#screw kishi
katrasining · 11 months
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✧•∙ HOLOCTOBER Day 19: Wedding ∙•✧
🦔 Kishido Temma 💨
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etherbonded · 2 years
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fool!sumi being taken care of by a funeral director while being on house arrest
mmmm oc moments.
TW // harassment mention, yes the man is shido
" ...Something isn't quite RIGHT with you Yoshizawa. You don't seem the type to commit a crime such as assault or even battery. Do you want to talk about it? "
It's a bit of a shock to Sumire's system, finally someone didn't believe the bullshit that they were told about her. Not even her father believed her, so it's nice to finally have someone who'll actually listen to her. So, before she knows it, she tells the lady who's her guardian now she supposes, about what happened that night.
" W-well, this man was bothering my sister and he was getting too close for comfort so I shoved him away. And he got hurt so he threatened to get me in trouble, so my sister and I ran home as fast as we could. So the next morning, well, I got pressed with charges, I guess he figured out who I was due to something I must've dropped when we ran away. No one believed it was in self-defense besides my sister but my father made sure to keep her quiet due to not wanting his reputation ruined any more than me getting charges would do or something. The man won in his charges against me so, yeah, that's how this happened I suppose. "
The lady's grip on the car's wheel has tightened as she scoffs in irritation, almost as if she likely holds a DISTAIN for the justice system. " Tch, typical justice system. Always looking to screw over the weak and let the powerful win because they're more 'important' in their eyes. ...Sorry that happened to you Yoshizawa, I know what it's like to have the justice system try to screw your life over. "
Sumire wants to pry more, but not only do they come to a stop, she also figures maybe it's a bit TOO GUTSY of a question to ask for now despite the fact the lady had just asked her about what was up with her practically.
The lady sighs upon finally parked, as if it's a relief for her to finally be back at her Funeral Parlor. " By the way, Yoshizawa, you asked me earlier when I picked you up but I never told you, my name's Michiko Kishi. "
A smile lightly manages to tug on her lips for the first time in awhile from her guardian's response, " It's a pleasure to be in your care Michiko-San. "
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Team 8 [ 第8班 / 第八班 - Daihappan ]
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Sensei: Itoya Morino Members: Shigeru Aburame / Rouna Inuiwa & Shiroi / Hisae Higa Affiliation: Konohagakure
Team 8, also known as Team Morino, is a ninja team from the Leaf Village, consisting of Sensei Itoya Morino and Shigeru Aburame (Shibi Abruame's younger brother) Rouna Inuiwa (of the branch clan of Inuzuka) her faithful wolf-dog Shiroi and Hisae Higa (one of many branch clans of the Hyūga Clan)
Regarded as a Team of geniuses by their own Sensei, who believes they are even more brilliant than he and his analytical mind is and will ever be, they specialize in tracking, searching and locating, blending Higa Hisae's byakugan (albeit of lower strength and power than that of the Hyūga Clan) Aburame Shigeru's bugs and Inuiwa's outstanding sense skills alongside Shiroi's. Becoming collectively a sharp and efficient Team.
However, despite the actual successful missions completed, among peers Team 8 is, due to the presence of branch Clan members and a tendency to denigrate and stigmatize based solely on social status, often named Team Trash. Class-mentality bullying so common that it becomes a habit that, though, Team 8 tries to ignore and, rather, counter by showing their professional competence.
United by shared personal struggles, a genuine and deep friendship has emerged between the three that makes them even more cohesive and resilient. Due also to character differences that well combine and balance each other, from Rouna's self-confident extrovertedness to Shigeru's calm thoughtful introvertedness to Hisae's benevolent and selfless kindness. A respect and flawless mutual understanding that made them, over time, not only an extremely efficient Team, with nearly the highest number of successful missions, but also valorous and fierce chūnin destined to become future superb and brilliant jōnin.
Whose names have already been recommended, at the outbreak of an imminent war, both by their Sensei and other respected members of Konohagakure's ninja community.
[NB: the table data refer to when they are already about 17/18 years old, thus promoted long ago as chūnin and next to become (wanting it) jōnin]
Shigeru Abruame: Shibi's younger brother, Shinju's father, Shino & Torune's uncle Hisae Higa: Neji's mother, Hinata & Hanabi's aunt Rouna Inuiwa: Kakashi's mother Itoya Morino: Ibiki's father
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maoam · 2 years
So here’s a post defending Sakura and since it makes assumptions about people who think Sakura is a bad character (not badly written exactly, just unlikeable) I’ll respond to it: [link]
“Sakura is toxic because she made fun of Naruto for being an orphan–” She regretted it the second after Sasuke rightfully called her out and even opened a therapy center for war orphans. “
Her opening a clinic is not canon, it’s novel only, Kishimoto didn’t write that, and only Kishimoto’s portrayal is canon. What Kishi portrayed was that Sakura never redeemed herself when it comes to understanding loneliness.
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She compared her shallow feelings to the massacre of Sasuke’s entire family and clan. That’s how selfish and ignorant she is. She’s taking her family for granted and rubbing it in Sasuke’s face as she makes this about herself and her hurting because he’s leaving her. She even said Sasuke’s revenge won’t make HER happy. As if it’s about her or Sasuke should care whether it makes her happy or not. Even in chapter 693 after Sasuke had given a speech about how he wants change, Sakura went on a rant on how things can go back to how they were if Sasuke just stays with her. She doesn’t even listen what he says! No matter how much time passes. No matter how many times Sasuke tells her her feelings aren’t relevant when it comes to his goals.
