#screaming the name of a foreigners god WE HEARD YOU THE FIRST FIVE TIMES JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
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screaming the name of a foreigner’s god the purest expression of grief. now imagine i reblogged that six times in a row. wouldn’t that be kinda annoying. well that’s how many times andrew sings it
#i dread it#screaming the name of a foreigners god WE HEARD YOU THE FIRST FIVE TIMES JESUS FUCKING CHRIST#it’s not even a bad chorus that’s what’s fucked up about it#i agree !!! the god is foreign to me. i didn’t choose this god. and i also agree that this expression of grief is definitely pretty pure#but. we got it. we understand#AND the worst part is that every time he gets to ‘the purest exprsssion of grief’ you think the melody will resolve and the song will end#but NOPE let’s pick up right where we left off#bea talks hozier#hozier
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Chapter 2: Trick or Treat, Freak
Summary: After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven’s still out there. Nancy wrestles the truth about Barb. Dustins sister finally talks to Mad Max, but doesn’t get the response she wanted.
Tag list; @folly-olly @chinchillagirl18
Story list; Chapter 1
Note; Damn I suck at keeping up with series’, I’m sorry it took me five months to get the second chapter in, school and work is keeping me (too) occupied! I also started improvising in the end because my Netflix has been cutting out, and I don’t know the episode word-for-word by heart!
“Oh! I want to see those pearly whites!”
You and Dustin are dressed all out. Gray suits and large backpacks, each holding your own proton blaster. Side by side, you aim your blasters at one another, smiling at the camera your mother held up,
“Who you gonna call?” Claudia hums the Ghostbusters theme song, and laughs when you purposefully hit Dustin in the shoulder with your blaster.
You skid your bike to a stop just outside the school, laughing when Will runs up, yelling, “Ghostbusters!”
“Hey, Spengler!”
“Whoa whoa.” Mike pulls you away from Lucas, pointing to Lucas’ name tag on his suit, “Why are you Venkman?”
“Because I’m Venkman.” Lucas states, Mike shaking his head. “No, I’m Venkman.”
“Why can’t there just be two Venkmans?” Will asks, innocently, Mike scoffing and glaring at Lucas. “Because there’s only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago.”
Mike presses a hand to his chest. “I’m Venkman. Y/N’s Barrett, Dustin’s Stantz, Will’s Egon, and you’re Winston.”
“I specifically didn’t agree to Winston.” Lucas crosses his arms, Mikes eyes widening in an ‘are you serious’ expression. “Yes, you did!”
“I don’t think he did.” You look at Will, who shakes his head. “No one wants to be Winston.”
“What’s wrong with Winston?” Mike looks at you, and you press your lips together, tightly. “Winston joined the team super late, he’s not really funny, or a scientist.”
“Yeah but he’s still cool.”
“If hes so cool.” Lucas snips, “Then you be Winston.”
“I cant.” Mike sighs, and your eyes scan the school yard as they continue to argue, furrowed brows relaxing with realization. “Shit.” You face the group, “Guys?”
The four boys look at you, and you point past them, to the kids getting off the bus. “Why is no one else wearing costumes?”
Standing at your lockers side by side, Will watches you unzip your suit and step out of it. “You wore clothes underneath?”
“You didnt?” You pick up the suit and bag and shove them into your locker, slamming it shut before picking up your bookbag, turning and jerking to a stop to stare at Max, who rolled down the hall towards you on her skateboard.Your eyes watch as she skids to a stop in front of her locker, putting her board inside and grabbing her books for the next class.
“You really like her, huh?” You blink and look at Will, shaking your head as you sigh, deeply. “No. It’ll go away.” Your eyes shift back to the red head. “I hope.”
“Why dont you just talk to her?” Will asks, and you frown, finally turning your full attention to him. “She called us stalkers and creeps. I dont think she’d want to be friends with a creepy stalker.” Without realizing, your eyes are on her again, “Besides, she probably doesnt even like girls.”
“You never know until you talk to her.” Will raises an eyebrow, and you squint your eyes. “Since when did you get so good at this kinda stuff?”
“My mom has a boyfriend.” Will shrugs, and you snort, nodding towards the classroom you both shared down the hall. “C’mon.”
. . .
Max opens her locker and shoves her first and second period books inside, heaving a deep sigh of exhaustion.
A small clearing of a throat causes her to glance over, finding you, shifting your bookbag on your shoulder, and a nervous smile on your lips. Cute.
“Uh, hey.” You wave, and instantly drop your hand to your side, “I’m Y/N.”
“I know.” She nods, once, shifting onto one foot, “You’re a stalker like your four buddies.”
You laugh, nervously, shaking your hand as you pull at the sleeves of your shirt. “No. No, we weren’t stalking you. I-I mean my brother and my friend, Lucas, were, but I was just curious. You’re new here in Hawkins and I saw that you really like Dig Dug at the arcade.”
“So your brother is Dustin?” Max raises an eyebrow, and you nod, “Great. So you’re related to a stalker.”
“My twin, actually.” You flinch, “That’s not what I came to you about. Halloweens tonight, and since you’re new to town, I was wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating with us.”
“No thanks.” Max slams her locker shut, stepping back, “I dont hang out with stalkers.” You press your lips together when she turns around, walking down the hall to the classroom you also had to walk to.
“Great talk.” You exhale, shakily, glancing around before following her. You drop down into your desk and heave a deep sigh, Will glancing over at you then to Max settled in the back, “So?”
“So what, Will?” You mutter, dropping your notebook on your desk before crossing your arms, leaning into your seat. “Did you talk to her?”
“Did I talk to her?” You repeat, and Dustin looks over his shoulder at your harsh tone, “Yeah I talked to her. She called me a stalker and a creep. Us stalkers and creeps. So she wants nothing to do with me.”
Will frowns and glances at Dustin, before he watches you prop your chin on your hand, and write the notes on the board.
. . .
“You’re late.” Billy is propped up against his car, cigar in hand as he watched Max round to the passenger side,
“I had to pick up make up homework.”
“Jesus, I don’t care.” Billy tosses his cigar down, stomping on it before tossing open his door, “Late again and you’re skating home.”
Max waits until he’s in the car before rolling her eyes, settling in next to him and curling up against the window. Halfway down the road is when Billy decides to speak up again. “God, this place is a shithole.”
“It’s not that bad.” Max protests, quietly, mind taking her back to you. She had seen how quiet you were in class today. She caused that by being cold to you in the hallway.
“You liking it here?” Billy snips, eyes glancing at her then back to stare at the road, “It smells like literal cow shit.”
“Then why are you defending it?” Billy narrows his eyes to Max, but misses her rolling her eyes a second time that day. “I’m not.”
“Sure seems like it.”
“It’s just.” Max sucks in a deep breath, trying to make sure she didn’t have an attitude. “We’re stuck here, and.”
“Yeah. Whose fault is that?”
“Yours.” Max mutters, so Billy raised his eyebrows and glanced her. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” Billy raises his hand to his ear, “Whose fault is it Max? Say it.”
Billy clenches his jaw, hand jerking to shift the gear of his car, which lurches when it suddenly picks up speed. Max’s eyes snap to the road, where up ahead, four figures pedal on their bikes. You and the party.
“Billy, slow down.” Max demands, Billy chuckling and looking at her. “What? Those your buddies?”
“No! I don’t know them.”
“Well I guess you won’t care if I hit em, huh?” Billy drums his hand on the steering wheel, eyes settled on you reaching over to shove Dustin, “Bonus points if I hit all of them in one? Or maybe just the girl.”
“Stop, that’s not funny.” Max turns in her seat, mind racing. She just met you. Is she really going to lose you before she has a chance to be friends?
You look over your shoulder at the loud roar of Billy’s car, your eyes widening when the car jerks to speed up, your gasp inaudible from how hard you suck in, “Guys. Guys, we gotta move!”
“Billy, stop!” Max orders, hand reaching out to jerk the steering wheel away from the group, to the opposite side of the road.
Your bike wobbles so you fell sideways, jaw hitting the rough road so your head jerked back up, groan loud as Dustin fell into the grass, Mike and Lucas dropping their bikes to scram back into the road, both grabbing your arms but their eyes remain on the car now speeding away.
“What the fuck?!” You jerk your arms away and rub your jaw, hissing before pulling your hand back, staring at the blood on your fingers and palm,
“Was that...?” Dustin points to the car, before looking at you, catching the blood on your face and hand, “Ah, shit.”
. . .
“I swear to God, if I get another 3-Musketeers I’m going to kill myself.”
You snort and toss your hair up into a lose ponytail, taking your candy bag back from Mike as you glance at Lucas, who holds up said candy and grimaces.
“What’s wrong with 3-Musketeers?” Dustin asks, foreign high offense to the dark skinned males statement,
“What’s wrong with 3-Musketeers?” Luke repeats, chucking the candy so Dustin barely caught it, grinning at it before shoving it into his bag, “No one likes 3-Musketeers,”
“Yeah, it’s just nougat.” Will agrees, shrugging at your scrunched nose face,
“Just nougat?” Dustin protests, Will nodding, “Just nougat. It is top three for me.”
“Eh, top five.” You squint, ignoring Dustins glare,
“Top three?” Mike breathes, Dustin repeating in agreement, “Oh, God, give me a break!”
“Seriously, I could eat a whole bowl of nougat, straight up!”
Suddenly, a figure wearing a white mask jumps out in front of you, your brows furrowing when the four boys at your sides all screech, your eyebrow raising as you glance at them, then to the figure, “That’s it?”
“Seriously?” The figure pulls off the mask to reveal Max’s face, her mouth gaped as she stared at you. “Out of all of you I’d expect you to scream.”
“I’m not a pussy.” You snip, Dustin hitting your shoulder with this back of his hand. You roll your shoulder away from him, narrowing your eyes to your twin.
Max nods her head and turns, only getting five steps before she glances over her shoulder, noticing that you nor the four boys had moved to follow her, “You guys coming or what? I heard we should hit up Loch Nora, that’s where the rich people live, right?”
“Seriously?” You mock, Max’s face slightly falling at the irritation in your voice, “I thought you didn’t want to hang out with us because we’re ‘stalkers’?”
“Look, I didn’t mean that,” Max sighs, and you hum, tilting your head,
“Was that before or after you had your brother almost kill us?”
“Wait. What?” Will looks at you, confused, Max shaking her head and narrowing her eyes.
