sitting on the couch with his hands under his thighs.
“…so,” she mocked him with a silly voice. “Charlie, can I ask you something?”
She waved her hand signaling him to scoot over to make space for her to sit down. “Are you and Jill still together?”
“Wha– what the fuck– who told you about Jill?”
“Is that a yes?”
He stood up from the couch as if it was burning him, he knew his failed relationship with Jill was going to come back and bite him in the ass. “No, what? We– not… anymore.”
“Okay, calm down Charlie,” she was quick to smile and pull him by the arm. “Just that it would be really awkward if I had been imagining it all.”
Imagining what.
“Imagining what,” he repeated out loud.
“Imagining us flirting like middle school kids for like the past, two weeks?”
He wasn’t sure if he was about to pee or explode all over the living room. He had a plan and timelines to follow until he was ready for his feelings to be out in the open like this.
“Ah… Th– I’m not with Jill anymore.”
She pulled at his arm again and he sat back down. “I’m sorry, just that I’m trying to figure out if you were secretly a player all along.”
He laughed. “Definitely not a player.”
“Robbie told me.”
“Man fuck Robbie,” he paused. “I could tell you so many things about Robbie.”
She moved even closer to him and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. “Charlie I don’t care about Robbie,” she made another move on him and grabbed his sweaty hand. “Don’t think too much about it, I orchestrated this whole fucking thing just to get my dad out of the house tonight.”
He looked down at his lap. “I’m so confused right now.”
“How long do you think it takes someone to buy groceries and birthday balloons?”
“I’m a virgin.”
“Charlie I know!”
“You know?”
She giggled as she tucked one of her legs under herself, touching Charlie’s thigh with hers. “Look at you Charlie, of course I know.”
“Did Robbie–?”
“Shut up.”
“Okay, yeah.”
She hadn’t let go of his hand so she dragged him with her when she laid back on the couch. He awkwardly tried to get comfortable in between her legs.
Looking down at her he wondered if all the trials and tribulations he had endured were needed to be able to see such a woman gazing up at him. Her hands always seemed to find themselves worrying with his untamed hair, she was pushing it back, away from his face.
“I don’t mind it,” she said.
“I don’t care that you’re a virgin, it’s kind of charming actually.”
If it was said by anyone else he would have taken it as mocking, but she had never looked down at him for stuttering or sometimes avoiding eye contact.
“I’m about to be really charming. I don’t know what the fuck to do,” he noticed her eyelids sparkled under the pendant lamp hanging over them. She was so dreamy he would believe her if she told him they naturally did that and that it wasn’t make up.
“As long as you don’t think about Jill while kissing me…” she teased him.
He hovered his lips over hers before whispering, “never.”
They kissed and it wasn’t something cheesy and corny like you hear kisses be described in the movies, no sparkles or fireworks being set off. Instead Charlie felt hot all over and he had to cut the kiss short to take a deep breath. He noticed her moving her gaze all over his face.
“Yes please.” He replied.
He was supporting his weight on his forearms and she had one of her hands on his shoulder while the other one rested on the side of his neck. They kissed again and he was so aware of everything happening at the moment, he tried not to breathe too much on her face, he didn’t want his arms to give out and to squish her. Too much happening all at once, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
He felt the corners of her lips curving up when she noticed him pulling away for a second to catch his breath. If it wasn’t for the suffocating heat that was located in his pants he would describe the make out session as overall quite wholesome.
Next time he pulled away she held his face with both her hands, “you’re all red.”
“Oh yeah, it happens.”
“When you kiss Jill?”
He tried not to laugh but he couldn’t hold his smile so he retaliated by tickling her. He dived in again with more confidence now that their lips had warmed up against each another. His arms not being used to exercise or effort of any kind were starting to go numb so he moved to lay on his side. She was quick to get comfortable and mirrored his position all without stopping their kissing.
Feeling the tiniest bit bolder, Charlie grabbed her thigh and made her position it over his waist. He wanted her to consume him whole. The hair on his hairline was starting to stick to his forehead, and of course she noticed this.
“Are you hot?”
“A little yeah.”
Her hands pulled at the collar of his button down, “take it off.” She helped him slide it down his back and she threw it under the coffee table, the rush of it all made him laugh. “Not that I don’t like this but I really want to get to the good part.”
“Th– yeah, yeah. Cool. Okay.”
Whenever he felt uncertain about something he chose to copy what others around him were doing, the same thing was happening at that moment. He rose up with her and he watched her slip her clothes off.
She started by standing up and unbuttoning her pants and sliding them down her thighs, he watched her as she rushed to get rid of them. When she noticed he wasn’t moving she looked at him and said, “come on Charlie. You want me to undress you too? Like a little baby?”
“Yeah, no, sorry.”
She softly laughed and helped him with his pants anyway. And god, Charlie could have burst into flames from the sheer panic and excitement he felt when her hands made contact with the skin on his legs.
“I don’t– fuck I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do,” he lamely tried to excuse himself.
She seemed to ignore his words and didn’t bother to acknowledge them, she stood in front of him almost completely naked– she had kept her bra and her flowy blouse. As he paused for a second to take in the sight in front of him he let himself put his panic aside. He had gotten this far so she was clearly into him, he doubted his lack of experience was going to be a turn off.
Taking advantage of the moment of confidence he reached to touch her waist weakly pulling her towards him.
She moved to straddle him, “I know, I don’t care.”
They kissed again but this time around she moved from his lips all the way down his body. Her hands found his cock before her lips reached it.
“Woah– what, wait you don’t have to.”
“I kinda do, I don’t have lube. Do you?”
“Of course not, sorry.”
And fuck, during all the time he had known her he had never dared fantasize about her in any sexual scenario so he had nothing to compare to what he was seeing. She stopped for a second to just look at him. The view was downright sinful. Her precious face looked all different types of beautiful. Innocent, her eyes seemed glossy and alert. Expectant, for what was to come. And aroused, for what she was about to do.
“Don’t pull my hair,” she said.
And he wasn’t even thinking about doing it, how could he, when it was her job to pull his. The only one allowed to mess up anyone’s hair was her.
Instead he rested his arms on the backrest of the sofa. It felt programmed, the way he threw his head back the moment he felt the suffocating heat around his cock. He almost closed his legs on instinct.
“Ah–!” He moaned.
He knew she was only doing this to get him wet enough so they could fuck but he hoped she’d let him experience these feelings again sometime in the future. His own hand around his cock didn’t feel even remotely similar to the engulfing pleasure he felt all over his body, he thought nobody could compare to his own hands, after all who knew him better than himself? Oh but how wrong he was.
Attempting to regain some composure he tried to distract his mind by looking around the room, then down his body. The little makeup she was wearing on her lips was smeared down his chest and the marks disappeared before they reached where her lips currently were.
A failed attempt it was.
Her wet lips and the sounds they were making around him made him feel the pleasure from the tips of his hair down to his toes, it was strange and unlike anything he had ever felt.
She squeezed one of his knees before pulling him out of her mouth and going back to straddle him.
“I’m scared my dad is gonna knock on the door any moment now,” she said before coughing and when he looked at her lips he saw there was spit all around them so he wiped it with his thumb. “Sorry, it’s been a while.”
And for a moment she looked the tiniest bit embarrassed, Charlie wasn’t going to let that happen.
“It’s been forever for me you know,” she laughed and went in for a kiss but she stopped before their lips connected. “What?”
“Guys don’t like to kiss after you blow them.”
And that made no fucking sense to him, what. “Just kiss me, I’m scared, if you don’t kiss me I’ll die,” he joked.
“I like you a lot Charlie.”
He giggled like a fool so he covered his face with his hand. “Yeah.”
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
For the first round she rode him because he could not, for the love of god, get the hang of it quick enough. He lasted for all of five minutes. With his ears still ringing from his orgasm he almost had a heart attack when they heard someone yelling outside.
Thanks to whatever higher power there was, it wasn’t her dad doing a war cry getting ready to kill Charlie.
“Neighbors,” she said, laughing in his face.
“Stop laughing. My dick almost went inside my body.”
Her loud laugh made his ears hurt a little but the joy he was feeling drowned any existing annoyance. “That would be bad because how would you fuck me again before my dad gets home?”
“What? Like, now?”
“Yes, now dummy,” she laid her back on the couch before she continued, “but I’m exhausted, let’s do it like this.”
“Okay… kinda like what you did but, like this. Okay. Yeah. I can do it.”
It was simple really. It was nothing but a change of angles. Yes.
They were both equally as sweaty but unlike Charlie she looked alluring with the small droplets of perspiration littering the expanse of her chest. He couldn’t help himself, his head lowered over the apex of one of her breasts. A bit shy at first, he left a peck there. Her skin felt feverish.