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And Kishimoto wrote her to be like this even in the Road to Ninja movie (which’s script he wrote). She has to constantly be told her actions are hurtful. She treats Naruto more like someone she has to tolerate because they’re in the same team rather than a friend. Sometimes she feels guilty when others point out how badly she treats him as a friend/comrade, but she always falls back. It’s hilarious after how awfully she treated him in part 1 she still begged him with tears in her eyes to bring Sasuke back. Lol. And her fake confession was indeed stupid and showed not only she doesn’t know Sasuke, she doesn’t know Naruto either. I hate the “Sakura makes mistakes, she’s human” excuse. I noticed usually when people use the word “human” to defend characters they’re annoying characters. She’s not sympathetic, she’s annoying. And dumb, she left her teammates in the middle of nowhere.
“Sakura is abusive because she constantly punches Naruto–” She only hit him in the manga when he did something perverted or disrespectful, it was heavily exaggerated in the anime. It's called slap stick comedy. If you think it's aBuSiVe, I hope you have the same energy for Jiraiya who peeked at the women's bathroom without consent and gets brushed off as ‘comedic purpose’, double standards much?”
Yes I absolutely have the same energy for Jiraiya. Screw him. And only when Naruto does something stupid? How is punching the shit out of him because he accidentally kissed Sasuke okay? Sasuke isn’t even hers. And what about when he punched both Naruto and Sai because Sai called Ino beautiful?
“Sakura was SEVEN when she announced Ino as her rival. I'm sorry y'all are morally uptight who's never made a single stupid decision as a kid that you feel the need to accuse a child of being a villain for acting like a child. And it has been implied very clearly Sakura wanted to get out of Ino's shadow and only used Sasuke as an excuse to do so. And if Sakura was this horrible bitchy friend you guys think she was then I don't think Ino would immediately jump to protect her during chunin exams. Sasuke did more terrible things to his best friend than Sakura did but once only Sakura gets shit for it. And they never stopped being friends, only their dynamic changed, it included friendly bickering and rivalry. Ino never was mad or bitter with Sakura and even proudly told her she bloomed into a beautiful flower, this doesn't sound like a person who's been unfairly betrayed by a best friend over a crush?”
First of all most little girls don’t dump their friends over a boy. Teenagers maybe. The reason why Ino still cares about Sakura is because Kishimoto portrayed Ino as a good friend who wanted to help Sakura. And still cared about her when her life was in danger. He even used Ino’s dad to stress her care for her friends being what he’s most proud about her during the war arc. He wanted to highlight Sakura’s bad treatment of her friends with Ino. Sakura was always portrayed as catty towards Ino. Their only interaction in part 2 is Sakura wanting Sai to call Ino ugly (why would Kishimoto do this and nothing positive from Sakura towards Ino in part 2?) and in Gaiden she’s nervously laughing when Sarada comes between Ino and Sasuke. Sakura also taped herself over Karin, she sees them both as threats. As she told Ino, she’d never let her near Sasuke. Kishimoto portrayed her consistently like this.
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“She has a Stockholm Syndrom--”
I’m not one of those who thinks she has a Stockholm syndrome. She’s just a dumb girl who mistook her hormonal urges and school girl “romance” for true love and acts obnoxious about it, with no regard for Sasuke’s feelings.
“She is shallow, she only liked Sasuke for his looks–” If her feelings for Sasuke truly were shallow, she'd have moved on after he left the village, she'd have moved on after he became a criminal, like Ino did. She saw Sasuke at his worst and still chose him with all his flaws. A ‘shallow crush’ wouldn't last for so many years. If her feelings weren't strong or deep, Sasuke wouldn't choose her in the end.
Her feelings are shallow. What kind of argument is “she didn’t move on, that’s why her feelings are not shallow” is? I guess this is good news for stalkers, their feelings are always true love because they don’t give up! Kishimoto used 自分勝手な 恋な, (jibungattena koina) which means selfish/self centered/egoistic love to describe Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke in the beginning. It’s a negative word. After the manga had ended he used the word 中毒 to describe Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke, which means addiction. And it’s even worse than the first one. It’s very negative, toxic. How do people not realize he’s mocking her? Also, Sakura DID give up on Sasuke and didn’t accept all his flaws. Sasuke even himself acknowledged at the end Naruto is the only one who never tried to cut ties with him and who never gave up on him. Maybe it’s someone else who needs to read the manga properly.
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Her feelings never matured or developed. Kishimoto showed it to us very clearly. She’s desperate for any crumb from Sasuke, and mopes when she doesn’t get it. Even during the war arc, when the fate of the world was at stake, what she cared about was Sasuke-kun not fussing over her.