“You think I did that on purpose? He’s an asshole either way, and, he’s not my brother.”
“Whatever.” You look down at your bag, “Let’s just go to Loch Nora.”
. . .
“Another full size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers.” Dustin shoves another snickers bar into his bag, handing you a full (favorite/candy) bar so you smiled, elbowing his arm, “Wait.” Dustin looks at Max, “You’re not rich, right?”
“No.” Max laughs, “I live up Old Cherry Road.”
“That’s totally tubular.” Dustin speaks, looking at you to see you shaking your head, nose scrunched up, “What? Did I say it wrong?”
“Just don’t say it at all.” You demand, and Dustin rolls his eyes, glancing over when Lucas chucks another 3-Musketeers at him.
“Hey.” Max speaks up, your eyes shifting to her. “Look. I’m sorry I called you guys stalkers.” She shrugs. “But I mean. You guys were spying on me a lot.”
“Yeah, I’ll admit to that.” You breathe out a laugh, pulling out a sucker to unwrap. “But like I said earlier today, we don’t get a lot of new people here in Fucktown, so we get every chance we can to see a new face. Especially a cute one.”
You stop mid way of putting the sucker in your mouth, eyes widening in realization to what you had said. “Shit. Shit, I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Max shrugs, eyeing you. “I never said I didn’t think you were cute.”
“So you think I’m cute?” You grin, Max rolling her eyes.
“I’m not admitting it.”
“I’ll take it.” You click your tongue, looking over at Mikes shout for you. You see him knelt beside Will, whose hands are over his head in an attempt to curl himself into a ball.
“Will?” You drop your bag to move forward, kneeling down in front of your best friend so you could grab his wrists, noticing how he flinched roughly, “Will, it’s just me.”
“I saw it again.” Will breathes, his eyes snapping up to you. “The thing I saw at the arcade.”
Your brows furrow as you glance over to Mike, who shakes his head, informing you he didn’t know what Will was talking about. “Okay.” You murmur, pulling Wills hands so he began to stand up with you. “Let’s get you home.”
“Wait, you’re just going to stop trick or treating?” Max asks, and you glance at her, eyes slightly narrowed.
“Yes. I am. Dustin, take my bag. Eat my candy and I’ll pop your bike wheels.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Dustin clutches your bag and his to his chest, gasp loud. He watches as you link your arm through Wills, leading him down the street back towards Mikes house to call not only your mother, but Joyce.
“Are they, like, a thing?” Max asks, crossing her arms as she turns to the three boys left with her.
“Ew, gross.” Dustin scowls, nose scrunched. “They’ve been best friends since like, first grade.”
“Besides.” Lucas shifts his bag to hang over his shoulder. “Y/N likes girls.”
Max nods, slowly, glancing in the direction to where she could see your back, her feet bringing herself to follow after your brother.
#max mayfield imagine#max mayfield x reader#maxine mayfield#stranger things max#max x reader#stranger things one shot#stranger things imagine#stranger things x reader
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Title: Animal (13)
Chadwick Boseman X Original Female Character “Sianna”
Chapter Warning: Cursing, Angst, Plot, Plenty of Words, Slow Burn
Word Count: 2.8k
Note: I hope you guys enjoy this. By the way, Tumblr is on the BS and flagged every chapter because my old mood board had a portrayal of backshots. LMFAO!!!! So new mood board.
I censored my mood board, let’s see if it gets flagged. LOL
**Loosely edited/Proofread***
Thank you guys for reading!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, REBLOG, COMMENT. ❤️ ❤️
MSG Mom: You have missed the last several months of Sunday dinners. That is inexcusable young lady. I get that you’re busy, everyone is busy. We are all busy. We all make the time. Why can’t you?
You’d been staring at the message from her for the last few hours. After the last dinner you’d missed your brothers warned you that she was on a rampage. They told you to expect her call. You dodged the calls but this you couldn’t dodge. It had been months since you made an appearance at the biweekly family dinner. In the beginning, it was due to your insane work schedule and all the time you had to put into establishing your line and brand. Now with the pregnancy, it was terror. You knew you couldn’t show up to family dinner six months pregnant, especially when the last time they saw you, you weren’t and had no prospects as your mother would say.
If you showed up preggers your mother would have a heart attack at the scandal alone. Your brothers would go into cabin in the woods ax murderer mode, your father would probably understand but be disappointed that you’d rearranged the order of events skipping boyfriend and marriage altogether. Everyone would have something to say and you were nowhere near prepared to handle any of it.
Groaning you dropped back onto your bed and closed your eyes. Maybe if you lied here long enough this would all fade away and you’d realize it was an insane fever dream and you weren’t pregnant with a near stranger's babies, and tackling all of it alone. Five, fifteen, then thirty minutes passed with you laying there in silence without a thought in your mind besides the yoga breathing you’d been learning the last two weeks you’d began Lamaze classes.
When you opened your eyes everything was still calm, and you nearly forgot everything, but then felt a powerful jab in your abdomen. You shot right up and touched your stomach, the tiny imprint of some body part pressed against your right palm. A smile tickled your lips until you were full-on grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Yep, not a dream. Reality.” You slowly rubbed your belly. Where your hands roamed the movements followed. Soon you were feeling a symphony of kicks all over your stomach and you sat there smiling enjoying every second. It was surreal, yes, but it wasn’t nearly as alarming now as it had been several weeks ago.
“What are we gonna do guys? We have to get our shit together. Work is great, I can handle work but everything else. How do I even begin to go home to your grandparents and tell them about you? How do I face them? Then what do I do about your daddy?”
The thought of referring to Chadwick as their daddy made you smile and your heart flutter. It filled you with warmth and more than half of you liked calling him that. He was their father. They had half his DNA and would probably look something like him. You hadn’t thought much about anything beyond being pregnant and having a lot going on. This was the first time you began to think about the secondary things.
“He has rights, I know that. I don’t want to take them away. I just—he’s so famous and he’ll be even more famous. His career takes him everywhere, how do I know that he can be there for us? You, I mean for you. This has nothing to do with me. Right?”
The sound of your doorbell broke you out of your monologue. As you walked down the stairs you continued to rub your belly enjoying the kicks, pushes and slithers you felt. It was strange to feel movement inside of you but it wasn’t something that made your skin crawl, it did the opposite. When you looked at the video of the front doorbell you smiled seeing your friends.
“My God, could you have taken any longer?”
“Excuse me, I am pregnant and carrying more weight.”
The three of them walked in past you and made a line straight for the kitchen where you knew the wine was.
“Girl please, you’re barely pregnant, and the only more weight you’re carrying is that ass,” Ebony teased. You smiled and dipped down to do a baby twerk. The three of them cheered loudly as you fanned them off.
Once the three of you were seated around your kitchen island Zee was the one to pop the top off the wine bottle.
“It’s barely three Zee.”
“Three in LA means it’s well past five in New York,” she responded pouring the golden liquid in their three glasses.
“None for you baby mama,” Tessa said as she slid a can of apple Izze your way. You rolled your eyes, popped the top and took a sip.
“I didn’t want any wine anyway.”
“How are you doing? You’re getting bigger.” Ebony’s hand flew to your belly and rubbed your bump.
“I’m okay. I am. I think I’m going to have to go into maternity in the next week or two.”
“Six months, with twins I’d say there are many women who would be jealous at that fact,” Tessa added.
“What’s going on with the father?”
“Zee, you can say his name he’s not the damn Candyman. Jesus, Chadwick Boseman. I still can’t believe you met, and popped that pussy for Chadwick Boseman in record time and came away with two souvenirs of your time together. Girl, talk about luck,” Ebony went on.
“Yes, there are plenty of women who would love to be in your position, hell any of the positions he had you in.”
The three of them snickered and you shook your head but couldn’t keep the smirk off your face.
“If they wanna be me so bad, go ahead. This is messy.”
“Have you heard from him since he showed up here to catch you with your new boo?”
“Another thing, who dates and has a boo while being six months pregnant?”
You narrowed your eyes at Ebony. She quickly raised her hands in surrender.
“First of all, I don’t have a boo. Things with Chino are—over. We had a talk after Chad showed up here and he wants to take a step back, he thinks I don’t know what I want and that I should focus on figuring it out.
“Smart man,” Tessa murmured.
“So, Chino is out of the picture. I can’t even blame him for not wanting anything to do with me. I’m having babies with Chadwick Boseman.”
“He knows he can’t compete with The Bleck Pantha,” Ebony chided in her best Wakanda accent. You rolled your eyes; you’d just about had it with her. Zee and Tessa snickered together.
Again, she raised her hands in defeat. You knew she’d pipe up again with something else to say that was slick and smart.
“Chad and I spoke, I told him everything and apologized for not telling him sooner.”
“How did he take it?”
You finished the can of Izze and went to the fridge for another and took the bowl of cut strawberries out as well.
“He took it well. There was no yelling or screaming, or tears. It was a calm conversation—surpisingly calm considering.”
“Anything decided? Does he want to be involved with his babies? Are the two of you going to I don’t know make a relationship?”
“Will you be moving in with him?”
Their questions hit you in the face one after the other like slabs of ice. They were questions you hadn’t thought about and definitely hadn’t even addressed. They were way ahead of the game.
“Guys, chill. We didn’t decide anything. He asked me if I wanted him involved and I had no answer for him.”
“What the hell you mean you had no answer? Si.” Ebony gaped at you ready to elaborate her outrage but the stern look on your face shut her up.
“What did you tell him then?”
“I said I don’t know. Guys, I really don’t know. I know he has rights and all that but not everyone who has kids should be involved with them.”
“True, but if a man is willing, able and wanting to be there for his offspring, you have an obligation to allow him, especially a black man. Remember those statistics and stereotypes are a thing. He doesn’t want to be part of the fray,” Tessa explained. She was speaking nothing but facts, you knew it.
“He didn’t say he wanted to be involved. He was clearly in shock. It was a lot to hear and absorb, still pregnant, over five months so, pregnant with twins. It was a lot. We left things with both of us needing to think and really figure out what we each want.”
“What do you want Sianna?” Zee’s voice was gentle and her hands soft as she held one of yours. You took a deep breath and slowly released it. You didn’t know any more now than you did two weeks ago.
“I got nothin.”
“Okay, this was a productive chat.” Ebony rolled her eyes, finished her glass of wine and shook her head. “It’s okay to say you want to be with him. You know that right? It’s okay to want to experience this with him. You can be strong and independent together.”