Her soft moan encouraged him to indulge in his desire to keep doing that for a bit longer but on her other breast. This time he licked her nipple and like clockwork her fingers rushed to tangle themselves in his hair.
“This okay?” He whispered. She hummed letting him know her answer was positive so he continued. He only let up when the skin around her nipples looked pinkish and closer to painful than tender.
“Wrap your legs around me, help me,” she obliged, drawing him closer to her. He went in for a kiss to get rid of the nerves he felt right before sliding inside her.
They moaned in unison. Waiting to get his confidence back he let himself stare at her yet again.
“What?” She asked, moving her head to the side, as if to avoid his gaze.
“You’re just really fucking pretty. I haven’t had the time to freak out,” at his words she looked back at him and she caressed his face with her hand. Before adding to what he had said he grabbed one of her knees to start moving, “I’m so happy.”
It all felt so domestic, the chatter while he lazily thrusted, the way they were smiling at each other, he loved it.
They didn’t talk for a brief while.
Charlie had a lot more control like this, now both of his hands were resting on the back of her thighs and he was thrusting with more of a rhythm. The sounds both of their bodies combined made were so flustering, wet and arousing. His cock had never felt quite like this, he honestly thought he could go for hours if it wasn’t for the impending doom of her dad’s arrival.
“Can I– Can I go faster please?” He waited for her to nod before putting more of his weight on his hands to be able to fuck her with more force.
He slid in and out in a frenzy, he felt like he would die if he stopped to take a breather, the sound of her loud moans were not helping at all. Now he couldn’t stop staring at her pussy and the way it glistened with their combined slick, the sight was sure to plague his mind in the days to come.
He never thought he would be allowed to fuck the girl he had been obsessing over for weeks. He no longer would have to imagine what her skin smelled like, or how she would move her lips when they made out. He knew now. This was the equivalent of having your third eye open.
“Fuck Charlie!”
“Yeah baby?” He laughed. “Can I call you that?”
“You can call me anything I don’t fucking care, just keep fucking me.”
He paused for a second before replying, “then, can I call you mine?”
She stopped mid moan to laugh out loud and squeeze his cheeks. “Shut up.”
“Ah, Ah–” his pants filled the room.
“Charlie I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop.”
His thrusts were becoming weak due to the fatigue in his legs so he went back to supporting his weight on his knees. “Can you turn aro–” before he finished his sentence she was already moving. And fuck, her face was pretty to look at but her ass was going to haunt his dreams until the day he died.
“Come on, fuck me.”
And even though Charlie was a virgin, painfully so, he always preferred to watch shitty porn if the couples in the videos were doing it doggystyle. Something about being able to grab a woman’s hips with more strength aroused him more than anything.
He made quick work of sliding back inside her and this time he didn’t wait for her signal to start moving. For just a moment he let himself forget all about being Prince Charming and he allowed the more animalistic and primal side of him to come outside to play. His hips collided with her plush ass making loud sounds, the unmistakable singsong of just two passionate lovers blinded by the suffocating heat of their linked bodies.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Ah! Charlie!”
“I know,” his voice came out whiny and desperate in tone. He wasn’t sure who was going to be the first one to let the tears flow down their cheeks. He felt like sobbing because of the overwhelming pleasure and other more innocent feelings in his heart. “Fuck I think I love you, what the fuck.”
His words seemed to make way for her pending orgasm from minutes ago before they changed positions. Her torso lifted up away from the couch and bumped into Charlie’s chest.
The sudden movement along with the cold feeling on his legs made him look down once again, he saw her leaking on his legs. Good god. “Sorry,” she tried to apologize when she noticed him with his head down.
“You keep on getting better huh?” Charlie rested his forehead on her shoulder. “You’re so fucking sexy, I’m going insane.”
They took a few seconds to catch their breath. She weakly massaged his scalp with her fingers. Charlie lifted his head from her shoulder to ask for a kiss.
“Pull out.”
“Mmm…” he groaned.
“Don’t be dumb, pull out so I can jerk you off. My dad’s been away for like an hour now,” He groaned again just to be funny. “Come on.
The sound her pussy made when he pulled out was nothing short of obscene. They were all sticky and sweaty. A mixture of bodily fluids that if it had been anyone else, Charlie wouldn’t have wanted them to touch his still hard cock.
She chose to sit on the carpet between his legs, the exhaustion was starting to catch up to her as well as she rested her face on her knees.
“It kinda hurts,” he said.
“Let’s make it stop then, yeah baby?”
At that he didn’t even bother voicing out his response, he just stared at her with her mouth open like he was trying to catch flies.
This time she didn’t need to add saliva to make the glide more pleasant, her juices had already taken care of that. Her hand closed around him and he felt like a virgin all over again, he was never going to get used to all her body parts touching him.
It didn’t take long before he lost control of his limbs, he was hunched over, gripping the couch cushions to keep himself from touching her as he didn’t want to bother her in any way.
“Ah– gonna cum,” he whined, his voice going higher than usual.
“Yeah? Gonna cum all over my fist?” He nodded like a dumb puppy. “Go on then. Don’t want my dad to find us like this right?”
“No baby, no. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” The tip of his cock was a painful red shade almost purple, he had been hard for far too long. “Ah– Please, it hurts.”
“I’m not doing anything to stop you.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, fuck,” one of his hands was hanging in the air, clenching on nothing. She saw it and linked their hands together. He was looking at her so intently waiting for her to get the words he was trying to say, he nodded, his eyes glossy with tear.
“Wanna kiss me?”
“Uh-huh,” he dumbly said, nodding again. And as they kissed for the hundredth time that night she sped up the speed of her other hand.
His cum slid down her closed fist and he felt the tears he was holding in slide down his cheeks, wetting her face too in the process. She kept kissing him until he had stopped whining and panting so desperately.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
“Dad is gonna think an earthquake hit while he was gone,” she joked once they had parted.
Confused Charlie asked, “huh?”
“Look around, everything is messy. And my hands are all dirty.”
“Not only our hands, we’re all sweaty.”
“Right but we don’t have time to shower,” she pushed his sweaty and tangled hair away from his face. “So you’re gonna put your clothes back on and pretend nothing happened, like a good boy. Yeah?”
“…yeah,” he replied after a pause. “Like a good boy.”
“And I’m gonna do the same and wipe my hands clean with a napkin.”
It was like she had flipped a switch. In a quick moment she had changed back to the sweet girl he knew. Gone was the sex goddess he saw while cumming his brains out.
He did what she told him to do and also fixed the cushions on the couch. He watched her move around the living room like a working bee. Moving things here and there. He closed his eyes for a few minutes and when he opened them again she was standing in front of him holding a hair brush for him to grab.
“You look like you were electrocuted,” it was kind of silly the way he was back to feeling self conscious the moment he was fully clothed again. Like the angel she was, she noticed him looking a bit embarrassed so she added, “it’s cute Charlie.”
He smiled.
“Just that you can’t look like that when my dad is right outside the door.”
His scalp was on fire because of how quick and rough he brushed his hair to get it tangle free, all the while she laughed at him on her way to the door. Charlie discreetly whipped his face with his sleeve, just in case.
Her dad walked inside the house holding bags and bags of groceries. Charlie felt like making a run for it and just pushing the man aside to escape. For some stupid reason he felt like her dad somehow knew what they were getting up to while he was gone.
Once her dad carried all the groceries inside the house he put them on the kitchen counter and shouted, “Kids?”
Charlie almost pooped his heart out.
“Why are the windows open?”
Charlie looked at her in panic, she ignored him choosing instead to walk to the kitchen. “There was a cockroach flying around and Charlie helped me get rid of it. Huge thing. Really, I almost cried dad.
And the man laughed as he spoke loudly for Charlie to hear, “thanks kid, this girl is terrified of those. You’re a lifesaver.”
“… yes sir. Anytime… anytime.”
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v1nnys · 2 months ago
Or as she likes to introduce herself: Giulia Nymeria Fucking Scorpionus
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★Giulia was born in 1990 in Argentina, the first and only daughter of a loveless marriage.
★Her father began to treat her as a boy because of a whim he had regarding an heir to his company, and in the absence of one, he wanted to make Giulia one.
★Giulia had a better relationship with her mother, a sweet and kind woman, too fragile for mans like her father.
★At the age of 10 she was forced to move to the United States with her father, another business opportunity with her grandfather's company a smokescreen to cover what really happened.
★Giulia grew up with an unstable father who continued to treat her like a man, even taking her to boxing classes.
★She lived in California before moving to Bullworth, California really was her home after moving from state to state, but her father had to screw her up again.
★The first few weeks at Bullworth she focused on her studies, feeling completely out of place there, not fully understanding the whole clique thing.