I’ll simply copypaste from my other post: Sakura was portrayed like any other fangirl of Sasuke in the beginning, who liked his looks and how cool he was. She never tried to approach Sasuke as a friend but only kept asking him on dates despite his blatant rejections. She never says why she loves him, or even likes him. According to herself Sasuke never says anything to her. Her first confession showed how little she understood Sasuke. She was the girl with everything, with family, while Sasuke and Naruto had nothing. Yet she had the nerve to say if Sasuke left she would be just as lonely as he was. She’s comparing the massacre of Sasuke’s family to a boy she never talks to leaving her, while disrespecting her own parents in the process. How juvenile that must have sounded like to someone like Sasuke. In Part 1 Sasuke occassionally protects Sakura because she’s too weak to protect herself, and in part 2 Sakura probably wanted to entertain the thought Sasuke would still have this consideration for her. But in Part 2 Sasuke treats Sakura like a fodder ninja. She doesn’t manage to get a proper reaction out of Sasuke who focuses on Naruto everytime he meets up with his former team. Sasuke also leaves Sakura to die couple times while choosing to save Naruto instead. Despite all this, Sakura still thought she’s entitled to Sasuke, and in her second confession she started to yet again scream how much she loves Sasuke and how much she hurts due to it. In both of her confessions she is guilt tripping Sasuke and trying to make him pity her. In both of her confessions she makes everything about herself. She admits to herself she can’t do anything for Sasuke, yet she tries to win him over by pity. But she annoys Sasuke once again, and he puts her in a murder genjutsu. Sasuke then says they have no reason to love each other. And he’s right. What does Sakura know about Sasuke? Clearly nothing, considering she said the worst things she could have said during both of her confessions. She heard Sasuke talk about wanting change, yet she started to scream how if Sasuke stays with her, things can go back to how they were. It’s like the most basic things she doesn’t understand. She’s just an overemotional child who has nothing of worth to say. Kakashi who coddles her tries to talk to Sasuke on her behalf as well, insisting Sakura suffers for loving him. Sasuke then thinks of his family and says perhaps those are ties to a failed past. As in Sakura literally lives in the past. And she does. Despite the fact everything has changed, she thinks about the moment when Sasuke thanked her, and ignores him calling her annoying for her ignorant comments, or the fact someone who wants change obviously doesn’t want to go back to the way things were. This brutal rejection though still won’t slow Sakura down, but after Sasuke is leaving to his atonement trip Sakura blushes like a school girl and asks to come with him. After him mocking her and putting her in a genjutsu, this is what she does. Sasuke didn’t choose her, she simply did not leave him alone. This is his reaction after seeing her first time in 12 years:
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Kishimoto also just HAD to drop the information that Sasuke never kissed Sakura. Because he wanted to show to us how loving their marriage is. Hah.
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He also had to drop the information Sasuke avoids her like she’s the plague. Just because.
If she didn't love him, she'd not be able to stop his curse mark.
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I’m gonna stop you right there. Sasuke didn’t want to worry his teammates, he said so many times. He easily withdrew the cursemark during his match as well by remembering his teammates worry over him. It wasn’t that hard for him to do. It had nothing to do with Sakura’s love being “true” or “pure”.
“Sakura is useless as a main character–” That's not her fault. That's a criticism for the author. None of the female characters in the series have as much complexity, fight scenes or power as the male characters. It's a shonen centric more to the male characters. Sakura IS a main character because she contributes more in the manga than other female characters but she's not going to contribute as much as Sasuke or Naruto because the series revolved around men more than women. “
Wait til you find out the only version of Sakura that exists is the one Kishimoto created. And the issue isn’t her “not contributing as much as Naruto and Sasuke” it’s her being a dumbass who can’t do anything on battlefield unless she’s being held by hand and who prioritizes getting validation from Sasuke over actually acting like a proper shinobi. Let’s look at Sakura’s track record:
Land of Waves: Useless, just stands around.
Chunin exams: She thinks she’s got it during the written exam, but she didn’t realize the true meaning of the test despite acting she’s the smartest in their team. In the forest of death she stands around and screams, when she finally has to fight it’s like 2 minutes and she has to be saved by 4 support characters and Sasuke. She gets mocked for her amateuristic shinobi skills by her opponents. Ino uses shinobi like tactic during their fight, while Sakura only punches and has no strategy.
Konoha crush: She gets one-paneled by Gaara and well needs to be saved as always.
Search for Tsunade: Doesn’t do anything.
Sasuke Retrieval: Doesn’t do anything.
Kazekage Rescue: The only arc where she’s not useless and it’s because she’s literally used as a puppet and someone is directing her moves.
Tenchi Bridge Mission: Useless, gets knocked out and rescued several times.
Akatsuki Suppression: Doesn’t do anything.
Itachi Pursuit arc: Doesn’t do anything.
Pain arc: Cries for Naruto to help. Lmao. Doesn’t even try to buy him time despite acting she’s sooooo strong and wants to protect Naruto and Sasuke.
Kage Summit: Everything she tries to do in this arc she fails.
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Oh Sakura, how useless you are. Can’t even land a punch on a regular Kumo ninja. Can’t even lie to Naruto believably. Can’t even lie to Sasuke believably. Have to be rescued from Sasuke more than once. Then end up crying like you always do. Haha.