“Ebony is right. I know those are foreign words when using her name but in this particular situation, she is right. There is nothing wrong with figuring it out together,” Tessa breeched.
“I have an idea. Maybe the two of you should spend some time together. It will give both of you an opportunity to get to know each other better hence seeing where the two of you are mentally. It should give you some form of an idea what would work and hopefully, that will make it easier to figure out.”
The four of you sat there thinking about Zee’s idea. It was a good one, a really good one. The kicks began again, and you touched your belly. “You guys wanna feel?”
All hands flew to your belly and the next ten minutes were spent oohing and aahing over the kicks. After the four of you burrowed into the couches and found a Netflix movie while discussing baby stuff. They were excited for the babies and it showed with how long they were able to talk about it without even mentioning a club or even any of their latest conquests. The more you listened to them the more excited you became.
By the time seven rolled around they’d left and you were alone again. This time you were sitting in your tub trying to get a head start on your schedule for the next day while getting distracted with baby websites. You’d just finished your second bottle of the cherry limonatta you’d just gotten into drinking. It gave you the fizz and sweetness of wine without the alcohol. Who knew knocking the wine for nine months would be such a challenge? That was when your mind ran onto Chadwick. In truth, he wasn’t far from your mind at any given moment. You had his spawn growing in you and they’d been very active today.
You chewed your bottom lip and opened a new browser window on your iPad and entered his name in google. Yes, you knew about him, who didn’t, but you didn’t know everything. You were curious. As the search results populated the first one caught your eye; an image of him with a brown-skinned woman. You squinted and you could have sworn you’d seen her from somewhere. You tried to think back to where it could have been but for the life of you, you couldn’t place her face. You clicked the article and skimmed its contents. Her name was Simone and they were dating, or they had until at least a couple months ago. You wondered what happened and if you’d had anything to do with it.
You continued to go through the search results and read through the first page of articles. You’d found out his upcoming roles, recent interviews, and even learned a little more about what was going on between him and Valentina. Every time you saw a picture of them together you wanted to vomit. After thirty or so minutes you’d gotten a lot of information and you’d come to the conclusion that he seemed to be a pretty good guy. Your iPad was now stopped on a very good shot of him. He was a good-looking man.
Suddenly your iPad went off making you shriek and jump nearly dropping it into the lukewarm water. Chadwick’s name appeared. You froze unsure exactly what to do. After the third ring, you recovered and tapped the green answer button. His face appeared in a dewy white light. Without thinking you sucked your bottom lip into your mouth admiring his handsomeness.
“Hi,” you repeated on a whisper.
“Is it late? Am I interrupting? Did I wake you?”
“No, no, you’re not interrupting. I was awake, just sitting in the bath.”
Chadwick’s eyebrow shot up as he looked below your face. You looked at your image checking to make sure you weren’t turning this into soft porn. The frame caught the cleavage of your breasts but nothing provocative. He’d seen this before. Chadwick shook his head and brought his eyes back to yours.
“Uh—I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. No harm, no foul.”
Silence fell between you. The two of you just sat there looking over each other’s faces. The silence didn’t feel awkward at all.
“Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. We’re okay.”
“Do you need anything? Pickles, ice cream, hot wings?”
You snorted and pinched your lips, he thought he was funny with all the pregnant woman clichés.
“Those are a lot of clichés sir.”
“I mean clichés had to start somewhere right?”
You nodded and leaned back, your body coming down from the anxiety it was in.
“I don’t crave pickles, the only accurate thing there was the ice cream and hot wings. I’ve also recently started wanted a lot of chocolate-covered strawberries. I can’t seem to get enough which spells trouble for my ass.”
Chadwick smiled and rubbed his hand along his goatee.
“This is the one time you can unapologetically adhere to the eating for two phrase, so why not?”
“Well, eating for three if you want to be accurate.”
“See, play that shit up.”
You laughed loud, it echoed through your bathroom. Chadwick joined in and you remembered his deep boisterous laugh that was all unique to him. It was a laugh you first heard in Jamaica across the beach before he approached and danced with you. It was a great laugh. Slowly your laughs died down and again the two of you just stared at each other.
“Do you uh—do you have a good supply of ice cream, hot wings, and chocolate-covered strawberries?”
You were tempted to read between the lines but decided against it.
“Finished the strawberries today, you can never have enough a supple of ice cream or hot wings.”
He nodded and licked his lips. Your eyes dropped to them and again you remembered the feel of them and how he kissed you. You couldn’t remember their taste though. It had been that long.
“Would it be all right if we met up?”
“Met up?”
“Yeah, I thought maybe we could do something, talk.”
It sounded like he was asking you out on a date, but it also didn’t sound like he was asking you out on a date.
“Something like what?”
“Well, I like to stay away from most places in LA.”
“I can imagine, the Bleck Pentha gets recognized wherever he goes.”
Chadwick smiled again but looked away as if he were embarrassed. “Go on laugh it up. Get it out.” You smiled and watched him and spoke on pure instinct without thinking.
“You can come here.”
The silence returned and Chadwick just gazed at you and looked as if he were in deep thought. You were holding your breath unsure what his answer would be.
“Are you sure?”
“Uh—I mean only if you want to. If you don’t then I completely understand. You don’t have to; I’m not trying to force you,” you rushed out in an effort to cover yourself.
“No, no, I never said I don’t want to. I know you’re not trying to force me. I do want to,” Chadwick rushed out overlapping your voice.
“You do?” The uncertainty in your voice was evident. You were surprised.
“I mean—yeah.”
You smiled small but it took no time at all for it to spread across your face.
“Okay, sounds like a plan then. We’ll—Netflix and Chill.”
Chadwick’s eyebrows shot up again and you realized what you’d just said.
“Oh my god. Wait, I didn’t mean that the way it came out.”
He laughed his hearty laugh again and you gave you a “yeah right” look.
“Oh my god, I’m serious. Jesus, I’ll see you in a bit.”
You ended the call to Chadwick’s laughter. You put your iPad to the side and shook your head, mortified at your tongue slip.
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#animal fic#Chadwick Boseman#chadwick boseman fanfiction#chadwick boseman x reader#chadwick boseman x you#chadwick boseman x black reader#chadwick boseman smut#angst fanfic#slow burn fanfic
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fictober.14.: intermediate frequencies
#Fictober19 Prompt: 14. I can’t come back. Fandom: Oxenfree Characters: Jonas, lost!Alex Rating: T (no warnings apply) Tags: Mystery? kinda?, supernatural, lost Alex, weird radio stuff Word Count: 1807
The messages started out simple. The first one, anyway. It was weird, to come in the middle of some rock ballad from the 80s, but he chocked it up to crossed wires and weird interference (which, well, seemed technically accurate). Skid Row was whaling away a guitar solo, and then—
“Hello out there? This is, um… Cave FM! ‘No. 1 for Cave, Grotto, and Subterranean Country.’ ”
It was a girl’s voice. Not the well-practiced veteran voice of the station DJ, but someone crackling in like some kind of prank broadcast. Gone and done in a few seconds, and back to the music. Jonas glanced at his car radio for a second, skeptically, but shrugged it off.
The second message wasn’t exactly terrifying, either. In fact, he wasn’t even sure he’d heard it at all, half asleep as he was. Same station, Bryan Adams singing on about whatever younger years blah blah— It was 7:05. Jonas wasn’t really paying close attention. But, again, mid-song;
…and the bad. Yeah I'll be stand- “Um… A-Alex? Can you… can you hear me? ”
It cut back to instrumental. But this time it didn’t seem like just a prank call. She didn’t sound… It wasn’t necessarily panic, but it was nervous. At least, he thought it was. But again; over and passed so quickly.
The third message was the first one to come from nowhere. His car radio was turned all the way down, between stations after stopping mid-tune when the light had turned green. It was just on static. Until there was a voice.
“Uh, testing, testing… this is a test of the Beach Cave Emergency System? ”
The voice had a kind of nervous laughter to it, like someone put on the spot, covering up anxiety with humor. It was the same girl.
The fourth…
The fourth message was when they started to ring bells.
“Hey, i-if you’re out there, uh, Alex? We… We got stranded on Edwards Island… and-”
Edwards Island. That… that was a thing. He’d been there, he’d been stuck there, he’d been terrorized there and only escaped thanks to— to something. Something involving Ren’s friends. He didn’t fully remember the night. But the name was enough to put him on alert.
She was asking for the same person, again. Someone named Alex. Maybe a friend, or a boyfriend, or a brother or something. Maybe a parent or a guardian. Someone who could help.
But the messages had come days apart. And there was no reason she’d be stuck there. The message came at 3pm on a Sunday, from the little radio built in to the kitchen of their new place in Camena. Ferries ran on the Island— well, he didn’t know for sure, but when he’d gone with Ren they’d run at least til five. No reason to be stranded.
The fifth message sent chills down his spine.
“Hey, Ren? Nona? Can you guys hear me? It’s Alex, in case you can’t recognize my—”
She always got cut off mid-message. Like someone terminated the broadcast before she was finished.
But that… those were his friends’ names. Those were— those were people who went to the island with him. And her…
Her name was Alex. Which meant all those messages before, they weren’t calling out for help from someone else. They were calling for help from herself.
His theory was confirmed while driving around Camena at 11pm on a Wednesday night in early July. He’d just leave his radio on and tuned to static sometimes, wondering what might pop up. Generally it would just be brief staticky half-seconds of advertising jingles or droning AM radio newscasters.
“Alex? This is… you, okay? Just… don’t go into the cave. Whatever you do, don’t go into the cave.”
It was the first message that felt… complete. Like she’d gotten out what she needed to say. And it… it made sense. Things started to add up - or kind of add up, with a hell of a lot of blurry bits in between.
The island had been… something. He didn’t remember a lot of that something. But the cave felt familiar. He didn’t go in, but Michael did. Michael went, and he brought a radio. Radios, like this Alex person was using.
Jonas wanted to know more. It felt like a bad idea, but he felt like he needed to know.
“Alex, this is… uh, Alex, and— listen, don’t come to Edwards Island. Whatever you do, just- don’t come here. Stay home. Stay… safe.”
He lay under his covers, staring at his alarm clock. He’d started to leave it running quietly in the background whenever he was sitting around. Any radio, really. It was maybe a little weird, but his dad was usually at work, and when he was home he didn’t comment on it. And it was summer, so there wasn’t a ton to do all day, aside from let Ren drag him around the area. They’d gone to the lake earlier that day.
