louisamsiskasposts · 1 year
Elon Musk forced us back here again 😭
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louisamsiskasposts · 2 years
This is how black tax affects young single moms in #Africa
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louisamsiskasposts · 2 years
I believe that you achieve your goals once you make them known to the universe. Here is how I made my vision board, setting my physical and mental health goals, and finding a new job.
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louisamsiskasposts · 2 years
How many of us are here awaiting the twitter apocalypse? I had to reclaim my account with the quickness 🤣🤣
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
You might be wondering why there has been no updates on the blog recently even after I said I’d do better this year. The answer is simple, I have changed domains.
I opted for a self-host website that allowed a lot of flexibility to changes than the WordPress domain I had purchased.
With that said, the new domain is
An improved version which has an appearance that I want.
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
Introducing Lou’s Letter
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Last month, I made a plan to introduce a newsletter. As I was making plans on it and just preparing the outlook, I realized that a newsletter was not really what I wanted to do, I actually wanted to send letters.
One could say ‘I see no difference,’ but they are to me. Newsletters are more systematic, you want your readers to be familiar with what’s on the blog, give more information towards…
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
2020 Blogging Goals
Happy New Year! And a Happy New Decade my loves.
I hope you have started the year beautifully, with a smile on your face and plans of making life this year better. Speaking of plans, early in December, I started writing my plans for this year and most importantly about the blog. Like every blogger, I wish to grow. But I can’t achieve the growth on my own, I need all of you. So what better way to…
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
Reflections of the Year, 2019
Reflections of the Year, 2019
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It is the 364th day of 2019 and I can already smell 2020. But before we close the show and start a new chapter, I’d like to reflect on this year and my achievements and mishaps.
This year has given me both sweet moments and also tough ones. I have broken down a lot over missed opportunities and just failed missions, but somewhere along the we, I also learned to start laughing and enjoying the…
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
Uncensored Decided to finally publish this collection on this blog. Not recommended for anyone under 18.
Finally publishing this collection here….
How can one be so sculptured? My thoughts as I stare He stands by the window Confident in his naked form Watching the birds chirp in the tree As he sips from his tea His back muscles flexing Awakening my demons from within His bum small but sexy Well-muscled His thighs like those of Hercules It is his front I yearn to see
I still…
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
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Michiru Mountain in Malawi
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
Traveled to Chongoni yesterday to see the arts by the Kafula and Batwa people in the caves. What I found sad was hearing that the painting are fading due to lack of maintenance. For a full story, visit the blog
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
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Malape Pillars in Machinga, Malawi.
For an all around tour, watch the video below
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
Your eyes say a thousand stories
They shine with unshed tears
They do not glimmer with hope
Instead, they reveal the years of hurt
They speak of in depth sadness
Of discomfort of oneself
And a yearning of love
They scream of abandonment
Of hate and regret
It is sad, that from your eyes
I see a lost soul
Long gone and buried
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
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Chiradzulu Mountain - Malawi
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louisamsiskasposts · 5 years
As weird as it sounds but I interviewed myself. This was so therapeutic but at the same time, allowed me to discover things about me that I have blocked away from. Having done that, I wanted to share with my readers
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