War arc: Temari saved Shikamaru’s ass in part 1 already. She was also a great leader during the 4th shinobi war, and land a hit on Madara. And what about some others? Tsunade broke down Susanoo and healed her teammates while being broken in half, Karin took down a monster kages couldn’t, and Ino took control of the Ten-tails and stopped its attacks and connected the whole shinobi army. Meanwhile Sakura stans go crazy when she punches some white zetsus once (and IMMEDIATELY needs to be saved after because she was too busy bragging how she’s better than Tsunade and didn’t pay attention to her surroundings). She only started to fight when Sasuke appeared because she wanted to show off to him. And she’s still useless. Charges in with no strategy once again, gets stabbed by Madara and needs to be rescued. Then stand around in awe when Naruto and Sasuke actually know what they’re doing. She can’t even stab an eye to end it all. Kishi shows how in both Kage Summit arc and War arc she trembles with a kunai and doesn’t hit her target. None of the other female characters except Hinata are this bad. They use whatever little screentime they have to be useful, while Sakura is too busy being rescued and whining because Sasuke-kun doesn’t love her back.
Here’s a couple posts to showcase how Kishimoto writes her. He uses the same narrative motifs with Sakura until the end. Open your eyes:
[link], [link], [link]
There’s countless other posts on both of our blogs but those are pretty right to the point. I doubt people want to read a whole thesis right now.
In short, Sakura Haruno is fucking amazing and maybe if y'all didn't hold female characters to such a ridiculous high standard and bothered to understand the manga instead of watching filler episodes, you'd know.
I never watched fillers because they suck. Sakura also sucks even in the manga. It’s not hard to notice Kishimoto meant to portray her as a shallow, weak and boy crazy character. I’m not even gonna go for the comparison of characters who have suffered massive injustice from the system and react realistically and understandably, and Sakura who has had everything handed to her and couldn’t even began to understand the tragedies and suffering of those characters. Who still acts like her life is so hard when a boy she knows nothing about doesn’t like her back. Lol. She never grew up, and I wait for the day when people stop trying to excuse her character and insisting how she’s supposedly so great.
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lunaneko14 · 3 months
saw this reply
"And please for the love of god don't make one character horrifically abusive and then have them say "sorry" and oh they're dating now"
on this post
https://www.tumblr.com/writing-with-sophia/727173758642765824/how-to-develop-the-enemies-to-lovers-trope?source=shares post
and i am like...it's okay buddy! you can say SasuSaku lmao! honestly Kishimoto was the worse with developing them and SasuSaku fans calling them Enemies to Lovers is just a cheap excuse because the ship is just not that good at all. Especially now that i am rewatching Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. No hon there are AMAZING enemies to lovers pairs, this one just sucks af.
they want examples of GOOD Enemies to Lovers? here's some!
Vegeta and Bulma
Ishinn and Masaki
Zutara ( non canon but anyway fits the trope )
Armin and Annie
Belle and Adam
like i am sorry hon but SasuSucku ain't shit and a huge bs pairing that has many negative interactions, only in Boruto they have good ones, and that's VERY limited and still kinda stiff. if Kishimoto wanted to, he couldn't wrote them great, but he failed. He's doing better now in Boruto in terms of writing but honestly? he screwed up by making SS canon, they both deserved better partners. Sasuke should've ended single or someone else if Kishi wanted a new Uchiha and Sakura with someone who never hurt her.
Don’t forget some of the best:
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I even WROTE a LESBIAN couple like this and they were praised by EVERYONE
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Oh well not everyone can be literate I guess
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cannot-kill-the-sun · 5 months
Tagged by @agenttexsflippedshit 😘
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
Screwing In A Lightbulb - Everybody's Worried About Owen
Stockholm Syndrome - Charming Disaster
Puzzle Pieces - Saint Motel
m'Lover - Kishi Bashi
Fear & Delight - The Correspondents
Do,Re, and Me - AJJ
Everything at Once - Lenka
Goodbye Mr A - The Hoosiers
The Mario Cliche - Bear Ghost
Tardigrade Song - Cosmo Sheldrake
Idk if I need to defend this but it my 2024 on repeat playlist which is only songs that I've stumbled across (or rediscovered) this year. It's 5 hours long and we're only in mid April 🤷‍♀️
Tagging: @lilacsandcarnations @winebrightruby @hedonistbyheart @ain-person @thantos1991 @katthekonqueror @brass-and-iron @see-arcane @minnarr @zeldahime and literally anyone who wants to
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Kishimoto sucks at handling trauma, but the difference between how he handles male characters trauma vs female characters trauma is a good example of Kishimotos misogyny and the way he views women, how trauma impacts them and the different ways women deal with it.
Like with many of the male characters he at least acknowledges the trauma and makes a plot line out of it before he screws them over. With the female characters he just gives them sad backstory/implies they have one and then screws them over.
For example with Hinata he gives her a whole backstory of how she is abused and disowned by her dad and how that is the reason for why she is the way she is (low self confidence, insecure, shy, quiet). And then it’s never brought up again. The way Kishi explained the whole sealing and main/side branch stuff with the Hyuga also implies that the person out of Hinata and Hanabi that doesn’t become the next clan head will be sealed and become a side branch member, but Kishi never awknowledges this or does anything with it, and after the chunnin exams the whole Hyuga plot is abandoned.
With Karin we only get a backstory on how she met Sasuke during the Chunin exams. Kishimoto heavily implies that there is more going on with her, especially considering all of the bitemarks all over her body, but he never goes into detail on how she got them. Like theres so much that is implied with Karin, that SP gave her a whole filler backstory that honestly makes a lot of sense.