★She started to show her true colors when she started getting friends, either because they approached her or because she approached them out of interest.
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Giulia is scary at first sight, serious face, furrowed brow, even worse with the heavy aura that accompanies her, but she is really kind, sweet even, too caring and affectionate with the people she lets herself be seen vulnerable.
When Giulia gains confidence, when she is with her friends, she is usually very extroverted, noisy, gossiping, speaking badly of people she doesn't like.
Giulia tends to have a very sharp tongue, and when she gets angry with people she tends to be very cruel, making bitter jokes talking about their miserable lives.
Giulia is practically a preppie, but she doesn't accept the role no matter how much she is forced, she never liked to boast about her comfortable economic position and her upcoming inheritance of the large family business.
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Random facts about Giulia:
★She is afraid of spiders, however she has a black widow tattooed on her right hipbone.
★She still practices boxing, but she trains at home.
★She hates her father with all her soul, but she obeys him only out of fear.
★After having a rather aggressive fight with a person, she feels bad later, believing that she is slowly turning into her father.
★She has stuffed animals that her mother gave her when she was little, she takes great care of them but hides them under her bed.
★Giulia is constantly singing, and if she is not singing, she is humming.
★Despite having grown up in a Latin American country, she learned English quite quickly, but she can't speak quickly because she stumbles over her words.
★Once when she was little she stole a candy from a supermarket and she still feels guilty
★Gulia listens to any kind of music, but she likes 80's music the most
★Giulia can clean the floor with you and she will do it.
★Giulia is a great artist
★During the chaos, Giulia reminds the others how well they are doing.
★Giulia gives the best advice, I have no proof but no doubts either.
★Giulia has a whitish brown Maine Coon cat. She was thinking of naming him 'Moon' because of his color, but decided on 'Deimos', the name of one of the moons of Mars.
★Giulia really likes the Townies, but they don't want to have anything to do with Giulia because of her socioeconomic position. She has a certain crush on Edgar and every time she remembers him she is like OOHH MY GAAWD MY SHEILAAA
★Giulia doesn't have good grades in gym because she almost never goes, because she hates Professor Burton for his background, normally chatting with him ends in a fight where Giulia obviously gets detention.
A playlist I made of Giulia with music that vibrates like her :3
THANKS TO @jimothy-hopkins FOR THE TEMPLATEEE <3333
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Post-High School Heed And Flug Finally Made Friends (One Actually Didn't Squander It)
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It's actually fun to see how after school they managed to find friend groups. Flug's friend group could be consider still small because he's introverted and hates social interactions, but his interactions with Penumbra are just so cute and heartwarming. He went from being dismissive to her as a client to you can tell she's one of the closet people he's ever gotten to. When contrast with Heed she really got the popularity and clique she desired in school. However, in contrast with Flug, there just seems to be hint of how fake it feels due to seemingly valuing people more to build herself up rather than actually be friends with them.
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For instance, Omega, Eflora, Konan, and Incinemiau were considered some of her biggest friends. She often would be photographed with them because she knew being seen with them would up her popularity. However, without any hesitation she brainwashed them to be her followers, especially Omega who she screwed over the most so he could be her bodyguard alongside his archenemy, Coyote. Also the trio didn't fare any better because they as well were victims towards her want for more popularity and recognition by brainwashing them into dropping out of the contest and letting her win even when she didn't even compete.
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So, it's a pattern stemming from her high school years where she hypes herself up as a friend to someone but as time goes by she doesn't hesitate to use and discard them once she's gotten what she's needed. They all practically like Flug to her which is she will use you as a friend to validate and sponge off you but she won't hesitate for a moment to fuck you over when it benefits herself.
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It's no wonder she eventually loses everyone she culminated as a friend over the years as a hero because even though she seeks friendship she ends up as a parasite in a relationship where she desires everyone to cater to her whims at their expense. She loses her friend group because she never truly learned to value people outside of a transactional relationship and give back.
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soul-of-tilly · 5 months ago
~~The Future~~
Summery: Tom Riddle seeks out oracle!reader, who is torn between instincts.
“The Gift was demanding, yes, but also notoriously and desperately attracted to dangerous people.”
Pairings: Tom Riddle x fem!Slytherin!reader
Notes: I plan to make this multiple parts! This will be the first series I’ve ever done so we’ll see how it goes 😵‍💫
Welcome to The Soul!
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“Relax, Esme,” came Owler’s chronically unconcerned voice, along with an eye roll and a habitual tug on his green necktie. “We’re already late, might as well take our time.” To Owler, absolutely nothing warranted more than a leisurely stroll. And usually you would’ve agreed with him, if not for the circumstances of your lateness. “I doubt Professor Onai will think ‘jinxing Carmen Advile’s ex boyfriend’ is an adequate excuse.”
“So worth it,” he smirked, as you rubbed your temples. “Look, Owler, now you’ve given me a headache,” Not that it needed much, these days.
“Besides! I cannot be stuck with Lestrange again,” you lamented, the memories of last classes incident, (involving a crystal ball, a hover charm, and a goaded Peeves) all proved to be the last straw in your already thin patience and added to the present throb behind your eyes.
Divination would have easily been your most enjoyable class, if not for the fact that more often than not, you were sat next to a total dunce. You often wondered if Onai used your natural talent as a counterweight for everyone else’s fool. She had clocked you instantly as Lerrona Pythia’s eldest granddaughter— one of the greatest Seers of her time— and then immediately pronounced you Gifted in front of the whole class, to your dismay. The Gift was a personal thing, she should know. She seemed to be doing little to cultivate said Gift, however, because for the last two weeks, she’d assigned you to work with the mayor of Stupidville himself.
Probably the only other apt person in that class was Riddle, the perfect Slytherin Head Boy. Not that he would’ve even have any use or talent in the class; it was a feminine magic. He just seemed to excel at anything he touched.
Everyone seemed to either love him or hate him; public opinion being skewed overwhelmingly to the former.
You seemed to be the only exception to these polars. Yes, he was as handsome as everyone said, just as charming as well. Yet you’d seen those rare flickers of emotion in his shallow eyes and the flinches of his clique that followed. The Gift perked at the thought, shifting in you, welling that familiar curiosity and a rich sense of doom.
Those brief flashes of something other than the mask frightened those who knew to be afraid… Should you be afraid?
The Stirring was something your grandmother warned never to ignore, yet a tear in your instincts manifested. He was none of your business. None of your responsibility. So what if The Gift had a prophecy for him? Nothing you couldn’t ignore. Besides, there would never be a situation it could reveal itself. You’d never been alone in a room with Tom Riddle, and you didn’t plan on it. The Gift was demanding of course, but also notoriously and desperately attracted to dangerous people, it’s judgement occasionally bias.
Yes, that itch was best left unscratched, you decided.
“Onai sticks me with that asshat every chance she gets- Oh for god’s sake!” The already excessively long corridor leading to the Divination Stairwell was now literally stretching; new doors popping up to fill the spaces as the hallway horizontally expanded.
Owler only smirked at the castle’s show of unhelpfulness. “Screw Lestrange, we’ll make him move and I’ll sit with you.” You sighed, knowing Owler, that was probably an empty promise. The castle actively acting as an obstacle seemed to be the real thing that swayed you. Or rather, made you give up.
The trapdoor opened with a thunk, and almost comically, the small population of your fellow Slytherins along with a few scattered Gryffindors all turned their heads to the back of the classroom, where your head had popped up.
Professor Onai, now annoyed with the class’s stolen attention, pursed her lips and briskly ushered you and Owler up.
“Ms. Pythia, please take a seat with Mr. Lestrange, and Mr. Tisgrace please join Ms. Greenglass.” You wanted to curl up and die, but Owler only shrugged as he wandered toward the opposite side of the classroom. Despite your foul mood and the pang behind your eyes, the smell of oolong infiltrated your senses. You noticed with microscopic satisfaction, the tea sets present at every table. Tea leaves? He most likely won’t fuck this up.
As you made your way to your seat, Riddle caught your eye. Perfect as usual; neat curls, sharp jaw, shiny badge, and that damned blank expression that looked right up to meet you. His posture slightly straighter than normal, and he was twirling his pen. A habit you’d never noticed before. You inhaled and looked away, headache intensifying at the eye contact. Why does The Gift have to hurt?
After taking your spot across the dreaded boy, you sighed, deciding that he looked even stupider than usual today. He sat, casting somewhat dejected looks over your shoulder, directly to where his posse of Slytherin boys were sitting behind you.
It was none of your business if he’d gotten ruffed up or not; any wrongdoing to Lestrange was charity to everyone.