Jonas’s brow furrowed, rolling over to examine the station. The noise switched back to music. He’d taken to changing stations regularly. It didn’t seem to matter what the frequency was; she’d be there.
“Hey! Uh, Jonas? ”
He sat bolt upright in bed, heart suddenly hammering in his chest. It was 2am. He’d been fucking around on his computer and-
“Or- or just to anyone listening, we’re trapped in—”
It cut out, again. He just stared at the radio on his bedside table for a long moment. “Alex…” The name felt odd in his mouth. Like it didn’t quite fit, or was the wrong shape. Which was weird, cause it was common enough. But somehow it felt foreign.
His name. She’d said his name. She’d called out to Ren, to Nona, to herself, and now to him.
Feeling like a bit of an idiot, he awkwardly picked up his little alarm radio. “Um… Alex?” This was stupid. He was talking to a $5 piece of plastic that didn’t even have a microphone. It couldn’t even transmit.
But he knew what could.
Panting, red-faced and pumped full of adrenaline, Jonas shifts his truck into gear, reaching for his prize. State-issued radio communications equipment from the forest service. Stolen. Basically: one hardcore walkie-talkie. His eyes are a little too bright, too frantic, clicking on the power switch and starting to press buttons, scanning through the channels like he might find-
There’s feedback, and it’s loud. He hurriedly flips off the walkie. That doesn’t even make sense. How could there be-
Fucking fuck, Jonas nearly swerved into the next lane over. Thank god the road is empty. 4am is pretty much always dead around here. He hurriedly pulls over.
“Who— is that— are you-”
“Is… Is someone there? ”
“Yes!” Holy shit. Holy fucking shit, this is— this is real time. “Are— are you Alex?”
“Is… If you’re there…” There’s a pause, and the voice drops quieter. “Oh my god, this is… fuck, you’re being stupid,” the voice on the radio mutters, like she’s trying to talk herself back to her senses.
“Alex, right? It’s-” He feels like an absolute idiot. “It’s Jonas. You-” He’s talking to his radio. His fucking car radio. Like that could ever work in a million years. His enthusiasm stalls. “…You probably can’t even hear me,” he mutters flatly, sighing. Stupid idea. Stupid plan.
But that wasn’t the plan, the plan was-
Jonas fumbles for the walkie again, flicking the switch and the feedback comes on before he flips it off again-
“Motherfucker, how is that-”
His heart is in his throat. That can’t be a coincidence. Not twice in a row. Fuck, is he dreaming?
Jonas turns off the car. The radio dies. He turns back on the walkie-talkie, this time with no wailing whining scream of feedback. He holds down the transmit button for a second, trying to find the words. But… No, there really isn’t anything to say. Just… “Alex?”
There’s a chirp of a finished message as he lets go of the button. Then silence. He’s reaching for the radio dial, thinking maybe that’s the only way to hear a response, when the walkie crackles to life.
“…Who is this? ” She sounds wary. Not exactly cold, but firm. Like she’s expecting it to be some kind of prank. Which is— can she even be pranked? Who is she? What is she?
He holds down the button. “It’s… uh. You- um, you called me. I think. Maybe from the island.” He feels like a dumbass. But also like maybe this is just some kid fucking around on a HAM radio, and his name was just common enough to be picked. Ren and Nona… not so much. But Jonas? It’s not unheard of.
There’s a half chirp of a ping, and Jonas pings back. He’s not sure what else to do.
For a long moment, there’s just silence.
He clicks open the channel again; “Are you still there?”
Another second of silence, and then— “Jonas? ”
Jesus Christ. Her voice is different than before. There’s plenty of standard radio distortion, but she still sounds pained. Like she’s choking on his name. He lets out a long breath. “…Yeah.”
“Oh my God.” Her voice is hushed.
“Who— who are you? How do you know my name?” His head is swimming, because this feels unreal.
“You-” The transmission cuts out. And it doesn’t come back.
“You don’t remember.” It sounds breathless. Like she’s been punched in the gut.
“…Should I? Do I— have we met or something?” He doesn’t remember any girls named Alex. Or anyone with her voice - and he’s been hearing her voice a lot lately.
“…No. No, we-” It cuts off again, and Jonas starts to think that’s actually intentional on her part. When her voice comes back, it’s quiet and sounds choked and thin. “No. We’ve never met. I don’t—”
He lets the radio silence go on, expecting her to come back any second. She doesn’t. Finally, Jonas risks a ping. There’s a ping back. So she’s still there.
“-I can’t come back,” she blurts, and it’s cut off quick, but he thinks he hears a bit of a splutter, a cough maybe, or a sob.
“What do you mean?”
Silence. It goes on. He gives her time to formulate her thoughts. He pings.
There’s no response.
“…Alex, are you there?”
He waits for a long time. Five minutes. Fifteen. Twenty. A half hour has passed, and none of his pings have been returned. Finally, Jonas sighs.
Keys turn in the ignition, the truck roaring to life, and he stabs at the radio’s power button just as the feedback starts again. But nothing over the walkie. No exclamation. No ping. He shifts the car into gear, and checks the walkie one last time, just to remember the station; channel 18.
[source for AO3 link]
#fictober19#i can't believe i have to post this again cause it's not showing up in searches#oxenfree#alex oxenfree#jonas oxenfree#oxenfree fic#my writing#will delete the original post so rip first attempt#prompt fill#if anyone knows the secret please tell me
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Egsa (old english | scary)
Spell (old english | news)
The Biblical Patriarch Abraham (called the father of nations) had one wife and one sister- the same person- and several concubines and mistresses- each of whom begot him many children. Now, when these children grew up- he gifted them each with magical secrets and one by one sent them east as magi to gather initiates for the creation of Mystery Schools.
We know that, with the exception of Issac, the sons and grandsons of Abraham made their way through India, and even further into the Middle East where Abraham is credited as being the progenitor of Islam as is described in the Quran, though the religion did not officially begin until Mohammeds involvement many centuries after Abraham sent his sons away.
So, when during the birth of the Nazari
in Bethlehem he was visited by '3 foreign Magi from the East,' it takes a special significance in my mind that itches and begs to be tussed out.
That is why I am writing this.
It should be noted that there was never any mention in the original texts of exactly how many Magi attended his birth. It is thought that the authors were drunk. No. It is thought that the authors simply assumed that since there were three gifts..there must have been 3 magi to deliver them. Probably wrong. A supposed eye witness account of the magis journey popped up 300 years after the fact claiming that there were 12 or more traveling in the party.
This lends credence to the idea that this was an entire magical order (or at least its senior brethren;) that this order was almost certainly seeded by one of Abrahams sons or grandsons; and that they traveled not only to attend the Nazaris birth but also to examine the god-child and make sure it was of satisfactory health and temperament. The mother would have been looked at by a normal physician.
There are so many thing in just these two stories alone that I want to share with everybody. Things that would make a Southern Baptist stone my ass to death. Things that would make a Methodist very seriously consider leaving the church to worship Satan.
People just don't realize how fragmented the testaments have become. It was intended as a living document that existed in space but outside of time. There was a reason that the original Hebrew texts contained no punctuation and no vowels..at least until the Masoretes got ahold of it. Despite the scores of Southern parishioners taking absolutely everything they read in the Bible at face value- much of what is taken as 'Gospel Truth' has been either misunderstood, mistaken or even simply mistranslated. It isn't conjecture at this point.
Take the following example:
Go to Google translate and type in
"I am a peaceful man."
Now translate from English to Latin to Greek to Hebrew to Greek to Latin and then back to English again. (Almost exactly how we arrived at our most modern Biblical translation minue English at the begining..by the way)
Surprise, surprise. It now reads
"I have an airplane ticket."
The Nazari himself anticipated this ridiculous game of telephone, which is why he communicated his most important messages with parables. Because parables require deeper thought from the listener, deeper thought from the reader and thus deeper thought from the translator as well.
Moving on..
As mentioned in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas:
II. 1 This little child Jesus when he was five years old was playing at the ford of a brook / and he gathered together the waters that flowed there into pools and made them straightway clean [unintelligible] commanded them by his word alone.
2 And having made soft clay, he fashioned thereof twelve sparrows and nd it was the Sabbath when he did these things [or made them,] / and there were also many other little children playing with him.
3 And a certain Jew when he saw what Jesus did, making things upon the Sabbath day, departed straightway and told his father:
"Lo, thy child is at the brook, and he hath taken clay and fashioned twelve little birds. He hath polluted the Sabbath day."
4 And Joseph came to the place and saw: and cried out to him, saying "Wherefore doest thou these things on the Sabbath, which it is not lawful to do?"
So Jesus clapped his hands together and cried out to the sparrows and said to them: Go! and the sparrows took their flight and went away chirping.
5 And when the Jews saw it they were amazed, and departed and told their chief men that which they had seen Jesus do.
And Jesus smirked. [I added that last part in]
!! Astonishingly, at only 5 years of age the Nazari was demonstrating not only a latent understanding of magical systems but also an ability to apply that system to a PHYSICAL ALTERATION OF THE NATURAL WORLD. He was also showing signs of disdain towards the human beings for whom he had been created to protect. And that coupled with observations of the boys power had everyone in town, not least of all "his parents" deeply, deeply terrified and concerned.
Here again from the Infancy Gospel:
1 After that again he went through the village, and a child ran and accidentily dashed against his shoulder. And Jesus was provoked. He said "Thou shalt not finish thy course." And immediatelhetbe boy who provoked him fell dead at the Nazari's feet. and when some of the onlookers saw what he had done they wrenched at their garmets and said
"From whence was this creature born that every word of his is a great work or a miracle or an act of nature."
And then the parents of the boy he had slain marched unto Joseph, and blamed him, saying: "Thou who has such a child cannot dwell with us in this village unless he is taught to heal and not kill and to bless and not curse. For if he remains as is, he he will slayeth all our children / and then what of us?"
1 Immediately Joseph called the young child apart and admonished him, saying:
"Why are you doing these things? Why do you inflict such unforgivable suffering upon these people? So that they hate us and persecute us? Is this what you wish? But Jesus said,
"I know that these words are not your own (!!??) nevertheless for your sake and for the sake of suffering I will hold my peace.
"But them" Jesus pointed to the parents of the young boy he had slain."Them that accused me.. Them shall bear the weight of their punishment, too."
And straightway they that accused him became blind / and they began to moan and to scream in confused horror until little else could be heard in the town.