Konan is basically the side character of an antagonist. She has a tragic backstory, but we don’t get her perspective on it. We also don’t get a backstory for why she was an orphan and we don’t get that for Yahiko either but he was dead upon the start of the story so that makes sense (we can’t get his perspective on thing when he’s dead.) There’s also the scene were she is sexually harassed by Jiraya, and how that would have impacted a 12 (?) year old girl. And then after Nagato dies and theres no male character left to tie her story too, Kishimoto kills her.
Tsunade gets a whole backstory on how she left Konoha and isn’t a practicing ninja and medic anymore because she lost her little beother and boyfriend. Something that lead to her having a fear of blood. But then after she meets Naruto, gets over her fear of blood and becomes the Hokage it’s barely mentioned again. When like her becoming hokage should not erase her trauma. And her fear of blood is not something she should just suddenly get over, it should be a process and it would be nice if Kishimoto acknowledged this later on in the manga.
Theres also the way all of these are good examples of how Kishimoto is unable to give female characters sad backstories without having them meeting a male character magically solving all of their problems.
There is probably more examples of this, but these were the first ones I thought off.
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cloudabserk · 7 months
5, 10, and 15 for ask game :)
omg sorry this is so late i never saw it
5. can kishi write romance?
NO!!! i mean. definitely not on purpose. he can write the most irritating middle school crushes i’ve ever seen tho and that counts for something
10. is sakura a shitty character or shittily written?
tbh idk what this means tbh isn’t the definition of a shitty character them being badly written? or does this mean a poor concept for a character? either way yeah they fucked her over so many times. there’s too many things to list but her relationships with ino, naruto, and rock lee were interesting and had potential to help develop her character more but it didn’t happen. she mostly just got really buff
also her obsession with sasuke is her main character trait for so long. then they made her not like sasuke cuz naruto has to be the sole supporter of sasuke. well! theres the potential of her realizing she doesn’t actually know or like sasuke! OR her still loving him but choosing the safety of her friends over him! but i think it’s not done in an interesting way and she just goes back to being obsessed w him but boring now. i think they tried to improve her character many times and just kept screwing it up worse.
15. is naruto white coded?
NO!!! i mean. i probably shouldn’t make a definitive statement cuz i’m a white american. but the idea that his hair being yellow makes him european is insane to me. over half the characters in the show have yellow/white/pink/orange/red/blue/purple/gray hair. i don’t think it’s an allusion to their countries of origin. i think it’s because giving everyone different hair colors makes them WAY easier to recognize/draw, especially for young children.
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sueske · 1 year
I'm not a shipper but the way Kishi dealt with Narusasu is disgusting... first they have some queerbait scenes then in the end he made them fated bros...💀
this is such a bait-y ask. anw I never expected sns to be confirmed 'canon' it's sj after all, an open ending would've been fine. they don't have some 'queerbait' scenes, they have a believable love story that unfolds throughout the course of the manga. boruto is just a cash grab but even so sns are still written like they're in lavender marriages. and fated bros, really... it's 2023 anon. naruto and sasuke have their own souls and their own chakra, indra and ashura's chakra just chose their bodies as vessels. are Indra and ashura's chakra talking and screwing and in love through naruto and sasuke lol be fr. naruto made sure to say that he and sasuke are not Indra and Ashura either. it's just so funny cuz it's always sns are bros but never borusara are cousins.
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munchymuchy · 10 months
First stink face story
[A young, handsome man named Jason works as a chiropractor with most of his clients being women since not too many men want another man touching them. This has always been great for Jason since he's very closeted and doesn't want to be labeled a pervert. Everything was fine until he got a new client....a client named Rikishi]
"You have a wonderful day Mrs.Sanderson! Be sure not to put too much strain on your back, that's where all those pesky knots come from Haha," Jason said waving to one of his older female clients. "Oh dear thank you so much, with hands like yours I know you'd make a woman very happy with those," said the old woman smiling at Jason. Jason nervously chuckled at the old woman "Oh I might one day just not right now". Before the older woman could respond Jason hurriedly went back to his office while waving goodbye.
Jason sat down and sighed in his chair. "Man...what a day...maybe I can relax for a little bit bef-" Just as he finished his sentence he heard a bang, "What the hell was that?!". Jason rushed out of his office and saw that AC fell completely out of the window and onto the ground. It was one of the hottest days of the year and that AC was the best the office had and it just suddenly broke. The rest of the office came in to see the commotion and just stood around the broken AC on the ground in shock. "Oh no!, how could this even have happened??" "It's too hot for the AC to be out" "Why lord why!!" The employees said. "Everyone! It's gonna be all right! Just calm down. We can replace this but it may take a while before it comes. We can most likely leave early since no on-" Just as he said that the door had swung open and everyone looked.
It felt like time froze for Jason, never in his 4 years of working has had a male client step through those doors but he never thought WWE star Rikishi would either!! His employees screamed excitedly and started to run over to the smiling large man. "Hey there everyone! glad that I could make yall day" said Rikishi hugging and shaking hands of some of the employees. Jason completely forgot he was just standing in place not saying anything so he mustered up the courage and walked over to greet him. "Welcome! welcome, it's glad to have you here" Jason said with a fake smile on his face, "it's an honor to have you here, I used to watch Wrestling when I was a kid and you honestly were my favorite" and with saying that he hesitantly put out his hand.