What exactly that little cult had going on was virtually invisible to the rest of the school, but being Slytherin yourself came with the occasional whisper of gossip. Riddle was obviously the ringleader of sorts, ordering around the other boys in his circle, while also successfully covering anything suspicious with his credibility. Not that anyone was suspicious about anything, really. Fellow Slytherins chose to turn blind eyes, and everything else flew under the radar.
“You may commence!” Onai declared, gaining her usual bravado back and interrupting your thoughts.
As if commanded to, Lestrange hastily poured your cup quicker than you could get to it, a drop sloshing over the rim and pooling on the saucer below- before glancing again at the table behind you. How unusual indeed. An unimpressed scoff is all he got from you as you took the cup.
Trying to be polite or under someone’s thumb? It was absolutely the latter, seeing as Lestrange had quite literally never done anything nice for another person before, especially not something so mundane as pouring tea. It was all you could do not to roll your eyes; judging by his out of character performance, the brat probably managed to fuck up somehow and was now on some sort of probation ordered by his gang. Serves him right, the little twat. You averted your keen eyes from him, opting to glance at him from over the lip of your cup every once and a while. You sipped away at the liquid, decidedly unconcerned by his dampened mood as you flipped languidly through the softened and worn pages of your mothers divination textbook.
“Page 117 has the key,” he spoke suddenly. You knew this of course, having memorized the entire thing by age 10. Your head shot up nonetheless, only to find him locked on the page presented. You were mildly surprised at his tone of voice… no… could it be? Timid? This was definitely out of the ordinary, and starting to peak your interest. You swallowed the last of the oolong, set your tea cup back on its saucer and cut to page 117.
“Owler, wait!” You huffed indignantly at the end of the corridor. There he was in his lack of glory, talking up Advile on their way to the Great Hall.
He turned upon hearing your voice, spotted you, grinned like a madman, and promptly made a very inappropriate gesture in regards to Advile; standing clueless next to him.
All you could do was grimace and roll your eyes, irritatedly deciding it wasn’t worth it. You opted for the long route, leaving them be. Poor girl, you cringed at the idea of being in her place; Owler pawing after you.
You found him soon enough, conversing with Greenglass and Morestone in your usual spot at the Slytherin table.
You plopped your bag on the table, making Owler jump in surprise before he turned to you, that stupid smile on his face, satisfied by your last encounter.
“You make me sick, you know that?” You took your seat next to him and dug your fork into his pudding.
“Me and Carmen are in love, you wouldn’t understand,” he batted his eyelashes sarcastically, lacing his fingers together under his chin.
You scoffed, mouth full of pudding. “Poor girl, she deserves better, really.” That earned you a slightly too painful kick under the table.
“Hey! She likes me despite my faults, Esme!” He declared as you started to pile dinner onto your own plate. “That’s what real love is about!”
You were about to retort back, when something caught your eye at the opposite end of the table. Riddle and Lestrange, sitting together, both appearing to be concentrated on you. You met their eyes unafraid, who do they think they are? Lestrange immediately looked away, only confusing you more. He was exceptionally out of the ordinary today. He even read the leaves correctly and didn’t break the cup.
Riddle however was not one to look away- piercing brown irises trained on yours. It was you who broke away; suddenly your headache was back full force. You cringed and turned your head, eyebrows scrunched in concentration. In realization your stomach dropped. The Stirring was truly becoming unbearable… The Gift had a warning for him, and somehow he knew.
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pollymorgan · 6 months ago
Teacher Negan - The Football Game - Part 3
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Warnings: Of course, there's still a big age difference and Negan is an absolute asshole.
I confess to him that I will be a student at his high school after the summer holidays and therefore lied about my age. I stare at the ceiling, not daring to look at him, but even without eye contact, I feel the tension in the room.
Negan sits up and runs his hands over his face. I dare a quick look at his naked back.
"Shit.." he mumbles softly and then repeats it louder, "Damn shit!"
He turns abruptly to me and looks me directly in the eyes. I can't really decipher his gaze, but I know I've screwed up big time. I am painfully aware of that now.
"Do you realize that with this whole action, you have not only jeopardized my job but damn it, everything?" You can feel he's trying to stay calm, but his voice trembles and sends shivers down my spine.
I sit up now and try to hide my naked body under the covers. I feel incredibly vulnerable and exposed.
With a trembling voice, I try to justify myself. "I'm sorry, I.. I didn't know that...".
"This whole thing must never be found out! Understand?!" he interrupts me without hesitation. He doesn't even acknowledge what I'm trying to explain. My words don't reach him, so I reply only as expressively as possible. "Of course not!!".
He shakes his head in disbelief and then thinks for a moment. The silence in the room makes me feel my heartbeat so clearly that I could swear you can hear it pounding.
Suddenly, Negan stands up and without looking at me, he says emotionlessly, "I'll call you a taxi and then go shower. By the time I'm done, you'll be gone!"
As he says this, I feel my throat tighten. I would like to cry, to get rid of the feeling of not being able to breathe, but I pull myself together as best as I can. When he leaves the bedroom, I can already hear him starting to make a phone call. Quickly, I get up and gather my things from the floor to get dressed quickly.
When I accidentally discover a notepad and pens on his desk, I tear off a piece of paper and write on it "I'm really sorry, but I don't want to undo this night! Sam." Below that, I place my phone number. I have no idea what I hope to achieve with this. I know that this note will probably be torn into a thousand pieces and thrown in the trash in a few minutes. Then I quietly leave the house, as if I want to slip away.
The next few days are really tough for me. I constantly beat myself up with feelings of guilt and can't even talk to anyone about what happened. And the worst part is that I strangely miss Negan. Scenes from that night play over and over in my mind. I imagine how his skin felt on mine. How he looked at me. His dominant voice. The feeling of his fingers, his tongue, his penis. Never has a man driven me so crazy. But why him of all people?
I catch myself constantly staring at my phone. Hoping he didn't throw away my number and would contact me. But of course, no message from him comes.
I only have one option left. I have to get him out of my head and hope that we run into each other as rarely as possible at school. And that won't be too hard, I tell myself. It's a pretty big high school after all.
My cousin keeps asking me and wants to know who or what is responsible for my bad mood. But the fact that I can't talk to her about it depresses me even more. I constantly come up with excuses. "I miss my old clique.. moving is more emotional than I thought!" I lie to her.
She convinces me to make the most of the rest of my summer holidays and introduces me to some of her friends, and luckily, she is so persistent because over time, I have more and more fun. They are really great friends who are up for any activity and distract me perfectly.
The weather is wonderful, and this city offers so many opportunities. Hardly a day goes by when we're not out and about. Shopping malls, swimming pools, sports events, concerts, bars, nightclubs. Over time, I already know my new hometown quite well.
I wish these holidays would never end. But all good things come to an end. I've painfully experienced that several times already, so I have only one week of free time left.
My cousin, a handful of other friends, and I are once again sitting in one of our favorite places in the evening. We've been out all day and are pretty tired, but none of us can say no to one last drink.
I'm about to take a selfie with my friends when I see on my display that I have three missed calls from an unknown number. Surprised, I stare at my phone, which I had silenced so low that I probably didn't hear it ring in the bar's noise. It starts vibrating in my hand again. The same number flashes. Hesitantly, I press the green call button and say loudly, to drown out the background noise, "Hello?"
"Sam? Are you there?" answers a familiar deep voice. A lightning bolt shoots through my body, and my heart skips a beat. Almost automatically, I stand up and move away from my friends, who look at me questioningly.
"Negan?" I ask cautiously.
"It feels so good to hear your voice, damn it, how many times have I imagined it in the last few days!" he says slightly slurred. Oh man, is he drunk?
I can't think clearly and am completely overwhelmed by the situation. I leave the bar purposefully, and the warm night air gives me a chance to take a deep breath again.
"What do you want?" I ask, confused.
"What do I want? I want you, of course, but I can't have you, and that's the damn problem. Tell me you think of me too.. Please, I need to hear it..!".
Oh yes, he's definitely drunk. But as the saying goes, drunk people and little children always tell the truth. And the fact alone that he still has my number makes a lot clear to me.
"I think about you all the time.." I confess, watching the bright lights of passing cars. All the feelings I've successfully suppressed in the past weeks now come rushing back like an avalanche.
"I want you here, to touch you, to see your beautiful smile, Sam. I don't want to have to imagine it anymore.." he whispers into the phone, giving me goosebumps.
"Okay, give me 30 minutes, and I'll be there..." I say decisively into the phone. Suddenly, there is a strange silence on the other end. I wait for his response, my pulse racing wildly.
Hesitantly, he says, "That's not possible.. My wife is back from her cure, and besides, it wouldn't be right. It would be so damn wrong...".