2 And they that saw it became even more afraid and even more perplexed / and said that every word which he spake whether it were good or bad, was a deed, or a marvel. So they began to very carefully walk away / pretending not to hear the anguish of their neighbors.
And when he saw what the Nazari had done / he arose and took hold upon his ear and wrung it purple. 3 And the young child was wroth and said unto him:
O. "It sufficeth them to seek but not to find, and verily thou hast done unwisely: Don't you know that I am not my own? Vex me not."
I know what you're all thinking. I spent a year of my life going over this document and asking every difficult question that I could think of. So let me save you some time..

1. The document is authentic. The narrative account matches those of others which which say the same thing in their own texts. Even with evidence, perhaps out of fear, I might have dismissed this manuscript if it weren't for similarly described behaviors by another, far older 'Son of God(s); Gilgamesh, King of Uruk- The (weirdly) 3/4 God King of Mesopotamian Sumeria. If you'll recall, Gilgamesh would routinely rape women in the streets in from of their Fathers and Brothers. He once enslaved a quarter of HIS OWN people....HIS OWN PEOPLE...to build ziggurauts in honor of the Gods- a pantheon to which he technically belonged.
Both Gilgamesh and the Nazari began their brief human existences as supremacists. Their distaste for humanity was oozing off of every word they spoke and off of every action they took. And both of them had to be 'corrected;' Gilgamesh by the Gods (through the creation of Enki-Du, a bizarre man-animal hybrid who challenged Gilgamesh to fight after fight until his rage and hatred subsided.) And the Nazari by his human keepers...though not NEARLY as successfully as Gilgamesh. Here is a link to something I wrote about Gilgamesh a few months ago. It may help to clarify whats happening here in case I miss something.
The Gospl continues:
VI. 1 Now a certain teacher, Zacchaeus by name, stood there and he heard in part when Jesus said these things to his father and he marvelled greatly that being a young child he spake such matters. 2 And after a few days he came near unto Joseph and said unto him: Thou hast a wise child, and he hath understanding. Come, deliver him to me that he may learn letters. And I will teach him with the letters all knowledge and that he salute all the elders and honour them as grandfathers and fathers, and love them of his own years.
"And Joseph chuckled." Is what I would have written, because..
3 And he told him all the letters from Alpha even to Omega clearly, with much questioning. But Jesus looked upon Zacchaeus the teacher and saith unto him: Thou that knowest not the Alpha according to its nature, how canst thou teach others the Beta? thou hypocrite, first, if thou knowest it, teach the Alpha, and then will we believe thee concerning the Beta. Then began he to confound the mouth of the teacher concerning the first letter, and he could not prevail to answer him. 4 And in the hearing of many the young child saith to Zacchaeus: Hear, O teacher, the ordinance of the first letter and pay heed to this, how that it hath [what follows is really unintelligible, but it disturbingly picks up..]
VII. 1 Now when Zacchaeus the teacher heard such and then so many allegories of the first letter spoken by the young child, he was perplexed at his answer and his instruction being so great, and said to them that were gathered there:

Woe is me, wretch that I am, I am confounded! I have brought shame to myself by drawing to me this young child.
2 THIS CHILD IS NOT EARTHLY BORN: this is one that can tame even fire: this is one begotten before the making of the world!
WHAT BELLY BORE THIS? what womb nurtured it? Woe is me, He putteth me from my sense, I cannot follow his understanding. I have deceived myself!
Goddamn. GODDAMN. I mean what the fuck, man? I remember reading this for the first time and simultaneously remembering what the older version of this creature said to his people in Mathew 10:34;
'Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.'
I'll explain how truly terrifying that statement really is in part 2.

0 notes
A secret held at the time
to be openly shared with the whole world as a True path of grace, which is what is seen conserved in the Scriptures.
Today’s reading from the New Testament is the 9th chapter of the book of Luke:
[Keep It Simple]
Jesus now called the Twelve and gave them authority and power to deal with all the demons and cure diseases. He commissioned them to preach the news of God’s kingdom and heal the sick. He said, “Don’t load yourselves up with equipment. Keep it simple; you are the equipment. And no luxury inns—get a modest place and be content there until you leave. If you’re not welcomed, leave town. Don’t make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and move on.”
Commissioned, they left. They traveled from town to town telling the latest news of God, the Message, and curing people everywhere they went.
Herod, the ruler, heard of these goings on and didn’t know what to think. There were people saying John had come back from the dead, others that Elijah had appeared, still others that some prophet of long ago had shown up. Herod said, “But I killed John—took off his head. So who is this that I keep hearing about?” Curious, he looked for a chance to see him in action.
The apostles returned and reported on what they had done. Jesus took them away, off by themselves, near the town called Bethsaida. But the crowds got wind of it and followed. Jesus graciously welcomed them and talked to them about the kingdom of God. Those who needed healing, he healed.
As the sun set, the Twelve said, “Dismiss the crowd so they can go to the farms or villages around here and get a room for the night and a bite to eat. We’re out in the middle of nowhere.”
“You feed them,” Jesus said.
They said, “We couldn’t scrape up more than five loaves of bread and a couple of fish—unless, of course, you want us to go to town ourselves and buy food for everybody.” (There were more than five thousand people in the crowd.)
But he went ahead and directed his disciples, “Sit them down in groups of about fifty.” They did what he said, and soon had everyone seated. He took the five loaves and two fish, lifted his face to heaven in prayer, blessed, broke, and gave the bread and fish to the disciples to hand out to the crowd. After the people had all eaten their fill, twelve baskets of leftovers were gathered up.
One time when Jesus was off praying by himself, his disciples nearby, he asked them, “What are the crowds saying about me, about who I am?”
They said, “John the Baptizer. Others say Elijah. Still others say that one of the prophets from long ago has come back.”
He then asked, “And you—what are you saying about me? Who am I?”
Peter answered, “The Messiah of God.” Jesus then warned them to keep it quiet. They were to tell no one what Peter had said.
He went on, “It is necessary that the Son of Man proceed to an ordeal of suffering, be tried and found guilty by the religious leaders, high priests, and religion scholars, be killed, and on the third day be raised up alive.”
Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat—I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? If any of you is embarrassed with me and the way I’m leading you, know that the Son of Man will be far more embarrassed with you when he arrives in all his splendor in company with the Father and the holy angels. This isn’t, you realize, pie in the sky by and by. Some who have taken their stand right here are going to see it happen, see with their own eyes the kingdom of God.”
About eight days after saying this, he climbed the mountain to pray, taking Peter, John, and James along. While he was in prayer, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became blinding white. At once two men were there talking with him. They turned out to be Moses and Elijah—and what a glorious appearance they made! They talked over his exodus, the one Jesus was about to complete in Jerusalem.
Meanwhile, Peter and those with him were slumped over in sleep. When they came to, rubbing their eyes, they saw Jesus in his glory and the two men standing with him. When Moses and Elijah had left, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, this is a great moment! Let’s build three memorials: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He blurted this out without thinking.
While he was babbling on like this, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them. As they found themselves buried in the cloud, they became deeply aware of God. Then there was a voice out of the cloud: “This is my Son, the Chosen! Listen to him.”
When the sound of the voice died away, they saw Jesus there alone. They were speechless. And they continued speechless, said not one thing to anyone during those days of what they had seen.
* * *
When they came down off the mountain the next day, a big crowd was there to meet them. A man called from out of the crowd, “Please, please, Teacher, take a look at my son. He’s my only child. Often a spirit seizes him. Suddenly he’s screaming, thrown into convulsions, his mouth foaming. And then it beats him black-and-blue before it leaves. I asked your disciples to deliver him but they couldn’t.”
Jesus said, “What a generation! No sense of God! No focus to your lives! How many times do I have to go over these things? How much longer do I have to put up with this? Bring your son here.”
While he was coming, the demon slammed him to the ground and threw him into convulsions. Jesus stepped in, ordered the foul spirit gone, healed the boy, and handed him back to his father. They all shook their heads in wonder, astonished at God’s greatness, God’s majestic greatness.
While they continued to stand around exclaiming over all the things he was doing, Jesus said to his disciples, “Treasure and ponder each of these next words: The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into human hands.”
They didn’t get what he was saying. It was like he was speaking a foreign language and they couldn’t make heads or tails of it. But they were embarrassed to ask him what he meant.
They started arguing over which of them would be most famous. When Jesus realized how much this mattered to them, he brought a child to his side. “Whoever accepts this child as if the child were me, accepts me,” he said. “And whoever accepts me, accepts the One who sent me. You become great by accepting, not asserting. Your spirit, not your size, makes the difference.”
John spoke up, “Master, we saw a man using your name to expel demons and we stopped him because he wasn’t of our group.”
Jesus said, “Don’t stop him. If he’s not an enemy, he’s an ally.”
When it came close to the time for his Ascension, he gathered up his courage and steeled himself for the journey to Jerusalem. He sent messengers on ahead. They came to a Samaritan village to make arrangements for his hospitality. But when the Samaritans learned that his destination was Jerusalem, they refused hospitality. When the disciples James and John learned of it, they said, “Master, do you want us to call a bolt of lightning down out of the sky and incinerate them?”
Jesus turned on them: “Of course not!” And they traveled on to another village.
On the road someone asked if he could go along. “I’ll go with you, wherever,” he said.
Jesus was curt: “Are you ready to rough it? We’re not staying in the best inns, you know.”
Jesus said to another, “Follow me.”
He said, “Certainly, but first excuse me for a couple of days, please. I have to make arrangements for my father’s funeral.”
Jesus refused. “First things first. Your business is life, not death. And life is urgent: Announce God’s kingdom!”
Then another said, “I’m ready to follow you, Master, but first excuse me while I get things straightened out at home.”
Jesus said, “No procrastination. No backward looks. You can’t put God’s kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.”
The Book of Luke, Chapter 9 (The Message)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 17th chapter of the book of Job where he reflects upon the tragedy he faced in view of the accusation of his friends:
“My spirit is broken,
my days used up,
my grave dug and waiting.
See how these mockers close in on me?
How long do I have to put up with their insolence?
“O God, pledge your support for me.
Give it to me in writing, with your signature.
You’re the only one who can do it!
These people are so useless!
You know firsthand how stupid they can be.
You wouldn’t let them have the last word, would you?
Those who betray their own friends
leave a legacy of abuse to their children.
“God, you’ve made me the talk of the town—
people spit in my face;
I can hardly see from crying so much;
I’m nothing but skin and bones.