The jolly Samoan wasted no time and shook the man's hand with a firm grip. "Glad to see I'm still some people's favorites!" Rikishi said with a big smile. "Well let's get you into a room, my assignet will show you the way" One of the female employees began walking with Rikishi to show him the room but as they were walking Jason got a good look at his outfit as he walked away. He was wearing a yellow and white shirt with white shorts that showed the outline of his ass. Jason's whole world felt like it was in slow motion watching Kishi's gargantuan ass move cheek by cheek jiggling like jello in a balloon. Jason could feel his face getting hot and one of the employees took notice "Mr.Yards? Are you ok? Mr.Yards?" Jason snapped out of his trace and cleared his throat "Y-yes I'm alright, ok everyone! this will be the last client for today. Since it's very hot and the AC isn't working you all are free to leave early. As soon as I'm done with this client I will close up". Jason said trying to sound as professional as possible.
All the employees thanked Jason and one by one started to leave. As they were leaving Jason made his way to the room where his very famous client was waiting for him. Before Jason walked in he said "Deep breaths Jason...just don't screw this up...just think blankly and professionally" and with that being said he put on a fake smile and opened the door. "So sorry to keep you waiting Mr.Fatu! I apologize for the lack of cool air, I'll try to get you out as quick as possible". "It's alright son! And just call me Rikishi no need to be formal," Kishi said with a smile. As the big man was sitting upright on the traction Jason saw small stains of sweat on his body especially under his arms, between his thighs. Jason couldn't really see his ass since he was sitting down but he started to imagine a huge sweat stain in between his cheeks. Before he could imagine the smell rikishi touched him on his shoulder "You ok uce? You looked really out of it and you look kinda red too" Rikishi seemed worried for the man thinking that he might've had a fever or something. "O-oh! I'm sorry it's just the heat. Now let's get started," Jason said motioning Rikishi to lay on his stomach.
Jason was right about before...Rikishi's ass crack was covered in sweat! it was right down the middle looking like someone poured water on his white shorts. Jason could feel himself wanting to bury his face deep into his ass licking and sniffing it but he snapped himself out of it and started doing his work. He started at the top of his back with small massages to loosen him up. A relieved sigh as a response came from the massage. "Man, that feels great". "I'm glad you think so," said Jason trying not to focus on his ass. "ya'know....I don't really let a lot of people touch me..too many weirdo's out here," Rikishi said with a chuckle, and with that Jason gave a fake chuckle back realizing he's one of those weirdos "Well I'm glad that you trust me". With that small talk out of the way, Jason made it to the middle of his back and pressed down and a small gurgle filled the room. "Hope ya don't mind, had a little Taco Bell before I came, might release some steam if you press too hard," He said in a joking manner. Jason hesitated to press down but he had to it was his job. When he pressed both a loud crack and a 4-second beefy fart filled the room. Jason was surprised at how loud it was and the smell, he snapped out of his trace "I-i-its perfectly normal, just means your body is r-relaxing." Jason glanced at the big ass that was on the table and could've sworn the sweat stain got bigger. Jason's mind started to slip and then he felt his cock getting hard. Thankfully rikishi's head was down so he couldn't see anything but the floor. Jason was finally at the last part of his back which was his lower back. His lower back was literally just his ass and now Jason could see his ass up close. It was so big and sweaty...he could even smell the mustiness between his cheeks.
"You good back there uce? hope the sweat doesn't bother ya" said Rikishi but Jason was too busy trying to find a firm place to put his hands without getting any honier. Rikishi too noticed the man's silence and not touching him so without warning he raised his head up and turned it to see the chiropractor standing there almost drooling with his hands over his ass and a bugle in his pants. Before Jason could snap himself out of it, it was too late his eyes met with the 400-pound Samoan and they just stared at each other. "I-I-IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR!" Jason said stuttering backing up against a wall while Rikishi still lay there and held eye contact. However that staring contest didn't last long, rikishi rose up from his spot towards the babbling man. Jason shut his eyes tightly expecting pain but all he felt was hands being placed on his shoulders. He opened his eyes and saw Rikishi with his hands on his shoulder pushing him down to the floor. Jason let this happen and sat there confused on the ground until he saw the big man pull his shorts down and realized what was going to happen to him.
Jason finally had a much closer look at his ass. He was wearing underwear that barely covered his ass that was covered in more sweat than his shorts. Both cheeks looked like moons with numerous craters even his stretch looked like scars from a battle. Before Jason could react his cheeks slammed against his face and a ray of different smells went through his nose. "So you are one of those weirdos huh? I figured I felt your eyes on my ass as soon as I walked in. You like don't ya?" rikishi said pressing the boy farther into his musty crack. All Jason could do was scream into his but all it did was vibrate into his ass. Jason's cock started to throb even more...he felt like he was gonna cum in his pants until Rikishi grabbed it. "nu uh uh, don't even think about it...Hold it in." Jason's mom's mind started racing but that was cut short because of some of the sweat getting into his nose. It was so swampy and humid, it felt like he couldn't even breathe but...he wanted more. He pushed his end in deeper and started to wiggle his head between his doughy cakes, he even opened his mouth licking the inside of his cheeks. He tasted sweat and a bit of shit on his tongue. Rikishi got off the man's face causing the room to be filled with a suction sound while a trail of saliva came from his butt leaving Jason gasping for air. "Wow...you really like this you fucking perv. you liked that then your gonna love this" Rikishi walked back over to the table and bent over wiggling his ass. "C'mere, how about you put that little hotdog between these two buns."