I can't believe he's saying this. He calls me to reopen all wounds and make me feel bad. He was the one who invited me after the football game. He seduced me and took me to his place, even though he's married. He was the one who kicked me out and is now calling me after weeks just to reject me again.
It suddenly dawns on me that I wasn't the villain in this whole situation. Resolutely, I speak into the phone. "Negan, you know what? Just delete my number and forget everything that happened between us." With these words, I press the red call button with trembling fingers. I couldn't have handled a response from him at this point.
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thebiggerbear · 1 year ago
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Rachel Gatina Prompt Response
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Summary: Rachel, who has never spoken to you before, approaches you to ask for a favor. Despite what Bevin said, Rachel decides that she has to gauge this whole "being into girls" thing properly. And she's picked you to help her with that. ...Lucky you.
Pairing: Rachel Gatina x Female!Reader
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). I started quite a few scenarios for Rachel's response to this prompt but none of them felt right until this scenario popped into my head. I tried to keep this as 2000's as possible. Hope this is okay.
Both characters are over eighteen.
This is meant to take place right after the Bevin and Rachel bathroom scene in 4x13.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
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Warnings: mention of implied sex; internalized homophobia (I hope that's the correct term)
Word Count: 3757
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Rachel Taglist: @nancymcl
You can also read on AO3
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version ✨ Beau version ✨ Dean version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Jason version ✨ Tom version ✨ CJ version ✨ Anael version ✨ Alec version ✨ SDV Leah version
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You were just getting your books out of your locker when someone suddenly appeared next to you. You glanced over to see a familiar redhead smirking at you. You rolled your eyes and went back to your locker. “What do you want?”
Rachel Gatina had been the new girl at Tree Hill High who was giving Brooke Davis a run for her money and her non-exclusive boyfriend. Now, she was besties with Brooke and constantly toggling between mean girl and party girl. Either way, she had never been very nice to you or anyone else (except Mouth) who wasn’t in the “cool cliques”. 
“Can’t one senior come over to say hello to her fellow senior?”
“When said senior has never spoken a word to this fellow senior? Then no.” You slammed your locker shut and moved past her to head to class.
“I’m speaking to you now.” She was keeping pace with you, great.
“Oh, well then let me put my entire day on hold since Queen Rachel is speaking to me.” You turned a glare on her. 
“Not queen, just…maybe a little royalty.”
You rolled your eyes again and kept moving. You were going to be late for AP Lit and you did not want to be late for that class. Mr. Barton had a rule that he enforced with an iron fist: one minute late, no class for you. He would lock the door and not unlock it again until the class was over. 
“As it so happens, I need a favor.” She was still following you.
“Oh, imagine that. A favor.” You still didn’t stop. 
“Oh, come on. For someone I’ve never spoken a word to before, you’re being awfully harsh, don’t you think?” She wasn’t wrong. The truth was that she intimidated you a little bit. And that was your go to when it came to intimidation: pushback and biting sarcasm.
“I’m late for class,” you threw at her. “And if I don’t hurry, I’ll be—”
She grabbed your hand and yanked you off to the side, right into the girls’ bathroom.
“What the— Rachel, what are you doing? I’m about to be locked out of class.” You hurried towards the door but she blocked you. “Rachel,” you growled. “The bell is about to—”
The bell rang before you could finish your sentence. You had now officially been marked absent from Mr. Barton’s class and you were locked out. Great. You were screwed.
“So you miss one class, big deal. It’s not like you’re flunking.”
You crossed your arms and sighed. “How would you know that?”
“I asked around. I make it my business to know. Now, about that favor.”
“That you made me miss one of my most important classes for.”
She laid a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry. Just tell Barton you had a girl emergency. He’ll offer you a make-up paper before you can get out the word ‘tampon’. Besides, it’s not like you’ll be lying to him exactly. This is a girl emergency.” She smiled, placing her hand on her hip.
You walked over to the gross looking tampon dispensing machine and gestured to it. “If you needed one, it’s right here. Are you out of quarters?”
She smirked and flicked her hair back. “I like you. It’s a shame we didn’t talk before this. I get the feeling we could have been friends.”
“A cheerleader hanging out with a loner? Yes, I can definitely see that.”
“You call yourself a loner?” She laughed. “You’re far from it from what I’ve heard.”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “And your emergency is?”
She pressed her lips together and sat on one of the sinks, swinging her legs back and forth as she settled. “I’m not sure how to ask this without sounding…you know, gay, so I’m just going to ask.”
Your heart started to pound at the word ‘gay’. Oh no.
“Will you kiss me?”
Your eyes widened and your heart stopped altogether. Was she for real? 
She gave you an encouraging smile. “It’s just to see if something Bevin said is true or not.”
“Yeah. We had class together last period and we had to do this stupid assignment together. She said this thing and now I can’t get it out of my head.”
“So let me see if I’ve got this right. Bevin said something to you in class during an assignment you both were working on together and that had you finding me, who you’ve never spoken to before, to push me into the bathroom with you to ask me to kiss you but not wanting it to sound gay. To see if what Bevin said is true or not.”
Rachel shrugged. “More or less. Yeah.”
“Right.” You immediately began opening stall doors, seeing no one was in here thankfully. You then began checking underneath the sinks, the bathroom mirrors, anywhere a recording device of some kind could be installed. 
“What are you doing?” She asked when you quickly looked under her sink. “I said a kiss not…that.” 
“Wouldn’t you be so lucky,” you snapped. “I’m looking for recording devices of some kind. Someone hidden in here who’s going to jump out and let me know I’m on Punk’d or Candid Camera or something. Maybe you’ve got a couple of the cheerleaders hiding somewhere with a camera to take a picture. Maybe Brooke and a couple of jocks are just waiting outside the door to laugh and spread rumors.”
Rachel crossed her arms. “You are way too paranoid, you know that?”
You shrugged. “Can’t be too safe, especially when it comes to high school. Especially this high school.”
“I’ll have you know that most guys would be dying for the chance if I gave it to them. if I asked them to kiss me, they would already be over here, all over me.”
“I’m not a guy in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Of course I noticed, that’s why I asked.”
“So, you’re just looking for any girl to kiss you. Is that it?” Lucky you.
“Not just any girl. You.”
“Why me?”
“I’ve heard the rumors.”
You tensed up. “What rumors?”
She leaned forward. “You know. And I know you’re into me, even if you won’t admit it.”
She was right; you weren’t going to admit it. “Right, right. Question, how did you fit through the door just now with that massive ego of yours?”
“That’s not the only thing of mine that’s massive.” As if to illustrate her point, she leaned forward a little more until you could see straight down her cleavage. Well, she certainly wasn’t lying.
“Alright, first off, those rumors aren’t true. Secondly, let’s say I do this for you. What do I get in return?”
“This is a favor, not a deal,” she scoffed.
“How long would this have to be for?”
She shot you a look and sat up. “Wow, talk about giving a girl a complex. Is the idea of kissing me really that horrible for you?”
“I didn’t say that. I’m merely trying to determine what I’m going to be asking in trade.”
“Now, it’s a trade.” She huffed a laugh in disbelief. A moment later, she glanced over at you. “Five seconds. No more, no less.”
“Okay then, what I want in return is this: you never tell anyone about this.”
“That’s what you want in return?”
“Yep. I want your word that you won’t whisper a word of this to anyone. When you go away to college and you’re experimenting or whatever, sure you can mention that one kiss in the girls’ bathroom one time, but not here in Tree Hill. Never here in Tree Hill. Or to anyone from here and that includes Brooke. Deal?”
She gave you a nod. “Deal.”
“Alright.” Now you were feeling nervous and self-conscious. “So do I, uh, just come over there or do you come over here or do we meet in the middle or—”
“Just come over here,” she ordered, impatience coloring her tone.
“Okay,” you muttered, moving over to her. 
Rachel studied you and you began to feel like an exhibit in a museum or something. “So, we doing this or—”
“Shut up.” She cupped your face and leaned in, pressing her lips to yours. 
You were sort of having a little meltdown in your brain right then. Rachel Gatina was kissing you. The beautiful, cocky, queen of mean, sexy cheerleader Rachel Gatina was kissing you. Ever since she’d arrived, she had been turning heads, even yours. You never had the courage to approach her or say hello to her, even at a party the two of you were at. Especially since she didn’t seem all that nice. Never mind the whole cliques thing, Rachel had been right; there were rumors going around about you. Most of the girls on Rachel’s side of the hallway so to speak avoided you like the Plague and only acknowledged your existence to make fun of you or gossip about you if somehow the rumors got a second wind (which you made sure they never did, not from you anyway). 