Decent people can’t believe what they’re seeing;
the good-hearted wake up and insist I’ve given up on God.
“But principled people hold tight, keep a firm grip on life,
sure that their clean, pure hands will get stronger and stronger!
“Maybe you’d all like to start over,
to try it again, the bunch of you.
So far I haven’t come across one scrap
of wisdom in anything you’ve said.
My life’s about over. All my plans are shattered,
all my hopes are snuffed out—
My hope that night would turn into day,
my hope that dawn was about to break.
If all I have to look forward to is a home in the graveyard,
if my only hope for comfort is a well-built coffin,
If a family reunion means going six feet under,
and the only family that shows up is worms,
Do you call that hope?
Who on earth could find any hope in that?
No. If hope and I are to be buried together,
I suppose you’ll all come to the double funeral!”
The Book of Job, Chapter 17 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Saturday, April 24 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible, along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A post by John Parsons from this week’s Torah reading that looks at the significance of God revealed in Hebraic History:
Yom Kippur is the climax of the revelation of the Torah to Israel...
Of course all the holidays of Torah find their origin in the events of the Exodus, which were later commemorated as rituals at the Tabernacle. On the first of Nisan, two weeks before the Exodus, the LORD showed Moses the new moon and commenced the divine lunar calendar. This is called Rosh Chodashim. Two weeks later, God was ready to deliver the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt. Earlier that evening the Israelites kept the Passover Seder and sprinkled the blood of the lamb on their doorposts. At the stroke of midnight of Nisan 15 the LORD sent the last of the ten plagues on the Egyptians, killing all their firstborn. On the 6th of Sivan, exactly seven weeks after the Exodus (49 days), Moses first ascended Sinai to receive the Torah (Shavuot). Just forty days later, on the 17th of Tammuz, the tablets were broken. Moses then interceded for Israel for another forty days until he was called back up to Sinai on Elul 1 and received the revelation of Name YHVH (Exod. 34:4-8). After this, he was given the Second Tablets and returned to the camp on Tishri 10, which later was called Yom Kippur. Moses' face was shining with radiance in wonder of the coming New Covenant which was prefigured in the rituals of the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16-17). [Hebrew for Christians]

4.20.21 • Facebook
this week’s message from The Temple Institute in Jerusalem that takes a look at how holiness is infused into our everyday lives:
"Be holy, for I, HaShem, your G-d, am holy"
(Leviticus 19:2)
Iyar 11, 5781/April 23, 2021
"Speak to the entire congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them, You shall be holy, for I, HaShem, your G-d, am holy." (Leviticus 19:2) Now that's a tall order! "Be holy, for I, HaShem, your G-d, am holy!" What does that even mean? G-d is immanent and infinite; G-d fills the world with His presence, yet the world is not G-d; G-d can split the sea and make the mountains shake. Yet we are mere mortals, consumed with making ends meet and greeting another day, one morning at a time. Yet, it is true, we are created in G-d's image, and if there is any real substance to that statement, then, by G-d, we surely can meet the task of being holy for HaShem, our G-d, is holy. But how?
To be holy - kadosh, in Hebrew - is to be separate. To sanctify something, that is, to make it holy, means to set it aside for a specific purpose. The beginning of this week's Torah reading, Acharei Mot-Kedoshim, describes, in detail, the service of Yom Kippur in the desert Tabernacle, and in doing so, refers to Aharon, the High Priest's holy garments. Not only are a kohen's garments holy because they are worn only in the Holy Temple, but only when wearing them can a kohen perform their holy tasks, thereby becoming holy themselves. Much of the Yom Kippur service takes place in the Temple sanctuary, known in Hebrew as the Kodesh, and, of course, what is perhaps the climax of the Yom Kippur service, takes place when the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) enters into the Kodesh haKodeshim - the Holy of Holies. These two chambers, the Holy and the Holy of Holies, are holy because they are set aside, separated from the mundane world outside, and dedicated for the specific purpose of serving G-d. And why is G-d described as being holy? Because G-d, despite His Presence being everywhere, saturating all of creation, is infinitely distinct and separate from creation.
To be holy because G-d is holy, means, then, to separate ourselves from all things that are not G-dly, that are not infused with G-d's presence. In other words, to separate ourselves from all things that cause a distance, a separation between ourselves and G-d. To be holy, distinct, dedicated and separated from the profane, is to attach ourselves, body and soul, to HaShem. But we are only human! We need to eat, to drink, to work for our wages, and at the end of a long day, to sleep and recharge our batteries, so that we can do it all again on the morrow. We can't separate ourselves from the mundane world which provides our sustenance, our daily bread. To be holy seems an impossible task, save for kohanim or nazirites, who, by very definition, are only a tiny segment of the population. To solve this conundrum, Torah presents another path to holiness.
To be holy, in the eyes of the Torah, is not to separate ourselves from the mundane, but, on the contrary, to infuse the mundane with holiness, to invest the mundane with holy purpose and holy potential. If we perceive the food we eat as being a gift from G-d to us, and enjoy our meal conscious of how precious this gift is, we are informing the eating of a meal with holiness. We are not eating junk food, G-d forbid: we are eating the most precious thing in creation - a morsel created by G-d for our consumption! By uplifting our food from the profane to the holy, we are confirming a direct connection between ourselves and G-d. We are becoming holy because haShem, our G-d, is holy.
This practice of uplifting the mundane and imbuing it with holiness, applies not only to food, but to all we do in life. And this is the secret of the Torah commandments. Every commandment, whether it is loving our neighbor as ourselves because we recognize the holiness in him (and in ourselves), or keeping Shabbat because it is holy to G-d, (and therefore holy to us), or saying a blessing before we bite into an apple, because it is a holy gift from G-d, presents us with an opportunity to make a direct connection with G-d, to complete the circuit and purpose of creation, to bring G-d's presence right into our lives. Every commandment is a two-way invitation, inviting G-d into our world, and ourselves into G-d's world. We become holy by eliminating those things in life which come between us and G-d, and we complete the process by infusing those things that can connect us to G-d with holiness.
When G-d's Presence first filled the Tabernacle upon its completion the world received a restart and an upgrade. From that moment forward, G-d's presence is infinitely near. G-d is our neighbor. It behooves us and enhances our lives to embrace G-d's nearness, and to draw ourselves closer to G-d in all we do, in all our deeds and all our thoughts. Being holy, for HaShem, our G-d, is holy!
and another post by John Parsons that reflects upon this:
Our Torah portion this week (i.e., parashat Kedoshim) reveals that the “appointed times” (i.e., mo’edim: מוֹעֲדִים) were given by God to help us turn away from the omnipresent urge within the human heart to embrace vanity: "Every one of you shall revere his mother and his father and guard (שָׁמַר) my Sabbaths (שַׁבְּתתַי)... Do not turn to worthlessness (i.e., אֱלִיל) or make for yourselves any molten gods" (Lev. 19:3-4). In other words, the Biblical holidays - including the weekly Shabbat, the monthly Rosh Chodesh, and so on - were intended to help us to sanctify ("set apart," "make holy") the times and seasons in order to remind us of God’s Presence (Psalm 104:19). Therefore they are called mikra’ei kodesh (מִקְרָאֵי קדֶשׁ), “times in which holiness is proclaimed” (Lev. 23:2).
The Torah’s declaration that these days are holy implies that they are set apart for special activities, such as celebrating God as our Creator (Shabbat), our Redeemer (Passover), our Resurrection (Bikkurim/Firstfruits), our Lawgiver (Shavuot/Pentecost), our King (Teruah/Rosh Hashanah), our High Priest (Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement), our Shelter (Sukkot/Tabernacles), and so on. In this connection it should be noted that it is a mistake to assume that the divine calendar was somehow abrogated after the cross of Yeshua, since all of the Jewish holidays center on Him, and indeed the advent of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit) occurred after his resurrection following the prescribed 49 day countdown to the jubilee of "Pentecost," or Shavuot (see Acts 1:8; 2:1-4).
One aspect of holiness is a sense of “separateness” from the prevailing culture. Leviticus Rabbah states that God told Moses, “Tell the Israelites that just as I am separate, so you must be separate; just as I am holy, so you must be holy.” Likewise the Apostle Paul taught that we to be "conformed" (σύμμορφος) to the Messiah (Rom. 8:29), but not "conformed" (συσχηματίζω) to the pattern of this fallen world (Rom. 12:2). The former word means to resemble or be made similar in form (μορφή), whereas the latter means to accept the world's scheme (σχῆμα) of understanding things, to passively go along with the world's lies, wishful thinking, fear-mongering, propaganda, etc. Of course we need God's help to escape the "programming" of our age, and therefore the Holy Spirit helps us to become transfigured – “changed from the inside out” - by the renewal of our minds, enabling us to see things in light of the reality of our identity in the Messiah.
On the other hand, the duty to walk in personal holiness is not to "opt out" of life in this world by living as a monk or by withdrawing from others as an ascetic, much less having a “holier-than-thou” attitude that prides itself on religious scrupulosity... Yeshua routinely condemned those Pharisees who assumed that the meticulous “laws of purity” intended for the priests during their sacrificial service at the Temple applied to them in their daily life (e.g., some of these Pharisees formed "societies" whose members pledged to eat food only while in a state of ritual purity, to ritually wash their hands, and so on). Yeshua called this the "leaven of the Pharisees" which he said was hypocrisy (Luke 12:1). On the contrary, the Scriptures reveal that holiness is to be lived in the everyday experiences of life, in the context of community. Without humility and love, the practice of holiness is meaningless...
Ultimately our lives “suspended” between two worlds - this phenomenal world with its illusions and the real world of spiritual substance and meaning... We exist in an “already-not-yet” state of expectation and yearning where we must consciously mediate the truth of heaven by bringing it “down to earth.” This is a truth war, and by truth I do not mean intellectual knowledge as much as the living truth that marks the lifestyle of a follower of Messiah. We consciously remember Torah truth; we choose to always "set the LORD before us," and we take "every thought captive to the obedience of Messiah..." May God help each of us heed the call to walk in holiness by the power of His love and grace. Amen. [Hebrew for Christians]

4.23.21 • Facebook
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
April 24, 2021
He Knows
“I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.” (Revelation 2:19)
Seven times in the letters to His seven representative churches in Revelation 2 and 3, the Lord Jesus says: “I know thy works” (Revelation 2:2, 9, 13, 19; 3:1, 8, 15). Whatever we are doing—or not doing—He knows!
