#screenshot quest
hotmilf45-xxx · 3 months
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This is the worst screenshot ever
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spoopyium · 8 months
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I don't know why but when he said he sampled the water of Qiaoying Village I just imagined him lapping it up on all fours when no one was looking so I doodled this up 💀💀
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
it wasnt exactly like it went, but i felt it like this
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i've developed a soft spot for this *wet-cat-clown-man* and let him go
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anothersquarenoodle · 2 months
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say what u wanna say about yq but without fail he IS his father's son
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mintjeru · 1 year
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ue ue ue...
open for better quality | no reposts
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enigmaticdoctorscully · 4 months
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"of course, you could just kiss the girl."
progress under the cut
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kottkrig · 9 months
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There's an extension for the trp3 addon that lets you put in a custom race/class/name in NPC text and it can be pretty funny
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projectpirori · 1 year
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goodbye to the only person that matters </3
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anne-is-confused · 2 months
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Inquisitor Lavellan's first time in the Hinterlands (colorized)
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emberr-doodles · 3 months
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hotmilf45-xxx · 4 months
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I notice there's not a lot of great pictures online of the things that I look for specifically, stuff like the angels and demons (demons in particular), but also of characters like Reggie and Hank and Augustine's beast. I have a lot of screenshots now, I'm starting a tag for myself to put all of them in for people who are interested but don't wanna scroll through my blog for screenshots (#screenshot quest)
Also...cheating...tagging with Eugene since it's not like they're unrelated to him and I want them to show up in the tags. LOL
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melveres · 6 months
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letters from his Spellbinder
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Kaveh referring to the house the two share as ‘home’ to alhaitham, and alhaitham implicitly agreeing, saying that ‘my thoughts exactly’ which underscores how in tandem they have acted throughout the quest!?? i have THOUGHTS
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Kaveh referring to the house as a ‘home’ solidifies that he sees alhaitham as a valuable companion, turning a 'house' into the 'home' which he sees as a place of comfort and understanding, in which words are not needed - which is referenced within this quest, with kaveh understanding alhaitham in needing help when researching the temple of silence, without alhaitham having to say anything
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Him stating 'home' to alhaitham, as in, that he views the house they share as his ‘home’, signifies that a significant development has occurred in their relationship, with alhaitham seemingly implicitly confirming the same sentiment with ‘my thoughts exactly’, in relation to the two heading ‘home’ after stopping at the house of daena. This encapsulates the image of two as each other’s ‘home’ and ‘family’, which now is implied to be a shared sentiment... oh....,,,,
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finishing-touch · 1 year
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Strange World
Special thanks to @the-sycophant @mirugaidoesthings @ex-atomos2 @silvernsteel and kaylen!
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soupy-sez · 5 months
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whitherwanderer · 2 months
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Before and after learning that some cactuar fruits in Tural can be used to create a hangover cure.
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