But Rachel was beautiful although personality wise, she wasn’t exactly your type. Though she did prove to be a lot smarter than she let on. You may have asked around yourself, overheard a few things. Plus, you had it on pretty good authority that she may have been the one to cause the whole time capsule business which then led to— You didn’t want to think about that. Now or ever quite honestly. Besides, Mouth had made you promise to keep it to yourself about the capsule. It was obvious that even Mouth had a crush on her. 
You counted down the seconds in your head as you enjoyed the softness of her lips against yours, the smell of her perfume, the feeling of her hands on your face. When you reached the end, you went to pull back but she tugged you back in. Not only did she keep you there but she deepened the kiss. You could have sworn you felt the edge of her tongue against your lower lip.
You continued counting in your head and by 27, Rachel finally let you go. You took a step back and watched as she held her fingers up to her lips, staring at you. Then she did the last thing you expected (or if you were being honest, you totally expected it). She laughed out, “Oh my God.”
There it was. You waited for the joke, for Brooke to pop out of a stall that she mysteriously appeared into and begin laughing and pointing, for the whole school to start filing into the bathroom, one by one, to join in the merriment. “Yeah, that’s usually the reaction I get,” you muttered, wiping your lips with your fingers.
“No, not you. I mean…Bevin was right.” She laughed again, seeming almost pleasantly surprised.
And there was the joke. “Great. Glad she was. Now, if I can be set free from this Bathroom Bastille, that would be awesome. Thanks for the laughs.” You gave her a peace sign and began to walk towards the door. You fully expected to find some cheerleaders or Bevin or Brooke on the other side of it.
“Hey! Hold up a second.” She jumped down from the sink and grabbed your shirt sleeve to stop you. “You don’t have to act like kissing me was such a revolting thing for you to do that you’re now relieved it’s over. You really do know how to give a girl a complex.”
“I know how to give a girl a complex? You’re laughing after you kissed me. What about that doesn’t give a girl a complex?”
She nodded, sticking her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. “True. I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing at you.”
You arched a brow over at her.
“Scout’s honor.” She stuck two fingers up in a gesture that you were pretty sure they didn’t use in the Scouts but you kept that observation to yourself. 
“Then what were you laughing at?”
She looked uncomfortable then and you had to wonder if she had been telling you the truth just now. “That Bevin was right. …And not.”
“Right about what?”
She bit at her lip. “Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t know you just like you don’t know me. So if I tell you this, you can’t tell anyone at all. Even if they’re not from Tree Hill. Like ever. Got it?”
So, she also had a secret that she didn’t want getting out. You could understand that. You held up your fingers in the actual Scout’s honor sign. “Got it.”
Rachel looked uncomfortable again but her discomfort also seemed to be tainted by a little sadness. “I was telling Bevin that I never really feel anything with the guys I sleep with.” Ah, you knew where this was going. “I mean, I got this new body and everything but it didn’t change anything. Except for how they looked at me.” She bit at her bottom lip again which you were starting to see may be a nervous gesture on her part. “So, Bevin said she always wondered what it would be like to be a guy, checking out chicks. And I said that might be my problem, maybe I was into girls.”
You kept your face carefully neutral but inside you were half-shocked, and half-not so shocked. 
“She kissed me on the spot which totally took me by surprise, and asked if I felt anything. I told her I didn’t because I really didn’t. She said if I was into girls then I would’ve felt something because she’s a great kisser and I’d be into her.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at that one. Maybe Bevin was a great kisser like she boasted but that wasn’t exactly how it worked. You would know.
“And you weren’t?”
“No,” she snapped. “I like Bevin well enough but no. The class ended and that was it. But then it got me thinking.”
“Ah. You thought you’d go to one of the girls rumored to be gay in this school and ask her to kiss you, you know just to make sure.”
“Well, not to put too fine a point on it but yeah.”
You snorted. “Well?”
“Did you feel anything?”
She looked uncertain for a moment so you figured the answer would be no. But then she surprisingly took a step closer to you, giving you a hint of a smile that was absent of her usual cockiness. “Yeah, actually.”
“So according to Bevin’s vast array of knowledge in these matters, you must be into girls then. Mazel Tov. I’ll see you around, Rachel.” You turned to leave, eager to put this whole thing behind you, when she gently grabbed your arm. 
You sighed and turned back. “I did what you asked. I don’t get why—”
Rachel leaned in, kissing you again. 
When she broke away, your brows drew together. “Uh…?”
“Did you feel anything?”
Hell yeah, you did. You felt that down to your toes. But you weren’t about to tell her that. “I, um… It’s really hard to tell. I might need further exploration on the subject.”
She let you go and gave you a look. “Really?”
“Yep. As a matter of fact, I’m going to go find another cheerleader and shove her into a bathroom to make out with her so I can find out. Great idea, Rach. Thanks. Later.” You went to leave when she grabbed you again.
Smiling at you, she pulled you closer. “Shut up.” She kissed you then and you couldn’t help but kiss her back.
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You glanced up when you heard the bell ring again, signaling you needed to get to your next class. You groaned and it wasn’t because Rachel’s lips were attached to your neck. You both were currently in a stall with her in your lap (because she refused to get her clothes dirty sitting on a gross toilet seat though she was slightly taller than you with the heels she was sporting, which made positioning awkward at times) and you literally had been making out now for most of the period. 
“I need to get to my next class.”
“Skip it,” she breathed before kissing you again.
“I can’t skip it,” you panted. “I already missed one class while you’re having your gay awakening.” 
She pulled back, scowling at you. “I’m not gay.”
You inclined your head at her sitting in your lap. 
She shoved her hair behind her ear. “That doesn’t mean I’m gay. I’m just…trying new things.” She gave you a bright smile. “Besides, if I was gay, don’t you think I would have enjoyed kissing Bevin?”
“Yeah, that’s not how that works.”
“And you would know.”
“Says the girl who’s currently sitting on my lap and has been trying to convince me to meet her at her house later so she can get me into bed.”
She wrapped her arms around her neck. “Come on, it’ll be fun. Brooke won’t be there if that’s what you’re worried about. She has a date tonight. And I need to find out if those rumors are true.” She leaned in to place a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“I hate those rumors,” you muttered.
“Why? They’re not true?”
“What do you think?”
She thought about it for a moment. “Good point. So is it or is it not true that you and Donna DiLorenzo went all the way in the eighth grade at summer camp?”
You couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Summer camp? How cliche.”
“So they’re not true then?”
You shook your head. “No. Donna and I were just friends. And I never went to summer camp.”
She shrugged. “Fair enough. But obviously, the other part of the rumor is true.” She smirked and ran a finger along your jaw.
“That I’m a raging lesbian who’s always on the prowl for girls? No. Sorry to disappoint but your friend Brooke made all of that up.”
She didn’t say anything to that. How could she? “But if you’re making out with me, then—”
“I like both guys and girls. That’s the real truth. Which goes without saying, is to be kept secret along with this whole little makeout session and what you told me earlier. It all goes into the vault, for life. Got it?”
She nodded, that cocky smirk making a reappearance. “So I really can’t convince you to come by tonight once Brooke leaves?”
You heard the bell again and you let out a huge groan. “That’s two classes now.”
“You have me on your lap, asking you to come to my house later so we can continue this, and you’re worried about class?” She actually seemed insulted.
“Yes. Because I don’t need the absences which will turn into zeros when they realize I’m cutting.”
Rachel studied you for a moment and flicked her hair back, holding onto you. “Well, since you don’t have to rush off now. Care to feel me up?”
You arched your brows in disbelief, silently asking if she was serious, to which she only smiled wider. “I hate you,” you muttered.
“You certainly have a weird way of showing that.” She ground into you and interlocked her fingers at the back of your neck, grinning. “Come on. You know you want to. They’re a hell of a lot bigger than Donna DiLorenzo’s,” she teased.
“Like I said, I hate you, and I wouldn’t know.”
“You’ve had your hands on my ass for the last half hour. While I’m flattered, don’t you want to feel what my other attributes feel like?”
“You mean holding onto your ass to keep you from falling? You’re welcome.”
“Come on.” She reached down and began to lower the straps of her tank top, her jacket having been hung up on the back of the door long ago. 
You stopped her. “If I agree to drop by your house later, can we stop this ridiculous conversation in its tracks?”
She shrugged, moving her straps back into place. “I wouldn’t call it ridiculous but sure. Brooke’s date is picking her up around 8:00. Why don’t you swing by around 8:30?”
Your jaw tightened. “If this turns out to be some elaborate prank with cameras and people popping out and Brooke, I swear, I will go nuclear on your secrets. The vault won’t be able to withstand the heat of that explosion.”
“You are so incredibly paranoid but got it, loud and clear. For the record, I wasn’t inviting you over as a prank. I’m not Brooke,” she finished in a whisper. She then cleared her throat. “As it turns out, I am inviting you over to watch a movie.”