Sometimes such knowledge can bring—or at least should bring—great consternation. He knows, for example, all our hypocrisies: “I know...that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead” (Revelation 3:1). He also knows when our outward display of religious activity masks a real heart-attitude of compromising self-interest. “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot” (Revelation 3:15).
Yet, He also knows when our service is genuine and our testimony is God-glorifying and faithful. “I know...thy labour, and thy patience....I know...thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith” (Revelation 2:2, 13).
Of these seven testimonies of His knowledge, the central one is in our text. He knows when we really love Him, for the “charity” mentioned is nothing less than agape, or unselfish love. He knows all about our sincere “service” and true “faith” in His Word, as well as our “patience” of hope.
Perhaps the most precious of His assurances, however, is that to the suffering church at Smyrna. “I know thy...tribulation, and poverty” (Revelation 2:9). When He says that He knows, the sense is that He understands, because He has been through it all Himself. Therefore, “we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:15-16). HMM
0 notes
lets ends this
i love that he's still trying to cheer her up with her terrible crossover idea
phoenix is such a sweetie
“...so we may put this dead lawyer walking out of his misery”
hear hear
just kill me already
“she's now slain two high level clergymen...”
one of which was a confirmed rebel but HEY whatever ITS NOT LIEK YOU KILL THEM IN GENERAL ANYWAY
who gives a fuck this trial is janked
“bahlgilpo’kon hell- the realm of eternal agony”
wow eternal agony is the bottom hell??? thats like the first hell in dante’s hells; youre soft as runny shit kooraheenism.
“there she will suffer the endless punishment of ja’gar by the galuun of Puhlmo’ten.”
he was killed during the rite but they only found his body like two days later?!?!
what the fuck!?
...and wait a fucking second, he wasnt there when we were fucking investigating BULLSHIT
two consecutive murders constitutes a serial killer??
every time sadmad sighs and shakes his head i lose a year of my life
Rayfa’s voice is so fucking unfitting; she’s got the voice of a 30 year old woman and she’s supposed to be a whiny-ass 14 year old
do these people know anything about casting??
is it really that hard to get a 14 year old to say a few lines? i was voice acting (not professionally obvs) when i was 14. i sucked, but i was doing it, and there’ve been younger kids working on real shows.
welp looks like this mcfuck is using a fake name
someone get on that
I'm sorry you’re surrounded by such incompetence, Rayfa. and i mean that. i like you now, youre kinda funny.
phoenix: plus, yesterday, someone told me how the divination seance used to work
phoenix fucking sucks at keeping secrets jesus christ holy fuck just SHUT UP ABOUT THE REBELS YOU MORON
if he says let it go and move on again I'm going to fucking scream
“haha! the police overlooked the clergy tattoo on the back of his neck!”
directly below the stab wound. the clergy tattoo. that has significance in their country.
Why do the Kooraheen Police suck so much ass? They can’t catch a running suspect, and apparently they’re all blind.
[insert nahyuta eats (peach emoji)ass joke]
“aren't they utterly different shapes?”
...a... peach... and an upside down peach?!
im gonna blow your mind
this is called a handstand, here, do it with me
lazy ass parents naming their kid “real name”
fuck this joke country
this is some ‘who's on first’ bullshit
yeah it was freezing on that mountain, of course your estimate was wrong.
i knew this was coming...
“this article is small in size but huge in importance!”
just like my d––
How... did this work? They did a great job of hiding that wound...
also no blood at the “scene of the crime”
yeah not suspicious at all
once again the prosecution blames the detective for something they couldn’t have helped :/
loud ass clock inside a secret hideout? good one, rebels. super well done.
now that is clever. i like that
although, considering the length of that statue’s beak, he should’ve been impaled right through his body, so.....
you were close, SOJ
glad to see more clever twists though.
game ruins everything with blatant hints
there are other cases where they can tell when two weapons have been used on the same wound
why cant they tell now?
stone sharp enough to cut skin??
your hideout is fucking death trap
good going rebels
youre using serial killer wrong... again
thats a lie, nobody likes swiss cheese
“what you said is total bullshit!! heres what happened; this, this this. and since I said it ,its true! without any proof!!! SO THERE”
phoenix: VALID POINT!
sadmad: bullshit excuse
judge: sounds legit, overruled!
“jeez just toss me an Axe if its that bad...”
“plotting your escapee from this sacred hall?”
yeah well just run out
“you would pin a crime upon the dead, who you know tell no tales?”
did you just forget the whole
soul pool thing or
are you just stupid
aw baby here we go
stop saying 30% you dont know shit
oh my god
whoa whats he doing with the magatama
“wait... i think i saw something just now...”
what, phoenix
what did you see, hmm?
“the power of prayer! yes... it uh... helps you... install listening devices in your secrets base uuhhhhhh...ITS NOT WEIRD
“She has a way of putting me at ease...”
(weeps) my babies
(sigh) its the wife, get on with it
“long years of ascetic training have sharpened my ears”
god the training is more useful to Athena than it is Maya. this is depressing.
make like a mollusc and clam up??? who says that???????
boy you sure fuckin suck at this Mr. Inmee
judging by that KAAHHH Tahrust should have a deep voice, and DD had a deeper male voice blip... why aren't they using it? they've already implemented singing blips and tutting blips, did they forget about the extra deep blips?
or are those reserved for demons?
he is a ghost...
...how far along is behleeb anyway? either I'm blind or the sprite artist forgot to give her a baby bump.
hey yeah! she's barely pregnant! her character art shows that! so its not so much of a stretch that she could be running around killing rebels. Plus, she hasn’t been pregnant for two years...
...of course, its not her, it’s rUHEEL NAYMUH, but still. she’s not far along enough to be inconvenienced by her child.
potato potahto tomahto egg salad!!
stop praying at me, nahyuta.
dont you fucking dare...
dont you even fucking dare
i swear to fuck
so. youre gonna blame maya. for the actions. of YOUR OWN GODDESS.
i just i cannot express how angry this makes me. it doesn’t make any fucking sense and it’s complete and utter hypocrisy. it’s even worse than before; before they were suggesting that the person dressed as Lady Kee’ra was killing rebels in her name, if it wasn’t outright her. Now they’re suggesting it was LITERALLY HER, and remember, these people are UBER RELIGIOUS, and they still have a problem with THEIR IMMORTAL GODDESS IN THE FLESH exacting her divine punishment against people THAT ARE HARMING THEIR COMMUNITY ANYWAY???
yes, vigilantism is dangerous. but it gets a little more fucking complicated when you suggest that it’s the legit actions of an ACTUAL GODDESS.
and even if this is the corrupt government just trying to cover up deaths (which it is) why didn’t they just step in and go “Yeah, another Lady Kee’ra murder. All hail the marvellous goddesses. er diarrhoea kooraheen.”
it would be a lot easier and a lot less messy than taking a kid to court. why do they even want Maya out of the way, anyway? She didn’t know any of the rebels, and she posed no threat to their corrupt government. Yeah, Zealot’s dead, but they literally could have just hired another crazy assassin.
Unless there’s a REAL GOOD FUCKIN REASON for all of this, I call bullshit, bullshit bULLSHIT
i think it’s time to let your head go and move on to another room sadmad
at the same time
...plus they legit just forgot their own lore.
maya can’t summon Kee’ra if she doesn’t know what she looks like.
that was so easy i didnt have to even press on statements; thats how easy that contradiction is. thats how easy it is to remember something stated five minutes ago, and how easy it is to remember how your own religion works. you fuckhats.
oh hey i just realized Tahrust really does call Behleeb his “lovely wife”
aw. how nice. if only they didnt decide to scapegoat maya.
doesn't matter your intentions; you die if you scapegoat maya. you die by my blade.
you ok pal. is an alarm clock really the source of an evil laugh.
“indeed! we leave the alarm switched off at all times!”
why would you even have a clock with an alarm on it in a secret base anyway?? and how did phoenix manage to play it in the hideout if the alarm was switched off?
“those distinctive taiko drums”
fuckin’ finally
ive been waiting for that stupid watch to come back for AAAGEES
of course there was a reason maya would mention traditional japanese instruments...
y’know it’s funny that he would even make that fuckup in the first place. if he’s a plumed punisher fan, he should know how the theme song goes. his wife was at least a big fan, meaning he’d probably have heard the opening enough times to know that Taiko drums weren’t part of it. Furthermore, if he was banking on the fact that the two themes sound similar to pass off the deception, then it was a huge mistake on his part to define the sound as Taiko drums; thats just a needless detail that could get him caught out, which it did.
and if he just didn’t know, well... again, useless detail. always bad. always be vague if you wanna get away with shit.
ah... at least in death, Raheel Namer didn’t have to suffer the Plumed Punisher theme song.
i love that phoenix refers to the show by it’s full title. that’s adorable.
now what’s really confusing me is that that Photo of the fam is stated to have been taken during the Feast of whatever. Which is the same time-frame as Reely Real Name’s death. He’s alive in the photo, Behleeb is in the photo, and the Judge and his family are nowhere to be found. But all those things were huge parts of the case, and they couldn’t have eaten before or after because of the whole ‘you can only eat Ghingil for three hours on that one special day’.
am I missing something or going nuts??
that said I'm so glad i can finally present this photo. it’s been gnawing at me as much as the watch thing.
“trademark topknot”
ffjglk dlg ljlgkd hey Tahrust do me a solid and just tell them how you died ok
please i have a family
i have stomach ulcers
off-brand logic
i totally forgot that was in this game too
“hmm, there’s really nothing to suggest a murder other than the red water in the spring, which only Maya would see and probably not question (considering this isn’t her religion and she doesn’t fuckin know how that shit works) and said spring probably empties somewhere, since it would be swampy otherwise. let’s see... i can KILL MYSELF TO GIVE THE RED WATER A REASON FOR EXISTING or do literally anything else... WELP, BETTER FUCKIN KILL MYSELF. ALL HAIL THE REBELS!”
...well at least he saved maya from contracted a blood disease.
tahrust must be pissed that his death came to naught when his own rebel pals gave the secret key to a guy who sold them out in five seconds.
never gets to meet his child... never gets to see the revolution come to fruition... never gets to live happily with his family... all because he couldn’t think of any other solution to protecting that shitty hovel behind a rock.
kinda tragic.
wish i was less angry
“there was no weapon at the inner sanctum...”
did everyone just forget the giant bloody murder statue???
pohl’fuckya sadmad
babe... oh no... don’t give yourself up like this
thats sad
i feel the sad now
“abbot inmee!! summon a physician at once!!’