Jason wasted no time and quick to his feet and took his pants off. His cock felt like it was gonna burst, did suspect one day he'd expect to hotdog a sweaty Samoan's ass? well, he was today and he wasn't gonna stop. Jason spread his cheeks and placed his cock between them. Without warning rikishi clenched his cheeks around his manhood causing him to yelp "Don't think I gave you permission to cum yet, you better hold it in until I tell you." Jason nodded his head as Rikishi unclenched and allowed him to move between his cheeks. Jason took it into his own hands and slid Rikishi's underwear off wanting to feel more and more. This surprised Rikishi at the man's desire for this ass. An ominous gurgle filled the room followed by a grunt and a 8-second wet fart bouncing off Jason's dick. He started to go faster between his cheeks, and the smell mixed with the heat of the room started to make Jason dizzy....he wanted to cum so bad but he had to wait. Rikishi grunted again realizing more farts, for a second he thought he had shit on the man's dick but luckily he didn't. "C-come o-on can I cum now??!" Jason said out of breath and on the brink of exploding between his giant ass cheeks. "Ya'know....I give you permission..but after this" He clenched around the man's cock again and let out a steamy 10-second fart, this caused Jason to cum 4 times at once and then passed out on the ground.
"Wheew, you really did a number on yourself, kid, I mean you didn't even actually put it in my ass and you're all tuckered out," He said chuckling looking back at the man who passed out and dick all soft. Jason mumbled nonsense to himself while the large Samoan just chuckled to himself while picking the man up by his shirt to face the halfway concussion man. "I think you'll be my favorite chiropractor from now on," Rikishi said smiling deviously while the man blacked out completely.
Hi everyone! this is my very first story regarding Rikishi's stink face. There isn't a lot out there so I mustered up the courage to share mine. I honestly hope with this there can be more stories out there lol
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I love this
I love all of this
Specifically love Sakumo and Kakashi being drawn together as well as Kishi saying screw it and adding Kurema and Gai because he can XD
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narhinafan · 3 months
saw this reply
"And please for the love of god don't make one character horrifically abusive and then have them say "sorry" and oh they're dating now"
on this post
https://www.tumblr.com/writing-with-sophia/727173758642765824/how-to-develop-the-enemies-to-lovers-trope?source=shares post
and i am like...it's okay buddy! you can say SasuSaku lmao! honestly Kishimoto was the worse with developing them and SasuSaku fans calling them Enemies to Lovers is just a cheap excuse because the ship is just not that good at all. Especially now that i am rewatching Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. No hon there are AMAZING enemies to lovers pairs, this one just sucks af.
they want examples of GOOD Enemies to Lovers? here's some!
Vegeta and Bulma
Ishinn and Masaki
Zutara ( non canon but anyway fits the trope )
Armin and Annie
Belle and Adam
like i am sorry hon but SasuSucku ain't shit and a huge bs pairing that has many negative interactions, only in Boruto they have good ones, and that's VERY limited and still kinda stiff. if Kishimoto wanted to, he couldn't wrote them great, but he failed. He's doing better now in Boruto in terms of writing but honestly? he screwed up by making SS canon, they both deserved better partners. Sasuke should've ended single or someone else if Kishi wanted a new Uchiha and Sakura with someone who never hurt her.
I know like SasuSaku did have the potential for development in early part 1, but after through out the series its quite clear it was never going to work out. SasuSaku only got together in the end to make Sakura's goal come true and for a next gen Uchiha. The ship itself is a disaster where if the series was a bit more mature would likely have them divorce or somehow make Karin Sarada's mother.
Agreed Sasuke would have been better off single honestly I feel Karin would have been a good alternative since she actually has a reason to like Sasuke and would have been a good way to have Sasuke become more like his old self.
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tamelee · 2 years
Even when Kishi stopped caring so much about the series which you can tell (like the war arc) the one thing he always cared about from start to finish was Naruto and Sasuke's bond. Even if I don't like the franchise that Naruto has become and Boruto, and even if they're now OOC at times, I HOPE that Kishi will still find a way to give Naruto and Sasuke a good ending in the circumstances they find themselves in. One dying? Unacceptable. We already have Brokeback Mountain. Both of them? At least they'll be free. And together.
Hi! Ah you think so? If a company decides to create a sequel because the franchise is successful and talks to the Mangaka about needing some sort of bridge.. like the Alien-thing and Kishimoto decides that "ok, Neji dies have your NH" as a "screw you" (literally) and "tadaa, there is Boruto" for example, then that's definitely a lot more complicated. But you're most definitely right about the bond.. if Naruto moves Sasuke does. When one reacts the other responds. That's not just in their personalities, or foundation- that was built in the story itself as Kishimoto mentioned in his earlier interviews. They "died" together during the Shinobi War, they grow together, get strong together.. and in 'Boruto' they.. get nerfed together.
So if they don't die together, honestly, that would be incredibly.. not just OOC..
..that would be going against the entire 'Naruto'-series (」°ロ°)」 but then again, that's already what is happening so I wouldn't be surprised. However, yes, as you say: unacceptable.