“Awww. You’re going to show me your Girls Gone Wild collection? How sweet.” 
She swatted your shoulder. “Shut up. I’m talking about that movie The Grudge. Have you seen it?”
You shook your head. “Didn’t really want to if I’m honest.”
Her smile grew. “Perfect.” She leaned in and kissed you, chuckling into your mouth when she moved your hands from her ass to her breasts. 
You squeezed them for good measure and muttered to her lips, “There. Very nice. Happy now?”
“Not yet.” She launched herself at you, kissing you deeply. You barely heard someone knocking on the bathroom door for the fourth time since this whole thing started, and you had stopped counting the seconds in your head long ago. Rachel Gatina was making out with you and she was inviting you over to her house later to “watch a movie”. There was no way in hell you were passing that up or paying attention to anything else (even if you had been dying to see The Grudge since you missed it while it was in theaters). You had missed two classes for Rachel’s experiment, after all.
That made you pull back for a moment. “I can’t miss another class, though.”
She nodded, panting. “You agreed to come over later so, yeah. I got it. But you still have forty five minutes.” She gave you that wicked smirk again before moving back in.
You moved your hands back to her ass and she moaned into your mouth though you could feel the smirk against your lips right before. You didn’t know Bevin Prince very well but damn if you weren’t going to send her some kind of gift basket as a thank you.
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Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for this character.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
banner by @cafekitsune
99 notes · View notes
[Argo internal monitoring system - record created 16.04.3025 - record last accessed 21.05.3060 - record accessed by: Precentor Omicron (PX) VI Liška]
[Record Location - MechBay Chief Tech Office - assigned to Y. Virtanen]
[sound of hatch opening]
Savannah Caruso [SC]: You called for me, Yang?
Yang Virtanen [YV]: Uh - yeah, boss, come on in. And close the hatch, wouldya?
[sound of hatch opening fully and closing, followed by locking sound]
SC: Okay, Yang, you were pretty hush-hush. Keting xox? [trans. “Lang Belta”: “What’s up?”]
YV: It, uh, it’s about the new guys, boss.
SC: Our weird’uns? 
YV: Uh, well, Melissa and her little clique, yeah. I know when we hired ‘em, them said, “don’t ask questions-”
SC: But you’ve been asking anyway.
YV: Uh - yeah. No, not asking questions, but investigating. I just didn’t buy their story. At first just about their ‘Mechs. I mean there’s lots of Belters out there that, well, uh. Go like you. Go furry.
SC: Yeah, pretty common. Okay, so you didn’t buy their story. You don’t think those new ‘Mechs are old SLDF prototypes?
YV: No, ma’am, I don’t. And I can prove that - and a lot more.
SC: That so?
[sound of chair being pulled into position - followed by pause - 2 seconds]
SC: Okay. Go.
YV: All right, so the first thing that got me weirded out was the connectors. For the cables.
SC: [unidentifiable sound - pos. expression of interest]
YV: That and how clean everything is in those ‘Mechs - not clean, like, not dusty, but how… how uniform it all was. It’s all standardized. I don’t need to tell you what that means.
SC: Either these were newly built ‘Mechs and never saw action…
YV: … or wherever they came from has functional, fully standardized ‘Mech factories. Which… they have to be factory-built. They’re just not… messy enough for prototypes.
SC: Could be late stage prototypes? Near-production?
YV: See, I thought that too. But we’ve got two of those … [sound of snapping fingers, repeated 3 times]... “Catamarauders” out there -
SC: [interrupting; sound of snorted laugh]
YV: Well, I gotta call ‘em something, boss, and Melissa and her little menagerie aren’t naming names. Anyway, if those were prototypes, even late stage, I’d expect to find some kind of difference, even tiny ones.
SC: Well, the weapons load -
YV: [interrupting] I mean at the functional component level, boss. The screws, the connectors, the O-ring seals. They’re all identical, boss, even with connecting different weapons in.
SC: Okay. Serial numbers?
YV: Scrubbed. Completely. Lasered, sanded, dremeled off. Everything-
SC: [simultaneous] Hmm.
YV: - but all the locations of the serial numbers are identical. Part to part.
SC: Okay. Okay. So they’re not prototypes. So… Keting to showxa? [trans. “Lang Belta”: “What are you saying?”]
YV: What I’m saying is that those are production ‘Mechs. And they’re not SLDF. Not all of them.
SC: Okay. Elaborate.
YV: Obviously the Lancelot, Mongoose, and that Phoenix Hawk LAM are SLDF designs. Those are in the Argo’s databanks and we know them. But the others, we don’t know, right? Well, I’m certain the other ‘Mechs are based on Star League tech. I checked. The connectors and screws and such in the new ‘Mechs - dimension-wise, they’re perfect matches for SL-Standard components, but improved. Made out of some new material compounds and seemingly a little beefed up to allow for repeated swaps in and out -
SC: [interrupting] Like the weapons.
YV: Like the weapons, but at a smaller scale. Everything seems geared towards making refits easy. Like they’re expecting to do them often. And the old Star League had a couple designs that had modular weapon setups, but this is a lot more comprehensive. Plus the weapons themselves. What they’re calling a “small laser”? Boss, that thing pumps out as much energy as a medium laser, and range wise I’m seeing a 25% increase over a normal small. It does generate more heat, but that gets into discussing those compact double heat sinks they’ve got… all the weapons are like that. Same or reduced weight and space, better range, and for the energy weapons, better energy output. They’re just better, and I can’t explain it without what might seem like some logical leaps.
[silence - 3 seconds]
SC: So you’re saying that someone has a factory out there churning out ‘Mechs with components matching Star League standards, and with weapons that are lighter, less bulky and hit harder than standard designs.
YV: Yeah, and those new weapons, well, Melissa and her little group - the way they speak about our weapons? Those better weapons aren’t prototypes or sidegrades, boss. Wherever they come from, those are standard-issue.
SC: Okay, that’s… [exhale] Pashang mi, Yang. [trans. “Lang Belta’: “Fuck me, Yang.”] I’m beginning to get an idea of where you might be going here... [pause, ½ second] They were all really chuffed to get to ride on the Argo, weren’t they?
YV: They were, boss. They were. But, I’ve got more.
SC: Go go. [trans. “Lang Belta”: “Go on.”]
YV: I was born on Bryant, not all that far from Combine space. Spacers come through, we’d hear tales. I once heard a rumor about something that happened during the First Succession War. Mysterious raiders come out of the coreward Periphery. No communication. They attack four Combine worlds - Svelvik, Trondheim, Jarret, and Richmond. They have advanced tech, seemingly modified Star League kit. One of these raiders died on Richmond - driving a pristine Lancelot.
SC: [chair shifting]
YV: Yeah, a little like the one out there. This MechWarrior killed himself to avoid capture when his ‘Mech was disabled. Some kind of suicide pill, I heard. Anyway, the ‘Mech had two insignia on it - a white Terran wolverine with blood-covered fangs, and an insignia of a landmass with “331st” on it. And get this. The raiders ‘Mechs were painted in regular army colors - regular Star League army colors. Y’know, that one shade of green - and they used SLDF tactics in battle. Had advanced full body cooling suits, slimmer, more advanced than Inner Sphere standard. Not as advanced as what we have here on the Argo, but still.
SC: Sounds like the suits our new friends had when they joined us. When was this?
YV: 2825. Two hundred years ago exactly. I cross referenced those logo descriptions with the Argo’s computer library, boss. No dice on the wolverine logo, but the other one… belonged to the SLDF 331st Royal BattleMech Division. Minnesota Division.
[silence - 1.5 seconds]
SC: The 331st didn’t go Blue Star or ELH… did they.
YV: No, ma’am. All records stop when Kerensky left.
[silence - 2 seconds]
YV: Yeah. Still not done though.
SC: [nonplussed] Oh good.
YV: Y’know how the Argo, she has that funny little habit of sneaky copying the jump logs on JumpShips we dock with?
SC: I do. We get shit for it, but Doc Murad hasn’t figured out a fix yet?
YV: Yeah, well, it turns out that applies to DropShips too, when they dock with us. Including the one that Melissa and her group docked on way back when they joined up. I had Sumire pull up the records. They used the same DropShip for quite a while.
SC: And where did it come from?
YV: First record on the DropShip’s string is at Richmond, and the JumpShip made at least one jump rimward from the coreward Periphery before that.
[silence - 4 seconds]
YV: But I don’t think they’re this Minnesota group, boss. None of them had that logo anywhere on their ‘Mechs.
SC: They didn’t have ANY insignia, as I recall.