“but murder sanctioned by the crown is still murder”
what’s murder sanctioned by a goddess? apparently you guys are ok with that one. oh unless it’s a goddess being channeled by a foreigner.
soerry im bitter about that one moving on now
he lunged at you from behind the stone slab?? nice trajectory moron
hang on a second he put reereenaymee’s body in the plaza before prayer time... with the dagger still in him??
“you need not frame the accused for your crime”
for once Sadmad says something smart
honestly... suicide really wasn’t the answer. even if it was to protect your wife there were,,,,, so many other options
for example, realname’s last moments, as we saw, made it look like he was killed in the Plaza of devotion. You could have so easily made it look like he was murdered there, by some rando, during the rite. The kooraheen police fucking suck at their job, so it wouldn’t matter. but no; you had to die, and blame Maya.... because she was foreign. A foreigner who came to you for guidance and shelter.
“You must use your law powers to make sure no more innocent people suffer under this shitty law!!
...like Maya did!! .......because of me!!
i love that the excuse is like “there’s no way she could prove it was self defence in this government...” to make it all tear-jerking and point out how horrible and corrupt their legal system is...
...and yet, if we remember Reunion and Turnabout, which also included channeling and self defence... It was EQUALLY impossible for Maya to be cleared of the crime on self-defence charges!!
pot calling the kettle black, japanifornia!
“lol sorry for almost getting you killed cause i couldn't think of a better plan than kill myself”
yea thanks tahrust, coo-al
“I ask that you look after my wife”
er she’s... going to jail... she’s... been outed as a rebel... you do get that right
fuck you Tahrust, you made her cry
“now you can watch over me from the world beyond”
he cant actually, since they retconned spirits being conscious in the afterlife. good going, capcom.
oh man that cutscene was goofy. except for the crying
fuck you Tahrust
Maya: :D hOW y'all doin?!
also according to maya Tahrust didnt leave any regrets behind which means that he totally gives no fucks that his dumbass plan endangered Maya’s life and made his wife cry. Dick.
He doesn't even regret missing the birth of his fuckin child. Ass.
Sadmad: I owe a debt to you, one that I will return––
Me: Eat a rotten egg.
Sadmad: Wha-–
Me: Go on, master of putrescence. Eat a whole rotten egg. Consume it shell and all. You heard me. Insert the egg into your mouth and chomp down. Times ticking, I’m waiting.
i forgot about the stupid butterflies
“So I was thinking, Nick, the legal system here is really stacked agains the defence! It’s really unfair!”
listen to this happy music playing as everyone is forced to come to terms with all this sad ass shit. also it appears we just forgot about that tiny matter of the government literally putting hits out. Rayfas dad. is doing this. Nobody gonna address that?? No? Ok
wait what
what is this new sprite
eurhg i dont like it put it away
thats not maya thats a husk of evil
wow. rayfa didnt even know why maya was here training. the bullshit continues to flow...
Maya: deciding what is true and what is false for your people...
the actual truth and lies, right? RIGHT? MAYA???
ergh this is so... corny? schlocky? it feels forced
“Sorry for almost getting you killed anyway VIVE LA REVOLUTION”
Yay! It’s vore man!! i kinda missed his stretchy face.
oh well that
thats just a really anticlimactic reveal of Dhurke
like tada! there he is! and he's gone! whatever; he's just been talked about in hushed whispers for the last case or w/e!
awww the bailiff thinks he can catch a running rebel!! so cute~
“The Steel Samurai vs Dhurke the Rebel!”
i love that they keep hammering in that “maya has stayed maya”
see guys??? dont you just feel the magic of the trilogy??? ITS THERE GUYS WE SWEAR
Welp, thats it for that case. Now back to America, to visit Athena and BK, and hopefully to read a more enjoyable storyline...
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Luke 9
Keep It Simple
1-5 Jesus now called the Twelve and gave them authority and power to deal with all the demons and cure diseases. He commissioned them to preach the news of God’s kingdom and heal the sick. He said, “Don’t load yourselves up with equipment. Keep it simple; you are the equipment. And no luxury inns—get a modest place and be content there until you leave. If you’re not welcomed, leave town. Don’t make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and move on.”
6 Commissioned, they left. They traveled from town to town telling the latest news of God, the Message, and curing people everywhere they went.
7-9 Herod, the ruler, heard of these goings on and didn’t know what to think. There were people saying John had come back from the dead, others that Elijah had appeared, still others that some prophet of long ago had shown up. Herod said, “But I killed John—took off his head. So who is this that I keep hearing about?” Curious, he looked for a chance to see him in action.
10-11 The apostles returned and reported on what they had done. Jesus took them away, off by themselves, near the town called Bethsaida. But the crowds got wind of it and followed. Jesus graciously welcomed them and talked to them about the kingdom of God. Those who needed healing, he healed.
Bread and Fish for Five Thousand
12 As the day declined, the Twelve said, “Dismiss the crowd so they can go to the farms or villages around here and get a room for the night and a bite to eat. We’re out in the middle of nowhere.”
13-14 “You feed them,” Jesus said.
They said, “We couldn’t scrape up more than five loaves of bread and a couple of fish—unless, of course, you want us to go to town ourselves and buy food for everybody.” (There were more than five thousand people in the crowd.)
14-17 But he went ahead and directed his disciples, “Sit them down in groups of about fifty.” They did what he said, and soon had everyone seated. He took the five loaves and two fish, lifted his face to heaven in prayer, blessed, broke, and gave the bread and fish to the disciples to hand out to the crowd. After the people had all eaten their fill, twelve baskets of leftovers were gathered up.
Don’t Run from Suffering
18 One time when Jesus was off praying by himself, his disciples nearby, he asked them, “What are the crowds saying about me, about who I am?”
19 They said, “John the Baptizer. Others say Elijah. Still others say that one of the prophets from long ago has come back.”
20-21 He then asked, “And you—what are you saying about me? Who am I?”
Peter answered, “The Messiah of God.” Jesus then warned them to keep it quiet. They were to tell no one what Peter had said.
22 He went on, “It is necessary that the Son of Man proceed to an ordeal of suffering, be tried and found guilty by the religious leaders, high priests, and religion scholars, be killed, and on the third day be raised up alive.”
23-27 Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat—I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? If any of you is embarrassed with me and the way I’m leading you, know that the Son of Man will be far more embarrassed with you when he arrives in all his splendor in company with the Father and the holy angels. This isn’t, you realize, pie in the sky by and by. Some who have taken their stand right here are going to see it happen, see with their own eyes the kingdom of God.”
Jesus in His Glory
28-31 About eight days after saying this, he climbed the mountain to pray, taking Peter, John, and James along. While he was in prayer, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became blinding white. At once two men were there talking with him. They turned out to be Moses and Elijah—and what a glorious appearance they made! They talked over his exodus, the one Jesus was about to complete in Jerusalem.
32-33 Meanwhile, Peter and those with him were slumped over in sleep. When they came to, rubbing their eyes, they saw Jesus in his glory and the two men standing with him. When Moses and Elijah had left, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, this is a great moment! Let’s build three memorials: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He blurted this out without thinking.
34-35 While he was babbling on like this, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them. As they found themselves buried in the cloud, they became deeply aware of God. Then there was a voice out of the cloud: “This is my Son, the Chosen! Listen to him.”
36 When the sound of the voice died away, they saw Jesus there alone. They were speechless. And they continued speechless, said not one thing to anyone during those days of what they had seen.
37-40 When they came down off the mountain the next day, a big crowd was there to meet them. A man called from out of the crowd, “Please, please, Teacher, take a look at my son. He’s my only child. Often a spirit seizes him. Suddenly he’s screaming, thrown into convulsions, his mouth foaming. And then it beats him black-and-blue before it leaves. I asked your disciples to deliver him but they couldn’t.”
41 Jesus said, “What a generation! No sense of God! No focus to your lives! How many times do I have to go over these things? How much longer do I have to put up with this? Bring your son here.”
42-43 While he was coming, the demon slammed him to the ground and threw him into convulsions. Jesus stepped in, ordered the vile spirit gone, healed the boy, and handed him back to his father. They all shook their heads in wonder, astonished at God’s greatness, God’s majestic greatness.
Your Business Is Life
43-44 While they continued to stand around exclaiming over all the things he was doing, Jesus said to his disciples, “Treasure and ponder each of these next words: The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into human hands.”
45 They didn’t get what he was saying. It was like he was speaking a foreign language and they couldn’t make heads or tails of it. But they were embarrassed to ask him what he meant.
46-48 They started arguing over which of them would be most famous. When Jesus realized how much this mattered to them, he brought a child to his side. “Whoever accepts this child as if the child were me, accepts me,” he said. “And whoever accepts me, accepts the One who sent me. You become great by accepting, not asserting. Your spirit, not your size, makes the difference.”
49 John spoke up, “Master, we saw a man using your name to expel demons and we stopped him because he wasn’t of our group.”
50 Jesus said, “Don’t stop him. If he’s not an enemy, he’s an ally.”
51-54 When it came close to the time for his Ascension, he gathered up his courage and steeled himself for the journey to Jerusalem. He sent messengers on ahead. They came to a Samaritan village to make arrangements for his hospitality. But when the Samaritans learned that his destination was Jerusalem, they refused hospitality. When the disciples James and John learned of it, they said, “Master, do you want us to call a bolt of lightning down out of the sky and incinerate them?”
55-56 Jesus turned on them: “Of course not!” And they traveled on to another village.
57 On the road someone asked if he could go along. “I’ll go with you, wherever,” he said.
58 Jesus was curt: “Are you ready to rough it? We’re not staying in the best inns, you know.”
Jesus said to another, “Follow me.”
59 He said, “Certainly, but first excuse me for a couple of days, please. I have to make arrangements for my father’s funeral.”
60 Jesus refused. “First things first. Your business is life, not death. And life is urgent: Announce God’s kingdom!”
61 Then another said, “I’m ready to follow you, Master, but first excuse me while I get things straightened out at home.”
62 Jesus said, “No procrastination. No backward looks. You can’t put God’s kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.”
#Luke#bible#new testament#Keep It Simple#Bread and Fish for Five Thousand#Don’t Run from Suffering#Jesus in His Glory#Your Business Is Life
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