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kyriolex · 7 months
Well I'm not gonna spoil anything but goodness a certain spoiler from the new Boruto Chapter has completely split the fandom in half (and we're still no even sure of the full context)
For better or worse all eyes are on poor Himawari now.... (including Jura's)
*Prays Kishi doesn't screw this up*
If it’s real, my guess is it happened the day Naruto became Hokage. That’s the only time in the manga canon that Himawari would have had ‘contact’.
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naruhinalife555 · 1 year
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No bitch you totally wrong Naruto not stuck with awufl partner Naruto loves Hinata, my headcanon is that it was hard for Naruto to get anything done when he first became Hokage cause his clones kept going MIA to see Hinata before he switched to controlling them all in real time.
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Bitch Kishi never thought about making Naruto and Sasuke together Sasuke didn't even exist until he was suggested by the editor to be Naruto's rival
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Instead of blaming Kishi for not developing characters maybe write your own manga what do you say? Hell he couldn't make sasuke and naruto meet because he already created hinata before her character existed before sasuke so the whole narusasu thing makes no sense
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simple and easy sasuke is a character suggested by the editor to be naruto's rival if they really had romance and feelings of love for each other kishi wouldn't have them fighting all the time
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Who said that the end would be better with Narusasu's couple??? When Kishimoto created Naruto he didn't make him a character that loves boys the fact that Sasuke and Naruto appear in most episodes does not make Sasuke a main character because the main character at least for me is only Naruto and Hinata is his love interest
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God help me because in Shifoden Sasuke didn't even appear at least until the arc of the Kage summit so how does he and Naruto have development?? The quest for Sasuke Naruto and Hinata got a moment where Naruto smiles at Hinata
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Man, go write a manga before you even give such a stupid review
Really sweet having someone try and rip your heart out when all your trying to do is help them. Who caring feelings for him by dropping me from a few thousand feet and head first into solid bedrock.
Spending years chasing after them only for them to try and plunge a sword into my back and then the next time I see them they say they are going to kill me. 
He would then try and carry out his death threat and we make vows under a great big waterfall by blowing an arm off each and even after everything we’ve been through he will still leave.
Yeah that is what real love, it’s not true in less you want to kill you partner for it. It's starting to get on my nerves all your nonsense Sasuke didn't even want Naruto as a friend because he was in the dark .By the way they both thought about killing each other is this called a healthy relationship?
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First of all, Naruhina and Sasusaku are not the same, don't even dare to compare them! No surprise really plus any scenes from shippuden are most bad any way with Sasuke treating Sakura like trash in most of them or her fangirling over him.
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and sasunaru not diffrent from sasusaku. It has nothing to do with what you wrote narusasu it just won't work when did naruto and sasuke have feelings for each other? Sasuke literally tried to murder Naruto, is that what you call a healthy relationship? Because if so then your head is screwed up
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Are naruto and sasuke so compatible why did naruto cry he was always alone? And he doesn't understand love at all, the proofs are shown in the manga, you don't have to invent it
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what? This has nothing to do with homophobia, the author of the series wanted to do something specific and it is completely his right, after all it is a manga for youth At the same time though gay ships tend to be ridiculous and over the top, like you can't have any friendship or brotherhood without people shipping and forcing it and throwing it in other people's faces. It's just ridiculous like even if they ship it they shouldn't act like it should have been when their friendship/sisterhood was never meant to be taken romantically. It really makes it hard to enjoy any same-sex friendships and camaraderie because people will keep pushing it to be canon and start a fuss over it.
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All they wanted was to fight each other because Naruto considered Sasuke his best opponent
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Both were in pain and loveless
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With Hinata Naruto felt happier I don't understand what your problems are??He took care of her and was always there for her their relationship was always positive why do they always have to be toxic couples if naruto and sasuke were gay kishimoto wouldn't think of letting them beat each other up have you thought about that?
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What selfishness is in your mind, there is no selfishness here. Naruhina is canon because that's how Kishimoto ran between Naruto and Sasuke. It wouldn't work. Did I say that you want to talk about selfishness? sasuke never thought about naruto's feelings after he left the village and naruto suffered so much that he broke down i think you don't even understand the characters pain
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put naruto single??? And what does it matter anyway he was always alone ugh the people in this fandom are so cruel haven't you seen Naruto? He never wanted to be alone
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Why doesn't Naruto deserve to be with someone who really supports and loves him? Like what's the wonder he's hiding only Hinata by his side.His moments with Hinata made Naruto feel less pain
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lunaneko14 · 26 days
Sakura fans crying about her lack of appearance in Tbv is so funny lmao. Sarada is already as Creepy and annoying as Her mother. I've always disliked Sakura but Sarada was okayish to me. But after the recent interview of Kishi I am honestly finding her so Creepy. Her obsession with Boruto is So similar to Sakura's obsession with Sasuke. She literally cut her hair shorter to feel Closer to Boruto. She wears the same Jackets as Boruto. I understand He's her team mate and all...But the Girl has no personality aside from Boruto. And if She truly wanted to be closer to Boruto Why didn't she spend time with Hima and train her like Chocho did !? Hima was So lonely When Kawaki was being distant to her and Sarada knew everything about omnipotence but She kept simping for Boruto. She should have atleast tried to help his little sister instead.
True. I really hope they don’t screw up her character like her mom.
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