YV: Yeah. But that’s not the kicker, boss. I know who they came from, or at least, a 99% guess. When I was doing maintenance last week on Remus’ “Catamarauder”, I accidently tripped a memory dump. There were hidden files. Including the neural config file. You know how none of them have given us their last names?
SC: [hesitantly] I do…
YV: [pause, audible swallow] Makes sense they didn’t scrub it, it’s a key file, and one that you can’t just modify without root access, except by changing the neurohelmet sync, and even then it doesn’t... [shaking exhale] Well, on Remus’ ‘Mech… and probably all of them… well, their ‘Mechs have their names, listed right there in the neural config files. Remus’ last name… is Kerensky.
[silence - 2 seconds]
SC: … fffffuuuuuck.
7 notes · View notes
sirwow · 1 year ago
back at it again with my very long au rambles. Long ramble about Logan and Hailey (and a bit of Lucia) au origin under the cut
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(This is copy and pasted from discord so there may be some format issues)
this is all happening around a year before the actual events of RD happening:
Logan and Lucia were both already friends at this point since they’d basically always been in the same classes together from elementary school. They had just come back to school after suffering the online hell of Covid tm so were readjusting. Logan was hopeful that his unlucky streak in school was over since they had gotten time away from school but was already getting bullied within the first hour by his old bullies. Even when his solace of after school dance came around a week later, it was clear all the girls had made a clique, excluding him. Lucia was still there by his side but only on the sidelines since she decided dance wasn’t for her. The group did have one new girl though, being Hailey. She was in Logan’s classes but he didn’t really pay much mind to her till the first day of dance. He was dreading having another passive aggressive bully seeing she was already popular with everyone else in dance. Practice started n since it seemed the one other guy there had dropped out n Lucia wasn’t gonna do dance, Logan had no partner.
The group of girls were whispering and snickering to Hailey as the teacher tried to figure out a partner for Logan. When they asked if anyone wanted to be his partner, Hailey shyly spoke up and agreed to it as the other girls giggled. Introductions were awkward as any two 13 yrs would be but they quickly got moved off to do partner stuff together. Logan was obviously off put n Hailey was uncomfortable with what Logan thought was him. Until she broke the small talk by apologizing. The other girls told her to go see how “bad” he was but confessed she really didn’t think Logan was that bad. She thought he was really nice actually and seemed quite good at what he was doing.
So Logan is very relieved that Hailey doesn’t hate him out the gate and they significantly de-tense with each other- properly introducing themselves n chatting while dancing. Logan can feel the stares of the others when Hailey stays with him during break to meet Lucia. They do the usual hi and hellos before Lucia admitting she was worried Hailey was gonna be like the other girls to Logan. Hailey of course being the sweetheart she is tries to be a bit defensive of the people who she thinks are her immediate friends but seeing Logan’s face drop clues Hailey in on things. Before Lucia gets a chance to politely um actually Hailey, Hailey asks first meekly if they’re always like this to Logan and why. Lucia flat out tells her yes, and it’s all because he’s a guy in dance who’s a bit more introverted then most guys.
Hailey is pretty visibly angry but doesn’t say anything as break is called off to get back to dancing. Things go fine until the end of the after school class. Lucia already left a bit earlier since her dad got there so it was just Hailey and Logan. Hailey was asked to stick behind by the teacher to talk about things so Logan just waved bye before going outside pretty happy about seeming to make a friend. This was until he got cornered by the main 3 bossy girls of the dance group in a corner. They were chastising him for messing with the new girl and saying he shouldn’t get his hopes up. Hailey walked out shortly after and heard the commotion down the way. She quickly snuck up on the altercation, listening in. She was already pissed about what she was seeing but hearing Logan being told he’d never really belong there ticked her off. Breaking through the 3 girls, Hailey got inbetween them and Logan before launching into a barrage on them. They were all stunned, even Logan. The tirade ending with Hailey calling them assholes and to screw off (le gasp she said a scary curse word)
The girls backed up and ran off past Hailey n Logan when they heard the teacher coming. The teacher of course asked what the noise was all about but Hailey just played it cool saying everything was fine n nudged Logan to agree. The teacher sighed but accepted their answer n left them be. Both started walking off from school and started laughing about the whole situation. Logan thanked Hailey for helping him out there, she played it off as nothing big but Logan really made it clear how much that meant to him. Hailey was happy she could help. Logan’s house was close to school so before they parted ways, they traded numbers with each other to keep talking. Hailey had a long walk home but it wasn’t so bad knowing she had made a friend who seemed so genuine.
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auncyen · 1 year ago
I think part of why I like Oboro is because I think of some of the stuff in OT2 as like "depiction of mental illness on fantasy steroids".
In real life, most people who are depressed aren't going to hurt anyone else (the unfortunate possibility of themselves on the table). They might hurt their relationships with others, though, because part of depression is your brain being stuck on only the negative. Oboro gets to raise his adoptive sister and be friends with a kind prince? That's because he's working for the prince's father who, going by Ori's journal fragments, went a LONG time ignoring any strategies Oboro proposed to avoid bloodshed in war and went the bloody way regardless. This same man is ultimately responsible for both Oboro and Ori being orphans, and Oboro didn't exactly enter his service freely. This man acts like this because his bloodline is cursed, which Oboro knows very well the prince has a second, crueler personality because of the curse too, and seems convinced that means eventually the prince will turn out the same way as his father.
He doesn't, but you know, even master strategists can ignore possibilities because of cognitive distortions.
Like this is the same setting where a book convinces a guy who seemed to be decent if extremely hard on himself "you can't save everyone from illness" means "you have to kill everyone so they don't suffer". Same book convinces another person that living is pointless too. Oboro doesn't find anything particularly noteworthy about the book...because he's already realized "the truths it laid bare on my own"... but I think it's noteworthy that even he, by his own account, "played my role" of "dutiful subject" until the day the man (I assume Claude) approached him with the book. Basically: Oboro was depressed and traumatized enough that if the book did change his thinking in any way, it did not register. But while his letter is somewhat ambiguous about when exactly the plan started, the implication seems to be the planning started then, either because he now had an accomplice in the man and/or because the book did nudge his thinking, even if it didn't register to him. (Which again, depression: sometimes you don't realize you're getting worse until it's suddenly like "whoa. wait, at one point in my life I did have more hope, but it feels like I might as well have been a different person then".) We don't have an account of a "normal" person reading the book and staying normal afterward (Castti might have read the book, because the opportunity was there, but there isn't anything saying she did) so it's...hm. That book definitely isn't doing anyone's mental state favors, huh.
Basically take the humans of the OCTOPATH villains: Oboro, Tanzy, Ori, Petrichor, Trousseau, Harvey. Petrichor is essentially a noncharacter, we never interact with her directly and she has very little description even in the infodumping journal fragments. Harvey, well, kind of seems to just be envy to the point of extreme evil. But I'd argue Oboro, Tanzy, Ori, and Trousseau all had depression even before reading the Book of Night (and iirc it's not even certain if Ori actually read the book or not; she's in close enough proximity it seems likely she did at some point, but it's not described). There are definitely other human issues at play behind the troubles in OT2, such as, whatever the hell Harvey's deal is, and while Roque is excluded from the OCTOPATH acronym clique (which seems a bit arbitrary to me given how far on the periphery Tanzy and Trousseau are, but yeah, sure, he's not in the conspiracy), greed certainly isn't helping anyone, but so much of the human side of Vide being brought back seems to be despair and trauma and depression being put on fantasy steroids. And in that context everything Oboro does is still terrible and wrong. But like I get how he screwed up that badly. (And still. Poor Hikari. AU where Hikari read the book as well everyone has the worst time ever)
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avernusreject · 1 year ago
Its the amount of dopamine I got from having both my Tav (Zinnia) and dark urge (Beckett) in the same single player save file.
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I screwed both of them up a bit in character creation. Beckett is missing her scar and Zinnia's hair is a bit too dark. But I'm way too lazy to fix so it is what it is. A side note, is that your custom characters will spawn into the act 1 camp by Karlach. Now every time I have a dialogue scene with Astarion, it looks like they're casually having a hangout in the background.
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I was fully expecting for this work around to make one of the characters similar to that of a hireling where they just kind of chill in the background. NOPE! Fully interactable with the world and your companions. I am finally living the dream of validating both Gale and Astarion at the same time. Let me tell you, your girl was thriving. You even get to have the dream guardian interact with both characters.
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I have to say having played a campaign with one character versus two at the same time, I much prefer having two characters. You have to be deliberate with which character you play as when you interact with companions for approval since the dialogue/actions haven't doubled. This has led me for the first time to actually have poor approval with companions at the end of act 1, which shows you so much more dialogue. It just also makes your companions feel fleshed out when they have preferences with people they want to be around. Also it's just kind of funny that little cliques have formed in the party now.
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